The Well (2023) Movie Script

Can I sit here?
Is this free?
Oh, no, I'm sorry.
Absolutely. Have a seat.
Thank you.
Yeah, sure.
So, you're American too?
Oh, yeah.
I'm from Philadelphia originally.
I'm Tracy.
Oh, Lisa.
- Hi.
- My name is Tony.
Hi, Tony.
Madison, hi.
Where are you all going?
I am also going to Sambuci.
- Really?
- Yeah.
What are you doing there?
I'm a restorer.
I restore paintings.
Well, what about you guys?
We're biologists,
and we're going to observe
the local fauna.
That's fascinating.
I'm their Italian guide,
and I take care of all the technical
And what do I do?
I carry their bags.
Got it.
Thank you.
Well, I'm heading towards
the centre of town.
You can follow us.
We can walk part of the way together.
Okay, great.
You guys must really love what you do
to be willing to travel all over for it.
I could say the same thing about you.
You don't come to a place like this
if you're not passionate about your work.
You're not wrong about that.
Well, my hotel is that way.
Where are you guys staying?
We'll put down our tents at
the edge of the woods
where we'll, you know, shoot
some footage and stuff.
So we'll already be on location tomorrow.
I don't know if you guys
have some days off,
if you maybe want to like, hang out.
Well, we should be done in a few days,
and then we'll come see you.
I would love that.
- Good luck.
- Thanks.
Good luck to you guys.
- See ya.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Miss, the bus is gone.
Oh, you don't speak Italian.
Sorry, the bus, it doesn't work anymore.
Oh, really?
But where are you going?
The Malvizi mansion?
Ah, okay.
Well, I'm going to work right now,
so I can help, maybe.
Oh, no, you don't have to.
- It's okay.
- No, no, please, please.
It's okay, I'll take your...
- Okay.
- Okay?
Yes. Thank you.
My name is Marcus, by the way.
I'm Lisa.
Ah. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
I can carry...
No, no, no, no.
It's okay. Please.
- Okay.
- Go?
So, what is a girl like you
doing in Sambuci?
I'm restoring a painting.
Ah, wow.
So you are an important person, no?
Not exactly.
My dad is the important person.
It's his restoration studio.
Here we are.
It's the palazzo Malvizi.
It's enchanting.
Yes, yes.
Do you know, it's a very
beautiful and ancient mansion.
You know, the most important
nobles in all of Lazio,
they used to live there.
Yes, seriously.
It's beautiful.
There it is.
That's the entrance, right there.
Well, here's hoping it goes well.
Oh, yes. It will.
You'll see.
The widow, Malvizi, she's very nice.
She's from a different time,
but she's very nice.
Well, that's good to hear.
Well, thank you.
Yeah, yeah, of course, of course.
Yeah, yeah.
Maybe I'll see you around?
Yes, yes.
I think you will, because actually,
I run this pub.
So you know, if you have time,
I would love for you to come by.
If I have time.
Oh, yes, of course.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Good morning.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I'm Emma Fosca Malvizi.
You must be Lisa.
Yes, Lisa Gray.
It's such a pleasure to meet you.
The pleasure is mine.
The daughter of the maestro Gray?
Did you have a good trip?
It was a little long, but it went well.
Thank you.
Excellent, so.
Let me show you the work
that needs to be done.
- It's upstairs.
- Okay
Follow me
Oh, yeah.
You can leave the bag here.
Oh, okay. Great.
So, this is the painting.
A fire broke out from the fireplace,
and luckily we acted promptly, but...
So the painting wasn't burned,
but it ended up like this.
I see.
And who's the artist?
An artist from the 1500s.
Not well known, but revered
by connoisseurs
due to his innovative way
of painting the unknown.
Well, restoring it won't be easy.
The canvas is completely blackened.
That's why I turned to the best studio.
I'll do my best, but it'll take time.
Normally, a painting of this size
would take at least a month.
So, two weeks-
Time is a real enemy.
In two weeks, it has to be finished.
It'll take part in an exclusive
auction in London,
and there are very important
sums at stake.
Your father didn't warn
you of the urgency?
Of course.
I'll get started immediately.
And I'd like to sleep in this room?
It's the best way for me to
get acquainted with the work.
Yes, of course.
As you wish.
I'll see you later.
Thank you, Duchess.
What did they do to you?
Okay, let's get you shiny again.
Willie, Willie
Was taken to the woods
He got tortured and
screamed until his death
Willie, Willie
Underneath the moon
He was
Who are you?
What was that?
Sounded like Tony.
I'm going to go look for him.
Okay, no, no
Wait, wait, wait
Hey, hey
Don't worry.
Stay here, okay?
Are you okay?
What the fuck?
What's going on?
We need to go to the police.
Why? What happened to Tony?
Something bad.
Madi! Madi!
Who are you?
Where the fuck are we?
Madi. Madi.
Madi. Madi.
Madi, where are you?
Tracy? Tracy?
Over here.
What's going on?
Where are we?
Try to stay calm.
Where are we?
