The Violence Action (2022) Movie Script

KEI (19)
Thanks for contacting us!
This is Supple 'n' Natural
Gals Delivery Service.
I'd like to order a delivery.
As soon as possible.
Who would you like?
A girl who'll do anything.
The location is...
Thanks for waiting.
I'm Kei from Supple 'n' Natural
Gals Delivery Service.
Hey, did someone hire a call girl?
As if, dumbass.
You got the wrong room.
Who the hell?!
Take this!
You're fine.
Don't worry.
Let's go. Your manager's waiting.
Oh, also...
- Here.
- What is it?
A keepsake, I guess.
Wait a sec, okay?
It's tough having fans, huh?
Thank you so much.
Nice working with you.
Nice work, Kei.
I'm exhausted. Popsicle time.
Yes, ma'am, the usual!
Hey, Kei?
Close the door, Zura.
Boy, the moon's pretty tonight.
- Hurry up and drive.
- Yes, ma'am.
Guess they had to call us
with raunchy vids
of Nozomi floating about.
Was she super cute in person?
Nothing special.
Really? Just ordinarily cute?
She's livestreaming tomorrow.
No harm done to her face, right?
- No.
- Hey, speaking of injuries...
Look at my finger.
I caught it in the car door just now.
It hurt so much.
Shut up, Zura!
- Hey!
- Bald blabbermouth!
Pretty uninventive insult!
Give it back. Don't play with it!
You'll ruin the shape.
- Eyes front.
- Please, give it back.
I'm not joking, give it back.
Endure insults about your hair.
Establish physical contact.
It's all to help vulnerable girls.
I'm fine, actually.
See, I've got a dream.
It's good to have a dream,
no matter how small.
So, what's your dream now?
Why, of course...
to pass Level 2 of
the Bookkeeping Proficiency Test.
Assets minus liabilities equal capital.
But in corporate law and such,
the difference is referred to
on the balance sheet
as "net worth."
Hey, Kei?
- Liabilities are called...
- Kei?
Come on. Focus, Rikka.
Hey! Stop!
Come on.
Do you have to be so childish?
Right, let's continue.
If assets minus liabilities
equals capital,
then on the balance sheet...
Here it is!
I always knew you'd be into this stuff.
Next up...
I bestow upon thee one of thesedojinshi,
fanzines which we also call "thin books."
Thank you very much.
This is phenomenal!
Look, it's porn.
You're into this stuff, Kikuno?
Be gone, you villains!
Sorry. Just a sec.
I'll pay for us both, driver.
Thanks for that.
I'll pay you back.
You got change for a 1,000-yen bill?
I'm 30 yen short.
It's fine.
Pay me the rest next time.
Yes, I'll pay you back next time.
Thank you.
Hey, Kei.
Why's there a dead guy there?
My daughter poisoned him.
Cleaners aren't here yet.
Zura, find someone new.
Slackers are so unprofessional.
Kei, quit being so clingy.
Don't wanna.
Me too...
Ouch! My golden balls!
Kei, eat some ramen before you go.
Wait, I forgot.
Sorry, Zura.
Kei, you can't bring that stuff back home.
That's why I apologized.
What's with that attitude?
You should be more aware as a pro...
No, you should be more aware.
Boss, your leg!
I took a hit so I could grab the foot!
Damn it, Zura!
We're only open to members.
There's a sign outside.
I'm Watanabe.
Zura, move the drunk out back.
- Take that toy too.
- Yes, ma'am.
What a shock.
I thought it was an assassin's den.
Well, if you'reKei's friend...
why don't you two
have some ramen before you go?
Thank you.
should have just left.
Thank you.
This is...
- It's...
- Now I have to eat it too.
We really should've just left.
It's like cold, rotten noodles.
Watch it, bowl cut.
You're right, tastes like rubber.
Never thought I'd see you make that face.
What face?
This face.
Hands up, whoever fed me weird drugs!
Put your hands up!
Hands up!
Sorry, seems my daughter
messed up the drugs.
No excuses.
Ready, Kei?
You wanna kill me?
- Here I go, Zura.
- Alrighty.
- Watanabe.
- Huh?
Sorry for punching you.
Here you go.
I love you.
Your bulletproof wig is pretty sturdy.
Go ahead.
