The Wedding Arrangement (2022) Movie Script

Hey there, little guy.
Well, aren't you sweet?
Let's get you a little breakfast.
One, two, three...
The stars aligned!
Oh, sorry.
I know what you said
about sudden entrances,
but I couldn't wait,
and the door was open.
Boy have I got a
surprise for you.
No, no! No more
blind dates, please.
No, way better.
Okay, that's a very low bar.
The last one tried to
sell me a timeshare.
Well, yeah, but he offered
you the employee package.
That's chivalry.
Here, come here. Come on.
What? No.
Cindy! Stop!
Please stop.
Stop. I don't want to
meet anyone. Seriously.
I'm happy, okay?
Really. I love my shop and my
flowers and my life
just the way it is.
I know,
but that's why
you're going to love
who I'm about to
introduce you to.
It's gonna be great
publicity for the shop.
Bolivia is here!
The country?
No! The hottest
do-it-yourself crafty couple.
Don't you watch
the morning news?
I'm here with Boris and Olivia,
better known as "Bolivia,"
to get some tips
for a romantic rainy day.
What do we have here?
Is the Rom-cho!
The perfect poncho
for the couple
that loves to snuggle together.
Hand-sewn by yours truly.
Designed by me.
Now do you recognize them?
Actually, yeah. I
just read a headline.
They're getting married, right?
They're local celebrities.
So if you took them on, it
would be amazing for the shop,
and local news exposure
would be a huge boost
for Cuffed by Cindy.
You know how many wedding
planners are in this town.
Just come say hi.
They're waiting
upstairs in the shop,
and they're so
excited to meet you.
Okay, you know what?
You're right, you're right.
It would be really
great for the shop.
Plus, I'd be doing
Grandma proud.
Plus, um...
you're kind of my best friend,
and I am always
happy to help you.
So yes, of course. I'm in.
Yay! Okay.
Wait, wait, wait.
Just one question.
How difficult are they?
Hi there! Welcome to
Romance in Bloom.
You must be Boris and Olivia.
It is so nice to meet you both.
Cindy has told us
so much about you.
Your shop is so chic!
It is a little cold though.
Well, flower shops
have to be kept cool
to keep the flowers
from wilting.
That, and my AC
belongs in the '70s.
Why don't we step over
here to have a chat?
So, when it comes to
designing the theme
of the wedding flowers,
I like to get to the
heart of a couple.
So, I'm gonna ask you
to a few questions...
I'm kind of our designer.
We both design.
Although, I'm the one
that usually executes.
Only the softer textiles.
I'd like to see you turn a
lathe or whittle something.
You know what? Here at Romance
in Bloom, we actually pride ourselves
on creating original,
in-house designs
that help reflect and amplify
a couple's love story.
We actually already have
a number of sketches.
You know what? And I'm
sure those are wonderful.
Can't wait to look at them.
But if we could just
hold on for one moment.
I'm still getting
to know you two.
how did you two meet?
Oh goodness! That was
so many crafts ago!
Well, where was it?
Was it a park?
Yes. And you were wearing
your cable knit sweater.
And you had that exquisite
artisanal bird feeder.
To our new clients.
To us.
Oh, this is very good!
I got this from the
last wedding I planned.
Wasn't that the
one with the fire?
The fire was in March.
This one was the
one that flooded.
That's why Boris and Olivia's
wedding has to go perfectly.
Well, I am so
excited to dive in.
I mean, helping people
design their dream weddings
is the best feeling
in the world.
And you know, their guest list
is gonna be a regular who's who.
Maybe you can find
a handsome hunk!
I am very happy by
myself. Is that so wrong?
I'm just saying,
no matter how many times
you kiss your roses,
they can't kiss you back.
Hey, John, how you doing?
Hey there, Violet!
Hey, how's the shop?
Oh, it's fantastic!
- All right!
- How are you doing?
I'm all right.
Those daffodils were a big hit.
Good morning, Steven.
Good morning, Jill.
Good morning.
Hey, Norman. It's a
really big order today.
Can I get three
bushels of the lilies,
two of the dark roses, and
as much baby's breath as...
You're not Norman.
No, I'm Norman's grandson, Jack.
Wait! I remember you.
You were here one summer
when we were little, right?
Little miss bookworm.
Oh, wow. Yeah, I...
forgot all about that
silly little nickname.
Well, in my defense, you
were always reading books.
If I remember correctly,
you were always
stealing my books.
What was that super original
nickname you gave me?
It was accurate, and
it was book thief.
Well, I promise you my
book stealing days are...
They're in the past.
Yeah, sure.
Wait. What are you
doing here anyway?
Oh, I'm just helping
out with the stand
till Gramps gets
to feeling better.
Oh no. Is Norman okay?
I just saw him last
week. He was fine.
He's fine. He rolled his
ankle setting up the stand.
He's kinda being a
big baby about it.
Thank goodness.
I mean, not thank goodness
that he rolled his ankle,
'cause that would be terrible.
That's not what I meant. I just
mean thank goodness that it wasn't...
I know.
I know what you meant.
I love your grandfather.
You know, my grandmother
told me that Norman
was actually the first vendor
she ever bought flowers from
for her own shop.
Romance in Bloom, right?
Yeah. I remember it.
So what brings you in today?
Oh. Um...
Oh wow.
Oh wow!
How many events do you
have going off right now?
Just one.
Is it a flower show?
It's a wedding.
See, that makes sense.
What we have here...
is the work of a
You know what? I really
resent that stereotype.
Men can be just as
demanding as women.
Fair enough.
But is it a groomzilla?
it's more like a couplezilla.
Ooh, that's rare.
And super fun.
Well, I need to get started
on this, like, yesterday.
This one's on the house.
Thank you.
- I'll see you around.
- Sure.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Well, if it isn't Miss Violet.
- Hi, Norman.
- Hey!
How you doing?
I heard about your ankle,
and I thought I'd stop by.
- Marge's favorite.
- Marge's favorite.
Why, don't you have
the memory on you?
- Come on in.
- Thank you.
How you doing?
Doing great now that I see you.
Well, here you go.
One sugar and a
dash of full cream,
just like your grandma liked it.
