The White Storm 3: Heaven or Hell (2023) Movie Script

Boss, we have the location.
Stay here.
They're here.
Come on, Billy.
Pull it up.
Some people call it drugs.
I call it money.
The more the better! Money!
The more the merrier.
Unload them. Hurry up!
OK... right here.
Everything checked out?
I didn't count.
We won't be broke.
It's hard to be broke.
You guaranteed we'll be loaded.
This is not loaded?
What do you call this?
OK... up!
This is the Police!
This is a routine inspection. Shit!
Kill the engines.
Get out of the vehicles.
Put your hands on your head.
Run it!
Get out!
Get out!
Freeze! Fellow officer!
Fellow officer!
He's one of us.
Curry is a creep!
You should go. Bye!
Looking good!
The doctor said I can get out soon.
Let me...
Suchat is so thoughtful.
No chicken essence, no fruits.
He brought three bottles of whisky.
For himself.
Thank you!
I'm alive. Now someone is scared shitless.
I owe you one.
Cut this crap, we're pals.
If you're so tight,
do a French kiss.
Show me.
While I'm around,
I promise you'll never be broke.
Cheers! Here...
I'll get that for you.
Here... Money!
Come on!
Save Suchat!
Run! Watch out!
Everyone's here.
Remember I told you about Wing?
I brought him over today to meet you.
Say hello! Hello, Suchat!
Sit... you're among friends.
You said... he's the brain?
He can fight too.
They used knives and guns.
He only had a few scratches.
No, this is from my cat.
He said he can fight.
You believe him?
One minute.
OK, one minute.
Come on. I'll keep the time.
1... 2... 3... go!
What's going on? I don't get it.
It's just a job.
Why turn into MMA?
If our old colleagues found out,
we'll become the laughing stock.
If Suchat found out we know each other
and we're cops,
we'd be in trouble.
What a joke!
he'll find out soon enough.
We'll bust him sooner or later.
But then again,
who would have guessed
the leads on Brother Big
and Suchat are the same?
It's fate.
Or like you said, an act of God.
Act of God...
Beating up each other is an act of God?
Police! Freeze!
Fellow officer!
It's Billy!
Get Billy!
Get in!
Don't shoot!
Hold your fire! Heng is in the car.
He's in luck.
The bullet missed the lungs.
He's a goner if you didn't show up in time.
we booked a cargo ship.
We can leave anytime.
What about Billy?
I'll try.
I'll leave him in front of the hospital.
You're dumping my pal on the street?
Not on the street. Outside the hospital.
That's on the street.
I will tell them
someone is lying outside.
They won't turn away a dying man.
They'll patch him up.
So the cops can arrest him?
you helped me before.
I knew there's a citywide manhunt for you
and I still came over.
But you taught me
there's a limit to helping people.
I have a young son.
I don't want to go to jail.
I beg you,
I have done everything I can.
Honestly, I can't look after him.
We'll take Billy with us.
Boss, we left Hong Kong waters.
Here's the money. Get to work!
Look over there!
Check for compartments in the closet.
Last night, based on intel
from an undercover agent,
the Police busted a drug
smuggling case in Tuen Mun,
and seized 400 kg of heroin,
with an estimated market value of
about HK$300M.
Suspects resisted arrest
and opened fire on the Police.
The Police shot and killed two suspects
and arrested eight others.
There are at least six suspects on the run,
including the mastermind of
the drug trafficking syndicate.
During the operation,
five police officers were killed in action
and eight others were injured
and hospitalized.
Their conditions have been stabilized.
Have you seen him?
Look again!
One by one...
What are you reading? I blew my cover.
It's useless to put me back in CIB.
Put me back in Operations.
I want to find Heng.
Come in!
Chan Sir! Sign here.
We'll issue the warrants of arrest.
If you exclude Heng,
Suchat will suspect him.
Take this.
He was seriously injured.
I wanted to send him to the hospital.
But Suchat insisted on taking him away.
Without follow-up treatment,
he's likely to die.
Do you know where they are?
I only took out two bullets.
you can keep my phone.
As of now, I'm cut off from this phone.
Suchat won't be able to find me anymore.
Chan Sir,
call the Marine Department.
Come here.
Come here.
Mee Noi!
Looking good!
Mee Noi, I gave him a shot of antibiotics.
His wound has been seriously infected.
It's beginning to fester.
It's best to amputate if he wants to live.
Stay away!
No amputation!
Look who's here!
Suchat is here!
Whoever lays a finger on you, bang...
Hold this!
Nobody would dare touch you.
