The Weekend Away (2022) Movie Script

[somber music playing]
[woman vocalizing]
[music continues]
-[bicycle bell ringing]
-[dog barking]
[driver] First time in Croatia?
-[woman] Yeah.
-This is the old city.
It's beautiful.
[somber music continues]
We're here.
Uh, in case you need a taxi
while you're here.
Oh. Thank you, Zain.
-Wait, I need to pay you.
Uh, it's been taken care of.
Oh, well, at least let me tip you then.
Thank you.
You made it!
Aw, it's so good to see you.
You too. [gasps]
-Look at you.
I can't believe we're finally here.
We're doing this.
I know. Come on.
I've been waiting to open the duty-free.
Yeah. Oh, you waited. That's a first.
[upbeat music playing]
Airbnb deluxe.
Hey, uh
Thanks for paying for the taxi.
Thank Jay. It's all on him.
Wow! Kate, this is incredible.
Can we move in? Stay forever?
-[Kate] Whoo-hoo!
-[woman] That's it.
-[Kate chuckles]
Never going home. Think Rob would notice?
Probably. But who cares?
-Hope you brought your swimsuit.
-Oh, uh
-I think I forgot.
-Well, you'll just have to go naked.
Here you go.
[glasses clink]
-[cork pops]
-[Kate] Whoo!
-[woman] Ooh, fancy.
[Kate] Dom Prignon.
-[woman] Yeah.
To weekends away.
-With best friends.
I got you something.
-You didn't have to get me anything.
-I wanted to, though.
I just wanted to say thank you
for planning this whole thing.
And I've I've really missed you so much.
It's beautiful, Beth. Thank you.
[Beth] Here. I know you love black onyx.
-[both] Oh!
-[bead dropping]
-Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
[groans] Where is it?
I I got it online.
-I can send it back.
-No. No.
I love it.
I love you.
I love you too.
I don't know what to wear.
Nothing fancy enough.
[Rob] So just go in your granny panties.
You'll still look great.
I'm so tired. I just want to go to bed.
So go to bed. It's your holiday too.
No, no. Kate booked a restaurant.
It'll be fun.
Tell me more about Aster.
Are you missing mommy?
[Rob] Are you missing mommy?
- [Aster cooing] Mama.
She misses your boobs, she says.
-[Rob] So do I.
-[Aster whimpers]
[inhales deeply]
[sighs] It'll have to do.
[Kate] Here I come.
[Beth] Wow, Kate! [chuckles]
[laughs] What do you think? New dress.
I went on the post-breakup shopping spree
to end all shopping sprees.
-You look amazing.
-[Aster whimpers]
Oh, hey, Rob. How's it going?
Oh, is that my gorgeous goddaughter?
Aw. Hi.
-Give her a kiss from me.
-[Rob] I will.
I've got to put her down actually.
You guys have a good night.
-Don't get too drunk.
-We will.
-And we will.
-We definitely will.
Night, sweetie. I love you.
-I'll call you tomorrow. Bye.
-Have a good time. Love you.
I'm half wasted already. [laughs]
You're such a lightweight.
Ah, if I break my neck
in these things, it's your fault.
You look like a supermodel.
You should keep them.
-They'll look great at the supermarket.
Oh. This is, um
-The owner.
-Have you settled in okay?
-Yeah. Hi, I'm Beth.
-It's nice to meet you.
-[car horn honks]
Everything's great.
Come on. Taxi's here.
[Croatian tango music playing]
[Kate] Do you know what you want?
[Beth] I don't know,
but I need to eat soon.
-[Kate] Yeah, you do. [laughs]
-[Beth laughs]
Let's get oysters.
Jesus, are they gold-plated?
I keep telling you it's on Jay.
He still hasn't
taken me off his credit card.
I intend on discovering
what the limit is before he notices.
Won't he be mad?
With any luck, he'll have an aneurysm
and drop dead on top of his assistant.
So, uh, have we decided?
Uh, we'll start with a dozen raw oysters
and a bottle of champagne.
-The most expensive one on the menu.
-[chuckles] Excellent.
No? [chuckles]
I've been a crap friend.
I should've been there for you.
You had a baby. You're forgiven.
Are you okay?
I'm fine. Couldn't care less about Jay.
-And what about polyamory, girl? Ooh!
-Polyamory, huh?
-[cork pops]
-I can barely manage one relationship.
-Who's talking about relationship?
Anyway, enough about me. How about you?
How's things with Rob?
They're rea They're good.
He's really great with Aster.
Mmm, and what about with you?
He's trying.
[Kate] How hard is he trying?
Are you getting any at least?
Kate. [chuckles]
[Kate] What?
How long has it been?
Over a year.
Wow. Oh.
Isn't it about time
you got back on the horse?
I I just don't feel like it.
Is it Rob?
-Is he not doing it for you anymore?
-[Beth] It's not Rob.
A body never lies.
No, no, it's me.
It's, uh
-Have you thought about leaving him?
If you're not happy,
take it from me, divorce is the answer.
Especially when it comes
with a big fat alimony paycheck.
We're just going through [inhales deeply]
a rough patch.
You've said that before.
-[waiter] Here we are.
-One for you.
-Thank you.
[waiter] Excuse me, may I?
Yes. Thank you.
-Thanks a lot.
-[waiter] Not a problem.
[Kate] You're such an asshole.
Shut up. Go away. Go away.
