The Wedding Veil Inspiration (2023) Movie Script

It's the way you say
"Good morning"
It's the way
You touch my face
And it's the way you smile
When you kiss me
Yeah, me and you
Can turn the room
Into our own dance bar
"Mirror, mirror..."
Mm, something like that.
You don't have to ask the mirror
who's the fairest in the land.
You live with
the international authority
on your beauty.
Oh-ho... you are smooth.
- "Ciao."
- Ciao.
Hey, do you remember
that gorgeous
Venetian mirror we saw
when we were on Murano?
With the funny shop owner?
Oh, yes!
"You will have six children."
I am willing to compromise
with five.
No, I'm serious.
If I could have figured out
how to fit that mirror
on an airplane with me,
it would be hanging on this wall
right now...
It was so beautiful.
What is that?
What is that smell?
- No!
- Uh, I don't know.
Oh, cappuccinos?
Like every morning.
No, something else.
What is that?
Come, find out.
I woke up early, so...
How early did you wake up?
They take hours to make.
Early enough...
to drive down to Gianni's
and buy them.
So funny.
That's the exact same recipe
that I use.
There you go.
Thank you.
Why did you get up so early?
Are you nervous about
the opening tonight?
I should be, but I'm really not.
I feel confident
in our product line.
Matteo's learning
the business quickly.
The store looks good.
Your wife will be there
to help you.
My wife will be there to help.
I love your confidence.
I wish I could borrow some.
I think you are very confident
about your job.
If Nancy retired today,
and you were promoted
to take her place
as Department Chair,
which part of her job
couldn't you do?
I can do all of it,
and if not, I know
where to find the answers.
You are confident,
but Nancy gets inside your head,
pulls up a chair,
and tries to convince you
the sky isn't blue.
Heh. Okay.
I know you don't love Nancy,
but she has been
a good mentor to me.
I don't dislike her.
My only problem
is the effect she has on you.
Well, on us.
On us?
What do you mean?
I mean, us...
Our life, children.
You've been promised
this promotion,
but she never seems
to actually retire.
I just resent someone else
having that much control
over our lives.
Perfect timing!
Thank you.
What is it?
From Nonna. For you.
Oh! What?
Oh! This is gorgeous.
Oh, let me read the card.
- It's in Italian.
- Uh-uh.
No, go ahead.
You can do it.
"Dearest Emma...
I... made this... for you
to wear to the..."
- Like a party?
- Right.
Yeah. Tonight.
"I wish to be there..."
"I wish I could."
" Vorrei."
"Wish I could be there,
but remember...
When you wear my lace,
you wear my love."
- "...My love."
- Ohh...
I miss her.
I miss her, too.
And you are going
to be beautiful in this.
Thank you.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
You're scratchin' up the walls!
You need a fork.
- A fork?
- Yes.
A fork.
Like... that.
Now let me see the painting.
Life hacks.
Serious, Matteo...
you spend too much time
watching videos.
And you spend-a too much time
a-scratching up our walls, ah!
- Caff?
- S.
Andiamo, dai.
And we'll see you next week.
I know, right?
This class is a lot.
I know it's been a while,
but do you remember
if your Intro to Art History
class was as, uh...
Rowdy? No.
Well... maybe.
We had that one kid
who kept getting food
delivered to the class.
Remember him?
- Vividly. In my nightmares.
- Oh!
Well, you know how it is.
They all just want
that General Ed credit,
so they can get back
to their Business
and STEM classes.
Mm. Yeah, I remember
my intro class in Italy.
They were bored, too.
They were a lot more
polite about it,
but still... bored.
Then I started focusing on art
that was actually relevant
to them,
and they perked right up.
Oh, I know
that's your plan here, too.
Those kids
are gonna love Art History
by the end of the semester
because of you.
Oh... we'll see.
And don't worry
about grading the essays
until the weekend.
And if you don't have time,
I'm happy to do it.
Ooh, would you mind doing it?
I met this really great guy
and we're going
to the Upper Peninsula
this weekend.
We're gonna hike,
and take a bunch of pictures,
and camp under the stars.
No. Of course not.
I'm going to be at home
all weekend, alone,
eating box mac-and-cheese,
and scrolling through,
trying to find
a documentary
I haven't seen twice.
I will grade the papers.
Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
- Confession?
I love box mac-and-cheese.
My Grandma Bea used to slice up
hot dogs into it,
so that's my favorite way
to eat it.
Best comfort food ever.
Although, the leftovers
do not heat up well.
I'm sorry, you have
leftover mac-and-cheese?
I don't even understand
what that means.
You probably have leftover wine
sometimes, too.
Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Let's not get carried away.
Can I show you
something gorgeous?
Paolo's grandmother made this
for me to wear
to the opening tonight.
That is...
Nonna is so good at this.
do you want to come tonight?
Yeah! We could hire you
to take pictures.
there's gonna be good food.
Catered by Il Pirata.
Do not toy
with a starving grad student.
Free food.
Those words...
Those words right there...
those are the magic words.
I will be there
after my last seminar.
Okay, I'll see you there.
I'm gonna head down
and start to help them set up.
Emma? A moment?
I'd like to discuss
the article you proposed.
Actually, could we...
Could we do it later?
I'm just headed down
to House of Stefano
for their opening.
Won't take but two minutes.
My office, please.
"Two minutes."
"Two minutes..."
- I'm so sorry I'm late.
- Finally.
I got stuck at work,
and Nancy just kept...
Oh, no.
What happened?
I forgot... Nonna's lace!
- It's okay.
- It's just sitting
on the desk at work, I'm sorry...
It's okay, it's okay.
Come here.
I have something to show you.
What? The veil?
Where did you...
Where did you get this?
How did this get here?
We brought it, of course!
It can't be an opening
of the House of Stefano
without its most famous work.
And its biggest fans!
You came!
Of course.
We wouldn't miss it.
Did you bring the baby?
No, he's in Boston.
Peter says
they're gonna order a keg,
shoot some pool,
and watch the playoffs.
That sounds like
a great weekend to me!
Did you meet Matteo,
Paulo's cousin?
- We did.
- Yeah.
He just moved here from Florida.
To help
with the family business.
He has yet to spend
a winter in Chicago, though,
so we don't know
how long he'll stay.
Oh, I'll be fine.
I've got some socks
and a jacket.
You're gonna die.
Okay, everyone!
It's time to mingle.
I kid...
because I care.
- Is she?
- She's all right.
You have to try these.
- Thank you.
- Oh, what's in them?
No idea. Just eat them.
- Mm!
- Mm!
