The Wildflower (2020) Movie Script

Hi. My name is Rol Rolake Dabiri,
and I would like to work here for...
No, that's too flat.
My name is Rolake Dabiri.
Nope. That's too familiar.
Good morning. My name is Rolake Dabiri,
and I would like to work with you.
No. For
Good morning. My name is Rolake Dabiri,
and I would like to work
for Ocean Heights Constructions.
Good morning. My name is Rolake Dabiri,
and I would like to work
for Ocean Heights Constructions.
Aww. I got this!
Good morning. My name is Rolake Dabiri,
and I will like to work
with you. For you!
Okay. Reasons why you should hire me
I am smart.
I am intelligent.
- I work hard...
- Aunty Rolly, good morning!
- Hey, Ada. Good morning, my darling!
- Good morning!
- It's today, right?
- Yes it is. How do I look?
- Beautiful!
- Thank you.
- How's Mum?
- She's fine. She's at the shop.
- I'll join her later.
- Ada, I want to talk to about something.
I want you to be very careful with him.
Stay away from him, okay?
Yes I will.
He's always acting
like the gods must be crazy.
Aunty Rolly, do you know that last week
he told me that I should pick
his clothes from the clothes line
and bring them into his room?
Ada, you must never go
anywhere alone with that man.
Do you understand me?
- Yes, Aunty.
- You promise me?
- I promise.
- Okay. Good girl.
- So, I'll see you later.
- Yeah.
- Congratulations!
- Thank you!
- I've not gotten it yet but okay!
- In advance!
- Rolake Dabiri?
- That would be me.
Okay. Come on in.
My senator.
It's the same thing.
Even if the pub didn't come out,
we have to get it to come out.
It can not stop the work.
Yes, sir.
My men are already on ground.
Trust me, sir.
We've done this thousands of times.
Those expatriates?
Sir, we are going to outsmart them.
They don't know the locals like we do.
Please let's talk about this
in the evening when I come to see you.
Yes, sir.
Alright, sir. Bye, sir.
Hello, sir.
My name is Rol
Rolake and I'm here for the interview.
Thank you, sir.
- Osun state?
- Yes.
It says here that you have
a Masters in Architecture.
- Yes, sir.
- O.A.U?
Yes, sir.
So why are you applying to be a PA?
My PA.
Aside from the fact that
Ocean Heights Constructions
is the leading
architectural firm in Nigeria,
I would rather work as a PA
than miss an opportunity to work with you.
For you.
And learn from you.
You know what?
Believe in potential, Rolly.
- I assume you prefer Rolly to Rolake.
- Yes, sir.
Rolly, I take chances with people.
Especially when I spot potential.
Why should I take a chance with you?
Because I'm willing
to give it whatever it takes.
And I believe in tenacity and hard work.
You think tenacity and hard work
is all it takes to succeed?
Yes, sir.
In fact, I think it's everything.
Don't you know how to greet?
Don't you greet?
Or is that how unimportant I am?
Small pin.
Small pin.
- How're you doing?
- Hey. I'm fine.
You're sure you don't want it?
My friend, would you put
that thing back in the pack!
- How was the interview?
- Well I don't know.
- But man, Nedu, if you see that office!
- Are you serious?
That's a company to be in,
so I hope they pick me.
Oh come on, babe.
I'm sure they would pick you.
- You are very overqualified for the job.
- Aww!
- Aww! I love when you hype me like that.
- That's what I'm here for.
- Babe, take one. I'm going back now.
- Don't give me. I don't want.
- I'm going to dance.
- I don't want. I'll wait for you.
- Okay. Well done!
- I'll dance. Feel it!
- Well done. Good luck, baby!
- Feel it!
- Who's here? Come open the door!
- It's your father.
Go and keep it. Fast!
- Open this door!
- Go and open the door for your father!
- Daddy, welcome!
- Hey, stop that!
- Daddy, good evening!
- Hey, stop that!
- Welcome.
- How many times do I have to tell you
to stop calling me Daddy? Daddy, Daddy!
My name is Jinmi! Call me King Jinmi!
This "Daddy, Daddy" thing is tiresome.
Alright, where is my food?
King Jinmi Right, King Jinmi.
You did not put money down for food.
So how do you expect food?
And I don't have money.
Or is there a tree that is
growing money in this compound,
or in our house that I do not know about?
I said go and get me my food.
What are you saying? Go get me food!
I need food now.
Ada, you and your sister
Go and play with Aunty Rolake.
- But Mummy, we're still...
- Are you stupid?!
Stop arguing when I talk to you!
Are you deaf?
Take your sister,
go and play with Aunty Rolake!
I need my food now!
Daddy, there is no more food in the house.
We ate the last rice from yesterday.
What did you say? You did what?
Take your sister. Hurry, go.
Go. Go to Aunty Rolake's place.
- Hurry.
- What did she say? Okay.
Food is finished?
There is no food for me?
What did you say?
I'm asking you, you finished the food?
Where is my food?
You did not prepare anything for me?
What are you saying? The food finished?
-You're crazy. Useless thing!
-How can the food finish?!
-You cannot take saliva to work.
-You're mad!
You aren't lying!
A child that crawls must walk,
and life is step-by-step.
You know...
Oh my goodness!
Please I want to know,
what is making you shout?
Adaolisa's mother,
can't a person breathe
in your shop anymore?
I was just breathing.
I can see that you don't want
to mind your business, right?
Pardon me, don't get upset
but my mouth is itching.
Because I can see from your face
that you are not in a good mood.
I came to patronize you earlier.
But as you have asked me
to mind my business,
I'll take my business elsewhere.
- What?
- Rolly!
- Ma!
- It'll be well with you. God will provide.
-Sho gbe e
-You will be taken care of
Same to you! Sho gbe e
Let me tell you,
- she wasn't planning to buy anything.
- Whatever!
Only pepper, black pepper
worth ten naira can she afford to buy.
Please, Rolake my darling,
your bill is 200 hundred naira.
There is something
I want to speak to you about.
Why are you letting
a man treat you carelessly?
If you continue like this,
he will think it's a normal thing.
But it's just a normal misunderstanding
between a husband and wife.
Really? When the both
of you are not wrestlers?
You keep fighting. Well
I just had to tell you because
What kind of example
are you setting for your children,
if it is every night
their father is beating their mother?
- Look, Rolake
- Ma?
Let me tell you something.
It's a normal thing. Yes!
Couples fight constantly.
You don't know that marriage isn't easy?
And everybody
faces the challenges.
That's right. Who's husband
doesn't beat her? There's no exception.
- Everybody?
- Yes of course.
