The Woman King (2022) Movie Script


(insects trilling)
(Amenza speaking)
(chatter in local language)
-(speaks local language)
-(chatter stops)
(fire crackling)
(birds screeching)
(chatter resumes)
-(bird calling)
-(chatter stops)

(speaks Fongbe)
(undulating cry)
(all shouting)
(grunting and groaning)
Agojie! Agoj...
-(squishing thud)
(grunting and groaning)
(grunting and groaning
(soldier screams)
-(soldier groans)
(grunting and groaning
(panting gruffly)
Where are the prisoners?
Where are our people?
We are farmers. We took no one!
(trembling breaths)
(birds calling)
You will be home soon.
That can only mean
Oyo soldiers.
(horseshoe clangs)
(sobbing quietly)
Who is she?
My mother.
We will take you back
to your village.
-Perhaps your father...
-They sold him.
And my brothers.
They sold them all.
(sobbing continues)

The prisoners are ready
to march.
Bring me stronger warriors.
-(birds chirping)
-(livestock bleating)

(lively chatter)
Thank you.
It doesn't matt... Nawi!
-Tell your mother
to see me for the dress.
What dress?
(scoffs) Your wedding dress.
I will make you beautiful.
Tell her.
They have made you
another match?
I don't know what
she's talking about.
(horn blowing)
They are coming.
-(excited chatter)
-Let's go.
(undulating cries)
-(excited chatter continues)
-MAN: Come here!
-MAN 2: Daughter! Come!
-WOMAN: My daughter!
MAN 3:
My sister!
My sister!
MAN 3:
I'm so happy to see you.
(bells clanking)
(chatter quiets)

-But I want to see.
The king does not allow us
to look upon the Agojie.

It is a victory.
They are here for you.
They do not know
an evil is coming.
They know
you will protect them.
I wish to speak to the king.
He's only seeing wives today.
Tell him. I will wait.
NAWI: The Agojie drink
from the skulls
of the men they have killed.
They cut off their heads
and melt off their skin
in boiling hot cauldrons.
-Sister! Sister!
-We have a visitor.
It's a rich man from Cana.
(chuckles) Come.
Maybe he is handsome.
I own three fields
of palm trees.
You will work.
You do not talk
to your husband?
In my house,
you will learn to obey.
Forgive my daughter.
The whispers were right.
girl is worthless.
Master Abade.
I wish to give my daughter
to the king.
No husband will have her.
I will not marry an old man
who beats me.
Go to war, then.
You will understand
what pain is.
In the palace,
you do not have to look away.
(blades clanking)
(warriors grunting)
(grunting continues)
Close your mouth.
You look like a fish.
(liquid bubbling)
What's in there?
Indigo dye.
What did you think it was?
Those are the heads.
Some of the men
who raided our village.
The rest will be sold
in Ouidah.
No men but the eunuchs
are allowed
in the palace after dark.
Beyond this wall,
this is a palace of women.
(laughter and indistinct

(quiet chatter, laughter)
Go and bathe yourselves.

(horse neighing)

Oyo, can you see this?
Your comrades murdered...
by women.
-(horse snorting)
The Dahomey grow too bold
under their new king.
My loves.
My loves.
My love.
My love.
Nanisca, come with me.
(grunts softly)
Why does he always favor her?
She comes here filthy,
shows no respect.
She fought for him
during the coup.
Put him on the throne.
What did you do?
Locked yourself in a cupboard.
The Oyo have entered our land.
They have broken the peace.
When they come for the tribute,
we will not pay it.
-But that would mean war.
-Migan, we have been
under the foot of the Oyo
since my father's time.
Are you not tired? Eh?
Oh, because we...
we fear their might.
Because of fear.
My king, they are a nation
twice our size,
with horses and more muskets.
We need time to plan
and prepare our armies.
The Agojie are ready.
How many did you lose
in this last battle
against the lowly Mahi?
My king, I hear whispers
of a new general.
This last attack
was sword rattling.
Nothing more.
I agree.
Dahomey has prospered
in the peace.
And the Oyo, too.
The slave trade
is the reason we prosper.
But at what price?
It is a poison
slowly killing us,
and the Europeans know this.
They come to our land
for their human cargo.
They've come to trade.
We sell them what they want.
But why do we sell
our captives?
For weapons?
To capture more people
to sell for more weapons?
It is a dark circle
with no end.
This is not the way.
The spirits have spoken.
If seeks light.
So, what do you suggest,
We have other things to sell.
Gold. Palm oil.
We can double our harvest.
She wants to make us
a nation of peasants.
I want Dahomey to survive.
The gods have brought us
a new king.
A king to be feared.
No one fears a farmer.
We have already started
to gather the tribute.
Perhaps we pay, to buy us time.
I promise...
this will be our last.
As for the palm oil,
Nanisca, show me.
Show me how much you can
produce, and we will see.
You speak in secret
to the king.
You seek to cut me out.
If the king respects me,
it is because I have earned it.
I am Amenza.
You come to the palace
of Ghezo,
the ninth monarch
of the Dahomey people,
descendants of
the leopard Agasu,
beloved of the twin gods,
Mawu and her brother Lisa.
You are called to join
the King's Guard.
We fight...
or we die.
We fight for Dahomey,
for our sisters,
for our great king.
You will be revered.
You will be paid for your work.
Your opinions will be heard.
No tribe or kingdom
in all of Africa
shares this privilege.
For this honor,
we live out our lives
in these palace walls.
We take no husband.
We will bear no children.
Mahi women,
no harm will come to you
for the sins of your men.
I offer you and our people
a choice.
Any woman who does not wish
to stay...
...may leave.

