The Wedding Hustler (2023) Movie Script

Stay-at-home lockdown?
I guess we can't leave.
What about our families?
I don't know.
How long do you think
this will last?
Maybe a few weeks.
It'll go by fast.
-My baby!
-Oh, I missed you so much.
I missed you.
-Look at you.
You've grown bigger.
-Oh, my God.
You look so good!
Yes. Oh, wow...
I'm so happy.
Okay, come in. Come in.
It's so cold.
-Are they asleep?
-Yeah. Finally,
they're sleeping.
It's so good
to have you home again.
We missed you so much.
Oh, I miss you, too.
It's been so long.
That's why we wanted to visit.
Yes, very long.
You know what, Chris?
When I was at your age,
I had a beard.
Wherever I went,
everyone looked at me.
You know what
my friends called me?
-What, Uncle?
Do you know what that means?
-Hairy vagina.
It's the truth.
'Cause my beard was so thin.
Okay, okay.
Let's just change the subject.
So, Chris, are you
still unemployed?
-What? I just wanted to know.
Uh, it's been tough
with the pandemic
and I'm still trying
to find a job.
Oh, okay, so find a new job.
You know, in the Philippines,
we all grew up poor.
We couldn't afford things
like chocolates.
You know, those See's candies.
Very, very popular.
I would dream of tasting that.
So when I first arrived
here in America,
that's the first thing I tried.
And when I bit into that thing,
oh, it was everything to me.
I cried.
And said, "This is what
freedom tastes like."
Nowadays, you all take
everything for granted.
Mom, Chris is working
really hard to find a job.
And when are you both
really going to get married?
I mean, what's even
taking so long?
Mom, If you're gonna
keep talking like that,
we're gonna go.
You know, the pandemic
really delayed us.
We're still planning it,
but it's just been really...
But you told me you would
marry Hillary before COVID.
And now, two years later,
still no wedding.
Still no baby.
-You know, I saw
on the TV,
a lot of people getting married
in their backyard.
-Why don't you get married
in the backyard?
Mom, we're not going
to get married in the backyard.
Why not? It doesn't cost
a lot of money.
I can cook.
You know, when I was your age,
I got married in the rice field
with the carabao.
Remember, Daddy?
And you know what?
Your dad, he stepped in poo-poo.
So the whole time
we said our vows,
we smelled like tae.
Mom, we're going to get married
when the time is right.
First you say you wait,
and then two years go by.
You say you wait again.
At this point,
you'll always be waiting.
[SIGHS] When are you two
going to get your life together
and start a family?
I'm not hungry.
That was a disaster.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm... I'm fine.
Hey, I love you.
I love you most.
-I love you mostess.
[SIGHS] My mom is just
such a jerk sometimes.
No, she's just straight-up.
You know how moms are.
Yeah, but all she wants us to do
is get married
and start a family right away.
If I had the money,
I'd marry you right now.
Even when I proposed to you,
I didn't even have
that much money.
I asked my mom to help me
get this ring on consignment.
But you know what?
It all worked out
because we're still here.
Well, I pray that we get married
when the time is right.
I pray so, too.
Don't let this pandemic
stop you from experiencing
a beautiful life
with the person you love.
I am Christine Chang,
and I know my thing
when it comes to weddings.
And I've realized
over the years
that if you love someone,
you'll do anything
in your power
to make it work.
Even if there is no way.
So, let me help you live, love,
and create your way
to that big day.
DM me for a free consultation.
I'm sorry. So sorry.
You sick of
all the same dudes
Runnin' up
Follow you around
Hope you fall in love
But they don't see you
like I do, yeah, yeah
All you friends
They see it, too
That I'm the one
who looks you in the eyes
Speaking like I'm meaning
what's inside, oh, oh
Know these others
Try and play the part...
Is the Wedding Hustler here?
Oh. Hey!
Hey. How may I help you?
You scared me. Um...
I don't know where to begin.
Well, let me guess.
You probably saw
an ad on your phone.
You're looking
for the Wedding Hustler.
How do you know?
Well, number one,
you're Asian, so you're
probably cheap like me.
Number two, you look Filipino,
which means you're always
looking for a bargain.
And number three,
judging by your fast fashion,
you're probably short on cash.
[CHUCKLES] I know.
I should get paid more, right?
Follow me.
Could you send me the contract
by end of day today?
Yes. Mm-hmm.
All right. Thanks, Julius.
I'm going to ask you
one quick question,
and that's going to tell me
everything I need
to know about you.
Are you willing to do anything
for your partner?
So, when I mean anything,
I mean anything.
I don't know.
Because I love her.
What's your definition of love?
Sacrifice? Um...
Doing whatever it takes.
Okay, let's take it up a level.
Is love a feeling
or is it a choice?
A feeling.
Are you sure?
Okay, so why do you feel
like it's a feeling?
I don't know. I feel for her.
She feels for me.
We feel on each other.
Feelings come and go.
One day, you're gonna feel
like, "I'm the luckiest guy
on the earth."
The next day, you may feel like
you don't even want to be
with this person.
So, if you choose
to be with someone,
that's commitment.
So, love is not a feeling.
It's a choice.
Hmm. So now that you have
that understanding,
are you sure
you want to proceed?
Mm. I don't know.
Because I don't just work
with anyone that walks in here.
I also choose
who I want to work with.
Just like how
you chose to be here.
