The Visitor (2022) Movie Script

[insects chirring]
[country singer on radio]
And this song remains true
It will always be of you
And your secret now forever
We will hold
So the tears down my cheeks
How they flow
Now you don't
Have to whisper
I know
[crow cawing]
[radio shuts off]
Miss Havisham?
We're home.
This place is great.
It's much bigger than
our flat in London.
It's strange.
It's not
how I remember it.
Yeah, but that's
to be expected though,
It's been years.
I think it's nice
that it's staying
in the family.
We'll fix it up,
paint some walls.
This is what we wanted.
Welcome home.
Welcome home.
[vacuum cleaner whirring]
Okay, that's the last
of the bags.
[whirring continues]
[whirring stops]
Family, hearth,
straw and stone.
[sighs] Start anew.
A new start, Robert.
One more, then we're done.
[whirring resumes]
[pills rattle]
[clock ticking]
Hey, Robert.
[Maia] I was thinking
we could head into town.
[Robert] Okay.
Down in a minute.
[door closes]
[stereo: rock music]
And if that ain't enough
You will find
What you think you need
I know that can't be Maia Eden
standing at the end of my bar.
In the flesh.
that is impossible.
'Cause I heard
she up and took herself
to London,
found some British guy
and settled down.
Oh. Well, that would be me.
Some British guy.
Judy, this is Robert,
my husband.
It is so nice
to meet you, Robert.
Likewise, Judy.
Oh, I like that.
It's fancy.
We could use some
fancying up around here.
I'll try my best, Judy.
Sorry about your pa.
Thank you.
Tell you what.
Let's do this.
[glasses clinking]
It's the good stuff.
To Edgar.
To Edgar.
[glasses clink]
To Edgar.
[Robert coughing]
Fucking hell.
[Maia, Judy laughing]
[coughing continues]
What is in that?
The secret recipe.
If I tell you,
I'd have to kill you,
but you definitely need
another one.
Oh, no,
you don't have to.
Oh, he does.
I got this.
I can handle it.
[stereo: soft rock]
No, get off.
What did you say
these are, anyway?
They, uh...
They're "chillins"?
Like 'em?
Chitlins are good.
[both laughing]
What are they made
out of, anyway?
They feel like, uh...
like chicken?
Oh, uh, pig intestines.
You fucking--
Oh, my God.
Are you serious?
Babe, gross.
I'm gross?
You're making me eat
pig intestines.
[Maia laughing]
[Judy] Hey, guys.
These are from Larry
and Martha
over there
in the back.
[Judy] They just wanted
to say, "Welcome home."
I am so wasted.
Oh, God, it's gonna
be rude if I don't.
This'll be
the last one.
Just pour it out.
No, it's fine.
This'll be the last one.
[groans] Okay.
That's definitely
the last one.
[bar patron]
The prodigal daughter
has returned.
Pastor Ellis.
Now, would you please
just start calling me Joseph?
You're a little
too long-grown for that
"Pastor Ellis" horseshit,
don't you think?
Of course.
Who is this hungry
new addition
to the flock?
This is
my husband Robert.
Pig intestines.
Judy gave him
a little too much
special moonshine.
As well she should.
Special drink
for a special guest.
Well, Robert,
it is well past time
that Maia
brought you around
to meet everybody.
A hearty welcome
to Briar Glen.
We are very, very glad
that you are here
with us.
Know what? Everybody!
Everybody, let me
have your attention.
It is with great pleasure that,
after many years,
...the daughter of the great
Edgar Cartwell Eden has
returned to us.
So I want everybody
to lift their glasses up.
To our own Maia
and Robert.
[patrons, distorted]
[Joseph, distorted]
Long live the...
[floorboards creaking]
[sobbing continues]
[sobbing continues]
[door creaking]
[sobbing continues]
You okay?
[sobbing continues]
[breathing heavily]
You're home.
Hey, hey, hey.
You okay?
It was a bad dream,
You all right?
It's okay.
