The Wraith Within (2022) Movie Script

[mellow guitar riff playing]
[frantic music playing]
[distant screaming]
No, Dad, no.
-[Ami screams]
-You killed Mom!
-It wasn't my fault!
-You killed Mom!
-You know what?
[Ami screaming]
[suspenseful music playing]
-[Ami screaming]
[distorted screaming]
[Ami grunts]
[eerie whispering]
[metal clangs, grunts]
by Affinity Falls playing]
Just have to let go
[Jennifer] Okay.
Jason Voorhees,
Freddy Krueger, and Chucky.
[Aaron] Oh, come on.
Okay, marry Freddy,
kill Jason,
and that leaves fuck Chucky?
Yeah, fuck Chucky.
[Jennifer laughs]
[Aaron] Well, you go then.
[Jennifer] Marry Jason,
kill Jason, fuck Jason.
In that order.
[Bert] Both of y'all
are dead to me.
[bottle creaks open]
[Cory] Bert, I swear, dude,
if you spill again,
I'm coming back there and
I'm gonna strangle you myself.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Bert] Don't tickle me!
[Cory] Oh, God.
-[Aaron] My lady.
Aw, you're so sweet.
-[Aaron] That's me.
[sighing] Uh.
So, where should we go first?
Oh, I wonder if that one
burger place is open.
-Uh, what's it called?
Dude, that place had
the best shakes.
[Jennifer] Good one.
That sounds like a plan,
but I think first we should
grab a few things
before heading out
to the cabin.
Yeah, that's smart.
Meet back here in 30 minutes?
-Sounds good.
Let's go, boy.
Uh, sure, let's go.
So what?
You just want us wait here?
[laughs] Come on, Leyla,
let's go look around
and see what's still here
after all these years.
Well, I don't know
about you ladies,
but I have to change my shirt
because certain somebodies
can't keep it in their pants.
Okay, Bert.
Yeah, just come find us
when you're done, okay?
Hey, Leyla,
this taco's for you.
-Oh, fuck you, Bert.
-[Bert growls]
All right, you know what?
-Why don't you stay by the car?
-[Leyla] Oh, yeah.
Yeah, it's good to be back.
Fuck, man.
Why did you drag me into this?
I don't wanna go
shopping with you.
Cory, I know
you hate shopping, bro.
Look, we've grown close
over the years as brothers.
You look at me as, like,
your blood brother, right?
After what we've been through?
Like, yeah, you're more
than a step brother.
Why are you being weird?
Oh, fuck.
Is that what I think it is?
Sure is, bro.
-It's long overdue.
-Yeah, you think?
And I need
my best man to help me.
[Annie] All right, is this
going to be all for you today?
-[customer] That's it.
-[Annie] All right, just $5.
[register dings]
All right.
Y'all have a great day.
Enjoy that.
-Tell everyone I said hi.
-[customer] Will do.
[whispered murmuring]
Well, well, well,
look what the cat dragged in.
Oh, my God.
Is that you, Annie?
You still fucking work here.
Hey, watch your mouth.
My daughter's right here.
-[Leyla] Okay.
Oh, my God.
How are you two?
I haven't seen y'all--
what, since
high school graduation?
How have you been, Annie?
Um, I'm okay.
Mommy, who are they?
Don't point, baby.
It's not polite.
Do you remember all those
pictures I showed you of me
in my high school uniform?
Well, these two... ladies,
were on the same team as me.
-This is Jennifer and Leyla.
Leyla was the one
I told you about.
Who stole
my high school boyfriend
and my homecoming queen title.
[Leyla sighs] Oh, my God.
Still haven't let
that one go, hey?
Oh, come off it, Leyla.
You got everything
so easy in high school.
You got off scot-free
with everything.
You know
you stole Cory from me.
The two of you were pure evil.
And you,
you just let it happen.
Annie, come on.
That was forever ago.
We were just kids.
Look, Leyla's
a different person now.
She's grown up. So have I.
I work as a social worker with
addicts at an Austin hospital
and Leyla's
a registered nurse there.
-[Leyla] Yeah.
I help people now, Annie.
That's more than
you can say for yourself.
Yeah, super mature, Leyla.
So what?
You two are big city girl,
career girls now?
Is that what's going on?
You forgot where you came from?
Beats sitting around
the same dusty old shop
15 years later with no future.
You will probably die
at that counter one day.
-No, it's okay, Jen.
Let's let the has-been talk.
Same old story.
She peaked in high school.
We know she's never gonna
amount to anything.
-I've amounted plenty.
-Yeah. [laughs]
You know what?
You break it, you buy it.
-[Leyla] Hey.
-[Annie] You got it?
Is that little Annie Eastman?
Oh, dude!
Oh, shit.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Bert, you clumsy oaf.
You will have to buy it,
since you probably broke it.
Isn't that right, Annie?
$1,000? For this?
You've got to be joking.
It's never been opened.
You clearly damaged it.
It's just a little scratch.
Maybe I could un-scratch it.
Pay up first.
I'm sorry.
I only have $200.
I don't have 1,000.
For God's sake, Bert.
Don't apologize to her.
That's probably
how she makes all her money
out of this dustbin.
Scams putting unsuspecting
travelers out of their money.
No one would actually buy
anything from this dump.
[Annie] You know what, Bert?
$200 actually
sounds pretty good.
-[Leyla laughs]
-I'm serious. $200.
You can take
the damn thing with you.
It gives me the creeps anyway.
But you said
it's one of a kind,
and I wouldn't even know
what to do with it.
[Annie] Well, you know,
it's fine, it's just--
Annie, be smart, girl.
It's okay, Papa.
I got this.
I got this, it's fine.
Seriously, Bert, $200 is fine.
We'll be right as rain.
