The Watchers (2024) Movie Script

There's a forest
in the west of Ireland...
...that does not appear
on any map.
They say it draws in lost souls,
like moths to a flame.
No one can say
exactly what lies inside.
For those that wander in...
...never come back out.
I'm gonna get help, honey.
Sun's moved.
Twenty-two minutes left.
Come on. Follow the light.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
That's impossible.
Please! Please!
Oh, my God!
Help! No, no! No, no!
No, no, no, please! Please!
Please! No!
It is
a dreary day in Wicklow County
where protestors have gathered
to refute the felling
of one of Ireland's
largest remaining woodlands.
Over the last century,
nearly 70 percent
of Ireland's sacred trees
have been cut down,
stirring concerns
over ecological impact.
One environmental activist
from Trinity College
the most pressing concern
as the welfare of the animals
within these native forests.
He questions
if whole ecosystems--
The Aquazone Five
is the best in the market.
64-liter capacity.
Moisture control
so you don't get mold.
Even has
a high-tech feeding system.
You won't have to lift a finger
to keep your critters happy.
Sorry. But you know the animals
don't like it when you smoke.
Right. My bad.
Can you come inside
for a minute?
There's someone
I want you to meet.
A golden conure.
Beautiful breed.
Intelligent. Fiercely loyal.
Can he talk?
I don't think so.
there's a zoo near Belfast
that wants him within the week.
It's about a day's journey.
Sorry to have to ask right now.
Well, I told you, I'm fine.
I can take him tomorrow.
Might be nice
to get away, don't you think?
See the Irish countryside.
My mom died.
Fifteen years ago today.
Did he tell you that?
I'm going out tonight.
Try not to die.
I'm going out. Try not to die.
I thought you couldn't talk,
you little shit.
You're not from here.
Is it that obvious?
Ah. An American girl
in Galway's hard to miss.
What's your name?
It's Caroline.
What do you do, Caroline?
-I'm a dancer.
Ballerina, actually.
No way. That's class.
You visiting for some kind
of performance?
Swan Lake.
Caroline the ballerina.
Don't look at me like that.
It's just something
I do sometimes, like...
...playing dress-up.
You wouldn't like me
if you knew the real me.
So, what's your story?
What are you running from?
Mina, it's Lucy. Remember me?
So, I guess you decided
not to come to Mom's memorial.
It was a beautiful ceremony.
The choir sang "Ave Maria."
There were white flowers
all over.
I wasn't sure how the boys
would handle it,
but they're big now,
and they're smart, too.
You should see
how much they've grown.
Listen, Meens, I know you
hate it when I lecture you,
but I'm really worried
about you.
I mean, it's been 15 years
since she died.
At some point,
you just have to let it all go.
Can you please
just call me back?
on this road for 106 kilometers
to reach your destination.
I wasn't sure how
the boys would handle it,
but they're big now...
-and they're smart, too.
-They're smart, too.
You should see
how much they've grown.
Listen Meens, I know
you hate it when I lecture you,
but I'm really worried
about you.
I mean, it's been 15 years
since she died.
At some point,
you just have to let it all go.
What is this place?
This goddamn car. Come on.
What happened?
-Try not to die.
I think someone lives nearby.
So we're in agreement, then?
We'll walk.
My car broke down.
I need some help.
Let's just go back to the car.
Where's the car?
Where is it?
What's happening?
I think I'll call you Darwin.
If we're gonna die here
you might as well have a name.
Please, I need help!
There's something out there!
If you care for your life,
you're going to have to run.
Who is she?
Where did she come from?
The poor bird.
Who would bring a bird
into a place like this?
Mind your manners, both of you.
What is happening?
What is this place?
We call it the Coop.
Who are you?
My name is Madeline.
The girl is Ciara,
and the boy is Daniel.
We're just like you. Lost.
And you?
-Who are you?
Pleasure to meet you, Mina.
I don't mean to scare you,
but we haven't much time.
It's not wise
to keep them waiting.
