The Watcher (2016) Movie Script

It's easy to get the
feeling that this is a community.
One of happy, good day
greetings at Pleasant Davis.
It isn't easy to find,
but when you do...
you just might want
to grow old there.
I see you, Raven.
Come out!
What did you do?
What did you do?
Are we getting close, honey?
Um, yeah. I think we are just
a couple more streets down.
This neighborhood
is not that bad.
Not that bad? It's beautiful.
I don't understand
why people told us
to stay north of the freeway.
Everything there is,
like, twice as expensive.
It's a little far
from your work, though.
Well, you know, they're putting
condos up by work.
We can always move
into one of those.
Huh. I'd rather stay in
this van in this neighborhood.
I know you would. I'll just rip
out the backseat, put a toilet.
- Done.
- Gross.
Move to the beach,
live the California dream.
It's gonna be cheaper.
My dream includes
indoor plumbing.
Well, the good news
is we can afford that
in this neighborhood.
Hey. That's it, that's it.
Welcome home!
When are you folks moving in?
Now, we're just
over 2,000 square feet
spread across two floors.
And as you can see,
it's an estate sale
which means everything
comes as is.
Who knows what treasures
you'll find?
Oh! Well, she's a little
rough around the edges
but then, who of us isn't.
When was it built?
I believe Teddy Roosevelt
was president
when these walls went up.
It's big.
Plenty of room to grow.
Is it just the two of you?
For now.
Well, don't drag your heels
for too long.
The sooner you have 'em, the
sooner you can get rid of 'em.
Let's see
what's going on upstairs.
I, uh... I
know it's a little dated
but it's pretty true to the era.
Shall we?
We shall.
Now, this would make
the perfect nursery.
Or, well, your craft room
in the interim.
Actually, I need a home office.
Well, good for you!
I always support
a fellow working girl.
My girl is going to take over
the local fashion scene.
Oh, well, right now
it's just a portfolio.
Speaking of work...
- Hey, Kev.
- Hi, Kevin.
No, just laying down
some LA roots.
Now, uh, there is
the matter of a disclosure.
State law requires
that I notify you
of any deaths that occurred
on the property.
Was there more than one?
Oh, no, no, no, no.
The previous owner suffered
from a lengthy illness.
That's all the form said.
Well, maybe a ghost
will help our chances.
Well, don't debate for too long.
In real estate,
fortune favors the bold.
And lately, the Chinese.
Take a minute.
Welcome home!
When are you both moving in?
Oh, my gosh!
Are you okay?
Oh, yeah, I'm okay.
You let me be the judge of that.
I'm a registered nurse.
Now, close your eyes.
Come on.
Undiagnosed head trauma
can be a silent killer.
Oh, I kind of led
with my back, so...
Open up.
Up, up, up. Up.
Dilation seems fine.
Hey! You can't be up there.
Now, get down immediately!
The boy's just collecting bugs.
This is an open house,
not a playground. Now, get down!
How am I supposed to
make an offer on the place
if my son can't explore it?
I'll help him down.
Thank you.
So, you're thinking
about making an offer?
Oh, no. This place needs
too much work.
We're just lookie-loos.
We live down the block.
Oh, well, maybe
we'll be neighbors.
I'm Emma.
Jeanne Gordon.
Come down and apologize
to Miss Emma.
No apology, no ice cream.
I really hate bribing him,
but it saves so much time.
Not great in
the wait department.
Sorry, Miss Emma.
Oh, that's okay.
I should go find my husband.
Oh, I gave up looking
for mine years ago.
You'd be surprised
how much you get done.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
She's lovely, isn't she?
Oh, you two must feel so lucky.
Well, we feel poor.
But you look rich,
and that's all that matters.
If only that were true,
I'll unload.
Oh, good. I can walk my girl
through a couple things.
Now, first of all,
the sprinklers turn on
at the side of the house
off the driveway.
Though you might want to look
into a drought-tolerant yard
if you believe everything
the hippies are saying.
Personally, I
like a nice green lawn.
This whole desert look is a...
I think it's a trend.
I just saw some of the neighbors
across the street,
and they didn't wave.
Welcome to LA, honey.
Oh, give 'em time.
They probably just need to get
over losing out on the place.
They made an offer?
Oh, look at me.
