The Wasting (2017) Movie Script

You'll get soaked.
Come walk with me.
I don't want to.
What do you want?
I want to go
to the train station
to meet my friends.
They're grownups,
they'll be fine.
How is Grace a grownup
and I'm not?
Grace is four years older
than you.
I don't know why you want
to be friends anyway.
- Goodnight.
- Night.
The caf tomorrow after school.
I know!
I know.
Well, then...
Don't go.
Where would I go?
Why did daddy make us move
back here?
He barely gave Toronto a chance.
There were things he needed
to leave behind.
That's why he said
he left Chechnya.
He's always running.
My father ran, too.
Dragged me kicking and screaming
That's different.
After what happened to your mum
and then your sister passed.
She was taken.
No wonder he
got you out of there.
I was never in any danger.
But you must have been
so sad about them.
It was a long time ago.
They're fine now.
They're dead, mum.
They're together.
J'entends, j'entends ma mre
M'appeler pour coucher
We've been here before
Moving different ways
Closing different doors
And we're trying to win
And we even know
what game we're in
Now we're face-to-face
As strangers
in some unknown place
Oh my gosh!
Oh, I missed you so much!
Oh, look at you.
Oh, do they feed you here?
Oh, I really missed you.
You don't even know.
Hey, Sophie!
Oh my God,
you've lost some weight!
I'm a dancer, duh.
So how's everyone in Toronto?
- They've forgotten me yet?
- Yeah.
Actually, no,
they were like,
"Hey, we're going
to England soon..."
- Stop it.
- "To see Sophie."
And everybody's like,
- "Who the crap is Sophie?"
- No!
Well, I know somebody
- who didn't forget about you.
- Who?
Gracey kinda made
us bring you a surprise.
I think you're gonna like it.
- Come on.
- Really?
Let's go.
Oh, I'm so happy you're here.
You can't look,
you have to close your eyes.
- You take this.
- I got it.
I know where the...
- Alright.
- Okay, no peeking.
But be careful.
Watch your feet.
Heartbeats stop I've
Seen the cliffs
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Hey, get out here.
Where jaws are dropped
In weightless streams
of light released
From sparks
This is
a really cool opportunity,
because we've
never toured Europe before.
Except it's not actually a tour
if we're only in Upton.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Are you bitching
about this rad place
that Sophie found us for free?
Not really free.
You have to take care of it,
you guys.
That's the whole point
of house-sits.
- Of course.
- Of course,
we'll take care of it.
What could possibly go wrong?
Really, Kai?
So Bones, when are
you gonna show us your hood?
It's my dad's hood, not mine.
I don't really go out.
I hate it here.
I don't know why
we had to move back here.
Maybe he's,
like, in witness protection.
Don't they send people like that
to places like this?
No, man, I bet his
restaurant was just in trouble.
It was fine.
Maybe he was running away
from us.
Maybe your hair scared him.
You know what you should do?
You should film your life
in England.
Like anyone cares.
Okay, you have to stop it
with that shit.
Seriously, look at me.
You're an awesome woman
and we miss you.
We wanna see how you live.
Seriously, come on, girl.
You should be in
our Euro Tour video.
- Yes.
- Mmhmm.
I have to get to school.
Aim higher,
you're gonna cut her off at the eyeballs.
I'm not a retard.
I'm gonna go with you, right.
You're the one who
failed grade 12, so...
Oh, shut up.
This is my dad's caf.
I'm a waitress here.
My dad doesn't let anyone cook
but him.
If you even try
and boil water in the kitchen,
he'll go all Gordon Ramsay
on you.
- Smile.
- What's this?
It's for my friends.
Take it away.
There's nobody here.
Why can't I just go to Grace's?
Why don't you ask Grace
to come here?
Why do I even ask?
Straight home.
No stopping at Grace's.
Why would I?
I'm sure
they're out having fun by now.
Hey, you forgot your snack.
I'm not hungry.
- It's your favorite.
- I'm not hungry!
Do you remember this?
That's the formula.