I'm afraid the card was rejected.
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-Oh, wow.
-[Kate] Stop calling me.
-One minute and, uh--
-Of course.
[Kate] Bye.
Everything okay?
-Did he find out about the card?
Yeah. Turns out I did discover the limit.
Do you want me to go halves?
No. No, no, no.
-You get the drinks at the next place.
-[Beth] Kate, I'm so sorry. I'm tired.
-And my boobs are like gonna explode.
-[Kate] No, no, no.
I have to pump. They're full, and I can't.
-And we have the bike tour tomorrow.
-Oh, yeah, the bike tour.
[Kate] Oh, come on.
Let's relive our misspent youth.
It took me months
to convince you to come away.
Who knows when we're going to do it again.
[Kate] Come on.
[Kate chuckles]
[dance music playing]
The entrance is just around there.
Uh, thank you, Zain.
Oh, wait, wait, wait. I just want to fix
my face and powder my nose.
[Kate sniffles]
-Uh, are you from here?
-[Zain] No.
Uh, yeah.
California originally, but I've lived
in London the last 15 years.
You left Syria because of the war.
[in Arabic] Do you miss home?
[in English]
Oh, you speak Arabic?
No, not, not very well.
Um, just a little bit.
I work with the Global Rescue Initiative,
or I used to.
I know them.
-[phone rings]
Okay. I'm ready. Let's go.
-[Beth] Okay. Thank you.
-Thank you.
[dance music playing]
[dance music continues]
What do you want?
Oh, just water.
Let me get these.
-No, no, you get the next round.
-[bartender] What can I get you?
Two gin and tonics.
Oh my God, look over there. Hot.
-[bartender] Here you go.
-We should go over there.
-Follow me.
-[Beth] Okay.
[Kate] Coming through.
-Mind if we join you?
-No, I'm sure they're waiting for someone.
No, no, please, be our guests.
-Beth. Hi.
-[man 1] Hey, beauty.
[Beth] Yeah. Oh.
I don't think I've seen you here before.
I would have noticed you.
[both laughing]
[man 2] I love your dress.
You look like a disco ball.
You want to see pictures of my baby?
[dance music playing]
When was the last time
you got hit on by someone that hot?
He's not hitting on me.
[Kate] Yeah, he is.
Come on, we were just saying
you need to get back on the horse.
I-- I'm married.
[Kate] So? Rob doesn't have to find out.
Are you joking?
One night of excitement
might bring you out of your rut.
[man 1] Manhattan for the lady.
Thank you.
We were just saying
how you should come back to ours.
-[Kate] Bitch!
-[screams, pants]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[seagulls cawing]
[somber music playing]
[bubbling stops]
[door squeaks]
[suspicious music playing]
[on voicemail] Hi, you've got Kate,
or maybe you haven't, so leave a message.
[Beth] Hey, did you get my text?
-What? No. Sorry.
-[Beth] I'm really worried.
It's already noon,
and Kate hasn't come home.
So she's probably gone for a coffee
or a wander or something.
-Did you have a good night?
- Yeah.
I did. I drank a bit much.
Honestly, I can barely remember anything.
Right. And what are you doing today?
We're meant to be doing a bike tour.
There you go. That's why she's vanished.
Should've told her it was a shopping tour.
She She didn't leave a note,
and she hasn't texted either.
Did you have an argument?
[suspenseful music playing]
-[Kate] Bitch!
Then don't hang around waiting.
Get out. Enjoy yourself.
-I'll speak to you later. Yeah?
- Okay.
-I'll let you know if I hear. Love you.
-[Rob] Bye.
[phone chimes]
-[Beth] Hi.
I'm sorry to bother you. Uh
Have you see my friend?
I'm looking for her. Um, Kate.
I think she went out,
and I can't get a hold of her.
She's not answering her phone.
You haven't seen her, have you?
Okay. Thank you.
You're not allowed to have parties.
It says so very clearly in the rules.
And I have to charge you
for the two extra guests that stayed over.
[uneasy music playing]
[officer] What was the name of the bar?
[Beth] I can't remember the name.
[officer] Okay, let me see her photo.
So you brought two men back
to your apartment.
-And you don't remember their names.
-[Beth] Well
No, I don't--
-Had you been drinking?
-[chuckles] Yeah, a little.
More than a little
if you don't remember anything.
I'm I'm just not used to drinking,
that's all.
I I just had a baby. So
Okay, your friend
probably go out clubbing or to a bar.
No, uh, we're here together.
So we're supposed to be doing things,
sightseeing and
She's not answering her phone.
I think I found blood.
Did you check the hospitals?
Maybe she had an accident.
Yeah. I did, but there's no record
of her being admitted.
[woman] Is everything okay?
[in Croatian] Yeah. Some tourist.
[scoffs] Her friend ditched her
for some guy, and she's upset.
[in English] Does she have her bag
with her? Her wallet, her passport, keys?
Yes. I checked.
[in Croatian] I can handle it.
[in English] Can I file
a missing persons report?
No, you can't
because you need to wait 24 hours.
Most people show up before then.
I'm sure your friend will too.
[unsettling music plays]
[line ringing]
[Zain on phone] Hello.
-Thanks for picking me up.
-It was close by. It's no bother.
[sighs] I couldn't remember the name
of the bar last night.
The Blue Parlour.
[mysterious music playing]
That's it.
Has something happened?
Did you lose something?
My friend.
