The Waiting (2020) Movie Script


60 seconds.
[lock opens]

[timer ticking]
[Michelle] Go, go, go.
[timer ticking]
[alarm rings]
[birds chirping]

So, Lori.
How are you liking
online dating?
-It's fine, I guess.
-I do appreciate you
swiping right on me.
Best part of online dating
is all the choices.
Exactly. Do you know that
is how I feel about Amazon?
Free shipping.
Free relation-shipping, right?
[sighs] Alright, look.
I matched with someone else
when I was in the bathroom,
and he's free tonight,
so I think we're done here.
That is staggeringly honest.
Best policy.
Is this normal now?
This wasn't going anywhere.
Why wait?
I'll have the Luau. Actually,
bring the whole bottle.
And what are you having?
-It's like 10:30 in the morning.
-What was your name again?
It's pretty basic.
Something we have
in common then.
So, Kayla, how are
you liking online dating?
It's okay.
Real quick, um,
before the food gets here.
Could we just get it to go?
It's not a big deal, right?
I just don't want my boyfriend
to worry about me.
-You have a boyfriend?
And we are kind of
on a date here.
[Kayla laughing]
We don't need to put
a label on this.
[laughing] Yeah, can we
get this to go, please?
You guys can get out of here
and finish this in bed.
[laughing] Thanks.