That's it.
We got the gig.
We got the gig!
- Yeah, we did.
- We got it!
Good job, that's awesome.
We are playing for beers though.
That's cool.
Yeah, no, it's not bad.
Beers are good.
You can be our roadie.
Um, yeah, after about
five pieces of pizza.
You guys, we got the
gig, 'cause Gracey kicks ass.
And I told them you'd be wearing
shiny gold hot pants.
Oh, don't make me kill you,
pretty boy,
'cause it won't be pretty.
You mean my utter domination
of "you won't be pretty", right?
Okay, yeah, that's just...
So who wants to go
into the woods,
because they're so, like,
English and pretty?
I'm not allowed.
Come on!
just don't tell your parents.
It's kind of like lying.
Live dangerously.
Come on.
We need you.
We do.
Ooh, I'm gonna get it
gonna get it, gonna get it
Gonna get it,
gonna get me good
Liam's gonna get it
Gonna, gonna get it
Gonna gonna,
get Sophie good...
No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no!
- Oh yes.
- No, no, no, no, no.
No, she's not gonna give it up
for Liam.
- Oh yeah.
- No, she's saving it for whatever marriage
her dad's arranging.
I don't know.
I think your brother's
a game-changer.
No, he is,
he's got like, you know,
he's got something special.
Yeah, he's a pretty special guy.
You know, I think
they're perfect together.
Like I would not have
brought him here
if I thought otherwise.
Oh, I thought
we were here to play music.
Oh, I know.
We are here to play music.
We are.
I just you know, I need to...
I can't pass this up for Soph.
I mean if she doesn't loosen up,
that girl's gonna like...
Oh, like...
Like explosion?
Yeah, just in her brain.
- Yeah, I see that.
- And in her body.
Alright, I know.
I know.
Yeah, her dad really does seem
like a douchebag control freak,
- doesn't he?
- Yeah.
One second, I have a phone call.
Oh, hi, is this Sophie's dad?
- Sophie?
- Oh, hey.
- Oh!
- Yeah, listen, 1952 called
and it wants
its patriarchal bullshit back.
Oh, but my Sophie.
No, no, oh!
Does he put his head underwater
or something?
Yeah, I think so.
He just goes to the sink
and dunks his head in the water?
Well, don't they...
Don't they do that
wherever he's from?
Aren't you a little young
for this look?
I'm 18.
Wipe it off.
I was just testing it.
Stop whinging.
Don't be in such a hurry
to grow up.
I'm late.
Oh fuck!
Getting firewood?
I'm really happy you're here.
I'm happy, too.
You dig the sound like that?
I don't think so.
So I wanna get a selfie
with you,
because Sophie comes out
to play.
I'm supposed to be
at your house.
You're helping me with maths.
Eat something.
You ever see a fat dancer?
Shh, my dad!
I didn't have time to call.
I just got here.
Yeah, I'm just getting out
my maths book now.
Okay, I'll call you
when I'm leaving.
Okay, bye.
Sorry, my dad's kinda...
A weirdly overprotective.
He just doesn't get it.
Sometimes it's like
he's never left Chechnya.
It's not his
fault, he's old.
- Alright, from the top?
- Yeah.
I've been a wild rover
For many a year
I've spent all me money
On whiskey and beer
And now I'm returning
With gold in great store
And I never will play
The wild rover no more
And it's no, nay, never
Right up your kilt
No, nay, nev...
this is where you're supposed
to go "Right up your kilt"
with me.
Come on, you can do it.
Everybody does it.
I actually have
the funniest video
of my grandpa doing it.
No, nay, never, no more
Will I play the wild rover
No rover no more
Right up your kilt
- Oh.
- Oh.
- Your turn.
- Okay.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
And now I'm returning
With gold in great store
And I never will play
The wild rover no more
And it's no, nay, never
Right up your kilt
No, nay, never, no more
Will I play the wild rover
No, never, no more
I love the Irish songs.
Thank you.
As you can tell from my grandpa,
the dark blood of the Celts
is in my veins.