[sighs deeply]
Again, I'm really sorry.
Thanks for letting me off
for only 200.
So, uh, Annie, you have
any newcomers around here?
Or is it just as quiet
as when we were kids?
Not too long ago, a family
bought the old Cutter farm.
But they didn't last very long.
They left pretty quickly
after they realized
the land wasn't worth anything
and they couldn't grow
anything on it.
That creepy piece of land?
Isn't it haunted by some curse?
It was tainted by
a bunch of Satan worshipers.
People still see
the carvings in the trees.
No, the Cutters
were a bunch of idiots
who couldn't take care
of their land.
Now look at it.
Cows can't even graze on it.
Well, if that's everything,
now feel free to get
the fuck out of my shop.
Nothing would make me happier.
-Oh, I'm sure, honey.
Are you going
to the reunion, Annie?
That's why we're all back.
I wouldn't miss it
for the world.
[tense music playing]
[door clicks open]
-[Bert sighs]
-Well, what's in it?
-I don't know.
-Open it up!
It's never been opened before.
Well, then fuckin'
open it, bud.
Open up.
[Cory] Come on, big money.
Oh, this is rubbish!
[all laughing]
200 bucks for a fucking bear?
Way to go.
What a waste of money.
I'll tell you
what a waste of money is,
that new wave medicine
that nobody wants.
[Leyla grunts]
Fuck you, inbreed.
Cory, hey, rude.
Apologize to Bert right now.
[Bert] No, it's okay, Jen.
That's the best
that Cory can come up with
since he's basically
special needs anyway.
Isn't that right, Gory Cory?
I told you
not to fucking call me that.
-Hey, enough. Enough.
-Hey, hey.
-Come on, guys.
-Stop. Enough.
Come on. Calm down.
We came here
to have a good time,
and that's what
we're going to do.
-This is too much drama for me.
-[Bert laughs]
That's calling
the kettle black, Leyla.
[sighs] Sure, Aaron.
I'll chill.
[Leyla] Let's go.
But you better watch
those comments of yours, Cory.
Come on, bro.
All right?
Hey, you're going too fast.
Hey, backseat driver, zip it.
-[police siren wails]
-[Aaron] Oh, fuck.
Way to fucking go, bro.
[door shuts closed]
Hey, Gibson.
Go around the back.
[Aaron] I got this, guys.
Yes, Officer?
Uh, I'm not an officer.
I'm a sheriff.
-Oh, my bad.
-There's a big difference.
Anyway, you have any idea
how fast you were going?
Uh, no, sir.
-Was I speeding?
-Oh, yeah.
We're 25 'round here,
we clocked you at about 53.
Yeah, you were going
kind of fast there, pal.
Uh, you might hit somebody,
hurt somebody.
Gimme your driver's license
and registration.
And IDs from everybody
in this car.
We didn't do anything wrong.
Why have you stopped us?
I didn't ask you anything
so you shouldn't talk to me.
-There you go, Sheriff.
-All right.
I got it.
Fucking prick.
Hey, long time no see, Leyla.
Hi, Danny. How are you?
-[Danny] I'm doing good.
-[Aaron] Long time, man.
Yeah, how y'all doing?
Y'all in town
for the reunion, I assume?
Okay, listen, I'll let you go
with a warning
this time, all right?
-[Leyla] Thank you, Sheriff.
Sure, sure, sure.
Just slow down
next time, would you?
[Aaron] Yes, sir. My bad.
You guys have
a good afternoon, all right?
All right, you too, Sheriff.
[Bert] Thank you, Your Honor.
[melancholic music playing]
[door clicks open]
-[Jennifer] Here we go.
-[Aaron] Okay, let's see.
Welcome to my humble house!
-[Bert] God.
-[Jennifer] Go, Bert.
I'm carrying a lot of shit,
guys, come on.
[Leyla] Unbelievable.
Those motherfuckers
were supposed to remodel
this entire house
before we got here.
-[Leyla] What?
-It's fine.
-You're kidding me, right?
It's-- it's got some--
it's got some character.
-[Jennifer laughs]
-Yeah, Leyla.
It's a-- it's a really
manly man's place.
Real butch. Hoorah.
Fuck off, okay?
So that means it's time to go
back to Austin, right, guys?
You're not helping. Okay?
I'm kidding, Leyla.
It's fine!
-[Leyla] It's a mess.
-[Jennifer] The place is fine.
It's only for a couple of days.
[Leyla] Sure. [laughs]
It's a nice place.
Come on, sweetheart.
Yeah, just-- just go ahead.
Let's go find our room.
[Leyla] Just go ahead.
So, uh...
where's our room?
[Leyla] Back off, Cory.
Back off, okay?
It's ladies only.
Well, hey, Bert,
you're invited, then.
Hey, uh, Leyla.
Where do you want your shit?
Just leave it there, okay?
I'm not in the mood right now.
Thank you.
You're welcome, your Majesty.
[Cory] Oh, hey.
[mouthing] Fuck you.
[eerie tones and sounds]
[eerie tone intensifies]
[Leyla gasps]
[man sighs]
Come on.
Any luck, Bert?
Not much today, but I'm--
I'm still hopeful.
So, Aaron,
it's been a while, man.
When are you gonna
finally propose?
It's all in the timing, my guy.
I'm not gonna drop any hints
with the biggest gossip
since high school around.
Do you really think
I don't have the self-control
-to hide it from Jennifer?
-[Aaron] No.
Well, you did tell us
about Cory's penis.
-[Cory] What'd you say?
I did not!
Tell him you're lying.
She said it was cute.
Similar to how a sorority girl
reacts to a Chihuahua.
-[Leyla laughs]
-Fucking end you, bud.
Oh, good one, Gory Cory.
Hey, come on, guys.
Damn, can't y'all get along
just for one weekend?