Ciara, will you stand by Mina?
Keep her calm?
They'll be very interested
in someone new.
Wait. Wait.
What's happening?
Not to worry.
We'll stand together.
Just stay very still.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Places, everyone.
I don't understand.
Is someone coming here?
We call them the Watchers.
They're coming.
Mina, I know you must be
feeling very afraid,
but I want you to know
that you'll be all right.
You will survive this night.
The Watchers cannot come in.
They just want to look at you.
They're out there?
Yes, they are.
It's a window on the other side.
They come every night
just after sunset.
And they watch us
until the sun rises again.
It's strange at first, but
you'll get used to it in time.
They're here.
Mina, take a step forward.
Go ahead. It's all right.
What is that?
What are they doing?
For you, Mina.
A welcome to the show.
We're leaving, Darwin.
Where're you going?
You won't make it.
I can't stay here.
I'm sorry. Good luck.
Let her go.
Those people are crazy.
Try not to die.
I'll find the car.
We'll get it to work and we'll
be home before you know it.
Why did you do that?
You're not the first
to have tried getting out.
We've all tried, and failed,
at one time or another.
Come with me.
The forest has been known
to cause hallucinations.
If you're not careful,
it can drive you mad.
While in these woods,
we are prey.
But if you open your eyes, you
can learn to master this place.
They're landmarks,
positioned all across the forest
in a nearly perfect circle.
Each is about a half day's
journey from the Coop.
If you stay within the boundary,
there's hope of returning
by nightfall.
But if you choose
to step over this line...
There's no turning back.
Who built them?
Daniel and Ciara call him
"The Professor."
Come along, Mina.
The sun is passing its peak.
Good evening.
What a show
we have for you tonight.
The stranger, Mina,
joins us again.
We're all just buzzing
to see what she'll do.
Will she eat her dinner?
Or will she refuse her plate
like last night?
Will she snore as she sleeps?
And how many times will she
get up to piss in the bucket?
Yeah. We're all
on the edge of our seats.
Right, then. Let's begin.
What am I supposed to do?
Just be yourself.
That's all they want.
They like it when I dance.
Twelve hot strangers,
trapped in a house.
The world will be watching
their every move.
Who will find love?
Who will make it out?
On this season of Lair of Love.
-My name is Georgia.
- Georgia.
-Nice to meet you.
Where's the champers, eh?
-My name's Georgia.
Nice to meet you.
Ten hours
and two minutes of sunlight.
May we meet again before dark.
You can come with me.
I won't bite.
Prunella vulgaris.
I make a paste
from them. For pain relief.
Daniel gets splitting headaches.
He's a sweet boy. He just needs
someone to take care of him.
It's funny.
John always figured
that Danny might fancy me.
Told him he was being silly.
John's my husband, by the way.
We came to the forest together.
He's very handsome.
You'll see when you meet him.
-Where is he?
-He left six days ago.
At first
I thought he sent you here.
He hasn't come back?
Not yet.
Stachys sylvatica.
Good for inflammation
and bleeding.
What do they want from us?
The Watchers.
We're not quite sure.
Madeline has a theory
that just seeing one
could drive a person mad.
Come on.
I want to show you something.
We'll keep this between us,
We're not supposed to go
close to the burrows.
They're all over the forest.
Connected underground
like a system of tunnels.
It's where the Watchers go
during the daylight hours.
Sometimes I like to come
out here and remind myself...
...that as long
as the sun's out,
there's nothing to be afraid of.
Ciara, how long
have you been here?
I don't know.
It's hard to keep track
of the days.
But not long.
John and I were the last
to arrive.
Before you, that is.
So if I had to guess, I'd say...
...nearly five months.
You should know,
there are a few rules.
Do not
turn your back to the mirror.
Do not open the door after dark.
Do not go near the burrows.
Always stay in the light.
It's important to remember
that we are in their territory.
The Watchers allow us to live
because we follow their rules.
"Lips with two girls
you fancy most."
-God, they're going for it.
-I'm shocked!
