The Wolf (2024) Movie Script

(tense music)
(clock ticking)
(paws pattering)
(clock ticking)
(wolf growls and barks)
(tense music continues)
(clock ticking)
So tell me, (glass taps)
how long you been toting
that rifle of yours around?
16 years.
Mm. 16.
You know, I haven't even
heard of another white man
carry a gun around the
reservation for that long.
My father grew up on that land.
Mm. So what do you hunt mostly?
- Wolves.
- Wolves.
Good answer. You any good at it?
- Still alive.
- Yeah, I can see that.
So how many wolves have you killed?
I mean, in all those 16 years?
(clears throat) What was that?
Hmm, you're confused?
Yeah, yeah, you're
damn right I'm confused.
You mean to tell me in all those 16 years
you never killed one wolf?
See, the thing is you
never really kill a wolf.
Sure, you might put it down,
but it never really dies.
So what does it do? What happens to it?
It becomes part of you.
Hmm. (envelope crinkling)
You're definitely the man for the job.
(hand tapping)
- What's this?
Half pay up front, the other half you get
when you kill the wolf
that's been tearing up
all my weanlings, my calves.
I mean, that's if you think you can do it
before the first freeze sets in.
And how do you know it's a wolf?
What else would it be?
Big cat, couple drunk kids
with too much time on their hands.
Ah, well, whatever it is,
I need you to take care of it.
We got a deal or not?
(Arawn exhales) (envelope crinkling)
I'll call you in three days.
(envelope crinkling)
(footsteps thudding)
So is that a no?
(soft dramatic music)
(Ron exhales and slurps)
(glass taps)
(birds chirping)
(rifle fires and clacks)
(soft dramatic music continues)
- What's this?
- It's your wolf.
Kinda small, ain't it?
(inhales and exhales)
(lighter clicks)
See any others out there?
(exhales) Hard to tell.
Anything turns up between now and spring,
you know where to find me.
Tracks are harder to follow
when the frost sets in.
So what are you, what
are you gonna do with this?
(exhales) Take it to be blessed,
head over to fish and game.
They'll destroy it.
Take it to be blessed?
Need I remind you that
this thing has killed
seven of my calves, and
while you were just thinking
this whole deal over, it
bit into two of my horses!
I swear, you natives are
on your afterlife bullshit!
(Ron sighing)
(sighs) Listen, I,
I shouldn't have said all that. I'm sorry.
I appreciate you taking this down.
(envelope crinkling)
(door clicks)
(door bangs) (keys jangling)
I'm sorry. (engine starting)
(tense music)
(engine revving)
(tense music continues)
(door clicks and creaks)
(door thuds)
(swallows) Got a new
loophole for the rifle.
Interesting. What, what is that?
Scope. Gonna calibrate
it when I get home.
Sounds fun.
It is if you know how to do it right.
And who, ah, who taught
you how to do that?
Calibrate a rifle scope?
Same person taught me to do laundry.
(sighs) My father.
Is, is that insinuating
that men are incapable
of doing their own laundry?
Did I say that?
(sighs) My father was the man of the house.
You know, he taught me to do man stuff.
Mom, Mom just helped with the kid shit.
- Such as?
- I don't know.
How to put chocolate chips
in my fucking pancakes.
Stay with that. Your father.
(Arawn sighs) (pen scratching)
He'd rather talk about the
forestock than your grades.
Huh. Bolt handle, ejection port, cartridge.
Used to quiz me at the dinner table.
I know every part and piece to that rifle.
I'm, I'm curious.
Were there any consequences if you ever
answered incorrectly?
I don't know. Never did.
See, he told me I should know my rifle
like the back of my hand.
That's my point, I mean, know it like
the back of your hand or what?
(exhales) You know what
animal's the smartest hunter?
See, when they spot their prey,
they wait for the rains to come.
[Dr. Tawny] (exhales) Why?
That's when their prey
is the most vulnerable.
And what if it doesn't rain?
Then they'll wait for it to get dark.
Just, whenever their prey's the weakest.
They work to separate it from
its herd and they conquer it.
Plus their heart's twice
the size of a lion's.
- So?
- So, that means
they can run twice as far.