(indistinct chatter)
I can't continue with this one.
You're talking vodun.
You don't want to listen.
No, you want to laugh.
Do not touch
another warrior's weapon.
Mm. Especially that one.
It is cursed.
Esi couldn't hit an elephant
in a stampede.
Turn your back and see
how true my aim is.
-Ah, me?
(both laughing)
Spent all my liberties
walking the river
till I found
the perfect whetstone.
Shaped smooth by the waterfall.
Sharpens to a thorn.
Pop out their eyeballs,
fight is over.
(Izogie chuckles)
They are also useful in keeping
the trainees in line.
Why have you not bathed?
You are going to bring
the buzzards.
-I let the others go before me.
(clicks tongue)
The first rule of training:
always obey Izogie.
I am Izogie.
(water splashes)
I'm sorry.
You may stay.
You are one of
the captives we freed?
No. My father brought me.
As a gift to the king.
Is your father rich?
He must be.
Otherwise, he would have
sold you to a rich husband.
He tried.
I do not want a husband.
I want to be a soldier.
-An Agojie.
-How old are you?
I have 19 years.
You look like a child.
I work hard.
Harder than anyone.
Many obstinate daughters
are dumped at the palace.
They usually fail.
All our lives, they...
they tell us stories
about the Agojie.
That you have magic.
You look like
a regular old woman to me.
Fighting is not magic.
It is skill.
We will see if you have any.
I am not a soldier.
Then why did you stay?
I have nowhere else to go.
You are Mahi.
Why did you stay?
Here, I will be the hunter,
not prey.

Today, you are receiving
your first weapon.

Not good.
Ah, good.
A rope is not a weapon.
You wish for
a different weapon?
Stand up.
Go. Attack the soldier.
Take his head.
-I apologize.
-Do not apologize. Do it.
(light laughter)
I'd work on that rope.
Hey. Tsetse.
Who's Tsetse?
You, little fly.
Buzzing around full speed.
But you don't know
where you are going.
We need smart warriors.
The dumb ones die quickly.
I'm not dumb.
-Then show me.
You have to train different.
The drills are a game.
It is play,
like when you were a child.
I was not allowed to play.
I was made to work.
Such a sad tale.
You don't know anything.
You know, when I had 14 years,
my mother put a sign out
to sell my virginity.
The first man came,
and I cried for my mother,
but she didn't come.
The second man came
and complained of my tears,
so she beat me.
The third man came,
and I burned him with an ember.
(scoffs) Your family was cruel,
as was my mother.
It is enough to make you cry.
But it is better to laugh. Yes?
You have a new family now.
Trainees, we will prepare you
for the final test.
You will perform your
battle skills before the king.

Those who pass the test
will become Agojie.
And those who fail
will leave the palace,
never to return.
(heavy, pained breathing)
Hey, look at you.
The Oyo will catch you,
hang you by your feet
and cut your throat.
Use your feet and walk!