Celtic knot.
My dad will go ballistic
if he sees this.
Not allowed presents from boys?
Not Christian boys.
I'm serious.
So am I.
But your mum isn't...
I know.
It makes no sense.
You know what I mean.
Um, use your words.
you know how I feel about you.
Oh, I know.
It would be nice
to hear it once in a while.
- What?
- I love you.
I'd be fucked without you.
You see, that wasn't so hard,
was it?
Where are you going?
You know, the kids await.
Um, no.
We're gonna give 'em
some privacy.
Nothing's gonna happen.
My brother is a pussy.
I think
your brother's pretty rad.
He's the greatest.
...your jealousy is getting
really unattractive.
- Sorry, um, I thought that...
- No, it's okay.
I... I'm just kind of...
New at this.
I've just never...
Even though Grace
is my best friend.
You've never...
Oh, it's so embarrassing.
It's sweet.
Are you mad?
I thought I saw someone.
Probably just Kai sneaking up
on us.
What is this?
My maths book.
You left it at the caf.
You were supposed to be using it
for your homework.
I didn't need it.
- Where were you?
- At Grace's.
Where were you?
The woods.
The woods.
You lied to me.
Well, I had to.
You never let me do anything.
I'm trying to keep you safe.
From what?
My friends?
What do you think
they are going to do?
You will listen to me, Sophie.
You don't understand anything.
Eyes down.
Are you mad at me, too?
What am I, a baby?
You're my baby.
I'm never letting you go.
I wish you guys would
stop worrying about me.
It's suffocating.
What am I going to do
about Daddy?
Can't you talk to him?
Why'd he even marry you?
Your father
is an honorable man.
I trapped him.
You knew, I think.
I didn't.
I wanted my own little girl.
Did he know?
Does it matter?
I got what I wanted.
But he wanted me, too, right?
He's a good man, Sophie.
He is.
He's mean.
He's losing you and he's afraid,
he won't have you
for very much longer.
Why're you so nice?
He's awful to you.
I can afford to be nice.
Can I tell you something?
Of course.
I sort of have a boyfriend.
Go to sleep.
So today was pretty good, huh?
What do you think though?
Do you think
he really likes her?
How would I know?
Okay, why do we always talk
about Liam, hmm?
What's wrong with you?
Come on.
- Come on.
- Oh!
Fuck, no!
In your face.
- Did you see that?
- Seriously?
That was pathetic.
- Hey!
- Hey!
Um, what's up?
We were supposed to hang out
like way earlier today.
I've been sleeping.
I had the scariest dream
and I was up half the night.
I feel like crap.
You don't look like it.
I'm sure.
My hot girlfriend.
- Dude, that is so gay.
- Oh, come on.
You could learn a couple
of things from your bro.
Yes, I got us English beers
for the woods tonight.
My dad's pissed at me
from last night.
For going to the woods?
What's your mom say?
My dad has the final word.
What's she doing here?
Respect, Sophie!
Let me in
You're bleeding.
Call me through
Oh, Sophie.
Leave me out
I can't stay here
I can't stay here
Well I'm a
I don't know any color
I don't know any place
I find my heart
Like a bull that's chased
There's red in the air
I can't stay here
Well I'm a stranger
When I came down there
Whoa, whoa!
What's wrong with your eyes?
Soph, what happened?
Who did this?
I don't know.
Sophie, did your dad do this?
What do you think he is?
Talk to me.
You'll think I'm crazy.
My dad thinks I dreamt it.
What about your eyes?
From crying, he thinks.
Nobody cries that much.
- What does your mom say?
- There's no point.
- She doesn't want to hear it.
- But she's your mom.
My family can't help me, Liam.
I'll take care of you.
Your tiny wrists
make me wanna protect you.
Who is this?
Stop it.
Your phone's shit.
It wasn't my phone.
What was that sound?
There was no sound.
There was.
Roaring like water.
I'm scared, Liam.
You're mine, woman.
Okay, put me down, Conan.