This just feels good...
Just disappear.
What do we do with the kid, Boss?
I'm looking for some part-time work.
I'll do anything.
Let it slide this time.
Right? Let it go.
I live by a three-strike rule.
You apologize while you're eating.
No, you see...
I didn't mean to betray theDenma-gumi.
Something just came over me.
- You understand that, right?
- And also...
you try to attack me by surprise.
Your current count is...
two strikes.
Rules make a man.
Disaster awaits those
who forget the rules.
That disaster is me.
It's Mr. Michitaka to you.
Show some respect to the forces of nature.
How could you forget?
That's your third strike. Out.
You demon!
Take it with a smile...
- Hello, sir.
- Hello.
- Hello, sir.
- Hello.
- Hello, sir.
- Hello.
Hello, sir.
Mr. Michitaka.
No problems?
I solve problems on the spot.
You're a pro with pro-blems.
What's up with you guys?
Wasn't it funny?
It's a real dad joke.
Come on.
How can you let Dad's jokes fall flat?
First, an update.
According to the lawyers,
Sandaime's sure to be incarcerated.
The verdict will take three months.
I might be away for a long time.
Family feuds could get messy.
I'm counting on you.
It's a great opportunity.
I need to start thinking about
who will succeed me
and take over the Denma-gumi.
Right, Kinoshita?
The rules are simple.
My successor will be
whoever is strongest,
rakes in the most cash,
and above all,
is the most loyal to the clan.
Show me how faithful you are.
Yes, sir.
Faith, faith, faithful...
Hello, sir.
Hello, sir.
It's finally the henchmen's time to shine.
First, let's bleed Dad's coffers dry.
We've already pooled 100 million
into a separate account.
Well, at this rate,
we could easily cook up
a 200-million bribe.
Sandaime is already pacified.
But can you fool the safe-keeper?
He's a worthless piece of snot.
Like that.
- Kaneko.
- Yes?
Use Ayabe's cash to bolster our ranks.
My idea is simple too.
If all the executive members die...
then theDenma-gumi will be mine.
President Ayabe.
Sorry to disturb you.
Well, well.
If it isn't Terano.
You surprised me.
Denma-gumi's esteemed money-handler!
what's with the long face?
Forgive my bluntness,
but could I see the company accounts?
Of course, old chap.
Look at whatever you like.
By the way...
Do you have the right to nitpick?
Denma-gumi makes
most of its money from trading stocks.
Isn't that right?
If you were to say anything stupid,
you'd regret it.
Like a certain someone did.
Just Yusa today.
You go home.
Hello from theKunitsu-gumi.
Wait, wait!
Wait! Yusa, help!
Three. "Kitty found some money."
"You receive 30,000 dollars."
- Creepy.
- Sure is.
Pisses me off.
Hey, brat.
You're playing this game thanks to who?
Who exactly got you this job?
- I don't need to hear this.
- You little...
Four. "You trade houses
with your kind neighbor to the right."
I'll trade this cheap house
for your most expensive...
What are you doing?
Sorry, my hand just slipped.
Huh? What?
Sorry, my hand just slipped.
Now you've really done it.
You've opened Pandora's box.
Hey! What do you think you're doing?
Come on, pull yourselves together.
Hey! Give it back!
- Give it back!
- Don't touch my Kei!
Hey. Did you just touch my butt?
You did, didn't you?
No, no.
It's just, this...
Don't give me that cheeky look!
Right? Okay?
Give me my wig back.
Don't touch her!
Thank you for choosing...
If it's Zura's fault...
...Delivery Service.
Shut up, you deadbeats!
Or you'll end up in my ramen asmincemeat!
Thanks for waiting.
For Kinoshita-gumi, yes?
She got angry at me as well
because of you two.
- We're on the way.
- It's your fault.
Kei, you've got a job.
There must be hidden accounts elsewhere.
Hey, calculator boy.
What are you looking at?
There's a discrepancy
between what's on the balance sheet
and the value of stocks
traded using Denma-gumi money.
Put it in layman's terms for me.
A traitor is stealing money from the top
to create a secret stash of cash.
The one pulling the strings...
must be Kinoshita.
- Here's the case.
- Look, Watanabe.
Look at the kitty.
So cute.
Cheers me up.
Hey, brat.
