The World, the Flesh and the Devil (1959) Movie Script

Pack on station a,
this is Burton.
I'm at the third level,
tunnel eight
where the old tunnel
comes in, do you read me? Over.
Read you clear, Ralph.
What's it like down there?
Is that where the seepage
is coming from? Over.
It looks that way.
It's kinda wet down here.
I can see why this old tunnel
was closed off for so long.
A lotta water
coming in all the time.
Man, if anything was ever to go
wrong down here, there'd be..
Trouble! I'm getting out.
Pump's working.
I've got enough trouble
without drowning.
This is Ralph Burton
down at tunnel eight.
Can you here me, Bertha?
I'd like to put a call in
to the President of the company.
Small complaint about
the way he's running things.
Nothing much, about 30, 40
thousand words, you know.
While you're at it, you might as
well get a new phone down here.
This one's had it.
Don't know if you can hear me,
but there's sure is enough left
in this thing,
for me to hear you.
Hey! If that means you can
hear me, rap again, huh?
No, no! Give me three,
three, and then two.
Three, three and then two, okay?
Anytime you're ready.
I'll be right here.
Hey! All right, all right.
I'm wired for sound.
Hey, listen. I'm okay.
The air down here
is still pretty good.
You start digging
whenever you are ready.
And no hurry, huh?
I'll go on overtime
at 4 o'clock.
In the meantime,
I'm gonna have a little lunch.
Don't know what
time it is anymore.
Five days is all I know.
Five days I've been down here.
I don't know what's going on up
there, but 1 wish you'd get moving.
Doesn't seem to me like they're
digging as hard as they were.
That makes me nervous.
Tell old grisly
to get on the job, huh?
Sure will be good
to see old grisly.
Bet I'll be.
Dig in, old grisly.
Give me that tonnage, old bear.
Ji don't like it jj
ji don't like it jj
ji don't like it here jj
ji don't like... j'j
Jj 1 don't like it
I don't like it jj
ji don't like it here jj
ji you wouldn't like it
nobody likes it ij
jj nobody likes it here jj
ji food's got moldy
I've got oldie.. I'l
jj food's got oldie I got.. Jj
ji food's got moldy
I got oldie jj
jj nobody likes it here jj
jj voices echoing jj
i rocks are fallin' jj
ji don't like it here jj
Hey, the lights!
Something is wrong
with the lights.
Hey! What's it with the pumps?
Start the pumps. They stopped!
What, do you want me to drown?
Hey, do you hear me?
Hey, don't stop digging.
I can't hear anybody digging.
You didn't give up
on me, did ya?
I'm alive!
Hey, don't stop digging.
Hey, somebody answer me
on the pipes, huh?
Oh, no.
What, are you kiddin' me?
Don't leave me in here!
You hear me?
Dig! Dig!
Leave me here to die?
Get me outta here!
I'm out.
Hate you all
for leaving me. I'm out.
I'm out.
I'm coming out.
Coming out.
I'm out.
I'm out.
I'm out.
The coal is burning.
Coal is burning.
Coal fire.
Coal burning!
What's goin' on?
What's the matter?
"World doomed, states
dying president."
"Millions flee from cities,
end of the world.
Mrs. Crawford, I'm home.
Mrs. Crawford?
I'm alive.
Got outta the mine
and I'm alive.
Anybody here?
Anybody here?
It's me!
Ralph Burton.
I'm alive!
I'm Ralph Burton and I'm alive.
Anybody here?
Come out!
Come out!
You're all crazy.
Why are you hiding?
What are you hiding
from me for? What did I do?
I know you're there.
You're staring at me.
I can feel you all
staring at me.
Come out!
Come out!
Anybody here?
We lost London
an hour ago. You getting this?
- Yes, go ahead.
- We lost London an hour ago.
He said he had the blisters
yesterday. I got it now..
The last I got.
No use now. This is the end.
house staff from New York..
