The Waterboyz (2024) Movie Script

[arrows whooshing]
[arrow thuds]
[distorted pensive music]
Hey, bruh, I'm telling you,
this street shit
ain't where it's at.
It's like every other day
I'm hearing about someone
who looks just like me and you
losing their life out here.
[Dolo] Yeah.
[Drew] Even worse than that;
it's someone that
looks just like us
that's doing the killing.
[Dolo] Twin, my cousin
just got arrested
-last week for murder.
-[camera clicks]
[Drew] See?
That's two young
brothers lives lost.
Lemme grab this cooler.
Rinse this thing out.
Yeah, all right, let go.
You got it?
Hell, yeah.
Not to mention, 12 out here
killing us like animals.
-[people yelling]
-[Drew] Yeah.
[Dolo] Ain't no jobs out here.
They gentrifying the hood.
Rent prices getting high.
Folks ain't got no
choice but to hustle.
[Drew] Yeah, selling
poison to our own people.
[Dolo] Bro, I feel ya.
[Drew] Social media has
these young girls out here
looking up to strippers
and popping pills.
[Dolo] Dig what I'm saying.
We so lit.
Yeah, for real.
We bad as fuck.
And the irony of it is,
we live in Atlanta.
Birthplace of M.L.K.,
cradle of the Civil
Rights Movement.
I bet Dr. King is
turning in his grave
over at the
monument right now.
Looking at what we've
become: savages.
[ice clanking]
I'm telling you,
that's why I'm just
trying to stack my paper,
get this car, pay my
way through college
and get out of these streets.
Once I get my degree
in graphic design,
I'm gonna start
my own company.
Become an entrepreneur.
Hell, I might even
make it on the cover
of Black Enterprise one day!
[Drew VO] This
is my best friend, Dolo.
We've been thick as thieves
ever since we were kids.
Boy, you sound crazy as hell.
Shit, I'm just trying
stack enough money, a'ight,
grab that Hellcat and some
fine bad bitch to ride shotgun.
Boy, that my American dream.
Shut the hell up!
[Dolo VO]
Needless to say,
me and my boy view
life different.
[Tee laughing] You wish!
Man. I'm telling y'all man.
When I got goddamn leave here--
[Drew VO]
This is our squad.
[Slim chattering]
[laughing] Come on, man!
Like they can't tell me
I can't walk-on, man.
Look at Jordan Nelson.
You right, you right.
[Dolo VO] This is Slim,
who was a star
receiver at our school
with lots of
scholarship offers
'til he got injured.
He was always talking
about going to the league.
Santana Moss,
goddamn, walk-on.
So you mean to tell me
Slim can't walk-on, huh?
Them folk need me, man.
Look, but you do know,
Kap said the NFL was
like a slave ship.
These folks only wanna
see us with a gun,
a microphone or a
ball in our hand.
[Drew VO]
This is Malcolm.
He's a conspiracy theorist
and card-holding Black
Lives Matter member.
He literally keeps a
membership card in his wallet.
-[Malcolm chattering]
-Hey, Cuz!
You got to chill, bro. Chill!
You always talking all that
militant stuff like... relax!
Get you a girlfriend.
[Dolo VO] And
this our girl, Tee.
Yeah, she a girl who like girls
but she one of the homies.
Always got our back and
always makes us laugh.
You know I be all chilling,
you know I'll be chilling
doing my thing or whatever.
That's because I
get all the shawtys.
I got all the shawt-ays!
[playfully exclaiming]
Ah, okay!
Vagina, what?
I'll hook you up. [laughing]
[Drew] Hey, what's up, y'all?
-What's up?
Y'all ready to get you money?
-Hell, yeah.
-I know that's right.
[friends laughing, chattering]
Hell you talking about?
You ain't said nothing
but a word. [indistinct]
[Drew VO] Let me
explain to you the economics
of being a Waterboy.
Ice cold water!
[upbeat store music]
You buy a cooler.
$16.98 at Walmart.
Save money. Live better.
[upbeat store music]
[ice bag squishing]
You get a bag of ice. $4.
[upbeat store music]
40 waters. $5.36 each.
[pensive flute music]
See? It's not only
water we're selling,
we're offering
people an opportunity
to support the inner city kids
who are trying to do
something positive.
Water! Water!
Ice cold water.
H2O, water!
Shit, man, let me
get one of them.
One of 'em blue boys for you.
Oh, thank you. You need change?
Nah, keep the change.
-Appreciate you big, bro.
-All right, young brother.
-All right, have a good day.
-You too, buddy.
-Keep the change, bro.
Appreciate you, Unc!
Get your water, water!
-Keep the change.
-Appreciate ya, Aunt C!
[Young Man] Nice
cold water, H20!
I got some ones
from the strip club.
Hold on, let me--
[Young Man] You gonna
help me out, big bro?
I'm gonna help you out.
[Young Men] Water!
-Come on, water.
-It's hot out here.
Y'all need this water!
All right, so listen,
this is not about this water.
It's about you doing what you
need to do with the money,
you hear me?
-[Drew] Yeah.
-All right.
[Drew] Thank you.
You need change?
I don't need change.
-[Drew] Thank you.
-Keep going, alright.
You have a good day.
Water! Water!
Get your water!
Attorney Crump?
How you doing, young king?
[Drew] I'm good. How are you?
How may I help you today?
I'm just out here selling water.
Oh brother, you not
just selling water,
you running your business.
This $60 is an investment
in your future business.
We believe in you.
Thank you.
-Alright King.
-[Young Man] H20!
[ethereal rhythmic music]
[ethereal rhythmic
music continues]
[Dolo VO] We were
constantly competing
for corners with other
Waterboys and drug dealers.
[ethereal rhythmic
music continues]
[Drew VO] This is Junior.
Him and his crew move
different than us.
They pack guns, sell drugs,
and behave like criminals.
[car horn honking]
[folk rhythmic music]
Unfortunately, this was just
the cost of doing business.
[folk rhythmic music]
[Dolo VO] We
had to watch our backs
anytime they was around.
[folk rhythmic music]
They would be out here
trapping in broad daylight.
And 12 wasn't doing
nothing about it.
[folk rhythmic music continues]
Ice cold water!
Ice cold water!
[folk rhythmic music]
[car engine revving]
[Dolo] Auntie! We got some
ice cold water!
Hey, bruh.
[Malcom] Ice cold water!