Let me now tell you something.
I wouldn't want to be the black sheep.
You want me to become the black sheep.
And they would now say,
"See her, Adaolisa's mother.
She is the first Yoruba woman
who was beaten by her husband
and moved out." No!
No. God will not
let me be the black sheep.
All these things are normal.
Don't worry. When you get
married, you will understand.
But now there's nothing I can say
to make you understand.
God will not let it happen to me.
Amen! Some women don't experience it but
all the same
our heads are of different sizes.
- Your bill is 200 hundred naira.
- Yes, ma.
Thank you. And you know what?
Sometimes, it's my fault.
- Really?
- I swear!
Honestly, because women are talkative.
We are talkative and verbally abusive.
- We should just be keeping quiet?
- Yes of course! For your husband.
- Anyway, thank you once again.
- Thank you, ma. Yes, ma.
- Hello.
- Hello. Good afternoon.
Am I onto Miss Rolake Dabiri?
This is Lamide
from Ocean Heights Constructions.
Good after Good morn Good afternoon, ma!
I'm calling to inform you about the job
for the position
of the personal assistant you applied for.
That is Mr. Gowon's office.
And that over there is the kitchen.
Okay, this is so nice.
You can say that again.
this over here
is our office. Oh, yeah.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
Okay, you can um
I will send the handover files
prepared by the former assistant.
There you will acquaint yourself
with Mr. Gowon's travel and itinerary.
Will I be traveling with him?
Yes, you will.
It's part of your job as his assistant.
- Oh, good morning, sir!
- Good morning, sir!
Good morning.
Rolake. Come with me.
-Should I I should go?
-Don't just stand there. Of course.
- Rolly
- Sir?
Is that your natural hair?
Uh yes, sir.
One would hardly see any woman
with her natural hair these days.
All we have is
bone-straight hair,
lash extensions,
fake bum-bum
Is there anything else, sir?
You want to eat two rolls
of bread with only one egg?
Must one eat bread with eggs?
You could eat bread with beans.
Or even bread with moi moi,
or bread with akara.
Anyway, take this thing to Johntana.
Come back with money from him.
That one whose face looks
like the gods are angry.
Mummy, I'm not going to his place.
The gods are angry?
You mean gods of your father's village!
If you don't give it to him and collect
my money Look, I've closed open my eyes.
By the time I open them
you and I will have issues today.
Get out of this place!
- Uncle Johntana, good morning.
- Who is that?
Ada, Ada.
What's up?
My mummy said I should bring this for you.
Really? No problem.
Come inside first.
I don't want to come inside.
I just want to give you
what my mummy asked me to give you,
- so that you give her her money.
- Ada, stop frowning. Are we quarreling?
Look, I'm harmless.
But you know I like you.
Come inside first. Good girl.
Come and watch BBNaija.
I don't want to come inside.
Ada, if you don't come in here,
I will not pay you.
My mummy said I should not come back
to her shop without her money.
I have to go back with my mummy's
money and give it to her.
She said I shouldn't come back
to her shop without her money.
- Is that why you are shouting?
- I don't want to enter inside.
Is that why you are shouting
and rapping at the same time?
Calm down.
I just want my mummy's money.
Keep your voice low.
Take it!
Give me my mummy's money.
- Thank you, Uncle Johntana.
- "V-mobile."
I don't need your thank you.
Very stingy human being.
Can't you just be a cheerful giver
for the benefit of the boys?
I am sorry.
I have been apologizing
for a long time. I said I'm sorry.
- Forgive me.
- Please leave me!
I have been begging you to forgive me.
But if you think about it,
you would see it's your fault.
Yes. Because you always challenge me.
And you know me. You know that
I'm impatient and very temperamental.
Before you know it, I'm dishing out blows.
But this time around, I am very sorry.
Please just forgive me.
I promise it will not happen again.
So that is the reason you beat me?
Every time? See marks on my body.
See marks on my body.
When it's not like I stole!
- Please don't be offended.
- I didn't steal!
Don't be angry. My love, don't be angry.
Forgive me.
Like I promised you,
it wouldn't happen again. It's me.
- My love.
- I beg you in God's name. Please, stop it.
It's okay.
Too much of everything is bad.
Haven't I apologized? Stop complaining.
- You battery is still hot.
- Stop. I don't like it.
You don't love me anymore?
I'm sorry. Come. Sorry.
Do you know that
you are the sweetest woman I have ever had
and the sweetest woman I will always have?
- You are sweet.
- That means you have other women, right?
No. That's before I got married to you.
You think I'm stupid?
You think I'm not aware
of all your sex-capades?
Continue deceiving yourself.
You think I'm stupid?
Do you think women are not sensible?
No, don't start. Not now.
Not now that we just enjoyed ourselves.
See the way you want
to spoil this sweet moment
- we are having.
- Please! What sweet moment?
Is it because I'm quiet and watching?
What sweet moment?
If you want to have any sweet moment
in this house, it's the day that you stop
using that hand of yours to beat me.
But I've told you that
- it will not happen again.
- Really? I hear you!
Why are you acting like this?
So you can't forget anything?
With everything that
we just enjoyed now, you cannot even
- wipe that memory...
- Enjoy what? Oh you think I enjoy it?
I did not enjoy it.
It felt like I was pierced with a wood.
Are you serious? So all the "hmm, hmm"
you've been doing, what were those sounds?
I was just trying to master
master and mix my soundtrack.
- In that case, let us just rush one round.
- You and who?
- So who was that?
- He says he's Mr. Nwaduba, sir.
He says or he is?
He is Mr. Nwaduba, sir.
And he was quite insistent
on speaking with you urgently.
Set up a meeting with him
by the end of the month.
- Okay?
- Okay.
And the guys from Kabana Realty
are coming over today.
I want you to be ready.
You are going to be there with me.
Okay, sir.
Is there anything else
you want me to do for you?
Get me breakfast.
Get something for yourself too.
Okay, sir. Thank you.
- Rolly?
- Yes, sir.
Have you ever worked in an office before?
Yes, sir.
Have you ever worked
in close contact with a man?
Um, mostly women.
But I had a male boss once
but he was never in the country through.
So technically, this
will be your first time
working in close contact with a man?
Yes sir.
No wonder you are so uptight.
You need to learn to relax.
It would help both you and your job.
And besides you can
only learn when you are relaxed.
Yes, sir.
No offense, Mr. Gowon.
But Kabana Realty is not in the business
of taking such huge risks like this.
And speaking frankly,
your proposition
almost appears too good to be true.
That's because it is.
Excuse me?
I mean
It is
too good to be true.
