The Wasp (2024) Movie Script

[soft chiming music]
[ominous music]
[person sobbing]
[pigeons cooing]
[sobbing continues]
[indistinct chattering
in distance]
[somber music]
[wings flapping]
[foreboding music]
[wasps buzzing]
[buzzing continues]
[glass clinks]
Have you called the guy
about the wasp nest yet?
The wasp nest,
have you called?
[Simon] I will.
Still loads of
the bloody things.
[Simon] I'll have him
come round Monday.
[woman] Make sure
I'm around then, shall I?
[door shuts]
[footsteps thudding on stairs]
Club meeting tonight,
important I'm there.
Don't wait up.
[wasp buzzing]
Have you picked up the wine
order for tomorrow night?
Not yet.
I need this dinner
to go well, Heather.
I know.
[Simon grunts softly]
[locks clicking]
[door thuds]
[wasp buzzing]
[buzzing continues]
[buzzing continues]
[dark music]
[wing fluttering]
[pigeon cooing weakly]
Probably a fox got it.
[music continues]
[lid clatters]
[music continues]
I need a rock.
[music intensifies]
[Simon groans]
[dark music]
[music continues]
[pigeon coos weakly]
What are you going to do?
Put it out of it's misery.
[music intensifies]
[door clicks]
[indistinct] Big night.
Yeah. Two AM.
[Simon continues indistinctly]
[Heather inhales sharply]
[ominous music]
[suspenseful music]
[Heather exhales]
[music ends]
[children yelling in distance]
Oh, hello.
-[stone clatters]
-Oh, thanks Ruby.
[Ruby] What is that?
It's a worry stone.
See? It's comforting.
What are you worrying about?
Okay, bye.
You going out on your own?
Going to my mates.
You be careful. Okay?
Yeah. I will.
Your mum know you're going?
[Ruby] Yeah.
That's good.
[wasp buzzing]
[buzzing stops]
[suspenseful music]
[guests chatting]
[door clicking]
Oh! I was just
coming for more wine.
[bottles clinking]
[fridge door thuds]
Someone order more wine?
[door thuds]
[wasps buzzing]
[tense music]
[Heather breathing heavily]
[wasps buzzing]
-[wasp buzzes]
[Heather breathing heavily]
[tense music intensifies]
[box clatters]
[hammer thudding]
[wasps buzzing angrily]
What are you fucking doing?
[wasp nest thuds]
[wasps buzzing]
[door thuds]
[indistinct chattering]
See you soon and, um,
less drama next time, okay?
[car revving]
[dog barking]
[door thudding]
[muffled wasps buzzing]
[Simon inhales deeply]
[Simon exhales sharply]
What the fuck?
And tonight?
You had to do that tonight?
I mean, I needed
this to go well,
and you knew that.
-[Heather gasps]
[soft ominous music]
[Simon sighs]
[door clicks]
I'll call the exterminator
in the morning.
[door thuds]
[wasps continue buzzing]
[music continues]
[wasps buzzing]
[tense music]
[scanner beeping]
[phone vibrating]
That's 39 pound 40. Thanks.
It's my favorite time of year.
Not too hot, not too cold.
Am I done yet?
After her.
How much was it again?
For fuck's sake.
[cash machine clattering]
[scanners beeping]
[indistinct PA announcement]
[low somber music]
[car alarm blaring in distance]
[Carla sighs]
[Carla sighs]
[phone buzzing]
[caller shouting indistinctly]
Stop shouting.
I'm coming.
Leaving now.
[caller shouting indistinctly]
Stop fucking shouting.
[siren beeps in distance]
[child crying]
[muffled arguing]
[door clicking]
[Carla] What the fuck is
going on in here then?
[door slams]
[television playing
Can I go out tonight?
Ask your dad.
He ain't my dad.
Don't start.
-He's asleep.
-Well, then.
[David sighs]
[indistinct chattering on TV]
[phone vibrates]
[phone thuds]
[Carla] Oi!
I'm going out. I got work.
[soft expectant music]
[car rumbling]
[car revving]
[music continues]
[siren wailing in distance]
[car rumbling]
[car door clicks]
Night then, James.
[car revving]
[intriguing music]
[Carla sighs]
[Carla breathing heavily]
[siren wails in distance]
[money rustles]
[music continues]
[whispers] Fuck.
[Carla sniffs]
[phone buzzes]
[wasps buzzing]
[intriguing music]
[car honking]
You haven't changed a bit.
I mean, other than...
When are you due?
Couple of months.
You have.
[chuckles] Oh God. I hope so.
So what do you want then?
Uh, well, I, I...
How are you?
How have you been since
we last saw each other?
I mean, I see the bits
and bobs on your social,
but you've had kids now,
haven't you?
Yeah, four.
Pretty hard work, if I'm honest.
But I love them and that.
What about you? You've got kids?
Er, no.
No. I, I'd like to but no. Yeah.
[Carla] Better hurry up.
I know.
[cups clinking]
My old man wanted another and
I just told him to fuck off.
So what happened?
It just happened, I guess.
Now he's all happy about it.
And you're not?
Well he won't be the one
getting up with it at night
and changing nappies and such.
Never helped with all that.
He's traditional
like that I think.
I don't mind.
But I do mind. You know.
Well, I must say you
seem pretty together
for a mum of nearly five.
Well, I have to be, don't I?
And where do you work now?
[Carla] Cashier. Supermarket.