Listen to what the boss says!
That hurt.
This time...
TODAY'S CLIEN...we're working directly
for Kinoshita-gumi's boss.
He's the second in command of Denma-gumi,
the biggest yakuza gang in eastern Japan.
Kinoshita has both brains and brawn.
He's bolstering his troops
using money earned from stock trades
thanks to the CEO
of their front company, Ayabe.
Ayabe has been abducted.
He was abducted by the Kunitsu-gumi,
led by Denma-gumi's oldest member.
Kunitsu lost a lot of money
following some insider info from Ayabe.
Kunitsu and Kinoshita are battling
to inherit the Denma-gumi leadership.
And now...
tonight, Kinoshita
finally steps into the ring.
- He steps into the ring!
- War is so pointless.
You're pointless.
What will you do?
I'll destroy them.
I didn't expect to see
the top dog himself come in.
We lost 20 million
because of that fraudster.
We have to deal with him appropriately.
Will this take care of it?
It's 100 million.
One hundred million?
That's excessive.
Makes a tradesman like me
suspect something underhanded is going on.
This is to show how faithful I am.
How transparent. It's a bit late for that.
Fine. Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Kei, it's almost time.
What about Daria?
- Daria?
- She's a new recruit.
She's a ghosting expert.
She's always ready to go.
Back to work.
Yes, sir.
Now it begins.
Who are you? What do you want?
I'm Kei from Supple 'n' Natural
Gals Delivery Service.
What kind of place
do you think this is? Go home.
Ow, it hurts.
What's wrong?
My belly hurts. Can I use your toilet?
Beat it.
That's not what I was told.
Phew, I'm glad. Good evening.
Hashiguchi let the call girl inside.
What's going on?
Hey, Hashiguchi.
- Woah!
- Hey!
What are you doing?
I work for Supple 'n' Natural
Gals Delivery...
That's not what I'm asking, idiot!
Are you satisfied?
You just love killing people?
You do it for kicks?
Our henchmen are worthless,
puny bugs to you?
It's my job.
You've certainly done a good job.
Right, Hashiguchi?
How pathetic.
You got thugs like this involved?
You kill him.
More interesting that way.
Sir, I'll do anything but that.
You chose to play the traitor.
So there was another one.
Really did do a good job.
Hey, assassin.
Please tell Daria...
next time she's playing with me.
Suddenly, it's all clear to me.
What? Seriously?
Is it the lunchboxes?
The kid's clothes?
Number of flowers?
The picnic blanket design?
I hate to ask, but give me a hint.
What? An insect?
The worthless, puny little bug at the top.
It's flying three millimeters higher here.
You shouldn't call insects
nasty things like that.
I'll be more careful.
Yum, it's delicious.
By the way,
how's the bookkeeping going?
You enjoying it?
I'm not sure.
But I'm trying one thing at a time...
to figure out what I could do.
That's where I'm at.
One thing, then another.
Very gradually.
It's okay... to change.
And also,
everything must come to an end.
Full of life
I'm the first in line
Leaping hungrily
What a great song.
This will always be
A dog-eat-dog world
Scatter feed in front of a person's eyes,
and you can see what they're truly like.
Our clan has become
very much like that person.
The killer was a young female assassin,
A young girl.
A young...
A young girl!
It was a young girl!
Bring her to me. Don't be coy...
they're just koi.
I don't care about the dead people.
But a female assassin
rubs me the wrong way.
There's something in Ayabe Finance's
accounts that doesn't add up.
The funds requested from the Denma-gumi
for stock trades are excessive.
The extra money has gradually
been siphoned into a separate account.
It's about 300 million in total.
Have you heard of the San people?
They're modern-day hunters.
When they spot their prey...
first they weaken them with poison darts
before killing them.
If we're killing Kinoshita,
let's weaken him first.
Get more evidence.
At the moment it's still hard to get him.
Or get him hard?
I hear you're looking after Kura.
He's already broken.
I imagined you two
as the backbone of Denma-gumi.
How foolish I was.
Daria, you can't live in hotels forever.
I've got a hot property for you.
Thick concrete walls.
A steel-plated safe room.
This is fine. Anywhere's fine.
That's the wrong attitude, Daria.
The walls are bare concrete.
The toilet and bath aren't separated.