What happened last night?
Um, you got wasted
and fell off your chair.
I had to bring you
home, remember?
So embarrassing.
It's okay.
[kisses] I took
care of you.
[sighs] Please.
You have to stop
doing this.
Doing what?
Freezing me out.
It's not gonna
bring her back.
You blame me,
don't you?
No. No,
of course not.
No, I could never
blame you.
I know how much having
a baby means to you.
But it's like
the doctor said,
miscarriages happen.
Especially the
first time around.
Doesn't mean
we have to give up,
does it?
What if
it happens again?
I know
you're scared.
I'm scared too.
In the last...
I've lost our baby...
now my dad.
I don't know
if I can handle
another loss.
But I believe
in us.
Don't you?
of course I do.
I believe in us
more than fucking anything.
I love you.
I love you.
[birds chirping]
[water running]
[dishes clanking]
[door closes]
[clock ticking]
[door creaking]
[doors creaking]
[Maia] Hmm.
Yeah, I guess
I can see a resemblance.
A resemblance?
Maia, it looks
exactly like me.
Yeah, well, maybe if you,
uh, wore those contacts
I bought you.
Oh, God.
Hmm. Yeah,
not sold.
I'm gonna need, like,
to see a scowl.
There you go.
I'm glad
you find it funny.
All right, fine, yeah.
It does look... [stammers]
It sort of looks like you,
Thank you.
What do you
think it means?
I don't think
it means anything.
People go to museums
and see themselves
in paintings all the time.
This wasn't in a museum.
It was in your attic.
Yeah, well, my dad
traveled a lot
for work.
He collected art.
It was one
of his passions,
so I guess
this could've come
from anywhere really.
What does it say?
Says, "The Visitor Accepts."
Well, what exactly
is he accepting?
I don't know.
His drink?
Well, he's a visitor,
so maybe, uh,
he's accepting an invitation
to visit.
You're not still taking
that medication, are you?
For your anxiety?
You sure?
No, I-I threw that
down the toilet
months ago.
The doctor said
it's only for emergencies--
Please, Maia, come on.
Not again.
I'm off it.
I'm done.
[breathes deeply]
Well, here's
your receipt.
All right.
It looks great.
Thank you.
Here you go.
You have a blessed day,
you hear?
Thank you, Kathy.
Robert Burrows.
Maia Eden's husband.
We should talk,
[door opens]
[entry bell jingles]
[door closes]
Will that be all?
just today's paper,
if you have it.
Let me grab one
for you.
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily
All righty, then.
Here you go.
Great. Thank you.
That's awesome.
Um, how much
do I owe you?
Oh, please.
Your money's no good here.
Art is a lie
that makes us
realize the truth.
You have a blessed day,
Okay. [smacks lips]
[Robert] Yeah, so it's two boxes
that haven't been delivered.
Two boxes from London?
Yeah. Yeah.
One of them is a, uh...
just a bunch
of personal items,
and then
in the other one,
there's a suit.
And you still
have not received them?
the tracking number?
Yeah, no. No, no, no.
We-we, uh, we never received
a tracking number.
Can I transfer you
to our shipping department?
Yeah, sure, I can wait.
[line beeping]
[agent 2] This is Mike
from shipping.
Hi. Yes. Yeah.
So this is--
Two boxes missing?
Yeah. Yeah.
This is probably
the fourth person
I've spoken to
about this.
Sorry about that.
Yeah, we haven't
received two boxes.
We never got
a tracking number either.
A couple of people
have said that,
on your end, it says
it's been delivered.
I don't know.
Your dad's suit?
Well, you already stole
his overalls.
but to his memorial?
he wasn't wearing it
when he died.
Go on.
We are here today
to remember
the fortuitous life
of Edgar Cartwell Eden.
Like most of us,
Edgar's roots
in this town go...
go back generations.
All the way back
to the early days
when this was
just a patch of dirt
on a road
to someplace else.
