The Unthinkable (2021) Movie Script

Come on, get on the ball.
Move over.
- There's no doubt. They're violating...
- We're on top of it.
- How's your new job?
- If you ignore this, it'll go to hell.
- You need to take this seriously.
- Right! We'll call if we need help again.
Say hi to the boys at the power station.
- Bye.
- Bye.
The energy conflict
in the Baltic region escalates
as Russia is accused
of continuing to ship oil in old...
Klara! Alex! They're talking
about this oil tanker on the radio.
Mum, I think I know
what I want for Christmas.
An instrument.
...and the evidence is not considered
solid enough to lead to any action.
- You mean, like a guitar?
- Yes. Or...
- Aren't they really expensive?
- Maybe.
- But hey! Put it on your wish list.
- What wish list?
Alex wants a guitar for Christmas.
I just bought a new computer.
Isn't that good enough?
Don't go promising a lot of stuff, now.
- Listen, I haven't promised him anything.
- How about you being grateful for once?
- And not just staring at the box.
- Like you're the only one doing anything?
- Shut your face.
- Bjrn, don't just leave again!
- When are you leaving for Stockholm?
- Well, she did say after Christmas.
But you can never be sure with her.
She works a lot.
Dad was a musician. A concert pianist.
- Cool.
- Yes. He was very good.
- Is that why you play the piano?
- I don't. Not anymore.
Not since dad died.
We could form a band.
What would we be called?
"Alex & Anna". Or...
How about "Annlex"? Or "Alexanna"...
But what would we play?
Neither of us can write songs.
No. That makes it tricky.
- Bye.
- Bye.
I'll get it!
- Hello.- Hi! What are you doing?
- I have a Christmas present for you.- What? What is it?
- Just something.- Seriously, tell me! What is it?
Could we meet up tomorrow
before you leave for Stockholm?
I'd love to, but we go after breakfast.
Can you come first thing?
Alex! Dinner's ready!
It looks great! Look at all this!
Are we supposed to manage all this?
- Thanks.
- Let me see.
- "Sugababes"? What the hell's that?
- And last, but not least...
"Merry Christmas Bjrn, from Klara."
- There you go.
- Is this for me?
Hey, look who got the biggest present!
But... What the hell!
You didn't go and buy a chainsaw?!
But this... Shit, Klara, this is quality!
- This isn't any old rubbish. It's great!
- Really?
- I have to go out and try it. Wait here!
- But Bjrn...
Sweetheart... Wait here.
Just open it.
- Thanks, Mum!
- You're welcome.
- What's this?
- I put a little money aside when I could.
He really wanted one.
What have you got there?
I told you we couldn't afford it.
No one missed that money.
So, you stole my money to buy rubbish for
Alex though I said we couldn't afford it?
Answer me, dammit!
- Dad!
- Shut up!
- Bjrn!
- You bitch!
I defended this country! Now I'm some kind
of errand boy, working to support you two.
And how do you thank me?
For fuck's sake!
- You have no fucking respect!
- Your chainsaw cost much more.
- It's not about that, is it?!
- What is it about, then?
He's a spoilt bloody wimp!
No one likes him. He's a bully magnet!
- And why is that?
- Because you turn him into one!
No, because he's
the spitting image of you.
- Me? There's nothing of him in me!
- You're...
- Are you really in such a rush?
- Yes, they need me at the office.
Hey, Ms. Slowcoach! Come on,
we need to go. Help me with the bags.
- Just stay for lunch.
- Another time, when there's less work.
There's never less work.
Alex! Hey, wait!
Hi! Why are you so late?
We're about to leave.
- Is there something wrong?
- No.
Has anything happened?
- Why don't you tell me...
- Nothing's happened! Just stop!
"...I've tried, for your sake.
He loves you, even if he never tells you."
Eat the food I've...
Go up to your room. Now! Go!
I hate you.
Alexander, why don't we talk about it?
I was thinking...
What are you doing?
