The Wish Swap (2025) Movie Script
[man] "Fate" is often viewed
as the predetermined events
that shape our lives.
is often referred to
as an occurrence
of random events
that achieve
the same outcome...
and whether
you believe in the universe
being preordained
or completely arbitrary,
all it takes
is a chance meeting
with the right person
at the right time,
for magic to truly happen.
Ain't no woman
should be this hard
But a hard-headed woman
is the one I love
Can't eat
Can't sleep
Or heal the hurt
But every single day
you make me wanna work
A whole lot harder...
Raymond! Casey Carter.
I just wanted to call
and wish you good luck
on your first day
Gotta work
a whole lot harder, yeah
I won't stop for anyone
Well, I'll work overtime
-[cattle lowing]
- And I won't quit...
I'm so glad.
I hope you work there forever
and never need
my services again,
but if you have any friends
who are job-hunting, please
thank you!
All right, you three,
make sure
the girls are comfortable.
Peter, Boss needs you
to check on the calves
-before you wrap up.
-You got it.
And, Charlotte,
please remind everyone
of my number-one close-up rule.
Last to leave double-checks
that every gate is closed.
There it is!
Let's keep
the good critters inside
and the bad critters outside.
Well, if you need
anything at all,
you just let me know,
It's actually my birthday.
I'm meeting my friend
at my favorite restaurant,
and I have arrived...
so, good luck tomorrow,
and we'll talk soon.
[Charlotte] We gotta go!
Hanks and I are gonna be late.
You guys, don't wait up!
Nobody call me that.
[Peter] Hey, Henry?
How come Charlotte gets invited
to your birthday dinner,
but we don't?
Because Charlotte is my niece,
and the rest of you
can't be trusted out in public,
even on a good day.
-All right.
-Let's get to work.
Wow, look at this!
Look who finally arrives!
Why is it
that you're always punctual,
except your birthday?
Nice to see you, too, Mom.
He was even born late.
-[all chuckling]
-I think it's because
he doesn't like
being the center of attention,
but today it's only us.
At your favorite restaurant.
And no singing,
as promised, right?
- Happy
-Thank you. Thank you.
-I'm kidding, Mom. I'm kidding.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Thank you. Thank you.
But I don't know
what you all are talking about.
I've got 5:45.
[Mom] No, it
I could've sworn it was 5:30!
Mom, he changed the time
on the app on the way over.
Come here for a second.
I wanna show you
a little birthday surprise
for you, here
Come on. We are old.
You can't do
that sort of thing to us.
I know.
-Happy birthday.
What a guy.
What a guy.
Still holding the door.
I'm coming home...
Oh! It's your birthday.
It's your birthday, girl.
When did you get here?
Don't ask me those questions.
How dare you?
Let's go, come on! Whoo!
Excuse me. Sorry. Sorry.
-Sorry! Sorry.
Come on!
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Oh, my gosh!
Hi! [laughing]
Great to see you!
-Get this.
-Oh, my gosh, hi!
Wow, Jess!
Oh, thank you all
for being here.
How did you do this?
[Jess] Oh, come on, it's me!
Of course, I did this.
Oh, you need wine. Here.
Oh! Thank you.
Um, uh, can I get some more?
[women chuckling]
It's your birthday.
Oh, ho, ho! They're custom!
Custom sticky notes?
You're welcome.
Oh, wow.
We know what you like!
-Speaking of that
You guys?
We have one more present
to give you.
This is from all of us.
What am I looking at here?
Those are
any time, any place,
no questions asked
"help coupons,"
so we can help take
a little off your plate,
and you can have a little time
for yourself.
Wow. That
Thank you, guys.
She needs it, right?
-No problem.
happy birthday.
You too.
if you need help
using up those coupons,
just let me know.
Oh, um,
you know, I think
it's a little early
for re-gifting.
Don't want to upset
my coworkers.
What do you do?
I'm an executive recruiter.
And you like it?
Helping people find better jobs
to improve their lives?
Yeah, it's all right.
How 'bout you?
How is the pay for lumberjacks
these days?
Not a lumberjack.
An L.L. Bean catalog model?
Had to turn them down.
Farmer, actually.
Oh! Uh, does it
run in the family?
No, although they did
take me to a petting farm
when I was four and...
I didn't wanna leave.
Still don't.
Where's your farm?
Not mine.
I manage
Eagle Canyon Dairy Farm,
over on Route 8.
Oh! Uh, by that ice-cream spot?
Do you like it?
The ice cream?
No! Your job.
It pays the bills.
Sounds like you love it.
What I would love
is to have my own farm.
A place like this,
with a focus on quality
and community...
although, at my place,
we might name the chickens.
if you ever need help
landing a new job...
or maybe
naming some chickens...
...give me a call.
I will.
It's nothing.
Oh! Oh, guys. Guys.
-Look what's coming!
Wow. Whoa.
Uh... did we get a cake?
[sighs] Simon?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Don't look at me.
I told Charlotte to do it.
No, remember I wanted
the pink-glitter princess one,
and you said no?
Yup. That's true.
That tracks.
That's on me.
I'm sure
I would've loved it.
Hi! Sorry to interrupt.
Um, there's no way we're gonna
finish all of this cake,
and since we're birthday twins,
do you wanna share?
Uh, as long as
there's no singing for me.
Okay, but wait a minute.
You two have to blow out
the candles together.
[group] Yeah!
Cake. You're welcome.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
No, you have
to close your eyes
and make a wish
that's the rule.
It's the rule.
[diners applauding]
What is happening?
Thank you.
What'd you wish for?
I can't tell you,
or it won't come true.
You believe
in that kind of stuff?
I don't notbelieve it.
What did you wish for?
I guess I can't tell you,
[phone rings]
I'm sorry.
I... I should take this.
So? What's the scoop?
Didn't he say he's a farmer?
Moo, moo.
[both laughing]
He's so cute.
Oh, he's coming.
Everything okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
Except I just got
this weird spam call,
except the person knew my name,
and that it was my birthday
somebody from a TV show.
A TV show?
Dance Your Heart Out.
it's some dance show.
[chuckles dubiously]
Are you... all right?
Henry, Dance Your Heart Out
isn't just "some dance show."
It's a ridiculously popular
TV show
that airs across the country.
It's like
Dancing with the Stars,
but with regular folks
instead of celebs.
Every season,
the show goes
to a different state
and finds new people
to compete,
and the contestants
get to pick their own partner
to dance
on the show with them.
On TV?
Yes! Live on TV.
I've always wanted to do it.
I could be your partner.
I mean,
if you don't have anyone.
Oh... I would never.
[laughs] Absolutely not.
But if you wanna
take my place,
you can have it.
No, I can't.
You'd have to invite me
to be your partner,
otherwise it'd be a scandal
juicier than
The Real Housewives.
Do you even own a TV?
Look, I didn't even go
to my high school prom.
This just feels like
one big opportunity
for a whole bunch of people
to laugh at me
for having two left feet.
No, the viewers
are actually really supportive,
and there's no live audience.
Then they'll support me
in saying "No."
Thanks for
the birthday cake, Casey.
[Jess] It is weird
that he got a call
from the show that you love.
It's weirder than that...
Did you wish for that?
And he got it?
Wow. That is woo-woo.
Right? What are the odds?
Maybe it's not odds.
Maybe it's fate?
Maybe it's the universe.
Here. There's one last slice
of birthday cake just for you.
And don't believe
what the experts say
birthday cake
makes a fabulous breakfast.
Breakfast cake
is the most important cake
of the day.
[laughs] Thank you
for the lovely party.
-You're welcome.
-I love you.
I love you, too.
Okay, I'll see you soon.
[man on recording] Hello.
This is
a message for Casey Carter.
This is the office of
Estate Attorney David Davrow.
If possible,
please stop by our office
first thing in the morning.
There's a rather important
matter we need to discuss.
I have a great-aunt?
Hada great-aunt.
She was your grandmother's
younger half-sister,
on your late mother's side.
And you say
her name was Gladys?
I feel like
I would've remembered her.
The family dynamics
were complicated.
There were divorces,
and a large age gap between
your grandmother and Gladys.
They really had
no relationship.
She was also an only child
with no next-of-kin.
When did she pass?
Four months ago.
Her will was, uh,
very clear.
Her estate was to be left
to the closest living relative
we could find,
and that's you.
I just... I haven't
had any family in so long.
To find out that I did,
but I didn't even know her...
I know.
It's a lot to take in.
And now for the bad news
We had to use up
all Gladys's reserves
to pay for workers
to care for the animals
until we could
find her heir.
You're gonna have to take
possession of the property
What kind of place
did I inherit?
A farm?
How big is it?
I don't know. Big enough
that they had to hire people
that's "people,"
as in more than one person,
to manage it.
I have to find
another solution by tomorrow.
Honey, what're you gonna do?
You've never even
owned a goldfish,
never mind take care
of whatever animals
are on that farm.
Oh, no, no, no, no!
Those are work-related
help coupons,
not plowing the back-40.
No, the guy from last night.
He told me
he wanted a small farm.
I think this was his wish.
I gotta find him!
This is so insanely crazy.
I gotta go!
I'll have to postpone
my meetings until tomorrow,
but I can do that
from the road.
[pointedly] Or...
[perforation tears]
Will you please take
my meetings until I'm back?
I am so proud of you.
Is that a yes?
That is a yes. Go!
Thank you.
[indistinct exchange]
Did you wish for a farm?
what are you doing here?
Last night, you wished
you could own a small farm.
Didn't you?
I thought we weren't
telling each other our wishes?
Well, we are now.
I wished I could be
on Dance Your Heart Out.
Okay, if you're here to try
and convince me to do it,
the answer is still
"absolutely not."
-100%, actually.
-Okay, just slow down, please.
Just hear me out.
We blew out our candles
and made our wishes
at the exact same time, right?
And you immediately
got a phone call
telling you
that you got my wish
to be on the show, right?
So, this is the weird part.
It gets weirder?
At the party,
I missed a call at 7:10.
Check your phone.
What time
did your call come in?
The exact same time!
Mine was from
a trust attorney.
It turns out I had an aunt
I didn't know about.
She passed,
and I inherited her estate.
Well, sorry for your loss,
and congratulations, I guess?
It's a farm, Henry!
I inherited a small farm,
like, three miles from here!
With animals,
and other agricultural... stuff.
Look, I know
how all of this sounds,
but our wishes
got swapped, Henry.
They came true,
but we got each other's.
That makes absolutely no sense.
Just go with me here.
There's one slice of cake left.
I'm thinking
if we make our wishes again...
...they'll reverse,
and we'll get the right wishes.
You realize
how crazy this sounds?
All right. Light 'er up.
Close our eyes?
Eyes closed.
[phone chimes]
"Mr. MacMillan.
Please confirm
your participation
on Dance Your Heart Out
by end of day, today."
[Casey] It didn't work.
Okay, well...
first things first.
I now own a farm.
There's a team of people
that have been working there,
but their agreement
ends today, so...
I need someone
to take care of things
while I sort this out.
Well, good luck with that.
you're literally
the only farmer I know.
I also already have a job.
But is it a job you love?
It's a job
that will be here
long after you figure out
whatever it is
you're doing here.
Plus, I live here.
Okay. How about this?
