The Wrath of Becky (2023) Movie Script

(tense music)
(music intensifies)
(upbeat music)
(car door opens)
(car door closes)
(door bell ringing)
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs,
I think I have someone here
you might like to meet.
Well, lookie here, Alice.
[Alice] Oh, you must be Becky!
Nice to meet you,
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs.
Oh, please call us
Ted and Alice.
And this is Diego, right?
That's right.
Welcome home, honey.
Welcome home.
[Becky] I know what
you're thinking.
"Who the fuck is this girl?
That is not the Becky
I remember."
But I had to play the part
for my new foster parents.
Yeah, these two wackjobs.
(upbeat music)
[Ted] You know,
when Alice and I decided
we were gonna be foster parents,
we knew we had to move
to a community
with the best of the best
in Christ-filled education
and around here they're all
blue ribbon school districts.
Top tier, top of their class,
and top notch.
Well, I'm not sure what all
is planned for tomorrow
but I would love
to get enrolled ASAP.
I planned on taking you there
first thing in the morning.
Oh, oh, and don't forget about
the new principal.
-[Alice] Mr. Serio.
-[Ted] Good guy.
We've gone to the same church
now for what?
[Ted] Six years!
And he has a daughter
that's your age, Sarah.
She's adorable.
She'll probably
be in your class.
She is in a wheelchair
but you'll still like her
[Becky] Well, will I get
to spend time
with her in church as well?
Perhaps there's like
a youth group of some sort.
-[Alice] Oh, Becky.
I can't tell you
how happy it makes me
to hear you say that.
Well, shall we?
[Becky] Yes, um, it's just...
would you mind
if we said grace first?
(Ted sighs)
(Alice chuckles)
-Can you believe it?
-She's perfect.
(gentle music)
And just remember,
if you need anything at all,
Ted and I are just
in the next room.
My guardian angels.
(owl hooting)
Goodnight, sweetheart.
Goodnight, Mom.
(door closes)
(intense music)
(window slams)
Diego, come.
(intense music continues)
(intense music continues)
(birds chirping)
[Becky] It's been two years
since four Neo-Nazis
invaded my family's lake house
and murdered my father.
They were looking
for some stupid fucking key
that they had hidden
below the house.
That stupid fucking key.
But then, this happened.
(engine cranking)
Bummer about me
ruining their plans.
(tense music)
I'm sixteen now.
I've run away from
three foster homes.
I've manipulated,
conned, burglarized,
anything to keep me
off the grid
and out of the system.
If you ask me,
given the circumstances,
I think I'm doing just fine.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
(birds chirping)
Oh yeah, I fall into
my own hole traps sometimes.
Nobody's perfect.
(gentle music)
[Becky] Eat.
Thank you, darlin'.
[Becky] This is Elena Cahn.
I've lived with her
for the past year.
I don't know much about her
other than the following:
She's old,
she hates almost everyone,
and she picks up hitchhikers.
It's how we met.
I fell into one
of my hole traps again today.
I saw that.
I had just woken up,
looked out my window
just in time to see you vanish.
I quite enjoyed the show.
You sleep?
(gentle music)
(crickets chirping)
It's the same every night.
(muffled gunshot)
(not audible)
What about you?
Like a baby.
I always start.
(scoffs) So what's
different about today?
I am grateful for food.
I am grateful
for a hot cup of coffee.
How come I can't say food
but you can say coffee?
Food is a human necessity.
Coffee is a delicacy.
I am grateful that
I get paid today.
I am grateful
for the novel I'm reading.
What's it called?
True Grit.
I think you'd like it.
I am grateful for Diego.
Hm. He's a good boy.
One more.
Wow me.
I am grateful...for...
Another day.
...another day.
You know, there should
really be a rule against you
always saying that
as your number three.
You only have to think
of two things
if it's always
your number three.
I get to change the rules.
I'm old.
(upbeat doo-wop music)
Founding Fathers Breakfast
with a side of toast.
Thanks, sweetheart.
Do you see my name tag?
-I'm sorry?
-My name tag.
Does it say "Sweetheart"?
What does it say?
Yeah, 'cause that's my name.
Okay, Jesus.
Oh, sweetheart--Becky...
I asked for buttered toast.
There's butter on the plate.
Yeah, but...I like the butter
to be melted into the toast
the minute it pops
out of the toaster.
