The Wedding Veil Legacy (2022) Movie Script

This program is rated G
and is suitable for
general audiences.
I will be there for you
I will...
I will be there
I will be there for you
I will...
I will be there
You can call on me...
Okay, on the count of three,
say "lobster!"
One, two, three--
[trio] Lobster!
...I will be there for you
- Aw.
- But that made me hungry.
And we are in Maine--
Do you guys want
to get some lobster?
Yeah, sounds good to me.
There is supposed to be a place
around here that's really good--
- I knew you would know.
- ...On the next block.
- Great.
- Let's go.
Do you guys realize
this is our first get-together
since Italy?
Oh, we really can't count that
as a "get-together."
It was Emma's wedding.
Oh, technically,
that was still a get-together--
there just wasn't any antiquing.
Well, I made up for that
this time.
Yeah, no kidding!
We did so good, but...
Eh, "but..."
it's not as good
as San Francisco,
is that what
you were about to say?
No. That's it.
Because we found the veil
in San Francisco?
Well, you know...
I know you both feel
connection to the veil
because you think
it brought you together
with your significant others.
- Well--
- But Finn and I were together
before we found the veil.
Yeah, speaking of Finn,
you haven't mentioned him much
this weekend.
Is everything okay?
Yeah, yeah, everything's fine.
In fact, he has a job audition
for the Los Angeles Symphony.
Oh. That's a detail
you managed to skip.
[sighs] I don't really like
thinking about it.
What happens
if he gets this job?
He's hoping that
I'll move out there with him.
Well, what are you hoping?
I want him to get the job,
you know?
I mean, it's what he wants,
it's what he deserves.
But moving to Los Angeles
is not exactly what I want.
Well, if ever there was
a quintessential New Yorker,
it's you.
And seriously, what would
the Yankees do without me?
I mean, I really worry
about that.
Okay, I'm just saying,
since you are the one
to have the veil next,
and you never know
what might happen,
you might just want
to make sure it's ready,
you know, just in case.
Your faith in the veil is...
I was gonna say scary.
- Can we go with sweet?
- Thank you.
I think she's right.
I think you-- you should just
get it fixed.
It had that little snag in it
when I gave it to you.
[sighs] All right.
I will take it in.
But it's not like I'm gonna
need it anytime too soon.
Yes, that is exactly
what I said--
right before I met Paolo.
Oh! Look! Lobster!
Of course.
Leland! Good morning.
Ah, good morning.
How was your weekend?
On the last day, I found
the most incredible
19th-century map of Manhattan.
And I think
you're going to be impressed
with a document
that's coming in tomorrow.
What is it?
It's a surprise.
But I will say
it means a lot to me,
as I suspect it will
for you, too.
Well, I'm dying of suspense,
wondering what it is.
Well, I'm sure you have
more pressing things
to get on with, mm?
Yes, I'm still working on
the guest list for the party.
It's hard to narrow down.
I'll leave it
in your capable hands.
[laughs] Thank you.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
What do we have here?
[gasps] Beautiful.
Aren't they?
Yes, spectacular.
You know, these are gonna
be at the auction
and they're not that expensive.
As tempting as that sounds,
I spent the weekend antiquing
with Avery and Emma.
So you'll be
brown-bagging it all week?
'Fraid so.
Oh! I almost forgot.
They just dropped off
the invitations.
Oh, fantastic.
Yeah, I need to get those out.
- Oh, it looks so nice.
- Yeah, they're nice, right?
You bringing Finn?
If he's in town.
I guess
that's a 50/50 proposition.
Always is.
I'm sorry.
I know this is all
a little bit rushed.
And you have to get
to the airport.
I have a little time
before my flight,
and I thought
we should probably...
[takes a deep breath] about this whole
L.A. thing in person.
It did happen all of a sudden,
didn't it?
It did.
But, you know,
if I get this job,
it means that
I wouldn't have to move
into your place,
and whatever place
that we find in L.A.,
that would be... ours.
You know,
this place was hard to find.
Ten blocks from my job,
two blocks from the park.
Think of it this way--
if I get the job,
we won't have to suffer
through another New York winter.
- "Suffer"?
- Yeah.
Please. It's not that bad.
And I like the snow.
A little sunshine
would be nice.
But I still have to audition.
This is the L.A. Symphony.
This is Principal Trumpet,
and there is gonna be
a lot of competition.
They would be lucky
to have you.
Would I still have you, though?
I know I'm asking you
to give up a lot.
And you're asking me to live
in all that sunshine...
- [laughing]
- Just think how I'd get burned!
Come on,
you look great in red.
But there is the possibility
that I won't even get the job,
- so...
- Oh, come on.
You're gonna get it.
You're that good.
I guess we'll find out
in a couple of days.
And you know, I just think
we should talk about it
some other time,
when we have more time.
I mean, you-- You have to go!
I hate how you're always--
- Yeah. I know, I know.
- ...Late for the airport.
I should get going.
Good luck.
I really mean it.
I know you do.
Knock 'em dead!
All right!
[imitates bat cracking on ball]
[Stanley whistles]
- Oh, hey, Stanley--
- Hey.
Did the appraisal come in
on the George Washington letter?
Oh, you're on the money,
as usual.
Well, I've worked for Leland
for ten years,
I should be good at this
by now.
Yeah, well,
after a few more years,
you'll be the new Leland.
Whoa! Easy on
the promotion, there.
I'm happy where I am.
Well, I won't be happy
if you move to L.A.
Aw, 'cause you'd miss me?
Yeah, no,
but I'd miss the drama.
You're very entertaining.
Well, I'll take that
as a compliment.
[phone buzzes]
It's Finn.
The audition must be over.
Well, are you gonna
answer it, or...?
I... [grunts irately]
Yeah, yeah. Go.
Finn, hi! How did it go?
Better than I could've
possibly imagined.
They offered me the job
on the spot.
Wow! That's incredible.
Yeah, I keep pinching myself,
but, I mean,
this seems to be real.
Hey, listen, I'm gonna spend
an extra couple of days
down here with my family
before I head back.
They're so excited.
Of course they are.
They must be thrilled.
Send them my best.
I'm really happy for you, Finn. Congratulations.
'Kay, well, there's good news
and bad news.
He got the job.
Is that the good news
or the bad news?
I don't know.
My family is so excited
about having me local again.
I'm sure they are.
My brother even took me
Look, I know
this all happened really fast,
but you understand I had
to take this opportunity, right?
Yes, of course, I understand.
But you have to understand
you're not the only one
who loves their job.
Well... there are
auction houses in Los Angeles.
They're not the Metropolitan.
I love New York.
It's... It's who I am.
And I would never
want to change that.
[sets glass down]
Okay, so what are we saying?
maybe this is...
more than just geography,
maybe it's about
who we both are...
what we want.
And that maybe we want...
[takes a shaky breath]
...different things.
Yeah, I think so.
Look, I know
I have some things here, uh...
[chuckles] I was just getting
used to having them around.
The only thing
I'm gonna miss about New York
is you.
I'm gonna miss you, too.
[sighs and clears her throat]
Hey, come here.
Come on, come here.
[phone rings]
Hi, Avery.
I did some research
and I found the perfect guy
to repair the veil.
He's a master tailor
and he's Italian.
He only sees people
by appointment,
but I did manage
to get you one.
Well, you're not gonna need
that appointment,
because Finn and I
broke up.
You know, we should
get Emma on the phone.
Oh, wait, we can't.
She's teaching.
Tracy, what happened?
He got the job in L.A.
and I wasn't willing
to uproot my life.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, it's okay.
And I'm surprised...
I mean, especially
since you have the veil.
Listen, Avery,
I don't want to burst
your bubble about that veil,
but I hung it up in my closet
and then my relationship ended.
Maybe Finn
just wasn't your soulmate.
I don't think
we have to go there.
Do you mind still getting
the veil fixed?
Yeah, you know. Just in case.
See? That's right.
Hang on to that. "Just in case."
Avery, I'm kidding.
Well, I'm not.
Your appointment
is Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.
I'll text you the address.
Got it.
Hi, Stanley.
Will you please let Leland know
that I'm running
a little bit behind?
Yeah, I have one stop to make
and then
I'll be on my way in.
Ah, so you're a Giants fan,
Oh, yeah, forever.
You're not?
Not really.
You like the Jets?
I do.
Yeah. [laughs]
I think Zach Wilson's got
a great future with them
as a quarterback-- boom!
Maybe, but the Jets
aren't the Giants.
Never will be.
Yeah. Exactly.
[door entry bells ring]
Oh, come on, Luigi.
You're still gonna pin my pants,
though, right?
Oh, excuse me.
Hi. Sorry. I'm Tracy Goodwyn.