(Nawi groans softly)
-(trainees exclaim)
Get up.
You are just waiting to die.
Are we training to cook?
You are cutting a body,
not a yam.
Swing with purpose.
Ready. Fire!
-(grunting and groaning)
-IZOGIE: Good, Ode.
-TRAINEE: Get out!
-Nawi, you move like a sloth.
(trainees shouting
(cheering, clapping)
That's right.
-WARRIOR (chanting): Dahomey!
-(warriors chanting in Fongbe)
-AGOJIE (chanting): Izogie!
-(warriors chanting in Fongbe)
(chant intensifies,
increasing in tempo)
-(chanting): Agojie!
-(chanting in Fongbe)
(fast-tempo chant continues)
(chant fades)
Show me how to tie the rope.
(laughs) Never.
It is the only thing
I can do better than you.
(scoffs) Ode, this one.
But did you see Izogie?
-With the dagger here.
She's standing there,
not moving, not in pain.
-(chuckles) I love it.
I'm going to be like her.
Yes, my friend.
-As strong as her.
You try to stab me,
I'll stab you back.
(explosive pop)
(quiet laughter)
Which of you designed
this trick?
-Then you will all be punished.
-I did it.
-We all did it.
It was me.
I apologize.
Once again.
Go back to the barracks.
How do you make this explosion?
You do not need guns
to use gunpowder.
We just need a spark.
You like the guns?
Do you enjoy practicing
with the men in the infantry?
I see you flirting.
-This is not allowed?
-You know it is not.
Why not?
The men who are soldiers
have wives and children,
but the Agojie cannot.
How is that fair?
Were you this arrogant
with your family?
No wonder they gave you away.
It is you who is arrogant.
I am a general.
I have earned it.
You have earned nothing.
I should put you out.
-I have watched soldiers die
because they did not
have discipline.
Their easy life
did not prepare them for
-this life here as an Agojie.
-I did not have an easy life.
I did not have an easy life.
I-I want to be here
with the others.
I want to fight for my king.
Your tears mean nothing.
To be a warrior,
you must kill your tears.
You are a Mahi prisoner.
That is all you will ever be.
What did you say?
-She killed our people.
-You killed mine.
Me, I also came here a captive.
Do you think yourself
better than me?
No, Ajahi.
If you make it
through the final test,
you are one of us.
No matter where you come from.
Hmm. (sniffs)
Hey, Tsetse.
Eat up.
Nanisca favors the strong.
What is the first rule
of training?
Always obey Izogie.
Come with me.
(insects trilling)
What is it?
The only thing the white men
bring worth having.
They call it whiskey.
There. We finally found
a way to quiet Tse.
You know your tongue
will get you
kicked back to your village.
Why do you challenge
the miganon?
If I'm quiet, she won't see me.
(scoffs) Do you think she
has time to think about you?
(scoffs) She is thinking
about the world.
You know she may one day
be the kpojito.
-The woman king?
But we have not had one
in so many years.
His brother did not honor it,
but King Ghezo believes
in tradition.
In the twin gods,
Mawu and Lisa.
Woman and man.
Ghezo will name a woman king.
For the gods and the people.
But is that what
the miganon wants?
I cannot say.
But in the palace,
she is a legend.
Captured as a young soldier.
Given up for dead.
But she returned,
with the Oyo bastards' kofes
hanging by her belt.
(grunts, gasping)
(breathing heavily)
You know I hate that drink.
The king drinks
anything I give him.
The king is young.
He brings that silly wife
to the council.
(chuckles) Shante.
-Ah, she is ambitious, hmm?
-(Nanisca scoffs)
(Amenza takes deep breath)
(Nanisca grunts)
Tell me the dream, Nani.
(Nanisca clicks tongue, groans)
It dispels its magic
if you say the words.
I am in the jungle.
Something is out there,
in the darkness.
A beast.
(Nanisca sighs)
I can smell its sweat,
its fear.
What does the beast look like?
I don't know.
That is when I wake.
The dream is a warning, no?
We must ask Legba.
Oh, no. Not the nuts.
(scoffs) Do not call them nuts.
(Nanisca chuckling)
They are sacred.
You have enemies gathering.
You must do better than that.
I see fire.
Something or someone
from your past.
(sighs) This is nonsense.
And your medicine, too.
-I am not even tired.
-Go to the altar.
Leave gifts for the dead.
Do it.
If you do not respect If,
respect your own dream.
(insects trilling)
-(wood stick clacking)
-(grunting nearby)

(grunting continues)

(guns fire)
(drums playing rhythmically)
(warriors singing in Fongbe)
(singing continues)
-(horses neighing)
-(singing stops)

I am General Oba Ade.
-(woman grunting)
-(ropes creaking)
(Oyo soldier laughing)
...the esteemed regard
of the king of Oyo.
Gifts for the Oyo Kingdom,
as is tradition.
This is less than ever before.
Did you think we would not see?
Did you think we would
not see your hand
in the raid of our village?
To make up for
your shortcomings,
I will accept an addition
to the tribute.
40 Agojie.
(shocked murmuring)
Not too old.
-And if I refuse?
-Then you may no longer
use the port in Ouidah
for your trade.
The port belongs to Dahomey.
We have taken control.
It belongs to us now.
I'm so surprised you brought
your horses here to plateau.
If they are bitten
by the flies,
they may get
the sleeping sickness.
Sometimes a mouse
can take down an elephant.
Do you threaten the Oyo,
You will respect the king.
Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. Migan.
This new general seeks
to bait us.
We won't jump
at his foolishness.
Let us talk.
20 Agojie of our choosing.
We will march them to Ouidah
and surrender them.
And the port remains open
for our trade.
I will leave Boma
to enjoy the feast
that you have prepared.
In Ouidah, I will be waiting.
(horse whinnies)
(quiet chatter)

(heavy, shuddering breaths)
What happened?
Your nuts were finally right.
(indistinct chattering)

(speaking Portuguese)
(Santo speaking Portuguese)
(lively chatter)
(horses neighing)
(goats bleating)
(man grunts)
(man coughing)
(coughing continues)

Agojie's here.
Hey, a deal's a deal!

(both speaking Portuguese)

We bring tribute
from King Ghezo.
Dahomey has no soldiers
man enough.
They have to use their women.
It is against the gods.
My men will find plenty
of use for them.
You're mistaken.
These soldiers
are not your tribute.
This is your tribute.
Let it be known to all
The great and mighty King Ghezo
fears no one.
(shouts in Fongbe)
(undulating cries)
(Agojie laughing)
(Oyo soldiers shouting)
(both yelling, grunting)
Li-Lift the gate!
(Oyo soldiers shouting)
(yelling and grunting continue)
-(yelling, grunting)
-(gate creaking)
(yelling and grunting continue)
-(shouting continues)

Go! Go!