And after that, you don't have
to see each other ever again.
Just calm down.
Okay, boys.
Let Aaron have his practice
kissing the bride.
-[Aaron] Leyla.
I'm not proposing.
Not yet, Johnson.
And you, sir, messed up my tan.
Let's go.
Give them space.
It's still funny.
[police radio chatter]
[engine revs]
[siren wailing]
Oh, Jesus.
[car door alert beeps]
You all right?
Are you gonna help a lady up?
Come here.
There you go.
Well, thank you.
What are you doing honking at
somebody jogging down the road?
Well, I'm sorry,
'cause, uh...
I wasn't trying to scare you.
-Yeah, really.
I just--
I recognized you.
I haven't seen you
in a while.
Yeah, it's been a minute.
It's been a very long minute.
So what do you want?
-I wanna make sure you're okay.
-I'm fine.
I'm running between
two fields in the daylight.
Yeah, well...
crazy things can happen
in the daylight.
That's true.
Um, listen,
you know, if you're...
I could turn them lights on...
and give you a mobile escort,
wherever you're going.
I'm pretty sure
I know the way home.
Yeah, I guess you do.
If you're hurt
when you fell down,
I'll put you in
and give you a ride.
Well, luckily for me,
I'm perfectly good.
-[Sheriff] Yeah?
Yeah, I can see that.
Well, you know what?
You know where I'm at.
-Yeah, I do.
I see that.
Maybe one day
you'll stop by and...
chase each other
around the room again.
Not tonight.
I guess that means maybe
tomorrow is a possibility?
See you later, honey.
[discordant music playing]
So, how do you feel
about being back home?
It's fine, I guess.
[sighs] I don't know, Aaron.
I just--
coming back to Junction
brings back good memories,
but I never liked it here.
I just feel like
I shouldn't be here.
Babe, that's normal.
I mean, I feel weird
about this place, too.
It's strange, after all these
years, it's still the same.
I was always anxious
in Junction.
My anxiety came back
as soon as we got here.
Come on, babe.
Let's go enjoy the sunshine.
Uh, no.
I'd burn so fast,
I'd look like Freddy Krueger.
I like me some Freddy Krueger.
I'd still love you.
In fact,
I still remember that one year
where you had
that godawful acne.
Wow. [chuckles]
You know, you always say
the sweetest things to me.
[romantic music playing]
Babe, I have
a question to ask you.
I've been thinking
a lot about us lately.
How time is fleeting...
and spending time
with the people you love
is what life is all about.
I know we've had
our shares of ups and downs.
But we've always managed to
continue to love each other...
be there for each other.
When I look into
those beautiful green eyes...
and that smile of yours...
I just think...
You're the most beautiful,
amazing woman I've ever seen.
And how I'm the luckiest man
in the world.
You're my best friend.
I love you.
You'll always be
my best friend.
Jennifer Anne Corolla.
Will you marry me?
Oh, my God, Aaron, yes.
[both laughing]
[music continues]
[eerie melody playing]
A deer and, like,
a rabbit once--
What are you talking about?
[Cory] And even the math
teacher back in high school.
Rubbish! Rubbish!
Hey, hey, there she is!
It's Aaron Johnson.
-What's your name?
-Shut up.
-[all cheering]
-My new sister-in-law!
-Show me the ring.
-[Cory] Yeah.
-Look at that thing!
-That's beautiful.
Hey, I want a picture,
I want a picture.
-Oh, wait. Um...
I'm just gonna go
freshen up really quick.
-I'll be right back.
-All right. Cheers.
-Why does she hate me?
[door creaks open]
[clears throat]
[soft sigh]
Mrs. Jennifer Johnson.
Mrs. Jennifer Corolla-Johnson.
[screams and gasps]
What the fuck?
[Aaron knocking on door]
Hey, babe, you okay in there?
Oh, yeah-- yeah, baby.
I, uh, knocked
a shampoo bottle off the shelf.
[Aaron] Okay.
Gotta make sure
my fiance is okay.
I'm going back to the party.
I'll be right out, baby.
[suspenseful music playing]
[clears throat]
-[ominous whispering]
-[dramatic chord plays]
Hey, buddy.
You need a tan?
All right.
Dan the Tan
Tanning the whole family
for less
Come on down to Dan the Tan,
where I'm killing
the competition.
-[glass shattering]
You peak in high school?
I sure didn't.
Come on down to Dan the Tan,
I'll give you
a little glow up.
I'll make you tan, I'll make
you happy, I'll make you sexy.
For less!
Dan the Tan
Tanning the whole family
for less
-[Jennifer] Bert, look out!
-[knife clattering]
-[Aaron] Holy shit.
-[Cory] What the hell?
-Holy shit.
Thanks, Jen.
-Aw, bud, it missed you.
-[Leyla] Oh, stop it.
Too early for it, Cory.
Muzzle it.
Why do all these weird things
keep happening?
The cabin is out to get us.
[Aaron] I wouldn't
worry about it, babe.
Just have some
cold pizza with me.
We got a long day anyways.
Hey, so, ladies,
Aaron and I are going to go
on a hike up
to Mile's old house.
You want to join?
-Bert, you're welcome, too.
-[Bert] Pass.
I'm meeting John
over at Isaac's
for lunch this afternoon.
We have a lot of
catching up to do.
Oh, that's good.
Is that tanning salon
we passed in town?
Will you come
with me later, Jennifer?
Of course, it'll be fun.
All right, so, it looks like
we meet back here at 5:00
and get ready for the reunion.
You know, I can't wait to see
the look on those
sad Junction girls faces
when we stroll into the party.
-We will knock them dead.
-[all laughing]
This will be
a night to remember.
Oh, yes!
-For some of us.
-I need more pizza.