White house staff from
New York. You too, rio.
Eddie, is rio on the circuit?
Okay. White house staff,
New York. Near the end now.
We're sick here. There were
20 of us this morning..
We lost contact
with London and Paris.
San Francisco went off last
night and Chicago right after.
Nothing left alive
between here and there.
- The lights are going.
- We're losing power.
We're going through emergency
generators. Switching over.
White house staff. This is
full report. Probably final.
Rio de Janeiro just getting
first clouds of isotope dust.
- Want information..
- Why have a resurrection..
The white house staff's
not answering.
Keep going, keep going.
I'll try again.
Rio, this is New York.
It began seven days ago
when the walkout from
the united nations started.
It is still not known
what nations started using
radioactive sodium isotope.
Tons of radioactive dust
released in upper atmosphere
circling the earth's
sodium isotope.
Half life, 53 hours,
deadly for about 5 days.
No defense against it.
Three days ago, first clouds of
dust reached the United States,
now in New York. The city
is completely evacuated now.
But no use to run.
It's everywhere now.
Everywhere in the world.
Last official act
of united nations
was to order all nations
fo reconvene.
Too late, no place to go..
Forget it. The white house
staff has all circuits open.
No answer. The radio's on,
but closing.
What do I do, go on?
You're talking to yourself,
that's all.
Get off. Go home or something.
All these years.
Listen, what do I do
about the equipment here?
The generator room is still
operating, do I leave it?
Anybody there?
Just me.
I'm here.
Rough ride, snodgrass?
Anybody hungry?
How about you, Betsy?
You're looking
kinda skinny lately.
You haven't been getting
your proteins.
How about you, snodgrass?
Would you like a little stew?
Always smiling.
Nobody can be that happy.
Betsy, I hate to tell you this.
Snodgrass is a friend of mine.
And I wouldn't do anything
in the world to hurt him.
But you're too good for him.
Hello, Frankie.
Jj done laid around
done stayed around jj
jj this old town too long jj
ji summer's almost gone jj
ji summer's almost gone jj
jj done laid around
done stayed around jj
jj this old town too long jj
js and I feel like
I want to travel on jj
Jj I've waited here
for most a year jj
ji waiting for the sun
to shine jj
ji waiting for the sun
to shine jj
jd hoping you'd
change your mind j
jj waited here
for most a year jj
jd hoping you'd
change your mind j
jj now I feel like
I ought to travel on ij
Jj well the chilly wind
will soon begin jj
Jo I'll be on my way jj
ji gone alone someday jj
ji going home to stay jj
jj chilly wind
will soon begin jj
Jo I'll be on my way jj
jj 'cause I feel like
I want to travel on jj
j 00-00-00 j
j 00-00-00 j
What's so funny?
I'm lonely and you're laughing.
Do you know what it means
to be sick in your heart..
From loneliness?
You don't care, do you?
No sense, no feeling.
You look at me,
but you don't see me.
You don't see me and you
wouldn't care if you did.
Out you go, my friend.
We've been together too long.
And you've laughed at me
once too often.
Hey! Hey, girl!
Wait, I'll be right down!
Hey, girl! Hey, lady!
Where are you?
That's great.
That's all I need,
is to start seeing people.
I did see you, you're real.
Don't touch me.
That's good, that's very funny.
We're the only two people left
in the world and all you can say
is don't touch me.
- I'm afraid.
- I can see that.
Don't worry, I won't touch you.
I've been watching
you for weeks now.
Some of the things you do,
I wasn't sure I...
You mean I've been acting crazy?
Why not? It's a crazy world.
And I thought I was
all alone in it.
Look, I live here,
drop me a postcard sometime.
I thought you'd killed yourself.
It's too much for me.
I'm all alone, my family,
the whole world gone
and nobody to cry over it,
except me.
I cry sometimes, too.
I knew you were alive. I've
known it since you came here.
