The Whistler (1944) Movie Script

[ Whistling ]
"I am The Whistler."
"I know many things
for I walk by night."
"I know many strange tales."
"Many secrets deep in the hearts of men
and women who stepped into the shadows."
"Yes. I know the nameless terrors
of which they dare not speak."
"The man sitting alone
is a stranger here."
"He has means and a responsible
position in society."
"He is a man who is more at home in a
fashionable club than a waterfront bar."
"But tonight he has turned from the
comfort and security of his own world."
"To meet a man whose business is death."
You are Lefty Vigran?
- Uhuh.
You can talk.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
I've got a job for you.
- Well?
Just what is it you want done, mister ..
You have to know my name?
- No.
I want to have a man ..
What does this fellow do?
Does it make a difference?
Yes. It makes a lot of difference.
You see, if he's important ..
I won't touch him.
He's just a small manufacturer.
Oh. A legitimate businessman, huh?
You see.
A murder of a chap like that
will get a lot of publicity.
Well, if it's the money you are thinking
about, I'm prepared to pay you well.
It will take ten thousand to handle it.
You see, I have to split with the
gentleman who actually does the work.
Because he will never know
who is putting up the money.
And I don't want to know who he is.
You won't.
What's the name and
address of the party?
Did you bring the money?
You see, I'm not the type to take
payment for a job not delivered.
That goes for those who work for me.
That's what I have been told.
What are you worried about?
The time.
It must be done between
now and next Friday.
It will be.
Hey. I think that fellow
back there wants you.
Say, I think ..
He doesn't understand a word you
say, mister. He's a deaf mute.
Deliver this.
Deliver this.
You know where.
Right away.
You understand?
And don't lose it.
The deal is all set.
I'm sending some details over to you.
How many details?
I'll give you a fancy job for that.
Never mind anything fancy.
Just play it safe.
It has to be done by next Friday night.
Are you expecting to
meet anybody outside?
I'm afraid you will if you
leave by the front door.
Thanks, Gus.
Hello Gorss.
- Gorss?
My name is Lefty Vigran.
- Maybe so.
But your name was Gorss when you
killed a cop in St Louis 3 years ago.
Get 'em up.
Drop it.
Good evening, sir.
- Hello Jennings.
If I may say so sir, you're
looking very much better.
Come into the study for
a minute, Jennings.
Very well, sir.
Sit down, Jennings.
Is anything wrong, sir?
Of course not. Sit down.
Pour us each a brandy, Jennings.
Very well, sir.
Why is it you never married?
Well, sir.
One set of family responsibilities
at a time is sufficient.
Come now.
I haven't been as difficult as all that.
Your very good health, Mr Conrad.
May it continue to improve, sir.
I've been awfully worried lately, sir.
I thought perhaps you ..
- You mean you thought I was ..
Cracking up?
- In a way, sir.
Put your mind at rest.
Everything is going to be alright now.
I'm awfully glad to hear it, sir.
By the way, where was it you
wanted to own an orange grove?
At Riverside, sir.
Jennings, you are fired.
I want you to leave for
Riverside in the morning.
Here is your severance pay.
But I really don't
care for oranges, sir.
Except for a slice in an Old Fashioned.
Well, you wanted an orange grove.
Now you are stuck with one.
But how about you and the house, sir?
You always said you wouldn't have
anything changed from the way that ..
Mrs Conrad left it.
And that includes me, sir.
I'm giving up the house, Jennings.
And where I am going ..
The quarters will be a little
cramped for both of us.
Morning, Miss Foster.
Good morning, Mr Conrad.
Hello. Hello Myrtle?
Tell Mr McNear that
Mr Conrad is in today.
He looks fine. Like a different person.
Good morning, Alice.
- Earl.
I'm certainly glad you came in today.
Don't you start on me.
- Come inside will you please.
Has much work piled up?
- I was able to handle most of it.
Has Mr McNear been worried
about my absences?
After all, he is your partner.
Something has happened to you, Earl.
You are different.