You're so strong.
Whoa! Jesus!
What's up with the demon eyes?
I don't wanna talk about it.
Something was in
her room last night.
Are you sure it wasn't
you, Liam?
Mm-mm, that's not funny.
Something or somebody was there.
What the fuck?
Did you call the cops?
Oh, come on,
nobody was in her room.
It's just...
it's just your nightmares.
It's not a nightmare.
- Soph.
- It tried to suffocate me.
And this always happens
in your sleep?
Because that's
when I'm not on my guard.
It broke her fan.
I mean I guess people
can do weird things, right,
when they're sleeping?
My aunt, you know,
she like cooks food in her sleep
and then wakes up
with dirty dishes around her.
Is that the chubby one?
I don't sleep eat.
I know that.
I need to stop sleeping.
Oh Jesus!
- No.
- Sophie.
That's not what you need.
I'm gonna have to be
the only person
that says something?
Okay, you're hallucinating,
because you don't eat food.
You know, it's true.
Why do you guys protect like...
you think she's perfect
and she never eats.
I mean like why are
you guys not saying anything?
If you care about her,
tell the truth.
Stop being so fucking polite
about it.
I don't care if I have to be
the bad guy here, okay?
I love Sophie.
I'm not gonna watch her go
to some fucking eating disorder.
And if you care about her,
say something!
I love her
and I think she's beautiful.
That's not helping.
That's not beautiful.
Liam, this is not beautiful.
- Gracey, that's...
- How can...
That's a bit harsh.
Alright, cool.
I think I need to take a walk.
- Um...
- That's typical.
See you later.
Shut the fuck up.
It's okay,
I'll be right back.
You know,
it just comes out of a place of care.
For the record,
say you're sorry.
When have I ever said something
that I didn't mean?
Look like I'm sorry I said it
in such a mean way.
I'm not sorry I said it.
I'm really worried about you.
Then believe me.
Help me stop the ghost.
Okay, well,
when you see the ghost,
just, like, close your eyes,
concentrate really hard,
take a deep breath,
and you can make it go away.
Okay, not too close though,
because I hate it
when Kai sneaks up on me
when I'm peeing.
Why don't you tell
him to stop doing that?
I know you hate it.
Spoil his fun?
It scares you.
It's no biggie.
Stop lying.
I know it is a big deal.
And I know
you don't wanna talk about it.
Oh, well,
I guess that makes us even then,
because there's shit that you
don't wanna talk to me about.
I did talk about it.
You didn't believe me.
Like your dad, Sophie?
Whatever, have it your way.
But listen, you and Liam.
Come on, when are you guys
gonna do the...
- Grace!
- When are you gonna...
Come on, he's super hot,
I know you want to.
You know what I mean?
Do I see a tinge... oh my gosh!
I knew it.
You totally do!
Go, pee,
this is a good spot.
I know, but I can't go pee
if you can hear me.
So many issues.
Not so far.
You're fine.
You're wide awake.
There you are.
it's super prickly in there.
That was not fun.
What's up?
Okay, let's go.
How's it going?
Can't stay with you,
but I'll miss you
Soul's on fire,
I can't see through
All the smokey
Let me walk you all the way.
Smoking high
And I don't know what to do
I wish.
So why am I walking
Some day.
And this I don't know
Why I keep walking
in circles
And I've got nowhere to go
Sand pulls quicker,
sinks me deeper
Did you have fun at Grace's?
J'entends, j'entends ma mere
M'appeler pour coucher
Ne pleurez plus la belle
Chez nous, vous coucherez
Dada, dada, dadada, da
Oh, shit.
You look like hell.
Seriously, Soph,
how are you not sleeping?
I set my alarm
for every 20 minutes
then it doesn't have time
to get me.
Why are you eating...
what is that?
I'm never sleeping again.
Shit, Soph.