(plate breaking)
(doo-wop music swells)
[Becky] I didn't actually do it.
[Man] Hello?
But I really, really wanted to.
(clock ticking)
(intense music)
(clock punches)
[Radio] A Jasper Hills man
is now facing
first degree murder charges.
[Becky] K-I-L-L-E-R.
Double E, Double Word,
(crickets chirping)
You can tell a lot
about a person,
playing a game like this.
How so?
By the words they're able
to find within their letters.
My brother made every effort
to play the most ostentatious
of words.
He was a real
self-righteous jackass.
Two Triple Letters,
ten points.
I didn't know
you had a brother.
Four brothers,
all older.
Do you still talk to them?
Only one is still alive.
The jackass.
I'm sorry.
You didn't kill 'em.
Besides, I've learned that
for every person
you lose along the way,
you gain another.
(gentle music)
(crickets chirping)
Why have you never asked me
where I came from?
Why have you never told me?
Weren't you curious?
A kid with no parents
showed up
wanting to rent a room.
You pay your way.
You help out around the house.
And I'd hardly consider
you a child.
You are eighteen, right?
My mother died
when I was nine.
My father was a drunk.
I left home when I was fifteen.
We all come from somewhere.
And we all do
what we have to... order to survive.
How much does that add up to?
[Becky] Fifteen.
Nice try.
[Radio] We go now to
a developing story.
They call themselves
the Noble Men
and they may be coming
here to Fillmore.
Authorities are aware
of the risk of violence
at this week's--
The world has gone mad.
the security detail
for Senator Anne Hernandez.
They say they've been tracking
the Noble Men
on various online platforms
for months now.
They have seen a rise
in activity
and they've noticed
a pattern of their appearances
within smaller communities.
Whether or not the Noble Men
decide to make an appearance
at the town hall
in Fillmore on Wednesday
and what that appearance
may look like
only time will tell.
(intense music)
(bell ringing)
(man clears throat)
So are you gonna seat us
or you just gonna stand there?
Yeah, wait, real quick,
I got a question.
Um, did your mom
actually name you that?
'Cause Becky is a stripper name
and any chick that gives
her daughter a stripper name
is a catch.
What is it with you and moms?
-I got a thing for moms.
-No, what he's saying is
he'd love to fuck your mom.
That is correct, yes,
I would love to fuck your mom.
Right this way.
Not a fan.
Come on.
[Sean] I'm just saying
it's weird.
Okay, I have a bad feeling.
I just want to make sure
it's just a rally.
[DJ] Sean, can you
do me a favor?
Just reach into your panties
and pull the blood-soaked tampon
from your twat.
[Sean] Would you
shut the fuck up, dude?
Can you?
Look, Darryl will tell us
what we need to know
when we need to know it.
Darryl is a username
on a message board.
You've never met him,
none of us have.
He's an ex-Navy SEAL.
He's one of the fucking
Founding Fathers, bro.
How do you know he's not
an undercover cop?
Oh, my God.
Seriously, those guys
are on the message board
all the time, right?
Seriously, pull it out.
You're gonna get
Toxic Shock Syndrome.
That's a real killer,
you know that, right?
[Sean] Look, guys,
I hate Senator Hernandez
as much as you guys do, okay?
I hate her.
But if shit goes south tomorrow,
I ain't going to prison
like those jackasses last year.
Is it weird, hating bitches
as much as you do
but also being one?
He's not wrong.
Hey! Hello? Yeah.
Could we get some coffee
over here, today?
Coming right up.
[Sean] Why does everything
have to be like that with you?
You could just say like,
"Excuse me."
[Becky] I fantasize a lot
about the things I'd like to do
to the people who piss me off.
I've always had
an active imagination
but it's really gone
into overdrive
these last couple of years.
All right, finally.
Thank you.
Wonderful presentation.
-You are doing great.
-Thank you.
[Becky] But this one
wasn't a fantasy.
Oh, shit!
(DJ laughing)
-[Anthony] Fuck!
-[Becky] Oh my God.
-Are you fucking stupid?
-I am so sorry.
You stupid fucking bitch!
-Let me go get you a towel.
-Yeah, you fucking do that.
Get the fuck outta here.
Burned the shit outta
my goddamn crotch.
It's okay, it's okay.
Get the fuck aw--
-You want us to fan you?