If I seem less upset it's because I've
become reconciled to Clare's death.
You are wise to try and forget.
I .. I think it's best that way.
Not much chance of my forgetting.
My friends have taken care of that.
You dropped all your friends.
They have .. changed.
They won't see me any longer.
- You imagine that, Earl.
The trip was my idea.
It took a lot of persuading
to get Clare to go.
You see, something had
happened to our marriage.
We had drifted apart.
Even thought of separating.
I always thought you ..
- Yes, I know.
I didn't tell you or McNear ..
Because I didn't want to bring my
domestic troubles to the office.
I talked Clare into making a trip.
I'd even hoped it might
bring us together again.
Most of our friends knew that
we were having trouble.
You can imagine how they
reacted when I came back alone.
She was in my arms in the water.
I let go of her to reach for
a raft that was floating past.
When I looked back she was gone.
But you helped other
people onto the raft.
That is exactly the point.
My friends have been wondering why I
was unable to get my wife on the raft.
When I was able to help others.
You mean anyone would suggest
you deliberately let Clare drown?
Oh no.
No-one has been as crude as that.
But I felt the accusation in their eyes.
You're mistaken, Earl.
You must be mistaken.
No. You sense a thing like that more
strongly than if it were put in words.
Oh. Come in, Charlie.
Hello Earl.
Miss Walker.
I'll see anybody today.
Look here, Earl.
You're not being fair with me.
I think we had better
come to an understanding.
About what?
For months now you've been coming to
the office only once or twice a week.
And then for only a couple of hours.
I've not been myself, Charlie.
Everything is going to be alright now.
I know, Earl. I know. But ..
You know I wouldn't have invested money
in a business I knew nothing about ..
If you hadn't assured me you were
going to give it all your attention.
What would you do if I had an accident?
Well, I would ..
- I'll tell you what you'd do.
Absolutely nothing.
I have taught Miss Walker all there
is to know about this business.
And I'm leaving her my share of the
firm so she'll never run out on you.
You can just relax and enjoy yourself.
How do you do. I'd like to speak
to Mr Conrad. My name is Smith.
Mr Conrad is busy just now.
- Well, I will wait.
You may go in now, Mr Smith.
- Thank you.
Well, good morning, Mr Conrad.
My, you have lovely offices.
My name is Smith.
It's a pleasure to meet a
successful businessman like you.
One that is successful and accessible.
Willing to sit down and talk business.
Who has no 'keep out' signs on the door.
What can I do for you?
These are specimen policies, Mr Conrad.
I came to talk to you about life
insurance. A little warm isn't it.
I am with the Atlantic Mutual.
My company has developed a very special
type of policy for men in your position.
You can forget all the drivel.
Hurry up and get it over with.
Now don't rush me, Mr Conrad.
I'll get on with it.
I don't need any life insurance.
I think you do.
As a matter of fact I cancelled
my policies yesterday.
Now was that fair to your partner?
The business may require extra capital
if something unexpected happened to you.
Nothing unexpected is
going to happen to me.
I wouldn't be sure of that, Mr Conrad.
Life is so uncertain, you know.
One moment you're alive.
The next you're dead.
Nobody knows what's round the corner.
Now, take your own case for example.
You live alone.
That is, except for your butler.
Did you ever think of this?
A short-circuit at night?
A fire.
Why, you could be suffocated to
death without ever waking up.
As a matter of fact my company just
paid one of these partnership claims.
One partner wanted to go hunting.
He took the shotgun out
of the case to look at it.
The first thing he knew,
he'd blown his head off.
Now, what makes you so sure that nothing
unexpected is going to happen to you?
Well, I'm sure that I don't
need any life insurance.
Maybe you'll want to get married again?
Better take out a policy now sir, while
you can pass the physical examination.
Get out.
But, Mr Conrad ..
- Get out.
Well, alright.
But thanks so much for the interview.
I will see you again sometime.
Who is in here?
Who's in here?
Mr Conrad?
I understand your phone is out of order.
