The Wedding Veil Journey (2023) Movie Script

Yes, I did.
You know, I just realized
you're drinking wine again.
Mm-hmm. I am.
Arianna saw Daniel using
a sippy cup on a video chat,
and she is a convert.
She always wants to do
everything that he's doing.
- Ohh!
- So, I welcome
caffeine, spicy foods, and...
the nectar of the gods
back into my life.
Cheers to that!
One more thing for you
to look forward to, Tracy.
Oh... hard pass.
Nick and I are sure that
we should not be responsible
for another human being.
He is managing his restaurants
all night long,
I'm running the auction house
all day.
I'm asleep
when he comes home at night,
he's asleep when
I go to work in the morning,
and that is pretty much
the entirety
of our relationship.
But it's not like
I don't talk to him about it.
I have tried,
and he always has
these really helpful suggestions
of changes...
I could make.
That you can make?
- Mm-hmm.
- You never had
a honeymoon,
did you?
Avery, we haven't been
in a room together long enough
to decide where to go.
That's okay,
you'll figure it out.
What do you mean, "how"?
I mean, how?
If you never see each other,
talk to each other,
or do something
to fix the situation,
how are you
gonna figure it out?
She kind of has a point.
Oh, hey.
How was work?
nothing I love more
than 20 tourists
showing up
ten minutes before we close
and being rude
to my staff.
Hope you explained to them
that's not how
we do things in New York.
I wish it was that simple.
I was trying to get
some work done in the office,
and I had to stop that
to go help wait tables--
it was a whole thing.
I was hoping to get out of there
on the earlier side tonight.
I'm sorry you didn't.
what are you
still doing up?
I just wanted to talk to you.
Like, uh... talk?
Or... "talk" talk?
I was hoping
that we could talk,
so that we can avoid
having to "talk" talk.
I miss you.
I miss us.
Yeah. I miss you, too.
And I was just
thinking about that.
I was thinking
that we needed a date.
You know,
maybe take the morning off...
Mm-hmm. This is more than
just a date.
What we need is our honeymoon.
You know, my nonna
was just threatening
to kick me out of the family
for that exact issue.
Apparently, I am not
living up to the standard
set by Serchio men.
one could argue
that perhaps the standard
was set by Serchio women,
but I know what you mean.
I think you got a point there.
Where are we going?
I'm so glad you asked.
You are gonna just
close your eyes
and spin.
- Really?
- Seriously!
That is so not like us.
I know.
It's gonna be amazing.
All right.
Keep your eyes closed.
Ooh, Japan!
Oh! That would be so amazing.
And I've been working
with a Japanese firm
that could totally help--
No work on our honeymoon.
Japan is out.
Your turn, spin.
Remember my ex-fiance
that went to Rio to open
two different restaurants?
Your turn again.
Uh... oh!
Know anyone in Greece?
No. You?
Looks like
the island of Rhodes.
Well, I'll start looking up
places for us to stay.
What if... what if
we just booked our first night--
...And then we just play
the rest of it by ear?
Wing it?
Yeah, just wing it.
That is so not like us.
I know.
What the heck? Let's do it.
Yeah. Yeah.
Let's do it.
Wow! This is beautiful.
Too tired to focus my eyes.
I'll look later.
Yes, yes. Yes, yes.
Welcome to Kallithea.
How may I help you?
Well, we had a reservation
last night, under Serchio.
Ah. Mr. and Mrs. Serchio...
Oh, we wondered
what happened to you.
Ah, well,
our, uh, plane got delayed.
Mm-hmm. Yes.
So, I know we had a reservation
for last night,
but we didn't have a plan
for the second night, so...
We were wondering if you had
any vacancies for tonight?
It's our honeymoon.
Oh! Honeymoon!
How wonderful for you.
Well, we're not exactly n--
So, um...
can we check in early?
I'm afraid not.
Okay, well,
I guess we can wait--
No, I mean,
you cannot check in at all.
We're completely booked up.
Like how completely?
Completely. I'm sorry.
Well, do you have
a recommendation
for another place?
Yes, I could, but I doubt
they would have anything either.
There's a very big
football tournament
being held in Rhodes.
I believe you in America
call it soccer, right?
Yes, well...
for the next few days,
I'm afraid you're not
going to find any hotels
in the entire city of Rhodes.
I'm sorry.
Well, so much for winging it.
I guess we could
go back to the airport.
Oh, no, if that means
getting on an airplane
again today,
preemptively, no.
Excuse me.
I'm so sorry to interrupt,
but I just overheard you inside.
My name is Penelope.
Everyone calls me "Pen".
Excuse me.
Hi, Pen.
I, um, run a delivery boat
between islands.
I'm going down to Lindos--
a tiny town in the south.
Also, the most romantic places
in all of Greece!
There's a beautiful old inn there,
being fixed up
by a brother and sister.
I heard your problem,
so I texted them,
and there's a room available.
I would be happy
to give you a lift.
They are very good hosts.
When things seem too good
to be true,
they usually are.
Yeah, sorry,
we're a little skeptical,
you know,
being from New York and all.
I'm just too tired
to deal with a shakedown
in the middle
of the Aegean Sea.
I'm sorry, Pen.
I make you a deal.
Since I'm going there anyway,
you don't have to pay
for the ride.
Think of it
as a wedding gift.
- Hey, Pen!
- Hey, Leo.
Why aren't you in school?
For everyone,
or just for you?
So how far is this place?
Not that far.
Just on the other side
of the town.
please tell me there's
a taxi stand somewhere nearby.
Oh, no cars allowed.
What do you mean, no cars?
How do we get there?
You must be Nick and Tracy.
You're Tessa?
If I'd known
you had arrived at the harbor,
I'd have picked you up
in a cart.
Wait, wait, wait...
you have carts?
Never mind,
you're here now.
So, welcome to Casita Casita.
This way, please.
Oh! Oh!
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Nice to meet you.