With Edgar's help
and the help
of generations of Edens
that came before him,
Briar Glen was allowed
to-to become the safe haven
for our community
that it is today.
Y'all know how much
Edgar loved this town
with all of his heart.
He gave as much of himself
as he could possibly afford.
He carried the weight
of his family's legacy
with honor and dignity.
And make no mistake,
we are less because of
his devastating absence.
But there is hope.
And that has come
to us in the form
of Edgar's daughter Maia
and her new husband,
Robert Burrows.
Robert, why don't you
stand up, let everybody
get a look at you?
Everybody, give him
some encouragement.
Come on, Robert!
Robert, I know
you're new to these parts,
but I speak for everyone
when I say
you already feel
like one of us.
Thank you.
clears throat]
[clears throat]
All right.
Nobody minds,
I think I'll read
from the big book again.
I like the words.
[scattered chuckles]
And I'll keep it short.
It's getting a mite warm
in here, I know.
Gonna head out
to the shops.
You want anything?
Um, no,
not that I can think of.
I'll call you
if I do.
[door opens]
[entry bell jingles]
[door closes]
Can I help you?
Oh. Hi.
I'm actually looking
for the other lady
that works here.
I'm sorry.
Kathy's not here
right now.
Do you know
when she'll be back?
Can I just say,
on a personal note,
how lovely it is
to have you here
in Briar Glen?
The town has been
infinitely brighter
since you arrived.
I'd be happy
to help you find anything
you might need.
Uh... [chuckles]
[entry bell jingles]
"The Visitor
Watches It Burn."
That's not for sale.
Oh, um...
I'm sorry.
I, uh...
I was just hoping
you might be able to
give me some more
information about it.
Anything would be
really helpful.
It was here
when I bought the store.
And judging
by your accent,
I bet your schools
didn't teach you
the history of this place.
So I'll give you
the short version.
There was a whole lot
of bad going on
back then.
And I'm not
the kind of person
who hides from evil.
No, sir, I--
It can't be.
[chuckles] I know.
Believe me,
I was shocked, too,
when I found it.
I found another one
just like it
in my wife's family's house.
I took a picture.
How did you find me?
It was a woman
named Kathy.
She works in a store
in, uh, Briar Glen.
She gave me this note
with your address on it.
You listen to me,
and you listen good.
You think
you want answers.
You're wrong.
The truth is
your worst enemy.
What you need
is to run back
to London
as fast as your legs
can carry you.
Do you understand me?
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have
come here.
Now go
and don't come back.
I'm sorry.
I wanted to check--
Don't you ever
come back!
I'm leaving,
I'm leaving.
[door closes]
[dishes clanking]
Hey. Where were you?
I was worried.
What's that
doing up there?
we can't laugh
about this yet?
Come on.
You know,
I just found
another one.
Another painting.
Of him.
This time, he was, um...
he was, like,
a Confederate soldier.
There was this crazy
old lady there,
and she was, like...
she was, like,
clawing at me.
She said
I had to move back
to London.
How did she know
I was from London?
Your accent?
No. No, no, no,
no, no.
It was--
it was definitely
more than that.
It felt like she...
I felt like
she-she knew me.
The way
she was looking
at me.
I feel like
everyone knows me.
okay, listen.
I put this painting up
because I thought
it would be
a funny, you know,
inside joke
between the two of us.
I mean, you don't actually
think that's you
in the paintings? [chuckles]
I-I don't know.
Oh, my God.
It looks like me.
This has got
to stop, Robert.
We're gonna make
this place our home.
Do you even
want to be here?
Yes. Yes, I do.
Are you sure?
Yes, of course.
Of course. Yes.
Just think the stress
is getting to me.
The bad dreams,
the move.
You're right.
I just need to, like,
focus on you.
And us and this house
we're in.
Know what?
I'm gonna go
finish up in here.
[dishes clanking]
[liquid pours]
[glass clinking]
[entry bell jingles]
[breathing heavily]
[dog barking in distance]
[insects chirring,
growing louder]
[chirring continues]
[owner screaming]
[water running]
[running stops]
[American accent]
Welcome home, boy.