What? Isn't there a separate washbasin?
Right, you wouldn't understand, Zura.
- You don't have any hair, after all.
- That's mean.
- Meanie.
- Okay, this is fine.
Don't be so indifferent.
It's fun spending time room-hunting.
I wish I could think that way too.
Alright, just one.
- What?
- Tell us one dream you have.
That's how you start.
A dream?
This roof balcony is great.
You found my kind of place.
It's a bit expensive though. Is that okay?
I like it here.
I can't lose what I don't have.
That's why I had... nothing.
It's easier if you have things.
Let's get busy.
So we don't lose this place.
- You're an odd one.
- What?
My parents werekilled by other yakuza
who thought they snitched.
They took me away
and taught me how to kill people.
I want to... end this suffering.
I'll help you...Daria.
Why did you start this job, Kei?
Run away.
Mr. Michitaka.
I live by a three-strike rule.
- What?
- Women, yet you kill for a living.
Women, yet you crush the Kunitsu-gumi.
Women, living as women.
That's already three strikes. You're out.
Know the word "misogynist"?
Some kind of foul miso soup?
It refers to outdated bigots like you.
Old man!
Such a foul-mouthed whore.
I'll punish you slowly later.
My assistants are all out on other cases.
You have experience, right?
Then come with me.
- Who, me?
- Yes.
I gotta clean the car up, bowl cut.
All the yakuza use this hospital.
There's a "no funny business" rule.
Still, there are some funny sorts about.
I'm counting on you.
Leave the chatting to the bosses.
Wanna die in a place like this?
No... but if there's something to discuss...
then speak to me.
- To you?
- You clearly just headbutted me.
On neutral ground.
I won't make a big deal about it.
So please leave.
I'll use a blowtorch to roast your eyes,
20 minutes each.
I said, leave already.
Man, how exhausting.
I'm parched.
Hey, assassin.
What happened to Daria?
I don't have to tell you.
How about I pin you all down
the moment you leave here?
No thanks. I don't mind, though.
Right, Watanabe?
You're nuts.
Seems like I'm made for this job.
If you are... you'll die early.
If it's for you, Kei,
I don't mind dying a little earlier.
Are you made for this job?
It's better if you're not.
I don't want you to die early.
- Your head's too high.
- What?
You did a good job today.
Well done.
Wait, no, no.
You creep.
- What's with the tea?
- This?
It's the tea of love.
Love tea.
Love tea? How silly.
What the heck?
Don't mess with me!
You're so nasty, Zura!
Haven't you ever fallen in love?
You don't understand
how I feel being in love!
You trying to kill me?
So how does it feel?
Tell me, what's love to you?
For me, love is...
Love is...
- a cactus!
- Boring. Try again.
- A hula dancer...
- You're just describing these figurines.
- A tree...
- Like this one!
Oh, dear.
Didn't expect to meet you again here.
For sure.
You're 20 yen short.
Sorry, I don't have it.
Seriously? I'll charge interest next time.
Is it this person's birthday or something?
I guess so.
I like it when guys are close friends.
I always play the white in Othello.
Really? Why?
I want to make the whole board light up.
Just the once.
Game over.
I'll... leave.
The board may be
mostly dark at the moment,
but if the last piece
turns white just before death,
it could all suddenly light up.
Says the player using black!
You nervous, calculator boy?
Shut up.
Kura? Kura!
Hey, calculator boy.
Are you awake?
I'm eating your birthday cake for you.
You want to quit, right?
- But you can't because of me.
- Stop it.
Don't talk nonsense.
I want some coffee.
What are you talking about?
I want to at least enjoy the aroma.
A Denma-gumi member committed suicide.
His friend blamed the clan
and ran off with the money.
Our job this time
is to deal with him.
The work will be more dangerous than ever.
"Dangerous than ever."
"Everlasting soup."
"Cheesecake yellow"!
What? That's a stretch!
So, "-low"?
- "Locomotive standstill."
- Still...
Still up for it?
Or not?
What will you do?
I'll do it.
I'll see any job through.
Well... eat some tasty ramen before you go.
Do you have a dream?
I want to go to New York.
I want to see the real Statue of Liberty.
I want to have fun with blonde girls.
Get better and go, then.
This is the best.
How much was it?
The 100 million from Sandaime...
and the separate account.
