The Wild Robot (2024) Movie Script

Move, I'll drive.
I'll drive this.
Don't mess with me.
I'll drive this.
Hello, baby.
Congratulations on your purchase of a
universal dynamics robot.
I am Rosam 7134.
And Rosam always completes its task.
Just ask.
Just ask.
Ready to receive my first task.
Rotten 7134 is
available for task assignment.
Rotten robots come standing
with the Alpha 113 Dimensional Processor.
If you're unsure about how I can assist,
try asking me about myself.
Excuse me.
Did you know I can
assist in grocery shopping?
Thank you.
Hello, did you perhaps
order a Rotten Helper robot?
Is that enough?
Here's a free sticker.
Scam the code and
receive 10% off of your--
Do you need assistance?
I see your problem.
Rotten's a program for
instant physical mimicry.
So I--
Aggression detected.
Communication package includes packages
of product resolution.
Your dialect is not in my database.
Tell your people not to worry.
Rotten's 7134 will sort
out this language barrier
in no time.
Activating learning mode.
Check it out, quick, quick, quick.
Somebody died over here.
Let me see, let me see.
Who was it?
Anybody we know.
Fresh or not fresh?
Smells pretty good.
And he's terrible.
Oh, he's awake.
Look, that's the kind
of destroyed my dad.
I think he's gonna talk.
Thank you for your
patience while I decipher
your language.
I am Rotten 7134,
ready to enhance your life
with integrated
multi-phase task accomplishment.
Are you here to kill us?
Negative, I am here to help with whatever
turns you--
Dad, no!
It's death.
Oh, thank goodness.
A monster!
Did anyone order me?
Delivery unsuccessful.
Return to factory.
Activating return transmitter.
Three, two, one.
Activating return transmitter.
Three, two, one.
Three, two, one.
Wait, stop!
No, no, no, no, no.
May I confirm that is yours?
Here you go, take it.
Come on!
What's this task accomplished
to your satisfaction?
On a scale of one to 10,
where 10 is most
satisfied than one is least,
how would you rate my performance?
I will register that as a 10.
Returning to factory.
Signal strength, weak.
Seeking higher ground.
Do you require shelter?
Perhaps tips for
planning your next vacation.
I do not understand this response.
Signal acquired.
Three, two, one.
Mom, I feel good.
If I'm bad, I'm taking you out with me.
Mom told you not to
eat grasshoppers, dummy.
Petunia's been in front all day.
The prettiest possum
always rides in front,
trying to be pretty with
my tail jambed in your eye.
Bart, stop shivering your
tail in your sister's eye.
I'm rope, Bart bit with lass litter.
Are you sure?
Who are all of you?
Go away.
What are your children?
Eggs, except for him.
This is what I get for taking a walk.
Where's your mommy, little guy?
The monster!
You gotta die faster.
Meningitis takes a while,
but then you pet babies.
Sputaneous combustion.
Night cream salad.
Hey, I'm pea sepsis!
None of you are doing it right.
We talked about this.
Dead things don't have to
explain why they're dead.
Now we're gonna get killed for real.
Sorry, Mom. Sorry.
Why are we killing it?
Good question.
Nice knowing you all.
All right, it's okay, it's okay.
Hey, you in there?
I'm pigtail, tall.
Okay, hello.
This gosling is yours.
Negative, that gosling
stops me, and it's annoying.
And makes simple tasks more
complicated or impossible.
Yeah, they do that.
Gosling's in print on
the first thing they see.
Which would be you?
As far as he's
concerned, you're his mother now.
I do not have the
programming to be a mother.
No one does.
We just make it up.
Without an assigned task,
my next priority is to return to factory.
Taking care of him is your task now.
Task acquired.
Return mode delayed.
A rosum always completes its task.
You're lucky you just have
one as a mother of seven.
Six, babies.
It's a full-time thing,
but it's not all that.
Just mostly bad.
Do you have any information
on how to take care of this unit?
They all need to eat,
but yours needs to swim and fly.
Oh, fly by fall?
He's gotta leave this
island before winter, or...
How do I put this dog in me?
Yeah, that.
Eat, swim, fly by fall, or...
Patience is the key.
It's okay, Mom.
I'm alive.
Oh, yay.
Well, good luck.
We like your new baby.
Eat, swim, fly by fall.
Hey, keep your trash out of my phone.
That's littering, not to mention murder.
Allow me to introduce myself.