Hey, it's me.
Stopped by real quick to return
the money you let me borrow
because I clearly did
not need it for that date.
-Eric, that was fast.
-[Eric] I know.
It's online dating, mom.
You pay a subscription once
a month and get disappointed.
Well, I'm just happy you're
dating again without Rachel.
No, no, mom,
please don't say her name.
-Sorry. I just--
-I know. I know.
We-- It's-- We really don't
have to talk about it.
I do have some good news.
Melissa called.
-From the hotel?
Yes. I finally have a job.
That's perfect.
Now I can start saving money,
I can go ahead and get a car
because, you know, I've been
needing one for a while,
and then Rachel's going to
start seeing this.
She's gonna see that
I'm getting my life together.
-Things will get back on track.
-I-- I just want you
-to focus on the job, okay?
Honey, I'm not going to be
around here forever.
I just need to know
that you're going to be okay.
Yeah, I'm--
I'm going to be fine.
We're going to be fine.
[alarm rings]
[sighs] Oh, God.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Oh, shit. Shit.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
-Hey, watch it.
Yeah, I'm coming in right now.
Hi. I'm Eric,
reporting for duty.
-I'm so sorry.
-You must be Steve Dennison.
-You're late, Mr. Brady.
You may know the boss's wife,
-but we run a tight ship here.
-Right, um,
so, technically,
I don't know her at all.
My mom does.
I'm just hoping that she doesn't
hear about what happened today.
Late on your first day
is not a good look.
Steve, listen,
I know you don't know me,
and you don't owe me anything,
but is there any way
we can just let this slide?
-Because I really need this job.
-Then prove it.
Some of us actually
care about this place.
Frankly, I don't know
where to put you,
we're fully staffed,
but since you're
so well-connected,
why don't you start by
helping Tanya in the lobby?
Great. Okay, I'll do that.
Thank you.
Thank you for the opportunity.
I won't let you down.
It's so great having
you here, guys.
Your room is going to be
on the second floor.
-We have different managers--
-Tanya. Hey.
Steve said you might
need help over here.
And you can check our exclusive
boat trip packages anytime.
How old is this hotel?
-That's a great question.
-That's a phenomenal question.
You take this one. Alright.
I don't think
I can do that again.
Look, it's only every two weeks.
Plus, once you do
something long enough,
it just becomes normal,
you know?
That gets normal?
You either get used to it
or you don't.
I mean, the last girl lasted
a whole three weeks.
How does the room
keep getting dirty
if no one stays there?
And why do we keep
having to clean it?
It's an angry spirit.
And plus, it's hotel policy
for us to keep the room clean.
I don't make the rules.
So how'd they die?
I don't know,
there's a rumor that
she died in the room.
Yeah. She's been
stuck there ever since.
I feel bad for her, actually.
She's no angel.
She never leaves a tip.
[both laugh]
[girl crying]
[distant voice] Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Yes. Hi.
My key won't work.
Yeah, can I fix this?
I can fix this.
I can fix this.
Hey, I got your key here.
Enjoy your stay.
Oh, hey, uh,
-can I take that for you?
-No, thanks.
I mean, are you sure?
I'm a really strong guy.
You think you can handle
watching the front for an hour
without everything
falling apart.
Yeah, it's me, Steve.
Well, who's worried?
-Oh, he's here.
-Is that a big guest?
I think you'd recognize
the reason you're here.
That's Mr. Leland Delacourt,
owner of this hotel.
And practically
every other hotel in the city.
-Say no more.
-Eric. Stop. Wait.
Mr. Delacourt.
Hi. I'm Eric Brady.
I'm new here, but I'm a big fan.
Can I get your, uh, your iPad?
No. You must be new.
Actually, sir, my--
my mom knows your wife.
Oh, yeah. So that
would make you, uh, Eric.
-I truly pride myself
on knowing my employees names.
-So welcome aboard.
-Thank you, sir.
And I hope that eventually
you'll have more than
-one reason to remember my name.
I mean,
this is a people business.
Hey, you know,
I really like this kid.
Reminds me of me.
I appreciate that, sir.
And honestly, if you're ever,
in the future, looking
-for upper managers--
-Don't push you luck.
-Okay, okay.
I'll tell you one thing, though.
You really want to impress me?
You can find a way for this dump
to make me a few more dollars.
At ease, Dennison.
I'm just here
to do some inventories.
-But don't mind me.
-Wouldn't dream of it, sir.
Impossible man.
At least he knows
to dress for dinner.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to find a way
to make this hotel money.
Well, if you're
so eager to move up,
this little organizing task
should pose you no trouble.
Starting small.
-[call bell rings]
-I'm awake, I'm awake.
-Is Steve around?
No, uh, Steve is not around,
but I'm here.
Um, I'm kind of on
the executive track here
-if you need anything.
I just need to go over
some paperwork.
-It's my first day.
-You're serious?
-It's actually my first day too.
Am I acting like it?
Uh, yeah, a little bit.
-I'm Sally.
-I'm Eric.
-It's nice to meet you.
-[Eric] Nice to meet you.
So, uh, yeah, Steve,
um, not here.
But, you know,
if you need anything,
you can just talk to me.
It's just part of being
on the executive track.
-Right, yeah, you've mentioned.
-[Eric] Yeah.
I guess he's out. Shame, I
was just about to take my break.
Hmm. Hmm.
Well, I guess
I'll be seeing you around.
I hope so.
[ominous music playing]
Is everything okay?
What are you doing?
-Jesus, you scared me.
-Stay away from that room.
-Go deliver the dry cleaning.
-I just thought I heard.
-I don't care what you heard.
We have a tradition of service
to uphold, now start upholding.
Okay, I got it.
Are you kidding me?
-The new guy?
-what? He was sweet.
-He looks like Seth Rogen.
Look, just a word of advice,
because I've been
doing this a while.
You don't get your honey
where you make your money.
-You know what I'm saying?
-Look, all I said was
-he was sweet.
-[knock on door]
Mr. Executive, I thought you
couldn't leave your desk.
I made an executive decision.
Oh, yeah.
You're on some kind of track.
Right. Uh, I'm Eric.
-Eric Brady.
-Michelle Escobar.
Do you always give
the new guy a hard time?
Just the ones I don't like.
Is she serious?
Anyways, this has been
a really weird day.
Probably not as weird
as Sally's day.
-I can promise you that.
You can tell him if you want.
Well, um...
This place is haunted.
You guys are serious?
No, I get it.
It's harass-the-new-guy
day, right? Huh?
Nice, ladies.
-Real nice. You had me going.
Well, my heart is pounding.
Well, I'm gonna get back
to work. Nice meeting you.
-Yeah. Good one. Wow.
You can do better.
Oh, good.
You didn't disappear on me.
No, no, I'm here, um,
but I'm glad you're here
because I do have a question.
So I've been talking to some
of the housekeeping staff.
Hmm. Charming, aren't they?
But they keep talking about
how haunted the hotel is.
No, the hotel is not haunted.
-Only one room is.
-You're serious?
-It's a matter of local legend.
I'm surprised you haven't
heard of it before.
No one appreciates
the history around here.
Can't even rent that room out.
And that's the room I'm hearing
the noises coming from,
isn't it?
Well, fortunately
since housekeeping
is not in your purview,
you won't have to contend
with our permanent guest.
Although, we could use a
refresher on your filing skills.
-It's a lot to take in, Steve.
We've been having reports
from other rooms lately, too.
Flying lamps and the like.
That's new.
All seems to be getting
more intense.
Take that as you will.
Now, you're not supposed to put
your personal things in here,
but full disclosure,
I do it all the time.
Just not the delicates, though
because these things
are industrial.
Oh, Mr. Upper Management.
Come to run some
numbers with us?
-I want to see the empty room.
-No, you don't.
-Yes, I really do.
-Come on.
Who are you trying to impress?
Is it Sally?
-No, I'm just--
-I'm genuinely curious.
Well, we're normally
not supposed to
let people in there,
-but I don't see why not.
-Michelle, no!
It's fine.
He's an executive, right?
Room 101.
I'll be right back.
Juan, Juan, Juan, Juan, Juan!
I got another idiot
to go into the room.
So the game's on again.