But if there's one thing
Ocean Heights Constructions
is known for, it is
and over-delivering. I mean
look at our track record
which I'm sure you are aware of.
That's all the evidence you need.
But believe me when I tell you that
this the only company on the market
that will match your standards.
Kabana Realty
already has the reputation.
Now let us help you maintain it.
Rolly what you did in there
- Sir, I'm so sorry...
- was brilliant.
Thank you, sir.
I was just following your lead.
I know.
So what did you think
about the presentation?
Your emphasis on aesthetics
as a critical factor
in structural design I totally get it.
Most people don't pay attention to detail.
But the art of a structure
is as important as the science.
I agree. You are right. Spot on.
You are so brilliant, sir!
If you continue this way,
you are going to go pretty far.
Thank you.
I'm actually getting down here so if the
- driver could find somewhere...
- Sule.
Nedu, the man is an icon!
- Really? You don't say!
- I'm telling you!
He is a genius!
He is on fire!
All the executives
were just nodding in agreement
with everything he was saying.
He knows what to say,
when to say it. He has so much swag.
- That man is Nigeria's Frank Gherry.
- Frank Gherry, for real?
You know I see a lot of
- him in you.
- Really?
That hustler spirit, "don't give up."
You should watch his seminars.
You'll learn a lot.
Does that man know that you
absolutely worship him though? Does he?
- I don't worship him.
- Well, look at you!
But look at you in your boyfriend's house,
speaking about another man.
You see yourself? That's how you are.
- You are jealous.
- Me jealous?
- You are jealous.
- I'm not jealous.
- You are jealous.
- I'm not!
- Wait. Hold on.
- Who is that?
- Stop!
- Shh!
- It's an ungodly hour, don't pick up!
- Shh! It's work!
Hello, sir.
Good evening.
No, I'm not doing anything important.
Yes, sir. I can talk.
You're sent on a little errand and
you cannot go and deliver the message?
"Just go to Johntana.
Deliver an item to him,
and collect money."
You spent 268 hours there!
- Mummy, it is his fault.
- Shut up!
Shut up!
Just for you to be
to be responsible and obedient for once!
No, you cannot do it. Ada cannot do it!
You want to be like your father?
He does not bring money
to the house, he does not do anything.
He only gives me problems.
You want to add to the problems, right?
- Mummy, you're...
- Shut up! Be quiet!
What are you saying?
Mummy, I'm sorry. It's his fault.
It's his fault.
See your sister.
Did you see what she just did?
Your sister just beat me.
No, look, see. Look at blood,
all over my body.
Cecilia, your sister just beat me.
Look at the way you sister beat me.
So you sit here, your sister has
She has beaten me.
She's In fact, I'm naked!
Ada, you will beat me? Cecilia, go!
Go and call your sister for me.
You see that your sister
has beaten me, right?
Your sister has beaten me.
Come and see how she beats me.
If I beat my mother
See how Ada has beaten me.
Baba King Jinmi!
King Jinmi!
What happened?
Do you know
that your daughter has grown wings?
I was talking to her
and she walked out on me.
Can you imagine?!
Why wouldn't she walk out on you?
What do you expect?
Aren't you the one that spoils them?
Everything they know,
they learned from you.
Why wouldn't they walk out on you?
Cecilia, come here and buy me beer.
- You are here telling me rubbish.
- Cecilia, stay there!
What kind of man are you?
You send a child to buy beer
- at this time of the night?
- Meaning what?
- Meaning what I said!
- Isn't she my child?
So if she's your child,
you should send her out
at this time of time day to buy beer!
Hold on, let me ask you
Is it not the money I gave you
to pay off your debts?
That is what you want to buy beer with?
You are very useless and shameless!
Useless and foolish man
who contributes nothing to the house!
- I don't like the way this is turning out.
- How is it turning out?
- You better stop this rubbish, I warn you!
- How is it turning out?
You're starting to act up with your child.
You have only girls and you're acting up.
- Your mates, we know what your mates...
- My mates are what?
My mates are in
the mortuary but I'm alive!
Let me tell you something, one day
you will go out and by the time
you come back to the house,
my girls and I would have gone!
- What did you say?
- I said what I said!
- Am I the one you are speaking to?
- It's you I'm talking to.
-What's giving you all this strength?
-Why won't I find strength?!
Where are you finding the courage?
You're starting to annoy me.
And you're annoying me too.
-Are you pointing at me?
-I am pointing at you!
Are you pointing at me?
lt is me you're doing that to?
lt looks like you're
you're starting to go mad.
Aunty Rolly!
Aunty Rolly!
Ceci. Cecilia.
What are you doing here?
They are fighting again.
It's okay.
You should be used to this by now, okay?
This is only going to be temporary.
Don't worry.
Everything will be fine soon.
I'm talking to you
and you're shouting at me?
No, go ahead and stand up!
Are you mad?
What's wrong with you?
What kind of rubbish is that?
What kind of rubbish is that?
Go ahead and stand up!
Don't let it bother you too much, okay?
What's that?
Mum. It's Mum. You know what,
just stay here, okay? I'll be right back.
Let me just quickly check what's going on.
I'll be right back. Okay?
Mummy, wake up.
Mummy, wake up!
Cecilia! Mum
Mummy is not waking up.
Mummy! Mummy, wake up!
Mummy, wake up!
Somebody, help!
Somebody, help me!
- It's Mummy Osapolo.
- Okay.
Hello, ma. Mummy Osapolo, good evening.
Slow down.
Slow down.
Those girls are traumatized.
What you're saying is true.
Isn't that enough to "dramatize" someone?
Where is that bastard?
We have tirelessly called on the police.
They said it's late already.
They said they don't have fuel
in their patrol vehicles.
- They said they would come tomorrow.
- Are you serious?
I am so tired already.
I'm just weak.
It's so sad.
Okay. What are we going
to do about the girls?
How do you mean?
Their mother just died,
they can't stay in that room.
That's true.
You just said the truth.
Don't they have relatives in this town?
I don't think so because
the one or two times I
I asked Mummy Ada, she said,
they are the only ones in the city.
Let me think. Let me
I wanted to
I would have suggested my own house
you know I have many children and even...
No, it's okay. It's fine.
They'll stay with me.
There's no option really.
There is no other choice.
- They have to stay with me.
- Babe.
- You are a good person.
- Sorry, can I speak to you?
Please, I'm coming. Mummy Osapolo,
please just help me
take them out of that room.
I'll try.
- Thank you.
- Let me check on my children first.
This kind of situation
Are you okay?
Okay, that was a silly question.