[narrator on TV]
It spills over
into direct attack,
and the workers
tear the chosen queen
to pieces.
Nothing can go to waste,
even the royal carcass.
Workers carry hungry larvae
over to feast
on the dead queen,
including many that must have
been her own offspring.
[both laugh]
You scared me.
I didn't mean to.
You serious?
[laughs] Yeah.
I'm gonna
be here for you.
I promise.
I love you.
I love you.
[both laughing]
[birds chirping]
And he doth deceive them
that dwell on the Earth
by the means
of those miracles
which he hath power to do.
And the beast
was taken and--
[door opens]
[door closes]
And the beast was taken
and with him the prophet
who worked miracles
before him.
These both were cast
into a lake of fire
burning with brimstone.
Now, our Maia,
she was always first
through the door
at Sunday school
and last to leave.
I had to kick her out
on, well...
...more than
one occasion.
Don't give me
that face.
You know it's true,
you little rascal.
Ah, watch it. It's hot.
Thank you.
To your strong, healthy,
miracle baby boy.
Well, that's not
gonna do.
Drink up.
You know, Robert,
I've been meaning
to ask you something.
Are you
a true believer?
Honestly, I'm not.
Would you give me
your hands?
Come on.
Come on, now.
Give me your hands.
[clears throat]
[whispering, indistinct]
[whispers] You will.
You will be.
When you see for yourself,
you won't be able to deny.
The, um...
the christening's
important to Maia.
So it's important
to me too.
Thank you.
Well, of course.
Of course.
And I don't want you
to have any fears about that.
We do
a simple ceremony.
None of that
drowning the newborn
around here.
That's a relief.
I'm just gonna go
and use the loo.
Okay. Bye.
Oh, he means
the bathroom.
Oh. Down the hall
to the right.
[floorboards creaking]
[floorboard creaks]
Thought I was gonna
have to send out
a search party for you.
I-I took a wrong turn,
and I-I saw this painting.
Do you think it...
It's you.
[laughs] You should see
the look on your face.
I had you there
for a minute,
didn't I? [laughs]
No, no.
This here is none other
than the great
Alistair Edgar.
Man that saved
this town.
See, when our ancestors
first settled this place,
it was...
it was dire.
Famine, disease.
The loss
of human life,
it was...
it was unthinkable.
To say it plainly,
this place was going
to hell in a handbag.
That is, until
Alistair found a way
to pull it up
out of the mud
with his own
fair hands.
Now, this portrait
was a gift from Alistair
to the town.
But if you ask me,
real gift was
Alistair himself.
You can't imagine
how inspiring it is
for me
to wake up
every morning,
first thing I see
is that man's face.
It's the gift
that keeps on giving.
I've seen other paintings
just like this.
I swear it's the same guy
in every single one.
He's always referred to
as "The Visitor."
I mean, could it be
that it's Alistair
in every one?
[sucks teeth]
Genesis 1:27.
"God created man
in his own image,
in the image of God
he created him."
What does that mean?
Bible verses
aren't your thing.
How about this?
There can never
be too much
of a good thing.
I would just take it
as a sign.
You are where
you are meant to be.
And you know what?
I think maybe it's time
for you to get
that young Maia home.
She needs her rest.
Yeah, you're right.
Um, look,
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean
to come into your--
Stop right there.
You are welcome to go
anywhere you want to,
We're just so glad
that you are back.
[Maia] I still cannot believe
you went in his bedroom.
He had one
of those paintings.
Again with the paintings.
He said his name
was Alistair Edgar.
Robert, please,
you promised--
He said he was
the founder of your town.
Alistair Edgar?
Alistair Edgar
was born in the 1700s.
So unless you have
a time machine
that I'm not aware of,
I don't know
what to tell you,
I know I'm starting
to sound crazy,
but this is really,
really beginning to--
Oh, God.