Please. Come!
Well, I'm afraid we do have
a late check-out
in our honeymoon suite,
but you are more than welcome
to use one of the other rooms
to rest,
then we can move you later.
Is that okay for you?
Oh, yes, yes.
Tessa, you could
give me a pillow,
and I would fall asleep
right here.
I think I'd do all right
with just a flat rock.
Well, I'm sure
we can do better than a rock.
Oh, I have to go.
Okay, room four.
Up the stairs on the left.
Okay, well, we're almost there.
So close.
Ah, it's so beautiful.
Yeah, it is.
I'm just glad the veil
made it safely,
and I'm gonna air it out.
So... what do you
want to do first?
What's your name, please?
I'm Tracy.
My name is Leo.
Short for Leonidas.
Like the runner?
I'm a runner, too.
Many Americans
don't know about Leonidas.
Well, I'm a history buff.
What is a "buff"?
A buff is a person who...
likes something
or studies something
more than other people.
Well, I'm an art buff,
and I'm drawing
a picture of you.
How much?
You know what really matters?
Is that you have
a picture to take with you,
to remind you of Lindos.
How much?
Tracy... Tracy.
Can you really put a price
on memories?
Well, you can,
if you want me to pay for it.
Five Euros?
Can I see it?
That's really good.
Ah, there you are!
I want you to meet somebody.
This is Xander.
This is Tessa's brother--
he's the chef here.
This is my wife, Tracy.
- Nice to meet you.
- And you.
Leo, I asked you
not to bother the guests.
Don't eat here.
Save yourselves!
They want some lunch.
How is my s tifatho coming?
Oh, it's... coming.
Mm, mm, mm, mm!
I'll come with the luggage
to the honeymoon suite
and after,
we'll serve together.
It's nice, right?
It is.
No sirens,
no people screaming
at each other.
How are we gonna get to sleep?
Lunch is served.
It looks good.
Uh, this is Xander's
special s tifatho.
It's a Greek stew.
Uh, enjoy.
Is it always so quiet here?
Well, it won't be soon.
I have two more guests arriving
late tomorrow from England.
I think this is the first time
we've ever had
three rooms booked.
It's so exciting.
That's wonderful.
What do you think?
This is, um... really, mm...
- Mm.
- I'm so glad you like it!
Nick, I noticed
your last name.
Are you Italian?
Then tomorrow, I will cook
some Italian pasta
in your honor.
Okay, go.
I'll go get you some water.
Thank you!
Thank you so much.
What was that?
Oh... my eyes are watering.
Xander's food is awful.
I couldn't even swallow it.
My mouth actually just refused.
I feel bad for Tessa.
She must know.
She just doesn't want to hurt
her brother's feelings.
Why didn't we get
more of this baklava?
Because we have
to pace ourselves.
We do?
Is that a rule?
Yeah, only when it comes
to donkey rides.
Oh... Nick?
Can I ask you something?
Can we never talk about
the donkey rides again ever?
Okay, pinky promise.
Oh... pinky promise.
Hey, Tracy!
Hi! Leo?
Nick, you remember Leo, right?
You know what,
I owe you for that picture.
Yes! 10 Euros.
Five Euros.
Don't try to hustle me, kid.
We're from New York.
It's not going to work.
You're from New York?
I love New York.
That's how I learned
to speak English so good.
"In the criminal justice system,
the people are represented
by two separate
yet equally important groups..."
Very nice, very nice,
very nice.
That was really good. Wow!
I've got to go before
the goblin catches me. Bye!
He's a really talented kid.
Odd, but pretty cute.
I knew it!
I'd recognize the smell
of that marinara sauce anywhere.
and it smells delicious.
I had horrible jet lag,
I couldn't sleep.
So you're cooking?
Oh, just a little.
Tessa and Xander
are really nice people,
and they have been working
their tails off
trying to get this place
up and running,
and it's all gonna get torpedoed
because Xander is literally
the worst cook
in the entire world.
We're on vacation.
It's our honeymoon,
and you're working!
This is Xander's sauce.
Try it.
Try it.
- Oh, that was so gross.
- I got you, I got you.
Okay, so what's your plan?
You're just gonna replace
his sauce with yours?
That is exactly the plan.
We had a deal, Nick.
It's just
a little marinara sauce.
It's not like I'm managing
an entire kitchen.
I woke up alone,
in the middle of the night,
on our honeymoon.
For me,
it feels like
you're still working.
Okay, but that's kind of sweet.
No, it is sweet.
I understand
that I'm the bad guy
in this story.
It's just, well,
we promised each other
we wouldn't work
on our honeymoon,
and we didn't even
last a day.
And you haven't answered
any texts from Stanley?
That's different.
Tracy, how is it different?
I don't know! It's just--
It's different.
Well, I for one,
am very jealous
about your trip.
Oh! Me too.
Except for the donkey part.
That was sort of fun, though.
All right, here. You have
to check out this place.
Isn't it gorgeous?
Oh, speaking of gorgeous...
Hello, ladies!
I'm gonna leave
you two honeymooners
alone now. Bye.
Have fun, you two!
So, you forgive me
for abandoning you last night?
Of course, I do.
I understand.
You do?
Yeah, I do.
What are you reading?
Your mind.
Lady Dalton and Mr. Dalton,
I'm Alexandros,
but you can call me Xander.
- Call me Colin, please.
- Let me help you with those.
I'm sorry my sister, Tessa,
isn't here to greet you,
but she had to run into town.
I'm sure we'll catch up later.
Colin, we have you upstairs
in room number four,
and Lady Dalton,
you are right next to Colin
in room number five.
- Perfect.
- Lady Dalton,
do you have trouble
with the stairs?
Because we can accommodate you
downstairs, if needed.
Don't be absurd,
young man.
We have a couple
from New York staying, too.
Nick and Tracy.
You'll get to meet them
at dinner.
Do they have trouble
with the stairs?