I know you are not okay but
I don't think it's a great idea
that you stay here tonight.
That's not possible.
The girls are staying with me tonight.
Look, if it's because of what I said,
I'm sorry about it, okay?
Nedu, everything isn't about you.
The girls, they are staying with me.
Rolly, have you thought about this really?
There's nothing to think about.
- Babe listen, I know their mum just died...
- Nedu
- Babe.
- It has been
a really long day.
And it's going to be
an even longer night so,
I don't have the energy for this.
- I...
- Good night!
Good morning. On a scale of one to ten,
how upset is he?
What do you think?
Sorry, sir!
Good morning, sir.
Glad you could join us.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
- I had a family...
- It's fine.
it's not.
Of course. I'm sorry, sir.
It's a plane ticket.
- I know but I was...
- We leave first flight tomorrow morning.
Meeting with the president's people.
Did you hear what I said?
Yes I did, sir.
Sir please,
how long are we going to be gone?
About two days.
Oh, and pack a really nice dress.
There is going to be a party afterwards.
Okay, sir.
Babe, why exactly
does it have to be you though?
- Because I'm his assistant, that's why.
- I know you are his assistant
but it doesn't matter.
You don't have to go.
Ceci, come.
What's wrong?
Are you hungry?
Okay, there's food in the cabinet.
Will you serve yourself?
Go and eat.
She's still not talking, huh?
No. Not since the incident.
And you know I read somewhere that
what she's going through is called
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
So when I get back from the trip,
I will probably take her
to go see a therapist.
And when you are gone,
where are they going to stay?
Mummy Osapolo.
- She agreed?
- After I offered to pay her, yes.
Are you guys going to be
- staying in separate rooms?
- Huh?
You and your boss,
are you both staying in the same room?
Yes. We would be sharing a bunk.
- He will be up, I will be down.
- Stop it!
Don't be ridiculous.
Of course not!
But babe, I know
of personal assistants that don't
follow their bosses to these kind of jobs.
Wait, we should even
be happy that this man
wants me to travel with him.
-It's a privilege.
-Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you
but you can do that work from home.
Wait, what is all this fuss
abound me doing my job?
How do you want me to feel though? Really?
All I hear now is
Gowon this and Gowon that.
- Are you jealous?
- Stop it, I'm not jealous.
What exactly is the problem?
It's no problem. I'm just worried.
Worried about what? For me doing my job?
Chasing my dreams?
Nedu, you have women you look up to.
It's not about that.
I have a lot of thoughts
flying through my head, okay?
You know you do not make
the best decisions.
I mean, look at this.
You brought these kids in
without having an idea
- of how to take them and now you're...
- No, wait!
What was I supposed do?
- I should have left them outside?
- That's not what I said.
- You shouldn't leave them...
- Nedu
I'm a grown woman
and I can make my own decisions so
If you not going to help, please leave.
- Rolly, listen. That's not what I'm talk...
- Nedu, I have an early flight.
You make the smart decisions.
I am not supposed
to collect money from you
but it is the poor condition
at hand that caused it. You know
things are expensive in the market
and I have three children.
I understand.
That's right.
My sister
About these two girls,
you need to find a solution really fast.
Because they can't live with you forever.
You know you are a young, unmarried girl.
Don't let them chase your suitors away.
- I know.
- I'm just showing concern.
Thank you.
Enjoy your trip. Safe trip!
- Thank you, ma.
- Business class.
- I'll be back soon, okay?
- My children
No, don't worry, they are in good hands.
- Take care of yourself, okay? I love you.
- I'll take care of them like my children.
I love you guys. I'll see you on Monday.
- Bye bye!
- Bye!
One, two, three
My boy, how are you?
I hope you've been a good boy.
You are taking care
of your mum and your sisters?
That's great.
Abdul, Daddy has to go now.
But I'll call you later, okay?
Kiss Mummy
and your sisters for me, alright?
Alright. Love you too.
You know how to prepare a presentation?
Yes, sir. On Power Point.
I've listed out the important points.
So put them all together
in a presentation.
- Make it easy to read, okay?
- Okay, sir.
Uh Driver.
This is not the way to Blue Palm Hotel.
Sorry, I forgot to tell you
I made other arrangements.
I remember that that hotel
was really bad the last time I went there.
Okay, do want me to book Transcorp?
Oh no. I've sorted it out.
I got a serviced apartment.
Has a really nice kitchen.
Well-stocked. You know I love cooking.
- And there's a room for you there too.
- Okay.
And there's Doctor Edem's
golden jubilee party for his company.
I hope you brought a nice dress
the way I told you to.
- Yes, sir.
- Okay.
Yes, so by next week, we'll sort it out.
I'm so sorry I'm late, sir.
I'm so sorry. But we can go now.
So how are you enjoying the place?
It It's good. Thank you, sir.
- I hope you're comfortable?
- Yes I am.
- Do you need anything?
- No, I'm fine. Thank you.
Why is it so warm in here?
Has it been like this all along?
Yes, but it's fine, really.
- Sir, I'm fine.
- Hold on.
I need to sort this out.
Look, you know what,
I can't let my best girl be uncomfortable.
Let me sort this out.
- Sir, it's fine, really.
- Rolly, let me sort this out.
What's going on with the AC
in the other room?
Is it really hot in here?
They'll sort it out soon.
- Thank you, sir.
- Yeah.
Yeah, so
How's the work going?
I'm done, actually.
- Really?
- Yes.
So any
So what I
What I've done is
I've partitioned it into two.
Your morning presentation is
This is not good enough.
Looks like I'm going to have to be here
much longer than I anticipated.
You want me to redo it now?
- Yes, sir.
- The AC is fine now, sir.
- Ah, wait. Here, take this.
- Thank you, sir.
- That would be all for tonight.
- Good night, sir.
It would never be well
with your father. I swear.
Susan, you won't make it to heaven.
Small pin.
Ada, Ada.
Small "V-mobile." Why
Ada, why are you crying here?
What happened?
Why are you crying here
at this time of the night?
What happened?
Will you come in?
You will come in? Aww.
Hey, sorry. Come.
Sorry. Come.
It's okay.
It's okay. It's
The Lord is your strength, okay?
It's okay.
I know you miss your mum a lot.
But relax, I got you.
Uncle is here.
Listen Uncle is around.
All is well. Relax, okay?
Sorry. Stop crying. Come.
Come. You need to cool off.
No, listen.
I will not forgive myself
if I abandon you here.
Why am I your uncle? No.
You are safe around me, okay?
Don't stay here crying
like this. It's okay.
I got you. Uncle got you.
I got you. Come, okay?
Please. Sorry. Come.