I'm the 9:00 appointment,
I'm so sorry that I'm late,
but the subway
broke down at Lex,
so I had to run all the way
across to 5th and 53rd,
and I grabbed it there--
I mean, I almost missed it,
but I didn't, so here I am.
Sorry. This gentleman
was a little early
for his appointment,
so I'm afraid
you'll have to wait.
Hey. I'm the 9:30.
I'm only 17 minutes late
for my appointment,
and he's, like, what,
15, 16 minutes early,
so he's had three minutes
of my time already.
I'll tell you what--
we'll just split the difference,
because it's only gonna take me
two minutes to explain to you
what I need to have done.
You lost me.
Just like the Giants are gonna
lose to the Jets this year.
The Jets
will never beat them!
The Giants
are just a better team.
Well, we can agree to disagree
on that one.
Tell us, signorina.
What do you think?
I'm with you.
Giants all the way.
Your pants will have to wait.
Ah, I see how it is.
Now, then...
what have you brought me?
Oh, uh, this is a wedding veil
that has a snag in it.
It's right, uh... there.
The workmanship is exquisite.
Gotta be Italian.
You're right, it's from Burano.
Late-19th century.
A piece this beautiful
must've been in your family
for a very long time.
Unfortunately, not my family.
It belonged
to the Contessa de Marco.
She wore it in a portrait
by Claudio Amici.
That's quite a pedigree.
Oh, sounds
a little made up to me.
Did you just say
that I made up that story?
Well, not necessarily.
You know, maybe somebody else
did along the way.
Actually, this veil has
a very storied history.
If you say so.
- [phone rings]
- Excuse me.
It is a very beautiful veil.
I'm glad you approve.
Nice tux.
Thank you.
So, when is the wedding?
Oh, there's not--
not a wedding.
And yet you have a veil.
It's not my--
well, I mean, I guess
a third of it is mine.
Sort of.
Oh, uh...
what, this third?
No, the third
that doesn't believe in it.
See, there's, like, a legend
about the veil,
that it...
never mind.
Ahem. When is your wedding?
Oh, I'm not getting married.
And yet you're in a tuxedo.
[exhales grandly]
I am the best man.
If you say so.
I can have this ready for you
next Tuesday.
Great. Thank you so much.
I left my pins back there.
Be right with you.
Go, Dolphins.
Dolph-- Luigi!
Dolphins? Come on.
I can't believe it!
Oliver's father
was a client and friend.
He's brought us
a very special document.
It's a piece
I inherited from him,
but, unlike my father,
I'm not a collector.
This is Emma Lazarus's
handwritten first draft...
...of The New Colossus.
[astonished gasp]
I mean, I knew
there was an earlier draft.
I never thought
it would come up for auction.
[chuckles incredulously]
"Give me your tired,
your poor, your huddled masses,
yearning to breathe free..."
We see it
on the Statue of Liberty,
but to see it
in her own hand...
Her poem made
such a profound effect
on so many immigrant families.
My own included.
We'll send you a contract
this afternoon, Oliver.
Sounds good.
- Pleasure to meet you.
- Thank you both.
A lot of collectors
will be interested in that,
especially Carter Wainwright.
He's been looking for a piece
of Americana just like that.
And my fear
is he'll stick it in a vault
and no one will ever see it.
That is exactly
what he's going to do.
But, you know what,
I could probably
reach out to some museums,
maybe get someone
to agree to pay
the appraisal price?
I'm not sure
Oliver would agree with that.
But I have your permission
to ask him, right?
- Well--
- I'll take that as a yes!
Go ahead. Go ahead!
Oh! Mr. Wykoff!
Sorry, Mr. Wykoff,
just one second, please!
Yes. Is there a problem?
- I have a proposal for you.
- Okay.
So, what I was thinking was...
Here you go.
Thank you, honey.
How was the wedding?
Oh, it was amazing.
I don't think I've ever seen
Bobby look so happy.
- Oh!
- Did it give you any ideas?
What, about the new restaurant?
You know
that's not what I mean.
Yeah, I know
that's not what you mean,
which is why I'm not answering.
Thank you so much for helping
with the dinner prep.
Well, it turns out
we really didn't need to.
Carly's got
everything under control.
Okay, it may
seem like that now,
but once Nick opens
his new restaurant,
I may need to call on
you and Nonna a lot.
I think I'm gonna agree
with Mom on this one.
You're gonna do just fine.
- [smack]
- But you might need us.
I'm still not convinced
your idea of mixing Italian
and Asian food together
is gonna work.
It's called fusion.
Nonna, "fusion."
All I know is, it's not
authentically Italian.
[Nonna laughs]
Okay, it may not be traditional,
but it is awfully good.
You hear that?
You hear that?
Molto bene.
[mocking him]
"Molto bene." Ohh...
Mom. Lunch is here.
So, how are you doing?
Oh, you know.
I miss Finn.
But, um, well, I am happy
that I'm still a New Yorker
and don't have to get
on an airplane
to share lunch with my mother.
And Zabar's pastrami
would be hard to replace.
A hundred percent.
You know, honey,
when your dad and I
got divorced,
it took me a while
to get my bearings.
Mom, you were married
for 15 years.
Finn and I were together
for two,
and if you count
all his touring,
we were only together
for a year and a half.
And that's
my longest relationship.
Well, all relationships
have their complications,
but you can't let our divorce
influence your relationship.
That's not what I'm doing.
[clears her throat]
Is this all new?
They're by a new artist
I'm featuring from Taos.
I really like it.
Now, getting back to you.
Have you thought about
what's next?
I have the party coming up
that I'm planning.
I have to get
the auction together,
and I have to find a museum
that's willing to buy
the Lazarus poem.
I'm busy!
Well, just make sure you leave
some time for yourself.
I have decided to buy
one of those mini trampolines.
[laughs] Okay...
Stanley says
they're great for destressing,
and they're highly recommended
for high-stress, high-achieving,
busy New Yorkers.
Sounds like
it's right up your alley.
I get the pickle.
- You take it.
- [crunching]
I think the Lazarus poem
would be perfect
for your special collections.
I know that museums have been
struggling for funding,
and to have an important,
and special, timely piece
like this
could really--
No, of course.
I understand.
Well, I appreciate your time.
Oh, no. This is gonna be
harder than I thought.
I have good news, bad news.
Hit me.
The bad news is the caterers
that we wanted for the party
just bowed out.
So, for those keeping score,
we can no longer count on
caterers or trumpet players.
Correct, but the good news is,
I have a solution.
- Twirl?
- [laughs]
- Let's get your coat.
- Okay.
Oh! My phone.
Phone. Grab your phone. Coat.
[quiet background chatter]
Everything is so delicious!
Really, though.
The only problem is,
how do we narrow it down?
I don't know, because this
was as good as the carbonara,
which was as good
as the risotto.
- Exactly. I don't know.
- How do we choose?
We have to save
some room for dessert,
because I hear the cannolis
are incredible.
We have to get these people
to cater the party.
See, I knew
you were gonna say that,
so I asked the waiter
if we could talk to the owner.
What if
I hadn't liked the food?
I hadn't gotten there--
but the food is fantastic.
- Tuxedo.
- Wedding veil.
- Is this some sort of code?
- You're the owner?
I am.
The owner and the chef.
Nick Serchio.
Tracy Goodwyn.
And I'm Stanley.
But I'm guessing,
by this greeting,
you two have already met.
Yes, we have.
Yeah, very briefly.
[Nick] So I understand
you wanted to see me?
Oh, yeah, but that was before
I knew you were you.
Now that we've got
that out of the way...
uh, what'd you want
to see me about?
About the food.
I-I-- we wanted
to compliment you
on how delicious
all of this food is.
- It's very good.
- Thank you.
Yes, and-and we wanted to see
if you could cater a party
at our auction house
on the 17th--
[Stanley winces from kick]
Catering... the 17th?
Well, I would have to check
with my sister.
Um, I work with her,
so I'll go do that.
[Stanley] Okay,
yeah, yeah, check with her.
In the meantime, we should
probably order some dessert.
'Kay. I'll send somebody over.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
Yeah, fantastic. I hear
the cannolis are really the...
What's going on with you?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
I just realized
that this place is so busy
they probably won't
be able to fit us in.
Well, let's hope they will.
[Nick] I'm definitely
not doing that job.
What is wrong with you?
What are you talking about?
Just it feels like she'd be
a very difficult client.
You've had
difficult clients before.
Just think of the exposure
a party like this would give us,
especially since we are about
to open a new restaurant!
You're just like Mom.
[Nick mutters]
And what's with
the wedding veil
and the tuxedo thing?
- It's a long story.
- How long?
- Not that kind of time.
- All right.
[indistinct exchange]
So... Looks like I will be
available to cater.
Oh. Great.
Good. Yeah. Fantastic.
Why am I the only one
who's excited about this?
I'll get the door for you,
all right?
- All right. Thank you.
- You're welcome.
