The Wild Goose Lake (2019) Movie Script

Got a light?
Tell me...
Are you Zhou Zenong?
Huahua and Chao sent me.
Yang Shujun can't come.
Your wife, Yang Shujun, she can't come.
if you want, I'll replace her.
Otherwise, I'll leave now.
Should I trust you?
If I were a cop, I wouldn't bother.
Did you come alone?
I'm alone.
I was waiting for you.
And Huahua?
He doesn't want to deal with it.
Bad for his reputation.
Are you really Zhou Zenong?
Do you doubt it?
It's not that...
I'll tell you everything...
so you don't doubt it.
Two nights ago,
I went to Xingqingdu Hotel.
I was exhausted.
I only wanted to sleep.
And do nothing all day long.
Dear listeners,
today is July 17, 2009.
Here's the weather forecast
hot and humid in the south...
The luxury motorbikes usually have a GPS.
He's looking for the GPS.
In public, pretend to lace your shoes.
He is wondering which part
of the bike will sell best.
The battery!
Now here's a pro tip.
Take apart and turn on
or unscrew and take apart.
Now we'll update the distribution
of work areas.
Tianshou Street and Qiguan Street:
Du Zai'er.
Nanhai area, Huagui and Jinfen Streets:
Yu Bin and Gao Qiqiao.
Brickworks area:
Li Pengfei and Wen Bo.
Xingye and Liberation Avenues:
Zhou Zenong.
Bo'ai, Hongji and Yanshi Streets:
Cat's Eye and Cat's Ear.
A question!
Why give Xingye and Liberation
to Zhou Zenong?
It's what we negotiated.
No-one negotiated with us.
Zenong is more senior.
Brother Ma... He was in prison.
You can't count his years in prison.
What do you want?
Xingye Avenue.
They want to die.
Cat's Eye!
Your streets will soon be
renovated and developed.
Just wait.
Till when?
We want Xingye Avenue, period.
Let's do a rotation. 1 year per family.
I think we have to see
who's the most capable.
Shut up.
You just wanna sell your dope.
Think I don't know that?
You can barely disguise used cars!
You want our street come take it.
Stop it and sit down!
We'll discuss it after the meeting.
- White Cloud Convent Street...
- Wait.
Quick, the car!
Take this bed sheet!
Wipe up the blood with the sheet.
It's over.
Let's go!
Come on!
Where are you going, Cat's Eye?
No funny business.
This isn't fair.
My brother got shot.
Different villages, same country.
I want Redhead to choke on the bullet
he fired at my brother.
Let me handle this and save face.
Brother Ma...
You're making too much noise.
It's causing trouble.
I have guests!
What? Didn't I pay you enough?
Didn't we tell you to close
during our convention?
It's just passing trade.
The local developer went bust,
business is bad.
I regret agreeing to be the manager.
Where'd you get it?
From Yunnan Province.
Who else has one?
Empty your pockets better than that.
Who's that?
your guy went too far.
You must help me fix this.
Brother Ma...
I wasn't expecting it.
Redhead was wrong to shoot.
He'll be punished.
I confiscated the gun.
I'll pay the hospital bills.
Ask Cat's if that's enough to fix this.
No need to ask him.
It's settled.
Both your families do motorbikes.
I suggest a competition tonight.
6 guys per family.
The one that steals the most bikes
in 2 hours gets Xingye Avenue.
You mean the Olympic Games of theft?
I wouldn't put it like that.
It's acceptable to everyone.
No-one will complain.
If you're afraid you'll lose,
that's another matter.
You see...
If I'd known they were cops,
I probably wouldn't have fired.
It won't go through?
It says: 15 cms. Those are the rules.
Tell me...
My wife...
Yang Shujun...
Why isn't she coming?
You must order something to stay here.
Keep her away.
2 beers.
On July 18 at around 1:30 AM,
Yangzhuangcun district was
targeted by motorbike thieves.
The police rapidly intervened.
One of the criminals fired,
killing a police officer.
An arrest warrant was issued
against suspect Zhou Zenong.
Barrages have been set up in stations,
ports and airports
as well as highway tolls.
An all-points bulletin was issued.
A reward of 300,000 yuan
will be awarded to the person
who enables the capture of Zhou Zenong.
Reward: 300,000 yuan.
This serious case
is mobilizing the police 24/7.
They are coordinating their
efforts in total synergy.
