The Wounded Man (1983) Movie Script

I'll never manage it. We won't fit
everything in this suitcase. It'll burst.
I'll switch it for a larger one.
I should have never eaten scallops.
We did tell you.
Did the bell peppers stay down?
What a meal, eh?
-It was your idea.
-To celebrate you leaving!
It was my idea, initially.
But can you celebrate a departure?
She hasn't opened her mouth
other than to eat.
Same as him. Who is running the water?
What are you doing?
-Nothing? What's that?
-What's that?
-My suitcase.
Don't make me laugh.
Come on, empty it out.
We're already overloaded enough.
The tapestry.
Why did I do this?
I don't even know if the colors go.
I already told you I didn't want it!
It's hideous. When I cross the border,
I'll chuck it out.
We will be late.
Not that it really matters.
Come on, Henri.
We must hurry up.
-Will you write me a letter?
-Why not two? Move!
-You won't write to me?
-To say what?
Well, I don't know.
Now isn't the time, we've got to go!
-I've got your address so if I like
-You're mad.
There's no bed for you there.
You don't know German. You can't always
-be under my feet.
Don't tell your dad.
What time's the train?
I said we're ahead of time.
Stop talking nonsense!
It's platform three!
Henri! Jacqueline, hurry up!
It leaves down there, I told you!
-I knew it!
-Don't shout!
Getting here early is always better.
21:37! But you do realize,
that's in an hour's time!
A whole hourridiculous.
What are these people doing?
And yet, I was sure I was right.
Hi Sir. Would you mind moving?
My whole family's here, my daughter
is off on a trip
and we'd like to be together.
We miscalculated the time.
If we can snack on something
it'd be better.
Would you mind switching seats?
My son is standing over there.
Thank you, Sir.
Henri, come and take a seat.
Where are you going now? Henri!
Oh really?
Hey little guy! What are you looking for?
Are you looking for something?
Are you thirsty?
-Hot or cold?
I've not got enough.
I'll get it for you.
Here. It's fizzy.
Leave me some, eh?
-It's time to go, where were you?
What are they saying?
-That's your train. Did you hear that?
How about you, ma'am?
-Could you tell me what was said?
They will repeat it.
The 21:37 train
heading for Tarascon and Paris,
at platform three,
is 60 minutes late.
60 minutes. So an hour,
why don't they just say an hour?
Anyway, let's eat these sandwiches.
Are you still hungry after this afternoon?
That's outrageous!
I'm always hungry.
Give that to your dad!
You're seriously not funny.
Beat it, don't stay here!
It's you? What are you doing here?
What are you looking at?
What do you want?
Wait a second.
Where are your papers?
Do you have an identity card?
Hurry up!
Come on!
Henri. Henri what?
How is it pronounced? Eh?
We've never seen you round here.
Are you new?
Help me. Come on, I've got cramp.
Help me. Whack him.
Boot him with your foot. Go on!
Go on! Do it!
I'm telling you to hit him!
This scumbag likes it. Go on,
kick him right in the head.
Come on, strike him! Whack him!
Hit him or I'll do it myself!
Empty his pockets out.
Put your hands in his pocket.
His pants pockets.
I've done his jacket.
Go on. There's money in his pockets.
Go on, do it! Do it slowly.
Slowly. Go on.
Do it!
Give me that back, sir.
Give it back.
Give it back.
Yet you knew what time it was.
Now your sister has gone.
Where did you go?
She didn't get a seat,
but she'll get there fine.
She sends you a big hug.
I'm just repeating what she said.
Do you know what your dad is doing?
He's gone to bed.
Is that the neighbors' son?
Oh, it's stopped working again.
What time is it?
Eh? I don't know. It's midnight.
That guy isn't nice. Does he speak to you?
You haven't showered today.
Are you bored?
I'm going to open the window.
We could leave too.
It's not really a question of money.
But where? He doesn't like the sea.
I wonder what he actually does like.
He's like a bear with a sore head.
He squirms if people are about.
At your age, you can leave.
There are organizations.
I have prospectuses to sign you up to.