[toads croaking]
Oh. Hey.
Where you going?
I'm just off to, uh,
a doctor's appointment.
Oh. Oh,
I didn't-didn't realize.
No, it's not, uh,
anything important.
It's just
a quick checkup.
So I'm fine.
Oh. You sure?
Yeah. Just wanted
to do this alone,
if that's okay.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Mr. Burrows,
I presume?
Yeah, speaking.
You're alone,
aren't you?
Yeah, I'm alone.
Who is this?
Let that be
your first lesson.
In the town of Briar Glen,
you, sir, are never alone.
thanks for that.
I'm gonna hang up.
No. Wait.
What is it?
I want you to come
to the window
on the far east side
of your house.
Look outside.
I'm really not
in the mood, okay?
I assure you
I am deadly serious.
Just ask
our mutual acquaintance,
The Visitor.
[engine idling]
My, my.
Will you look
at that?
It really is uncanny,
isn't it?
Maxwell Braun.
Purveyor of fine arts
and antiquities.
Please get in
before anyone sees us.
Yeah, I... I don't think
I'm gonna do that. Thanks.
You want answers,
don't you?
It's now or never.
[birds chirping]
[Braun] I call this
"The Visitor series."
This is the first one
that caught my eye.
I was shopping
a collection in Germany,
mostly pieces
from the '30s and '40s,
around the time
of the Second World War.
It was completely buried
amongst the morass.
But something about it
called to me.
If I'm honest,
I think it was
'cause I thought
you were easy
on the eyes.
Or he was.
You get my point.
[clears throat]
...I purchased it
to add to my collection,
then after some time,
it faded from memory.
That is,
until a few years later
when I came across this.
All right, this is...
this is really starting
to creep me out now.
These are just
the tip of the iceberg.
Congo during
Leopold's brutal reign.
Cambodian genocide
during the 1970s.
It became an obsession.
Mining collections,
libraries, museums,
estate sales.
Uncovering hundreds of photos,
all of them featuring
this same man.
And each of them
corresponding to moments
in human history
we wish
we could forget.
Is his name Alistair?
I spent years trying
to ascertain his identity.
To no avail.
Nearly drove me mad.
Then one frustrating
drunken night,
I stumbled across
an online forum
dedicated to rare
and forgotten
contemporary art.
That's where I met
Margaret Delacroix.
From the antique store.
She tumbled down
this rabbit hole
years before me.
Along with a group
of like-minded
she made
significant strides
towards discovering
the insidious truth
behind this man's
And for that,
she paid the ultimate price.
She died?
So who is he?
He is both you
and not you, Robert.
What does that
even mean?
It means you're still
in control
of your own destiny.
You can decide.
But just know
that decision will have
graver repercussions
than you could ever
possibly fathom.
Can you just please
just stop talking to me
in riddles?
What decision?
Just tell me,
honestly and clearly,
what the fuck
is going on?
This is not
your home, Robert.
These people
are not your friends.
And if you're being
honest with yourself,
I think you know
that already.
Their gain is not only
your loss,
but the rest
of the world's loss
as well.
But you can
still leave.
Go back to London,
or better yet,
find somewhere
even more remote
where nobody can
possibly find you.
By all means,
be happy.
Use this money
to create and live
a comfortable life.
Just live it
What about my wife?
We're expecting a son.
I can't just leave.
A boy.
This is even more urgent
than I thought.
What has my son
got to do with this?
You, your son
and every male heir
in your bloodline
from here until eternity
will be affected
by the choice
you make, Robert.
Go, and be the good man
you were raised to be.
Or stay and end up
in one of these photos.
Stay and become
The Visitor.
[tapping on glass]
[Maia] Robert?
[tapping continues]
[pounds table]
Been thinking
a lot recently.
What with the baby coming,
everything that's going on
with these paintings--
Again with
the paintings.
I think we should move
back to London.
Excuse me?
Something is off
about this place, Maia.