Oh yeah?
Whatever. It's fine.
Look, why did you wanna meet?
Um, yeah, look...
I know that we weren't
exactly mates at school,
well, we actually were
when I first moved here.
In fact, you were
my first friend. My only friend.
I remember my accent
used to be...
Anyway, um, yeah,
after that, um,
before we got to the stage
where you were with Carrie
and that lot and I definitely
wasn't your friend.
Do you remember before?
Like in year seven when
we'd hang out after school?
Yes. Sort of.
Do you remember that one day
after school with the pigeon?
Perhaps I should start
at the beginning, I think.
Yeah, that would help.
[indistinct chattering]
Look, do you know
if there's anywhere
more private that we could talk?
I have to be at work
in half an hour,
so you can walk
with me if you like.
[tense music]
Look, so I'm,
I'm sorry if this is all
a bit too much information.
I appreciate that we haven't
been in touch for years.
-Get on with it.
-Do appreciate--
Alright, um,
so my husband and I
have been trying to conceive
a baby for several years now.
Ain't sex working?
Well, no.
Is it him?
It's usually the man.
No, we looked into it
and it appears to be me.
You do know that there's
only about two days
when you're really ready, yeah?
Yeah. We've done
all the timing.
We've tried everything.
I promise you.
We also tried some IVF,
but it's not working.
[traffic light beeping]
That's him.
I got pregnant first time
every time I tried.
Well, that's wonderful for you
that you found it so easy.
Do you want this one?
Suit yourself.
[indistinct chattering]
Could you slow down?
Look, let's just tick.
I wanted to talk to
you about something.
[suspenseful music]
Go on.
This is in the strictest
confidence. All right?
-Please don't tell anyone.
-Go on.
My husband, Simon,
he's been...
emailing another woman.
Hold up. I ain't good
at agony aunt shit.
Just so you know.
I ain't gonna be much help.
So if that's why
you wanted to meet--
[Heather] No!
No it isn't.
I'm not one for
being nice and that.
What's that word?
-[Carla] Whatever.
I'm not good at that.
[music continues]
[Heather] Carla!
[Heather panting]
It's been going
on for two years.
You've let this carry on
for two years?
-Fuck's sake.
In the last week,
he's emailed her to say
that he wants them
to finally meet.
Why has it taking
them two years to meet?
She said she's overseas.
How do you know?
The emails!
I'm sorry, but I don't think
you've got much of
a leg to stand on.
You've been reading
his emails for two years.
You should have said
something when it started.
He's gonna hold
that against you.
I haven't been reading them.
Well, I, I have, but not
in the way that you think.
I haven't been
accessing his account.
But how do you know what
he's been writing to her?
'Cause it's me.
Who's you?
The other woman.
It's me.
He's been emailing me.
You crafty little cunt.
I love it.
[suspenseful music]
I was paranoid that
he was cheating on me.
So a, a couple of years back
I created a fake profile
and messaged him.
I guess I was right
to be paranoid
because he messaged back.
Yes, he bloody did.
Probably shouldn't have
let it go on so long.
But he kept
getting in touch, so...
I love it.
I'm not proud of myself.
Why not? I would be.
Well, it's like you said,
I don't really have
a leg to stand on.
Oh, fuck that!
Honey trap, mate.
You set a honey trap
and he went for it.
Everyone does it.
[Carla] Yeah, the only way
to make sure
that your bloke isn't
playing the field.
Men are like this. See?
And you have to catch them out
just to remind them that
you're there sometimes.
[Heather] I didn't think
he was like that.
[Carla] Well, of course he is.
I never come across
a man who isn't.
Cheating is
a level of disrespect
that's tantamount to violence.
You know?
It's acceptable
to some and not to others.
Not to me it ain't.
My bloke lays one finger on
me and my kids and he's out.
What you going on about?
I'm just saying in my world,
men respect women.
What's this world
you keep on going on about?
Is it different to mine?
No, of course not.
-I'm just saying that--
-Just saying what?
Because so far all you've done
is made me go outta my way
to meet you,
chatted shit about
your stupid husband
and then basically insulted me.
-Well, look, I'm, I'm sorry.
I'm done.
[indistinct chattering]
[indistinct PA announcement]
Fuck's sake.
Look, just hear me out. Okay?
-The pigeon.
The pigeon in the field
at the back of the school.
Do you remember?
It was you and me
on our way home.
And there was that pigeon
with a broken wing.
What's a pigeon gotta
do with your husband?
What you did seemed to
come so naturally to you.
That's 10 pound 15 please.
I wanted to do this
somewhere quiet.
Do what?
When do you finish?
Not for another four hours.
Can you take a break?
No. Look, whatever
it is, just tell me.
Meet me at the loading bay.
-I can't.
-[Heather] I don't care.
Meet me there in five minutes.
[Carla] No.
Look, I've got 10,000 pounds
in this bag and it's yours.
Find a way to leave.
Till's closed, love.
Go to the next one.
[suspenseful music]
[indistinct chattering]
What the fuck is it then?
What the fuck
have I bailed on work for?
I want you to kill Simon.
[music ends]
[laughs] What?
I've got 10,000 pounds
in this bag
and there's another 40
once it's done.
He's lied. He's cheated.
He's hurt, he's emotionally
and physically abused me.
I don't just want him
out of my life.
I want him gone completely.
And you're the only person
I know who can do it.
Kill him. Kill Simon.
I want him dead.