Somehow, it made it easier
for me watching you
but I didn't know how to tell
you there was someone else.
Then, when I saw, when I saw
that thing come crashing down,
I thought it was you.
And I felt as though
I died myself
without ever having anything
to say about it.
That was snodgrass.
I brought him home
because he was smiling.
After a while
he got on my nerves.
What's your name?
Ralph. Ralph Burton.
I'm Sarah crandall.
One I or two?
Pleased to meet you,
miss crandall.
Likewise, I'm sure.
You know, I've got a million
questions to ask you.
You know, things like,
how old are you?
Where you from?
How'd you stay alive?
When the first alarm came, we got
into a decompression chamber.
Three of us.
Where are the other two?
They went out the second day.
They are dead, then.
It's going to rain again.
I guess I'd better go.
Where do you live?
Near here.
Will you be back?
I need you, Ralph Burton.
I'm here.
What day is this?
April 9th.
What day of the week?
It felt like Sunday.
- Hi, Ralph Burton.
- Hi.
It's about time
you came to see me.
Well, I was going
to surprise you.
You're all hooked up
to the generator
now, you're gonna have lights.
Thank you.
I can see you've been busy.
Yes, I've been shopping.
Service was terrible,
but I got a few bargains.
I'm all ready for spring.
Ralph, don't you think that..
Oh. I mean, what do I
do about the lights?
Well, when it gets dark,
just turn 'em on.
And remember, pay
your bills promptly.
Alexander Graham bell, no doubt.
Ho-ho, it works.
You'll have the whole city
working before you're through.
The hardest part was
getting the bell to ring.
Turn on your radio.
- What?
- Turn on your radio.
This is new
York calling the world.
There are two of us alive
in New York City.
This is New York calling qrr.
New York calling anybody.
We will be on the air every day
at 12 noon for messages.
This is New York, signing off.
- Did you hear it?
- It sounded fine.
No answer, though.
Don't get discouraged. It took
you a while to get it working.
It might take longer
in other places.
Maybe that's it.
How about inviting
a nice girl over for lunch?
It's my turn to cook.
All right.
I'll be there in ten minutes.
Thanks for the phone.
Keep waiting
for people to come back.
Keep waiting for it to happen.
So, I'm goofy.
I miss bread.
And milk, fresh milk.
For me, it's mostly bread.
Wouldn't it be easier
if I moved into this building?
I mean instead of this
going back and forth
and you trying to make
both places run.
Took you all month getting
electricity into my place.
- If I were here...
- No.
Why not?
People might talk.
You mad about something?
None of your business.
All right.
You know, I figured it
out on my slide rule.
Exactly 12 years, 4 months
and 3 weeks.
The dishes will be up to here
and I'll have to move.
Might be easier to wash them.
That requires water and I'm
tired of lugging it up here.
You mean you've been lugging
water up here all this time?
Do you have a better idea?
Well, I'll be...
The tanks on the roof.
I thought you knew that.
I did, but I kinda
took it for granted.
Water. What about that!
So you don't know everything
after all. That's a comfort.
I was beginning to think
you were Superman.
How about that!
I've been trying to find ways
of pumping this up here.
- You don't know how much time...
- Time.
As if there isn't enough time,
there's more than enough time.
I guess we're on
the verge of quarreling.
You and me?
What for?
I feel like it!
Look, if I've done anything
to get on you're nerves...
What are you gonna do
with these books?
I'm gonna save them, like all
the others on the floor below.
You're gonna keep counting
books till the building falls.
Somebody has to save them.
I went down to the library
and the roof's falling in.
It's filled with water.
All the books are getting
wet and dirty.
I know, everything
is getting rusty..
Including me.
You ought to stay
busy like I do.
I'm free, white and 21,
and I'm gonna do what I please.
I shouldn't be
giving you advice.
I'm sorry.
Oh, now you're angry.
Well, at least we're talking.
You know, I always wondered
what people would talk about
when they got married and
they lived together for years.