He stole the hidden funds.
Why did Terano do it?
Sorry, sir.
Seems like he figured us out.
Useless idiot.
Hands up.
What'll you do now?
I mean, it's already over.
You're an assassin?
I was surprised too.
If I give you the money...
I guess that won't help.
If you want to say a final prayer
or have your last cigarette,
now's the time.
I can't die yet.
Excuse me.
What is it, Zura?
Got it.
Apparently, management is discussing
whether or not to kill you right away.
I see.
How about a break?
What are you doing?
I'm studying bookkeeping.
Got a mock test next week
and I haven't studied.
So you're doing it now?
I knew you were crazy.
You shouldn't talk about people like that.
You can learn anywhere if you try.
That's how I see it.
I can help if you get stuck.
You can?
How much was it?
One hundred million.
He really got us.
Sure about the amount?
It's 100 million.
No mistake.
I see.
Terano phoned me last night.
Sorry to call you so late.
I'll speak frankly.
I'm stealing 130 million yen from you.
What I'm stealing is 100 million
from Ayabe Finance
and 30 million they're secretly keeping
in a separate account.
If Kinoshita doesn't mention
the 30 million
and says only 100 million has been stolen...
then that proves the secret funds
were collected atKinoshita's orders.
Anything you want to say?
I had not heard about this.
Why didn't you tell me about
the 30 million in the separate account?
This is really how you wanna play it?
All my fault, is it?
Don't talk down to me, underling.
Go on then, shoot.
Shoot, shoot!
You've got guts.
Why do you... get to decide that?
Same for you.
Same for you.
I'm the one who decides your expiry dates.
Something stinks.
You two stink.
You're already rotting.
In that case,
to stop the rot,
first bring back the money!
I'll get it to you.
In these payable accounts,
we only convert 600,000 dollars' worth
at the exchange rate
on the settlement date.
The advance here is a dummy figure
so don't convert it.
Shows how important dummy figures are.
I see.
You're a good teacher.
Right, Teach?
What about this?
You really got us.
I want to make a deal with you.
Here's the money I stole.
If you tell me the truth,
I'll return it all.
What do you want to hear?
Tell me about Kura.
You ordered his hit, right?
I don't remember.
He got cocky because Sandaime liked him.
That's all.
Let me tell you about your own future.
Troops will be arriving soon.
They'll cut you up alive.
Roast you.
Melt you down.
That's what's in store for you.
I never intended to live a long time.
I never expected you to speak the truth.
Hey, don't be stupid!
You're finished, Kinoshita.
He's really done it.
- Kaneko.
- Yes.
Gather all our troops and weapons.
Once you're handed over, I'll leave too.
No hard feelings,
but it's time for a painful death.
Thanks for helping with my studies, Teach.
Good luck with the exams.
Is she really that strong?
Stop it.
Leave her out of it.
It's like how skinny chicks
always win eating competitions.
But she's so vulnerable.
Over here!
I changed my mind.
Can you do some work for me?
Of course.
Sorry about all this.
It's fine.
I don't bring my emotions to work.
Maybe a little.
What will you do now, Teach?
I wonder.
I'd only thought about my death.
You should have a dream.
Something you want.
Kura said... he wanted to go to New York.
Really? New York?
What the hell?
It's the three-strikes guy.
He's Denma-gumi's best assassin.
Break his rules and you're out.
He never forgives.
He chases you till you're dead.
What the hell?
No time for flirting!
Now, bowl cut!
Time to get serious!
We've only got one shot. Aim well.
- I did it!
- Alright!
Deary, deary me.
What a filthy car.
Damn! Tank's empty!
Oh no! What should we do?
What can we do?
You're here too... woman.
It's my job.
For now...
let's run!
Who you gonna call? Me, and here I am.
No one called you, stupid!
Kei, go with Terano.
The boss readied a helicopter
at the dam ahead.
Don't go too hard.
You two are my opponents?
We can buy some time, at least.
What's wrong with your head?
Use your imagination.
- Bowl cut?
- Yeah!
Wait, sorry!
Take this!
A spray custom-made
using the strongest chilies in the world.
See that? Go home!
You idiot!
Let's play a game.
What? Now, of all times?
Think of five great things about New York.
The Statue of Liberty.