What are they teaching
kids in school these days?
- Math boxes.
- Uh, what the hell is that?
I'll tell you what it is.
It's a waste of time.
A rifle, that's real shit, it's what kids
should be learning.
And, and what does all this have to do
with learning the parts of a rifle?
You have to know everything
about your methods.
If you don't, you're more
likely to slip and lose.
(tense music)
(notebook rustling) You're prey for...
You ever heard of a dog wolf?
It's what you get when
you mix a domesticated dog
with a predator like a wolf.
(Arawn exhales)
You have a man's best friend.
Run into that, into the wild.
People think it'll wanna play.
(tense music continues)
It doesn't.
Sure, it seems nice in the beginning,
but then it, it attacks.
And did you ever know anyone like that?
Started out one way and then,
then became someone else?
(soft dramatic music)
(birds chirping) (door creaking)
(door thuds)
(trunk clacks)
(vehicle whirring)
(door creaks and thuds)
(truck door creaks and bangs)
(door creaks and thuds)
[Liz] Good morning.
Liz. Something I can help you with?
(sighs) Yeah. I was
hoping you had a second.
- Okay.
- So we found something down
at the reservation I need
you to take a look at.
- This afternoon.
- No.
It's gotta be quicker than that
Wolf? Big cat?
Told the chief about those fences.
Coyotes are basically
laughing at him at this point.
This is something else.
It's best if you just
came in and had a look.
(birds chirping)
(tense music) (truck door clicks)
(truck door bangs)
(engine starting)
(truck door bangs) (engine starting)
(engines revving)
(chimes jingling)
That's Amanda.
Are you sure?
You told her father yet?
(sighs) Nah, I wanted to be sure first.
I didn't find an ID on the body, so...
Yeah, well, it's definitely her.
FBI gonna help with this? (Liz exhales)
No, tribal police don't want
outsiders helping with this.
This is a homicide.
(sighs) So the markings on the body.
(Arawn sighs)
Bert's trailer's just
a couple miles from here.
There's no shoes. (Liz sniffing)
She was running.
- How do you know that?
- Look.
No heel imprint.
Like I said, she was running.
From what?
(sighs) So can you
help us hunt this wolf?
Go find her father.
I'll know where to find you later.
(soft dramatic music)
(static beeping on radio)
We got a positive ID on the body.
Someone inform Bert.
(birds chirping)
(truck whirring)
(truck door clicks)
(truck door thuds)
(soft dramatic music continues)
I wish there was some way we could
turn the clock back a day or two.
I don't know. Maybe we
could have done something.
Why is it when there's a tragedy,
you white men always find it necessary
to come up with something to say?
(Arawn exhales)
She mention anything? Was she unhappy?
Native teens are never happy.
(engine starting)
(crows cawing)
- I'm sorry.
(engine idling)
What if it was your little girl?
I came to see you, didn't I?
Don't beat me up for it, please.
(sighs) What was she
even doing out there?
Have to ask tribal police.
I don't deal in circumstance.
You know that. (engine revving)
What do you deal in?
(Arawn inhales and exhales)
We're getting older now
like our fathers were
when they passed.
Under the same moon, find the same demons
on this godforsaken land.
Nothing good ever happens here anymore.
(tense music)
You want me to kill
the wolf, say the word.
I want you to find the animal
that took my little girl from me.
You'll have recompense.
You have my word.
(footsteps tapping)
(Bert sighing)
(tense music continues)
(birds chirping)
(door clicks)
(door thuds) (engine starting)
(engine revving)
(door clicks)
(door thuds)
(trees rustling) (branch cracking)
(truck whirring) (door clicks)
(door thuds)
(door clicks)
(keys jangling) (door beeping)
(Liz exhales) (doors thudding)
[Liz] It looks like you're on the clock
Doing this for Bert. No one else.
Yeah, I understand.
You want some company? It's
a lot of ground to cover.
I work better alone.
Well, at least let me
know if you spot anything.
(radio clicks)
- Three.
I'm on three day or night.