And they sent you at this time of night?
You're lucky to get service
at any time these days.
Do you want to come inside?
Roughly, that's the idea.
Unless you keep your phone
out here on the porch.
Did you hear the theory that it's not
possible for anyone to enter a room ..
Without leaving behind a
trace of their presence?
Look. You want me to fix
your phone or don't you?
There's nothing wrong with my phone.
- Someone reported it out of order.
Come in and look for yourself.
And I am all alone, so ..
You can forget the pretence of
the phone and get it over with.
Get what over with?
I know why you came here.
It's alright. Go ahead and do it.
It's dead.
The wire has been cut.
As soon as I get this fixed
you'd better call the police.
Yes. I will.
It's okay.
Your line is in.
You can call the police now.
Or ride downtown with me if you want to.
I'll be alright now thanks.
Well, goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Pretty late for you to be out, Alice.
Well, I tried to phone but
your line is out of order.
Yes. I know.
Come into the study.
Jennings came to see me tonight.
We both thought it strange that you
gave him $5,000 in cash as a gift and ..
And were in such a hurry to
get him out of the house.
I let Jennings go because
I am giving up the house.
I wish I could believe that.
It's the truth.
I feel as if you're going through
some sort of crisis, Earl.
You've been perfectly swell.
But there isn't anything more
that you can do for me.
I wish there was something I could
do that would really help you.
Perhaps I had better go.
Would you mind seeing me home?
[ Whistling ]
Did you hear someone whistling?
I didn't notice.
I hope my being here hasn't upset you.
I persuaded your landlady to let me in.
What did you do, tell her Is your son?
Heaven forbid.
Get your belongings together.
I want you to take a trip south with me.
I'm all tied up. I got a job
I inherited from Lefty Vigran.
When will you be ready to leave?
Well, I expected to be through tonight.
I was interrupted.
Ah, that's what made you so jumpy.
I had a feeling I was being watched.
Then I thought I heard
somebody whistling.
We still got time to
make the train tonight.
I've been paid. I've got to deliver.
That is highly ethical.
Now don't be funny.
Look. Why don't you go away
with me for a couple of days?
Then you can come back when you like.
Actually the town is hot right now after
Vigran had a shootout with the police.
Yeah. But I got to finish
this job by Friday.
I tell you. I'll be at the Majestic
Hotel for the next couple of days.
If you change your mind
look me up there.
'The studies of Necrophobia'.
'Exaggerated fear of death'.
I like it.
Why don't you try raising
orchids for a hobby?
Leave stuff like that alone.
It's liable to awaken your imagination.
A fellow like you is
better off without it.
Wait a minute.
Thanks for reminding me of this book.
You gave me an idea.
Maybe I can knock this guy off
without killing him myself.
What's that?
Do you know that some
people actually die of fright?
See you at the hotel.
I've been trying to get you on the
phone. I have wonderful news for you.
Well. Come inside, Alice.
What's the wonderful news?
- It's about Clare.
She is alive, Earl.
I can hardly believe it.
Do you think there could
possibly be some mistake?
Of course not.
What she must have been
through the last three years.
I know.
The joy of coming home will
compensate even for that.
Thanks, Alice.
Not only is Clare released but ..
I can go on living again.
Do you realize what that means?
I can look at my friends without
seeing murder in their eyes.
What's the matter, Earl?
- Oh ..
Nothing. Nothing serious.
I have got to ..
I have a call to make.
I'll be back in a little while.
Mr Conrad nearly ran me
down in the corridor.
Where is he going?
- I don't know but he'll be back soon.
I came to congratulate
him on his good news.
But he couldn't even wait to hear me.
I am surprised to see
you looking so cheerful.
Why shouldn't I be?
His wife popping up alive
must have upset your plans.
Now don't be angry.
Everybody but Conrad knows
you are in love with him.
And I was hoping you'd win.
It might have straightened him out.
Has Mr Tomley come in yet?
Yes. He got in a few minutes ago.
