The Wedding Veil Expectations (2023) Movie Script

best alarm clock ever.
Mm, that smells so good.
You were smiling in your sleep.
What were you dreaming about?
I dreamed that I married
a handsome prince,
and he woke me up with roses,
and we lived in
the most lovely, old castle.
And did this handsome prince
make you a mushroom omelette
for breakfast?
I don't know, did he?
He tried.
Aw, what dream
gets better than that?
Well, he could be
a better cook,
but he had good intentions.
Well, if he had
an updated kitchen,
and by updated,
I mean something
from this century...
well the, uh,
the house whisperer is coming by
to give us an estimate.
That's what my mother calls
the contractor she recommended.
Mm, you know what?
He was in my dream.
Yes, he had
a built-in refrigerator,
a double oven,
and a six-burner stove.
So, did you leave
the handsome prince for him?
Well, what can I say?
He had me at refrigerator.
I don't like this story.
So, Sam, what do you think?
Well, I've got some good news
and bad news.
Okay, let's start
with the good news.
Okay, I gotta check
with my guys,
but I think we have an opening.
Okay, now the bad news.
This house
has some serious quirks.
Like, really serious.
Such as...?
You'll have to bring
the plumbing
and the electrical up to code...
Oh, that's no big deal.
Isn't it?
...and you may have
a drainage problem.
We can totally fix that.
Ah, sorry Sam.
Just one second.
Well, can't--
- Oh, and one more thing...
- Mm?
I'm having some real concerns
about this roof.
- Hi!
- Grace, hi!
You know what?
Your timing is so perfect.
Sam's actually here right now.
Oh, isn't he wonderful?
Oh, he is very thorough,
but he thinks there are a lot
of problems with the house.
Come in.
Buying as is
is always a little bit risky,
but it's got so much potential.
And Sam is simply the best.
Well, thank you kindly, Mrs. H.
Well, I've got to get
to my next appointment,
so, uh, I'll send you guys
an estimate.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for all the good news.
Whatever the estimate,
you couldn't be in better hands.
You know, my visit here
overlapping Sam was no accident.
Yeah, I'm getting it.
You know,
I was an interior designer
before I got married,
so I was thinking
I might be of some use.
Well, we would absolutely
love your help
in turning this house
into a home.
You married very well.
So I've been told.
You're here!
This is amazing!
Together again at last!
Three grown-up, married ladies.
All thanks to the veil.
But one of us
has a grown-up, fancy house.
It has so much history.
You guys are gonna love it.
Come in,
I want to show you everything.
- Oh, sure!
- Come on!
I'm so glad you're here.
See? I told you
I wasn't going to forget it.
Well, it's going to be
the main attraction
at my lace exhibit
at the museum.
It just never loses
its charm for me.
I brought something else
for your exhibit.
The Christening gown
from Ariana's trunk!
- Oh!
- You guys...
Oh, no, no.
We're not going down
that road again.
There's no legend
attached to this.
It's just timely.
Paolo's grandmother
sent it to me.
Pretty sure it was
a not-so-subtle hint.
Oh, no, don't be alarmed.
It's just the house.
I mean, it's over
a hundred years old.
It's very expressive.
I think it's just saying
it's happy you're here.
I had a brownstone
that made noise like that,
so I broke up with it.
Come on!
Do you realize
it's been over a year
since the three of us
were together?
Since my wedding, right?
Wait, how is Nick?
Oh, he's great.
Super busy,
running two restaurants,
and me running
the auction house...
No, we have not figured out
when we're going
to have a honeymoon.
It's hard balancing
marriage and career.
All of us--
we're all so busy.
Oh, yeah.
I know. I'm just so happy
we were finally able
to get together.
We should definitely
toast to that.
Oh! Excuse me?
Can we have three glasses
of the ros, please?
Ah, you know what?
I'm just gonna stick with water. Thanks.
Well, I'm driving, you know,
so I-- I should just--
I should drink water.
Is there any chance
that our designated driver
could be pregnant?
Blink twice for yes!
Wait! Maybe?
Did she say maybe?
That was not
what I was expecting.
Okay, a few months ago,
I did have
a positive home pregnancy test.
Peter and I were so excited,
I went to the doctor,
and, unfortunately,
I wasn't pregnant.
They said the tests
are 99% accurate,
and I was...
the one percent.
Oh, Avery, I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
It was--
It was really hard,
but this time,
I really think I'm pregnant.
Don't-- Don't say anything.
I don't want to tell Peter yet
until I go to the doctor
and we know for sure, you know?
'Cause I don't want to put him
on that rollercoaster again.
Oh, my goodness,
you guys are the first people
I've told.
Don't say anything to anyone
until I know for sure, okay?
Of course.
Not a word.
Except for these three--
"We love you."
Yes, we love you so much.
I love you.
Being a mom
would mean the world to me.
You are gonna be a great mom,
and that kid is gonna be
the luckiest kid in the world!
Only next to yours and Emma's.
Ah, Paolo and I
aren't there quite yet.
And I was willing
to go along with you both
with the veil,
but no, you can leave me out
of the Christening gown.
Well, maybe I'll take it
for a test drive.
I just don't think
I'm the mothering type.
I don't think you know yourself
as well as we do.
Well, maybe you're right.
- I love you.
- I love you.
Thank you guys
for bringing the veil,
and the christening gown...
and just thank you
for being you.
One night is not nearly enough.
Next time, we get
the whole weekend, okay?
This does not count
as our annual antiquing trip.
You know what I was thinking?
Let's go to New Orleans next!
Yeah, I love that idea.
Okay, I love this conversation,
but I don't like long goodbyes,
and we have to get
to the airport, so...
Oh, no, no!
We forgot to take our selfie.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Come in.
One... two...
Everyone say...
One, two...
Everyone say "baby".
- Aw, okay.
- Okay.
One, two, three...
Aw, that's a good one.
I love you.
- I love you, too.
- Okay, come on!
Please, call us
as soon as you know.
- I will.
- Okay.
- I will!
- Okay.
So, the French lace
will hang here on this wall,
and then I'm thinking
the Italian pieces
can go here...
and then the veil will sit
right here by the painting.
I wish Sonya
was here to see this.
Well, she got
such a great job at the Getty,
we can't blame her for leaving.
I know.
The new guy starts on Monday.
What's he like?
He's not very warm
or fuzzy on the phone...
Well, the Board's
thrilled to have him.
They think Mason Sylvester
can breathe new life
into the Stanbridge.
Well, I think the Stanbridge
is breathing perfectly well.
Make it more relevant,
boost attendance...
The Board is always
singing the same tune.
Mm, you're on the Board.
What tune were you singing?
I'm singing whatever tune
my lovely wife
would like me to sing.
Very good answer.
He's big in New York.
He's got access
to high-profile artists.
I know you were close
with Sonya,
but I think
you should give him a chance.
Well, I hope he likes lace.
Who doesn't love lace?
Dr. Hawthorne's office.
- Hi...
- Hi!
- Hi.
- Hi!
I thought you were
in a Board meeting?
Well, yeah,
but I had to duck out early.
I'm gonna go teach
a class, remember?
Oh, okay.
You okay?
Yeah, no, I'm good.
Yeah, yeah, everything's great.
You just seem...
you know...
Sorry, I'm fine.
Okay, um...
I'll see you at home.
Okay, bye.
Dr. Hawthorne's office.
Hi, this is Avery Hastings.
I'd like to make
an appointment, please?
Oh, Dr. Hawthorne
is out of the office
until the 17th.
I think I might be pregnant.
Would you like
to see somebody else?
