The Water Diviner (2014) Movie Script

Allahu Ekber!
Allahu Ekber!
Allahu Ekber!
I think we're close, mate.
I think we're very close.
Told you there was water there, didn't I?
Told you.
Everything alright?
Arthur's worn through
the toe of his boot again.
What does he do?
The boys are all in bed.
They're waiting for you
to read to them.
- I'm bone-tired, Lizzie.
- Oh, come on.
You know this is their
favourite time of the day.
Prince Hussain called to the man
and asked him why the carpet
he wished to sell was so expensive,
saying, "It must be made of something
quite extraordinary."
The Merchant replied,
My Prince,
your amazement will be
all the greater when I tell you that
it is enchanted.
Whoever sits on this carpet,
closes his eyes
and says the magic word 'Tangu'
may be transported through
the air in an instant.
Wherever his heart
desires to be."
I hit water at 15 feet.
Bit brackish but good pressure.
With water we'll be able to
put stock in that valley block.
They didn't even
wipe the mud off it.
It's been four years, Liz.
You're so clever.
You can find water
but you can't even find
your own children.
Why can't you find them?
You lost them!
Come on, Art!
You won't win any medals
up there, mate!
Yeah, it's two hours
back to Rainbow,
we've got to get a wriggle on!
- You got that?
- Yeah.
I reckon I got it by now, Dad.
Look after me brothers and
keep me bloody head down.
I know.
- Love you, Dad
- See you, Dad!
You understand,
in all conscience,
I could not bury your wife
in consecrated ground
if I thought she had taken
her own life.
Consecrated ground is
his promise to the faithful.
She fell in and drowned,
so your conscience is clear.
Three sons killed.
That was quite an ordeal
for Eliza.
As the book of Job teaches us,
God sets these trials for a reason.
Many families in the district
have made similar sacrifices
for king and country.
You know, you have a gall
coming in here,
making demands.
You haven't stepped inside
this place for four years,
you haven't been to confession,
you're all but lost to God.
And you and God can feed me
to the pigs for all I care.
But you knew this woman.
She was here every Sunday.
I've dug the grave,
I made the coffin,
all I'm asking you to do
is say some words
and throw some dirt.
That cart of yours...
...would make a useful
benefaction for our community.
An offering to God.
Well, He might as well
take that too.
I'll find them, love.
I'll find them and I'll bring them
home to you.
Nearly there.
Thank you.
Not now. Later. Thank you.
Major Hasan Bey to see
Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes
- at the War Graves.
- We know who he is, mate.
Four years ago
they'd have given me a VC
for shooting that bastard.
Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes,
may I present Major Hasan Bey.
Major Bey was commander of...
Just Major Hasan.
- Bey just means Mister.
- Yes. Indeed.
Mr Bey gave you boys hell
at Lonesome Pine, Sir.
We all know who Major Hasan
is, Lieutenant. Thank you.
Merhaba. Hosh geldieniz.
Hosh Bulduek.
Turkce biliormusunuz?
I see you have finally taken
the Peninsula.
Lost the battle, won the war.
Well, Sergeant Tucker here
will show you to your accommodations.
Perhaps once you've refreshed
we could meet in my tent?
- Thank you.
- Right this way.
While I'm here, I thought
I'd make myself useful.
If you have any horses
that need any work,
I might go for a little ride.
Preferably something
with a bit of pep.
Ah, Sergeant Tucker,
acquaint Lieutenant Greeves
with Widowmaker.
She could use a workout.
With pleasure, Sir.
Now, we've already
started work in this area,
in the Nek down to Hill 971.
I assume they briefed
you fully at the war office.
We would appreciate your help
locating our dead.
Your dead?
Lost over 10,000 ANZACS
here on Gallipoli
and still don't know
where half of them are.
Some were buried properly
but a lot of the graves
have been lost, overgrown
or washed away,
or their crosses were pilfered
for firewood after we evacuated.
You were here?
First Light Horse.
What do you need of me?
Well, the land has changed,
but you know the area
better than anyone.
I was hoping you could help us
locate the companies
we lost track of.
We can start in the morning.
We lost 70,000 men.
At Canakkale.
For me, this place
is one big grave.
I don't know what you chaps
were belly-aching about.
This is a veritable Garden of Eden.
If your troops had taken
this hill on the first day,
we would have been finished.
How close did we get?
There you go, Sir.
Your Garden of Eden.
Joshua? Where are the boys?
Ed, Henry, let's go home.