Try to stay calm.
Tony? Tony?
Tony, Tony.
We're here, we're here
Am I disturbing you?
Oh, not at all. Come on in.
I'm just finishing up for today.
Well, for a first day's work
I would say we're on the right track.
The colors look more beautiful than ever.
Well, thank you.
The blackened layer is extremely thick,
as you know.
So I'm doing my best to remove
it quickly, but carefully,
as not to damage the painting
with the solvents.
I must confess that when your
father told me
he couldn't come in person,
I was really worried.
But I was wrong.
You're really worthy of his name.
Thank you.
I won't disappoint you.
I hope not.
Will you be dining with us tonight?
You can meet my daughter Julia.
I think I actually saw her today.
A young girl with long hair?
Yes, that's her.
She was singing something...
Well, I tried approaching
her, but she ran away.
I know.
She's shy and she's quite uneasy
with people
she doesn't know.
You need a little patience.
Yeah, sure. Of course.
So, we dine at nine.
See you at nine.
You like it?
It's delicious, thank you.
I'm glad you like it.
When did you start doing restorations?
I was very young.
I would watch my father
work for hours, you know?
Admiring these beautiful
pieces he'd bring to life.
To observe is the best way to learn.
So, Julia, what grade are you in?
Did I say something wrong?
No, no, no.
It's not your fault.
Unfortunately, my daughter suffers
from a severe personality disorder,
and I had to stop sending her to school.
I'm so sorry.
I had no idea.
If you don't mind me asking,
what does she suffer from?
She doesn't get along with
anyone her age.
It's a difficult situation.
It's like she doesn't accept being 13.
Of course.
I get it.
I was the same way when I was her age.
I was in such a hurry to grow up.
There are people who yearn to grow up,
and people who yearn to stop time.
Time's been incredibly kind
to you, Duchess.
You're gorgeous.
Thank you, dear.
Well, I'm actually feeling kind
of tired, so...
Maybe I can go to bed,
and I'd want to get an early
start tomorrow anyway.
Oh. Of course.
Good night.
And thank you for your company.
Thank you, Duchess.
What the fuck is this?
Open the door, eh?
Don't look at him.
Open the door, right?
Can you open the door?
Open the door for me.
Open this fucking door!
Open the door!
Open this fucking door!
Shut up!
Fuck you, asshole!
Open this fucking door!
Shut up, are you crazy?
Open it!!!
Open the door asshole.
Holy shit!
Listen to me, open the door.
I kill you!
Oh my God!
Stop, stop.
Stop, stop, stop, stop.
No, no, no!
Stop, please!
No, no, no.
Please, please, stop!
Stop, please, please, please!
I hate you! I hate you!
What's going on?
Sir, excuse me, you can't be here.
I should never have trusted you.
What are you doing?
No, Dad.
Dad, what are you doing?
Dad, stop!
What are you doing?
There's a passage.
A passage.
I was trying to force this grate, but...
This piece of broke!
If I make it down there,
I'll go and get help.
Try using this.
Come on.
We'll get out of here.
I promise.
Run away...
While you still can.
Jesus, you scared me.
This painting is cursed.
It contains evil.
What are you talking about?
She's a witch.
Her name is Dorca.
She's always living in this house.
Who told you all this?
If you give life to this canvas,
you'll be haunted.
It will curse you.
Oh, thank you.
Of course.
You look worried.
Is it work?
It's more than that.
What is it?
The painting.
I've been having these
horrible nightmares,
and they feel so vivid.
So vivid they feel like they're real.
I think maybe you are just
a little bit overwhelmed.
I mean, you're in a foreign country,
you're tired.
You have so many expectations on yourself.
But you are going to do great.
And your father, he is going
to be so proud of you.
You'll see.
My father is...
He's difficult.
How so?
He's always been strict.
You know, hard on me.
But deep down, he knows
that you are so good.
Because you are here.
If not, he would've sent somebody else.
There is no one else.
If he dies...
We're done for.
You're a fucking filthy monster,
killing innocent people!
No, no, no, no, no.
No, no.
I'm not scared of you, motherfucker!
Sir, please!
No, no, no, leave her!
No, no, no, please.
No, no, no.
No, please.
Please, just stop it!
Stop it!
Let her go!
No! Please!
Oh, Madison.
Julia, I was...
Are you okay?
I was hoping we could
talk about the painting,
but it's obviously not a good time.
Do you want to, maybe talk about it?
That'll be you someday.
And sooner than you think.
Yeah, I doubt that.
Of course it will.
It's just how life works.
He's the one who never wants
to see me ever again.
What's going on exactly?
I'll always be alone.
And it's all my mother's fault!
What do you mean by that?
She always thinks about herself,
and she ruined my life completely.
Julia, what are you saying?
Get out!
You know I don't want you
in my room!
Don't dare talk to your mother
like that.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I don't really know what's going on,
so maybe it's best if...
I know it's not my place,
but we could take...
Please come with me.
She's angry with me,
because I'm stopping her from
having a boyfriend.