We look forward
to meeting them.
Last one to the bar
buys the margaritas.
What? Wait!
Hold on!
Wait for me!
Hey, Leo.
Hey, Tracy.
So, um,
what are you working on?
Do you know
that I went to college
and studied art history?
It's what I do now,
for a living.
You draw?
Well, not nearly as well
as you do.
But do you know what I can do?
I can tell
when someone's work
really comes from their heart.
There's an honesty to it.
It's something you can't fake.
It means the difference
between a good piece
and a great one.
I'll see you later, Leo.
See you, Tracy.
Thank you!
Hey there!
Everyone's meeting
down at the bar for a drink.
All right, I'll be right down.
Oh... wow.
Room with a view.
Oh, it's incredible,
isn't it?
And the fragrance-- I just love
the smell of the sea air.
Can you believe
we finally made it?
What's that?
It's a sketch
that Leo did for me.
And he just gave it to you?
For free?
Kid's got some talent.
And there's a story there, too.
Something going on with him
he doesn't want everyone to see.
That's a shame.
He's way too young for that.
No kid should have to hide
who they really are.
You're a good man,
Nick Serchio.
Don't believe
everything you hear.
What's wrong?
Nick, where's the veil?
I know I left it
in the closet of room four
when we were in there.
Xander probably forgot
to take it
when he transferred our rooms.
I'm sure
that's what happened,
but let me
just figure this out--
- Oh! Ahh!
- Whoa! Sorry, sorry.
No, it's my fault.
Uh... you must be Mr. Dalton?
It's Colin.
Ah, Mr. Colin.
No, just... just "Colin".
Ah. Oh, Colin.
Yes. Uh, I'm Tessa.
Oh. Um...
Sorry, I found this wedding veil
in my wardrobe.
Does it belong to anyone?
Yes! Uh...
it belongs
to Nick and Tracy.
- That'd be us.
- That's us.
- Oh, sorry.
- Yeah.
Thank you so much.
Pleasure to meet you guys.
So, uh...
who's getting married?
It's actually quite a story.
Want to hear it?
This sauce is exceptional.
Mm! My compliments
to the chef.
Tessa... Xander, why don't you
sit and eat with us?
Yes, please.
Join us?
Uh, sure.
You were saying there's
a story regarding your veil?
The lace work
is extraordinary!
Thank you, yes.
It's from the 1800s--
from the House of Stefano
in Burano, Italy.
Oh, and you have it with you
because you're
on your honeymoon?
Actually, we've been married
for three years.
Yeah, but we are
on our honeymoon...
it's just a little delayed.
My dear boy,
that's not a delay--
that's criminal neglect!
I'm surprised
you're still married.
Why are you traveling
with the veil, then?
Oh, we're taking it
to my sister Monica in Spain.
- So she's getting married?
- No.
She's not even dating anyone.
And I'll let Tracy
take it from here.
Okay. My two best friends and I
were antiquing
and this shop owner told us
that the veil has a legend,
that whoever is in possession
of the veil
will find true love.
So, of course, the three of us
had to buy it together.
And were you all engaged
at that time?
Not even close.
How fun!
So, did the legend
come to pass?
Well, my friends would say yes,
but I'm--
Skeptical. Exactly.
Although, all three of you
did meet your husbands
while you were
holding the veil.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
And actually,
my friend's mother-in-law
and my other friend's
So, my sister, Monica,
is very, um...
She's spicy.
Yeah, uh, "spicy marinara".
So, my family thought
it'd be a good idea
to give her
a little gentle nudge.
And if the magic of the veil
works again?
If the veil works
for a sixth time...
then even I will
have to believe in it.
Aw... I love romantic stories!
here's to romance!
- Hmm!
- Oh!
that's a lovely shade.
Does it match my eyes?
Uh, I'm so sorry.
No, no,
it's-it's completely my fault.
I-I shouldn't have
startled you.
No, no.
I'm gonna get you a rag.
It's quite a nice effect.
It definitely
improves the shirt.
No, you're just being kind.
I'm not.
And look, you know,
seeing as I've already been
consecrated in, um...
some shade of blue
I can't read--
"Mediterranean blue."
Do you, um,
have an extra brush?
Ah. But...
But you're our guest.
A guest who's on London time.
I-I've been up for hours.
Sure. Um...
which one do you pick?
that one.
Okay, like this?
Yeah, I like this one.
It's good.
Ah, I could get used
to swimming every day.
Well, you could always go
swimming in the Hudson at home.
Yeah, if you want me
to start glowing.
Nick, where's the veil?
- Hi!
- Hi...
Can we look
in your closet, please?
Okay. This is weird.
Isn't it?
Uh, is everything okay?
Yes, it is now.
My veil migrated
back to Colin's closet.
Please understand--
I'm just as confused
about all this as you are.
I've been with Tessa
all morning.
It's true!
So you're not
an international veil thief?
I stick to jewelry, mainly.
The occasional sports car.
I love mysteries.
"Who did it?"
Not me.
Look, the veil didn't
just get up and walk away.
Hi! Hello.
Will you have dinner
with us tonight?
- We're just--
- We're going for...
...into town...
-, uh...
- ...for dinner.
- Dinner.
But stay tomorrow,
because I'm making pastitsio--
it's like Greek lasagna.
I'm starting it tonight.
It's better
if it has time to sit.
Is pastitsio hard to make?
Not if
you know how to cook.
I found a book of Greek letters
for Daniel.
And then, look
at this cute little outfit
I found for-- oh!
So cute, right?
And then I got this...
art supplies
for Leo.
Isn't it weird to buy
a kid you don't know a gift?
Well, you've seen his pencil--
it's like an inch long!
And he's drawing on envelopes.
I got a hypothetical question
for you here.
Let's just say
some stranger bought
your child a gift--
would you feel uneasy?
Well, my child would not
be selling their drawings
for five Euros
on the dock.
