The Weapon (2023) Movie Script

[grand music playing]
[stone grinding]
[projector chugs]
[dramatic music playing]
[tense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[electricity buzzes]
[mysterious music playing]
[up-tempo music playing]
Come on.
We've been on the road
for two whole days
at this point.
Who do you keep
looking for?
Well, we just pissed off
some pretty powerful people.
Shut the fuck up!
- Shut him up!
- Pretty boy.
- [spits]
- Tough guy, huh?
Not so fuckin' funny
now, huh, tough guy?
People who are
all dead now, right?
[both groaning]
They're dead as can be.
Trust me on that.
Sometimes it's better
to leave the past
in the past, Dallas.
Trust me on that.
[Lemmy] How long before
the shipment arrives?
Hour, hour
and a half, tops.
I want this cleaned up
before they get here.
[Sully] Yeah, I got it.
I'll handle it.

Maybe he's a cop, or
maybe he's with the feds.
Nah, he ain't
with the law.
No law would do
what he did.
Well, sometimes the past
has other ideas.
Let me take care
of this piece of shit
before the shipment comes.
What the fuck?
You know,
before you leave us,
I need to ask you
some questions.
Because not just anybody
could walk in here
and do what you did.
[tense music playing]
[man yells]
[both grunting]

No, don't, don't.
- Let me get you out of here.
- What?
Let's go.
The other girls,
I think they're dead.
You have to arrest
them all!
Where are
the other officers?
I'm alone.
And I'm not a cop.
[tense music playing]
Are you okay?
Miss, are you okay?
Hey. You okay?
Okay, okay.
I'm here to help you.
Don't worry.
Come, come, it's okay.
We need to go, now.
We'll be fine.
[up-tempo music playing]
[liquids bubbling]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
This shit is flammable!
Get the fuck outta here!
What are you doing?
No, no, no!
- [glass shatters]
- [man screaming]
- [fire blazing]
- [man screaming]
Is that a backwards
I'm glad to see
your spirits are high, man.
Because guess what?
This is going to fuckin'
hurt like hell.
[torch blazes]
[Dallas] Ooh.
Just tell me
what you want to know.
I never said
this is some big secret.
I want you to know
who I am, and why I'm here.
I don't care if I die.
In fact, I'm exactly where
I want to be right now.
So instead of getting all cute
with your little torture kit,
you should be thinking
to yourself,
"Why didn't I just walk
down the fire escape?"
This guy.
Oh, yeah.
I know about it.
Back of the building,
third floor stairwell.
I got this.
I know you do.
[mellow music playing]
[keypad beeping]
Hey, we need to talk.
Got a little problem here.

Fuckin' unreal.
Well, it's good
to know you're still
an asshole about it.
[alcohol patters]
You want a sip, buddy?
Just trying to loosen you up
a bit, increase your odds,
help you get laid.
Who the fuck
is this guy?
You just gonna
let him say that?
- [exhales] Ah.
- [scoffs]
Hey. Roberts is dead.
Uh, look, I've known
the guy from, uh,
since the academy, right?
So, at this point,
I'd say it's a--
it's a pretty safe bet.
- Right.
- Well, we're gonna
need to wait
for, uh, dental records
to be completely sure,
but his badge, ID,
and some personal belongings
were on the body.
Always thought the guy
was a bit of an asshole.
Especially when he had
an empty stomach.
But nobody deserves
what happened to him.
Sounds like somebody's
trying to cover their tracks,
tie some loose ends.
That's disgusting.
Can you zip that shit up?
Any hits on the bullet
from Dallas Ultio?
Uh, nothing yet.
Mm-hmm. Well, we would,
if we could track 'em down.
Right, right, right.
Text me your address
right now.
I'm on the way.
And you might wanna--
Thank you.
Do security detail
on his partner, all right?
[Moore] We would,
if we could find him.
So maybe it's Lenwood
cleaning up the loose ends.
Put a BOLO out on him as well.
[mysterious music playing]
I need a room for
the night, please.
What are you doing?
Right now?
Honestly, trying not to
piss and shit my pants.
Yeah, well,
if it's all the same,
I'd like to avoid that.
What do you need?
No. No, no, no.
That right there,
that's more than amazing.
You're too kind.
You're too kind.
Yeah, I...
I wish that were true.
Listen, I've known
Detective Roberts
for a long time.