But the problem is, all those
she falls in love with
are much older than her.
What can I do?
Yeah, sure.
Could I...
Could I ask you something?
Yes, of course.
What is it?
Julia told me some unsettling
stories about the painting.
And I was just wondering, do
you know anything about that?
Her terrifying tales are one
of the main reasons
I had to take her out of school.
Please, do not listen to her.
She has the strangest fantasies.
And please, now, try to concentrate
on your work.
I'm sure your father told you
about a substantial penalty
included in the contract.
In case of delay.
Of course. You don't have to worry.
Okay, good.
I'll see you then.
Help us.
So, what are you going to do?
I don't know.
I want to leave.
But if I do that,
the studio will be destroyed
by the penalty.
But if I stay...
Everything that...
Hey, hey, shh.
Be calm.
It's just nightmares.
I promise.
It feels so real.
And I feel like...
I feel like something is after me.
I don't feel safe.
No. It's okay.
Okay? Nothing ever happens here.
It's always the same people, every day.
Nothing ever happens.
Did three tourists come
and visit you at the pub?
No, no.
I would've noticed.
We traveled together.
They said they'd come visit me.
Well, you know, maybe they left already.
I mean, these things happen.
Sure, of course.
I was really looking forward
to it, you know?
I'm feeling kind of lonely, you know?
How about you just try and
finish the job, okay?
And then after, if you want,
we can spend some more time together, no?
What's going on here?
Oh, God.
What's wrong with you?
Are you taking drugs?
You're behind!
And you get in at three in the morning?
Look, I'm sorry, okay?
I wasn't feeling well,
so I went out to get some air.
If I'm being honest,
I don't think I can stay here
anymore, okay?
So, look, maybe we can work something out,
and I can come back or...
You're not leaving, Lisa.
Until you finish this work.
If you try to leave, I give you my word.
You'll regret it.
Come on, come on, come on.
Yes, I did it!
I did it!
I'll come back for you.
Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.
I need to talk to you.
Yeah, come in.
But look whatever it is,
it's got to be quick, okay?
Because I really have to finish this.
No, no, no.
I'm telling you, if you finish this,
you'll end up like the others.
Look, Julia...
I don't have time for your
stories tonight, okay?
No, I'm telling the truth.
Believe me.
This painting was painted in 1493.
They sacrificed Billy to
lure that monstrous being.
That's how they captured Goran.
It was all my mother.
She demanded this curse,
so that she could have eternal
youth from Goran's blood.
Listen, I'm telling you.
You have to listen to me.
Tonight, the moon is going to be red again.
And if it shines on the painting
before midnight,
the curse will be renewed
for another 500 years.
And that can't happen.
You have a great imagination, okay?
You really do.
But please leave.
I don't have any time left.
Okay? Please.
Those three new victims don't
have time either.
Yeah, it's the last three
that they captured.
It was a boy and two girls.
One was black and the other
has blonde hair.
Julia, are you sure?
Are you sure about this?
Of course, 100%.
Where are they now?
Come with me.
I'll bring you where they
keep the prisoners.
Stay quiet, okay?
Julia? Julia?
Julia, where are you?
I have to go. Just make up an excuse.
What are you gonna do?
I have to help them.
Okay, but Lisa, listen.
You have to be careful.
Okay. Okay.
Wait, wait, wait.
No, no, no, no.
Please, please.
I don't want to...
Come on!
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm going to pull it out, okay?
Tracy, I'm going to pull it out.
I'm sorry.
Okay, come on, come on, come on.
Come on. It's okay, it's okay.
Oh, Marcus, good to see you.
We really need your help.
Go inside! Now!
Okay, okay.
Inside to the room with the painting!
- Quickly, now!
- Okay.
Bring everything back to light.
Come on.
It's almost midnight! Hurry up.
- Hurry up!
- Okay.
That section, down there.
Come on!
If you don't hurry up, you're dead!
You hear me?
This is gasoline, everybody step away!
Right now!
And you put that down.
Do not touch this painting.
This is over.
Julia, don't.
You shed blood.
I did it for all of us!
Not for me!
You have kept me stuck
in a little girl's body for centuries.
I'm through with you.
Kill her!
Damn you!
Kill them.
I'm sorry.
I have to go.
The Prime Minister has arrived
with his wife.
He needs more...
Tell him I'll see him in 5 minutes.
We need to increase the production.
The trouble, the world
The day is gone
Demons scream for me in your soul
Your father always hated
the fact you were born
And so you're always on your own
It feels like you're
sinking in a dark well
Where everything is pain
and all your hopes are dead
Don't let your fears get to you
Because you know what
you have been through
Don't let your scars breathe anymore
Oh, no
You can't get out before
There's something in the painting
It scares you, makes you cry
The darkness goes to you at night
Just like an evil force
That hounds you all the time
Killing your willingness to survive
Try not to fall
Hold on to the edge
If you don't give up,
your soul will be saved
Don't let your fears get to you
Because you know what
you have been through
Don't let your scars breathe anymore
Oh, no
You can't get out before