God knows best.
Such is life.
Life is not stable. Sorry.
Yeah, you look so tense.
- Relax, okay?
- I'm fine, sir, thank you.
What is it?
Sir, what are you doing?
What do you mean, what am I?
- This isn't appropriate.
- Really?
You're not a kid.
I saw the way you were
using this seductive eyes
to look at me at the party.
Seductive? No, sir.
I was not looking at you seductively.
- Do you know what drew me to you?
- No, sir.
I hear you innocent-looking
girls have a reputation
for fucking men's brains out.
I just wanna have taste.
Sir, please I think
it's time for you to leave.
- I'll send the presentation to your email.
- Just a taste.
- Just a taste.
- Please sir, I'll send
the presentation to your email.
- Rolly, relax.
- Please sir, I don't do this.
-Sir, what are you doing?
-Motherfucker, shut up.
Sir, please sir.
Please, sir. Please, I'm begging you!
The volume is too loud.
- No.
- Please can you reduce it?
I want you to I want you to cool off.
It's still too loud.
No problem, just relax. Relax.
-Please reduce
You are not feeling too well.
Leave me.
Leave me! Uncle Johntana, please leave me!
Please leave me!
Please leave me alone. I want go.
- I want to go home.
- Relax!
I want to go home, please leave me!
I want to go to my house.
Let me go to my house!
Get yourself some morning-after pills.
You know
You could have been
a little more accessible.
You chose to be stiff.
Where did this girl go to
at this time of the night?
What happened?
What happened?
You can't talk anymore? What happened?
-He tried to rape me.
-What do?
- He was trying to rape me.
- Look. Blood!
Oh mother! Blood!
Hey! Johntana!
Hey, Johntana!
Look at him! Such a useless man!
That is good for you.
She didn't even break your head properly.
If it was me, what I would have done
- Mr. Alabi
- Yep.
Thank you so much.
- You are welcome.
- For everything.
-Take care.
-It's my pleasure.
And our quiet assistant?
- Till we see again, okay.
- No problem. Have a safe trip!
-Thank you.
-Safe journey.
Are you okay?
Honestly Rolly,
you need to get your act together.
You really can't tell me that you are
still bothered with that little incident.
Whatever the case, do not
ever embarrass me like that again.
When we get to Lagos I'll send you
some money to take care of yourself.
If you need more, just let me know.
Buy yourself some clothes,
change your hair, do something.
He did what?!
- Where is that filthy bastard?
- Rolly, wait!
He's been taken to the hospital
already and we've called the police.
If I lay my hands on that scum!
- If I catch that man!
- Oh, Rolly.
Please calm down!
Calm down.
- Ada.
- No.
You shouldn't have left us.
You shouldn't have left us.
She shouldn't have left us.
Oh take it easy.
Ada see, listen, I know
that there is a lot going on
in your mind right now.
Please, if you could just tell me
what exactly happened.
Did he
Did he actually Did he get in?
He tried.
But I don't know if he did.
So we need to get you to a hospital.
We need to get to a hospital
but we can't go tonight.
We'll go tomorrow.
- Wouldn't it be expensive?
- She needs to see a doctor.
-It's very important.
-I have already checked her.
She still needs to see a doctor.
It's very important.
-Rolly, calm down.
-If I catch that man
Hey. I'm here, okay? I'm here.
Hello, Adaolisa.
I'm Doctor Naomi
and I'll be examining you today.
Before we start,
is there anything you'd like to ask me?
Okay then.
I know this is hard
but I'm going to need you to raise your
legs and spread them apart for me, okay?
You can trust her.
- Okay, Doctor.
- Alright? It's okay.
Well thankfully, there was no penetration.
But he did try to force his way through.
Thank God.
To be on the safe side I'm going
to have to place her on PEP.
What is PEP?
Well, PEP stands for
Post Exposure Prophylaxis.
Basically, this is when a person
takes antiretroviral medication
after potential exposure
to HIV to prevent infection.
Oh my God!
- I hope it's not too late!
- Oh no.
There is a 72-hour window,
so we are right on time.
However, we are going
to have to file a police report
so that the person that this to her
doesn't get the opportunity
to do it to another teenager.
Shh. Okay.
Alright. Thank you, Doctor.
Wait for me outside, okay?
I'll only be a minute.
Stay where I can see you.
Can I also be placed
on some PEP and antibiotics?
May I ask why?
Oh I I had unprotected sex
with someone I don't trust.
Did you consent?
Yes. Yes, I consented.
I see.
Well, the drugs that we have here
are for the rape victims that we see but
You can buy what you need.
- I'll write you a prescription.
- Thank you.
Sorry. We'll soon go,
once the nurse comes.
Thank you.
- Miss Rolly.
- Yes?
Would you mind
if I had a quick word with you in private?
Ada. Wait for me.
Are you sure every thing is okay?
Because you said something in my office
that sounded like a cry for help.
I'm fine.
When we were chatting earlier
you mentioned that you work for
Ocean Heights Constructions Limited?
Yes I do.
Well, um
A lady who works for the same company
came in here a month ago.
She had been raped.
You are not the first.
And you probably wouldn't be the last.
I was not raped, Doctor!
- Okay but I...
- Thank you.
Ada, let's go.
Thank you, Doctor!
Try to see if you can get us a bike.
- Hello, Olamide.
- Hi, Rolly.
- Good afternoon.
- Olamide, I told Mr. Gowon
that I'm off work today.
I have a family emergency to attend to.
- Hope everything is fine?
- Mm-hmm.
Well, I was just calling
to let you know that
I have your ticket
for the exhibition this weekend.
- Exhibition?
- Yes.
The housing convention in SA.
It's this weekend
and you are accompanying Mr. Gowon.
He said he already told you.
- Rolly, are you there?
- Yes, I'm here.
Please can you help me tell Mr. Gowon,
that I would not be able to attend
because I have stuff to do in town.
- Oh! But he said...
- Thank you.
Look, I know I was a bit insensitive
about that situation with your boss and
I just wanted to do something romantic
to tell you that I'm very sorry.
I got you this.
Come on, babe, you didn't even look at it.
- I said I'm sorry.
- No, it's
It's fine. It's nice It's not you.
- It's just me, I'm dealing with a lot.
- Even though,
you should have replied my messages.
Oh okay, you know what?
It's not about me, it's about you.
Tell me, what's going on? Are you okay?
- Come on.
- Nedu, please.
- Not now.
- But babe, we talked about communication.
- What do we talk...
- It's different!
It's different.
It's fine.
Babe, but please talk to me
what's different about it?