Where are you going? Alexander! Wait!
I asked where you were going!
Alexander! Wait, for fuck's sake!
from Uncle Erik
- Hello.
- Hi.
Has anything... Is it mid-term?
I've got some friends around.
What's happened?
It's being done up, so there are workies
coming and going. You can't stay forever.
The set is no good.
That grand piano has no soul.
It's a bloody Bechstein!
- We rule, for fuck's sake! Look around!
- "We"?
We've both worked hard for this.
You know that - don't you?
Let's go to Berlin
a few days early and party.
Berlin is insane, and the clubs are loco!
Come on. You need some fun.
Let's go! Alex?
- Alex!
- I need a new piano.
Sit down. I'll get one.
- And I don't need you.
-Sit, Alex. I'll get a new piano!
Alex? Shit. Alex!
The news flash continues following
the situation in central Stockholm.
Here at Slussen,
the police are cordoning off the area.
I can see about a dozen police cars
and more keep pouring in.
Helicopters can also be heard.
The police are obviously
taking the situation very seriously.
At the moment, all we know is that
there have been several explosions,
one here at the Slussen tube station.
Next to me is Pernilla Nilsson, who was
about to go in when the explosion came.
- Please tell us what happened.
- I didn't get it. I heard this blast...
It's beyond words...
What a bang!
Hey, you can't just stop...
This is Klara. I can't take your call
right now, but please try again later.
The explosion at Slussen...
It's a very well-planned attack...
Sweden continues to refuse
foreign troops
the right to defend interests in Sweden.
...Midsummer's Day, a low pressure area
brings a lot of rain.
- Mum?- No, it's Erik. Your uncle.
The first explosion
cut off all traffic at Slussen.
Several victims tried to contact their
families before the second explosion.
That was her train.
- How will you proceed with this?
- Extra back-up has been called...
I have to get back to work.
I'll call tonight to sort things out.
- The funeral will be in Vnga next week.
- I can't do that.
- I fly to Berlin on Friday.
- You "can't do that"?
I beg your pardon? "Can't do that"?
Shit, Alex! We're talking about your mum.
My plane leaves Friday evening.
I'm free in the morning.
Let's make it then.
- Friday is Midsummer's Eve.
- Have you got more important plans?
Alex, your dad doesn't know.
I can talk to him.
No. I'll take care of that.
- Church of Sweden, this is Thomas.
- My name's Alex Stenberg.
You have an old piano I'd like to buy.
It may sound strange,
but I often played it as boy.
...the security of
Sweden's infrastructure.
It's been neglected for years.
Come and give me a hand!
What? Yes...
...despite the current unrest
in Stockholm.
Tomorrow, it's Midsummer's Eve.
What are your plans?
Good morning.
There should be an entrance exam at the
border, so we don't just let any fools in.
Then you'd be out on your arse, Lasse.
Let me tell you: Computers and immigrants
- that's what's ruining Sweden.
- What the hell's that?
- A faulty sensor from the back door.
- What's that to you?
- I want to keep track of you.
To know which door you skive off through.
I think someone's concerned that IS will
break in and jihad the Swedish power net.
Shit, Bjrn, calm down. Someone's blasting
in Stockholm to get some attention.
Listen, no one's claimed
responsibility for the attacks.
And moreover, the Security Service
hasn't arrested a single suspect.
- Right. Go ahead.
- Any idiot can make a bomb.
Mix some diesel with fertiliser
- there's your bomb.
But if you destroy two of Stockholm's main
transport hubs and get away with it...
- Then, you're trying to make a point.
- Which point?
Last week, Sweden shut down Nordstream.
- That's Russia's main...
- Wow, that got Conspiracy Bjrn going!
- So, those are Russian attacks?
- I'm only saying hidden agendas do exist.
Seriously, stop surfing radical sites. The
problem is revolving doors at the borders.
Any idiot can breeze into this country,
criminal or not.
- Happy Midsummer. Happy Midsummer!