[keys jingling]
[engine starting]
Uh, no need.
-You want me to come in with you?
[Zain] Sure?
Yeah, it's okay.
Thank you.
You served us.
We were sitting right there with two guys.
She was wearing a blue dress.
No, no. Sorry. No.
What are you doing?
Figured you could use some help.
[speaking Croatian]
[bartender speaking Croatian]
Escorts? As in
[scoffs] I didn't know
that was an actual, real thing?
I didn't hire them.
Then your friend must have.
No, she didn't hire them either.
One night of excitement
might bring you out of your rut.
Oh my God.
She kept going on and on
about how I needed to have some fun.
I'm such an idiot.
I wondered why he was into me.
The barman says
he's seen them there a lot.
Always with different woman.
They joke about it.
[sighs] Does he know
how to get a hold of them?
Uh, he only knew their first names.
Mateo and Luka.
Come on. I'll take you back.
[Rob on phone]
You went to the police?
I mean, this is Kate we're talking about.
She's not exactly reliable.
[Beth] No, no, she wouldn't do this to me.
Leave without telling me?
[Rob] Really?
How many times on a night out did
she ditch you for a bloke she just met?
[Beth] No,
I've left her dozens of messages.
-Something's happened to her.
-Don't be silly.
I've got some brilliant pictures
to show you of Aster by the way.
Earlier on, we were watching
The Godfather, and it turns out
she really likes the part where they find
the horse's head in the bed.
[Beth laughs] Great parenting.
I miss her.
[Rob] Are you okay?
Well, we're seeing you tomorrow.
Do you need me
to pick you up from the airport?
Oh my God.
I can't believe
it's nearly Sunday already.
-I'll have to change my flight.
-You can't.
I've got work on Monday.
-What about Aster?
-You don't think I want to come home, Rob?
But Kate's vanished!
Yeah. God, of course. Yeah, sorry.
-Do Do you need me to come over?
- No, It's okay.
I'll be fine.
[Rob] Okay.
All right. Just call if you need me, yeah?
-Okay. Good night.
-[Rob] Good night.
[phone chimes]
[ominous music playing]
-[Kate] Bitch!
[breathing heavily]
[suspenseful music playing]
I think I found them.
[Zain] I called and said I wanted
to hire them for a private party.
They're meeting us here.
What if they don't know anything,
or what if they won't tell us?
-Maybe we should go to the police.
-No, I'll handle it.
Don't worry.
How'd you two meet?
Kate and me?
I was on a semester abroad.
We were roommates.
I met my husband Rob through her.
We hit it off straight away.
You and your husband.
No, me and Kate, actually. [laughs]
We were total opposites,
but just clicked.
You know, right away, she's an extrovert.
-My wife calls it Carneebeh.
-[Beth] Carneebeh.
-What is that?
Carneebeh. It's
She likes to play games. [giggles]
How did you meet your wife?
She was a doctor at the hospital
where I was doing my nursing training?
She's like you,
very trusting of people.
She believed me
when I say I was a nice guy
and agreed to go out with me. [chuckles]
Is Mina okay with you helping me?
She's dead.
I'm so sorry.
[footsteps approaching]
[Zain] Hey.
Don't worry. I got this.
Hi. Hel
[Zain] Hey!
-[Beth] I'm sorry!
-[waitress] Heh!
[speaks Croatian] Go!
[frantic music playing]
[yelping, grunting]
[speaks Croatian]
-[Zain] Where is she?
-[Luka panting] What?
-Where is she?
-Where's who?
-The woman you were with Friday night.
-Kate! What have you done with her?
-I have done nothing.
-So why did you run just now?
-She hired us for a good time. That's all.
-[Zain] Don't lie to me!
[both speaking Croatian]
[Luka groans]
[speaks Croatian]
-What's he saying?
-[Zain] They took her handbag?
When was the last time you saw her?
[Luka speaks Croatian]
[Zain] 3:00 a.m.
What'd you do with the bag? Answer!
[speaks Croatian]
[Zain] They pawned it.
Wait. Did you drug me?
Did you put something
in my water at the bar?
-[Zain] Answer!
I don't need to drug women.
Come on. Please let me go. Okay?
Don't tell the police, please.
[speaks Croatian]
Please, I'll get you the bag.
Okay? Please.
I'll take you there.
They're hers.
It's dead.
[in Croatian] I didn't know
they were stolen!
-[Zain] You think you were drugged?
-[Beth] I've never been that drunk before?
They got me a glass of water.
They could've slipped something into it.
What if they drugged Kate too,
you know? So they could rob us.
Why didn't they take your bag too?
Maybe Kate drugged you.
Why would she do that?
Well, she did hire them
to have sex with you.
[Beth] No, no. She would never hurt me.
I know they know more.
-[car door opens]
Maybe don't mention my name.
I don't want to get in trouble.
If they revoke my visa,
I have no place else to go.
[Beth] I get it.
Listen, I'm sorry
for dragging you into all this.
You're not dragging me into anything.
Stop saying sorry.
Call me if you need me, okay?
[car door opens]
[uneasy music playing]
[engine starting]
[Beth] Well, I couldn't wait.
And look, now I have proof.
Something must have happened to her.
Let's not jump to conclusions.
Let's start with details.
-Your friend's name, date of birth--
-No, I gave this to him already yesterday.
You were there.
Where's the report?
[clicks tongue]
-You didn't file it?