We've gotten so many RSVPs
for the party
and I just sent out
the invitations.
Our little party's turning out
to be quite the social event.
Yeah. I have to talk
to the florist,
I have to confirm
with the valet.
Oh, I have to get ex...
some extra displays--
You know what? I have to get
those earrings to the catalog
before the catalog
goes to the printer.
The sapphire earrings
that I like?
- Yeah.
- What's the provenance on those?
Because I feel like
I've seen them before.
No provenance. Estate jewelry.
Actually, you know what?
I'm gonna go
to the printers now.
I'll see you later.
What? No, no, no!
You can't go anywhere!
We have an appointment
with the caterer
to go over the menu.
Oh, right!
Well, can't you go without me?
You can have
some alone time with Tuxedo.
I don't want alone time!
I think he's gonna
be hard to work with,
and I don't need
that kinda stress!
The trampoline would help.
Did it come yet?
- Yes.
- And?
I haven't taken it
out of the box.
So, the way it works is,
you actually have to take it
out of the box,
and then you hit it.
Okay, so say "hi" to Tuxedo
for me!
[door bangs shut]
- Oh...
- [chuckling]
Swivel or no swivel?
How much does it cost?
Well, this new catering gig
will pay for the swivel stools.
That's one way
of looking at it.
Oh, come on, Nick.
This party
is exactly what we need.
The auction house
is on the Upper West Side,
and that is exactly the type
of clientele we want to attract.
You're right.
I guess I'll just focus
on what's important--
the food
and getting the restaurant open.
And choosing
the right bar stools.
- You're having way too much fun.
- Yep.
Fine. The swivel.
Just 'cause
you're making me dizzy.
Right? Cool.
Usually, we don't
make a big deal
out of auction previews,
but we're combining it
with our 25th anniversary.
25? Wow. B-But you haven't
been there that long.
No. I've been there ten years.
I started off as an assistant,
and now I am the Director
of Books and Documents.
Ooh. "Director
of Books and Documents."
That is a fancy title.
It is not "fancy".
And I didn't make it up.
Ah. Touche.
Uh, I owe you an apology.
I was a little bit out of line
the other day.
Thank you.
Me too.
- [text alert chimes]
- Oh, um...
Excuse me. Sorry.
So the Morgan Library
turned me down.
How do you get turned down
by a library?
Too many overdue books?
[laughs] No.
I'm trying to have
a historical document
placed in a museum.
Which one?
I'm a pretty big history buff.
It's an early draft of a poem
by Emma Lazarus.
The one that's on
the Statue of Liberty?
"Give me your tired,
your poor,
your huddled masses--"
That one?
Wow. Okay,
I underestimated you.
Good for you.
[laughs] No, I know it,
because my grandmother
immigrated here from Italy
when she was a child,
and the Statue of Liberty
is one of the very first
things she saw
when she came to America.
It's one of the most important
days of her entire life.
It's stories like that
that make me realize
just how important
this is that I'm trying to do.
You want stories?
My nonna's got some stories.
Let's focus
on the menu here, huh?
I've thrown a couple new things
at you here.
I'm opening a restaurant
called Tesoro Mio,
and it's
an Asian-Italian fusion...
That's really interesting,
and different--
something I strive for.
Yeah, me too.
So, check this out...
- Oh!
- Fantastic.
Yeah, look at that.
So? What do you think?
It's a very nice sign.
I thought so, too.
It's a good start, right?
Let's go inside. I want
to show you the rest of it.
Okay, now, you gotta use
your imagination.
Wait until you see the kitchen.
It does everything
but make the sauce.
When we started Da Nonna,
my mother and I
had to make sauce
in a tiny, little apartment.
I think the place
is very nice
and I think
Nick is onto something here.
You know, he got a lot
of very important investors
based on his menu
and his cooking.
What do you think?
We were just saying
how impressed we are
with the place, honey.
Oh, thanks, Ma.
And proud.
Of both of you.
But are you sure you will be
finished with everything
by the opening?
Yeah, we've got, like,
a month, right?
Uh, which reminds me--
I need some artwork
for the walls.
We got plenty of family photos
you could have!
Well, that's, um,
very sweet, Nonna,
but we're going for
a little bit different vibe here
than Da Nonna,
but I'll keep it in mind, huh?
[chuckles] Espresso?
I have some good news.
I called every museum
I could think of, as you know,
with no luck.
But I just had a meeting with
the New York History Museum,
and they want to make
the Lazarus poem
part of their permanent exhibit.
Well, that is
wonderful news, Tracy.
There is a catch.
[chuckles awkwardly]
They can only afford
half the purchase price.
Which means
you have to find someone
who can cover the other half,
and is also willing
to donate it.
Guess it's only
half the money, right?
Unfortunately, it doesn't
make it half as easy.
Indeed. Well...
back to work.
You can do it.
Yeah. Of course.
No, I understand.
But thank you for your time.
[phone thuds]
What's wrong?
I'm just about through
my donor list
and I haven't found anyone.
I'm getting nowhere fast
and I am running out of time.
You want to come out with me,
have a drink,
cry on my shoulder?
I don't have time to cry
because I'm not giving up.
Maybe I'll just
jump on my trampoline.
You finally took it
out of the box?
Desperate times
call for desperate measures.
Okay, well, I'll be out.
Happy jumping!
I'll be at the restaurant.
[springs creaking]
[phone rings]
It's, uh, Nick Serchio,
from Da Nonna's.
Yeah. Hi. I... [wheezing]
I know who you are.
Is everything okay?
You sound like you're
a little bit out of breath.
[ahem] No. I mean,
I was just a little up and down.
I was jumping on a trampoline.
That's all.
[chuckles] Well, I didn't know
the circus was in town.
I didn't know
chefs were funny.
Well, we have our moments. Thanks.
A little kitchen humor?
What, you don't have
auction house humor?
No. No, no.
All that art and antiquity?
It's very serious.
Sacred, in fact.
Well, sorry. I didn't know.
Stanley is the funny one.
The sidekick, right?
The guy that I met
at the restaurant with you?
I'm Abbott to his Costello.
Hey. Who's on first?
What's on second.
I didn't know
you'd know that routine.
I'm surprised you do.
People aren't always
who you think they are.
Well, I think
you're still the chef
that's going to be
catering our party.
I am.
That's actually why I called--
I've narrowed it down
to a few recipes
I want you to try.
- When?
- How is Thursday morning?
Yeah, that-- Yeah,
that should be fine for me.
All right.
You're sure you're not bouncing
on the trampoline that morning?
Well, if I am,
it's, uh, you know,
just to build up an appetite.
All right. I'll see you then.
And here we have
a little shitake mushroom
and umami ravioli.
Smells good.
Ah, it's one of my favorites.
You know, I noticed
all the memorabilia
you have back there.
Wow, you weren't kidding
when you said
you were
a major New York history buff.
Oh, yeah.
It all started
when my nonna gave me
this little replica
of the Statue of Liberty.
- Well?
- Wow.
Wow! [laughs]
If all your food
tastes like this,
I'm never getting a reservation
at Tesoro Mio.
Oh, you know, I may know
somebody that knows somebody
that can get you in.
Oh, this is my sister, Carly.
Carly, Tracy.
- Hi!
- Hi.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
Same here. We are very excited
to be catering your event.
Oh, well, if the food
is this good,
the crowd is gonna be
really happy.
Well, I'm glad you're enjoying
Nick's new menu,
but I should get these
into the kitchen.
It was lovely to meet you.
See ya. Carly's the eldest
of my three sisters.
Where are the other two?
Locked in the kitchen?
Yes. And we threw away the key.
[Tracy laughs]
No, uh, they're in Italy, actually.
Giuliana is doing some research
for a new cookbook,
and my sister, Monica,
is on a farm,
learning how to make
her own olive oil.
Wow. You have
quite a family.
Yeah, I got pretty lucky
in that department.
How about you?
Oh, I'm an only child,
and my parents are divorced,
and, uh, I just had a break-up
myself, recently.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
- Mm.
- Uh, divorce?
No, no, we never made it
down the aisle.
But you still have
the wedding veil.
Only by default.
Yeah, but wasn't there
some sort of legend
attached to it?
It's silly.
The legend is,
whoever has possession
of the veil
is going to fall in love.
That's not silly at all.
That's totally legit.
Yeah. Yeah, for sure.
Totally legit.
[laughing] Um...
why don't we have some dessert?
What's this one called again?
How do you say it?
[Italian accent]
[mimics accent]
- [laughing]
- I can't put it all together.
I know I like it,
but I just can't say it.
That's all that matters.
I'd like to have this
on the menu, too.
- All right, done.
- And the cannolis.
Cannolis are on every menu.
Come on.
Perfect! I love it.
That doesn't look so hard.
You want to try filling
one of these?
Seems easy, right?
