The Wait (2021) Movie Script

The things that keep us up at night.
Things that set us off on our journey.
In life, there's a natural order.
A time for when dreams become reality.
This usually takes time.
But waiting in line
is most times not our thing.
Tell this guy to move now!
And watching it grow.
Yes, I have a meeting
with the board of trustees in three hours.
Seed, time and harvest.
Thank you. Bye.
There is time in between the wait.
It's a roller coaster of emotions.
Faith, courage, pain.
Yes. Oh, yes.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning.
Then, at last, it's yours.
Gorgeous, gorgeous. She's gorgeous.
Give her to me.
Yes, can I have a cloth?
Congratulations. It's a girl.
Yes! Yes, I knew it was a girl.
I knew it was a girl.
Dr. Nara, something's not right.
What happened?
that which you thought was yours,
maybe is not.
Does it get any easier?
Delivering bad news.
Talking about loss is never easy,
you know.
When you've waited for so long
for something,
you'd expect it to stay with you.
Very well, so I guess
I don't know, it's life.
Anyway, Tosan. How is she?
Same old.
She hasn't been out of the house
for the past one month.
You know that book she is writing?
That's her husband. I'm just the side guy.
You know, maybe it's good
she doesn't go out,
'cause when she does,
she goes on this impulse buying
and it really drives me nuts.
It could be depression.
seeing what she's been through,
it's not far-fetched, is it?
Well, now that you mention, I think
the waiting room, it's time for her.
The waiting room?
Nara's fan club.
Bayo, why are you like this?
You see, many of my patients
have struggled with conception.
Difficult conception
and even more difficult pregnancies.
I started the waiting room
because of them.
The one who lost a baby earlier,
she's a member.
The women, the ladies who came to see her
part of the family.
They're like sisters.
It's all about the support, Bayo.
Waiting for a child is hard.
Waiting alone, inconceivable.
Okay, fine.
I'll talk to Tosan about it.
But you know how she can be.
I know.
I know.
Happy birthday, Nara.
- You thought I forgot, right?
- Thank you.
Come here.
Thank you.
God, I need more friends like you.
Thank you.
So, it's my birthday, and I lose a baby.
Look, I gotta go.
I will see you later. Okay?
Yeah. Thank you.
Nara's fan club. I'll see you.
See you later.
Did you go out today?
Isn't that what you wanted?
How much did you spend?
Not much.
Was there traffic?
I'm sorry. I should have called.
I stopped over at the hospital
to see Nara.
To gossip about me, right?
No. It's her birthday today.
That's true.
The best friend's birthday.
Tosan, you're my best friend.
Nara and I were talking
and apparently she's created this group,
you know?
Some patients of hers who
AA meetings.
But for women who don't have children.
- Tosan, you should...
- No, thank you.
- I haven't even mentioned what...
- Tell me that's not what it is.
It's a support group.
- Okay? For people who do not have as we...
- I'll go serve dinner.
You must be very hungry.
Guy, what were you thinking?
It's called "shooting your shot."
Tell me about yourself.
- Mr. Somto Kalu?
- Sir?
Please calm down.
Yes, security.
Sir. Sir.
Please, sir, wait. Sir, wait. Wait, wait.
So you're not crying again?
Actually, sir, it was a mistake.
It was a mistake.
Sir, please.
I'm just very desperate for a job.
Sir, please. Take me
as your younger brother.
Take me as your younger brother.
- Please, sir.
- Yes. Yes. Please, take him out.
Okay, take me as your son.
As your son. Will you do this to your son?
Sir, please calm down.
Sir, you need to be calm...
Yeah. Security man.
Hey. Sir, please.
Security man... But... Look.
And I cried. I cried.
You are just here laughing
because you have a job.
Your taxi business is thriving.
So don't worry keep laughing.
At least I know that I have
a benefactor in you.
Were you not the one
that gave me this television
after changing the one in your room?
Next time you should dance
instead of crying.
We had fun at UNN.
Those days.
Good times when we would go
and dance at that Ajara.
You remember.
Guy, it was all fun and good vibes.
Why don't you start dancing again?
You know.
Yes, you still know how to dance.
Are you out of your mind?
You want me to go
and start dancing in computer village.
What is wrong with those dancing there?
You still have these moves.
Show it to the world.
Do I look like a child to you?
Is dancing meant for just children?
What if you become a dance instructor
and recruit those children
causing trouble in the community,
- and then teach them how to dance...
- Essien, please.
Guy think about
what I'm trying to tell you.
Think about what exactly?
Think about dancing again.
So with my first class in architecture
you want me to take to the street
to dance?
What do you want me to tell my mother?
Do you want her to have hypertension?
With your outstanding result,
aren't you crying to get a job?
Will you pause your life because
you are waiting for a breakthrough?
You'd do something. You will move on.
Guy, stop talking about it.
- I should stop?
- Yes, stop.
What? Aren't you satisfied?
And you say I'm your benefactor.
- No, keep it up.
- Calm down. Okay, take one spoon.
No. Oh, finish it.
Just go look for another benefactor
because that's your last supper from me.
- Eat now.
- No, oh!
- Okay, open your mouth.
- No.
- Happy birthday, deary.
- Thanks, Tee.
Please, when you are coming,
bring me some food.
When are you coming?
This my big head boy Jide.
He didn't tell me they had
a presentation at school tomorrow,
so I have to help him finish it,
and I have to even be
at the open day tomorrow.
- I am really, really sorry, sweetie.
- That's all right. I'll be fine.
Are you sure? Are you going to be okay?
Of course I will be.
I'm sorry.
Please give my regards
to Jide and Kay, okay?
