The Unseen (2023) Movie Script

She's been acting weird...
...she's distancing herself... said it yourself...
Where are you going?
I don't know.
What's that's supposed to mean?
And what's with those granny
Eva, we need to talk.
They're waiting for me, Mom.
Always with this shit.
You know she's ditching classes?
Yeah, they called.
But she's going to graduate,
I'm going to travel.
With Amelia.
On what?
The money dad sends me?
That money is for college
and 17 year olds don't travel, kid.
I'll be at your game tonight.
I won't. I quit.
When did that happen?
I don't know.
We're all she's got. She'll
figure it out.
Or she'll leave.
One fucking inch.
If you're taking notes,
this is why we call them cants.
Stewart, what the Christ,
just pinch it off and get down here.
This is not happening!
Oh really? My back thought
You enjoy your last day?
Cliff's here.
Get over here.
Show you how to keep the logs
on the line.
Dude, he's your boss.
Oh, he dreamt he was.
Woke up knowing otherwise.
Keep things moving.
Fade into the wallpaper.
Wasn't sure this was still your
Yeah. You and me both.
So, how you been?
Still working at the mill?
Barely seeing three shifts a
Carry me out there, I imagine,
unless they shut it down first.
I hope that's not
the next time she sees you.
What do you want, Darlene?
I send you the cheques.
Will as long as I'm able.
It's not about that.
We settled this.
We didn't leave.
She hasn't seen you in 8 years.
She doesn't talk.
She probably won't go to
I don't know what to do.
She wants to travel.
I barely see her as it is.
She's just a kid.
Yours, Bob.
I just finished a brutal shift.
I need to go to bed.
You didn't even say goodbye.
What do you want, Darlene?
I want you to be her father.
She needs her father.
I didn't.
If you can't forgive him,
what do you expect your
daughter will do?
Forget me.
Where are you going, Bob?
Bob, you good?
You good?
You better be good.
Gonna have to fire myself.
Bob, how long have you been
coming in?
I don't know.
Been a few years, I guess.
Lindi, I...
A few years.
No shit, Bob.
And then some.
I know this town.
I know your drink.
And I know you.
Okay. What do you know?
You drive that beat to shit
pick-up truck.
Careful, she's parked out front.
Sensitive hearing.
You work at the mill.
223 people work at that mill.
And you're one of them.
Okay. What do I do there?
I'll give you that.
All I'm saying is,
no one here gives a shit.
You sit at the bar.
You leave when it gets busy.
I see this.
I don't care what your story is.
What you're hiding.
Or who she is.
Smooth like sandpaper.
He's got the gift.
What can I get you?
Beer. Beer. Beer. And more beer.
You do know what it is
you do for a living, right?
Fucking cold, eh?
Buy a coat.
So that was your boss, huh, at
the Wild?
I'm not supposed to say.
You just did.
You know him?
Of him.
He doesn't usually go out much,
some of his guys got busted.
And you probably don't want
to tell me shit like that
He remembers you.
In the NHL
for five minutes or something?
I almost remember me too.
When you left?
He said that fight?
It's online.
I thought I was going to puke
when I saw what you did to that
Yeah... but you see... prices
went up.
it's going to be a long fucking
So what's that going to get me?
Nelson, prices going up is one
Double is fucking double.
Yeah, but, technically...
cuz... um...
cuz the...
Tell your boss to go fuck
Might be a good idea
He didn't hear that last part.
It's a bearing on the
secondary, I think.
Must have taken a whack.
Look, you can chance it till
shift's end
but you know, if it goes,
the whole thing's toast.
What do you need?
No, I got the parts on me.
Get it done.
Do you need Stewart up there?
Need to be somewhere else.
Gotta be somewhere.
Need a few days.
We'll talk about it
at the end of your shift.
It's important.
If you leave,
you will not have anything
to come back to.
You know,
when you come into work
I'm not going to be here.
Or the day after that.
Or the day after that.
Fuck it.
I might not even come back this week.
But when I do,
you're gonna ask me how I'm
I'm not going to tell you,
but you should ask.
Who dat?
I need a favour.
Truck stop. East of town.
Men's room back there?
Last place I saw it. May you
Can I get a cup of coffee,
Coffee, please.
Nelson's not coming.
You all right?
So, uh, what's the story?
Nelson was a little short on
Where's your truck?
In a ditch.
DUI Ditch?
Didn't think so.
Hey, I don't want...