I guess it's alright for you
to go in, Mr Conrad.
Thank you.
Hello Tomley.
I've been in and out of here
all day trying to see you.
I want to get in touch with
Lefty Vigran right away.
Tell him I want to see
him as soon as possible.
Of course. You don't know
Lefty Vigran is dead?
No. I didn't.
When did it happen?
I suppose it's a great surprise to you.
He was killed by detectives as he left
that bar just after you met with him.
Well, this is a surprise.
I haven't been reading the
papers as much as usual.
But if Vigran is dead I want to get in
touch with the man who works with him.
I don't know anything about his friends.
You knew a lot about Vigran
the first time I came here.
I didn't ask what you
wanted him for then.
And I don't want to discuss it now.
What's the matter, Tomley?
You know who I am.
Do you think I betrayed Vigran?
I wouldn't know.
Well, I'm not an informer.
All I want is to call
off the deal I made.
Whoever has the money is welcome to it.
Vigran was a close-lipped man.
Too bad. But I can't help you.
I'd like to speak to you for a moment.
Weren't you in here the other night
when I was talking to Lefty Vigran?
You know ..
He don't understand a word you're
saying, mister. He's a deaf mute.
I am sorry.
Maybe you can help me.
- Yeah?
Remember when I was
in here the other night?
In that booth over there.
With Lefty Vigran.
Oh yeah. I remember. What will you have?
A bourbon.
Do .. any of Lefty's friends come in?
They'd better not.
I didn't know that guy was Vigran until
after he was shot out in the alley.
You know, I'd give a lot to
know some of Lefty's friends.
There were couple of fellows in here
yesterday said the same thing.
They were detectives.
Yes, Miss?
- Sherry.
I'll have another.
Sorry. When you got time.
Do you remember exactly what
Vigran did after I left?
The same?
- Yes please.
He made a phone call I think.
I remember.
He made a phone call and then he
sat at the table in that booth there.
Then he called to a friend
of his here at the counter.
Handed him an envelope
and the guy beat it.
Who was he?
You must ask Lefty about that, Mister.
You're lying.
- Wait a minute.
I know you know who he is.
I am sorry.
Finding this friend of Vigran's is
a matter of life and death to me.
Here is my card. If he comes in again
will you ask him to wait here and ..
Phone me?
- Okay. I'll ask him.
He's back in the kitchen I think.
Thank you.
I want some change.
I want to play a record.
He was lying to you.
We'll see what they have
on the machine, shall we?
Do you know any of Vigran's friends?
The man who runs this place runs a
roadhouse on Mountain View Drive.
I used to sing out there.
Lefty hung around there a lot.
- What's the name of it?
I hope you like music
that is sweet and soft.
That is the mood I am in.
What's the name of the roadhouse?
The High Hat.
I'll show you where it is if
you want to go out there.
Shall we start now?
I should have phoned for a cab.
I left my car in a parking lot uptown.
That is alright. Mine is right here.
Do I make you nervous driving
around these curves?
I thought you said this
place was just out of town.
It isn't much farther.
Don't you think we should
introduce ourselves?
I am sorry. I'm Earl Conrad.
My name is 'Vigran'.
Antoinette Vigran.
You can call me 'Toni'.
You mean that you're Left Vigran's wife?
Is it possible that you
were Lefty's partner?
I was his wife.
- I know.
Did you work with him?
Or were you actually ..
- Actually what?
I made a deal with Lefty.
I needed to have something done.
Yes. I heard a little about that.
You heard all about it.
You are the one he told to do it.
But everything has changed now.
I don't want it done.
Don't you see?
I've got everything in
the world to live for.
I hired Lefty to have someone kill me
because I thought my wife was dead.
But now I know she is alive.
So don't you see? I don't want to die.
You had a wife and loved her. You didn't
want to live without her. Is that it?
Yes. And I ..
- I had a husband.
And I loved him.
I don't want to live without him.
Lefty was a murderer.
- I don't know about that.
All I know is, you set
him up to be killed.