24 hours
and he still hasn't been captured.
We're monitoring online activities by
the suspect and those around him,
checking on former prisoners,
troublemakers and dubious individuals,
street by street,
one individual at a time.
We scoured the town's construction sites.
We raided uncontrolled places
where the idle and jobless gather.
We're inspecting empty buildings
and neighborhoods under demolition.
This morning,
a detachment of the Armed Police
surrounded Mount Douya.
According to our sources,
Zhou Zenong was taken to the hospital by
his accomplices Zhilie and Chao.
The surgeon stated that
he removed from his shoulder
a bullet from a Type 54 gun.
As they fled,
they threw away their phones,
showing they can avoid checks.
According to our analysts, the place
where the stolen vehicle disappeared
and the latest clues indicate
they are at the Wild Goose Lake.
We deployed 30 groups of
2 or 3 plain-clothes officers.
For 24-hour searches,
we must double the numbers.
Here's the situation.
The perimeter of the lake is over 10 kms.
This blank area on the map
is an uncharted zone.
It's one of those rural areas
that remain in towns,
a sort of enclave.
Our analysis is
that since Zhou Zenong is injured,
he can't have gone far.
He's probably hiding here.
Many of you are here as back-up
from other police stations.
As we distribute areas,
you can become acquainted.
Lelegang area:
Wu Liping and Zhang Wei.
Chaji and Dongjing way:
Wang Wenjin and Zhang Ji.
Shanglian village road:
Fan Baohua and Zhao Bo.
A question:
Where can we practice shooting?
I've never needed to use my gun before.
To be arranged later.
Be well aware
of the complexity of the lake area.
It's a lawless place
that no-one really controls.
Especially in summer.
You see all sorts.
All kinds of people,
and crimes.
When it's warm,
the "bathing beauties" appear.
Some of them
can't even swim.
I'll take the two of you.
You and her.
Liu Ai'ai!
This friend wants to play with us both.
You didn't find my wife, Shujun?
I did.
Zenong, let's go somewhere else.
The cameras can't see us.
There are fewer cops in suburban stations.
The more people, the better.
Why didn't Shujun come with you?
She doesn't want to see me.
That's not it.
Are you all stopping her?
Not at all.
I'll tell you
what happened.
I'm listening.
Last night,
we were out in Dujiacun...
Huahua, what is it?
Did I do something to you?
Our Huahua is only into "aye aye".
What's "aye aye"?
He's into Ai'ai!
He's into Liu Ai'ai!
Watch it!
Give me the money you owe me!
You'll make it capsize!
Hey, don't be angry!
Pingping, it's not fair to say that.
The other evening,
who waited outside for you all night?
I was joking.
Respect equality among your beauties!
My hat, you bitch!
Buy a drink for it!
Fuck you!
Go! Go!
You bitch! Follow them!
I'll get you!
Zenong wants you to find his wife.
I hear he got shot. He won't make it.
- So you want me to go see Shujun?
- Yes.
She's your sister. You go.
I can't. It's too risky.
And Zenong and I don't know where she is.
Zenong trusts you.
He could have called me.
We ditched our phones!
The cops aren't stupid!
And our families are no
doubt being watched.
Where is Zenong?
Find Shujun.
Take her to Junping Restaurant.
Leave the rest to me.
Do I have to beg you?
I'm looking for Yang Shujun.
I'm looking for Yang Shujun.
I'll find out for you.
FLEA MARKEIs it fun?
Are you Shujun?
I need to talk to you.
Your husband wants to see you.
Don't get any ideas.
I don't know him.
I'm helping my boss.
Who sent you?
I told you. I'm helping out.
I'm to take you to Xiqiaodong,
to Junping Restaurant.
I haven't seen him in 5 years.
He said he was leaving for a job,
then not a word.
Who wants to see him?
If you don't want to, fine.
Let me get changed.
The kid needs looking after.
Just take your clothes.
Leave your phone here.
Don't tell anyone.
I know.
Will we be alone?
That's right.
Have you been watched recently?
JUNPING RESTAURANShit... Is this guy a cop or one of ours?
Stay where you are!
Shit, he's shooting!
Freeze! Or I'll shoot!
Keep away!
Mind the civilians!
Search these stalls!
He's in a stall!
He's going around!
One more here.
In the bike parking area!
Go to the rails! Hurry up!
He's dead!
He ran really fast.
It's a shotgun.