- I'll make it up to you, I promise you.
- It's fine. There's no need.
- Okay? You know me.
- Yeah, yeah. Okay.
All right. Bye-bye, love.
I need to get into the house.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Nara
Happy birthday to you
And this is the moment we get to party!
Music, please.
Thank you, thank you, everyone,
for coming. I mean, I don't know.
I didn't know you were coming.
- Is this white wine?
- Yeah.
So, where is he? Where is he?
My friend says he'll be here.
He used to be a classmate of hers.
He's a great guy.
He's not your friend,
he is your friend's friend?
My friend's friend is my friend.
How do they say it?
My friend. Yeah. Whatever.
- I've never had that one before.
- He'll be here.
Did I tell you this morning
my mummy's pastors got together,
about 10 of them,
calling me one after the other.
Tell me, is there a sin,
or is there anything that says
I can't stay unmarried?
Must I be married?
Your mum won't agree.
Best believe that.
The photos do you no justice, Nara.
Happy birthday.
Thank you! I'll just put this in a vase.
Sit. Please.
I am Kachi.
And this is the final product, right?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Ever wonder why the word "home"
trumps the word " house"?
Home means family.
It means people.
My father used to say something
when I was younger.
In his words,
when you walk into your home,
you don't just want to feel safe,
you want to feel it's welcoming warmth.
That is the effect of good design.
And it was on that foundation
that he built this company.
Less is more.
People just... People want...
I mean, when I look at this design,
so much is happening
that I can't feel the warmth of the home.
And I know that the contract before us
is daunting,
so I see the temptation
to want to go for the spectacular.
we must never forget what home means.
What happened to
the last batch of interviews?
Unfortunately, we've not been able
to get anyone yet.
Put out another ad. Let's find someone.
All right, I will be on my way now.
Carry on.
My mother-in-law moved in with us
since we got married
and she's always telling me
not to waste her son's sperm.
Must you now tell us every time?
Like Dr. Nara tells us,
this waiting room is for everyone.
It doesn't matter if you've been waiting
for a day or 10 years.
We will listen to you.
No matter how many times
you want to say it.
But it is also important
that we are sensitive
towards each other's moods.
That being said,
thank you for sharing, Esohe.
Thank you.
Tamilore, do we have any other business?
Yes, Mrs. Sosan.
Ladies, for now,
the Sosans have asked
that we please respect their privacy.
They will not be taking any visitors.
So does it mean
we'll just leave her like that?
We have to do what she wants.
And if she returns, we'll be here for her.
That's all we can do.
Do you think she'll be able to come back?
We wrapped her chair there
because we thought she had left us
and she wasn't coming back.
If it was me, I won't come back.
I know it might not be
an easy decision for her to return,
but if she decides to, we are her family.
We will be here for her.
That's all we can do.
And like the testimonies in this book,
we just have to keep the faith.
We have to keep the faith.
We have to keep praying.
And we have to keep hope alive
during the wait, okay?
This has really helped me
through all of this.
It's been hard but this has helped me.
And I actually have some copies
for everyone.
Thank you.
It's okay, it's nothing.
It's called God's Waiting Room.
I think that is all.
Are you okay?
What happened?
She was there.
She was there.
Babe, maybe
Maybe the new project is putting
a lot of pressure on you.
The dreams started before the deal.
- I need
- Okay.
Don't worry, babe. I'll take care of it.
For Christ's sake!
It's okay. I'll handle it.
- For Christ's sake!
- Babe, babe, babe. Hey, hey
It's okay. It's okay.
It's not.
It's not okay.
Punch him! Go closer.
Punch him in the head.
Can't you see he is cursed?
He is about to get you
Okay, I'll let her know.
- Stop.
- Who's that?
- Stop.
- Speak English.
Speak English!
- Are you serious?
- Speak English.
Learn Yoruba. I keep telling you,
you need to learn Yoruba.
Yes, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Come closer to me. Come closer.
What do you think about adoption?
I don't think about it.
I'm going to have my own baby.
That's that.
Okay, okay. Okay.
It's okay.
Father Lord, we thank you.
We thank you because we believe
that you have answered our prayers.
King of eternal glory,
you remembered Hannah,
and so we believe
that you will remember us.
Lord God, we thank you because we believe
that you have blessed us with a child
Can you take this outside?
You're disturbing me.
- Babe.
- What?
There's enough space in the guest room
for you to pray to your God.
Mr. Okeke, I'll appreciate it
if you spoke English.
What are you talking about?
Are you not an Ibo woman?
You should be able to uphold your culture.
I'm simply asking, does it mean
that my wife will now become a man?
That's not the appropriate interpretation,
Mr. Okeke.
- Your wife needs an hysterectomy.
- I want a boy.
I want a son.
Your wife does not
determine the gender of your child.
Stop all these talk.
What are you talking about?
Are you trying to lecture me?
But the bleeding will kill her.
She will not die. My wife will not die.
I want a son.
Do you know what it means
for a man to want a son?
- No, I don't.
- You don't.
Oh! You have a daughter too.
No, I don't, but I'm not
the subject of this conversation.
Oh! You have no kids!
No wonder now!
What are we talking about here?
Come. What is your husband doing about it?
Like I said, I am not the subject
I don't even understand
what you are talking about.
Because I...
Calm down.
Oh, my God!
Does it mean you are not married?
No wonder you keep saying
you're not the subject in this matter.
You're not married!
Then why are you talking to me?
A grown-up woman...
A grown-up woman like you,
you are not married, you have no kids.
You have nothing!
Regarding to childbirth,
whether male or female, you have none.
Me, that is looking for a son...
After how many years of looking for a son,
you are here advising me,
talking to me about...