(Nawi gasping)
(gun blasting)
(gunfire continues)
-(gunfire continues)
-(bullets splashing)
Push off.

(relieved laughter)
Why did you not
follow the plan?
You were to go to the boats.
The soldiers were coming.
If I did not come back
as I did...
So you are the hero?
You can act on your own,
ignoring orders?
-You would not have escaped.
It is you who faced capture
by disobeying my orders.
We are Agojie.
We do not act alone.
We move together
with one purpose.
Alone, you are weak.
Alone, you are killed or worse.
Now you have seen
the barracoons.
A captured Agojie is a slave.
Used by men.
Left to rot.
It is better to die.
Cut your own throat.
I will never question you
in front of the others,
but it is you who did not
follow the plan.
I only ever had one plan,
To take his head.
Nanisca, I...
(indistinct chatter, laughter)
Come in.
I hear you have had a victory.
(chuckles softly)
Nanisca, I think we have
started on a wrong foot.
I wish to be your friend.
I can help you.
I have the king's ear.
We should work together
to serve our king.
To ensure he grows
only more powerful.
It is you who wants
to be powerful.
To stay safe and rich
in your fine palace.
Too much change
can be dangerous.
I have said this much
to my husband.
Then we will soon understand
who truly has his ear.

This field alone produces
thousands of barrels
of palm oil.
If we harvest many fields
each year,
we will have a continuous
supply to trade.
I never saw a path before,
But look at this.
Now I do.
NANISCA: Vision is seeing
what others do not.
But now we have declared war.
We will conquer the Oyo,
and we will expand our land.
Nanisca, we will be
the greatest empire in Africa.
Yes, my king,
but let us not be an empire
who sells its people.
Let us be an empire
who loves its people.
My brother sold our own.
I will never do that.
Even if they are not Dahomey,
they are still our people.
The white man has brought
immorality here.
They will not stop
until the whole of Africa
is theirs to enslave.
(indistinct chatter)
The English navy
now patrols the waters,
attacks and removes our cargo.
Your tribal warfare
is none of my concern.
And yours with Dahomey
is none of ours.
It will be over soon enough.
The Mahi, the Igbo,
they are with us.
By the full moon,
we will march on their city,
and we will take it.
Ouidah is open for business.
You will have your cargo.
(speaking Portuguese)
(elephant trumpeting)
(guttural grunting)

(birds chirping)

(speaking Portuguese)
Go back to Ouidah, slaver.
Naked like the people you sell.
I am not a slaver.
You understand me?
My mother was Dahomey.
You do not look like Dahomey.
My father is white.
So you are Dahomey but not.
And white...
(chuckles) but not.
You think I could
have my pants now?
I saw you in Ouidah.
Why are you here in the jungle?
I am going to Dahomey.
The place my mother told me
so much about.
Perhaps I will
see you there, too.
If you are allowed
into the palace.
I am Malik.
(Santo speaks Portuguese)
(speaks Portuguese)
(indistinct chatter, laughter)
I do not like
this young captain.
Puffed up like a banty rooster.
Finally, we agree.
(speaking Portuguese)
(speaking Portuguese)
So you are now a captain, eh?
-Very good.
(speaking Portuguese)
Well done.
You have my thanks.
My mother was also taken.
Sold by my brother.
I have many men in your country
searching for her,
and they will bring her back.
It is a must. (chuckles)
And, uh, if they find
your mother,
they will bring her back, too.
I have just buried her.
It was her dying wish
that I come to her home.
The only place
she was ever free.
This is your home.
It is yours, eh?
And you came on the right day.
Our magnificent Agojie,
they are doing
their final test.
So please sit, eh?
Go. Go on, sit. Go.
Prepare the seats for them.
Very good.
Let us begin.
-(rhythmic drumming)
-(faint singing)
-(drumming stops)
-(clears throat)
Fear not.
Face it head-on.
Relentlessly, we will fight.
-(drumming resumes)
(pained groaning)
(whimpering, panting)
(grunts, yells)
-No, no, no, no, no, no.
-Come! (grunts)
-Come. Come. Come.
-(groaning, whimpering)
Come. Come.
(groaning and whimpering
(gasping, grunting)
(yelps, grunts)
(gasping, oohing)
(pained grunt)
-(man groans)
(fierce grunting)
(laughs, whoops)
(undulating cries)
GHEZO: Come.
Come, come, come, come, come.
Come, my dear.
Come, come, come.
(Nawi grunting, panting)
What is your name?
I am Nawi, my king.
You are beautiful
as you are fierce.
If she was not so skilled,
I would have
-made her a wife, now.
To the victor!