Here I am stirring up the pot.
You beat out five others.
You both earned these.
And what do all these open?
Why, everything, dear.
Oh, there's a community bulletin
board you can get on your phone.
It's called "KnowBers." That's
"neighbors" with a "know."
Oh, you know,
it has local events
yard sales, noise complaints...
That one works both ways.
Oh. Tsk... Let me see.
I grabbed the wrong box.
This should go to storage.
I'm sorry.
No, I wanna keep this one.
You sure? 'Cause I could put it
in the attic if you want me to.
It's on here somewhere. Oh.
I should probably leave
you two to your lives.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
Ah, and if you need anything,
text or holler.
I'll put on my blades
and skate right over.
See you at
the house-warming, Francine.
Skate right over?
This woman is a maniac.
You know what's even crazier?
We have a house.
Where did you get those?
They were for the new people.
Spit it out.
Spit it out!
Spit it out.
- Spit it out! Spit it out!
- Shh. Mikey, Mikey.
Spit it out! Spit it out!
Spit it out! Spit it out!
Spit it out! Spit it out!
Spit it out!
What will the neighbors think?
You know, I never
thought I'd say this, but...
West Coast pizza
is not half bad.
Enjoy it,
'cause for the next 30 years
we're gonna be eating
ramen and crackers.
Honey, I think we got
a deal on this place.
Yeah. A 20 grand
over-budget deal.
Plus, furniture and all
the renovations we want to do...
Honey, I got this.
I'm gonna work like crazy.
And pretty soon,
you're gonna book a gig
and we'll both be way too busy
to even enjoy the place.
I will find something.
Of course you will.
Right now, you can focus
on fixing up the place.
Is that part of
your master plan?
To make me a Susie Homemaker?
Oh, no, no, no.
We definitely need the money.
I just want you rested...
and happy.
So we can focus on other things.
In the meantime,
we should definitely fatten up.
Porch cookies.
I know who made them.
Yeah, never accept
a gift by somebody
over 50 years old.
They will own you.
She seems perfectly nice.
Yeah, until she's knocking
on our door
at 5:00 a.m.
looking for sugar.
You know, that's how early
these people wake up, right?
Well, I'd like to know
at least one person out here.
And now you're changing
the subject.
No, I'm not.
I'm bringing it down.
Way down.
Girl you know I
I've been down
My heart aches
If you ain't been around
So why don't you help me?
Please, come on, baby
Wrap your lovin' arms
Around me
I know that I
I was wrong
I love you.
Without your love
I can't carry on
So why don't you help me?
Please, come on, baby
Wrap your lovin' arms
Around me...
You okay?
"Dear people"
I see you've moved into my home.
I know it's cozy inside.
"I've been in your bedroom."
"Has the girl taken a bath yet?"
It can't stop the sickness.
"The Raven will come."
Well, shouldn't we call someone?
I'm gonna let the police know
in the morning,
but it's probably just kids.
We should check
all the windows and doors.
Okay. I'll do that, but you
just get some sleep, okay?
Is it safe to come out?
Only if you smile.
If anybody comes
within 10 feet, bam.
We get an alert.
So basically, we have a channel
dedicated to the mailman.
And possums and stray cats.
Don't forget we have
the contractor coming by later.
- Have a good day.
- You too.
You know, I'm gonna be
watching this thing all day.
Yeah, I know that.
Looks like you picked
the wrong spot.
We heard it go down.
Didn't get any eyes on anyone.
Yeah. Some kids tagged
our door last night.
Hey, look.
Let me get you something
to help you out with that.
No, it's okay.
I'm already late to work.
Blame it on traffic.
I need some plastic wrap
and another cup of coffee.
You got hands.
It's for company.
Got a feeling everything's
Gonna be alright
Oh, everything
Will be alright
Oh, you know
You've brought me
Out of darkness
Into marvelous light
Got a feeling everything's
Gonna be alright
Got a feeling everything's
Gonna be alright
Oh, everything
Will be alright
Oh, you know
You've brought me
Out of darkness
Into marvelous light
Got a feeling everything's
Gonna be alright
Hey, I'm running low,
Running low
In your name
Oh, sometimes I have
To bear the blame
Hey, but I look away
In the heavens
And it's gonna be alright
Oh, everything
Will be alright
Oh, you know
You've brought me
Out of darkness
Into marvelous light
Got a feeling
Everything's gonna be..