Whatever, Bob.
Get the wrecker.
It's a blue pick-up truck.
East of the truck stop.
It's Bobby Langmore's truck.
You'll know it.
Yeah. I'll get back to you on
on the where to put it.
Done. That's done.
Made that call.
You did.
My guy's there
before any official parties,
So where you headed?
Headed to the big city?
Coffee's shit here.
I'll run you into town.
You sure?
I can drop you at the clinic.
I'm fine. No.
I seen you play.
You sure could skate.
Fast, man.
You really fucked that guy up.
So what happened to you?
Where'd you go?
You get hurt?
Everybody gets hurt.
What now?
There's a now?
Well, the thing is,
I can tell my guy to drop
your fucked up truck off at
your place.
Cost you a couple hundred.
you know, hear me.
I'll get you fixed up
good as new.
Or good as old.
We'll do it tonight
and do it on me.
Get you back on the road.
I like you, Hockey.
And I know you know my
business is a little cacked up
right now.
I felt the pinch.
Yeah, cheap prick.
First part's easy.
Small package.
Take it with, drop it off.
Do whatever it is you do down
Poonhunt, whatever...
And on the way back,
you bring a little something
for me.
Some vitamins.
Your truck's fucked man.
Take the deal.
Mule up.
Join the family, man.
I'll even throw in some travel
So who's fixing my truck?
Let's go.
Nothing to call Mr. Chevy about?
Right, Mudflap?
This is for you.
This is for Milton.
You mix these two up,
I would not want to be you.
Don't need to know.
Top up the ice if it needs it.
This is for you.
And this...
is for them.
And... they're... off.
Bag of ice and fifty-five gas.
Hey. I heard your truck.
You did, eh?
Parked her in the ditch for
Come on. Give me a hug.
No. It's... uh...
It's not...
I'm gross.
I drove straight through.
You're here but she's not.
She's staying at Amelia's.
Do you remember Amelia?
Doesn't matter.
Place looks the same.
Yeah, you know.
What of it's still standing.
We're not so fixy.
Um... did you eat?
No, I'm fine.
Do you want to take a shower?
Cuz we still have that.
You know,
I should probably get a place,
before it's too...
No, please.
You can stay here.
Moll's on the road and
it's fine.
Couch is good.
I can get you a blanket, or
Hey kiddo.
Mom know you're here?
Came in last night.
What's that?
Just something
I brought down for a friend.
Didn't think you still had any.
I'll take what I can get.
You coming in?
Yeah, in a bit.
I gotta get this...
Tell your mom I had to go out.
Get this to where it's going.
Can I come?
Better not.
Maybe after we...
Who are you supposed to be.
That dipshit Crisby's new guy.
What the fuck now?
Ribs cracked.
How could I know that?
I gotta finish.
You Gil?
Who the fuck's Gil?
Lucky you didn't get more
frisky, Bishop.
What we got here is Bobby
Handled tougher than you.
On skates, no less.
A right prospect and then...
Crisby calls.
He's got a problem.
Sends you down.
I topped up the ice.
Worth a lot what Crisby puts in
that box.
You get you're working for a
The finer points of business
elude him.
It's part-time.
Bushings, I figure.
That there is a bit light.
But he'll get it.
Bishop's sorry about the ribs.
Chinese gave me that.
For my back.
It works.
Hey, uh, sorry about before.
Why are you here?
Your mom, she...
I wanted to see you.
She called,
didn't she?
Why now?
I don't know.
Better than too late.
And if we're already there?
What are you listening to?
Did you get into a fight?
Then what's that?
I hurt some ribs at work.
That friend gave me this.
He thought it would help.
Does it?
I don't know. I doubt it.
I don't like doctors.
Well, what's to like?
I'll let you know.
What kind of crazy was Grandpa?
The I don't give a shit kind of
He killed himself.
He opted out.
I don't know what they called
it then.
Bipolar, maybe.
I'd better run.
I've got friends waiting.
Maybe later we could do
Hang out?
Yeah, maybe.
You met Moll?
Not yet.
Good luck with that.
You know what you need?
I'm just looking.
You know what that's for?
Constipation. You need?
Chinese medicine
comes from thousands of years.
In everything.
Plants. Animals.
Special qualities can heal.
This is for energy.
Young people already have too
I don't think this is for you.
This is for eyes.
That's for men's problems.
This is for skin.
You have young skin.