I hire you for a year,
guaranteed, part-time,
so, you can still work,
and live, here.
I'm listening.
You could run the farm
as you see fit.
Name the chickens,
if there are any,
and bank the extra money
to own your own farm someday.
My folks taught me
to be suspicious
of something
that sounds too good to be true.
Okay, I just need
one small thing in exchange.
I knew it!
No. No, no, no.
It's just one song.
A minute, tops!
I do not dance.
But you can learn!
And you'd get
to run your own farm.
I could help?
And nobody would need to know.
You wouldn't tell anybody?
I wouldn't tell anyone.
I mean, it is on TV,
but, uh, never mind. Heh!
If you make my wish come true,
I'll make yours come true.
Okay. All right. Deal.
Now, let's go see this farm.
Sure. Uh, just, after
you respond to the dance show.
After you.
well, I guess Great-Aunt Gladys
was pretty old.
She could've used
some of those coupons you got.
Look... if you wanna back out,
I'll totally understand.
Are you kidding?
It's perfect!
I can be over
every morning and evening,
before and after my regular job,
to take care of the critters,
and on my days off,
I'll do as much of
the other work as I can.
Could use some sprucing,
but I think
I can wrangle some help for us.
Welcome to farm life, Casey...
...and, uh, watch your step.
So, where you been, cowboy?
At my...
other job.
Okay, it's no big deal.
Remember Casey
from my birthday dinner?
She inherited
a great little farm up the road,
and I've agreed to help her
with it,
for a year or...
maybe a little longer,
if things go well.
Well, who's gonna help you out,
out there?
I mean, besides me.
that's too much to ask.
Listen, Henny-Penny
Don't call me that.
When have you ever known me
to take "no" for an answer?
I'm in, too.
Mostly 'cause I hate
when you guys exclude me
from anything.
Welcome, everyone,
to this season
of Dance Your Heart Out.
I'm your host, Spencer,
and over the next few weeks,
we're gonna find out
which one of you couples
has the most soul
in those toes.
And after each couple
has done their dance,
the judges will
pass down their decisions,
which will be live
and televised.
Okay, I think that summarizes
all of the rules, so...
any questions?
All right. Let's move on
to the moment you've all
been dying to know
what dance will you be doing
in the first round?
Did he just
I'm sorry, what'd you just say?
And now, to help me
reveal our first dance,
put your hands together
for our incredible instructor
Coach Gloria!
Laying it on a little thick,
but I'll take it.
Don't... you...
worry, my dears.
I will whip you into shape
in no time.
We can't have you
embarrassing yourself
on national television
-...Can we?
-[woman] No, Ma'am.
-[man] No, no, no, no.
[whispers] That felt like
it was directed right at me.
-Feels a little pointed.
-It's not.
[Spencer chuckles]
And, for our first dance
...the Waltz!
So, like every season
on Dance Your Heart Out,
we start with all six couples,
and after the first round,
two couples will be eliminated.
Excuse me.
Spencer, was it?
Uh... new here.
"First round"
how many rounds
are there, exactly?
There are, in fact,
three rounds.
Three? Three rounds?
Yeah, you left that part out.
Excuse me.
...And, after each round,
two couples will be eliminated,
culminating in just
two couples in...
the finals,
competing head to head.
Sorry. We'll be right back.
[snaps] Henry!
[Henry] No.
-Stop following me!
You bamboozled me, Casey.
Hey, where are you going?
Three dances?
Three different rounds?
We're not advancing.
Did you see
those other couples?
Most of them
are in matching outfits!
They probably stretched
for an hour before we got here.
We're not advancing.
It doesn't matter.
Can we please just go in there
and have some fun?
I could go to Target and get us
some matching leggings first?
-Thank you.
-You're welcome
but you did know
there were three rounds.
-I did not.
-You did.
It's a simple waltz, Henry.
Let's pretend
I don't know what that means.
I don't have to pretend.
Ready, and...
One, two, three.
One, two... three.
And, okay, back, two, thr
All right, let me.
It's okay.
Henry, just try again.
[Gloria] All right. Fine.
Back, two, three.
Forward, two, thr
other foot forward.
Henry, just listen to the music.
Feel more and think less.
I am feeling it.
I'm feeling like I should
be anywhere else in the world.
I think
that's an inside thought.
It was not.
...One, two, three.
Back, two, three.
Left, two, thr
The other left.
Other left!
Henry... your leftfoot.
That is my left foot.
[Gloria] Other left!
Casey, wait up!
Wait, why are we
going to the bakery?
Because I have to figure out
how this happened.
Right, and how is going
to the bakery gonna do that?
That's where
my birthday cake came from,
and my birthday cake
is ground zero
for this whole thing.
So, I'm thinking, if I can
just talk to the baker
and see if he did something
magical to the cake, maybe
Casey, just...
stop for a second, okay?
Just slow down
and really think about
what you're saying.
I just can't figure out
if this whole thing
actually is magic
why would the universe
swap my wish
with someone that can't dance?
I honestly don't know,
but what I do know
is that it's not
the cake's fault.
Look, you know I believe
in the stars aligning
and all of that,
but I don't think
you're gonna find
the answers
that you're looking for
by interrogating
some poor baker.
I think you just need
to see this through,
and trust the journey.
You're right.
I know.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
And if we don't figure it out,
we will come back here
and we will
interrogate that baker.
[laughing] Okay, good.
Can we go to work, please?
Thank you.
[Casey] You did want
a cookie, though.
About time
you slackers showed up.
Casey, we love the farm!
Thank you for giving
the frequently-disagreeable Hank
this opportunity.
Stop calling me that.
Well, you are
frequently disagreeable.
That may be,
but it doesn't mean
I like being called "Hank,"
or "Hen,"
or any of the other names
she calls me.
I'm Peter. Nice to meet you.
You too.
Okay, Henry,
where do you want us?
Uh, start with the dairy cows.
Charlotte, see if you can
rig up a scratching post
for them
in the pasture.
There should be some old brushes
we can re-purpose.
On it.
Changed your clothes?
Yeah, you know,
I had them lying around.
where do you want me?
Casey, you don't
have to do this.
I know. Where do you want me?
This way.
All right.
[gate thuds]
Why don't we start
with the chickens?
All right.
After you take the eggs,
you bring 'em
to the refrigerator bay...
but, first,
let the girls out in the yard,
and scatter
some feed for 'em, okay?
how do I get the eggs
from under the chickens?
"Feel more... think less."
Tch. Nice.
Okay, ladies.
This is gonna be
a little invasive.
-[hens clucking]
-I know, I know... heh.
Have you ever heard of a hen
named "Chicken Little"?
She was sweet,
but a little dramatic...
not unlike you.
one day,
an acorn
dropped right on her head
Got it!
[farmer video
plays indistinctly]
[farmer] ...I like to clean off
her bag and her teats
so we don't get
any contaminates in the milk.
You know, one thing that is
really helpful with her,
is that she's used
to being milked,
so she's gonna
stand real still
-Whatcha doin'?
-...And be gentle.
Uh, nothing. Ahem.
You ever milked a cow before?
No, but I've seen it
done before.
Oh, yeah?
The Amish reality show.
A bucket and stool
will do in a pinch,
but over at Eagle Canyon...
we've got
state-of-the-art technology
and an automated milking parlor.
Well, out here, we don't have
an automated milking parlor.
Like I said...
this'll do in a pinch.
Besides, it wouldn't kill you
to ask for a little help.
Come on.
I'll show you how it's done.
You want to get your thumb
and forefinger
as high as possible...
and gently squeeze
the remaining fingers,
top to bottom, always down...
never up.
Got it. My turn.
All right.
[stool scrapes floor]
[milk hitting pail]
I'm doing it!
[laughs] Yeah, you are.
Not bad for your first time.
Can we drink it?
-Absolutely not.
-How come?
Because we didn't bother
with pesky things
like disinfectant
or cleaning equipment.
Are you taking a tone with me
over cow hygiene?
No tone taken here.
Here. Like... that.
Thanks for your hard work
today, Charlotte.
It's the least I can do.
And you sure
you don't need a ride back?
Peter's gonna take me.
Sure. Hop in.
Thanks. Also,
can you run me into town
to pick up a few things?
Uh, I don't know.
I mean, I can still go
with my uncle.
No, no!
I'll give you a ride.
We did so much today.
[engine rumbles]
Wow, this is beautiful.
Magic hour on the farm.
Chores are done for the day,
everyone's cared for,
and gates are locked
for the night.
And then you get up
and do it all over again.
Just like your job.
I guess so.
But... around here,
it's about community.
You can't do it all
by yourself.
Can I...
tell you a little story?
All right, bear with me.
A young farmhand
applied for a job
with a grumpy old farmer
who didn't want any help,
but his wife
liked the young man,
so she forced her husband
to hire him anyway.
Sometime later,
the farmer and his wife wake up
to a violent storm.
He shoots out of bed
to make sure
everything's secure,
only to discover
that the windows are latched,
the tools and tractors
were safely stowed,
and all the animals
were calm in the barn
with plenty of feed.
It was in that moment
the farmer understood
the importance
of leaning on others.
He learned to trust.
if there was a...
person who was being
asked by her coworkers
to delegate and trust
a little more,
said person might do better
if they learned to ask for help
once in a while.
Well, if I meet a person
like that
...I will make sure
to let them know.
Growing up...
it was just me and my mom,
and she worked all the time... I was alone a lot,
and I got pretty good
at being self-sufficient.
Guess I also got pretty bad
at asking for help.
Where's your mom now?
She passed
right when I started college.
All those years,
I only thought I was alone...
...then I found out
what being alone
really feels like.
Trusting people after that
just got tougher, you know?
this waltz isn't
going to rehearse itself.
You ready?
All right, but first,
can I tell you a secret?
I am not a good dancer.
No, Mr. MacMillan,
you are not...
but you're a hard worker,
and dedicated,
and you know
how to trust yourself,
I'm thinking,
you close your eyes.
Come on, close 'em!
Oh, man...
Why do guys always
get the nicest eyelashes?
I promise,
I'm grateful for them every day.
Okay, seriously.
Keep them closed
and just do one thing
trust yourself.
Wait, wait, wait!
Uh, you're gonna
keep yours open, though, right?
Because if we dance
off the back of this truck...
Okay, revised instructions.
Trust yourself
and trust me.
Just relax.
No one's watching.
[competition waltz plays]
Casey Carter
and Henry MacMillan...
Hi, Spencer!
So, Casey, I heard
you're a corporate recruiter?
That's right.
And Henry...
you're a farmer?
A real farmer?
I've got the overalls
and everything.
[Spencer chortles]
And so, why did you two
decide to dance together?
w-we were celebrating
our birthdays
at the same restaurant
when Henry got the call,
so I agreed to help him
learn how to dance if he
...Agreed to teach her
how to milk a cow.
At which
I am an "udder" failure.
See what I have to deal with?
Cute couple.
So, Henry...
what are you hoping for?
Just for this nightmare
to be over, Spencer.
We got a real comedian
here today!
Oh, and it looks like
the judges have reached
their final decision.
[velcro rips]
I don't normally agree
with the judges,
but, this time,
the decision is unanimous
across the board.
to the next round is...
Team One!
Next, we have...
Team... Three!
Team Four!
And, last but not least,
[Casey laughs]
That's right, Henry
looks like
you'll be coming back next week,
where our four
remaining couples
will be competing in...
[dance chips clattering]
[drum rolling]
...Swing dancing!
[dryly] Great!
[water spraying]
[Charlotte and Peter laughing]
[water splashing]
Hey, back to work.
Okay, just click the link
to upload your resume.
Great! I look forward
to working with you.
Oh, bless.
So, tell me everything.
That was my second new client
this morning.
I should've
gone on TV years ago!
And it has me inspired
to want to help my clients
more long-term.
I'm actually putting together
a presentation.
Did you think
I meant "work-related"?
Okay, fine, but I have to be
at a meeting in five minutes.
So, rapid-fire. Go.
Okay. How was Spencer?
He's a little into himself,
but not nearly as much
as I thought.
Oh. What are
the other couples like?
Honestly, really nice.
They're kinda treating us
like the underdogs.
Do you get to keep that dress?
-I wish.
-Has Henry kissed you yet?
What? No!
Oh, come on.
I've seen you two on TV.
It's called performing, Jess.
Mm, mm-mm.
Sorry, I don't buy it.
Okay, well, buy it or not,
this is all temporary.
I don't even have time
to think about anything else.
Between work and the farm
and dance rehearsals every day,
I am exhausted.
But I am kind of excited to be
doing something for myself
for once.
Oh, I'm excited for you, too.
-Thank you.
-I still think he's into you.
Because there is no story
that can't be told
as a love story
which is from Billy Crystal.
That was Billy Wilder!
Billy Wilder said that, too!
Their They
Both of them said it.
I-I know they did.
Did you guys drop a truck
on the Wicked Witch of the Farm?
Good one.
I mean, I'm just here
to tease him,
because there's no way
he's getting this thing started.
As much as it kills me,
she might be right.
Try it now!
[starter chugs, fails to fire]
[engine sputters and stalls]
[mock announcing]
That was attempt number 132.
Will Uncle Hennifer
go for 133?
Don't count him out yet,
That is one
determined farmer down there.
None of this... is helping!
Okay, try it one more time!
[ignition turns,
engine rumbles to life]
All right!
All right, shut 'er down.
[shuts engine off]
I am impressed!
Is there anything
you can't do?
Just swing dance.
See? Just because
something's old
doesn't mean
it's not still useful.
I don't think he's talking
about my truck anymore.
No, this birthday
really affected him.
So, I got something
for you guys.
It's in the office.
With everyone coming and going,
I thought it would be smart
to have a check-off board.
So, if you do something,
you just initial in the box.
That way, if we're not here
at the same time,
we know
who has done what.
That's actually
a brilliant idea.
Of course, it is.
A woman thought of it.
[goats bleating]
Okay, okay.
Hold on!
Ah... ah... ah!
[panics and chuckles]
[bleating persists]
[Casey] Henry!
[whimpers and yelps]
For the record,
I did ask for help.
That was after
you got into trouble.
Baby steps.
You're still gonna make me
swing dance tonight, aren't you?
Sure am.
[phone ringing]
hold on.
What's going on?
Do you know
the comedian George Grant?
That was him.
He saw us
on Dance Your Heart Out,
and thought our "schtick" was,
and I quote,
And it gets weirder
he's in town for a few days
and his opening act canceled,
and he asked
if we would open for him,
which I told him,
we'd never do, but...
[words catch]
I am so sorry.
You did this?
Casey, how many wishes
did you make that night?
I make a list
every year on my birthday.
Of resolutions?
No, a list of things
I want to accomplish that year,
and I put them in a little file
on my computer desktop
to remind me
every day to do them.
Like a bucket list?
No, a birthday list.
Three things.
Every year.
So, technically,
getting on Dance Your Heart Out
wasn't your wish.
Your wish
was for your bucket list
"Birthday list."
...Birthday list,
to come true?
-And dancing was just
-number one on that list?
And why didn't you mention
the other two?
Because I only made one wish
to "do my birthday list."
And stand-up comedy
...Is the second thing
on the list.
But, seriously, I was thinking
some open-mic night!
Well, I'm off the hook.
I only made a deal to dance.
Well, technically,
you made a deal
to make my wish come true.
No. No, I do not remember.
I do,
because I specifically
worded it that way.
So you pulled a fast one?
Casey, why does it
have to be stand-up comedy?
Why couldn't you wish
for something fun?
It's going to be so much fun!
Especially because
we get to do it together.
Trust me.
-Trust you?
-Come on, we're funny!
We can do this.
Come on.
And it'll give you something
to tell your grandkids about,
other than stories about
the time the well-pump exploded.
Well-pumps don't explode.
They do if you don't know
what you're doing.
Okay, what's wish number three?
Number three?
Oh, on my list?
Uh, don't worry about that.
Why not?
Because number three
has nothing to do with you.
You can't do it.
Casey, I don't want
to do stand-up comedy.
What if I sweetened the pot?
With what?
What if...
What What if...
I gave you half-ownership
of the farm,
and you could
live in the farmhouse for free?
And, that way,
you could quit your other job,
and just be here full-time.
-Why not?
Because at some point,
the third thing on your list
is gonna come up,
and I'm not gonna wanna do it,
and you're gonna get mad
and kick me out.
Poof! You are officially
released from number three,
and I guarantee,
you can live on this farm
for free for two years,
even if I get mad at you,
which, let's face it,
is fairly likely.
[grumbly sigh]
Where are you going?
To get my stuff...
and quit.
[truck door shuts]
[engine turns over]
[swing music plays]
Come on, Gloria.
How about that?
You're not as hopeless
as I thought.
[Casey laughs]
I will take that as a success.
Don't let success
go to your head.
And don't let a failure
go to your heart, am I right?
Thank you, Gloria!
[laughs] She loves me.
[laughing giddily]
[swing music plays on video]
What are you doing?
-Uh... nothing.
-[shuts video off]
Was that a swing-dance video?
I'm sorry.
Do you need something?
I could use your help.
Well, I could be
proud of you for asking.
Can it!
There is a mutant rat
in the chicken coop.
He's hissing at me
and I'm scared
he's gonna jump on my face.
Please help!
That is an opossum,
not a rat,
and it's more likely
to eat all the eggs in the coop
than do any face-jumping.
I'm getting a broom.
But face-jumping
is still on the table, isn't it?
[Henry] No.
[gate thuds shut]
So, listen...
uh, we've been
working pretty hard,
and it got me thinking
it might be time
to reward ourselves...
with some fun.
Work-life balance
big fan.
So... what do you have in mind?
don't go far enough
Rose-tinted glasses
make fools of us
Looking back
Way too long ago
to see it clearly now...
Here you go.
Oh, thank you, Casey!
Mac is not giving up
his Grill Master title easily.
I'm sure Henry
is taking all of his advice
with an open heart
and a willingness to compromise.
[both laughing]
Okay... maybe not!
Henry's never been good
at giving up control.
I get that.
But he does seem
to value your opinion.
[scoffs] Sometimes!
So... where's your family?
Do they live nearby?
Um, no family.
It's just me, now.
Well, then you're welcome
to join us anytime.
All right, come help me get
those salads from the fridge.
Hey, you busy?
Cool. So, listen.
Do you know if Charlotte
is, you know, seeing anyone?
Or would like
to go out, maybe,
with-with me, I mean?
Maybe you should
write her a note.
I can pass it to her
in gym class.
She can circle
"Yes," "No," or "Maybe."
I should probably ask her, huh?
You know, you could do
some asking yourself.
Okay, no!
But seriously, okay?
Lasso? That's cowboy stuff.
That's not farmer stuff.
Is that what they do?
Are you sure about that?
I don't know.
Throwing a lasso isn't easy.
I've never heard him
talk about it.
Me neither!
That's because
a bull doesn't need
to claim its turf
with a roar, Pops.
But a bull doesn't roar,
does it?
You know what I mean
and besides,
you've never
seen me do any farming!
That's not true.
Remember that year
you dug up all my flowers
to plant tomatoes and corn?
On the other hand,
we never knew
he could waltz either.
[overlapping] Ooh!
Okay, guys. Guys!
We're getting sidetracked here.
Let's get back
to the question at hand.
do we think Henry can lasso?
is he making things up again?
Let's see a show of hands.
-I vote "no," he cannot.
-One no.
He's my son.
He can do anything.
-[Simon] One-one.
-[Charlotte] Definitive.
Oh, no. I'm staying neutral.
I'm like Switzerland.
Smart girl. Casey?
I'm voting "yes,"
because Henry runs modest,
so if he says
he can do something,
I believe him.
Well, I'm a no,
so, that makes it two-two.
So, now, the only way
to break the tie, I guess...
is to see it, brother.
Come on, cowboy.
All right.
Yes. Yes!
-[all cheering]
-Go, Henry!
There's magic in the air.
-Come on, Henry! Come on!
-All right.
Come on, Henry.
You can do it.
-All right.
[all cheering and laughing]
Not bad for a dancer.
Thank you.
Follow your heart
To Venus or Mars
Why don't ya?
Take your planes, trains
and cars
To somewhere
the past can't haunt ya
Don't be afraid
to carry the weight
You know that I will wait
So, follow your heart
to Venus or Mars
Why don't ya?
If the world starts
to feel lonely
You know
turning back is
Just come home
Come home
Be serious!
I am being serious.
We cannot name the farm
"Udder Delight".
Oh, what about something
with "Meadows" in it?
Kinda sappy for a farm.
Sounds like
a retirement home...
for cows!
[distant howling]
Just coyotes,
and a reminder it's time
for my nightly rounds.
"Nightly rounds"?
Last thing I do every night.
Make sure
the good critters are inside...
and the bad critters
are outside.
You can come with,
or stay here
with the coyotes.
I'll come with.
They seem like
a good audience, right?
[Henry] Yeah, except
I am not qualified
to judge the demeanor of a mob.
Uh, first off,
it's an audience, not a mob
and we know our routine!
We got this.
Besides, even if we bomb,
no one's gonna know.
No, it's not like
everybody out there
doesn't have
a phone in their pocket!
They don't, actually.
George Grant doesn't allow
recordings at his shows.
He's super-strict about it.
-I think it's so he can
test out new jokes.
Okay, okay. You're right.
It's fine.
I'm gonna be fine.
We're gonna be fine!
We're gonna be great.
I mean, what's the worst
that could happen?
...And that's how
we ended up here.
Henry, anything
you'd like to add?
Like, maybe that joke
about bad first dates
that we rehearsed
a million times?
in case y'all hadn't noticed,
Henry has left us
...And since our routine
requires two people with pulses,
I'm gonna have to do
a little off-roading here.
[whispering] Casey
Maybe we should
involve the audience.
Anyone have any questions?
Uh, yes,
you in the flowered top.
[woman's voice] My question
is for the man in the coma.
Bold move, but let's try.
Sir, what's the dumbest thing
you've ever done on a farm?
I'm guessing "agreeing
to do stand-up with Casey,"
but let's see how this unfolds.
that's absolutely right.
Oh, and/or,
the great goat escape of 2019.
"The great goat escape
of 2019"?
Uh, care to elaborate?
I... do not.
[crowd chuckling]
Are you the hero
of this story?
I am not.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to hear
these details later.
I'm taking that story
to my grave.
We'll see about that.
Okay, anyone else?
You, in the back.
What is
your favorite dance move?
Yeah, you.
Do y'all wanna see it?
[crowd applauds]
Leaning on a wall,
watching other people dance.
That's it.
That's the move.
Oh, it looks like
that's our time.
I know! I know, I know.
But you can catch us
live tomorrow night
on Dance Your Heart Out,
where we will attempt
to swing dance.
Uh, followed by
"ER Visit with Casey,"
after he faceplants me.
I'm not gonna drop her.
You say that
with the delusional confidence
of man who has already
dropped me multiple times.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please grab a drink
and a break,
and up next is,
everyone's favorite
George Grant!
[loud cheering and applause]
[laughing giddily]
Thank you
for doing that with me.
Thank you
for saving the day back there.
Did you know Charlotte, Peter,
and Jess were gonna be here?
I worked it out with them,
in case we needed
a little ice-breaker.
And you didn't think
you could maybe... tell me?
It's no big deal.
They came to support us,
and step in,
in case one of us needed it.
A wise man once told me
that having a community
of people around to help
is so important.
Okay, fair enough.
Also, I think
Charlotte and Peter
wanted to ask each other out,
but didn't know how,
so, presto
they're on a date.
So you are matchmaking now?
Let's call it...
"romantic recruiter."
So, listen...
you know I make
my birthday list every year.
But what you don't know
is that
this is the first year
I've done more than one item
on the list.
In fact...
most years,
I don't do any of them.
now, you've already done two.
I have.
Thanks to you.
And you've got
the whole rest of the year
to do the third thing
on your list,
which you are still
being very evasive about.
Number three remains firmly
in the land of "my business,"
which does not intersect
in the land of "your business"
at any point.
And you say that,
but I am still
waiting for a call
from Shark Encounters,
There will be no phone call.
I promise.
[phone starts ringing]
[relieved laughter]
Hold on. Hello?
Thank you!
Yes, thank you.
I love you, too.
Yeah, but...
don't call me that.
All right.
Well, have fun.
Charlotte and Peter
are on their way
to Hancock's...
...on a date.
Can we do that, too,
I mean, uh,
go get ice cream there?
I hear it's delicious.
Hancock's ice cream
will make you a better person.
[drum intro pops
as swing music rises]
[hushed] I didn't drop you.
[quietly] I still want
that goat story.
[Spencer] It truly
has been difficult tonight,
because these four teams
have been spectacular,
but, unfortunately,
two couples
do have to go home.
-[drum rolling]
to the finals
you know, this reminds me
of that one time, last season
O-Okay! Okay.
[chortling jovially]
Advancing to the final round...
[drum rolling] team Number Three.
And the last couple
to head to the finals
Team Number
Now, on to the final dance...
It's one of my favorites.
The Tango!
[tango music rises]
We got this.
If you say so.
And we'll see ya next time
on Dance Your Heart Out!
In these days
of online job ads
and A.I. auto-responses,
it's important
we continue to evolve
to stay competitive.
My proposal
is we actually go back
to the basics
for a more hands-on approach.
No, not "hands-on."
"Personal touch"?
that sounds like a car wash.
[knocking on door]
How's the presentation going?
I'm still trying
to find the best way
to convince
a few change-resistant people
that we have to try
new things.
Well, if anyone can,
you can.
That looks familiar.
My favorite place.
Right there in front
the infamous birthday list.
Sure is. Ahem.
You know, not knowing
is driving me crazy.
I know... but it still
doesn't concern you.
Fair enough.
[claps his thighs]
I should get
to cleaning some gutters
and leave you to work.
Sounds like a good time.
Always is.
See you later?
[footsteps receding]
I can't look
at that presentation anymore.
I just spent
five minutes agonizing
about which version of
to, too, or two I should use.
Well, you can
forget all that,
because it's time
"to" dance T-O
now that you're here, "too"
and... it takes "two"
-[plays tango track] tango.
[tango music swells
on barn speakers]
[Casey laughs]
The perfect end
to a long day of farming
and dancing.
And recruiting.
And recruiting!
How could I forget?
You were right about
Hancock's ice cream.
Told ya.
It is making me
a better person.
I thought of a name
for the farm, by the way.
What's that?
"Wishful Meadows."
It's perfect.
And if not, we could always
go back to my first idea
Poultry In Motion.
You're like
a walking dad joke.
Yeah, I should put that
on my resume.
You should!
thanks to you and Aunt Gladys,
I won't be needing my resume
for a long, long time.
That's true.
Are you still
getting client calls
from everyone
who's seen you on TV?
Sure am.
My bosses are happy
about that part, at least.
...But they don't like me
working out here.
They want me available
all day, every day.
And I guess,
after we finish our tango,
I'll be going back to that.
I won't be out here
nearly as much.
It's just...
being out here every day
felt like...
...I was doing something
for myself, you know?
You brighten this place up.
Besides, you haven't even
named any of the chickens yet.
That's true...
and, clearly, you cannot be
trusted to do that without me.
Ahem. You know...
I've been thinking
about starting my own business,
especially now that people
are calling and asking for me
not the company,
in general.
I think that's a great idea.
but I'm not like you.
You knew what you wanted
and you went after it.
I have a hard time...
Prioritizing your happiness?
[coyotes howling]
[chuckles] It's okay.
They can't hurt you.
You're safe.
They sound really close.
It's just coyotes
doin' coyote things.
You wanna
come on rounds with me?
I should really review
my presentation one more time,
and get home,
but I'll see you
at dance rehearsals.
Hey, Casey...
text me
when you're home safe?
Goodnight, ladies.
[coyote howls]
[rooster crows]
[crowing continues]
[phone ringing]
[Jess] Hey! You missed
the meeting this morning.
Are you on your way
to dance rehearsal?
No, I overslept.
Well, what's the status
on the presentation?
Do you want me to proof it?
Yes! Please.
Um, let me send that to you.
That's weird.
I'll call you back.
[engine shuts off]
[Charlotte] Casey?
Good morning.
Thanks for coming in early
to help.
You look nice this morning.
I'm still having trouble
with the-the head-whip
on the pivot turn.
[Gloria] Yup, I noticed.
You're turning your head
too slowly.
It's supposed
to end the sequence.
All right, let's do it.
[stomping up stairs]
[confused] Hey.
Right! I...
have someone I need to see
right now,
What's going on?
Do you have
something to tell me?
You snooped on my computer.
You just had to know,
didn't you?
Okay. Yes, but
I told you
the list wasn't your business,
but you looked anyway.
No, you invaded my privacy!
Okay, you're right.
And I'm sorry,
but I-I thought
that i-if I could just
get to know you
that little bit more
But I didn't want you to know!
Casey, all it said was that
you wanted to find love.
I don't understand
why that's such a bad thing.
It's not bad.
It's embarrassing.
It's been the third thing
on my list for years,
and it's never happened.
You know...
I actually started to believe
that all this swirling around us
really was magic,
and I thought, after we did
the first two things on my list,
that I thought maybe
this was the year
that I finally found...
Wishing for love
can't make it real.
Casey, come on.
We can talk this through!
The only thing through is us.
Goodbye, Henry.
Casey, come on!
[keys clacking loudly]
[forceful typing continues]
Do you have a vendetta
against computers?
Just making a few final tweaks
to my presentation.
So, you ready
for Dancetomorrow?
[clacking stops]
You wanna talk about it?
[sighs sadly]
[concerned] Hey!
Uncle Henry.
Casey had
that exact face this morning.
What happened?
Did you guys have a fight?
[shuffles his feet]
What did you do?
[Jess] Yes, I-I would
be upset about that, too,
if I'm being honest.
Right? Snooping on my computer?
I can't believe he did that.
pulling him
into your wish list,
and then refusing
to tell him the last one
I mean, that's old
closed-off-Casey kinda stuff
that you used to do
in every relationship.
I would probably snoop, too.
You're taking his side?
There are no sides!
Why does there
have to be sides?
All I see are
two strong, independent people
trying to navigate
a relationship,
and, sometimes...
getting it wrong.
I love you.
You're my best friend,
and it has been so nice to see
the person that does everything
for everyone else
make some time for herself.
Before you walk away
from all this,
I really want you
to ask yourself
is that what you want?
I don't know.
But I do know
that I have to finish
my presentation.
[keys begin clacking]
Do you want any help?
[tersely] No, I got it.
That's what I thought.
[Henry, shakily]
And that's it it's over.
Why is it over?
Because she never
wants to see me again.
You messed up
and you had a fight,
that's all
people fight.
And then, the person
who did wrong
in this case, very much you
and promises
to do better next time.
You don't take your ball
and go home
the first time
there's a problem.
What she said.
Look. What matters
is that Casey changed everything
the day she came into your life.
Wish one
you dance now.
You never did that before.
Wish two? You did stand-up
and don't forget,
she saved your bacon
on that stage.
And wish three?
Like it or not, Uncle Henna,
you fell in love,
and when you're in love,
you don't do anything
to risk losing that,
so go make this right.
But I don't know
how to do that
without putting myself
way, way out there.
Then put yourself
way, way out there.
Again, what she said.
That experience led me
to consider this paradigm shift
in the way
we approach recruiting.
I understand
that this is a different way
of thinking,
but this new philosophy
will help our clients find out
what they actually want,
instead of just helping them
find the next job.
[knocking on glass]
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry to interrupt.
I won't take much of your time,
but, Casey...
...I need your help.
I messed up.
I overstepped
and I am so sorry,
I know deep in my heart
that your third wish
has already come true,
I have fallen
so deeply for you.
I love you, Casey Carter.
I love you, too.
And... if
you'll do me the honor
of dancing with me tonight,
I promise
to make
all your dreams come true,
forever and ever
and ever.
We would be on the air
in an hour.
Jess, will you
wrap things up for me?
Yeah, obviously.
Let's go.
-Let's go!
-Okay! Yeah-ha-ha!
-[Casey laughing]
now that I'm in charge,
let's see a show of hands of who
wants to wrap this meeting up
so we can see Henry and Casey
dance on live television?
Oh, come on!
You know you want to.
Yes! Great!
Meeting adjourned.
Somebody, go get popcorn.
[tango music playing
on television]
[Spencer] Wow! Just gorgeous,
Couple Number Three!
Thank you.
Um, so unfortunately,
it looks like
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
We're sorry we're late.
We're sorry we're late.
Never mind.
Here they are!
Life on a farm!
-But we're here now
and ready to tango,
I've never seen him
do that face before.
All righty, then!
Let's, uh,
let's see what ya got.
[whispers] I'm about to make
all your wishes come true.
You already have.
[tango track begins,
bold and romantic]
[Jess] Oh, she's going in!
[crowd applauding]
[office cheering]
Yes! That is my girl!
[applause continues]
what's next for Ms. Carter?
I am gonna start
my own business
where I can implement
all of my own ideas.
I like it.
Which means...
I'll be able to spend
more time out here.
I've realized
I just wanna spend time
with the things I love
Wishful Meadows
being with you.
Well, that's great...
because this farm,
and this farmer,
love you right back.
You know...
now that I've done all
the things on my birthday list,
I have to figure out
what to wish for next year.
I'm coming home...
[man] Sometimes,
all it takes
is a chance meeting
with the right person
at the right time
for magic to truly happen.
[man] "Fate" is often viewed
as the predetermined events
that shape our lives.
is often referred to
as an occurrence
of random events
that achieve
the same outcome...
and whether
you believe in the universe
being preordained
or completely arbitrary,
all it takes
is a chance meeting
with the right person
at the right time,
for magic to truly happen.
Ain't no woman
should be this hard
But a hard-headed woman
is the one I love
Can't eat
Can't sleep
Or heal the hurt
But every single day
you make me wanna work
A whole lot harder...
Raymond! Casey Carter.
I just wanted to call
and wish you good luck
on your first day
Gotta work
a whole lot harder, yeah
I won't stop for anyone
Well, I'll work overtime
-[cattle lowing]
- And I won't quit...
I'm so glad.
I hope you work there forever
and never need
my services again,
but if you have any friends
who are job-hunting, please
thank you!
All right, you three,
make sure
the girls are comfortable.
Peter, Boss needs you
to check on the calves
-before you wrap up.
-You got it.
And, Charlotte,
please remind everyone
of my number-one close-up rule.
Last to leave double-checks
that every gate is closed.
There it is!
Let's keep
the good critters inside
and the bad critters outside.
Well, if you need
anything at all,
you just let me know,
It's actually my birthday.
I'm meeting my friend
at my favorite restaurant,
and I have arrived...
so, good luck tomorrow,
and we'll talk soon.
[Charlotte] We gotta go!
Hanks and I are gonna be late.
You guys, don't wait up!
Nobody call me that.
[Peter] Hey, Henry?
How come Charlotte gets invited
to your birthday dinner,
but we don't?
Because Charlotte is my niece,
and the rest of you
can't be trusted out in public,
even on a good day.
-All right.
-Let's get to work.
Wow, look at this!
Look who finally arrives!
Why is it
that you're always punctual,
except your birthday?
Nice to see you, too, Mom.
He was even born late.
-[all chuckling]
-I think it's because
he doesn't like
being the center of attention,
but today it's only us.
At your favorite restaurant.
And no singing,
as promised, right?
- Happy
-Thank you. Thank you.
-I'm kidding, Mom. I'm kidding.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Thank you. Thank you.
But I don't know
what you all are talking about.
I've got 5:45.
[Mom] No, it
I could've sworn it was 5:30!
Mom, he changed the time
on the app on the way over.
Come here for a second.
I wanna show you
a little birthday surprise
for you, here
Come on. We are old.
You can't do
that sort of thing to us.
I know.
-Happy birthday.
What a guy.
What a guy.
Still holding the door.
I'm coming home...
Oh! It's your birthday.
It's your birthday, girl.
When did you get here?
Don't ask me those questions.
How dare you?
Let's go, come on! Whoo!
Excuse me. Sorry. Sorry.
-Sorry! Sorry.
Come on!
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Oh, my gosh!
Hi! [laughing]
Great to see you!
-Get this.
-Oh, my gosh, hi!
Wow, Jess!
Oh, thank you all
for being here.
How did you do this?
[Jess] Oh, come on, it's me!
Of course, I did this.
Oh, you need wine. Here.
Oh! Thank you.
Um, uh, can I get some more?
[women chuckling]
It's your birthday.
Oh, ho, ho! They're custom!
Custom sticky notes?
You're welcome.
Oh, wow.
We know what you like!
-Speaking of that
You guys?
We have one more present
to give you.
This is from all of us.
What am I looking at here?
Those are
any time, any place,
no questions asked
"help coupons,"
so we can help take
a little off your plate,
and you can have a little time
for yourself.
Wow. That
Thank you, guys.
She needs it, right?
-No problem.
happy birthday.
You too.
if you need help
using up those coupons,
just let me know.
Oh, um,
you know, I think
it's a little early
for re-gifting.
Don't want to upset
my coworkers.
What do you do?
I'm an executive recruiter.
And you like it?
Helping people find better jobs
to improve their lives?
Yeah, it's all right.
How 'bout you?
How is the pay for lumberjacks
these days?
Not a lumberjack.
An L.L. Bean catalog model?
Had to turn them down.
Farmer, actually.
Oh! Uh, does it
run in the family?
No, although they did
take me to a petting farm
when I was four and...
I didn't wanna leave.
Still don't.
Where's your farm?
Not mine.
I manage
Eagle Canyon Dairy Farm,
over on Route 8.
Oh! Uh, by that ice-cream spot?
Do you like it?
The ice cream?
No! Your job.
It pays the bills.
Sounds like you love it.
What I would love
is to have my own farm.
A place like this,
with a focus on quality
and community...
although, at my place,
we might name the chickens.
if you ever need help
landing a new job...
or maybe
naming some chickens...
...give me a call.
I will.
It's nothing.
Oh! Oh, guys. Guys.
-Look what's coming!
Wow. Whoa.
Uh... did we get a cake?
[sighs] Simon?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Don't look at me.
I told Charlotte to do it.
No, remember I wanted
the pink-glitter princess one,
and you said no?
Yup. That's true.
That tracks.
That's on me.
I'm sure
I would've loved it.
Hi! Sorry to interrupt.
Um, there's no way we're gonna
finish all of this cake,
and since we're birthday twins,
do you wanna share?
Uh, as long as
there's no singing for me.
Okay, but wait a minute.
You two have to blow out
the candles together.
[group] Yeah!
Cake. You're welcome.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
No, you have
to close your eyes
and make a wish
that's the rule.
It's the rule.
[diners applauding]
What is happening?
Thank you.
What'd you wish for?
I can't tell you,
or it won't come true.
You believe
in that kind of stuff?
I don't notbelieve it.
What did you wish for?
I guess I can't tell you,
[phone rings]
I'm sorry.
I... I should take this.
So? What's the scoop?
Didn't he say he's a farmer?
Moo, moo.
[both laughing]
He's so cute.
Oh, he's coming.
Everything okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
Except I just got
this weird spam call,
except the person knew my name,
and that it was my birthday
somebody from a TV show.
A TV show?
Dance Your Heart Out.
it's some dance show.
[chuckles dubiously]
Are you... all right?
Henry, Dance Your Heart Out
isn't just "some dance show."
It's a ridiculously popular
TV show
that airs across the country.
It's like
Dancing with the Stars,
but with regular folks
instead of celebs.
Every season,
the show goes
to a different state
and finds new people
to compete,
and the contestants
get to pick their own partner
to dance
on the show with them.
On TV?
Yes! Live on TV.
I've always wanted to do it.
I could be your partner.
I mean,
if you don't have anyone.
Oh... I would never.
[laughs] Absolutely not.
But if you wanna
take my place,
you can have it.
No, I can't.
You'd have to invite me
to be your partner,
otherwise it'd be a scandal
juicier than
The Real Housewives.
Do you even own a TV?
Look, I didn't even go
to my high school prom.
This just feels like
one big opportunity
for a whole bunch of people
to laugh at me
for having two left feet.
No, the viewers
are actually really supportive,
and there's no live audience.
Then they'll support me
in saying "No."
Thanks for
the birthday cake, Casey.
[Jess] It is weird
that he got a call
from the show that you love.
It's weirder than that...
Did you wish for that?
And he got it?
Wow. That is woo-woo.
Right? What are the odds?
Maybe it's not odds.
Maybe it's fate?
Maybe it's the universe.
Here. There's one last slice
of birthday cake just for you.
And don't believe
what the experts say
birthday cake
makes a fabulous breakfast.
Breakfast cake
is the most important cake
of the day.
[laughs] Thank you
for the lovely party.
-You're welcome.
-I love you.
I love you, too.
Okay, I'll see you soon.
[man on recording] Hello.
This is
a message for Casey Carter.
This is the office of
Estate Attorney David Davrow.
If possible,
please stop by our office
first thing in the morning.
There's a rather important
matter we need to discuss.
I have a great-aunt?
Hada great-aunt.
She was your grandmother's
younger half-sister,
on your late mother's side.
And you say
her name was Gladys?
I feel like
I would've remembered her.
The family dynamics
were complicated.
There were divorces,
and a large age gap between
your grandmother and Gladys.
They really had
no relationship.
She was also an only child
with no next-of-kin.
When did she pass?
Four months ago.
Her will was, uh,
very clear.
Her estate was to be left
to the closest living relative
we could find,
and that's you.
I just... I haven't
had any family in so long.
To find out that I did,
but I didn't even know her...
I know.
It's a lot to take in.
And now for the bad news
We had to use up
all Gladys's reserves
to pay for workers
to care for the animals
until we could
find her heir.
You're gonna have to take
possession of the property
What kind of place
did I inherit?
A farm?
How big is it?
I don't know. Big enough
that they had to hire people
that's "people,"
as in more than one person,
to manage it.
I have to find
another solution by tomorrow.
Honey, what're you gonna do?
You've never even
owned a goldfish,
never mind take care
of whatever animals
are on that farm.
Oh, no, no, no, no!
Those are work-related
help coupons,
not plowing the back-40.
No, the guy from last night.
He told me
he wanted a small farm.
I think this was his wish.
I gotta find him!
This is so insanely crazy.
I gotta go!
I'll have to postpone
my meetings until tomorrow,
but I can do that
from the road.
[pointedly] Or...
[perforation tears]
Will you please take
my meetings until I'm back?
I am so proud of you.
Is that a yes?
That is a yes. Go!
Thank you.
[indistinct exchange]
Did you wish for a farm?
what are you doing here?
Last night, you wished
you could own a small farm.
Didn't you?
I thought we weren't
telling each other our wishes?
Well, we are now.
I wished I could be
on Dance Your Heart Out.
Okay, if you're here to try
and convince me to do it,
the answer is still
"absolutely not."
-100%, actually.
-Okay, just slow down, please.
Just hear me out.
We blew out our candles
and made our wishes
at the exact same time, right?
And you immediately
got a phone call
telling you
that you got my wish
to be on the show, right?
So, this is the weird part.
It gets weirder?
At the party,
I missed a call at 7:10.
Check your phone.
What time
did your call come in?
The exact same time!
Mine was from
a trust attorney.
It turns out I had an aunt
I didn't know about.
She passed,
and I inherited her estate.
Well, sorry for your loss,
and congratulations, I guess?
It's a farm, Henry!
I inherited a small farm,
like, three miles from here!
With animals,
and other agricultural... stuff.
Look, I know
how all of this sounds,
but our wishes
got swapped, Henry.
They came true,
but we got each other's.
That makes absolutely no sense.
Just go with me here.
There's one slice of cake left.
I'm thinking
if we make our wishes again...
...they'll reverse,
and we'll get the right wishes.
You realize
how crazy this sounds?
All right. Light 'er up.
Close our eyes?
Eyes closed.
[phone chimes]
"Mr. MacMillan.
Please confirm
your participation
on Dance Your Heart Out
by end of day, today."
[Casey] It didn't work.
Okay, well...
first things first.
I now own a farm.
There's a team of people
that have been working there,
but their agreement
ends today, so...
I need someone
to take care of things
while I sort this out.
Well, good luck with that.
you're literally
the only farmer I know.
I also already have a job.
But is it a job you love?
It's a job
that will be here
long after you figure out
whatever it is
you're doing here.
Plus, I live here.
Okay. How about this?
I hire you for a year,
guaranteed, part-time,
so, you can still work,
and live, here.