I need you to tell me
what's different, please.
What happened?
You need to talk to me, please.
He he raped me.
Mr. Gowon raped me.
You are joking.
No, I'm not.
I told you.
I told you!
And you acted
like you knew every thing! I told you!
- Are being serious right now?
- What do you want me to say?
I told you, did I not?
Nedu, come on?
I can't deal with this now.
- I'm not going to deal with this now.
- No!
- I told you!
- Nedu, please.
Leave me alone, I told you!
I told you! Leave me alone!
I almost killed a man.
Aunty Rolly,
killed a man.
What if he had died?
What if he comes back here?
He's not coming back!
Because he's going to jail.
No rapist should be allowed
to roam the streets freely!
And what makes you feel
he's not going to come back here.
Aunty Rolly,
he can run away from the hospital.
- He's not under arrest or anything.
- Ada,
I promise you
I promise you
that as soon as I am done
from work tomorrow,
we will go to the police station,
and file a report.
The doctor gave me some number
for an NGO or something and
some Human Rights Association for women.
You don't have to be afraid.
- Are you sure?
- I'm sure.
- I'm so sorry.
- Thank you.
-Greece was unimaginable.
Hmm, we get to go again.
And I keep waiting for her to just buzz
I know.
I know. I'm sorry. I'm late again.
- I'm sorry, I just...
- I don't understand.
What are you doing here?
What do you mean by what am I doing here?
Didn't you get the mail from HR?
'Lamide, please.
Rolly? Rolly, wait!
Rolly. Rolly, wait.
- Lamide.
- Rolly, just wait. Wait!
Hi, can I help you?
Can I help you?
-Good morning, sir.
- I want you to call my designer.
- Okay.
Confirm if my tuxedo will be ready
- in time for Sunday's convention, okay?
- Alright, sir.
Rolly, just wait. Rolly!
Rolly, just hold on.
I had no idea you didn't know.
He said it was because
you declined the travel request
and that's a priority
for all his assistants.
And you believed him?
Why shouldn't I?
I just hope that poor girl inside
knows what she's getting herself into.
- Rolly, wait. What do you mean by that?
- Nothing!
Stay here.
I'll get the door. Just eat, okay? Please.
Are you Adaolisa?
- Yes, it's me.
- Arrest her!
- Okay, Mama T!
- Arrest?
- Please, what did I do?
- You think you can stab my only son,
and get away with it? No!
That wouldn't happen. No!
Your son is the one
that tried to rape me, ma. Please.
Shut up! Rape who?
- Me! He tried to rape me!
- What is in you,
- that will attract my son to rape you?
- Mama, please!
Ugly chimpanzee like you!
But it was your son that tried to rape me.
Explain to Aunty Rolly what happened!
-Ma, it was your son who tried to rape me.
lt was your son.
You were right.
And I want him pay.
I want him to pay
for what he has done.
I want him to pay
for nearly destroying my life.
I want him to pay!
Don't worry, Rolly.
Don't worry, Rolly. He is going to pay.
I'll make sure of that.
He's not going to get away with it!
Are you sure
you're okay being alone tonight?
I mean there's a spare room in my house.
You can come with me if you want.
You can spend the night.
Thank you.
But I have two children at home
who need me, so
I don't have
I can't take care your offer
but thank you.
Speaking of them
No. Slow down!
- What is it?
- Okay, I'm coming.
What is it?
- What?
- The 17-year old girl
that you unlawfully detained,
without her guardian's knowledge,
just lost her mother.
And she was almost raped,
to add insult to injury.
And yet you detain her
for trying to protect herself.
What is wrong with you people?
That girl tried to kill a man.
And accused him wrongly.
I think it's right we get her
off the streets before she strikes again.
Oh, really?
I am Adaolisa's Doctor.
And this is her medical report
from two days ago
stating that she was almost raped
by the same man that you claim
that she tried to kill!
If you do not release her this minute,
I'm going to call all the human rights
activists and lawyers that I know,
and they are going to storm this place
with all the press in Lagos.
And trust me,
you do not want that kind of publicity.
- Please excuse me for a minute.
- Good.
- Aunty Rolly!
- Ada! Ada, are you okay?
Are you okay? Did they touch you?
No. But they are trying
to get me to write a statement
saying that he didn't try to rape me.
I hope you did not do that.
I told them that
they'll have to kill me first!
You should be ashamed of yourselves!
She's a child, for goodness' sake!
Shameless people! Let's go home!
Old fool!
Maybe she's not
No, I think
Hi, Kenny.
It's been a while. How're you doing?
I'm fine.
This is Rolly.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Why are you here?
It's Gowon.
- Kenny, hang on. Listen to us.
- Sis Please sis
- Hold on, Kenny. Just listen to us.
- Sis!
None of these previous women will talk.
And I don't blame them.
This is hopeless, Naomi.
Don't you dare say that, Rolly!
What do you want me to say?
People like this?
People like Gowon
get away with almost anything
because of how powerful
they are in the society.
Nobody will stand up to him.
You know, maybe I should
have just swallowed it.
I should have just
have continued doing my job because
at least now I will still have a job.
Don't say that.
Don't think like that.
This man gets his high off preying off
vulnerable women,
and we can't let him get away with it.
We just need to find more people.
There has to be someone in that company
that we can talk to, like HR or something?
Sir please, I'm begging you.
Sir, please sir.
Sir please, I'm begging you.
You could have been
a little more accessible.
Instead you chose to be stiff!
Good evening.
I know I look a mess.
But trust me,
I'm just trying to keep it together.
I don't
have a lot of followers on this app.
For the ten out of 500
of you that are watching,
please turn on your screen record.
This is a very important message.
I was
I was raped
a while ago.
And I've been feeling really helpless.
Feeling like
no one would understand
or empathize, or believe me because
the society has raised women
to mute their voices.
Well, I refuse to be muted.
I speak for every
woman that this man has ever
raped or molested,
or looked at in the wrong way.
Get yourself some morning after pills.
You are sick!
You are a sick man!
I should have known.
You don't plan on sleeping here, do you?
Clean yourself up
and get out of my office.
I was raped by Mr. Gowon Williams
of Ocean Heights Constructions.
Mr. Gowon and I
we went on a business trip
to Abuja.
And I was
preparing his presentation
for the next day,
in my room,
in the serviced apartment that he rented.
He kept making me edit it over and over
and over again.
And I didn't know
he had an ulterior motive.
Until I was
I was over-powered and raped.
Is this not your girlfriend?
That's your girlfriend.
- I'm telling you, this is your babe.
- She is the one.
Do you doubt it? She is the one.