Now, I'm gonna make sure
that you're in it for good.
Yeah, I'm in it.
Well, planning a wedding
is probably the most
stressful thing in one's life.
And seeing that
you're here by yourself,
that's going to be
twice as stressful for you.
I can handle it.
Okay, then what's your
fiancee's favorite color?
Then what's her favorite flower?
Actually, how about the dress?
We all know
it's all about the dress.
You get that wrong,
you might as well
forget about this whole thing.
I've never ever seen a guy
walk in here alone
thinking that
he can handle this.
Well, I'm different. I mean,
I may not know
her favorite color
or her favorite flower,
but I do know that I'm here.
And that should say a lot.
Okay, fine. When's the wedding?
May 6th.
Oh. That is in 45 days.
Oh, my gosh.
Why isn't she here with you?
I don't know. I just wanted
to try to do something special
and surprise her.
Okay, so you're
a hopeless romantic.
I get it. I like it.
But before we start,
what's your budget?
-You don't have a budget?
-I don't have a budget.
So, how are you
going to plan this
without a budget?
I've got, like, 9,000,
but it's, you know,
me and Hillary's savings.
Oh, gosh, 9,000.
Okay, so I start at 8,000.
Can't you give me a discount?
Aw. You are Filipino.
I can't go that low.
I have a business to run here.
All this talk about love
and you can't even help me out?
You said it yourself.
You've never
helped someone like me.
Well, now's your chance.
Imagine all the
other grooms you can help,
surprise their fiancees.
I mean, you can
make a lot of money.
Sorry, I can't help you.
Man, you just wasted my time.
You know what? You really are
a wedding hustler.
You hustle people
out of their money.
And this love
is a feeling bullshit
is all just a ploy
to get people to buy.
-See you next week.
-The Wedding Hustler is wack.
He was cute.
He's broke.
Can I tell you something?
-I've been with you
for a long time.
I've been with you
since you first opened.
I've been with you
when you had your first client.
It's not easy to plan
a wedding on your own,
much less surprise someone.
You always tell me
you love what you're doing.
And you tell your clients
there are two special days
in their lives.
The first day
is when they were born,
and the second day,
is they find out why.
Now, this is your why.
Get your ass out there
and help him.
Okay. Fine.
That's not why they call me
the Wedding Hustler.
They call me that
'cause I negotiate
the best prices.
You want to work with me?
Be here tomorrow
at the same time.
MAN: Hey.
-What's up, Christian?
-What's going on, my brother?
-Hey, Hillary.
-WOMAN: Hey.
-Hey, Steph.
When are you gonna
marry this girl?
I'm working on it.
You've been saying
this for years now.
Well, this time, it's for real.
He put a ring on it
at the beginning
of the pandemic.
What's your excuse?
Thanks, Steph.
All right. All right.
So what are we having?
-So, we're going
to have a barbecue chicken...
Do you mind if I order first?
-Have a seat.
Quick. I need your help.
I don't know her favorite color.
Damn, bro. You guys
been together for how long?
And you don't remember
her favorite color?
Watch this.
-Your favorite color is green.
-Your favorite color is blue.
That's because
you two are married.
-That's why you're not married.
-And that's why
I put a ring on it.
CHRIS: That's your
favorite color, right?
-This. Green.
But it is around here somewhere.
I can't believe
you don't remember
my favorite color.
I know yours is green.
Not just any kind of green.
Nice. Well, I just can't think
of your color right now.
Taupe? I've never heard you
say that color before.
Yes, I did. You just
don't pay attention to me.
I always pay attention to you.
Okay. What's my favorite food?
-Not Sinigang?
Oh, lumpia.
That was luck.
No. I just know you like that.
-It's hot.
You okay?
-I burned my tongue.
-You okay?
-It's okay. You're good.
Let's begin.
So they say planning a wedding
is one of the most
stressful things in one's life.
you're alone in this fight.
But not completely.
I'll help you navigate you
through these
vendor sharks out there.
See, there's
one rule to remember.
Everything is negotiable.
Keep that in your mind
and your heart.
No matter what
these people say...
"This is my final price..."
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
You don't have
that much money here.
So, gotta negotiate
everything down.
You got it?
Got it.
Now this is your crash course
on everything
you need to know about weddings.
What's the first thing
you notice here?
I don't know, uh...
-The flowers?
Yes, exactly.
This is why I asked you
what your fiancee's
favorite flowers were.
-And do you know that yet?
Uh, but I do know
her favorite color.
I took her out to dinner
and I asked.
Oh. Clever. Date night.
A mission accomplished.
Now, how do you feel being here?
Feel good.
Mm. Why do you think that is?
I don't know, um...
Maybe because
it's a beautiful day?
No. Chris, I need you
to think harder on this.
Have you ever been
to a theme park?
Okay. So when you
go to a theme park,
why do you think
you feel so good?
It's not the smell
of the cotton candy.
It is not just the happy people
around you.
So let me ask you again.
Why do you think
you feel so good?
I don't know. Uh, the music?
Bingo. See, I knew you were
smarter than you looked.
So it's not just
about the aesthetics.
As soon as you
walk into the venue,
the music needs to hit you.
It's where
the emotions build from.
All this sounds expensive.
[SIGHS] Relax.
That's why I'm here.
Here. Touch this.
Yeah, it's fake.