Uh, I'm going to double it.
He's a new guy.
What an executive pussy!
Does this mean the bet's off?
What do you-- What do you think?
[door opens]

-Hey, Sally.
-What are you doing?
Okay, I feel like
everyone at this hotel
thinks that I'm incompetent.
So this is my one chance
to prove I'm not.
she shows up
after one minute exactly.
So even when you're in there,
you have time
to change your mind.
Do you have a timer
or something?
I mean, my phone.
What could I say to make you
change your mind?
I need to do this as much
for me as for anyone else.
-I'm gonna go. I'm gonna do it.
Good luck.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[door creaks open]
Oh, okay.
-[alarm rings]
It's been a minute.
[sighs] I knew it.
-Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
Be cool.
Are you ready to be normal now?
[breathing heavily]
There was a woman.
-Who was that?
-I don't know.
Ask Steve.
I have to go now.
But don't tell him
I was involved.
I have to go now. Bye.
Wait, Sally.
[breathing heavily]
[door opens & closes]
[breathing heavily]
Dead lady?
[locks door]
[ominous music playing]
[wall shatters]

Hey. Wreck-It Ralph.
I found this phone.
-I don't know who it belongs to.
-Oh, okay.
Uh, I'm not really sure
where to bring this, but...
How about the lost and found?
Don't wreck it.
How do you even know
that reference?
Did you enjoy your little
peek at the room?
-Who told you?
-You did. Just now.
-And you're not mad?
-Oh, I am.
But there's no sense
in berating you right now.
I have a feeling
you're shaken up.
Yeah, a little bit.
-I'm sure you are.
-Just don't go in there again.
Good man.
What's her story?
Not a happy one, I'm afraid.
She killed herself.
Over a man, legend says.
It's terrible.
Listen, I have to go.
with the kitchen staff.
Right. Yeah.
Oh, my feet are killing me.
Once you've been here a year,
I barely feel mine
half the time.
I'm trying 101 again.
[laughs] And you're sick.
Eric, you freaked out
the last time.
Yes. That's true.
But that was then
and this is now.
Okay, look, I don't expect you
two to cover for me or anything.
I'm doing this for myself.
I'll understand.
So why tell us?
I don't know.
I just figured that
you should both know that, uh,
I don't plan on giving up.
[scoffs] Okay.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Shit, the timer.
[breathing heavily]
54, 55.
56, 57, 58.
One minute.
Please don't be scared.
I'm the one that should
be scared, not you.
[breathing heavily]
Please, don't hurt me.
[door closes]