- Yeah, right. Happy Midsummer.
Hello, merry Midsummer Day.
This is a protected area.
You're not allowed here.
You can't be here!
- You go! Go away!- Okay. Ich will gehe.
- Can I see your ID? Passport.- Reisepass?
This is the police.
In the case of an emergency
or an ongoing break-in, please call 112.
- If you're...
- I know, I know!
Hi, this is Lasse. Flirt with me,
and I'll call back if I fall in love.
- What's the purpose of your call?
- Trespassing. Sabotage. Espionage!
Sorry, I don't understand.
Please try again.
- Are you wishing to report a theft?
- Shut up! Damn!
- Hello there!
- Konny, bear with me now.
They've arrived. A fucking Russian.
He was speaking German by the fence.
- He was picking berries, and...- Oh, a berry-picker?
No, he was... Fuck!
- Konny, are you still there?
- Did he pinch your berries?
- No. Hang on, Konny. Wait!
- Please try again. Are you wanting...
- For fuck's sake!
I was attacked by a Russian!
Do you understand me now,
fucking police prick?!
- Where's Lasse? He doesn't answer.- He's in Ume, porking his ex.
- Wasn't he going tomorrow?- He probably couldn't wait.
But Konny, what if
the Russians are behind all this?
If they're trying to make Sweden look weak
to regain control over energy exports?
- What if they want to shut us down?- Calm down, Bjrn. You must be drunk.
Things like this makes Stockholm
want to replace us with computers.
IS has already claimed responsibility.
It's true. It's on every single channel.
So, just go easy on the drink.
We'll speak again tomorrow. Cheerio.
The Security Service confirms that IS
lies behind the attacks in Stockholm.
The general public
is advised to avoid large crowds
and to spend Midsummer
at home with their families.
Following the recent events,
police will be patrolling the streets,
but the risk of further attacks
is perceived as very low.
Over to the sports desk.
Lasse? Lasse!
Excuse me! Have you seen...
Hang on, I'll pop over.
- Have you seen any suspicious people?
- No.
- People who claim to be berry-pickers.
- No.
- No?
- There are no berries yet, you know.
Excuse me!
Just fucking drive!
It's as if we thought we would
always have time on our hands...
Where's Bjrn?
He wasn't interested.
...and it slips out of our grasp.
- Have you seen a German berry-picker?
- No.
- A tall man with a ponytail.
- No.
- Church of Sweden, this is Thomas.
- I rang about that piano.
I asked our choir leader to stay,
so have a word with her.
The only thing I can think of
is that my brother had his bike stolen.
- He lives over there.
- Thanks. Great, thanks.
Excuse me...excuse me...
Move. Move, for fuck's sake!
No network access
Telia says that 70 per cent of phone
users may experience problems...
A huge network overload may render it
temporarily out of use during Midsummer.
We're short-staffed
on account of the bank holiday,
but we expect to have solved the problem
at the beginning of next week.
You're doing great. Aren't you pleased?
- Sure. Sure...
- What does maestro play these days?
- A Bechstein. A grand piano.
- Wow, I say!
But it lacks soul.
It's not like that piano you were playing.
The church one.
I think about that, sometimes.
How we used to go and play it together.
It had a timbre... A feeling that I miss.
Do you know what I mean?
Alex, I...
But I'm sure you've got loads on.
It's Midsummer and all.
Missed call
- You're not dipping your feet? It's nice.
- I get a cold very easily.
- I play a lot with my feet.
- With your feet?
Pedal work, you know...
Let's do this!
- I wish I could be happier.
- Have you felt like that for a long time?
I enjoyed tonight.
You didn't have to stay.
I wanted to.
What are you doing here? In Vnga?
My mum got a government position
after you left.
And...she didn't have a lot of time
for me, so I moved back to Grandma's.
Then, I just stayed on.
I guess I should...
- Is Britta still running the hostel?
- No.
Her son is, though. Fredrik.