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
This caterer is amazing.
Remind me to text Nick
and thank him
for the recommendation.
You know,
that is Nick's superpower...
In any city,
he knows the best Italian food.
You want a good burger...
You're on your own.
You want the best tortellini?
Ask Nick.
Oh, you were right.
Matteo is such a good guy.
- Isn't he?
- Yeah.
Paolo's so happy
to be working with him.
- Mm.
- Aw.
Hey! You made it!
Hi. Uh, wait,
is this the veil?
This is the veil.
Avery, Tracy, this is the Lily.
Oh, hi!
Oh, Lily, it's so nice
to finally meet you.
You're not just
a disembodied voice
in Emma's office.
It's really nice to meet
the two of you, too.
Wait, so I'm... I'm conflicted
about the veil.
On one hand,
I really want to photograph it,
but on the other hand,
I feel like I should stay
far, far away.
It's all yours.
I have heard too many stories
about that veil.
I'm gonna stand way over here!
What kind of stories?
You didn't tell him?
Tell me what?
The veil has a past.
The veil has "a past"?
"The veil" has a past.
Ooh. Tell me more.
Oh, wait.
Is this one of those "new guy"
initiation things? 'Cause...
No, it's a...
- well...
- Avery.
- Yeah.
- Let him have it.
No, no, no, no, no.
You're the professor. Go!
Oh... okay.
Well, this veil was made
in the 1800s
by House of Stefano
in Burano, Italy.
It was made for a bride
named Arianna,
who would go on to become
the "Contessa di Marco".
There's even
a little "A" embroidered
somewhere on there for her.
Now, the House of Stefano
thought the veil
had been destroyed in a fire...
but, um,
through this complicated...
journey of...
of forbidden love,
and women helping each other
in their most vulnerable
of times,
the veil made its way
to San Francisco,
where Avery, Tracy,
and I bought it...
even though none of us
was even considering
getting married at the time.
We just, uh...
loved the lace.
Anyway, when we bought it,
the shopkeeper told us
that there is a legend
attached to this veil.
who is in possession
of this veil...
will find true love.
Even though none of us really
believed it at the time...
Well, technically,
Avery believed it.
Oh, I believed every word of it.
True. And then,
the next day...
and I mean this...
The very next day...
Avery met Peter,
who is now her husband
and the father of her son.
It's true.
It's all true.
I mean, he did think
I was marrying someone else
because I was carrying around
a wedding veil,
but it was complicated.
Long story short,
it all worked out,
and the rest is our history.
And then...
when Tracy
brought it to New York,
she took it to a tailor
to have a little tiny snag
repaired, and...
I just happened...
Oh, right.
I-I met my husband.
And, when I took it to Italy
to research its origins,
is where I met Paolo.
This veil is the reason
we opened House of Stefano
in Chicago.
Emma wanted to be here,
and I wanted to be
wherever she was.
So... that's just part
of the story
of Arianna's veil...
so far.
Look at this.
Look at what Peter
just bought him.
Oh! Little gym shoes!
- Oh, they're so cute!
- Right?
He said he kicked 'em off immediately,
along with his socks.
He just wants to be barefoot
all the time.
Because he's a smart kid!
I can't believe you forgot this.
- I know.
- Let me see.
This lace is just exquisite.
It's even better in person.
I feel terrible.
It's just sitting
on my desk at work.
Nancy just...
she gets me flustered.
You think she's doing it
on purpose?
No, I think
it's just how she is.
Maybe she's just afraid
of retiring,
and-and she's just looking
for reasons not to.
What? She doesn't wanna retire
so she's just giving Emma
extra work?
So she feels like
she's not qualified
or ready to be
the Department Chair?
I don't... yeah, maybe.
I'm sure we'll figure it out.
I-I have plenty of time.
I'm home!
- Oh, congratulations.
- Yeah!
Thank you. Grazie.
Are you happy?
Seemed like it went so well.
Ah, cos, cos.
I'm disappointed
that several clients
didn't come.
Maybe I shouldn't have
scheduled it
during the playoffs.
By the way...
Thanks for the veil story.
It broke the ice.
My pleasure.
Mamma mia, what is this?
You don't like our food?
- No!
- It's not that.
We're just only here one night.
Yeah, and we can't
come to Chicago
and not have a deep-dish pizza.
It's a tradition.
But that's not even pizza.
Yes, that's pizza.
A big flying saucer.
This is pizza.
I agree with you.
However, I am just grateful
at this point
that it doesn't
have pineapple on it.
Oh, I don't ever wanna see
pineapple on my pizza ever again
- for my natural-born life.
- Excuse me.
That's all just for show,
because every time
I have leftovers,
it somehow magically
disappears out of my fridge.
Ooh, maybe you have
a little house elf.
I hope I have
a little house elf.
If I do, can he do some cleaning
and some laundry,
if he's gonna eat all my...
Hey, are you okay?
That was my sister, Sophia.
They're taking Dad
to the hospital.
- Excuse me.
- Yeah.
What do you want to go?
What do you want me to do?
Tomorrow... I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know.
Okay, I booked you
a flight out of O'Hare.
Leaves in three hours.
Window seat.
Are you sure you don't
want me to go with you?
Thank you for offering,
but let me see
what's going on first.
But if you could
check on Matteo?
Yeah, I can do that.
He's going to drive me
to the airport,
so I can run through
some last-minute things
about the store.
You just take a breath.
Could be nothing, right?
Right. Yes.
I think he'll be better by
the time you get off the plane.
Thank you both.
I'm glad that you are here
with Emma.
Of course.
Yeah, we'll keep your dad
in our prayers.
Thank you.
- Okay.
- Bye.
Bye. Call you soon.
Ti amo.
I thought I heard you up.
- Hi.
- Any news?
Well, I'm tracking his flight.
He is...
somewhere over
the Atlantic right now.
Are you two having fun
without me?
You know how
I struggle with F.O.M.O.
What's going on?
Sophia added me
to the group chat,
but nothing so far.
This is one of those
"no news is good news"
- scenarios, isn't it?
- Absolutely.
Yeah, definitely.
Anyway, since I was awake,
I figured I would do some work.
So what's going on?
Reading an article
about the veil, actually.
I was late to the party
because Nancy told me
she wants me to publish
just one more time
before she hands over the reins.
I know.
I know, and if it's not this,
it'll be something else,
and then it'll be
something else,
and then
it'll be something else, but...
the story of the veil's
so interesting,
I figured
I should record its history.
Do you want me to leave it
when I go tomorrow?