You'd be with youngsters.
Look at your sister.
I don't want to leave.
I'm going.
I'm off out.
I don't know.
I don't know, I'm just going out.
I'm going out.
Don't make any noise.
I never know when he's sleeping.
Do you have a light?
Got a light?
Don't stay there, don't be stupid!
Restaurants are useful, aren't they?
My wife left me.
So you see, cooking
Well, I don't come here every day.
No, it's more just for dinner,
once in a while.
Why are you looking at me like that?
I'll show you a photo of my kids.
Oh wow, how awful!
Look. A hut. A palm tree.
Africa. Oh, that's an old snap.
Look. Oh yes.
There isn't even a person in it.
It's a stupid photo,
it wasn't me who took it.
I can't even throw it out.
Yet, it'd be easy to.
-What were you doing in Africa?
What did you do in Africa?
It's not hard to go there.
I could even take you.
You just need a vaccination
against typhus and yellow fever
and to take chloroquine every day
a fortnight before you leave.
I've got some. Do you want some?
-I've still got some on me.
-No thanks.
Luckily, you reminded me of these.
The guy you were with the other evening...
Sorry, doctor, we need to close up now.
So he was with you!
See you tomorrow Mr. Bosmans.
That guy from the other evening...
His name is Jean.
Are you happy now? Are you?
I've already asked you that.
You must enjoy suffering
because otherwise,
I'm sure you'll wait for him now.
What an excellent idea, waiting. Wait.
Sorry, sir, excuse me.
Ah, you're always under everyone's feet!
Well then? Eh?
-What's with you?
-Leave me alone.
-Is he new?
-Yes, he's with me.
He's so cute.
How much do you want for him?
-I can't give you him, I just can't.
-Why not?
I don't want to. He's my brother.
What's got into you today?
He's an asshole.
So am I.
I have these things on me.
So he is going to snitch on me.
You'd be better off asleep.
I'm late, I have to go.
Hey? Where?
What are you doing?
I'm not going to tell you.
I work in trading.
So you're doing business?
So you steal things? Is that right?
If you like.
Hold onto this for me.
Pass me a franc.
Move out the way.
Your go.
Do it again. A franc.
Now that's a real man.
-Go on!
-You're a weakling.
Wait, let's start over!
He's got to do it now.
He's nervous!
Go on!
So you want to go somewhere? Eh?
Come on then, let's go if you want.
I often go to this one place.
I'll take you if you like.
What's up with you?
-What's up with you?
No, we shouldn't go there.
No, it's not for you.
I was talking trash.
It was a joke, but it's not funny.
It's stupid. I won't take you there.
Come on, we'll stay together,
let's go to mine.
Come on.
I was in bed.
Come in. This is Elisabeth.
Through here.
Here, see to him.
What's got into you? Who is he?
How do you know him?
And how did you do that?
-Is there anything to eat?
-In the fridge.
Through there.
Here is that tape.
-Do you want me to leave you?
I'd forgotten about the TV.
No, not him.
Not this one.
He's a kid.
I found him at the station, that's all.
I'm not asking anything of him.
I just brought him here, that's all.
He can sleep in a corner somewhere.
I'm not asking anything of him.
He can sleep with us.
Do you want him to sleep with us?
Do you want to sleep here?
Come on, let's go to bed!
He's dazed after getting cut
on his forehead.
Tomorrow it'll be better.
Are you not getting undressed?
No, I'm fine, thanks.
You bring them here now?
What do I care?
He can stay here, can't he?
You forgot my birthday.
-It's the 4th?
-No, the 6th.
It was two days ago.
Why are you telling me now?
I'm just saying.
You weren't here anyway.
Everyone forgot it.
I'll celebrate your birthday every month.
Every 4th of the month.
For a year.
No. Not this evening with him here.
But he's sleeping.
I don't think he is.
Come here.
Did you make love last night?
What are you looking at?
Do you want to sleep with me?
Eh? Come here.
You'd be great.
That's what you'd say, perhaps.
That's why you keep looking.
I don't understand.
How do you expect me
to be able to believe you?