Remember him? He's got it.
- But it's in the same place?
- Yes, it is.
Right, well...
Bye, then.
Or you could stay at our place?
I'd like that.
- 1813. Over.
- India Bravo awaiting Alpha Charlie...
Bjrn Stenberg, Vnga transformer station.
Reinforcement needed.
There's a risk that Russian special ops
dressed as German tourists are...
Stenberg, Vnga transformer station. Help!
I've managed to secure the building
provisionally, but I need help...
Bjrn Stenberg here.
I'm playing spy games.
Please send some more
who want to play with me.
Hello. It's me. Dad.
Listen, I want you to...
Please find a safe place
as soon as possible.
There's some shit going on, and...
I don't want you running about...
Hello! It's the police! Hello!
Open up!
The Minister for Rural Areas?
Please come with us at once.
- Anders? Have you heard from Karin?
- No.
- I checked the news online...
- Why don't they say what it's about?
As of last night,
Sweden is now on high alert.
There's an immediate risk of war.
New intelligence information made
the Prime Minister mobilise the defence,
and it's been decided that a war
delegation is replacing the Parliament.
- You MPs must be taken to a secure...
- Where's the Prime Minister?
In Parliament,
informing the Defence Minister.
- Is this connected to the terror...
- No comments.
However, IS is not behind the attacks.
This is a lot more...
To ensure governmental capacity for action
you'll be re-grouped
into three operative centres
from where you can safely contact
one another and the PM.
It's important that you
don't try contacting anyone...
To the cars! This is serious!
I just need to get my bag.
Hello? Hello! Mum?
Can you hear me?
Stay there. I'm coming.
Come on...
Come on!
What's this?
My family.
Elin's five.
I was twenty-one when I had her.
- One year after I got together with Kim.
- Kim?
She had a sleep-over last night,
and he was working late.
Elin slept at a friend's. They were
supposed to be back now, but I can't...
There's something wrong with the phones.
I was meant to pick Grandma up.
Can you give me a lift?
Wait. I'm sorry.
Sorry! I should have said.
Could... Can we talk about it?
Great! Just leave!
Help me! Where am I?
The news flash continues
following last night's events.
The Security Service has been
very restrictive with information,
but it's obvious that there's
unrest in several parts of the country.
...are not getting the medical attention
we have a right to have. My son's ill.
He doesn't respond,
and now the hospital won't let me in.
Are we in quarantine?
Why not let people in?
There's not only military activity
around hospitals.
Troops have gathered at
the former F13 air base in Norrkping...
- Hey, why are you driving yourself?
- They didn't have enough cars.
- They asked me to use mine.
- Your name?
- Eva.
- Eva? Okay.
1420. A woman's driving south on Vasabron.
- In her own...
- We don't have the time...
- No private cars. She should go back.
- Okay, she's wrong. Copy that. Out.
Eva, you need to turn back
and join the others, okay?
Shit! Hey! Hey, you, stop!
Holy shit...
- Hello there.
- Is Anna here?
- There's no mobile phone reception.
-I'll check Gran's phone.
- Alex?
- I want to pick you and Grandma up.
Well, ke's picking us up soon.
Why don't you sit down and have a coffee?
See, the phones are back on.
Isn't that the air raid sirens?
- Can't we wait for ke?
- Alex, what's going on?
ke thinks I'm still in church.
He'll be worried sick!
- Does your phone work?
- No.
- Alex, what's going on?
- I don't know. Something's up.
People are acting all weird
and troops are gathering on some air base.
F13. Kim's in the army.
They were summoned
last night for an exercise.
- Oh, my God! Elin! I need to get Elin.
- We need to find a safe place.
- I need to get my daughter!
- And ke!
- Yes, Grandma!
- Stop the car. We need to get ke!
Hey! Where are we going?
Where are you, motherfucker?!
It was you, you bastard!
Where's your bloody reisepass?
All Charlie! All Charlie!