I mean, I feel like
it's time to...
you know, for someone else
to have it for a while.
Yeah, I'm happy to keep it
at the store
with the christening gown.
I don't think Matteo will mind.
So, what's the story
with Matteo anyway?
Why did he leave Miami?
a tale as old as time...
Broken heart.
- Aw.
- Oh.
Yeah, he had this relationship
and it went on far too long,
and then he just kept trying,
kept trying,
and then she moved away,
and then they tried to do
the long-distance thing.
Oh, I know
how that situation goes.
So, Paolo went down there
for business,
they reconnected,
and Matteo was ready
for a career change,
and Paolo's delighted.
You know how he is about family.
- Aw.
- Yeah.
Of course.
Wait a second.
Is that your five-year plan?
Yes. Yes, it is.
Of course.
I still keep it.
I just revise it
every five years.
Do you know what I think
is the funniest thing
about your five-year plan?
Uh, are you going to say
Yes, actually, you're right...
It's everything.
But, really,
the funniest thing is...
that the best thing
that ever happened to you...
Meeting and falling in love
with Paolo...
Isn't even on your list!
Yes, it is.
Oh, yeah. He added it
and didn't tell me.
- Let me read it to you.
- What?
Wait, I love this!
I found it, yeah.
Here we go.
"Meet a dashing
and exotic Italian... "
"Who sweeps me off my feet
and makes me forget
other men even exist."
Can you even?
I mean...
I just...
Just this!
It just makes me so happy.
It reminds me of
the good old days, you know?
We were in college,
and we were just sitting around,
in our jammies.
Except remember, we would
make those brownies in a mug?
- Oh...
- Oh, yes.
Oh, the best.
Here, give me my phone.
- Oh.
- Come in tight.
Everyone say "brownies".
Okay. Of course.
One, two, three...
Oh, I love that.
Send that one to us.
I think I might actually have
some brownie mix
in my pantry
right now.
Good morning.
Any news yet?
They did a procedure...
and now he's resting.
We'll know more soon.
I'm so sorry.
I really wish
I could be there with you.
Me too.
So... how are you?
Tracy and Avery just left
for O'Hare this morning.
I'm gonna go down to the shop
this afternoon, check on Matteo.
And right now, in your honor,
I am doing absolutely nothing
other than enjoying my coffee.
I'm proud of you.
I agree.
Yeah, I feel... I feel the same.
Thank you.
Next time.
Nancy sits in these meetings
all day,
every day.
I don't know how she does it.
15 minutes in, I feel my soul
start to leave my body.
Thank you for coming last night.
Of course.
It was actually a lot of fun,
and now I can cross
"Attend the grand opening
of a lace store"
off my bucket list.
Actually, the lace
is kinda cool, isn't it?
It really was.
I mean, it was a good...
What are you...
what are you doing?
Oh, you just got
a little Charlotte over here.
She's a beauty.
A "Charlotte"?
- Yeah, a spider.
- A spider?
Uh, how... how big is it?
- She's substantial.
- Substantial!
Oh! Uh... uh...
What are you... What are you...
What are you doing with it...
Just taking a little video.
She's not dangerous.
You know, spiders...
they're just
not really my favorite.
Okay, do you want me
to relocate her
to some place
that's a little more...
not your office?
Mm-hmm. That's exactly...
Okay, yeah, got it.
What I'd like.
That would be wonderful,
and I think right now would be
a great time to take
a quick, spontaneous visit
over to the lace shop
to see how Matteo's doing.
- Do you want some company?
- So, I'm just...
That would be wonderful, yes!
Once you get the spider
just out of the office...
Where did you...
What? What's going on?
Charlotte has gone rogue.
Yeah, I don't know where she is.
And I'm out!
Oh, come on!
She's just a little spider!
She's more afraid of you
than you are of...
ah, well,
I guess that last part's
not actually true.
I think that's a...
Here, let me.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Yup.
So, I... I told them
not to touch the veil.
Is that the right call?
Oh, 100% the right call, but...
- Okay.
- Who are they?
I don't know.
It's just been a constant stream
of people all day.
Everybody wants to see the veil.
Do you think we should
move it somewhere more secure?
No, I don't think so.
They've been really respectful.
I am so confused.
How do they know about the veil?
Uh, somebody mentioned
something about a video online.
I was gonna check it out
later tonight.
Video? What vid...
What video?
It's her.
It's "Everyone's
Favorite Art Historian"!
Everyone's Favorite... what?
Anyone who is
in possession of this veil
will find true love.
Don't be mad.
I'm not mad, but...
"Everyone's Favorite
Art Historian"?
That's just
what they do on there.
There's, like, "Everyone's
Favorite Wafflemaker",
and "Everyone's Favorite
Appliance Repair Woman".
Oh, I follow her!
Did you see that one about,
um, the dishwa...
- The dishwasher pods?
- pods? Yes, yes!
- I did. I had no idea.
- I know, me either!
What is "on there"?
What is this on?
Where is this?
Oh, it's called "Clack".
It's an app where
people upload their videos.
So, it's
a new social media platform?
but the videos
are supposed to be more, um...
what's the word I'm looking for?
Uh, socially redeemable?
"Socially redeemable."
There's lots of
knowledge sharing and beauty.
Travel tips.
Goofy pet videos.
Goofy pet videos!
Okay, I'm not mad,
but I'm not comfortable either.
You really should've
asked me first, Lily.
I know. I'm sorry.
But if it helps at all,
it is not on the same channel
as my other videos.
You know, the, uh...
the "Charlotte" ones.
Who's Charlotte?
can we take it down?
Sort of.
You have 100,000 views.
And it's been shared.
A lot!
So even if we take it down,
it is... everywhere.
this is just my humble opinion,
but I think you should
leave the video up.
I mean, the opening numbers
were not that great,
and this video
is bringing people in.
They may not be buying anything,
but it's bringing them
into the store.
That gives me an idea.
Everything you have
on the floor right now
is wedding and expensive items,
to attract the large vendors
and other high-end customers,
Right, yup.
It's our traditional
business model.
I almost sound like I know
what I'm talking about, huh?
I bought it.
Did you see that box
at the warehouse
with the lace barrettes
and the fans...
the small pocket squares
from Italy?
Okay, what if
we set up a display
with just those small items?
Because that's the type of thing
that the walk-in traffic
might actually buy.
A little piece
of the House of Stefano?
That's actually
a really good idea!
Yeah, I like it.
Well, then,
regarding the video...
I don't love it,
but if it has the potential
to help Paolo,
I am okay
with you leaving it up.
All right.