What do they talk about?
I'll never get married
now, will 1?
No matter what happens,
I won't get married.
Because... there's nobody
left to marry anybody.
Oh, don't.
Don't do that.
Please don't do that.
Look, I can do things,
I can make things work.
But I can't put everything back
the way it used to be.
There's no use crying over it.
Oh, I know there isn't.
I'll stop.
Just keep talking.
We'll find somebody for you.
Somebody to marry, I mean.
You lived through it,
I lived through it.
There must be others.
We'll find somebody
and I'll do the marriage.
I'll be the mayor.
I'll be the mayor, okay?
We've got the shortwave working
and I'll call the entire world
until we find somebody.
Only you can't be
too particular.
You have to take
what you get, okay?
We have to keep hoping,
don't we?
As long as we are alive
the world's still alive.
We're monuments, you and me.
You're the best.
A little damp right now,
but... a very nice monument.
Incidentally, this monument
heeds a haircut.
You don't think I'm going
to do it, do you?
Yes, I do.
I'm not a barber.
I tried calling Antoine in Paris,
but he wouldn't answer.
So that leaves you.
If you do a very nice job, I
might even give you a large tip.
All right.
Let's get at it.
Remember, I've got
my eye oh you.
Look, uh..
Where do I start with this?
Are you sure about this?
Be brave.
Cut more than that.
Oh, Ralph.
There's no wage, you know.
You're pulling my hair a little.
I'm doing the best I can!
I know, I know.
Look, nobody cuts my hair,
I have to do it myself.
I put two mirrors together,
and I cut it myself.
Don't get angry.
Who's angry?
Why should I be angry?
Just because I feel like
an idiot with three hands?
Don't look at me,
you make me nervous.
Why? Because I'm not
a barber, that's why!
Look, do it yourself.
I-I done the best I can,
I-l can't do any better.
- Do it the way you want.
- Ralph!
I got a lotta things to do.
A lotta things and I can't
be hanging around here all day.
It's taking you too long
to accept things, Ralph.
This is the world we live in.
We're alone in it.
We have to go on from there.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
You know me well enough
to be honest with me.
Don't push me.
I'll be so honest,
it'll burn you.
I know what you are, if that's
what you're trying to remind me.
That's it, all right.
If you're squeamish
about words, I'm colored.
And if you face facts,
I'm a negro.
And if you're polite
southerner, I'm a negra.
And I'm a nigger, if you're not.
I'm none of those things, Ralph.
Little while ago, you said
you were, "free, white and 21."
That didn't mean
anything to you.
Just an expression you've
heard for a thousand times.
Well, to me, it was
an arrow in my guts.
Ralph, what do I say? Help me.
I know you, you're a fine decent
man. What else is there to know?
That world that we came from,
you wouldn't know that.
You wouldn't even know me.
Why should the world fall down
to prove I'm what I am
and that there's nothing
wrong with what I am?
We'll leave it the way it is and
I won't mention it again, okay?
We haven't said anything
about love, have we?
You came back.
I went up the river,
almost to Albany.
I was looking for signs of life.
Nothing anywhere.
Three days, you know what
I thought all that time?
There was something on my mind.
I had to get rid of it.
I thought you were dead or
something, now that's not right.
Anyway, I'm
glad that you're back.
Are we friends again?
What choice do I have?
Hey, that's no way
to talk to somebody
when they've
brought you a present.
Today's your birthday, remember?
What kind of a present?
Something you haven't
seen in a long time.
Here you are, lady.
Read all about it.
So long.
"Sarah crandall has birthday.
"New York City
plans huge celebration.
"Come one, come all.
"We regret to inform our readers
that this is all
the news there is."
Calling qrr from New York.
New York calling.
This is New York calling qrr.
Come in, anybody.
Calling New York.
J'appelle New York.
This is New York.
This is New York.
I hear something. Repeat.