If you're on a budget
and you can't afford
real flowers,
fake and dry ones
are just as beautiful
and they last forever.
You can just
rent this display here.
Savings, 50%.
And can't afford that band?
That's fine.
Just hire a really good DJ.
Savings, 80%.
I know. You're welcome.
Now, what's Hillary's
favorite dessert?
I don't know. Uh, ube?
Chris, this isn't Goldilocks.
Think harder.
Okay. Okay. So when you
go home today... [SIGHS]
Can you just be
more stealth, please?
Like a Navy SEAL.
You can't just randomly go
and ask questions.
You're gonna get
shot at the face.
And this cake here...
How much do you think
this cake is?
Uh... 50 bucks?
Mm. It can go up to 1,000.
So, what I do is we get
a really beautiful cutting cake,
and the guests will get
a slice from a sheet cake
so you can save more money.
And speaking
of saving more money...
-Where are we going?
-Seafood City.
CHRISTINE: And this is where
we find all your deals.
Seafood City? Really?
Mm-hmm. And rule number two,
don't ever
underestimate affordability.
Take a bite out of it.
-CHRIS: Like right now?
Right now. We don't have
that much time. Go.
I think we should buy it first.
Ah, it's fine.
Just take a bite.
-It's good.
-Yeah, damn right, right?
Okay, so, have you tried
the wine here before?
-Okay. Wash your hands
and meet me at the wine station.
Here. Drink it.
-All of it?
-Just a little bit.
-It's good.
-And it's affordable.
It's 1999.
Yeah, just a few bottles of this
and your guests,
they'll be dancing all night.
Sir, you're not supposed
to be drinking in the store.
We're just tasting
before we're buying.
You're right. Sorry.
How was it?
[EXHALES] Interesting
and embarrassing
at the same time,
I see you're getting to know
the real side
of Christine Chang.
Yeah, Chris, it's too late now.
You're in it until
the mission's accomplished.
-Let's go out.
-Like now?
-What about this food?
-Who cares?
Let's do something random.
You know, spice things up a bit.
-Go wear that dress you like.
Okay. Okay.
Where are we going?
Uh, it's a surprise.
What's the occasion?
I just want
to spice things up a bit.
Ooh, I like it. [CHUCKLES]
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you so much.
See? Told you
I'd spice things up a bit.
Oh, yeah, this is pretty spicy.
Hey, I have to use
the restroom real quick.
-Facilities are in the back.
-HILLARY: Oh, thank you.
I need your help.
Sure. What's up?
I forgot my fiancee's
favorite flowers.
-You forgot her
favorite flowers?
-Shh. I know. I know.
I'm terrible. You think
you can help me out?
How would I do that?
I don't know.
You can ask her
what her favorite flower is.
But don't you think
we should be a little bit
more discreet than that?
Good point. Um,
what do you think
we should do, then?
Come on, I don't have all day.
Okay, um...
How about I say
we are giving away flowers
to couples who can tell me
what their favorite flowers are?
But what if she asks you
what her favorite flower is?
Damn, good point. Um...
Then I'll ask her
what her favorite flowers are.
But then what if she
asks you to answer it?
Damn. She's coming.
Okay, let's just roll with it.
I'm not doing this for free.
Here's my Venmo.
She's coming. Okay.
How much do you want?
-Twenty bucks.
-Twenty bucks?
Take it or leave it.
-Just admiring
the architecture here.
-Oh, okay.
-We're giving away
flowers today.
-[GASPS] Oh, that's amazing!
And all you have to do
is tell me
what your favorite flower is.
-Well, he knows mine.
I do.
And I know it, uh...
Let me start with mine first,
you know.
My favorite flower is, um...
Chrysanthemum, because
it has the word "Chris" in it.
-Right? See? So what's yours?
You know mine.
Yes, I do know yours. Um...
And it's probably
in the cousin realm
of chrysanthemum
and the color purple, right?
-So that must mean it must be...
Platy... codon.
What's that? No, it's not.
Okay, uh,
if it's not that, then...
Damn, at this point,
it's probably in the cousin
of color purple,
which is lavender?
[GASPS] Yes, that's it!
-Oh, my gosh!
-Oh, thank you.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
Damn. Why you pushing me?
So I was like, "Chrysanthemum?"
And then
she busts out, "Lavender."
And I was like, "Right."
Okay, I don't want
to rain on your parade,
but if it took you that long
to find out her flowers, Chris,
you got so many more
important things to cover
like venue, food, her dress.
If you mess that up,
they're not going
to forgive you.
Now, for the next mission,
you got to be more incognito.
You got a buddy you can trust?
Yeah, my buddy Vern.
Okay. So, you guys
are going to have
to partner up on this one.
So, Vern will ask
all the questions
so she does not catch on.
And to ask the right questions,
I'm going to take you
to go see the dressmaker.
CHRIS: Hello.
CHRISTINE: Seychelle!
Christine, is that you?
Oh, my goodness!
-I brought you a client.
Oh, wow.
You know, I'm all booked
for my tuxedo designs.
No, no. He wants a dress.
Ooh, wow. [CHUCKLES]
I love making dresses for men.
No, it's for his fiancee.
Oh, well, where's your fiancee?
I'm throwing her
a surprise wedding.
[GASPS] Wow, a surprise wedding?
[GASPS] I love it.
You know, in all my years
of doing this,
I've never seen
a surprise wedding before.