I'm going to head home...
and I'll see you tomorrow.
- Okay.
- 'Kay.
Oh, hey, what was the thing
with the dishwasher pods?
Oh, you don't put 'em
in the detergent thingy.
It gunks it all up.
Yeah, you just put it
in the utensil caddy.
That's a good tip. Hmm.
Call me if you need anything.
And I am
nobody's favorite art historian.
Well, she's
my favorite art historian.
Yeah, mine too.
All right.
Hey, do you know anything about
setting up a small display?
I do, actually.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
- Follow me.
- Okay.
So, what's the latest?
Well, they inserted some stents,
and he has to take it easy
for a while,
but he's going to be fine.
Okay, I'm so relieved.
Me too.
Look, I'm going to stay
a few more days
to help Uncle Vittorio, okay?
Yeah, of course.
So, what's going on there?
Well, I can never, ever, ever
go back in my office
because a massive, mutant spider
lives there now.
So, there's that.
Just burn it down!
Yes, that's exactly my plan.
Oh, and I went into
the shop today,
and you are never going to guess
what Lily did.
And he's dating a model...
because, of course, he is.
Why? Why, why, why?
Why are you doing that?
No, no, no!
Stop it! Stop! Stop!
Why are you doing that?
Thank you.
For sure.
Oh, just...
Oh, pardon me, excuse me.
Oh, good morning.
Perfect timing.
Listen, I would like you
to start coming
to staffing meetings with me.
They can be heated at times,
but I'd rather we both go
together for a while,
and then I can
transition them to you.
Of course, yes.
When are they?
Tuesdays, two to four.
I'm so sorry. I can't do that.
I have a conflict.
That's when my intro class is.
Oh, no, I gave Jason Moore
your intro class
for the rest of the semester.
It's just that Jason
teaches right out of the book,
and I promised these kids
that they would...
No, it's a GE class
for most of them.
They'll be fine.
I only have two classes
this semester.
Yes, and once
you're Department Chair,
you won't have any.
Oh, by the way...
They called an impromptu
budget meeting for tonight.
They're bringing dinner in.
Can you stay?
Could I dial in?
I'm supposed to...
I would rather you be there.
I need people to see you more
so that they start coming to you
instead of me.
Okay, yeah.
Uh, I can do that.
Good talk.
Thank you for restocking that.
I can't believe how many
of them you've sold already.
So many!
Did you order more?
Yeah, a bunch this morning.
Oh, there's Emma.
It's so busy.
Right? It's great.
How's the new display doing?
Thank you for the idea.
I'm so glad.
- Lily...
- Mm-hmm?
The veil doesn't
really work like that.
I think you're safe.
Ha. Respectfully,
you do not know that.
I am very susceptible to things.
- Okay.
- Excuse me?
- Hi.
- Hi, again.
You talked about
the veil before,
but what is this gown here?
This is actually
my husband's christening gown,
along with several generations
of Di Stefano babies...
but really,
it's so much more than that.
This little gown offered us
an important clue
in understanding
Arianna's story.
If Arianna never had a child,
why would she keep
a Christening gown in her trunk
with her dearest possessions?
This is going on Click
again, isn't it?
"Clack," and yes, it is.
- Lily...
- Keep talking, keep talking.
Keep talking.
Let me show you
this little detail over here...
You're home!
What? Hi.
I missed this face.
What happened?
Why are you here?
Uncle Vittorio
has everything in hand,
so I just jumped on a plane,
but I can only stay a few days.
That's okay.
You're here now.
I swear, the machine was broken!
You just don't have the touch.
Thank you.
So, how is Papa?
Mm, happy to be home,
but he's taking all of this
a little personally.
I guess finding out
you're not Superman anymore
can be humbling.
You know what?
I stopped by the glass store.
Your mirror is still there,
and the shop owner asked me
how many children we have now.
No, he didn't!
He did!
And he's holding that mirror
for you
because you loved it so much.
It's meant to be.
Oh... okay.
Well, maybe we can
sell the house,
and use the money to cover
the cost of shipping it here.
That's impressive
financial planning.
I'm so glad that Paolo is back.
Matteo has a stack
of questions saved up.
So, are you and Matteo
becoming friends?
Friends? Sure.
What you are thinking... no.
I didn't say a word.
Yeah, but you thought it,
and I can read your mind.
It's just that you guys
were standing right by the veil.
Ah! Ba-ba-ba... no!
Don't... Don't...
Don't do that, please.
Okay, okay.
Let me just ask you
one question,
and then you can
tell me to back off.
Is Matteo your type?
is the handsome, hardworking,
funny guy
with the model girlfriend
my "type", is that really...
She's not his girlfriend anymore.
Okay, Emma... ha.
I make videos of cool bugs.
I change my own oil.
I climb on rocks.
I'm collecting clips
of "cool moss" patterns.
Yeah. I walk
in this park every day
just to feel the grass,
and I like myself just fine,
but I also know
that men don't always...
Well, let's just say
I'm not usually attractive
to the type of men
who likes women who ask them...
what shade of cotton-candy
pink nail polish
goes best with their Gucci bag.
I think you might be making
some assumptions about Matteo.
And I think you might be
making some assumptions
about my dating life.
It hasn't been painless.
I'm sorry.
I just think you're amazing.
And any guy would be lucky
to date you.
Okay, thank you.
You're very kind... heh...
And because you are so kind,
now is probably a good time
to tell you
that I read your article on
the veil and I didn't like it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- What?
- Huh?
Uh, I read your article
on the veil
and I did not like it.
No, no, no, I heard you, but
what's... what's wrong with it?
Um... it's fine.
You know, it's...
it's full of facts,
so that's... good.
"Fine," factual, and "good"?
- Uh-huh.
- Wow.
Well, you know, um,
the history of the veil is more
than just names and dates.
It's more than
just a list of facts.
Have you read the comments
on your videos?
No. There is no joy to be found
in Internet comment sections.
Okay, normally,
that is very true,
but just this once,
I think you should.
Look, I know about
"publish or perish,"
and I know that you really want
this Chair position,
but Emma, when you are
out there doing your own thing,
bringing your passion...
that is how you engage people
in the history of art.
Yeah, but that's not
how the university works.
I know,
and for the record,
I do not like TA'ing
for Professor Moore...
Your intro class
is miserable now.
Okay, well...
aside from that one really
bad typo on the first page,
your article's fine.
What really bad typo?
You misspelled "veil".
Good meeting, everyone.
Thank you.
How's the article coming?
Oh! Uh...
well, I'm just in the middle
of an edit,
so I'll have a first draft
over to you soon.