I'm listening.
You could run the farm
as you see fit.
Name the chickens,
if there are any,
and bank the extra money
to own your own farm someday.
My folks taught me
to be suspicious
of something
that sounds too good to be true.
Okay, I just need
one small thing in exchange.
I knew it!
No. No, no, no.
It's just one song.
A minute, tops!
I do not dance.
But you can learn!
And you'd get
to run your own farm.
I could help?
And nobody would need to know.
You wouldn't tell anybody?
I wouldn't tell anyone.
I mean, it is on TV,
but, uh, never mind. Heh!
If you make my wish come true,
I'll make yours come true.
Okay. All right. Deal.
Now, let's go see this farm.
Sure. Uh, just, after
you respond to the dance show.
After you.
well, I guess Great-Aunt Gladys
was pretty old.
She could've used
some of those coupons you got.
Look... if you wanna back out,
I'll totally understand.
Are you kidding?
It's perfect!
I can be over
every morning and evening,
before and after my regular job,
to take care of the critters,
and on my days off,
I'll do as much of
the other work as I can.
Could use some sprucing,
but I think
I can wrangle some help for us.
Welcome to farm life, Casey...
...and, uh, watch your step.
So, where you been, cowboy?
At my...
other job.
Okay, it's no big deal.
Remember Casey
from my birthday dinner?
She inherited
a great little farm up the road,
and I've agreed to help her
with it,
for a year or...
maybe a little longer,
if things go well.
Well, who's gonna help you out,
out there?
I mean, besides me.
that's too much to ask.
Listen, Henny-Penny
Don't call me that.
When have you ever known me
to take "no" for an answer?
I'm in, too.
Mostly 'cause I hate
when you guys exclude me
from anything.
Welcome, everyone,
to this season
of Dance Your Heart Out.
I'm your host, Spencer,
and over the next few weeks,
we're gonna find out
which one of you couples
has the most soul
in those toes.
And after each couple
has done their dance,
the judges will
pass down their decisions,
which will be live
and televised.
Okay, I think that summarizes
all of the rules, so...
any questions?
All right. Let's move on
to the moment you've all
been dying to know
what dance will you be doing
in the first round?
Did he just
I'm sorry, what'd you just say?
And now, to help me
reveal our first dance,
put your hands together
for our incredible instructor
Coach Gloria!
Laying it on a little thick,
but I'll take it.
Don't... you...
worry, my dears.
I will whip you into shape
in no time.
We can't have you
embarrassing yourself
on national television
-...Can we?
-[woman] No, Ma'am.
-[man] No, no, no, no.
[whispers] That felt like
it was directed right at me.
-Feels a little pointed.
-It's not.
[Spencer chuckles]
And, for our first dance
...the Waltz!
So, like every season
on Dance Your Heart Out,
we start with all six couples,
and after the first round,
two couples will be eliminated.
Excuse me.
Spencer, was it?
Uh... new here.
"First round"
how many rounds
are there, exactly?
There are, in fact,
three rounds.
Three? Three rounds?
Yeah, you left that part out.
Excuse me.
...And, after each round,
two couples will be eliminated,
culminating in just
two couples in...
the finals,
competing head to head.
Sorry. We'll be right back.
[snaps] Henry!
[Henry] No.
-Stop following me!
You bamboozled me, Casey.
Hey, where are you going?
Three dances?
Three different rounds?
We're not advancing.
Did you see
those other couples?
Most of them
are in matching outfits!
They probably stretched
for an hour before we got here.
We're not advancing.
It doesn't matter.
Can we please just go in there
and have some fun?
I could go to Target and get us
some matching leggings first?
-Thank you.
-You're welcome
but you did know
there were three rounds.
-I did not.
-You did.
It's a simple waltz, Henry.
Let's pretend
I don't know what that means.
I don't have to pretend.
Ready, and...
One, two, three.
One, two... three.
And, okay, back, two, thr
All right, let me.
It's okay.
Henry, just try again.
[Gloria] All right. Fine.
Back, two, three.
Forward, two, thr
other foot forward.
Henry, just listen to the music.
Feel more and think less.
I am feeling it.
I'm feeling like I should
be anywhere else in the world.
I think
that's an inside thought.
It was not.
...One, two, three.
Back, two, three.
Left, two, thr
The other left.
Other left!
Henry... your leftfoot.
That is my left foot.
[Gloria] Other left!
Casey, wait up!
Wait, why are we
going to the bakery?
Because I have to figure out
how this happened.
Right, and how is going
to the bakery gonna do that?
That's where
my birthday cake came from,
and my birthday cake
is ground zero
for this whole thing.
So, I'm thinking, if I can
just talk to the baker
and see if he did something
magical to the cake, maybe
Casey, just...
stop for a second, okay?
Just slow down
and really think about
what you're saying.
I just can't figure out
if this whole thing
actually is magic
why would the universe
swap my wish
with someone that can't dance?
I honestly don't know,
but what I do know
is that it's not
the cake's fault.
Look, you know I believe
in the stars aligning
and all of that,
but I don't think
you're gonna find
the answers
that you're looking for
by interrogating
some poor baker.
I think you just need
to see this through,
and trust the journey.
You're right.
I know.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
And if we don't figure it out,
we will come back here
and we will
interrogate that baker.
[laughing] Okay, good.
Can we go to work, please?
Thank you.
[Casey] You did want
a cookie, though.
About time
you slackers showed up.
Casey, we love the farm!
Thank you for giving
the frequently-disagreeable Hank
this opportunity.
Stop calling me that.
Well, you are
frequently disagreeable.
That may be,
but it doesn't mean
I like being called "Hank,"
or "Hen,"
or any of the other names
she calls me.
I'm Peter. Nice to meet you.
You too.
Okay, Henry,
where do you want us?
Uh, start with the dairy cows.
Charlotte, see if you can
rig up a scratching post
for them
in the pasture.
There should be some old brushes
we can re-purpose.
On it.
Changed your clothes?
Yeah, you know,
I had them lying around.
where do you want me?
Casey, you don't
have to do this.
I know. Where do you want me?
This way.
All right.
[gate thuds]
Why don't we start
with the chickens?
All right.
After you take the eggs,
you bring 'em
to the refrigerator bay...
but, first,
let the girls out in the yard,
and scatter
some feed for 'em, okay?
how do I get the eggs
from under the chickens?
"Feel more... think less."
Tch. Nice.
Okay, ladies.
This is gonna be
a little invasive.
-[hens clucking]
-I know, I know... heh.
Have you ever heard of a hen
named "Chicken Little"?
She was sweet,
but a little dramatic...
not unlike you.
one day,
an acorn
dropped right on her head
Got it!
[farmer video
plays indistinctly]
[farmer] ...I like to clean off
her bag and her teats
so we don't get
any contaminates in the milk.
You know, one thing that is
really helpful with her,
is that she's used
to being milked,
so she's gonna
stand real still
-Whatcha doin'?
-...And be gentle.
Uh, nothing. Ahem.
You ever milked a cow before?
No, but I've seen it
done before.
Oh, yeah?
The Amish reality show.
A bucket and stool
will do in a pinch,
but over at Eagle Canyon...
we've got
state-of-the-art technology
and an automated milking parlor.
Well, out here, we don't have
an automated milking parlor.
Like I said...
this'll do in a pinch.
Besides, it wouldn't kill you
to ask for a little help.
Come on.
I'll show you how it's done.
You want to get your thumb
and forefinger
as high as possible...
and gently squeeze
the remaining fingers,
top to bottom, always down...
never up.
Got it. My turn.
All right.
[stool scrapes floor]
[milk hitting pail]
I'm doing it!
[laughs] Yeah, you are.
Not bad for your first time.
Can we drink it?
-Absolutely not.
-How come?
Because we didn't bother
with pesky things
like disinfectant
or cleaning equipment.
Are you taking a tone with me
over cow hygiene?
No tone taken here.
Here. Like... that.
Thanks for your hard work
today, Charlotte.
It's the least I can do.
And you sure
you don't need a ride back?
Peter's gonna take me.
Sure. Hop in.
Thanks. Also,
can you run me into town
to pick up a few things?
Uh, I don't know.
I mean, I can still go
with my uncle.
No, no!
I'll give you a ride.
We did so much today.
[engine rumbles]
Wow, this is beautiful.
Magic hour on the farm.
Chores are done for the day,
everyone's cared for,
and gates are locked
for the night.
And then you get up
and do it all over again.
Just like your job.
I guess so.
But... around here,
it's about community.
You can't do it all
by yourself.
Can I...
tell you a little story?
All right, bear with me.
A young farmhand
applied for a job
with a grumpy old farmer
who didn't want any help,
but his wife
liked the young man,
so she forced her husband
to hire him anyway.
Sometime later,
the farmer and his wife wake up
to a violent storm.
He shoots out of bed
to make sure
everything's secure,
only to discover
that the windows are latched,
the tools and tractors
were safely stowed,
and all the animals
were calm in the barn
with plenty of feed.
It was in that moment
the farmer understood
the importance
of leaning on others.
He learned to trust.
if there was a...
person who was being
asked by her coworkers
to delegate and trust
a little more,
said person might do better
if they learned to ask for help
once in a while.
Well, if I meet a person
like that
...I will make sure
to let them know.
Growing up...
it was just me and my mom,
and she worked all the time... I was alone a lot,
and I got pretty good
at being self-sufficient.
Guess I also got pretty bad
at asking for help.
Where's your mom now?
She passed
right when I started college.
All those years,
I only thought I was alone...
...then I found out
what being alone
really feels like.
Trusting people after that
just got tougher, you know?
this waltz isn't
going to rehearse itself.
You ready?
All right, but first,
can I tell you a secret?
I am not a good dancer.
No, Mr. MacMillan,
you are not...
but you're a hard worker,
and dedicated,
and you know
how to trust yourself,
I'm thinking,
you close your eyes.
Come on, close 'em!
Oh, man...
Why do guys always
get the nicest eyelashes?
I promise,
I'm grateful for them every day.
Okay, seriously.
Keep them closed
and just do one thing
trust yourself.
Wait, wait, wait!
Uh, you're gonna
keep yours open, though, right?
Because if we dance
off the back of this truck...
Okay, revised instructions.
Trust yourself
and trust me.
Just relax.
No one's watching.
[competition waltz plays]
Casey Carter
and Henry MacMillan...
Hi, Spencer!
So, Casey, I heard
you're a corporate recruiter?
That's right.
And Henry...
you're a farmer?
A real farmer?
I've got the overalls
and everything.
[Spencer chortles]
And so, why did you two
decide to dance together?
w-we were celebrating
our birthdays
at the same restaurant
when Henry got the call,
so I agreed to help him
learn how to dance if he
...Agreed to teach her
how to milk a cow.
At which
I am an "udder" failure.
See what I have to deal with?
Cute couple.
So, Henry...
what are you hoping for?
Just for this nightmare
to be over, Spencer.
We got a real comedian
here today!
Oh, and it looks like
the judges have reached
their final decision.
[velcro rips]
I don't normally agree
with the judges,
but, this time,
the decision is unanimous
across the board.
to the next round is...
Team One!
Next, we have...
Team... Three!
Team Four!