[Cory] I don't know
why you won't let me
just go over there and knock
his fucking lights out.
Because A,
I can take care of myself.
B, I don't want you go to jail,
and C, you're not
my boyfriend anymore.
Fuck, why do you have to be
so fucking stubborn?
Get used to it!
Do you hear Cory
yelling at Leyla like that?
-[Cory] Fuck!
Yeah. I think he's just
concerned, that's all.
He still cares about her.
Well, they'd still be together
if he wasn't
such a dick all the time.
He's getting better.
[glass shattering]
-What the hell?
-What the fuck?
[Jennifer groans]
Oh, God.
What a mess.
Look at all that broken glass.
Who broke that?
Wait, nobody was even in here.
Nobody but the...
Fucking A, Bert.
I swear to God, dude,
if this is another one
of your stupid pranks--
It wasn't me, all right?
It wasn't me
the last time either.
I was in the bathroom
getting ready.
Cory must have left the bottle
on the edge of the table.
-It just finally slipped.
-No, fuck you.
I put it in the center
of the table,
and the bear
wasn't fucking there.
Stop arguing about this.
It's just some freak accident.
Okay. No harm, no foul.
Whatever happened, happened.
Everybody just get back
to doing what you were doing.
Oh, yeah, just mosey on
back to your room.
Never mind
that my fucking expensive vodka
is all over the floor.
You clean it up, Cory.
You have time.
No matter how much time
you spend primping,
it doesn't change
this ugly face.
Oh, that's a good one.
That's a good one.
You fucking do it.
[laughs] Yeah.
[eerie music playing]
[ominous chord plays]
[Jennifer] Hey, Annie.
[Annie] Oh, God.
I can't get rid of you guys.
That's a nice sparkly dress
you're wearing.
Hey, girl.
I'm sorry, I mean, Annie.
Old habits.
Oh, I can see the douche canoe
has arrived as well.
What do you want?
Look, I don't want to keep you.
We're all going
to the same party in a few.
I just need
to ask you a question.
So ask.
I don't have all night.
I gotta go meet with my girls.
Is the cheerleading
squad still here?
Annie, that box
that you sold us?
There was-- there was
a teddy bear inside of it
and I was just wondering
if you knew where it came from.
Why? What does it matter?
Look, I don't give two shits
about the damn thing.
You guys own it.
Why are you asking
about the damn bear?
We've been having some
very strange things happen,
and I think it's connected
to the box somehow.
Where did it come from?
Do you know where you got it?
Fine, I'll tell you
who sold it to my granddad.
-For a price.
-[Jennifer grunts]
-Are you fucking kidding me?
-[Annie] No.
Gosh, you're
a real piece of work.
You know, I'm so glad
we never stayed together.
Oh, God, that makes
two of us there, Gory Cory.
Matter of fact,
you and that bitch Leyla
deserve one another.
-Or deserved one another.
-[Jennifer] How much?
How much do you want?
Well, if it's
that important to you
and you're cutting
into the one night
that I actually have
a babysitter...
[exhales sharply]'s 100 bucks.
I don't have any cash on me.
-I can't help you.
-I can go ask Leyla--
No, don't do that. I got it.
Thank you.
You are most accommodating.
Here's your damn money.
[Annie] Sweet.
Here, the guy's name
is Jim Ravenfeather.
He lives on
the other side of town.
He was the original owner.
You're welcome to go bug him
about the bear.
Doubt he'll be
much help, though.
-Thanks, Annie. Appreciate it.
-Of course.
See you at the reunion.
-[Cory] You know what?
Don't even bother
talking to me at the school.
[scoffs] Know what?
Get the fuck out of here.
And don't worry, I won't.
God damn it.
God damn door. [grunts]
I can't believe those guys.
Fucking assholes just think
they're so much better
than everybody else
just because
they moved to the big city,
moved away from here.
What am I here for?
My phone. Yes.
[sighs, grunts]
Okay, it's all right.
It's all right.
It's okay. Just breathe.
We still got it, girl.
[eerie distorted tones]
-[eerie distorted tones]
-Is someone there?
Is there anybody there?
[suspenseful music rising]
Someone there?
Who's there?
[eerie distorted tones]
About to go Jamie Lee Curtis
on this motherfucker.
Is there anyone down here?
[thumping continues]
Who are you?
[suspenseful intensifies]
Oh, shit.
Oh, God. [laughing]
Oh. All right. We're good.
Get it together, Annie.
[loud whooshing]
[eerie giggling echoing]
-[slicing thud]
-[Annie groans]
-[loud growling]
[grunting in pain]
[grunting continues]
Damn it.
Fuck Jamie Lee Curtis.
-[slicing thud]
-[Annie grunts]
[upbeat electronic
music playing]
Well, you bet.
Well, at least one of us
is having a good time.
Yeah, it does not surprise me
that the inbreed
and the toffee kid
are the only ones
enjoying themselves.
-Oh, come on, Cory.
Just be happy for 'em.
Hey, sourpusses.
Why the long faces?
It wasn't that bad,
right, John?
Speak for yourself, Bert.
[scoffs] God,
this town fucking sucks.
-I'm never coming back here.
-Oh, I remember you.
You were such a douche
in the school.
That's why no one ever
wanted to party with you.
Hey, John?
Fuck off, okay?
At least I made it out
of this shit hole town.
I made a name for myself
outside of Junction,
fuckin' Texas.
[laughs] I'm in
a sports medicine company,
and I was on Forbes'
Top 100 startup companies.
Right, so that's
what's making you better
than all of us, right, Cory?
So why don't you tell us all
how much money this Top 100
startup company made?
Well, it's a startup company,
so the money comes--
Exactly. $0.
That's why Leyla
had to fund this whole trip.
Because you are
dead B-R-O-K-E, broke.