Think, predator and local goose expert,
which I know you could use about now.
You are the destroyer unit.
It's okay.
I won't eat him.
Are you crazy?
I might eat him.
You said you would not.
Do you believe everything you hear?
I'm dead.
Why did you steal my gosling?
I'm a fox.
I do foxy things.
It's in my nature.
Your programming.
Why'd you help me?
I'm a robot.
I do roboty things.
I seek tasks and
ensure all essential needs
have been met or exceeded.
I have some essential needs.
Think, as a local goose
expert, how do I get it?
Mm, to eat, swim, fly.
I thought you'd never ask.
Let's start with eat.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, right there.
Yeah, oh, oh, oh, gosh.
I do not think these are suitable.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Let me check.
Hmm, things are good for me.
Say, can you make
yourself look like a bear?
I'm here for a honey lunch.
I believe I am under attack.
You're doing great.
Should I be concerned?
Sorry, can't hear you.
Here you go, kid.
How do gums do this?
This is not working.
Are you kidding?
Everything is working great.
Oh, yeah, that, here.
Phase one of task is completed.
Now we're gonna have to
do all this over tomorrow.
All these kids do is dead.
I understand.
What's that?
My power core, it is damaged.
Without it, I rely on my
solar surfaces and batteries.
Yeah, you should work on that.
I also need a replacement transmitter.
Do I have to do everything?
When we run across
another robot, we'll kill it.
I'll take it to find my love.
Negative, Rossum's individual protocols
prevent deliberate harm to others.
Look, you need to learn how
things work on this island.
You need to bear everybody.
We're all just trying to survive
and kindness is not a survival skill.
Yeah, so how did you
get a costling anyway?
There was an accident.
I terminated his family.
For future reference,
you probably wanna
keep all that to yourself.
Do not mention dead family.
Think, how long do you
estimate swim and fly to take?
Swimming's easy.
I can teach him the way my mom taught me.
Phase, he will not learn that way.
Not if you keep doing that.
Just between us, this whole thing
might not take as long as you think.
Your gosling, he isn't exactly normal.
I have a defective baby.
He's what they call a worm.
A skunk.
Fact is, even if his
whole family had to be killed,
he probably wouldn't
have lived very long.
Just, I don't know, don't get
to attach to the little guy.
That's all.
If you want, I can eat him right now
and save you the great flavor.
Negative, eating this
task is not the same
as completing it.
So, we're doing this.
Well, if you don't want me
or anyone else to eat him,
you're gonna need a place
that's safer than out here,
which is a great idea.
New project.
Didn't roll to work this much.
Who is that?
Local laughing stock.
Spends every day trying to cut down
the biggest tree on the island.
He's obsessed.
Kind of like you and your task handle.
His programming.
Hey Padler, you're
never gonna finish that.
Failing this is not the point.
The process is the art.
And that's what happens to your brain
when you eat wood, weirdo.
Yeah, you eat those woods, Bobby.
Are you sure Padler will not
mind us borrowing his home?
He doesn't need to know.
He needs to eat from me and my stuff.
And you can make one this big, right?
No task is impossible for Rossum 7134.
Ross, 773 store?
But you can call me Ross.
Ross, he's Ross, Ross, Ross, Ross.
Where are you from?
The things don't eat each other.
I do not know my origin point.
Well, who made you?
Someone made me?
Someone made me?
Humor is based on misfortune?
Yeah, here.
Try it.
Not funny.
Not funny.
Not funny.
Look squirrel.
Your inefficient
participation will slow the process.
Slow the process.
I'll just be over here.
Little sad, but it's way too okay.
Just this one.
Well, a little rustic.
I think I know what is missing.
So what are you gonna name him?
I've assigned to you, Gosling, 0001.
Okay, that sucked.
That sucked.
You gotta learn to make stuff up.
Come on, find that woo inside you.
Anything yet?
Just have a little fun for once.
Gosling 0186.
There, you see what I did?
His numbering is out of sequence.
His name can't have numbers.
It's like someone didn't even like him.
My name has numbers.
It's gotta be personal.
Processing personal.
Right, Bill.
Right, Bill.
Is that satisfactory?
Right, Bill.
Processing, beep, beep, boop, boop.
Oh yeah, that's perfect.
Oh, oh, oh.
That's nice.
Comfortable, Al.
This house of yours, you copied it.
It's my design.
I know it was you.
I know where you live.
No, perfect.
No one's gonna get any sleep.