Long enough to know that
that guy's still dirty
and in with the wrong crowd.
What's the problem?
Well, you know, the locals
think his partner's in on it.
Look, at the end of the day,
who pulled the trigger
doesn't really matter
at this point.
What matters is, I've been
hearing some noise over here.
Is there any way
to quiet him down?
Not this time.
Look, I've called in every
favor I can around here,
but this Dallas character
has put Lars
in a really bad spot
with the bikers
and the cartel.
Dallas's days are numbered.
So, what do you suggest I do?
Might not be anything
you can do.
But if the guy
signing your paycheck
wanna talk to him before
he ends up in a body bag,
I'd make whatever move you
got left, and make it now.
- Shit.
- [phone beeps]
[swallows, exhales]
Can I get a refill?
Hey, you know, Sergei,
if you keep up with this
shit customer service,
I'm gonna have to go
somewhere else.
It's Ivan.
And, yes, please.
I'm begging you, go!
Go somewhere else.
[mysterious music playing]
This one's yours.
I'll be close by
if you need me.
How close?
Close enough,
so that if you need...
Wait... [sighs]
I shouldn't.
I thought you want it.
I do, but...
But there's someone else?
[sighs heavily]
It's complicated.
Yeah, it always is.
You deserve better.
Did she let you go?
I say we both do.
Get some rest.
I'll be back
in a few hours.
I'm guessing you being
here at this hour
isn't on account
of anything good.
Do you know if he's okay?
It's a safe bet
that you've known him
a lot longer than I have.
You tell me.
Only time I worried about him
was the first time I met him.
He was just a kid then.
A broken, scared kid,
fresh outta juvie.
So full of rage and anger.
So venomous towards anyone.
I was worried
he was gonna get himself
locked up for good,
or dead.
How did he get rid of it?
All that anger?
He didn't.
Anger's still very much
a part of him.
Probably always will be.
But now he knows
what to do with it?
That's right.
Now he knows who to bite
with all that venom.
Forgive me
for overstepping boundaries,
but I'm guessing
you sense that part of him.
That's what
attracted you to him.
Why you need him
to be okay.
I'm also guessing
that you got a lot
of that venom in you, too.
I think I liked it better
when we weren't
talking about me.
People filled
with venom usually do.
[tense music playing]
I'll leave you
to your privacy then.
Oh, one more thing.
I know where
to find you if need be.
You can best
believe that shit.
[engine revs]
What the fuck
is this crime scene?
- [phone beeping]
- Come on.
Son of a bitch.
Of course. Why the fuck
would the phone work
when I need it to?
[breathes out]
[hard rock music playing]
[silenced gun fires]
- [phone beeps]
- Yeah?
[man] He's a federal marshal.
I want him out
of commission, not dead.
- Understand?
- Copy.
You're good to go on Dallas.
[car door slams]
[phone beeps]
[Blue] Dallas. I told you
if you did this, we face
the wrath of the cartel.
You're my eyes,
an extension of me.
You destroyed our top cover
by going rogue.
When going home,
you need to watch your back.
We didn't have a choice.
You and I both know that.
we're answerable to merit.
Taking out the bikers
will draw the attention
off the cartel.
Lars is unanswerable
to the cartel.
That sadistic fuck
will be coming at us hard.
By the way,
have you heard from Iris?
Nah, I haven't heard from her.
I'll let you know if I do.
Watch your back.
[bell rings]
[clears throat]
[bell rings]
[clerk] Oh...
About time you guys showed up.
I called you like an hour ago.
- Yeah, busy night.
- Yeah. I bet.
So, uh, what's up
with this reward?
The guy checked in here?
Uh, yeah, this guy?
- Yeah.
- Checked in here
about an hour ago.
Okay. What room?
I mean, it says
there's a reward
for any information.
Reward? Right, of course.
Um, yeah.
Why don't you step
outside for a minute?
- I can get it right to you.
- Outside?
Yeah, just some paperwork
I need you to fill out.
Shouldn't take too much time.
Ah, why not? [laughs]
It's dead tonight. [laughs]
Oh, man. This job's a joke.
I know you know
what I'm talking about.
- [laughs]
- Yeah, you got it.
[bell rings]
Fucking idiot.
There we go.
[keypad beeping]
Hello? Yeah.
Yeah, we got him.
[tense music playing]
[car doors slamming]
I believe he's alone.