Maybe you want to see the
I'm Okay.
Very smart. Good doctor.
He can see you.
No thanks. I gotta go.
Please. Try this.
Good for dry skin.
No charge.
Thank you.
You disappeared again.
Where the piss do you go?
Shut up.
I don't feel good.
No? How so?
Benji, what the fuck?
It was there though, right?
Get off!
I almost had it.
You broke my shit
Are you kidding me?
Is everything okay?
No, I'm screwed.
Yo. Assface.
So. You in?
No, it's stupid.
You're what?
I'm not going to a mental
Why would I?
Too easy.
So wrong
Can I have a drink?
Why wouldn't you
go to an abandoned mental
It's awesome.
He's got it
I'm going.
Okay, fine.
Don't be a pussy, Timothy!
Come on!
He's smarter than all of us.
Come on!
We can still go to the mall!
You're not getting out of this.
We're going to die.
We're all going to die.
We're all going to die!
You're being dramatic.
This place has a bus route?
Yeah, some of it's still
Do you think I can stay over
Yeah, of course.
Need a break from the moms?
What about Wayne?
Fuck him. It's fine.
Oooooh... I don't want to do
Dude. Fucking hands.
Fuck off!
Come on...
It's like a prison for crazy
I'm definitely not going crazy.
There were a lot of people here.
This place ran for like 90
It was a TB clinic in the '50s.
They didn't know what to do
with them.
I guess they were dangerous.
I wiki'd it.
Wiki this.
My grandfather was here.
Was he...?
He was ill.
So that's why we're here.
There's got to be some old files
or something.
Not likely.
I want to see a ghost.
We are so going down.
Yeah, you do that.
Guys, what's down there?
This place is supposed to be
Benji likes
Sorry about your grandpa?
He died before I was born.
Hey Benji, slow up.
What the...?
What the fuck??
That's your ghost!
When this place shut down,
some of the patients stayed.
They live on the grounds.
They're like homeless.
They're harmless.
It's fine.
Am! It's okay. It's okay.
No I told you.
I said this was a stupid idea.
It's okay. We'll leave.
Now. Oggy?
Okay. Benji.
We're going back. Okay?
It's okay.
What's wrong with you?
I can explain!
Go! Go! Go!
Come on! Come on!
Come on! We have to go!
Don't touch me!!
No. I remember.
It happened right there.
No, it wasn't.
It was around the corner.
I was there!
I fucking remember!
You know what's stupid?
I keep thinking about the time
she got it in her head
to walk to school alone.
Oh good lord, yeah...
You lost your shit that day.
She was six!
She made her own lunch.
Tell me you weren't proud of
I was just surprised
she didn't take the car.
You encouraged her...
You would have had her driving
by 14,
If you...
I don't know what I'm supposed
to do here.
She's grown up. She...
No... she's getting there,
but she's still a kid.
She was not happy to see me.
She doesn't really know you.
Well, I don't know
if I'd have anything she'd want.
You're her father.
Like that's going to get me
very far.
So what did you tell her?
I told her that
you leaving wasn't her fault.
And that,
no matter how much people love
each other,
sometimes they just can't
be together.
And that you love her.
You coated it in sugar.
Fuck you.
What did you want me to tell
Hey, I can't get to the phone
right now
but leave a message.
So, what'd they say?
She's not answering.
Well we know that.
It's probably her cell phone
and you're going to wear it out
if you keep calling like that.
So what did the cops say?
They said that it was too soon.
What is that supposed to mean?
It means she's 17
and it was the weekend.
It's not like her.
She'll be a little shit
but not like this.
Yeah, I told them
They asked if she has a
Does she?
No, if she had a boyfriend
I'd know where to look.
She'll come home.
Amelia said she hasn't
seen her since yesterday.
Is she the type to do this?
No Bob, she's not one
to just fuck off and not tell
Not overnight.
Look I phoned the hospitals...
If this is because of you...
No, he just comes in here...
Stop it!
I called him.
I'm going to go to the police
That way, when they're ready,
they'll have photos,
whatever else they need.
I'll come with you.
No, it's Bob. I've got Eva's
What? Let me see that.
Why is this here?
She always has this.
It was stashed in her room,
broken. I had it fixed.
Now these kids.
They all went somewhere
Amelia was with her.
Come on.
Thought you didn't have one.
It's a loaner.
It's fucking Wayne's truck.
He should be in Fort Mac.
Eva didn't say he was back.