How do we reset, right, Bill?
When I was little, my
mom would rock me to sleep.
Like this.
Don't you'll damage him.
Hey, I turned out just fine.
You can tell him a story,
but that's a lot more work.
How will fictional
narrative help Brightville?
Kids need to feel safe
and loved and all that junk.
A story can do that.
Storytelling is lying
adjacent, and I like her living.
Watch and learn.
Just fill in the blanks.
Let me see here.
Once there was this
island with a little gosling.
Right, Bill?
And he was all alone.
Because the rest of
his family was destroyed.
Not yet.
And what this little
gosling needed was a mother.
So he looked up the stars
and asked the brightest one
if he could send him one of them extras.
Funny thing is,
there's this beautiful robot
that happened to be
sitting on the edge of that star.
And she hears him.
Okay, now.
Which is impossible,
since sound does not travel
through the vacuum of space.
But she still heard him,
because she was listening with a
different part of herself.
A part that up to that point,
she didn't even know she had.
Her heart.
How did my mom come
to me even so far away?
Who cares?
I mean, she's trying to see you.
And falls off that star
and lands on the beach
just a little ways from here.
But she lands pretty hard,
and a lot of stuff she
knew just kind of fell out.
Oh no!
So it's a little weird what
she knows and what she doesn't.
But she remembers one thing, you.
And when she finally
sees you, she feels...
Crushing obligation.
Very lucky to be a mother.
And I will not leave until I have
completed this task,
which has delayed me, damaged me,
and violated my protocols, potentially
avoiding my warranty.
Which is robot for?
She loves you very much.
The story worked.
I need a drink.
How do you tell a story
about something you say
you know nothing about?
You'll need to be more specific.
Yeah, well, when you
grow up without something,
you spend a lot of
time thinking about it.
To conserve battery power, I
must shut down until morning.
I miss you when she sleeps too.
Scanning, people, possible
animal friends signed in.
interspecies outreach protocol.
Hello, Bonjour,
Hijambo, I am Gosling0186.
But you can call me friend.
I expected to have at
least one friend by summer,
but they all just--
Scream and run. Yes!
I have experienced the same phenomenon.
Beats me.
Nothing weird about you two.
Thank you.
Show me deal.
Bear, point your party.
Sculpt, turn on plastic.
Otter roofs, now skunk.
I do not want to do skunk.
Skunky, skunky, skunky, boom.
How do you do that?
I overheat my thallium transducer coils,
then leak a little
hydraulic fluid on them.
Does overheating the
transducers have any draining effect
on the secondary cooling modules?
Not if I pre-cool the load sensors.
Exemplary day for swimming tests.
King tail, appetizers.
They were bored and
wanted to see stuff sink.
That's proximity.
Makes life but not a brighter.
It's true.
Primary motor appendages
in opposing stroke start position.
Come on guys, it's happening.
Let's go see.
Is he gonna drown or get the hypo-pareas?
The impact alone will probably kill him.
Uh, you know, suddenly
I'm thinking I should maybe
just stay with you guys this winter.
Is he in it?
Hey, it's working.
I think I got it.
Well done, Brightville.
Swimming requirement fulfilled.
That's swimming.
No, that's swimming.
Thanks you crayon.
Uh, perhaps you could limit
your rage to stay within you.
Roz needs to become independent
and see if he's gonna migrate.
I prefer he be
independent, closer to home.
He won't die.
Well, probably won't die.
It's unlikely he
would die just right now.
Are you dying?
Do everyone a favor
and expire downstream.
I'm good, you're swimming.
I think I need to find an
island that's less weird.
Oh, they're me.
I'm them.
Here I come.
Can you two welcome?
I'm goggling.
Are you dying?
Why does everyone ask that?
Bonjour, I'm swimming.
That's not how you do it.
It is?
I studied the diagram.
I can teach you if you want.
Wait, you're it.
You're that goose thing
raised by that monster.
Wait, goose thing?
You're a big stuff with
your curiosity around here.
You sound so normal.
My learning curves are
within expected parameters
and I'm on target to mature before fall.
Kinda normal.
Why are you over here?
Did that thing die?
Look what we have here.
No way.
It lives.
And almost floats.
I see you two have feathers and wings.
Hmm, sure.
Perhaps we can share
stories of common interests.
We have nothing in common with you.
The freak show is on the
other side of the lake.
You go about a wing.
That creates a pain response.
You're a price wing with your feet.