Alpha calling all Charlie. Write.
Golf replies. Over.
Sitrep: national power grid
under attack. Orders. Over.
Echo Charlie flies to Kramfors
transformer station. Over.
Why am I always right?
Golf Charlie! Regroup using own vehicles
to Badger to meet government reps. Over.
Foxtrot Charlie flies
to Vnga transformer station with me.
All report back when in position. Out.
Golf Charlie, copy that.
Alpha Charlie to all Charlie...
Golf Charlie, regroup to Badger.
Wait. You're flying with me to Vnga.
Alpha Echo to Echo Bravo.
You already gave that order. Over.
Hello? Hello!
- What's going on?
- Anna, listen...
- Why stop here?
- We need a shelter.
- But I need to get Elin! Do you hear me?
- This was not a good idea.
Fuck off, all of you! Trespassers!
Hey, you in front! Move it!
What are you doing?
Aren't we going down into the bunker.
Who are they? Hang on, I told you...
- Only us, Eriksson and Lenny.
- I told my brother.
And I told Cissi.
She shouldn't stay home on her own.
You can't just
swoop in and start deciding.
- I have a family to care for.
- A family not even worth mentioning?
Listen, we need to work together.
Everyone is just as afraid, and...
- No, I'm most afraid. I'm going...
- Get into your car!
- You were on about your perfect life.
- At least I lived our dream.
I don't care what you did!
You mean nothing to me.
That's not true. You were devastated
when Alex disappeared.
- Grandma!
- Don't you think I understood?
That the reason you moved back to me
was in case Alex came back.
- This is a protected area! Beat it!
- It doesn't matter what they do!
What the hell?
She only reads the paper when they write
about you, and she has all your records.
Not that I get what's so brilliant about
that music. There are no lyrics at all.
What the hell!
Out of my way!
Get out.
- I'm not going down that sewer!
- Let's go.
Come on! Run!
- We need to go now!
- No way.
Dammit, Mum!
- Julia?
- Have you seen Monica?
- Are you alright?
- What's happening?
Alex? Hello, can you hear me?
Julia? Julia! Julia...
Where are the keys?
Julia! Help me, for fuck's sake!
My wife's out there!
No. No!
Stop it. Stop that! Step back!
- Stop!
- There's danger out there.
- Come away.
- My wife's fucking out there!
No one opens that door.
- Bjrn, open that fucking door!
- Stop. Stop!
- The keys!
- You don't know what's out there.
Julia is out there!
- Easy, Konny.
- Shut up!
You conspirational moron,
you always know stuff others don't.
They've taken out all the other
transformer stations.
Right now, all Sweden's
power comes from here.
Konny? Konny, they will be back.
I know you're looking for help,
but this is a protected area.
- As soon as we know what's up, you go.
- No, those are the rules.
- Hang on. Your son's here. Injured.
- Watch his head.
- Put him on this.
I'll take him. - There are blankets here,
and toilets over there.
You look cold.
It'll be okay, darling.
Give me that!
He'll survive. He'll survive.
I stopped them,
but there will be more next time.
I guess the helicopters
came to protect the station.
I don't think that'll come to much now...
So, you and Alex are...
He's crap at keeping in touch.
We're not...
Communication is down, and until we
know what's going on, you'll stay here.
The military will realise something's
wrong and send reinforcements.
If there are any soldiers
left to send, that is.
- Where are you going?
- To get my daughter.
One second...
- I don't want you going out again.
- You have to stay with Alex.
- No. I'll go.
- Stay with Alex!
Bjrn? Stay!
What the hell!
Hey! Remove this, will you?! Hey, wait!
Line, advance!
Remove your clothes
and put them in that crate.
Can you take a sip?
How many counties does Sweden have?
- 25.
- What is a horse?
- Pardon?
- It's just a question. Just answer it.
Who's Zlatan?
- What's going on? Hey, what's...
- Pettersson, stop. She remembers.
We have to check people.