Welcome home.
This is Francine Waters.
Please leave a message.
Hello, Francine.
This is Emma Curtis
from the West Adams house.
Um, something happened here
last night, and I...
I just had a couple of questions
about the previous owners.
So please give me
a call when you can.
Thank you. Bye.
Apparently, there's this woman
who lives right around
the corner, named Terri
who's got this small dog,
and she refuses to pick up.
Oh, hi.
We have company.
Yeah, I can see that.
Well, we were
on our afternoon jog
and who would message me
on KnowBers...
She jogs with cake.
I carry one in Mikey's bag.
It gets very ugly
when he's hungry.
Large piece or small?
Uh, I'll just save mine
for dessert.
What'd you bring us?
It's addressed
to the Akimotos, so, uh...
I'm keepin' it.
I left a message for Francine.
We have been getting
so much of their junk.
Not surprising.
Did you know
the previous owners?
Only in passing.
It was rumored
they were hoarders.
- What happened to them?
- Emma.
Well, I heard
the wife had her issues.
Gladys was her name, I believe.
We were told
there was an illness.
Mm, an unfortunate one that
ended with a razor in the bath.
You should've read
the KnowBers thread on that one.
But, look, you can't worry about
everyone who's lived in a place.
You'd never get any sleep.
- Oh, lord...
- Oh.
Oh, what is that?
"Dear people"
has it touched you yet?
The vermin inside your walls.
You should thank me
for this gift.
It's a warning.
Stay, and the sickness
will come.
"And then
the Raven will follow."
I told you, never run
inside a house like that.
I should get his pills.
- Do you need your purse?
- No, I'll just be a second.
It's okay.
There's nothing to be scared of.
Don't run.
Mikey shouldn't run.
Why don't you tell me
what you were running from?
I was... I was scared.
Scared of the man.
What man?
The man in the tree house.
We know you're up there.
Say something or I'm coming up.
All clear.
Looks like somebody
was living up there.
Found a bunch of trash. And
there's also something up there
that looks like
it's not apple juice.
Mikey, what did
the man look like?
Tell Miss Emma what you saw.
- A bird.
- What?
No, not the bird, Mikey,
the man. Was he young?
Looked like a bird.
I'm sorry. I should
probably get him home.
Well, we've been getting about
four or five deliveries a day.
But why would anybody need
a thousand Styrofoam cups
or plastic moose head?
Well, can you at least tell me
who's been making the payments?
Hey, excuse me, sir.
Hey, sir!
Did you say you got VHS tapes?
Yeah, VHS tapes.
What the hell you gonna do
with a VHS tape?
- Cat food.
- Cat food?
- What do you do with that?
- That's weird.
You know, if I were you,
I would turn around
and I would sell all of it.
I mean, folks around here
love themselves
a good yard sale.
What did your agent say?
We haven't been able
to get her on the phone.
That girl got her commission,
and she is long gone.
Real estate
is just like Hollywood.
Good luck getting her
on the phone.
You okay?
Oh, yeah. I'm just beat,
I guess. I'm sorry.
You know, Amanda had
a stalker too.
They do not have a stalker.
Found him naked in the hot tub.
He was all shriveled up.
It was pretty nasty.
What did you do?
I got a restraining order.
You basically have to die
before the cops do anything.
Mm-hmm. You know,
I bet it's that Wendell.
What's a Wendell?
Wendell Akimoto.
He used to live in your house.
He was an angry little man.
That's why we wanted
to buy it and flip it
so we could choose
our neighbors.
I'm not surprised
his wife took that bath.
He probably poured the water.
They have to live there.
It's okay.
We're gonna replace
the bathtub anyway.
Listen, I'm sorry
this took me so long
but I've been
on splits all month.
Baby, they're civilians.
You have to forgive my lovely
wife. She's in television.
That's where I know you from.
"Crenshaw 911."
And Reggie does all the stunts.
Excuse me.
I'm fine.
Look like she saw your show.
Maybe it was the barbecue.
No, I hardly touched it.
Maybe you're...
Can we not talk
about this right now?
I just... I don't feel well.
911. What's your emergency?
Um, someone's attacking
our house.