You've done it before.
To a fucking pigeon.
A pigeon.
Are you mental?
What's wrong with you?
50,000 pounds.
You're thinking about it,
aren't you?
No. Look.
I don't know who you think
I am, but I'm not that, okay?
You've made a mistake
about this.
I'm going.
It's a shitload of money.
Well, not really, actually.
Not really.
Oh, come on.
It is when you've got nothing.
Well, that would be
none of your business.
He's been gambling again,
hasn't he?
-Your bloke.
-[tense music]
What was it you said?
"That stupid cunt has lost
our rent money again."
You should be a bit more careful
who you befriend on
social media yourself. you.
He's fit, isn't he?
And good with words.
[music continues]
Look, I'm, I'm sorry.
I know that you were hoping
that he could be your ticket
out of this place.
But look, that's why I'm here.
I just needed to find out
a bit more about you
before making this proposition.
I mean, for all I knew
you could have been loaded.
I had to make sure my offer
wouldn't be rejected.
Well, it will be.
I can't do it.
50 grand would help,
wouldn't it?
[Carla laughs]
Look at you pretending
as if 50,000
isn't something
you're desperate for.
I don't know who
you think I am.
You need this.
No, I don't.
-Yes you do.
-You got me wrong.
Fuck you! You got me wrong.
[suspenseful music]
75 grand.
[music ends]
[dog barking in distance]
[fence thuds]
[door clicks]
[door thuds]
[clock ticking]
[train horn blaring]
Oh thanks, love.
You all right
with the little 'uns?
Oh, yeah.
-They're all fed.
-Oh, we'll be fine, love.
I'll be back late.
Mm. You at the supermarket then?
No, not this evening.
Something else.
-Be careful now.
[foreboding music]
[music continues]
[indistinct chattering]
[chattering continues]
[Tel] Alright there, Carla love?
Alright, Tel.
-[can clattering]
-Oh God. Uh...
Why, uh, why don't you,
um, join us?
Not today. Yeah.
You alright, yeah?
Yeah. Can't complain.
-Yeah. Later.
[foreboding music]
[tray clinking]
-[dish shatters]
-Oh my god!
-[Heather sighs]
-[whispers] Let me in.
[foreboding music]
What are you doing out there?
You shocked me.
Didn't want no one
seeing me come in.
-Oh yeah. Good.
-[door thuds]
[Carla] It's basic stuff.
Yeah, of course.
75 grand ain't worth
the jail term for murder.
I'm not fucking this up.
We need a proper plan.
I ain't never done this before
and not a human anyways.
So we wanna work
it out properly.
No amateur shit.
[Heather] Yeah,
you're absolutely right.
We do it properly.
Which means it won't
be happening quickly.
[Heather] Okay?
It means I wanna
scope out your place,
work out timings,
make sure nothing can go wrong.
You really do sound like
you've done this before.
I've watched a lot of telly.
I Googled it.
Since we met,
I've been researching.
Carefully, mind,
not on my home computer.
Don't have one.
Went down the library, didn't I?
So I know all the common
mistakes people make.
I ain't planning to make them?
[Heather] What mistakes?
[Carla] Like fingerprints.
Wearing gloves, ain't I?
[Heather] Oh, very good.
[Carla] And I'm reckoning
you have a dishwasher.
I want you to make sure
it's on the hottest wash
you've got when
you clean it, okay?
[Heather] Of course. Yeah.
[Carla] I ain't gonna be
seen when I come here.
That's why I came in
at the back.
And when we do it,
we'll do it at night.
We'll cover my face and make
sure that I've got an alibi.
I don't know.
If it is nighttime,
then my husband will say
that I'm in bed with him.
Which wouldn't be lying for him,
'cause that's what he'll think.
Sleeps so heavy,
he wouldn't notice either way.
All right. Okay.
And when I do it,
I make sure that the weapon
is from somewhere
random and unconnected.
And then I'll chuck it in with
the recycling at the dump.
So I was thinking
we make it look like
a botched burglary.
I've done a few
house jobs before
and I know all the stuff needed
to make it look like
I'd broken in to steal.
I'll take some stuff, you know,
we'll call it collateral damage
and then it'll look
more authentic that way.
Yeah, or I could
make some stuff up,
so you don't actually
have to physically
take anything with you.
No, I, I wanna
take some stuff.
Well what if you're
caught with them?
I won't be. I'll sell it on.
Don't worry about it.
Yeah. I'd really rather not
lose any of my belongings.
Well, I'm paying you
an awful lot already.
I'd rather we found
an alternative.
You want me to
kill your husband
and you're worried
about losing your iPad
and some bits of jewelry?
All right, well if we can agree
some not-so-important
items, then.
You can lay out the things
you don't mind going.
Can't believe
we're talking about this.
I'm just, I'm just
not entirely convinced
that this is the best idea.
Don't you think
it's a bit clich?
A what?
A botched burglary.
It's a bit clich, no?
Won't they see through it?
You come up with
something then.
Well, actually I have.
Go on.
So I cook him a lovely meal
and slip something into his
drink, which sedates him.
And once he's out,
I call you and...
and that's when you kill him.
And then what?
Well, then you get rid of him.
What? Like dispose
of him, in bags?
Where? Where would we do that?
And also the drugs in his
system, if they find the body,
they would detect that.
Cut him up and put him
in bags in the freezer
and slowly thaw him out and
feed him to a dog or something.