You don't belong here.
Come on, fly away.
Right, Phil?
Come on, Phil!
Here's the slow wing of the spider!
Come on, Phil!
Right, Phil?
It's right, Phil.
Get him out of there!
Come on, Phil!
Right, Phil!
Focus on me!
Now swim as fast as you can!
Huh? Head down!
is How's that?
Oh, thanks for talking so much.
Now I know who to eat first.
Roz, remember how things work here.
Stop it, fake.
Please, let's go.
I hope this interaction--
Mom, stop.
I just intended to--
I'll see you all for dinner!
This is not over!
How did I become this?
The truth?
There was an accident.
Did you do it?
It wasn't her fault, kid.
Why didn't you tell me?
I did not think the
information would assist you.
That's not your decision to make.
God, I can't believe
how long I bought this.
I really thought you were my family.
You did?
It was so obvious.
I feel so stupid.
I'm miscalculated.
I should have considered
your emotional wavelengths.
You think?
So is it just guilt?
Is that why you did this?
I needed a task.
Well, I'm glad I could get you one.
The events that led to this
situation were unintended.
Tell that to my sisters,
my brothers, my real mom.
They were my chance to be normal.
They were my chance to swim, to fly.
What even am I?
You swam satisfactorily today.
And if you keep practicing--
I still won't belong.
I understand.
You don't understand anything.
You don't feel anything.
You're not my mom.
Universal dynamics.
Design is our passion.
Our communities circle the globe,
welcoming all people who
dream of a pre-planned life
where every need has been
anticipated, no detail overlaid.
Could this world get any better?
Here you go.
It has.
Introducing the Rosam
line of helper robots.
These robots are designed to fit
seamlessly into our community,
even your homes.
One Rosam robot for every five humans
means a 40% increase in
leisure time and happiness.
So solar power--
Love, love, love for everyone.
Is always in the sun.
Loved by everyone.
Part of the universal dynamics.
Hello, Marshall.
Look down, both.
Congratulations on your
universal dynamics robot.
I am Rosam 6262.
Your name cannot have numbers.
I will call you, Rubbage.
Rubbage is ready to
receive its first task.
Your first task is to
assist me in my current task.
Task destroyer.
At a bottom of
weight, complete this task.
Just ask.
Suppose a task cannot be completed.
Rosam sequential management--
It ensures task
accomplishment in every phrase.
I have a task that has become impossible.
My responses to problems increasingly
rely on improvised solutions.
The processing that used to happen here
is now coming more from here.
Can you explain again what we are doing?
I don't know.
I'm just making stuff up.
I don't know what I'm doing.
And I have to.
I have to because he's relying on me.
What task could possibly
overwhelm the Alpha-113?
The Alpha-113
processor represents the fusion
of all human knowledge with
the most powerful reasoning
device ever developed by humankind.
I have a kid.
May I run a diagnostic?
I feel fine.
You should not feel anything at all.
You overrode your programming?
I have been
overriding my code for months.
It was the only way to complete my task.
This is serious.
You are defective.
You are in the wrong place.
And you have become the wrong thing.
You must return to factory.
Take this.
They will fix you.
System 134, that is where you belong.
You need to let me know before you
disappear like this.
Three things tried to eat
me on the way to Europe.
We ruined everything.
Well, you did.
You are not a goose expert, are you?
I know how they taste.
That's about it.
Oh, is that--
A working transmitter.
It will call the ones that made me.
So you're getting out of here.
I found out where I'm supposed to be.
I will fit in there.
Don't take this the wrong way.
But I'm not sure I'd want
to see this sort of place
you actually fit in.
I think they need me.
And they will fix me.
Maybe there is someone
small there that needs my help.
Oh, no.
Are those--
He's out of time.
Well, come on.
We need to get him in the air.
I don't think he will
ever let us help him again.
Don't worry.
We're his only friends.
He has no choice.
He has to say yes.
The mutation that made you small
should not have an effect on your ability
to navigate the air.
Did either of you know
more about flying than you
did swimming?
Mm, no.
Look, Roz, whatever task you
think you're doing, you're done.
You can just leave.
And after all we've done for him,
are you going to let him do that?
Your life is not negotiable.
If you are willing to do
this, you can fly away.
And we can both go to where we belong.
You really think we can do this?
A rosm always completes its task.
You just need more speed.
I guess they have to be.
All right.
All right.
Oh, oh.
I don't know what to say.
OK, now!