And, last but not least,
[Casey laughs]
That's right, Henry
looks like
you'll be coming back next week,
where our four
remaining couples
will be competing in...
[dance chips clattering]
[drum rolling]
...Swing dancing!
[dryly] Great!
[water spraying]
[Charlotte and Peter laughing]
[water splashing]
Hey, back to work.
Okay, just click the link
to upload your resume.
Great! I look forward
to working with you.
Oh, bless.
So, tell me everything.
That was my second new client
this morning.
I should've
gone on TV years ago!
And it has me inspired
to want to help my clients
more long-term.
I'm actually putting together
a presentation.
Did you think
I meant "work-related"?
Okay, fine, but I have to be
at a meeting in five minutes.
So, rapid-fire. Go.
Okay. How was Spencer?
He's a little into himself,
but not nearly as much
as I thought.
Oh. What are
the other couples like?
Honestly, really nice.
They're kinda treating us
like the underdogs.
Do you get to keep that dress?
-I wish.
-Has Henry kissed you yet?
What? No!
Oh, come on.
I've seen you two on TV.
It's called performing, Jess.
Mm, mm-mm.
Sorry, I don't buy it.
Okay, well, buy it or not,
this is all temporary.
I don't even have time
to think about anything else.
Between work and the farm
and dance rehearsals every day,
I am exhausted.
But I am kind of excited to be
doing something for myself
for once.
Oh, I'm excited for you, too.
-Thank you.
-I still think he's into you.
Because there is no story
that can't be told
as a love story
which is from Billy Crystal.
That was Billy Wilder!
Billy Wilder said that, too!
Their They
Both of them said it.
I-I know they did.
Did you guys drop a truck
on the Wicked Witch of the Farm?
Good one.
I mean, I'm just here
to tease him,
because there's no way
he's getting this thing started.
As much as it kills me,
she might be right.
Try it now!
[starter chugs, fails to fire]
[engine sputters and stalls]
[mock announcing]
That was attempt number 132.
Will Uncle Hennifer
go for 133?
Don't count him out yet,
That is one
determined farmer down there.
None of this... is helping!
Okay, try it one more time!
[ignition turns,
engine rumbles to life]
All right!
All right, shut 'er down.
[shuts engine off]
I am impressed!
Is there anything
you can't do?
Just swing dance.
See? Just because
something's old
doesn't mean
it's not still useful.
I don't think he's talking
about my truck anymore.
No, this birthday
really affected him.
So, I got something
for you guys.
It's in the office.
With everyone coming and going,
I thought it would be smart
to have a check-off board.
So, if you do something,
you just initial in the box.
That way, if we're not here
at the same time,
we know
who has done what.
That's actually
a brilliant idea.
Of course, it is.
A woman thought of it.
[goats bleating]
Okay, okay.
Hold on!
Ah... ah... ah!
[panics and chuckles]
[bleating persists]
[Casey] Henry!
[whimpers and yelps]
For the record,
I did ask for help.
That was after
you got into trouble.
Baby steps.
You're still gonna make me
swing dance tonight, aren't you?
Sure am.
[phone ringing]
hold on.
What's going on?
Do you know
the comedian George Grant?
That was him.
He saw us
on Dance Your Heart Out,
and thought our "schtick" was,
and I quote,
And it gets weirder
he's in town for a few days
and his opening act canceled,
and he asked
if we would open for him,
which I told him,
we'd never do, but...
[words catch]
I am so sorry.
You did this?
Casey, how many wishes
did you make that night?
I make a list
every year on my birthday.
Of resolutions?
No, a list of things
I want to accomplish that year,
and I put them in a little file
on my computer desktop
to remind me
every day to do them.
Like a bucket list?
No, a birthday list.
Three things.
Every year.
So, technically,
getting on Dance Your Heart Out
wasn't your wish.
Your wish
was for your bucket list
"Birthday list."
...Birthday list,
to come true?
-And dancing was just
-number one on that list?
And why didn't you mention
the other two?
Because I only made one wish
to "do my birthday list."
And stand-up comedy
...Is the second thing
on the list.
But, seriously, I was thinking
some open-mic night!
Well, I'm off the hook.
I only made a deal to dance.
Well, technically,
you made a deal
to make my wish come true.
No. No, I do not remember.
I do,
because I specifically
worded it that way.
So you pulled a fast one?
Casey, why does it
have to be stand-up comedy?
Why couldn't you wish
for something fun?
It's going to be so much fun!
Especially because
we get to do it together.
Trust me.
-Trust you?
-Come on, we're funny!
We can do this.
Come on.
And it'll give you something
to tell your grandkids about,
other than stories about
the time the well-pump exploded.
Well-pumps don't explode.
They do if you don't know
what you're doing.
Okay, what's wish number three?
Number three?
Oh, on my list?
Uh, don't worry about that.
Why not?
Because number three
has nothing to do with you.
You can't do it.
Casey, I don't want
to do stand-up comedy.
What if I sweetened the pot?
With what?
What if...
What What if...
I gave you half-ownership
of the farm,
and you could
live in the farmhouse for free?
And, that way,
you could quit your other job,
and just be here full-time.
-Why not?
Because at some point,
the third thing on your list
is gonna come up,
and I'm not gonna wanna do it,
and you're gonna get mad
and kick me out.
Poof! You are officially
released from number three,
and I guarantee,
you can live on this farm
for free for two years,
even if I get mad at you,
which, let's face it,
is fairly likely.
[grumbly sigh]
Where are you going?
To get my stuff...
and quit.
[truck door shuts]
[engine turns over]
[swing music plays]
Come on, Gloria.
How about that?
You're not as hopeless
as I thought.
[Casey laughs]
I will take that as a success.
Don't let success
go to your head.
And don't let a failure
go to your heart, am I right?
Thank you, Gloria!
[laughs] She loves me.
[laughing giddily]
[swing music plays on video]
What are you doing?
-Uh... nothing.
-[shuts video off]
Was that a swing-dance video?
I'm sorry.
Do you need something?
I could use your help.
Well, I could be
proud of you for asking.
Can it!
There is a mutant rat
in the chicken coop.
He's hissing at me
and I'm scared
he's gonna jump on my face.
Please help!
That is an opossum,
not a rat,
and it's more likely
to eat all the eggs in the coop
than do any face-jumping.
I'm getting a broom.
But face-jumping
is still on the table, isn't it?
[Henry] No.
[gate thuds shut]
So, listen...
uh, we've been
working pretty hard,
and it got me thinking
it might be time
to reward ourselves...
with some fun.
Work-life balance
big fan.
So... what do you have in mind?
don't go far enough
Rose-tinted glasses
make fools of us
Looking back
Way too long ago
to see it clearly now...
Here you go.
Oh, thank you, Casey!
Mac is not giving up
his Grill Master title easily.
I'm sure Henry
is taking all of his advice
with an open heart
and a willingness to compromise.
[both laughing]
Okay... maybe not!
Henry's never been good
at giving up control.
I get that.
But he does seem
to value your opinion.
[scoffs] Sometimes!
So... where's your family?
Do they live nearby?
Um, no family.
It's just me, now.
Well, then you're welcome
to join us anytime.
All right, come help me get
those salads from the fridge.
Hey, you busy?
Cool. So, listen.
Do you know if Charlotte
is, you know, seeing anyone?
Or would like
to go out, maybe,
with-with me, I mean?
Maybe you should
write her a note.
I can pass it to her
in gym class.
She can circle
"Yes," "No," or "Maybe."
I should probably ask her, huh?
You know, you could do
some asking yourself.
Okay, no!
But seriously, okay?
Lasso? That's cowboy stuff.
That's not farmer stuff.
Is that what they do?
Are you sure about that?
I don't know.
Throwing a lasso isn't easy.
I've never heard him
talk about it.
Me neither!
That's because
a bull doesn't need
to claim its turf
with a roar, Pops.
But a bull doesn't roar,
does it?
You know what I mean
and besides,
you've never
seen me do any farming!
That's not true.
Remember that year
you dug up all my flowers
to plant tomatoes and corn?
On the other hand,
we never knew
he could waltz either.
[overlapping] Ooh!
Okay, guys. Guys!
We're getting sidetracked here.
Let's get back
to the question at hand.
do we think Henry can lasso?
is he making things up again?
Let's see a show of hands.
-I vote "no," he cannot.
-One no.
He's my son.
He can do anything.
-[Simon] One-one.
-[Charlotte] Definitive.
Oh, no. I'm staying neutral.
I'm like Switzerland.
Smart girl. Casey?
I'm voting "yes,"
because Henry runs modest,
so if he says
he can do something,
I believe him.
Well, I'm a no,
so, that makes it two-two.
So, now, the only way
to break the tie, I guess...
is to see it, brother.
Come on, cowboy.
All right.
Yes. Yes!
-[all cheering]
-Go, Henry!
There's magic in the air.
-Come on, Henry! Come on!
-All right.
Come on, Henry.
You can do it.
-All right.
[all cheering and laughing]
Not bad for a dancer.
Thank you.
Follow your heart
To Venus or Mars
Why don't ya?
Take your planes, trains
and cars
To somewhere
the past can't haunt ya
Don't be afraid
to carry the weight
You know that I will wait
So, follow your heart
to Venus or Mars
Why don't ya?
If the world starts
to feel lonely
You know
turning back is
Just come home
Come home
Be serious!
I am being serious.
We cannot name the farm
"Udder Delight".
Oh, what about something
with "Meadows" in it?
Kinda sappy for a farm.
Sounds like
a retirement home...
for cows!
[distant howling]
Just coyotes,
and a reminder it's time
for my nightly rounds.
"Nightly rounds"?
Last thing I do every night.
Make sure
the good critters are inside...
and the bad critters
are outside.
You can come with,
or stay here
with the coyotes.
I'll come with.
They seem like
a good audience, right?
[Henry] Yeah, except
I am not qualified
to judge the demeanor of a mob.
Uh, first off,
it's an audience, not a mob
and we know our routine!
We got this.
Besides, even if we bomb,
no one's gonna know.
No, it's not like
everybody out there
doesn't have
a phone in their pocket!
They don't, actually.
George Grant doesn't allow
recordings at his shows.
He's super-strict about it.
-I think it's so he can
test out new jokes.
Okay, okay. You're right.
It's fine.
I'm gonna be fine.
We're gonna be fine!
We're gonna be great.
I mean, what's the worst
that could happen?
...And that's how
we ended up here.
Henry, anything
you'd like to add?
Like, maybe that joke
about bad first dates
that we rehearsed
a million times?
in case y'all hadn't noticed,
Henry has left us
...And since our routine
requires two people with pulses,
I'm gonna have to do
a little off-roading here.
[whispering] Casey
Maybe we should
involve the audience.
Anyone have any questions?
Uh, yes,
you in the flowered top.
[woman's voice] My question
is for the man in the coma.
Bold move, but let's try.
Sir, what's the dumbest thing
you've ever done on a farm?
I'm guessing "agreeing
to do stand-up with Casey,"
but let's see how this unfolds.
that's absolutely right.
Oh, and/or,
the great goat escape of 2019.
"The great goat escape
of 2019"?
Uh, care to elaborate?
I... do not.
[crowd chuckling]
Are you the hero
of this story?
I am not.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to hear
these details later.
I'm taking that story
to my grave.
We'll see about that.