Leland Delacourt,
Florida's finest hotelier.
-And with his historic...
I want my key back.
Yeah, no, I'm, I have it...
-Am I too late?
-No, it just started.
I'm proud to announce that
I'm taking my operations
outside of the Sunshine State
for the very first time.
Wow. Well, where are you going?
Chicago. New York.
Wherever my mind takes me.
Well, they're lucky to have you.
We in the area have always
regarded your hotels
as real pillars
of community pride.
Yes, but, uh,
I may have to close some, uh,
under-performing locations
so I can devote my time on
more profitable hotels.
What a loss to history
that would be.
We love what you've done
for this town.
Uh, as do I.
But, sadly, love
doesn't pay the bills.
[both laughing]
What an asshole!
Is he serious?
-[crowd chattering]
-Steve, is he talking about us?
-I don't know.
Well, can you tell us
how bad it really is then?
Look, everybody, just calm down.
We don't know yet.
-He wouldn't tell us this way.
-I think he would.
I bet you this is over
that stupid room, right?
Oh, God. The damn room.
How much money
could he be losing
over one room?
Yeah, but it's not
just one room anymore.
I mean, it's getting worse.
And customers are complaining
about floating objects.
-I want to be transferred.
-Yeah, me too.
-What are we supposed to do now?
Alright, everyone. Enough.
He's not talking about us.
This place is too important, so
let's not jump to conclusions.
Until we hear otherwise,
it's business as usual.
So I suggest
we all get back to work.
Come on.
I want perfection, people.
Back to your stations.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Okay, look,
I don't want any trouble.
I just came here
to tell you that
you need to leave
because if you
don't leave the room,
then the hotel gets shut down.
And now that I'm saying this,
I'm wondering
why you would care.
Because you're a ghost.
When I'm dead
I'm not going to care
about this hotel either.
So I'm not sure why I'm here.
I just, um,
I don't know, I just--
I don't think that
you're the type of person
that'd hurt someone.
[light flickers]
Oh, hi.
You're looking livelier.
Oh, you're really pretty.
Sorry, I didn't mean
for that to be weird.
It's not that you were
ever ugly. It's maybe--
You know what? Never mind.
Do you talk?
That's okay.
I suck at talking too.
But we do need to find
a way to communicate
with each other, um...
Can I just get right--
right over here?
Let's try this.
Alright. Do you want to...
Plan B.
[laughs] There you go.
It's that easy.
I mean, it's highly inefficient
because we only have
so many mirrors in here but...
Is that you?
You're trying to communicate
through Morse code?
I don't know Morse code.
But you're dealing
with electricity.
You have a phone,
which means that we can text.
And you have no idea
what texting is, do you?
That's okay.
I have an idea,
and I'll be right back.
-[door closes]
We're in business.
You can text me.
Did you ever have a computer
or typewriter probably, right?
This is a smaller version.
For you.
So what, um, you'll do is,
you just type the word here,
and then when you send it,
I'll get it on my phone.
You want to try?
Who are you waiting on?
-Excuse me?
-You keep checking your phone.
Yeah, I'm just--
just waiting on someone.
Oh, I get it.
Someone ghosting you?
[scoffs] Yeah.
That's a pretty girl
on your phone background.
Yeah, that's, um, that's Rachel.
-That's my ex.
-Oh, that's weird.
Delete that. Don't be that guy.
Steve, listen, while you're
here, I got a question for you.
Can you tell me more
about the ghosts in that room?
You better not be going
back in that room.
-What do you want to know?
Just her name. How she died.
Just basic ghost stuff.
Alright. I-- I wouldn't
ordinarily tell you this,
but I'm not feeling
particularly loyal
to the current ownership
at the moment.
I'm sure you understand.
Her name is--
Was Elizabeth Wilson.
She was waiting for some
married man to run off with her.
So those who were
around back then
will tell you they spent
all their time together here.
It was their secret.

I'll wait for you.
all I got to do is tell my wife,
then we can be together.
-It's just going to be a minute.
I love you.
I'll be right back.
[Steve] But some men lie.
-So he just never came back?
-So she never left.
So you can see why Delacourt
doesn't wanna talk about her.
-But why, though?
-Bad for business.
No, I mean, like,
why did the other guy and that--
Oh, him.
I don't know.
Changed his mind, I guess.
Some people say he had a--
a prominent family to protect
old money or something.
So she just sat up there
and waited.

So she's still waiting
and that's the tragic part.
Whenever anybody
comes into that room,
I guess she thinks
it's finally him, coming back.
God, that is so depressing.
Hmm. Yeah.
So, lunch?
No, no, I'm good. You go ahead.
I'm going to finish up here,
and then I'll go man the desk.
Suit yourself.
Oh, did you happen to find
a missing phone?
Some guy keeps calling about it.
[crickets chirping]
That was fast. Hi.
I hope you don't think
I was ignoring you.
I just thought that
we would-- we would text
like we talked about,
do you know how it works?
Are you having problems
with the-- [phone chimes]
No, you're not at all.
Okay. Hello.
Hello to you, too.
That is amazing.
Do you use your mind
to go into the circuit--
You know? You know,
I'm not going to understand.
Don't even worry about it.
Do you not want to talk to me?
Is that what it is?
Um, I just--
I don't know much about you.
You know, other than
what people have told me here.
And the rumors of the hotel.
Is there someone
you'd rather talk to?
Oh! Oh, we have a winner.
Okay, why don't you do that mind
thing again and just tell--
[phone chimes] "Sean Davis."
That is so cool how you do that.
"Sean Davis."
Well, I will find you
a Mr. Sean Davis then.