OK... no amputation.
Forget it!
INTERPOL put out a Red Notice.
You're in deep shit.
Go lay low in the Golden Triangle.
I get my goods from there.
I have the connections and the place.
In the Golden Triangle,
a gun is like your life.
If you're staying,
my men and I would like to
follow your lead like we did before.
We'll do anything.
We're just not creative like you.
We have a bright future.
has been circling the block.
Did Chan Sir give you a hard time?
I'm up for "external training".
Are you OK?
I'm fine.
You OK?
Did you water my plants?
Of course!
Look at you! It'll take two months
for you to get well.
I took away all expired steak
from your fridge.
Don't make up excuses.
How cheap of you to bring me a few oranges!
What's wrong with you?
Chan Sir sent me in your place,
for "external training".
It's an act of God.
When you go out there,
nothing else matters.
The key is
don't trust anyone.
Trust yourself.
Want another one? I'll peel it for you.
It hurts when I breathe.
Eat more and you'll get well sooner.
What kind of crap is that?
House 3.
Your ticket please?
The movie is half over, pal.
Bigger budget now?
You booked the whole house!
Petty cash.
Speedy's case is open and shut?
Stop! Stop!
Watch out! Stay back!
Stay back!
Stay back!
Please cooperate.
No pictures.
Stay back!
Police! No pictures!
Stay back!
No pictures.
What is this?
No pictures.
Bring him in.
Yes, Sir!
I spoke to Legal.
You don't need to testify.
We have enough to nail Speedy.
I don't need to show my face.
Do you know this guy?
Who is he?
Suchat, Thai Chinese.
After he graduated from
the Military Academy,
he served in the army for two years.
He moved to Hong Kong five years ago.
He goes to Thailand and Myanmar
few times a year
under the pretence of trading,
when in fact, he's
importing heroin and ice.
He's doing local distribution
and wants to re-export.
Speedy is one of his brokers.
He's the Big Boss.
Last week, I finally hooked up with him.
I want you to meet...
Cut the introductions.
Sit down and have a drink.
Then I'll decide if I should meet him.
I'm busy right now.
Be right back!
What do you want?
You bumped into me. Apologize!
Apologize my ass!
Where are your manners? Manners?
Don't argue with him.
Hear that?
You're very noisy!
Why did you hit him?
He was too cocky.
Come on out! Quickly!
Beat them up!
What does that mean?
I meant to reinstate you.
Promote you and put you in Operations.
I want to wrap this up.
How long have you been undercover?
Two years.
Are you getting addicted?
You're too used to the degenerate life?
I'm used to a life
between bright and decay.
I still remember I'm a cop.
What's the status?
Chan Sir!
We've checked.
Over $10M of the banknotes
we found in Suchat's house,
have serial numbers that
matched our records.
They're stolen money.
We've marked down the serial numbers.
What's going on?
Do you know who I am?
Stop! Don't touch my things.
The goods are here.
Don't bother.
I believe you.
I had you on video coming in.
No problem.
I trust you.
Robbing each other is the in thing now?
If someone else did, the goods are gone.
I took your money,
if there's anything wrong with the goods,
I'll make it up to you.
Time is of the essence.
What happens if I have no goods
for my customers?
I see.
Goofy dropped the ball.
What do you suggest?
I'll take care of the logistics of
my goods after they arrive.
But you must lower the price.
All this for a discount?
buddy or not,
money is money.
Of course.
Money is money.
Cannot agree more.
Let me sleep on the discount.
It's your goods.
Take them with you.
Suchat is prudent.
He never touched the goods.
Can't prove they belong to him.
Your snitch, Goofy died last night.
Or he was forced.
Why are you telling me this?
He's a drug dealer too.
Of course.
If he was alive,
we'll bust him sooner or later.
play by ear.
This is the only road for trucks.
To ship out opium from the mountains,
this is the only road.
They're all going to
the Commander's village.
They're carrying opium.
You're sure?
Mountain people have no cars.
Besides, nobody would come out here.
Let's rob him.
They carry AK rifles.
We only have a few 911 pistols.
The Commander,
you mean Dai Jinrong?
That's him.
The goods I ship to you in Hong Kong
came from him.
As the leader, I must defend
our honor and pride.
In the past ten years, he's most
formidable in the Golden Triangle.
He owns armed forces of a thousand men
with heavy firearms.
If you go north from the mountain region,
that road is very far.
If you go south,
the road will lead you to him.
He charges a very expensive toll.
Let them through.
The opium growers would rather
sell the opium to him.
He owns a processing plant for heroin.