Come, I need a senior consultant here now.
Somebody that is married,
that understands.
That knows what it means to have a
I'll be right back.
- Hello, Mum.
- How are you?
I'm fine, Mum.
Can I call you back?
Your sister and her husband
are flying into the country next week.
I want you to come home
to have lunch with us.
I'll check my schedule and call you back.
Check it, and come.
- It's family.
- Okay, Mum.
- Mum?
- What?
I need a favor, please.
Can you not talk about my divorce?
Okay, I've heard. Bye.
Thank you.
Dance with Somto.
Dance with Somto.
It doesn't sound right.
Somto's Steppers.
Somto's Steppers.
Guy, what's up? My water has finished.
Can I have some from you?
You are asking after already taking it?
What is the matter?
Somto's Steppers
is a terrible name, by the way.
I knew it.
I said it. It doesn't sound right.
But wait, I was thinking
Somto Dance Group.
What do you think?
Somto Dance Group
Somto Dance Group.
That's dope!
- Think about it.
- That's dope!
Akin. Wake up, wake up.
It's okay, babe.
It's okay. It's just a dream.
It's not just a dream, Akin.
This is warfare.
It's not just a dream.
This woman, she's
She is trying to stop me
from having my baby.
Our baby.
Akin, we need to do something.
Akin, we need to do something.
It's not just a dream.
Let's pray.
- Our Father and our God, we thank you.
- Amen.
We thank you because your word says
where two or three touch and agree,
you're there.
- Yes, Lord.
- Father, we come against any attack
Essien. How are you?
I'm very well, thank you.
Drive safe, okay?
Oh, I can drive.
- Take time to pray, okay? At 12.
- Yeah.
- Twelve.
- Twelve?
- Twelve.
- I'll do the same.
- I love you, okay?
- I love you too.
- Be safe.
- Take care.
- Careful.
- Essien
- Yes, ma?
- Drive safe, oh.
- All right, ma.
- He needs you.
Mrs. Williams, touch. I got you.
Look, don't give that woman food again.
She'll go back to her village.
What kind of bad advice
are you giving the girl now?
- You see, she's sad
- Tamilore.
It's Aisha! You should know.
Okay, sorry, oh.
- Feed her.
- Feed her.
In so doing, you are heaping
hot coals on her head.
What is wrong with this one?
Hot coals!
Not just coals, Wande Coal!
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
We're having a meeting here.
- I'll be in soon, then.
- Soon?
No, you are...
You're at the wrong place, sir.
- It is the waiting room, right?
- Yes, it is the waiting room for women.
Well, then I'm in the right place.
I'm sorry, you can't sit here.
The chairs with the ankara wrappings.
It's for women who...
They've had their babies already,
so they are no longer waiting.
So, you can't sit here.
Thank you.
Maybe he is a doctor.
Good evening.
Thank you. It's good to see everyone here.
Well, we'll start from
the very beginning and the obvious.
We have a new member here.
Please introduce yourself.
Thank you, everyone.
My name is Bayo Olaoluwa
and I'm waiting for a baby.
Hey, Oluchi, leave him alone.
He is someone else's husband.
- You're welcome.
- Welcome.
Thank you so much.
You're welcome, Bayo.
Here we share our burdens, our fears.
We listen to each other.
We tell each other our stories.
We make no judgment whatsoever.
And you are under no obligation
to tell us your story today.
There is more to life, so
Today, we'll go straight into
the business of the day,
so we are going to be discussing
different options for IVF.
All right?
And here I've got flyers
from Aneden Gives,
which is an NGO
that's also providing assistance
and support for people
in need of IVF treatments.
There are also clinics and agencies
that will also aid with people seeking
surrogacy programs.
They will aid us with that.
I know
I know it's not common practice.
It isn't, but these things do work.
Oh, well,
I just want you to know the option is open
and whatever you choose is fine.
And if anyone has
any questions whatsoever,
you can see me after the meeting.
And, as always, we have biscuits
I must always attend it.
I love these meetings.
No problem.
- Thank you very much.
- All right then.
- Okay then. My regards to the family.
- I will.
I'm glad you came, Bayo.
How is it that they can
still keep smiling?
But the smile doesn't mean
that there is no pain.
We all keep smiling
to keep alive, don't we?
You know, hearing their stories,
you just realize that
waiting is tough.
We all need an anchor that holds.
Tosan used to have that anchor.
Nara, how is it that my wife
who will pray for my heart
to get close to God
has turned away so completely from Him
and is so angry with Him?
Five miscarriages, Bayo. Five!
That can break anyone.
First, the rush of excitement,
then dashed expectations.
Hope deferred
can make the heart weary.
But His hope
is an anchor for our soul.
Hang in there, Bayo.
Just like she did for you.
Who wants to dance?
Would you rather get burnt?
What is your problem?
I think you're sick.
You are sick.
What is your problem?
Why are you still standing here?
If you don't find
your way out of here before I...
Boss, should I deal with
this boy for you, or what?
So how did Jide's presentation
go the other day?
It was great.
I'm sure he gets his smarts
from his godmother.
- I'm a good influence on him.
- Yes.
Chocolates, sweet treats every other week.
Great influence you are. Yes.
Thank you.
- Nara.
- What?
I'm really sorry about your birthday.
Tee, it's fine.
I told you it was okay.
Any new man on the horizon?
You never fail me. No.
There is none, except you want to count
all those men who come to the hospital
asking me to be their third,
fourth or fifth wife.
Nara, I have to be blunt.
You are 40.
We need to find you a man.
Time is ticking.
- Menopause
- Do I look unhappy?