We lost three men before realising
the rain's contaminated.
- What's contaminating the rain?
- We suspect Alpha-CaM or beta amyloids.
- We're not sure, though.
- It's like memory loss after a trauma.
The body secretes a protein
which knocks out the affected neurons.
The Israeli army has researched it,
to reduce the mortality but still
lower the enemy's battle morale.
It's like getting Alzheimer's
in 15 minutes.
Are the others coming?
- The rest of the Government.
- Has no one else come yet?
- No.
- But you have requested help?
If the Government isn't sitting,
then it's up to the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister is dead.
There was an attack
on the House of Parliament, and...
...he was just on his way out.
Listen! There's food and diesel here
to last a month.
- If no one else comes it may last longer.
- The public's unaware of the rain threat.
That's regrettably not our responsibility.
Landers, inform Krantz.
We're closing and locking the doors.
- Right! Action!
- Is this the communication centre?
Hey! What are you up to?
Haven't you heard anything I said?
Even with no electricity, all these
relay transmitters ought to work.
We could warn thousands of households.
Whoever it is has located
and sabotaged every transmitting centre.
- We're next if we appear.
- People are dying.
It's not our job to decide
whether to reveal our position.
- Got it?
- She's right.
Emil, my family's out there.
Tholn, lock the communication centre.
Who'll help her with the radio?
Help her, someone!
- Tholn, think carefully about this.
- Follow me.
Landers, take action! Wake up!
- Rsmark!
- Don't move.
- Help!
- Phone someone! Get the phone!
Don't move.
- Man down!
- Come with me. Quickly.
I'll try to contact the embassies
via satellite while you're on the radio,
but transmitting makes us visible,
so keep it brief.
- Ready?
- No.
Let's go.
Hey, careful, now. Lie back down.
- You had a nasty knock on the head.
- Where's Anna?
Never mind about that.
There's no point. She's gone.
- What?
- She locked me to this.
Did you let her go out?
Shit, no. I tried to go myself,
but she tied me to this.
Alexander, go and lie down.
Hey, forget about that. She's gone.
I opened this place up for your sake.
- Shut up! You never did anything for me.
- What?
Everything I've done, I've done for you.
For you and Mum.
Everything that's happened is your fault.
Don't you get that?
How the hell can it be my fault?
I didn't leave - you did!
You both walked out! You left me!
Who the hell stayed at home and took care
of everything? And you don't even call.
Call? What on earth
would I call and say?
You don't ring me!
You never phoned! You never...
You never said sorry to me.
Why would I say sorry?
Sorry for taking care of you?
For taking care of you and your mum?
Do I need to apologise for that?
When will you realise
how good things were?
Well? When you do, you can come back
and things can go back to normal.
Klara is dead.
Listen! A radio broadcast!
...the ongoing
merciless attack on Sweden.
We don't know who or what is behind it.
All of you people in Sweden,
stay away from the rain.
The rain contains
some kind of chemical weapon
which affects the brain
and blanks out our memories.
If you or anyone you know
has been affected...
We don't yet know
if there are any cures.
Stick together.
We will...get through this.
Make the most of
the time you have together.
Before it's too late.
- Dad!
- Elin, wait! Stop!
Sit in the car. Go!
In you go!
We went to F13. There's no one left.
Helicopters came and shot at anyone
who hadn't been infected.
Kim's dead, Alex. Everyone's dead.
Grandma's still down there.
- Come!
- Wait!
Come on, darling! Come!
Elin! Come on!
Hello? They're coming!
Hello? Can anyone hear me? Two
helicopters are here! Evacuate now!
Can anyone hear me? Hello?
Shit! We have to leave!
Grandma? Grandma!
Hey! Help! For fuck's sake!
Yes, come on, Elin.
- Hurry!
- Wait!
Dad's still here. I need to...
You go ahead! I have to get him.
- Any news?
- What are you doing?
No phone calls, no visits,
but now, you suddenly care.