Grab that chocolate
right there--
grab it by the top,
otherwise it all comes out.
Oh, yeah, you don't want that.
- All right, and just a--
- Oh!
- [laughing]
- Sorry!
I didn't mean to sp--
Not so-- Not so much filling.
Here, let's get that off.
- Wait, can I taste it first?
- Mm!
- That's good, right?
That's really good!
Mm. So delicious.
That's a lot of chocolate.
Okay, so, we've got
the cannolis,
we've got the "s fogliatella."
[Tracy laughing]
Um, other than that...
everything else good
with the menu?
I really think
the menu's perfect.
I'm really happy to check that
off my to-do list.
Um... I... have to get going.
You going to work?
No, no. I took the morning
off from work,
because I'm buying a new rug
and maybe even
a new coffee table
and some new art.
Ooh. Redecorating?
Didn't start out that way,
but then the break-up--
I guess I just wanted
something new.
Is that this building
that we're in right now?
This, right here,
is the very first day
that Da Nonna's was opened.
my great-great grandmother,
in the hat right there--
look at that hat!
And that's my grandmother, Gia.
The one who gave you
the miniature Statue of Liberty?
- That's the one.
- That's really cool.
Uh, are you still looking
for a buyer for the poem?
I haven't found anyone yet.
It dawned on me earlier
that one of the investors
in Tesoro Mio
is also a very big collector.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Do you think
he might be interested?
Yeah, I mean, we can call him
and find out.
Here, let me help you with that.
Oh, thank you.
You would be willing
to call him for me?
Of course!
To save a very important piece
of New York history?
I can't promise anything.
No! I mean, of course not.
I'm not expecting anything,
but thank you.
Also, if you need help
lugging stuff around,
I've got an SUV.
I could help you.
Oh. What floor are we on?
Uh, the top floor.
I mean-- [laughs]
There's an elevator!
I wouldn't do that to you!
You taught me to make cannolis
this morning.
I thought
I was in for a workout.
Where do you want this thing?
Right here in the middle.
All right.
Oh. Nice place.
Thanks. I like it.
All right. One, two, three--
Perfect. Hey, can I get you
something to drink?
Yeah, water would be great.
[Nick] Um... so are you
collecting rugs?
No, why?
'Cause you got, like,
50 of them over here.
sometimes, you think
something's gonna work
and then it doesn't.
Mm. You have to just move on.
Are we still
talking about rugs?
Now we're talking about my ex.
Finn was going to move in
with me,
and, um, so we started shopping
for stuff for my place,
you know, for both of us,
and he picked out this rug...
...and I gave in.
Well, at least we know
you're willing to compromise.
[scoffs] Right.
Just not all the way to L.A.
That's where he moved.
Well, I don't
know you very well,
but I can't really see you
breaking up with New York.
Hey, this is great.
I love this artwork right here.
That's from
my mom's art gallery.
Your mom has an art gallery?
I just so happen to be looking
for some artwork for Tesoro Mio.
Unless she's charging
Warhol prices, and then...
I know someone
who knows someone
who might be able
to get you a deal.
Sounds interesting.
And cryptic.
So what's the verdict?
Just doesn't work, does it?
Two thumbs down!
How's it getting
back downstairs, though?
[Stanley] Oh, good afternoon.
Wait, didn't you get my text
saying I wasn't coming in
until later?
I did.
What, were you just
up late working?
Yeah. I was, um, you know,
just going over
all the paperwork for the party,
making sure that the vendors
had their contracts
and everything.
Mm. Everything's set.
[changing subject]
Is that the catalog?
It is.
How does it look?
I noticed at that back
that you put a thank-you
to Tesoro Mio there.
Of course I did.
You know,
they're catering the party
and they need the publicity.
That's awfully nice of you.
I'm a nice person.
Most of the time.
I'm just making an observation.
Sounds more like
an exaggeration, to me.
Look, don't get me wrong.
I like Tuxedo.
He's charming, he can cook,
he can keep up with you.
What does that even mean?
You keep up with me.
All I'm saying is
that Finn, you know,
he was nice...
really talented,
but he was always
a few steps behind you.
You need somebody who's more
of a speed-walker...
like Tuxedo.
First of all,
Tuxedo is just--
- "Nick."
- [firmly] "Nick."
- Nick.
- Nick...
is just
a business acquaintance, okay?
He's sor--
It's him.
Well, he's probably just
calling about business stuff.
I've got good news.
So my investor said
he's willing to meet with you.
Really? Wow.
Yeah, he's got a house
out on Long Island,
out by the beach.
He wanted us
to come by on Sunday.
Sunday's perfect.
Why don't I pick you up around...
tch, I don't know, nine?
Nine. Okay. Great.
Ah, thank you so much.
These look great.
Tuxedo found a potential buyer
for the poem.
Just a business acquaintance,
He's just a stand-up guy.
Nick. Nick is just
a stand-up guy--
[snaps] Would you stop
getting ideas? Please.
No, no. No. I mean,
I can't help it, it's in my DNA.
I'll try to have no ideas.
Oh, look-- me
not having any ideas
about you and Tuxedo...
walking down a beach.
I need my own office.
I-I can't live like this.
Whoa-- oh! Okay.
[incoming video call chiming]
- Hello.
- Hey!
Just checking in on you.
Well, don't worry.
It's been three weeks
and I am still standing.
What are you doing?
Why do I see paint cans
behind you?
I'm making some changes,
you know?
Out with the old,
in with the new?
Maybe something blue?
Wait, you didn't get rid of
that cute little table
you bought on our Vermont
weekend, did you?
Wasn't it
right next to your couch?
Yes! You have a good memory.
It was right there.
But now I've put it
in the bedroom.
Looks like you're making
some changes, too.
Yes. I, uh...
I'm just getting
started on the packing.
Paolo and I are moving
to our new place soon.
Oh. Well, I can't wait
to see it.
- [alert chimes]
- Is that what time it is?
I have to go, I'm so sorry,
but Nick is picking me up.
We're gonna go meet Bruce.
Who's Nick?
I don't have time to explain!
Okay. Coat... scarf.
I just got off
the phone with Tracy--
How is she doing?
She's redecorating.
Oh, no. Do you remember
her last break-up?
I know. I even saw paint cans
in her living room.
I just hope we can get there
before she paints her walls
a color she's gonna regret.
What's your schedule like
this week?
- Good morning.
- Hey, good morning.
So, slight change of plans.
- Oh--
- No, no, no. Don't worry.
We're still gonna go meet Bruce,
we're just not
going to his house.
Oh, okay.
Well, that sounds fine, right?
- Yeah.
- Okay. Thank you.
Oh, what's this?
Ah, it's a little surprise
for the road.
- Okay.
- Some cannolis...
Cannolis for breakfast?
I love it.
So just keep in mind,
you'd only be paying
half the asking price.
The museum
will match the other half.
They're looking forward
to displaying the poem
These words meant so much
to so many immigrants,
including my grandmother.
Well, I really admire
what you're trying to do,
but I collect to invest...
and I resell
when the market's right.
Oh, come on, Bruce.
What about considering this
a charitable donation?
I've already exceeded
my donations for the year.
[Tracy chuckles]
Look, I'm very sorry,
but I'm a businessman.
I'm not a philanthropist.
Of course.
I'm sure
you'll find the right person.
You have someone in mind?
I don't, but you two
should definitely keep at it.
You're pretty good together.
I am interested
in this George Washington
letter, though,
so maybe your trip out here
wasn't for nothing.
Hey, I mean, we knew
it was a long shot, right?
Yeah, long shots are always
worth a try, though.
- I should know.
- Meaning?
Well, my grandmother thinks
my new restaurant
is a total long shot.
- [laughs] What?
- Yeah.
Ah, she's old-school.
She doesn't understand
the idea of anybody wanting
to blend Italian cooking
with any other kind of cuisine.
Well, come on,
"old-school" doesn't mean
that she might not
come around.
[laughs] Yeah, right.
There's old-school,
then there's Italian old-school.
- Got it.
- Yeah.
Well, what made you decide
to go with fusion anyway?
Uh, ex-fiance.
- "Ex"?
- Ex.
I've been there.
Yeah, we were together
four years.
She's a chef also,
Asian cuisine.
And we decided to blend
our lives together,
uh, we also wanted to blend
our food passions together,
and boom-- "Tesoro Mio."
Well, it does sound delicious.
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
But, uh, I'm moving on
with her blessing.
So things ended well?
Yeah. Yeah, especially for her.
She's now married
to a Brazilian chef,
and they have
two restaurants in Rio.
- [chuckles] Oh. Great.
- Mm-hmm.
And what about you?
Ah, taking a little...
a little break.
You know,
focusing on the new restaurant.
You know, my best friend, Avery,
always says
that everything happens
for a reason.
- Mm.