No, I--
I thought I was pregnant
last time,
and I wasn't,
and it was really hard
on me and my husband, so...
whether the news is good or bad,
I just really need to hear it
from Dr. Hawthorne.
I understand.
How is 9:45 on the 18th?
Oh, that'd be perfect.
Thank you so much.
So, do you have any news?
I'm seeing the doctor
next week.
Does Peter know?
No, not until
I know for sure. Also...
There's another man in my life.
Sorry, what did you say?
I think I'm in love.
What does Peter think?
Oh, Peter loves him, too.
He's the contractor we hired.
You guys,
he really gets the house.
Oh, good.
Your Baby Daddy
and the other man
are getting along.
- Too much?
- Too soon.
No pregnancy jokes
until she knows for sure.
There's also
another man in my life.
What is going on out there?
Peter knows and he approves...
but I'm not sure that I do.
Okay, now I'm going
to need you to elaborate.
He's the new Executive Director
of the Museum--
Mason Sylvester.
I haven't actually
met him yet.
Oh, I have.
He's been
to several of my auctions.
Well, give me the scoop.
What's he like?
I find him grating.
He is such a--
an opinionated person.
Well, I'm sure you two
will do fine.
To know you is to love you.
Aw, thanks.
I just feel like
I have so much going on.
Uh, could it be because you do?
But we are here
for moral support, 24/7.
Yeah, words
you may live to regret.
Sam says he's starting
the kitchen tomorrow.
So, it looks like
you'll be spared from my cooking
for a little while.
I enjoyed every second of it.
You know what?
I gotta bring the veil
to the museum
before the painters
start in here.
What do you think about
a cinnamon and toast
For breakfast?
No, for the walls and the trim.
Too monochromatic?
Yeah, too monochromatic.
I'm gonna ask your mom.
It's gonna be so great
to have her help.
Yeah, I was surprised
she volunteered.
I don't think
she would admit this,
I think
she's a little lonely.
Why? She's got friends,
all the people
at the Foundation.
Yeah, but maybe she needs,
you know, a little romance
in her life?
I don't know.
Her and my father had
a pretty story-book marriage.
Yeah, but it doesn't mean
she can't find love again.
I just...
I don't see my mother dating.
I've got a big day tomorrow.
I'm presenting my proposal
for that art program
to the Board.
Aw, I'm so proud of you.
Well, hold your applause
until they say yes.
Maybe apricot and toast?
For breakfast
or for the walls?
Oh, sorry,
the exhibit's not open yet.
This is it?
A painting and some lace?
I don't see
how this merits an exhibit.
I guess, then,
you don't have to attend.
I'm afraid I have no choice.
I'm the Executive Director
at the Museum.
Oh, right...
Hi. Hi. Mason Sylvester?
Guilty as charged.
Ah, you must be Avery?
- Nice to meet you.
- Likewise.
Yeah, the exhibit
has already been announced.
There are new pieces
arriving every day.
So, we just
have to make the best of it?
We have framed pieces of lace
from other countries,
we have stand-alone pieces...
and we also have
Amici's "Portrait of a Bride".
It was actually found
in the basement
of the Stanbridge.
Yes, no, I'm aware
of its history.
And the actual veil
that the bride is wearing
will be on display.
It's made
of the finest Burano lace.
It's so beautiful.
I found it in an antique store
in San Francisco.
So, you have
a personal attachment.
I do.
I wore it at my wedding.
And you're married
to one of the Board members,
Peter Hastings?
I am,
but I worked for the Stanbridge
long before
Peter and I ever even met.
Excuse me, Mason?
I have the Tate Modern London
returning your call.
Ah, excellent.
If you'll excuse me.
So, what do you think of Mason?
Well, not warm and not fuzzy.
I know Sam says
it has to be brought up to code,
but I can just see it, you know?
Stockings on the mantel,
a roaring fire...
And a gentle rain
for good measure.
Oh, I just love this house.
I can't stop
thinking about it, you know?
And what everything's
gonna look like.
Oh, so it's the house
that inspires you?
I guess it is.
Ooh, I missed that.
I may have to replace
these windows.
Just don't replace that view.
Now, did you decide
on any colors yet?
Yes, you know what?
Let me grab my samples.
I have a few ideas.
Real-life examples
are so much better
than those little,
teeny, tiny paint swatches.
They evoke the feeling
of a color.
This will go with everything--
from holiday dinners
to casual Sunday brunch.
For the dining-room walls.
Elegant, yet warm...
And I've been thinking a lot
about the bedroom,
and I was having trouble,
and then I found this.
I wore this in my hair
the first time Peter and I met,
and I just love the purple.
Ah, the purple is so beautiful,
but I'm thinking, you know what?
Let's do it
a little bit more muted,
a little bit more dusty,
and then this deep charcoal,
right here?
That would be great
for the floors.
That could work.
And I really love
this creamy color.
I thought this would be great
for the trim,
but maybe
with a splash of peach.
I'm gonna have to find you
something for that color.
Hey, sorry I'm late.
My class went a bit long.
- Hi!
- What'd I miss?
The dining room...
and the bedroom.
For the walls.
I don't get it.
Real-life examples
evoke a feeling of color.
Yes, just don't go too bright
with the purple.
More dusty and muted. Gotcha.
Yes. What do you think?
Darling, if you love it,
I love it.
That's the right answer.
Aw, it's gonna be so gorgeous.
How can you tell?
I haven't even started.
Avery sees everything
through rose-colored glasses.
Oh, yeah?
Tell me how you see this.
What are we looking at here?
Well, it's a leak of some kind,
probably coming from the drain.
It doesn't look that bad.
Yeah, well, hang onto
your glasses now.
I discovered another leak
in the laundry room.
One second.
Grace, hi!
Yes, that sounds great.
Oh, I'd love that.
Your mom wants us to look at
some furniture that she found.
Well, I can't.
I've gotta prep for my meeting
with the school board.
Okay, I'll go.
It looks like it'll just be me,
so I'll meet you there.
Said she found some furniture
for the family room.
Family room?
I thought we were calling it
the library?
What? No, I don't know
what to call it--not yet.
Hey, we can call it
whatever you want, okay?
You're right, no...
It's-- We'll call it
It doesn't--
It doesn't matter,
as long as we're together.
Yeah, that's right.
I'm sorry, I don't know
what got into her.
I've been married for 22 years
and my wife is still a mystery.
There's a lot of great stuff
in here right now.
This sofa might work.
Oh, this is beautiful,
and you know what?
If we went
with something like this,
it would give us
a lot of options for the drapes.
Now, Peter's tall,
so we have to take that
into consideration.
But it also has to work
for short people,
so I think the sofa
should be deeper
rather than high,
so nobody falls off.
Oh, excuse me a second.
Hey, Lucy,
can I call you right back?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah,
let me look for it.
The Belgian Lace didn't arrive
so she needs the invoice
to contact the courier.
Can you hold this
for a second?
I'll look in my purse
that I have with me,
but I don't think...
No, I don't see it.
Did you check my desk?
Okay, listen,
don't tell Mason, please?
Absolutely not.
No, really, don't tell him
because it's not lost,
and we're gonna find it...
Yeah, I'll be there
and we'll figure it out.
Yeah, I'll be there
really soon, okay?
Thank you.
Thank you for trying.
Do not worry.
How much longer
are we gonna be here?
We're leaving right away.
Okay, I'll be there
in 20 minutes.
Are you upset?
I'm sorry if I was being
too picky about the sofa.
No, it's not about the sofa.
It's about that man over there.
What about that man?
He's someone I knew
in another life.