Room 104.
- Good work.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Absolutely.
So, what's the plan?
What's next?
[body thuds]
Guys, alive.
[tense music playing]
What the fuck is this?
How the hell
did you get in my room?
Who the fuck are you?
That's Martin Inlex.
And he was more than happy
to switch rooms with me,
after I was kind enough
to put him up for a few days.
Thank you, Martin.
You're welcome? I think?
You'll be okay.
Just stay in the bathroom,
close the door,
and I'll take it from here.
[men grunting]

[bottle shatters]
What the--
- [gun clicks]
- Unfortunately for you,
it's actually just
one fucking guy
and one badass chick.
Look, bitch.
Why don't you just
put down the gun before...
[Dallas grunts]
- [breathes heavily]
- [blood drips]
[somber music playing]
Hold on. I've got you,
it's okay.
I've got you. I'm here.
I'm sorry.
No. For what?
I don't think
I'm going to be able
to go on the next one
with you after all.
Don't ever apologize.
Thank you.
It's going to be okay.
[tense music playing]
You were wrong.
You'll be with me
on the next one.
Count on it.
And the one after that.
And the one after that.
You'll always be
with me, Trish.
[Moore] Hey!
What the hell are you doing?
I'm a cop.
You're gonna kill
a fuckin' cop?
That's the plan.
But first, I'm gonna
need some information.
What you need
is to go fuck yourself.
- You motherfucker!
- [groans]
She didn't deserve to die.
Not like that.
And not by someone like you.
What the hell
are you doing?
Oh, I'm gonna right
another wrong.
I'm a fucking cop!
- Do you hear me?
- You're a dirty cop!
- [Moore groans]
- [gasoline splashes]
You're gonna fry!
You fuckin' hear me?
You're gonna fuckin' fry!
- Who sent you?
- [laughing]
I think you
already know, buddy.
You have no idea
how badly I wanna
see you go up in flames.
So this is your last chance.
Okay, okay, okay,
okay, okay.
Okay, just...
Just take it easy, okay?
It was Lars.
It was Lars.
He wanted us to find out
who you were working for.
And if you couldn't?
The phone, front pocket.
He wanted me
to show you the video,
just in case you needed
some more convincing.
Wait. Wait!
Come on, man.
I told you what
you wanted to hear.
- Don't leave me like this,
- [lighter clinks]
they'll kill me
if they find me.
Fuck you!
You fucker!
[continues screaming]
[Trish on recording] Dallas,
I opened the envelopes.
Both envelopes.
This was never about money.
I know what we
are up against.
I am here for you.
I care deeply.
Perhaps one day
you could share with me
what has given you
so much venom.
All right. Fill up, quick look
at the map, then we're off.
What's so funny back there?
[Dallas chuckles]
You, Daddy. [chuckles]
At least someone
thinks I'm funny.
I think you're
funny too, dear.
And incredibly handsome.
Ew! Gross!
Gross? Gross?
[both chuckling]
[car honking]
Fucking tourists!
Get the hell outta the way!
[car honks]
I'm going, all right?
Calm down.
[car honks]
Don't worry, Dallas.
It's not a big deal.
[motorbike rattles]
- What the fuck?
- Hey, man, calm down,
it's all right.
- Everything, hey--
- No, roll down
the fucking window!
- I'm sorry.
- Don't roll it down.
Let me-- Listen,
I'll get my insurance
- Open the window!
- What are you going to do?
Don't worry, son, everything
is gonna be all right.
- No! Open it!
- It's all right, man,
calm down.
- [biker grunts]
- [mom gasps]
Please, no!
My son is in the car.
- [mom speaking Spanish]
- [grunting continues]
- [mom] Baby, baby...
- [grunts]
[dramatic music playing]
[phone beeps]
Blue. I need to find Lars.
We need to finish this.
I'm going off book.
Put me in touch
with the Yellow Cab.
[tense music playing]
[grunts, sighs]
Hey, Sergei.
How about a food menu, yeah?
How many times do I
tell you? It's Ivan.
And you know
we have no kitchen here.
You Americans...
You wonder why
everyone hates you.
How can you hate me?
I'm here day and night.
In fact, I'm the only one
that's ever here.
I don't know how the hell
you keep the doors open.
[door opens]
[Patrick] I'm guessing
you guys aren't here
for the fried pickles.