(door clicks and thuds)
(keys jangling) (tense music)
(engine starting)
(shift clacking)
(signal beeping)
(birds chirping)
(footsteps pattering)
(eerie music)
(wolf snarling) (paws pattering)
(rifle fires and clacks)
(birds chirping)
(suspenseful music)
(footsteps pattering)
(wolf growling)
(footsteps pattering)
(wolf growling)
(footsteps pattering)
Did it ever bother you that your mother
was absent for most of your childhood?
- Bother me?
- Yeah, I mean,
do you ever think about it?
Did I say that I did?
You suggested it the last time we met.
Chocolate chips in the, in the pancakes.
(breathes uneasily) What
can I do about that now?
Did it hurt? Sure.
Every woman in my life,
it's what they do. They go.
(soft dramatic music)
Now you're talking about Nicki.
We're talking about my mother.
But you said every woman.
Who else is there?
I'm not talking about a break. I'm done.
(Arawn scoffing) (glass tapping)
(rain pattering)
Huh. Are you just gonna stand
there all sad and drunk?
Is that all you got? Answer me.
What do you want me to say?
It's been eight years, Arawn. Eight.
And if this is who you
wanna become, then...
What? You'll leave?
(scoffs) Should I stay?
No, seriously. Give me one
good reason why I should stay.
(Arawn scoffs) You're not gonna change.
I'm not gonna change.
This thing did the changing
for the both of us.
And now we're both standing here,
hoping one of us can catch
our breath long enough
to save whatever it is we have left.
(Arawn sighing)
(rain pattering)
(mug taps) (keys jangling)
(Nicki sniffs and sighs)
Where are you going?
(bag rustling)
- I can't stay.
- I have group.
- You can't skip one night?
And what? Stand here and
argue with you all night?
(soft dramatic music continues)
You know what I wish?
I wish you would remember
he was my son too!
You think I don't know that?
You think I don't think about that
every second of every fucking day?
This happened to me the
same as it happened to you
only I don't blame everyone
else around me for it happening.
(tense music)
(footsteps pattering)
(tense music continues)
(footsteps pattering)
(insects chittering)
(birds chirping)
(static buzzing)
- Arawn?
(static buzzing) Arawn, do you copy?
(radio beeping)
- Go ahead.
(radio beeping)
- You need to come in.
You got a call from someone named Tawny.
It sounded important. I asked
but she said she couldn't say.
You copy? (radio beeping)
Copy. Shit.
(footsteps pattering)
(Dr. Tawny breathes uneasily)
(pages rustling)
(Arawn breathes uneasily)
I'm here.
(door thuds)
(Arawn sighing) (hat taps)
(Dr. Tawny breathes uneasily)
(pen scratching) You're mad?
I have a schedule to keep.
I'd appreciate if you
respected that schedule
or at least call, let me know
you're planning on canceling.
(breathes uneasily) I forgot.
Look, I took a job and I lost
track of time. All right?
Sorry. I'll still pay
for your session. (sighs)
(Dr. Tawny slurps and swallows)
Back to the relationship
with your father.
Again? (mug taps)
You mean to tell me that
you never disappointed him?
Not even once? Ever?
(sighs) All right, once I
took a loaded weapon to school.
(soft dramatic music)
- It was loaded?
- Yep.
- Why'd you do that?
- It was my turn
to discuss what your parents do for work.
(scoffs) We already talked
about how my mom was gone.
So what the fuck else was I supposed to do?
- But it was, it was loaded.
- Ah, does it matter?
- Sure it does.
- Okay.
I didn't hurt anyone. So get over it.
[Dr. Tawny] Ah, I'm sure the school board
didn't see it that way.
Yeah, well, you know, maybe
they needed new glasses.
What made you feel like
you disappointed him?
(sighs) I don't know.
The look he had on his
face when he picked me up
from the principal's office.
It was quiet the whole ride home too.
No radio, nothing.
I could just tell.
So for the first time, he was human.
Okay. So how do we fix this?
(breathes deeply) I
know in your household,
guns may have been a tolerable
thing, but in our society
and with the way the world is today,
most governments have a
zero tolerance policy.
A rifle is a tool. A wolf is a predator.
That is all there is to it.
Okay, that may be the case
in the wilderness, Arawn,
but there aren't wild
animals roaming around
the hallways in school.