A few years ago, he was crazy enough
to kidnap a chemical engineer
from Hong Kong to make ice.
Now, his ice is selling like hot cakes.
He's overbearing
and won't let anyone else make ice.
Whoever does it,
he'll take them out.
I'm very overbearing too.
You're awake.
You are...
Who are you?
I'm Noon.
Mee Noi asked me to look after you.
Mee Noi?
You don't know him?
And Suchat, I met him when I was little.
He came here before.
You must be Suchat's buddy.
What is this?
A lucky stone.
Hold it
and you'll get well sooner.
That's my Grandpa.
Where am I?
You're in the Shan Highland.
Shan Highland?
North of Chiang Rai,
the highland in the Golden Triangle.
In Thailand?
I don't know if it's Thailand or Myanmar.
It's the highland within
the Golden Triangle.
Are you Thai or Burmese?
People around here have no nationality.
I don't know what a country stands for.
You have telephones around here?
No. No tap water or power either.
Noon! Noon!
Noon! Over here!
Where is he?
He can pee?!
Let me see... Invincible.
He's fine.
He can walk.
He's alive!
You saved my life.
I want you to meet Mee Noi.
We grew up together.
Hey, Billy!
This is Billy!
Hey, Billy!
Take care of Billy.
When you get better,
we have business to do.
We won't be going back to
Hong Kong any time soon.
I want to see what we can do out here.
This place is interesting.
No signals anywhere.
No networks.
Only this.
Within a 3 km radius.
Let me carry that for you.
It's OK.
You haven't recovered.
I can use my left hand.
It's really OK.
I do this every day.
I'm used to it.
Besides, it's not that heavy.
He's over there. Don't let him get away!
Over there is a village
controlled by armed forces.
Don't go over there.
They shoot at outsiders.
Put a cheesecloth over it. OK!
Get that done. Over here too.
Put that out in the sun.
Chow time.
Thank you. Thank you, Noon.
Chow time.
Perfect timing.
Cooking dinner?
They sell them to the dealers after
they have cooked the opium.
I have to take this next door.
Use this.
We have no cars.
If we grow grain or vegetables,
we must sell them elsewhere.
We have to carry these heavy baskets
and walk two or three days out
of the mountains.
But they're not worth much.
But if we grow poppies,
the dealers would drive
out here to buy them
and help us transport supplies.
Other than the food we eat,
we grow poppies on the rest of the land.
They look so pretty.
Our livelihood depends on them.
We make incisions like
this from the bottom,
until white juice oozes out.
The juice
will turn brown after a while,
just like this.
I did that this morning.
And the ones over there.
After ten days,
the juice darkens in the wind
like the raw opium you saw in the hut.
Don't think this is a lot.
You only get less than
10% after it's cooked.
I don't know why this place
is called the Golden Triangle.
I have never seen gold.
They used to say the money you
make from growing poppies
is enough to buy gold.
But we realized the money we make
can barely feed ourselves,
let alone buy any gold.
I'll keep your pass.
Starting today,
you are Mak Chun Wing.
You'll use this name
until you're reinstated.
Hey, Brother Big.
How's business? Not too bad.
This is Leung Wing Hung, a.k.a.
Brother Big.
Your mission is to go near him,
gather evidence against him
for drug trafficking.
Brother Big!
Valet parking for these blocks
is only pocket change.
I took the empty lot in the next block.
The whole neighborhood is our turf now.
You did your homework. Of course.
You gave the order.
Are you OK?
It was nothing.
Brother Big!
Brother Big!
How's business? Good.
From now on,
you call the shots on this street.
Keep up the good work. Thanks!
This is Brother Wing! Brother Wing!
I'll be upstairs.
He said he can fight.
One minute.
OK, one minute.
1... 2... 3... go!
If Suchat found out we know each other
and we're cops,
we'd be in trouble.
What a joke!
he'll find out soon enough.
We'll bust him sooner or later.
You can't do this! Just go.
Go where? No games. Move it.
Whatever you have to say,
tell it to the judge.
Put him in the car. Yes, Sir!
Are you in charge? Get in!
Why should I? Move it!
Get in!
They busted Brother Big.
They can bring you in.
Brother Big couldn't have guessed,
the guy who took the knife for him
would betray him.
He actually thinks highly of me.
But he's a drug dealer.
We had to bust him.
We took an oath.
"without fear of or favor to..."
"and with malice or ill-will toward none".
A lot of people forgot after
they left the cadet school.
Of course.
Suchat wants me to work for him.
He found out Brother Big was busted.