You have such a wonderful heart.
-Oh, thank you.
-SEYCHELLE: Please, have a seat.
So, before I begin,
I just want you to know
that we put so much care
into these dresses.
Every single one we make
brings together
farmers and scrapers,
and weavers,
all from the Philippines.
Now, think about
all those people.
It takes a village
to make the perfect dress.
Much respect to everything
you've designed here. Wow.
Now, how much
are you willing to spend?
I'm not too sure.
It's okay.
How much do you think
you're willing to spend?
Not much.
Well, that's going
to be a challenge.
You know, if you cannot
spend that much,
because I have to know
before I can show you
what I can do for you.
How much are some
of your basic packages?
Everything I do is custom.
So, with each dress,
you know, I design it
by asking specific questions.
Well, how much
did your last dress go for?
4,000? I can't afford that.
Let me ask you a question.
Can you spend 4,000 on the woman
you're willing to spend
the rest of your life with?
The woman who will bear
your future children?
I mean, I can.
I just don't have that much.
Okay. What can you do?
-A thousand?
-Oh, 1,000 is too low.
I can't do that.
-Well, what can you do?
Do you mind
if I have a private word
with my wedding planner...
Thank you.
Chris, you're doing great.
She's just trying
to hardball you.
I think we can get her down
to 2,000.
-How do we do that?
-The walk-away method.
Not like the rude walk away,
but more of the polite,
pity walk away.
You can say something like,
"I really love your work.
"You do beautiful dresses here,
but I just can't afford it."
Then you walk away.
50% of time, it works...
-If you're lucky.
Ooh, so what will it be?
I just want to say thank you
for everything you do.
But right now,
I just can't afford it.
-So, thank you.
-Excuse me.
-Are you Filipino?
I thought you were
Chinese or Vietnamese.
You don't look Filipino.
Since you are Filipino,
I have a kababayan special.
I'm happy to lessen my profit
to make this happen for you.
But we still must pay
our partners fairly.
And the only thing I ask
is you cannot tell anyone
this special price.
Not even Christine.
CHRIS: Okay.
Just like you trust me
with your fiancee's
special dress,
I trust you will not let
anyone know this special price.
Thank you.
You coached him well.
Okay, now we can
officially begin.
This is the fun part. [CHUCKLES]
What I do is
I make custom dresses
built from scratch,
made of pineapple
from the Philippines.
Now, before I make the dress,
I ask, you know,
specific questions,
and based on these questions,
I'm always 100% right.
Your bride will like it.
-CHRIS: Okay.
What was the first thing
you remembered
when you laid eyes
on your fiancee
for the first time?
Huh. Um...
I guess how beautiful she was
and, you know,
how we were just in her car
and she was smiling,
and I just felt
like I was so lucky
to be there with her.
What was
the most difficult problem
you encountered
and how did you solve it?
Okay. Um,
difficult problem? Um...
[SIGHS] It was one time
when we were arguing
and she was yelling at me
and I was yelling at her
and I just started shouting.
But then I got this
huge cramp in my heart,
and I just thought
I was going to die
and realize we were just there,
you know, killing each other
and to just let it go.
And from there,
we just held each other.
And we got through it.
"Killing each other."
Very beautiful.
Now, last question.
Why do you truly love her?
I just feel like
she's the greatest girl.
I don't know, I love her,
she loves me.
She's into God
and she's so positive and...
I guess at the end of day,
I don't know,
love is a choice.
Oh. I'm gonna cry.
That was beautiful.
Now you're going to ask her
the same questions.
Then I will design it.
Uh, of course, we still
need her measurements.
You're going
to have to get that, too.
-Oh, and you also have
to ask her mom.
-Her mom?
Yes, it's very important
that I know her mom's
first impressions of you.
And any difficult problems
you both had
and how you go through it.
And also, you know, why her mom
thinks her daughter loves you.
That's gonna be tough.
You'll find a way for love.
Yeah. Thank you.
-Thank you.
How much did you
take her down to?
I can't tell you that.
Come on. I'm not gonna tell her.
Maybe it's a test.
Maybe you're testing me.
I am not going to tell her.
I don't know.
I just wanted to do a good job.
I feel like this is
such a beautiful creation.
And if I say something,
maybe she might mess up.
-I don't know.
Maybe I'm being superstitious.
-What does that mean?
That means
I'm annoyed in Korean.
I'm just being honest.
Okay, well, keep
your honesty to yourself.
There are so many more
negotiations to make.
Let's see how honest
you are then.
Anyways, onto the next thing,
wedding band.
Hmm. I already gave her
a wedding band.
Was it a band or a ring?
Oh, uh...
That's the one I used
when I proposed.
That's the engagement ring.
The same thing.
No, not the same thing.
A band, we use
on the wedding day.
It symbolizes the union
of the marriage.
What are you going to give her?
The same engagement ring
you already have on her finger?
I thought that's how it works.
What... What am I going to do?
There's already
a ring on her finger.
Why should I have
to put another one?
CHRIS: Thank you.
That's just how
traditional weddings go.
And the ring symbolizes
when two become one.
Well, I don't have enough money
to buy another ring.
And I'm doing
this whole surprise.
I've invested everything I got.
I'm just getting overwhelmed.
It's okay. It's okay.
We'll go with Rocksbox.
See? It's a jewelry
of rental subscription box.
How much is it?