Give me some water,
little nigga.
[Drew VO]
This is Lil Zoo,
the neighborhood drug dealer
and all around out goon.
Y'all boys out here working?
What you got for me?
Ain't made nothing all day, man.
Oh he lying.
So you mean to tell me
you out here all day,
you ain't make nothing?
Come on with my cut, man.
Quit playing, man.
I said what you got for me?
-[Junior] Come on.
-Look, he robbing 'em.
[tense music]
Run them pockets.
[Junior] For real?
Run them pockets.
[Dolo VO]
Him and Zoo gang
run terror on these streets.
[curious music]
Yes, sir, we don't lie.
Ah, what?
Hey, man, when you in
the city of Atlanta,
make sure you checking in, man.
This big Zoo shit, for real!
Tell 'em, Juice.
Don't ever call me
that. [indistinct]
And we got that fire on us.
Mmm hmm.
Niggas ain't playing.
Ready to do it!
[Dolo VO] They were one
of the most murderous gangs
-in the whole city.
-[gun bangs]
[tense flute music]
They were known
for hitting licks
and killing folks.
[gun bangs]
Lil Zoo would never
hesitate to bust his gun.
[tense flute music]
All these niggas out here,
y'all trying to
fuck with us, man.
This my block, little bro.
You know I need
in on everything.
[Drew VO] Although Junior
and his crew was strapped,
they knew not to even
try with Lil Zoo.
See what I'm saying?
Need in on that, too.
[cars whirring]
[tense flute music]
[police siren wails]
Hey, y'all.
Let's do it.
[faint chattering on PA]
How y'all doing today?
Doing fine,
especially now that
you here, Miss Officer.
So when you gonna lemme take
you on the date or something?
When you about 20 years older?
But then you'll be too
old for me by then!
[Officer Owens]
Oh you done tried it?
You know Black don't
crack around here.
[Tee] Yeah, I know.
So what about me?
[faint chattering on PA]
You good, sweetie?
Yeah, I'm good.
[faint chattering on PA]
All right.
Y'all be safe around here.
[Dolo] For sure.
Keep my eye on you.
Come on, let's get back to work.
[Dolo] Don't forget
about our date.
[car engine humming]
What the hell we
doing about Lil Zoo?
I ain't worried about it.
I keep telling y'all,
we need a fire.
No, see, that's playing right
into they hands, my brother.
If you live by the gun,
you die by the gun.
Here he go with all
that "my brother" shit.
Man, gone with all that.
[Tee] What happen if it
don't go right, though?
We do need some
protection out here.
Man, no, we don't.
If we have a gun, it
creates gun problems.
-[Tee] And?
-[Dolo] But look,
I'd rather be caught
with it, than without it.
-[Tee] Hell yeah.
[Dolo] Hey!
Selling water, bro.
Why we so gangster?
-[Malcolm] Water!
-[cars whirring]
Cold water!
[car engine humming]
[crickets chirping]
[Reporter on TV] Mayor Thomas
held a press conference
regarding the out of
control street vendors
called The Waterboys.
You may have seen them on
your local street corner
selling ice cold beverages.
But some say they have a
much more sinister motive.
You may also recall
that 17-year-old
Christopher Hearns
was slain over a minor dispute
with a fellow Waterboy.
Here's what Mayor
Thomas had to say.
[dramatic music]
Now we are all for young people
embracing the
entrepreneurial spirit.
However, what will
not be tolerated
is the mob-like mentality
some young men have displayed.
There have been assaults,
car thefts
and unfortunately,
-a teenager was killed.
-[camera clicking]
Now my office and I,
we are working on resolutions
to end this type of behavior.
[somber jazz music]
[door creaks]
-[Drew] Hey, mama.
[Drew] How you doing?
-I am tired.
-[gentle music]
Been out here
working double shifts
and all I get in the mail
is a stack of damn bills.
[gentle music]
Where you get that from?
Selling water.
I told you, it's a good hustle.
A good hustle?
You know what I'm saying?
You don't have to do that.
Yes, I do.
I'm grown now and I
need to do my part.
Oh, you grown now?
A couple little
hairs on your face
don't make you grown, boy.
Oh. Oh.
You trying to play?
I almost got a full mustache.
I see a little something.
[Drew chuckles]
What you want for dinner?
You don't have to cook anything.
I'll make something.
You gonna cook?
No child of mine is
going to bed on Top Ramen
and what's that you make?
Grilled cheese?
You trying to say I can't cook?
[Rose] I didn't say that but
I said what I said.
You like the food?
[Drew] Of course. Thank you.
You know I've been thinking.
I'm getting real worried
about you selling
that water on them corners.
I brought you out here from
New York when you was a baby
to provide you with
a safer environment.
Mom, look, there is no way I
can make this kind of money
unless, what?
I get like an academic
scholarship or something,
which is super rare.
I gotta stack my money up.
[Rose] I know that.
But these corners are dangerous.
You know, I just read
online about the little boy
who got shot selling water?
[Drew] Well, there are a
few bad seeds in the bunch.
Boy, don't be trying to
use my quotes against me.
I promise you, I'll be safe.
College is my only way out.
It's our only way out.
-[Rose] Outta where?
-The trap.
The trap?
Does this--
Does this look like
the trap to you?
You should see where I grew up.
Mom, our house is nice,
but there are drug dealers
that live right next door.
Boy, you've always been smart
and ambitious
and hard-headed, just
like your father.
I just wish he could see you.
He would be so proud.
My ambitions are
different though.
Yeah, I know that.
Excuse me.
[tense reflective music]
[tense reflective
music continues]
[Drew VO] My
father was murdered
in the streets when I was young.
I never really dealt
with his death.
The black community
doesn't believe in therapy.
I'm sure I needed it.
My way of dealing with it
was not talking about it,
which can't be healthy.
[tense reflective music fades]
["Melanin" by C. Blacque]
[rap music]
[rap music continues]
[rap music fades]
-[pensive music]
-[cars whirring]
[Man] Hey, water for sale, now.
[Woman In Car] Please, stop.
I don't have any cash on me!
[Man] No cash?
[tense music]
[Man Stealing Car]
[indistinct] Let's go.
Let's go. Let's go.
[tense music]
[car door slams]
[car engine revving]
[woman exclaiming]
[Drew VO] After this,
I knew it was going
to be a hot summer.