What's wrong with you?
Look at this shit!
It's on me, do you understand?
Turn that off...
It's off.
The CCTV saw you run over and kill someone.
Those bastards were firing at random.
It's either Suchat or Heng.
Did I have a choice?
Make sure your lawyer applies
for an anonymity order.
I don't have the freaking money!
Make sure you apply for my legal fees.
I already signed off on
a lot of money for Heng.
The brass has been leaning on me.
I can't hold this up much longer.
The C&II Branch will
soon open a file on me.
Spare me the sad sap story.
You'll get the credit
when the case is closed.
If anything should happen to Heng,
his name wouldn't be
on the monument of unknown heroes, right?
Do you know
who ordered the hit?
Competition is fierce lately.
All the big shots are here.
The gunmen from last night
should be fighting
Suchat for the same turf.
I don't know who sent them.
Suchat has a major deal coming up.
He'll bring Heng with him.
If we play our cards right,
we should be able to
put Suchat away for good.
Come in!
Chan Sir,
when were you last in
an interrogation room?
The door is locked from inside.
The Commander ordered
an attack on the village.
The Commander ordered
an attack on the village.
What did he say?
The Commander ordered
an attack on the village.
Will they come over here?
Why? There's nothing here.
It happens all the time.
But they seldom come this way.
Come out!
Everyone, come out!
Hurry up! Come out!
Come out!
Everyone, come out!
Come out! Hurry!
Everything here belongs to the Commander.
Without his permission,
you're not allowed to make ice.
He said everything here
belongs to the Commander.
No one is allowed to make
ice without his permission.
The village over there
is secretly making ice.
The Commander ordered us to clear them out.
Don't go over there.
The village over there
is secretly making ice.
The Commander ordered us to clear them out.
Don't go over there.
Let's go over there.
When they're at war,
let's grab some firearms.
When they're at war,
we'll grab some firearms.
Let's go. Follow me.
You stay. You're wounded.
Go in and pick up the guns.
You go that way.
Bring the car around. Hurry!
You're not afraid?
They do this all the time
ever since I was little.
I'm used to it.
I can't stop it, I can only live with it.
But sometimes
when someone I know is killed,
I'd still feel sad.
Put those away.
Roger that!
Put those away.
Copy. Hide them.
Her Grandpa died.
I can't write.
Can you help me
with Grandpa's tombstone?
Beloved Grandpa
When I was little, I woke up one day,
my Mom told me my Dad ran away.
Then she left to find him.
After she left,
she never came back.
Grandpa raised me.
He loved me
and didn't sell me.
Have you thought about leaving?
What do you mean why?
Why didn't you think about leaving?
I don't know what I could do
if I were to leave.
Where can I go?
this is my home.
Your family is gone.
Without a family, this is not a home.
I don't know how to say this.
But I know this place well.
Others may not like it here,
but I still want to stay.
Maybe it's not a home,
but it's my hometown.
I have a hometown too.
Next week, I'm going to
Thailand for a big deal.
You're going to Thailand?
You're not going back to Thailand?
What do you mean?
Aren't you from Thailand?
I'm from wherever there is money.
Even in Thailand, I hold a U.S. passport.
Impressive! You bet!
After you make the big bucks,
what will you do?
Buy an island
and never work again.
You have no ambition.
No wonder you only hit
the big times in your old age.
What about you, Wing?
Start a green business, get an IPO,
then a spin-off listing
and issue bonds and allot more shares.
What about you?
I want to do the cheapest thing
in high society.
Spend all my money quickly
and make some more.
November 2, 2021 Night
Suchat stole firearms
from a nearby armed village.
I don't know what his next move is.
I don't even know
if this log of Suchat's activities out here
will ever be admitted in court as evidence
or if I'll die in the line of duty.
But I don't want to sit around
and do nothing.
What are you doing?
Writing a diary.
What is that?
It means
writing down things
I want to remember.
In case I forget.
Can you teach me how to write?
I want to write down things and people
I want to remember.
How's the arm?
I grew up eating bullets.
They won't kill me so easily.
I'm afraid for the next few years,
we're stuck here.
What can we do around here?
Everywhere I go, I think of the same thing.
How to get rich.
production out here
is out of our league.
People around here
are flat broke
and have no consuming capacity.
But between production and distribution,
there's still a lot we can do.
I had it planned out.
Don't worry!
We're the rising stars of
the Golden Triangle.
They're coming your way.
When you pull the safety pin,
it'll take 4 seconds before it blows.
Watch for my order.
Get out! Shoot them!
Shoot them!
