The Warrior and the Sorceress (1984) Movie Script

Someone, please.
Get out of here.
Yeah, get out of here.
With me.
Out of the heat.
I'd nearly given up hope.
Do you have water?
For you.
Got it.
You're fortunate I saw you.
They'd have killed you.
I'm Prelate of Yamatar.
The holy crests on your sword.
The first I've
seen in many years.
Your relief column.
Is it close behind you?
I am alone.
You are a holy warrior?
A Homerac?
The world we knew is dead.
Where are you going?
Have a little look.
What gives them the
right to hold the well?
Hired rabble.
They'd kill for a drop of water.
Who pays them?
Zeg, the tyrant, that's who.
That's his compound there.
His enemy, Bal Caz, there.
Each of these scum
pits his hired soldiers
against the other for
control of the well.
It's the poor villagers
caught in between who suffer.
Which is the
stronger of the two?
Each in his own way is
as strong as the other.
Why do you ask?
Tell your master, Bal
Caz, to watch the well.
And tell him.
I don't work cheap.
Master Bal Caz!
Look who's here.
What do you want?
Little drink of water.
If you want water, go dig
for it like everyone else.
I never was much for digging.
I'm gonna cut you in half.
We villagers
thank you, dark one!
Dark one?
Master Bal Caz bids you
bless of his invitation.
Retake the well!
We'll have to deal differently
with this new sword of Bal Caz.
I'm onto it.
Your Worship.
The fountain of love.
Thank you, Master Bal Caz.
Thank you.
Thank you, Master.
Ah, yes.
You will fight for Bal Caz?
I fight for gold and tarac.
I will pay two taracs.
And give you the shelter
of my house till you die.
Not enough.
I will give you 25 taracs
for every eight settings
of the sun.
In advance.
Tomorrow you will lead
my warriors against Zeg,
and rid Yamatar of that miserable
scum who denies me water.
Go, enjoy the
comforts of Bal Caz.
I attack at first light.
Are you sure this
is a good plan?
I see.
The dark one will kill Zeg,
and we will kill the dark one,
and I will get my
100 taracs back.
Very clever, darling.
What would I do without you?
Send that pirate
Zeg my challenge!
Bring me the sacred sword!
I want the princess
here for the test.
I should kill you for this!
You've got one more
chance to make me
the sacred Sword of Ura.
Or I'll sell you to the slavers,
and your blessed father's head
will rest on my pike!
My lord.
Bal Caz has sent a challenge.
So the pig takes courage
from one dark warrior.
This fight won't last
long, alert the troops.
I warrant you, my lord.
The dark one will end his
service upon my sword.
Good, very good.
Put her in chains!
Today is your last.
You pirate!
We shall see, you great worm!
Dark one.
I won't fight for anyone
that plots against my life.
Do it!
The slavers!
The slavers!
I'll kill you later.
We'll see who kills
who, my fat friend.
See there?
The big ugly one?
That's Burgo.
Master slaver.
And the meanest of the lot.
You know him?
I've seen him before.
When you see Burgo, you know
another village has fallen.
All right!
Bring the slaves!
This sword's too light.
But quicker the cut.
And now, my taracs.
Half a slave's weight.
And a fat one at that, huh?
Master Bal Caz.
Have you water enough
for the great waste?
I do.
Thanks to Master Zeg.
Then good crossing,
Master Burgo.
And good night to
you, Master Zeg.
Good night to you,
Master Bal Caz, sleep well.
Master Burgo, you have my trade.
Good slaves for good armament.
Will you take this
for the female?
She pleases me.
For the moment.
When Burgo discovers
Zeg's coat of arms
on the poison water,
the slavers will return
with a force large enough
to rid me of Zeg forever.
Zeg's doing!
I will avenge you.
My warriors!
Gather a new army, and
return to avenge your deaths!
I came to sell information.
Of what sort?
I heard something about Bal
Caz and your coat of arms.
My coat of arms?
Go on, speak.
Bal Caz has given Burgo
gourds of poison water
with your coat of arms on them.
When Burgo sees
his warriors dead,
he's going to be very angry.
How do you know this?
I make it my business.
Get me those gourds.
Too dangerous.
Look over there!
Take the Prelate.
And escape this
night from Yamatar.
Your secret is safe with me.
There was a time
when I could command.
And I would obey.
But that is finished.
Is it?
You must save the Prelate.
I can no longer
keep him from harm.
Zeg, does he know?
He wants the Sword of Ura.
You can do that?
He will never have it.
Hide in the temple
with the Prelate.
I'll join you later.
You come at a most
opportune moment, dark one.
What do you want
for that creature?
1,000 taracs.
Take it away.
How is it you came to be in
possession of Bal Caz's favors?
I was never one to let
opportunity pass me by.
Bal Caz's head will be
before me soon enough.
Events move swiftly, it
will not pay to stand alone.
Or to choose the wrong side.
So, you miserable sleaze.
You thought you could beat me.
Bal Caz.
Leave the village,
or I'll kill this
vermin where he stands.
Decide, Bal Caz.