Ooh, what other life?
He's the man I almost married
before I met Peter's father.
So, go over there
and say hello.
No, I-I--
It's been so long,
I don't know
what I would even say.
Well, apparently, he does.
I thought that was you!
What a surprise.
It is so good to see you.
It's good to see you, too.
This is
my daughter-in-law, Avery.
Hi, nice to meet you.
You, too.
If you'll excuse me,
there's just something
I wanted to look at.
What are you doing in Boston?
I just moved back.
That's why I'm here,
looking for furniture.
Isn't that a coincidence?
Well, what are the chances?
It's great to run into you.
Yeah, you too.
Well, you look terrific.
You look fantastic.
So, the Belgian lace
was delayed in shipping.
- Lucy!
- Coming.
Dr. Hawthorne, hi.
You're positive?
It's 100% sure?
Thank you!
Thank you so much, doctor!
I'm gonna have a baby.
I'm gonna have a baby.
It's official...
I'm pregnant!
Yes, I knew it!
We're so happy for you!
I am so excited.
I can't believe it.
You guys, I'm gonna be a mom.
I'm just thrilled,
and I'm scared, and I'm nervous,
and I'm just
totally overwhelmed.
It's all those hormones.
- Have you told Peter?
- No, I haven't told him yet.
He's teaching right now.
He is going to be so excited.
You know, I've been dreaming
about how to tell him,
and I was thinking
I would take him
to the Italian restaurant
where we had our first date.
I mean, I'm telling
the man I love that I'm pregnant
with someone he's gonna love
for the rest of his life.
It's just a moment
we're gonna remember forever,
and I want it to be perfect.
That's very sweet.
Very Avery.
Mario, hi!
Are you coming for lunch?
I just came to go over the menu
for the opening of the exhibit.
I have it...
right here.
I added my Mozzarella Arancini.
I know it's Peter's favorite.
Ah, delicious.
This looks amazing.
Yeah, Peter loves this place.
I mean, so do I.
You know, we had
our very first date here?
- Really?
- Yeah.
I'd like to make a reservation
for Saturday night,
and I want to sit
in the same spot.
And where was that?
Right here, at the bar.
It was...
Ah, it was these two seats.
Well, consider them yours...
and what time?
The same time that it was then.
8:00 p.m.
on Saturday night, please?
Ci vediamo.
Ciao, Bella.
Good to see you!
I was just gonna order
some dinner.
Does Chinese or Thai sound good?
Either one.
Honestly, though,
I'm just getting
sick and tired of take-out.
I know.
Me, too.
Hey, do you want to go out
on Saturday night?
We could have
a nice romantic dinner...?
Yeah, okay.
Is that for the presentation?
I'm supposed to meet
with the school board
Friday morning,
but there's just--
there's so much red tape.
They don't seem to understand
how important art is
for these kids' lives.
They need a way
to express themselves.
What's wrong?
It's just...
that's how I was as a kid...
you know?
I mean, my father's whole world
was science,
and his one and only son was--
he was into art.
He never said it, but...
but I know he was disappointed.
It takes courage
to follow your own path,
and you're just trying
to give these kids
that same opportunity.
I think--
I think
he would have admired that.
You know what,
my mother was right.
I did marry well.
So did I.
This one really captures
the feel of the house--
the architecture, the era...
but this one?
Well, this one
says "friendly kitchen",
where we can gather around,
we can cook,
we can laugh about our day...
I think I'd go
with the talkative one.
Hey, you want to get in on
the backsplash sweepstakes?
I can't make up my mind.
Um, whatever you want.
I just--
I need a few minutes.
What happened
with the school board?
The meeting was postponed
until Monday.
Not a good sign.
I'm sorry.
I have 72 hours
to rewrite this proposal
and make it stronger.
It's just--
There's so much riding on this.
I can't fail.
Then you won't.
Of course.
Hi, Mario.
I am so sorry,
but I actually have to cancel
our reservation
for Saturday night.
But you were so excited.
What happened?
Peter has to work,
and I just don't want
any distractions
- when I give him the good news.
- What news?
Uh, what? Sorry?
What news?
Uh, that... that...
That I got a new car.
He didn't see it in the garage?
Right, because that's something
he would have noticed...
Um, no, it--
You know what?
We ordered it.
It's being shipped.
So, could we come
next weekend instead?
Saturday night and 8:00?
Perfect. Thank you so much.
We'll see you then.
Well, dinner was great.
Well, I just wanted to try
and thank you
for agreeing
to furnish my place.
You have a great eye, Grace.
As keen and as green as ever.
Well, I haven't been
on a date in ages,
and I have to admit,
I'm a little nervous.
Well, I think
it's going great so far.
I think it is, too.
What are you doing
tomorrow night?
I really enjoy
your company, Grace.
I really enjoy
yours, too, Clark.
Probably more
than I feel I should admit.
You know,
I was married to Daniel
for such a long time
that it just feels a little odd
to hold another man's hand.
I can understand that...
but it's not like we just met.
And I've been wanting
to hold your hand again
for a long time.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Oh, no, thank you.
Are you sure?
Yes, very sure.
Thank you.
It's my one indulgence,
just the suggestion of caramel
without the carbs.
I blend my own roast.
Oh, well, you can really
smell that caramel.
It's really good.
I'm okay.
Maybe next time.
Well, let's discuss
the decline in attendance.
You know, when I took this job,
my mandate was to bring
more attention to the museum.
Well, you and I
have the same goal.
yeah, I don't see
how a lace exhibit
and a painting that's been
on the same wall for two years
is going to create
a lot of excitement.
Well, the Amici and lace
may not be your cup of tea...
or coffee, or whatever...
but it certainly resonates
with many of our patrons,
and it resonates with me.
See, I interned
at the Museum of Modern Art.
I spent years at the Guggenheim,
so my expertise
lies in modern art,
and that is the direction that
I intend to take this museum.
I need to know
that I have your support.
As long as
I can have my own opinion.
I'm sorry.
The Belgian lace
is about to be delivered
and I need to sign for it.
If you'll excuse me.
Did you tell Peter?
Not yet,
but I have to this weekend.
I mean, the secret's
getting harder to keep.
I'm actually having symptoms.
Morning sickness?
Yes, a little,
and "pregnancy brain".
I-- I keep losing everything.
Oh, and my sense of smell--
it is like a super-power.
Yeah, it's all those hormones.
Well, roses are amazing,
salmon not so much.
Oh, Mason-- He drinks
this caramel-flavored coffee.
I cannot stand it.
Just the thought of it
makes me feel ill.
How are the two of you
getting along?
Well, he thinks I'm just
some sentimental woman
who's married
to a Board member,
but I happen to also be
a really amazing curator...
who cannot find her car keys.
Okay, well,
when you do find those keys,
drive home carefully.
You have
very precious cargo onboard.
Aw, you might have
that cargo, too, someday.
Oh, no.
No cargo for me.
I'm fine as I am.
Hey listen, ladies,
I've gotta run.
I love you both.
Okay, talk soon.
Where are those keys?
I've got some samples
for the curtains here.
When do you expect Avery?
She can't find her car keys
so it might be a while.
Oh, wow!
Some of these
are quite impressive.
Oh, yeah,
the kids in my class did them.
I'm thinking about
getting them framed.
You know, maybe I should
show these to the Board?
They say more than I ever could.
Aw, you just reminded me
of your father.
Always fighting for your cause.
Oh, I've gotta go home
and change.
I'm going
to the theatre tonight.
I'm going with someone
I've been seeing.
Uh, wait...
Like a date?
He's becoming
very important to me.