- Thank you so much, Norman.
- Sure.
Well, I see you've been
doing some redecorating.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Wow, that sunflower
is really amazing.
Wait a sec.
Is that a southern
monkey flower?
Beats me. My grandson
Jack took 'em.
Yeah! I just saw
him at the market.
He's a good kid.
He's good to have around.
I mean, who would've
thought the book thief
would become a photographer?
That's right!
He's a nature photographer.
Yeah. Well, at least
he used to be anyway.
He really loved shooting
the endangered ones.
Yeah. I mean, he's
pretty good at it.
Gramps, you are not gonna
believe the size of this order.
It is a whopper.
Yeah, I can't wait
to get back to work.
Hanging around here,
I'm just, I'm losing it.
Let me get that.
No, no. I got it, I got.
- Sit down, sit down. -Come on!
- Give me something to de here! - Okay, okay.
I guess it could start
prepping that order.
It's a big one, and I do have
dinner with Angelica later.
She still pressuring you
to join her father's firm?
It's not pressure,
Gramps. It's...
It's inspiring.
She's inspiring me to
put my law degree to use.
Well, just be careful you
don't inspire yourself
into a big old mess.
I get what you're doing,
and I appreciate it. I do.
But Angelica is not like that.
She really does
have a good heart.
She does pro bono work,
she volunteers, she's...
She's passionate and genuine.
You don't have to convince me.
I'm not the one going to
work for her father. You are.
I've spent the last
five years of my life
traveling the world, and it's
been amazing, it really has,
but I'll always
have photography.
I just...
I don't know.
I think I'm just tired of
living out of a suitcase,
you know?
I think I'm ready
to settle down.
Fair enough.
But just don't confuse
settling down with settling.
Hello. Well, if it isn't my
favorite photographer.
Betsy. I
thought we discussed that I...
Your little "Eat, Pray, Love"
stint away from photography?
Uh-huh. I'll bet my Botox
you're back in a month.
Natural Geographic is
salivating to hire you.
They saw the photos from Jakarta
and want to send you back.
Tell them I'm flattered,
but, really, I'm done.
You're literally killing me.
Okay. But just know
that you're missed.
Oh my goodness! Look at you!
Hey, babe.
Jack, we have to be at a
charity dinner in half an hour!
That's fine. I'll
be ready in five.
Ew! You need to get out of the
fertilizer and into the shower.
blue a dilly dilly
Lavender green
If I were king a dilly dilly
I'll need a queen
Wow. I can't quit my day job.
You could think about it.
Well, thanks for knocking.
Oh, I knocked.
I rang the doorbell, called,
texted, sent a couple emails.
Eventually, I just had
to come around back.
Sorry, I...
I sometimes get a little carried
away serenading my plants.
That's okay. I sing
to my plants too.
It helps them bloom faster.
Oh wow.
Oh wow.
I photographed that
in the Maldives.
Is that a ghost orchid?
Yeah. No, but just
don't disturb anything.
Fair enough.
It's like I'm back
in the jungle again.
Except you're actually not.
You're in my very carefully
curated gardens, so just...
All right. Okay.
I shot that in the Amazon.
It's on the verge
of extinction now.
Yeah, I know.
I mean, hence this whole setup.
I'm trying to preserve as
many species as possible.
I mean, just so many
are being destroyed
by pollution and tourists.
There are some flowers
that are so magical,
they only bloom
every 3,000 years.
The Youtan.
You know about that?
It's the stuff of legends.
Only mentioned in ancient
Buddhist scriptures.
Blooms once every 3,000 years.
That might be the only flower
that I've not photographed.
You know, I used to
read this great blog.
"Hunt for the Youtan".
Yeah! That's the one.
I was obsessed.
Then they stopped posting.
That's my blog.
No, it's not.
No, really! I'm the author.
That's amazing!
Tell me everything. I
need to know everything.
Yeah, sure.
I mean, I have like seven
years worth of research, so...
Fantastic! We...
I need to get back to work, but can we
get together later and discuss the Youtan,
just from one flower
fan to another?
Yeah, of course.
I'll just warn you. It
is a lot of information. So.
- Great.
- Great.
Good. Good and great.
Good, good, and great.
- Okay.
- Okay.
I'll put these upstairs.
After work.
- Don't forget.
- I'll see you then.
- All right.
- Okay.
One day.
Okay. And...
They're gonna love it.
It looks like it's
for a funeral.
But that's what they wanted.
- Yeah.
- And...
So, the flowers are a wee bit small.
Yes, well, they're small
because they're just an example
of what your flowers
would actually look like.
Hold on one second.
You're on with Cindy,
your wedding planner.
Hi. We've been
thinking about it.
And Olivia has new sketches.
Oh, I see.
We'd like you
to take a look. Thanks!
Boris wants to nix the
sketches they provided.
Ugh, that is such a relief!
Because Olivia has
provided new sketches.
You're kidding.
- I'm sorry.
- Ugh!
Well, at least with this client,
I'll be able to
afford a new AC unit.
Well, hold on to
that good feeling,
because next week they'll
probably want to come in
and just arrange it themselves.
Don't say things
like that to me!
What'd I miss?
Why is it so cold in here?
I uh...
I really lost track of time.
You guys have fun.
- Yeah.
- Thank you for letting me use the shop this afternoon.
Yes. Always.
So, just turn the AC to 11,
and I'll see you tomorrow.
Where is the big flower mobile?
Back at the farm.
I like to use this
when I'm in the city.
You know what's super
underrated? Walking.
You've not ridden before?
Does a bicycle count?
Not at all.
Then no.
Well, hop on.
I'll be careful.
Just trust me.
Trust you? The book thief?
Listen, I got a
confession to make.
I've never actually
stolen a book before.
So you say.
This is gonna be fun.
So what's a botanist
doing running a flower shop?
I grew up in the shop.
And then when my grandmother
passed, it just...
I don't know, research
kinda took a backseat.
I remember your
grandma. She was sweet.
She used to sneak me candies
when Gramps wasn't looking.
She gave you candy?
- Yeah.
- No, stop it!
I was never allowed to eat
anything sweet! Not once.