Does nothing for me
Does nothing for you
Treatin' somebody wrong
There's nowhere to be
And a broken heart
Is enough for two
You ain't so smart
Making me so blue
Does nothing for right
Does nothing for wrong
I ain't sleeping at night
I'm just hiding alone
And a ripped out soul
As potatoes in a bowl
In a fucked up world
Makes you feel so cold
Troubles come
Shadows stray
In the end
It's got nothin' on me
Bricks and mortar
Break the chains
In the end
It's got nothin' on me
I was sore to the bone
Where am I?
It's gonna be...
I thought I was floating.
Yes, this is Sophie's father.
This is Philippa Carr,
Sophie's dance instructor.
I'm a little worried about her.
She kind of zoned out
in class today.
What does that mean?
Well, she couldn't concentrate.
She barely knew where she was.
This is not the first time
and she's been having
dizzy spells.
She doesn't sleep.
I don't think
she should be dancing.
With due
respect, dancing isn't the problem.
Does Sophie eat?
She used to love food.
It is not about hating food.
You're a chef, aren't you?
I have to go.
She was fine
until her friends came.
She wasn't fine.
The nightmares started
when they came.
Where are you goin'?
Lock the caf.
What the fuck?
Is Sophie here?
What is that?
What do you want?
I want to know why my daughter
is seeing ghosts?
Because she doesn't eat.
Her hallucinations started
when you
and your friends arrived.
Are you giving her drugs?
That's the stupidest thing
I've ever heard.
What are you doing to her?
Okay, I want you to go,
get out.
This is not finished.
No, you're right,
it's not finished,
because as far as I'm concerned,
you're the problem.
What is this, the '70s?
- Okay, so listen.
- What?
Sophie's dad was just here.
- What?
- Mmhmm.
He thinks that we're responsible
for Sophie's hallucinations.
- That's ridiculous.
- Yeah.
She's too skinny and that's
what's making her crazy.
Any idiot can see that,
except Liam.
Don't be an asshole.
Sorry, I'm the asshole?
I'm not the one saying
she looks normal.
You're being
a fucking jerk right now, okay?
Yeah, okay.
Where are you going?
We need you, okay?
You're a part of this.
The suck-Liam's-dick club?
I don't think so.
Why do you have
to make everything about me?
We're all upset,
but obviously Sophie's
not doing well
if her dad came here.
Do you know what I'm saying?
So what do we do?
I think... honestly,
I think you're the only one
that can get through to her.
She'll hear you.
I mean she loves you, man.
I need you.
I'm home.
I can see that.
You look sick.
I'm fine.
No, you're not fine.
Can we please not argue?
Why can't we just
be a regular family
that loves each other
like we used to be?
Remember when I was little
and we had that family trip
to Europe?
Yeah, to meet your relatives.
I liked my great uncle,
even though he only spoke French
and gave me pain au chocolat.
Oh, chocolate
is the universal language.
You seemed to belong
in that village.
It made me want
to hold you tighter than ever.
Because I'm a fool.
Daddy, don't.
Why didn't we go
to Chechnya then?
'Cause we went to Istanbul.
But your family was in Chechnya.
I left Chechnya in 1995.
I don't want to discuss it.
Stop being a jerk.
You don't have to be a jerk
to me.
I'm sorry.
Do you remember Istanbul?
You loved it.
I remember this huge
market with about 8 zillion people.
The Grand Bazar.
We were terrified
we would lose you in the crowd.
And we did for one minute.
And then I turned around
and there you are bargaining
with a carpet seller.
I wanted to buy a magic carpet.
My funny little girl.
I wish you still loved me
that much.
It's cold in here.
Sophie, it's like a furnace.
What is wrong with you?
I'm going to make hot chocolate.
It will warm you up.
Go to sleep, my little one.
I thought she'd be better,
but since we get here,
she's worse.
In her head,
she is all over the place.
I'm glad you've
agreed to talk to Dr. Hiddleston.
Sophie will be in good hands
with her.
Thank you, Peter.
Mr. Kanov, by your description,
Sophie is
probably malnourished,
and in malnutrition
there can be aberrations
in brain activity.
She could be having delusions.