Like, Chloe's just like,
so peng.
Like, when we was locking lips,
it felt like the universe
is just colliding.
It felt right,
you know what I mean?
And I bet she's just, like,
killer in the bedroom.
Like, she's just got
that look about her,
that kind of like,
feral almost, look.
And I think I could
match that toe to toe, so...
"Who is the most
annoying boy in the Lair?"
Sorry, babe.
Oh, Georgia!
You know I love you.
Hold still, Mina.
Hold still.
Just let them see you.
Ever since John left,
I've been hunting on my own.
We all have a role to play.
We work together to survive.
Madeline used to teach
at some university.
That's why she thinks
she knows everything.
I know she can be
a bit intense, but...
she's been here a lot longer
than any of us.
How long have you been here,
Eight months, three days.
Eight months,
and you've never seen one?
You've never seen a Watcher?
Of course not.
No one sees a Watcher
and survives.
Did Madeline tell you that?
You don't believe her?
I don't think you do, either.
Mina. This is a bad idea.
This is a really bad idea.
Wait! It's against the rules!
You can go back to the Coop.
Tell Madeline
you lost me in the woods.
Go on living by her rules.
But don't you want to know
what they are?
What do you see?
Nothing yet.
Don't step
out of the sunlight, Mina.
Seriously, stay in the light.
You got it?
Got it.
Tell me again
where you found all this?
Out by Danny's spot,
stashed under a big rock.
You said there was no chance
we could make it out by sunset.
Not on foot.
This changes everything,
doesn't it?
Hey guys, come in here.
You saw something today,
didn't you?
Something that scared you.
What was it?
What did you see?
The electronics
break down out there,
somehow they work in here.
The Professor must have created
some sort of power source.
My best guess is
it's underneath us.
That's fantastic, Daniel.
I figure if we
put it outside tonight...
We'll be able
to see the Watchers.
Where are they?
They should be here by now.
They'll come. They always come.
Just act as if
everything is normal, all right?
Did anyone hear that?
Sounded like...
There's someone at the door.
No one move a muscle.
Someone's out there.
No one can survive the forest
after sunset.
This is a trick.
Mina, I know you're lying
about where you found that bike.
I need you to be honest with me.
Did you break the rules?
Oh, my God.
John? Is that you?
Yes, honey.
Please open the door.
He's back. John's back.
You're smarter than this, Ciara.
-I told you he'd come back.
They're coming, honey.
-You need to let me inside.
-John, I'm opening the doo--
We do not open the door
after sunset.
No matter what.
That is the rule.
The rules don't matter anymore,
my husband is outside.
Darling, I don't mean
to scare you, but I'm hurt.
Pretty bad. Please.
The Watchers are
playing with us, baiting us.
-No, I--
-This is a trick.
No, I know my husband's voice.
It's him.
Even if it's not John,
if there's someone out there
we should help them.
We do not open the door
for anyone.
just wait one second, honey.
Tell me what you did.
Tell me where you went.
I went down into a burrow.
My God.
She wasn't alone. I helped her.
Daniel acts on impulse.
You knew he would follow you.
You used him.
You don't know me.
I see you, Mina.
You are angry,
and you are selfish.
You behave like a child.
I'm not supposed to be here,
and I'm not staying here.
Do you get that?
I'm the one that's getting out.
Shut up. Everyone just shut up.
My husband is outside,
and I'm opening the door.
Stop, wait.
Wait just one second.
Ask him something
only he would know.
Darling, please.
Now's not the time
to stop trusting me. Do it.
I'm so sorry, honey.
What book am I reading?
I don't know.
Yes, you do. You do, baby.
We bought it at that
beautiful bookshop in Dublin.
You knew I'd love it.
You told me
it reminded you of me.
Hold me, please.
Just let me inside
so I can touch you.
There's something wrong
with him.
Ciara, the Watchers
do not spare human life.
You don't know that.
They're out there
with him, Ciara.
The Watchers are out there.
They come here
every night, Ciara.