Didn't you keep gum
stuck in your braces,
like all the time?
Your memory is
irritatingly accurate.
I miss her so much.
I was sorry to hear
about her passing.
She pushed me towards
my dreams, you know?
And that, that was botany.
Just examining a
plant's structure,
it's genetic, it's
ecology, just...
That's why I have
the garden now,
so I can still feel
like scientist, I guess.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You still are very much
so scientist, okay?
I, for one, miss
your blog posts.
I kinda just...
Okay. Is this an interrogation?
Listen, flower hunk, I'm...
That is a nickname that
my best friend calls you,
and I...
I definitely do not use that.
That would be so embarrassing
if I said that to you.
That would be
mortifying actually.
Well, I like it a lot
better than "book thief."
Well, hey, your story is
not written in stone, okay?
You can always go back into
science and research and...
Look at me.
I'm getting back into law.
I'm so sorry. You didn't
strike me as a lawyer.
Yeah, I get that a lot.
But my girlfriend's
a lawyer too,
and she has this dream
where we both make partner
at the same firm, so...
That's nice when two
people share a dream.
Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Um, sorry.
Hello? I know you're out with
flower hunk right now,
but we are having
a cake emergency!
Plus, they want a
new flower design.
Oh, okay. No, no. I'll be right
there, I'll be right there.
I am so sorry. I have to go.
I'm just gonna call a rideshare.
Chicken. I get it.
Well, apparently there
will be a whole new order
of flowers for you
tomorrow, so...
Sounds fun.
Hey, why don't you just stop
by the greenhouse tomorrow?
You can pick from the
entire range of what we got,
and I know Norm would
love to see you again.
Okay, sure.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Yeah.
Blueberry and lemon.
Try the red velvet.
Hey Gary.
They've been here four hours.
I forget. Is this
one gluten-free?
For the fifth time, no.
Gary, not the cake again.
Please, please.
Ohm great, the florist is here.
Did you bring the new sketches?
I didn't know I was supposed to.
Well, we can't possibly pick
a cake without coordinating
with the overall floral
design aesthetic.
Of course you can!
Would Martha Stewart
forget to harmonize
the cake with the flowers?
Now imagine Martha Stewart
is marrying Martha Stewart.
You know what? Let's not
focus on the wedding planning.
Let us talk about
the day you two met.
I think you said it
was in a park, right?
Okay, I want you guys
to do me a little favor.
Please, just close your eyes.
I want you to think
about that day you met.
Now tell me what you see.
It was a crisp autumn day.
Do you remember any colors?
Oh, well, the leaves
were changing.
Everything was
copper and scarlet.
Boris is allergic
to leaf mold though,
so he must have
had a runny nose.
Eyes closed.
Let's just focus on
the environment, okay?
Was it cold?
Oh, well, there was
a chill in the air.
But my vintage
Inishmore cable knit
could handle it, no problem.
Unscoured wool
A good day for a
hot drink, maybe?
Yes, now that you mention it.
I was drinking a pumpkin
chai spice tea latte,
with almond milk, of course.
Of course.
Okay, great. So...
What if we did an
autumn themed wedding,
and Gary here made
you a spiced chai cake
with maple cream
cheese frosting?
You're good.
Wait a sec.
Our last set of floral designs,
are a celebration of summer.
We'll be back at square one!
You know what?
You guys have so much
on your plate already.
I feel pretty comfortable
coming up with some designs.
I mean...
what if I took a shot at it?
You're sure that you have
a handle on our brand?
Homemade chic.
Luxury DIY.
I promise it will be the
most beautiful wedding ever.
Rise and shine.
I'm working.
Oh, what time is it?
It's coffee time.
Thank you.
These are amazing.
How do you have
time to do all this
and take care of your orchids?
My plants!
Sorry, sorry!
Allow me.
You need a...
you need a break.
I've been around these plants.
I know what they need, okay?
Just make sure that
the succulents
get a light sprinkling,
approximately eight
milliliters of water per plant,
actually exactly, but just...
Yeah. Okay.
I mean, it's very
important to be careful.
- No, I agree.
- Take your time with these,
- because...
- Mm-hm.
While it is not exact...
I guess you did an adequate job.
I remember the first
time I saw one of these.
It was in a Maori
cave in New Zealand.
And this little guy just
about got me killed.
It was in a Malaysian jungle.
Giant leeches.
Wouldn't recommend.
I wish I had travel stories.
Why don't you?
You should see these flowers
for yourself in the real world.
I did have travel plans, but...
Well, consider
this garden tended.
You ready to hit the farm?
Yeah. Actually, can we
grab a quick bite to eat?
I'm very hungry.
Get out of my brain.
I present to you a traditional
north African breakfast.
Semolina pancakes
with olive oil,
a drizzle of honey,
and goat cheese.
Oh my goodness. This
looks delicious.
I've put on 10 pounds
since he showed up.
I'm sure.
Well, I'm glad you guys
are excited for this,
because this is my
absolute favorite recipe.
I picked it up when
I was in Morocco,
shooting the dragon trees.
Wow. That sounds
like the best work.
Yeah. Yeah, it was.
Well, speaking of work,
this old clunker's healing up,
and I'm about ready
to get back at it.
Of course, that means I'm
gonna lose a great helper.
Gramps, I'm literally
a phone call away.
Do you know what kind of
plants to have in law offices?
Just dig in. We've
got flowers to pick.
I never get tired
of seeing this.
You might want to
move your zinnias
away from the irrigation system.
Too much water spill can create
water inflation or bloating.
Well, first of all,
I put them there for
that exact reason,
so that when I'm
watering the top rack,
the spill waters the
ones on the bottom.
I'm very careful
about my spillage.
Plus, we're not here to talk
about my placement skills.
We're here to help
you pick out flowers
for the minor celebrity
wedding of the week?
It is the local celebrity
union of thecentury!
But yes, yes, you're right.
What was that?
I'm what?
- I was thinking...
- What was that?
That we should use
orange chrysanthemums,
because it's a workable hue,
and it's an easy
species to shape.
Okay. Delphiniums are also
really good for molding.
And then maybe some monardas...
hellebore if you have
it, astilbe for sure,
and roses for a pop.