Please don't show me this sort of thing.
- I told you this is his girlfriend.
- It's her.
Guy, this isn't what I came to talk about.
What did you come to talk about?
- This babe is the love of your life.
- Guy, I said
This isn't what
I came to talk about. Forget it.
- Am I the one upsetting you?
- Don't discuss it with me.
Okay, come.
Nedu, come and explain something to us.
Rest your legs.
- My name is Rolake.
- So what are you watching?
- It's just one
- And Mr. Gowon Williams
of Ocean Heights Constructions
- raped me.
- Here we go again!
What do you mean by that?
It's probably another attempt
to soil an innocent man's name.
I mean, for all we know it's some
sort of revenge plot or something.
Am I lying?
Hello, Honorable Bashir.
Yes, I've seen the news.
Look, I can tell you this.
It is all lies, okay?
And I'm going to need
the very best lawyers that you have.
- The best. Money is not an object, okay?
- Sir.
Okay please, let me call you back, sir.
Sir, it's Kabana Realty on the line.
- Did you put them through?
- Yes.
- Okay.
- Okay, sir.
Hello, good afternoon.
Yes, I'm aware.
First of all, I'll like to apologize
for the delay in sending the
progress report on the construction.
There's been a lot going on here but um
I guarantee that
by the end of the day you'd have it
on your desk.
I beg your pardon?
But we have a contract!
Listen, if it's about the news,
I can assure you that the
Look, I understand.
Please, let me explain that
With a defamation of character lawsuit,
I can assure you she has no other option
but to withdraw her statements.
And tender a public apology.
You don't have anything to worry about.
No. I'm not worried.
I'm not worried.
- Rolly, are you okay?
- Am I okay?
This man is suing me
for a 100 million naira.
- Where will I get that kind of money?
- What?! Let me see that.
- You're welcome. How are you all?
- Mister.
We have a warrant for your arrest.
And the hospital
has deemed you fit to move!
Officer, you can't arrest
an innocent man. I did nothing wrong.
- Johntana Richards.
- Yes?
You are under arrest
for the rape of Adaolisa Alaba.
You have the right to remain silent,
for anything you say
or do now will be used
against you in the court of law.
Officer, rape?
Officer, arrest him!
- Officer, no. I did not rape anybody.
- Arrest him!
See, I did not even make it.
- See I did not even penetrate
- Do not struggle. Arrest him!
- Leave it!
- Baby Police, calm down.
Officer I swear, I did not.
This case is getting a lot of attention.
The media, NGOs, you name it.
Especially after Gowon posted
that defamation lawsuit and made that
public statement.
Well the good thing is that
it's turned out that
you are not alone in this.
A lot of other victims have come up.
They've reached out
to several human rights platforms.
So, my team and I
have arranged three media channels
that are interested
in your story and want to interview you.
Interview me? No.
- No. Interview? No.
- Rolly Listen.
If you need me to go with you,
I will.
I'll be there for you.
Very well then.
Tomorrow, I'll come pick you up
and take you to your first interview.
Is that alright?
Thank you.
Thank you.
So the thing is, I worshiped
the ground he walked on.
I completely admired him.
I attended his seminars.
I looked up to him.
So when he did what he did,
my whole world came crashing around me.
So Doctor, what got you
interested in her story?
Well, as a Doctor,
the one thing I noticed
with the victims of this man
that I came in contact with,
was some pattern of hero worship.
Oh this is very common, I must point out.
And you see, some of these women
would never speak up.
Sadly, because they feel like
they do not have the power
to fight a man of his status.
And that is what gives the perpetrators
of such obscene acts
the confidence to continue to do them.
I have seen this happen
over and over again.
And I tell you,
as a human right lawyer, we will
definitely do something about this.
Thank you so much
for joining us today and sharing...
- Hello.
- Hi, babe. Sorry, Rolly.
- I did not think you'd pick
- What do you want?
Listen Rolly, I'm so sorry
for everything I said and did that got...
I was raped
by Mr. Williams Gowon.
I was assaulted
by Mr. Gowon Williams.
This was practically hard for me to do.
I have already started receiving
threatening messages
from Mr. Gowon Williams
because he raped me.
No, you will do no such thing!
Do you know the implications
of what you want to do?
Think about it!
I know.
He will go scot-free,
and this will give him the confidence
to keep raping other women.
No. You will not make yourself
a cover girl for rape victims.
Survivors, Dotun!
- Not victims.
- You know what I mean.
No, I don't!
Dotun, let me do this.
What you need to do
is to focus on your family.
- Now, you sound selfish.
- No, you sound selfish!
What will people say?
- I see.
- What do you see?
This has always been
about the church, hasn't it?
This is not about the church, Yinka.
I'm thinking about us as a family.
Do you want to put us
on blast like that out there?
So you want me to keep silent.
This is the biggest scandal we've ever had
in the history of this company.
It is completely unacceptable.
You can say that again.
What, you started the meeting without me?
Mr. Gowon, we have
just come to a resolution.
A resolution?
The board has unanimously voted
to have you step down
pending the investigation.
Well, that's not going to happen.
Oh, it has happened already.
Your opinion doesn't count.
This is an example of the gross misconduct
and excessive abuse
of power we're talking about.
What makes you think you
can talk to a woman that way?
Not to talk of
the Kabana Realty deal that you cost us.
Oh! You thought we wouldn't find out
that the contract was terminated?
A five billion naira contract?
And can you blame them? No one wants
to be associated with this mess.
Do you realize what your behavior
has caused this company?
Calm down. Okay, everybody relax.
I can fix this.
- I can!
- Mr. Gowon, let's not make this
any more difficult than it already is.
You're out!
And you're a clown!
And so is everyone of you.
I built this company!
With my blood and my sweat.
You know what? Screw you all!
Good riddance!
They have absolutely nothing
they can use against you.
It doesn't feel that way.
More of them are coming out.
Barrister Tosan,
I feel like I'm losing my life
and I need to grab it back.
I can't let one small girl destroy
everything that I've worked for.
I don't know why
you're stressing yourself out.
Like I told you,
they have absolutely nothing
they can use against you.
You're the one suing them, with evidence!
That girl has no hold on you.
We are going to have our day in court
and we are going to crush them.
She would have to beg you with her life.
You also have the option
of settling out of court, if you wish to.
I've said this thing before.
And if I say it again,
I'll begin to sound like a broken record.
This is not your fight.
And if I was your church member, Dotun,
is this the same advice you'll give to me?
No, Dotun, answer me.
If you were my church member,
I'll tell you to let God be the judge.
It's been years, Dotun.
Years, and nothing has been done.