Come on, Ed!
Art! Ahhh!
Get down!
It's alright, boys.
It's alright.
Good on you, Art, for not
leaving your brothers behind.
Hey, Ed, what's the magic word?
The one that makes the carpet fly?
- Tonga?
- Tangu, you wombat.
That's it. Tangu.
Come on, cuddle up.
Get tight, close your eyes.
Ed's peeping, Dad.
Ed, close your eyes.
It only works
if your eyes are closed.
Alright, boys, let's get
out of here. All together.
Bugger off, the pair of you.
Go away. No.
- No?
- No.
Anything you want
my mama can make.
Hot water, no Germans.
No. Clear off.
Beautiful hotel.
Best room.
I'm going to Gallipoli.
- How do I get to Gallipoli?
- Huh?
I want to go to Gallipoli.
- Mister? Mister?
- Gallipoli.
Come to our hotel.
Beautiful hotel.
Beautiful view.
Anything you want,
my anne can make.
Maybe you can help me.
I'm going to Gallipoli.
No, you're not.
No-one goes there
without a permit.
You'll have to go to
the British War Office
- in Sultanahmet.
- Where?
- Sultanahmet. We go!
- Old city.
And... I'd keep an eye
on your bag if I were you.
Crafty little buggers.
Mister! Mister!
Where you go?
Little bastard.
Give me that bag,
you little bastard.
See, beautiful hotel.
Clean sheets, hot water,
no Germans.
I, uh... I need a room.
You're from England?
No, I'm from Australia.
Um, I'm sorry,
Orhan has made a mistake.
We have no rooms.
Your son dragged me halfway
across this wretched city.
Ah, no, no, no, no.
The boy was right.
Our best room is now vacant,
Connor. Joshua Connor.
You are most welcome, Mr Connor.
The room is up the stairs.
Breakfast is at eight.
Would you like for her
to bring the tea?
Uh, no. No, thanks.
But your son did mention
there might be some hot water.
Ah, it is shameful to lie.
You are a spoilt mother's boy.
Oh, no, it's alright. I must
have just misunderstood.
Please, please.
It is his duty.
Thank you very much.
This your room.
You seem to know
where everything is.
How about tomorrow you take me
to the War Office?
- I'll pay you.
- Yes, you will.
Towels for you, Mr Connor.
I am preparing you a hot bath
down the hall.
It will take some time.
My son is no liar.
He seems a very resourceful boy.
He is. Very resourceful.
You have children?
Three sons.
What are they selling?
They're not selling anything,
Mr Connor.
It's a call to prayer.
Your guide book is out of date.
I didn't come here to sightsee.
You should see the
Blue Mosque, at least.
Even in my 'wretched city'
it is a beautiful place
to find God.
I didn't come here
for him either.
I'm on my way to Gallipoli.
You mean Canakkale.
There is nothing there
but ghosts.
My son, he cannot help you
He is needed here.
Have your bath and come back.
I regret to inform you
we do not issue civilians
travel permits to Dardanelles.
It remains a very sensitive
military zone.
In fact, our friends the
Greeks have made things
even more complicated
by invading Turkey's western coast.
It'll be some time before
we bring order to this chaos.
Arthur, Henry and Edward Connor.
All served in the 7th AIF Battalion.
They all enlisted together.
And they died together.
All killed in the one day.
August 7th... 1915,
at Lone Pine.
Yes. We do have
the Imperial Graves Unit
on the Peninsula as we speak.
They have a formidable task
ahead of them.
You must understand,
these men on Gallipoli,
they are experts.
All I need from you is a
piece of paper and a stamp
saying that I can go there.
I simply couldn't, Mr Connor,
even if that were my inclination.
I can find them.
How could you possibly hope
to do that?
Do you know when the army
used to do
with the rank and file dead
after Waterloo, Crimea,
They would dig
an enormous bloody pit
and rake the whole lot in
with a few handfuls of lime.
No names.
Horse, mules and the men.
All turned into fertilizer.
This is the first war
anyone has given a damn.
My boys should be buried
at home,
beside their mother.
Go home, Mr Connor.
You have buildings like this
where you come from?
...but he didn't give up.
He kept on fighting
for three days.
I told you my son had work
to do here, Mr Connor.
- Oh, I...
- He's ten!
What would you expect him
to say?
Keep it. It's our secret.
- Good morning.
- Mr Connor.
Would you like some breakfast?
I-I'm sorry, I don't understand.