Hey, uh, is it okay
if I just look for someone
that I know real quick?
What's their name?
What's your name?
Uh, you know,
I think the real question is,
what's your name?
As Tiff? No? It's just-- Okay.
You know, Tiffany, uh,
as someone who works
the desk myself,
I know how grueling
it can be and, uh,
I honestly don't think
you get enough credit.
It's about damn time
somebody noticed.
Oh, I noticed.
Right over there.
Thanks, Tiff.
Sean Davis?
Are you Mr. Sean Davis?
What do you want?
I need you to come
with me right now.
It's a family emergency.
Your son actually sent me.
Why the hell would I go
anywhere with you?
Because I'm a friend
of the family's
and your son wanted
to be here, Sean.
Except he knew that you wouldn't
agree to this if he was.
So he sent me in his stead.
Except now
I'm seeing that,
that didn't matter anyways.
So, thanks for your time.
Well, I haven't seen him since--
It's been a while.
So you'll come with me then?
-I guess.
Saddle in.
We're about to bail out of here.
I'll have him right back.
-It's fine by me.
And where do we think
that we're going?
This kind man is taking
Mr. Davis for a walk.
Tiffany, since when do we let
kind men come in here
and take anybody for a walk?
I want to see
some identification.
And that's totally
But I don't have my
wallet in these pants,
so we're just going to have
to go with that kind man thing.
Well, kind man. I've never
seen you around here before.
Oh, my car was recently
repossessed and--
Out of my way,
you glorified babysitter.
I own this place,
and I'm not dead yet.
Have a nice walk.
Enjoy you walk.

[door creaks]
Okay, Sean.
Do you recognize
this room at all?
I mean, maybe
it's changed a little bit.
Maybe it hasn't, I don't know.
-This place looks familiar.
-Okay, good.
And you're about to realize
why in just a second.
What are you--
-Hey, what is-- What is this?
-It's okay.
-Sean. Hey.
-What-- You listen.
-[Eric shushes]
Sean, I know it's weird. I know.
-But you know who that is.
-I don't. No.
It's Elizabeth.
Elizabeth is dead.
She wants to know
why you never came back.
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
Um, I never meant
for this to happen.
I really meant to come back.
But when I got home, my wife,
she told me she was pregnant.
I'm sorry.
I had to make a choice.
Oh! Where?
-Why? Where did she go?
-Oh, shit.
Why is she still in this room?
We got to go right now.
No, you better talk to her.
Tell her I'm sorry.
Tell her I am sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I just wanted to
give her closure
and I ended up
screwing that up, too.
-So I'm going to go.
-What can I do to fix it?
-I don't know.
And I'm sorry.
Eric, where have you been?
I got to go. I gotta check
something out, I'm sorry, Steve.
[door opens]
[door closes]
You're still here, huh?
Oh, so that kind of backfired
really badly.
And I'm sorry.
Because now I just feel like
I over-stepped so...
[phone chimes]
You're welcome for trying.
Hey, I--
I just felt that.

[door opens]
[door closes]
-What the hell? [scoffs]
-It's clean?
Whatever, it's less work
for us to do.
Maybe she's gone.
Or happy.
[door opens]
Well, look who
decided to join us.
I know, listen.
Steve, I really need
girl advice.
This is a professional
environment, Mr. Brady.
No, I know it is.
It's just, um,
how do you communicate
with someone
that won't communicate with you?
Are you talking about your ex?
Does it matter?
Well, you just
have to be patient.
Did you know that people
who gain their hearing at
a later age are often surprised
to find out that the sun
-doesn't make a sound?
So you just have to find out
what it is that she's missing,
or show her.
You'd be surprised.
Thanks, Steve.
Here we go.