I don't even know you.
I'd have had you sleep here with me.
I hate being watched sleeping.
-I wasn't watching you.
-You were.
Give me proof.
Proof of what?
I have to be able to trust you, you see.
I've already been conned.
I swear I wasn't watching!
I don't care about that,
I'm not talking about that.
You can watch me if you like.
I'm going to give you my knife.
As proof.
It was my first knife.
Here. Here, take it.
I'm giving it to you.
It's broken.
That's just the handle.
It can be re-glued.
How about you?
What are you giving me?
Eh? I don't know.
I have nothing to give you.
You have nothing to do.
I'm not asking anything of you.
I'll show you.
The station is the easy part.
It works by itself,
you have nothing to do.
I'll be with you.
What do you mean?
We don't have time.
I'll tell you one thing.
The guy who will give you cash,
whoever he is,
you have to hate him. Hate him, got it?
Hatred is rule number one.
Only that can save you.
What are you talking about?
But you won't even need that.
You don't need hatred as I'll go in first.
I'll save you, not hatred.
You'll never be alone.
Plus, they're married,
they're all deceitful, you understand?
Stop looking!
But what should I do?
I can't hear you.
Make me a coffee, eh?
Why did you ask
for my ID card first time we met?
I'm a cop!
The station is just a first step, alright?
After that, you have to go back to theirs.
To get more info. Give me that,
it's already late.
Here, take this next door.
We'll go pay them a visit
and we'll fool around, okay?
It's fine. Come on.
Let it go.
You're not clean-shaven, I don't like it.
Hey! Ouch!
Ow! Stop!
-Let's go!
-Gross, it's been everywhere!
Looking handsome now!
Do you never laugh?
Come on then. I'll be there,
I'll follow you.
If they bother you,
I'll tell them where to go.
A touch or two won't kill you.
If they want to give you a gift,
accept it.
I go to theirs when?
Later on. Now you'll go to a hotel.
And only take old guys with you.
Understand? Eh?
Can you do it?
Are you listening?
I'll follow and come in after.
-Ow! Yes, I understand!
I follow you then you show up.
-No, you follow me then you turn up.
That's it, yes. I'll do that.
How old do you think I am?
I don't know.
You're old.
You're exaggerating, I'm not old.
Sorry, I didn't realize.
Have you had dinner?
I'm not hungry.
I smoke too much, I should quit.
You don't smoke I hope?
I live right by here, I have a car.
No, not to yours.
Oh, bye then.
Wait. Not to yours.
Let's go to a hotel. 200 francs.
I do everything.
-How do you mean?
-Let's go to the hotel.
Eh? 200 francs.
Are you really alone?
Yes, yes.
200 francs.
Come on then.
Is anyone here?
-Can we get a room?
-For two?
Is it for the night?
-Is he of age?
-Yes, of course.
I suppose it won't last long. 68 francs.
We won't mess the bed.
First floor.
What the hell are you doing?
Is something up?
Come on, I'm ready.
What's up, are you sick?
Are you sick?
Come on, kiss me.
Let's turn off the light.
Why? Does the light not turn you on?
What are you doing? Turn it on!
It doesn't work. Get undressed!
Give me the money.
I'll give you 50 francs more
if you come. Come on then.
-Switch on the light.
Hear that? Someone is coming up.
-I heard someone.
Someone is coming up.
-Yes, someone is there.
-Who is it?
Yes, I can hear them.
Come on then!
Come on!
Come on!
Make no mistake,
-he's coming up now!
-Get undressed now!
I have a stomachache, I'll shit on you!
What's wrong with you?
Come on then!
-Let me go. He's coming.
-You can shout, no one will hear you.
Come on! Come on!
Come on, that's enough!
You're nice.
You're nice.
Kiss me.
What's up with you?
What's wrong with you?
Give me the key!
Show me your dick.
You're wasting your time, it's not there.
Don't touch that! Don't touch that!
Go on then!
Go on then, that's it.
Happy now?
Give me the key!
Show me your cock.
Come here, I'll suck you off.
Where's the key, eh?
-Where is it? Where?