Do you have time to, um, go over
the curriculum for next...
No, not right now.
Um, some of the students told me
about a video of you...
so I asked them to show me.
You were in the lace store
talking about the history
of a wedding veil.
That's right.
I'd like you to stop
making these kinds of videos.
Any videos, really.
It's not against
university policy.
No, I just don't like them.
It's simply not what we do
in this department.
If you have
something else to say,
write another article.
And she doesn't own you.
The university
can't tell you what to do.
Actually, they can.
I mean,
in certain circumstances,
but not this.
They... They love videos, documentaries,
that sort of thing.
This is...
This is Nancy's reluctance
to change.
Emma, I have something
important to ask you.
Okay, I'll marry you. Again.
What... What... What's up?
You know Nancy's
never going to retire, right?
She's going to pass away
sitting at her desk
when she's 110 years old.
No. This is her final semester.
I even had to give up
my intro class
because she passed
another meeting to me,
so, it's... it's happening.
But do you love it?
I did not love
giving up my intro class.
No, but...
I mean all of it.
You don't seem
to love it anymore.
What if you walked away?
Went somewhere else?
Why would I do that?
I've worked so long to get here,
and now I'm almost there,
so why would I go
somewhere else?
Where would I go?
Emma, I... I'm sure
Natalia would love
to have you back
at the university,
and you loved teaching in Italy.
Or no?
what is this really about?
Papa's heart problem
was a wake-up call
for Uncle Vittorio.
He asked to work part-time
in a position
that allows him to travel.
That's wonderful.
I think that's wonderful, but...
give me your hand.
Papa needs to retire.
And if Papa retires,
and Uncle Vittorio
someone has to run the business,
and that's me,
and I cannot do that
from Chicago.
I have to move back to Italy
and take over
the family business,
we will have to sell it all.
But there has to be
someone else.
What about Sophia?
She's already picking up
Uncle Vittorio's
marketing responsibilities.
There's no one else.
It's only me.
Well, that's a much bigger
suitcase than last time.
Two weeks.
Three at the most.
I will talk to them, I promise.
Maybe I can split my time.
It's just that I did
long-distance once before,
and it did not go well for me.
I know.
But he was the wrong man.
We will figure this out.
I have to go.
I know.
So, did you guys talk about
moving back to Italy again?
Not really.
I... I assumed we would,
but years in the future,
after we've raised the children
we don't even have yet.
I don't know.
I don't really know
how to solve this.
You'll figure it out.
You know you are "Everyone's
Favorite Art Historian."
Okay, so you saw the videos?
Of course!
We love them.
You are just a natural teacher.
And I know you think
being Department Chair
is the right path, but...
Speaking of...
Nancy's on the other line.
Okay, call us back tonight.
Okay. Love you.
Love you.
Good morning, Nancy.
Hi! Welcome
to the House of Stefano.
How can I help you?
Wow, that's a beautiful piece
that you've chosen.
- Whew!
- Whoo.
That was over the top.
Thank you.
Of course.
You know, I came here
just to see
if I forgot my sunglasses here.
That was four hours ago.
Yeah, but you were busy,
and that wasn't
just the small stuff.
I sold two shawls
and a tablecloth!
Yes, you did.
How do you know how to do that?
Do what?
Just jump in with customers
when you don't know
anything about lace?
My parents have
a hardware store.
One of those local shops
that has literally everything,
if you know where to look.
I love places like that.
So, what, you were
like the free labor?
Yeah! All of us were.
I'm the youngest of four.
You get really good
at working with the public
really young,
so, I guess customer service
is just customer service,
whether it's lace or hex nuts.
I know.
What do you got?
These, and these.
Okay! So, these are mine...
- Okay.
- But, fun fact...
I like these better.
- Really?
- Yes.
Well, I'll tell you what.
You come back in a month,
if nobody else has claimed them,
these bad boys are yours.
Oh, ho! Okay.
That works for me.
Thank you.
Oh, here, let me.
Ahem. Okay.
There you go.
Oh, your...
Okay. Bye.
Yeah, hi. Oh! Hi.
Look, I know you're joking
with the whole
trying-to-avoid-the-veil thing,
but be honest.
Do you think there's any...
Do I think it's really
a magical talisman?
Yeah, something like that.
Matteo, I think
that life is cruel...
and difficult...
But I also think
there's beauty...
and love
and magic all around us,
if we just take a second
to see it.
This veil
was just sitting in a shop
before Emma
and her friends saw it,
and because they saw it,
the grace of it
flows through their lives.
you can call that magic,
or... enchantment,
or mysticism, or...
the power of suggestion,
or even
a freakishly coincidental
string of good luck,
I prefer to think of it
as the universe
righting itself...
when you least expect it to.
And that's probably way more
than you wanted to hear.
Um, so, why don't you
unlock the door,
and let me out of
this lace palace?
What, are you not leaving, too?
No, I, uh, I-I've been
packing up the veil at night
and taking it home
for safe-keeping,
just 'cause some of the folks
have been getting...
Overly enthusiastic?
Well, that's... smart.
Okay. Well, good night.
Yeah, hi.
There's this restaurant
that just opened up
down the street,
and they claim to have
better Cubanos
than they have in Miami.
Mm, that sounds like
a suspicious claim.
- Right?
- Yeah.
So, I was gonna go this week
and see if they could
back it up,
and I'm wondering if, um...
you'd like to come with me?
Well, have a good night.
I know, it's been two days.
I'm sorry.
And it has been three days.
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
Nothing's wrong.
I'm just really busy.
Not buying it.
I sent you
three pictures of Daniel.
I've sent you two articles
I thought
you would find interesting.
And a link
to a pair of shoes I love.
And a hilarious penguin video!
Well, all penguin videos
are hilarious.
You always respond,
even when you're busy.
You always find time to send
at least a heart or something.
Yeah, you're doing that thing
where you get vague
when you're feeling overwhelmed.
What? I don't get vague.
No, you do, actually.
Where's Paolo?
Is he back yet?
No, he is still in Italy
for at least
one or two more weeks.
How are you handling that?
Someone's at the door.
I'll call you later?
Do you promise this time?
Yeah, yeah, I will.
I promise.
Emma di Stefano?
This is for you.
I didn't order a pizza.
Well, congratulations.
You just got a free pizza!
What are you doing?
Oh, God.
Is this still
about that little spider?
It's not little.
The word you used
was "substantial".
She's long gone.
Hey! Speaking of cool bugs...
That's not a thing.
Come on now.
Charlotte's cool. Be nice.