-He told me to come back in 24 hours.
I figured her friend was out partying.
[scoffing] They brought two escorts back
to their apartment.
They were drunk. Probably high on drugs.
No, I I wasn't doing drugs.
And I didn't know they were escorts.
Something bad has happened to her.
I know it.
[Kate] I don't think
they're serial killers, Beth.
And even if they are,
I don't know if I care. Look at them.
You need to interview these men.
I think
they might have drugged me
or maybe both of us.
You just said you didn't do drugs.
I I didn't do drugs. I was drugged.
-There's a difference.
-Funny you didn't mention it before.
'Cause I wasn't sure. I'm still not.
[in Croatian] Can you get her some water?
Then run these names through the system.
[in English] I'm sorry about my colleague.
I need to ask,
is it possible
you may have been assaulted?
[suspenseful music playing]
Well, when we're done here,
we'll take you to the hospital
for a drug test and a checkup.
This is a real Dior.
It's worth around
10,000 Euro.
And they admitted they stole it,
and then gave it back to you.
[Beth] I, eh
I explained Kate was missing, and I
told them I wouldn't go
to the police if they gave it back to me.
[nurse] Any signs of sexual assault
are still inconclusive.
We'll have those results and the results
of the blood test within 24 hours.
[ominous music playing]
[Beth] What do you mean, Jay?
- [Jay] It's a classic Kate move.
-Going missing?
Always has to be the center of attention.
She wore red on our wedding day, I mean,
should've taken that as a warning
of sharks in the water.
You haven't talked to her then?
[Jay] No, not for weeks. It's been bliss.
-No, no, you talked to her Friday night.
-No, I didn't.
She said you called her
about the credit card.
What credit card? All communication
has to go through our lawyers.
Look, Beth, I can actually guarantee
this whole disappearance act
is a lot of bollocks, all right.
What credit card by the way?
What? Are you saying
she's [scoffs] faking her disappearance?
Why? Why would she do that?
Because drama is embedded
in her DNA like an extra chromosome.
She once ran off to New York
for a week after we had an argument
with no word if she was dead or alive.
All right, just trust me,
she likes to punish people.
Look, I gotta go. Just call me,
and let me know what happens, all right?
[line disconnects]
[line ringing]
[Beth] Kate?
-What are you doing?
-Checkout is 11:00.
I'm sorry, I forgot.
There are other guests arriving.
I'll do it.
I'll do it.
-Your friend is still missing.
-[Beth] Yeah.
-Did you go to the police?
-[Beth] Yeah, they're looking for her.
I'm staying till they find her.
I'll find a hotel.
I have a spare room.
I rent it sometimes.
I'll give you a discount.
If your friend shows up,
at least you will be close by.
[Sebastian] You're down here.
[ominous music playing]
Uh, there should be towels
in the bathroom, and
just let me know
if you need anything else.
I think you're gonna love it.
[uneasy music playing]
[line ringing]
[on voicemail] You've reached Rob,
leave me a message after the--
[breathes deeply]
[uneasy music playing]
[soft piano playing]
[Sebastian coughing]
[piano continues playing]
[water running]
[turns off faucet]
[man and woman speaking indistinctly]
-[speaking indistinctly]
[indistinct chatter]
-[Sebastian] You helped yourself.
Yeah. Is that okay?
Of course.
Is that your recording studio?
I'm a composer.
Are you hungry?
I was about to order in.
Uh, I I was about to go out actually.
Good night.
Hi. Thanks.
I had to get out of there.
Have you eaten?
Let's get some food
before we start looking.
-I know a very good Syrian--
-[Rob] Beth.
[Beth] Rob?
Uh, what are you doing here?
I've been calling you all day
to let you know I was on my way.
-I was worried about you.
-Where's Aster?
-[Rob] She's with a babysitter.
My parents are away.
Remember? In the Dordogne. She'll be fine.
-Sorry, am I interrupting something?
-No. This is Zain.
He's a taxi driver.
And he's been helping me look for Kate.
[Zain] Nice to meet you.
You too.
-Okay, I'll I'll go.
Let me know if you hear anything.
-[Beth] I will. Thanks. Sorry.
[Beth] Bye.
Who the bloody hell is he? [chuckles]
-I just told you. He's the taxi driver.
-Who you were going to dinner with.
Give me a break. He's been helping me.
He He drove me and Kate to a bar
the night that she went missing--
Beth, are you kidding?
What if he's involved?
[scoffs] No.
You were just about
to get into a car with him.
-You're being ridiculous.
-No, I'm not.
Jesus, Beth.
[clicks tongue]
Come here.
-I'm sorry.
-[Beth crying]
I am sorry, all right?
I didn't mean to upset you.
Why didn't you tell me?
I would've flown straight over.
I couldn't tell you over the phone.
She hired them?
Do the police think
they're involved in her going missing?
They don't seem to have a clue.
And they're barely lifting a finger
to find her.
[Rob] What if Jay's right,
and she's messing with us?
No. I know Kate. She'd
She likes to be the center of attention,
yes, but she wouldn't do this to me.
[phone buzzing]
[foreboding music playing]
[man] She's been in the water
for some time.
[Rob] It's her.
Oh my God!
She drowned?
It's too soon to say.
The autopsy will tell us more.
But you think it was an accident?
[sniffles] That she fell in?
Or do you think she was killed?
We need to wait
for the result of the autopsy.