-No, no, stop.
Would you two
shut the fuck up?
Shut up!
(clock ticking)
(clock punches)
(dramatic music)
She did that shit on purpose.
Who cares, dude?
She's just a little girl.
I'm surprised she didn't
toss it in your face.
Oh, what?
Well, kill her if you want to,
I don't give a shit.
(engine cranking)
(ominous music)
(glass breaking)
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
(Becky gasping)
Bitches like you need
to be taught a fuckin' lesson!
Shut up!
(dog barking)
Hey, that's a real
good-lookin' pup.
Diego, attack!
(dog yelps)
(dog whimpering)
Good girl.
Hi, Becky.
You can sit down.
I think she broke my nose.
[Anthony] You little cunt.
You broke my fuckin' nose!
What happened?
[DJ] Apparently she broke
Anthony's nose.
What the fuck happened to we're
just ding-dong ditching her?
Yeah, we went with
Plan B instead.
Oh, this is so bad.
-[Sean] This is so, so--
-[Anthony] Shut the fuck up.
Now when I'm done with you,
you little shit,
you're gonna wish your ass
was already dead.
[Elena] Hey!
Put the gun down.
Oh, fuck.
Becky, don't move.
Yeah, Becky, don't fuckin' move.
Don't you speak to her.
Hey, lady, listen to me.
-Put the gun down.
-Put the gun down, dude.
What do you want me to do, man?
(gun cocks)
Put the gun down, man.
Put the fucking gun down!
-Do it!
-I'm puttin' down the gun.
(dramatic music)
Okay. It's down.
[Elena] Good.
Now get the fuck outta my house.
(not audible)
(soft music)
(muffled screaming)
(soft music continues)
(music intensifies)
(soft music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(intense music)
[Anthony] DJ.
All right.
I want the both of you
to listen up.
No one speaks a word of this.
-You hear me?
-Of course, bro.
Do you hear me?
She's gonna go
to the cops.
Who the fuck cares?
I care.
You fuckin' killed her, man.
You shot her
in the fuckin' face.
If we get caught for this,
my life is over
and I didn't even
fuckin' do anything.
I didn't do any--
You fuckin' listen to me,
you stupid, weak bitch.
If I ever hear you say any of
that shit out loud ever again,
I will shoot you
in the fuckin' face.
You got that?
She is a stupid-ass
little fuckin' twat.
You keep
your fuckin' mouth shut.
And we are outta here after
that fuckin' rally tomorrow.
You understand?
We're gonna be just fine.
You better calm
the fuck down.
(birds chirping)
He better keep the fuck cool.
Not a word.
How do you think he's gonna feel
when he sees bullets
start flying tomorrow?
'Cause I have a feeling
he ain't gonna be too chill.
I mean, you invited him.
That's all I'm saying.
(soft music)
(soft music continues)
[Becky] Everyone I've ever loved
has been taken from me.
Cancer took my mom.
Neo-Nazis killed my dad.
And now, Elena's gone.
I'm grateful for the home
that you gave me.
The way I saw it,
I had two orders of business.
I'm grateful for the time
that I spent with you.
I was gonna find my dog.
And I'm grateful
for another day.
And I was gonna kill
the motherfuckers
who killed Elena.
(foreboding music)
(trap closes)
(tense music)
(upbeat music)
(music intensifies)
[Becky] Back at the diner ,
the guys had mentioned
someone named Darryl.
Finding him wasn't difficult.
there were only two Darryls
in this shit town.
I started at 2048 Denning Road.
This was Darryl #1.
Let's go sunning
'Neath the sky of blue
Greet the sun, every morn
(door creaks open)
Well, hello there, darlin'.
I'm looking for Darryl.
That would be me.
-Your name is Darryl?
-That's right.
I don't think you're
supposed to be doing that.
Well, I won't tell
if you don't.
[Becky] Darryl #2 lived
at 4739 Colony Road.
(intense music)
Something told me
that this was the Darryl
I was looking for.
[Darryl] Dear heavenly Father.
We come to You with thanks
for this meal that
You put before us this evening.
May it bless our bodies.
Lord, we ask that You provide us
with ample rest tonight.
Call us to serve You, Lord,
and we don't take
that calling lightly.
