The Unsettling (2022) Movie Script

[wind howling]
[eerie music]
[music pulsing]
[water lapping]
- [hysterically crying]
[eerie music builds]
[plastic rustling]
- Yes, I completely understand.
Protocol needs to be followed.
I don't want to make excuses
but I went through a really
rough patch earlier in the year.
It did set me back a little.
You know I always deliver.
I understand.
I'll pick up rapidly
when I return.
Okay. Thanks.
You awake, babe?
Almost there.
[car doors thud]
- There you go, sir.
- [grunts in effort]
Are you coming?
- Yeah. Of course.
- What are you looking at?
[car starts]
- I thought I saw...
Don't worry about it.
- [keys jingling]
- [lock clicking]
[door thuds]
- Cozy, at least.
- Don't be silly.
- I'm just so happy
we made this work.
This is going to be
so good for us.
- I wasn't expecting it
to be cold.
- Ah, most houses feel odd
when they haven't
been occupied in a while.
- It's clean.
- Mm-hm.
- And simple.
- [chuckles]
Well, let me know if you
discover anything fascinating.
- Okay.
- I'm going to put these away.
- It's not that clean.
[drawers clicking]
[distant thud]
- Over here.
- Isn't it too dark for you?
[curtains scrape]
Much better.
- You must be tired.
We would be sleeping by now
if we were back home.
- I feel fine.
- Had a good look around?
- How did Charles
find this place?
- He stayed here before.
- Did he like it?
- I didn't ask.
He gave us a good deal on it.
I know it's not that glamorous
but at least
we have some privacy.
- It's fine, Kwame.
- Why don't you take a nap?
And maybe I can
make you some tea?
- I saw someone
outside gawking at us.
- Hmm.
It must be a curious neighbor.
I'm sure they meant well.
- I didn't get that impression.
- Hmm.
Maybe they thought
we were invading refugees?
Come on. Forget it.
I just want us to
settle in comfortably.
We had a long flight.
[footsteps depart]
There's nothing in there.
I looked.
- I was just curious.
- Hmm.
Curiosity killed the cat.
- What is that supposed to mean?
- Nothing, though.
- Everything is a joke to you.
[door creaks open]
[water splashing]
- [sighs]
[compact clicks]
[rustling in bag]
- [screaming]
- [makeup clinks]
[deep exhale]
- Are you nearly done?
I have a surprise for you.
- I'll be out in a minute.
I thought we were
going out for dinner?
- Oh.
We have plenty
of going out to do.
I thought it would be lovely
to have a traditional meal
for our first dinner in
a new country.
- Kenkey?
- I also brought some plantains,
spinach and dried fish
if you want that instead.
- [laughs]
- Where did you get all this?
You brought this with us?
You know if they had
seen this at the airport
they would have
sent us right back.
- It's from my grandmother.
Now, before you get pissed
I want to clarify that
she practically
begged me to bring them
and I couldn't refuse her.
- It's okay. I wasn't going to
say anything terrible.
I suppose I can't blame you
for being discreet about it.
It's not like she would have
wanted me to know anyway.
She's never liked me.
- Of course she likes you.
Don't be silly.
- Have you noticed
the way she looks at me?
She obviously
disapproves of our marriage.
- That is all in your head.
- Even what she
said to me at our wedding
sounded like a curse.
- Are you accusing
my grandmother of witchcraft?
- I'm just saying,
she doesn't like me.
- I don't want to argue.
I can order you
whatever you want
and then I'll have
all the kenkey to myself.
- No, it's fine.
Let's have your special dinner.
[distant rumble]
[dog barking]
I wonder what was in
that picture frame.
- What's wrong with the food?
- Nothing. I'm full.
- You barely even touched it.
- It's just a bit heavy for me
after the flight.
- Jesus. I suggested we order,
but you said no.
- Don't swear, please.
That food will keep.
- You're right.
This empty frame is interesting.
Maybe it had a picture in it
that the house owner didn't
feel comfortable leaving
available to strangers.
Or maybe it's
some sort of modern art.
- I don't see what's artistic
about an empty picture frame.
- You'd be surprised
what people call art these days.
- I'm positive there was
a picture in there.