We'll be in touch when we know more.
What are you doing?
Couldn't sleep.
I keep seeing her
lying there on that slab.
I feel bad, you know,
for finding her annoying.
I should've been nicer.
[somber music playing]
I have to get going soon.
You sure you don't want to come with me?
We talked about this. I have to
stay till after the autopsy and
-There's the arrangements to figure out.
-Yeah. Sorry. Sorry.
I know. You're right.
[Beth sniffles]
[Beth] Is the coroner certain?
[officer] Yes.
It's now a murder inquiry.
They can't tell if she was sexually
assaulted given the state of the body.
And the fact
she had sex with multiple partners
on the night she went missing.
Can I see her?
I want to say goodbye.
Can I have a minute? Please?
We need to go.
I I have to
[door closes]
[inhales deeply]
[phone clicks]
[line ringing]
[on voicemail] You've reached Rob,
leave me a message after the tone.
[ominous music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[ominous music continues]
-[officer] Everything okay?
-[Beth] Yes.
[door squeaks]
-You ready?
-[Beth] Mm-mm.
Kovac is waiting.
Screen's broken.
[Kovac] The toxicology report came back.
It shows high levels
of cocaine and ketamine in Kate's system.
Did you know she was taking drugs?
Why didn't you tell us?
You'd already made a judgment
about who she was.
I thought it would stop you looking
for her, and it did.
Didn't it?
[Kovac] The results of your blood work
came back too.
They also found traces of ketamine.
See. I I told you I was drugged.
[Kovac] We interviewed
the two men you identified.
They deny giving you
any illegal substances.
Well, they would. Wouldn't they?
Well, they've got no priors.
And they also have alibis
for the time of the murder.
A taxi driver
picked them up outside your apartment.
Their roommate can vouch for them too.
Bad luck.
What about Jay?
It's Kate's ex-husband.
She's divorcing him. Isn't that a motive?
He's in London.
[Beth] It's only a two-hour flight
from here.
We'll look into it.
We interviewed people
from the Blue Parlour,
and several people saw you
and Kate arguing when you left.
What? No.
That's not true.
You didn't argue with Kate then,
hours before she died?
[Beth] They're complete strangers!
Relax! It'll be an adventure!
It wasn't an argument.
It was a conversation.
I thought you didn't recall anything
about that night.
-You were drugged, remember?
-[Beth] No.
I I passed out in the taxi,
but I remember some things.
Your story keeps changing.
What are you saying?
You think I have something
to do with Kate's murder?
Is there anything else
you haven't told us?
[tense music playing]
[officer] We need your passport
until we can verify your statement.
[officer and Sebastian speaking Croatian]
If you remember anything, call me.
[in English]
Let's hope your story checks out.
[seagulls cawing]
Jay, you knew.
Didn't you?
Why didn't you tell me?
Look, I was going to,
but, uh, you were about to have a baby.
My husband
was having an affair with my best friend,
and you didn't think
I had the right to know.
Look, Beth
How long was it going on for?
Not long.
Uh a few months.
I guess she was trying to get back at me.
Tit for Tat.
You know they had a thing at Uni.
Yeah, yeah, a drunken one-night stand
at freshman week.
-What are you saying?
-[Jay] I'm not saying anything.
It's just, you know,
maybe there
were some latent feelings on her part.
[Beth] How could I have not seen it?
We don't see what we don't want to see.
I've been feeling so guilty for
for being
so unhappy. [cries]
Like I'm not grateful enough
for my life, for Aster.
I was just too ashamed
to look up and see what
was staring me in the face.
Oh my God.
What if she did drug me
so I would sleep with someone
or not know if I had or hadn't?
Then she could get Rob to leave me.
Do you think he could have killed Kate?
Oh, God, no.
And I spoke to him over the weekend.
He was home with Aster.
You never wondered if it was me?
Too trusting, right?
One thing I've learned,
never trust people,
only your instincts.
Where I come from,
we say Alalbek Daleelek.
Your heart is your guide.
How did
How did your wife die?
She was working in a clinic.
There was a bombing. Uh
I was late to pick her up.
It's not your fault.
[somber music playing]
[phone ringing]
[Rob on phone]
You there? Hello? Hi?
Hey, um, I was putting Aster down.
Sorry, I got your message. You okay?
I know, Rob.
Know? Know what?
[Beth] About you and Kate.
-What about me and Kate?
Beth, what are you talking about?
That you were sleeping
with her for months.
[chuckling nervously] Uh, what?
What you talking about?
Stop treating me like an idiot.
I found the text messages on her phone.
I don't know what to say. I'm sorry.
It didn't mean anything.
I only did it because we
When was the last time we had sex?
-You were depressed and I--
-No! You do not get to blame this on me.
-No, I'm not blam Look, I'm sorry--
-[Beth] Stop apologizing!
Did you love her?
Of course I didn't
Look, you've just got to come home.
We can't do this over the phone.
I can't come home, Rob,
because the police have taken my passport
because I'm sure they think I killed Kate.
And if they find out about the affair,
they'll have a damn good reason too.
Beth, Beth, Beth, Beth.
-I am so sorry.
-[Beth] Just shut up.
[sniffling] I just want to see Aster.
[line disconnects]
[knocking on door]
[people speaking Croatian]
[door closes]
Beth Jenner, we're arresting you on
suspicion of the murder of Kate Thompson.
[officer] Put your hands behind your back.