3520, Point View.
Is the intruder in the house?
I don't know.
I need you to find
a safe location
and wait for assistance.
Someone is on their way.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
911. What's your emergency?
Hello? Is anyone there?
Okay. Just start from the top.
I was getting some water,
and I saw something
out of the window.
Excuse me, sir.
Can I help you?
Oh, hi. Detective Stark.
I, uh, live in the neighborhood
over in Cochran.
Ooh, look what the cat drug in.
Yeah, well, the cat's
been here before.
Detective, this man
has been sending us stuff
ever since we moved here.
Notes, packages...
He wants us out.
Or he wants to scare you.
Yeah, well, it's working.
Sir, there's something
in its mouth.
"Dear people"
I see that you're still there.
The girl's skin looks
young and fresh.
But not for long.
If you stay,
I will come and lance
the sickness with my beak.
"Don't blame me
if it kills you."
Check it out.
What is this?
You'd be surprised
what gets done
around here before 11:00 a.m.
- Eleven?
- Yes, ma'am.
The code is our anniversary.
Okay, so maybe
it's the day before.
So you're just gonna
leave me here?
Honey, I would never
leave you alone.
Stark is on it, plus you got
the workers here all day.
The workers aren't
gonna be here forever.
Well, let's hope not.
'Cause we can't afford that.
We are gonna catch this creep.
And in the meantime,
I'm only 20 minutes away.
Without traffic.
Focus on your portfolio.
If you come home and I'm dead,
I'm gonna haunt
the crap out of you.
I got to go.
Have a good day.
Ever since we moved
in, I can't sleep or focus.
You don't need
an excuse to call.
I'm just glad you did.
And we got another note.
Oh, dear.
Some folks just aren't happy how
this neighborhood is changing.
I don't know what to do.
Aw, a ladybug.
Did you draw that?
It's a ladybird beetle.
They're not true bugs.
Mikey, let Miss Emma eat
a little something.
No, I'm not hungry.
Oh, nonsense. Come here.
You know,
I've got this herbal tea.
It beats counting sheep
every time.
I want chips.
No, no, no. No chips today.
You're eating healthy.
I want chips!
No, Mikey. Mi...
I swear, one day, that boy is
just gonna keep on running.
Jeanne, that must be so hard.
Oh, it's the hardest job
in the world...
and the best.
How about you two? This house
is just begging for little ones.
Oh. Um, not...
thinking about that right now.
I'm sorry.
I just stepped right in the
middle of something, didn't I?
It was a tough couple of months
before I moved out here.
How far along?
To term.
We named him Finn.
Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.
Oh. It is what it is.
We thought a fresh start
would be good for us.
That's what
we were hoping, anyway.
Well, you need
more than a picnic.
No more unpacking.
No more remodeling.
Just a cocktail,
a good book, and some sun.
You still look like
the East Coast.
I'll do that.
Yes, you will.
Did anybody see
who dropped this off?
We have been leaving her
texts and messages for days.
I'll call
over to the real estate office.
She's probably swamped
with this current market.
It's from him.
He knows where I work.
We're also running
a check on Mr. Akimoto.
It seems like
he's gone to a lot of trouble
not to be tracked down.
Stark, if you can just...
If you could
not mention this to Emma...
Let's hope I don't have to.
Hey, guys, I thought
you weren't coming in today.
Um, can I help you?
We did this...
at the end of every year.
By 13, he was already taller.
Mr. Akimoto?
This was our home for 41 years.
And then you stole it from us.
Don't walk away.
I think you must be confused.
I got your note.
- No, we didn't send any.
- Liar!
No! We've been getting them too.
Tell me why!
Help! Help!
Help! Help!
"Dear old man"
that sick bitch wife
of yours had to go.
That's the only way
I could come home.
Too bad you didn't borrow
that razor I left
"but the house is still lovely
without your stink."
The Raven sent him here.
Or that's what Mr. Akimoto
wants us to believe.
He obviously has an attachment
to this place.
Or that's why
he sold this place.
Have you heard
from Francine Waters?
No. She hasn't been in her real
estate office in over a week.
We sent somebody by her place.
Apparently, she travels a lot.
You see what's
happening here, right?
We're being targeted.
No, it's okay. I'm
a friend of the family.