- I don't know.
Maybe I'm starting
to believe her.
Speaking of--
sorry things didn't work out
so well with Bruce.
You know what?
We gave it our best shot, right?
- That, we did.
- Yeah.
[Sarah] So, Trace,
what's the attire
for this party?
Tracy] The usual-- upscale
New York cocktail party.
So, in other words,
a little black dress?
That is your dress.
I don't know.
You think?
I-I don't know.
What about this one?
This one's sort of more...
I don't know.
This one's a little more...
Trace, I've never seen you
so in doubt
about a dress before,
especially one that looks
like it was made for you.
What's going on?
It's 'cause I'm not sure
which one is right.
For what?
Or should I say,
for who?
Have you met someone?
Sort of.
But I don't know!
I mean, maybe it's something.
Or maybe it's nothing!
Or maybe I'm just not ready
to be in a relationship yet.
You know?
Well, it's given you pause
about buying a new dress,
so maybe it is something.
Either way,
you have to buy that dress.
Thanks, Mom.
You want to grab
an early dinner after this?
Oh, Mom, I would love to,
but Avery and Emma
are coming into town tonight.
Ah, what's the occasion?
No occasion,
they're just
being good friends.
You know you guys
didn't have to come.
Yes, we did,
given the state
of your apartment.
I know how it seems,
but I'm fine, really.
We were just
a little worried about you.
Especially when
I saw all those paint cans--
it just reminded me of the time
you painted
your apartment purple, and--
Okay, okay. It was lilac!
- It was bad.
- It was
These paint cans have
a very pretty light green
- in them.
- Oh!
I think it's gonna be great,
and since you're here,
maybe you two could
help me paint.
If that's what you want to do,
of course, we'll do that.
- You are the sweetest.
- Avery!
But I love you.
You're the nicest person
I know, seriously.
Okay, where are
we going to dinner?
Oh, I discovered
this new Italian place,
and I thought we could,
you know, just check it out.
Well, look who it is!
Oh, you're becoming a regular.
These are my friends,
Emma and Avery.
- Hi.
- Hi.
The other two-thirds
of the veil?
Nice to meet you.
Oh! You know about the veil?
Well, he was at Luigi's
when I had to take it in
to get repaired.
Oh. You didn't tell us that.
This is Nick
and he is a very talented chef.
Is this the same Nick
who took you Long Island?
[Nick] Well, unfortunately,
that turned out to be a bust,
but yes.
But I did
get to see the Oheka Castle--
one of the architects
who also designed Central Park.
I can't believe
you never know about that.
Tracy knows New York
better than I do.
But that is my favorite part
about the city,
that there's always something
new to discover.
Hey, thank you.
I hope you don't mind.
I took the liberty.
- Oh!
- She does not mind,
and neither do we!
Thank you.
I could tell you the specials,
or you could just
put yourselves in my hands.
Oh, no, we-- we will
put ourselves in your hands.
All right. Perfect.
I'll be right back.
I didn't mean it like that.
We didn't say anything.
No. What do you--
What do you...
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Aw, thank you.
Scusami, cameriere.
Vorremmo ordinare il dessert.
What a find this place is.
I mean, not to mention Nick.
What? I was talking
about his cooking.
I just ordered us
some dessert.
Yes. I noticed you were
practicing your Italian.
I was trying.
Every chance I get.
Paolo's trying to improve
his English,
so we're not speaking Italian
too much at home right now.
So when are you
going back to Italy?
Probably the start
of spring semester?
It's just not official yet.
And then you'll continue
tracing the veil?
- That's the plan. Yeah.
- Okay.
I'm still wondering
how it got to the States.
- And so am I.
- So is Avery.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
to you
Happy birthday, dear--
[hushed] Why do they think
it's my birthday!
Just smile and eat cake.
I guess my Italian's
not as good as I thought!
It's okay, Em,
at least you know
how to order three forks.
Happy birthday to you
Stop it. Thank you.
It's exactly what I ordered.
Thank you.
This is amazing.
Let me cut that
into some smaller pieces.
- We'll take care of it.
- Thank you!
Thank you, Nick.
Everything was wonderful.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
So, if you find yourselves
in New York on the 30th,
I'm doing the grand opening
of our new restaurant,
and I would love
for you all to come.
Oh, that's so nice of you.
I think Tracy will probably have
to represent the three of us.
Well, I won't say no to that.
That's good to hear.
Okay, I should probably
get back to the kitchen.
Is there anything else
I can get for you ladies?
No, everything was perfect.
It really was.
All right. Wonderful.
Very nice to meet both of you.
[overlapping] You too.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
Stop looking at me like that.
The cheesecake's really good.
Really good.
It is good.
[Emma and Avery giggle]
I just can't believe that Nick
wouldn't let us pay for dinner.
He is quite a guy.
No! Do not go all Avery on me.
I'm just saying,
it's obvious he likes you,
and from what I can tell,
he is a keeper.
Definitely a keeper.
Not you, too!
But you have to admit,
come on,
this is the veil
working its magic.
Are we back to that?
Yes! But, Tracy, the veil
can only do so much.
You do have to meet it half-way.
I am not asking the veil
to do anything.
I think what we're saying is,
you just really need to think
about what it is that you want.
You know, actually,
what I want right now
is some space.
So I'm-- I'm just
gonna say goodnight.
Tracy, I didn't--
She's really good
with that whistle.
I think
it's a New York thing.
[Tracy] Hi.
Wow. This is great.
- Welcome.
- Thank you.
You know,
I am a native New Yorker,
and this is the first time
I've ever been
to an auction house.
No, actually,
I can't even imagine that.
Can I show you around a little?
- Absolutely.
- Okay.
So how'd you get into
all this?
I always loved history,
ever since I was little.
I didn't even want to go
to summer camp,
I just wanted to visit every
historical site in the city.
That sounds so nerdy
when I say it out loud.
Not at all.
Bet you give one heck of a tour.
Oh, yeah. All the way
from the Bronx to the Bowery.
So, what do you think?
Well, I mean, it's a lot,
and I think it would be
a great place
to come and work every day.
You know, you've got
all of this amazing history
coming through.
Oh, there's just
so much history
and beautiful art,
and amazing jewelry.
It's everything.
But you're here to see
the kitchen, aren't you?
- Uh, yeah.
- I'll show you
where you're gonna set up.
So I think you have
everything we need here,
except for a couple things,
which I can bring
from the restaurant.
- Yeah, and I'll make a list.
- Perfect.
Um... and I gotta tell you,
seeing all
this fantastic art here
has reminded me
that I need to fill up the walls
at my new restaurant.
So if your offer to go see
your mom's gallery
is still on the table...
Professionally speaking,
I should probably
see your new restaurant first.
Hmm. Yeah, you might be
on to something there.
[chuckles] Yeah.
Why don't you come by
today after work?
Sure. Sure. I'm free.
I would love to.
- See you there.
- Okay.
Wow. This is a great space.
So have you thought about
what kind of art?
Well, I like paintings.
Right. That's a little vague.
I like paintings of landscapes,
you know?
And when you look at them,
you kind of want to go there,
type of landscapes.
Yeah, I know exactly
what you mean.
Okay, well, any other thoughts?
Just nothing that makes you
lose your appetite.
Right! Good call.
Uh, you know,
art is subjective, right?
I get that, and that's
really why I need your help.
Like, I am very confident
with my calamari,
but I have no idea what to put
on the walls, you know?
Have you thought about
fine art photography?
Yes, and that is a great idea,
but if I put
a photo on these walls
that is not of my family,
my grandmother, she is never
gonna let me live it down.
Well, I don't know
if I can help you with that,
- but--
- [phone chimes]
Oh, um, that was just Luigi
texting me
to remind me that I need
to pick up the veil.
I thought
you picked that up already?
No. No, I haven't
had a chance yet.
It's no rush.
I thought
your friends needed it?
They-- no. They, uh,
are already married.
In fact, they both wore the veil
at their weddings.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Hmm. So that means you're
the only one of your friends
that's still single?
Yep, but I'm not
complaining about it.
No, I totally get it.
I'm not complaining about being
the only one of my friends
who's still single,
but if you ask my nonna
and my mother...
I think I should
just pick up the veil
and stop making a thing
out of it, you know?
Hey, Avery,
can you hold on a second,
so I can get Emma on, too?
Okay, now that you're both
here, I, um...
I want to apologize.
We're sorry, too.
Yeah, we realized we came on
a little strong about Nick.
And the veil.
We just want you
to find the right person.
Whoever it is.
Ohh! I can't stand it
when we fight.
Wait a second. I don't
remember us ever being
in a big blow-out fight before.
That's not true.
Remember when we were
studying for finals
and we accused the others
of eating the last
chocolate-chip cookie?
Yeah, that's 'cause you did.
- [laughing]
- I totally forgot about that.