- Kim, what are you doing here?
- They said there was an exercise.
Then, they drove me here.
Do you think I'm crap
for not being with them?
When was the last time you met Anna?
Or Elin?
Elin doesn't even remember you.
When all this is over,
I never want to see you again.
Someone's coming.
- How many?
- Two choppers.
- Did your girl find help?
- No.
- Right. What's the plan?
- There is no plan.
What are you doing?
Here! Get everyone to the church.
If I find help, I'll send them there.
Where's the fucking handset?
Give it here. Connect the colours up!
- What?
- Red to red, yellow to yellow.
A helicopter just landed.
Our transmission was traced.
- Friend or foe?
- Unsure. Echo Bravo's checking.
Prepare for evacuation.
Two helicopters visible. No flags,
no markings. We're advancing. Over.
Vnga is calling on an open channel.
Do I answer?
- Yes. Get them onto group 3.
- Copy.
Are you still there? Hello?
This is Bravo Golf. Over.
This is Stenberg at the Vnga station.
We're under attack.
Requesting immediate help.
There are two enemy helicopters
and we have lots of civilians. Over.
- Evacuate!
- Evacuate!
- Transport those injured via route Bravo.
- Get me the officer in charge. Over.
They're dead.
There are only civilians here. Over.
Can you evacuate and avoid the rain? Over.
- It's stopped raining.
- Yes, it's stopped. Over.
- We can get to the church. Over.- Do that. I'll be there in 60 minutes.
Just keep away from the rain.
We're coming. Over.
- Are you there? Over.
- Yes. Over.
Is there an Anna there?
She's got a daughter. They're my family.
Are they well? Over.
- Hello?
- Yes, they're here.
What are you doing? Who was he?
Are you there? Over. Hello?
Never mind. Come on!
Come on, Alexander!
The military is aiming for the church.
We need to get people there.
- What the hell! Come on, then!
- I can't.
Come with me. Come! You...
You're fucking coming with me!
You're coming to the church!
- Go to your room!
- Why?
I'm telling you to!
Wait! Where are you going?
Wait, Alexander!
Wait, Alexander! Dammit!
Calm down!
Take the minister to the rendezvous
point. I'll take a vehicle to Vnga.
Tholn, dammit! My family...
Try to contact the Home Guard.
They should have assembled.
- Good luck.
- I'm coming.
- You need to get to safety.
- To hell with safety! My daughter!
Start the vehicles.
Get everyone to the church.
I'll be there in 60 minutes.
Kim is dead.
- Hurry, Alex!
- We need to get ke in church.
- We need to leave! Now!
-Listen to me, young man.
We're going nowhere without ke.
Run to the church.
I'll get the car, and then we leave.
Is that everyone? The cars are down that
hill, so hurry over.
- Let's get the hell out!
- Is there no help?
No one will help us!
What are you waiting for, Alex? Run!
Ouch! Shit! Fucking twig.
Hurry up! Get a move on!
Right - in you go.
Shit. Fuck!
Where the hell are the keys?
I made this for my boy.
He'll be over the moon!
Alex! We need to get away from the rain.
Kim's alive.
- He's on his way here.
- What?
I'm sorry. I thought...
...that if you...
If you thought Kim was dead,
you'd remember us.
Do you think things could have been
different if I'd been in touch?
I only wish I had...
Okay, that's exactly...
Alright, I'll move.
After a three-day break,
service resumes
and TV broadcasting is once more
possible in most of the country.
The power is said to be back
in all major hospitals,
but they are still under severe strain.
The UN condemns the attack, which was
one of the worst ever on civilians.
International co-operation continues
and we can't comment.
How long will
foreign soldiers stay in Sweden?
While the Swedish defence is weakened,
other countries need to be able
to protect their financial interests.
We're talking about
an unprecedented attack.
800,000 people have lost
what's most important to us:
Our memories. And why?
What could possibly
provoke such an appalling act?
The Russian economy is stabilizing.