It's about $20 a month.
Okay. How does it work?
So, they send you
three pieces of jewelry
based on your style every month,
and you can choose
the one you really, really love
to buy at a discount.
Well, we better sign up.
We don't have
that much time.
Done. Easy. But the hard part,
getting the answers
to Seychelle's questions.
Yes, that's what
I'm talking about, baby.
Chris, what's up?
We're supposed to meet
at the restaurant.
Yeah, but I just won $500.
You gonna hook me up?
I knew you was going to ask.
-I do need a favor, though.
-What's up?
-Remember that solar job?
You still got that uniform?
Hello, ma'am. We're giving away
free solar panels today.
I'm not interested.
Uh, yes.
You're very... [SPEAKS TAGALOG]
-You know Tagalog?
This is 100% free.
Libre. No kidding.
Are you sure
I don't have to pay anything?
Yes, Absolutely free.
We're doing this all
in the spirit of love.
Wow. I like that.
All you have to do is answer
a few questions, and voila!
-$25,000 solar panels, free.
So, um, do you have any kids?
Yes. Three.
And who's the oldest?
Is your daughter in love?
What kind of questions
are these?
Are you trying
to court my daughter?
No, tita, I'm just going
through the questions here.
Okay. Well, yes,
she's in love, I guess.
What was your first impression
of her boyfriend?
Warm, very nice.
And a good boy.
And what was the most difficult
problem you both had
and how did you get through it?
What kind of questions
are these?
Sorry, tita, we're almost done.
Just two more questions,
and then you have
free power for life.
Don't you want that?
Yes, of course.
Electricity is very expensive.
Um, what was the question again?
What was the most difficult
problem you both had,
and how did you get through it?
Oh. We don't really
have a problem.
But I have a problem with him
not having a job.
And not marrying
my daughter yet.
And, you know,
not having any money.
And how did you get through it?
To be honest,
we're not through it.
He's still a loser.
Noted here.
All right. Time
for the last question.
Why do you think
your daughter loves him?
Um... I think
she loves him because...
I don't know.
He's just a broke loser.
Perhaps there's something there.
Come on, tita.
Uh... I think
she love him because
he's loyal.
He always remained true to her.
Thank you so much, tita.
And that pretty much
concludes our giveaway.
I'll be right back
with your solar panels.
Wow. I can't believe
I'm getting free solar!
Wait. Where's my solar? Hey!
What are you...
You scammed me, huh?
Oh, you scammer.
You're a scammer!
What would you say
your first impression was
when we first met?
That was random, but I like it.
I remember your sexy voice.
Reporter voice.
Hi. I'm Chris Soriano.
Thank you for joining us
live from Los Angeles.
No, I did not sound like that.
That's what I first remember.
Okay. Well, since you got me
in reporter mode,
what would you say
is the most challenging problem
we went through?
And how were you able
to get through?
Wow. These are great questions.
You came prepared.
Hey, what's that
supposed to mean?
You're usually on your phone.
But I love these
open-ended questions.
So the most
difficult problem was...
that one time
when I was super jealous
of you and your coworker.
She was so beautiful.
And I just remember
just seeing her and you
and I know you were working,
but I just felt so depressed,
and it made me feel so ugly.
I didn't want to be
with you anymore.
But I gained that confidence,
and God gave me that confidence
and you gave me that confidence,
to remember that we are one,
and it's just me and you
and no one else.
-I love you.
-I love you most.
I love you mostess.
For my last question,
why do you love me?
I love you for so many reasons.
The way you make me laugh,
the way you hold me,
the way we pray together,
the way you take care of me.
Well, that's gonna
do it tonight.
I'm Chris Soriano reporting
at Panini Kabob Grill.
And I'm Hillary Manalac.
-Oh. Hold on, one second.
-I need those measurements ASAP.
Or else this dress
won't be made on time.
Uh, I'll get it to you tomorrow.
I need them by tonight.
Oh, fine. I'll get it tonight.
And don't get caught,
because if she knows
you're measuring her,
she'll know why you're doing it.
And then your surprise
is ruined.
HILLARY: Who was that?
-Some lady.
Not that kind of lady.
Some old crazy lady.
-What are you doing?
-I'm just cuddling.
I know there's
an airport nearby.
But if you're getting married,
who cares?
You'll be too drunk to notice.
So, anyway, let's talk budget.
What are you thinking?
Well, my budget's pretty low.
How low are we talking?
What's your lowest package?
[CHUCKLES] You first.
Well, it really depends.
I thought I'd treat you to lunch
and we can talk about numbers.
Sounds like a good plan.
Oh, eating, a good plan.
What a bright idea.
There's a lot of history
on this property.
Did you know
three former presidents
had receptions here?
We pride ourselves on being
a historical landmark
with American heritage
baked into the venue.
So, let's talk budget.
What are we thinking?
Um, like I said,
the budget's pretty low,
but we really like the venue.
I'm the type of guy
who likes to tell it like it is.
The total cost
of this experience, venue,
tables, chairs, food and wine,
will cost you about $50,000.
That's pretty high.
I mean, do you think
you could go a little lower?
How low are we talking?
45,000? 42,000?
More like 8,000.
[LAUGHS] Oh, God.
I guess the stereotypes
of Asians are true.
What's that?
Y'all a bunch of cheap
sons of bitches. [LAUGHS]
Listen, we are not cheap.