We're going to Martha's Vineyard
for my birthday.
Didn't you just
meet this guy?
No, no, I've known Clark
since college.
We were engaged to be married.
I-- Why am I just
finding this out now?
I never expected
to see him again.
Mom, I think if this guy's
this important to you,
he should meet your family.
Well, then, why don't we
all have dinner together?
Saturday night.
I think you're going to like him
as well as I do.
These are here.
I don't think so.
So, you already knew
about this guy?
I was there when they met--
or met again--
at the furniture showroom.
Why didn't you
tell me about it?
Well, I just thought
Grace should tell you herself.
My mother
is a very wealthy woman.
She's a sitting duck
for any old boyfriend
that suddenly reappears.
I really don't think
you would say that
if you'd seen them together.
Well, we're going to see them
together on Saturday night.
What do you mean?
We have a dinner with them
at The Astoria.
No, we're--
We're going to Mario's
on Saturday night.
I think The Astoria
is more my mother's speed.
Yeah, but you and I
are going to dinner together
on Saturday, remember?
My mother seems
to really like this guy,
and I don't want her
to get hurt.
I need to check him out
before it's too late.
Oh, sorry.
Oh... Okay, let's just--
We'll go on three.
Like, go on three,
or right after three?
The number three,
and then we clap.
- Okay.
- Okay, one, two, three.
You have gotta be kidding me.
Thank you.
The most extraordinary lace
arrived from Spain today.
Some of it belonged
to Queen Isabella.
Clark, why don't you
come with me to Avery's event?
She's curating a new exhibit
at the Stanbridge.
Oh, I would love to.
So, Clark, what brought you
back to Boston?
Actually, it was a job offer.
I thought
that you were retired?
Well, I did retire
from my practice.
So, you're a lawyer?
A doctor.
Oh, what kind of doctor?
A pediatrician.
Aw, you must love kids.
I do like kids.
I love them.
I never had any kids of my own,
but I got to care
for thousands over the years.
What was the job offer?
Well, it's only part-time,
but it's something
I've always wanted to do.
What-- What is that?
Peter teaches, too!
I'm starting this Fall
at the Harvard Medical School.
Oh, great!
He's actually starting
a program for kids
that he really hopes
to take citywide.
That is very impressive.
Well, it's not as impressive
as Harvard.
I ordered
the Chocolate Souffl
for dessert.
Well, it's my most favorite
dessert in the world.
Yes, I remember.
Be nice.
What is that noise, Tracy?
Are you jumping
on the trampoline?
Oh, yeah, we ended up
switching to a treadmill
because Nick didn't want
to bounce,
and there wasn't room for both.
Oh, exercise
is really important.
Really helps clear the mind.
I have so much to do
before the baby arrives.
I don't recommend
remodeling a house
while you're pregnant.
Avery, did you tell Peter yet?
I've been trying to.
We were supposed to have
dinner at Mario's
on Saturday night,
but he's so concerned
about his mom's new boyfriend,
he insisted that we have
dinner with them instead.
Wait, are you telling me
Grace Hastings has a boyfriend?
Yeah. It's an old romance
that's been rekindled.
We were shopping for a sofa,
and actually,
I was bringing
the veil to the museum,
so I asked Grace--
I asked her to hold it
for a second--
and Clark just appeared.
Oh, Avery.
I'm just saying,
they're on their way
to Martha's Vineyard right now.
I'm happy for Grace.
I know.
Peter's having
a really hard time with it.
I don't--
I don't really know why.
Well, if you decide
to tell Peter that
he's gonna be a father,
I'm pretty sure
it'll improve his mood.
I know.
I have to tell him soon.
My symptoms are getting
really hard to hide.
I just want him to be
as excited as I am.
I'm not sure that's possible.
Oh, no.
What happened?
Basement flooded.
Did you call Sam?
Yeah, he called the plumber,
but then the plumber just called
and said
that his truck broke down.
Sam told me to turn off
the water until he gets here.
Okay, what do we do?
Buy another house.
No, I love this place,
and so do you.
I love it a lot more
when it's not leaking.
Now we've gotta keep
the water off
until Sam gets here,
and then they might want
to turn off the electricity,
so I say we just
go to a hotel tonight.
That is perfect.
What's perfect about
no water and no electricity?
No, I mean, just--
Staying in a hotel, you know?
It'll-- It'll be romantic.
I have gotta get a pair
of those rose-colored glasses
you've got.
I can meet you there
after-- after work.
If the house
doesn't float away.
I'm gonna make
a reservation.
It might float away.
Hotel Astoria,
how may I help you?
Oh, hi!
I'd like to book
a really nice room.
Is the honeymoon suite
Yes. Is it for a honeymoon?
No, it's--
It's not actually
our honeymoon, it's just--
Well, it's
a very special occasion.
One that we're always
gonna remember.
Are you all right?
I need to lie down.
Okay, come over here.
What happened?
Sam's plumber never showed up,
so we had to call another one.
He was pretty sure
it was a busted pipe,
but he couldn't be positive
until he got under the house,
but he couldn't
get under the house
until the extractor arrived.
What's an extractor?
It's a machine
that sucks up all the water.
It was supposed
to be there at 3:00,
which turns out
is code for 5:45.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Why didn't you call me?
So, while I was waiting,
I went online
and I looked up "water damage",
which reads like
a Stephen King novel
for a homeowner.
So, then I went downstairs,
and I started bailing
the water out myself,
and I pulled my back out.
I'm so sorry.
Roses and candles.
Yeah, and a new dress.
Sweetie, you look so pretty.
We're having a baby.
Mason wants me to cut
half the text
describing each piece of lace.
So, I guess people
can just guess
who wore what, when,
and its cultural significance.
Well, he's making
some other changes around here.
Big changes.
Like what?
Well, he's trying to acquire
more modern pieces,
and he wants to replace
some of the older paintings
that are already on display.
We better not be talking about
"Portrait of a Bride".
That's exactly
what I'm talking about.
But not until
after your exhibit.
Is he planning on moving it
back to the basement?
No, he's trying to exchange
five of our paintings
from that museum in London
with five of their paintings,
but I'm not supposed
to say anything,
so don't tell anyone?
This is so wrong.
I can't even find the words.
I mean, I can't find the words
to say anything these days,
or the time or the place
to say it--
and you know what--
there are some things
that just really need
to be said!
Just don't say
anything to Mason.
Of course. Sorry.
Okay, Mom.
Talk soon.
Just got off the phone
with my mother.
Her and Clark
are having a lovely time
and they decided
to extend their stay.
Well, Peter, I'm happy for her,
and you should be, too.
I mean, he's--
he's a pediatrician.
He's not a gold digger.
There's more to it
than that, Avery.
Is this a bad time, folks?
No, Sam, it's a--
it's a fantastic time.
What is it?
I've got some good news
and some bad news.
Okay, why don't we start
with the good news?
Well, we replaced
the pipe in the basement
and it's completely dry.
The bad news is
we found a crack
in the foundation.
Oh, come on.
Come on!
Okay, it's not that bad.
Yes, it is that bad!
No, we'll fix it.
Why is the bad news
always so much worse
than the good news is good?
When did you start seeing
the glass as half-empty?
It's not empty, Avery.
It's cracked!
Avery, I...
Avery, come on.
Avery, I'm--
I'm sorry.
I don't want you
to be sorry.
I want you to be happy.
I want you to be as happy
as you've ever been
in your whole life.
About the house?
It's falling apart.
No, about the baby
that's going to live
in the house.
I'm-- I'm pregnant.
I've been trying to tell you
in the most romantic way.