Maybe you don't see it
because you grew up here.
Maybe you blocked it out.
But I don't feel safe.
Why? Because you bear
a passing resemblance
to a man in a painting?
Yes. Actually, that.
Since we got here,
there have been
real consequences.
People have died.
Margaret Delacroix,
the lady from the art shop.
And what about Kathy?
One minute, she's here,
the next minute, she's gone.
I'm sure Kathy is fine.
And no one
seems to care!
What if we're next?
Do you know how crazy
this sounds, Robert?
Why? Because I want
to raise my child
in a place that feels safe?
No, what's crazy
is that after we've taken
all of our stuff
halfway across the world,
now you're pulling this shit?
I'm not pulling
I met a guy today,
said his name
was Maxwell Braun.
Maxwell Braun?
That's what this is about?
He's famously insane!
He had information.
He showed me photos.
What about me?
[pounds table]
What about
what I want?
This is my home, Robert.
And for once in my life,
it's starting to feel
like my home.
I'm not gonna give that up
over some fucking delusion.
This is not
a fucking delusion.
You can go to London.
You'll be going alone.
[TV playing, indistinct]
[Robert grunts]
[baby crying]
[crying continues]
[crying continues]
[crying intensifies]
Family, hearth,
straw and stone.
Start anew.
[Braun, recorded]
Robert, it's Maxwell.
I received your message.
I'm here
at our meeting place
as you requested,
but I can't stay here
much longer.
You don't know
what these people
are capable of.
Please hurry.
[car door closes]
Where have you been?
[line beeps]
[seat belt clicks]
[glove compartment
[glove compartment
Mr. Braun?
He never loved me.
Who is this?
He wanted a son.
He needed a son.
I wanted to tell you
for so long.
But Pastor Ellis
convinced me
you weren't ready.
Not ready for what?
Maia, who the fuck
is this?
Edgar Cartwell Eden.
Our father.
Look, I know it's a lot
to take in, Robert.
But it is time
that you hear the truth.
You were kidnapped, Robert.
[car door opens]
[baby crying]
[car door closes]
[engine starts]
[tires squealing]
[Maia] They smuggled you
to London, found you a family
far away from us.
They tried to break the cycle.
Braun. Margaret.
Amongst others.
But they got
what they deserved.
So you killed them?
Oh, no, sweetheart.
You did.
Those aren't nightmares
you've been having,
are they, Robert?
That's not me.
That never happened.
[Kathy screaming]
[Maia] Robert, you have
to stop fighting this.
Deep down,
you know what you are.
[insects buzzing]
[Braun sobbing]
Oh, no, please.
Oh, no.
No, please.
You don't have
to do this.
[sobbing continues]
No, please.
Please. Please.
Please. Please.
You're a light-bearer,
A vessel
for a greater power.
Just like every
firstborn male in our family
since Alistair
sacrificed his bloodline
for the people of this town.
No, this
isn't real.
This is all
in my messed-up,
stupid fucking head.
This is your privilege.
Don't you understand?
I was sent out
into the world
as a little girl
to find you
and bring you home.
Took me years!
I have sacrificed
so much for this family!
Now it's your turn.
I don't know
what these people
have been telling you
or how they brainwashed you,
but you need to listen to me.
I'm Robert. You're Maia.
We're married.
We were living
together in London,
and then your father--
Our father.
Our father!
Your father--
Your father passed away,
and now we're here
in your childhood home,
You're-you're pregnant.
Jesus fucking Christ.
You're pregnant?
Our son...
is our future.
He was always
part of the plan.
In London,
we were supposed
to have a little girl!
I did my part.
What is that
supposed to mean?
You needed a boy.
You fuck--
[groaning, panting]
Oh, fuck.
Oh, what is
happening to me?
You stopped taking
your medication.
The herbs are beginning
to work. Hey, Robert.
It's okay.
They're helping you
to transition.
We can finally
be the family
we always wanted.
Be who you were
always meant to be.