[door opens & closes]
-[Delacourt] Oh, glad you came.
-Mr. Delacourt.
Thanks for having me.
-Now, relax.
You know, you belong here.
-You're a guest of mine.
-Which I appreciate.
I'm just not really sure
why you invited me out here yet.
Well, you got great drive, Eric.
-And I like that.
-Thank you.
I mean, personal-drive not,
you know, from what I've heard,
-well, you know.
-Okay, alright.
I think, I'll surprise you.
Did I ever tell you how
I got into this business?
I don't think you've
ever told that story.
someone had a hotel,
and they wanted to sell it,
but they don't want to sell it
to just anybody.
They wanted to
keep their legacy.
-So I got a partner together,
and he and I, well,
we made him an offer.
It wasn't the highest offer,
but he accepted it.
To tell you the truth,
I hardly had any money.
That kind of means a lot to me,
because that's
-where I'm at right now.
-Yeah, but just remember,
it's a people business.
[birds chirping]
Eh, it's not my best.
-Your turn.
Yeah, I should go.
I should do this.
Please, God. Just one hit.
You see, it's never really
about the money.
-It's about ambition.
You've got to know
what you're willing to do
to have success
and really take it.
-That's-- That's well said.
-I'm glad you agree with me.
Because the one thing
I cannot teach is ambition.
Now, come on.
You just want to...
Okay, um, yeah.
I hope that's the kind of
ambition I have someday.
Excuse me.
You need to switch my room.
I specifically asked
for a room with a view.
-And I don't have one.
-I'm sorry to hear that, sir.
I don't really care.
Room across from me looks great.
Looks empty.
-I'll take that one.
-101, yes.
But I don't think
I can give you that one, sir.
What is it, Steve?
Steve, the dweeb. Perfect.
It's guys like you
that guys like me
used to beat up
in high school a lot.
You obviously don't know
who you're dealing with
because one phone call,
I'll have cleaning toilets.
Now again,
so you can understand,
the room across from me
looks perfect.
I'll take that one.
[smirks] You've convinced me,
Mr. Daniels.
Damn straight.
Thank you so much again
for staying with us, sir.
-You're crazy. You know that?
Oh, you haven't
seen the half of it.
We got a live one.
You really want to do this?
Alright. [laughs]
[Michelle] I got $20, he doesn't
even last 90 seconds.
[Steve] No way. 60. He is out
the second she pops up.
-You think?
-Hmm. No.
Split the difference.
75 seconds.
-That's how--
-Hey, hey, hey.
I want in.
[man] Dealing with these
fucking idiots.
They don't know
who they're dealing with.
Look, look, look.
-Damn it.
Damn it. 30 seconds?
-She must be pissed.
-Oh, it's amazing, isn't it?
How do he get in that
bathrobe so fast?
Don't know. Don't care. Pay up.
Hey, Asshole! Tell your friends.
Is everything okay?
[phone chimes]
You think, I'm using you?
You don't really
mean that, do you?
[phone chimes]
I know, I wanted you out
of the room in the beginning.
That was then.
I didn't know who you were.
Now that I do,
I don't find you as terrifying.
You think,
I'm like everyone else?
And that's how you feel.
Do you think
I'm just here for this job?
I was, but not anymore.
I'm here for you.
I'm here because
we are kindred spirits.
I'm here because we can connect.
Because we both had someone
that we loved dearly
walk out on us, okay?
So many people close to me
just leave easily,
as if they never cared.
But I wouldn't do that to you,
because I understand you.
And I think you understand me.
But I don't know, because
you can't even talk to me.
I'm sorry.
I will go.
[door closes]

Thank you for having me.
You ordered?
Sit down, Steve.
Glad to.
I take it you, uh,
-you already heard.
Good, then it'll be
less embarrassing.
So, can we expect a severance
package of some kind?
Hey, look, I can't take care
of everybody.
I mean, it wouldn't be
fiscally responsible.
-I understand, but--
-No buts.
Now, look, we are interested
in you being transferred
to another one
of our facilities.
Mr. Delacourt, I have an idea.
What if I buy the hotel?
You? With what money? [laughs]
I have been saving.
Now hear me out.
I know you're going low
on the price. I can do this.
I've been working at this
company for 15 years.
The lodge is like a home to me.
I care about its history,
about what it means to the city.
I'd hate to see it go to someone
who doesn't feel the same.
Look, we might have some
very serious offers.
Well, the hotel's
declining reputation
and you want money faster,
this could be
mutually beneficial.
Look, Steve, I like you,
but this hotel is a black hole.
You'll never make
your money back.
And it's because of this
damn ghost is why?
Mr. Delacourt, please.
Somebody gave you a chance once.
I just want the same chance.
You owe this to me.
[crowd chattering]
Sorry, Steve.
But no.