Don't worry about them. They can't take
these curves any faster than I can.
What a mess.
Yeah. It sure is.
It's all over for her.
I wonder where her boyfriend is.
You'd better go to the car to report it.
- Right.
I'm going to take a look around for him.
"It wasn't Earl Conrad's destiny to go
to his death with Antoinette Vigran."
I know you are in here.
I want you to listen to me for a minute.
Then you can do whatever you like.
I know you are in here.
Earl. You've been in an accident.
Are you hurt?
- I'm alright.
I've been worried all day. When you left
the office I thought you'd be back soon.
Why did you turn out
the lights in the study?
I heard someone outside the house
but I didn't know it was you.
By the way.
Who did you think you were talking
to when you came into the house?
I didn't know.
I saw the lights go out.
I knew someone was inside.
What did you mean when you said ..
'Listen to me for a minute
and then do what you like'.
You're afraid of someone, Earl.
Someone you believe
is going to kill you.
Isn't that true?
You run on home, Alice.
I'll handle my own affairs.
Don't you come out in the
hall no matter what happens.
Who's there?
Mr Conrad?
Yes. What is it?
We're from the Detective Bureau.
Just a minute until I answer the phone.
Never mind. Just open the door.
I don't believe they're detectives.
I want to get out and you
had better come with me.
Got a bed?
- Yeah. 25 cents.
You can take Bed 11, 2nd row.
And pay now.
- Huh?
Pay now.
Wait a minute.
There you are .. $9.75.
You see, in my business you have
to be careful of your reputation.
I am in demand because people know I
always go through with anything I start.
That reputation is just as
valuable to me as yours is to ..
As yours is to you.
I think you're making
a fool of yourself.
You've been paid.
Vigran is gone. His wife is gone.
Who's to know whether or
not you go through with it?
The guy that paid Lefty will know.
He doesn't know you.
Anyway, I'm having too good
a time to leave town now.
Too good a time?
My psychological
experiment is going great.
What are you talking about?
I'm rough-shadowing this guy.
- Yeah.
That's what detectives say if they want
the guy they're shadowing to see them.
You know.
A familiar face popping up here
and there and every place.
They tell me it's hard on the nerves.
There you are. That's what comes of a
fellow like you when he reads a book.
The guy I've got marked knows he's going
to get it. All his actions prove that.
But he doesn't know when, where or how
because I don't know that myself yet.
How would you like to
be in his spot, Gorman?
I could have knocked him off
long ago, and he's so scared I ..
I believe I can scare him to death.
I thought you were kidding about that.
- I never kid.
At the right moment I'll just show him
a gun and he'll die of heart failure.
Maybe I'm on the track of something big.
Something new in the art of murder.
No fuss.
No mess.
Suppose he doesn't drop dead.
My gun won't be empty.
Well, I guess I'll get back to
my little playmate now and ..
In case he kicks his covers off.
Why ..
Why don't you come with me?
What I want you do is safe and easy.
And I am your man.
Give me a fleabag.
This place is fumigated every day.
It smells like it.
You can take any bed that's vacant.
What's your name?
Any name.
'John Smith'.
I want Sergeant Kline.
The Detective Bureau.
I was just trying to wake you.
Did you come in here to
ditch the cops? Huh?
You must have flashed a roll in
front of that stool-pigeon clerk.
He's back there telephoning
the cops to come and get you.
Take your coat.
I'll show you a way to get out of here.
Like I was telling you.
This place is alright.
Ain't nobody going to
know where you are.
Here we are.
This is a cosy, quiet, little place.
Sometimes I sleep here myself
when I dig up a quarter for a bed.
There you are, mister.
What do you say I give you a boost, huh?
Up you go.
Here we are.
I always keep a candle here somewhere.
The rats in this place
are as big as beavers.
But they won't hurt you.
But you're liable to trip
over them in the dark.
There you are, mister.
Between them cases. That's my bedroll.
Flop right down on them.
Nothing like newspapers
to keep you warm.
And you look.
Very tired.