Yang Zhilie.
That's him.
This jerk almost knocked me over.
Who are you?
Who do you think?
- Dirty rat!
- What?
Come here, son of a bitch!
Come here!
Get off!
You're the rat!
Screw you!
Why would I send you to find his wife?
What about the cops?
- I'm asking you!
- No idea!
You were spotted.
That's enough.
Tell me what happened.
Zhilie got shot.
I mean his sister.
Why would I trust you?
I'll tell you the truth.
Zenong wants her to turn him in
so she and her son get the reward money.
You think I want the money?
Turn him in yourself.
With our police records,
we won't get a cent.
We'll just be reformed informers.
Now can you call me a rat?
Here she is. Take her.
Shujun, I'm Huahua.
Don't be scared.
He'll take you to Zenong.
No. I don't want to see him.
Go on. All his men are helping out.
Listen to me.
Zenong has something important for you.
There's no risk.
If you don't go, we're all screwed.
I can't!
I'm sorry, Huahua, forgive me.
I'm the one who called the police.
They're forcing me to cooperate.
I must report all I find out about Zenong.
I mustn't see him.
The police are watching me!
I always told my brother not to be
led astray by Zenong.
What do you want me to do?
Zenong wants you to rat on him
so you get the reward.
Did you call the cops back?
Who gave you this?
Is there a tracker?
She's having an epileptic fit!
Don't shout!
No water. Get her bag.
Here's her bag.
Pinch the base of her nose!
We need a gag.
Zenong is waiting for us!
No need to stay in the station.
Why not?
It's where Shujun was to turn me in.
Zenong, don't worry, I'm replacing her.
How much do you get?
From the 300,000 reward
money that you'll claim,
what will Huahua give you?
He agreed to 20,000.
Don't be mad at him.
It's what I asked for.
After all
I'm taking the risks.
Is it enough?
I'll do what you want.
You won't regret it.
Your name!
The st...
What? At the station?
Notice anything unusual?
We go in the waiting room, you turn me in,
the reward goes to my wife...
can I trust you?
I don't know.
Let's do that.
Unless you don't trust Huahua.
Liu, come join me.
Why don't you go in?
The cops won't trust a bathing beauty
who comes here to report a fugitive.
You're right.
We usually stay by the lake.
Meet me at the lake.
I'll turn you in there.
The cops won't suspect.
Who is it?
Criminal police.
We have a search warrant.
Please cooperate.
Lights on.
They summoned me.
Neighborhood Committee rules.
Sign it.
you obey Uncle Policeman.
Go play in the yard, okay?
Come with me.
We'll go play in the yard.
Let's be good, right?
Thanks for giving us a lead.
Sorry for being so insistent.
Who told you to go to Junping Restaurant?
My brother, Zhilie.
How did he contact you?
And where?
He came to the flea market yesterday.
You went alone to the restaurant?
I hope you continue to cooperate.
If you don't believe me,
ask Zhilie.
Calm down.
I can understand your reaction.
Zhilie, your brother,
resisted and opened fire.
Don't cremate him yet.
We'll follow the rules.
Come tomorrow to pick up
the death certificate.
In a case like this,
who's to blame?
It's Zenong we want.
Being a criminal, going to jail,
not caring for you or your son...
Yesterday we arrested his girlfriend.
She says she wants his baby.
Think carefully
and carry on cooperating with us.
You have the rest of your life
ahead of you.
We're going.
By the way...
do you and Zenong have a friend
called Hua something?
For example,
"Little Hua"?
Brother Hua?
She's lying.
She denied without any hesitation.
Well, we still haven't found this Hua.
Look for him and check
the hotel manager's connections.
Yes, sir.
Frankly, Cat's Eye,
I was fair to your brother who got shot.
I moved heaven and earth to find Zenong.
Do you think I've forgotten the reward?
First find Zenong.
You go first.
What are you doing?
Mind your own business.
Go back inside.
Does Zenong still trust you?
A photo?
A photo?
Keep together!
Front row, on the double!
Follow up!
Stop singing!
Do you sing for free now?
Take these bills.
They have my blood on them.
Proof for the police.
The fog is lifting.
Got a light?
come here.
Why are you dressed so flashy?
In Herms?
No biker dresses like that.
Get changed.
Yes, sir.
Come here.
When you're in contact,
be careful and smart.
Any traffic?
I repeat:
no individual action.
Are your sectors clear?