No, Patrick, we're not here
for the fried pickles.
But... [exhales]
Don't worry, you've done
a lot of stuff for me.
All right? Uh...
And you've cleaned up
a lot of my messes.
You gonna get that?
- No.
- [phone vibrates]
Hey, it's me.
Look, shit just went sideways.
Tried to call you earlier,
but I was in the middle
of fuckin' nowhere.
Had to walk a couple of miles
just to get this service.
I'm headed to you
as quick as I can,
but you need to get
the fuck out, now.
So, what can I do for you?
What? Come on, man.
You're staring at me
like you wanna give me--
[screams, groans]
Not so fuckin' funny
anymore, is it, buddy?
Huh, Patrick?
How does that fuckin'
feel now, motherfucker?
This isn't necessary,
I'm just a fuckin' hired hand.
Hired hand. Yes, you are.
Singular hand, because you
won't be using it as much.
What do you think, guys?
That was a funny joke, right?
That was a funny joke,
huh? [laughs]
Wasn't that a funny joke?
Teddy. Wasn't that
a funny joke?
Sir, I've never seen
anything like that before.
That's why I enjoy
working for you.
[Lars] What do
you think, though?
It's funny though, right?
Absolutely, sir. L-O-L.
We'll see you
around buddy, okay?
Let's go, guys.
This idiot thinks
he can play both sides.
Fuckin' informant.
You're a funny guy, man.
You never learn.
[phone beeping]
- Riley, it's me.
- Where the hell are you?
That's a good
fuckin' question.
But I'm gonna need a ride.
- [groans]
- [man on video indistinct]
- [woman on video groaning]
- [man laughs] There she is.
It's amazing how they can
doctor video footage today.
- [tense music playing]
- [Iris sighs]
When he gets here,
he's gonna kill you.
You know, when you get
that little anger streak,
you look really beautiful.
Really beautiful.
The sooner this is over,
the better.
I'm just waiting
for all this to be over.
Yeah, I'm waiting for it
to be over, too. Um...
This guy has been
a big fucking problem.
I mean, all the people
I deal with,
the biker gangs, the cartel.
Them supplying services
that they can't do right now.
And they don't want to hear
about these problems, at all.
Okay? I'm gonna find out
who the fuck he's working for,
and then I'm gonna kill him.
For all intents and purposes,
you-- you've moved on anyways.
I mean, unfortunately,
he has not.
At no point have I ever
indicated that I've moved on.
Then you're a really fucking
good actress then, aren't you?
I did what I had to do.
Nothing more.
And the sooner this little
charade is finished,
we can stop pretending that
this was ever anything more.
I never pretended
with you, ever.
Not once.
How much longer, Lars?
Any minute.
Any minute now.
- Any minute now?
- Yeah.
Then we can go.
We're free to go?
Both of us, together?
I'm gonna miss
the hell outta you.
I really am,
but-- but, uh...
I keep my word, Iris.
You'll be free to go.
You have my word, Iris.
You have my word.
- Here's to, uh...
- [glass clinks]
Couldn't come soon enough.
I made a living
driving tourists
around all the hot spots.
So forgive me
for saying this, but you...
Why do you want to go
out there? There's
nothing out there.
That's where I need to go.
Listen to me, my friend.
Nothing good
happens out there.
Ah, so I've been told.
Then reconsider.
Listen, enough already.
I don't have time for this.
Why do you care what I do?
Just drive the damn cab.
Because I have a daughter.
Had a daughter.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
I personally know
what you're walking into,
because I tried it
myself once.
But I'm a simple cab driver.
You, you are who you are.
Still, you should
give yourself a chance
against the monsters,
instead of going
in there unarmed.
Yeah, well, I didn't
exactly have time
to prep for this trip.
That's okay.
You have cash?
[mellow music playing]
I did good, huh?
Yeah, this should help.
[Patrick] All prices
are negotiable too,
especially since you're
a referral from a friend.
May I?
Go right ahead.
Top of the line.
I mean, you're gonna
take care of me too, right?
I mean, like we discussed?
Of course. All a man has
in this world is his word.
What happened to your hand?
Minor accident.
Yeah? Seems like a lot
of people around here
are having issues
with their hands.
[Patrick] I'll be fine.
I'm sure you will be,
but you should really be
more careful in the future.
I usually am, but...
sometimes unexpected things
catch us by surprise.