We never would have let her
stay over
if we knew.
Heard you the first time.
Is Eva here?
How do I know who's coming and
going here.
It's only my house.
Jesus! Langmore!
You look like shit!
Is Eva here?
Why, is she your kid again?
Can we talk to Amelia?
How's the homecoming going
there, Bob?
Pride of the fucking hood.
How did you fuck all that up?
Is she here?
I don't know where they are.
Kid doesn't know half the time
Really, Bob?
You lost that to a dyke?
You're an asshole!
Hope you find her where she's
meant to be!
Otherwise best find her soon!
Bobby? Did you get there okay?
What are you doing?
This isn't going to be like
Well, I'm just worried about
you is all.
Easy, Hockey.
All I'm asking for is an update.
That's my job.
I got it.
Don't call again.
Whoah! When I said, take your
I might have been optimistic.
Yeah? That's not my problem.
You know my daughter?
Should I run?
You tell me. Eva.
She doesn't have a dad.
Got two moms.
You're not too smart are you?
Where's Eva?
Maybe she's dodging you,
Where did you take her?
Well, you all went somewhere.
That was nothing.
Hey. Hey!
She didn't come home last night.
Where is she?
Fuck it. Mountainview.
Why would she go there?
We were screwing around.
Bored and shit.
I don't know.
She wanted to go.
Hey, was it your old man who
was crazy
or hers?
There's two things
I don't care about you.
One is your whining.
The other is how many decades
you've been an asshole.
Get off him!!
Where is my daughter?
I don't know, we split up!
So you left her there?
So you left with her?
You know how many bones
there are in a hand?
Jesus, Bob!
She went to Mountainview.
She asked me about my goddamn
What did you tell her?
Whoah, sporto! Where you going?
Can you help us?
Our daughter was here with some
I couldn't say.
Why's that, Sporto?
We chase kids out of here all
the time.
Probably don't see half of them.
We don't have enough staff...
Do you hear yourself?
Excuse me?
The shit coming out of your
She might be in there, hurt.
She didn't come home last night.
Look, if she was here,
we would have seen her.
Go ahead, call police...
Here's a plan.
Why don't you go ahead and fuck
Who's in charge?
Our daughter was here,
on your grounds, with friends.
She didn't come home.
Move away from the desk!
This guy's a fucking asshole.
Please, our daughter was here.
She's missing.
Sir, you need to step back and
Why is it so fucking hard.
Get off him!
We're just trying to find our
I've spoken with security.
They confirmed one of our
guards may have
seen Eva, but she was not
We are going to hold your
Oh, Jesus.
Bob isn't well. He could have
hurt someone
or himself.
Please. Let us help him.
Our daughter is missing
And the police will find her.
I'm sure Bob's coming back
would have been upsetting for
You are unbelievable.
I'm sorry.
I'll follow you out.
You take him.
Our security has checked the
The police have too.
If your daughter was here, she
isn't now.
We're quite certain of that.
Then I have to go.
Find her.
You remember me, don't you Bob?
This place?
Your father's accident?
It was no accident.
Is that what your mother...
Told me? No.
She didn't talk about it.
But I saw him do it.
I'd like to show you something.
Why do you think he did it?
I figure the prick
had somewhere better to be.
He did.
Bob. Your father was burned
But he lived.
No. I saw him.
He meant to die.
To conceal it.
To spare you from what would
if he was discovered.
No one else needs to know.
Get him out of here!
He can't see me like this.
I believe his condition
was a factor in his survival.
the trauma most likely
accelerated it.
I couldn't stop it, but...
I kept him safe.
I gave him a life,
here in this room.
He watched you play.
All your games.
You studied him.
Trying to understand it.
Did you charge admission?
I kept his secret.
So what happened?
To your friend?
He suffered from deep
There were good days,
but there were not so good days.
He left.
To finish what he started.
It's not too late for you.
We can give you a good life
Please let us help you.
What, to pick up where you left
To make your career?
You're going to write a book?
It's not much of a show without
a freak.
I'm not him!
Look at yourself.
Your progression.
You can't pass out there much
They won't understand.
This room is not where Eva
needs me.
You are here for 72 hours.
I'll give you something to help
you sleep.
Consider what I'm offering you.
I need your belt, your shoes
and all your personal
Well come and get 'em.
Eva's not here.
Hey, uh...
Twenty get me that?
That'll do it.
How the hell did you get out?