[Reporter On TV]
Police are currently
on a citywide manhunt for a
Waterboy who carjacked a woman
on the west side of
Atlanta earlier today.
Hey, ma!
You got some mail on the table.
[paper rustling]
[sighs] "We regret to inform you
that your application
has been denied."
[gentle music]
[Rose] Baby, don't even
worry about that.
You know, things happen exactly
the way they're supposed to.
And patience is key.
[gentle music]
I know.
Yeah. It's frustrating.
I know.
You ever thought about
applying to local colleges?
I really wanna go outta state.
And I really want
you to stay home.
I wanna get us outta here.
At least outta
this neighborhood.
[gentle music]
Yeah, I know.
It's like ever since
your father passed,
you became the man of the house.
[Drew] Mmm-hmm. I had to.
Who else is gonna protect you?
[Rose] "Protect me"?
I ain't no punk, now.
I can take care of myself.
You remember,
you remember Marvin?
[Drew] Of course.
The only guy you
dated since dad?
[Rose] Yes. The only guy
and the last guy.
[Drew] Thank God!
Hey, you remember that time
y'all was arguing
in your bedroom
and I was standing
outside with the bat?
How could I forget?
Yeah, he was about to get it.
You were eight.
[Drew] Yeah, but I
had a cold swing.
[laughing] You did!
I love you.
I love you too, mama.
[gentle music]
You know, I was
watching on the news
what happened to the Waterboys.
Ma, I told you. I'm good.
That stuff just really
makes me afraid for you.
Remember what you told me?
[Rose] What's that?
Fear and faith can't
occupy the same space.
Yes but that doesn't
mean you intentionally
go put yourself in harm's way.
Them corners is dangerous.
I'll be all right.
[gentle music]
Will you just humor me
and try to get a job
doing something else?
[scoffs] Okay.
[Rose] Just try it.
[Dolo] It's hot
as hell out here.
[Drew] Hell, yeah.
[Drew VO] I felt
my mother's concerns
and decided I would give
the job hunt one last try.
Do you have any
experience in retail?
I don't, but I'm
a quick learner.
Positive attitude.
Do you have any
experience in retail?
I like to shop.
Alright, so have you ever
been convicted of a crime?
Absolutely not.
I try my best to avoid
trouble at all times.
Yes! [laughing, murmuring]
Have you ever been
convicted of a crime?
[upbeat store music]
[Dolo clicking tongue]
Lean in.
So, what would you
consider a crime,
[upbeat store music]
That'll be all.
I get the job?
Um [laughs], no.
It's 'cause I'm Black?
-All right.
-[Manager] Thank you.
It looks like I've
seen everything I need.
Congratulations. Welcome aboard.
Thank you.
Great. When do I start?
Next week, we're gonna
start you off part-time
in the stock room.
The stock room?
I applied to be the cashier.
Oh I know.
But you know everyone starts
off in the stock room.
It's a great
learning experience.
And you'll start at $7.25
an hour, minimum wage.
That's like 150 bucks a week.
Math skills. That's good.
Yeah, I want you to take this
as a learning experience, okay?
Rome wasn't built in a day
and I myself started
off in the stock room
and you know,
look at me now.
[upbeat store music]
He offered me the job.
Oh, really?
Yeah! Minimum wage though.
In the stock room part-time.
$150 a week?
I can make that in a
couple hours selling water.
You dig what I'm saying?
As opposed to making $30 a day
sweating in the stock
room at Walmart,
I chose to stick
to selling water.
-[Tee laughing]
-Hey, look.
Shorty, she in my DMs, huh?
Talking 'bout, "Where you from?"
What you say?
Like ATL, Shorty.
Nigga, you from Gwinnett!
[friends laughing]
And what? Huh?
Everybody know Gwinnett
is not Atlanta.
[friends laughing]
I'm ready to find out,
get y'all fucked up.
Who gonna fuck me up?
-Alright now.
-Alright then.
You know the people
throwing this party?
Hell, yeah.
Tyrone Christopher. That my boy.
Oh yeah, that my boy, man.
We use play ball together.
-That nigga was--
-Hell yeah.
Yeah, them baddies though.
Ain't gonna lie to you.
Shit, it's go time.
Hell yeah, for sure, goddamn.
Lemme have some gum.
Gotta brush my tongue, man.
I got you. I got you.
Your last stick of
gum? [murmuring]
I ain't gonna lie.
Y'all better step y'all shit up
because I'm pulling
everything walking
in that motherfucking, goddamn.
[Tee laughing]
-Think about?
Is this something
else to think about?
[friends murmuring]
Hey now look, check this out.
Don't come in
there with all that
Black Lives Matter talk, man.
We trying to party, you feel me?
Dang, that's it.
My brother, they gotta
hear it just like y'all.
Whatever, man.
Goddamn, shit.
If it's too wild in
here, we gotta bounce.
Well, hold on.
What you mean by
too wild though?
[friends laughing]
You know what I mean?
[playfully murmuring]
Y'all better come.
[Tee laughing]
Oh, it's Shamika.
-That might be.
-Back up for years.
Go ahead, then.
[friends faintly chattering]
Excuse me, lady.
Dolo! What's good?
What's going on my boy?
-Good. Straight.
-My boy.
What's good?
Shit, been a minute.
I mean, what you mean?
I see you on the
ground all the time.
Yeah, yeah, you ain't know?
-Doing my thing.
-Man, you right.
Hey, listen, anyway.
We drink, man. Some smoke.
Pain pills, all that.
-We turn up, man. Come on.
[friends faintly murmuring]
Shorty, what's going on?
[rap music]
As you can see, Bootie calls.
Y'all turn up for, you know.
Ah, don't play with that thang.
Let's go.
Means on the way
Means on the way
Calling Coach
K, he want play
Put me in the game
Shoot you like I'm Ray
Means on the way
Might risk the day
Means on the way,
means on the way
Calling Coach K,
he want to play
Put me in the game
Shoot you like I'm Ray
Means on the way
We might get rich today
Means on the way
What's the ETA
[muffled rap music]
See? This is what I meant.
They doing way too much in here.
Man, I'm about to get.
Hey, hold on, hold on.
Chill, my boy.
Come on. Look.
Get you something to drink.
Time, mind, body, soul,
slow all that down.
Time, float,
relax. chill.
[muffled rap music]
[smooth R&B music]
[Drew VO] Tameka Blanks.
We went to high school together.
She was head cheerleader,
prom queen two years in
a row and valedictorian.