Sophie, what happened?
Are you hurt?
- It's here.
- Sophie, look at me.
Where is it?
Show me.
There is nothing here.
- You know this.
- It was.
Please don't tell mum.
It will scare her.
Don't tell her.
Hey, nice bum.
I should shoot you
from this angle more often.
You're gonna make me late.
You're busking, Kai.
I'm pretty sure the street
corner can wait for you.
Except I have to get there
for the after-work crowd,
otherwise there's no point.
Can't you just take the day off?
This is my job.
Well, the band is your job
and we need to rehearse.
How would you feel
if I fucked off to London
a week before our gig?
Okay, except I'm going
to the other side of town,
not to London.
Besides, I kinda need some time
to myself.
Phew, 'cause I'm kinda pissed
at you.
You know, you haven't been
a good girlfriend lately.
- What?
- You heard me.
Do you think
I'm cheating on you?
No, not a chance.
Are you still mad at me,
because I sided with Liam?
Yeah, Grace,
I'm still mad at you.
Oh my God.
Your jealousy is boring.
It's so boring.
Okay, you know,
what's really boring?
The golden boy is always right
and I'm always the douche.
I mean even when he's the one
being an idiot.
Look, I can take that shit
from my parents
and whoever the fuck,
but I expect my girlfriend
to have my back.
Yeah, I do have your back, Kai.
But you know what?
Liam was right.
You were being a dick.
You're just like everybody else.
You don't have my back.
- Grow up!
- You know what?
Maybe you should just
go fuck Liam
like everybody else.
Oh, what?
You know what?
I'm done.
It is always the same with you.
I'm really, really worried
about my friend right now
and all you can think about is
your fucking ego.
She's crazy.
No, look at me.
Look at me!
Look at me, look at me
in the fucking eyes!
I'm done.
I'm not hungry.
Then I wait until you are.
You're just making me
starve myself more tomorrow.
Why are you doing this?
If you eat,
Grace can come around
to the house.
If I eat,
can my boyfriend come over?
I'd do anything
to see you hug him
and be nice to him.
That would make me happy again.
Are you allowed?
I don't care.
I just wanna get away from
all this shit for one night.
I'm going home to get my stuff
and I'll meet you.
What if your dad finds out?
Do you want to meet me or not?
I'm just worried about you.
Everyone is fucking worried
about me.
They should
just let me live my life.
Okay, okay.
I need you
not to be like them, Liam.
You're the only one
who understands me.
If you didn't...
I love you.
I'll see you in an hour.
Go away.
Go away.
Go away.
Go away.
Go away.
Soph, it's me.
I went to the drug store
and I got you a present.
Well, it's for you and Liam.
And you probably already know
what it is.
But you know, I love you
and I think you guys should
be together.
Hey, it's me again.
I lied.
I mean not about the condoms,
but about why I called.
I broke up with Kai.
He's a fucking idiot
and he ruins everything.
I broke up with him.
Okay, just call me back.
Fuck it.
I'm so stupid.
Oh, I hate it when you do that.
I really don't want you
to get in shit with your dad.
Just do what I need you to do,
Yeah, okay, I get it.
No, you don't.
My dad has a girlfriend
who's not my mum.
She knew him before my mum
when we lived here
after Chechnya.
Obviously that's why we're back
in England.
My God!
Fuck your dad.
Let's have some fun.
Oh, stop it!
Used to paint my lips
ruby red
Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait!
When we'd go out dancing
before the war
You'd spin me around
across the floor
In that two-step
I'm the king of the world!
And you'd say
baby you're beautiful in red
Baby, you're beautiful
in brown
And baby you're beautiful
out here on the dance floor
With your long, long hair
hangin' down
I love you.
What the hell?
You're not Liam.
- Go away.
- Soph!
Go away, you're scaring me.
I'm not leaving,
I love you.
Go, please!
Call me later.
Say "you'll call me."
I love you, Sophie.
This is Liam and I love you.
I have to deal with this.
You're not welcome here.
I'm a friend of Sophie's.