Kill them!
Shoot him!
Shoot him!
Shoot them!
Bloody drug dealers!
Drop your weapons!
Drop your weapons!
Hands up!
Sit down!
Hands up! Sit down!
No! Sit!
Don't shoot!
The goods belong to the Commander.
I know.
we're an hour out
from the Commander's village.
We're going there?
The goods belong to him.
The goods are here.
Robbing each other is the in thing now?
I learnt that from you.
Remember Goofy?
He always wanted to fly a plane.
But he died young.
Someone threw him off the building?
He killed himself.
The cops said there was no suspicion.
Did he know I robbed him?
He didn't need to know.
If he wanted to know,
would you have told him?
When Goofy died,
I shed a tear or two.
He worked for me
and we bonded.
But he dropped the ball.
if everyone in logistics came to me
and told me they have been robbed,
what should I do?
Let it slide?
That would encourage others to rob me
and tell me afterwards
they have been robbed.
I run the business to make money.
I can't be too sentimental.
I didn't want Goofy to die.
But he lost his job
and was distressed.
So he jumped from a building.
Stop the car!
I said stop the car!
Who are you?
What is it?
I brought opium.
I want to see the Commander.
You can't.
I was here before on a deal.
Follow me.
You know them?
They robbed the Commander.
I want to see him.
Can you announce me?
Calling control, someone wants
to see the Commander.
They came in cars. There were a few men.
They are armed.
The guy with the white
beard is their leader.
Copy. Over.
One of you, follow me.
I'll go.
Leave your weapons.
Get in the car.
They're taking him inside. Over.
1... 2... 3... 4...
1... 2... 3... 4...
We met before. I'm from Hong Kong.
The Commander is waiting.
Have a seat.
Commander, he speaks Chinese.
You robbed me.
Then gave it back. How interesting.
I imported your goods from Hong Kong.
I hit a snag
and can't do business in Hong Kong anymore.
That's why I came here.
I want to tell you
those dealers are a motley crowd.
They can't protect your goods.
You need someone capable as
an escort in transportation.
I'm here for the position.
You served in the army?
I grew up in Thailand.
Graduated from the Military Academy.
I also noticed a few things as
I came inside the village.
Do I have permission to tell you?
Go ahead.
You only have guards
at the entrance of the village.
That's not enough.
You need men on patrol duties
2km from here.
After I entered the village,
I saw mortars and M45 quadmount
at commanding heights.
This is correct.
But that position
is too obvious.
It can be spotted too easily.
If you make it more mobile,
you'll have greater flexibility.
From now on, opium from the mountains
will be escorted by us.
I'm glad you're working for me.
Starting today,
we're like family.
Thank you, Commander!
A toast to the Commander!
is the major source of income.
The Golden Triangle
did not have poppies.
The first poppy seed was planted
in the 19th century
by the Brits and the French.
When they pulled out,
they left our mountain people
with poverty,
and what the outside world claimed,
If I abandoned this so-called sin,
how could the mountain people
support themselves?
The Brits and the French
pushed me onto this path of evil.
I inherited
their business
but they turned around
and made me the most
wanted man in the world.
How absurd!
please give me another chance.
Commander, I don't want to die.
I beg you. I'm sorry,
I don't want to die.
That's what he deserved for doing drugs.
I forbid my men to do drugs.
If you want to do drugs,
you must first leave my army.
But after you leave,
you're most welcome to buy my goods.
Ice is the best selling item.
It's completely chemosynthetic
and has no seasonal restrictions.
Heroin is not as profitable nowadays,
but I will keep doing it
for the sake of the
farmers in the mountains.
grow grain for food.
And grow opium
for cash.
With cash,
they can get their supplies.
But heroin
is still a big business.
People think I make a lot of money.
The real big money is made
by those who buy from me
and sell the goods at ten times the price
to the dazzling world out there.
Suchat should know.
This drug lord
is so full of shit about drug trafficking.
I only know
heroin and ice mean money.
So what if you make a
lot of money out here?
You have nowhere to spend it.
But if you have no money,
you're stuck here forever.
How long you plan to stay here?
Didn't plan that far ahead.
Get our foot in the door.
Make some money.
When was the last time you
look up into the sky?
And pray?
Working with you,
I only want to see money.
Everyone has a piece of
the sky above their heads.
When I look up,
I can feel the boundless world.
Maybe someday,
I'll buy a passport,
settle down somewhere nice
and live an easy life.
You're dumping my pal on the street.
Not on the street. Outside the hospital.
We're taking Billy with us.
Suchat is here.