I wanted it to be memorable--
I'm gonna be...
I'm gonna be a dad?
Oh, you wish--
This is the happiest
I've ever been.
I'll never forget this moment.
Oh, my--
- I love you so much.
- I love you.
Mm. I dreamt I was married
to the love of my life
and he woke me up with roses.
And then they had a kid.
I have been having
all of these funny symptoms,
like I have
this crazy sense of smell.
I mean, I can practically tell
what color this rose was
just by its scent.
I can't believe I didn't see
any of these signs.
We can't tell anyone
I'm pregnant.
Not yet.
Most couples wait, you know,
until the end
of the first trimester,
and I think it's a good idea.
And by anyone,
I mean everyone.
I got it.
No one.
No one knows
besides you and me.
Except for Emma and Tracy.
Wait, did they know
before I did?
I didn't tell them.
They guessed.
I can't keep anything from them.
I don't want you to keep
anything from me, either.
Like how
ridiculously happy I am?
Yeah, stuff like that.
I really don't want
Mason to know.
I mean, he's already
written me off
as the dilettante wife
of a Board member.
Knowing I'm pregnant won't help.
Well, it's gonna be
pretty hard to hide that
in a few months.
I know, I just--
I wanna prove myself, you know?
Before all he sees
is my baby bump.
I can't think of
a more beautiful sight.
and you're the father,
not my employer.
No, I'm the luckiest
man in the world is what I am
But you can't tell
anybody why...
- Mm-'kay.
- Not yet.
All right.
Hey, Sam, how are ya?
I'm good.
We still need to talk about
that crack in the foundation.
Oh, yeah, you know what?
I'm fine with it.
Well, you might be fine,
but the crack isn't.
Sam, in the grand scheme
of things,
it's just a crack.
Come on, it's all
about perspective.
My perspective
is to get that thing sealed.
Then that's
what we're gonna do.
Have a good morning!
Guess where I am?
My favorite room
in the whole house.
My favorite room
in the whole world...
the nursery.
You have a nursery already?
No, I mean, right now,
it's just a really overcrowded
storage room,
but it's gonna be beautiful.
Wait, you told Peter?
- I did.
- Yes!
Tracy needs to know about this.
Hold on.
I don't have much time.
I have to walk into a meeting.
Avery told Peter.
How did it go?
Well, nothing went
according to plan.
I mean we had a flood,
we had a fight,
I ended up just blurting it out
in the backyard...
and, you guys, it was perfect.
We're as close
as we've ever been.
Having a baby, it's--
It's almost like
having the veil.
It just brings...
the truest kind of love.
you're gonna be a family.
All right, go back to your day.
I don't want to keep you.
I just-- I wanted to tell you
that he knew,
and also remind you,
please don't tell anyone else
for another few weeks.
Mum's the word.
"Mom's" the word!
Emma, that was terrible.
Leave the jokes to me, okay?
Yeah, I love you.
All right.
I love you both.
can I show you
something in the kitchen?
Oh, yeah, I'll be right there.
So, what are you going
to do with this room?
Live happily ever after.
Sounds like a plan.
Mm-hmm. Perfect.
Oh, hey, Mrs. H.
Hey, Sam.
How's it going?
Well, it's--
It's coming along.
Is Avery here?
Yeah, she's in her happy place.
Her happy place?
Yeah, that little
spare bedroom upstairs?
She loves it in there.
I'll let her know you're here.
So, tell me,
how was the weekend?
Oh, it was wonderful.
I never wanted it to end.
That's as good
as a review gets.
We're starting to talk about
a future together.
I mean, everything's
moving so fast.
Not just for me,
but for Peter, too.
He'll come around.
Daniel was his idol.
He loomed so large in his life.
He just wants
the best for you.
Well, this sofa
looks just great in here.
It does, right?
I think the family room's
really coming along.
Hey, you're back.
How was your vacation?
Oh, it was lovely, thank you.
I see you got
your paintings framed.
Yeah, well I'm hoping
they're gonna help
sell the program
to the school board.
Do you know that
some of these kids
are just 12 years old?
You know,
the girl that did this,
uh, Maggie?
I was there
when she finished this painting.
You should have seen
the look on her face.
Aw, you should see
the look on your face.
You know, I should--
I should get the kids
to come with me to the meeting.
They say more
than I ever could.
That's a really good idea.
- Oh, thank you, Grace.
- What for?
For raising a son
who loves kids.
I couldn't think of
a better quality.
Aw, neither could I.
Italian neoclassical artists
of that era
were so literal and predictable.
I wanna be surprised.
And I wanna be moved.
Yeah, well, I realize
that you have a personal
connection with the painting.
But it also happens
to be very good,
and I'm not the only one
with that opinion.
And yet attendance remains low.
I'm afraid that "The Bride"
is past her prime.
I think she's so beautiful.
In this instance,
beauty is in the eye
of the Executive Director.
I'm negotiating a trade
with another museum.
They have
some really striking pieces
that could generate
real excitement.
Hey, who knows?
You might even like them.
Maybe so.
Thanks for calling me back.
So, how are you feeling?
Well, my clothes
are getting tighter.
That's probably because of
all the pineapple pizza
I can't seem to stop eating.
I need your advice.
Well, if it's
you've got the wrong number.
No, it's about Mason.
I don't know how to handle him.
I feel like
every single thing I do or say,
it just seems to make it worse.
It is not you.
It's him.
That guy is an egomaniac.
He wants to replace the Amici
with something shiny and new
from some other museum.
I don't know how to stop him.
Okay, well, listen to me.
Mason Sylvester wouldn't know
good art from bad.
All he cares about is
if it's selling,
or getting interest...
He doesn't know anything.
I wish I could help you.
Just talking it out helps.
I mean, I love my job,
but I feel like
he is making it impossible
to do my job.
Oh, and, like,
the house is upside-down,
we're trying
to finish it in time--
and did I mention
I'm having a baby?
I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
I didn't mean
to go off like that.
You have a job to do
and so do I.
Yeah, of course.
Love you!
Talk soon.
I just spoke with Avery.
Aw, how's she doing?
Not good.
Why, what's wrong?
I'm not sure,
but she needs back-up
and a phone call is not enough.
Then I guess
we're going to Boston.
We're going to Boston.
I don't know
about the lighting in here...
And you're gonna use
that mannequin?
What are you doing here?
Where else would we be?
The first to get married
and the first to be a mom.
No one knows
about the baby yet.
We can't say anything.
Well, you're going to have to
tamp down on that pregnancy glow
you have going on.
It's the hormones.
They're making me crazy.
Oh, Avery, this is beautiful!
This whole lace exhibit
is just wall-to-wall history.
You know, it's funny,
all these countries
had so many grievances,
but they had something
so beautiful in common.
You know what?
I should put that on the wall.
Well, your timing is perfect.
I was just doing
all the Italian lace.
This lucky lady
gets to wear the veil?
Yes, she does.
She's probably
gonna fall in love.
Maybe her soulmate
will have a body.
It always just knocks me out,
it's so beautiful.
Oh, Avery...
- Tracy!
- Mason.
Well, this is a nice surprise.
Uh, Mason is our new
Executive Director
at the Museum.
And this is our dear friend,
Emma Di Stfano.
How do you do?
Nice to meet you.
I teach art history
and I just wanted
to congratulate you
on this exhibit.
It's as educational
as it is beautiful.
I'm glad that you approve.
This is the veil, is it?
The one you wore
at your wedding?
Yes, it is.
Isn't it just exquisite?
It's very nice, yeah.