I mean, have you got a dog?
Well, if it's eaten,
it can't be discovered.
-[Heather] What?
You're fucked.
No, I'm just trying
to be thorough.
If you do a botched burglary,
you could leave evidence.
This way we get rid of it all.
So you can drug him
and cut up his body,
but you can't do
the killing yourself?
There's a world of difference
between slipping a sedative
into someone's drink and
hacking them to death.
And I wouldn't be doing
the disposing.
That's your job.
That's why I'm paying you.
And how do you explain
his disappearance?
His infidelity.
You know, he's run away.
I assume he's left the country.
I'm a scorned woman. Betrayed.
He's the bad guy.
And when he doesn't
turn up at all,
don't you think
they'd get suspicious?
I dunno. I'll burn his passport.
Make out that he packed
a bag and properly went.
I don't know. I mean--
It's all a bit farfetched.
And to be honest, it's violent.
Oh, and beating him to death
isn't violent?
You were the one going on about
not being that kind of person.
And here you are coming up
with the worst
kind of nasty shit.
That's why I need you.
I couldn't do
any of this myself.
Look, are you sure you
want him actually dead?
Not just...
exposed and
chased off in some way.
You want him properly,
brutally murdered.
Okay. Well, if it's to be me
and not you to do it,
then I wanna do it my way.
Well, I, I just think
it's a bit risky.
I mean, what if he
defends himself?
What if he overpowers you?
Now you're right about that.
So, okay,
here's what we do then.
Some of your plan too,
you drug him at dinner,
or better yet, get him good
and drunk, like pass out drunk.
Would that be possible?
And then when he's out
for the count, you call me,
I come over
and I do it with...
-No, no.
-No. That's not hard.
Need something harder like a...
like a poker or a candlestick
or something.
Miss Carla in the sitting room
with a candlestick.
[both laughing]
[sighing] No, okay. Not that.
[book thuds]
I mean it would hurt,
but I don't think it would
knock him out.
Well, it is a very boring book.
[Carla] What we got up here?
Oh, he got that for
some golf tournament
where he was the only one in
his category that turned up.
Yeah. Perfect.
So I knock him out,
take some stuff and then
it'll look like a burglary
that went wrong 'cause he was
drunk and trying to play hero.
And I'll take
a sleeping pill too
and I'll wake up
in the morning to discover him.
Yeah, yeah.
Do it. Go on.
Come in like
it's the next morning.
[gasps] Oh my god.
My darling. Oh!
Yes. Yes.
No, but do it by the window.
Make sure the neighbors can see.
[softly] Help! Help!
-[Heather gasps]
-[Carla] Okay, quick.
Now phone the police and report
this horrible, tragic crime.
Oh, okay.
Oh, officer, I went to
bed early after dinner
and he was downstairs having
a night cap watching the telly.
[mimicking Heather]
And whoever it was
knew exactly
what they were doing.
Do I really sound like that?
[in normal voice] Yeah.
[Heather] Wow. [chuckles]
So what do you think then?
Yeah. I, I think it's good.
Only good?
I think it sounds fucking mint.
I'm just still a bit loathe
to lose too many of
my belongings, you know.
Man, you've gotta let that go.
Well, I may be getting
rid of this man,
but I'm doing everything
I can to make sure
that every other area of
my life remains unaffected.
I'm not sure I can guarantee
that. Things will change.
You're gonna have to
get your story straight.
Yeah, I will.
No, I mean like really straight.
They're going to question
you a lot. It won't be easy.
I know.
Do you?
[Heather] Yeah, of course I do.
I'm not a complete innocent.
All right.
Look, I know you remember me
as being a bit of a loser.
I have lived a life
since then, you know.
I've done stuff.
I'm not squeaky clean.
I'll take your word for it.
It still works doesn't it?
What does?
It's that thing that you do.
It's your...
your face,
your whole demeanor.
Makes you seem so powerful.
If you like.
God, it takes me back.
I used to be terrified of you.
[cups clinking]
You used to have such
a presence at school.
I mean it was amazing
'cause you weren't that big.
I mean we were pretty much
the same height,
but I would never have
tried to stand up to you.
Never, 'cause the things
you would say.
Look, I don't even
remember talking to you
after year eight.
So whatever you think I did,
was probably someone else.
Yeah, probably.
I mean it's, it's all in
the past now anyway, isn't it?
Yes. So can we get on
with this now please?
When do you want it done?
I mean, I reckon I could
get everything ready
in a couple of weeks.
Gosh. Two weeks?
I can't do any sooner.
No, no of course not.
I mean two weeks is so imminent.
I just assumed you'd
want to wait until um...
Might I ask how you plan on
doing all of this with that?
Because I'd imagine that
it would get in the way.
Look, don't worry,
I can do this.
Just make sure you leave
the back door open.
Like he's been outside for a fag
and forgotten to lock up.
I won't be climbing
through windows or nothing.
And if he gets fighty?
He won't.
I'll give him a good
pounding on the head
before he's even roused
from his boozy sleep.
If all goes well.
It will.
[Heather] Look.
I'm only a half joking,
but I won't be paying
for any special needs
schooling down the line.
That's all I'm saying.
I hear you loud and clear.
[Heather] I'm just being
practical and realistic.
This is a business transaction.
I don't want it turned
into anything else.
And actually, on that matter,
if you ever think up
the bright idea
of trying to blackmail me
for more money
once this is all done,
I'll have no
hesitation in taking you
straight to the police station.