I'm old enough to know that I
cannot be in another relationship
with a man like Kachi.
Thankfully, he did not drain
my life savings.
I'm definitely not getting into
another relationship without God's nod.
I'm so sorry.
- I didn't know that scumbag was married.
- It's fine.
It's fine.
It's fine.
It's like I always say,
that there's a purpose in waiting.
And that's what I tell the women
in the waiting room.
So, I know that there are some things
that cannot be rushed,
and this is certainly one of them,
so I have to make up my mind.
- Sorry.
- It's fine. Don't make me cry.
Okay, a toast.
Come on now.
- To finding you a man.
- No.
- Cheers now.
- No.
What's got you so excited?
The publishers love my book.
- Oh?
- They just sent an email.
- Really?
- Yes.
- Wow! That's fantastic.
- I know!
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
I'm super proud of you, Tosan Olaoluwa.
Thank you, Bayo Olaoluwa.
Please stop.
What? What's wrong?
- Did I do something wrong?
- No.
So what's the problem?
I'm tired. I'm just not in the mood.
You've not been in the mood for the past
four months,
three weeks,
six days and 12 hours.
- You've been counting?
- It's hard not to.
Forgive me then.
I'm not in the mood to make love.
It's just that every time
it reminds me that I may get pregnant
and my body may not
be able to carry a baby.
I'm way past
my heart's ability to bear pain
and countless disappointments.
Surely you can understand that.
- Are you okay?
- Okay.
And stop.
- Are you ready?
- Yes.
ten years ago,
I married the woman of my dreams.
And I thank God every day
for giving you to me.
Happy anniversary.
Happy anniversary, my love.
I got you something.
You ready?
Do you like it?
Let's put it on.
Hold on.
Here we go.
- Do you have it?
- Yep.
It's beautiful.
Thank you.
What am I going to get you now?
What am I going to buy for you?
- Should I buy you a watch?
- Watch!
- Stop it! Every year it's watch, watch.
- A mad one.
Stop it. You need to get creative.
Who's calling so early?
It's Essien.
Hello, Essien?
Sorry to hear that. Is he okay?
No, I can just call somebody else if...
Okay, is he trustworthy?
Great, okay. So give him my address
and ask him not to come late.
Did you get it?
I sent you a photo now, Tee.
Yes, it's much better than
the hospital canteen food.
All right, I'll talk to you later.
I said once the contract is signed,
we commence work
on the third mainland bridge.
Where have I heard this joke before?
Oh, yes. Oh, yes. My boys are standing by.
We just... We're waiting for the go-ahead.
Lagos state government
has us in pole position
for the remodeling of
third mainland bridge.
I thought that was a federal project.
According to my estimate,
the money for the initial
design framework is about
three million.
Once they sign off...
- That's easy for you.
- Oh, yeah.
Yeah, you should be able to sort that out.
Yeah, but once they
sign off on the project,
the government will release money
and then, boom!
We're in big business, baby.
Yeah, the
only snag, though,
is that I haven't quite gotten paid yet
from the work that I did
with those Chinese guys.
Can I please get a small loan from
my beautiful wife for this pitch?
Look it's just six weeks, okay?
Six weeks and, you know, we're done.
Money is in.
Hello? Yeah, I'm here.
- Somto, right?
- Yes, sir.
So how long have you been driving for?
I don't drive for a living, sir.
- Really?
- Yes, sir.
I just assumed that you and Essien
were on the drivers' app together.
So what exactly do you do for work?
I'm actually job hunting, sir.
I studied architecture in the university.
Oh, wow. That's... That's amazing.
Actually, my wife runs
an architectural firm.
- Do you mean it?
- Yeah!
What are the odds?
I would not mind a reference.
Is this you shooting your shot?
With a bazooka!
Every bullet that I have, oh.
I like that. Okay, I'll tell you what.
No promises, but if you give me
your portfolio, I'll run it by my madam.
If she likes it, she'll give you a call.
If she doesn't, sorry.
Hey, sir
No problem, sir. I'll have it ready
before the end of today.
My wife and I have been married for
12 years.
It's been really difficult for us.
To be honest, Tosan has had it worse.
The whole thing
it changed her.
I don't
I don't recognize who she is.
I don't know her.
Not anymore.
The whole thing is...
It took a piece of her.
It took the piece
that's her.
But I have hope. We have hope.
So, look around you.
Life isn't stopping, so why should we?
Why should we?
Why should we live as if
life would stop if we don't have children.
I mean, surely,
we're more than what we have
or what we don't have.
we're going to do something slightly
I am ordering everybody
some pizza.
I don't want pizza.
It's ml I want to eat.
- Hey, baby.
- Mrs. Williams.
- What's going on? This is lovely.
- Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
- I do.
- No, no, no!
- Step back.
- Step back?
- Give me that.
- Oh, wow.
Come here.
This is
What are you...
Oh, you're playing rough now.
Don't start something that you can't...
Turn, turn.
Have a seat, baby.
I thought we were going to skip dinner
and then get to the
- Okay, so
- Did you do all of this?
Of course.
I let Amanda go.
I guess I should be
giving you necklaces more often.
What is the meaning of this?
You went behind my back, Akin.
To check orphanages.
Why would you do that?
I thought you said
we are in this together.
We are in this together, babe.
I just felt like this
is what we should do.
You felt that this is what we should do?
Yes, babe, I...
Akin, you felt like this,
this is what we should do.
You, Akin.
You too!
We are supposed to have faith
that our baby will come.
It's been ten years!
It's been ten years, and I am tired
of seeing you break down
every month your period comes.
I am tired of seeing you in pain.
I am tired of the pain.
Babe, I love you.