[announcer on TV,
[Maia] Oh, my God,
I've so been duped.
Do they sell
pecan pie here?
Uh, no, I don't--
I don't think so.
Yeah. I, uh...
I asked this man
outside my hotel
where in this city
I could get
a slice of pecan pie.
He gave me
this address.
Yeah, I definitely think
he was pulling your leg.
[laughs] I think you
might be right there.
Damn. [laughs]
Your first time
in London?
That obvious?
Yeah, there's not
a lot of pecan pie spots.
[laughs] No kidding.
[clears throat]
I'm Robert,
by the way.
I'm Maia.
[group chanting]
Start anew!
[group chanting]
...when he takes his throne.
[all] Family, hearth,
straw and stone!
Start anew
when he takes his throne!
Family, hearth...
Brothers and sisters,
we are saved.
The Eden bloodline
will finally be restored.
We humbly present our bodies
as a living sacrifice
to he who came to us
in our time of need
and offered us power,
purpose and hope.
We invoke you
to awaken this vessel
to prepare Lucian,
he of purest Eden blood,
to fulfill his destiny
as the final prophecy
has foretold.
[group] he takes his throne.
Family, hearth,
straw and stone.
It is the last hour,
the hour
when darkness reigns!
Family, hearth,
straw and stone!
He prepares the vessel!
[group] Family, hearth,
straw and stone...
[Joseph] He makes
his way into this world!
[group] Family, hearth,
straw and stone.
He comes!
[group] Start anew
when he takes his throne.
[chanting fades]
[The Visitor]
Welcome home, boy.
Find him, Maia.
Welcome, baby Lucian,
bringer of light,
lord of fire and blood.
We charge you now, Robert,
to raise him well,
that on your death,
he will become you
and complete our dark lord's
work on this Earth.
[chanting] Take the throne.
Rise up now,
baby Lucian.
The last in your line.
[chanting continues]
The chosen one.
The long wait
is over.
Your time is upon us.
[group chanting]
Take the throne.
Take the throne.
Take the throne.
Take the throne.
Take the throne.
Take the throne.
Take the throne.
Take the throne.
Take the throne.
Take the throne.
[Joseph] Will you
accept this honor, Robert?
[crying continues]
[joints crack]
[crying continues]
I'm off.
I'll see you
in a few days.
[footsteps departing]
Brothers and sisters,
today is a new dawn.
It is a time of destruction,
a time of renewal.
Now The Visitor will make
his dwelling place among us.
And from our humble hearth,
he will cast his reign
like a shadow
over all the world.
[engine starts]
tears will spill forth
from his mouth.
They will bow before him,
one and all.
Engulfed in his unholy fire,
the world will kneel.
And we,
brothers and sisters,
we shall be
at his right hand
as he assumes his throne.
[cheering, faint]
[cheering, whistling]
[crowd chanting]
Robert! Robert! Robert!
Robert! Robert!
Robert! Robert! Robert!
Robert! Robert!
Robert! Robert! Robert!
Robert! Robert!
Robert! Robert! Robert!
Robert! Robert!
[chant distorts, fades]
For now, we lay in wait,
as he goes forth
to plant the seeds
for what is to come.
A new kingdom.
A new beginning.
A new Eden.
[birds chirping]
[insects chirring]
["Devil Like You"
by Gareth Dunlop playing]
I'm in too deep
You're the fix
I've come to need
Oh, no
Look what you've done to me
You caught me off guard
Then tore my world apart
Oh, no
This thing has gone too far
It's too late
I can't escape
Only a devil like you
Could make me sin like I do
I've got a weakness
I am a fool
For a devil
For a devil like you
For a devil like you
You're guilty as charged
My soul bares the marks
Oh, no
I'm just as bad as you are
You are my wicked thrill
I just can't get my fill
Oh, no
This kind of living
could kill
It's too late
I can't escape
Only a devil like you
Could make me sin like I do
I've got a weakness
I am a fool
For a devil
For a devil like you
[song ends]