Times Square.
And cheesecake or whatever.
Cheesecake? I love cheesecake.
So incessant.
No one likes an incessant man, you know.
Shut it, pink girl.
Hey, Terano.
First, return the money.
I'll punish you slowly afterwards.
I burned it all.
I even filmed it.
You seem like a very prudent man.
That was a decoy.
Now play your trump card.
Don't overestimate me.
Run away.
I can't.
This is my job.
I understand.
You done?
You worthless fish of a woman.
You've been chosen
as the best of our clan.
But today...
half of you will probably die.
It's that kind of fight,
and it starts now.
If you want to leave, go!
The plan is simple.
First kill Terano,
the man who took the money.
Then kill Michitaka, the cleaner.
we kill Sandaime.
What happened to her?
You're interested in dead fish?
You bastard.
You're both here together.
Saves us the trouble of finding you.
What's this?
More new trash?
Keep going! Kill him!
You stupid brat!
You're out.
You're dancing!
You're not very good.
It's all in the hips.
Here goes.
What a strange twist of fate.
I'm the one killing you, too.
You're the one person I'll never forgive.
You're talkin' shit.
Play nice with your bestie
on the other side.
It's her.
You taught me never to wait.
Do you have a dream?
I get tired sometimes too.
Dreams are good.
For yourself.
For people you care about.
No matter how small it is,
nurture your dream, slowly.
Are you okay?
What a stupid question.
Look at her, she's obviously fine.
You're so annoying.
What should I ask, then?
Kei, come on.
Chest to chest.
Don't touch her, baldy!
Stupid bowl cut!
Don't touch! Hands off, slowly.
Drop your hands slowly.
- Don't touch me!
- Don't call me baldy!
- Baldy. Baldy.
- Apologize. Apologize!
- Ouch...
- I just had a dream.
It was a nice dream.
I can't be finished in a place like this.
It's not over for me.
The dam's just outside.
What about Kei?
Don't worry.
You called?
Mr. Michitaka.
Was that a mosquito bite?
Hey, Terano.
You can't break the rules.
You're polluting the atmosphere.
So die, immediately.
Sorry I'm late, Teach.
Glad you're okay.
Hey, fish woman.
Don't interfere.
Mr. Michitaka.
Those nails really hurt,
but I got used to them.
It's good to have rules.
But you shouldn't force them
on other people.
Giving me your opinion...
means you're out.
I told you, I'm used to those nails.
I see.
Well, then...
What about her?
Is she used to them too?
You're really like a heel.
am a hero.
Thank you.
I'll go until the chorus.
Me, losing?
That's not in the rules.
Managed to get somewhere after all.
I enjoyed it.
You're a weird one.
Is that a compliment?
Maybe, yeah.
I was sure I was going to die.
If you have a dream, no matter how small...
you'll find a way to survive.
Let's go eat cheesecake.
I want you to come with me to New York.
I think that's...
my biggest dream.
Hey, Supple Gal!
Don't move!
To think you cleaned up that monster...
it's settled now.
The godfather stands
on a mountain of corpses.
This is the summit.
You got a thing for her?
In that case, you kill her.
More interesting that way.
Kinoshita, I beg you.
Please let her go.
That's not what you're supposed to say.
I hid the money.
I have the safe key.
That's more like it.
Hand it over.
That's enough.
Your daddy's dead.
Let's all stop the pointless killing.
They're dead.
Kinoshita, Terano, Michitaka.
As you wished,
the clan's big wigs are all dead.
The clan should be safe
during your whole sentence.
Leave everything to me from now on.
What? I can't hear you well.
I said, from now on...
Wait, Father.
Let's talk.
Father, wait! No!
It's a dad joke.
Funny, right?
It was funny.
You're still green.
Raise them, rob them.
Raise them, then rob them.
That's the way we work.
Sorry I was late.
But the job's done now, Kei.
- This is...
- Zura.
Lend me 30 yen.
Sure, but...
Finally paid you back.
I'm tired. I want to go for a soak.
Kei, don't hold back.
Come into my arms.
Don't be creepy, Zura.
This place is members-only.
Today's an exception.
I've never tasted ramen this good.
I'll be back.
You need to listen better.
Don't come back.
It's good to have a dream...
no matter how small.
Subtitle translation by: