The Winter Witch (2022) Movie Script

- All I ask is a tall ship
and a star to sail her by.
All I ask is a tall ship
and a star to sail her by.
All I ask is a tall ship
and a star to sail her by.
Is that enough?
- [Director] Yeah.
'Can I keep this? 'Cause
this is written by Richard.
I can frame this, couldn't I?
- [Director] Yep, that's
how it'll all begin.
- [Leslie Grantham]
Hello Princess.
(wind whooshing)
(tense music)
(wind whooshing)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(wind whooshing)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(phone ringing)
(phone ringing)
- Hello.
- Are you watching the news?
It's happened
again. Another one.
Can you meet?
- [Ingrid] Sure.
Give me an hour.
- Make it 30.
(tense music)
(people chattering)
Peace offering.
- Something like that.
I know what you're
gonna ask me to do.
- Oh. Your job.
You're a reporter, so report.
- Ronnie, I-
- We're in trouble, Ingrid.
The wolves are at
the door, internet.
It's about to finish us
off unless we stay ahead.
I know. We didn't see it coming.
Should have.
Should have,
would've, could have.
- Things are different now.
I've got Eleanor to think about.
- You're the only
one that can do this.
You're the only one with
the inside knowledge.
How long is it?
- 20 Years?
- 20 Years.
Maybe some good can
come of this for you.
- Don't do that.
- Do what?
- Manipulate me.
Don't bullshit me.
- When you've been this game
as long as I have, Ingrid,
you get to know people.
We need this exclusive.
I'm not gonna lie.
I wouldn't send you back
in there if I didn't care.
Talk it over with Frank.
- Frank and I aren't-
- Okay then,
talk it over with Eleanor then.
She's the sensible one anyway.
(dramatic music)
Her mother's daughter.
(dramatic music)
- Geography?
- History.
- Good girl.
Hey, what do you think about
going away for a few days?
- Where to?
- [Ingrid] The countryside.
- Like for an actual
holiday or for work again?
- Can it be both?
- That's what you
said last time.
- Well, this time
would be different.
You can explore during
the day while I work,
and we can bring the laptop,
watch movies in the
evening by the fire.
- The laptop?
There's no television there?
- No, not there.
Back in time.
- Somewhere you've been before?
- Els, there's something
that I need to tell you.
- What is it?
(tense music)
- Where we are going...
Where we're going is where your
great-grandmother used to live.
- We're going to see Omi?
- No, no.
Omi has not been well for years.
- So then why are we
going? Because she's sick.
- No.
Have you seen anything on the
news about those children?
(dramatic music)
- Well, that happened
near Omi's house.
And when I was younger,
something similar happened.
- Huh?
- My sister
and my mom.
- What is it? What
are you afraid of?
Don't you want to go?
We don't have to go
if you don't want to.
- I'm sorry.
You know I hate doing
this in front of you.
How did you get to
be so wonderful?
My little blonde miracle.
- If you think it'll
help, then we'll go.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. Just me and you.
- I'll look after
you. I promise.
- And I'll look
after you. I promise.
(wind whooshing)
(upbeat festive music)
(upbeat festive music)
(upbeat festive music)
(upbeat festive music)
(upbeat festive music)
(upbeat festive music)
(upbeat festive music)
(upbeat festive music)
(upbeat festive music)
(upbeat festive music)
(upbeat festive music)
(upbeat festive music)
(people chattering)
- Good evening.
- Hi.
I'm looking for Ronnie Taylor.
- Certainly, sir. Follow me.
(dramatic opera music)
(people chattering)
- [Speaker] And you look like
you've done well for yourself.
- [Speaker] I'm
sorry about Madison.
- [Speaker] Yeah, me too.
- Ingrid. - You've been
looking out for her.
- Hey, it's me.
- Hey. I was hoping you'd call.
I saw the news.
I didn't know if I should...
Is everything okay?
How's Els?
- We're okay.
- Can I talk to her?
Can I say goodnight?
- No, she was tired.
She's gone to bed.
She was doing her-
- History homework.
It's always history
on a Tuesday.
- Listen, we're going
away for a few days.
- Where to?
- Back there.
- Is this Ronnie
making you do this?
You can't go back there.
Not after what happened. And
I won't let you take Els.
- Frank, I have sole custody.
I don't need your permission.
I'm letting you
know as a courtesy.
- You're letting me
know as a courtesy
that you're taking our daughter
back to where that happened.
- I can't talk to you
when you're like this.
This is exactly why I
needed space, Frank.
- Is everything okay?
Why are you shouting?
- Is that her?
Can I talk to her?
- It's just work.
Go back up and I'll tuck you in.
- Are you sure?
- I'll be right up.
- And you really couldn't
let me say goodnight to her.
I can't talk you
out of this, can I?
Look, I'll call you tomorrow.
- No, I'll call you tomorrow.
We'll be traveling,
I don't know...
- I'll call you tomorrow.
- Good night, Frank.
(dramatic music)
- [Speaker] Things
have changed, Eric.
I'm getting sick to the
back teeth of hearing it.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(car whirring)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(car whirring)
- Is this it?
- This is it.
The rest of the way
we take on foot.
- We don't have to
do this, you know.
There was a hotel just up
the road. We can stay there.
- Come on.
It'll be just fine.
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
- How old is this place?
- Old enough.
(frightening music)
- [Nigel] Gruesome, innit, huh?
- I think it has a
certain charm about it,
which is more than
what I can say for you.
- And you, you must be Eleanor.
Nigel Mortimer, I'm a
good friend of your mum's.
- Are you a reporter too?
- Well, yes I am.
What a lovely young thing.
- What are you doing here
other than trespassing?
- Am I?
this place has been empty
for a very long time,
but I'm sure you can
fill me in on the detail.
- It's still my
family's property.
- Had trouble off
loading it, have you ?
- What do you want?
- Just following a lead,
Ingrid. Same as you go.
- Go follow another one.
Come on Els. Let's go inside.
- Look, look, look
I didn't mean to-
- Don't bullshit her.
- I've got a
proposition for you.
I just want talk
to you about it.
- I'm not interested.
- You haven't even heard it yet.
- She said she's not interested.
- Come on. Let's go
inside and get unpacked.
- Look, look, are you still
on the same phone number?
I'll give you a call later.
- Please don't.
- It's just business, Ingrid.
It's just business.
I heard you could deal with it.
It's just business.
(tense music)
- This is nice.
- No one's been here in a while.
Not since.
(uplifting music)
- I think we need
to go shopping.
- That's okay.
There's somewhere we
need to go anyway.
(uplifting music)
(door clicking)
- So it is true.
You did come back.
- I had to.
- And did you come
back because you heard
about my accident,
or because it was happening
again, because of her.
- You know, sometimes the
longer you leave something,
the harder it gets to come back.
But I had to come back, Omi.
- And are you going
to write about it,
or right a wrong?
- I don't think what happened
that night can be fixed.
- Perhaps not.
That night will never leave me.
Once upon a time.
Once upon a time
in a little old
house in the woods
lived a woman called
Ingeborg Hoffman.
It was a cold,
snowy winter's day,
Christmas Eve, and her
family were visiting her.
Her daughter Rosemary,
her son-in-law Lucas
and their daughters,
Hannah and Ingrid.
It was going to be the
perfect Christmas Eve.
While Rosemary and Lucas
were making hot chocolate
in the kitchen, Ingeborg
sat with her beloved
granddaughters by the fire.
"Omi, Omi,
please tell us a story.
And can we have a scary one?"
So I said, "All
right, just the one.
And then it's bedtime."
And I told you the story,
the curse of Frau Perchta.
The most feared and
terrifying witch of the area.
How she would capture
badly behaved children,
lip their stomachs
open and fill them
with pebbles and straw.
And you said to me, how do
I know so much about her?
And I whispered,
"Because I too survived
as a little girl in Germany."
- I couldn't sleep that night.
That story terrified me.
I left Hannah and
went downstairs to
get a glass of milk.
And that's when I heard it.
- Hannah didn't believe.
And you did.
That is why she went for her.
I remember your parents
running up the stairs,
but it was too late.
And your mother started
to stop her from leaving,
and she killed her too.
As your father sat,
cradling her in his arms
during her final breaths,
you and I ran into the
forest, into the night.
But you have forgotten
my parting words to you.
- No, I remember.
- Run.
Run and never stop running
and don't come back.
- Three children are dead.
(tense music)
- Please tell me you
didn't bring her.
- It was the only thing
left in the snack machine.
(Omi speaking foreign language)
- Omi, this is Eleanor.
Your great-granddaughter.
- You stupid, stupid child.
- Is everything okay?
- Hey everything's okay, honey.
You go to the car, okay?
- Are you sure?
- Do as your mother
says. Go, get out.
- Omi!
- And you too.
Go! And never come back!
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(birds chirping)
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Sorry baby.
- Where did you go?
- I was just thinking about Omi.
I'm sorry you had to see
that. She isn't well.
- It's okay.
- It's not though, is it?
None of this is okay.
I shouldn't have
brought us here.
- I said I didn't mind
coming. And I meant it.
(birds chirping)
- How'd you get so good at that?
- We're survivors, aren't we?
- We are.
- It's okay if you
wanna talk about it.
- When I was your age,
my sister Hannah, who was
three years younger than me...
We would come here
every Christmas.
Every Christmas, without fail
with mom and dad to see Omi.
Always the same.
Around that fire,
the same record on.
The same sweets and chocolates.
The same smells.
(dramatic music)
Sometimes I think, what if we
didn't ask to hear a story?
Would she have heard us?
Would she have heard
Omi that night?
- Frau Perchta?
- Yeah.
But she cursed this family
long before that night.
That's why Omi knew
so much about her.
She survived her as a child.
Ask her where she
got those scars,
and she'll never
tell another soul.
Not after that night.
Perchta told her,
"Your scars have the
power to remind you
that the past is real.
Never forget who gave
you the greatest."
And she never did.
That night Omi told me,
in the woods, to never return.
I lost my entire
family that night.
Everyone I ever loved.
- Not everyone.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
- Are you hungry?
- Always.
- What do you fancy?
- Pasta.
- Obviously.
Come on then, Mini Moo.
- Okay.
Do you miss me tonight
Are you feeling
less than bright
I'm just fine, you see
Nothing's bugging me
Not in the least of time
Are you feeling down of late
Is the cat your only date
I am not quite done
with that meal for one
Or that picture at
our kissing gate
I've quite forgotten
How we've danced
away the Spring
No recollection
(roof banging)
Of the song
you'd always sing
So I'm sorry if you miss me
- It's okay, you stay here.
It's okay. You stay here.
(tense music)
Without you
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(frightening music)
- Jesus.
- I'm sorry. I was scared.
- It's okay.
It's okay.
We're safe. There's no one here.
Dessert and a movie?
Here? Come on.
(frightening music)
Look inside of your heart
You might find that we fit
together quite perfectly
How long, how long
'Till our hearts
can sing one song
(tense music)
(cheerful festive singing)
(ominous voice whispering)
(cheerful festive singing)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
- Perchta?
Is that you?
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(ominous voice whispering)
(wind whooshing)
(frightening music)
(door banging)
- [Eleanor] Mom?
- You're all right.
Go back to sleep.
- [Eleanor] Are you okay?
- I'm okay.
My room is just cold.
You don't mind, do you?
- [Eleanor] No.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(birds chirping)
(door banging)
(glass shattering)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(frightening music)
(frightening music)
- Are you okay?
- I wanted a glass of milk,
but I dropped the glass.
- Don't worry.
Mind the glass,
I'll clean it up.
- I'll do it.
(Ingrid gasping)
(tense music)
(glass cracking)
(door knocking)
(birds chirping)
(door banging)
(door banging)
- So it's true.
- Claire?
Claire Chandler, is that you?
- You know it fucking is.
What the fuck are
you doing back here?
- What?
I came because-
- Your family?
Haven't you done enough damage?
How many more, Ingrid? How
many more people have to die?
I bet she's still
alive, isn't she?
I hope she rots!
Why are you back here in
this house of all places?
- Keep your voice down.
My child is asleep upstairs.
- Well, lucky fucking you.
- Oh God.
It was your son.
- My son.
His blood is on your hands.
- Claire, please.
Why don't you come inside?
We can sit and talk.
You're upset.
- Sit and talk for one of your
stories? I don't think so.
Nobody wants you here.
We don't want you here.
That's what I'm
here to say. Leave.
Leave this town, leave my
family and leave my daughter.
She's all we've got left.
You leave me with something.
- Who was that?
(tense music)
(birds chirping)
(fire crackling)
(birds chirping)
(ominous voice whispering)
(ominous voice whispering)
- I really do not appreciate
you coming here like this.
It is not graceful.
But then I never had you down
as a man of much decorum.
- Look, I'm just trying to help.
Your family has suffered
enough over the years
because of this story.
- Story?
You think this is a story?
- Well, that's what
it is. Isn't it?
- The legend of Frau Perchta
is as real as you and me
sat here right now.
I can assure you.
(Nigel laughs)
- So are you trying to
tell me that she's here
in the room with us now?
- Come on.
- You would do well
not to mock, Mr. Mortimer.
She will not take kindly to it.
- Well, I no longer a child.
I'm a grown up, and I
don't scare so easily.
- And if you think she
only takes children,
you are making a grave error.
(tense music)
(tense music)
- Hello.
Hi, is this Mrs. Ward?
Hi, can you put me through
to the morgue please?
I'll hold.
Oh, Paul. Hi Paul.
My name is Ingrid,
Ingrid Hoffman.
Would it be okay to
ask you some questions
on your friend, Ben.
Ben Chandler.
I was wondering if I
could get some information
on case number YXTZ-12?
And has he been into the office
since that note was
left on his desk?
Please let me know if
anything upsets you.
I was wondering, when was the
last time that you saw Ben?
I was wondering if you
could gimme some information
on the cause of death?
Oh, hi, is that Mrs. Ward?
Did you see anyone
suspicious in the area?
Did you see any, I don't
know, anything suspicious?
Anything that looked
out of the ordinary?
Well, I am the media and I
don't have enough information.
I'm a journalist.
I'm writing about the recent
death of Ben Chandler.
Is there any information
that's not classified
in relation to the case?
I'm just trying
to obviously help
and find out who's responsible.
I believe he was your neighbour.
Could you tell me a
bit more about... a bit
more about him?
Could you tell me the last
time that you saw him?
Okay, all right. Thank
you for your time.
(plate screeching)
- Hey.
- Did you have a good day?
What did you get up to?
- I went for a
walk in the forest.
- I hope you didn't go too far.
Always make sure you
can see the house.
- I made a friend.
- Okay, great. Who?
- She said her name was Natalie.
- Okay, cool.
- She's all right, I guess.
- Where'd you meet? She
was just in the woods.
- I think she was on a walk,
but she's gonna come by tomorrow
and we're gonna
explore together.
- Well, tell her to
come in and say hi.
- Okay.
(birds chirping)
(wind whooshing)
- So where are you guys from?
- We're from West London.
- Is this like
completely different?
- It's a lot more
peaceful. And it's quieter.
- How long will
you guys be here?
- I'm not sure. My mom
was working on a story.
- She's a writer, right?
- A journalist.
- So cool.
What's it about?
- Not sure if I'm
supposed to say.
- Is it about what
happened here?
- What do you mean?
- Everyone in the village
knows what happened here.
Must get quite creepy at night.
I wouldn't wanna sleep here.
Do you wanna see
where it happened?
(birds chirping)
(tense music)
(tense music)
Do you have any
brothers or sisters?
- No. Do you?
I had a brother.
- Had?
- He died.
- Oh my God. I'm so sorry.
- Why? It's not
your fault, is it?
- What?
- It's not your fault
my brother died, is it?
You, your family?
- I'm not sure what you mean.
- Don't play dumb.
The three kids that died here,
the ones your mom
is writing about.
One of them was my brother.
And you know how he died?
It was her.
It was Frau Perchta trying to
bring her back to the village.
I know your mom is the
girl from the story.
The one that got away.
- I don't know what
you're talking about.
- So don't play fucking dumb.
My brother said
because your mom-
- That's not true.
- Family cursed this village.
Now she's going come for you.
(ominous voice whispering)
You can run but you can't hide!
Not from her. Not
from Frau Perchta.
(tense music)
(ominous voice whispering)
Please don't hurt me.
I brought her here
for. I did it for you.
(frightening music)
(Natalie screaming)
(tense music)
(door banging)
- What is it?
Els, what on earth's happened?
Stay here.
- No, don't leave me!
- I'm coming right
back. I promise.
I'll be right back. Okay?
I'll be back. I'm
coming right back.
- Okay.
(tense music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(birds chirping)
(tense music)
(birds chirping)
(tense music)
- Is that you?
It's been a long time!
(frightening music)
(frightening music)
(frightening music)
- How are you holding up?
The family has been informed.
Only last week her brother.
All these years, without
anything like this.
Not since your...
And then you return
and so do the killings.
- I returned because
of the killings.
- And how exactly do you
plan to explain this?
The young girl, Natalie.
- What do you want me to say?
- Well, whatever it is,
I'll need you to come to the
station tomorrow morning,
give a formal statement.
Aren't you brave?
Coming back here
after what happened.
- It's just a house.
- Oh, it's way more
than that, isn't it?
This is a very old house,
and old houses tend to
have a lot of secrets.
I'm gonna recommend
you take your kid.
- Eleanor.
- Eleanor.
- Eleanor.
- Eleanor,
and go stay at the hotel
in the village tonight.
It's not appropriate
for her to be here.
Get away from it for the night.
Will do you some
good, clear your head.
And then you can stop by
the station on your way
to pick up your things.
- Pick up my things?
- Folks around here are
sensitive with your family name.
What's going on.
- What are you saying?
Are you threatening
me, detective?
- Do you hear me
threatening you?
- I'm a journalist.
It's my job to read
between the lines.
- There is nothing for
you here, Ms. Hoffman.
I'll see you in the morning.
I'm sure we'll be able to get
things wrapped up promptly.
Get you on your way.
These woods are no
place for a child.
(tense music)
(birds chirping)
They should have let it burn.
(tense music)
(wind whooshing)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(birds chirping)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(water splashing)
(birds chirping)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(frightening music)
(frightening music)
(ominous voice whispering)
(ominous screaming)
- Els, why don't you go play
in the orchard for a bit?
Don't go any further.
Make sure I can see you.
- Are you sure you'll be okay?
- We'll be okay.
- Go on. It'll be fine.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- I'm so sorry.
I can't begin to imagine
what you're going through.
- But you can, can't you.
She took them from
you too. Your family.
- But not my children.
No parent should ever
have to bury a child.
(branch clicking)
- Is someone there?
You're not supposed to be
here. How did you find us?
- I just wanted to
see you. I'm worried.
Your mum. She's not
answering the phone.
Is she all right? Are you okay?
- What'd you want?
- She told you, didn't she?
She told you what
happened here to her.
Did you go and see her?
Did you go and see Omi?
- She's sick.
- Yeah, well,
she's been sick for a long time.
- No, she's really sick.
- Look Els. You have
to make her see sense.
We've got to get out of here.
All of us, together.
Look, I'm sorry. I'm
not trying to upset you.
But if she told you
what happened here,
are you not scared?
No. Of course you're not.
But I mean it, Els,
if any of it's true,
you're both in danger.
Els, look it's me. Come on.
Els. Did something happen?
What happened?
- I can't talk about it.
- Why can't you talk about it?
- I never really
believed it back then.
We all thought your
grandmother was mad,
and it must run in the family.
We used to joke about it.
Me and the other kids.
But no one's laughing
now, are they?
I believe you.
How can we stop her?
- Many have tried, I'm sure.
She's existed for
centuries. Millennia.
- But why here?
Why your family, this village?
- She followed Omi.
- I'm really sorry
for what I said.
I didn't mean it about Omi.
God, I hope she didn't hear it.
Your daughter.
- I should check on her.
Jesus Christ.
- It's true. It's all true,
and it's happening again?
- I need to go. She told
me not to talk about it.
- To talk about what?
Eleanor! Eleanor!
- I told you to stay away.
- I was worried.
- What about, Frank? I looked
after myself before you.
I can look after
myself after you.
I can look after both
of us, me and Eleanor.
What the hell is your problem?
- You're my fucking
problem. You and her.
- You said we can move past it.
- Yeah, well, I
guess that was just
another thing I was wrong about.
- This house is not
safe for you or Eleanor,
and you know it, and that's
why you weren't here.
- Jesus Christ.
How long have you been
following me this time?
- Look, we can leave now.
We can get in the
car and we can go.
- I have to stay.
We have to finish this.
- It's finished. It's over.
Goodnight Vienna.
They're all dead, Ingrid.
Your sister, your
mum and your dad.
They're all fucking dead!
- Goodbye, Frank.
(hospital machines beeping)
- I wondered if you might come.
- It needs to end.
I need to know how
to break the curse.
- The curse of Frau Perchta.
And here was I thinking
you were the wicked one.
- I love them both.
Please. You must know.
- You think because I survived?
No one survives Frau
Perchta, not in the end.
This is not a fairy tale.
There is no happy ever after.
You cannot come riding in
here on your white stallion.
- I want to save my family.
- Oh. How noble.
Pity you didn't think of
that 18 months ago when...
- For Eleanor.
Please, Omi.
What is it?
(thunder creaking)
(wind whooshing)
(door knocking)
- What are you doing here?
- Look, I know you hate me
and I hate myself.
I've let you and Eleanor down
and betrayed you.
My best friend.
- You've got two minutes.
(rain trickling)
- I love you.
And I love Eleanor.
I can't live without my family.
- Well, you should have
thought about that before.
- Look, I know what shitty
thing I done to you,
but I was lonely and
you were never there.
I used to phone and phone.
You and that bloody job.
- So it's my fault.
Jesus, why are you so needy?
Big deal, I missed
a few of your calls.
I was working.
I worked hard to make
a name for myself
so that people could look
up to me and not gossip
about what happened
to me and my family.
You don't understand.
- I can imagine.
- Why are you here?
(birds chirping)
- I went to see Omi.
- What?
- I went to see Omi.
- You shouldn't have done
that. She's not well.
- I'm not just gonna stand back
and watch my family disappear.
- There is nothing
that we can do.
Perchta can't be killed.
- No, but she can be wounded.
(tense music)
- What are you talking about?
(tense music)
- What is it? It's
Eleanor, isn't it?
She's the key.
- Yeah.
Yeah, it is Eleanor
that Frau Perchta wants.
It is the natural order.
Eleanor is the only one
who can lift the curse.
(tense music)
And I will not let
you put at risk.
- Tell me.
(dramatic music)
- Oh, very well.
The legend of Frau Perchta
goes back many centuries
and will continue for many more,
because she cannot be killed.
She is immortal.
- But?
- But she can be wounded
by the wood of a
special evergreen tree.
And legend has it that
once she is wounded,
she will disappear for 12 years.
And when she comes back,
hopefully the curse
will be obliterated.
- How?
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- Again, legend dictates
that Frau Perchta
will not persecute
those who wound her.
- So it has to be her.
It has to be Eleanor.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- But are you
willing to risk it?
- No.
I won't put her in
any more danger.
- Look, I love her too.
- She's all I have.
(dramatic music)
- I'll do it.
(dramatic music)
- Frau Perchta!
Are you sure this is going work?
- Omi said this is
our only chance.
- This is it.
- This is it.
- Frau Perchta!
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Frau Perchta!
(ominous whispering)
(dramatic music)
(ominous whispering)
(dramatic music)
(ominous clicking)
(footsteps tapping)
(ominous screaming)
(dramatic music)
(Eleanor sobbing)
- Are you okay, darling?
It's okay. It's over now.
It's over.
- Come on. Let's go.
- Where were we going?
- Home.
- Together or not at all.
- Together or not at all.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(cheerful festive music)
(cheerful festive music)
(cheerful festive music)
(singing in foreign language)
(cheerful festive music)
(cheerful festive music)
(singing in foreign language)
(people chattering)
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- We did it.
Back on top where we belong.
- I did it, Ronnie.
And you are welcome.
- You did. Your exclusive.
You did it. Thank you, Ingrid.
So how you doing?
You still think about her?
- Every day for at
least 30 seconds.
She'll always be with me.
- I was so sorry
to hear about Omi.
- She carried on as
long as she could.
Our protector.
Without her, all
of this would...
- The way you wrote about her.
She's obviously quite the woman.
- She was.
To go on all those years
with that heartache,
but she carried on.
- Well, that's what any
of us would do, isn't it?
We march on. Anyway,
how's Eleanor?
- She's doing much better.
We all are.
- Good.
And you and Frank have
managed to work things out?
- We're getting there.
Little by little, day by day.
- Baby steps. Slow and
steady wins the race, hey?
Speaking of which. You
thought more about our offer?
The promotion.
You earned it fair and square.
I don't want to see it
passed over with Jonathan.
- You don't have to
ask me twice, Ronnie.
When do I start?
- I'm glad you asked.
- What is it?
- A novelist.
Harry Newman.
Found dead in his flat last week
in the south of
France by his agent.
Apparently lost his mind
and... stabbed himself
in the heart.
- Apparently.
- After seeing things,
Things that go
bump in the night.
Remember Ingrid, no
artist, no creator
ever sets forth without hope.
Even if the thing they
create appears to be carved
out of pitch black despair.
(dramatic music)
(glass clinking)
(uplifting music)
(cheerful festive music)
(dramatic music)