Okay, anyone else?
You, in the back.
What is
your favorite dance move?
Yeah, you.
Do y'all wanna see it?
[crowd applauds]
Leaning on a wall,
watching other people dance.
That's it.
That's the move.
Oh, it looks like
that's our time.
I know! I know, I know.
But you can catch us
live tomorrow night
on Dance Your Heart Out,
where we will attempt
to swing dance.
Uh, followed by
"ER Visit with Casey,"
after he faceplants me.
I'm not gonna drop her.
You say that
with the delusional confidence
of man who has already
dropped me multiple times.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please grab a drink
and a break,
and up next is,
everyone's favorite
George Grant!
[loud cheering and applause]
[laughing giddily]
Thank you
for doing that with me.
Thank you
for saving the day back there.
Did you know Charlotte, Peter,
and Jess were gonna be here?
I worked it out with them,
in case we needed
a little ice-breaker.
And you didn't think
you could maybe... tell me?
It's no big deal.
They came to support us,
and step in,
in case one of us needed it.
A wise man once told me
that having a community
of people around to help
is so important.
Okay, fair enough.
Also, I think
Charlotte and Peter
wanted to ask each other out,
but didn't know how,
so, presto
they're on a date.
So you are matchmaking now?
Let's call it...
"romantic recruiter."
So, listen...
you know I make
my birthday list every year.
But what you don't know
is that
this is the first year
I've done more than one item
on the list.
In fact...
most years,
I don't do any of them.
now, you've already done two.
I have.
Thanks to you.
And you've got
the whole rest of the year
to do the third thing
on your list,
which you are still
being very evasive about.
Number three remains firmly
in the land of "my business,"
which does not intersect
in the land of "your business"
at any point.
And you say that,
but I am still
waiting for a call
from Shark Encounters,
There will be no phone call.
I promise.
[phone starts ringing]
[relieved laughter]
Hold on. Hello?
Thank you!
Yes, thank you.
I love you, too.
Yeah, but...
don't call me that.
All right.
Well, have fun.
Charlotte and Peter
are on their way
to Hancock's...
...on a date.
Can we do that, too,
I mean, uh,
go get ice cream there?
I hear it's delicious.
Hancock's ice cream
will make you a better person.
[drum intro pops
as swing music rises]
[hushed] I didn't drop you.
[quietly] I still want
that goat story.
[Spencer] It truly
has been difficult tonight,
because these four teams
have been spectacular,
but, unfortunately,
two couples
do have to go home.
-[drum rolling]
to the finals
you know, this reminds me
of that one time, last season
O-Okay! Okay.
[chortling jovially]
Advancing to the final round...
[drum rolling] team Number Three.
And the last couple
to head to the finals
Team Number
Now, on to the final dance...
It's one of my favorites.
The Tango!
[tango music rises]
We got this.
If you say so.
And we'll see ya next time
on Dance Your Heart Out!
In these days
of online job ads
and A.I. auto-responses,
it's important
we continue to evolve
to stay competitive.
My proposal
is we actually go back
to the basics
for a more hands-on approach.
No, not "hands-on."
"Personal touch"?
that sounds like a car wash.
[knocking on door]
How's the presentation going?
I'm still trying
to find the best way
to convince
a few change-resistant people
that we have to try
new things.
Well, if anyone can,
you can.
That looks familiar.
My favorite place.
Right there in front
the infamous birthday list.
Sure is. Ahem.
You know, not knowing
is driving me crazy.
I know... but it still
doesn't concern you.
Fair enough.
[claps his thighs]
I should get
to cleaning some gutters
and leave you to work.
Sounds like a good time.
Always is.
See you later?
[footsteps receding]
I can't look
at that presentation anymore.
I just spent
five minutes agonizing
about which version of
to, too, or two I should use.
Well, you can
forget all that,
because it's time
"to" dance T-O
now that you're here, "too"
and... it takes "two"
-[plays tango track] tango.
[tango music swells
on barn speakers]
[Casey laughs]
The perfect end
to a long day of farming
and dancing.
And recruiting.
And recruiting!
How could I forget?
You were right about
Hancock's ice cream.
Told ya.
It is making me
a better person.
I thought of a name
for the farm, by the way.
What's that?
"Wishful Meadows."
It's perfect.
And if not, we could always
go back to my first idea
Poultry In Motion.
You're like
a walking dad joke.
Yeah, I should put that
on my resume.
You should!
thanks to you and Aunt Gladys,
I won't be needing my resume
for a long, long time.
That's true.
Are you still
getting client calls
from everyone
who's seen you on TV?
Sure am.
My bosses are happy
about that part, at least.
...But they don't like me
working out here.
They want me available
all day, every day.
And I guess,
after we finish our tango,
I'll be going back to that.
I won't be out here
nearly as much.
It's just...
being out here every day
felt like...
...I was doing something
for myself, you know?
You brighten this place up.
Besides, you haven't even
named any of the chickens yet.
That's true...
and, clearly, you cannot be
trusted to do that without me.
Ahem. You know...
I've been thinking
about starting my own business,
especially now that people
are calling and asking for me
not the company,
in general.
I think that's a great idea.
but I'm not like you.
You knew what you wanted
and you went after it.
I have a hard time...
Prioritizing your happiness?
[coyotes howling]
[chuckles] It's okay.
They can't hurt you.
You're safe.
They sound really close.
It's just coyotes
doin' coyote things.
You wanna
come on rounds with me?
I should really review
my presentation one more time,
and get home,
but I'll see you
at dance rehearsals.
Hey, Casey...
text me
when you're home safe?
Goodnight, ladies.
[coyote howls]
[rooster crows]
[crowing continues]
[phone ringing]
[Jess] Hey! You missed
the meeting this morning.
Are you on your way
to dance rehearsal?
No, I overslept.
Well, what's the status
on the presentation?
Do you want me to proof it?
Yes! Please.
Um, let me send that to you.
That's weird.
I'll call you back.
[engine shuts off]
[Charlotte] Casey?
Good morning.
Thanks for coming in early
to help.
You look nice this morning.
I'm still having trouble
with the-the head-whip
on the pivot turn.
[Gloria] Yup, I noticed.
You're turning your head
too slowly.
It's supposed
to end the sequence.
All right, let's do it.
[stomping up stairs]
[confused] Hey.
Right! I...
have someone I need to see
right now,
What's going on?
Do you have
something to tell me?
You snooped on my computer.
You just had to know,
didn't you?
Okay. Yes, but
I told you
the list wasn't your business,
but you looked anyway.
No, you invaded my privacy!
Okay, you're right.
And I'm sorry,
but I-I thought
that i-if I could just
get to know you
that little bit more
But I didn't want you to know!
Casey, all it said was that
you wanted to find love.
I don't understand
why that's such a bad thing.
It's not bad.
It's embarrassing.
It's been the third thing
on my list for years,
and it's never happened.
You know...
I actually started to believe
that all this swirling around us
really was magic,
and I thought, after we did
the first two things on my list,
that I thought maybe
this was the year
that I finally found...
Wishing for love
can't make it real.
Casey, come on.
We can talk this through!
The only thing through is us.
Goodbye, Henry.
Casey, come on!
[keys clacking loudly]
[forceful typing continues]
Do you have a vendetta
against computers?
Just making a few final tweaks
to my presentation.
So, you ready
for Dancetomorrow?
[clacking stops]
You wanna talk about it?
[sighs sadly]
[concerned] Hey!
Uncle Henry.
Casey had
that exact face this morning.
What happened?
Did you guys have a fight?
[shuffles his feet]
What did you do?
[Jess] Yes, I-I would
be upset about that, too,
if I'm being honest.
Right? Snooping on my computer?
I can't believe he did that.
pulling him
into your wish list,
and then refusing
to tell him the last one
I mean, that's old
closed-off-Casey kinda stuff
that you used to do
in every relationship.
I would probably snoop, too.
You're taking his side?
There are no sides!
Why does there
have to be sides?
All I see are
two strong, independent people
trying to navigate
a relationship,
and, sometimes...
getting it wrong.
I love you.
You're my best friend,
and it has been so nice to see
the person that does everything
for everyone else
make some time for herself.
Before you walk away
from all this,
I really want you
to ask yourself
is that what you want?
I don't know.
But I do know
that I have to finish
my presentation.
[keys begin clacking]
Do you want any help?
[tersely] No, I got it.
That's what I thought.
[Henry, shakily]
And that's it it's over.
Why is it over?
Because she never
wants to see me again.
You messed up
and you had a fight,
that's all
people fight.
And then, the person
who did wrong
in this case, very much you
and promises
to do better next time.
You don't take your ball
and go home
the first time
there's a problem.
What she said.
Look. What matters
is that Casey changed everything
the day she came into your life.
Wish one
you dance now.
You never did that before.
Wish two? You did stand-up
and don't forget,
she saved your bacon
on that stage.
And wish three?
Like it or not, Uncle Henna,
you fell in love,
and when you're in love,
you don't do anything
to risk losing that,
so go make this right.
But I don't know
how to do that
without putting myself
way, way out there.
Then put yourself
way, way out there.
Again, what she said.
That experience led me
to consider this paradigm shift
in the way
we approach recruiting.
I understand
that this is a different way
of thinking,
but this new philosophy
will help our clients find out
what they actually want,
instead of just helping them
find the next job.
[knocking on glass]
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry to interrupt.
I won't take much of your time,
but, Casey...
...I need your help.
I messed up.
I overstepped
and I am so sorry,
I know deep in my heart
that your third wish
has already come true,
I have fallen
so deeply for you.
I love you, Casey Carter.
I love you, too.
And... if
you'll do me the honor
of dancing with me tonight,
I promise
to make
all your dreams come true,
forever and ever
and ever.
We would be on the air
in an hour.
Jess, will you
wrap things up for me?
Yeah, obviously.
Let's go.
-Let's go!
-Okay! Yeah-ha-ha!
-[Casey laughing]
now that I'm in charge,
let's see a show of hands of who
wants to wrap this meeting up
so we can see Henry and Casey
dance on live television?
Oh, come on!
You know you want to.
Yes! Great!
Meeting adjourned.
Somebody, go get popcorn.
[tango music playing
on television]
[Spencer] Wow! Just gorgeous,
Couple Number Three!
Thank you.
Um, so unfortunately,
it looks like
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
We're sorry we're late.
We're sorry we're late.
Never mind.
Here they are!
Life on a farm!
-But we're here now
and ready to tango,
I've never seen him
do that face before.
All righty, then!
Let's, uh,
let's see what ya got.
[whispers] I'm about to make
all your wishes come true.
You already have.
[tango track begins,
bold and romantic]
[Jess] Oh, she's going in!
[crowd applauding]
[office cheering]
Yes! That is my girl!
[applause continues]
what's next for Ms. Carter?
I am gonna start
my own business
where I can implement
all of my own ideas.
I like it.
Which means...
I'll be able to spend
more time out here.
I've realized
I just wanna spend time
with the things I love
Wishful Meadows
being with you.
Well, that's great...
because this farm,
and this farmer,
love you right back.
You know...
now that I've done all
the things on my birthday list,
I have to figure out
what to wish for next year.
I'm coming home...
[man] Sometimes,
all it takes
is a chance meeting
with the right person
at the right time
for magic to truly happen.