The gods will bless you.
The gods will keep you safe.
Well done to all of you.
You are the strongest
warriors in Africa.
Welcome to the King's Guard.
(cheering, undulating cries)

-AGOJIE: Wu Suu!
-Wu Suu!
Wu Suu!
(undulating cries)
-Hey, be still.
-Thank you.
-(Izogie groans)
Why did you return
to help Fumbe?
You could have lost.
Fumbe is my friend.
I want her to stay.
To stay, she must pass the test.
To be useful,
she must stand on her own.
You would not help
your friend, Miganon?
I would step on her head
to win a footrace.
Ah, your first scars.
The mark of a warrior.
You see?
You will have many more.
Make sure...
all the thorns come out.
Here, here.
What is this?
Uh, my father used to call it
the devil's mark.
It was there when he chose me
from the orphanage.
You are an orphan?
But your father...
He took me in.
I guess I didn't turn out
to be the daughter he wanted.
(Nawi chuckles)
-What did you do with it?
-With what?
You told me never to tell you.
-I'm asking.
-You said you would ask,
-and you made me swear.
I am not your servant, Nanisca.
I gave her to the missionaries.
-What missionaries?
-The ones we passed on the road
when we were marching.
-Where did they take her?
-I have no way to know that.
-What direction did they go?
I followed your order--
to free you of the burden--
and I chose to give her away.
-And that is all you know?
I do not lie to you.
Why do you ask these questions
after all this time?
Because Nawi is an orphan?
You couldn't possibly think
that sh-she...
Of course not.
The gods are not that cruel.
(Santo speaking Portuguese)
Speak my language
when you are in my palace.
Your wife Shante,
she said you seek
an end to the trade.
She does not speak for me.
And she will be punished
for thinking she does.
She says this is
your general's wish
and perhaps not yours.
My generals obey my wishes.
So you wish to sell...
palm oil.
I wish for my people
to prosper,
as those of your land do.
Ghezo, the people in my lands
because of the slave trade.
And this very same trade
has made you rich.
As rich as the king of England.
You stop the trade,
you will be nothing.
King, maybe, but...
king of mud.
All of these captains will take
their business elsewhere.
The business
of selling Africans?
You will be unprotected.
(scoffs softly)
You know,
I am under no illusion
that you see us
as anything but a commodity.
But I am a king.
With or without your respect.
And if you are no longer
a necessity to me,
you, too, are unprotected.
(whooping, laughing)
(drumming and chanting
continue in distance)
-May I come in?
No man may cross the palm line.
In Brazil, foreign men may look
on the king's women?
In Brazil,
women cover their bodies
with long sleeves, long skirts.
Then how do they run?
Yes? Make sure that...
We make camp
outside the walls tonight.
Come to see me.
Tonight, we take
our blood oath.
If you wish for a girl
to come to your tent,
there are girls
you can pay in the market.
No, no, I-I just want
to talk to you.
SANTO: Malik!
(shouts in Portuguese)
Will you come to see me?

(Agojie humming a tune)
(humming continues)
(Amenza speaks Fongbe)
Blood of our sisters.
(singing in Fongbe)
Make us invincible
(singing in Fongbe)
You live for me
(singing in Fongbe)
And I for you
(singing in Fongbe)
Blood of our sisters
(singing in Fongbe)
Make us invincible
(singing in Fongbe)
You live for me
and I for you
(singing in Fongbe)
You live for me
and I for you
-(singing in Fongbe)
(singing in Fongbe)
You are now my sister.
I will be proud
to fight with you.
I want you to teach me.
Like the miganon teaches you.
-I also want to be great.
To be great, you must focus.
There can be no distractions.
I will.
At the test, I saw the man
from Brazil wave to you.
You know this man?
I... I came across him
in the jungle.
"In the jungle."
So, what,
you have feelings for him?
I have no way to know
how I feel about him.
You want me to teach you.
You are powerful.
More than you even know.
Do not give your power away.
You mean to love?
Love makes you weak.
You really believe that?
(clicks tongue, stammers)
You have never loved?
I will be miganon one day.
You cannot have both.
Will that be enough?
This is the life
we have chosen.
We each survive in our own way.
You will find yours.
(quiet chatter)
(insects trilling)
My mother was a slave.
That is all I ever knew
of African people.
I never dreamed that we were...
...kings and warriors.
But now...
I see the majesty.
I see the beauty.
I think you are a good man.
You must not ally yourself
with slavers.
We grew up together.
But does he see our beauty
as you do?
(clicks tongue)
(Nawi sighs)
Nawi, the Oyo are coming.
We are ready.
No, not just the Oyo.
Other tribes, too.
I heard the general plotting.
We must tell the miganon.
I must get back.
Nawi, wait.
we are going to leave.
This is Ogou.
He is courage and strength.
Perhaps he will bring you
back to us.
I have nothing to give to you.