(scoffs) Seriously?
This was a billion years ago.
Fuck cares now?
Pattern behavior.
Sounds about as bad as math boxes.
Look, the cultural concept of manliness,
that it glorifies this stoicism,
strength, male dominance.
It's socially maladaptive
and harmful to mental health.
English, please.
Okay, in layman's terms,
your mother not being around
paired with, (sighs)
paired with what happened
with your wife, it's affecting you.
Same as this history of male dominance
and the so-called beating of your chest
that your father
demonstrated by allowing you
to bring a loaded gun to school.
Affecting me? How?
Your father was the only
stable figure you had growing up
and he didn't punish you for,
for bringing a loaded gun to school?
- My father was a good man.
- Yeah.
So is the man who invented math boxes.
(Arawn scoffs)
(tense music)
(Arawn gasping)
(birds chirping)
(truck whirring)
(door thuds)
I was hoping I'd find
you before you headed out.
- What's going on?
- We found it.
Found? What does that mean, found?
So I got a call about an hour ago,
but, ah, tribal police put
it down late last night.
Huh. Wonder why anyone else was out here?
Hey, I'm just relaying a message here.
So you know those trailers that back up
near the deer lease.
Those trailers are
abandoned this time of year.
Wolf needs a reason to go looking for food
that far off river.
Okay. So what are you saying?
That they didn't shoot a wolf?
Ah, probably.
(clears throat) And they're guys
were pretty good at spotting?
What color was it?
(scoffs) I, I, I don't remember. Brown.
Yeah, see, our wolf, it's got black fur.
Well, how the hell do you know that?
'Cause it's my job to know it.
All right. Well, shit.
Well I'm gonna wait to hear from you
before I bring it back up again.
I don't wanna cause any more
panic than there already is,
but you need to find
this damn thing and fast.
(soft dramatic music)
Ah. What?
So you know that call
the other day, Tawny?
It's nothing.
(clears throat) Look, after Nicki,
your folks gave me a number to a shrink.
- Uh-huh.
- Doesn't seem
to be helping much, all right?
It's no big deal.
All right. But you keep that
damn radio on, you hear me?
(door clicks)
(bag rustling)
(engine starting)
(engine revving) (door thuds)
(rifle clacking)
(wolf howling)
(tense music)
(birds chirping) (footsteps pattering)
(suspenseful music)
(crows cawing)
(footsteps pattering)
(footsteps pattering)
(suspenseful music continues)
(leaves rustling)
(rifle clacking)
(footsteps pattering)
(suspenseful music continues)
(wolf growling)
(wolf snarling)
(wolf growling)
(gun fires and clacks)
(tense music) (high-pitch ringing)
(wolf growling)
(groans) Oh, fuck! Goddammit, fuck, fuck!
(screams) Oh, God! Fuck!
(wolf growling) (intense music)
(knife hacking) (wolf yelping)
(wolf panting)
(Arawn groaning)
(rifle clacking)
(gun fires and clacks)
(Arawn groaning)
(birds chirping)
(crows cawing)
(trees rustling)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
Fuck. (groaning)
God! Fu...
(Arawn groaning)
(tense music)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
Goddammit! Fuck! (groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
Fuck. (groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
(tense music continues)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
(static white noise)
(Arawn groaning)
(radio clattering) Fuck.
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn groaning)
(lighter clicking)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(wolf howling) (Arawn gasps)
Oh, fuck. (groaning)
(tense music continues)
(Arawn groaning) (rifle clacking)
(rifle fires)
(Arawn groaning)
(soft dramatic music)
(rain pattering) (clock ticking)
(footsteps thudding) (Arawn sighing)
Maybe you should take it easy with that.
- Don't tell me what to do.
- What?
I said, don't tell me what to do.
I'm not telling you what to do,
but it's 10 o'clock in the morning.
(keys jangling)
Okay. You know what?
Now I'm telling you what to do. Enough.
(bottle taps)
What do you care?
Look, I have to be on the Rez today.
I told you that.
This is my job. This
is how I make a living.
[Nicki] (laughs) Ah. (sighs)
Not native enough to
live on the reservation,
but native enough to cut a check.