For how long have you known Mr. Zakaria?
A few days.
[speaks Croatian]
How did the two of you meet?
[Beth] He drives a taxi.
He took me and Kate
to the bar on Friday night.
He's been helping me look for her.
Why didn't you tell us he was with you
when you confronted the escorts?
Or that he physically
assaulted one of them?
But they stole Kate's bag.
He got them to admit it.
He got the bag back.
Mr. Zakaria
is connected to organized crime.
He's a member of an Albanian gang
involved in human trafficking,
among other things.
[officer speaks Croatian]
You didn't know this about him?
No. No, of course not.
What What are you saying?
He killed Kate.
-No! No!
-[officer] Yes!
-[Beth] He can't have.
-Yes. Yes.
[speaks Croatian]
[in English]
And you hired him to do it.
-He's also been arrested.
This is insane! This is insane!
How do you You can't possibly think
I had anything to do with this!
Please! Why would I want Kate dead?
Because she was having an affair
with your husband.
-[Kovac] Oh.
You didn't think we'd find out.
I only found out yesterday.
Did you talk to Jay?
Jay has known about it for months.
We are speaking to him later today.
[sighs, sniffles]
I want a lawyer. [sniffles]
Can I have a lawyer?
Just because they haven't charged you
doesn't mean they won't.
It is only because they don't
have enough evidence yet.
They were hoping they could press you
on your connection to Mr. Zacharia,
and you'd confess.
To what?
I didn't do anything.
Call me next time before you say anything
to incriminate yourself.
[exhales sharply]
[breathing heavily]
What are you doing here?
Your landlord let me in.
I needed to see you.
They told me you'd been arrested.
[Zain] They let me go.
I was driving all Friday night
until Saturday morning.
The app tracks everything.
They said
you have links
to an Albanian criminal gang.
You think I killed Kate?
I don't know.
I don't know who to believe.
I saved the life of a boy
who'd been hit with shrapnel in the leg.
His father has connections
to an Albanian people-smuggling ring.
He got me out of Aleppo,
crossed the border into Turkey then here.
Helped secure me a visa.
So you don't work for this person?
How do I know you're telling me the truth?
[in Arabic] Your heart is your guide.
[birds chirping]
[Beth] You can't possibly think
I had anything to do with this.
Why would I want Kate dead?
Because she was having an affair
with your husband.
[suspenseful music playing]
[music continues]
[Beth] So what?
My husband was having an affair
with my best friend.
You didn't think I had the right to know?
[music intensifies]
[ominous music playing]
[Beth] Oh my God.
[ominous music continues]
[suspenseful music playing]
[foreboding music playing]
Are you looking for something?
Oh, uh
Uh, takeout menus.
I'm hungry.
All the menus are online.
Uh, my cell data ran out.
Could I get the Wi-Fi password?
-Excuse me.
-[Beth] Yeah.
[objects clattering]
[Sebastian] What happened with the police?
They let you go.
[Sebastian] And how much longer
do you think you'll be staying here?
Um, I I don't know.
-Are you going out somewhere?
-[Sebastian] Yes.
A screening for a movie
I supervised the music for.
-Goodbye, then.
-[keys jingling]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[suspenseful music playing]
[door unlocking]
[door creaking]
[suspenseful music playing]
[speaking indistinctly]
[Beth] Oh my Jesus Christ.
Oh my God.
-[footage whirring]
-You're filming everything.
Did you film Friday?
Come on, come on, come on.
[music intensifies]
[Beth] Whoa! Oh my God.
-[Kate] Yeah, right?
-[Beth chuckles]
-Well, thanks. Are you sure?
-[Kate] Yeah, no, for sure. Come on.
[Beth chuckles]
[Kate] Fine.
-[Mateo] Here we go.
-[Kate] Watch your step.
[Mateo] I'm watching my step.
Somebody's gonna have
a beautiful night of sleep.
What happened to you?
[Mateo grunts]
Let's get you ready for bed. Yeah. Whoa.
[footage whirring]
[mouse clicks]
[Kate laughing]
Come on, join in.
[Luka] Whoo!
Very good.
[Kate] Hot tub.
Hot tub on the balcony.
Oh yeah, strip down.
[Kate] Whoo!
[mouse clicks]
Don't you go anywhere.
Don't take too long.
See you, beautiful.
[men speaking Croatian]
[suspenseful music playing]
Son of a bitch!
-[glass shatters]
[suspenseful music continues]
[music intensifies]
[mouse clicking]
[Beth] Who's that with her?
[mouse clicks]
-[door opens]
[door closes]
[doorknob clicks]
-[Beth] No!
-No! Stop! It's not what you think!
It's for security!
People have parties!
You're taping people
in the shower having sex!
And you knew what happened to Kate
this whole time.
You could have told the police.
You told them
about my husband's affair, didn't you?
What are you doing?
What is that? No. Don't delete them.
It's evidence! No!
[Sebastian] Stop!
Oh gosh.
[foreboding music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[buzzer buzzing]
[Beth] Oh!
[keys jingling]
-[Zain] Beth.
Oh. [groans]
-[Sebastian] Wait!
-[Beth] Let's go.
[Zain] What happened?
[Sebastian] Stop, you don't understand!
Stop. I can explain.
-[Beth] Go! Now! Go!
-[tires screeching]
[Sebastian] Beth! Come back! Come back!
He He deleted all the videos.