We are budget-conscious.
There's a difference.
Let's cut the bullshit.
-I see people like you
all the time.
You come onto my property,
look around,
pretend you're going
to buy something.
You're basically just taking
advantage of me
for free meals and alcohol.
Excuse me?
You heard me, Miss Chang,
who doesn't know a "thang"
about weddings. [LAUGHS]
Hey, no need to be
disrespectful like that.
[SIGHS] This wine...
Sangiovese. Vintage 2017,
worth $30.
But judging from
the package sticker
you left on there,
you bought it wholesale.
And you decided to serve it
in a champagne glass,
not a wine glass.
Not sure who made that mistake.
And let's talk
about the linens here.
It's not 100% cotton.
It's polyester.
So cheap,
and it tatters on the edges.
But that's not what's got me.
It's the dried chicken breast.
Well, there's two things
that guests will always remember
and never forgive you for.
Which is bad music and bad food.
So, you charge
$50,000 for this experience,
but the overhead is 8K,
so you net 42?
There is one thing that I know,
since you're generalizing
Asians with stereotypes,
is that we know
when we're getting ripped off.
And for a lack of better term,
this place is sseulegi.
What does that even mean?
It's Korean for trash.
Come on, let's go.
Oh, God.
Hey, baby, I'm home.
Hey, baby.
Where you heading?
I'm going out.
Okay. Where you going?
Um, I'll be right back.
It'll just be quick.
It's a little late.
-How was your day?
-It was good.
How was yours?
I said, how was yours?
It's good. Good, good, good.
Okay, I gotta go.
I'll talk to you later, okay?
Love you.
Love you, too.
-You look amazing.
-HILLARY: Thank you.
Do a little spin.
Yeah, you look amazing.
Hey, baby, I'm back.
-Back from where?
-From work.
You swear?
Liar. You know what?
I'm leaving.
Leaving? Where?
you messed this up. Not me.
-I messed this up? How?
-You know what you did.
What did I do?
I didn't do anything.
I don't want to continue
this relationship anymore,
all right? I'm done.
You're done?
You know
how many times I felt done
during this pandemic?
And I never quit
this relationship.
So you stop
and think really hard
about what you're doing.
You want to know
why I'm really leaving?
It's because I'm not happy
with you anymore.
I'm not happy, too.
You don't even pay attention
to me anymore.
The last time we made love
was three months ago.
All you do is come home late.
You smell like wine.
And I don't even ask
where you've been.
I just trust that you've been
honest and faithful.
Well, maybe that's
our problem. Honesty.
Maybe it is.
I just don't want this
anymore, Hill.
Stop. Don't say that.
Well, I mean it.
I've been with you for 10 years.
I gave you my heart
and you throw it away.
My mom was right.
You're just a broke loser.
-Yo, man.
Can I crash at your place?
Is everything okay?
Hillary and I broke up.
Oh, damn. Come on in.
So, what happened?
She was kissing
some other dude, man.
Oh, damn.
At this point,
if it's meant to be,
it's meant to be.
So what do you want to do now?
I'm calling all this shit off.
All that work for nothing?
Are you gonna be all right?
You can sleep on my couch
for as long as you like.
Thanks, man.
Let me get you some covers.
Chris, quick, come here.
It's 7:00 a.m.
It's done, and it's ready
for you to look at.
What... Uh, um... Uh...
Come here now,
and bring my money.
Come here. Come here.
Are you ready to see the dress?
Yeah, sure.
-It's so beautiful.
-You like it?
I love it.
Everything okay?
Hillary and I broke up.
[GASPS] What? How come?
She found someone else.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
I spent so many hours
making this dress.
I wish I could take back time.
You're still going
to pay me, right?
-Okay, good. Phew.
So what are you going to do?
I don't know.
You better tell Christine.
I will.
If it means anything,
I thought what you were
planning was very sweet,
and in all my years,
I never met someone
who has pulled off
a surprise wedding.
I'll save it for you
in case you need it
in the future.
[SIGHS] Just get rid of it.
What? It's so beautiful.
Just donate it. Give it away.
I don't want it.
I'll save it for you.
It's so expensive and pretty.
Oi, don't forget to pay me half.
He's never this late.
Should I send him
another message?
Do you think he got COVID?
Maybe, or something else.
The next time he comes,
tell him to bring a COVID test.
-Should I get tested?
-No, you're fine.
Well, did you tell everyone
you canceled yet?
Well, you should at least
let your Wedding Hustler
friend know.
She'll be all right.
Don't you gotta pay her?
[SIGHS] Yeah, I'll pay her.
You need to let her know
so she's not wasting her time.
You got some sauce on you leg.
Love you.
At least somebody loves me.
Everything okay?
You bailed on us today.
Hillary and I...
Hillary and I broke up.
Oh. What happened?
She found someone else.
Just like that?
I saw her with another guy.
And when she came home,
we started arguing.
And one thing led to another,
and then we... We broke up.
Gosh, I'm so sorry.
It's not your fault.
I guess it's mine.
It's been like that
throughout the pandemic.
-It's not your fault.
Don't blame yourself.
You know what you need?
Oh, this wine really is good.
See? That's what I've been
trying to tell you.
I'm trying to tell you
what's good for you,
but you're Honest Abe
over here, and that's it.
That's your problem.
What's my problem?
No, I'm not telling you.