If that means I'm in prison too,
then so be it.
I won't go down without you.
Well done.
Nice speech.
Fuck off.
[Carla] I mean it, you got
the makings of a real hard nut.
And you've got the makings
of a patronizing bitch.
Well, then I guess
we're a bit more like each other
than we thought.
Whose are these? Yours or his?
That is one nasty
looking spider.
Yeah, he, he didn't
catch them himself.
He got them off eBay.
Framed in shit plastic
and ready to hang.
[Carla] What's this one?
Which one?
This one?
Tarantula hawk.
No, this winged thing.
Yeah, it's a wasp
called tarantula hawk.
Something he got
a bit obsessed with
after watching some
documentary on TV.
Why tarantula?
Because it preys on them.
-[Heather] Mm.
It stings and paralyzes them
and takes them to its lair,
where it plants an egg on it,
which burrows into it and
grows feeding off its insides
but avoiding all the major
organs so it's still alive.
-The tarantula?
-[Heather] Yeah.
It needs it alive
throughout its pupation.
[ominous music]
And then once it's fully grown
it burrows out and
the spider dies.
Bit like being pregnant.
What? Being eaten
from the inside out?
May as well be.
Wouldn't it be nice
if once they're grown,
we mothers get to die
and they have to head out
and fend for themselves?
Is it really that bad?
I won't answer that.
Nasty sting.
[Heather] Simon revels in
telling dinner guests
what it's like to
be stung by one
even though he's never
actually seen one alive.
What does it feel like?
Well, according to Simon,
and therefore
according to Google,
it's three minutes
of intense pain
whereby you can do absolutely
nothing at all except scream.
But once it's over, you're fine.
Or at least better than before.
I kind of understand why
Simon thinks they're cool.
I think they're vile.
Look, I want you to know
that this isn't a decision
I've made lightly.
No, he's lied and cheated.
He's bullied me.
He's made me feel like shit
throughout most of
our relationship.
I'm fairly sure he treats
the other women he sees
just as badly.
The world won't miss him.
Don't have to justify it to me.
He's a nasty piece of work.
You want him dead.
I get it.
[Carla sighs]
This all feels very chummy,
doesn't it? [chuckles]
I sort of feel like we're
getting on like old times.
If you like.
It's funny.
I didn't think we would.
You know, we're so different.
Are we?
Yeah we are.
Please yourself.
Do you know that
I actually spent most
of my teenage years
quite severely depressed?
Didn't we all?
I genuinely spent the majority
of my days in misery.
I just want you to know that.
You're saying it
like it's my fault.
You don't think
it's your fault?
No. Fuck no.
We were all fucked up.
It was school.
I mean, come on, everyone
was horrible to everyone.
Not everyone.
Yes, everyone.
I dealt with shit too.
That was part of it.
We all had to go through it.
You were nothing special,
Come on.
Didn't I say sorry back then?
Okay, fine.
I'm sorry.
Two words, 30 years after.
It doesn't quite
feel enough though, does it?
Well, I don't actually
know what else I can do.
You seem to think that
something specific happened
that was me.
I don't know what that was, so.
Come on. What was it I did?
-[Carla] Yeah.
Other than the normal shit
that everyone did.
You know, the name
calling and the teasing
and the, I don't know,
a fucking bit of a tussle.
Other than that shit,
what did I do
that has made you
so fucking bitter?
Year seven.
That's when it all began.
It was just after the pigeon.
We were friends and then
one day suddenly we weren't.
Do you remember why?
[ominous music]
[door creaking]
[door slamming]
[students chattering]
[girl] Hey, Heather.
Come here.
[students whispering]
Go on, tell them.
The whole school knows anyway.
What do you mean?
Everybody knows you
fancy Toby, but...
[students gasp]
[students giggle]
Why don't you tell them
what you told me?
-But I--
-Don't be shy.
Go on.
Tell 'em about
what you do in the shower
when you're thinking about him.
-Uh, I...
-[Carla] Tell him.
I don't do anything.
You told me you
flick yourself off
-thinking about him.
-[students gasp]
I, I never.
You are such a dirty bitch.
[students giggling]
Dirty Heather.
[all] Dirty Heather.
Dirty Heather.
Dirty Heather. Dirty Heather.
Dirty Heather. Dirty Heather.
-Dirty Heather. Dirty Heather.
Dirty Heather. Hm.
That's what everyone
called me after that.
I didn't come here to be
fucking lectured, right.
If you don't shut the fuck up,
I'm leaving.
And your plan to kill
your husband, yeah?
Your plan will be
round town as fast
as you can say
Dirty Fucking Heather.
So you shut your mouth.
No, you won't do that,
'cause you need the money.
Nah, not this much I don't.
Fuck you and your stupid
trip down memory lane.
I ain't doing this no more.
Yes, you fucking are.
'Cause you owe me
and you know it.
I owe you nothing.
Is that what you really think?
Do you really believe that?
Don't you remember
what came after Toby?
I know what it is
you're getting at.
Don't worry sweetheart.
You thought you were
so much better than me.
You had your mum and your dad
at your beck and call,
anything you wanted.
Schoolwork was easy.
Teacher pleaser.
Neat fucking uniform.
And I'd been waiting to wipe
that smile off your face
for years.
You didn't know.
You didn't fucking know
what my life had been like.
And you judged me every day.
The day I killed the pigeon.