Look at you.
You're just the
perennial whiz kid.
You see what I did
there? Perennial?
You get it?
I got it.
Great news!
Guess who was granted
an official interview
with the law offices of
Steinberg, Greenberg and Hakim!
I'm sorry. And you are?
No, I'm sorry.
Violet, this is
Angelica, my girlfriend.
Angelica, this is violet
with the Romance in
Bloom flower shop.
Pleasure to meet you.
Hi. It's...
I'm so sorry. Just...
Romance in Bloom.
Oh boy, what now?
I'll be right there.
Okay, hold on.
I am so sorry. I have to go.
I can show myself out. It
was so nice to meet you.
Cindy, honey, what happened?
This happened.
We're back with
Boris and Olivia,
everyone's favorite
crafty couple
with some tips for creating
the perfect picnic.
Well, we love dining outdoors.
And what better way to
dress up a picnic table
than with creative cuisine
and colorful dinnerware?
That I designed.
We'll talk about this later.
No, I actually think that we
should just talk
about this right now.
Guys, we're live.
How is it that every time
that you create something,
it says "designed by Olivia",
but any time that
I create something,
it says "made by us"?
You take credit for everything!
We are a partnership!
Yeah, well, you know,
this is just not working.
Fine, Boris! You know what?
Maybe the wedding
isn't working either!
This is too soft of
a metal to throw!
Take this back right now!
When we come back,
Rusty, the dog that
climbed Mount Everest.
Oh, honey, I'm sorry.
My days as a celebrity
wedding planner are over!
And my days trying to
be a wedding planner
were just getting started!
Oh, honey, this has nothing
to do with you, okay?
You are a great wedding planner.
Hey, we will figure this out.
I hope so.
Angie's told me a lot about you.
It's good to finally meet.
We missed you at the holidays.
Sorry about that.
Last-second trip to Bhutan.
It was a whole thing.
You're a character. I can
see why she's sweet on you.
Relax, Pumpernickel.
I'm just trying to
get to know the guy.
If he's dating my daughter
and joining my law firm,
then, yeah, me and him are
going to be joined at the hip.
Thick as thieves!
Well, look, I'm just
thankful for the opportunity.
I know it's been a while
since I last practiced, but...
I think I'm ready
to get back into it.
All right, well, let's buckle up
and get down to brass tacks.
Now, why would you, Jack Walker,
be an asset to our law firm?
All right. Strong, silent type.
I can respect that.
But you gotta throw me
a lasso here, all right?
How about this little ditty?
What makes you, um... pow,
passionate about law?
What makes me passionate?
I guess I'd have to say
the thrill of discovery.
Really putting
yourself out there,
heck, throwing
yourself out there
into situations and jungles
that not everyone would survive.
Facing the unknown.
Maybe you should
come by the office
for more formal interview.
Of course. I'd be honored.
I'm so sorry. Give
me one minute.
Betsy, I'm at dinner right now.
Oh, that's nice. I'm working.
Just tell Natural
Geographic that it's...
it's not them, it's me.
Forget that dusty magazine.
It's glossy white toilet
paper for all I care.
Listen, World Wilderness
TV is interested
in you shooting an
exotic travel show.
Not interested.
Oh, come on! What's it gonna
take to get you back behind the camera?
I can't. I'm sorry.
I gotta go.
This is incredible.
Let's just hope it works.
Oh boy.
Oh, really?
I'm here to break off the
contract for our wedding
that's no longer happening.
I know I asked you both here
to look over the contract,
and that that's only
partially true actually.
I really wanted your
opinion on this.
Yes, it's lovely,
but that is hardly the apex
of our concerns right now.
Not our designs, but...
- Wow.
- Wow.
This is just a small example
of what your wedding
would have looked like.
Compliments of a master baker.
And what else were
you imagining?
Just for curiosity's sake.
Well, if we were
to move forward,
I typically like to get
to the heart of a couple,
ask a few simple questions.
It's actually a technique I
learned from my grandparents.
And they should know. I mean,
they were together
for over 50 years.
Well, what sort of
questions would you ask?
Well, if we were
doing this for real,
I would start with
something simple, you know?
Name one thing you love
about the other person,
Just the first thing
that comes to mind.
I love that...
Olivia gives me the
confidence to be the real me,
to learn who I am.
Yeah! That's a great answer.
I love that Boris pushes
me out of my comfort zone.
I was a total wreck
with stage fright
before our first
segment on Channel 55,
and Boris just looked
me in the eye...
and said, "You can do this."
"You will not
ruin this for us."
Yeah, no, well...
Grandma did say you...
you find yourself when
you push yourself.
Boris, I know things
have been rocky lately,
but I'm crazy about you.
I'm still up for getting
married if you are.
I lied when I said that
I returned the tux.
I own it.
It's in the closet and
I try it on every night.
Let's throw caution to the wind.
You're right. It's
all about the big day.
And I can not wait to
spend forever with you!
Olivia, will you make me
the happiest man alive
this weekend?
Yes! A thousand times yes!
You can make that
happen, can't you?
This thing is
actually pretty warm.
I swear I'm going to fix
the AC one of these days.
You were amazing today.
Boris and Olivia and me
are lucky to have you.
Well, they are very
lucky to have you.
Well, speaking of
people in our life being
- lucky to have us...
- No, don't.
Don't start it.
How's the flower hunk?
He has a girlfriend.
And even if he didn't
have a girlfriend,
Jack and I, we are just
highly incompatible.
I mean, he is a no airbags,
no filter kind of thinker,
or should I even
say non-thinker?
That sounds dreamy.
Well, speaking of dreams,
I guess he has awakened
something in me.
I found an old photo of me
and my favorite professor!
Dr. Rose?
Yeah, I was thinking
about reaching out to her,
but I just feel like she had
such high hopes for me, and...
I think she'd love
to hear from you.
I doubt it.
Why don't you just
give her a call?
Well, now you sound like Jack!
Did I just hear my name?
We were just recommending
your photography.
Yeah, we definitely were
not talking about you
in any other capacity.
We were just working.
Well, it is Michael Buble
and bubble bath time for me.
I'm out.
