The Wait (2013) Movie Script

You're a Libra,
aren't you, darlin'?
Yes, I'm a Libra.
Who's this?
I'm Tia.
Well, how did
you know that?
Can I please have
your first name only?
It's Emma.
Things always happen
for a reason.
Don't you agree?
Love is in the air.
I know this
doesn't make sense, but...
just wait and see, darlin'.
Hold tight.
They will return.
Have a good life, now.
I'm finished.
She's all dressed.
That woman that just called,
she knew all kinds of things about me.
What do you mean she knew
all kinds of things about you?
Just stuff.
Who called?
Who was it?
She knew Mama just died.
She said...
she's gonna come back.
That's fucking...
That's fucking crazy, Emma.
What does she mean?
She said to wait.
To hold tight.
And she'll return.
Nice shot.
I like that the smoke from
the fire doesn't bother you.
Doesn't bother me either.
Are you okay?
My grandma died.
Just today?
In there?
I'm sorry.
Let's wait.
Just a few days.
I know.
She won't know my kids.
So what's the harm?
Karen's with someone.
She looks
more and more like Mom.
This isn't like you.
Do you like school?
I'm good
in all my classes.
I'm best in history,
which is weird
'cause I don't like it.
What don't you like about it?
I don't know if all
that stuff really happened.
Well, that's what
historians are for.
Is that
what you are?
Someday, maybe.
was that?
You know what they say about souls
escaping through open windows.
Tell me when it's safe
to come back.
Look, we're gonna have
a party for it.
You're creepy.
We could all use one.
Hey, it's me.
You alone?
You wanna smoke?
No, man.
What are you doing?
What's up with the A/C?
It's cold.
Yeah, I'll turn it down.
Looking at porn?
Not true.
You okay?
How's... your mom?
I'm sorry about
the other night.
What do you mean?
I don't care.
It's just not for me.
What's not for you?
You know.
I don't.
Hey, what was here
before all the houses?
Can I use some stuff
in your shop?
What for?
To build something.
Something I've wanted
to do for a while.
- Come on, sit, sit, sit.
- Nice one, Paul.
Green and Blue.
Still green?
- It's coming, Barney.
- Shit.
This is Angela Goren.
I'm calling about my mother.
This could make
the news, sweetie.
Most likely one
of those morning shows.
But, Mom...
Where's Daddy?
He's at home in the city.
Can't make it
for a couple of days.
Will they stop the fires?
I'll be in
in a little while.
we decorate.
Are you
expecting someone?
Thankfully, she left
everything so organized.
Emma, I waited
for Karen to go to bed.
While I was sleeping?
You were gonna let them take her?
Calm down.
What the fuck?
You didn't hear the voice.
Let me go!
What are you doing?
No! I'm not letting
them take her!
Last time, you didn't
listen to me...
about that fucked-up fianc of yours,
and look where that got you.
You haven't been
touched in a year.
Can I help you?
That's my little sister.
She called.
About your mother
No, she hasn't.
I'm sorry.
She's having a hard time.
She wakes up thinking
it's already happened.
- Is the hospice nurse here?
- That's me.
I know what they say about family members
doing it despite qualifications.
That's none of our business.
I'm sorry.
We understand.
You've never
done that to me.
Yes, I have.
Maybe 20 years ago,
when we were playing.
I'm going to town tomorrow.
And when I get back,
she should be gone.
I only have
a few days here.
I shouldn't drink around you.
What's Henry think
of all this?
Have you told him?
Told him that his wife
suddenly believes in magic?
You weird fucking loser.
You take care of dead people.
You took care
of Mom.
Look at me.
I bet you didn't
even know it was her...
until she fucking died, right?
Tell your
lucky husband whatever,
but tell him
he needs to get here.
Tell him
we have a lot of work to do.
I need Mom's computer back
to do it.
Hello. Angela.
I saw you with my niece.
She told me
about her grandma.
They're her favorites.
My mom
didn't like sweets.
It seems the healthiest
people get it.
You knew she was sick?
Karen said.
Well, she ate well.
Other things
were harder.
My died dad, and...
she always sort
of missed him.
Were they soul mates?
Nah. They should
have got divorced.
I'm Ben.
I'll tell her
you say hi.
Tell her
the history student.
Place a marigold
in a cave outside the house.
Karen to perform
a dance for Grandma.
Party dresses.
Hide the keys.
Drinks. Snacks.
Call the local news.
Two of those
are in Southern Oregon.