-It's here.
I need some cash, I've been had.
Give me all you've got!
-Are you mad?
Don't shout so loud!
-I've no time. 200 francs!
-I don't have it!
-You shouldn't owe anyone anything!
-You have it. I'm begging you go get it!
-I want money now, 200 francs!
-Quieten down! Wait.
Come on, quick, quick!
Wait. I'm warning you
this is the last time.
-Hand it over!
-Your dad can't know about this.
Yes, I know. Where the hell is your cash?
-Where the hell is it?
-You're speaking too loud, he'll come out.
I need
I need 200 god dammit!
We're happy together.
Why are you disturbing us?
But that's not 200 francs!
There isn't 200 francs there, shit!
Come on, quick! Hurry up!
What the hell are you doing?
Take the food money.
I'll talk to him later.
He isn't here.
-He's a poor guy, isn't he?
Jean. Jean, he's strapped for cash.
Were you with him?
No, I didn't see him,
but I have money for him.
Money we're going to share,
so we'll share it.
Where did you get that?
From a guy. I smashed his face in.
Do you want a coffee?
Where were you?
Have you not slept?
I have a bit.
Go to bed if you like.
Where is he?
He's not always here. He left.
It's pointless waiting for him.
He never comes when you wait.
Keep that money, you can give it to him.
-Where do you work?
-Right near here.
I'm lucky transport wise.
Have you known him long?
How about you?
Where did you meet him?
In the street.
He said at the station.
In the street in front of the station.
He gave me something to drink,
I cut my head open and we came here.
He asked nothing of you there?
He didn't ask anything of me.
Do you love him?
I don't think anyone else could
besides me.
Lie down properly.
Go to sleep.
I had a friend.
A classmate of mine.
He was the son of a prison manager.
We often went there.
In his room there were bars.
Lie down.
He's no longer my friend. They moved.
We stopped seeing each other.
We wrote to each other a bit.
Then that completely stopped.
It wasn't worth it.
It was worth it.
It's always like that.
Is there ass in there?
How do you mean, ass in there?
Beat it, you low life.
Do you work here?
How do you get in? I'm looking
for a friend who is often here.
Here, I have money.
I didn't ask you for anything.
-I don't want your cash!
Put it in your pocket.
You have no place here.
She's beautiful, isn't she?
That's my wife. Do you think she's pretty?
You know it's a really arduous,
difficult job.
Still here?
Beat it!
She has nothing to do with all of this.
She's doing her job.
-We told you to beat it!
-Get out of here!
I'm looking for a friend here. Jean!
Why, want to take a look?
Do you know Jean?
Leave me alone, I don't have time.
I'm in a rush.
I've things to do.
You've changed.
-Leave me alone!
-You've changed.
-I've things to be doing.
-It's not your hairstyle
What happened to you?
Got a new ride? Sweet set of wheels.
True. Given the price of tax stickers
these days, it's a luxury.
Look at me.
I'm made for an aristocratic life.
Yet I have to live
with lousy pieces of shit all day.
Don't go off in a huff! I didn't mean you.
But I mean some people.
Well, I don't know. Other people.
-Him, for example!
Do you want me to tell you?
I'm talking about Jean.
He was different when I met him, you know.
He's aged badly. He's put on weight.
Yes, yes. You didn't notice.
Where is he?
I'd have wanted
To see you this evening, but I'm on duty.
So, perhaps one day.
Is it a date?
It's above all a superb restaurant.
I'll tell you one thing,
I like living a poor life.
Wait! Tell me where he is!
You should introduce me to your parents,
I always make a good impression.
-So, Thursday?
Yes, I know that's far off,
but it's an excellent exercise.
Those clothes don't suit you at all.
One-way to Frankfurt, please.
Via Paris, 467.
467. There isn't enough.
There isn't enough?
Yes, but my sister is waiting for me
There isn't enough.
No but listen, I have to go
my sister is waiting for me.
-But there must be some way.
A ticket for Valence, please.
For 100 francs, I'll sleep with you.
But I don't want to sleep with you.
I don't want to.