Hey, where have you been?
-It's over.
I'm sorry. Mr. Delacourt said
he's selling the place.
Yeah, I can't do this anymore.
-I'm done.
and good luck with Sally.
Hold on.
You're into Sally now?
That was quick.
At least things are
working out for you.
What the hell just happened?
[breathes in]
[breathes out and door opens]
[door closes]
I know, I deserve this.
I just...
I cannot stop thinking
about you, Elizabeth.
Are you even there?
I don't even know
what I'm saying anymore, it's...
I'm going to quit the job.
I'm no good at it.
I'm just tired
of letting people down.
You included.
So, I'm going to go.
I'll miss you.
[phone chimes]
"Don't go"?
[light flickers]
Oh, my God.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
But it doesn't matter.
Because they're closing
down the hotel.
Okay, listen.
I'm going to make this work.
I will sneak in after dark,
every night.
No matter what,
I'm gonna see you.
[birds chirping]
Is everything okay?
-What's wrong?
Michelle left.
All she left was this note,
didn't even say goodbye.
I'm really sorry.
I need this job
and she just ditches me like
that, I thought we were friends.
You know, I get it.
When my ex, Rachel,
took off, there was no why,
there was no where.
Just vanished.
Sorry. I don't know if that's
the same as the Michelle--
Yeah, I get it.
-I'm sorry about your ex.
-It's okay, it's just--
It just blows my mind
how easily some people
can say goodbye.
So, do I need to
befriend a ghost, too?
-They seem to hang around.
-Oh, touch.
But unfortunately, this
place is fresh out of ghosts.
You're gonna have to
find your own.
-You're a good guy, Eric.
-You're good guy, too, Sally.
[both laughing]
What are you going to do
once they shut down the hotel?
I don't know.
Probably sneak back in
every now and then.
-But they're tearing it down.
Yeah, I have a friend who works
for the demolition company.
He told me.
Sally, I am so sorry.
I have to go, though.
[door opens]
Hello? Where are you?
Eliza-- Hey. Hey.
We really need to leave.
I need you to trust me, okay?
We're gonna get out of here.
Come on.
It's okay.

[door closes]
You can't leave, can you?
You're stuck
in this room forever?
What if the room
suddenly wasn't here?
Because that's where
it's headed.
Delacourt sold the hotel.
So, they're gonna tear it down
and the room's gonna be gone.
[crickets chirping]
Yeah, I'm going to miss this.
God, just if we could have
one more chance, you know?
Just try one more time.
We'd make it work.
Well, then again, with my track
record of relationships,
it's probably best
you get rid of me now.
It's just hard to find
something real, you know?
Till recently, I didn't even
think that ghosts were real.
You are going to wait for me
in the after-life, aren't you?
[silently] No.
Well, you better.
Because I am way too good
to pass up.
[light flickers]
Isn't there something we can do?
I've tried,
but I burned up all my capital
with Delacourt over dinner.
-Now, you, on the other hand.
You and Delacourt,
you're his new favorite.
Maybe we can use that.
How about you set
up a meeting with him,
we can tag-team him on the idea
of selling the place to me?
You actually have
the capital to buy this place?
This place is cheaper
than you might think
given the paranormal activity.
It will let you spend
more time with Sally.
I'm in.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[light flickers]
Okay, so I found a way.
We set up a meeting
with Delacourt,
we convince him to sell
the hotel to us.
We become part-owners,
the hotel doesn't get torn down,
everyone can stay,
meaning you, meaning
we could be together.
There's no more waiting.
And everyone--

[light flickers]
Mr. Delacourt, hi.
Good to see you, um,
that looks healthy.
Right, um, so Steve
and I have been talking,
and we think that we've come up
with a good business proposal
that will both save the hotel
and make you money.
Is that's so?
For too long, we've been
hiding our biggest assets.
Right. See, because I don't
know if you know this,
but people come to the lodge
not because of the amenities,
which are great.
They come because
of the story of the hotel,
-because of its history.
-And you have to admit,
there's a certain
thrill and charm
to its current
supernatural status.
Right, so we're thinking,
why aren't we
capitalizing on this,
instead of shying away from it?
I think the lodge needs to
play to its strengths, you know?
But we have to talk
about this now.
Just let this land on
Steve and I's shoulders and, uh,
you'll have cash in hand soon.
You two are, uh,
are very creative.
Thank you. And I promise you
that if you allow me to do this,
I will, we both,
will not let you down.
Of course.
Now, for God's sakes,
why don't we get
something to eat?
-It's on me.
-Yeah, oh my God.
I'm starving. Thank you.
Well, guess who decided
to show up.
I-- I've got somebody here
I want you two to meet.
What-- What are you doing here?
That's Mr. Davis.
He just bought the property.
I don't follow. Sean, you--
You actually bought the hotel?
On the condition
of levelling the place.
Mr. Delacourt, you promised Eric
you would hear our proposal.
Look, I promised you both
that you'd have a job
with my company.
I didn't promise
you'd be working at the lodge.
It took everything I had.
But it's done.
It's time to let the past
be the past.
And Elizabeth will be free.
Uh, Elizabeth?
So am I to assume, then, that
this is already a done deal?
Come on now, son.
What's done is done.
I mean, we signed
the papers this morning.
Now you've got to get
over this old lodge stuff
and start concentrating
on being a new executive
at Delacourt Hotels.
Is something wrong?
No, I, uh--
I can't let you do this.
You can't let me do it?
Son, you've got a lot
to learn about business.
And I'm starting
to rethink about you.
-It's a pity.
-It's better this way.
She'll be free from that room,
free from that place.
My debt is paid.
What the hell is going on here?
Did I miss something?
Don't make any rash decisions.
You know, this is your career
we're talking about.
And I appreciate
you looking out for me
but just keep your damn job.