What's he saying?
Uh... my father hopes
you enjoy your breakfast.
Would you happen to have a...
a boiled egg?
Thank you.
Um... your wife,
he's asking where she is.
She's dead.
And your sons?
Without papers,
you cannot go to Gallipoli.
Take the ferry
to the town of Chanak,
then find a fisherman.
If you pay him enough,
he'll sail you across the straits.
He'll have no need
for British permits.
Thank you.
Mr Joshua!
Please, you find my Baba
in Canakkale.
Tell him he must come home.
Anne needs him.
- This is your father?
- Mm-hm.
- Who's the man in the hotel?
- My uncle.
I'll have a look.
You bring him home!
So, what were you doing
before the war?
This is the Ottoman Empire.
There was no 'before the war'.
In another life,
I was an architect.
I was a civil engineer.
Sir? Are we expecting company?
Whoever they are,
bring them to my tent.
Sergeant, grab a couple of
blokes and go with Lt Greeves.
Mr Connor, I'm at a loss.
You walk off your farm,
you turn up unannounced
in this place of horrors...
and for what?
Gallipoli is eight square
miles of collapsed trenches,
bomb craters, barbed wire,
and more unexploded
grenades and shells
than there are pebbles
on that beach.
It is not safe.
I know what date
my sons were killed.
At Lone Pine.
There's a map,
and the last entry
in his diary is August 7th.
Rest assured,
I aim to put a name
next to every man out there,
including your sons.
I'm sorry, but you can't stay.
Tucker, escort Mr Connor
back to his boat.
Your sons.
- Sir, dinner.
- Come in, Dawson.
Wrap your laughin' gear
around that, sir.
Yum-yum, pig's bum, eh?
- Sir.
- Hm.
Something you might want to see.
Want me to arrest him, sir?
And then what?
Take some food down to him.
And a blanket.
- Not swimming?
- No.
What are you doing
with your farmer?
There's a supply ship back
to Constantinople in two days.
Maybe we could help him
until then.
You know what the chances
of finding his boys are.
We have the day they were killed.
I know the area.
Yeah, we both know it,
but why change everything
for one father
who can't say put?
Because he's the only father
who came looking.
Change of plan.
Who's the Turk?
Hasan the assassin.
Saw us land, saw us off.
That dog wiped out
half my battalion.
He would've killed your boys.
We're all best friends now.
I get to serve him breakfast
every morning.
Don't worry, Mr Connor.
Abdul's, not ours.
This was our front line here.
You were there. Machine gun
here, machine gun here.
And one more there.
We could see you.
So many blue eyes.
It is very lucky in Turkey
to have blue eyes.
Everywhere, except here.
Listen up, boys!
Listen up!
We got to move up
that left flank!
Keep your heads low,
push forward! Now!
Stick up the nose
of these jokers!
We're gonna take
the trench tonight!
They're throwing rocks, boys!
They're out of ammo!
Let's get into the bastards!
All as one!
Let's do it.
Let's do it, come on!
You came in from two sides,
here and here.
We built a roof to protect us
from shell fire.
Instead we made a trap
for ourselves.
Inside it was bayonets,
knives, hands, teeth.
It was so dark and close,
we did not see
who it was we struck.
Three days.
We only stopped because we could
not climb over the bodies.
As long as Allah
make me breathe,
let me see nothing
like these days again.
- Are you alright, Artie?
- Bugger off, you two!
Leave me!
Yeah, righto, mate!
Whatever you reckon!
Leave me!
They're right here.
It's your son. Edward.
No, I wouldn't.
The bastards executed him.
He gave the order
not to take prisoners.
He killed the sick,
he shot the wounded.
One shot through the head,
that's how they did it.
Especially him.
He killed your son.
He gave them no chance,
that's what he did.
Stop him!
I said stop him!
- Steady on, Sergeant.
- You killed my sons!
You sent them, Mr Connor.
You invaded us.
Take him away.
Put him under guard.
I'm most terribly sorry.
He has two more sons.
We should keep looking.
War's over, Sergeant.
- We found Henry.
- Lying beside him.
How on God's earth
did you know they'd be there?
But you haven't
found Arthur yet.
No, we combed the area thoroughly.
Well, he wouldn't leave his brothers,
so he must be there.
We'll give Henry and Edward
a proper burial tomorrow.
I promised their mother
I would... find them and...
...and bring them home.
This is their home now.
It's not enemy ground anymore.
They're among friends,
probably the closest
they ever had.