I don't remember seeing
any previously arranged
flower meetings on the calendar.
See, I was kind
of hoping that...
I can take a look
at your research...
in person, with my own eyes.
I don't know. I have a lot
of work to do around here.
It's the closest I'm ever
gonna get to the actual flower.
Okay, so the Youtan was
last seen in this area,
which the text references...
Oh, hello!
See, that's the little
miss bookworm I remember.
I don't know how
that got mixed in there.
What? What?
Look at you! You're
so cute here.
Still are.
Well, compliments will
get you everywhere.
Well, you were not lying.
This is a ton of research.
Yeah, well, I mean, I
have some recordings
of oral history, some
copies of ancient texts,
some actual ancient texts,
and pretty much every book
written on the subject.
Ooh, um...
Just be careful with that.
That's Dr. Rose, right?
The one that you were
gonna go to China with?
See? Told you I was
a fan of your blog.
She and I haven't spoken
since I didn't go, so.
Why not?
I just had this conversation.
Look, she had really
high hopes for me, and...
I let her down.
Ooh, this is work, and
it's gonna take a while.
That's fine. It's getting late.
I gotta check on Norman.
Talk to you later?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sounds good.
Hi, Violet. It's Olivia.
Yeah, I was thinking
about what you said
about your grandparents
and how your grandmother
likes to get to the
heart of the matter.
So, I do have one more request.
We love your scarlet theme,
and my grandmother's favorite
flower was red milkweed.
So, I'd like to add
that to my bouquet.
Yeah, of course.
Of course. Consider it done.
That's lovely. Thank you.
Okay, have a good night.
So, can we add red
milkweed to the order?
See, I knew they
were gonna come back
with their own designs.
Au contraire, my friend.
She is having me create an
elegant bouquet of red and gold,
but she wants to
include red milkweed,
because apparently it is her
grandmother's favorite flower.
Violet, that is actually the
one flower we don't have.
But I do know where some
grows out in the wild.
Okay, fantastic!
Great. Where?
You might want to put
on some hiking boots.
Excuse me?
Here? We're in the
middle of nowhere.
You ready for this?
You'll be fine.
- You sure?
- Uh-huh.
Gotta go that way,
gonna take a left,
and then got a 70-foot climb.
This is better than Pilates.
And way more rewarding.
Jack, Jack!
I got you!
I got you.
You're good.
Thank you.
You know, I'm not opposed
to an adventure like this.
Yes, I like to have things
planned out ahead of time,
do a little risk assessment,
don't tend to jump head first
into these sorts of things.
And, truth be told, I'm...
really not a big fan of heights.
You might not like
this next part.
Can you elaborate?
Uh, no.
Absolutely not.
Look, it's perfectly safe, okay?
People cross this
thing all the time,
and no one's ever
fallen through.
That I know of.
That is not helping!
Just watch what I do.
Come on, Violet.
Come on, Violet.
You can do this.
You can do this.
You're cool. You can do this.
You can do this.
I can't do it. I can't do it!
- I can't do it!
- Violet...
Violet, you can do this, okay?
Just close your
eyes and go for it.
Well, don't actually
close your eyes!
You've got to see where the
missing boards are, but...
go for it.
Come on, Violet.
Come on, Violet.
Uh-uh. I don't like this, Jack.
I don't like it.
Almost there. You got it.
Oh, it is a long way down.
- You did it!
- I did it!
Well, what are we waiting for?
After you.
Not bad, right?
Are you kidding me?
I mean, this place is... incredible.
Yeah, it is.
Thank you so
much for bringing me here.
You got yourself here.
How did you even
find this place?
So we came here on a
school field trip once.
I got lost, super lost.
And I just...
just kind of discovered it.
I don't know. It just felt
so different from the city.
Anyway, came back here
a couple days later
with a little camera
and took some pictures.
Been a nature
photographer ever since.
It's amazing what you can
find in your own backyard.
Red milkweed.
You are my hero.
I'm proud of you for
taking that leap today.
Thank you.
I'm proud of me too.
Now, seriously, is there like a
trolley or an alpaca to get down?
Yeah, alpaca stand's
just up that way.
- Fantastic.
- Mmhmm.
Okay, let's be really careful.
Try to keep the roots intact.
You got it.
I got you.
Well, I really do have
a lot of work to do,
but I could use some help
from a fellow flower-person.
I would love to, but I have this
previously scheduled engagement.
Sounds serious.
Just the rest of my life.
Okay, well, um...
I'll see you around, or
later, tomorrow maybe.
Hi, my name's Jack. I'm here...
And it's a flush!
I'm not to be rude, but I'm
running late for a meeting.
Can you help me out?
Have a seat.
Do not fondle the plants.
There he is!
Good to see, sir.
Sorry I'm like. Traffic coming
out of the country was crazy.
Well, my grand pappy used to say
the early bird gets the worm,
but the second mouse
gets the cheese.
That is hilarious.
That's a known fact.
Won't happen again. I promise.
Let's quit with the jaw flapping
and get to the tour
wagon, all right?
Let me show you around.
This is where our
junior associates
and admins spend their days
and, quite frankly,
some other nights!
Right here, you can make
copies, like that guy's doin'.
That machine gets
quite a workout,
'cause you gotta learn
how to replace the ink,
the cartridges, or
whatever they put in there.
But don't worry, we've got a
closet full of that stuff right here.
Right here, you've got
your watering hole.
We like to keep the
herd fed and hydrated.
We don't want anybody sick.
A sick hour is not a billable
hour. Remember that, Jack.
Right here are some of the
finest offices in the world!
And here's mine.
Looks great.
You play your cards right,
and pretty soon, boom!
You'll have an office
just like this.
Well, not the corner
office, of course.
That's for the big boys.
But you work the
billable hours, sun,
and, yeah, there's a
window in your future.
Thank you.
Yeah. And thank you
for stopping by.
Daddy, I...
thought he was
supposed to interview
with the other partners.
Don't worry about
that, Jelly Bean.
I have a sneaking suspicion
they'll be just fine
making you an offer.
Jack speaking.
Hey, Jack. It's me.
I hope I'm not disturbing you.