- Well, it is a mystery
we will never know.
- Did Charles mention
who the owner is?
- I didn't bother to ask.
I didn't think it was relevant.
- I think it's a woman.
I found a makeup purse
in the bathroom.
- Who cares?
It's not like we will meet them.
Beautiful, isn't it?
So quiet and peaceful.
- Stop being silly.
- [laughs]
I just want to cheer you up.
- It's cold out here.
I think there are mosquitos.
Maybe the battery is dead?
- Well--
- "The sensational Mareros
is back in town
after a long hiatus."
It looks interesting.
We should check it out.
It's nearby.
- I thought...
Never mind.
- You thought what?
- We just got here.
- Come on. It'll be fun.
This is a new start for us,
Let's be spontaneous.
[singing in Spanish]
- Babe,
come and do the merengue.
- [laughing]
[Spanish singing continues]
- It feels like a graveyard.
- It is late at night, babe.
People are sleeping.
This isn't that a crowd.
- I'm aware of that,
mister smart ass.
It just feels really eerie.
- It is awfully quiet.
- [eerie rumble]
- [thud]
- Did you--
What-What was that?
- What?
- I think someone
is at the front door.
- Lay back down, babe.
It's the squirrels.
- Can you go and check?
- All right.
- [sighs]
- [clears throat]
[clears throat]
Who is it?
[door creaks open]
[distant dog barking]
[door closes]
[lock clicks]
- Who was it?
- No one.
[eerie hissing]
Oh, come on, babe.
- I don't think that sound
was from a squirrel.
- Okay, who do you think it was?
There wasn't anybody out there.
What's wrong?
Are you upset?
[eerie droning]
- I'm feeling a bit tired.
[door thuds]
[shower running]
[eerie music]
[water turns off]
That's not funny.
Quit being silly.
I know you came
into the bathroom.
[door rattling]
[fan rattling]
[fan clunks]
[water lapping]
- [girl] Mommy!
[girl screaming]
- [growling]
- [screaming]
- Did you sleep okay?
- Okay.
[zipper whirring]
- You want to join me for a jog?
- I don't think
I'm feeling up to it.
- Are you sure?
- Positive.
You go ahead.
- Do you want me to get you
breakfast while I'm out?
Oh, Vivian and Anthony,
they're joining us
for dinner tonight.
They said they want to see us.
- Are we going
somewhere for dinner?
- I thought we can have
a nice dinner in the back yard.
Vivian is bringing something
so I thought you could make that
delicious South African dish.
What's it called?
It escapes my memory.
You should be excited.
We haven't seen them in years.
- I just wish
you had told me earlier.
- See you soon.
[door opens/closes]
- [sighs]
[screams echo]
[eerie music builds]
[screams echo]
- [water running]
- [spits]
[distant thudding]
Babe, are you home?
[water running]
- [door slams]
- [gasps]
[deep sigh]
Abena, stop this nonsense.
[wind howling]
[rhythmic drumming]
- [panting]
[rhythmic drumming continues]
- [eerie music builds]
- [door rattling]
[eerie music]
[eerie music intensifies]
[water dripping]
[pipes rattling]
[breathing heavily]
[ghostly whispers]
- [screams]
- [sizzles]
- Abena, is that you?
What happened?
- I don't know.
I couldn't control it.
- I think I have
a first aid kit.
Does it hurt terribly?
- Yes. It's throbbing.
- Let me see.
Is this about the food?
You can walk me through it,
and I'll just do it myself.
You're trying to get out
of the evening.
- What? No.
It was...
I can't explain it.
Let's just forget it.
Don't worry about dinner.
I can handle it.
- You go through
two intersections
and then the house
is on your right.
Uh, it's an older house.
the reception here is terrible.
Text me if you get lost.
Yes, I know.
GPS can be misleading.
[door creaking]
- [sighs]
[distant rumbling]
[knocking on door]
[knocking continues]
- Hey!
- Hey!
- You weren't kidding
about the directions.
- Yeah.
You are looking good!
- Thanks!
You're looking
not so bad yourself.
How long has it been?
- A while.
Vivian! Hey.
- Hey, Kwame.
- [laughs]
- Where's your beautiful wife?
- Oh, Abena!