In our defense,
we were super-sleep-deprived.
I was so tired!
So... are we good?
Aw, you don't even have to ask.
'Course we're good.
I love you, girls.
All right. Avery, you first.
Tell me about your day.
Oh, that's interesting.
It's a bit intense.
Well, clearly,
you haven't tried
my spicy ramen arrabbiata.
Oh, I love that.
For the restaurant?
No. It's for my apartment.
It's gonna go perfect
with my new rug.
Which one?
As I recall, you have quite
the collection going on.
I'll narrow it down, okay?
Find anything you like?
Uh, I don't think so. Sorry.
Oh, don't be sorry.
I've got some new pieces
coming in a few days...
...If you'd like to come back.
Well, let me check
with my designer.
Would you like to come back
in a couple days?
I think we can make that work.
You don't mind
being stuck with me again?
You're not so bad
to be stuck with.
Did you hear that?
[quiet background music plays]
May I have a moment?
Yes. Yes, of course, Leland.
Tracy, I know how hard
you've worked on the party,
and I just wanted to say
thank you
for making it so special.
Well, I am honored.
I mean, Metropolitan is like
a second home to me,
so I really wanted this party
to be perfect.
Well, the place wouldn't
be the same without you.
Am I going somewhere?
Not if I can help it.
Are you going somewhere?
Well, I have to retire, eventually,
and I was hoping I could
leave it in capable hands.
Maybe those hands
might be yours.
[gasps quietly]
Shall we go over
and join our guests?
Good news, bad news?
Good news.
The good news is you look
fantastic. Love the dress.
Thank you.
There's no bad news.
[both laughing]
Hey, are you okay handling
things on your own for a while?
Yeah, take as long as you want.
You got your eyes on something
a little special over here?
Oh, uh, I'm just
appreciating the earrings.
Which? These, uh,
blue ones right here?
Mm-hmm. They're sapphires.
There's just
something about them.
Wow. Those are beautiful.
Have you heard the big buzz
of the party?
- No.
- Everyone's raving
about your food.
- What? Wow!
- Mm-hmm.
Wow. That is, uh,
that is music to my ears.
Well, I have to thank you,
because this party
is really important to me.
Of course. Of course.
And it was a pleasure
to, you know, watch you
and kind of get a glimpse
into your world.
So thank you.
Have you had a chance
to see the Lazarus poem?
No, I haven't.
Can you come see it now?
Are you kidding me?
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Wow. Look at that.
That is special.
To see this poem
in her actual handwriting?
- I know.
- Wow.
Now I understand why
you've been fighting so hard.
And mostly failing.
But that's okay.
I am not giving up.
I am not throwing in the towel.
Who is that guy?
Carter Wainwright.
He has a vast collection
of incredibly important
historical artifacts
and he keeps them all
locked in a vault.
I hate the idea
of a guy like that
getting his hands
on the poem.
It deserves to be seen
by the immigrants
that it was written for.
Nick! That's it.
You just gave me
a great idea.
So, remember,
in our conversation
at the party, you said,
how much that poem meant
to immigrants, right?
- Yeah.
- I should find someone
who it means something to,
you know,
someone who lived it.
Yeah, someone who emigrated
to the U.S. themselves.
Yes! Exactly.
So I researched
all day and all night
and I finally found
the perfect person.
Rangan Narula.
The tech guy?
Exactly. He came from nothing
and he went the distance.
Yeah, I'm not doing that again.
He is an incredibly inspiring
rags-to-riches story.
And he lives in Manhattan.
No way.
So, you called him?
Well, it's Sunday,
so his office is closed.
I emailed him
and all five of his assistants.
Well, there you go.
Thank you.
This is it. This is the one.
You sure?
Yes, I am sure, it's perfect.
It fits right in.
Well, I guess you do
have to try a few out
before you find
the right one.
Are you still talking
about rugs?
Ahh... maybe.
Maybe not.
'Kay, well, I'm still
talking about rugs,
so don't confuse me.
Well, I guess
you'll figure it out.
- What?
- Nothing.
[Nick chuckles]
[Tracy] Morning, sunshine.
What's going on?
- Why don't you tell me?
- What?
You got a call
from Rangan Narula's office.
What's that all about?
[elevator doors ding]
Ms. Goodwyn?
Oh, yes. Hi.
- I'm ready.
- I am so sorry.
Mr. Narula has to reschedule
his appointment with you.
He was called away
on urgent business.
Perhaps next month sometime?
No. Next month is too late.
[phone rings]
How did it go with Narula?
he had to go out of town
and he's not gonna be able
to reschedule the meeting
until after the auction.
Oh, that's a bummer.
I'm sorry.
But hey, you pushed to get
one meeting with him.
Chances are,
you push to get another one,
you can get one
before the auction.
Yeah, I guess.
It's just that
Pushy Tracy is a little tired
from being so pushy.
Sounds like you need
a little cheering up,
and I could use a break.
I guess I just thought
you never slowed down.
Juggling two restaurants,
even temporarily,
is a lot more difficult
than I thought.
[Nick] So this is
a no-work night, then.
No talking about food
or auctions.
Those are some strict rules.
I guess we're gonna find out
if our jobs define us.
Yeah, we could talk about
how your re-decorating is going,
or your rug-collecting.
Okay, that whole situation
is winding down, okay?
But we have to figure out
another subject to discuss.
Oh, I know.
How about places in New York
that we haven't visited?
In fact, I'll bet
you've never been to see
the last remaining piece
of the Ziegfeld Theatre.
Where has that been hiding?
That's a secret.
I'm not tellin' you.
- What?
- I'll show it to you, though.
- If you want to go.
- Okay.
Or... we could get
another piece of pizza.
Ooh... uh--
I don't know.
This is really good pizza.
- Mm-hmm.
- But...
I want to go see the theater.
[groans] Aww...
All right, fine.
Okay, so, I think we ended
in a tie, right?
Because we both stuck
to the rules the whole time.
But you almost blew it
when you first saw
that Ziegfeld statue.
You weren't supposed
to notice that?
- I notice everything.
- Well, I can't help it!
Ohh, now that it's over,
I have to tell you,
ooh, that statue would kill
at auction.
Should we go back and get it?
Thank you so much
for such a nice evening.
I had a great time.
Yeah, me too.
Let me know if you need
any more rugs carried up.
No, I think I'm good,
'cause that one's a keeper.
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
We'll see about that.
Hey! How are you?
I think I'm in love.
Tracy! That's wonderful.
It's the perfect fit.
That's so hard to find.
Tell me about it.
I searched high and low.
That's what it takes sometimes.
I'm just so glad
the search is over...
and that I got
such a bargain.
No, I'm talking about
my new rug.
I thought
we were talking about Nick.
You can't ask me to choose
between Nick
and my new rug.
What about you and Nick?
I haven't decided
about that yet.
You're interested, right?
That's something.
- I'm just not sure what yet--
- [phone buzzes]
Oh, I have to get
back to the office.
All right.
I'll talk to you soon.
Love you.
She's in love with her rug?
But your instincts were right.
She's been spending
more time with Nick.
That's the veil
working its magic.
I wouldn't mention that
to Tracy.
Oh, right, no. Of course not.
But I'm just telling you,
I cannot wait to see her
in that wedding veil.
I know, but I wouldn't
mention that, either.
'Course not. Okay, bye.
That is definitely a piece
of Broadway history.
I'll have to check out
this Ziegfeld statue for myself.
I have other photos.
You can scroll back.
Okay. Oh, yeah!
That's from Avery's wedding.
Oh! That's a cute picture.
We took that in the gallery
at the Stanbridge Museum.
Oh, this infamous painting--
- [phone chimes]
- Oh...
Tuxedo texting.
- Let me text him back. Uh...
- No. No, no, no, no!
Do not text him.
Give it to me!
Oh, he's just
asking me to lunch.
Oh, that's fun.
Where will you go?
I don't know.
I'm gonna let him decide.
- I'll just...
- Okay, yeah.
That's cool. See. Uh...
"I raise you, your move." Yeah?
What about...
Well, go somewhere new.
Okay. Okay, okay. Yeah.
That's what he wrote back!
- He said "somewhere new"?
- Yes.
Pickin' up
what you're puttin' down!
- Wow.
- Let's go.
You two are in sync.
So we do this every month.
It was my nonna's idea.
She loves giving back, so...
Oh. I like her even more.
Welcome to our little
family tradition.
This is awesome. I would love
to help out, if I can.
[Nick] You don't have to.
I want to.
You know, I bussed tables
when I was in college.
I can get four plates
on one arm.
Wow, that's a lot of plates.
- [chuckling]
- Mama.
Sorry to interrupt.
This is Isabella.
- Tracy.
- Hi.
It's a pleasure
to meet you, honey.
It's really nice
to meet you, too.
This is my nonna, Gia.