The wildfire burning in Central Oregon
has forced the evacuation...
of the Black Butte
Fire Lookout Station,
according to the Central Oregn
Interagency Dispatch Center.
Black Butte Two fire was
reported early this morning.
It's burning on the southeast
slope of Black Butte.
The fire is about a mile and a half
north of Black Bute Ranch near Sisters...
and has grown
to about 300 acres now.
A spokesman
from the dispatch center...
says it appears that
lightning caused the fire.
A federal team out of Central
Oregon are being sent...
to help battle this blaze.
Hey! Ben!
You wanna look at Mars tonight?
It's closer to the Earth
than it's ever been.
Let's do that.
Besides, I don't know
what else to do.
It'll never reach us.
There she is.
That's not a girl.
That's a girl.
Is this
on your mom's account?
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me, would ya?
The registry for her death
certificate wasn't there.
It's another sign.
They moved their offices
to Bend.
You're gonna have her
rot in there?
It's Mom!
Hey, Ian.
I left my board here.
I haven't seen it.
You want a smoothie?
That's cool.
Where's Sam?
They went to Portland
for a few days.
I just found this...
this taping...
of a show I was on
when I was a kid.
But I never saw it.
Yeah, Sam said you're
on a real nostalgia kick.
Here, check it out.
He's from Newberg, Oregon.
The top row up here.
What's your name?
That's right.
All right.
Another one.
Second girl.
And there's a smile
if I ever saw one, right?
We need one more now.
Here we go.
Do you mind?
Does Sammy smoke?
What is your name?
Smile for us, Adam.
All right.
I saw a couple up here.
Where was it I saw...
Right down here.
- What is your name?
- Stuart.
How's your mom doing?
I'll show you
something really good.
I want
something fun.
Show me a beach.
That was horrible.
Why'd you show me that?
Watch again.
See, this is good.
It's real.
All right, play it again,
but slower.
You can't.
I wanna...
I wanna pause it.
Why does she do that?
They're holding hands.
It's her dad. And she just lets go.
Did you grow up here?
Yeah, in the summers.
My mom and my little brother
moved here full-time after my dad...
Did you know that this whole area is a...
is a dried-up sea?
Oh, yeah?
I did my research.
My dad's been trying to
get me to visit for a while.
What do you do?
Study rocks,
more or less.
Just make us
feel super puny.
I don't know why I thought
we'd be able to see it.
I had a dream today
after we met.
I took a nap.
We met today, right?
So, Barbra Streisand
was on Oprah,
and she was crying,
and... she confessed to the world
that she had full-blown AIDS.
And Oprah took her hand,
and she said, "So do I."
And they were both
just totally crying.
And right after
she said it, she...
She was crying so hard
that she farted.
And I...
This really sad moment became
really funny for everyone else.
What's that mean?
I just...
I thought it was...
Did they, um,
take your mom?
Hey, this is weird, but...
Will you give me something?
Give what?
Something from your niece.
There's only one.
Do you wanna share it?
Like what?
What do you mean?
I'm making her something.
What for?
She struck me.
Something that maybe she used to
really like and then forgot about.
We have this too.
Her first toy.
Can I have it back?
Sweetie, time to get up.
I met a boy, Mom.
Will you hang out with me
while I get my nails done?
Should we get haircuts?
So many colors.
Spin it.
Spin it.
Am I late?
Didn't see you.
You saying
I blend in?
You scared me.
I'm scary
when I'm hungry.
I've known you for a day
and you've got me stealing.
Better be good.
I like Grandpa's car.
Do you get to have it?
Grandma might want
to use it.
I'm sorry she's sick.
No, she's not.
It's okay.
She's not.
A horse got covered
in that stuff yesterday.
It was sad.
I saw it.
It won't hurt it.
It's just magnesium
and water...
and a little iron oxide
filled with fertilizer.
You know,
they used to sacrifice them to stop fires.
I thought
they used people.
Horses, people, robots.
What am I doing?
Maybe try
eating something.
Sorry. I...
I just can't do this.
All right,
how much again?
A hundred.
Oh, shit.
My wallet.
This is all I have.
For the preemie.
The preemie.
The runt.
Oh, a box.
I'll keep it a secret.
Hello? Angela.
Star my number.
We lived together
for four years.
You never swore at me ever.
Not once.
And I thought
that was normal.
You made me smart.
You made me not afraid.
You liar.
You told me
I was paranoid.
You were kidding? My baggage?
Are you kidding me?
I have never felt as old
and ugly as I have this year!
And you just kept saying,
"No, no, no," and I knew it!
I knew it!
And you said no!