Right, Gory Cory?
I told you not to fucking
call me that, okay?
-[Leyla] Hey, stop it.
-[Jennifer] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
[Aaron] Hey, hey, hey.
Bert, you okay?
What's your fucking
problem, Cory?
Motherfucker had
it coming, okay?
-[Jennifer] Just go.
-[Aaron] Get in the car now!
-Let me see, let me see.
-I'm fine, I'm fine.
He packs a punch, though.
Do you want to go
and see a doctor or something?
-It might be broken.
-No, no, it's fine, it's fine.
Nothing a nice,
cold beer couldn't fix.
Here comes
your shitty sense of humor.
Come on,
let me buy you some beer.
-[John grunts]
-I told you not to come--
[John] All right, you're right.
Fuck it.
Hey, wait. I'm coming, too.
I don't want to see that
sorry motherfucker right now.
All right,
everyone, show's over.
Go back to your lame ass party.
Oh, my God. We're leaving.
Fuck's going on, Aaron?
Causing problems again?
Oh, well,
late to the fun, Danny.
Oh, I'm sorry, Deputy Gibson.
Don't mind us.
We're leaving.
Bunch of losers.
[phone rings]
Yes, ma'am.
[woman speaking
indistinctly on phone]
Okay, I'm on my way.
Hey, look, sorry.
Hot night with the Gibster?
Gonna have to put that on hold.
Duty calls. Ciao.
You fucking prick.
Okay, guys, you go ahead.
See, I'm drunk.
Go ahead
and park the car over there.
I'm gonna go inside and shower.
-[Bert] That's my girl.
-[Leyla] Enjoy.
You want us to come or no?
-[Leyla] No.
-[John and Burt laughing]
[Bert] See you in a bit.
-[John] She's a hoot.
-[Bert] Yeah, she is.
[John] So amazing.
[Bert] Oh, man.
Just careful-- It's like--
[Bert] I know,
this garage is like-
[car beeping]
All right, a little more?
That's good enough.
So that's what
these cars are like, huh?
I've always wanted
to drive one of these.
Well, I was buzzed, so.
Thank you so much.
No problem.
What the hell
she meant by that?
-What? Leyla?
Who knows.
That girl's as ditzy as a bat.
[laughs] Well...
it was great
catching up with you.
-You too, John.
-[John chuckles]
To be honest, I was surprised
to see you with...
Aaron and Cory earlier today.
I never figured
you'd be part of their posse.
I mean...
they used to bully you
back in the days.
And Cory still does.
Yeah. Look...
Cory's a big-time asshole.
But Aaron and Jennifer
are my real friends.
Even Leyla, in a weird way.
And yeah,
the boys used to bully me
a bit back in high school,
but college really gave us
a chance to bond and reconnect.
And some of us
outgrew the pettiness.
-Notice I said some of us.
-[John laughs]
Well, you know
how to make people laugh.
I always liked that
about you, Bert.
[upbeat rock music playing]
We had so much fun together.
I mean, you and me.
I really missed you.
And I haven't seen you
in a long, long time.
I know, John. It sucks, man.
I'm busy on the road
so much with my comedy act.
And you, Mr. Big Shot
real estate agent
-in all of Kimble County.
-Thank you. [chuckles]
Look, I promise, you know,
I'm gonna do my best
to make it back here more
now that you and I
have connected again.
Hey, Bert.
I want to tell you something.
I think
you already know, but...
I just want to tell you,
I'm going to regret
for the rest of my life.
John, it's okay,
you don't have to--
Just let me say it, okay?
I just-- Otherwise
I'm gonna lose my nerve.
Here goes nothing.
Bert Galindo...
I think--
-[John gasps]
[frantic music playing]
No, John!
[ominous growling]
What the fuck is going on?
[rock music playing on phone]
[louder rock music playing]
[grunts and gasps]
Bloody hell.
They're taking their time.
Long day, long shower.
Let's see what's going on.
There is...
[muffled murmuring]
They will like it.
Hey, guys,
I don't mean to interrupt
whatever you are doing,
but I've got two cold ones.
Can you hear me?
[bottles clattering]
[Leyla screams]
[suspenseful music playing]
[rustling metal dragging]
[Leyla screaming]
[echoing thud]
[sirens wailing
in the distance]
All right.
[police radio chatter]
[grunts] Damn.
Oh, that's a damn shame.
God damn it!
Oh, God.
Hey, Sheriff-- Holy shit.
Is that Annie Eastman?
Yeah, it is, Gibson.
That's a shitty-ass way to go.
[sheriff grunts]
Yeah, that's too bad.
She was very nice to me
and my girls.
All the time.
What the hell happened?
Was she murdered?
Yeah. Stabbed, pretty certain.
Look at that.
What do you think you make
something like that with?
Well, something precise,
something long.
You know, it almost seems like
a-- like a-- like a glove
with little knives at the end,
you know, like Freddy Krueger.
[laughs] Just a joke.
Yeah, I know.
But, honestly, what do you
think could do that?
-It looks like a pitchfork.
You guys can go.
Yeah, yeah, a pitchfork, yeah.
That might be it,
Gibson, that's pretty smart.
Listen, why don't you go...
check the perimeter,
make sure there's nothing
we missed or something?
I got to go check
on Dan the Tan
'cause I guess he won't be open
for business tomorrow, will he?
-Dan, too?
-[sheriff] Yeah.
You know, he and I used
to go fishing all the time.
-Did you really?
What'd you guys catch?
You know, the usual.
Trout. Whatever's in the river.
-One or two, maybe.
-[Danny] Yeah.
[chuckles] You know something?
I don't give a shit.
Why don't you just go
take a look like I told you to
and just follow an order?
Yes, sir.
[grunts and spits]
Holy fuck.