I actually researched
its provenance in Italy
and it truly is a museum piece.
You didn't wear it
at your wedding, did you?
I did, actually.
What I think is so amazing
is that Avery has them
here together.
The veil in person
just adds to the value
of Amici's painting.
You, too?
Yes, I did.
Well, that would explain
your enthusiasm
for this particular
piece of lace.
Ah, Flora Crawford.
This is the hottest artist
in the UK.
It was a pleasure
to meet you...?
- Emma.
- Emma!
And Tracy...
always a pleasure.
No, stop, please.
The pleasure is...
not mine.
I very much dislike that man.
His arrogance.
That eyebrow.
And is that accent even real?
So, it's not just me?
I'm not just being
overly emotional?
No, definitely not.
I am so sorry.
We came here to help,
but I don't think
we did you much good.
You being here has helped me
more than you know.
Come here.
Hi. Is it too late
to get a table for lunch?
Okay, we'll be there. Thanks.
I didn't know
you guys were in town.
I didn't either!
They came to lift my spirits.
It was such a good surprise.
I need a hug.
Oh, yeah.
How are ya?
- Hi.
- How are ya doing?
Absolutely not.
I'm just kidding!
Oh, all right.
Wow, fell for that one.
Yeah, you did,
but can you join us for lunch?
Uh, I'd love to,
but my meeting went late
and I gotta go teach my class.
I talked to Wallace, by the way,
about bringing the kids
to the school board.
Speaking of kids...
I am so happy for you two.
You must be so excited.
Oh, yeah, excited,
nervous, hopeful, you know,
you name it,
we're feeling it.
Oh, you sound just like Avery.
But pregnancy looks good
on both of you.
I draw the line
at pineapple pizza.
You didn't?
Do you wanna try this?
No, no, I don't.
Watching you is--
I wake up
in the middle of the night
craving this pizza.
Really, I do.
I mean, I go
from nauseous to starving,
and then crying,
because it all
just reminds me
that I'm gonna be a mom.
That was even more touching
with this tomato sauce
on your face.
Thank you.
I do really wish
my mom was here for all this.
Thank you for always being here.
Any time.
Hey, you remember my friends,
Tracy and Emma?
- Yes, good to see you.
- Hi.
did Peter like the new car?
He loved it...
You got a new car?
- Yeah.
- What'd you get?
A minivan.
Enjoy your meal.
Okay, so, guys,
there is no minivan.
It's a whole story
that I had to make up
when I made the reservation for
Peter and I to have dinner here
because I didn't want
Mario to know about the baby
before Peter did.
Did you follow that?
Were we supposed
to follow that?
I'm sorry.
I know, I know, it's weird.
It's just--
You know, it's pregnancy logic.
You know what,
you're doing great
with the nausea,
and the hormones...
You really are,
and you're going to do great
with the diapers, too.
I'm just gonna
be the fun aunt.
Speaking of aunts,
I wanted to ask you guys...
if you would both...
be the baby's Godmothers?
- Can you have two?
- Can we both do it?
Yeah, I had
two Maids of Honor,
so, of course,
I'm gonna have two Godmothers,
when you have two best friends
that you love so much.
Mm, don't go all Avery on me.
No, no,
go as Avery as you want.
- Aw...
- Yes.
Yes? The answer is yes?
Hey, there you are!
What are you doing out here?
I just needed some air.
This morning sickness
is no joke,
and it's not just
in the morning.
I mean, it hits me
on and off all day.
I can't wait
until we can tell people,
when the first trimester
is over.
Yeah, it is getting
a bit awkward, isn't it?
Sam can't seem
to figure us out.
I know, but I feel like
we're lying to people,
which is what I wanted
to talk to you about.
Maybe we should
just get a minivan?
Why would we do that?
Well, I told Mario the big news
was buying a new car.
I didn't want to tell him
I was pregnant,
because you didn't know yet,
and he asked about the car
and I just...
said it was a minivan.
So, wait.
Now we have to get a minivan?
Well, that way,
it will be the truth.
Why couldn't you just tell him
it was something cool,
like a Jeep or something?
There's nothing cooler
on the road to a new mom
than a minivan.
All right.
If you wanna get a minivan,
we'll get a minivan.
Thank you.
You know,
the first day we met,
I called you "gallant".
Do you remember that?
Vividly and forever.
I don't know
that I actually knew
what that meant, though,
until now.
What does it mean to you?
That you're going to be
as good to our kid
as you are to me.
I'm going to be a dad--
which is just--
I-- I grew up
in the shadow of a giant,
and I feel like
I'm still trying to figure out
who I am,
but now I have a deadline
because-- because
I'm gonna be a father.
I know.
I've been thinking about
my mom a lot, too.
I wanna get this right.
Me too.
Lucy said you wanted to see me.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
I just made it.
No, thank you.
I'm good.
Now, there is something
that I wanted to show you--
I'm very excited about,
and I hope that you are, too.
Yeah, follow me.
it arrived this morning.
Gosh, I've been chasing
this piece for years.
It's a Crawford,
of course.
Are you familiar
with her work?
Yes, I am.
It's called "Rush Hour".
Ah, this--
This is art that speaks to me.
It's-- It's--
It's very, um...
It's striking.
The urgency
of the brush strokes
conveying a frustration
with modern life.
You don't like it?
No, I-- I do.
You don't look
like you like it.
No, I'm just really--
just really absorbing it.
You know, you might prefer
romance and lace,
but what hangs on these walls,
that is up to me.
Of course.
It's a Crawford.
It's unbelievable.
How are ya feeling?
I can't have another day
like the last,
so I picked up
some of these wrist things.
Why? What are they
supposed to do?
I don't know.
It's this band,
it hits a pressure point...
It's supposed to help
with the morning sickness.
Dr. Hawthorne's nurse
recommended them.
It's not exactly
a fashion statement,
but hopefully, it'll help me
get through the day.
When is your meeting
with the Board?
Assuming they don't
postpone it again.
Wallace said that
they didn't see the point
of bringing the kids,
but he insisted.
You know what?
You're gonna be great
and so are the kids.
You always look
so handsome in a suit.
Well, you look
gorgeous in anything.
Thank you.
I'm gonna need some
maternity clothes soon, though.
I feel like
I'm about to pop a seam.
do I look as nervous as I feel?
You look like a guy
who is about to do a lot of good
for a whole lot of kids.
You hear that?
She says you're good,
so get over yourself
and get out there and do it.
That's right.
Be nice to him.
He's the father of my baby.
I can't wait.
Can't wait for what?
Uh, hi!
I can't--
I can't wait
for the exhibit to open.
I'm sure it'll be
very exciting.
You know, I first saw
Crawford's work at the Met,
and she's challenging,
and dynamic, and...
I understand
what you see in her.
Well, that's hardly
a ringing endorsement.
It's a sincere one.
What's with the--
the wristband there?
Oh, oh, the wristband?
This-- This--
This wristband?
I-- I--
You know what?
My tennis instructor
suggested that I wear it.
Well, you know
how tennis elbow is a thing?
Well, I get tennis wrist.
Tennis wrist?
Is that a thing?
- Totally a thing, yeah.
- Really?
I wear it,
and it just helps support me
while I'm doing my--
You know, these little exercises
to help build it up.
Looks great in here.
Hello, Peter.
Do you play tennis as well?
Uh, yeah, remember
I was just saying
that I was wearing the band
to help with my wrist?
I thought that was--
For when I play--
No. When I play tennis.
This helps my weak wrist?
Right. Yeah, when she's--
- She's a big tennis player.
- Yeah. All the time.
I play.