Oh, I've heard
so much about you.
And I've heard about you.
Nick says
you're trying to put the poem
Emma Lazarus wrote in a museum
for everyone to see.
Well, I am hoping
to make that happen.
And Tracy wants to help out,
she wants to help serve.
I'll get you an apron!
Oh, thank you.
- Oh--
- Don't make me laugh.
You can use your other hand!
- No, no. It's a point of pride.
- All right.
[Tracy] Don't.
Don't say anything.
She's not Italian.
Here I come. Okay.
That's for you.
And that's for you, sir.
Yeah, but, Ma,
she seems to really like
one particular Italian
we both love, so...
Nice! Whoo!
[laughter and applause]
Thank you.
Best tip I ever got.
And he looks very happy.
And that's all
that really matters, right?
You know what,
Nick, I just want
to say thank you
for including me here today.
I had a great time.
I had a great time watching you
juggle all those plates.
Yeah, it's good to know
I still have a skill
I can fall back on.
I'm sure you've got
more than one.
I know it's not like
being a professional chef,
but I was a short-order cook.
Yeah, seriously. Why
are you looking so surprised?
What can I say?
You're full of surprises.
You're welcome to come over
for dinner tonight.
I'd like to prove it to you.
Huh. I do have the night off.
Are you sure?
Most people are afraid
to have a chef
over to their house for dinner,
they're afraid their cooking
is not gonna measure up.
Well, I'm not afraid.
I like a challenge.
Game on.
- [knocking]
- Come on, in, Nick.
Door's open.
[door opens, then shuts]
So, I wasn't sure
what you were cooking tonight,
so I brought
a little rosso e bianco.
Thank you so much. Perfect.
Mm. It smells good.
It's not Italian,
but it smells good.
Well, I thought we could have
something different.
Went with an American classic.
Sloppy Joes.
- Sloppy Joes?
- Comfort food.
Oh, that's why
I didn't recognize it.
You've had it before, right?
No, I have not.
How is that even possible?
Hey, I'm Italian.
You know? We do
the meat-ah-ball-ah sub-ah.
You need to know
that I survived on this recipe
when I was in college,
so I like to think
that I perfected it.
Very good.
Mm. Mwah.
But it needs something?
What? No. No, no, no.
I-I am the guest tonight,
you are the cook,
so whatever you think.
Right, but you're
a professional chef.
You would know.
I-I can take it,
I can handle the truth.
Okay. Maybe
it could use a little cumin.
Cumin? Okay. Cumin.
Okay, garlic powder...
Wow, you've got
a lot of seasonings there.
Let me check--
I'm gonna reach over here.
Okay, what's... Oh!
[both laughing]
There we go.
Yeah, you found it.
I found it. You mind? Yeah?
Oh, no. Please.
Here. Go ahead.
All right.
We mix this up a little...
see that wrist movement
back there?
There's a flair to it.
This is just cooking.
Bring your tastebuds over here.
I don't want to get this
on your pretty dress,
- so, careful.
- 'Kay.
That's amazing! Oh, my gosh.
It's so much better.
You'd think
I do this for a living.
Yeah! Well, dinner is ready.
You know, sometimes,
it's just the simplest things
that surprise you.
I will set the table.
Oh. Oh, thank you.
Yeah, you can just
move my stuff anywhere.
are you researching Narula?
I want to get to him
without having to wait
for another meeting.
I've just been doing
a lot of research on him.
I even found out
what neighborhood he's from
in Queens,
and where he eats breakfast
there every Sunday.
So which wine should I open--
the red or the white with this?
Mm, good question.
You know,
we're doing sloppy Joes,
so maybe
I have a better option.
[together] Beer.
Are you reading my mind?
Great minds think alike.
Oh, this is it.
Oh, there he is,
he's in that back booth.
Oh, yeah.
Okay. Uh, you got this, okay?
Don't forget to breathe.
[inhales deeply]
[deep breathing]
- All right. Let's go.
- Okay.
Well, here goes nothing.
Go get 'em, tiger.
Mr. Narula?
- Yes?
- I am is Tracy Goodwyn,
I work at
the Metropolitan Auction House.
We were meant to have
a meeting last week
and you were unable to attend.
Anyway, I'm really sorry
for intruding like this.
It's not the kind of thing
I usually do.
I usually eat my breakfast
alone without interruptions.
I know. Yeah. I read that.
I'm sorry... about this,
but I really need
a moment of your time.
My eggs are getting cold.
Of course. Right. Sorry.
That's the third time
you're apologizing.
Are you done?
Yes, actually.
Pretty sure I am.
Then let me apologize to you
for canceling our meeting.
Please, sit down,
so I can at least eat my food
while it's still warm.
Great. Okay.
Ah! Yes.
- Well?
- Yeah, uh...
I think it went really well.
He said that he wasn't sure yet,
but he told me
to write up a proposal
and he said he would
show it to his lawyers.
Sounds like a "yes" to me.
I did express urgency to him,
you know,
that the auction
was only a few days away.
What do you have to do?
Just write a proposal, right?
Only the best proposal
of my entire life.
You got this!
Let's go back to Da Nonna,
I'll cook you breakfast,
and you can write
this amazing proposal.
No, I-I probably--
there gonna be cannolis?
Of course! Cannolis, yes.
You earned it. Come on.
- Just one.
- Yes. Maybe five.
[indistinct exchange]
What was that?
Those are
the sapphire earrings.
Someone put
a pre-emptive offer on 'em.
I never got to try them on.
Yeah. Okay--
- Can we go over the checklist?
- Yeah.
Only thing that's left to do
is tag the auction items.
Okay, but don't tag
the Lazarus poem just yet.
Still nothing from Narula?
But I think it's just him
and his lawyers
going over all the paperwork.
It's complicated, you know?
It's not just a purchase,
it's a purchase,
and then a donation.
Okay, well,
should we go to lunch?
I have to work through it
because I'm leaving early
to meet Nick
at my mom's gallery.
You two are becoming
quite a regular thing.
Should I be jealous?
Of course not.
You'll always be
my work husband.
- Mwah!
- I'll take it.
[Sarah] The new paintings
I want to show you
are right over here.
Ah, fantastic.
More of what
we were looking for.
See, this reminds me
of Verona.
That's where my grandmother
was born.
That makes sense.
The painter's Italian.
Hmm. I don't think it's quite
what we're looking for,
for Tesoro Mio.
What-- What do you think?
Probably not.
Let me see.
What else do we have?
This speaks to me.
Reminds me of that day
down by the water.
I know what you mean.
The day we were at the water,
it was very cold.
Well, maybe
it was cold this day, too,
and the artist decided to paint
blue skies instead of clouds.
I hadn't realized
you were an optimist.
It's one of
my better qualities.
[Nick laughs]
You have a few.
I see you found one you like.
It's called "Cielo Blu".
Mm. "Blue Sky." Weird.
The artist is Italian.
So's the guy buying it.
[Tracy exhales deeply]
You did good.
In fact, the whole restaurant
looks good.
Ah, well, thanks to you.
You had a lot to do with it.
I'm not just talking about
picking out the barstools.
Ah, it's gonna be so weird
running my own kitchen
when you move over here.
You know something? I think
we're both gonna be just fine.
Where did you find it?
That? Uh...
from the Sarah Goodwyn Gallery.
As in... Tracy Goodwyn?
Yes. That's her mother.
Then I wouldn't say
I'm the only one
around here
who's been helpful.
Have you asked her out yet,
on a real date?
Yeah, does pizza count?
Yeah, if you're in college.
Thank you, oh, wise sage.
[buzzing chatter]
They have me on hold again.
Well, what'd they say?
Just that
they can't find Narula
so they're gonna try
to track down his lawyer.
Okay, okay.
But please just make sure
that he knows that the auction's
meant to start any moment.
Thank you.
I can't wait any longer.
I have to start.
[indistinct chatter]
- Good morning, everyone!
- [quietly] Sorry.
[Leland] Thank you for coming.
We've got some very nice items
for you today.
Lot number 843--
a handwritten letter
from George Washington.
Bidding begins at $220,000.
So-- ah!
300, on the phone!
350 over here.
And 375 on the phone.
Do I hear 400?
Last chance.
All right, then.
It is...
For $375,000
to the bidder on the phone.
Well, we're moving along now.
Our next item,
lot number 844,
is a handwritten draft
of the poem
by Emma Lazarus,
"The New Colossus."
- Written in 1883...
- [text alert chimes]
...this early draft
of the poem
was engraved
on the Statue of Liberty.
Excuse me a moment.
[Leland chuckles]
I've just been informed
that this item has, in fact,
been withdrawn,
so we shall move straightaway
onto our next one,
lot number 845.
It is a first edition...
Here you go.
You did it!
Oh, we did it.
- Okay,
- I'll buy that.