- Nick.
- No, no, no.
Those bastards pay you to hunt wolves,
but they stole your father's land
right from under your nose,
and you just let them.
- It's not like that.
- Oh, it's not?
(hand whacks)
You're just their little bitch.
Yeah. Okay.
(liquor pouring)
- Arawn, Arawn, stop it!
Arawn, stop! Please, no, please!
I hope that wolf fucking kills you! Stop!
You want me dead? Is that it, huh?
Look at it. Do it.
Go ahead. Do it.
(Nicki whimpering)
You done?
(tense music)
(Nicki laughing)
(door creaks and slams)
Oh. (laughs)
(Nicki breathing uneasily)
(birds chirping)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
Fuck. (groaning)
(bag rustling)
(box rustling)
(paper tearing)
(screams) God!
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(bag rustling)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(package rustling)
(Arawn groaning)
(lighter clicking)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn groaning)
Oh, you fuck. (groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(soft dramatic music) (Arawn groaning)
(birds chirping)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn grunting)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn groaning)
(tense music)
(leaves pattering)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn screaming)
(Arawn groaning)
(bag rustling)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn groaning)
(soft dramatic music)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn screaming)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(birds chirping)
(Arawn groaning)
(Aaron breathing heavily)
(Arawn groaning)
(leaves rustling)
(Arawn breathing uneasily) (stick tapping)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(Arawn gasps)
(rifle thwacks) Oh, God!
(Arawn whimpering)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn panting)
(rifle thwacks) Oh, God! (whimpers)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathes uneasily)
(leaves rustling) (Arawn groaning)
(eerie music)
(crows cawing)
If you're ready to take the sacrament,
I can give it to you.
What are you waiting for, Arawn?
(eerie music continues)
Do you remember that heeler (wolf growling)
we had to put down out behind the barn
after it got attacked?
Compassion. That's what
you called it, not murder.
You wrapped it in a
pretty word, didn't you?
I can help you, you know, end it.
No one would even know you gave up.
(eerie music continues)
(rifle scraping)
I hold it like this, yeah?
I can help you end it quick and easy.
Just say go.
(rifle fires)
(birds chirping)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(leaves rustling)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(radio clattering)
(Arawn panting)
(lighter clicking)
(Arawn breathing uneasily)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn groaning)
(bag rustling)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn grunting)
(bone snapping) Ah, God!
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn grunting)
(Arawn groaning)
[Dr. Tawny] Have you ever
heard of a medical condition
called attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder?
Do you have any family
medical history to speak of?
No. You're saying I have this condition?
Yes, I do.
Your impulsiveness, your
aggression toward others.
- Aggression?
- Well, that's right.
Our first concern was
your difficulty focusing,
but with medication, we
can treat the condition
so that it doesn't bleed into your work.
What aggression?
[Dr. Tawny] Ah, you, you
know every part and piece
that can be found on a hunting rifle.
So, I can't know the one tool that I need
to do my job, to defend myself?
No, it's the comfortability
that's troubling
from a medical... What I do under my roof
is my business.
(Dr. Tawny breathes uneasily)
For the sake of, of being thorough,
(tense music)
is there anything else going on at home
that I need to, to know about?
[Arawn] Such as?
- (inhales) Are you suicidal?
- Are you fucking kidding me?
You doctors, you think
everything is harmful,
but really you don't
know shit about anything!
(both breathe uneasily)
When someone asks you how you're doing
and your answer is "Fine,"
you're not being honest with yourself.
Oftentimes your answer
really is, "I, I cried myself"
to sleep last night, thanks for asking."
But that's not what you say is it?
You say, "Fine."
Hmm. That age-old expression,
the elephant in the room.
It's more than likely
that big bastard was part
of the furniture before you
even stepped foot inside.
But here's the thing with elephants,
you see if, if you don't talk about 'em,
you don't acknowledge their existence,
they end up sitting on you.
You listen to me now. I'm not fucked up.
I had some horrific shit happen to me.
Who hasn't?
And who are you to tell me what I need?
Done with this shit.
I wish you would sit back down
so that we can discuss how you feel.
How I feel?
I feel like you just cut my
neck and you're asking me
to thank you for it?