Damn, how did this happen?
Okay, guys.
Time to go now.
Get out of here.
It's a crime scene
and you both shouldn't be here,
and you know that, so get out.
Look, we know that's Annie.
We went to school with her.
-What the fuck happened?
It's a homicide investigation,
all right?
That's all I'm gonna say.
The both of you,
get out of here.
You don't,
I'll get Deputy Gibson
to come over
and escort you out.
Maybe I'll just arrest
the both of yous.
Okay? It's up to you.
Let's go, bro.
Sheriff's being a fucking dick.
And Jennifer's
in the car waiting.
It's time to get going.
Let's get the hell out of here.
There's nothing
we could do anyway.
No, you're right
about that, son.
-[Aaron] Danny.
Jesus Christ.
By the way, it's Deputy,
remember? Lawman.
Yeah, well, I kicked your ass
plenty of times in high school.
-[Aaron] We got a question.
Do y'all know who killed Annie?
No. I do not know
who killed Annie.
The only thing I know
is whoever's doing it
is very creative
and a sick motherfucker.
We just saw her
before the reunion.
-Yeah, yeah.
You saw her earlier?
Like, you were
the last ones to see her alive?
I don't know.
What were y'all doing?
She was closing up shop,
and Jen wanted to talk about...
a teddy bear.
Okay, look,
I don't have time for this.
I gotta get back to my boss.
Y'all just be careful and get
the hell out of here, okay?
All right. Thanks, Danny.
[sighs] It's Deputy.
[mayor] Robert, you need
to clean this shit up pronto.
Listen, Mayor,
how was I supposed to know
there was gonna be
two homicides in this town?
The worst thing
that ever happened around here
was kids popping wheelies
up at the dunes
or shooting drugs somewhere.
What the hell
was I supposed to know
this kind of thing
would happen around here?
Listen, this town
is on its last leg
thanks to the development
of Kerrville.
We need
all the tourism we can get.
People need to spend
money in Junction.
If they don't spend money,
we don't get funds.
You don't get funds!
And I can't keep tapping
the city coffer.
-Oh, I comprende.
Little bit more than you might
remember, I comprende.
I know all about
your embezzling
and so do you, by the way,
before you jump ship on me.
Best jump of my life.
Apparently. Good for you.
Listen, how would you like it
if I let that
white trash reporter
know all about your little late
night gambling problems, huh?
-You wouldn't dare.
-Wanna bet?
You try me, bub.
You fucking prick.
[laughs] You keep putting
that goddamn thing in my face
and we'll see who crosses who.
-[Mayor] Listen, Robert.
You need to do your job
or I'm going to fire your ass.
Go ahead and do that,
you bald-headed prick.
Let's go, Julie.
[clicks tongue]
What the hell do you want?
What the hell was that about?
[laughs] It's about the mayor
being a bald-headed prick.
Same goddamn thing.
Did you find out anything else?
Actually, yeah.
Remember that group
that we pulled over yesterday?
Well, Aaron Johnson
and his friends...
...saw both victims
before they were murdered.
No kidding?
Wow. Well, that's interesting.
[rocks crunching]
[eerie music]
Where are they?
There's no car outside.
That's-- that's weird.
Hey Ley, you here?
[suspenseful music playing]
Maybe they're out
in the garage.
-[Aaron] I should go check.
-No, I'll-- I'll go.
I should probably
patch things up with Bert.
Oh, that's real mature of you.
[crickets chirping]
[knocking on window]
Hey, guys, uh,
I don't mean to interrupt
or anything, but...
I know you're probably
still pissed at me,
but I was thinking,
what if you, uh...
What if I let you hit me
as hard as you can?
Just to even things out?
What do you say?
I'm-- I'm trying
to apologize here.
Hey, guys, what the--
What the fuck?
What the--
Who the fuck are you?
-[electric buzzing]
-[eerie growling]
We need to get out of here now.
Like, right fucking now, okay?
What the fuck's
gotten into you?
Bert and John
are dead in the car.
Is this a sick fucking joke?
I'm not fucking joking, okay?
They're in the fucking car,
And we need to get
out of here right now.
-What is going on? Cory!
-[Cory] There was this
this little girl or something.
She was, like,
sick or rabid, and she threw--
she tried to kill me
with a pitchfork,
and I think
she killed Bert and John.
What? Hold on.
You saw someone out there?
-[Cory yelps]
[Jennifer screams]
[Cory] Go, go, go,
go, go, go, go, go.
[Aaron] Who the fuck--
who the fuck was that?
[Jennifer] We need to leave.
Call the police.
We gotta get out of here.
[Cory] Wait, wait, wait.
Where's Leyla?
Shit, Leyla.
[all] Leyla!
[Jennifer screams]
-What the fuck, man?
Oh, my God. Okay.
Cory, come on. Come on, bro.
She's-- she's gone, man.
She's gone, Cory.
What the fuck
are you waiting for?
-Cory, she's gone, dude!
-Show yourself!
-Cory, get in the car.
-I'll fucking kill you!
She's-- she's gone,
man, she's gone.
Get in the car.
Get in the car, Cory.
Okay, I'll call the police.
Shit. No signal, fuck!
-Fuck. Fuck!
-[Jennifer] Fuck.
[tense music playing]
[clock ticking]
Hey, buddy. Hey, hey, hey.
[body thumps]
Oh, shit.
Guys, we gotta get
the fuck out of here.
-[Jennifer] What's going on?
-[Aaron] She killed the deputy.
-So what do we do?
-Please, please...
-[car stalling]
Fuck. Shit.
We got-- we gotta
make a run for it.
-[Aaron] Yeah, we gotta.
We gotta go.
Fucking bear.
[all panting]
[Benji] Yeah. Who is it?