If you can hear me, keep talking
until I find you.
English... no english speak.
Whoever you are,
this is New York.
Your transmission's weak.
You need more power.
I can't hear you.
Try again tomorrow.
Call again tomorrow.
This is New York signing off.
And thank god for hearing you.
Wait till I tell her
that there are others alive.
People alive.
Good evening, ma'am.
Do you have a reservation?
I'm "the" Sarah crandall.
It's my birthday and I'm here.
Ring out, wild bells.
Everybody in New York
is here this evening, ma'am.
- Oh, I hate crowds.
- Oh, they'll like you.
You're the prettiest girl
that's shown up so far.
Keep it that way.
- Good evening, ma'am.
- Good evening.
Where would you like to sit?
I'm the guest of honor. I'd
like the best table you've got.
Of course, of course.
Good evening, ladies
and gentlemen. Welcome to the camel oasis.
Our special birthday party in
honor of miss Sarah crandall.
That's enough, that's enough.
Now for our entertainment.
First number's a song
selected by Ralph Burton
featuring Ralph Burton,
the soloist.
Accompanied by Ralph Burton
on the guitar.
Applauded at the end by Ralph
Burton personally
in case nobody else does.
Hey, did I do that?
Of course you did.
Jj the sweetest wine
in the world jj
mis the fruit on the... jj
as soon as Mr. Burton
finishes his number,
would you please have him
come and sit with me?
Mr. Burton... isn't permitted to
sit with the customers, ma'am.
Jj is the love of your youth jj
Jr at 151 saw her jj
jj and thought her ij
jj so beautiful I kissed her jj
j from a distance jj
jj for my young love
was locked inside j'j
j; The sweetest wine jj
jj in the world
j is the fruit.. Jj
I thought you'd laugh.
What about?
Jj love 'neath the skies j\j
j is the love she denies jj
I'm sorry.
I'm spoiling everything.
Oh, it's such a lovely party.
Your club looks beautiful!
I'm surprised you don't
have more customers.
Word hasn't gotten around yet.
Oh, yes, that must be it.
Meanwhile, shall we dance?
I'm being rejected.
Or maybe you don't dance?
Let's say that.
I thought things were going
to be different with us now.
I've got great news.
A wonderful birthday
present for you, Sarah.
Today, on the shortwave,
I... got an answer.
You mean there are others alive?
I don't know who or where.
But it doesn't really matter.
Sooner or later we'll..
We'll talk and we'll find out.
That's right. You and I are
not alone in the world anymore.
Civilization is back.
Does it really make
that much difference?
You know it makes
a difference...
Miss crandall.
I have pride too, you know.
Goodnight, Ralph.
Happy birthday, Sarah.
- Yes, Sarah?
- I was down in the wharf.
- I saw a boat coming.
- Whoa! Not so fast!
- I saw a boat in the river!
- What do you mean?
- Yes, I saw a boat.
- Broken loose?
No, no. It was under power,
coming up the river.
- Under its own power?
- Yes, that's what I'm saying.
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely! I did see it.
- Where?
- East river.
I'll be right there.
- Hey!
- Hey!
Do you see anybody?
No, not yet!
Sorry, I couldn't help
you with the mooring.
- That's all right.
- I've had it!
- Are there others?
- No.
We're the total
population of New York.
That's Sarah crandall.
I'm Ralph Burton.
I'm Ben thacker.
Total population of
the Southern hemisphere.
Wherever I've been, I was
the total population.
I've been here and there
in the last six months.
Something's the matter with you.
What if he dies?
He'll die anyway
if I don't do something.
Dying's nothing.
Maybe I'm thinking about
what will happen if he lives.
You've got a choice.
Not really.
V ery pretty.
I've forgotten your name.
Sarah crandall.
Two I's.
I gather I'm alive.
How long have I been like this?
I mean out of focus.
Nearly a week.
Ever since we found you.
Oh, yes. I remember now.