[door opens]
[door closes]
Bravo, Elizabeth. Bravo!
I see, you've been
having fun with Eric.
You had one damn job,
and you screwed it up.
Is this because I kept you
in the room longer?
Because I did it for both of us.
Now I was very clear with you.
You scare people till the price
of the hotel hits dirt cheap.
And I would bring Sean Davis
to release you or whatever.
I don't ask questions.
Your little boyfriend managed
to gum up the works.
Sean just blew me
out of the water.
And you were supposed to wait
for me to handle these things.
I would have gotten
the job done.
You couldn't wait
just a little bit longer.
I've been waiting for 15 years.
Couldn't let it go another week.
Now I'm glad you started
haunting other rooms
but it wasn't enough,
you stopped halfway through.
You know, I could have
brought Sean here
any damn time I wanted to.
He wasn't hard to find,
for the living anyway.
Guess, you got your
way in the end.
I guess, I can't even be mad
that you didn't deliver.
Because here's the thing
about closure, sweetheart.
It doesn't exist.
Things never work out
the way you think they will.
Don't say I never
taught you anything.
Oh, they're going to
level this place
as soon as the permits
go through.
Thought you oughta know.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[door opens]
-[door closes]
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry. I tried.
-I tried, I--
-[door opens]
Come on.
-Wait, wait, wait.
-We got to go, come on.
-Outside. Come on.
[door closes]
This is ridiculous, guys.
-Move it.
-Eric. Eric.
-Steve's been using Elizabeth.
-Hold on, what?
I overheard the whole thing,
he's been torturing her
for years to try to bring
down the price of the hotel.
Sally, you're sure of this?
He promised her that he was
going to bring in the guy
who she was in love with.
I guess she thought
it would free her.
-You lied to her.
I thought it could work.
Clearly nothing
works around here.
Oh, okay, okay.
Come on.

Relax. Relax, right there.
Loosen your arm.
Walk out of this door,
nice and cool, okay?
-[Eric] Mm-hmm.
-[policeman] Got it?
Alright, let's go.

[building shattering]
After nearly 15 years,
local landmark, The Lodge,
has officially been demolished,
meaning the community are set
to lose this local
piece of history,
while others are looking
forward to change.
Owner Leland Delacourt
sold this property
to an undisclosed buyer.
The demolition
was sudden and swift.
As to what's coming
to this place next,
we're just going to
have to wait and see.

Michelle? Oh, my God.
Hey. What are you doing up here?
Just window shopping.
Look at you,
rocking an executive name-tag.
Yes, yes.
[both chuckle]
-It's good to see you.
I am here
to bring you something.
But don't get too excited.
How-- How did you...
Honestly, I took it...
among other things.
[door opens]
[door closes]
I was going to sell it.
I needed every penny after
the hotel cut us out like that.
I read the texts.
You can pay me back later.
Michelle, no way.
-Sally, hi.
Well, I just wanted
to bring something by
for your fearless leader.
That's cool,
he got you a job here?
Yeah, he did.
Alright guys,
well, I'll be seeing you around.
-See you, loser. Bye, Sally.
-Bye, Michelle.
You miss the old place, huh?
Well, at least
you are a manager here.
You've waited
a long time for that.
That's true.
I guess,
that's the hard part, right?
The waiting.
Hey, if it's worth it,
it's worth the wait.

[door opens]
[door closes]
[birds chirping]
Damn it, Elizabeth.

[shaky breathing]