Every night.
Why would tonight
be an exception?
I can hear them.
They're coming.
John, there's a camera
by your feet.
I need you to pick it up,
I need you
to bring it to your face,
so the others can see that
it's you and that you're alone.
And then I can open the door,
and you can come inside.
Help me--
-John, come back!
Let my husband go!
I'm so sorry.
They're coming. Places.
What are they doing?
They're trying to get in.
If the glass breaks,
this is over for us.
Do you understand
what I'm saying?
Get behind me.
We'll find another way out.
Are you done breaking the rules?
Mina! Lucy!
Mina, isn't it
the most beautiful day?
Yes, Mother.
Where's your sister?
I'm here.
Come, girls.
I'm feeling like a drive.
Mina, please roll
your window up.
My hair will get all messy.
I don't understand why
you can't just follow the rules.
Are you trying to make me upset?
I asked you once.
Are you trying to make me upset?
I asked you once.
You drive me crazy,
do you know that?
You drive me crazy,
do you know that?
I hate you, I hate you!
What are you doing?
Are you insane?
What's going on?
Winter came,
and the forest
was playing with our minds.
Escape no longer seemed
like an option.
The days were shorter,
the cold was brutal.
We were all beginning to crack.
Hurry up, Daniel.
The daylight's fading.
I'm going as fast as I can.
You've become clumsy
and you've become weak.
We'll all starve if you don't
catch something soon.
Hurry up.
Are you all right?
Have you eaten anything today?
Danny and Madeline
were going at each other again.
I can't stand
the sound of them fighting.
The couple who
we have decided to send home... Dom and Tanya.
Oh, my God.
Courtney, no, my head is
turned and screwed, I'm sorry.
It's never easy
to see someone go.
But as much as this sucks...
...I've shed my tears.
You know how it is,
the show must go on.
-We love you guys.
-So much.
-We love you.
-Love you.
-Love you.
-I'm sorry, guys.
Ciara, where are you?
It's almost sunset, Ciara.
What are you doing?
He was there that night.
Centimeters from me.
But I can feel it now.
I know that he's gone.
You're not thinking straight.
None of us are.
I should be with him,
shouldn't I?
-If they dragged him down there.
-Don't be silly.
I don't think I'm being silly.
He was hunting with Madeline.
I shouldn't have
left them alone.
What are you doing?
The boy has lost his mind.
Untie me, Daniel.
Our rules now.
Wait, Danny.
Just talk to me. Wait!
I told you once that this forest
brings out the worst in us all.
We need to get back
to the Coop, now.
Danny. Daniel!
Daniel, don't do this. Please.
Oh, my God.
Open the door, Daniel.
Open the door, Daniel!
We do not open the door
for anyone, no matter what.
The sun is going down, Daniel.
You should have
left her out there, Mina.
Let's go.
We should talk to him.
He's just trying to scare us.
Do not underestimate his anger.
Why did you do that?
Something had to change.
Come on, Ciara.
The Watchers will be here soon.
It's rotting.
Let's hope
it's enough to mask our scent.
The rule is,
"Everyone inside by sunset.
All of us, in the light."
Where are they?
They'll come, they always come.
Don't move, it will be okay.
They're not here!
They're not in here with us!
They're looking for us.
Let's go.
Open the door, Daniel.
Danny, please!
We don't have
much time. Do you understand?
-Daniel, please listen to me.
I know that you're angry.
Did I ever tell you
about my sister?
Her name is Lucy.
She tries calling.
Our mom died when we were young.
I've never told anyone,
but it was my fault.
I don't think
I'm a good person, Daniel.
But you are.
And you don't know what a thing
like this will do to you.
It'll haunt you
for the rest of your life.
Please, Danny,
I don't want to die.
How stupid can you be?
Stay away from me.
I should've killed you
months ago.
Come on, leave him alone.
They're coming!
We've broken too many rules.
In front of the mirror now,
I told you I'd never lie to you
and I haven't, not really.
But there are some truths that
I had hoped to protect you from.