Lord, we ask You
to watch over us tomorrow
along with the other Noble Men
as we carry out that work
that You've called us
to the front lines to do
as we try to rid the world
of this filth
that has been thrust
upon our great nation
by the evils of Satan,
his followers,
and those on the other side.
In Your name, God Almighty,
we pray.
Dig in, boys.
I can't remember
the last time I had
a nice home-cooked meal
like this, guys.
Seriously. Looks delicious.
Thank you, sir.
Well, you can, uh,
thank Twig here.
He's the cook.
Probably the one good thing
my mama taught
me and my brother.
Save for that,
she's a useless femoid
like the rest of 'em.
What the fuck is a femoid?
You don't know
what a femoid is?
Yeah, man, you don't know
what a femoid is?
[Anthony] Oh, right,
like you do?
It's like those things
from Austin Powers
with the gun titties.
No, that's a Fembot.
-It's the same difference.
-No it ain't.
All right, Jesus.
Fuck me.
Darryl, where'd you find
these peckerwoods anyway?
I didn't. She did.
[Twig] Oh.
And who's "she"?
what the fuck is a femoid?
[Twig] A femoid is
a cross-pollenization
of the word "female"
and "android,"
and it's the perfect way
to describe
nearly every woman
on God's green earth.
Bunch of gynocentric
evil lowlife bitches
hell-bent on destroying
any lesser man
that doesn't fulfill
their twisted sexual fantasies
or their financial fallacies.
Damn, son!
Let me be your Padawan, man!
[Anthony] That shit is
what I'm talking about.
[DJ] Legit!
You're not hungry there, Sean?
Your food.
You haven't touched it.
Is something wrong?
[Anthony] No, no, no,
my boy's fine.
He's just tired
from the long drive up here.
But he'll snap the fuck
out of it.
Right, Sean?
We don't wanna be rude
to our host.
Yeah. Sorry, sir.
Why don't you take your hat off
at the dinner table, yeah?
Sorry, sir.
You boys can take it easy
on the "sir" stuff.
I'm just a Noble Man,
same as you.
(dog whimpering)
It's all right, buddy.
Why does he have
to stay in this thing?
Oh yeah, he just hasn't been
feeling like himself lately.
Got in a fight
with another dog
who fucked him up pretty good.
I just don't want him
to get all worked up.
Yeah. Or eat us.
It's good you're
taking care of him.
[Twig] Hey, maybe we can
get one of our flags
with his face on it
and it could say,
"Noble Dog."
No, wait, even better:
"Noble Mutt."
(all laughing)
[Twig] Hey, you hear that, boy?
You're Noble Mutt.
Yeah, that's one lucky dog
to have found us.
Excuse me.
Motion sickness
from the ride.
(tense music)
(birds chirping)
(window creaking)
(tense music continues)
(music intensifies)
[Darryl] You feelin' okay, kid?
(tense music)
Yeah, good, I just
had to take a piss.
Come with me.
Yeah, okay.
[Darryl] It's just up here
on your left.
Go in there.
You'll have to excuse the mess.
As you can imagine,
things have been
a little hectic around here.
Go on, have a seat.
So...when did you decide
to become a Noble Man?
Um, few months back now?
I mean, I've always
believed in the cause,
I just didn't go
to my first rally
until a few months ago.
I would kill to experience
my first rally again.
Anthony says
that's where you three met.
Yeah. There was a march
back in our hometown.
They, uh pepper-sprayed
the shit out of us.
[Darryl] Well, it's good that
you were there to represent.
It's important that
we show them our numbers.
Have our voices heard,
you know?
[Sean] Yeah, for sure.
You wanna see
something cool?
Uh, yep, okay.
(tense music)
Thumb drive.
Not just any thumb drive.
It's the only one of its kind
entrusted by our founder
to yours truly.
This is an air-gapped computer,
our little way
to tell Uncle Sam
to stay the fuck
out of our business.
The 12 Disciples?
-Is that...
-It's impressive, isn't it?
I didn't realize
how many of us there were.
A lot more than twelve.
[Sean] Yeah.
Did you know
that I served overseas?
Uh, yeah.
DJ'd mentioned something
about you being an ex-SEAL.
Army Ranger,
staff sergeant.
[Darryl] Did three
tours in Iraq.
[Sean] Wow.
[Darryl] Yeah.
Me and my men, we, uh...
we were in charge
of hunting down
some of the real bad guys
over there.