My friends and I,
we're looking
for a Jim Ravenfeather.
We were told
this is the right address.
Maybe it is. What's it to you?
We voted for that other guy,
if that's why you're here.
No, no, um, we were told
Mr. Ravenfeather could help us.
-Does he live here?
-Sure he lives here, gorgeous.
Jim Ravenfeather's
my grandfather.
Why do you need to see him?
And exactly
who are you, gorgeous?
-Leave her alone.
-Whoa, chill.
I meant nothing by it.
But like I said...
Who are you?
I'm Jennifer.
This is Aaron. That's Cory.
We were told
Mr. Ravenfeather could help us.
Can we see him?
He never leaves
the house anymore.
Not since...
For a while.
You can come in, I guess.
But he may not be up
for visitors.
And if he isn't,
then you got
to get the fuck out of here.
Ye-- yes.
Thank you.
[eerie music]
Who are these people?
I let these white folks in.
They need your help, they said.
This here's Jennifer and, uh,
I forgot
your other two's names.
Sir, my name's Aaron Johnson.
This is my fiance,
Jennifer Corolla,
and that's my brother, Cory.
[Jim] Corolla?
As in Franky Corolla?
That old son of a bitch
that used to own
the pizza parlor in town?
[laughs] Yeah, that's my dad.
Did you know him?
It's a little town,
little lady.
I know a lot about this town.
I know a lot about your family.
Guys, we don't
have time for this,
that pitchfork girl
killed our friends,
and she's still
fucking looking for us.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
Man, I knew you white people
were fucking crazy.
What'd you call me?
Get the fuck
out of our goddamn house.
Please continue.
Several people
have been murdered.
It all started when we got this
old box from Annie Eastman.
She said you sold it to her?
Is the box still sealed?
Tell me
you did not open the box.
Yes, we opened the fucking box,
there was a fucking teddy bear.
What the fuck, Grandpa?
Is that what we felt
the other night?
Son of a bitch.
After all these decades,
she's come back.
You said she...
she was killing townspeople?
She slaughtered our friends.
She's still looking for us.
Do you know how to stop her?
There's nothing I can do.
I'm sorry.
You came
all this way for nothing.
Please, Mr. Ravenfeather,
I'm begging you.
We don't know how to stop her.
She killed our friends,
people in the town,
she's gonna kill us, too.
Do you want that
on your conscience?
There's nothing I can do.
Fuck, we're wasting our time
with this dumbass Indian.
-Hey, watch it, motherfucker.
-[Aaron] Please.
Excuse my brother.
He's an idiot.
But, sir, our friends are dead.
Please, help us.
We have no other options.
You're our last hope.
You have to know something.
For the love of God, for your
town, for the people in it...
tell us what you know.
I was the witness...
the only witness...
of the birth of pure evil.
Of a powerful vengeance.
Of a wraith...
named Ami Cutter.
Ami and I were friends.
I first met Ami...
after my father
lost our family home.
And her father, her...
purchased it at auction.
I used to go every Sunday
down to their farm...
for high tea...
with her...
and her stuffed bear.
It was one of those Sundays...
that's when I...
I saw her murdered...
at the hands...
of her stepfather.
He picked up a pitchfork...
and ran her through.
It wasn't until the next night
that I summoned up
the courage...
to go back to the farm to see
what had happened
to her father.
-You know what?
-[Ami screaming]
[Jim] After seeing him
talking to himself,
laughing, and crying...
I swore I could hear a voice.
It caught the attention
of her father.
[breathing shakily]
He started
to yell out her name.
And that's when
I heard her laughter.
[laughter echoing]
Then she appeared...
like a mist.
She took the pitchfork...
and ran her father through.
Then the strangest
thing happened.
She reached down...
and picked up the teddy bear.
She hugged it...
and she looked up at me...
but she was looking
right through me.
And then she disappeared.
I ran over.
I picked up the bear.
The only thing
I had left of my friend.
I ran home
with the bear and I put it...
in a suitcase.
I kept it safe for 30 years.
Until I...
sold it to the Eastmans.
I think they knew
what was in it.
Wait, who was Ami's
real father?
[Jim] Ami's real father...
was a man that Ami's mother
was having an affair with.
He was sheriff at the time.
Well, why is she killing us?
Why is she chasing us?
We didn't do anything wrong.
You haven't done
anything wrong.
[thunder rumbling]
I should have gotten rid
of the bear properly.
It's the bear.
It's the connection between her
and the world of the living.
She must have a human host.
She must have her blood...
the blood of her relations.
She'll eventually fade away,
unless she possesses
a relative of hers?
Yes, she must have
that human host
and she's growing weak.
The more she kills,
the stronger she gets.
Mr. Ravenfeather...
who is Ami's blood?
Don't ask questions...
that you know the answer to.
Wait, so are you saying
Jennifer is Ami's blood?
Ami's real father
was Sheriff Corolla.
Jennifer's grandfather.
Well, how do we kill
this bitch?
You cannot kill it.
It is energy.
And energy, you can only hope
to transform it or contain it.
Well, can we just put
the bear back in the box?
Can we do the box thing again?
We cannot.
The seal has been broken,
and it would take
too long to recreate it.
The only hope is to bury it...
in consecrated ground.
Unless anyone
who looks at it...
or touches it...
will feel the wraith within.
Like a cemetery?
Is there one close by?
Yes, if you cut through
the old rodeo ground,
you'll end up
at Red Rock Cemetery.
We just have
to fucking bury this?
[eerie music playing]
Peckerwood, I know
you're not that stupid.
Do you realize
what you've just done?
-[Jennifer] I'm sorry.
-[Jim] Please.
I'm sorry.
Exit our home.
Damn you all.
Get them the fuck out.
[Cory] So over this
Evil Dead shit...