I taught history on the outside.
Folklore, mythology,
that kind of thing.
Unlike the rest of you,
I came here because I wanted to.
I knew what was inside.
It was only the night I saw one
for the first time
that I knew how grave
the danger of this place.
You've seen one?
I hunted on my own
in those days.
The sun was setting
as I rushed back to the Coop.
I cut it too close.
Then I heard something.
When I pushed
through the trees, well...
I thought I'd finally
lost my mind.
What was it? What did you see?
I saw...
Not a perfect replica.
Everything was sort of... off.
And it was longer, leaner.
That's not possible.
The Watchers
are a very ancient species,
the things of legend and lore.
They go by many names...
The Winged People.
Yes. This is why they watch us.
They're studying us
so that they can become us.
We are their playthings,
their muses.
And that is why
they will never let us leave.
I'm so sorry, honey.
What book am I reading?
Is that one of them?
Tricky beasts, aren't they?
We all get them here.
Come sleep by us.
Good evening.
What a show
we have for you tonight.
Yeah. We're all
on the edge of our seats.
They're going to get in.
The door isn't going to hold.
Try not to die.
Like, she's
just got that look about her,
that kind of like,
feral almost, look.
What's that?
Oh, my God.
Be careful!
There's something underneath.
Has anyone seen this before?
What do we do?
Oh, my God.
They're going to
break the glass.
If you care for your life,
you're going to have to run.
I'm not supposed to be here.
I'm the one that's getting out.
It's a door!
-Open it.
-Wait! Wait!
I'm going down.
Hand me my bird.
This was underneath us
the entire time!
Look at all of this food!
We can live like this for years.
No more hunting.
It looks like
someone was studying them.
I guess you didn't
know everything, Madeline.
Can you get a signal?
I don't think so.
Professor Rory Kilmartin.
24th of September, 2009.
It's him. The Professor.
Today marks the beginning
of my greatest,
most singular achievement.
My impenetrable fortress,
here in the center
of their habitat.
I call it, "Wonderland."
They come and see me every night
as I thought they would.
They just stand there
at the glass, watching.
Completely still.
It's almost as if
they can't help themselves.
They are fascinated with me.
Last night
was the worst night yet.
They are mastering me.
At first,
they made sizeable mistakes.
They got the proportions
of my eyes wrong.
They miscounted
the number of my fingers.
But the Watchers
are fast learners now.
I think I might have to
treat the glass.
For years,
my colleagues mocked me
as I meticulously planned
the creation of Wonderland.
Machines wouldn't work
until I had a generator.
So, I had to rely
on manual labor.
Thirteen a day.
No more, no less.
That was the rule.
Men from neighboring towns
and villages.
Men with no money, no family.
And the end of each day,
I urged them
to eat supper outside as I...
...quietly slipped
into the bunker,
sealed the hatch,
waited for their screams
to subside.
This place was built
on the blood of innocent people.
All in the pursuit of knowledge,
I suppose.
Oh, my God.
One of them appeared to me today
in the form of a child.
A little girl with red hair.
This creature was different
from the others.
It was traveling on its own.
It seemed curious,
innocent even.
Imagine if you could access
all that perverted power.
The power of duplication.
Imagine what one could do.
One could even cheat death.
"Cheat death"?
What does he mean?
He's crazy.
I've done the impossible.
I'm not going to hurt you.
It's all right.
It's all right.
You and I
are going to be great friends.
My God, you're magnificent.
What do they call you?
Come on.
We don't have to watch this.
Three-hundred days here.
I used to think of myself... some kind of visionary.
But now, when I catch sight of
myself in the mirror upstairs,
I'm repulsed at what I see.
I've been stripped
of all humanity.
The creature
I have grown so fond of
is waiting for me upstairs.
One bullet through the heart
should do the trick.
Then one for myself.
The boat should be
where I left it, shouldn't it?
On the river, past 134,
where the birds leave the woods.
I know now that
it was never meant for me.