[smooth R&B music]
Matter of fact, look, man.
There go that girl,
Tameka, over there.
Time to make a
move, breaking news
She already looking your way.
Go out there, my boy!
Yo. [laughs]
[muffled rap music]
[smooth R&B music]
Hey girl
It was West Lake School
You know the vibes
We was just kids
But now we're full grown
[singers vocalizing]
It's that time
I just knew
I had to say something
You made that long dramatic
walk over just to say "hey"?
Well, I was about to ask--
I'm just playing.
I'm Tameka.
We went to Westlake together.
Oh yeah.
You look familiar.
No, I don't.
[Tameka laughing]
You're right, you don't.
[muffled rap music]
So Drew, what's a
nice guy like you
doing in a place like this?
I was about to ask
you the same question.
I'm enjoying the vibes.
You wanna dance?
[muffled rap music]
We can.
[Afrobeat music]
[man vocalizing]
[Afrobeat music]
[Afrobeat music continues]
I can't believe
I'm feeling you
So anything you want
to do, we can do
Now I break up with Evalina
Cause I wanna be your lover
Woe, down low,
bring it back up
[Afrobeat music]
Go down low,
bring it back up
[Afrobeat music]
You got me in my
feelings, ba-bay, ba-bay
Your body's inviting
ba-bay, ba-bay
You got me in my
feelings, ba-bay, ba-bay
Your body's inviting,
ba-bay, ba-bay
[people faintly chattering]
I'm geeked up.
You already know, Cuz.
Hey, look!
[indistinct] Was pumped up.
He was talking about something.
I appreciate y'all for sliding
through though, for real.
Shit, it all good, man.
I ain't gonna lie.
I pulled about three bad
females in that thing.
I saw you. [laughing]
[Dolo] What you do, Tee?
[Tee] I got one.
Shamika, with the big bootie?
Hell yeah, you know it!
Ooh, you won?
[Tee groaning]
I was actually able to get
a couple of young brothers
and sisters to come to
the next BLM meeting.
The fuck you talking about, man?
-I'm outta here.
[Tameka] I had a really
good time tonight.
-Me, too.
-You on IG?
Yeah. It's @DrewDraws.
That's cute. [chuckles]
Found it. You gonna
follow me back?
-Yeah, I got you.
[people chattering]
[Drew] What is it?
[Tyrone] Oh, y'all gotta get
the hell on, bro?
Y'all gotta go.
That boy come through tripping.
I know how they get down here.
Go on now!
See you later, Drew.
Y'all heard me!
Damn, you rude as hell, boy!
Get the hell up out
of my house, boy.
[friends exclaiming, laughing]
My boy in love, right? Hey, hey!
Look at you smile. [laughing]
[friends murmuring,
playfully chastising]
[Tee] You got the digs?
[Dolo] Jesus!
You know I did.
[friends chattering]
I got the digits.
[friends chattering]
Just be respectful.
You better hit!
Drew got a girlfriend.
[gentle music]
[gentle music continues]
[gentle music continues]
[Drew VO] That night,
we was texting till
the sun came up.
[phone notification beeps]
[gentle music continues]
[men hollering]
Damn, shawty!
[friends chattering]
[Tee laughing]
Ice, cold water. H20!
Boy, y'all sure
we straight here?
After all the drama
the other day?
We ain't got no choice.
Yeah, but y'all know how
them fools be acting though.
Exactly why we need to get guns!
No, no, no.
Black on black crime is
not the answer, my sister.
Let's get back to work.
[friends murmuring]
[Malcolm] I just wanna make
sure we make it home.
[Man Across The
Street] Water! Water!
Get your water!
[car horn honking]
Here come them fools.
[Dolo VO]
New day. Same drama.
Hey, bro.
Get that bust down, right?
What? We don't owe
you no bust down.
This our water.
Nigga, this our
corner. Ain't it?
Since when, Shorty?
Nigga, since now.
What you talking about?
[men arguing indistinctly]
Brothers, brothers, brothers.
[men arguing indistinctly]
-[Tee] And sister!
-And sister.
There's no need for all this?
Who are you?
I'm Sekou.
And this is Brittany.
We work for an
organization called YEA.
We advocate for young men
and women just like you.
[Dolo] Okay?
What y'all doing here?
We came out here to
talk to you guys.
About what?
We want to adopt this corner
so that we can make
this a safe environment
for you all to operate.
With all due respect,
it's a jungle out here.
That's why we keep a stick.
Violence is not the
answer, young brother.
Organization is.
[Drew] So what do you suggest?
How about you come to my office
and I can explain it to you?
Come on.
We're gonna hang out here
and observe you
guys on this corner,
if you don't mind.
That's on you.
-Come on.
-[Sekou] What's your name?
Hopefully, I'll be
seeing you soon, Drew.
I think it's a good idea.
You ain't really gonna
call them is you?
I might.
Man, let's make some money.
You know, I got a date
tonight with Tameka.
[Tee] Hey!
Oh, that boy
[Dolo]. Shorty!
Hell, yeah.
You better hit.
It's not always
about hitting, Dolo!
The hell it ain't.
He better get up in
that motherfucker.
Spread them cheeks
and [groaning].
Tameka ain't like that.
She different, all right?
-[Tee] Okay.
-[Dolo] Ehem.
-Who are you, man? [laughing]
[smooth R&B music]
[smooth R&B music]
Thanks for inviting me out.
You're welcome.
You nervous?
Who? Me?
Why would I be nervous?
[Tameka] Hmm hmm?
But it's cool. I think
it's cute. [laughing]
-[Drew] You do?
-Mmm-hmm [laughs].
[Drew] Well in that case, I'm
hella nervous then!
[Tameka laughing]
You're different.
How so?
You're well-mannered,
somebody raised you right.
That would be my mother.
Well your mother obviously
is amazing. [chuckles]
She is.
And she's my best friend.
Aw, that's sweet.
What about your dad?
He was murdered
when I was young.
I'm sorry.
[smooth R&B music]
Yeah, it's been rough,
but me and mom made it through.
[smooth R&B music]
So now that you're outta
school, what are your plans?
Right now I'm just hustling,
saving money to get a car
so I can go to college.
I don't date hustlers.
But not like that.
I sell water.
You mean like those guys
that be out by the freeway?
[Tameka] Mmm-hmm.
I think it's pretty cool
that you guys are trying
to do something positive.