I know the feeling.
I guess now's probably
a good time to tell you
that I'm sorry.
I'm still careful enough
to make sure none
of those guns are loaded.
As promised.
A few calls to the cab drivers,
here's your guy.
So this sets me straight,
right? With Lars?
Because I'd like to keep
my other hand, you know?
Ah, maybe put some coin
into my pocket.
You wouldn't believe how far
on a limb I went for this.
I mean, so far, that--
For fuck's sake, Curly.
You promised no messes.
My name is Chewy, cocksucker.
I guess now's
a good time to tell you
that I too am sorry,
because I didn't make
the same promise.
And to also
let you know that...
I don't need them
to be loaded.
[both grunting]
[grunting continues]
If you want to live,
you'll tell me where's Iris.
Fuck you!
- [grunting]
- You were saying?
I don't know
where the fuck she is.
I swear, please.
- [bone cracks]
- [groans]
I believe you,
but that means,
you're useless to me.
So, fuck you, Curly!
- [arm snaps]
- [yells]
Ah, don't worry, Dallas.
I'll take you to Iris.
And when I do,
I'll be collecting a hell
of a lot of reward money.
Maybe be able to finally
retire from this bullshit.
[bullets clacking]
Where the fuck have you been?
I've been trying you for hours.
I've just... been busy.
My apologies.
Well, I'm glad to hear
you're still alive.
I was just about to say
the same thing about you.
Yeah, well, honestly,
I wasn't sure it would be
the case there for a while.
Listen, you at the bar?
I'll come to you right now.
- [Patrick] Hmm.
- Yeah.
So, any update
on our boy Dallas?
- No sign of him.
- [device beeps]
But Lars is still
definitely hot for him.
Word on the street is,
he's offering five million
for anyone who can
bring him to him.
Well, that's a whole
lot of reasons, isn't it?
Convince somebody to do
something they know
they'll end up regretting.
Guess there's only one way
to find out then, right?
Well, no.
I think most people
would draw the line
at being set up
to be killed.
Isn't that right,
old friend?
I hope to talk
to you soon, friend.
But I have to go.
- Keep him, keep him,
keep him.
- Patrick, don't do it. He--
- God damn it!
- Come on.
- Not long enough.
- Shit!
Well, good news...
Ah, you had him on
long enough to get
an approximate location.
Well, bad news,
it's in the middle
of the fucking desert.
What about the drone
The heat sensors?
- Already on it.
- What's the ETA?
About an hour?
[tense music playing]
I have something the boss
is gonna wanna see.
He's still alive.
Tell Lars I want my money.
You can tell him yourself.
- He's here?
- And expecting you.

What the...
[Lars over speaker] I was
starting to think this day
would never happen, Dallas.
I'm here now, so let her go.
Well, that's what
I plan on doing.
Well, tell me what you need
to make that happen.
Let's get this over with.
You know that gun
you're holding?
There's one bullet in it.
That's it. And the guy
sitting next to you
is Patrick Taylor.
That's Special Forces,
he'll do anything for money.
Just give him the time
and place, and he'll be there.
The thing is...
You can't trust somebody
who's not loyal.
You just can't.
You have to prove to me
that you will do anything
and everything for Iris.
And I mean anything.
I want you to shoot
that motherfucker.
Come on, enough
with the bullshit.
Why am I here, Lars?
I wanna know who
you're working for.
I'm not working for anyone.
Do you want her alive or not?
I'm telling you the truth.
Where is she?
[unnerving music playing]
You poor bastard.
[metal door creaks]

[man] Who the fuck
are you? [grunts]
- Wake up.
- Mm.
About fuckin' time.
You're the whole reason
I'm in this mess.
The least you can do
is keep me company
until they kill both of us.
So, I'm the reason
you're in here?
Yeah, well,
it's all perspective.
Ah, let's face it, no one
ever wants to see themselves
as the bad guy, right?
Oh, I so wish you were under
that hood right now.
- What?
- [sighs]
Oh, never mind.
Hey, take it easy.
You got a nice crack
on the back of your head.
- [sniffs]
- It's water.
Lars is a glorified
middle man
for the biker gangs
and drug cartels.
For whatever reason,
you've been going
across the country
really fucking up business,
which leaves that glorified
middle man in a bad, bad spot.
Well, I know why I'm here,
but why are you still alive?