If you found your way here,
get to the boat.
Follow the birds.
Go to my office
at the university
and destroy everything you find.
Some things are
meant to be left in the past.
As for me...
...there is someone
I should go and see.
We'll leave tomorrow.
What are you doing?
Well, if this is
our last night here...
...we are going to dance.
We're not.
Come on.
Come on!
You're so lame.
Come on.
No, I don't want to dance.
You're good.
Daddy was a drunk.
Did you know that?
He shattered my nose twice.
Broke a couple of ribs.
He usually passed out cold
on the couch.
So one night I left.
I took the keys to his bike
and left.
I thought that if I stayed...
...I think
I would have killed him.
Hey, hey.
Hey, if we get out of here,
then you can come
and stay with me.
Everyone ready?
It's time to go.
The forest will do
everything in its power
to keep us inside.
To distract us from our path.
Remember what is real
and what is not.
We move together as one.
This is it.
No turning back.
Come on, Darwin.
We'll follow your lead.
There's something there.
Up ahead.
What is that?
This must be where
the fairies were imprisoned.
It is said that they once
lived among us as gods,
the bridge
between nature and man.
But over time,
the power of the changelings
began to frighten us.
Human and Fey were at war.
They were banished
to a tomb deep underground,
sealed in by a great door
that prevented them from ever
returning the way they came in.
For centuries,
they clawed towards the surface
only to discover they had
lost their wings, their magic,
and could never leave
this forest.
We need to keep moving.
It's so cold.
We'll make it. Stay with us.
Stay with us.
Hey, Lucy,
you're going too fast.
It's getting dark, Madeline.
We still have time.
-We'll never make it in this.
-We have to.
Stay close, everyone.
Stay close.
Keep moving.
We'll be there any minute,
I can feel it.
Any minute.
We need to run. Let's go.
Keep moving!
Don't look back.
We're almost there.
We're almost there.
-Danny, hurry up!
-Don't stop!
Oh, there it is.
We're out.
We actually made it out.
We made it out!
There's the boat.
Go! Go.
-I can't get the chain.
Wait, where-- where's Daniel?
John, Ciara's worried.
Daniel, it's not John!
-Ciara's gonna be so happy.
-It's not him!
Daniel, please,
take me with you.
-Oh, my God, he can't hear us.
-I'm going to get him!
We don't have time.
Daniel! Run! It's not John!
Come on, John, get up.
-Get in the boat!
-Daniel, run! Daniel!
We'll wait as long as we can.
Get in the boat.
Look away. Look away.
Can they swim?
They cannot leave the forest.
-Are you sure?
-I'm sure.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Are you ladies all right?
Where is this bus going?
This bus goes
all the way to Galway.
Can you take us there?
Excuse me, sir.
Could you turn that up?
I'll go to the university
and I'll do
as Kilmartin asked, and...
...we can just
put this all behind us.
What happened?
What's wrong with Mom?
Mina, why did you do that?
Mommy. Mommy, please.
So, normally, they
would have vacated the office.
Given it to a class
or something.
But a group of students
started a fund
to keep your uncle's research
as it was.
They say
he really believed it all.
He did.
Oh, there he is.
Old Uncle Rory.
I'll be outside
if you need anything.
Article 14,
a scroll
from the university archives.
A detailed account
of the time before the war.
A time before the Fey
were wingless, feral beasts.
Life with the fairies was
a golden era in the age of man.
They lived among us as
guardians, friends, even mates.
Those half-blooded children,
born of both man and fairy,
changed everything.
They were particularly skilled
in the art of transformation.
Even replicating those
that had passed on.
But when the humans
cursed and banished the fairies,
what became of the halflings?
History has deemed
their bloodline extinct.
But it is yet to be proven.
With their power,
think of what we could create.
Who we could bring back.
I leave for the forest
one week from today.
Yeah, I think this is it.
Thank you.
I have to show you something.
Kilmartin's office was left
completely as it was.
Totally untouched.
There were a lot of papers about
the Coop, Watchers, the forest.