Whoever lays a finger on you, bang...
You never know.
Without you, I won't be here.
Without you,
I probably won't be here either.
Curry, get the door!
Who is it?
Hurry up! Move it!
Hurry! Hurry!
Move it!
Move it! Hurry!
This is for the road.
It's very sweet.
What is it?
Mee Noi!
Be careful!
Don't worry!
I have this.
Let them through!
Come home for dinner.
How many days have you been away?
Three days.
I thought it was five.
Here... take the money.
I don't want money I didn't earn.
You took care of me for so long.
That's your pay.
I don't want your money.
You finished harvesting poppies.
You can live in the Commander's village.
Maybe they'll have a job for you.
They have power and tap water out there.
I'll think about it.
Do you know the way to the nearest town?
I don't know if it's the nearest.
But I have been to Mae Sai.
Let's go have some fun.
Have some fun?
Sorry. No telephone.
I have a lot of foreign clients.
It's an easy job.
Come on.
Come on.
Hello! Hello!
Take a look.
What do you think?
Buy it if you like.
No, I'm just looking.
How much?
20 Baht.
Thank you.
It's a gift.
This is pretty too.
See? It's lovely.
Let me put this on for you.
We have to go.
How much?
10 Baht.
10 Baht.
Thank you.
Wait here.
Battery low
Chi Yuen?
It's Heng.
You're in Thailand?
Suchat brought me here.
I have no passport. Nothing.
I'm on the run. I can't come back.
Where in Thailand?
In the mountains, up north.
The Golden Triangle.
In Dai Jinrong's village near
the Thai-Myanmar border.
Dai Jinrong?
Recharge battery
Johnny? Trace the phone number just now.
It's calling from Thailand.
I need the location. ASAP.
I didn't take your phone.
Where did it go?
Look over here.
Chan Sir, Heng is in Thailand.
Get me on a plane out there. Now!
Inform INTERPOL in Thailand.
You have to think?
1... 2... 3... 4...
Where have you been all day?
Mee Noi brought some chicks
over for the boys.
Luckily, you're gone.
Those chicks are really...
Noon took me to town.
It was far away.
We took the bike.
Now my butt hurts.
You're a wanted man.
I'll be careful.
What are you doing?
Checking the routes.
According to the Commander,
no opium for a few
months after the harvest.
He arranged for us
to deliver ice to the dealers.
The pay is a lot more than opium.
Precisely because the harvest is over,
Noon has no work.
Can we bring her along?
Help out at the camp?
Cooking, washing or whatever.
Tell Mee Noi to pick her up tomorrow.
Anyone else?
The Commander is inviting you
to join the morning assembly.
Keep up.
Let's go!
I gave the order, without the
permission of the General Staff,
make no contact with the government troops.
Yes, Sir!
Have you been out?
I didn't want to kill him.
But he has become a threat to us.
That's why he must die.
We must beef up our defense.
Yes, Sir!
Hurry, put this over there.
Hurry up!
Over there!
These fruits
must reach the wet market in two days.
Staff Officer Su will show you the way now.
From here to the wet market
is around 350 km.
Put the guns away before
we enter the village.
We're on good terms with the Border Patrol,
but we shouldn't go asking for trouble.
Put the guns away!
Did you get that? OK!
Staff Officer Su!
Have a seat!
This is our communication station.
If you run into any trouble,
contact this station
with your walkie-talkie.
They'll report to the village.
Hello! Hong Kong Police, Johnny.
Nice to meet you! This is Michael.
This way.
This man is on the INTERPOL public
Red Notice for wanted persons.
His real name is Cheung Kin Heng
and he's our undercover cop.
He's now located in the village
controlled by the drug lord Dai Jinrong,
somewhere in the Golden Triangle.
With the help from the Thai Police,
we hope to find Cheung Kin Heng
and bring him back to Hong Kong with us.
Dai's village is heavily armed.
It may cause us heavy casualties
if we act rashly.
In fact, our Royal Army has been
keeping an eye on Dai for many years
and is planning to send troops to
take down his village.
Last week, Dai killed
an intelligence agent.
And the army has decided
to take action ASAP.
We must find Cheung Kin Heng immediately.
Otherwise, he could be killed by mistake.
We'll do our best to help.
James will escort you to Ching Rai.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Take another one. It's very sweet.
I have work to do and
will be back very late.
Did you bring the lucky stone?
Let's roll!
Go Go Go! Copy!
Good luck!
Things are out of control
when tongue and teeth fight
Things are out of control
when tongue and teeth fight
Wouldn't it be great if water
and fire are compatible
Compatible is good
We're getting more work.