Honestly, your guess
is as good as mine.
Best guess, that sick fuck Lars
wants to kill me himself.
- [gate creaks]
- Let's go.
Guess I'm about to find out.
Not you, asshole.
What are you gonna do to him?
I don't know. Nothing.
I mean, I pay guys
to do that stuff.
Why don't you just kill him
and get it over with?
Whatever happened to...
"Oh, he's gonna kill me."
And don't worry.
Where they're taking him,
there's no cameras.
At all.
Nice Halloween costume.
Where's Iris?
You creepy fuckers
and your little torture kits.
And all of you tough guys
with your cheap
and wasted bravado.
I assure you,
I'm not like the others.
That's what they all say.
Do you honestly think
this is the first time
I've been injected
with sodium pentothal?
Ah, damn!
That was cold.
[sighs] How about you
warn me next time, huh?
Tell me...
Who do you work for?
I don't work for anyone.
- [taser clicking]
- [screaming]
Fuck. [groans]
Who do you work for?
[groans] Oh, man,
I had it for a second,
and then I lost it.
Hit me with
that thing again.
[laughs, screams]
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
- [coughs]
- Who do you work for?
[taser clicking]
No, no, no, no.
You don't get to check out
until I get what I want.
[sighs] A Happy Meal?
[groaning continues]
I'm not gonna ask you again!
Who do you work for?
And I'm not gonna
ask you again.
Where is Iris?
- [groaning]
- [taser clicking]
[man laughs]
If you're gonna kill the guy,
just do it already!
Got anymore of that water?
You're one tough son
of a bitch, I'll give you that.
- [groans]
- Seeing how
you're still alive,
I'm guessing they didn't get
what they wanted outta you?
I got nothing to tell.
Of course not.
Look, they're
gonna keep trying
until you either tell 'em
what they wanna know,
and then they'll thankfully
put you outta your misery,
or you manage to hold out
and not tell them.
I got nothing to tell.
Yeah, whatever you say, man.
The point is
they'll be back.
And eventually,
no matter what,
you'll be dead.
We'll both be dead.
I'm waiting for that, but...
Look, my head
is fucking killing me,
so if you can just get to it,
that'd be great. [exhales]
But if you trust me...
[tense music playing]
Hey, I'm taking a leap of
faith here trusting you too.
But if you wanna get out
here alive and save Iris,
- then I suggest--
- What did you say?
How'd you know about Iris?
I never mentioned her to you.
Look, why do you think
I brought you here?
When Lars wants
something, he gets it.
And that includes
the girl, I'm afraid.
You have no idea what
you're talking about,
so I strongly suggest
you stop talking!
Well, I don't know
if you know this or not,
but talking's
kind of my thing.
Well, I don't know
if you noticed or not,
but killing's
kinda my thing.
Look, all I'm saying is that
you're in here
because of some girl
who doesn't even wanna be
with you anymore.
[both grunting]
Hey, cut it out in there!
Shit. Should we do something?
Nah, the boss don't give
a shit about that guy.
We gotta keep
the other guy alive.
[intense music playing]
Hey! That's enough!
You're gonna kill him!
[both grunting]
Die! You son of a bitch!
[grunting continues]
[Dallas screams]
You better hope
he's still alive.
[neck breaks]
So, what's the plan?
Are you kidding me?
I thought you were
Special Forces.
It's been a while!
Well, that's just great.
This motherfucker.
They should both be dead.
[tense music playing]
Well, that was sooner
than expected.
- Take him, I'll kill.
- Copy that.
How is he doing that?
I don't know, Lars.
You could've killed him
when you had a chance,
but you decided to be
a walking, talking
bad guy clich.
Oh, yeah. And then what?
What do they do?
They just replace him
with somebody else.
That's all they do.
We're all just playing a part
in this little story here.
And you.
- This damsel in distress.
- Yeah, and who did that to me?
You're about as useful as
a fuckin' three-legged chair.
[intense music playing]
[neck cracks]
[gun firing]
There you are,
you little shit.
[Riley] Antano,
I think I got it.
[Antano] What exactly
am I looking at?
Some kind of storage
or shipping container,
but look what's under it.
Wait a minute,
this is all underground?
Looks like it.
Okay, you know what?
Keep the drone on it,
get us all available
backup in the area.
Also a layout
of the entire structure,
and a verified head count
before anyone arrives.