Well, um...
thank you for your service.
You know, there was
this one night over there.
My squad and I were
in this town
and we were looking for this
real piece-of-shit towelhead.
This fuckin' guy had
killed, like, fifteen of us
at this point in the war.
We get to his house.
He's not there, but, uh,
his wife was.
So, I put one of my men
out on lookout.
This sweet kid...
We called him Tootsie
because he was always
having his family ship out
those canisters
of Tootsie Rolls, right?
Anyways, I'm, uh,
takin' my time with the wife
and all of a sudden,
shots ring out.
Within seconds,
all hell breaks loose.
Bullets are just flying
in every direction.
Tootsie bursts inside.
He's bleeding
all over the place.
Shot once in the shoulder,
twice in the legs.
Shots weren't fatal
but he could hardly walk.
Eventually, you know,
the three of us,
we take cover
in this empty house.
Now, we don't have a radio.
I tell them, I said,
"You know, our guys are
gonna come look for us."
But Tootsie, he, uh...
couldn't keep quiet.
He's just screaming in pain.
Lopez and I--
that's the other guy--
we just kept telling him,
"Shut the fuck up," you know?
"They're gonna hear you
and they'll find us,"
but he just
wouldn't stay calm, so...
I took my hands
and I put them over his face
and I started to squeeze.
I couldn't stop.
Softer at first, and then,
I started to squeeze harder
and harder, until...
Of course, you know,
Lopez never told a soul.
He knew that what I did was
the best thing for the squad.
You see, that's the thing
about being part of something
bigger than yourself.
It's a team effort,
and each individual on that team
has to do their part
or they take the others down
with 'em.
One weak link
and the entire team fails.
You're not a weak link,
are you?
No, sir.
You sure about that?
Y-yes, sir.
And what did I say
about you boys calling me "sir"?
I am proud to be in
the brotherhood with you, buddy.
Yeah, for sure.
I'm just gonna...
Hey, Sean,
one more thing.
What happened to you guys
last night?
I was expecting you
around midnight.
Everything go okay
on the drive?
Yeah, we, uh,
just had a flat tire,
decided to kill some time
at a diner.
Yeah, I figured it was
something like that.
Go on, go on.
Enjoy yourself.
(footsteps receding)
(soft music)
(window closes)
[Twig] Darryl!
What the hell you doin'
in there?
Yeah, I'm comin'.
(footsteps receding)
(dramatic music)
[Becky] It was right
then and there,
scrolling through
that never-ending list
of pencil-dick motherfuckers,
that I realized
Elena was right.
The world had gone mad.
And maybe
I couldn't save the world
but I could kill
some of those shit stains
and I could have a whole
hell of a lot of fun doin' it.
(music intensifies)
(doors opening)
(music intensifies)
To saving our country
and to stopping the treason
one vengeful mission
at a time.
To freedom.
(door bell ringing)
Thought she wasn't comin'
till tonight.
Who the hell is "she"?
(door opens)
(birds chirping)
(phone ringing)
(tense music)
(phone ringing)
(door closes)
(phone ringing)
Who is it?
[Darryl] Well, apparently,
it's Becky.
Went to answer the door
but there was nobody there.
Just this.
How the fuck
did she find us?
I'm sorry.
You three know
something about this?
[Anthony] No. Nothing.
One of you care to tell me
what the fuck it is
you're not tellin' me?
-Just tell him, you guys.
-You shut the fuck up.
I think it would be wise
if you listened
to your friend here.
Yeah, what the fuck's
goin' on, gents?
-All right...
All right, fine--no, no,
it's cool, it's cool man.
They're cool, we're gonna just
tell him about the dog, yeah?
-What about the dog?
-[DJ] We took him, that's it.
-[Twig] You took him.
-Yep. Not a big deal.
-Yeah, but that's not it.
-All right.
-Shut the fuck up.
-Shut the fuck up!
All right, all right, fine.
We took him from some
stupid-ass little girl.
That's what Dickless here
wants you to know, okay?
She was fucking with us
at the diner
so we followed her
and stole her fuckin' dog.
Big deal.
Is that what you wanted?
You happy now?
(phone ringing)
Is there any chance that,
that little girl's
name is Becky?
(phone beeps)
[Becky on phone] There
once was a little girl
who had a little curl
right in the middle
of her forehead.