I appreciate that.
So what about you,
Miss Valedictorian?
[Tameka laughing]
What about me?
What are your plans?
I don't know, um.
I got a couple
options outta state,
but my parents want me
to stay close to home.
My mom says the same thing.
Mamas... [laughing]
You gonna finish your
fries? [laughing]
[car horns honking]
[gentle music]
Thanks again for tonight.
You're welcome.
You're Tameka?
I'm your Uber driver, John.
That's my Uber.
How you get here?
I took the MARTA.
I only live like two stops away.
You welcome to hop in with me.
Nah, Buckhead is the opposite
away from where I'm from.
I'll be straight.
[gentle music]
Well, good night.
[lips smack]
See you again?
[Tameka giggles]
[smooth R&B music]
[smooth R&B music continues]
["It's All About You"
by Citi Limitz]
[smooth R&B music continues]
[smooth R&B music continues]
[singer vocalizing]
[distant voice]
Ice cold water!
[Dolo] So how'd it go with
Tameka last night.
You smash?
No, I didn't smash
but it was lit.
Hmm, couldn't have been
that lit if you ain't hit.
I told you, she isn't like that.
Cuz, they all like that.
You just ain't got
no game, for real.
I think I'm gonna invite
her to the 4th of July.
Wait a minute.
You gonna introduce
her to Ma-Duke?
Hell, yeah. Why not?
Never be mentioning
nobody to Ma-Duke.
You know your mama
don't be playing.
Remember that time she
whooped me when we kids?
That shit not funny.
I'm not even her child.
You still coming to the
party though, right?
[scoffs] Am I?
Of course, I'mma be there.
You know your mama's mac
and cheese be busting, nigga?
-Hell, yeah.
-[Man] Ice cold water!
[Dolo] I wonder if Tameka gonna
like that mac and cheese.
Y'all gonna make mac
and cheese noise?
Mac and cheese sound?
-[Drew] Macaroni time?
-[Dolo] Macaroni sound?
-[muffled rap music]
-[firework whistling]
On God, man.
Your momma got this party
busting, you hear me?
And she fine as hell?
Shole is.
[Drew] Hey, hey, y'all better
chill with all that.
Man, where Ma-Dukes keep
the liquor at though?
We not even legal drinking age.
[Dolo] Bro, we is 18.
Which mean what?
-We grown.
That is not what
that mean, Dolo.
Don't you know what
alcohol does to your body?
Get you right on demon time.
Fuck you talking about?
[Drew] Well, no one is gettin'
right on demon time
here tonight.
[Dolo scoffs]
What the hell wrong with you?
Why you acting like a bitch?
Nothing's wrong.
[Dolo] Yeah!
I forgot!
You invited Shawty!
Now, where she at?
I don't want to talk about it.
Shawty stood you up?
She did not stand me up!
She just running late.
I mean, we been out
here a couple hours and--
[Tee] Seem like shawty might
have stood you up my boy.
[Slim] You feeling me?
She'll be here.
I mean no pressure though.
I won't.
I can put you on
with church girl.
I was telling y'all about, yo.
Shawty is a freak.
Her goddamn sister, too.
[men exclaiming]
Nah, I'm good.
Hey, sorry, I'm late.
Atlanta traffic.
I knew you were coming.
I wasn't tripping.
Psh. Yeah, you was!
Nice to finally meet you.
Yeah, we went to
high school together.
[Dolo] Yeah, we had junior
high, high school.
Oh yeah, we had
a couple classes.
-[Dolo] Yeah.
So, you ain't got no fine
ass friend, cousin, sister?
Nah. [laughing]
Who look forever like--
Hey, relax!
[Tameka laughs]
Come over here.
I want you to meet my mom.
[Rose] Hey.
It's nice to meet you.
You too.
Mom. This is Tameka.
She's so pretty.
[Tameka laughs]
Thank you, ma'am.
[Rose] Call me Rose.
Okay, thank you, Rose.
She's polite too.
She might be a keeper.
She's just a friend, mom.
-I told her.
-Hmm hmm.
All right, well dinner's ready.
So y'all make sure
to get some food.
Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, Rose. [laughing]
Your mom is nice.
Yeah, that's my girl.
[rap music]
[smooth dancing music]
Don't be keeping
So don't be keeping
your love away from me
You got that type of
love that's worth chasing
So when I call you up
Don't send me
to the voicemail
'Cause baby I'm in need
[smooth dancing music]
-Oh, shit.
-[music slows down]
What y'all got going on here?
I was sliding through
the neighborhood.
I heard the music.
Shit, I decided to pull up.
Damn, you looking like a snack.
This a private party, bruh.
[Lil Zoo]
"Bruh"? I ain't your bruh.
This my city.
I go where the fuck I wanna go.
And you can't.
Boy, y'all better go on
about y'all business.
-Oh, yeah?
-[Dolo] Yeah.
-Or what?
-[Dolo] Tsk.
[door clacks]
[gun bangs]
Y'all better get the
hell up out of my yard.
My fault, mama.
Don't play with me.
[Lil Zoo] My bad.
Your mama more gangster
than you, my boy!
I'm gonna catch you around.
We out.
[fireworks banging]
[fireworks continues banging]
Your mom is an amazing cook.
[Drew] Hell yeah.
-She be throwing down.
-[Tameka giggles]
That mac and cheese? [laughing]
I'm already know it.
What you doing?
Oh, nothing.
Yes, you are. Let me see.
Let me see.
Oh my goodness.
This is a lit.
You think so?
Where did you learn
how to do this?
I've been drawing my whole life.
I think it was an outlet
for a lot of things
I've been through.
And you created all
of this on your iPad?
[Tameka] Wow.
I'm cute. [laughing]
Could you send me this?
I would love to post it on IG.
Well, I don't really like--
[Tameka] Please!
I'm posting it and
tagging you in it.
No you don't--
[Tameka] Too late.
You didn't have to do that.
[Tameka] I know.
I wanted to.
[gentle music]
[clears throat] Excuse y'all.
Y'all might wanna
save that for later
and come in here and get
some of this peach cobbler.
Boy, you better keep
that thing in your pants.
I ain't trying to be no grandma.
-Mom. Relax.
[door shuts]
-[Drew] For real?
-[Dolo] Hell, yeah.
Hey, Shawty wanna fuck?
Man, she don't wanna fuck.
Man. [exclaiming]
Shawty wanna fuck!