I'm just trying
to help him with that.
Do you hear that?
I don't hear anything.
How long do you think
it'll take us
to get used
to all this quiet around here?
Well, I could use a good
car alarm right about now.
Oh, Leo, hey.
I'm so glad you're here.
Hi, Tracy and Nick.
I'm sorry,
I've got to go.
Well, I just--
I have something for you.
Thank you, but... no, I can't.
Oh, it's from me to you.
Tracy, I...
Please, please,
consider it
payment for the drawing
that you made me.
Thank you. Thank you.
I've got to go! Bye!
I just made a huge mistake,
didn't I?
Hello, Leo.
And what do we have here?
Um, yeah. I-I hadn't made
pastitsio in a while,
and, um, I thought
I'd jump in.
Wait, you're replacing
his entire dish now?
Ooh, trust me--
it was not salvageable.
Do you mind grating
a little cheese for me?
Uh, forgive the intrusion.
I was looking for...
never mind.
Oh! Oh, you're, uh...
making pastitsio?
- I am.
- Huh.
This is all
making sense now.
What is?
I couldn't quite figure out
how last night's marinara
came from the same kitchen
as tonight's moussaka.
I take it the, uh, marinara
was yours?
Guilty. Shh.
He owns two very successful
restaurants in New York City.
Oh, really?
Well, very good.
Well done, you.
Well, I shall, uh...
leave you to it
and I look forward
to tasting it.
Is this enough cheese?
Aw, come on,
what kind of question is that?
Is there ever enough cheese?
Good point.
Oh, here, let me, uh...
lend you
a little assistance.
Ah, you look so beautiful
when you cook.
I'm, uh, heading into town.
Yeah, I thought I might
do a bit of shopping.
Okay. Have a good day.
I have a question.
uh, yes or no?
Oh, uh, no.
I mean, in Greece,
the price is always the price.
Oh, good.
I'm terrible at it.
Uh, I...
actually have
a little bit of time,
if you need an interpreter.
I would really appreciate that.
Okay, I'll go change.
I said no work, Stanley.
Because I'm on my honeymoon!
No. No.
and no!
Goodbye, Stanley.
Nick and I promised each other
we wouldn't work
on our honeymoon,
but my colleague
is very determined.
What do you do, my dear?
I work at an auction house
that's affiliated with the Met.
I think you do more
than just work in it.
You're in charge, aren't you?
That's why they call you
on your honeymoon.
Yeah. I guess I am.
Don't undersell yourself,
my dear.
We need to be proud
of what we accomplish, no?
And proud of each other as well.
Thank you.
This way, please.
Is that Ouzo I smell?
Good nose.
Ah... thank you!
Aw, did I wake you up?
Well... I have a theory.
You want to hear it?
- Of course.
- Okay.
So I saw
Tessa and Colin in town
and they were very friendly.
Well, they are
very friendly people.
No, I mean friendly
with a capital "F".
Ooh, capital-"F" friendly?
- So...
- Hmm.
Who has keys to Colin's room
and to our room?
And if she likes Colin,
maybe she thinks the veil
will exert its power?
I like where
you're going with this.
- Mm-hmm, right?
- All right.
I am Headmaster Papadopoulos,
and I run
the boys' academy here in town.
- Oh! Hello.
- Hi.
- Nick. Nice to--
- I'll get right to the point.
Please do not give
my students presents.
Do you mean the art set
that I got for--
Leo was nearly expelled
because I was certain
he stole that art set.
Well, I'm sorry,
but that seems like
your mistake, not Leo's.
Ma'am. With all due respect,
if you want to help my students,
we have a proper way
to make donations.
If you can't do that,
please leave my boys alone.
Is that clear?
Yeah, that's perfectly clear.
Now let me be clear.
Please don't ever
use that tone of voice
with my wife again, okay?
Have a nice day.
You tried to warn me,
and I didn't listen, I'm sorry.
Ah, it's okay.
It's not okay!
What if I had
gotten Leo expelled?
Oh, come on.
Do you really think a kid
that parkours himself
through the window every night
just as the bell rings
isn't in trouble
on the regular?
You did get all "Mr. Tough Guy"
on that headmaster.
Hey, he deserved it, eh?
It started to make
my knees a little weak.
It's a good thing
I'm here to catch you.
My hero.
I just feel terrible
that I got Leo in trouble.
I think it's sweet
that you're worried about him.
Just like a Mama Bear!
Okay, let's not
get carried away here.
In the "plus" column,
Nick's pastitsio
was delicious last night.
I thought you two
were on your honeymoon.
Why is he cooking?
Yeah! What happened
to you two not working?
We decided
that it doesn't count as work.
Yeah, right.
Wh-- Daniel, no-no-- whoa!
I gotta go.
Love you guys, bye!
Me too.
Check out my channel,
my new video's up!
I will!
Love you. Mwah!
I know her!
That's "Everyone's Favorite
Art Historian".
Yeah! Yeah,
that's one of my best friends.
Tell her, please,
thank you from me.
I'm learning about art
from her videos.
Aw, she'll love to hear that.
But you're also learning art
in school, right?
"There is no money
in art, Leo.
"You're wasting your time, Leo!
Do more maths, Leo!"
Well, I'm really sorry
that I got you in trouble
with your headmaster.
I'm always in trouble
with my headmaster.
I know!
You should ask your friend
to do a video at our school.
We have a, you know, a jug--
like an urn--
with a drawing on it,
from long ago,
and we think maybe
it's Leonidas.
The first one, not me.
Your friend could do a video
about that,
and people would want
to watch it,
and they'd give money
to the school,
and Headmaster Papadopoulos
would like me more.
That is a great idea,
and I'm sure Emma would love
to do it,
but she has a little girl
and she lives in Italy,
and I just don't know
that that would work out.
But you could ask...
couldn't you?
Oh! Hi.
Does the wedding veil
have other skills
besides finding love--
teleportation, perhaps?