- You said no. No!
- Angela...
It's my mom's.
I thought you could use
it for your project.
Hi, kids.
Hey, Dad.
This is Angela.
- Wish I could stay and chat.
- It's fine.
How was your game?
Pretty mean.
But I think I saw an alien.
I wish you
could have met her.
What was she like?
Like that?
I love loving you.
Hey, baby.
Yeah, I used to call you that.
Everyone's asking
about the computer.
How's Karen?
She's good.
A little bored.
I got her a present.
She's gonna get it
Chorus Singing,
Faint ]
Okay. You wanna meet by the lake?
Just follow the bouncing ball.
You too.
Can I use
your computer?
No, not tonight.
I watched that damn thing
on there 20 times.
Well, ours
is getting fixed.
Just can't get it
out of my head.
Why'd she let go?
Watching that stuff's
really addictive.
It's a huge problem
in China.
Well, if it's
a huge problem in China,
don't you think
it's a huge problem here?
What'd you find?
Oh, just a book
I lent him.
It's good you guys read.
He's good, right?
All right.
Oh, forget it.
I hate toasts.
No, I don't.
I know.
To the shadows...
of our forgotten ancestors.
Stop saying
good things.
"Stop saying good things."
That's so cheesy.
That's an old wedding toast.
You'd never guess where I was
gonna be a year ago today.
You'd never guess
where I was gonna be.
I'd never lie to you.
Oh, God.
I told you they...
took my mom.
I tri... I...
I tried to get them...
to take her.
I did. I...
I tried to...
Close to you.
No. Not now.
Don't stop.
Yes. Yes.
Oh, Ben, m-make me...
I was gonna record
our heartbeat, but forgot.
Sweetie, don't look
if it bothers you.
Okay, stop for a sec.
Now breathe.
Almost to the ears.
Here it comes.
That's you.
I can't stop.
I can't stop.
That's me.
When it comes out and expands,
I want it to take a big breat.
Look at that.
Now I'm gonna...
You're doing perfect.
Turn off all the lights for Mama.
We have a big day tomorrow.
Okay, now give me a little push.
Just a little, wee push.
It makes sense now.
It makes sense now!
Data on computers.
And when she... got...
I just gotta...
You said this place
was a dried-up sea.
Yeah, this whole...
This whole area.
You can easily turn sand
into silicon.
And with the magnesium from the fire,
retardant is everywhere!
That's how you do it.
You mix the two and heat it.
Should we try it?
Maybe it happened!
Maybe... when she died,
the sudden
emission of energy...
got stored in the...
in the earth around her.
And when
it gets too full...
It crashes!
And the bits and pieces are released
back to where they came from!
Will you come?
You're going to meet her!
The whole place!
Come on!
Rise up!
Rise up! Rise!
Rise up!
No! Rise!
Every room!
Where is she?
Rise up!
All right.
Come on.
We have to...
Let's go back in,
Make it happen.
Make her see them!
Make her see my kids!
Do you like?
You look beautiful.
Let's row.
What are those,
clothes from high school?
Stop hiding.
It's okay
that you couldn't do it.
The fires are out.
Hi, buddy.
So they couldn't fix it?
It was old,
so I got this.
They transferred
everything onto it.
Hi, Daddy.
Hey, girl.
You cut your hair too.
Do you like it?
Yeah, baby.
Give me a hug.
Come here.
How's your grandma?
Do you wanna go say hi with me?
What you got there?
Not now.
She's not back.
Not back?
Can I see now?
What do you mean?
She went out?
A new computer?
Karen, why don't you take
your uncle and go set it up?
What's going on?
she's getting ready.
What's that box?
It was the preemie.
I'm so sorry.
Something bad's
gonna happen.
Just wait and see, darlin'.
Can I please have
your first name only?
I'm Tia.
I'm Miss Tia.
Oh, my goodness.
I want you
to really remember.
Just wait and see,
Just wait and see, darlin'.
You know things
always happen for a reason.
Don't you agree?
Love is in the air.
You're a Libra,
aren't you, darlin'?
That's you.
Your mom's a Libra.
Oh, my goodness.
They will return.
I'm Tia.
I have a good life now.
Stop it.
Who is it?
It's Sammy.
He's in the city.
"Below are two
nearly identical images.
In them are three
slight differences.
See if you can find them.
Only a genius has been
proven to do it."
Goddamn it!
What did you show her?
What are these?
What for?
Who sent them?
Can you believe it?
She's gone.
I just saw her.
No, don't.
I had to
get better.
Don't tell