- Welcome, guys.
Sorry, I was freshening up.
- Hi, Abena.
You look fabulous!
- Thank you.
- What did you do to your hand?
- Nothing.
- Hey.
- Let me take that for you.
- It's just a fruit tart.
I got it at the French bakery
that opened up near our place.
- Lovely. Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
- Uganda must be
treating you guys well.
Who hooked you up
with this place?
- You remember Charles?
- Charles?
Yes! Yes!
I haven't heard from him
in a while.
- Really?
That's strange considering
you live in the same city.
- Things are different here.
People are busy,
and it's easy to lose touch.
- You want a tour?
- I'd love that.
- Oh, your earrings
are gorgeous.
- Oh, thank you, darling.
- Where did you get them?
- They were a birthday gift
from Anthony.
- Lovely.
- Why don't you show
Vivian around?
[door knob rattling]
- Let me try.
[door knob rattling]
- There's nothing interesting
in there anyway.
And... bathroom.
And our bedroom.
And that, my friend,
is the grand tour.
[nervous chuckle]
- Welcome to L.A.
[glasses clink]
You get a hug
from Homeland Security?
- Just a fist bump,
but the Libyans behind us...
- Yeah. Crazy times, huh?
- Mm-hm.
- It's cooler in here
than it is outside.
- Yeah.
- It's cold, actually. Good A/C.
- No A/C. I've been
freezing since we got here.
- Why didn't you guys
come stay with us?
- Kwame wanted to stay alone.
He's calling this
a "romantic interlude"
but he still wants
home-cooked meals.
- Good thing Vivian's
driving later.
You need to send me the recipe.
- Babe, can you turn on
the heat a little bit?
- Heating?
It's L.A. It's always summer.
- Vivian is cold.
- It's okay
if it's too much trouble.
- No, not at all.
How was the tour?
- It's nice.
Very sparse.
The owner must be a minimalist.
- Or maybe a bachelor.
- Abena thinks it's a spinster.
Can I get you
something to drink?
- Sounds good.
What are you drinking, honey?
- Old Fashioned.
Want to try some?
- No, thanks.
- Let me attend to
this heating situation.
[thermostat beeping]
- This is interesting.
- What, honey?
- Have you noticed
this picture frame?
- Yeah.
- It's a large picture frame
with no picture.
I think it's odd.
- Lazy decorating,
if you ask me.
What do you think, Vivian?
- I think the frame
is beautiful.
[door thuds]
- I see you guys
appreciate modern art.
- I'm not so sure I see
the modern art element here
but that's just me.
- So, our dinner menu
for this evening is
a delicious South African dish
which my wife will be preparing.
She learned it
during her stay there.
- Lovely!
When were you in South Africa?
- Last year.
I was there for
an advanced nursing program.
- Clearly, we haven't
spoken in far too long.
I didn't know
you went back to school.
- Her hospital even paid for it
because they think
she's so talented.
- Gosh, we haven't been
back to South Africa
in such a long time.
Anthony's work doesn't
allow us to travel very much.
Too demanding.
- We'll make a better plan
for vacation this year.
- I know, honey.
- I only managed to visit Abena
once during her stay there.
[clears throat]
What do you guys think about
having dinner in the back yard?
- Fantastic idea.
What do you think, honey?
- Of course.
It's warmer outside.
- Chilly?
Are you still feeling cold?
- Well, it's better.
[nervous chuckles]
- How much does
a house like this cost?
- $1.5 mil.
- Jeez, that is insane.
- It's all about location, man.
All the houses are in the
millions, even the tear-downs.
- Wow.
Wow. Charles must be making
a killing at this job.
- Yeah,
it's definitely very lucrative
if you're renting out
million dollar homes.
So, does he actually
own this house
or is he just an agent
for some of the people?
- I don't know, to be honest.
- I get all types, people
with post-traumatic stress
emotional distress,
that sort of thing.
I usually incorporate hypnosis.
- Does it help?
- For the most part.
It's more effective
if the client is mentally
and emotionally open to it
so it's on a case-by-case basis.
- Hm.
- You guys have any other
plans for the weekend?
- Oh, we haven't
discussed it yet.
We went to
a local bar last night.