He's gonna tell the police I attacked him.
Oh my God, this is a nightmare.
We'll find out where Kate went,
then we can hopefully find out
who brought her home.
Then we can go to the police.
We will explain. It will be okay.
Trust me.
[tires screeching]
I gave him the license number.
Driver is on his way.
Did I hurt you?
You hurt your hand?
A little.
Throat, balls, eyes.
Soft targets.
Okay, I'll remember that for next time.
[newsreader speaking Croatian]
What does that mean?
They say you're a suspect
in Kate's murder.
You speak English?
Very little.
You picked up a woman
early Saturday morning around 3:00.
-She's my height, blonde hair.
-[Zain] On Jerina Street.
[in Croatian] She's dead.
She was murdered.
Where did you take her?
We just need
to know where you took her. That's all.
She made me follow these two men.
She said they stole her bag.
I lost them on a one-way street.
[in English] What's he saying?
Where'd you take her?
[speaks Croatian]
The police station.
Thank you.
[Beth] If Kate reported her bag stolen,
why wasn't there a record of it
when I reported her missing?
Maybe it never got filed.
Pavic didn't file my report either.
[man speaks Croatian]
We need to get out of here.
[tires screeching]
[sirens wailing]
Come on!
[Kovac] Beth! Don't leave!
We just want to talk.
[Pavic] Stop!
[exhilarating music playing]
[Pavic yells in Croatian]
[Kovac] Beth!
[Pavic] Stop! Right now!
[speaks Croatian]
[speaking Croatian]
[in English] Stop it!
[Kovac speaking Croatian]
Come on.
[Pavic speaks Croatian]
[Kovac] Stop!
-[Kovac speaking indistinctly]
His car.
The cop's car.
I saw the sticker in the security footage.
He must've driven Kate home
after she reported her bag stolen.
Why didn't he say anything?
Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.
It was him. It was him.
It was Pavic.
[Zain] Call your lawyer.
-Make her meet you.
-[Beth] Wait. Where are you going?
-Don't worry about me.
-[Beth] No.
You'll get in trouble.
[Zain] Go! Go! Go!
[tense music playing]
[speaking Croatian]
[speaks Croatian]
[Zain, in English] It's him!
Believe me it's him.
It's the cop who did it.
-[Kovac] What're you talking about?
-[Zain] We saw the footage.
[Kovac] What do you mean?
[tense music continues]
[Beth panting]
[in Croatian] Where did she go?
[speaking Croatian]
[in English] Stop!
You're under arrest.
It was you.
You killed her.
[Beth] You hit on her, didn't you?
Shut up.
My God, you did!
You hit on her, and she rejected you!
She was a slut!
That's what men call women
who won't sleep with them!
-Shut your mouth! Shut up!
-No! No!
Shut your mouth!
Pavic, stop! Stop it!
-[body thuds]
[Beth breathing heavily]
Sorry for the wait.
How are you feeling?
We found security footage.
A camera on the boardwalk.
And we recovered
some of your landlord's footage.
I'm so sorry I doubted you.
You were right.
Pavic drove Kate home
after she reported her bag stolen.
We think he did make a pass at her.
When she rejected him,
he took it badly.
[Beth sighs, sniffles]
So he he killed her.
[Kovac] Based on the autopsy results,
we can safely assume
Pavic hit her over the back of the head,
and then dumped her body in the harbor
while she was still alive.
I I don't understand.
Pavic used to work vice. [sighs]
Several women
he arrested for sex work
claimed he assaulted them.
Internal Affairs investigated it,
but the women
all withdrew their statements.
We think he threatened them.
IA couldn't fire him,
so unfortunately, they moved him over
to the tourist division.
She didn't deserve this.
-[Beth sniffles]
I ordered a search warrant
on Luka and Mateo's apartment
and workplace too.
We found ketamine.
They've been drugging the women
who hired them then robbing them.
They drugged Kate too,
but the cocaine
in her system counteracted it.
We are charging them.
So I'm free to go then.
[Kovac] Wait a second.
[drawer opens]
In case you want
to press charges against your landlord.
[seagulls cawing]
Are you okay?
Thank you.
[soft music playing]
[speaking indistinctly]
[phone dings]
Sorry, it's
a bit of a mess.
Uh, I just put the kettle on.
Do you want to stay for a cuppa?
I'm good.
Uh, I packed clothes
and Ernie the sheep in the bag.
I I didn't bring diapers.
I figured you had those.
I can pop out and get some. No worries.
Hey, there's this kids' art thing
at the park tomorrow.
I was thinking
of taking Aster if you fancy joining us.
Maybe we could have lunch after
at Georgio's, the three of us.
-[Beth grunts]
[kettle whistling]
You know, uh, I think you might
have my spare car key.
Yeah, it's probably
in the bowl in the hallway
or in my jacket.
[objects clattering]
[Beth sighs]
[eerie music playing]
[music intensifies]
Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
-[Beth grunts]
I I got it online.
I can send it back.
-[Rob] You all right?
You find the key?
[tense music playing]
Can I use your bathroom?
[Rob] Sure.
[door locks]
[breathing heavily]
[panting] Oh my Oh my God.
[line ringing]
[on phone] Kovac.
It's me.
What's wrong?
-It wasn't Pavic, it was--
-[Rob] Beth.
Uh [sniffles]
Just a minute.
[breathing heavily]
-[Rob] You okay?
I can't find Ernie the sheep.