I love you so much,
and I just want you to be happy.
I just want us to be happy.
And adoption... Adoption is an option.
Babe, listen.
It is, and we will love this child.
We will love this child like it's our own.
We will love this child
like you gave birth to it.
We have so much love to give.
Don't touch me, please. Don't touch me.
Don't touch me.
I am going to have a child of my own.
- I am going to have my own child.
- Babe
No, Akin. I said no.
God gave Hannah her own child.
For God's sake,
God gave Elizabeth her own child.
God adopted us!
God adopted us as His own.
Babe, His ways, are not our ways.
There is none like you.
I decree in the name of Jesus,
that every evil force
holding back my children
you are thwarted now in the name of Jesus.
I decree
Nara, I read your paper in
The New England Journal of Medicine.
The one on postpartum hemorrhaging.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
I'm completing my thesis,
so I had to do some research.
I hope you found it useful.
You know, it was profound
and thought-provoking.
I told my colleagues
you're my sister-in-law,
and I'm a celebrity over there now.
Oh, thank you.
It would have been more profound
if we had seen
Dr. Mrs. Nara so-and-so on the paper.
But, you know, I'm an old woman.
What do I know?
- Mum, you can't keep...
- Don't "Mum" me!
You are living with your husband
and you have a child,
but your elder sister
is busy publishing paper.
Is it paper that will marry her?
Or pay her bride price?
Mum, I thought we agreed
not to talk about this.
We agreed not to talk about the fact
that you were once married
for seven months
and decided to leave your husband's house
because you discovered
that he has another family.
A family he had before he married me.
That is why I didn't bring it up.
But you can marry again, can't you?
Mum, I really appreciate all that
you've done and all that you keep doing,
but I only got married to Kachi
because I couldn't handle the pressure
that came with being an unmarried woman.
Are you now blaming me
for marrying a fraud?
I am blaming...
I'm blaming myself
for cracking under pressure.
Maybe my mother should have been kinder
by not constantly flaunting children's
IV's that came from her friends.
Or telling me that someone else
was getting married.
I'm sorry. I really can't do this, okay?
I really am sorry, yeah?
See you later, Mum.
Can you imagine what just happened?
- Hey.
- Hello. No, don't get up on my account.
- How are you?
- I'm good.
You're almost done.
This looks really good.
Can I have the last one?
- Nara?
- Yeah.
I take it lunch didn't go too well?
My mother hasn't changed,
and after today,
she is on a straight and narrow.
You're lucky I already ordered for you.
Thank you. I'm so hungry.
Thank you.
I'm going to say hi to my friend
real quick and I'll be back.
Hey, B.
- Hey! Arinze.
- What's going on?
- What's up man? How you doing?
- Good.
I didn't know you were coming here today.
I mean, I was hungry, so I just
Yeah, I want you to meet
my friend, Dr. Nara.
Nara, that is Arinze.
- Dr. Nara. Hi.
- Hello.
Yeah, I've seen you before.
Here. Yes, here.
You were there, I was seated over there,
and you had this smirk.
I could have sworn you were
reacting to me or something I said.
No, you got that wrong.
Nah, I'm very sure.
- Wait, you guys know each other?
- Yes, we do.
No, we don't.
What's going on here?
Something's definitely going on.
Arinze, spill.
Man, there's nothing going on.
- It's nice to meet you properly, Dr. Nara.
- Nice to meet you too.
Would you like to have dinner with me?
You sure don't take any prisoners.
It's just dinner.
- Excuse me.
- Wine, good conversations, good food.
Why do you want to take her to dinner?
Just join us here now
and have dinner with us.
I don't want to have dinner
with you, Bayo.
Dr. Nara, please,
would you like to have dinner with me?
- The flies
- I can take your number
or you can give me...
There's nothing...
Leave the flies. I like them.
Give him your number now.
I'll give him your number, oh.
I'll give you my card.
- Here.
- Thank you
Dr. Nara.
I will be in touch.
As I grab my
It's okay, as you're not
taking me to dinner now.
I'll see you later.
- This is really good.
- Hey, no, no! Talk to me.
Nice. Energy! Energy! Energy!
Nice! Give them! One, two. One, two.
Come inside now.
Hello, girls! I'm so sorry I'm late.
Sorry I'm late.
You've started without me.
- Congratulations.
- Oh, my God, I am so excited!
- I'm a grandma!
- Grandma!
- It is too exciting!
- Oh, my God!
He is so gorgeous.
Look, look, look.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Gorgeous.
- Can you imagine? I am a grandmother.
- Beautiful! Oh!
What is wrong with me?
Thank you.
You sure do have a sense of humor.
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
I'm not fine.
I'm not fine at all.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay. Sorry.
Thank you.
Mrs. Williams?
Mrs. Williams.
I'm sorry, I
I will take a look at it tomorrow.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome, ma.
Good evening, ma.
What a surprise.
Good evening.
It's so nice to see you.
Let me quickly go and change
so that I can fix you something to eat.
Babe, this is a lovely dinner.
How long have you both been married?
I'm not asking you.
I'm talking to her.
It's been ten years, ma.
A decade?
Is that not an awfully long time
to be barren?
I had you in my first year of marriage.
If not for your father,
may his soul not rest in peace,
who left me so soon,
I would have had more children.
Mum, can we just get
through this dinner in peace?
No! Ah, no!
Back in our hometown,
there is a spiritualist, Baba Gbonka.
You know him. He used to
carry you when you were a child.
Mum, I don't remember him.
Don't worry. Give it time.
You will remember.
He is powerful.
I know so many women
who have gone to meet him,
and soon they're carrying
their own children.
Fantastic option, don't you think?