I will take you back.
(footsteps approaching)
I have heard something.
One of the men that came
to the palace,
Malik, he says the Oyo general
is growing his army
with other tribes.
They will march on Dahomey.
The Oyo have given them
Where were you speaking
with this man, Malik?
He spoke to me
through the palm line.
On the night you swear loyalty
to your sisters,
you speak in secret
with a slaver?
He's not a slaver.
His mother was Dahomey.
You defend him?
Is that knife a gift?
Where have you been?
-I have been nowhere.
-Come here.
You are an Agojie.
You cannot be with a man.
Do you think you are so special
that I will not put you out?
Because I will.
I do not think I am special.
Do not bow your head.
Do not.
I know your arrogance.
You continue to do
as you please.
You disregard the rules.
What do you want from me?
I proved myself today.
I am the best.
It is not enough
to be the best.
Your arrogance and your
stupidity will get you caught.
I am not you.
Izogie told me
that you were captured.
That will never be me!
I was raped many times
each night.
When they would come,
I wished only to die.
They took it all away.
Everything I knew.
And when I finally escaped,
I was with child.
A child of those men.
I would have to leave
my sisters forever,
so I had to hide.
I bathed alone.
And my belly grew.
(birds screeching)
(pained yelling)
NANISCA (voice-over):
It was a girl.
I told Amenza, "Take it away."
But the blood, it kept coming,
and Amenza ran away
to find medicine,
and she left me with her.
So I did something.
(baby cooing)
(trembling breaths)
(baby crying)
NANISCA (voice-over):
I made a cut
on the back of the left arm,
and I pressed a tooth into it.
A shark's tooth.
It isn't me.
(whimpers softly)

(whimpers, gasps)

(footsteps receding)
(soft, gasping breaths)

(birds chirping)
NANISCA: They are a day's
journey from our plateau.
They will set up camp there.
They expect us
to defend ourselves
from behind our walls.
We are greatly outnumbered.
Their size makes them
arrogant and slow,
like their guns.

But you don't need a gun
to use gunpowder.
You just need a spark.
Sometimes a termite
can take down an elephant.
We will bring the war to them.

(singing in Fongbe)
(singing continues)
(singing stops)
(undulating cries)
(singing resumes)
-(shouting fiercely)
-(singing continues)
(Agojie continue shouting)
NANISCA (voice-over):
For 90 years,
Dahomey has lived
under the thumb of the Oyo!
(all shout)
NANISCA (voice-over):
When it rains,
our ancestors weep
for the pain we have felt
in the dark hulls of ships
bound for distant shores!
(singing continues)
NANISCA (voice-over):
When the wind blows,
our ancestors push us
to march into battle
against those who enslave us!
-(Agojie shout)
-When it thunders,
our ancestors demand
we rip the shackles of doubt
from our minds
and fight with courage!
We fight not just for today
but for the future!
We are the spear of victory!
We are the blade of freedom!
We are Dahomey!
-Wu Suu!
Wu Suu!
-Wu Suu!
-Wu Suu!
Wu Suu!
(undulating cries)

(birds chirping)
(horses neighing in distance)

(multiple explosions)
(soldiers yelling, screaming)
(horses neighing)
(screaming continues)
We are under attack! Attack!
(explosions and screaming
continue in distance)
Grab your weapons!
We are Oyo!
(soldiers yelling)
(undulating cry)
(others join in cry)
(yelling continues)
(undulating cries continue)
(grunting and groaning)
(all yelling)
(grunting and groaning
(grunting and groaning
(squishing thud)
(grunting and groaning
(grunting and groaning
(squishing thud)
(yelling, grunting)
-(loud thump)
-(soldier grunts)
(Agojie yelling)
(grunting and groaning
(gasping, choking)
(grunting and groaning

-(soldier yells)
-(Fumbe yelping)
-(yells in pain)
(soldier groans, gasps)

(grunting and groaning
-(neck snaps)
-(soldier groans)
-(squishing thud)
-(soldier groans)
(whimpers, groans)
(bullet clangs on blade)
(grunting and groaning
Where is Oba?
Where is Oba?!
(grunting and groaning
Fall back!
Fall back! Oyo, fall back!
(frantic chatter)
(grunting and groaning
(soldiers yell)

Grab the Agojie.
Oyo, move!
Oba wants the Agojie.
Move, move, move!
(soldier grunts)
(frantic chatter)
(grunting and groaning

They are retreating!
Move, move, move!
(migan yells)
(others yelling)