You wanna know what
happened that morning?
I watched my dad smack my mum
so hard round the face
that her eye popped out,
clean out of its socket.
I watched her put it back in
while I called the ambulance.
That's just the kind of
thing he did, most days.
And then pretty soon it wasn't
just mum, it was me as well.
So when I used to
go around yours
and see what kind
of life you had
at first it was like
a fucking refuge for me.
They were nice and stuff.
I liked being there.
It was all so calm.
But then I started to
realize that the more time
I spent with you and
your perfect sunshine family,
the more my family looked
like a black hole of shit.
And in your face,
when I killed the pigeon,
you knew fuck all.
You were still a child.
And even though we
were the same age,
I was already an adult.
I couldn't be your friend.
You pissed me off.
You didn't know anything.
And even if I'd explained it
to you right then and there,
you still wouldn't have
understood, would you?
-No. So there you go.
Can I go now?
'Cause I feel like this has
reached its natural fucking end.
I knew about your dad.
[somber music]
I'd seen your bruises.
I also knew 'cause Mum wouldn't
let me go and stay at yours.
And I'd wanted to know why.
I didn't have anything
I could say to make that better.
But I thought
if I could be your friend
and we could do nice
things together,
then that's what I could do.
You knew about my dad?
Your mum knew?
[Heather] Yeah.
[ominous music]
And she did nothing?
Well, I dunno, do I?
I mean maybe she did.
Maybe she called social services
or maybe she spoke to your mum.
I was too young.
I was too young.
Yeah, well so was I.
You must have known
it was coming.
Of course I did.
I'd spent the weeks leading
up to it in complete terror.
[school bell ringing]
[students chattering, giggling]
[ominous music]
[door shuts]
[music continues]
[Heather grunts]
-[blows thudding]
-[Heather] Stop, please.
[blows thudding]
[door opens]
[door thuds closed]
[music fades]
Well, that's school for you.
Training ground for life.
We'd been friends, Carla.
I didn't name you
when they asked.
I knew you could
have been expelled.
[Carla] Am I supposed
to say thank you?
Are we gonna finish
talking about the plan
or can I leave?
No, let's finish.
Right. So.
You get him pissed.
Call me,
leave the back door open.
I come round.
I bosh him.
I take some stuff and leave.
Sound about right?
[Heather] I guess.
No, "I guess."
I want certainty.
This has to go perfectly.
[Heather] Of course.
And when are we gonna do
the rest of the money?
[Heather] When it's done.
No, I want half up front now.
[Heather] Not possible.
Make it possible.
[Heather] It's 65,000 pounds.
My bank won't release that
in cash just like that.
Anyway, you've
already had 10 grand.
That should be enough
to keep you going.
It's not about that, you idiot.
You should be taking it out
in smaller amounts gradually
so they can't track it.
[Heather] Really?
Yes, really. Fuck's sake.
One other thing.
I don't know what
the fucker looks like.
You don't seem to keep photos
around the place
of each other, do you?
Just dead wasps
and shit paintings.
What's he look like?
Heather, photo.
[foreboding music]
This is...
I mean this...
[music intensifies]
No, no his name's Simon.
James is a pseudonym.
You must know that most
men who visit prostitutes
don't wanna use their real name.
Identification aside,
I suppose it's also a means
of separating their deed
from their real lives.
That's Simon.
And he's my husband.
As you know,
he's been visiting you
for a couple of years now
and crucially, quite heavily
around seven months ago.
Wouldn't you agree?
[Heather] I'm not sure your tea
has completely taken effect yet.
I feel weird.
Apologies for what
I'm about to do.
What are you about to do?
[muffled screaming]
[tense music]
[music fades]
[pensive music]
[pen scratching]
[music continues]
[ominous music]
[muffled screaming]
Don't knock yourself
backwards, love.
You'll smack your head.
[Carla breathing heavily]
You've had a proper
little snooze.
Do you feel a bit better now?
[breathing heavily]
[Heather] I must say it's been
wonderful for me.
You know I've had
a pot around, a tidy up.
I like to imagine this is
what life would be
like with a young baby.
You know, them taking their naps
while I get on
with the housework.
Is that how it is?
Happy scenes of domesticity.
Or is it more fraught
mayhem as you try to keep
on top of everything,
including your sanity?
It must be so hard.
It must also be so worth it,
you know.
This creature,
this thing, loving you,
needing you.
I used to think there was
something wrong with my body.
I remember my mum
saying to me that
getting pregnant involved
a whole lot of alchemy.
Looking back on it now, I...
I know exactly why
it wasn't working.
Do you remember
the year nine disco?
I wasn't gonna go,
but by then I'd made friends
with Ruth and that lot and...
they encouraged me, I guess.
I wasn't gonna go.
I mean it was less than a year
since you smashed my face
in the storeroom.
And I was still suffering
from panic attacks.
So actually the plan
was I would go
for about 20 minutes
and then I'd call mum
and let her know if either I
wanted picking up straight away
or if I was happy,
I'd stay longer.
'Cause you weren't there.
So I said to mum,
"Don't worry, pick me up at 10."
[upbeat music]
And I went back to
dancing with my friends.
Y'all ready for this?
[upbeat music]
[Heather] But then you
turned up with the others
and I immediately
wished I wasn't there.
I want to go home.
[Heather] My friends were as
terrified of you as I was.