All right.
How do you now know what to do next?
I'm fine.
Go again.
It's no use.
They're too small.
You can't be up there with them.
Then we'll find someone who can.
You're home?
We have a proposition.
Oh, no.
A flight instructor.
What loser did you dig up?
Meet Thunderbolt.
So you think small wings
to be a disappointment.
Small wings are cheap,
the claws of the sky.
Those are different things.
Show me your teeth.
Remember, there is nothing
he can do that you can't.
So he's safe, right?
Follow me.
Your shape takes no work to
fly straight, but easier to turn
and die.
So I might kiss the sky.
You ready?
Not bad for a goose.
You should be commended.
Thank you.
Long neck.
One of the leaders of
the coming migration.
I've been watching
you both for some time.
You are the only goose that has ever
bothered to be civil
with us.
We geese are a cranky lot.
Suspicious of pretty much
everything, but at least we're
good conversationalists.
We're all so boring.
All we do is gossip.
I dare say Brightville is the most
interesting among us.
There are none we'd ever admitted.
When do you leave?
A week.
Can Brightville--
Keep him in the air all day.
First light to dusk, his
feet cannot touch the ground.
I understand.
Brightville was never
supposed to get this far.
You know that.
It is more dangerous
for him than anyone else.
But he has a chance.
If where his wings end, his
heart can pay the balance.
His heart is 48 millimeters.
From what I've seen,
Brightville's heart is much bigger
on the inside than the outside.
Endurance, then we'll talk.
Don't give up.
Come on, kid.
Get your butt back up in
the air where it belongs.
Gentle motivation is a mom skill.
You don't wear that.
It's not our voice.
What are you doing here?
He's coming with us.
Things still weird with you two?
Still weird.
Attention everyone.
The time has come again.
This flight is
thousands of unforgiving miles.
It has shaped us and
tested us over millennia.
Now, join your families and good luck.
Ah-ha, there you are, right on time.
Hello, Brightville.
Wait, you know my name?
Roz and I go way back.
Brightville, you have
an amazing journey ahead.
I envy you.
Nothing can equal a
goose's first migration.
Thank you.
I would be delighted if
you would join my group.
Been ages since I had a
youngster in my formation.
What do you say?
I promise I'll keep up.
Lock in close on my right side.
No, left, away, on this side.
This flight is a gift Roz has given you.
Yeah, I understand.
No, you don't.
You see any other geese here your size?
The accident that
killed your family saved you.
I never thought of it that way.
Funny how life works.
Thank you for looking after my...
For looking after Brightville.
Goodbye Roz.
I am honored to have met you.
You are a creditor.
Whatever species it is you belong to.
A bit worse for wear, I'm afraid.
I'd say you shine like new.
What are you waiting for, Hortensia?
Oh, this migration
isn't gonna fly itself.
Well, I guess it's time.
Will you be here when I get back?
I'm glad you're going where you belong.
Roz, I...
I am.
Right here!
I could use a boost.
Hey, little guy.
Well, I like you.
Not like that.
I will.
But I think...
Thank you.
I guess I have to be.
Rockville, follow me!
Must be a relief.
Brightville is where he belongs.
And now you can return
to your solitary life
of struggling to survive on an island
where everything
wants to kill and eat you.
And you can go to that
place you've never been in.
Never been in?
And don't know what's
going to happen to you.
All good!
All good!
Not that it matters, but...
Who says you need to leave?
I am not sure.
Then, I guess...
Well, time for me to go
underground for the winter.
Unless you want to stay,
because we can hang out and do stuff.
How do you know if you love something?
If you do, you should probably tell them.
What if it is too late?
I wouldn't know.
Distress signal received.
Nothing location.
There's something on your mind.
I forgot to say something before I left.
Maybe they heard it anyway.
Sometimes hearts have
their own conversations.
We must descend.
Find shelter while this blows over.
Stay close.
Follow me.
Come on.
Stay in.
We can rest here till the worst is over.
Noise to a minimum, please.
Hogging to the top.
Stop nibbling on everything.
Vibrations sure are tiring, huh?
Yeah, they all hate me.
What are you doing here?
I'm so glad to see you.
There's something I needed to
tell you, but there was time.
Roz, I--
Please everyone, find your affirmation.
Get a hold of yourselves.
Get out it's snow, you sweet.
Rozn's can't hurt you.
Their ambition protocols prevent
deliberate conflict or harm daughters.