Take leave from work.
Come with me so that you
can have a child for my son.
Ma, please... please excuse me.
Let me go and check on the...
On the pepper soup.
Think about it deeply.
Tunji's daughter is writing
Common Entrance as we speak.
I don't like what you are doing.
I don't like it.
Who asked you to like it?
Bring me a child!
Or get rid of the man that you have
put in this house and bring in a wife!
Mum, what are you saying?
Why the crocodile tears?
Mum, please now?
- Babe, are you okay?
- Speak English.
Why don't you slap him
if he doesn't speak English?
Mum, are you happy now?
No. No! I'm just getting ready to start.
Mum, this is where you stop!
Mum, I respect you,
but you will not come into this house
owned by my wife and I
and disrespect her like this.
You will give her the respect
that she deserves,
that she has shown you
from the moment she came into my life.
Nkechi is God's gift to me,
and I will not allow you
or anyone else harass her
because we don't have kids.
All I'm asking for, Mum, is your support.
And if you know you cannot give that
to us, then, Mum, with all due respect,
please, do not visit us again.
I'm sorry, babe. Come here.
It's okay. Come.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
It's okay. It's okay.
My sister-in-law arrived yesterday,
and now it's the in-laws versus Esohe
until I can bear a child.
When will these people leave you alone?
I don't even know.
Especially now that my husband
isn't even saying anything.
Your husband isn't saying anything?
But all that stress
can't be helpful for you.
Mr. Bayo,
you must think that all men are like you.
They're not.
My husband certainly is not.
Ever since the medical diagnosis
came in and
it turned out that I'm the one
responsible for
our fertility issues
he has basically left me to do everything.
I do all the heavy lifting.
Does it have something to do with
your weight?
No, no, no. It's fine, guys, it's...
It's fine.
You're right.
But PCOS will do that to you.
You put on all this weight so fast,
and it's so hard.
No matter what you try, you can't lose it.
And he has abandoned me.
I have to do everything.
I'm basically on this journey alone.
I have to...
I'm sorry.
I have to call the doctors myself.
I go to see the pastors myself.
I go to see...
I go to see the counselors myself.
And I'm so alone.
I feel like he's
disappointed in me.
Like he's angry with me.
And I try...
I try to talk to him,
and I can see that he's hurting,
but he bottles everything up.
And I'm tired.
I'm tired because
I have to manage his emotions
and then I have to suffer.
And he's just shut me out.
It's going to be all right.
You're going to be all right.
as humans, we have this knack
of holding on to our problems
and keeping them close
so we don't forget them,
but we need to use the boot.
We need to put the bags in the boot.
Tamilore you need to put
the PCOS in the boot.
It's hard.
It is hard, but you've got us,
and we've got you.
- We got you.
- We will hold our hands together
and we will walk the walk together.
Funmbi, you will put
those problems in the boot.
Because we are going to walk
the path to success together.
You need to put it in the boot.
Put it there and live.
Esohe, put your sister-in-law,
put your in-laws in the boot and live.
We want everything. Everything.
And children cannot define us.
I am fine,
and I'm sorry that I'm vulnerable,
but I know that as women
we go through these things.
And you, Bayo, will drive with your wife,
because that is the kind of path
you are on.
We can do so much better, can't we?
Can't we?
We can!
So we'll hold hands
and we'll take a deep breath in,
and we'll take in our problems
and let them out.
So, every breath we take
would be of strength.
So, let's take a deep breath
and let it all out.
In again, one more time.
And let it out.
Put that in the boot.
We should feel better.
You know, in...
- In the light of all of this
- Yes, Bayo?
I'd like to suggest we...
We go on a getaway.
- Yeah.
- Really? To Dubayy?
Yes, I agree with you.
You really made dinner.
And I have some indigestion medication
somewhere just in case.
Good plan, 'cause I haven't recovered
from the first meal you ever made for me.
That's when you fell in love with me.
That was when we broke up
for the first time.
And I asked Nara and the boys
to come and beg you, yeah.
It was so epic.
I'll never forget the look on your face.
Hey, babe.
I love you.
I know.
And I love you too.
This looks good.
But if this, you know,
all this sweetness is your plan
to get me to go to church
with you on Sunday,
it has failed.
- Tosan...
- I'm not...
I'm no longer about that life,
and you know it.
Tosan, this is not about church.
The group is having a hangout.
We're going to the beach.
I think you should come.
- I don't know about that.
- Come on. It's going to be fun.
Fine. I'll come.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Are you okay?
I'm sending her messages.
She's not responding, but she's read them.
I really don't want to get upset.
Bayo, you're here to relax and have fun.
You should do just that.
Tosan will come around.
Wait, wait, wait!
Is that Arinze?
They'll be waiting for us.
- Are you guys talking?
- It's nothing.
Nara, you'll come back here
and you'll tell me what's going on.
Okay, Aisha
most of you know my story.
Fourteen years of waiting for a child.
Even after removing all the fibroid
they said was disturbing me.
Still no child.
Alhaji and I kept trying.
There's no style we did not do.
From 7:00 a.m.
to 2:00 p.m.,
to 10:00 p.m.
What is it?
You all know what I'm saying.
two years ago I met Dr. Nara.
And then, after conducting
a series of tests,
she called one big name as the problem.
Stage four
- Stage four endometriosis.
- Yes! That's what she said.
So it blocks the fallopian tubes.
I'm sure that you know
that with that it's
Having a child is
Alhaji and I have decided
to have a baby through surrogacy,
and we have found someone.
I will also bear a child!
You all should applaud us.
Or aren't you happy for us?
- Congratulations.
- Thank you, thank you.
- I like it.