You fought well,
my young sister.
(voice shaking)
Now you must rest.
(warriors chanting)
Ghezo! Wu Suu!
She is not here.
No one has seen her.
(trembling breaths)
I failed.
You stayed alive.
You are not tied to anyone.
Go over.
Do you want to live?
-(keys jingling)
-(indistinct chatter)
We need to buy passage.
We are not going home?
We have lost.
At home, we are dead men.
Put this one on display.
The bids will be higher
for soldiers.
I said move.
(lock clicks)
(chains jingling)
-(lock clicking)
-(gate creaking)
Move back!
Make space for one more.
(dog barks)
(gate creaks shut)
Izogie. (shuddering breaths)
Come. Sit.
(Izogie grunts softly)
We will need our strength
to escape.
My arm is broken.
I know what I must do.
What the miganon said.
We will slit our throats.
We will not.
"Fear not.
"Face it head-on.
Relentlessly, we will fight."
You are Izogie.
You said it.
"Relentlessly, we will fight."
Come on!
(breathing deeply)
(Izogie grunts softly)
(breathes deeply)
Push it back together.
-(bone cracks)
-(pained grunt)
(muffled grunt)
(Izogie breathing shakily)
You are strong
for a little fly.
Now what?
-(man whistling)
-(cattle mooing)
(stops whistling)
(Fumbe panting)
(panting heavily)
FUMBE (voice-over): They were
taking us to the barracoons.
How many others?
Uh, three, I think.
I did not see her.
Nawi said to throw myself
off the wagon.
Miganon, Ajahi.
The king requests you.
I have brought you here
because I have chosen kpojito.
Kpojito is beloved
of the people.
She must be deserving of their
admiration and their trust.
We must share the same vision
for our future.
A bold future.
For that reason,
I have chosen Nanisca.
She is a common soldier.
-Will you sit down.
-Ruined by the enemy.
-Sit down and be quiet!
Kelu, Efe, go and talk to her.
Go, go, go.
We will celebrate.
We will bring the city
to the palace,
and we will have a big feast.
Go and prepare.
Well done.
My king, it is a great honor.
But perhaps it is too soon,
when we have lost
so many soldiers
and the people are grieving.
No one is grieving.
We have won.
We have thrown off the yoke.
My king, I wish to seek
our lost Agojie.
Some were taken captive.
They will be sold,
used by the men.
Nanisca, the moment
you seek is here.
The few have been sacrificed
for the many.
-Now we must move forward.
-I can go alone. Let me try.
-The Oyo...
-You disobey me, Nanisca.
Are you confusing
my admiration for weakness?
I am your king.
Let me tell you, you will not
seek out those captives.
You must stay by my side
and take the honor
I bestow you.
Do not force my anger.
(seabirds crying)
(door opens)
IZOGIE (voice-over):
In the morning, they will come.
-Back up! Move it! Move it!
-Get back! Back!
-Move back!
-Back! Move it!
-Stay back!
-(chains clanking)
(Izogie grunts quietly)
IZOGIE (voice-over): They will
take the Agojie first.
(chains clanking)
-On your feet.
-(grunts, groans)
-(guard shouts)
IZOGIE (voice-over):
We must have patience.
When we are brought
to the block,
we will be unshackled.
We will have our legs.
We must not let them see
my arm is broken.
When we are sold,
that will be the moment.
You will make a distraction.
I give you 90 for this one.
Oba, you said you would
be good to me here.
Mm-mm. It will go
to the highest bidder.
IZOGIE (voice-over): We will
each disarm a guard and run.
Do not stop
until you reach the water.
150 reais.
(speaking Portuguese)
(Santo speaking Portuguese)
-(people screaming)
(man yells, grunts)
(gun fires)
(gun fires)
-(gun fires)
(Nawi grunting)
-Come on. Come on. Come on.
-(grunting, jagged breathing)
Get up.
Izogie, get up.
(gasping, jagged breathing)
No, no, no, no.
I'm sorry.
(stammering, jagged breathing)
You move like a sloth.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Let's-let's go.
Let's go.
Izogie. Izogie.
You get away from her!
Get away!

If you want this one,
100 reais.
(sobbing continues)
-What are you doing?
-Move aside.
You know what the king
will do to you if you defy him.
You want to be expelled
or worse?
-No, no, no, no. Nanisca.
-Amenza. Amenza.
-I cannot stand by.
-I know what it is.
In the dream.
The beast I am
so frightened of.
It is me.
It is that girl
who was silenced
in those shackles by those men.
I've hidden her away.
I have denied her pain.
But I'm going to hear her now.
(sniffles) Hmm?
I have to try to save her.
(insects trilling)

(thunder rumbling)

(distant chatter)
(door opens)
It is not safe for us.
I brought you clothes.
I will sneak you out
at nightfall.
Do you own me now?
-Of course not.
-Get out!
-I am trying to protect you.
-By locking me in?
Do you know what
they would do to you?
A white man was killed.
You have the key now.
You can choose
when the lock is turned.
(water pouring)
(water splashes gently)
My mother guided me here
to find myself.
And I found you.
I have booked passage on
a cargo ship bound for England.
I want to keep you safe.
(sniffs sharply)
My heart has many scars.
(takes deep breath, sniffs)

SHANTE: Husband, please accept
my deepest apologies
for questioning your will.
What do you want?
Move, my friend.
The wives are whispering.
I told Tanonu
what they say, and...
Have I not told you
not to discuss
my business with the wives?
Have I not told you?
My king, please forgive me.
Nanisca's gone to Ouidah
with the migan
and a number of her soldiers.
-We must postpone the feast.
No, no. The-the people gossip.
You cannot postpone it now,
not without looking weak.
(lively chatter)
(raucous laughter)

(man groans)
Where are the others?
Izogie was killed, Miganon.
Nawi is gone.