What's his name?
Ralph Burton.
He saved your life.
Where is this?
An apartment building.
High-rent district, I hope.
And where's our friend?
He's on the floor above.
This is his building.
He'll be here soon.
He makes a shortwave
broadcast every day at noon.
Quite a guy, Burton.
Which floor do you live on?
I don't live here.
- No?
- I have a place of my own.
I see.
I'd rather live here,
but he won't let me.
Quite a guy.
How do you look without a beard?
Well, you're not gonna shave me.
- Yes, I am.
- I say you're not.
Oh, I say I am.
And you hold still because
I'm not very good at this.
Hold still.
Just in time. You saved
my life all over again.
Any luck on the shortwave?
No. Not since that one time.
We got an answer one day,
a few weeks ago.
It was somewhere in Europe.
Well, then there
are others alive.
Don't know how many.
And I haven't had
an answer since then.
How are you feeling?
I think I'll make it.
Oh, you'll make it all right.
Your pulse is all right, your
temperature went down today.
I'm hungry, I'll tell you that.
I'll fix something.
Will you stay for lunch?
If you don't mind.
I don't mind.
- Well.
- Haven't seen you all week.
Been mining again, I gather.
What new treasures
have you saved?
Maybe I'm foolish
for saving things,
but... don't laugh at me, okay?
Everybody to his own pleasure.
- Getting around all right?
- He's doing fine.
Today we're going to
the park for a picnic.
Come with us.
There's enough for three.
Sure, come along, Ralph.
I'm pretty busy. See you later.
I get the impression he's
deliberately leaving us alone.
I wonder why.
Why don't you ask him?
I never press my luck.
Let's take my
private taxicab here.
I love to hear
that meter ticking.
So far, I owe four hundred
dollars and eighty five cents.
High cost of living.
It's the first quarter
mile that hurts.
Poor slob.
All alone in the world.
Here you are.
A little gift of
instant flowers.
Just add water and presto!
Nothing happens.
I'm sorry.
It was a stupid remark.
No. I never get used to things.
Not everything anyway.
You probably love flowers.
No, they made me sneeze.
Isn't that funny?
And now I feel sorry for them.
You're a nice girl.
You're a nice fellow.
Oh, I used to be.
I was even considered
an idealist.
Full of kind thoughts and
good wishes for my fellow man.
Then somebody somewhere
pushed a button
and I became an ex-idealist.
Nobody who says that is an ex.
Well, one for your side.
You're way ahead on points.
As though you needed points.
Why don't you ever look
at me when I talk to you?
You see something in my eyes,
waiting to be said, is that it?
You know a lot
about women, don't you?
Were you ever married before?
Before all this?
Wife and two children.
We lived on Sutton place.
That's not very far from here.
I was there yesterday.
It took a certain
amount of courage.
I didn't find them.
Thank god.
But what about you,
Sarah crandall?
Were you married or anything?
Not married or... anything.
Sooner or later, we'll have
to discuss that, you and I.
You and I and Ralph.
I like Ralph.
As far as I'm concerned,
he's mayor of New York.
What are you gonna do
when you grow up?
Oh, I don't know.
I'll run for something.
Maybe dogcatcher.
- Will you vote for me?
- I believe in a secret ballot.
Well, in that case,
you open it yourself.
Searchlights Pierce
the light at cape canaveral.
As from the launching pad,
vanguard, a three-stage rocket
pursues its mission of the
international geophysical year.
A giant torch reaching
for distance.
But, and to men who
sweat out these projects
a mighty important but,
orbit is not attained.
The first two stages,
The third stage doesn't fire
and falls into the sea.
At New Jersey's palisades park,
the Ferris wheel spins
with a galaxy of beauties
from all the countries
of the world.
Candidates in the
miss universe contest.
A round Robin of glamour girls.
All riding high with the hope
of being chosen the loveliest
girl in the world.
For the cameraman,
a sight to behold.