Look, I don't care
who's inside there.
I'm here to see my friend.
No, that's okay.
You can let her in.
Where's Emma?
You're staying with that woman?
Jeanne offered, but no,
I'm gonna stay in a motel.
Honey, I hate this
as much as you do
but we really can't
afford that right now.
You're seriously not gonna try
and talk me out of this,
are you?
He came right in here, Noah.
He tried to kill me.
I know.
We can change the locks.
It's not about the locks.
It's this place.
I hate it here.
No, no! You're just gonna try
and change my mind.
We should at least
have this conversation
instead of calling
some stranger.
In case you haven't noticed
I don't have
anyone else to talk to.
We're gonna catch this freak.
And what if they don't?
Then I will drive
you to a motel myself
if that's what you really want.
What I really want
is to be here in this house
like normal people, but then
all of this shit happens.
I know. I know. I know. I know.
I'm gonna work from home
as much as I can.
I'm so sorry.
I bumped right into it.
Oh! Clumsy me.
It's okay.
Hey, Jeanne,
I appreciate your offer
but I'm gonna
go ahead and stay here.
Are you sure?
She's sure.
Hey, come at me.
No, man, I'm pretty sure
you're gonna kill me.
Look, I'm a trained
stunt professional.
And he's only broken
half the bones in his body.
I'm pretty sure that
you just broke my back.
You know, there's no shame
in crashing on our couch.
No, I'm fine. Thank you.
I mean, I wouldn't
be sleeping either.
I'm not.
I have something for you.
- What did you do?
- Open it.
Oh, I'm...
Listen, when you sleep better,
I sleep better.
Ready? Ready? Alright.
Come on, Noah. Yes!
There you go!
You designed this?
Some of it.
It got me out of
the first person shooter world.
I have no idea what you said,
but it sounds really smart.
Hey, she's gonna be alright,
man. It's just nerves.
Still got it.
Hey, you know,
you don't have to...
do this, you know,
keep me company.
Oh, I'm just here
for free beer, man.
Alright then.
I was thinking that
we graduate to Scotch.
Oh, well, now you're
talking my language.
Oh, man! Are you sure
you don't want a ride home?
Oh, man! You know what we need?
A zipline. Right across. Bam!
Oh, we're doing that.
Oh, no. This is happening.
- Alright, see you.
- Alright, man.
- Have a good night.
- You too.
Honey, get up!
I'm so stupid.
- Emma.
- What? What?
Oh, thank god.
I just wanted to say goodnight.
Go back to sleep.
- Hello.
- Stark, he's here.
He's in this house.
Are you two in a safe spot?
- I think so.
- Alright, stay there.
We'll send someone over.
"Dear people"
wherever you go,
the plague follows.
I took your boy
and I'll take
any more little darlings
that come into that house.
Rest assured
what the white stork brings
the Raven will whisk away...
"in pieces."
You were up late.
Yeah, you know, too much Scotch.
Oh, that tea knocked me out.
You should try some tonight.
Yeah, maybe I will.
Detective Stark,
I'll call you back.
Listen, I wanna thank you
for keeping things quiet
the other night.
I feel for what you
two are going through. I really do.
But secrecy isn't doing
your wife any favors.
We went through a rough
patch a couple of months ago
and that last message...
it would have
really destroyed her.
Ever consider a vacation?
You want us to run?
That's not what I'm saying.
Well, if we leave now,
we give this asshole
exactly what he wants.
And between you and me...
we're a little
over-leveraged right now.
Alright, listen...
I'll post a security detail
on your block.
But that shouldn't mean
that you let your guard down.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Stop. Stop.
I need to catch my breath.
- Mikey, give Miss Emma a break.
- You're it.
I'm so out of shape.
I swear this
house is killing me.
You know, I got
my real estate license
before the nursing
thing kicked in.
I could help you sell it.
Oh, I don't think
anyone would touch it.
Well, the Akimotos didn't think
to mention anything
and neither should you.
We couldn't do that to someone.
Well, I'm just
putting it out there.
Who's up for a race? Come on.
Actually, we just crossed
the finish line.
Amanda, this is Jeanne.
Wait. You look familiar.
Well, we walk by here every day,
my son and I.
No, no. It's someplace else.
I never forget a face.
Before I forget, we have to push
Friday an hour or two.