When she was good,
she was very, very good,
and when she was bad,
she was horrid.
(tense music)
I don't know about you guys,
but that was fucking hilarious,
Yo, that girl's got some balls,
She's messing with us.
Tryin' to make us feel inferior.
[Anthony] Oh my God,
you know what, dude?
You need to calm the fuck down.
I think we'll survive
a scary nursery rhyme.
Yeah, this is exactly
what she wants,
to make us turn against
each other.
What the hell's the matter
with you guys?
Come on, she's like,
what, twelve?
[DJ] Yeah, the girl definitely
still shops at Hot Topic.
No, she's a classic Becky.
-A classic what?
-A Becky.
Yeah, we've established
that's her name.
No--a Becky.
Let me guess.
A dyed-hair, loose-clothes,
at best a 5
on the hotness scale.
Oh, for fuck's-- yeah,
we get it, man, you 4chan.
-Shut the hell up.
-No, no, no,
you shut the hell up.
-[Twig] Fuck you.
-[Anthony] Fuck you!
-[Twig] Fuck you!
-Would one of you please
just go find the girl
and give her back
her fuckin' dog?!
Yeah, no, no--no problem.
I'll do it.
Yeah, I-I'll go.
Aren't you forgetting something?
What am I forgetting?
The dog.
All right, look, man.
When we took the dog from her,
she saw our faces, okay?
Now, if I just go
give him back to her,
she's gonna haul ass
straight for the cops.
That's not really my problem.
No, it sure as shit
is your problem
if you want us
at that town hall tomorrow.
She's just a stupid kid
playing a game of hide-and-seek.
All I'm gonna do is
just go and find her,
get her to calm the fuck down,
then I'll give her
her fuckin' dog back.
(tense music)
(door opening and closing)
(birds chirping)
Hey, Becky!
You want your dog back?
You come and talk to me.
You come and talk to me!
Would you stop?
Look, I'm gonna give you
your stupid dog back.
All right, goddammit, stop,
or I'm gonna shoot you
right in the fucking head.
Thank you.
You know, you put me
in a pretty tricky situation.
Oh yeah, what's that?
Well, I'd shoot you, but, well,
then they'd hear the gunshots
and start asking
a lot of dumbass questions.
Hm. That would be
real annoying.
You're right, it would be.
So it looks like
I'm just gonna have to find
a better way to kill you.
(Anthony breathing heavily
and coughing)
The fuck?!
Your friend probably shouldn't
leave keys in his tractor.
What the fuck?
You better get me
the fuck out of here.
-You killed my friend.
and I'm gonna kill you too
if you don't get me
the fuck out of here!
Then, you took my dog.
Your dog is fine!
That's what I've been trying
to tell you!
I'd shoot you
but they'd hear the gunshot.
And to be honest, you know,
guns kinda bore me.
I guess I'll just have to find
a better way to kill you.
(tense music)
(banjo music)
Stand up, defend my rights,
I'll fight and never flee
So get your guns,
you Noble sons
We'll take the traitors, see
Get the hell
out of my country
if you ain't as white as me
'Cause we're Noble Men
and we're standing back
Standing by
for the land of the free
We're Noble Men
and we're standing back
Standing by
for the land of the free
We're Noble Men
and we're standing back
Standing by
for the land of the free
We're Noble Men
and we're standing back
Standing by
for the land of the free
Standing by for
the land of the free
Standing by
for the land of the free
That's a Noble song.
That would blow up on Parler.
[Twig] Christ, man, now what?
(floor creaking)
(footsteps receding)
[Anthony] (muffled)
Don't open the door!
What the fuck?
[Anthony] Please don't open
the door, please!
No! No!
don't open the fucking door!
(grenade pin pops)
(door slams)
(grenade explodes)
(body thudding)
[Twig] Darryl!
What the hell was that?
Did his head just explode?
Mother of God.
(soft, tense music)
Darryl, what are we doin', man?
Should we go to the cops?
Oh, I don't know, Twig.
I got a headless corpse
on my doorstep
and enough weaponry in my barn
to start an insurrection
at town hall tomorrow,
so perhaps bringing the cops
onto the property
isn't the best course of action.
What do you think,
you fucking idiot?
Yeah, probably right.
(gun slide racking)
You two.
-Whoa, whoa, whoa!
-Okay, we killed the lady.