These bathing beauties
actually go into the water.
California, here they come.
I went through the vault,
trying to find out what happened
on those last few days.
What went on.
And this is what I found.
Everybody having a good time.
Just seeing crowds again.
- Having a good time.
- A good time while it lasted.
- I need a drink.
- I'll get it.
Ralph, something for you?
I'll have a beer, if there is.
= I'll have the usual.
You know what I like.
She knows what
I like, all right.
Up to a point, anyway.
You're getting better fast.
Nice of you to give
me a clear field.
You know, you remind me
of a guy named snodgrass.
I never knew what was
in his mind, either.
Something has to give.
I already have.
More than I have to.
More that I want to.
And as much as I'm going to.
Now we know, don't we?
I guess we always have.
Wouldn't it have been easier
for you to let me die, Ralph?
Now why didn't I think of that?
This kind of conversation
wouldn't go well in front of her,
so I'll make it short.
I'm talking to you.
Some things work out.
Some don't.
I'll leave it at that.
I won't get in your way.
And I won't get out of your way.
Is that fair enough?
Oh, it's fair, all right.
But is it the best thing?
Clocks mean more to me
than they do to you.
I was never much for
the waiting game, anyway.
- I don't like it.
- I don't like fencing.
All right, then I'll
put it on the line.
I have nothing against
negros, Ralph.
That's white of you.
Don't shaft me, I won't
hold still for it.
I meant what I said.
We have only one problem.
There are two of us and one
of her, what are we gonna do?
Why don't you toss a coin?
Eat, drink, talk about women.
Make your plans, and
get everything settled.
And let me know how I make out.
If you can find me.
Don't make me run.
I can't run yet.
Sarah, listen to me.
You have to be reasonable.
Don't touch me.
I don't wanna be touched.
What are we?
Animals in a pasture?
That's the way you act,
as though I've nothing to say.
Ralph and I are facing
something important.
We're being honest about it.
It wasn't easy for him
to send me after you.
- He sent you after me?
- Yes.
Do you wanna kiss me?
Make love to me?
- Go ahead. Kiss me, make love.
- Sarah.
Oh, now... oh, now it feels.
Make me forget everything.
Harder, harder..
You're getting something.
It's hard to tell where.
Frequency wandering all over.
It's from far off, though.
Somewhere in Europe
or south America.
- Where from?
- The park.
Not just one tree.
I found five, all in bloom.
Life all around us. Coming back.
You said it would.
You knew it would.
I better put these
in some water.
I haven't seen you in
nearly... nearly two weeks now.
Oh, has it been that long?
You know how long it's been.
Well, I get busy, you know.
You know how it is.
Things to do more all the time.
We used to be friends.
We'll always be friends.
You're so clever.
You get around everything.
Just knowing each other
isn't what I'm talking about.
What're you gonna do, keep quiet
the rest of our lives here?
Just keep quiet and stay away
from me, and not do anything?
Just see what happens?
There's nothing to do.
And nothing to say either.
Why not?
Because I love you.
What if I decide to move in with Ben?
He wants me to, he's asked me to.
I've thought about it.
I had to think about it.
I have been expecting it.
The world goes on.
You're very noble.
Sarah, go away! Please go away.
I'm tired and you're pushing
me to the edge of a cliff.
I'll wind up jumping if this
keeps up this way.
I can't live with what's
going on in my head.
You think all this
is easy for me?
You think there's nothing for me
to talk over with myself night and day?
Listen to me,
Ben thacker is a good man.
There's nothing wrong with him.
The only thing he has against me
is that I'm younger than he is.
Well, I understand that.
I think I know
what's best for you.
I want him to have you.
Sooner or later someone will
have to ask me what I want.
It won't be me that asks.
- I like your house.
- I'm glad.
I'm glad you're glad.
He must have been doing
something to the generator.
He's always doing something
to the generator.
You thought maybe something
had happened to him.