Noah has got a deadline.
Oh, come over whenever.
The door is open.
What's Friday?
Uh, Amanda is on a show.
Which I am not making
you all watch.
It is just an excuse to drink.
You're an actress?
How glamorous.
It's a living... sometimes.
So, what is it that you do?
They took it.
They took it. It's gone.
- Put it down. Put it down.
- It's gone.
Put it down.
We had to take it down.
It was getting too dangerous.
I'll kill you!
It's okay. Let's calm down.
Let's calm down.
Shh. Give me that.
It's okay.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay.
Okay. It's okay.
I'm sorry, Miss Emma.
No, it's okay, sweetie.
I'm sorry.
He's a big kid.
He really could have hurt you.
No, it's not his fault.
You're right. It's hers.
Come on.
She's won Regional
Mother of the Year twice.
Is that what she told you?
Jeanne has raised
thousands of dollars
to send Mikey
to those special schools.
She knows what she's doing.
Did you talk to her about Finn?
Where is this coming from?
Did you?
He's off-limits to us,
but you can talk about him
with a total stranger?
She asked if we were
gonna have kids, Noah.
It was hardly a discussion.
I think that we have enough
going on without including
the two of them.
I think we need
to sell this house.
- We can't.
- Why?
We'd take a bath.
Like the previous owner did?
Jeanne can help us sell it.
I don't like her, okay?
You guys can go on your walks
or do whatever it is you do
but I don't want her coming
around here anymore.
Why? I think
you're being ridiculous.
I mean, what did she ever do
to you?
What? What is it?
Eleven thousand dollars.
Apparently, we paid for every
piece of crap on that porch.
I'll just... I'll take care
of it, okay? Just...
Just leave Jeanne out of it.
Get them off.
Get them off.
Get them off me.
Get them off me.
Get them off me.
Get them off me.
Honey. Honey.
Get them off me.
- Get them off me.
- Honey, honey, stop.
I'm so sorry.
I'm gonna get you out of here.
I've only heard about
these bedbugs on the East Coast.
You must have
brought them with you.
Hey, if you're not sure
we don't mind staying
in a hotel.
Oh, man, have you
driven around here?
Everything is rent-by-the-hour.
Okay, all of that stuff goes
straight back to the laundry.
Well, I can help.
You are not touching a thing
unless it is a drink.
I bet you never
even used a washer.
Give the man a break.
Oh, I am.
You're folding.
I gotta fold?
Oh, you're kidding.
Hi, Jeanne.
Hi there.
I was just swinging by
with an apology for
Mikey's behavior the other day.
Oh, that's okay.
And we're not even home.
We had a little bug problem,
so we decided to drive up north
for a couple of days.
You deserve it. Any place fun?
No, we're just driving.
Seeing where we end up.
Well, how do you feel
about me posting the place
while you're gone?
To sell?
Just to gauge the market.
I casually mentioned something
to a doctor at work.
He loves the area.
We're a long way off from that.
Someone else interested?
No, there's no one else.
Oh, I'd just hate for you
to go back on your word.
I never said we were gonna sell.
Well, I understand, but I was
offering to do you a favor.
But clearly you
don't want my help.
Look, I'm being
a bad travel partner.
Maybe we could grab lunch
when I get back.
Is that what you do with your
little Hollywood friends?
Oh, grow up, Emma.
I had to move
some numbers around.
From the retirement account?
Just to cover us next month,
but we'll catch up.
I've been thinking about it
and I'm gonna stay
with my sister for a while.
I just...
I can't think straight.
I don't...
I don't know
what's wrong with me.
I feel like I'm falling apart.
Anyway, she said she would, uh,
pay for the ticket,
so you don't have to worry
about the money.
Can we talk
about this at dinner?
Yeah, but my mind's made up.
Honey, I have to call you back.
No, no! I'm not...
I'm not the Raven.
I'm not the Raven.
Please, listen.
I've never been
a good phone person.
It's hard for me
to get a read on someone
if I'm not seeing them
face to face.
I should've known
you were just trying to help.
No, I see what kind
of pressure you're under.
You don't need any more from me.
I'm losing control, Emma.
I've tried schools
and counselors
and they don't know
what to do with him.
And neither do I.
What about his father?
I chased after him for years.