-Tell me. Please.
-No. No.
You did this to me,
so I'm doing it to you.
-What? No.
-I'm not telling you.
Tell me. Come on. Please?
Okay, fine.
[SIGHS] I think
I finally figured it out.
Figured out what?
Why you and your fiancee
didn't work out.
Well, your ex now.
You're just too honest, Chris,
and people can't handle that.
Well, you're too real.
And sometimes people
can't handle that.
Hey, I just forgot my planner.
Oh, my gosh. We're just
going through planning stuff.
We're just planning stuff. Yeah.
Hillary and Chris broke up.
Wait, what?
She cheated on me.
What a bitch!
Yeah, I know.
Well, in that case,
you guys hook up.
No, no, no, no.
We're not hooking up.
Well, she's been single
for far too long.
This is strictly business.
Monkey business. [LAUGHS]
So what does it mean
for the wedding?
Isn't it pretty obvious?
Am I still getting paid, though?
-Oh, yeah.
-Me, too?
-Yep, Yep.
-Okay, then we're good.
Girl, you'll never guess
what I almost saw.
Oh, my God. What?
Well, almost.
Wait, what do you mean,
They were about to kiss,
and I walked in.
No, grabe. What?
I don't get paid enough
to deal with this.
And Chris is about
to get married, and I have
no idea what's going on.
Well... Well, you know what?
Love is love.
Now, if they really
love each other,
they're gonna work it out.
What the hell?
Excuse me.
Is Jay Fernandez here?
Yeah, he's just
right over there.
Hey, you Jay Fernandez?
Excuse me?
Were you with Hillary?
-Hillary Manalac.
Answer the question.
Oh. Hillary.
That's for messing with my girl.
You dumbass.
Your girl came to me.
-Your fiancee hired me
to throw you a surprise wedding.
Now you ain't getting
your money back.
Hey, where you going? [GROANS]
Get back here! [GROANS]
Hillary didn't cheat on me.
The wedding's back on.
I need $5,000.
You got any cash?
I got a dollar.
Anyways. I gotta
plan this wedding. Good luck.
So, Hillary never cheated on me.
I know. It's a long story,
but I need $5,000.
Uh, I don't have it.
But we can make it here.
Follow me.
All right.
Let's start
with my first strategy
called "Never Bust."
For Never Bust,
you always hit 11 and under,
never 12 and above.
-You sure?
-Yeah, I'm sure.
It's called Never Bust.
Just play $100.
CROUPIER: All right.
Good luck.
-I thought you said
I wasn't gonna bust.
I did say you'll never bust.
I just didn't say you'll win.
It's all right. Martingale.
You put down double
to get what you lost back up.
Just put down 20.
-Next time.
-Stay. 15.
It's okay. You can't lose
three times in a row.
Double down.
I don't have enough
to double down.
You can go all in.
So you can put 20 there
and 20 on the buster.
That 20 can
actually get to 5,000.
It's paid 250-1.
I don't know, man.
It's a huge risk.
That's how much I need.
You never know, right?
All right. Better luck.
All right.
Okay. Two, five.
VERN: Okay.
Soft 17.
We have 13 right now.
We're going for the big...
The big buster.
All right.
Thirteen. Two, four, six, seven.
-We need one more card
for the bust, big bust.
Yes, I did it!
We won.
This is the one time
you're supposed to bust.
Better luck.
There's something in that boba.
Man, I knew
this wasn't gonna work.
My marriage is over.
I'm gonna end up like this guy.
Okay. Okay.
Oh, dude.
Well, at least you didn't
waste your time on the slots.
That's a loser's game.
Well, here's to a loser like me.
Oh, my God, we won!
-You did it. You did it.
-We won. Oh, my God!
-We won, bro.
-You did it. You did it.
You got the money you need.
-We won!
-You did it!
Yes, yes! We did it.
-Oh, my God!
Vern, we did it. Oh, my...
-Hey, Uncle.
I thought you would grow
a bobo by now.
I can't grow a beard, Uncle.
That's okay.
Hi, Chris.
Hey, Auntie. May I come in?
It's late.
I'm tired.
I'll just be quick.
Come on in.
If you need anything, I'm going
to be upstairs watching YouTube.
[SIGHS] What do you want, Chris?
I don't know how to say this.
Eh, enough of this.
When are you going
to marry my daughter?
When are you going to stand up
and be a man?
Time to commit.
I am, Auntie.
Next year? Another year?
You know, you're lucky.
When I was young,
if a man wanted to court me,
he would have
to ask approval of my dad.
And if he didn't keep
his promise,
you know what he would do?
He would pull out his shotgun.
Be a man, not a coward.
I'm tired of you
disrespecting me
and always putting me down.
From the first day I met you,
you've always been
bringing me down.
I get it.
You don't like me,
and I can't change that.
But the reason why I came here
was to ask for your approval.
I've been planning
a surprise wedding
for your daughter.
And I just wanted you
to be there.
And just like you told me
when you first
came to this country
and you had nothing,
and that first bite
of chocolate was everything...
Well, Hillary's my everything.
And I just want you to be there.
I just want to thank everyone
for being here and making
this surprise happen.
-MAN: Yeah!
MAN: Go, Chris.
It's going to be a big day,
and anything could
throw this surprise off.
But I just pray
it all works out.
It will, bro. We got your back.
Thanks, man.