Sort it out between you two.
Get more hands on deck
and build our own army.
Suchat is the best!
Things are out of control
when tongue and teeth fight
Wouldn't it be great if water
and fire are compatible
Stay where you are.
Can you let us through?
USD$100K or leave the goods.
They belong to the Commander.
Cut me some slack.
Not on empty stomachs.
I see. I'll go get the money.
Don't move!
Watch out! It's a bomb!
We got trouble. Get over here.
Hurry over!
Stay down!
Don't move!
We caught a guy. Over.
Calling Station, this is Suchat.
Get me the Commander. Over.
Please wait. Over.
Station calling Control.
Suchat needs the Commander,
it's urgent. Over.
Punky! Yes?
Bring a few men
and make the delivery to the wet market.
OK, Boss!
Suchat needs you. He said it's urgent.
Put him through. Copy.
Commander, we have a situation.
We still have the goods.
But the Border Police captured Billy.
You said you're from Hong Kong,
and you don't have any I.D. document.
But now you're involved in
committing crimes in Thailand.
So just tell me,
why did you have a gun
fight with the locals?
Are you smuggling drugs?
Who are you working for?
Answer me.
Answer me.
I'm undercover.
Hong Kong Police.
You can get out.
The checkpoint is understaffed.
Go give them a hand.
Leave him to me.
I have explained to the Police
it was a misunderstanding.
We can go now.
Some rookie sergeant who had no clue
colluded with locals to rob us.
Luckily, the Commander has
a mole within the Border Patrol.
I posted a USD$20K bail.
You motherfucker!
You motherfucker! That was cheap!
You motherfucker!
You have everything?
If not, we go back to that motherfucker!
Army car!
Keep driving.
U-turn and follow that car!
What happened?
I saw Cheung Kin Heng. U-turn!
We found Cheung Kin Heng. Follow the jeep.
Stay on it.
He's on our tail.
This is an order of the Army
for the jeep up ahead.
Pull over!
The jeep up ahead, pull over now!
Pull over at once!
This is an order.
The jeep up ahead, pull over now!
Pull over now!
Do you copy?
The jeep up ahead,
Pull over now!
This is an order!
The jeep up ahead, stop the car!
The jeep up ahead, stop the car!
Stop the car!
Pull over now!
Chi Yuen!
Chi Yuen!
Chi Yuen!
Don't move!
Don't shoot!
He's our man.
He's Hong Kong Police.
The Border Patrol is on Dai's payroll.
He's from the Thai Army.
Never mind them now. I have the papers.
We go back to Bangkok tomorrow.
We're going home.
Calling Billy!
Calling Curry!
He's dead. Cannot answer the call.
Calling Billy.
Calling Curry!
If I don't answer,
they may think that I'm dead too,
or arrested by you.
Answer him. See where they are.
We go arrest them.
They have nine guys,
all heavily armed
and backed up by Dai's army.
We also have nine.
But three cannot be armed.
We cannot trust the Border Patrol here.
We don't have enough men and weapons.
Calling Billy!
Neither of them answered.
Maybe something happened.
Let's head back to the village.
I have recorded down
Suchat's activities in the Golden Triangle.
I also drew a map
of Dai Jinrong's village.
The Thai Army has decided
to raid Dai's village.
The air raid starts at 23:00.
They'll kill a lot of
people in the village.
I must go back and save someone.
Save someone?
They are all drug dealers.
Tell me who it is.
I can't just walk away.
I have known you for years.
I knew they're bombing the place.
Would I let you go get yourself killed?
Who do you want to save?
I took someone to the village.
I must get her out.
And I must get you out.
I have to fetch my diary.
All of Suchat's criminal evidence is in it.
You must get out before 23:00.
Keep in touch.
Be careful!
Remember that in case anything happens,
we cannot guarantee your safety.
Hey buddy,
the guy I handed to you today,
is he with the Hong Kong Police?
He said,
he's Hong Kong Police.
It's still under investigation.
Don't move!
Fall in!
Yes, Sir!
we're 3km from the village
behind the Thai Army.
I just arrived at the village.
Air Force will attack in 10 minutes.
Copy! Over!
Air Force will attack in 10 minutes.
Why? He said 11p.m.
I don't know,
but we cannot interfere
with the Army's action.
Au Sir!
Where are you going?
Come back!
Billy is back! He's at the women's camp.
Billy is back.
Heng, they moved up the air raid.
Air raid will start in 10 minutes.
Air raid will start in 10 minutes.