Yes, sir.
Look over there.
You know...
You're lucky.
We've barely arrived,
and cars will go by.
Huahua and the guys often come here
to bet on the makes of cars.
We'll see them go past.
How do they bet?
Each brand has different headlights.
Ever thought of running away?
Where to?
To the south.
Ever further south.
I'm going nowhere.
You're here to help me get
the reward paid to my wife.
What's got into you?
You didn't stick to the plan, you bastard.
Yes, I did.
Give me the money.
Your share.
Cat's Eye...
Son of a bitch.
Go turn me in.
So be it.
Huahua planned it all.
I'll go up first.
Join me in 15 minutes.
I think...
He left his bag there deliberately.
Keep searching the area.
Make a noise
so he thinks we're
concentrating on Mount Douya.
I asked around in my neighborhood.
There are 3 or 4 "Huahua".
Hey, what are you playing at?
How many?
Three, including a pal of Zenong's.
The captain told me to guide you.
Let's hurry.
You're worth 300,000 yuan.
I won't turn you in alive.
You know too much about me.
You'd talk.
But I want to level with you.
I didn't want to kill Redhead.
I thought the jerk
would be able to see the trap.
And Huahua?
He's chilling in Dujiacun.
Do you get me?
He ratted on you right away.
We cut a deal this morning.
We'll make it look like a fight.
We agree: 50-50 if I help.
You won't go short.
Is this bathing beauty with Cat's Eye
or with Huahua?
With nobody.
All she thinks about is the money.
When it's done, shoot him.
Don't look at me.
Don't look at me!
Don't look at me!
See it my way.
300,000 yuan!
Who'd turn down the money?
You'll die anyway.
At least it'll bring something in.
I still think it's not right.
Not right? He killed a cop.
What I say is,
his wife must never find out.
Are you into epileptics?
I'll leave 'em to you, you bastard.
Give me a smoke.
Cat's Ear!
What is it?
Two of them!
Got it!
Look out, he's armed!
Got it!
What is it?
For that wanted guy.
Quick, this way!
Yes, it's him.
Was he injured?
Yes, he was bleeding.
Is it the man in the photo?
Are our men ready?
Yes, sir.
The task force?
In place.
Men, keep your helmets on.
Calm down, everyone!
We're looking for a criminal!
Please cooperate!
Bring the people from upstairs down!
Search them one by one!
We want to get some sleep!
What methods are these?
Not at this hour!
Hurry, everyone!
For your safety,
gather in the courtyard!
The bastard stole 3,000 yuan?
And my watch.
It wasn't yours!
10 skewers.
Why are you here?
What do you want?
Are you working tonight?
I don't know.
The dorm's that way.
Are you a bathing beauty?
What do you mean?
Don't be scared.
We can let you work part-time.
What's so funny?
You're here to talk business.
Do you want solutions?
Alright, then.
Come on.
Let's start the lottery.
One at a time.
You look like you're in a hurry.
Don't look!
Show me your bag.
Open it.
Not a bathing beauty!
Are you one of Huahua's?
Draw lots if you want, but count me out.
But count me out.
Cut the crap!
If you want to keep your workshops,
you have to trust us.
Some will have to move.
A lottery is fair.
My business is good.
I'm not going!
It's the first draw.
What are you afraid of?
Refuse and you'll lose.
He should go!
He should go first!
Stay here!
Did I say you could go?
you're making a mistake.
I'm not one of Huahua's girls.
Come here.
Let go!
I shouldn't have.
Are you Huahua's or not?
Know him?
I swear.
Come quick!
Yan has been beaten up!
Why did you disappear?
I had no choice.
Don't take me for a fool.
Huahua told me...
What will you have?
Just a minute.
If I'd disobeyed...
Never mind. I want to eat.
What do you want?
Noodles or rice?
Noodles, then.
Two bowls of noodles.
You haven't paid.
16 yuan.
Just a minute.
16 yuan.
Boss, same again!
Coming right up.
Hands up!
There he is!
No doubt about it, it's Zhou Zenong.
No more ammo.
Thank you!
How about that?
They pay the reward in cash,
because it looks better on TV.
Where's your bank?
Credit Bank, Labor St.
You can do a lot with that.
I'll open a little store back home.
That's good.
No, thanks.
Go on.
Help yourself.
A pack of Ruanhong.
One, please.
Liu Aiai was officially investigated again
three days after.