You look very tired.
[ Gunshot! ]
Would you like to discuss
some life insurance with me?
You're not selling insurance.
You're the man Lefty Vigran
hired to kill me.
Why don't you stop clowning.
You'd better take out some more
insurance today because ..
Tomorrow may be too late.
There is something I
want to explain to you.
I'm the man who paid Lefty Vigran.
So, I'm the man you're
actually working for.
Now I have changed my mind.
I want to call the whole deal off.
You can keep the money.
I don't care about that.
What money?
The five thousand that Vigran
gave you for killing me.
This is something new.
You mean you paid a guy to
have yourself knocked off?
That's the truth.
What do you know about that?
That makes you a bad risk.
I doubt we can do any more business.
- No.
It's understood, is it?
You agree not to do any more about it?
Now wait a minute.
You seem to forget I saw you
kill a man in the warehouse.
You know a lot about me, don't you.
Maybe too much.
You had a drop too much, mate?
Come on. Come on, try to get up.
That's it.
But you ain't drunk.
Come on. Pull yourself together
and I'll take you inside.
Steady now.
There you are.
I'll get you a cup of coffee.
You drink that and you'll
find it will warm you up.
Help yourself to the sugar there.
I'll be back in just a minute.
I doubt there's much use in waiting any
longer. Better go home for some rest.
I'll stay for a while.
He can't keep out of
everybody's sight indefinitely.
If there's anything I can do, call me.
- Thank you.
This is for Mr Conrad.
- Thank you.
Sign here please.
[ Buzzer ]
Is this Excelsior 41352?
Who is speaking please?
I will leave immediately.
The corner. First and Harper.
Thank you.
Well, do you feel better?
You are not a talkative man, are you?
I ..
Come on. What seems to be
the trouble? Are you sick?
Just tired. That is all.
Well, you can stay here for
a while and rest yourself up.
Are you a seafaring man?
I was.
I just watch the dock now.
You see it isn't being used much.
Well, I've got an easy enough job.
When is the ship on
the next pier sailing?
The Sondenheim?
Say. You're not thinking of
shipping out on her, are you?
That is the Swedish Exchange ship.
She is chartered by the Red Cross.
When is it sailing?
You know, I wouldn't
be a bit surprised ..
If she pulled out of here tonight.
But you must be either a Swedish sailor
or a Jap prisoner to get aboard her.
I was just curious. That is all.
Well, I've got to go on my rounds now.
So you .. you just stay here.
And rest for a while.
And don't you worry if I'm not
back for .. say an hour or so.
Just. You know .. take it easy.
Perhaps I'd better go in alone.
You know, I was afraid he might
wander away while I was meeting you.
He seemed very much interested in
that Red Cross ship at the next pier.
I'd like to go over there.
Would you mind going with me?
- Why, I would be glad to.
Wait a minute.
Hey, Mack. Is this one of your men?
What are you trying to do on this ship?
You are Conrad.
He is the amnesia case.
His picture was in today's paper.
Yes. I read about him myself, Sergeant.
Do you remember who you are?
- Of course.
You look pretty sick.
Come on down to the office.
I guess you can handle it
without me now, Miss Walker.
I can only thank you now but I wish
you'd come to the office tomorrow.
That's alright.
But, Mr Conrad.
There's one thing I would like to know.
Exactly why did you try
to get aboard the ship?
Just a minute.
I think I can explain that.
You see.
"The police have Conrad now.
They'll make him talk."
"He'll give them your description."
"And he will tell them about
the murder in the warehouse."
"If they pick you up."
"Conrad will identify you."
"There may come a day when he stands in
court to give testimony that hangs you."
"You hadn't thought of that."
"Had you?"
"It was this man's
destiny to die tonight."
"Earl Conrad lives."
"Because man cannot change his destiny."
"And after this dark night."
"He will recover from
his mental illness."
"Then there will come a
new chapter in his life."
"Which will bring happiness to him."
"I know."
"I am The Whistler."
[ Whistling ]