I took as much of it as I could.
And I found these.
I don't understand, that's...
I asked the front desk, and...
...Rory Kilmartin was married
to a woman.
Her name was Madeline.
She would have told us
if she was his wife.
There's one more thing.
What is this?
It's an obituary.
Madeline Kilmartin,
the woman in the photos...
She died.
In 2001, from lung cancer.
He had one of them down there
in the bunker with him.
Maybe there was a reason.
It's impossible.
We heard him kill it, didn't we?
He knew what they could do,
that they could change form.
Maybe he thought that
he could bring his wife back.
That he could make
a new Madeline.
But they can't walk
in the sunlight.
Well, she must be different
from the others.
She's one of them, Ciara.
Madeline is a Watcher.
Where is she?
Shouldn't she be here by now?
She'll come.
They always come.
We brought a monster out here,
We have to send her back.
It's so quiet.
Who is that?
You're not Ciara.
I haven't gotten it quite right.
But I will in time.
Are you here to kill us?
I'm here to become you.
-Run, Ciara!
We were like gods once.
It is because of humans
that we were smothered
under dirt for centuries.
Choking, breaking,
forced to claw
through the earth like bugs.
You are no different, Mina.
You are controlled
by your hatred, your jealousy.
You cannot be trusted
now that you know my secret.
I won't tell anyone,
I promise.
I would never hurt you,
have made me promises before.
You took care of us.
You protected us.
We were like a family
in the Coop.
You were my pets.
I was studying you up close.
That's not true.
I know you, Madeline.
I'm grateful to you, Mina.
Without you,
I would have been trapped
in that forest for an eternity.
A prisoner
just like the rest of youse.
All my life
I dreamed of making it
to the world beyond the woods.
You have no idea
how much the others
made me suffer.
Ainriochtn was the name
they gave me at my birth.
The Strange One.
The Daywalker.
The Deformity.
When the Professor
came to the forest,
I thought things
might finally change.
He promised
he would show me the way out.
the bastard tried to shoot me.
I had no choice but to kill him.
I will not be betrayed again,
You can't run anymore, Mina.
Let's end this as equals.
I am Ainriochtn.
The Daywalker.
The one to make it out.
I will walk amongst the humans
in your body.
No one
will notice the difference.
I can take away
all your suffering.
You don't have to do this.
Look at yourself, Mina.
You abandoned your sister.
You killed your own mother.
Are you really worth saving?
Kilmartin never told you,
did he?
He never told you why
you can walk in the daylight.
Why you could leave the forest
when the others couldn't.
What are you talking about?
There was a recording
at the university.
I think I understand it now.
Our kinds used to live as one.
Some even fell in love
and had children.
Kilmartin called them halflings.
I think the reason that
you can walk in the daylight
is because you're not just
a Watcher, Madeline.
You're also part human.
I don't believe you.
You must have felt it.
That you never really belonged.
You know what it is to be human,
don't you?
It's jealousy and hatred.
But it's also love
and forgiveness.
Mina, stop it.
I know what it's like
to believe you're a monster.
I know what it's like to feel
that half of you is evil.
It can turn you into something
that you don't recognize.
You don't know me.
I think there are others
like you out there.
What if you could find them?
We don't have to
be alone anymore.
I hope you're right, Mina.
Ciara, wake up.
Please. Ciara.
I... I heard John's voice.
I know. I'm here.
Feels like a dream...
...those days we spent
in the forest.
I think Madeline
still hangs around, watching me.
She takes different forms.
A little girl sometimes.
I see her in crowds.
Someone where something's
just a little off.
I think I'm going crazy.
Knowing there are others
like her out there.
I just hope she finds
what's she looking for.
Well, it's over now, Meens.
You went through
something traumatic,
it's normal to still be afraid.
But you're safe now.
I know.
You're right.
I'm so glad you're here, Lucy.
What is this?
Can you show Auntie Mina?
What is this?
It's a picture
of you and Darwin.
I love it. It's perfect.