- Was it fun?
- It was an empty dive bar.
- But there was this Latin
singer with an unusual voice.
It was very interesting music.
Nothing I've heard before.
- L.A. breeds all sorts of
weird and wonderful musicians.
There's a lot to
do in this city.
Maybe I could steal you
one day for a girls' night out?
- Definitely. That sounds fun.
- So, how's work?
- Well, it pays the bills.
- These carrots are delicious.
Here, try one.
- Very tasty.
- Yeah. Where'd you get them?
- Somewhere nearby.
Kwame bought them on his run.
- How's your mom and dad?
- My mom is okay.
My dad suffered a heart attack
a few months ago and...
it's taken a toll on my mom.
- I'm so sorry to hear that.
Is he okay?
- He's not so good, but--
- Sorry to interrupt, ladies.
I'm here for some refills and
then I will be out of your way.
- You guys need to
take it easy on the drinks.
- Oh, it is under control.
I promise.
Mm. Smells divine in here.
Mind if I have a taste?
That's a different recipe?
It doesn't seem spicy.
That can use more spices
and maybe
a little bit more salt.
I thought
I got the right recipe.
- What the hell, Kwame?
- What?
I was just trying to help.
- Why don't you
finish the rest of it?
You have it all figured out,
I told you it's been
a while since I made it.
You can be such
an asshole sometimes.
I thought we were
here for a break.
- I thought we were
here to start over.
- I don't understand
how you expect me
to just move past it so quickly.
- Where are they?
- They're talking.
- You mean arguing?
- No, don't interrupt.
Let them sort it out.
- [sighs]
- I'll handle dinner.
- Wow, that's a huge mansion.
- He's got a couple of them,
- It's in Bel Air,
one of the most expensive
neighborhoods in Los Angeles.
It's not as interesting
as it appears.
Now, how does a regular priest
afford a $10 million house?
He's a con artist and a crook.
- He's upset
because he hit on me.
[all chuckling]
- That, too.
He used to hit on many of
the women in his congregation.
He's the reason
I stopped going to church.
He's an embarrassment to
the Christian community.
- Why do you hate him so much?
- It's not hate.
I'm simply addressing the issue.
He makes some of us who
work hard for a living look bad.
Apparently, this guy started
this apostolic church
movement in Brazil
where he was making a killing
luring his congregation
into performing
human sacrifices.
Some kind of voodoo bullshit.
Some of his followers
became very rich overnight.
It was like the rags
to riches story,
but without
the hard work part.
- It's all just speculation.
- Oh, are you defending him now?
- Don't be silly.
- Abena used to work with
this guy at her hospital.
Why don't you tell the story,
- I don't think it's relevant.
- Come on, Abena.
- Anthony.
- I think
we should start a church.
It seems like that's
where all the money is
and maybe you could be
our pastor, Anthony.
- You know,
not all churches are like that.
- I'd like to propose a toast.
I want to thank you
guys for joining us
for a wonderful dinner
and a delicious meal
prepared by my beautiful wife.
Let's toast to friendship,
love and success.
- To friendship,
love and success.
- Success!
Ah, I think I need to
go to the men's room.
- You remember where it is,
- I think I can manage to find
my way to the men's room.
- Anthony, always the comedian.
I'm sorry about earlier.
Can you forgive me?
Can I at least have a smile?
- Aw.
[switch clicks]
- You should know better.
- I know.
It's just that
I blame it on this
which I firmly believe
you should try it.
- Don't let him
lure you into that.
- [laughs]
- It's actually very tasty.
It'll perk you up.
- Are you trying to
get me drunk?
- It's all in the plan.
- [water running]
- [eerie creaking]
[water stops]
- Vivian? Is it you?
[eerie music builds]
- [laughs]
- Hey, did you come looking for
me while I was in the bathroom?
- No.
- I thought I smelled
your perfume.
- Dirty mind.
- [Kwame laughing]
- Who are you texting?
- My other husband.
Just responding to
some work emails.
- You should tell your clients
not to bother you
on the weekends.
- I can't exactly ignore them.
- It's amazing how
dedicated you are.
- Ha! Sure.
Till it interferes
with your plans.
- How are you doing, Abena?
- I'm fine.