I'll get out ASAP.
Come with me.
I'll take you to Hong Kong.
Hurry! What is it?
Why so suddenly?
There's no time to explain.
Let's get out of here.
I told you
I'm not going.
Even if you go to Hong Kong,
I'll be thinking of you right here.
We must leave at once.
The Army will start to attack.
They fight all the time.
I always managed to survive.
Listen to me.
Come with me.
It's dangerous here.
What about Grandpa?
I must look after his grave.
Stay in the Golden Triangle.
But we must leave here at once.
It was my fault.
I shouldn't have brought you here.
We must go now.
Leave at once. Come on.
You son of a bitch...
I knew you'd make it.
You're alive!
You really grew up eating bullets.
What about Curry?
I don't know.
Noon and I will go for a walk.
Arrest Billy!
What's going on?
Did you know Billy is a cop from Hong Kong?
No way!
The Border Patrol told me.
He already confessed.
He's actually
working undercover.
I needed to get away.
Of course I had to lie.
They busted me.
I'll get the death penalty.
See? That's why.
In Hong Kong,
Billy took a bullet for me.
He can't be a cop.
Army intelligence has infiltrated my men.
I won't take any chances.
I'd rather kill 100 wrong guys than
let the right one get away.
Kill him!
If you dare kill the Commander,
I guarantee you won't live long.
Take cover!
Put him in the car.
Yes, Sir!
Watch out! Take cover.
Commander, get in!
Let's go.
That way!
It's easier if you go alone.
Heng, I'm in the village. Where are you?
Heng, where are you?
Heng, do you copy?
Where are you?
Shoot them.
Shoot them.
Over here!
Heng, answer me!
Beware of traps!
Watch out. Take cover.
Chi Yuen!
I'm near the camp.
At 2 o'clock position near the entrance.
Someone in here!
Wait for me.
Wait for me.
Don't move! Arrest him!
Drop your weapon! Don't move!
help my buddies!
Pull out!
Where's Chi Yuen?
Looking for you over there.
Don't move!
Give it up!
Drop your weapon!
Shoot me!
Billy, shoot him! Don't mind me.
Shoot him!
Shoot him!
Don't mind me!
Shoot him, Billy!
Shoot him, Billy!
I'm a cop.
You're a cop?
It's my duty to arrest you.
to arrest me,
you took a bullet for me?
You saved my life too.
I won't forget that.
But you're a drug dealer.
I had to go by the book.
This guy is even dumber.
To arrest me, he hit
and killed someone in a car.
That was an accident.
But speaking of dumb,
you take the cake.
You had two UCs nearby
but you had no clue.
You cops are freaking twisted.
I didn't expect you would kill
and take a bullet for me.
My boys couldn't have done it.
Of course not!
They're criminals.
No way!
Our duty
is to bring you to court.
Spare me your damn principles.
That's the reason we didn't kill you.
Just shoot me.
If I had your job,
all drug dealers would be dead.
If you were busted by the Thai Police,
would the court give
you the death sentence?
Wing, I'm not going to die.
I'll get away.
Stop calling me Wing.
The name is Au Chi Yuen.
Look me up if you got away.
Drop your weapon!
Don't move! Drop your weapon!
Drop your weapon!
Hold! He's our man too.
Arrest him! He's a wanted man.
And what is your name?
Cheung Kin Heng.
Welcome on board flight PO713
inbound to Hong Kong.
Our flight time is going to
be 2 hours and 50 minutes...
I miss Hong Kong.
The world is poisoned.
You and I must act together
without backing down.
With faith comes temptations,
we hold on tight through good and evil
and we don't let go.
After all, my brother,
different blood types can be related.
So what if we're in a bind?
We fight alongside
but never down on our knees.
That's what makes us brothers.
No fear, no sweat, I stand by your fight.
Who can stand firm between good and evil
and put aside hypocrisy?
We made an oath between life
and death, joy and sorrow.
I'll have your back wherever you go.
Never forget our original goal.
I'm on your side in this boundless world.
As we face the world together,
I'll have your back wherever you go
The world is poisoned.
You and I must act together
without backing down.
I'll have your back wherever you go.
Never forget our original goal.
I'm on your side in this boundless world.
As we face the world together,
I'll have your back wherever you go.
After all, my brother,
different blood types can be related.
So what if we're in a bind?
We fight alongside but
never down on our knees.
That's what makes us brothers.
No fear, no sweat, I stand by your fight.
Who can stand firm between good and evil
and put aside hypocrisy?
Between good and evil.
I stand by your fight.