[Drew scoffs]
Shit, but bruh.
Why the hell you got us going
to this lame ass meeting?
We out there making some money!
They said they would cover
our inventory for today
if we came down.
-Shit, they better.
[drums beating]
[drums continue beating]
So listen, we brought you
young brothers here today
to help you organize.
[Dolo scoffs] "Organize"?
We don't need no organization.
Come on, let go.
Bro, let's hears
what they gotta say.
-They gonna pay us.
-Bro, fuck this.
[men arguing]
[Brittany] Guys, knock it off!
Right now, community
groups are meeting
with the mayor
behind closed doors,
trying to figure out a
way to shut you guys down.
"Shut us down"? For what?
The problems that's
been the occurring
between some of you
has people alarmed.
Look, I ain't come her
for no lecture, OG.
So y'all gonna pay for
our inventory or what?
[Brittany] We will,
but we need you guys to
adhere to certain guidelines
and behavior.
I'm out. I'm not staying here.
-Bro, stay.
Just stay, bro. Come on.
Please. Just hear us out, man.
We're not your enemy.
Twin, they ride, bro.
I'm not understanding
what they talking about?
Nah, I wanna hear them out.
You for real, bro?
Let's see what they gotta say!
-[Dolo scoffs]
-[drums beating]
So here's what we propose.
Bruh, uniform , bruh?
These folks for real?
[Drew] Bro, I mean we have to
do something different.
These corners are getting
more and more dangerous.
And that's why I told you
we needed a stick, bro.
Bro, I told you too many times.
We're not getting guns.
And who the hell put
you in charge anyway?
Man, I won't be doing business
with anyone carrying guns.
Oh, is that right?
That's right.
[Dolo scoffs]
It's hotter than the
devil out here, man.
Get your water!
[Drew VO] I gotta admit,
Sekou and Brittany's presence
seem to cool attention
for a minute.
But for how long though?
[Man] Water!
Bro, we look dumb
as hell out here.
No, we don't. Sekou's right.
If we are going
to be businessmen,
we need to dress
like businessmen.
Man, we ain't dressing
like no businessman!
We look like we gonna
sell Girl Scout cookies.
Bruh, they laughing at us too!
-Who cares?
-I do, Cuz!
Goddamn, we ain't trying
to passed the third grade.
We just selling water.
Look like line leaders.
[rap music blaring]
There they go, there they go
They killing
They killing
They killing
They killing
They killing
They killing
They killing
[car engine revving]
Come on, y'all.
Let's get back to work.
-[Slim] Water!
-[Drew] Water!
[Tee] Water!
Water, water, get your water!
Lemme get two
waters, young blood.
[Drew] Sure thing.
I'm curious, man.
How much--
How much do you make on
the average out here?
Heh, it could be anywhere
between three and 500.
It just depends.
It would've took me a month
to make that on my paper
route when I was your age.
It's a grind, you know?
Look man, I love that
entrepreneurial spirit.
Why don't you uh,
stop by my print shop?
Curious to hear more about
you, your plans for the future.
Hey, I don't have
change for this.
Ah, don't worry about that.
Thank you, big bro.
Have a blessed day.
You too.
[Sekou and Brittany
faintly chattering]
[Sekou] Hey.
And you see how people
respond different
when you come
dressed for the job?
[Malcolm] Yes.
So we're heading
back to the office.
You guys gonna be okay out here?
Of course.
Okay. Alright, cool.
Back to work.
All y'all sure
y'all need anything,
just call me, all right?
All right.
[friends laughing]
Oh, hell nah.
Look at them fools coming.
Now, check this out.
I'm tired of y'all.
Y'all need pack y'all shit up.
Put your waters in your cooler.
Y'all need to get the
fuck up outta here.
I'm tired of y'all for real.
[car engine revving]
Hey, we don't want no problems.
Nigga, I know you
don't want no problems.
[Dolo] Shit, I do!
[men arguing]
[Dolo] Y'all folks gonna check
coming over here big boy.
Do something about it.
[men arguing]
-[Tee] He gotta gun!
-[tense music]
[gun bangs]
[tense music]
What the fuck, man?
That's it! [exclaims]
We're getting strapped tonight!
Hell yeah.
[Drew] No! We don't.
So what then? Huh?
What, Drew? What are we doing?
We supposed to run like girls
every time they
wanna open on us?
That what we doing?
I don't know, man.
Nah, next time,
it's them or it's me.
Them or me?
-Believe that!
-[tense music]
[tense music continues]
[dramatic news music]
Today on the West
side of Atlanta,
police were called to
the scene of a shooting
involving Waterboys.
Witnesses say there
was an altercation
between two rival
groups of Waterboys.
That's when shots rang out.
The entire scene was captured
on cell phone footage.
[gun bangs]
Citizens continue to pressure
the mayor's office
to take action.
More on the story at 11.
[Rose crying, panting]
[Rose continues
crying, panting]
[door squeaks]
Oh, my God! What happened?
What happened?
Let me look at you.
[indistinct] What happened?
I'm fine.
You gotta stop selling water!
What else am I gonna do?
There is no other choice
for a young black man
without no degree.
And I can't buy a car
and I gotta pay for
my way through college
with some minimum wage job?
It's just too dangerous.
Life is dangerous.
If I'm gonna die,
I'd rather die doing
something with my life.
[Rose sighs, cries]
[Drew VO] Deep down
inside. I knew she was right.
[pensive reflective music]
[pensive reflective
music continues]
-[Charles] Hey, man.
Thanks for coming down to chat.
-Thanks for having me.
-Yeah, yeah.
You know what, lemme give
you a tour record, all right?
[reflective music]
[reflective music continues]
[reflective music continues]
[Charles] It was crazy,
but I grew up in the projects
a mile and a half
away from here.
Now this is what I see.
So what's going on in
your world right now?
Things could be better.
Why you say that?
These corners are
getting dangerous, man.
It's like we starting to deal
with the same type of
drama we would have
if we were selling drugs.
Yeah, I heard about that
shooting on the news.
Yeah, that was me.
Doing the shooting?
No! No, getting shot at.
Drew, what is your
end game, man?
What do you mean?
[Charles] I mean,
what do you wanna get
outta selling this water?
I'm just trying to save
enough money to get a car
so I can enroll in college.
-What you wanna study?
-[Drew] Graphic design.
-So you draw?
-[Drew] Yeah.