He wants even less to do
with Mikey than he does with me.
I even looked
into a boarding house.
But Mikey saw the brochure
and went into a fit.
Sometimes, I'm afraid
what he might do to me.
Oh. Oh!
That's all I have left.
What is this?
This some kind of confession?
And an apology
for selling you our house.
We got a note a week
for three long years.
But that was the least
of our suffering.
her mind was sharp
but we needed help.
Then she started seeing things.
Demons in the halls, she said.
She lost her appetite...
her hair...
and her mind.
All this time,
the nurse we hired
was at her bedside
slowly killing her
with kindness.
I let the Raven in.
That woman poisoned my wife.
I had to call them,
you know that.
You don't know
what she's capable of.
They just want
to ask you some questions.
Tell 'em exactly
what you told me.
Go save your wife, Mr. Curtis
before it's too late.
Oh, great.
Hey, this is Emma.
I can't come to the phone
right now. Leave me a message.
Emma, pick up.
It's Jeanne.
It's always been Jeanne.
Call me back. Please.
Do you see the little one
with the green trim?
- Yeah.
- That's mine.
You bought it?
They accepted
my offer yesterday.
When I started thinking
about your place
I allowed myself
to dream a little.
I didn't even know
you were looking.
I've been saving up for years.
Pinching pennies,
clipping coupons
just waiting for the right time.
People underestimate
the importance of a good home.
That's all that really matters.
Maybe with a change of scenery
Mikey will find
some peace of mind.
Bad news?
Are you alright?
Mikey, you have to come with me.
Where's my mom?
She... She told you...
She wants you to come with me.
We're gonna get ice cream.
How does that sound?
Mikey! Where are you?
Your mom isn't well.
Come on.
- She'll hurt me.
- No, no.
Mikey? Mikey, come here!
Mikey, did she tell you
to make up
the man in the tree house?
What did you say to her?
What did you say?
Are you okay?
It's like she's inside my head.
Pecking at my brain.
Stark is gonna find her.
Mrs. Curtis,
can we have a word?
What's it gonna do to her?
It all depends
on the exact nature
and amount of poison
she ingested.
So far, we have found
trace amounts of thallium
and bath salts
in her bloodstream.
Bath salts?
They're known
to cause hallucinations
and paranoid behavior.
It'll take time
for everything to flush out
of your wife's bloodstream.
Girl you know I
I've been down
My heart aches
Since you ain't been around
So why don't you help me?
Please, come on, baby
Wrap your lovin' arms
Around me
I know that I...
No. No!
No. No! No!
Help me!
Help me. Please.
Oh, god.
Dear people.
Take what isn't yours to give,
and you will bleed.
Here's an old sickie
as a token of my sincerity.
I've been watching you
inside and out.
Clearly, you weren't listening.
The Raven will not
warn you again.
What do you mean
that you can't find her?
She walks by here
almost every single day.
Listen, we've gone door to door.
It appears that she doesn't live
in this neighborhood anymore.
What do you mean anymore?
The truth is, she hasn't
lived over here in 50 years.
We pulled some city records
on the Akimotos.
It appears that they bought
this house in foreclosure.
From a family
called the Gordons.
Oh, it's her house.
No, it's not.
It's our house.
This woman has got
to live somewhere.
I got a plan...
but it's gonna take
your cooperation.
No. You got my cooperation
but Emma's getting
on a flight tonight.
No, I'm not.
I'm gonna stay,
and I'm gonna make sure
this bitch pays
for what she's done.
I baked something extra special.
They're your favorite.
I've decided to overlook
everything you've done.
Let bygones be bygones.
Hi. You've reached the Gordons.
Please leave a message.
Hi, Jeanne, it's Emma.
I wanted to apologize
for the other day.
For some reason, I just haven't
had my head on straight lately.
Um, I'm heading up
to see my sister
but we decided to put
the place on the market.
Noah's insisting
we put an open house.
I really wanted you
to have a chance to get it.
So, I hope I see you.
It's tomorrow at...
You weren't going to leave
without trying one, were you?
I told you my
real estate license would come in handy.
don't actually sell the place.
Oh, sorry, babe. We're
looking at multiple counter offers.
He's gonna get himself killed.
We got lots of
well-trained eyes out there.
No, he'll find a way.