No, I was just...
putting some things in storage.
That's funny.
I was just taking some
things out of storage.
Hey, I really...
I really want to thank
you for today, and...
it's been really great
getting back into my research.
And I want you to know that...
it's still my dream
to find the Youtan.
I'm happy for you, Violet.
Earth to Jack!
I've been calling
you repeatedly.
Sorry. I guess I left
my phone in the shed.
After today, you'll never
have to be in a shed again.
They drew up an offer!
I wanted to deliver it myself,
and yes, I peaked, and
yes, it's really good.
I can't take it.
I'm sorry.
Yesterday made me realize that,
as much as I like
being with you,
it's just not the firm for me.
I opened doors for you, Jack.
I went out on a limb!
This isn't just a job.
This is my family you're
turning your back on.
I went back on anyone.
Truly, I don't mean
any disrespect,
because I appreciate
what you did for me.
I do.
I just have to be
honest with myself.
I wouldn't be happy there.
You know what?
I gotta go.
I'm sorry,
the number you've called
is not in service.
Please check the
number and try again.
Guess what.
I was just about to call you.
Well, I did some
research last night,
and 356 Pleasant View
Drive in Springfield
is where Dr. Rose lives.
You called her.
Sure did.
I'm so proud of you.
Well, she's expecting us.
Yeah. Is that okay?
- Let's go!
- Okay!
Is she having a party?
Sounds like it.
Violet Markey!
- Dr. Rose!
- Oh!
Oh my goodness! It's
so lovely to see you!
You too! I hope we're not
interrupting anything.
No, no, no! I'm just
finishing my dance work out.
Come in! Come in!
Thank you for having us.
Oh, Violet, I am just so
happy to see you!
Oh, wow.
Oh! Merengue!
It's the merengue!
Come on, Jack.
I am Rose, by the way.
I'm Jack. I'm actually
a big fan of yours.
There we go.
Oh, the grand finale. Oh my.
Do you guys smell something?
Oh, that's just my tiki
tart air freshener.
It sets the mood.
No, something's
definitely burning.
My brownies!
Oh dear, oh dear!
It looks like I'm not getting
this retirement thing down.
Wow. So you're retired now?
Oh, for six months now.
I've just always
loved this town,
so I bought this cottage,
and now my only vocation
is to live my life
like I'm on vacation.
I think you did a
pretty good job so far.
Well, thank you.
I am parched. Can I offer
you a chilled libation?
Yes. I would love
an iced tea please.
Oh, wait. Vocation,
vacation, libation.
And here you go.
Thank you so much.
This place is amazing.
You've been everywhere.
Yeah. That I have.
Yeah, well, speaking
of traveling...
I am so sorry that I didn't
go with you to China.
And I backed out
at the last minute,
and I really never got to
explain why, and it just...
Violet, don't.
I know what it meant
for you to continue
your grandmother's
legacy after she passed.
I never questioned
the choice you made.
Thank you. But...
I never forgave myself
for letting you down.
Oh, don't be silly, darling.
You didn't let me down.
Truth be told, you didn't
miss out on anything.
I just kept running
into dead ends.
I would think the
Youtan was in one area,
and then, poof, nothing.
But I did have a
little rendezvous
with a professor down there,
and he gave me a souvenir.
Okay. She's awesome.
Now, this map was given to
Francois by a Shaolin monk,
and the legend is that there's
not just a single flower;
there is an entire
garden of Youtan.
But I think that my adventuring
years are behind me.
Violet, even though
you didn't join me,
you were always my star
student, and you always will be.
Thank you, Dr. Rose.
Can I take this?
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
And if you're ever in the
city, please come by the shop.
I would love to.
Can I meet you in the garage?
Your grandfather let me in.
Can we talk?
Yeah, of course.
Listen, your happiness
is important to me.
I would hate myself
if I felt like I...
forced you down a path
you didn't want to go.
And I appreciate you
being honest with me.
But if I'm being honest...
you make me happy.
But this relationship...
I know.
I've been feeling the same way.
You are an amazing
woman, Angelica.
You're smart and driven,
and I don't want to hurt you.
I wish that I could
just magically become
the man that you
want me to be, but...
that's not who I am.
I know.
Good luck, Jack.
You okay?
Yeah, I think so.
I will be.
So, what are we looking at?
Okay, there's gotta be
connection here, a missing link,
something, literally anything.
All right, well, you
hold that thought.
I'm gonna go water
the succulents.
Water spill-off.
Moisture, dirt, darkness.
It's caves!
It's do what now?
Everywhere the Youtan grew
was in the damp and dark,
and everywhere it was
spotted with near...
Dark and damp something.
Okay, so it was last
seen in this shaded field
and near this mountain base,
But given how delicate
the flower is,
one gust of wind and it's...
- Gone.
- Exactly!
And in order for the
Youtan to survive,
it would need a controlled,
dark and damp environment
like a cave!
Like a cave. You are a genius.
Look at this.
Everything lines
up with the scroll.
That's a match.
The Youtan has got to be there.
Okay, I just want to cross-
reference it with my notes.
Yeah. Let's go.
Do you need this one?
- I don't think so.
- Okay.
Why is it so hot in here?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!
It's all ruined!
Jack, how did I let this happen?
That's okay. We can fix this.
How? The wedding is on Saturday!
I'll help, okay? I can...
Even if you help people, even
if we got more flowers, I...
I still have to get a new
AC unit and install it.
It's over.
I ruined everything.
I lost the biggest client
my best friend has ever had.
My grandmother would be
so disappointed in me.
I'm sorry, but...
What if this is
actually a good thing?
How is this possibly
a good thing?
I don't mean this. I just
mean in the big picture.
What if this is a wake up call?
I get it.
You love this shop,
and you're an incredibly
talented florist,
but that's not your passion.
Violet, we can do it.
We can go find the Youtan.
I turned down the job offer.
Angelica and I broke up.
We can go.
Are you kidding me right now?
I can't just go to China! Okay?
Jack, look what
happened when I...
I just dropped the
ball for an afternoon!
I have to stay here,
and I have to fix this.
Do you though?
But really, do you?
Because for years, your dream
has been to find the Youtan,
And now you can.