[door slams]
[Heather breathing heavily]
[coins clinking]
[ominous music]
[muffled party music]
[Heather panting]
[suspenseful music]
[door handles clicking]
[door squeaking]
[door squeaking]
[Carla whispers]
Don't let no one in.
[door squeaking]
[door shuts]
[Heather breathing shakily]
[suspenseful music continues]
[knocking on door]
Open the door, Heather.
We know you're there.
We can wait all night.
[Heather exhales]
There were three of you.
I don't remember the other two.
They were just along
for the ride, I guess.
You said,
"Take them off."
And I did.
Open your legs.
Open your legs.
[dark music]
[Heather gasps]
[Heather] I went very quiet.
And then...
And then...
something went up.
And in.
I mean, not smoothly.
Not just like that.
You had to really feel around,
get it in there, shove it in.
[Heather whimpering]
What was it?
In and up.
And then you all stood there
staring at me in the strange
half light of the toilets.
And there was...
there was laughing.
[kids laughing]
That's when you
walked over to me,
pulled the object out and
whispered something in my ear.
Good girl.
[Heather gasps]
Do you remember what you said?
It was as if I'd performed well,
as if I'd done
exactly as you wanted.
And I fell.
I fell.
You didn't do anything
to me again after that.
It was as if you'd
got what you wanted.
What had you got?
[tense music]
I can't believe you didn't
think what you did to me
at school was bad.
Had you forgotten?
How could you have forgotten?
[music fades]
[footsteps tapping upstairs]
[door thuds]
[ominous music]
[upstairs floorboards creaking]
[objects clinking]
[table clatters]
[door squeaks]
[footsteps tapping upstairs]
[Heather, muffled] Hey, Simon.
Um, I just wanted to know
what time you'll be home.
Yeah, no, that's fine.
Yeah, I just, um...
can you just text me when
you're on your way, please?
-[door clicks]
[footsteps tapping]
[suspenseful music]
[music continues]
[music fades]
[Carla groans]
[Carla grunts]
[drawer clatters]
[zip tie zips]
So, I was talking about
trying for a baby.
I knew that I couldn't
because of that night.
I could feel what I would
describe as a blockage.
Do you get that?
I feel blocked up.
Like whatever it was
you shoved inside me
had some kind of
fucking life to it
and it's growing.
Not unlike a baby or a tumor.
I've had the scans,
there's nothing there.
But for me, there really is.
And recently I've been trying
to work out a way to release it.
So what I'm gonna
do now is remove
the gag from around your mouth.
And this is your
opportunity to speak.
If you try to scream or shout,
the gag will be replaced
and you will not get
the opportunity again.
Do you understand?
Nod if you do.
I said, do you understand?
I wanna see a nod.
Show me a fucking nod
or I'll kill you right now!
Here we go.
[Carla gasps]
Do you have anything to say?
Are you gonna kill me?
-Next question.
-Are you gonna kill me?
Next question.
It won't help you
with whatever fucked up
mental problem you have
you fucking insane ass psycho.
All it will do is
get you into prison
and then you'll have
more fucking problems
than you do already.
So take it from me, yeah?
Don't fucking kill me.
Don't fucking kill me, yeah?
Because like I said, sorry,
and I was, like, really sorry,
but I was fucked up myself
and I ain't excusing it
'cause I know what
I did was shit.
But I mean, I wish
I could go back
and like,
not do it or something.
But the thing is that
I had stuff going on.
You know, I had stuff going on,
like I said before,
and I, I am,
I'm really, really sorry.
And I...I just don't
know what else to say.
But please don't hurt me
or my baby, please. Yeah?
Let me go home to my kids.
Don't do this to them.
Please don't punish the kids.
They're innocent.
[sobs] Don't hurt me.
This is a bit unexpected.
I can't believe I've made
Carla Jackson cry. Wow.
Look, you got what
you wanted. Yeah?
Look, you made me cry.
I've said sorry.
I want to go now, please.
No, that won't be possible.
Because I'm not done.
You want my child?
You can have it. You can.
Soon as it's born,
I'll take the money. It's yours.
I'm not stupid.
I know you've done the sums.
You know.
Is he in on it too?
[Carla] Simon.
I heard you talking
to him before.
He's got you to
do his dirty work.
You can't have a kid
together, so...
get some slag to have
one for you and steal it.
It's his kid, Heather.
You know it. I know it.
So if you want
the fucking thing, it's yours.
[Heather] That would
make sense, wouldn't it?
That would be neat.
Not actually
as simple as that though.
Because I can still
feel it inside me!
You know, I've been waiting
for it to do something,
like, to dissipate, to burst.
I've been waiting
so fucking long
and nothing I'm doing
is working!
Look, look,
when we first met
you were talking about violence.
This isn't you, Heather.
This isn't you.
This isn't your world.
Why are you doing this?
Isn't this sad?
[Carla] What?
I used to really,
really like you,
like I really thought
we were best friends.
Oh God.
[laughing] I...
I, I wish I could find
some empathy from somewhere.
'Cause I--I know that's
what I'm supposed to do.
And I get it. I'm a hypocrite.
But um, yeah.
Yeah, I, I kind of feel
I'm okay with that though.
[chuckles] So here's the thing.
What if I told you that
Simon was dead already?
-[knife scrapes]
Yeah, that I wasn't
actually speaking
to anyone on the phone earlier
and that I'd actually
hacked him to death
in a bit of a jealous rage.
And he is currently stuffed
in a cupboard under the stairs
until I work out
what to do with him.