Oh really?
As you wish.
I'm great at making love.
Listen, I have 50 francs on me,
I'll give you 50 for a kiss.
A kiss.
Or I don't know,
let's go for a walk.
We'll go for a stroll.
-Are you from here?
-No, I'm from Paris.
Have you got the time?
How old are you?
-20. And you?
-Me too.
Yes, yes.
-Do you live with your parents?
No, I live with a guy
at a girl's house. We sleep together.
-And your parents?
-They're dead.
Are you afraid? Eh?
Why are you afraid?
What are you doing?
Get out of here!
Go on, beat it!
Who cares!
What do you mean?
Who cares if there are people around!
-I'm hungry.
You have lovely teeth.
I really have to go now.
Wait, I'll go with you.
Wait, I can't go through there.
We'll take the exit to the side.
-I'm going through there.
-But you've got no money left.
Here, take this.
What will you do?
I'm getting something to eat.
What are you doing?
Nothing. We're doing nothing.
Close the door.
What's the celebration?
It's the holidays, we can
enjoy some quality time together.
Sit down.
Don't push your luck!
We don't ask you what you've been up to
or where you've been.
We could ask you.
-Well go ahead!
-It's not worth it.
Yes it is.
-I'll tell you.
-Let's talk about something else.
You and your stories aren't funny.
Now if you don't mind,
the door is behind you.
-My date!
-I was going there!
It's not this way!
I spotted you! You changed direction!
Leave me the hell alone!
How can you say that to me,
I wanted to get you out of it!
Come on, get in!
-Leave me in peace.
-In peace?
Do you think I'm in peace?
We had a date tonight!
We were meant to see each other!
But not here, not in this neighborhood!
The table has been reserved.
Walk slower, I'm not as young as you!
I could make you happy right now!
Straight away!
You'd just have to follow me!
I know what you would enjoy.
I know what would make you happy.
It would be worth it.
Where are we going?
Don't worry, I'm taking you to mine.
But first, a detour.
You see?
Listen, listen.
You see, there are couples.
Normal couples.
I like being here and listening.
Is this the surprise?
What surprise? There is no surprise.
I just got overwhelmed, that's all.
It's no longer a villa, but a warehouse.
I don't know how to say no.
Since my wife left me,
I can't find anything anymore.
See this little mark here?
That was me, 1930.
And that was my brother.
I've had enough of you two.
Stay sat there!
There you go, there he is.
You wanted him, there he is.
He's not looking great is he?
When things go wrong,
he always comes to my house.
So there you go.
There you go what?
It's time.
Time for what?
To leave.
Oh really? It seemed to me
Things don't always go the same way.
You can't just click your fingers.
I get the impression
I'm experiencing the same things...
In the same place at the same time.
It's pretty disturbing, even so.
Don't you think so?
You know I've got no memory.
Yes, I know.
Anyway, I'm going to make a call
to the USA.
Hear what he said?
Let's go.
Call them.
Ah, if only I just had to call the USA
Well, okay. Let's go.
-Come on. Hurry up!
I'll leave you alone.
No doubt you have things you want
to tell each other. Right?
Come on.
Do I disgust you?
-Is it for him?
-No, it's for me.
I want to do this.
Lie down.
No, don't touch me.
Close your eyes.
Stop! Stop!
You mustn't do that!
Your job deserves to be paid.
But this is all I have!
-That's it? It's not enough.
-How is it not?
-I didn't even see anything!
-Put your shoes back on!
I said it's not enough!
It's better paid than all
of your other little jobs.
Because you're a stud now,
even at cops' houses it would seem.
I don't want to see either of you again,
you're both gross!
That's not what I'm saying.
Lift your arm up
and put your hand in your pocket
to get out your lousy money out.
Otherwise what?
You never impressed me.
Neither you nor your kid. How many kids
are you doing that to, eh? How many
have you screwed over in six months?
And all of that for your enjoyment.
For money, look at your mug.
Pieces of neglected meat inside and out!
I told you we didn't touch each other!
Who told you to bring him here, eh?
We didn't touch each other! We didn't!