Someone figured I didn't need
to be there.
Where's Darlene?
She's out..
It's your number.
No it's not, who's this?
An old buddy?
Hi Bob!
Nice place you got here.
How's the family?
How's the kid? How's the ex?
Y'all go to the PNE?
What you are doing?
I've got nothing to keep my
girls working
so I'm taking steps.
That's what I do
when you don't answer your
fucking phone.
I got your stuff, just calm down
Don't you fu...!
I know... I will...
I know I will.
Do I have to come down there,
To your house?
Get shit done?
If you come near my family, I...
Don't fucking talk to me like
We have an arrangement.
Fuck you.
What have you done?
What I had to do.
No. You need to get out of here.
Darlene is trying to get you
out of a mental hospital
when she should be looking for Eva.
I'm not going to be one of
those parents
they drag on the news to look for
their kid who went missing five
years ago.
I'm not going to let you do
that to us.
Let the police do their jobs
and stop fucking with our lives
you piece of shit.
What's the fuck with you again.
Where's Eva?
I thought it was your turn to
watch her.
Get the fuck off my porch.
Get the fuck out of my house!
You like to scare them, huh?
Young girls?
Is that your thing now?
Is that what you think?
Plenty to screw where I'm
I don't fuck kids!
She's not here.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Are you all right?
He's a prick but
it's not like that.
It's better when Eva's here.
I found Eva's phone.
I know you went to Mountainview.
I don't care.
That isn't her phone.
Look. I didn't want to go.
But she said she had to.
Why isn't this Eva's phone?
Benji broke it.
On the way there.
After you came straight back
she stayed over with you.
No. I mean before, but not last
I found this in her room.
I had it fixed.
She came home.
Where is she?
I don't know. We had a fight.
I was scared!
I didn't want to get it.
She said it wasn't like that.
That she had something for it.
That she was going to get
She has to be okay.
She's my best friend.
I don't care if she's sick.
What do you mean,
she's sick?
She's like you.
I'm sorry.
Please, you have to find her.
She forgot her bag.
She needs it!
Calling the cops on your ass,
Amelia! Get in the house. Now!
Didn't think we'd see you here
Where did this come from?
Some dumb guy!
My daughter had that.
What do you know about young
who go missing 'round here?
What is it you think I do here?
Oh, I'm not making accusations.
But I'm asking.
I've got grandchildren.
I just wanted to build things.
Sir, can I help you?
This is from here, right?
I believe so, yes.
Is there a problem?
My daughter had that.
What is it?
What does it do?
That is confidential.
Patients are confidential.
Take a look here.
She came here because of me.
Have you seen her?
I don't know.
Oh, don't do that.
This is your store.
That's your sign.
That's her bike.
She didn't come home?
Goddammit I just told you!
What are you?
I don't know.
You are legend.
Is she like you?
I prayed that she wouldn't be.
We help people.
The doctor is good!
He wouldn't do that!
Where's my daughter?
Where's my daughter!
Tell me!
I know she's here!
Dad, I'm in here!
Dad please...
Dad, it's me!
Baby no, it's me.
It's me. It's okay.
Come on.
It's okay.
You're bleeding.
What did he do?
My sweet girl.
She's just a child.
My little girl.
What have you done???
Dad, please. Let's just leave.
Dad, I want to go.
You're a monster!
Please, dad!
This could help her!
Go! Hurry!
What is the nature of your
Mom! Mom!
You okay?
I'm okay, but Dad's hurt.
Moll! Molly!
Bob what happened?
I'm calling an ambulance.
No, help me get him inside.
Mom, no.
It's okay.
Honey, it's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.
What are you doing?
He can't be alive.
I'm calling an ambulance.
No! Get a needle, thread...
...tape, gauze, alcohol...
You're going to have to trust
He's not there.
Keep the pressure on here.
Keep it tight.
How could you keep this from me?
Would you have believed her?
It wasn't mine to share.
Sweetie, come here.
Let me take a look at your shoulder.
It's okay.
You're okay.
Hey careful.
You should be inside.
I need to get some air.
Your mother's quite the
Yeah, she sewed me up too.
Hurt like a motherfucker.
Hey. Come on. Mouth.
Sounds wrong.
When did it start?
Two, three months before I left.
That's why you quit hockey.
Yeah. And you?
I had to drop gym.
And soccer.
I thought it was only me.
So did I.
So did grandpa.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You shouldn't be out here.