Leave 'em, they always will be.
Take 'em back,
they're just a couple of
dead blokes in the cemetery.
She wanted them buried
in consecrated ground.
How much blood do you need
for it to be holy?
You know we lost over 2,000 men
in those four days at Lone Pine?
The Turks lost 7,000.
We didn't take
too many prisoners either.
I don't know
if I forgive any of us.
The prince closed his eyes
and said tang...
He sailed through the night
to his father's lands.
As the carpet settled gently
on the lawn of the royal palace,
the sultan dropped to his knees,
salted tears streaked his cheeks.
As he embraced Prince Hussein,
he cried, "My son.
My son.
After all your rich adventures...
...the magic carpet has carried you
on the four winds to this...
...your home."
Forgive my intrusion.
Major Hasan, I wanted
to apologise to you
for my outburst.
There is a Persian saying,
may you outlive your children.
It sounds like a blessing,
but it is the worst curse
one can place
on the head of a man.
I had this list
sent from Istanbul.
This is your family name.
What is this list?
If this is your son,
he was taken prisoner.
He did not die here.
He left Canakkale. Alive.
Joshua Bey.
Did you find my father?
Sorry, am I intruding?
Is it is his birthday?
No, his Sunnet.
Oh, bloody hell.
It's a private thing.
- No!
- Sorry.
Do you want to see my scar?
Ah, thanks, mate. No.
You have guests.
Welcome back to Stamboul,
Mr Connor.
- You are always welcome.
- Thank you.
My apologies, Major.
Admiral Calthorpe will have
to reschedule your meeting.
Perhaps next Tuesday?
Does that suit?
Yes. If your Admiral could
also reschedule the Greeks.
Allow us to handle the Greeks
through proper
diplomatic channels.
Let us not have another war.
It's the same war.
It hasn't ended.
Major Hasan,
can you tell me the...
No. I have finished helping.
Mr Connor,
do you have your passport?
You were specifically ordered
not to go to Gallipoli.
I'm not in your army.
All I need to know is the name
of the prison camp
they sent my son to.
If your son did not return home,
the sad reality is,
he's deceased.
This was the Ottoman Empire,
one of the largest empires
the world has ever known,
and presently
it's being carved up.
The Bolshies,
they want the Black Sea.
The French and Italians,
they want the Aegean.
And currently, in Anatolia,
where the prison camps were
the Turks and the Greeks
are turning the place
into a complete and utter blood bath.
So where, pray,
in all this madness
would you like us to start
looking for your son?
You said the prison camps
were in Anatolia?
Who would have those records?
The Turk army?
The camps are gone.
They're all gone.
And so are you.
Lieutenant, show Mr Connor out.
I will be at your hotel,
0400 on Thursday,
with your passport and
a ticket home via Calcutta.
Courtesy of the British Army.
We will make sure
you will not miss that boat.
Have you bothered
to ask yourself, man,
if your son was still alive,
would he not simply come home?
Mr Connor, please.
My brother died
on that bloody Peninsula.
My fiancee works
for the Red Cross here.
If it would be helpful, I
could arrange an appointment.
That would be very helpful,
thank you.
Well, Mr Connor, I think you
can show yourself out from here.
Good luck.
Thanks again.
Major Hasan?
I need to talk to Major Hasan.
Nobody will tell me
what prison camp
they sent my son Arthur to.
Your army must have records?
Please, I'm at a dead end.
Then now
we are in the same place.
I told you,
I cannot help anymore.
You must never come back here,
Mr Connor.
He is handsome, eh?
Don't you think?
Big, strong.
I do not think about other
men. I'm married.
No, of course. His equipment
is all there Ayshe Hanim.
In need of practice,
but all there.
Anne, Joshua Bey is coming
with us to the cistern.
No. It is just you and me
today. Special treat.
I am sorry, Mr Connor,
this is not possible.
- It will not be proper.
- Hm, I understand.
Next time.
Oh! Mr Connor...
Perhaps if you were to follow
20 paces behind,
then there would be no shame.
I will get my hat and my coat.
You know where I live, my home?
Sometimes it doesn't rain for
three or four years at a time.
We have to find water
that's fallen through cracks
in the earth.
How do you find it underground?
Well, there's the trick.
You have to feel it.
And you feel it every time?
No. I have dug a lot of wells
that just turned out
to be holes.
I'll show you.
I have something of yours.
Orhan asked me
to find your husband.
I hate this photograph.