Don't turn your back on
it for a second time.
You know what, Jack?
I'm so glad that you can
live your life that way.
I don't turn my back on my
friends or my responsibilities.
I am so sorry that I
can't just change my life
on a whim like you.
There was a reason
that my research
needed to stay in that box.
It was to remind me to
focus on what is real.
Not some stupid goose chase.
So just, can you go?
Please? Please, Jack, just go.
I'm sorry. Nothing I said came
out the way that I meant for it to.
I'm sorry.
The gods have answered
in record time,
and mama's goin' shoppin'.
I wrangled you a research permit
so you can go look
for your flower.
Cancel it.
It'd be wrong to
search for the Youtan
without its lead authority.
Look, I don't know exactly
what's going on with you, Jack,
but finding this flower
has been your dream
for as long as I've known you.
Believe me, I know.
You're so stupid.
So stupid.
You're such an idiot!
Nobody is home!
Nobody's home!
It's okay.
It's okay.
And I've got the
perfect medicine.
This is your fear talking.
I told you, I really don't
want to talk about it.
No, no, no. This has
nothing to do with Jack.
Okay, well, maybe a little bit.
But, you know, he brought
your dreams to the surface,
and that's a good thing.
You have been hiding
away for too long.
If you don't just
act on your dreams,
just break out of your comfort
zone and face your fear,
you are gonna live
a life of regret.
What are you, a
part-time counselor now?
Honey, I am a wedding planner.
Same thing.
I swear, I will get to it
someday, but for right now,
what are we gonna do
about Boris and Olivia?
I will handle Bolivia, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Good night.
- Good night.
And Violet, don't
let some day...
become never.
I don't have quite the
skills in the kitchen you do.
There it is.
Thanks, Grandpa. I'm...
I'm just not that hungry.
Well, you got messed up
written all over you.
Yeah. I...
I screwed up everything.
Can't be that bad.
Angelica and I broke up.
Maybe that's for the best.
Then I went and ruined
everything with Violet.
What happened?
I was an idiot.
I tried to push her out of
her comfort zone too soon.
"The greatest warriors
are time and patience."
I think I just need
to take some time,
figure stuff out, you know?
That's usually not a bad idea.
You know...
life changes are hard, Jack.
Sometimes they can be scary.
But we all make it through.
Matter of fact, I
think I might be making
some changes of my own.
I love you, Grandpa.
I love you too, boy.
You gonna be all right.
How did I sleep so late?
Isn't it just a dream?
Is it? Am I awake right now?
Before you freak out,
I spoke with Jack.
You what?
He did this. All of it!
He even got the AC fixed.
And when Cindy
told us what happened...
We came right over.
I can't believe you
found the red milkweed.
And, if it's all right, we
want to get married here!
In your shop!
Just us and a couple
of our friends,
and you and Cindy, of course.
And Gary.
Here? Here?
You want to get married here?
Well, it's here where we
rekindled our romance.
You can say where our
romance bloomed again.
So you aren't firing us?
Of course not!
Absolutely not!
Oh, come on,
everyone! Group hug!
Wow, I...
You guys, I really
don't know what to say.
I think if you have
anything to say,
you should probably
say it to Jack first.
He left you this.
Oh, Jack.
Violet, I won't bother you anymore
or tell you what to do
or try to fix things
that aren't my business.
I hope the flowers and AC
help show how sorry I am.
Oh my goodness.
go get your man.
Are you sure? There's so
much work to do in here.
In love and crafts,
rule number one,
don't wait for the glue to dry.
Okay! Okay!
Set the AC to 10 and...
I'm gonna go get my man!
Call Jack Walker.
Hey, you've
reached Jack. Leave a message.
Hey, how goes it
this morning, Violet?
It's going.
Hey, Jack, it's Violet.
I really need to talk to you.
Call me back, okay?
I should've stretched
before all of this.
What in the...
Oh, lordy.
Hi, Norman!
I literally just ran out of gas
because I wasn't
paying attention.
I was at the market trying to
find Jack and he wasn't there,
so I thought maybe he'd be here.
Why is...
What's going on? Why is the
flower stand all torn apart?
I decided to say goodbye
to the stand today.
I'm throwing in the towel. And
it's a good thing Jack had a place
to take all of my flowers.
I really can't think
about puttin' around
in that empty house,
but I think my body's
telling me it's time.
Big life changes
can be daunting.
That they can.
Hon, you know, sometimes
you just gotta know
when to call it quits.
And when to go for it.
I finally know that, and that
is why I came here today.
I'm trying to get ahold of Jack,
but he's not answering his
phone, and I gotta talk to him.
Well, you know, the reception
at his old thinking place
isn't the greatest.
Norman! Of course, of course!
He's at his thinking place!
I am, in fact, out of gas.
Well, I'd offer you a can,
but all mine are empty.
But there is a solution.
Take his Vespa.
Oh, it's a piece of cake.
Marge and I used to
ride real motorcycles.
This thing is just a glorified
bicycle with an engine.
It doesn't even have gears.
You just on it and go,
Go ahead.
I choose the danger.
Good luck, kid.
Go get him.
It's go time.
Come on, Violet.
Come on, you got this.
Just go.
There's not a hole there.
I'm totally fine.
Norman said you were
at your thinking spot,
so I just, I figured-
What are you doing here?
I've been trying to
call you all day.
Phone's been turned off and...
honestly, I didn't
think I'd hear from him.
My grandmother told me
that everyone's dreams
are different, and her
dream was the flower shop,
and she poured her heart
and her soul into it,
and she loved it.
I loved it, too, and she knew
that was never gonna be me,
and my life, and
she was so proud
of who and what I
was becoming, but...
when she died, I felt like
I had to honor her legacy
by staying here, but now I
don't even think that's true,
and I don't think that's
what she would've wanted.
What I'm trying to say...
is that I am so sorry for
how I acted yesterday.
Things were just moving so fast.
Don't apologize, okay? That...
That's on me. I did that
guy thing where I just...
I don't know, and I rushed in
and tried to fix everything
without stopping to
think and listen.
I was insensitive.
No, you weren't.
What you did for the shop?