- Thank you.
- Pleasure.
So, I read about
this hike up to this monastery--
it's about
a four-hour round trip.
You interested?
No, but that works out
with my plans for the morning perfectly.
Oh, are you going sleuthing?
"The case of
the transporting veil"?
I'd be happy to be
the Watson to your Sherlock.
Oh. The Danno to my McGarrett?
Nice! Yeah.
The Nick to your Nora.
I see what you did there.
Well, good morning, everyone.
Good morning!
There's coffee, if you'd like.
Oh, no, thank you.
We're heading out
on a hike today.
Yup. Yeah. Big, old hike--
gone for a couple of hours.
Mm-hmm. Yep, we'll be
gone for a while.
So, see you later. Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Think they bought it?
- Oh, yeah, totally.
- Yeah.
- Mm.
- Mwah.
- Have a good hike.
- Okay.
Love you.
Ah, well...
I think I might
go back upstairs
and have a nice little nap.
- Tessa!
What are you doing here?
Oh! Where am I?
I'm so confused.
Oh! Am I sleepwalking?
I might have bought that
if I hadn't seen you
pick that lock like a pro.
I think maybe
we should have a little chat.
Oh, it's beautiful here,
isn't it?
It was my grandson's idea
to come here.
His parents aren't much
for traveling, but...
oh, Colin and I have had
such wonderful adventures
since I retired.
Retired from what?
Oh, you know...
British government.
"Home Office".
Picking locks?
Well, there was a time
when the wars were cold,
and people with certain skills
and temperaments
were useful.
Well, may I say
thank you for your service?
Well, one does what one can
with what one has.
So why were you
trying to steal my veil?
Colin is ready to settle down
and Tessa is exactly
the kind of girl
I would have chosen
for him.
And if I'm being honest...
since I intend to play
with my great-grandbabies,
I'd rather he fell in love
with someone in a warm climate.
So you believe in the veil?
Oh, my dear!
I've lived a long time
and seen many things.
Believing in the veil
doesn't even break a sweat.
Well, the legend does say
whoever is "in possession
of the veil..."
And Colin was definitely
in possession of the veil
when he first met Tessa.
Well, okay then.
Your work here is done, 007.
You don't need to keep
breaking into my room.
Old habits die hard!
- Ouzo?
- Ouzo.
- Cheers. Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.
You know what I was thinking
today up at the monastery?
I hope it's not
that you want to become a monk?
Emphatically, no.
Um, I was thinking
I really miss cooking.
What do you mean?
You spend all day and all night
at those restaurants.
I know...
but I don't do any cooking anymore.
I'm just dealing with vendors
and shipping and refrigeration
and more vendors.
I mean, don't get me wrong--
I love what I do.
But I just really miss,
you know,
just cooking for the customers and...
and for you.
Well, how do
we make that happen?
I don't know...
but I want to figure it out.
We're gonna figure it out.
- Okay.
- Just the two of us.
- Yeah.
- Surprise!
How are you here?
I know I'm crashing
your honeymoon,
which is maybe
the tackiest thing ever...
but you texted me
about that Grecian urn,
and I'm only two hours away, so...
I can't believe you came!
What Grecian urn?
Oh, apparently,
they found one at Leo's school.
The school with the headmaster
who yelled at you?
- Exactly.
- Who yelled at you?
I couldn't let her
crash your honeymoon without me!
Of course not!
I really like Leo.
He's talented and funny,
and sweet,
and he always has
a side hustle going.
You seem really taken
with this kid.
Oh. Well, I showed you
his work, right?
He's really good!
And I just want to help him,
if I can, that's all.
But that means facing
the dreaded headmaster?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
All right. Break time's over.
Let's go, ladies.
All right. Back to it.
I called
and the school secretary told me
he brings the kids up here
once every month,
and today is that day.
Yeah. Wow.
Can you believe
we're actually up here?
It's like we're standing
in the middle of history.
It's just unreal.
It's amazing that these places
are still here,
you know,
centuries later.
It's undeniably...
selfie time.
Here, let me take it.
No, honey, get in.
We crashed your honeymoon--
the least you can do
is crash our selfie.
- Yeah.
- Okay, fine.
And he's got longer arms,
it's gonna be great.
Everyone say... "Acropolis!"
- Aw, so great.
- Wait.
That's him!
Over this way.
Come on!
Wait, wait, wait.
What're you gonna say to him?
I don't know. I'll think
of something on the way.
Come on!
More steps.
Mr. Papadopoulos? Hi.
Excuse me.
Um, do you remember me?
I-I wondered if you have
a moment to talk?
And these videos
are successful?
They are.
In fact, some of the places
I've visited
even started charging
a small entrance fee, so...
it's been beneficial
to their budgets as well.
Did Leo put you up to this?
Not exactly.
But he did ask
to be in the video.
Of course, he has.
And knowing Leo,
I'm sure he also requested
a fee for his services?
Just a small one.
But we would need permission
from his parents
in order to allow it.
You don't know, then?
Know what?
He lives at the school
Leo has no family.
I didn't know.
That's why I asked you
not to encourage his art.
The boys who live at our school
don't need to study art.
They need marketable skills--
such engineering or a trade--
so they can work
as soon as they leave school.
Running and art
are lovely hobbies,
but neither will support him
when he grows up.
Well, with
all due respect, sir--
we all went to art school
and now we work
in that industry.
Quite successfully.
but you all likely
had safety nets, didn't you?
Someone to help,
if you needed it?
Um... we did, yes.
Leo has no one.
If he doesn't learn a skill now,
he'll still be drawing pictures
for tourists down on the docks
when he's 40.
Surely, you must see
I want more for him.
Yes, I do see that.
What is he saving up for?
He has an uncle in Athens.
Not a real uncle--
a man who used to live
in the downstairs unit,
and this man would watch Leo
when his mother worked.
It was one of those families
people make when they need to.