You will not believe what
I saw in the park this morning...
A giant swarm of ladybugs.
Do you know what they call
a herd of ladybugs?
It's probably not a "herd".
- Oh.
- No.
They call it a "loveliness".
- Really?
- Can you believe that?
- A "loveliness"?
- "A loveliness of ladybugs."
- Oh.
- I know.
You know, sometimes,
the people who are in charge
of naming things
really get it right.
So, I did something last night
that I did not think
I was going to do.
I read all of the comments
on the two videos
you posted about me.
They're nice, aren't they?
Most of them were quite lovely.
So, what video
are we doing next?
We are not.
Why not?
Emma, this could be
a whole thing.
You have so many views already,
and you weren't even trying.
Well, I've been asked
not to continue them.
By who? By Nancy?
Since when does Nancy get
a vote in your personal life?
It doesn't really matter.
My brief stint as Everyone's
Favorite Art Historian
is officially over, and...
Is that...
What is in that?
Is that Charlotte in that cup?
- She was on my desk?
- Mm-hmm.
I thought you said
she was long gone.
I lied.
Do you wanna know
the exact moment
I decided
I wanted to T.A. for you?
No, I...
I'm gonna tell you.
It was freshman year.
You were talking about
the difference between
museum art
and the type of art
that you walk past every day,
and you don't even notice,
how art and history
are so interconnected.
You don't need to walk through
some museum to experience them.
That's when I realized
how accessible art could be,
if you just knew where to look.
It was inspiring.
You were inspiring.
But I guess it's time
for your budget meeting.
Let's go, Charlotte.
And then there's
the Art History major?
And then there... yep.
Yes, they're all very, very
jealous of my success,
but you know how families are.
I'm the youngest,
and I'm the only girl, and...
the weird one.
Yeah, but we all...
We get along pretty well.
So, what's the verdict?
Oh, on the Cubano?
- Mm-hmm.
- No.
- No?
- No, I don't think...
I'm sorry.
I mean, it's nice
being this far from home,
it's like a little taste
of Miami, so...
- Oh.
- Yeah, what'd you think?
Um, well, this is
my first Cubano,
so it's the best one
I've ever had.
- Come on!
- Yeah.
Have you never been to Miami?
I have never been to Florida.
You serious?
Oh, wow, I gotta
take you sometime.
We'll go to Little Havana
and we'll have some real food,
and then I'll take you
to the beach, of course...
And then, um, my friend
just got this boat...
Uh, talk to me
about you and Paolo.
How did you decide
to come up here
and start working for him?
not much to tell, really.
He just... he needed help, so.
- Oh, good morning.
- Good morning.
I was wondering
if you would wait for me?
There's something
I'd like to discuss with you.
Of course.
Can I have
a black coffee, please?
So, it's basically
20 minutes at 350,
and then you glaze them
once they cool.
Well, that sounds delicious.
Oh, the grandkids love them.
I feel like
you might be avoiding something.
Well, I am.
it's a difficult issue
to address,
especially with another woman.
Emma, I've always
enjoyed your style.
My style?
Yes, your taste in clothing...
The bright colors.
You always look like
Andy Warhol and Georgia O'Keeffe
are going
to a Holi festival together,
but you have to know,
it's just not
an appropriate look
for a Department Chair.
Now, before you argue with me,
I... I don't care
about other departments.
I care about our department
and the image we present,
and if we're going to be
taken seriously...
Art History has
an uphill battle already.
Let's not make it harder
than it has to be.
Mm, good talk!
Enjoy your day.
Okay, yep.
I will send the contracts
over to him this morning.
Bravo. Good.
Listen, I need a favor.
I cannot believe
you have recruited me
to your life of crime.
This is breaking and entering.
There's no "breaking".
Paolo told me where the key was
and what the code is.
It's just "entering".
Who even keeps
a key under a flowerpot?
Come on.
How much time do we have?
Um, 20 minutes
until her class ends,
five minutes in her office,
10 minutes for her to walk home,
if nobody catches her.
So, our window is 35 minutes.
You start in here,
and I'll set up out back.
Okay, backyard is done.
This looks amazing.
- Let's get out of here.
- Yeah, okay.
- Wait-wait-wait!
- What?
Go, go, go!
All clear.
Go, go, go.
Just walk normal!
Be yourself!
I don't know what means.
Those are two different things!
- Oh!
- Shh, shh, shh!
- Okay.
- Okay.
All right.
So, what's next on
our, uh, crime spree?
Oh, there's a wing place nearby.
You're talking about
Lord of the Wings?
- Yes!
- Where you have to sign
the waiver
if you order them spicy?
Yes. That's the one, yeah.
You wanna go do some damage,
mainly to ourselves?
you know what?
I... Sorry.
I have to go.
Um, but have fun,
and remember that...
cold milk
helps with the heat. Heh!
Are... Are you sure?
Scusi, signorina?
Is this seat taken?
Oh, this seat? Um...
well, I don't see
any other tables around,
so, yes, you could sit here.
you look familiar to me.
Were you following me?
No, but I get that a lot.
I see.
You were fortunate
to get this table,
right by the water.
That's not easy in Venice.
Yes, it's very beautiful.
May I...
pour for you?
No, thank you.
I think I could do it.
And to what are we toasting?
To love!
To love.
And tell me,
are you in love?
S. Very much so.
Well, she is a very lucky lady.
No, I am lucky...
and she has exquisite taste,
except for
one questionable position
on pizza.
- Hi, there.
- Hey.
I had a lovely date
with my husband last night.
He informed me
he had a local operative,
so just wanted to come by
and say thank you.
Well, I don't know
what you're talking about,
but you're welcome.
I know you miss him,
but he's gonna be home soon.
Hey, Emma?
Can I ask you a question...
about Lily?
So... I like her.
And we've been out a few times,
done a little light
Oh, did you?
Mm, just a little bit,
but like, we're out,
we're having fun,
we're talking, we're connecting,
and then all of a sudden,
she throws up these walls.
And I know she mentioned
"Charlotte" the other day.
Is Charlotte, uh, a girlfriend?
Or an ex-girlfriend,
or somebody that...
No, Charlotte's
her code word for spiders.
For spiders?
I really adore Lily,
and nothing
would make me happier
than to see the two of you together,
but I really think
you just need to talk to her.
I-I will tell you, though,
that she often goes
to Grove Rock Park
in the mornings.
- Okay, thank you.
- For what it's worth.
Hey, quick question.
Are people still coming by
just to see the veil?
Oh, yeah. They love it.
Everybody wants to buy it,
or rent it.