The flowers, the
air conditioning?
No one has ever done anything
like that for me before.
I was happy to do it.
But I shouldn't have pushed you.
No, I needed to be pushed.
Cindy's right. I have
to banish my fear.
Fear is huge.
Trust me, I know.
I've been all over the place
with what I want
out of life lately,
and what you said last night
really hit home for me.
Taking responsibility. Relationships.
So, I've decided I am gonna
start practicing law again.
Not with Angelica's father,
but there's a small firm in town
that specializes in
environmental conservation.
That way I can keep
an eye on Norm.
I don't have to be on the road
12 months out of the year.
I still get to do
something I love.
I have photographed every
flower I've ever wanted.
Except for one
I'm just gonna have to leave
that one to you, Violet.
Sorry. It might be work.
Or a text message from Cindy.
Is everything okay?
Yeah, just a lot of
changes for the wedding.
We have so much crap to
do with the new venue.
What can I do to help?
I mean it.
Well, I can always use some help
from a fellow flower expert.
Oh, so I'm an expert now?
We'll see.
Let's sort these from Scarlet
to dark gold in three rows.
Yes, ma'am.
You know, this is
actually really peaceful.
It is, isn't it?
Hey, do you think that
Norman would want to help?
Are you kidding me? He
would jump at the chance.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Would you look at this!
Gosh, this brings
back so many memories.
You remind me so much
of your grandmother.
Aw, thanks, Norman.
Hey, how would you feel
about looking after my shop
here and there?
Oh, I would love that.
'Cause I couldn't leave
my shop with just anyone,
but I think you'd be perfect.
Gramps, take it easy,
man. What are you doing?
Norman, your leg!
My leg hasn't felt
this good in years!
So, are we just
gonna stand here?
Let's get working, huh?
Okay, head on back.
You plan on going somewhere?
Dr. Rose!
Well, I was in town,
and I thought I would
take you up on your offer
to see the shop.
Oh, thank you so much!
We're actually getting ready
for a wedding, and it's...
I brought refreshments!
And I brought snacks!
Wow. I guess it's a party now.
Nope. Keep coming this way.
This way. Closer.
What do you think about this?
Ooh, let me see.
Oh, put it down.
Jack, this
looks amazing. Thank you.
Yes, yes, we can do that. Okay.
No, I'm good.
Thank you for today.
For everything.
I should be thanking you.
What you did for Norman was...
It was sweet.
Well, I meant it.
Ah, well...
We've got a big day tomorrow.
Am I invited to the wedding?
I mean, it's gonna
be all hands on deck,
so we need to make
sure it runs smoothly.
Okay. I'll be there.
See you tomorrow.
Here's to taking chances.
Rise and shine!
Did I start all you?
I need my spare key back.
But then I couldn't
pop in on you.
And then...
I couldn't show you this.
Compliments of the
bride and groom.
It's beautiful!
Thank you all for
being here today.
And yes, I am an
ordained minister.
We're gathered here today
to celebrate the union
of Boris and Olivia, known
to the world as Bolivia,
but no one to each
other as soulmates.
They've each written
their own vows.
So, without further ado,
Boris, take it away.
Every year since I met you
has been the happiest
year of my life.
You are my muse.
And every table that I set,
every throw rug that I throw,
is all for you.
And you'll never have to
craft alone, because...
wherever you sew, I will
sew beside you.
What he said,
But really...
Boris, you make me
a better person.
You always give me that
extra encouragement
to go after my dreams,
and you make me
believe in myself.
And now, with the
power vested in me,
as the morning host of
"Waking up with Channel 55"...
I now pronounce you
husband and wife.
Boris, you may kiss the bride.
Just the get the...
Well, you know, I
just want it to be perfect.
Let's see the ring.
Hey, have you seen Violet?
She's probably saying
goodbye to her plants.
She's leaving tomorrow.
She wanted to leave
as soon as possible
so she didn't have
time to chicken out.
For China?
Of course China.
You know, she won't admit it,
but I can tell she's
really disappointed
you didn't want to go.
I didn't say I didn't
want to go. I just...
Will you excuse me?
You look like a dream.
So, China tomorrow?
How long are you planning
on being gone for?
I don't know. Two
months, maybe three.
I mean, if our hunch is correct,
I don't think it's gonna
take long to find the Youtan.
Norman said he'd look after
the shop for me while I'm gone.
So, two months?
Maybe three.
You know, a friend of
mine recently told me
about the importance of
following your dreams.
Sounds like a very smart friend.
The smartest one I've got.
Probably extremely
well-read as a child.
Yeah, probably.
So, at the risk of bringing
the entire legal community
to a grinding halt with
my delayed employment...
I think I'd like to
follow my friend's advice.
For years, my dream has been
to find the Youtan, but...
now my dream is find
it with you, Violet.
It's really nice when
two people share a dream.
Yeah. It is.
Well, I've got
some packing to do.
Yeah, you do. But first...
Boris and Olivia's
celebrity wedding
went against the tide
of extravagant soirees
and opted instead for a
simple, delicate elegance.
Boris and Olivia want
thank Violet Markey
from Romance and
Bloom flower shop
and Cindy Stofferwitz...
the best wedding
planner in the city!
I'm so proud of you, baby.
So sweet!
And the shop has been
getting tons of orders
since the wedding went viral.
Well, that'll be keeping me busy
for at least the next few weeks.
Or I should say us.
Roe says she's willing
to lend a helping hand.
All right, well don't have
too much fun, you two.
We have a plane to catch.
And trust me, I have waited
too long to miss this flight.
I'm gonna miss you.
We'll be back so soon,
and then we are taking
wedding season by storm.
Bye bye.
Oh, Violet, I am
just so proud of you.
Thank you so much, Dr. Rose.
For everything.
Okay. Bye, guys.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
- Bye-bye!
- See ya.
Thank you for
reigniting my dream,
my whole life.
I could say the exact same
thing about you, book thief.
Hop on.
Hop on.
Hang on tight.
I'm okay to love you baby
I think I'll catch
the love fever
Yeah my heart has a disease
that has made me a believer
Catch the love fever
It's no viral infection
It's a stronger
connection to love
Oh love