You should be resting.
Look, I found some old antibiotics.
They should help.
And Moll had these for her back.
Is that what I'm riding?
I called the cop shop.
I told them you were with
a boyfriend we didn't know
But they need to see you.
This afternoon.
You up for that?
I don't know.
Come on.
You've got to go.
Show them you're safe and sound.
Okay. Yeah.
Don't let him stay out here too
Are you stupid?
You can't.
I have to go.
If I don't go now, I won't be
able to.
No. You can't.
She's just scared.
She's young.
You help her.
Give her that tea.
She's convinced
there might be some good in it.
I don't know.
Bob, give me that.
Keep her safe, hey?
You always have.
I'll be watching you.
No. Absolutely not! No.
He's got to get home. He can't
Don't be ridiculous.
I'm taking you.
She'll be fine up there.
No one will find her.
This piece of shit
going to get you up there?
Got me here.
Watch her. She's got a heavy
Good to know.
Call me as soon as you get up
Let me know you're safe.
Yeah, I will.
Your dad and I will work
everything out.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you too.
Take care of your father, okay?
Buckle up, kid.
How'd you do it?
Leave us.
My father left.
I hated him.
I couldn't let my problems
become yours.
So I reached into my chest.
And I tore out my heart.
Aimed the truck north.
You missed a lot.
We gotta make a stop.
Is that him?
Yeah. Oh yeah.
Look at me.
This works for you?
Yeah. But I am a girl.
Trust me. It works.
Oh yeah. Yeah.
What's that?
Stay in the car.
You okay, man?
You look like hell.
Who's she?
She's not here.
I need you to take this to him.
What is...?
What it is, is of no concern.
I just...
Don't, or you'll wish
it was Crisby beating on you.
Got it?
Got it.
I got it!
You tell him,
we're done.
I got it, I got it.
You good?
Sorry about this shithole.
That tea was meant for you.
We've got to try.
That tastes like dirt.
It's going to be okay here.
You'll make a life.
Get a job.
If you're careful,
people don't bother much,
if you keep your head down.
Fun times.
Stop looking so pretty.
Those are dirty.
Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
Those are nice.
This place hiring?
I was meant to be alone.
And miss this show?
Infection's worse.
It takes time.
Why are you out of bed?
I just spoke to your mother.
She put the college money in
your account.
I have to go.
Go where?
I'm not getting any better.
You will.
At the mill, I can disappear.
What does that mean?
It's time.
What does that mean?
Dad. Dad, wait!
You dragged me up here
to live in that box!
You can't just leave me alone!
Please, I need you.
Before I came down,
I was ready to go to do this.
I needed to see you.
I needed to say goodbye.
No. No.
You can't leave me alone!
Don't do this!
Who the fuck...?
Where's Bob.
Where's Bob. I need to talk to
Bob's gone.
The hell he is.
He left.
The fuck he did.
Hey, Bob!
Come on, Bobby!
He sold me this place.
Oh yeah? You don't say.
And all his stuff, too?
As if.
You shouldn't be here.
Fuck you, Bob.
Old Bobby proved
he wasn't worth two shits in a
He fucked up my network.
Milton's done with my bears.
Burn a buyer?
But that's on Bob.
Who's gone.
you are here.
In his place.
With all his stuff.
Young thing like you.
Lots of different ways to
settle up.
What the...?
I'm not for horsing around.
Then you should leave.
The fuck is going on here.
Why couldn't you leave it.
Let us alone.
No. But you had to.
Dad. It's all right.
I killed him.
Come on, Dad, you had to.
He was going...
he was... asshole.
You came back.
I'm so sorry.
I couldn't leave you.
Not again.
You're bleeding.
Your stitches.
It's okay.
I'm going to be all right.
I'll be all right.
I'm not going anywhere.
What are we going to do with him?
Here you go. Have a good day.
They might have some shifts for
if you're still looking.
No. I'm just passing through.
These people are weird.
Oh, really?
Drink your magic tea.
Tastes like dirt.
Hey. A lot of good things come
from dirt.
Do you remember that time you
were six,
you walked yourself to school?
Well, I never told you mom but
I followed you.
Found you right off,
but let you keep going.
You were watching me?
I got in a lot of trouble for
You still did it.
My father said his last words
to me.
He didn't want me to see him
like this.
All these years, I thought he
meant dying.
So, what are you saying?
Somebody got me out of
I think those words weren't his
We should go ask him.