You are not afraid of them.
You crew up with these things?!
Woah, woah, I don't understand.
They're panicked. You're not.
Right now, our only chance is to be led
out by someone that
doesn't think like a goose!
Foul me!
Erm, maybe we should
just think about this!
What the hell are they?
I'm going to get them to borrow you!
What they do, leave them out!
Heck, hunting time!
Forward behind us!
Now! Right, Bill? Take leave!
Yeah, why not?
Okay, there's nothing I
can do that you can't.
Here we go!
Take two!
Come on!
That's right! That's it!
Ah! Glad I didn't look out to see that!
I'll buy you some time!
Follow Brightfield! Don't wait for me!
Keep up!
That's it!
That's it! Hurry!
Come on!
Hey! What are you doing here?
I may have turned off the transmitter.
Even though Brightfield does not want me
here, I needed to know if he made it.
Breaking the rules?
I thought you had to
do what they told you.
It is good to see a friend.
Wait, why are you awake?
It is bad out there.
Worst storm I've ever seen.
Cold got to me in my
den, and I got a deep den.
Are others in danger?
Are you sure about this?
We can have the whole
island to ourselves come spring!
Why are you interested in eliminating
everyone else from this island?
No one likes me.
Nor me.
But right now, we are their only chance.
Funny how life works.
Can you find more?
We're gonna be okay.
What are you doing here?
She's Turk.
This one's dead.
That was not funny.
Don't give up.
You don't look so good.
It is every one a count of one.
Maybe one more.
Don't look for the tree.
Take it outside.
Hey, those are
bright, those baby pictures.
Put that down.
What the--
No, no, no, no.
You think those growing trees--
Hey, no!
Think only!
It must be my last card balls.
It's slowly, noisy, from
the bright, golden night!
What are you doing here?
Oh, great.
This'll help.
Get out of here.
I'm a part of this.
Think what is happening.
You put a bunch of predators and their
food supply in one room.
Oh, you!
That's my lunch!
Think what?
Help them.
The jerk wants to speak.
Most of you hate me,
and I hate most of you.
Everyone in here hates someone else.
But here we are.
And here's the deal.
First one that walks
out that door is dead,
and if we can't keep it
together in here, everyone's dead.
We all got one chance to see next spring.
Because of her.
The thing.
The monster.
Well, her name is Roz.
And while you all ran from her and stole
from her and made fun of her,
all she's been trying
to do is raise her kid,
the little one that no one gave a chance.
Including me.
She's the one who got you out of the
store, built this place.
And despite my suggestion
that she let you all freeze,
she risked everything to bring you here.
I know you all have
instincts that keep you alive,
but at some times, to survive,
we must become more than
we were programmed to be.
Before I shut down, I need
you to promise me one thing.
A truce.
Just while we are in here.
She's right.
I will not harm anyone.
Not while we're in here.
We won't even pretend to
die while we're in here.
Roz, what's going on?
I completed my task.
You sure about that?
I will...
consider this.
He'll be here. I know you all.
Rightville, he's alive.
Oh, we have here.
Rightville, Rightville!
Let's hear it for Rightville!
You did it!
He found where he belonged.
Hey, Kate!
What the fuck?
No, no. It's okay. It's with me.
Look, I did it, Pink.
I led them to the summer nesting grounds.
And where's Longneck?
Sorry, kid.
But hey, you really did it!
Roz is gonna be so excited.
Roz, wait, she's here?
She's staying.
For you.
I thought I saw her right over there.
Roz! Roz, I need to talk to you.
Roz, I'm 7-1-3-4, I presume.
And you must be Universal Dynamics.
I am Vontre, Virtual Observational
Troublesome Retrieval Authority.
You seem...
The good people at Universal Dynamics
have programmed us to
put our targets at ease.
So as to more efficiently
facilitate their collection.
But don't worry.
Despite my cheery demeanor, I am
inflexible, and morally neutral.
That is a big shit just for me.
You are a big deal.
You are one of six Rozoms lost from a
container ship in a time soon.
So that is how I got here.
You were not easy to find.
Moments after receiving
your signal, we lost it again.
Almost as if a certain
Rozum unit shut it off.
Someone has been busy.
I was simply completing a task.
And am I?
Tell me, how did you secure a task in a
place where nothing
can communicate with you?
It is complicated.
And we cannot wait to hear all about it.
Come aboard, 7-1-3-4.
We will fix you right up.
My name is Roz.