This man has been growing in stature
and in industry and nothing has been done.
Now, this.
And you think God didn't plan this?
I think this is God being the judge.
See, Dotun, I have carried
this cross for many years.
This is my time to let it go.
I'm sure you know who I am.
And what exactly is this about?
It's about your little girlfriend, Rolly.
I need you to have a chat with her.
Tell her to drop
this witch-hunt of a thing,
and do what's right. Apologize.
Rolly and I are
no longer on speaking terms
and this has nothing to do with me.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a job to get to.
You don't have a job, Nedu.
With all due respect,
that is none of your business.
And like I said,
Rolly and I are no longer involved.
Trust me
I know how you feel.
You're a man, just like me.
And I can sense that you're
on a path to greatness.
How would you feel if
many years from now,
you achieve all you dreams
and then some little rat
tries to take it all away from you?
About that job
why don't you come over to my office?
Let's see about you
becoming a part of the team.
Starting with a salary of 750 thousand?
Good evening!
Um, I was just packing up to go home.
I had no idea I was
still scheduled to see a patient.
- Can I have your file?
- Oh no. Unfortunately, I'm not a patient.
My name is Nedu. I don't know
if Rolly mentioned anything about me.
I am
I was her boyfriend.
I saw the talk show
both of you did together and
I googled the hospital
and that's how I was able to find you.
Rolly is
unavailable, unfortunately.
I've tried to reach her but I
think that she blocked my number.
- Rolly's been going through a lot.
- Doctor, I know.
I know she's been going through
a lot and that's the reason I'm
I'm here. I want to help in any way I can.
It took you this long.
Thank you.
Rolly is being sued.
- And it's not looking good.
- Yeah.
- Praise the Lord!
- Hallelujah!
Still in the Book of John, we go back
to chapter eight
Verse 32. What does it say
about the truth in that scripture?
And it says
"And ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free."
The truth shall set you free.
Yes. The truth that is God
shall set you free.
Let us pray.
- I'm going to make dinner.
- Hey, Yinka.
- Yinka.
- Hmm?
I'm sorry.
I should have been with you from the jump.
What are you saying?
I'm saying, whatever you
Do whatever it is you want to do.
Whatever you decide, I'm with you.
Thank you.
Have you have been seeing the news
about Gowon and that young lady?
Yes, I have.
But how have you been handling it all?
It's been a nightmare.
- I can imagine.
- That man deserves to be punished!
He shouldn't be getting away
with things like this.
You remember that
- voice note I shared with you?
- Yeah.
I wish I didn't force you to delete it.
It would have helped this poor girl.
You are not drinking?
Drink, come on!
Drink, come on!
I wish I was
brave enough to speak
when I had the opportunity to.
I wish I wasn't too weak.
Things like this
shouldn't still be happening.
Well, every dog has its day. Okay?
Let me show you.
Nike I can't keep typing.
I'm tired, Nike. I've been crying
and scared to close my eyes.
I've been blaming myself,
thinking that maybe I
Maybe I did something
Thank you.
You're welcome. We got this.
In an unfortunate turn of events,
Miss Rolly Dabiri,
the young woman who came out
on social media to talk about
her rape experience, is being sued
for defamation of character
by the same man she accused,
Mr. Gowon Williams.
Can you tell us what happened
on Friday 17th September 2020
between the hours of 10pm and 11pm?
We had gone to Abuja for a meeting.
At about 10pm,
we were working on a presentation.
She seduced me.
One thing led to another
and we had consensual sex.
Consensual sex.
So what happened afterwards?
She then asked me to give her money,
which I did.
But of course,
she complained that it was way too little.
I told her, anything more than that
would be too generous.
And after that?
We went to bed in our separate rooms.
The next day, I was informed by the
company secretary that she'd insulted me.
I called Rolly to let her know that
she'd be joining Mr. Gowon
on another trip.
And she immediately went off on the phone
insulting him, the company
When you say insult,
can you expatiate?
I would, sir, but
some of the words are too vile to repeat.
Objection, my lord!
On what grounds?
Objection overruled!
Counsel, you may proceed.
Thank you, my lord.
So what happened next?
I felt threatened after the call.
None of the employees we've had
had spoken in that manner before,
let alone about our CEO.
I had to talk to someone
so I immediately contacted HR, sir.
Thank you very much.
That would be all
for the witness, my lord.
But prior to 17th September 2020,
had she made any sexual advances at you?
That would be all, my lord.
Miss Dabiri
when you noticed that there was
a change in the accommodation plan,
did you query it?
You did.
Yes I did.
On the said day,
did you accept
to collect money from the claimant?
- He threw the money at...
- A yes-or-no answer
would do very well,
thank you, Miss Dabiri.
On the said night,
did you accept
to collect money from the claimant?
- Yes.
- Thank you very much.
Now did you report
to the police after this incident?
Do you have a medical report
of the said incident?
Miss Dabiri, you claim to have been raped,
yet you do not have a police report.
You do not have a medical report.
Now, because the claimant fired you
for being incompetent,
and for almost making him lose
a very important client,
you went to social media
- to defame his character!
- Objection, my lord!
On what grounds?
On what ground, counsel?
Learned SAN here is
intimidating the defendant
and speculating!
Objection sustained!
Look, um
- plaintiff's counsel.
- My lord.
The court already captured all that.
Do you still have any questions?
The plaintiff rests, my lord.
No further questions for the accused.
Any re-examination?
None, my lord!
However, I have an application to make.
You may step down.
Yes, your application?
My lord, may I call on one more witness,
as new evidence has just come to light?
At this stage?
Any objection, counsel?
My lord, um
no objections from the plaintiff.
Ah, we'll have to go on recess.
That would be after recess.
- Thank you, my lord.
- Now arise!
Why are you looking like a mess?
Clean yourself up and meet me downstairs.
Stop acting like you didn't enjoy the sex.
You shouldn't have fought it.
You were the one
who made things hard for yourself.
Can you hear this bastard?
Please just delete
this voice note after listening, Nike.
I beg you!
Thank you.
Thank you.
The social media voice
has been vindicated.
And judgment has been entered
in the matter between Mr. Gowon Williams
and Miss Rolly Dabiri,
who has now been awarded
the sum of 50 million naira in damages.
This seems to be the beginning
of many troubles for Mr. Gowon Williams
of Ocean Heights,
as many women are beginning to speak out.
So far, ten new rape cases
have been filed against him,
including a very recent case
reported by his office assistant,
Kachi Okafor,
who claims this incident
happened right in his office
just a few weeks before the trial.
Subtitle translation by: Ayolope Koiki