Where did you say it was?
Oh. Uh
It's It's in the bag. I'll I'll get it.
I'm gonna stay for that cup of tea.
If that's, uh, still up for offer.
-[Beth] Yeah.
Cool? Okay.
[sinister music playing]
-Right here.
-[Rob] Oh. Thanks.
Suppose you've got a lot to do
before you start work on Monday.
Did you get the child-minding sorted?
You're looking at me strangely. Do you
want more milk or
You killed Kate.
-It wasn't Pavic.
It was you.
Is this some kind of joke?
You flew in Friday night.
-It's only two hours--
-It's insane.
You flew back Saturday morning.
Won't be hard to check the flights.
Beth, come on. You can't be serious.
It's from her necklace,
and I found it in your jacket.
[ominous music playing]
I can explain. It was an accident.
Oh my God.
-What did you do?
-Stop. Wait. Listen to me. Listen to me.
I flew over.
And I was waiting outside the apartment.
I'd been calling and texting.
She wasn't picking up. I thought
I was terrified she told you.
She kept threatening to. I thought
if she had, I could at least talk to you.
Explain things.
I was about to leave,
but then she showed up.
Jesus. What the hell are you doing here?
I needed to see you.
You know this makes you a stalker.
I didn't have a choice.
You wouldn't answer your phone.
Let's go. Come on. Come on.
Went for a walk.
We ended up down by the water,
and we talked.
[Kate] What?
Have you told her?
You going to?
You're gonna ruin her life.
You wanna do that? I don't.
Not unless
we're doing this. You and me.
For God's sake, Rob.
How many times? It meant nothing.
How can you say it meant nothing?
Why were we doing it if it meant nothing?
Yeah. Yeah.
I know. You have feelings for me.
She told me
She told me she was in love with me.
She, she, she She kept begging me.
She was begging me to leave you.
She said you were unhappy. I'd be
doing you a favor breaking up with you.
I told her, I don't know how many times,
that was never gonna happen.
What happened between us was a mistake.
It was the biggest mistake of my life?
[scoffs] It wasn't.
[Kate] It was a rebound fling, and you
[sighs] were in the right place
at the right time.
-That's all.
-You're lying.
Actually, from now on,
I'm only telling the truth.
-Maybe you should try it too.
-[Rob] Please, please, Kate, please.
-Don't tell her.
-Get off me.
[Rob] Kate, come here.
-[Kate grunts]
-Stop it! Get off me!
-No, stop, listen to me!
I was angry.
I lashed out.
I hit her.
Will you please
It just happened.
She tripped and fell and banged her head.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
[ominous music playing]
[Beth] No.
You let her drown.
No. No, I I thought she was dead.
-No, you didn't.
-[Rob] That's why I left her.
You're lying.
I saw the autopsy report. She drowned.
-She was alive in the water when you left.
-I'm telling the truth.
-You have to listen.
-No, I don't have to listen!
I will never listen to you again.
I should've listened to Kate.
That's what the weekend was about.
She wanted to remind me
who I was before I met you.
That I deserve better.
-What are you gonna do now, huh?
-You killed my best friend.
You're not gonna tell the police, are you?
What would be the point?
The case's closed. That cop's dead.
What good is me going to jail? Beth?
Please, I'm begging you. I'm begging you.
Please, think about Aster.
You want her to grow up without a dad?
Her dad's a murderer.
Come on, you know I'm not.
No. You are not calling the police.
I already have.
[Kovac] Beth, are you there?
I got it all.
The police are on their way. Beth?
Ow. Ow.
Let go.
-Let go of me.
-[Aster whimpers]
Get your hands off me.
-[Aster whimpers]
-[Rob groans]
[Beth] It's okay. Mama's got you.
Mama's got you.
[Aster crying]
[Rob grunts]
[Beth shushing]
[Aster crying]
["Water" by Golda May playing]
-# I hear water in my dream #
-[sirens wailing]
# Lapping at my feet #
#Talking to me #
[sirens wailing]
# All red shoulders in the heat #
# So I step into the sea floating softly #
# It's tryin' to say somethin' #
# A warnin' or maybe nothin' #
# Oh, this water keeps on showin' up #
# Oh, I'm a daughter drownin' in a cup #
# It's filling my lungs up #
# Dripping from my tongue now #
# Oh, this water keeps on showin' up #
# It's filling my lungs up #
# Dripping from my tongue now #
# Oh, this water keeps on showin' up #
# In deep, sister by my side #
# These waves are twice
Our height in the high tide #
# In life I usually despise her #
# But here she saves my life #
# I don't die #
# It's tryin' to say somethin' #
# A warnin' or maybe nothin' #
# Oh, this water keeps on showin' up #
# Oh, I'm a daughter drownin' in a cup #
# It's filling my lungs up #
# Dripping from my tongue now #
# Oh, this water keeps on showin' up #
# It's filling my lungs up #
# Dripping from my tongue now #
# Oh, this water keeps on showin' up #
# Oh, this water keeps on showin' up #
# Oh, I'm a daughter drownin' in a cup #
# And it's filling my lungs up #
# Dripping from my tongue now #
# Oh, this water keeps on showin' up #
# And it's filling my lungs up #
# Dripping from my tongue now #
# Oh, this water keeps on showin' up #
# I thought I could h?ar you #
# I thought I could h?ar you #
# When you came to me every night #
# I thought I could hear you #