Yeah, it shouldn't be
a problem.
Hey, it's me.
We got his location,
we're about 20 minutes out.
I'll call you soon.
[phone beeps]
- [cartridge clinks]
- [grunting]
[Patrick groans]
[man 1 yells]
[man 2 grunts]
You shot me on purpose,
didn't you?
I think "thank you" are
the words you're looking for.
I could've shot you
in the head.
Ah, that's valid.
Technically, you have
to tell me who you work for,
since you shot me and all.
who said I'm working?
Come on, let's go.
Oh, you go ahead.
I'll catch up.
I got this nice, fresh
bullet wound to tend to!
Now we're even,
you little shit.

Sorry to keep you waiting.
We didn't wait long.
No guns?
We were told
to bring you in alive.
Not in one piece,
but alive.
Cute gloves.

[mumbles] No...
[tense music playing]
Jesus Christ.
Couldn't save any for me?
Well, try and keep up,
Special Forces.
[heavy breathing]
[door opens, closes]
Lars. Lars.
Where is she?
You told me that once
you got him here,
you said that
we could leave together.
You told me that. Listen.
Hey, look, look at me.
If you ever, ever
really cared about me...
Let us go.
- I do care about you.
- I know, I know.
- I really do.
- I know. Okay,
so keep your promise.
- Yeah?
- Okay.
A-and then...
Go. Go while you still can.
You-you saw
the cameras, Lars.
He is right outside
that door.
[intense music playing]
Get down! Get down!
Get down now!
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!
Lay down, put your hands
behind your back! Get down!
Move it! Move it!
Move it outta here!
All right, spread out.
I want this whole
fuckin' place on lockdown.
You know, Antano.
I'm guessing they kinda
know we're already here.
I think you're right, buddy.
I think you're right.
The authorities have
already breached the gate.
It is only
a matter of time
before they are
inside the hatch.
Please, Lars, I'm--
I'm begging you!
I understand, okay?
- Please.
- Okay.
- All right.
- [heavy breathing]
- Where is she?
- She's close, she's nearby.
What? She's nearby?
What-what does that mean?
- She's nearby, okay?
- Where?!
Where? Where--
She's safe, okay? She's safe.
She's with a friend
of mine, okay?
No Johns, no guards
with guns, okay?
Just the two of 'em?
Just hold on one second, okay?
[phone beeps]
Yeah, look, um,
bring the girl out front.
- Lars.
- Look...
- Sarah will be outside, okay?
- Okay.
You're both free, okay?
- [exhales sharply]
- I made a promise to you.
Thank you, Lars.
- I'm so sorry.
- [sobbing]
I'm so sorry.
[sobbing continues]
[knife clangs]
[gate clanking]

[Dallas] Iris.
Oh, my God.
You're here.
Oh, thank God you're here.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Where's Lars?
As soon as he found out
Dallas was on the outside
of that door
and the authorities
had breached, he took off.
He's gone.
- Gone?
- Yeah.
Oh, this is bullshit.
- [grunts]
- What's wrong?
He works for Lars.
That motherfucker!
- No! Dallas!
- [grunts]
I almost died playing
my part in this. And for what?
Lars to run off
with my money? Huh?
I'm really sick
of you people!
- [screaming]
- [grunting]
[heavy breathing]
[knife clangs]
Oh, God.
My God, Dallas.
- It's okay.
- It's not okay.
Hey, look.
I want you to go
all the way
to the end of the tunnel,
all right?
That's where your mom
is gonna meet you.
- She'll be there.
- Okay.
It's all right.
Just go.
- [Dallas groans]
- Dallas. Oh... [mutters]
Okay. I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry.
- It's all right.
- No, no. Listen to me.
I... I did what I had to do.
He-- He gave me no choice.
He had my daughter.
Your daughter?
Is she okay?
Yeah. Yeah, she--
she's okay now.
Is she... Is she mine?
Oh. [breathes in]
Oh, God, I wish she was.
- Mom!
- Sarah!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, honey.
Oh, are you okay?
- Fine, I'm fine.
- Okay.
Look at me. Look at me.
Did they hurt you?
Mom, I'm okay.
[exhales] Okay.
She has nothing
to do with this.
You guys go see what's
down that hall, please.
Get her the fuck outta here.
[exhales] It's okay.
It's okay, yeah.
It's gonna be okay.