You know how to use a computer?
I know how to use my
iPad and my iPhone.
No, I mean a real computer.
No, but look at some of the
stuff I've done on my phone.
[chuckles] Oh, wow.
Dang, bro, this you?
This is impressive!
Thank you.
Well look, I got a graphic
design department here.
Now my internship program
is a little bit full,
but a lot of the kids are
going home for the summer.
Why don't you fill
out an application?
I'll put yours on
top of the pile.
I will. Thank you!
So have you considered
going to any of
the local colleges?
Nah, I want to go
outta state, you know,
see something different.
Well if you reconsider,
just know I got a little sway
around these parts, all right.
Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
Alright, well lemme go back
into this office, brother.
But please make me
one promise, Drew.
Promise me you're gonna be
safe on these streets, brother.
I will.
[hands clap]
Alright, man.
Talk to you!
[Reporter On TV] In response
to the recent violence
surrounding Waterboys,
the mayor has ordered
a citywide crackdown.
[Drew VO] The
mayor finally took action
to try to shut us down.
[dramatic news music]
We will not tolerate these thugs
fronting as entrepreneurs
terrorizing our street corners.
Therefore, I have called
an immediate crackdown on
the So-called Waterboys.
[audience clapping]
If they do not have
a vendor's license
or behave accordingly,
they will not be allowed to
sell waters on these corners.
[audience clapping]
[reflective music]
We didn't even do nothing!
-What the fuck?
[reflective music]
[Officer Owens]
Wait, hold on, hold on!
Hold on.
I know these kids.
I'm gonna give them a ride home
and give them a nice
stern talking to.
[tense reflective music]
Get in!
[tense reflective music]
You guys gonna have to
find something else to do.
[Dolo] Like what?
Sell drugs?
There is nothing
else out here for us.
Why you think they
call it the trap?
Once you there,
there ain't no out.
I would think the police
would much rather have
us out here selling water
than kicking in folks' doors.
Look, I totally
understand that.
But with all the drama
surrounding the Waterboys,
it's gonna be nearly impossible
for y'all to
continue to operate,
at least within
Atlanta City limits.
Don't 12 have better
shit to worry about?
Like all the
violence in the city.
This is Atlanta!
I promise you these
little incident with us,
that ain't nothing compared
to what really
going on out here!
This is true.
But once members
of the community
start flooding the mayor's
office with complaints,
he has to do something.
He's a publicly
elected official,
therefore, he must
serve the people.
Serve the people, huh?
What people?
Where these people from?
What these people look like?
Because it sure
enough don't feel like
he here to serve us.
[Officer Owens]
Listen, I have a teenage nephew.
So I understand what
you guys are up against.
You are two smart,
ambitious young men.
So I'm sure y'all
figure something out.
Think about what
I said, all right?
Be careful.
[somber music]
[somber music continues]
[Dolo Voice] We
didn't have no choice
but to keep selling water.
We just had to find
another corner to stand on.
[somber music]
[Slim] Good H20!
Get your water!
[Drew] Hey, see, I told you
we would be straight.
I guess you were right.
Ain't no competition out here
and business is booming.
Y'all gotta listen
to your boy sometime,
Bro, whatever. [laughing]
[Slim] Water!
[Dolo] The--
Grift don't know y'all.
Y'all got something?
What you doing here?
Shit, making money.
What it look like?
You wanna hold
something, hold up.
I got you.
I got you for sure.
-Buy yourself something nice.
-[friends laughing]
Grift don't need your money.
This my corner.
Grift want my corner back.
[Dolo] Your corner?
Boy, you homeless.
You ain't got no corner!
Nigga, I am Atlanta.
Matter of fact, give
me this money back.
Gimme all your goddamn money.
Hey, whoa! Calm down.
We ain't gotta do this.
Bro, we ain't giving you shit.
Matter fact, back
your stupid ass up
before I pop your ass out here.
Grift don't want no problem.
Yeah, I know you don't.
So beat it then, nigga.
-[Grift spitting]
-Go on.
Yeah. [laughing]
Boy, I told y'all
we need that straw.
Where the fuck did you get that?
Don't worry about it.
We do not need a gun out here!
Like hell.
You gotta get rid of that!
[Dolo] No, I don't.
Man, y'all tripping.
Y'all saw what just happened.
We need that fire.
Then we can't be in
business no more.
[Dolo scoffs]
Now I'm gonna find my
own block to stand on.
You know, I can't believe
you acting like a bitch!
When I just saved us.
Always saving you.
And for what?
Y'all feel the same way?
Nah, I'm with you.
My dog.
Now let's see how I make
some money without your boy.
Let's get back to work, bro.
Come on, let's get back to work.
-Get your good H2O!
Get your water!
[gentle music]
[gentle music continues]
[gentle music continues]
[Drew VO] That night,
I couldn't stop thinking
about what happened
between me and Dolo.
[gentle music]
[gentle music continues]
[gentle music continues]
[Man across street] Water!
Water, get your good H2O.
Come bro, you look dehydrated.
Get you some H2O!
[Man] Water?
[Dolo VO] When I told him
I was gonna get my own
corner to stand on,
bet they never thought
it'd be across the street.
[Man] Water!
[car engine revving]
[suspenseful music]
-What's happening?
-[doors close]
You that same little nigga
from the party the other night,
ain't it?
Ain't this the little brother
from the party that
was talking that shit?
You so hard now, little nigga.
Matter of fact, run them
pockets, little nigga.
Run them pockets.
I said run them pockets!
And I'm gonna need a water, too.
[tense music]
Hmm hmm.
Hell nah.
Say what?
[gun banging]
[body thuds]
[Dolo panting]
Back up.
Get your little ass
back before you be next.
I told you to gimme a
water, little nigga.
-[kick impacts]
-[Lil Zoo groans]
[tense music]
[footfalls pattering]
-[car engine revving]
-[tense music]
[friends murmuring]
[Slim] Come on, bro!
[friends murmuring]
Keep breathing, bro!
-Somebody get help!
-[tense music]
-Keep breathing, bro.
[friends murmuring, crying]
[somber music]
[haunting music]
[police siren wailing]
[police talking indistinctly]
-[police siren wailing]
-[haunting music]
[haunting music continues]
[Drew VO] I never
felt so much rage in my life.
I wanted blood.
[haunting music]
[haunting music continues]
-[Drew panting]
-[door creaks, slams]
[drawers shuffling]
-[Rose] Baby, you home?