- I have to finish the dishes.
- No, you don't.
You didn't ask me here tonight
to watch you do the dishes.
Ralph says you're a good man.
Are you?
Difficult chasing you around
the furniture on that basis.
Do you think that's
why I asked you here?
To get chased around
the furniture?
I put things lightly sometimes
because that's my nature.
Not because of anything else.
One of the very few advantages
of narrowing down the world
this is way is that it reduces
the topics of conversation.
We don't have to play parlor
games getting to the point.
Women enjoy parlor games.
I'll remember.
Meanwhile, me man, you girl.
How about it?
Isn't that a little crude?
I get crude sometimes.
Especially when talking
doesn't do any good.
Are you in love with Ralph?
- 1 don't know.
- What about me?
I don't know that, either.
Would you know if
Ralph weren't around?
I don't have to answer
all these questions.
You're asking yourself
the same things
and you'd better find
a few answers.
I'm thinking the only answer
is for me to go away myself.
There are other men
in the world.
Ralph has begun to talk
to them on the radio.
They're thousands of miles away.
It'll be years before
any of us get together.
Meanwhile, they'll
talk on the radio.
Tell each other sad stories
of how they managed to survive.
What they're doing now to keep
alive and that's all, just talk.
Well, I'm sick of talking.
Ben, don't.
The other night when I held you,
I felt you come to life.
For a few seconds, at least.
You knew I was a man.
You knew what you wanted.
I could force you.
Could be easy.
No one around to
care if you scream.
All the boy scouts out of town.
Shall I force you?
Is that the way?
It's a way of getting me
to make up my mind.
I'd decide then, all right.
Then not for me, I gather.
I'm sick of you both.
You and Ralph.
He doesn't know what he wants
and you don't think of anything
else but what you want.
You're all that's left
for either one of us.
You'll have to
decide between us.
I won't.
Then I'll do it for you.
Ben! What are you going to do?
What's all this?
We'll get to it.
Right now I'm waiting
for that phone to ring.
Don't answer it.
Let her think you're not here.
I told her I was gonna
settle all our problems.
Now she's beginning to think
I meant something like this.
You're having a
bad time with her.
Oh, the worst.
And I know why.
I also know how to
take care of it.
This little game
of yours won't work.
You act noble so I'll look bad.
You pretend to leave us alone
together, but all the while
you're right at my elbow
looking over my shoulder.
Laughing at me.
You're everywhere,
that's the trouble.
Plotting and scheming like
some fancy kind of spider.
I'm gonna change all that.
What do you want from me?
Move on. See how
things are at Chicago.
- Or San Francisco.
- I don't run so good.
This and that I'll do
and glad to do it.
But running away isn't my style.
I guess I knew I
couldn't scare you off.
Wouldn't be any good anyway.
I'd be waiting for you to
change your mind and come back.
Around every corner.
I'd have to go looking for you.
Well, it's you or me.
And now is the time.
World war iv.
Yeah. Get ready for it.
Make no mistake.
I'll kill you if
you push me to it.
So long, Ralph.
Yes, Sarah?
Ralph, I have to
see you right away.
Right away, Ralph.
All right. I'll be right there.
I told you.
Get yourself a rifle.
I'm after you.
I'm waiting for you!
Here I am, Burton!
Come and get me!
What are you waiting for?
Come out, Burton!
Come on, Burton.
I'm waiting for you.
Here I am, Ben.
Throw away the gun, Ben.
Get away.
No more of this.
It's all over, Ben.
Fight, damn ya!
Why won't you fight?
If you were afraid,
I could do it.
I've been looking for you.
All night.
Are you hurt?
No. I'm all right.
So is Ben.
Where are you going?
I don't know.
Anywhere. Someplace.
Ralph, you can't leave.
I've got work to do.
I'll save things.
Whatever I can.
That's why I'm alive.
Ralph, wait for me.
You can't go.
Wait for us.