And what if I also told you
that I was planning
to use this knife to extract
the baby from your stomach
whilst you're still alive
so you can watch me
take it from you and
cradle it in my arms
before you bled to death.
[dark music]
So what do you think?
How do you feel
about all of that?
I think you're fucking insane.
There's an impact to
everything a person does.
Like even the simplest moment,
even a single word
can have an effect.
I just wish we could all
be nicer to each other.
You call this nice?
This is nice? You're insane.
You're fucking--help!
Let me go!
Someone help me!
Help me, someone.
Let me go! Help!
Help, someone!
-[muffled] Someone help me!
-[Ruby gasps]
Someone, let me go! Help!
Someone help me!
[muffled screaming]
[screaming continues]
[Carla breathing heavily]
[phone alert chimes]
[phone vibrates]
[suspenseful music]
[zipper zips]
I've thought many times
about how to solve this
and whatever it is inside me.
I really wanted it to be solved
with something beautiful.
You know?
So much of me wanted to
be able to get pregnant
so that I could pour all
my remaining love into a child.
And it would in some
ways create a new start.
When I found out what
Simon had been doing,
and I realized it was you,
I think something
really simple happened.
My body emptied of
any kind of joy,
any kind of hope,
and I found out
what it was to hate.
I now know why so many people
do the things that they do.
I hope you'll understand.
You see,
there are choices we must make
between kindness and cruelty.
And unfortunately,
there's something inside me
telling me that
kindness won't work.
Not with you.
Unless I've got that wrong.
Have I got it wrong?
Hmm? Have I got you wrong?
[ominous music]
[Carla gasps]
[music fades]
I'm trusting you not to run.
I'm hoping you'll understand
that what I'm doing
is for all of us.
[dramatic music]
[knife clatters]
[locks clicking]
-[Carla groans]
-I don't wanna hurt you, Carla.
[tense music]
[chair scraping]
[tense music continues]
You may as well come back down.
Come on Carla.
Let's talk it out.
[music fades]
[door clicks]
I'm sorry your dad did
what he did to you.
Thank you.
[Heather] I'm sorry you had
such a shitty upbringing.
Thank you.
I really wish things
had been different.
Did you really kill Simon?
I don't understand.
You don't like violence,
but you do it.
You think it's wrong,
but you do it.
I don't get what it is
I'm supposed to be learning.
You hate revenge,
but you're doing it.
Why am I here?
Do you feel better now?
Are you gonna kill me
and then feel better?
Are you gonna rip my baby
from me and then feel better?
I may have been violent
in the past but...
I never planned anything out
all detailed like this.
Even when I was at
my worst at school,
I never thought
about it this much.
I don't know why I would do it.
I mean, we're animals, right?
My instincts kick in.
I'm not sure that
your version all...
all reasoned out or
justified in your head
is better than mine.
I'm acting on impulse.
You planned it.
You've been talking about
this thing inside you growing.
I know what it is.
Everyone has it.
It's fucking disappointment.
It's a massive fucking sense
that everything life
was supposed to be
is never gonna happen.
And in fact, it's gonna be
worse than you ever imagined.
I got it younger than you
and it's still there.
You're no different to me.
You're no different to anyone.
Not everyone feels like that.
Yeah, everyone does.
No, it's a cycle.
You know, you were hurt,
so you hurt others.
You don't get to be happy,
so nobody else does.
It's disgusting.
[Carla] You're doing it too.
Am I?
You don't think what
you're doing is the same?
[Heather] No.
Then you're more insane
than I thought you were.
No, no, no.
Look. See.
I have nothing else now.
I want you to think
really carefully
about what your instincts
are telling you right now.
I want you to think
about your baby.
I want you to think about
your other children.
I want you to make a decision
based on everything
that has happened
right back to when we were kids,
right up to now.
I have threatened you
with death.
I have told you I want to
take your child from you.
I have told you I killed Simon,
the father of your unborn child.
I haven't done anything
seriously violent
towards you yet,
but I have suggested
to you that I will.
I want you to listen
to everything
happening in your head
and your heart right now.
[suspenseful music]
Is it to be kindness
or violence?
What have you got
in your pocket?
Make your choice.
Is it another knife?
[Heather] Make your choice.
What have you got
in your pocket?
Heather, I don't trust you.
Show me your hand.
Show me your hand.
-[music intensifying]
[Heather groans]
[stone clatters]
[door clicks]
[keys jangle]
[laughing weakly]
[Simon] You home?
[whispers] Good girl.
[Heather thuds]
[Heather gasping]
[Heather groans]
-Hey, hey, hey.
[Heather gagging]
[Simon panting]
[Heather gagging]
Heather. Heather? Heather?
[Heather gasping]
[Simon sobbing]
[somber music]
[Carla crying]
[footsteps running away]
[young Carla] Heather!
Come back. [sobs]
[music continues]
What have you done?
[woman ]Ruby!
Come away.
No, no, no, no.
-[woman] Ruby.
[woman] Ruby.
[continues indistinctly]
No! No, no, no, no, no, no.
Okay, it's okay. Let's go.
-[Simon] Hel...
-[woman] Come.
She murdered my wife.
No, no. Stay back.
We know what you've done.
Stay back!
[music continues]
[sirens wailing]
[car doors thud]
[music continues]
[solemn music]
[wasp buzzing]
[wasp buzzing]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[pensive music]
[music continues]