Ciao, amore.
Did you have dinner?
Not yet.
I wanna ask you something,
and I want you
to tell me the truth.
Of course.
How is the store doing?
It's early,
but breaking into
the U.S. market has been hard,
but honestly,
our numbers look good,
'cause of
the small walk-in sales.
Okay, so I wanna
run something past you.
It's a really bad idea,
and I need you to tell me that.
It's a really bad idea.
No! You have to listen first,
then you can tell me.
So, I have been looking
at all the pictures Lily took
of people checking out the veil
on opening night.
People like this
come into the store every day.
We know the House of Stefano
created Arianna's veil originally.
So, you guys own
all the rights to the design.
What if...
you began creating replicas
of Arianna's veil?
It's a classically
beautiful design.
That's why
Avery initially noticed it.
So, I think people will want it,
even if they don't
know the history.
Okay, continue.
And for those that do think
the veil is special,
even though they'll know
they're buying a replica
and it doesn't have
the same legend attached,
I think maybe
they'll still want it, too,
even if they're not planning on
getting married any time soon.
Who would buy a veil
if they're not getting married?
Of course. Never mind.
And I thought we could
even customize it
with their initial,
just like the original,
and you could call it
"The Arianna".
The Arianna...
I think it's brilliant.
Let me ask Sophia about it
from a marketing perspective.
What-what was that word
you just said?
Br... It started with a "B"?
Which one?
"Brilliant," was it?
I think that was...
I think that was it.
I don't remember.
No, no, no,
I think you do remember.
Hey! I went over the essays
for your seminar class,
and I wasn't sure
about a few of them,
so when you get a minute,
can you make sure
you agree with my notes?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
Are you okay?
Did someone die?
No. Why?
Because you look sad
and you're dressed
for a funeral.
No, I am dressed
for the job I want.
You want to be
a defense attorney?
Ah... very funny.
Can I talk to you
about the videos?
I have to take them down?
It's okay. I understand.
I am surprised
that you got away with it
for as long as you did.
No, no, no, no. Leave them up.
It's okay.
I wanted to ask you...
do you really believe
these videos are a way
to get people interested
in everyday art?
I do,
and I was thinking,
do you remember that one class
where you talked about
the World's Fair in Chicago
in... whenever it is?
- 1893.
- 1893!
And they built the White City
for the exhibits,
but they didn't design
the buildings to last?
Right, but if you know
where to look,
there're still pieces of it
all around Chicago.
That is everyday art.
We could make more videos.
We could make more videos...
but you cannot be dressed like
"Everyone's Favorite
Funeral Director".
I really like this idea...
But I know Nancy doesn't.
So, my question to you is...
If I decide
to make more videos...
- Are you in?
- I'm in.
You can think about it.
I'm in!
Don't have to decide right away.
I'm in! I am in!
Just let it marinate.
I took three seconds,
and it turns out I'm in.
I was just about to head home.
I won't keep you.
I just talked to Sophia
about your idea.
We'll do a trial run and see.
what are your plans for tonight?
Well, I was gonna do
one of my online-chat dinners
with Tracy and Avery.
I haven't really talked to them
for over a week.
Eh! Mamma mia...
A whole week?
That's a long time for us.
And speaking of long times...
when are you coming home?
Not much longer.
I gotta go.
Finally! We're starved.
You forget our tummies
are on East Coast time.
What are you doing here?
Well, you did start to do
that vague thing again...
So, we flew in for the night.
We felt like
maybe you needed us.
I really do.
Did someone die?
Um, I don't think so.
And then,
I kinda hung up on him.
It was not my finest moment.
All right, well,
let me help you with that.
I can only imagine
how hard this is,
but you guys
are so, so good together.
I mean, there has to be
a way forward.
I know.
This is gonna sound crazy,
because I'm the woman
who will never leave New York,
and probably, also,
it's pretty hypocritical of me,
but, um, why stay in Chicago?
I mean, your family...
Your parents moved to Florida.
You love Italy,
you love Paolo's whole family.
If you were there,
you would have a million
babysitters all lined up.
Oh, I can
co-sign to the importance
of that last point.
Wildly important.
So, what's keeping you
in Chicago?
My job.
I've worked so hard
to get where I'm at and...
it just feels like Paolo's
choosing his job over me.
That's kind of
what I'm doing, huh?
I'm choosing my job over Paolo.
A little.
Can I ask you a question?
After you got married,
did you change anything
on your five-year plan?
No, not really.
Okay, so that's
kind of the point.
He has his goals,
and you have yours,
but what is it
that you guys want as a couple?
You know we love you,
and we are in awe
of your determination.
It's very impressive,
but you are making decisions
for two people now, you know?
And it's okay
to not want something
because you have something,
or someone,
that you want more.
I really hate meetings.
Oh! We know. We know.
And then Nancy gave... when
she gave away my intro class,
I wanted to cry.
And my videos...
They're so good!
Right? That's what I think.
That is the most Emma thing
I've ever seen you do, truly.
I just can't... I can't...
How am I supposed
to just tell Nancy,
"Oh, just kidding,"
after everything she did
to prepare me for this job.
Emma? You can.
You can tell her "no".
I'm back!
Ah! I'm so sorry about
the take-out coffee.
My machine is possessed.
Nonna's lace is so beautiful.
- Ohh. Isn't it?
- Yes.
I just keep forgetting
to wear it.
- Thank you.
- Look at this.
There's a little embroidered
"E" for "Emma".
What? I never saw that!
She's the sweetest.
- She really is.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- So pretty.
Oh, no, you guys.
The car is here.
Oh, no! Already?
I thought it was, like,
15 minutes out,
but it's here.
I can't believe
you only came out for one night.
- I love you.
- Always.
You needed us, so we came.
Yeah, it's what we do.
- I love you.
- I love you.
Okay, well, we have to go.
- My rating...
- Okay.
Can we take some of those
for the road?
Oh, take them all.
- Avery.
- Love you.
Okay, no spilling
in the car, though. Okay?
uh... whoa.
Ha-ha! Hi.
I, um...
meant to do...
all of that.
I wish I had, like,
a judge's card to hold up.
I'd give ya a 9.8.
Not a perfect 10?
No! You'd need to break
your camera or a key limb
for a perfect 10.
Um, so...
Yeah, okay.
I dated a woman in Miami,
but it didn't work out.
Actually, I guess
that's not fair.
It ended well for her,
because she's engaged
to him now.
Oh! Ouch. I'm sorry.
And I made a vow, on the spot,
to never get serious again.
And for a year, I didn't,
but now...