What happened?
The uncle got forgetful
and went to a memory facility,
and then his mother passed,
which is how Leo ended up here.
The boy mails a drawing
to his uncle every week,
so some money goes to postage.
And the rest,
he is saving
to go and visit him.
Well, is there someone
who could take him?
I mean, it's only a day trip.
The uncle is not even likely
to even remember Leo.
I'm sorry, Mr. Papadopoulos.
I can see that you want
what's best for him.
I just want to help.
So do I.
And I don't want to break
that boy's heart
any more than
it's already been broken.
Good day.
Hey. Xander.
Is everything okay?
Oh, yes.
Sure. Fine. Heh. You?
- Great.
- Good.
Okay. I'm...
I'm gonna go to the bar.
I forgot the cinnamon!
On the pastitsio-- I realized
I forgot to add cinnamon.
Critical, right?
But I forget!
But when I looked,
the cinnamon was in there.
So... maybe I have
one of those elves
that come in the night
to fix the shoes,
except, for me,
they fix the food.
Then I looked you up
on the Internet, Nick,
and I know
what happened to my food--
why it got so good!
All right, look,
I didn't mean to interfere.
I'm really sorry
that I upset you--
No, I'm not upset.
Nick, I'm terrified!
I'm making seafood
for eight people tonight,
and I don't want
to poison us all!
Help me.
Okay. Okay.
Oh! Look at what
I got for Daniel.
I wonder what it says.
"Greetings from Greece."
I didn't know
you could read Greek.
I can't.
I can read T-shirts.
Trace, I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry about Leo.
Oh, thanks.
You were just trying
to do the right thing, you know?
It's not your fault
that the headmaster
doesn't agree.
I know, I know.
I just wish that there was
something I could--
Thank you!
Thank y-- thank you so much,
Mr. Papadopoulos.
Thank you!
I don't know what made him
change his mind,
but he did, and ladies,
we are making a video!
Come on!
Leonidas won
all three of his foot races,
in four separate Olympic Games.
The island of Rhodes
has changed a lot since his day,
but I think,
if you listen closely,
you can hear the next
Leonidas of Rhodes
training for his shot
at Olympic glory.
- Was that good?
- Put it there, buddy.
Dinner is served!
- Wow!
- Ooh!
Oh, thank you.
Hey! Leo!
Where are you going?
It's your dinnertime.
I should leave you alone.
Yeah, don't worry...
Nick cooked.
Come on!
Get over here.
There you go.
They'll make you
do the dishes, though.
you were right.
Waking up alone is no fun.
Zero stars.
Do not recommend.
I thought I was gonna just
come down and make a PB and J,
but Xander's
homemade peanut butter's
gone bad or something.
Mm, well, that's because
this is tahini.
Yeah, and your, uh...
and your "jelly" is fish eggs.
Ah, and that's why
I don't cook.
My friends just showed up here,
crashing our honeymoon,
and you handled it
like a champ.
You are seriously
the best husband in the world.
Mm. Wait. I-I'm sorry--
what was that last part?
Oh, yeah. No.
You just get it the one time.
I know how it is
with the three of you--
and they were here
before me, so...
Oh, what is that?
Oh, uh, it's just a sketch
that Leo made me.
- Wow!
- Yeah.
He's a talented kid.
You, know, I've never seen you
so taken with a child before.
Usually, you keep them
at arms' length.
Oh, sweetheart.
Hey, hey, hey!
There's no crying on honeymoons.
That's baseball.
Okay, whatever it is...
come on, talk to me.
What's going on?
I just want to help him,
you know?
And... I get it,
he has his own life.
I get that it's none
of our business,
and that it's totally not me, but...
but still...
You want to go take him
to see his uncle, don't you?
The one
who doesn't remember him?
Okay, even if
that's what happens,
maybe that would help Leo,
maybe he could just
finally move on, you know?
You remember when I said
that art kit was a bad idea?
I feel like this
is kinda like that.
This is his gift.
It's all he has...
and he shared it with me.
And it's beautiful.
What am I supposed to do,
just leave?
"Well, thanks, kid!
Good luck with your life!"
It just doesn't
feel right to me.
Well, you have to get
permission from the headmaster.
That seems highly unlikely.
I know.
I just have to try.
Good morning!
Oh, good morning,
Lady Dalton.
Uh... this came for you.
Ah! Excellent.
Thank you.
I told Xander I'd go into town
to pick up some supplies
for dinner tonight.
What are you doing today, Nan?
First, I plan
to finish my book.
Then I'm going
to man the desk for Tessa here,
so that she can go into town
and have a nice lunch.
And you
are going to escort her.
You can do your shopping
on the way back.
And I am not entertaining
any questions on this topic.
Thank you.
Hey, Leo.
Want to go
for a jog with me?
- Yeah.
- All right, let's do it.
I'll go slow
so you can keep up.
I've got a cramp.
Ho, ho. Oh!
You know, the shameful part is,
I know you're holding back.
Don't be ashamed, Nick.
You run really fast...
for an old man.
Who you calling old man,
spring chicken?
Sit down.
Was your mom a runner?
She ran all the way
through school.
That's why
she named me Leonidas.
My uncle says he ran, too.
He liked the, uh...
the, uh, little jumps.
The little jumps?
Oh, the hurdles?
Yes! "Hurdles".
Nice. That's the uncle
you want to go see?
He doesn't remember
things anymore.
I know you want
to go see him,
but, people,
when they lose their memory,
they don't recognize--
I know.
He might not
remember me anymore.
Are you sure
you're prepared for that?
I am.
if he doesn't remember me,
that's okay.
I remember him,
and he gets a visit
from a nice stranger.
Come on, Nick, we've got
a kilometer and a half to go.
Wait, wait, wait, hold on.
My shoelace is untied.
- Oh--
- Yeah.
I still can't believe
we crashed your honeymoon.
Are you kidding?
I can.