If I may,
I would like to thank
each and every one of you
for making today's auction
an amazing success,
and I especially want
to thank Tracy,
who went out on a limb
to save a very important part
of American history.
- [overlapping] Cheers!
- Thank you.
That was definitely
a day to remember.
Oh, best day ever.
And the look
on Carter Wainwright's face--
- So good!
- ...When Leland just
pulled the poem
away from him! Oh!
That alone was worth
at least a million dollars.
Oh, and I am so glad
that you were there
to share it with me.
- Oh!
- Me too.
I wouldn't have missed it
for anything.
Ah, well, uh... here we are.
Thanks again.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
We just got caught up
in the moment, you know?
Well, it's a moment
I was hoping would happen.
I just wasn't sure
you felt the same.
I'm not sure I'm ready
to feel that way.
I get it.
We can take it slow.
Slow feels...
too fast
for me, right now.
I'm sorry.
Have I been misreading things?
No. It's me.
I-I think I've been
sending you mixed messages.
Or maybe I've just
been reading them wrong.
Now, if you're not ready,
you're not ready.
I totally understand.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
You're being honest with me,
and that is totally admirable
and I appreciate it.
Maybe we should just, uh,
call it a night?
Thank you.
Thank you.
[camera shutter clicking]
This is a good home for it.
I think Emma Lazarus
would feel the same way.
Thank you so much, Mr. Narula.
It's a pleasure.
- Congratulations, Tracy.
- Leland, thank you.
Thank you.
I still can't believe
it's here.
Mwah. We did it together.
- No, no, no.
- We made it happen.
- This was all you.
- It was a team.
It was a team. Okay.
I'll see you later.
- Mom!
- All finished?
Thank you for waiting.
Oh, honey.
I am so proud
of all that you've done here.
Thank you so much.
I'm a little surprised
you wanted
to have dinner with me tonight.
- What?
- I would've thought
you'd want to celebrate
this special moment with Nick.
No. Well, things just got
a little complicated.
Ah. Sounds like
a romantic complication.
Honey, I'm your mom, remember?
I'd have to be blind not to see
there was something
going on with you two.
The truth is,
I'm the one who was blind.
I didn't realize how close
Nick and I had gotten
until he told me how he felt,
and I...
and I got scared.
Scared of what?
Scared of...
[voice cracks] I feel about him.
Oh, honey.
Nick is a "forever"
kind of guy,
and you can't confuse that
with Finn,
or even your father and I.
All these years,
I've watched
as you let our divorce
color your relationships,
and the fact of the matter is,
your dad and I just weren't
right for each other.
[Tracy takes a shaky breath]
But you and Nick are.
[phone rings]
- Hi.
- Are you okay?
Did Stanley call you?
We promised
we wouldn't say.
So you know
about Nick and me?
And since
you're on your trampoline,
I'm guessing you're not okay.
Trampolines are great
for stress.
Your problem isn't stress,
it's matters of the heart.
So you should probably
get off the trampoline
and get over
to Nick's restaurant.
It's the 30th.
His opening.
I don't think
that I am welcome there.
That didn't stop you
with Rangan Narula.
Get over there!
[Nick] Ladies.
[indistinct exchange]
I-I-I was hoping
that the shitake mushroom
ravioli would...
be on the menu tonight.
Hoping that's not the reason
that you came by.
No. The man who made it
is why I'm here.
Well, hate to break it to you,
but technically,
my nonna made it tonight.
She tried it,
and then when she did,
she went all in,
but I get where you're going.
I should've come up
with a better opening line.
No, you're doing just fine.
Good, 'cause...
that's my best material.
So I'm sorry.
And the--
And the truth is...
the truth is,
you're not misreading anything.
So what you're saying is
that if I was to kiss you,
you won't push me away?
Well, it better be
a good kiss.
But what constitutes
a good kiss?
[diners cheering]
[Nonna Gia] Who cares
if she's not Italian?
That was a great kiss.
They make a wonderful couple!
You look so beautiful.
Oh, thank you.
Have you heard from Emma?
Yes, she landed.
She's on her way right now.
Okay. Okay, great.
[Avery] Look at
our beautiful bride.
- Bellissima!
- Aw!
Oh, thank you.
Did Tracy tell you
that's the same veil
that was worn
by a contessa
in a 19th-century painting?
She told us all about
the painting
and the veil
and the legend.
Seems like it's coming true
for all three of you.
- [knocking]
- Hi!
Sorry I'm so late!
After my flight got canceled,
we were able
to find another one,
but then there was
only one seat,
so Paolo
is on the next flight out.
You look so stunning. Oh!
I have so much to tell you both.
- Okay, but you--
- Hi!
But you need to take
a very deep breath.
- [breathing deeply]
- And you need to get dressed.
[exhales] Okay. So.
I managed to track down
how the veil got to America.
It took me a while,
but I was able
to get in touch Hilda--
She's the woman
we bought the veil from.
She was able to find
her mother's bill of sale
for the veil
and some jewelry--
she bought it in New York
in 1948,
and you are never gonna guess
who she bought it from.
Angela Diconcini.
- Yeah.
- That's Arianna's granddaughter.
Angela Diconcini
was my mother.
[overlapping, stunned]
- [gasping]
- Unbelievable.
Not when it comes to our veil,
it isn't.
No, no. Wait a second.
So you're saying
Angela was your mother?
Claudia's daughter?
I've gotta get dressed.
Do you know
why she sold the veil?
Well, I-I know my mother
sold some family heirlooms
when we got to America,
for money
to open our restaurant--
...But, until today,
I had no idea
what those heirlooms were.
Can someone please explain
what this all means?
What I think it means
is that Nick's family
are direct descendants
of Arianna and Amici.
And that Paolo
has even more cousins!
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Now, I get that this Arianna
was in the painting,
but how exactly
is she related to us?
I got this.
And I got her.
Okay, so, Arianna and Amici--
Amici was the artist
who painted the portrait--
they fell in love,
and they had
a baby named Claudia,
but she was adopted
by Arianna's chambermaid,
Carmela was
my great-grandmother!
At least,
I thought so before today.
Which also means...
you two are cousins,
by marriage.
And I'm so jealous!
No, no, no.
No, we're all three
still sisters.
Yes, yes, forever!
We should take our seats.
Come on, Mom.
See you out there.
Thank you.
It's your turn, Tracy.
Are you nervous?
I'm not
'cause you both are by my side.
We have been through
quite a lot together,
haven't we?
We certainly have.
Good and bad...
mostly good.
Ups and downs...
but mostly ups.
And no matter where we are...
we are always there
for each other.
Let's get you married!
That's a good idea.
if you're gonna
make me admit it,
I am very glad
that we bought the veil.
Because you finally
believe in the legend?
Because it matches my dress.
- [laughing]
- You're impossible.
We didn't care...
She said that someday soon
The sun was going
to shine...
And she was right
This love of mine
My Valentine
You look beautiful.
You look handsome.
So I got you
a little something.
- What?
- A little wedding gift.
[lid clicks open]
You were the anonymous buyer
at the auction house?
As soon as I saw these,
I knew that
they were meant for you.
They are perfect.
I love them.
I hope so.
And now I think I remember
where I've seen these before.
My Valentine
Thank you.
I have never
seen Tracy happier.
That's because she found
what we have.
You're becoming
as romantic as I am.
For life
And I will never
let a day...
Hilda's bill of sale
included sapphire earrings?
These have to be the earrings
from Arianna's portrait.
I see the painting
every single day in the museum.
I can positively tell you
those are her earrings.
That's amazing.
Does you believe
in the legend now?
I don't know.
I do feel that Arianna's spirit
is looking out for us.
Can you just say
you believe in the veil?
'Cause I can't take it anymore.
It's a definite "maybe".
I'll take it!
But, ladies, we do have
one thing left to do.
What? Toss the bouquet?
None of us needs it anymore.
No. Actually, I was, um,
thinking about something else.
You are now officially
a member of
the Wedding Veil Club.
You don't believe
in that legend, do you?
Yeah. I'm married to Avery.
[thumps glass down]
- What, you don't believe in it?
- Oh...
Tracy did have the veil
with her when we met, but, uh...
I don't know,
maybe there's something to it.
[laughs] Yeah.
We all agreed
that we wanted to return
this veil to your family.
Thank you.
So... it comes back
from my mother, Angela, to me...
...and from me to my daughter
and granddaughters.
Thank you, Mom.
Well, if the legend
is really true,
then we'll all be dancing
at three more weddings.
Ladies. Hey, hey.
I was just thinking.
We never talked about
where we want to go
on our spring reunion weekend.
What about going back
to San Francisco?
Full circle. It's perfect!
I love that.
We can see what other treasures
we can find.
We don't need
any more treasures.
You know what?
You're right.
We have each other.
- To us.
- To us.
To us.