We didn't touch each other, you got that?
He's not the same as the others.
You got me, you old fag?
You were a lot more gentle with me before,
with both your words and actions.
With your actions too!
Here, you forgot something there.
I want half the money.
Wait, are you mad?
We have money now,
we can do loads of things with it.
That's the orphanage.
I wasn't in there,
I was in the boarding school next door.
As soon as we could, we got out of there.
We'd go looking for smokes,
and we'd climb this wall.
We'd throw cigarettes on them.
Why did you fake it?
Fake what?
Why did you fake it at Bosmans'?
Cut me some slack, will you?
And your friend?
The prison guard's son?
What did you do with him?
What was he like?
I don't know, I've forgotten.
So what do you remember?
-Have you ever come?
So then?
How did you do it?
You see, you've never come.
-Leave me alone!
-Beat it, you bastard!
Leave him, he's no bother!
-Get lost!
Shove off, get out of here!
Get out of here you little prick! Asshole!
-You shouldn't have hit him like that.
-Let go of me.
He's an asshole!
Yes, but he's no bother to anyone!
I lied to you the other day.
I lied to you.
She's actually a slut.
She'd even go with you.
But who?
-Eh? Who?
I was waiting for her.
Waiting is fine.
But being thrown out is unbearable.
She'd better watch out
because you shouldn't push me
to the limit.
She's not playing the game.
That's evident.
-She's not playing ball.
-So you shouldn't go back.
Leave me alone!
Leave me in peace.
You've never loved before.
-You don't know what love is.
-I do.
-She defended me.
No, but it's the others.
It's the others.
The others don't want
What are you doing?
Leave him alone, why are you hitting him?
What did he do?
Why do you give a toss?
Come on, let's go in.
Can I kiss you?
What's wrong with you?
What did you say just then?
Son of a bitch. Beat it, you asshole!
Ow! Bastard.
Let's stop this, okay?
Wait, Jean. Wait.
-That cop with the cushy job
What about the paintings,
furniture, rugs and all that?
What about them?
I'll locate them, we'll go back.
-To the apartments.
I've got enough apartments,
we just need to go there.
-Let's go!
-Another day!
No, now!
I do want us to go.
But I'm warning you now,
any funny business, you're out.
We'll never see each other again.
We will, because I'll do
anything you want.
So where is your list?
No need for a list.
I've an address. I know it off by heart.
Right now.
Come on.
Come on, do it quickly.
He's not here.
I think these are yours.
They were on the couch.
You can give him this back.
It's his.
Tell him it's not worth him coming back.
Will you tell him that?
It's stupid because I had a suitcase
full of dresses
and I threw them out.
You could have worn them.
You're late.
Come on, hurry up.
We're sat at the table.
Your sister is back,
if you hadn't noticed.
I put that there.
Police officers stopped by.
They'll be back.
I imagine they photocopied that.
Or they wouldn't have given it back.
So then?
Where are those clothes from?
You also come and hang out here?
You see, this isn't my job.
But why not lend a helping hand?
Yesterday evening,
I thought you'd stop by.
But then you didn't.
I wondered how you were.
You look really calm.
What is going on here?
Oh, absolutely nothing.
I went to yours.
I'm not living there right now.
Last time we saw each other
There are things you have to do
to be able to regret them later on,
to be annoyed at yourself for.
Is my bike still outside?
Oh, that one there
He said you shouldn't push him
to the limit.
Yes. Well he won't be going far.
Yes, he said that to me.
Come on.
It's nice and peaceful down here.
Stay here as long as you like.
I'll give him to you.
I don't give him to just anyone.
at how he's sleeping,
lying flat on his stomach.
You can have him,
try not to wake him.
He's sleeping so well.
Listen to his breathing.
Go on
Go on, take him.
Have him.
But gently. And especially,
don't wake him.
He needs sleep so much.
He no longer knows how to sleep
without taking pills.
Go on.
Go ahead, go on.
Go on, go ahead.
But no.
I won't watch.
Go ahead, go on.
Go on.
Subtitle translation by: Fiona Tindale