Turgut is a musician,
never a soldier.
How long were you married?
I am married.
12 years.
My mother had arranged for me
to marry someone else.
But my father fought her.
He told her, 'Why would we
want our daughter
to be as miserable as us?
It is not easy
to marry for love here.
Maybe my mother was right.
Turgut was mad.
Bills to the roof not paid,
music all hours,
parties, lazy friends.
I miss the chaos.
I wish my mother
had arranged my marriage.
You did not love your wife?
Oh, I adored her.
I was just so bad at courting,
I think she only married me
out of impatience.
But it was happy.
Very. Until the boys were lost.
It's good to know
where they are.
Not lost or nameless anymore.
I was told my oldest son
was taken prisoner.
So he's alive?
I don't know.
But you have hope.
Hope's a necessity
where I come from.
Goodnight, Mr Connor.
Take care,
your fate is in there.
It is a silly peasant game.
You have to drink it first.
Now we wait.
We decide everything here
by coffee. Business, holidays.
- Even our husbands.
- And that works?
When two families come together
to arrange a marriage,
the young girl
serves them coffee.
If it is sweet,
she approves of the match.
If it is bitter, go away.
The more sugar,
the deeper the love.
It is all peasant nonsense.
Stay here.
Stop! Stop, you fool!
This is not your business!
This is what you want?
The enemy?
It has nothing to do with him!
My brother was a fool!
You disgrace our family!
Go! Go, you have to leave now!
You've offended his honour,
he'll not forgive this!
- He hit you!
- I hit him!
You see, you understand nothing.
You will never understand!
I thought I was doing
the right thing.
Yes. Yes, you and your sons
and your armies,
all doing the right thing!
All you did was rob Orhan
of a father
and left me with choices
like this!
Then, please, let me help.
Ha, so now you will rescue us.
I didn't mean it like that,
I raised three boys.
And where are they now?!
This is not your world.
Go home, Mr Connor!
You don't need to go. She gets
angry with me all the time.
You would make a good
ambassador, Connor Bey.
You know him? This man
has dishonoured my family!
My orders are to take him
to Major Hasan.
Come here, Connor.
First we will teach him a
lesson about honour.
All four of you?
Come on.
I found your son's name
on a list of wounded.
They take him from Canakkale
to a camp in Afyon.
After Afyon we don't know.
Winters are hard.
What, you mean he died there?
No more records.
We are Ottoman, not German.
Tomorrow you will be on a
boat, back to Australia.
Jemal and I will travel east,
to Ankara.
Mustafa Kemal is gathering
a Nationalist army there.
We must pass through Afyon.
I will ask if anyone
remembers your son.
Could he still be in Afyon?
As a soldier, as a father,
I tell you, it is past praying.
Mustafa Kemal!
- Who's he toasting?
- Turkey's future.
Look at him.
He is the worst sergeant
in the whole Ottoman Army.
Three times I have saved
this man's life.
Never once in battle.
Look at him, like a peacock
with big moustache
and gold buttons.
'I love my wife,
I love my children,
I have a big stick
up my arsehole.'
Tonight, we kill this man
with lion's milk.
- Serefe. Forget.
- Serefe.
First Australian I met,
not to shoot at, to talk to,
was a thief, at Lone Pine.
This man waves a white cloth,
calls out and walks straight
across no-man's land.
He is carrying something.
1,000 guns are on him.
2,000 eyes. But he walks.
He reaches us and drops one
of our wounded into our hands.
We shared a cigarette
and he walked back.
- No-one shot him?
- I should have.
It's only when he got back
I realised
he had stolen my cigarettes.
And my lighter.
Mr Connor.
I'm sorry if I disturbed you.
If I could pick up my bag.
Of course.
Orhan put it in your room.
I wish to apologise for all I said.
I was angry.
I meant none of it.
I'm the one
who should be apologising.
You're right, I did fill their
heads with heroic nonsense.
God and king and country.
It was my job to steer my boys
to manhood.
And I failed them.
I measure a man by how
much he loves his children,
not by what the world
has done to them.
They'll be here for me
in the morning.
You can't travel
on an empty stomach.
Mr Connor!
Mr Connor! Good morning.
Come down here, please.
We've a very long walk
to the dock.
Lieutenant, if you'd be so
kind as to go down to the dock
and speak to the captain and
make sure he holds that boat.
Thank you.
I saw him, I saw him clearly.
He's not dead.
- You cannot go back.
- No.
Come on.