She's too smart
to fall for this.
Let's just hope
that desperation wins out.
Alright, Mr. Washington.
It's show time.
Don't encourage him.
Attention all units.
Be on the lookout
for a red station wagon,
late '90s,
license 21-Apple-Baker-345.
Position one, copy.
Here you go.
Thank you.
I saw her, you know...
helping Mrs. Akimoto once.
I never forget a face.
Just too busy to get her name.
Hey, if we knew
what was going on
in the next-door neighbor's
house all the time
we'd probably never want
to live anywhere.
Sir, we have a
vehicle matching the suspect's description
approaching on Point View.
Alright. Keep
your distance till we have positive ID.
Close in.
Wait. Wait, wait.
- We know him. Stop.
- Stand down!
Stand down. We know him.
Call the ambulance.
I don't know if you can hear me.
I was in one of these rooms
not too long ago.
And it was supposed to be
the happiest day of my life.
We had a son,
and his name was Finn.
But I didn't get
to take him home that day.
That is not gonna happen to you.
You are gonna be fine.
And I'm gonna make sure
that nothing bad
ever happens to you again.
I swear to you.
To think of what
he must've gone through...
with that woman.
And now he has no one.
Well, he's got us.
I guess we're all kind of
homeless tonight.
I guess my dream for us
got too big, little birdie.
But I'll see you home.
Sing a song of sixpence
Pocket full of rye
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie
When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing
And wasn't that
A dainty dish
To set before the...
Emma, stay back.
Stop! No! No.
I saved for 40 years!
It was supposed to be mine!
Are you sure you don't want us
to go in with you?
Only me.
We're right outside, okay?
Ice cream?
Oh, yeah. I already
picked out the place, buddy.
He can do this.
Yeah. I'm not sure I can.
Of course you can.
That's why you got me.
I'm so sorry, Mikey.
For the last time, Mother...
it's Michael.
You can't keep up
this act forever.
Oh, I don't know.
They say without
all those pills you feed me
I might actually get
a lot better.
I never gave you anything.
Not true.
When you robbed me
of an education
to pay for your
stupid little house
you gave me Mikey.
And look at all he's achieved.
How could you do this to me?
Your own mother?
You dragged me into this.
But you took it too far.
Like poisoning people? No.
That was all you, Mom.
We both know I can't bake.
You're a monster.
I would never kill anyone.
Because you lack follow-through!
You know, when I was eight
or was I nine when you stalked
that doctor guy?
The one you thought was my dad?
I realized something.
You're such a loser.
I mean, how far
was I ever gonna get
in life with this?
The young raven knows
that to grow
he's got to leave the nest.
I'll tell them
all that you've done.
I will clip those
sturdy little wings.
I know you'll try.
That's why I came here today.
To make you think long and hard
about all those efforts.
You see,
Noah and Emma have asked me
to come live with them.
They're gonna be so astounded
by all the progress I'm making.
It'll be a miracle, really.
I'll say it's 'cause
I'm away from you.
Her poison was fogging
that razor-sharp mind.
We'll be one big, happy family.
But let's assume you did get
someone's attention...
Got them to look deeper.
Maybe they'd even come around
asking questions.
It might upset Mikey.
That strange boy
the good neighbors took in.
Too bad he burned that house
and everyone in it
to the ground.
A tragic accident.
They never saw him coming.
I want you to think
long and hard, Mother...
about how much blood
you've already spilled.
I'd hate to shed any more.
They'll know.
I'll make sure they know.
What's the matter, Jeanne?
You said you wanted a new home.
It's him. He did it. He did it.
Mikey did it! He did it!
No. He ran himself
into the wall.
I never laid a hand on him.
I never touched him!
The notes were his idea!
Mikey is the Raven!
Tell them!
You took it too far.
It's him!
Tell them.
Dear people...
You say home is
where the heart is
and then look for it in walls
in lawns, in curb appeal.
And then forget everyone
in sight around you.
Your neglect is a plague
that will bring your walls
crumbling down.
That's why I come.
To remind you.
To hear your indifference
with fear and terror.
Your white picket fences
can't protect you.
Because the Raven
is always watching.
Sing a song of sixpence
A pocket full of rye
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie
When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing
Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the king
Wasn't that a dainty dish