Totally on-brand!
Oh, and we're gonna have
to come back for the wedding
if the legend of the veil continues.
Oh, Avery!
Hey, um, I meant to ask you,
is Peter still involved
in children's art programs?
Are you thinking
about for Leo?
I am.
I was hoping maybe we could
find him a better school--
one that's right for him.
Maybe something in Athens?
And Nick and I
could help with the costs.
I'll definitely ask Peter
to look around,
but have you
talked to Nick about this?
Not yet.
Well, don't you think
you should?
It's kind of
a couple's decision--
not really something you do
on your own, right?
I'm just working up
the nerve, okay, Emma?
Excuse me, ladies,
but we really must get going.
Of course, yes.
Oh, thank you so much.
Thank you.
The long goodbye!
I hate this part.
Mwah, mwah!
So, when do you want to go?
To go talk to Leo's headmaster
about visiting his uncle.
How did you know?
I know my wife.
I am pleased with the video.
We have already had
a number of inquiries.
Oh, good. I'm thrilled.
I will be sure to let
my friend know.
And now I believe
you want something else from me?
The uncle?
The uncle.
Sir, my wife has
about a hundred reasons
why this would be a good idea,
and she would happily
pitch 'em all to you.
But at the end of the day,
what's most important is,
would this trip
be helpful to Leo?
Every week,
for two years now,
Leo sends this uncle a picture.
He never replies.
- He might not even still--
- Excuse me.
But I think this trip
is about Leo's heart...
it's not about
the uncle's memory.
Yes. I see.
Yes, you may take him to Athens
to see his uncle.
Thank you so much,
Mr. Papadopoulos.
I fear it won't go
as you hope.
Well, I hope
it won't go as you fear.
So when can we go?
What did we discuss
about eavesdropping?
I'm sorry, Mr. Papadopoulos.
So when can we go?
We told Pen
we would meet her and Leo
at the dock at 10:00!
Come on!
I'm coming, I'm coming.
Good luck in Athens.
Oh, thank you so much.
Oh, look at you--
doing a little gardening.
Oh, uh, yeah, well,
you know, it needed doing, so.
- Nick, come on!
- Ah, okay, okay!
Just hope there's not
any donkeys out there.
Oh, hey.
Want to have a break?
Yeah, sure. Yeah.
Thank you.
You know, I'm so focused
on fixing the inside,
I totally forget
about the outside.
We could...
take up some of old shrubs
from around the back
and-and plant
some new fruit trees.
Sorry, no, I--
I meant you.
Of course.
Although, I was thinking...
your WiFi here
is really good...
so I could work,
and Nan loves it here, too.
maybe we could...
could stay on for a while?
Are you going
to break my heart?
I don't do that.
Would it...
be all right if I--
It's just right over here,
I think.
There it is!
What if he doesn't remember?
Whatever happens,
we will be there with you,
no matter what, okay?
Come here.
Uncle Orion?
Do you remember me?
I forget so much...
these days.
So much.
But I will
always remember...
my little Leo.
Come here, boy.
Come here!
Let's get outta here.
How you doing?
- For real?
- For real.
Okay, well, here's the thing.
I, um...
I spoke to Peter
about trying to find
a more art-centric
secondary school for Leo
in Athens.
Wow, that's really
not like you, Trace.
I know.
I know.
So, Peter has been
checking everywhere
and there is a residential
school with a strong art program
in Athens,
but it's wait-listed
for two years.
Okay, well, that's better
than nothing, I guess.
I mean, we can get him
on the list now, right?
But they have very little
in the way of athletics
and their test scores
are much lower
than where he is now.
Oh! Why did I think
this would be easy?
What aren't you telling me?
She has the worst poker face.
You'd think she'd get
better at it over the years.
I'm right here,
I can hear you.
Tell me, Avery.
Okay, fine.
Peter wanted me
to mention he did find
a school that fit the bill.
It's grade 7 through 12,
focuses on art,
has a strong sports program,
including track,
and has a residential program
for international students.
- That sounds perfect!
- Yeah.
It's very expensive, though.
How much?
Numbers that make me nervous.
And where is it?
Okay, this is the funny part.
It's in New York City.
It's about 12 blocks
from your house.
You know what? I gotta run.
I gotta pick up Daniel
from daycare,
but I'm gonna
email you all the info.
Thank you.
Seriously, Avery,
thank you so much.
Love you.
Bye. Love you both.
How expensive?
that make Avery nervous.
But we could save money...
if we let Leo live with us.
Trace, uh...
we've been dancing around
this topic
the entire time
we've been here.
We don't even see each other.
We just don't have time,
and now you want to add
a kid into the mix?
You're right.
It's time to stop dancing and...
...leave Leo
out of the equation.
Nick, sometimes, I feel like
I'm married
to a bunch of cute Post-it notes
and delicious leftovers.
Yeah, I get it.
So we have to fix it.
I want to.
Do you have any ideas?
Well, there are two of us
in this marriage...
So, either we figure
this out together,
- or...
- Or...?
We won't figure it out at all.
May I?
Oh, please, join me.
I have held onto this box
for a very long time.
Some of its contents are mine,
some belonged to my parents...
even my grandparents.
What's inside?
And I am ready
to send them to auction...
because I have finally found
someone I can trust.
Why me?
There are several reasons,
but mostly because
I've seen you with your friends.
I had a friendship
like that once.
So I know,
that to keep
that kind of friendship
for that long...
that is someone you can trust.
I'm honored, Lady Dalton.
With the proceeds
of these letters,
I am setting up a scholarship
for Leo to attend
whichever school
you and your husband
think best.
Lady Dalton,
that is so kind of you,
but you can't think that--
The advantage of being me
is I can do whatever I want.
Now, that boy will do
spectacular things one day,
as long as he has people
in his life
like you and Nick
to guide him.
With the rest of this,
I intend to buy
a little cottage up the road,
so I can live here
when Colin and Tessa
get married.