(scoffs) This is a joke!
High and mighty bullshit!
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Yeah, and you, you want everyone
to feel sorry for everyone else!
But really you're the one that gets off
on making decent people
like me feel like shit!
(scoffs) Fucking math boxes!
(tense music continues)
(door clicks and thuds)
(Dr. Tawny sobbing)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning) (river flowing)
(bottle cap clicking)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn coughing)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(wolf howling) Oh, Lord.
(Arawn groaning)
(suspenseful music)
(rifle clacking)
(Arawn groaning)
(wolf snarling)
Shit! No, no! (grunting)
(Arawn gasping) (wolf growling)
(flesh tearing) Fuck! (screams)
Fuck! Fuck!
(rifle whacking) Ah, goddamn, fuck, fuck!
(wolf growling)
(footsteps thudding) (insects chittering)
(bed creaking)
(Arawn sighing)
(exhales) What you thinking about?
Why did you pick wolves?
I didn't pick wolves.
It's just what the
reservation pays me to hunt.
Do you ever feel bad for them?
(sighs) Sometimes hunting's about
the journey, not the outcome.
It's not a sport either.
A sport, both sides know
they're part of the game,
But those wolves
didn't do anything wrong.
Yes, our grandfather used to say
that even though wolves don't
think or behave like us,
our ancestors worshiped them for centuries.
You know, wolves are more like
humans than any other animal.
Pack before self.
He used to say that wolves
were the guardians of the underworld.
The Pawnee, they believed
that the first ever death
was that of a wolf killed by humans.
And that this death triggered
the floodgates of death
in a world that was immortal
up until that point.
- Is it true?
- I don't know.
I like to believe it is.
Listen, we're the only
animal that will kill
but not eat their prey.
See, sometimes they'll leave
it just to send a message
to other predators that
this is their territory.
And they'll come back day after day,
pick at it again and again.
Once they've made their point known,
they'll drag it back to their den
and the whole family
will partake in the meal.
I don't think wolves are mean.
Hmm. You think I'm mean for killing them?
Please. (both chuckle)
Time for bed. Talk more in the morning.
(Arawn exhales)
(insects chittering)
Pancakes? Chocolate chips?
You got it. (Nicki chuckles)
(tense music)
(birds chirping)
(Arawn groaning)
(knife cutting)
(birds cooing)
(Arawn grunting)
(Arawn groaning)
(bone cracking) (Arawn gasping)
(tense music)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathes uneasily)
It's impossible.
Everything out there's hunting you.
And now that you're in their den.
(Nicki chuckles)
How many bullets you
have left in that thing?
(Arawn whimpering)
Maybe you should turn it around
and stick the barrel in your mouth.
Quick and easy. Unless
you miss, like I did.
Remember all those shooting lessons?
Those trips to the range we
took when we were dating?
It's ironic how badly
I fucked it up myself.
(Arawn breathes uneasily)
Just something else you can
blame yourself for, I guess.
(Arawn whimpering)
Are you even listening to me?
Pay attention!
Enough! (whimpering)
(suspenseful music)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(birds chirping)
(snake rattling)
(Arawn breathing uneasily)
(Arawn gasping)
Get off me, shit! (knife stabbing)
Goddamn! Fuck, fuck!
Oh, God! (groaning)
(Arawn groaning)
(tense music)
(fire crackling)
(soft dramatic music)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(fire crackling)
(fire crackling)
(Arawn sighing)
(bottle taps) Nick?
(tab clacks)
(gun fires) (Arawn gasps)
(tense music)
(blood gurgling) (Nicki gasping)
Nicki! What did you do?
What did you do? What is wrong with you?
Nicki! (wolf howling)
Hey! (rifle clacking)
(rifle fires) Hey!
(panting) You're fine. I swear.
I gotta go radio. Just wait, okay?
Hang on, hang on.
(wolf growling) (Nicki gasping)
(blood gurgling) (wolf growling)
(Nicki gasping)
(flesh squelching) (Nicki gasping)
(wolf growling)
They're coming. They're coming.