We will see
who will stay and who will go.
We'll trade.
So be it.
Let the trade begin.
How did you know?
Another time.
Find the old fool.
First ten, follow!
Search everywhere.
Find him!
We've looked.
We've found no one.
Search the village.
A ransom.
One gourd of water.
That girl has more courage than a warrior.
But if she doesn't give Zeg
the sword he'll kill her.
If she's lucky.
Do I hear water?
Where does this passage lead?
connects with the well.
That oughta cause
some excitement.
Now, if they lower
a man down there,
they'll think the well
has gone dry, won't they?
And now, I must offer
my sword to Zeg.
You stay here and make
sure my taracs are safe.
What brings you
to my hall, warrior?
The ring of taracs.
Perhaps he seeks sanctuary.
Have you something
more to sell?
Yes, Master Zeg.
My sword.
That would be welcome.
Sit beside me and we'll speak.
I weary of this sword play,
give me something amusing.
Tell me, dark one, would
Bal Caz pay you well?
He did.
Why choose this house?
You are its enemy.
A good question,
how do you answer?
I fight for those
who pay me the most.
Bal Caz thinks you are
betrayed from within.
So that gives him courage.
With my sword against him,
he will be frightened.
My worth is greater
here, if you should pay.
Should she live?
You are the master.
Beware, my lord.
He serves his own end,
and could turn against you
if the pay were greater.
No doubt as all here would,
if they had the choice.
Would you not welcome his
sword against Bal Caz?
How ironic.
This village dies
for lack of water.
This lovely creature
dies of an overabundance.
Stimulating, you agree?
There are no lessons
in death, my lord.
Only victory and defeat.
As for my part, I
prefer 400 taracs.
You do not count them?
I trust Master Zeg.
You've brought me good
cheer, will you fill yourself?
First I think I must
inspect your defenses.
I could not eat while feeling
I was in peril of my life.
As captain of the guard,
he does me insult, my lord.
See to his needs.
Good night, my lord.
Is hostage woman
pretty well guarded?
Where's she kept?
This way.
She's in there.
Guarded by the protector.
I wouldn't go in there.
It's an awful sort of thing.
Have you seen it?
No, I haven't.
Then how do you
know she's safe?
Stay back!
She's escaped!
Get the guard!
The Prelate waits for
you beneath the temple.
Go there and hide with him.
Show yourself to no one.
What is this news?
See for yourself, Master Zeg.
How could this have happened?
It would take 20 men
to do a thing like this.
Search the village!
Leave nothing unturned, or
I'll have all your heads!
Quickly, we must hide.
You're the sword that led
the dark one from this hall.
Before you sounded the alarm,
did you see the
woman gone yourself?
Master Zeg.
Master Zeg.
The dark one killed the
protector, and I have proof.
I spoke with the guard.
In honor of my new sword,
I've ordered special
Where is the woman?
Come in!
In here!
To be before Master
Zeg, where are the guards?
Have them form a
circle around the well.
The well is drying up.
Seen this yourself?
Hey, you!
Inform Master Zeg
the well's going dry.
Gather the troops.
Full armaments,
swords and shields.
He's escaped!
Find the dark one!
Find the dark one!
Find him!
Over here!
Give me a torch!
He must be here.
Over here, you fool!
The dark one's escaped.
Forget about that,
we've got to protect the well.
I want him.
Search everywhere.
He must be here!
Open the gate!
Move the wagons!
Move the wagon out!
Hold there!
Reinforce the well!
Move the wagon out!
Yes, my lord.
It's drying up.
This is all we could draw.
No one'll die.
Lower a man to check the well.
Get a rope over here.
You, in the well.
Look, my lord.
Arm shields.
And what manner
of mischief is this?
Stand back, vulture.
It's almost dry.
Shut up, you fool!
We must have water!
There's water?
See for yourself.
Take the well or die!?
Choose, Master Zeg.
The villagers seek our deaths!
We need each other!
an alliance.
Join forces!
Surround the well.
Warriors of Yamatar!
I am master here now.
Are you with me
against our enemies?
Thou sacred Sword of
Ura, forged from our blood,
aid our village
in this dark hour.
Mighty Burgo.
Thank you.
This dry well has
caused us grief enough.
Thank you, he says.
Disarm them!
What are you doing?
I thought you were my friend!
Slavers have no friends.
Pick it up.
It's too light.
Strike the anvil.
Strike it.
In your hand
is the Sword of Ura.
Let them see it.
A surprise, master.
him with the others.
Water has been drained off.
Beneath the temple.
We repaired the
break with stones.
It will flow by tonight.
Your men made a fool of Zeg.
We leave this night.
Load the booty and
make ready the slaves.
Kill the weak ones.
Yes, master.
Put him with the rest!
You are a Homerac.
Put down your sword.
Your gods are dead.
Prove it.
Kill him!
Now is the time!
Death to the slavers!
The gods are with us, Naja.
You're free.
Get the Homerac!
I travel alone.
All of Yamatar is with you.
And I'm with all of you.
To holy victory.
To holy victory.
Come back to us.