- I see you've joined the club.
Drinking Old Fashioneds now.
Did yours talk you into it?
- I've had them before,
They're quite good.
- Be careful.
They creep up on you.
- Don't listen to him, honey.
He's drunk.
- [chuckles]
- Oh, I just remembered
something, Anthony.
[clears throat]
Excuse us, ladies.
- Man talk, huh?
[eerie droning builds]
[gate creaking]
- [Kwame laughing]
- [eerie droning continues]
[rhythmic drumming]
[eerie droning continues]
[ghostly whispers]
[faint growling]
[rhythmic drumming]
[eerie droning builds]
[rhythmic drumming]
[growling continues]
[growling continues]
- [breathing heavily]
[growling continues]
- Are you okay, honey?
Hm? You're sweating.
- It must be the drink.
I told you it creeps up on you.
- You should drink some water,
Do you want to go lie down?
- No.
I'm fine.
It's probably just jet-lag.
- Here. Wipe your face.
- [Abena panting]
[growling builds]
- [roars]
- [screams]
- [echos] Abena?
Wake up.
What happened?
Are you sick?
- It's the drink,
I'm telling you.
- Shut up, Anthony.
- Maybe the alcohol
was a bit too strong.
- No, I'm okay. I'm fine.
- Maybe it's time
to move inside.
It's cold out here anyway.
[faint salsa music]
Do you need to
go to the hospital?
- I don't think so.
- Don't worry.
It's probably just
a combination of...
stress and jet-lag, and alcohol.
- Jet-lag doesn't make you
see things, in my experience.
- Maybe we can try hypnosis?
It might help you clarify
what you're experiencing.
Just think about it.
No pressure.
- [Kwame laughing]
- [Salsa music]
- Fucking battery.
- Hey...
- What are you guys up to?
You're drunk, honey.
- I just want to dance.
- To no music?
- Are you feeling better?
- Just a little headache.
- Ah...
[Anthony laughs]
- Let's do it.
- Do what?
- I'm ready to try it, Vivian.
- I want to
try hypnosis on Abena.
- Why do you need hypnosis?
Do you think that's a good idea?
- It's a simple
therapeutic technique.
It's nothing alarming.
You can sit at
the dining table and stay quiet
or go outside and I'll
let you know when I'm done.
- We'll cooperate.
- Close your eyes.
I just want you to focus
on your breath...
as it comes into your chest
and then your belly,
and focus on the breath
as it leaves your body.
- [Kwame giggles]
- You're feeling very relaxed.
- [Kwame giggles]
I'm so sorry, guys.
I can't help it.
Please continue, Vivian.
What? I said I was sorry.
- I think we should
probably get going.
- [scoffs]
Are you upset?
- I'm too tired to
sit through this
and Vivian can come
back tomorrow and do it.
- Thank you guys for coming.
- Dinner was lovely.
Talk soon.
- Absolutely.
Good to see you, Vivian.
- Thanks for having us.
[whispers] I'll come back.
[door opens]
- [whispers] Good night.
- Well, that was weird.
I mean, it was good to see them,
but that was...
- Something's not right.
Do you think they're okay?
- Yeah. Look, most couples
go through issues, you know.
- We seem to be doing pretty
great with very few issues.
- We're the exception
to the rule.
- I'm worried about her.
- Look, Abena's a big girl.
She can look after herself.
- I know.
I think it's something
more than that.
[car approaching]
I think I've got to
go back and see Abena.
- What, now?
- Yeah.
- Can't you just
go in the morning?
- I've got to go.
You remember what happened
to my patient last year.
- Look, you've got to stop
blaming yourself for that.
It wasn't your fault.
- You should go and get
some sleep. It'll be fine.
- Okay.
If you need anything,
give me a call.
- Of course I will.
- Love you.
- Bye.
[car starting]
- This should help
with the headache.
Snap out of it, please.
I can't deal with
this right now.
- You know you're selfish,
Was the laughter necessary?
- Me, selfish?
You can't even disclose to me
why you need hypnosis.
I thought that you
were doing better.
Are you crazy like
one of Vivian's clients now?
- I just miss her so much.
- And you think I don't?
But we have to move forward,
We can't live in the past.