There will be no prisoners.
Burn their whole trade
to the ground.
(keys jingling)

(gun fires)
-Sound the alarm!
-(alarm ringing)
(fire crackling)
-(alarm continues)
(grunting and groaning)
Nawi. Nawi.
I need to come in.
We must go.
My sisters have come.
I have to help them.
Then I will help you.
No. Malik.
You must go.
Your clothes are bloody.
You can wear these.
(gunshots continue in distance)
-(Santo shouts in Portuguese)
I will take care of him.
I will be on the beach.
-(Malik speaks Portuguese)
-(door closes)
(Santo and Malik arguing
in Portuguese)
(grunting and groaning)
(grunts fiercely)
(grunting and groaning

I want Oba.
(grunting fiercely)
Hurry up, this way,
this way! Come on!
Move, damn it!
(shouts in Portuguese)
No! No! No!
Malik! Malik, in!

(sailor speaking Portuguese)
(Santo shouting in Portuguese)
(in Portuguese):
Malik, no! No! No!
Loose me! Loose me!
No! No! No!
Malik! Malik, no!
(screams) No!
-(punches landing)
-(Santo screaming)

(horse neighing)
-(horse sputtering)
-(horse squeals)
(horse whinnies)
(pained grunting)
(grunting and groaning)
-(Oba yells)
-(Nanisca groans)
(gasping, jagged breaths)
(both straining)
(Oba taking deep,
gruff breaths)
(both grunt)
(Oba gasping)
You do not remember me.
Now you will never forget.
-(Oba groans)
(gasping breaths)
(gun fires)

No, no, no, no!
(soldier groaning)
(soldier chokes, grunts)

Wu Suu!
-AGOJIE: Wu Suu!
Wu Suu!
-Wu Suu!
Wu Suu!
Wu Suu!
Come. We cannot stay here.
Get in the boat!

(rhythmic drumbeat playing)
Shante, well done.
You deserve it. (chuckles)
(cheering, undulating cries)
(rhythmic drumbeat continues)
(undulating cries continue)
CROWD (chanting):
Nanisca! Nanisca!
Nanisca! Nanisca! Nanisca!
Nanisca! Nanisca!
Nanisca! Nanisca! Nanisca!
Nanisca! Nanisca!
Nanisca! Nanisca! Nanisca!
Nanisca! Nanisca!
(chant fading)
Nanisca! Nanisca!
(drumming stops)
You disobey your king, Nanisca.
I will resign my command.
People of Dahomey...
...we have ended the reign
of the Oyo Empire.
-(cheering, undulating cries)
-(rapid drumming)
(drumming stops)
Look upon the faces
of the warriors.
Look at them.
Many never thought it possible.
But we believed.
That is what makes
a great leader.
Seeing what others do not.
The Europeans
and the Americans have seen
if you want to hold
a people in chains,
one must first convince them
that they are meant
to be bound.
We joined them in becoming
our own oppressor.
But no more.
No more.
We are a warrior people!
And there is power
in our mind... our unity,
in our culture.
If we understand that power,
we will be limitless.
My people,
this is a vision I will lead.
It is a vision that is shared.
Heroes of Dahomey,
behold the bravest
of the brave,
appointed by King Ghezo,
elevated to the sacred title
of kpojito,
Nanisca, the woman king.
(cheering, undulating cries)

An offering for Izogie.
She does not want that water.
She wants this.
In my blood is the blood
of a killer.
A man who gave you
so much pain.
I am sorry.
You are Agojie.
I am sorry.
I left you.
I was not brave enough.
But you survived because
you are meant to be here.
It is not your fault
what happened to me.
are not the thing that hurt me.
You are Nawi.
You are my daughter.
I am sorry.

(sniffles quietly)
(sobs softly)
(inhales sharply)
(shuddering exhale)
(lively, percussive music
(rhythmic, enthusiastic

(chanting slowly fades)

Mother, will you dance?

(chanting fades back in)
(choir vocalizing)
(man singing in native
(singing continues)

(song ends)
Sisters in blood.
You fall and now you rise.
Dance with us.
-(Agojie singing in Fongbe)
-Be with us.
You live for me...
and I for you.
(Agojie continue singing
in Fongbe)
("Keep Rising (The Woman King)"
by Jessy Wilson playing)
Got to understand
What happens from here
Is in our hands
From mighty kingdoms
Of a distant land
Turn the world upside down
Yes, we can
We just gotta
Rise up, rise up
Rise up, rise up
Rise up, rise up
Rise up, rise up
No, no, yeah
No, no, yeah
No, no, yeah
No, no, yeah
Been marching so long
How far is it to get
To where we're going?
Don't you know
Together we are strong?
We're gonna fight the madness
Till it's gone
We just gotta
Rise up, rise up
Rise up, rise up
Rise up, rise up
Rise up, rise up
No, no, yeah
No, no, yeah
(woman singing
in foreign language)
Rise up, rise up
Rise up, rise up
Rise up, rise up
Rise up, rise up
(woman vocalizing)
No, no, yeah
No, no, yeah
No, no, yeah
No, no, yeah
(vocalizing continues)
(woman singing
in foreign language)
(song ends)

(music ends)