Some say I put the Ace
into Mason.
We should totally play
doubles sometime?
- Sure.
- Sure, yeah.
Yeah, as soon as
I build up the wrist.
Yeah... Ah, the wrist.
We would have
done it now, but...
I'd love
to stick around and chat,
but I have a conference call.
It's always a pleasure, Peter.
Oh, yeah.
I'll see ya on the court.
Oh, you bet!
- Ohh...
- 15-Love.
- Okay, that was awkward.
- I caught it.
How was the meeting?
Good, yeah.
They don't vote until next week,
but Wallace says it's--
it's looking good.
Aw, I'm so happy for you.
Well, wait until
it's official.
I don't have to wait for this.
Aw, look at that.
Right under the Amici,
where you proposed.
That feels like
a lifetime ago...
And then there were three.
What do you think about these
for curtains?
Uh, yeah... That's fine.
Well, you didn't even look.
I've got other concerns
about the house.
Like what?
Well, I've been
reading about it,
and I think since
we're redoing the foundation,
we should retrofit the house
for earthquakes.
We never have earthquakes here.
So, we're overdue for one.
You focus on the decorating,
I'll focus on the protecting.
Well, I'm nesting.
I'm protecting.
Are we fighting?
I don't-- I don't want to fight.
We never fight.
We're not--
We're not fighting.
Our lives are about to change,
and we're just...
we're just figuring it out
as we go along.
I know, but I don't want
our relationship to change.
The romance...
What are you talking about?
We were just kissing
at the thing?
Why did you stop
waking me up with roses?
I guess I thought
that roses and morning sickness
were kind of contradictory.
We just have to always
make time for each other,
you know?
Flowers, and date nights,
and those glances
across a crowded room.
Does the room
have to be crowded?
Oh, my...
At least we know you're gonna
be really good at the Dad Jokes.
You know it.
Maybe it's because I'm Irish,
but I think
the Irish lace is the best.
Well, I mean, nothing compares
to the veil for me,
but you know what?
The Irish lace
is definitely a close second.
Lucy, there you are.
Uh, I need you
in the office.
Yes, that's exactly
where I was just heading.
Avery... um,
there's something
that I need to--
need to tell you.
It's actually harder
than I thought it was gonna be.
Well, perhaps
you should just say it?
I've agreed to the trade.
Five new paintings
in exchange for five of ours.
"Portrait of a Bride"?
Yeah, but not until
after the exhibit.
I just want to say,
for the record,
I think this is a huge mistake.
I'm doing what I believe
is best for the museum.
So, what do you want to watch?
Looks like there's a movie
about an art heist.
Mm, maybe I should
just steal the Amici.
That would get
Mason's attention.
Hey, folks.
The fellas and I
are heading home.
We'll be back early Monday.
All right.
You ever watch this guy?
Yeah, I like
Fred Carruthers.
He's the guy who does
all the historic pieces
on places in Boston.
Yeah, he did
a really cool story
about a house I worked on once.
He's a great guy.
We hang out
every once in a while.
Anyways, the Red Sox
are playing the Yankees tonight.
Who do you like?
Sox. Always the Sox.
That is
the right answer, my friend.
You folks have a great weekend.
- All right. See ya.
- Thank you.
You know...
my father and I,
we didn't always see
eye to eye on everything, but...
we never missed a Red Sox game.
That was kinda our thing.
Do you think that's why
you're having such a hard time
accepting Clark?
Seeing my mother
with somebody new is, uh...
It's just gonna take
some getting used to,
and I don't think I'm there yet.
So, what's it gonna be?
Carruthers or the art heist?
Mm, Carruthers.
Tape the heist.
All right.
What do you want for dinner?
Pineapple pizza.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
We could call Mario's.
Let's take the minivan.
I'm sure
he's dying to see that.
You know, there's
a little village in Provence.
It's the most beautiful place
I've ever seen.
I'd love to go back there...
and I'd love to go with you.
I have my work
at the Foundation,
and my family, and...
It would be hard to get away.
Well, maybe just for
a few weeks in the summer?
I'm sorry.
I can't do this.
Too much of my heart
still belongs to Daniel
and I'm not ready to let go...
...and I have to consider
Peter's feelings.
I hope we can
still be friends?
Of course, Grace.
Sam thinks we need
to hire a landscaper.
I want to plant
tons of rose bushes.
Every color and variety.
Roses mean a lot
to me and Peter.
You know what?
Daniel used to bring me daisies.
He'd call them
the happiest flower on earth.
You must really miss him.
Yeah, I do.
I told Clark
that I wasn't ready to feel
the same way about anybody else.
We'll remain friends,
but anything more, I think,
would be too much for me...
and for Peter.
Peter really does want
the best for you.
Well, that's not how it works,
and you'll understand that
a little bit better
when you become a mother.
I want the best for my son.
His happiness
is everything to me,
and that's what happens
when you bring someone
into this world.
Roses and more roses...
I think that's a wonderful way
to fill your garden.
Just plant a few daisies for me.
Good news.
Wallace came out and said
it passed by one vote.
You did it.
That minivan will be hauling
art supplies
all around the city now.
Aw, well, as long as
there's enough room
for a car seat.
I can't wait.
Did you tell your mom
I'm pregnant?
It's okay if you did.
No, I didn't.
I saw her today
and I just got the feeling
she knew.
Maybe it was just
wishful thinking?
Why do I feel
like there's more?
I think
she really cares about Clark,
but she told him she thought
they should just be friends.
Honestly, I'm relieved.
It's making her sad.
Come on...
Well, then why would she do it?
Because of me?
Well, I think she's conflicted.
She knows it's hard for you.
Avery, I can't help
the way I feel.
I know, I just thought
you should know how she feels,
that's all.
Well, now I know.
I don't want us to fight.
I'm not fighting with you...
I'm fighting to hold onto
the memory of my father.
Lights off.
I just can't believe
the Amici won't be
at the Stanbridge anymore.
It's like the "Mona Lisa"
not being at the Louvre.
I'm not sure
I could go that far,
but I know what you mean.
And things are
so complicated at home.
Grace broke up with Clark.
I thought she was so happy?
But Peter wasn't,
and now he's feeling guilty
about it,
so I feel guilty
for even bringing it up...
but I can't help the fact
that I feel like Grace and Clark
are meant to be together.
Ah, being a romantic
has its downside.
These lunches are
supposed to be cheering you up.
I know.
My emotions are just
all over the place.
I mean, what's going to happen
when I have the baby?
Mason complains
if I take a long lunch,
how's he gonna feel
about maternity leave?
Speaking of long lunches,
I should probably
get back to work.
Uh, I've gotta go.
You're pregnant?
that explains a lot.
What does it explain, Mason?
Why I love a painting so much,
because it moves me?
Why I so badly
don't want to see it moved
to some other museum
when I know it belongs
exactly where it is?
This is not pregnancy, Mason,
this is--
This is me knowing I'm right.
I think that your--
your passion is misplaced.
I'm proud of how I feel.
Passion is the essence of art.
It's what an artist feels
when they give us
the gift of their talent.
They don't paint
with their heads,
they paint with their hearts,
and that's exactly
how it's meant to be seen!
And now if you'll excuse me,
I am going to lose my lunch.
You know what?
Mason may be my boss,
but he is dead wrong.
I'm thinking about
taking this over his head.
You know the Board
can't intervene.
He insisted on creative control
as part of a condition
for the job.
No, I'm talking about
going above the Board.
Taking it to the donors
and the patrons.
How are you gonna do that?
I go public with it.
I get publicity.
I explain to people
why the Amici matters.