My name is Liam McNeilly.
I know who you are,
get out.
I need to talk to you about her.
You have no business with her.
- Leave her alone.
- She needs help.
You don't think I know this?
Her nightmares
are messing her up.
You are messing her up.
I am not her problem.
You have no business
in our world.
Your world?
The one that you dragged her to
where she can't have a mind
of her own or friends
or a boyfriend?
That is what's fucking her up.
Your girlfriend, of course.
You know,
I thought you came here,
because you were a war criminal
or a gangster or something.
Any of those would have been
better for Sophie than her.
Shabana is just trying to help.
By cheating on Sophie's mom
with you.
You think Sophie doesn't know?
You think she's stupid?
Sophie's mother is dead.
She's dead.
For two years.
No, she isn't.
She went dancing
with her friends,
she drink too much,
they find her in the lake.
But Sophie talks...
- I know.
- Like she's alive.
I thought she stopped.
He brought her back here
for a fresh start.
Valerie is still alive to her.
She won't let her go.
My little girl.
Liam turned into a monster.
I think he's the monster
that's trying to kill me.
I didn't tell you,
I didn't want to scare you.
It's time to be happy now.
Do you remember what we did
on your 10th birthday?
We danced.
In the moonlight
From across the street
Through the pouring rain
I still hear her speak
Memories turn black
As the water spills
An alarm is heard
And it gives me chills
And how do you feel
With the lights turned out
You can't go home again
You're running out
your mouth
And how do you feel
When the heart turns black
Nice dancing.
That was private.
I was just coming to be alone
for a bit.
No Liam?
I don't wanna talk about it.
He's not as good as you think,
is he?
You can do better.
Like me.
You have a girlfriend, Kai.
No, I don't.
Did you guys have another fight?
It's different.
- We're done.
- You're not done.
- Just go and apologize.
- We're done!
She doesn't believe in me.
I'm sure you know
what that's like.
Look, Kai.
We need some private time here.
Yeah, that... that'd be good.
Okay, cool.
Fuck Grace and Liam, right?
Aren't you my little girl?
Hey, stop him!
What's your problem?
What's yours?
You said
you wanted private time.
With my mother!
Make him leave, mum.
Your mother's not here.
Shut up, Kai.
Yeah, there's nobody here.
Are you blind?
You're a fucking psycho.
Leave us alone!
You're here.
You're here.
You're here.
You're here.
Time to eat.
Why don't you take a break?
She'll be alright here
for a while.
- Sophie's in the hospital.
- Anything?
Come on, Grace.
Look, this is
the 10th fucking message
that I've left you.
Can you just call me back?
It's an emergency.
She's got to be in London.
Hi, we're here
to see one of your patients.
You must mean Sophie.
Are you family?
Yeah, exactly.
We're her brothers.
Look, he can help her.
Just let him in.
You'll have to wait
until her father gets back.
You can wait over there
or in the garden.
You go upstairs.
Do they know what happened
to her?
Has she said anything?
Mum, that's all.
- Run, Liam.
- Sophie!
You think it's all so easy,
don't you?
I told you to stay away.
Jesus, you told Liam to.
Look, I'm not Liam.
Can't you even tell us apart?
No wonder Sophie's holding on
to her mom.
So she'll have at least
one parent
who's not an asshole.
Sophie's mother was
a psychopath.
Sophie didn't know what she was.
A psychopath?
Well, you think I don't know
what one looks like?
Even if that was true,
why didn't you stop her?
Go home.
And why didn't you tell Sophie?
Sophie doesn't want
to know the truth.
Or maybe you
just don't wanna say it.
Sophie, what did you do?
It's you.
Let's go.
I'm trapped.
Only in your head.
You think I'm crazy, too?
That's what they all think.
They think I'm anorexic.
Sophie, you are anorexic.
And you are blind.
Trying not to be.
I thought this was the way back.
We're too deep,
I told you we're trapped.
- Daddy!
- Sophie.
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you.
Get him out of here.