-[door thuds]
I had to work late
so it's no dinner.
But we could order something.
Whoa! Whoa, whoa.
-What are you doing?
-[Drew panting]
What happened?
They killed Dolo!
The dude,
the dude who showed
up to the party!
I see, I see.
And what do you plan
on doing with that?
[Drew panting]
Baby, no.
Killing somebody is not
gonna bring your friend back.
It's only gonna cause another
black woman to grieve.
I know that you're hurt
and you have every right to be,
but violence only
begets more violence!
I cannot and will not watch
you throw your life away
in a fit of rage.
You are the only
thing I got left.
All right, all right, all right.
Now just calm down.
Let me take the gun
and let's talk about this.
Let's just talk about it.
[Drew crying]
It's gonna be all right.
I'm so sorry.
He's gone. [sobbing]
I know. I know.
[Drew crying]
I'm sorry.
[organ music]
It's a sad day for our city,
our community,
our church,
and our family.
But you must remember
that you are not alone.
[organ music]
And Matthew 11:28 says,
"Come to me,
all of you that are weary
and carry heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you.
[Dolo's mother crying]
Let me teach you
because I am humble
and gentle at heart."
[Dolo's mother crying]
And you will find
rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy to bear.
And the burden that I
give to you is light."
[Congregation] Amen.
Now, brother VaShawn Mitchell
is going to sing a
wonderful hymn for you guys.
And as he sings, we can
say our final goodbyes
to this young man,
gone way too soon.
-[Dolo's mother crying]
-[organ music]
Greetings, family and friends.
I just wanna let you know that
it won't always be like this.
It's turning around for you.
[church music]
Sometimes discouraged
But not defeated
Cast down
But not destroyed
There are times I
Don't understand
But I believe
It's turning around for me
All the troubles
And disappointment
There are times I
Felt so alone
Some of my friends, they
Let me down
But I still believe
It's turning around for me
Around for me
Around for me
Around for me
It's turning around for me
Around for me
Can you just say it
into the atmosphere
Around for me
Around for me
It's turning around
It's turning around for me
God is making a way
A change is coming one day
God is making a way
A change is coming for me
If I stay strong
If I stand strong
[warped church music]
There's no reason to doubt
[warped church music]
[warped church music continues]
-[Drew panting]
-[tense music]
My bad about your loss.
Damn, he was a good little dude.
You know this gun violence
gotta stop between us, bro.
[Rose] Drew, no, no, no!
-Drew, Drew, no, no!
-Chill out.
Hold on, bro, chill out.
Chill out, chill out, chill out.
I'm just paying my respect.
Get off me, bro!
Not in the house of the Lord!
Just sit down.
[Drew panting]
[somber music]
[utensils lightly clanking]
[somber music]
I'm gonna keep on selling water.
You don't have to make
that decision right now.
I do.
I gotta finish what I started.
Please think about this, Drew!
Lil Zoo is still out there.
-I don't care!
-[Rose] I do.
Now, I lost your
father to the streets.
I'm not about to lose you too.
I gotta do this for Dolo.
Well, just promise
me one thing then:
that you'll let me know
where you're at at all times.
[somber music]
I will.
And most importantly,
promise me that
you'll always make it home safe.
I promise.
[ominous music]
[cars whirring]
[Drew VO] That day,
I lost my best friend
in the whole world.
I didn't know if I can
carry on without him,
but I knew I had to.
[car engine humming]
[Charles] Let me get a couple
of bottles of water off you,
young fella!
Hey, Mr. Williams!
How you find me here?
Your address was
on the application.
Your mother told me I
might find you here.
Why don't you jump
in the car, man?
We can have some lunch.
I got some real good news
you might want to hear.
[car engine revving]
Heard about your friend, Drew,
and I'm sorry for your loss.
How you been holding up?
It's been rough,
but I've been making it through.
Yeah, I'm sure.
But look, I didn't come
to talk about that.
I actually came to give
you some good news.
[Drew] Oh yeah?
What is it?
[Charles] A summer internship
opened up in my office.
Yeah and it's a paid position.
You'd be working in the
graphics department.
Are you serious?
Does it look like I'm joking?
Thank you so much, Mr. Williams!
Ah, it's no problem.
Man, you're welcome.
You know, man, you remind
me so much of myself
when I was your age.
Single mother, big dreams,
very, very little resources.
But I found my way
and I never took
no for an answer.
You got that same spirit.
-I appreciate it.
-[Charles] Yeah.
And I got another
surprise for you.
So finish on up.
We can go back to my office.
So me and a few of
my business partners,
we got together,
pitched in,
got you a car.
[Drew] Woo. Hey, for me?
Yeah, for you!
Look, it's not a
Maserati, all right?
But it'll get you from
work to home every day.
Thank you.
Mr. Williams! Charles!
How will I ever
repay you for this?
You repay me by
being good yourself.
-I got you.
-Yeah. Yeah.
Where the keys?
You gotta get your
license first, all right.
Then I give you the keys.
Now come on.
Lemme show you the
car real quick, man.
I got you. Easy.
[Drew VO] Just like that,
everything changed for me.
I passed my driver's test.
[camera clicks]
I was a standout employee
at Mr. Williams' company.
[reflective music]
[police chattering
on radio channels]
Not too long after that,
the police arrested Lil
Zoo for Dolo's murder.
[police chattering
on radio channels]
[reflective music]
I took Charles Williams' advice
and applied to a local college.
Tameka decided to
stay in Atlanta
and got accepted to
the same college.
[reflective music]
Despite the continued
violent incidents
amongst Atlanta's Waterboys,
they are still in business
with no end in sight.
As you can see, we are here
near a local college campus
where they have set up shop.
First day of class.
How you feel?
I mean, this is the
moment I've been waiting
for my entire life.
I'm happy for you.
Thank you.
What about you,
Miss. Valedictorian?
Well, you know--
Don't get too much
of a big head now.
You the one with the big head.
-Yeah. Whatever.
I'm proud of you.
-I love you.
-[Tameka] I love you, too.
[jazzy reflective music]
[jazzy reflective
music continues]
["Okay" by Caesar Christian]
[rap music]
[rap music continues]
[rap music continues]
[rap music continues]
[rap music fades]
["All About You" by Citi Limitz]
[soul music]
[soul music continues]
[soul music continues]
[music fades down]