Listen to me.
She's innocent.
They're both innocent.
I promise, you got nothing
to worry about.
Put a jacket on her,
would you?
I need your word.
Both her and her daughter
need safe passage
to some place where Lars
will never find her.
[Antanto] You got my word.
That word's backed up
by the U.S. government.
How's that sound?
You like that?
[sighs] Thank you.
What about Lars?
Well, we're still looking
for him, aren't we?
I imagine he's spent
the last handful of years
planning an escape
the last minute though,
wouldn't you?
I doubt we'll find him.
Definitely not here.
- I'm gonna...
- [Antano] Gotcha.
And you know
he's not entirely wrong.
But I promise you,
I will catch that motherfucker.
[sighs heavily]
So I guess... [sighs]
this is the part
where you bring me in.
So let's get this over with.
I see.
You never had any intention
of bringing me in,
at least not alive.
Well, you are right
in that regard, Mr. Dallas.
We never intended
on taking you in.
And I've seen enough of what
you're capable of doing
to know that getting
in a fight with you
is probably not the best idea.
[phone beeps]
Got him.
No, I am not shittin' you,
I'm looking at him
right in the eye.
I tell you what, how about
I put you on speaker?
You can chat
with him yourself.
Bringing you in
was never part of the plan.
At least not
to the authorities.
Voner, what's going on?
Where's Blue?
Blue's okay,
don't worry about him.
I see things went
a little sideways,
thanks to Lars and Iris.
But there's still
a lot of work to do.
[tense music playing]
This has nothing
to do with Iris.
Blue's always done
right by you, Dallas.
By you and me.
And what you two guys built
together still remains.
Nothing's different.
The only difference is,
you don't have to do it
alone this time.
I'll be around to assist
in any way needed.
I work alone.
Well, now you and I both know
that's not exactly true.
Maybe it was a good thing
that you and Iris reconnected.
Who knows?
No, no.
Not after what
happened to Trish.
I can't.
We know what
happened with Trish,
and it's not your fault.
I'm not gonna let you
beat yourself up over that.
At least not as long
as the...
the person who killed
your father is still out there.
Now, listen, I want you
to take your time, Dallas.
Think this over.
Don't make any decisions
right away.
You could even talk
to Blue first.
And I don't want you
to come in.
Got a little loose end
I'd like you to take a look at,
- if you don't mind.
- Right away.
Hell, I'll cut a loose end.
You came across a couple
detectives of ours.
Detective Roberts,
Detective Lenwood.
Is that right?
Yeah, what about them?
Well, we just had
a body turn up,
and it was
preliminarily identified
as Detective Roberts.
Well, his partner,
Detective Lenwood,
is the prime suspect
in the murder.
And you buy that?
No, I don't.
'Cause I don't even think
Detective Roberts is dead.
[Voner] I'll see you
soon, Dallas.
In the meantime,
I have a few loose ends
of my own to tie up.
Ah, yeah. Thanks.
Is he in a good mood?
Ah, you know,
always the same.
- [nurse] You're good.
- [Boris sighs]
Can you, uh... Oh.
Can you excuse us for a bit?
[nurse] Of course.
You know what, ma'am?
I breathe better without it.
How about that?
- [grunts]
- How you doin'? You okay?
What the fuck kind
of question is that?
You know what this is?
I have to breathe in that
so many minutes a day,
or they say I'll be dead,
but I'll never be dead.
What happened with the appeal?
And Dallas?
Well, he did everything
that Blue asked him to do.
As always.
You know what Ultio means?
And you know what
the blind man did?
He made a weapon.
He made a weapon.
And the problem is,
he can't control him.
So you and I, we are gonna
have to take control.
I'm already moving on that.
And we have full support
of the government.
- Really?
- Yeah.
You don't have
anything else
to say to me?
Yeah, I do.
We had a little complication.
- How was that?
- With Lars?
He escaped, he got away.
The man needs ice.
More ice.
I know you have
an ice pick, Ivan.
Why don't you stab it
three times
and bring him three pieces
of fucking ice for his drink?
And we even did
everything we could. We...
We actually used Iris as bait.
I didn't sanction that.
I thought it'd be
a good idea, and it worked.
Well, don't ever tell him,
because we sure as hell
don't want that weapon
turned around at us.
Or we're done.
[dramatic music playing]
[intense music playing]
[music fades]