- Sophie, I was helping.
- Help?
- Fuck off, Kai.
- Sophie!
He wants to hurt me.
Nobody wants to hurt you,
Your brother does.
No, please don't think that.
What have you two done to her?
Nobody's done anything.
What have you done to her?
- Sophie!
- Don't touch me.
Mum's here.
No, Sophie.
Your mother is dead.
You know this.
Sophie, your mum loved you.
She didn't wanna leave you,
but she's dead.
She's dead?
She drowned.
She wants me to go with her.
No, no, no, no!
Like her mother did.
She came back
for my mum's sister
that would have been my aunt,
but she was taken.
Sophie, that is just a story.
What are you talking about?
Her mother loved her.
She couldn't be dead
without her.
She came back to get her,
so she wouldn't be alone.
My mum loves me.
No, listen to me.
It is a myth from our village
that the mother comes back
to take a child.
It is not true.
Your dad's right.
It's a legend.
Don't be silly.
it is an ancient village.
The Crusaders murdered hundreds
of Cathars there.
It has a bloody history.
Places with bloody histories
have bloody stories,
but they are just stories.
My aunt is dead,
that's not a story!
Okay, we pretend
it is not a legend.
So what do they say
in your mother's village
that the mother comes back
for the child.
But you are not a child anymore!
You think I am.
I'm overprotective.
I've seen too much.
I've lost so much already.
I'm sorry, daddy.
Your mother can't take you.
She can,
I'm not a woman yet.
Did you know that, Kai?
This is all my fault.
I'm such an idiot.
You can make her go.
You can!
We'll see.
How are we not able
to find this fucking door?
- Something pulled my hair.
- Hey.
There's nothing there, Sophie.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry...
Where is Kai?
We can't stay here.
We can't leave Liam.
What happened with you and Kai?
I saw how he looked at you?
What have you not told me?
Mum is mad at him.
Sophie, stop this!
I'm not leaving Liam!
Liam will find his own way out.
I told you I love him!
We have to go, now.
- Kai!
- Liam!
Don't come near me.
What's happening to us?
Don't touch me.
Where is Liam?
- Where is my brother?
- Stop!
J'entends, j'entends ma mre
M'appeler pour coucher
Ne pleurez plus la belle
Chez nous, vous coucherez
What are you doing here?
I got out.
Did you see, Kai?
Sophie, did you see him?
I don't hear anything.
She's here.
Can you hear her?
It's just the water.
That water is dead.
Come on.
You hear her, don't you?
J'entends, j'entends ma mre
M'appeler pour coucher
No, I want to stay.
Ne pleurez plus la belle
What is it?
What can you hear?
Chez nous, vous coucherez
Come with me.
I took Grace.
Liam, where's Grace?
Why didn't she come see me?
We haven't seen her.
She doesn't know about you.
She went to London.
She won't pick up her phone.
I can take them all.
Don't hurt them, I love them.
I love you.
I'm never letting you go.
I love both of you.
Do you see?
What are you doing, Sophie?
But my mum loves me.
That is not love.
Wanting to own you
isn't the same as loving you.
She is bad, Sophie.
And now she's eating you
from the inside.
I know, I do.
But she'll kill you to get me.
Please Sophie,
your mother isn't here.
I'm not crazy!
No, no!
You're sick.
You have an illness.
Like when I had appendicitis,
only yours is
in a different place.
That's all.
I'm gonna help you get better,
Do you trust me?
What if you're wrong?
When I am laid
I am...
Laid in earth
May my wrongs create
No trouble
No trouble in, in thy breast
Remember me
Remember me
But ah
Forget my fate
Remember me
But ah
Forget my fate
Remember me
Remember me
But ah
Forget my fate
Remember me
Do you think she fell or um...
I don't know.
Do you think she saved us?
I think she loved us.
High, high above you
On the wind
If this is true
On the sea
I can love you
I can dream
Once again
On the stream
I could see you
You were there
Fight for death
Fight for life
For all the wonder
For all the blessed
Once again