Kick that damn door in!
Go up over the roof.
You can get to the city wall.
Where's Joshua Connor?!
Upstairs! Quickly!
Be careful of the tiles.
On the roof!
Connor! Connor!
He's alive, I know he is.
Please, take me with you.
Ambassador, what part of the
Ottoman Empire did Australia get?
It wasn't about land for us.
Always it's about land.
We don't need any more land.
We fought for a principle.
You fight, you die,
you get nothing.
Good principle.
- A weapon, yes?
- In the right hands.
- Yeah?
- It's a game, called cricket.
- Cricket?
- Yeah, it's a cricket bat.
- You play?
- Yeah. Well, everybody plays.
Yeah, you need a ball
and that's the bat.
Show us.
- You need a lot of space.
- Yeah.
So the idea is you have the ball
and you bowl it
with a straight arm
and you try and hit the wicket.
- Straight arm?
- Straight arm.
That's the way. Straight arm.
Englishers, always with rules.
Give me the stick.
Give me the stick.
The Greeks are deeper inland
than I thought.
They terrorise the people
and burn the towns.
We used to be one country,
now we are constantly at war.
Joshua, pick up a gun!
I'm from Australia... yes.
don't invade a country
if you don't know where it is.
Our horses need rest.
- Raki?
- Ouzo.
Same mother.
To Jemal.
It is a miracle Allah
turned a blind eye so long.
I will ride with you
as far as Afyon.
Joshua! Where are you going?
Afyon is this way.
He's here.
Joshua? Come.
You're here?
Time to come home.
I'm not coming back.
None of us are.
They're dead.
I know.
How's Mum?
She's with your brothers.
You told me to take care
of them.
You said, 'Look after
your brothers'. I didn't.
Henry had his face shot off.
One minute he was there
and then he just... wasn't.
Ed bled out for hours.
- Artie.
- Hey.
I want Mum.
Hold on.
Someone will come for us.
I'm a gut shot rabbit.
Yes, mate.
I can't shoot myself.
They won't let me into heaven.
- You can't ask me.
- You have to do it.
You're my brother.
Climb onto the carpet, mate.
Let's get out of here.
Take me home, Artie.
It only works
if you close your eyes.
I love you.
I killed them.
They can't come home.
You see?
It's alright to leave me here.
I didn't lift a finger
to stop any of you.
I killed your brothers
the day I waved you off.
your brothers live on in you.
You must go.
It's too dangerous here.
He's right, Joshua.
The Greek soldiers are here.
I must leave now.
How do I thank you?
Teshekullar, Hasan Bey.
Tell your son when he's well...
Tell him he still owes me
a packet of cigarettes.
And one lighter.
- Arthur!
- Dad! This way!
Give us a hand.
This'll take you across the valley.
Once you pass the village,
head north towards the coast
and follow it.
I'm not leaving without you.
I've buried your mother.
I've buried your brothers.
If you're not coming with me
I have nowhere to go.
Either we leave here together
or we'll die here... together.
Is it cold?
No. It's freezing.
When we finish here,
why don't we see if we can
find some fresh clothes?
Righto. Sounds good.
'You want room, clean sheets,
hot water...'
No Germans.
' Germans.'
Joshua Bey!
You came back for me!
Welcome back, Mr Connor.
Is this your son?
Orhan... help me show Arthur
our second-best room.
She's outside.
Mr Connor.
You speak Turkish
like a villager.
Am I welcome here?
All are welcome here.
You don't seem surprised
that I'm back.
It was in your coffee,
weeks ago before you left.
I told you.
Everything is in the coffee.
Can be the enemy
When you're locked
in a world of pain
Days go floating by
And it just doesn't change
It just stays the same
Then you came along
And showed me how to start
Now the sun shines
in my heart
The sun shines in my heart
I was so lost
But now I'm found
The song they used to sing
On Sunday afternoon
Love was my alibi
For all the life lost
Now you made love
my reason
You made love my truth
You made love my truth
And the sun shines
in my heart
ls now a friend to me
You make me feel adored
When I look into your eyes
It's like I'd never been
Never been loved before
You showed me the way
You showed me how to start
Now the sun shines
in my heart
The sun shines in my heart
But I was so lost
Now I'm found
The song they used to sing
On Sunday afternoon
Love was my alibi
For all the life lost
You made love my reason
You made love my truth
You made love my reason
You made love my truth
And the sun shines
in my heart
~ COrrected by Dragonborn ~