- Thank you.
- Oluchi!
- Oluchi!
Congratulations, Aisha. Congratulations.
Thank you, Mr. Bayo.
Mr. Bayo,
thank you for being here with us.
No, no, you all...
I'm the one who's glad that I'm here.
I mean,
ever since I joined the waiting room,
I've learned so much
about resilience
and strength
and the joy you have.
I mean, in spite of all these tough times.
I should be the one thanking you guys
for letting me be a part of you,
for letting me be here.
So, thank you, Dr. Nara.
Thank you so much, everyone.
Thank you all for being here.
And thank you, Bayo,
for always making great suggestions.
We've got food, we're going
to have fun. There's barbecue.
Let's not cook. Just enjoy! Thank you.
And I just want us to have fun.
Let's have fun!
What are you saying?
I'm the first son of my family.
The breadwinner.
And I can't even send money home.
I can't even visit them because I have
nothing to show for my coming to Lagos.
You are lucky.
Your uncle has given you a car that
you're using to run a taxi business.
The only uncle that has a car
in my family has died.
Everyone is looking up to me.
And, yet, you say there's
a reason for everything.
Then tell me, what is reason for this one?
There's a God, and I'm not Him.
But if God would have you wait
on your own plans
while he uses you to save these kids
from a dangerous life on the streets,
is it not good?
Please, He should not
use me to save anybody.
I have not even saved myself.
the thing is hard.
It is hard.
I guess that's where grace comes in.
You just hang in there
and let God do the rest.
Hang in there.
Hang in there.
The thing is just annoying.
- You really like crying.
- I'm not crying.
So are your eyes sweating?
You aren't crying?
Guy, don't be be sad. Brighten up.
I called you several times today,
you didn't pick up.
What happened?
I was just resting.
When did you get these?
But you...
You couldn't make it to the hangout,
but you had enough time to go
on one of your needless shopping sprees?
Why the fuss?
I just wasn't feeling up to it.
When would you be up for it?
What do you mean by that?
I just want to know when you'd
eventually feel up to showing up for me.
Because it's getting tiring.
You don't get to do that.
You don't get to discard my feelings,
What feelings?
What feelings?
You're getting carried away
by this dutiful husband clown outfit.
- What did you just say to me?
- You heard me.
You keep going for this fancy
waiting room as the only man,
and they would probably hand you
a trophy for showing up for your wife.
Don't you get tired?
Or you think that makes you understand
what it means to lose babies?
- Five babies?
- Yes, it does.
Yes, it does, Tosan.
You're not the only one
who lost those children. I did too!
Every time we took in,
it was as much my joy as it was yours.
It was as much my expectations,
my pregnancies, as it was yours.
I read to our unborn children.
I sang to them.
I imagined life with every child
that we conceived.
I imagined matching clothes.
I thought about learning
how to make my daughter's hair,
playing with my sons.
You, me and the kids going on vacations.
The whole nine yards.
I imagined everything!
And with every child that we lost,
it broke my heart.
I know you've been broken several times.
Oh, my God.
Just, maybe,
if you could stop thinking
that this is all about you.
Maybe you'll stop and see me too.
I'm going to spend the night
at Arinze's house.
you said in your word that you will have
mercy on who you chose to have mercy on.
Father, have mercy on me.
Cause your face to shine upon me.
Lord, let your word
be fulfilled in my life, Lord.
Your word says that there
shall be no barren in the land.
I cry unto you today.
Have mercy on me.
Remember me.
Remember me, Lord. Remember me.
I am your daughter.
Adopted into sonship by the Father,
and as such, all good inheritance is mine.
I don't want to adopt.
Lord, I don't want to adopt, please.
Lord, please.
I don't want to adopt.
I want to have my own child, Lord.
Lord, please have mercy on me.
I don't want to adopt.
No! Please, I don't want.
I want to have my own child, Lord.
Have your mercy.
Why are you doing this to me?
Why are you forsaking me?
- Ta-da.
- Ta-da!
I'm out, Tee.
Sorry, I had to do some rounds.
It's okay, I wasn't bored.
I was minding
everyone else's business on Instagram.
- I trust you.
- I know.
- Thank you.
- What's up?
I don't know. I'm just here.
I've just got loads of...
Yes, come in.
These just came for you.
Who is Arinze?
He's just a friend.
One of your old rich suitors,
or is this the real deal?
"Here's to an amazing week."
Is there something you're not telling me?
He's just a friend.
And he sends you flowers
on a Monday morning?
Stop lying!
- There's nothing just friendly about this.
- It's not that kind of party.
So gist me.
How did you guys meet?
Come on now.
I've got to go.
They need me.
Saved by the patients.
Not to worry. People's business
not yet finished on IG.
I'm gonna be right here, waiting on you.
Don't make me burst out in laughter.
They think I'm a serious person here.
- Ta-da!
- Ta-da.
- All right, see you later.
- Okay.
Ari-Na. Na-Rin.
Arinze and Nara.
Fear is real!
The antidote to it
is your understanding
of who you are in Christ.
It has no power over you.
The God that would split a sea
for you to walk through.
All He's telling you is, "Damn the fear.
Damn anything
that would stand in your way.
Know that there's a greater one
on the inside of you."
She went into that surgery,
sat outside, praying through.
She came out,
continued with that pregnancy
and had that child.
But it did fail.
It failed.
I really trusted you, but you failed me.
You failed me.
Lord, you know I have prayed.
You know I have prayed.
Where is your face?
I'm done.
You must really enjoy
watching me suffer like this,
because it doesn't make sense to me.
I don't get it.
But you know what? I am done.
I'm done.
So how was your day?