Oh, nothing large...
just five or six bedrooms, maybe?
It sounds like
you're expecting those letters
to bring quite a lot.
Who are they from?
Oh, just some names
that may well
be familiar to you.
Winston Churchill?
Your tea's getting cold, dear.
Excuse me...
is this sunset taken?
So, I talked
to my sister, Monica, last night
about a couple things.
One, she offered
her opinion
about my successes
as a husband.
And two...
I offered her
the position of business manager
at the restaurant.
Now she'll get to yell at people
and get paid for it,
instead of her doing it
for free.
Well, you know what they say--
you do what you love,
you don't work
a day in your life.
As far as Leo is concerned,
I just never thought
that I'd be making cannolis
for a bake sale
or taking a kid and his friends
to the Jets' games
or having somebody live with us.
It's just not
who I thought we were.
Then we won't do it.
- Just like that?
- Just like that.
And I do really want
to help Leo...
...but we don't have to be
involved in his life,
if that's not what you want.
You know, the thing is,
the more I think about it,
the more I realize...
that is what I want.
You know,
I-I know that it's not us...
Maybe it is us?
Maybe it is!
I love you.
'cause you're stuck with me forever.
Can you believe this view?
It's beautiful.
With your permission,
we would like
to present these options to Leo,
and let him decide for himself.
Art and running?
And when he's done with school,
then what?
Enough of this foolishness.
I know you think
you're saving him.
You're not.
Go home.
Leave him and me alone.
Leo! Wait!
Mr. Papadopoulos,
what do you do for fun?
Or to relax?
Well, uh...
I read a lot.
Mysteries, mostly.
And I go to the cinema
and museums.
And I sing at the church choir.
Those are all
very beautiful forms of art.
Someone wrote that book.
filmed that movie,
painted that masterpiece...
...and composed the music
that you sing.
What would your life be like
without art?
Could you even last a week?
when times are tough.
You and I have
one thing in common--
we both turn to the arts
for comfort.
I can't predict the future...
...but I do know one thing.
Leo will either grow up
to be an artist...
or he will grow up frustrated
and regretful
that he never even
got the chance.
Mind if I sit down?
If I go to school
in New York...
could I live
with you and Tracy?
Yeah, if you want.
And when I run in the Olympics,
could I still
represent Greece?
Of course!
You're Greek.
Nothing can change that.
Could I still
write to my uncle every week?
You could even come visit him,
if you want.
And could you add
some Greek food
to your fusion restaurants?
Ooh... I don't know about that.
I mean, we could ask Xander
for some recipes--
What if Headmaster Papadopoulos
won't let me go?
I don't know, Leo.
I just don't know.
Come here.
Did you check under the bed?
Yeah, twice.
Did you check the dresser?
You know, I can't believe
didn't even contact us.
Yeah. Want me to head
down to the school
and lean on him a little?
but thank you for offering.
Where is Xander?
So, are you still
taking the veil to Spain?
Oh! No, actually.
We're gonna give it
to Nick's sister, Monica,
when she joins us
in New York next week.
Oh, Lady Dalton,
it's been such
a pleasure getting to know you.
For me, too.
Mrs. Serchio?
I have a young man here
who would like to talk to you...
about art.
There will be
several kilometers of red tape
to get through,
to make this happen.
Do we look like
the kind of people
that are afraid
of a little red tape?
Thank you very much.
I can't believe
we're back in Greece so soon.
Not that I'm complaining.
Isn't Tessa
a stunning bride?
In a beautiful veil.
And the earrings
from Arianna's portrait
look great with your dress.
Thank you!
I think they look great
with everything.
You look beautiful.
Lady Dalton told me
that you said
if the veil worked
for a sixth time,
that you would finally
believe in it.
It's actually seven times.
Oh, that's right!
Nick's sister's
finally found love.
Is the wedding
gonna be in New York?
It is. Next month.
Do you want to crash it?
Uh, absolutely, we do!
I mean, that's what we do.
Hey, Mom!
Pen has a new boat
and she says
that she can take me out
in it tomorrow.
Is that okay?
Ah! Yes! Thank you!
did Leo just call you "Mom"?
Yeah, he does that sometimes.
I'm just letting him decide
who I am to him.
I think that's beautiful.
- You do?
- Yes.
You think it's okay?
I think that's very okay.
Milady? Sorry to interrupt.
- May I have this dance?
- Always.
Oh, you know what?
Could we just have the bottle?
Thank you.
- I mean, just in case.
- Just in case!
Yeah, we'll just
sit it right there.
Give me your glass.
Thank you so much
for lending me the veil.
And for bringing it
here last year.
I'm so happy for you.
You're coming back down
to the party, aren't you?
Oh, yes, we will.
We just have a tradition
to see to first.
Okay. See you down there.
All right...
I think it's time.
It's time.
Can you imagine
how different our lives would be
without the veil?
I can't even think about it.
Does that mean
you finally believe?
I believe in the veil.
To the veil!
Hello! Kalimera.
What a beautiful hat!
You seem just like
the kind of fine ladies
who appreciate
great jewelry.
Come, come.
Follow me, follow me.
Look... at this.
Oh, that is so pretty.
It looks very old.
19th century?
Yes! They say 1860s,
but this is
a very special piece.
What's so special about it?
Apparently, there is a legend
associated with this necklace.
For anyone
who is in possession of it...
Want to hear about it?
Tell me more.
When I first met Tracy,
she tried to steal
my alteration appointment.
Because when I first met Nick,
he had already
stolen my appointment.
What? You were 15 minutes late!
In my restaurant,
if you're 15 minutes late,
you lose
your reservation.
He was 15 minutes early.
What, do you seat people
when they arrive early?
Oh. Well, it doesn't matter.
Well, it doesn't matter,
because she just stole
her appointment back.
What can I say?
All's fair
in love and veils.
Ooh, nice.