Um, I was thinking...
if Mason knows you're pregnant,
we should probably tell my mom.
I know, and Lucy,
but we shouldn't tell
anyone else.
Except for Sam,
because I really want him
to paint clouds
on the nursery walls,
and that's probably going
to need an explanation.
I don't know what to do.
I feel like the baby's
not even here,
and I'm already torn between,
you know, our family,
and my job...
I think
that's how everybody feels.
You're going to be
all over town with your program.
I can't have a baby
running around the museum.
How are we gonna do this?
How are we gonna make it work?
I don't know.
I've never done this
before, either.
So, once we finish
everything in here,
what do you think
if we put some clouds
on the ceiling?
Oh, sure thing.
I'll get my cloud guy
on it right away.
I'm glad we told you, Sam.
Hey, I am honored
to be in on your secret.
Thank you.
Sam, you said that you know,
uh, Fred Carruthers, right?
How did we just go
from clouds to Carruthers?
Do you think there's any way
you could text me his number?
I really need to speak with him.
Yeah, I can text it
to you right now.
By the way, did you make up
your mind on those curtains?
Uh, yeah, the curtains.
We were gonna go
with the cream ones, I think?
Uh, I thought you said blue?
- Blue?
- Yeah.
No, we can't do the--
I don't think blue's gonna work.
Did I say blue?
I don't know.
I can't make up my mind
about anything anymore.
You all right?
I just want everything
to be so perfect,
and I feel like
I'm failing on all fronts.
Well, you're not.
What, perfect or failing?
Either one.
I can't even
figure out the curtains.
So we'll choose them together.
One curtain at a time.
There's one thing
I'm sure of...
It's you and me.
All right.
There's something
I have to do.
Mr. Carruthers, hi.
I really appreciate you
taking my call.
Well, we found
the painting in the basement,
had it restored,
and it has been hanging
on the wall ever since.
My husband actually
proposed to me under it.
It was very romantic.
So, if people want to see
Amici's "Portrait of a Bride",
they better come quickly,
because it's only here
for eight more weeks,
along with the veil.
We have the actual veil
that the bride is wearing
in the painting.
How did a wedding veil
in a portrait
painted over a hundred years ago
wind up here?
It's a great story.
My friends and I
found it in an antique shop,
and we agreed
to buy it together,
especially when we heard
there was a legend
attached to the veil.
What kind of legend?
That whoever possesses the veil
will find true love.
Did it prove to be true?
Well, the three of us
fell in love
and we were all married
wearing the veil...
and it's still working
its magic.
This is incredible.
I mean,
look at all these people.
It's more than I even hoped.
Well, if we put it on TV,
they will come.
And keep on coming.
They started lining up
an hour ago.
Come on, let's finish
getting ready.
Avery, you have done
a marvelous job.
Aw, thank you, Grace.
Mom, the exhibit
is not the only thing
that we're celebrating tonight.
We're having a baby.
She's pregnant.
Oh, I'm so happy.
You know, I had a feeling.
You have been a gift as a son,
and you two are going to be
amazing parents.
Thank you.
We're so excited.
I know!
It's a wonderful exhibit, Avery.
Thank you for having me.
Oh, I'm thrilled you're here.
Both of you.
I wasn't sure
if I should come or not...
Clark, I feel like
I owe you an apology.
I'd settle for your friendship.
Well, let me earn it, first.
Missing my father doesn't mean
that I can't like you.
I like that my mother
lights up every time
you're around her,
and I like the fact
that my wife likes you,
because she's always been
such a...
such a great judge of character.
And I like
that you're a pediatrician,
because we're gonna need one.
And I like
having you by my side.
And so do I.
My sister
never comes to these things
and she's here!
She brought her boyfriend...
They're standing
next to the veil.
Well, Stanbridge
has never had a bigger turnout,
or a more enthusiastic one.
Yeah, the headcount
is off the charts.
I still don't know
what to make
of you or your methods...
but it is working.
I'd like to think
that I'm honest enough
to admit when I'm wrong.
Does this mean
the Amici can stay?
Yes, as part of
the permanent collection.
I'm so happy.
I am so happy,
I could just hug you,
but I--
I'll quit while I'm ahead.
That's probably best.
I also understand
that congratulations
are in order?
You're a lucky man.
I'm hormonal.
Indulge me.
Well done.
Thank you.
To the Amici...
To the Amici.
What are you doing?
I just want to show you
that I'll always be the one
that wakes you up in the morning
with roses.
Thank you.
I can't believe
we're standing here
in our family room.
Soon to be a family.
- You know what I've realized?
- What?
It's not about curtains
and sofas, it's...
It's about us.
This room
will never be finished,
because there'll be more kids,
more decisions to make...
You know,
and with all those kids,
we're gonna have to get a dog,
and the dog
is gonna ruin the sofas.
No, don't say that.
I love those sofas.
We'll just get them reupholstered.
Yeah, as we go along,
we'll just--
we'll keep what works,
and we'll redo the rest.
I can imagine
all the memories
we're going to make in here.
How about we make
one of those memories right now?
Well, welcome to the family.
Thank you, Peter.
Here we are...
Yes, here we are.
It was so nice of Grace
to invite us to her wedding.
I know. I gave her the veil
and told her the legend,
and she insisted
that she share her day
with the three of us.
As far as mother-in-laws go,
you picked a good one.
She's the best.
Do you know that Clark proposed
to her underneath the Amici?
It's become the place
for couples to get engaged.
And it all started
with you and Peter.
Speaking of the perfect family,
can we sneak another peek
at our Godson?
That is a great idea.
He's not sleeping, is he?
No, he should be awake by now.
Come on.
Look who's here to see you.
- Hi, Daniel.
- Hello.
Look who came
to see you, Daniel.
He is just officially
the cutest baby on the planet.
Well, you could have one, too?
Maybe you should just have two.
Then we get to be Godmothers
all over again.
Honestly, how could you ever
even top him?
I know.
- He's the best.
- Isn't he the most precious?
Oh, I wanted to give you
the Christening gown back.
Yeah, oh, thank you.
Hello, Mr. Man.
It's okay.
Did Paulo's grandmother
put you up to this?
What do you think, Daniel?
Are you hungry?
Oh, you want to eat my arms?
Are you hungry?
Every time I see you guys,
someone's getting married.
What is this,
our fourth wedding together?
Well, there's more to come
now that Carly is engaged.
Gia was hoping to give the veil
to Nick's sister, Monica.
Oh, I love that.
- Yeah?
- That's a great idea.
Oh, that's great. Yay.
Oh, I'm being summoned
by the bride and groom.
You know, we have to decide
where we're going
for our next reunion weekend.
I liked your idea
of New Orleans.
Oh, but then we'll have
to make it a long weekend,
because there's
so much good antiquing.
And good food and good music...
...and great company.
Excuse me.
Would you mind?
Thank you.
We have to have
our traditional toast, right?
- Just a little.
- Yes.
To true love...
...and friendship...
...and to the veil,
for the happiness
it continues to bring.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Oh, I think
they're doing the cake.
Oh! I love cake.
We're going to cut the cake!
So, how did you two meet?
Um, well...
She stole a cab from me,
I think.
No, you stole my cab.
He stole my cab.
No. I remember I actually had
my hand on the cab,
and then you wanted it,
and I gave it to you.
It was my cab,
but he gave it to me,
and I called him gallant.
But you saw me with the veil
and thought I was engaged.
Well, anybody carrying a veil
usually is getting married.
But did you never stop to think
I didn't have a ring
on my finger?
What did you first notice
about Peter?
His accent.