It was okay. Thanks for asking. Yourself?
It was pretty cool.
Terrible. Lagos.
- Nara?
- Yes?
Why are you afraid to feel?
Are we still on that?
Yes, we are.
Because you don't strike me as a person
who is scared to be in a relationship.
Scared? No.
Cautious? Yes.
It's the heart,
and it's not to be toyed with.
I agree.
But then it's not just your heart,
it's mine too.
Even more reason why
you should be cautious.
Left to me,
I'd say yes in a heartbeat,
because I like you
and I know that you like me too.
And just maybe we can see where this goes.
But I'm done with seeing how things go,
and that's why as much as I'd like to
As much as I'd like to be
in control of my decisions,
I'd rather...
I'd rather have God in control.
And that's why I'm waiting.
I respect your decision.
So I'll wait.
Thank you.
Thank you so much. Thank you, Arinze.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much, Mrs. Williams,
for coming.
Thank you for all your help.
I'll be in touch.
I'm sorry, ma.
What's all this rubbish?
You! You are about to die!
This guy wants to kill us.
You think you can run from us, don't you?
We are street-smart.
Did I not warn you?
Please. Brother, I beg you.
Who is your brother?
Your father is your brother.
Now you call me brother because you
do not want me to get angry, right?
No, no, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
Very sorry, sir. Please, sir. Please.
Isn't it you?
Leader. The first. I hail, boss.
I hail boss.
Please, sir.
Are you out of your mind?
I hail you, boss.
Are you crazy?
Boss, I hail you, boss.
Do you want me to deal with you?
I hail, boss. Please don't get angry.
Please overlook this. I apologize.
This is your final warning.
I've warned you all
not to bother this boy anymore.
If you see him, do not greet him.
Just leave him alone.
Am I clear?
Yes, you are, boss. I hail, boss.
Our leader!
Our leader!
Thank you, sir. Thank you.
My brother said he'd like to dance.
My guy,
my time has passed.
I want him to get exposed to
the better orientation
so that he can desire
to leave this community.
Can he join your dance group?
Why are you scared?
Lord, help me raise godly seeds.
Children who will not turn away from you,
no matter the circumstances.
No matter the circumstances.
My heart turned away from God.
My heart turned away from God.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
My heart turned away from you. I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
So it was me in my way all this time.
- Hey.
- Morning.
Aren't you going to work?
Good morning.
Yes, I am,
but I have an 11:00 client meeting.
Oh, okay.
So we have enough time.
Time for what?
To go get our baby.
We are going to adopt.
Wait, hold on.
What? Wait...
What happened? Why? How? Babe...
Calm down.
We have all day to catch up on this.
- Are you
- Go get ready.
- Wait, wait
- What?
What are you doing?
- Let me show you something.
- Okay.
Look. Look how beautiful they are, babe.
- She's so cute.
- She looks like you.
- These babies are beautiful.
- Yeah?
I think I know what we should do.
- Okay?
- Just trust me, okay?
Okay. Yes, ma'am.
We really going to do this?
You guys have started working
on portfolios now?
Oh, my God.
Whose is this?
Babe, I'm sorry. I just really forgot.
I was supposed to give this to you.
It's the guy that Essien sent to drive me.
He's actually looking for a job.
Well, I hope no one else has hired him,
because he just got one.
Akin, why didn't you show me this?
You know I've been looking for someone.
I forgot. Is he any good?
It's not good.
It's exactly what I've been looking for.
Look! It's great. Look.
Like I said earlier,
it is very important
that you spend time with her
before the baby is born.
Of course. We'd also like that.
If all goes well, in a month,
we'll start the documentation process.
Good afternoon, ma.
Meet Mr. and Mrs. Williams.
They are interested in adopting your baby.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Do you want to touch?
- Can I?
- Yes.
Oh, God.
Thank you.
So, no more Arinze?
I didn't say that.
- You didn't tell him yes.
- Yeah, but I didn't say no.
What are you waiting for?
Today, it's a husband.
Tomorrow, it's a baby.
Next tomorrow, it's a job.
Our wants are constantly changing,
and like a child by the restless sea,
we dance with the rhythm of the waves.
But you see,
the sea, it stays.
But the waves, they come and go.
Tee, I just want to stay by the sea
and find me some peace.
And about Arinze,
I'm waiting
on God.
When that time comes
we'll know.
At least I'll know.
- What if God makes you wait for too long?
- Then I'll wait.
It's a privilege to wait on God.
- Good morning, Mr. Kalu.
- Good morning, ma.
Good morning, sir.
Good morning.
Please, sit.
Can I call you Somto?
Because we kind of operate
on a first-name basis here.
- Thank you.
- And you don't have to cry this time.
Your portfolio got you through the door.
Thank you, ma.
He'll bring you up to speed.
Thank you very much, ma.
Sir, I'm not crying. I'm not crying, sir.
- You're leaving already?
- Yes, I got a message from the hospital.
- Duty calls.
- And we have to answer.
Thank you so much for everything
you've done.
Honestly, thank you.
Bayo, I'll see you later.
- See you later.
- Bye.
Life is about the choices we make,
and the choices we make
determine the outcome of our wait.
Do not wait in despair.
Choose to wait in joyful anticipation,
living your best life
and trusting that God will come through
for you in His own time,
in His own way.
There is so much purpose in the waiting.
Do not waste the wait.
You'll be transformed from who you are
to who He has called you to be.
And sometimes it may tarry,
but when it arrives,
life's sweetness will satisfy your soul.
Why does God make us wait?
I think he wants us to grow
in patience and endurance,
which refines our character
and leads us to fulfilling
His purpose for our lives.
The wait.