It's been nearly two years.
- I'm sorry
if I can't just move on.
It's like part of my body
was ripped away.
- You work with the pastor.
You went to South Africa.
We have taken this trip.
What's going to help?
- I should have
never gone to work.
- It was an accident.
But, of course...
it will always be my fault.
I thought coming here
was going to help us heal.
- And how is that
working out for you?
Because so far,
it seems to be all about you.
You just brought me
to tag along.
I have almost no say
in what we do.
"Abena, we should eat at home.
And you should cook a meal.
Oh, it's fun and relaxing."
What's the point of
coming somewhere new
just to end up staying indoors?
- Didn't we go check out
that band last night?
- I wouldn't call that
going out in a city
with lots of
amazing things to do.
- But it was your choice
to go there, not mine.
- Don't turn it on me.
You haven't expressed interest
in going anywhere
since we got here.
Correct me if I'm wrong,
but what happened to
going to the beach?
It was obviously fake promises,
as usual.
I heard you
on the phone in the car.
You didn't make quota.
Kwame, I just started this job.
- I know where this is going.
Hold that thought.
I thought you guys went home.
Too drunk to drive, eh?
- Anthony's at home.
I came back for Abena.
[ghostly whispers]
[ghostly whispers]
Look, we can hold off on
the hypnosis and just talk.
It's equally therapeutic.
After it happened
did you think about
consulting someone...
like a therapist?
- I did counseling
through my church.
I found things to occupy my time
and I thought
I had gotten better
until we arrived here.
And then suddenly,
it's like it happened yesterday.
Or like it's happening now.
I don't feel
in control of my mind.
I hate it.
If you honestly think
hypnosis could help...
- Tell me...
what happened
when you came here?
- I've been having these dreams.
Kwame and I,
we're on the beach.
And then I hear her
calling to me.
Kwame runs to help
and I walk over
to see what's happening.
But it's a stranger.
A woman, at first.
And then...
she transforms into this...
But I don't think it's a dream.
I think it's here in this house.
- I need a glass of wine.
Do you want a glass of wine?
[cupboard opens]
[breathing heavily]
[eerie droning]
[ghostly whispers]
- [screaming]
[ghostly whispers]
[eerie music]
[ghostly whispers]
- Vivian.
- [screaming]
[door handle rattles]
- [sinister laugh]
- [screaming]
- Abena?
[voices echoing]
- Abena, wake up!
- Abena, wake up!
- Wake up!
- Wake up!
- Can you hear us?
[eerie music]
- [hissing]
- [screaming]
- Babe.
- I feel lightheaded.
[ghostly growling]
- Vivian.
Vivian! Vivian!
- [grunting in effort]
[tense music]
Hold this on her head.
I'm going to call for help.
[phone ringing]
[busy signal]
Anthony, pick up the phone.
[phone ringing]
Anthony, pick up!
Pick up the phone.
[phone ringing]
[busy signal]
[ghostly growling]
[phone ringing]
[busy signal]
[ghostly hissing]
[distant dog barking]
[eerie music builds]
[door slams]
[ghostly growling]
- [screaming]
- [gurgling]
- [grunting]
- [Kwame] Abena...
Where are you?
Oh, I see.
This is some kind
of hide and seek.
[door knob clicking]
[door creaking open]
[ghostly hissing]
- [stuttered breathing]
- [ghostly whispers]
I wish I could join you.
[Kwame chuckles]
I know you are in there.
Should I come join you?
- It's not Kwame.
You're not Kwame.
I know you're not Kwame.
- Abena?
Abena, help me.
I'm scared!
- Vivian?
[ominous music]
[wind howling]
[birds chirping]
[door thuds]
[door creaks]
- Hello?
Hey, guys?
- Anthony...
[ghostly whispers]
[pounding stops]
[eerie music]
[ghostly whispers]
- Anthony...
- Vivian?
- [gasping]
- Vivian?
- [gasping]
[distorted voice]
Help me.
[demonic voice]
Help me!
- [screams]
[wind howling]
[eerie music builds]
[plastic bag rustles]
[wood creaking]
[suitcase rattling]
[car departs quickly]
[birds chirping]
[eerie music builds]
[ominous music]