(Arawn breathing uneasily)
(Arawn panting)
(tense music)
(rain pattering)
(soft dramatic music)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(rain pattering)
(sticks cracking)
(bag unzips)
(lighter clicking)
(wolf howling) Ah!
(rock clattering)
(rifle clacking)
(wolf howling)
(tense music)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn panting)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(birds chirping)
(gloves snapping)
(door thuds)
(Liz sighing)
(doors banging)
(Liz breathes uneasily)
(Liz knocking)
(door creaking)
Are you ready for this?
Look, we can do this down at
the office if you need to.
Let me see.
(Liz exhales) (Arawn gasping)
(soft dramatic music)
[Liz] I need to know.
Is that, is that all of it?
Yeah, we haven't run
dentals yet, but yeah, it is.
I'm sorry, Arawn.
Hey, you gonna be okay?
(Arawn scoffs and whimpers)
(door clicks and slams)
(soft dramatic music continues)
Ah! Goddammit!
(furniture banging) Ah!
Ah! Ah!
(soft dramatic music continues)
(Arawn breathing uneasily)
(leaves rustling)
(Arawn groaning)
(rain pattering)
(Arawn panting)
God! Fuck!
(Arawn panting)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(lighter clicking)
(Arawn exhaling)
(soft dramatic music)
(Arawn exhaling)
(wolf growling)
(shell clacking) (wolf growling)
(eerie music)
(Arawn whimpering)
(wolf snarling)
(wolf growling)
(gun thuds) (Arawn whimpering)
(wolf growling)
(wolf snarling)
(soft dramatic music)
(Arawn exhaling)
(Arawn sighing)
(crows cawing)
What do they say about
people when they die?
(sighs) What do you mean?
Like the wolves.
Your grandfather's story you told me.
The things you serve in this world
are the hardest to hunt.
Kill you if you let 'em.
Latch onto your back and weigh you down
until there's nothing left.
All the, a lot of the power still remains.
(soft dramatic music continues)
(Arawn swallows and sighs)
Of all things that can kill you, (whimpers)
love is the one you hope comes for you.
(Arawn inhales and exhales)
It hurts the most, (swallows)
but it lives on long after you're gone.
Like a wolf.
(whimpers) Like a wolf.
(Arawn swallows)
(rain pattering)
(wolf growling)
(Arawn groaning)
(soft dramatic music)
(rifle clacking) (wolf growling)
(Arawn groaning)
(Arawn gasping)
(shell clicking)
(Arawn groaning)
(rifle clacking)
(Arawn breathing heavily)
(wolf growling)
(Arawn breathing uneasily)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(Arawn breathes deeply)
(dramatic music)
(wolf growling)
(gun firing) (wolf yelping)
(crows cawing)
Arawn. Okay, lay back there.
What's going on? Okay, shit.
(static buzzing) Mile marker 17
on the Indian Reservation,
send EMS immediately.
(radio beeping) All right, buddy.
Stay with me.
Oh yeah, he got you good, didn't he? Oh.
(car whirring)
(car door clicks and bangs)
(keys jangling)
(door clicks and creaks)
(Bert exhales)
(door thuds)
(Arawn sighs)
- You look like shit.
(scoffs) How'd you get in here?
Spare key under the mat.
(keys clattering)
What the hell happened to you out there?
Long story. (sighs) Put your wolf down.
Is that all?
(inhales) I don't think I'll
be hunting anymore. (exhales)
Hunting's natural.
It's part of our brain's
natural code and as omnivores,
we're born with that instinct
that you just can't eliminate.
Even if you can buy a
steak at the grocery store,
Does it make you feel
better knowing it's done?
(somber music)
I was hoping that once I knew,
Amanda's memory would ease
out of my mind, but it hasn't.
It won't.
We both lost so much, you and I.
I don't know why we think revenge
is gonna ease any of this pain.
Eye for an eye, it's only gonna make
the whole world go blind.
Hmm. Wolf can see in the dark.
If you spend your time
here hoping that someone
will suffer the consequences
for what they've done
to your heart, you only allow them
to hurt you a second time.
(soft dramatic music)
(Arawn exhales)
Call me if you need anything.
(door clicks and thuds)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(Arawn breathes deeply)
(wolf howling)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)