[dog barking]
[Jim screaming]
[frantic music playing]
[Benji] Grandad?
[Benji grunts]
-[Benji grunting]
So, Bert and Leyla,
whoever else the fuck is dead
because it's Jennifer's fault.
-Cory, back off, it's not--
-Don't fucking hit me!
-[Aaron] Cory, back off.
-I'll kick your ass.
I don't want to fight you.
I just want to get rid
of this damn curse
and make it out of here alive.
I'm sure Bert would like
to get out alive.
-Or John, or Leyla.
I'm sure she'd like
to not be fucking dead.
Okay, enough.
Stop it.
This isn't helping.
Okay, we have to figure out
how to end this
so that nobody else dies.
I don't fucking care
who else dies, she's dead.
You never knew how much
she meant to me, did you?
-Cory, I'm--
-Forget it.
I gotta fucking finish this
for Bert and Leyla.
Come on, let's go.
[somber music playing]
[faint panting]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Aaron] Babe. Babe.
Oh, my God, are you okay?
What happened to your arm?
How long has it been like that?
[Cory yells]
What the fuck?
Oh, my God. Cory!
-[Jennifer] Cory.
-[Aaron] Cory!
What y'all doing here?
This is private property,
you can't be here.
[Cory] He scared
the shit out of me, okay?
Put the pitchfork away.
Please, sir, we just need
to find the main road.
We got lost.
Just lead us
in the right direction.
Um, okay.
It's over this way.
Follow me.
I don't know how you got here
this time of night.
[Cory yelps]
-[Jennifer pants]
-Oh, shit. Shit.
[Cory yells]
-Aaron, run!
-Cory, no!
Not so tough
without your toy, huh?
[Aaron] Cory!
[Cory screams]
[Ami] [echoing] This way.
Trust me.
Jen. Jen.
[crickets chirping]
Oh, shit. Cutter.
Where are you?
Trust me.
Jen! Get away from her!
[Ami] [distorted] Jennifer.
[pitchfork clattering]
Jen. Jen.
You gotta fight her, Jen.
Please. Fight her.
This isn't you.
This is not you.
J-- Jen,
you don't have to do this.
[panting] Jen. Please.
Please, Jen, fight her.
Please, Jen,
I love you, please.
-[Jennifer pants]
-Are you okay?
Aaron. I can't.
[Aaron] Jen.
Aaron, I can't,
I can't hold on.
Jen, you have to fight her.
Please, she's too strong.
It's too late for me.
There's only one way
to end this.
-I'm not doing it, Jen.
-If you don't, she'll kill you.
I couldn't live
without you, either.
-[Aaron] I can't.
-[Jennifer] Aaron.
I love you.
We have to keep going.
[demonic screaming]
[demonic roaring]
I'm sorry, baby.
[Jennifer grunts]
-[sirens wailing]
-I'm sorry, baby. [sobbing]
[melancholic music playing]
[muffled chatter]
He's not having a great day.
Oh, look who's here.
What's the story, Sheriff?
I don't know. You tell me.
I-- I don't understand
any of this shit.
This is all I know
is he come in here,
talking about ghosts
and, uh, voodoo magic
and, uh, the whole town
is cursed and, uh...
everyone's getting
stabbed and...
[chuckles] ...his fiance's
dead, and no motive.
And it all ends up
in the Cutter Farm
or Cutter Ranch and...
everybody stabbed to death,
all his friends.
It's all from, uh, Ami Cutter.
All right?
And, uh, wha--
what'd you say she was?
Some kind of wraith.
A wraith.
Whatever that is.
Christ. Curse?
We don't need the town
talking about curses.
We need a concrete explanation,
for the good of this town,
and my tourist money.
I think we need
the truth, mayor.
Truth? We can make the truth
anything we want.
This is the age
of misinformation.
Let's use it to our advantage.
[Julie] Whatever you say.
I'm on your payroll.
[mayor] And here's the story.
Aaron Johnson came back to town
enacting his sick,
violent fantasies.
But our beloved sheriff...
saved the day
by getting a confession
and can put him away for good.
End of story.
We cleansed the town
of any curse.
Use that.
[sheriff grunts]
Love to watch her leave.
[sheriff grunts]
So, what do we do now,
[somber music playing]
I'm gonna tell the truth...
just like the mayor asked.
Whatever in the hell
that's gonna be.
Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor.
Marlene Rogers, KFOT.
We know who the fuck you are.
You do this all the time.
Was the killer caught tonight?
The mayor's not making any
comments right now, Marlene.
-So back off.
-Whoa, whoa, Josie.
-I do have a comment.
-Come on!
I do have a comment.
our local law enforcement
apprehended native
Aaron Johnson for murder.
He's been accused of murdering
the local town folk, friends,
and suspected of murdering
his fiance, Jennifer Corolla.
-Does this have anything to--
-[Josie] No more comments.
No more comments, Marlene.
The ghost girl
that's been roaming this area--
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor,
have been seeing this.
Mr. Mayor!
[contemplative music]
[eerie electronic
music playing]
Holy shit.
That Ami fucking Cutter.
[demonic screaming]
["Sticks and Stones" by
The Ohio Valley Panic playing]
Why you try to run from me
You know I'll find you
in your dreams
Look, it's from the '50s.
Vintage. Great condition.
And, you know, you've seen
what's going on on the news.
The bear has seen some shit.
500? Great.
I'll get it in the morning.
Well, pack your bags,
fuzz ball.
You're going on a trip.
I'm gonna live on,
live on, live on
Live on, live on, live on
I admit I love the thrill
Of hunting
just for the kill
The blood I find
on my hands
Oh, oh,
a ruby glove for the damned
Sticks and stones
broke my bones
But here in the dark
I'm gonna live on,
live on, live on