I'm sitting in this park,
and I'm thinking about
breaking my vow...
but I just have one problem.
Just one?
Just one.
See, there's this woman,
and she's different
in all the right ways.
She checks all the boxes.
But she runs kinda hot and cold.
We're having fun,
we're getting close,
and then she's running
the 100-yard dash
to get away from me.
Yeah, that's a protection thing.
She has...
I... have dated men in the past
and it's always ended up
with some sort of disconnect...
I guess, between who I am...
and who they want me to be.
Well, maybe you just
dated the wrong men?
They seem like the right men
at first, you know?
And they... they don't come
with a warning label,
so, by the time
you figure it out...
I know.
I know what you mean.
It's like, um...
if you just try harder,
then you can
love enough for both of you.
Yeah, that's exactly
how it feels.
here's the deal.
We can give up.
we can take a chance.
Just for today.
We can worry
about tomorrow later.
I just want to be clear on this.
We're dating just for today?
Just for today.
Okay, I'm in.
I will date you just for today.
- Great.
- Mm-hmm.
Did their visit help?
Well, it gave me some clarity, but...
Look, in the end,
I'm not sure it matters.
I've committed to this,
and Nancy has spent
a lot of time mentoring me,
and now she's finally
ready to retire.
I can't just back out now.
The best we can arrange
is three weeks here in Italy,
and one in Chicago.
I know, it's not ideal,
but for now, it's a solution.
No, that's not a solution.
Look, I know how this goes.
That works for two months,
and then
you're postponing
just by a week or two,
and then a couple months later,
you miss it entirely,
and then you're not picking up
when I call you,
and then...
I told you,
when we were in Italy,
I can't do long distance.
I don't want to do that again.
This isn't just
a business decision for me.
Papa's illness showed me
that I live too far
from my family.
I thought I was your family now.
Let's talk about this later.
We've got a problem.
Oh. Uh...
yeah, what's wrong?
I just got the final budget
for next semester,
and there's
no getting around it.
You're gonna have
to let someone go.
Even if you retire?
Even when I retire, yes.
We're still one person over.
Now, I recommend
that you let Carissa go.
She's our least-experienced
and she cancels
more classes than anybody.
But that's because
she has two-year-old twins.
Well, it's your decision.
I'll need it by tomorrow.
I... made my decision.
Oh, that was fast.
I want to fire myself.
I'm so sorry.
I know you've done so much,
but I don't want to do this job.
It's... It's...
It's not me, and...
Finally. Just...
Finally! Finally.
I've been waiting
for you to realize this.
- You knew?
- Mm, yeah.
you have so many talents.
Putting up with bureaucracy?
Not one of 'em.
why didn't you say anything?
You know, I've never had
any success telling someone
that their dream
is not the right fit for them.
You needed
to figure it out for yourself.
I'm glad you finally did,
I was running out
of ways to annoy you.
Are you leaving me?
What are you doing here?
I flew home
to work all this out.
Where are you going?
To Italy, to come find you.
I am never leaving you.
Oh, I love you so much.
I talked to my family,
and we thought that...
- Mm.
- Why are you shaking your head?
I'm not even done talking.
Because all you have
ever wanted to do
is run your family business,
live in Italy with your family,
have a bunch of kids
running around,
some local wine,
maybe get your own boat,
and explore the coast.
That is true, yes,
but I don't want to do
any of it without you.
And I don't want
to be the reason
you don't do any of it.
Let me show you something.
What is it?
Your five-year plan.
Watch this.
No more five-year plan.
Except for this part.
Of course...
Of course.
I'm pretty sure
I quit my job today.
And I plan to do it officially
in the morning.
I'm done letting other people
make our decisions for us.
Good to know.
Anything else?
Mm. Yes.
Do you remember
those videos about the veil?
Lily and I plan
to expand those into a series.
Art and history
are all around us,
and I think we should
be talking about them.
Of course, because you are...
Oh, you're gonna say it?
Favorite Art Historian".
Oh, you really... Oh, wow.
You too?
Are you done?
Or there are more surprises?
No, I'm done.
Oh, wait!
Matteo is in love with Lily.
- Wait! What?
- Yes!
We left the veil in the shop!
What did you think
was gonna happen?
You asked me
to sign my name
On a piece of paper
In black ink
So I signed it
"P.S., I love you"
You're finally in my life
You're finally in my life
You're finally in my life
I am not prepared to admit
to the power of the veil,
but I will say
we have been
to a lot of weddings lately.
Oh, okay!
How's Matteo doing
in the store on his own,
with you guys in Italy?
So well,
and the replica veil
has become a best-seller.
I love these long weekends
where we get to be together,
and we get to hear
all about your videos.
And we can go antiquing.
And we can hear about
you living in Italy.
And we can go antiquing!
And we can make
a reservation for brunch.
And we can go antiquing!
Speaking of antiques...
do you remember that Venetian
mirror that I love?
Oh, you sent us photos.
Paolo bought it for me
for my birthday!
- Really?
- What?
Yes. It's so beautiful.
Please tell me you can come out
and see it soon... and me?
Of course! Of course
we'll make that happen.
You know, I'm thinking, though,
that it might have
an interesting history
that you need to look into.
you know, I was actually
thinking the exact same thing.
- Of course.
- Matteo and Lily
are coming to Italy
for their honeymoon,
so I thought
I would do some research,
and maybe we could do
some videos while they're there,
- because...
- Because you are...
Favorite Art Historian!"
You're gonna do it every time?
Yeah, we're gonna do it
every time.
Every time!
Speaking of honeymoons, though...
Oh, I know, okay?
We'll make it happen.
We will.
We also need to decide
where the veil's going next.
Do you guys think it's time
for it to go back to New York?
To Nick's sisters?
Have I dropped enough hints?
Yes, I would love that,
if I could take it to them.
Then it's settled.
Oh, but what about
the christening gown?
Do you want me to send that
to New York, too?
think I should probably
keep that with me in Italy
for at least
the next seven months or so.
Are you...?
Oh, my gosh, that's amazing!
Best news.
Time for our toast.
Two champagnes
and one bubbly apple juice.
to friendship.
To the veil.
And to all the amazing women
who have worn it.
So, in the first hour
of meeting Paolo,
he helped me buy a ticket
for the vaporetto...
Helped me with my Italian...
Also true.
- Found my lost ticket...
- Yes.
Saved me
from falling into a canal...
Helped me find the lace shop
that made my veil...
My shop.
- And bought me coffee.
- "Espresso".
I fell in love with him.
These things happen in Italy.