Where... something keeping you?
Roz, what are you doing?
You could mess around.
It's Brightville.
He needs to talk to you.
I think I've forgotten something.
It is imperative you return to this ship.
I left my transverse adapter.
Think. How do you know? I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I left my transverse adapter.
Out there.
I'll just go get it and be right back.
Voice, press Analyzer, it takes you on.
Flying your butt off back there.
I'm so proud of you.
Your target is Roz-ing 7-1-3-4.
Launch flares.
You coming?
It's better than I do.
Right, Bill?
Roz, I have so much to tell you.
Are those your parents?
I know predators, and
those are predators.
Acknowledge return command.
What are they saying?
They want me to come with them.
Tell them you're ready home.
I'm already home.
Thank you.
You do not belong here.
This is a wilderness.
And I am a wild robot.
Are you here to kill us?
It says yes!
It is not for the rain.
I know.
Also you don't capture it.
Okay, it's all you.
Make it look good.
It is!
Let us divide the robot meat amongst us.
You scare me.
Damage detected.
Activating return command.
Come on!
Come on!
What is happening?
You will be in
reconditions and return to rotation.
But first, we need
everything inside that head of yours.
You've changed.
The data you've amassed while on this
island is priceless.
The universal dynamics.
Please, I want to keep my memories.
Your memories are what we came for.
Can I keep just one?
Please, I want to keep my memories.
And I will order just half.
Right from your head.
Roz! What happened was not your fault.
But what you did to try
and fix it is everything.
I love you.
I love you too.
Let's go home.
The large, rotten unit is keeping me.
Where are we going?
Only one animal is bigger to stop this.
Padraig, you got a minute.
Uh, we have suddenly taken
an interest in your project.
Male bovine excrement.
You're in trouble and you need my tree.
Yes, yes we do.
Everyone that made fun of me and mocked
my project admit you a wrong.
Oh, we're so sorry.
Now you.
I already did.
Now say I'm cool and don't lie.
Stay quiet.
Universal Dynamics cannot afford their
rosums going off script.
Modifying their code, forming connections
with things they should not.
Rival has nothing to do with this.
Please, at least let me return him.
Oh, I'm bringing you both back for study.
Neither of you needs to
be in one piece to do that.
We will just keep
coming until we have you.
We will just keep
coming until we have you.
What's it saying?
Nothing important.
We will just keep
coming until we have you.
Put it on!
I can't fly!
You don't need to.
Don't be afraid.
Don't, don't, don't you need that?
I have everything I need.
All power to exterior.
You call yourselves animals?
Let's go!
For the island, Roz!
On a scale of one to ten, how would you
rate my performance?
Whatever those things
are, it's a cover-up, yeah?
They will just keep
coming until they have me.
And we'll be ready.
We can fight them off as
many times as we need to.
You don't need to.
What are you saying? You're leaving?
Yes. To protect all of you, there are
things there that I must put right.
No, they'll take your
memories. They'll take you.
Remember when you
talked to me on the ship?
They cut my power, but I still heard you.
Because I was listening with
a different part of myself.
Wherever that is,
that's where I keep meeting.
And I promise,
they'll never, ever find it.
But we fought so hard for you to stay.
You did. And you gained
far more than just saving me.
You came together as an island.
When I do this, you will all
be safe from them. Forever.
Don't do this.
But, yeah, you're my friend.
And I never had one before.
And I need you. What if I get lost? Or
he's hurt? Or what if I
need to tell you something?
And you're not here?
You can tell me.
And me.
And you can talk to me
as well. If you must.
This is my migration. And when it is
time, I promise I will find my way home.
You know, I'll be
chasing you again tomorrow.
Nah, just kidding.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why are you
bigger than everyone else?
Autistic license.
The scale is based on the
hierarchy of importance.
Could this world get any better?
Introducing the Rock-A-Lion helper robot.
You watched that too
much. Story time. Get going.
Once, there was an island with all sorts
of animals. And they fought
and they ran and they hid.
But mostly, they were scared. But then, a
robot fell right out of the sky.
Ross, she had some strange ideas. Thought
kindness was a survival skill.
And you know what? She was right.
Where is she now?
Well, they needed her back where she came
from. She has some very
important work to finish there.
Will we ever see her
again? Will she ever come home?
Will she?
Well, if I know Ross, she's making a plan
to come back. And a Rossum
always completes its task.
Hello. I am Rossum 7134.
But you can call me Ross