Great. Can we eat? I'm hungry.
-All right, Let's eat.
Oh. You can go upstairs.
-It's the bridal room.
-Got it.
[GASPS] Ooh, arrived on time.
-What's this?
-Your wedding band.
Come with me.
What are you doing?
Pay attention.
Do you need any help?
Marriage isn't just one day.
It's a lifetime.
And I know
you're working really hard
to plan this all by yourself,
but none of that matters
as much as the rest
of your lives together.
Preserve the love.
Never let it die.
Where'd you learn
how to do this?
The QR code on the box.
Leaving already?
Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow.
All right.
-Take it easy now.
Is that for me?
CHRIS: I know I've been a jerk.
And if you give me
another chance,
I can explain why.
Sincerely, the man
who loves you the mostess.
[SNIFFLES] This is from Chris?
If you reach for that
side pocket there, Miss Manalac,
there's another note for you.
CHRIS: They say
if you could survive
in the most challenging times,
you'll surely thrive
when times get better.
And this pandemic
really showed me
a beautiful side of you
I never knew.
I learned your favorite flower
was lavender,
and I wanted you
to experience what a field
of lavender feels like.
-That's how much I love you.
Okay, let's go.
Oh. I have one more note
for you, Miss Manalac.
Thank you.
CHRIS: I learned that
if something is really
important enough in your life,
you'll do anything,
anything to make it work.
And so I ask you
to take one more
leap of faith with me.
This time, it's for real.
So beautiful!
Oh, my gosh.
This is gorgeous.
[EXCLAIMS] Wow. Holy shit!
[GASPS] Thank you.
CHRIS: If you don't like it,
we could always return it.
And that's hella Filipino.
And what good is a nice dress
without the bling
to go with it?
As soon as you're done,
hop back in the car.
There's one more place
I want you to see.
One more? [EXCLAIMS]
Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
We're late. We're late.
It a surprise, Mom.
We're already late.
Surprise, surprise.
Why did he choose to surprise
in the middle of the workweek?
Am I dressed okay?
Should I have grown my beard?
No, Dad. Your bobo's fine.
-No, no. Your shoes.
Come on, put your shoes on.
Dearly beloved,
we are gathered here today
to join Chris and Hillary
in the celebration
of holy matrimony.
-Okay. Let's go.
-Okay. Ready.
Where's Vanessa?
BOTH: Vanessa!
-Oh. Okay.
-Okay, let's go.
-Where's the directions?
Oh, okay, uh, it's 57...
Put it in your phone.
Where's my phone?
Got it.
-I need to pee.
Now, Chris, you may
kiss the bride.
-Let's go.
-Okay, let's go.
-ALL: Lola!
-Where is everybody?
-We're late.
They're probably
at the reception.
To the reception.
...the wedding,
and, you know, I love you.
I love you most.
-Love you mostess.
You look so beautiful!
-Oh, my God!
-My God, this is a pirate ship.
-Be careful.
Oh, I'm so happy you're here.
Of course. It's the most
important day of my life.
CHRIS: Thank you
for everything, Auntie.
From now on, no more Auntie.
I am proud to call you my son.
-Thank you.
Okay. Come on.
Let's go party-party.
HILLARY: Thank you.
I've heard so much about you.
Oh, thank you so much.
I've heard so much about you.
You're the Wedding Hustler.
Oh. And officially, today,
you're Hillary Soriano.
And so I got you a little gift.
[GASPS] Thank you. Wow.
Well, I know changing
your last name can be stressful.
-So this is going
to do everything for you.
-Thanks so much.
This is what I need.
-Thank you so much.
-You're welcome.
Thank you so much.
CHRIS: I guess that's it.
Well, when one thing ends,
another beautiful one begins.
Thank you.
[SIGHS] You did it. Congrats.
Now go live your life.
This just can't be it.
You got married
on a good budget.
What more can we ask for?
I guess I could take a job.
A job?
Yeah, I'm unemployed.
And I could help you hustle.
Are you sure
you want to work with me?
Yeah. I mean, there's
so many people we could help.
I mean, I did
everything you taught me.
Okay. How about you go
on your honeymoon first?
We'll talk about it
when you're back.
Sounds good.
Shots, shots?
-Honey, go get the drinks,
I'll go get a table.
Eight, please.
Excuse me. Do I know you?
-Who, me?
I have never met you in my life.
No, thank you.
Thank you.
Where'd you get the limo driver?
-He looks like a stripper.
He is.
What? Why?
-He's cheaper.
This is so beautiful.
CHRIS: I know, right? [SIGHS]
And I have a surprise for you.
What? A surprise!
-This is already so perfect.
I know. But marriage
isn't just a day.
It's a lifetime.
And we gotta
to always make sure
to preserve the love.
-I decided
to preserve your bouquet...
-[GASPS] a symbolism of my love,
so it'll last forever.
This is so beautiful.
I love it.
I'll make sure
to preserve our love
and keep it alive forever.
-Thanks, man.
-No worries.
-May we join you guys?
-What are you two celebrating?
We just got married.
Wow. Congratulations.
Thank you. What can I say?
I'm a lucky guy.
But what about you two?
What are you celebrating?
We just got engaged yesterday.
-What? That's crazy.
-Oh, congrats.
-Thank you.
Uh, do you happen to know of
a good wedding planner?
Actually, I do.
But first I gotta ask...
What's your budget?