-No, no, hey, no.
We did not kill anyone.
Anthony did.
-Who was she?
-She was just some old lady.
Who was she?
I don't know.
We don't know.
No, no, no,
he's telling the truth.
[Sean] Look, Anthony wanted
to follow the girl home
from the diner and he said that
he was just gonna scare her.
But then some old lady
came out with a gun
and so, he fuckin' shot her.
And then we took her dog.
(gun cocks)
Dude, dude, dude,
that's it, dude,
I swear to God, man.
I'm supposed to believe
that a little girl
is doing all of this
on her own.
Yeah, I don't fuckin' know, man,
but we're telling you
You should've given her
her fuckin' dog back.
Wait a minute, did...
did you just say
You just said that we have
enough weaponry in that barn
for an insurrection.
I knew that
there was something
you two assholes
weren't telling me.
Are you fucking
kidding me, bro?
You said that
this was just a rally.
No one cares about that.
You guys have been lying to me
this entire fucking time.
What the fuck
is your problem, man?
(tense music)
Fuck this...
[Sean] Fuck this.
I'm out.
No, hey--hey, Sean, listen.
That little psychopath just
blew Anthony's head sky high.
She'll kill you.
I'm gonna take my chances.
[Darryl] Sean!
Hey. Wait, wait.
Stay. Stay the night.
We'll get through this,
And you can help us
with our calling tomorrow,
for the brotherhood.
Fuck the brotherhood.
And fuck you,
you psycho motherf--
Jesus fuck!
I asked Anthony
to bring me Noble Men.
Now, this is not a Noble Man.
(neck snaps)
(body thuds)
(DJ sighs)
(tense music)
What about you?
Are you a Noble Man?
Do you honestly think
I would say no to that question
right now?
[Darryl] Answer the question.
I'm a fucking Noble Man.
Move the body.
(phone ringing)
(phone beeps)
[Becky on phone] You may want
to invest in one of those
power washers for the
front of your house.
Are you having fun?
Wicked fun. You?
[Darryl on phone] I think that
I'm beginning to like you.
Too bad the feeling
isn't mutual.
I'm told that my houseguests
upset you last night.
Yeah, you could say that.
What is she saying?
Yeah, what's she saying?
I wanted to keep things cordial,
give you your dog back, but...
you seem to have other plans.
I would, uh, love
to play with you,
really would,
but unfortunately,
I have more pressing business
to attend to.
It's not a bad plan,
you know, the one you have to
attack town hall tomorrow.
What the hell's goin' on,
You're fuckin' with
the wrong guy, little girl.
I have photo evidence
from your little command center.
We should really talk
about that creepy Senator
Hernandez mannequin, BT-dubs.
Did you buy that wig,
or is it something you enjoy
in your downtime?
Maybe I should just put a bullet
in your dog's skull right now.
Do it and I'll send
all the photos
to the sheriff's office
the second I hear a gunshot.
Every single one
of you fake patriotic fuckers
will go down.
Yo, could you just tell me
if she's coming for me
since technically I'm the one
who fucked up her dog?
Fuck it, I'm gonna end this.
[Darryl] Gotta admit, you got me
between a rock and a hard place.
[Becky] Oh, good, then I'm doing
something right.
You know what, fuck your dog.
I'm just gonna have to kill you.
You could,
but then you'd never find
where I hid your thumb drive,
and I bet a lot of people
would love to see
that list of douchebags.
(tense music)
(birds chirping)
You're fuckin' dead.
Cool, just one more thing
real quick,
your friend on the dock
could use a hand.
(trigger snaps)
(arrow whooshing)
(groaning and yelling)
[Twig] She's got a crossbow!
She's got a fucking crossbow!
Get it out, Darryl, get it out!
Calm down!
All right, hold still.
[Twig] Wait, what are
you gonna do?
What are you gonna do?!
Ah, fuck!
[Darryl] Wait, what are
you doing?
Twig, she has the USB!
(Becky whistles)
I'm gonna fuckin' kill you!
(tense music)
Eat shit, you little bitch.
-She dead yet?
-She has the list.
-What list?
-The fucking list!
You can say that as many times
as you want, man,
I'll still have no fucking idea
what you're talking about!
No, no, no, hey,
no, stop, please.
You're gonna stop him
from killing that girl,
and then you're gonna bring
her back to me alive,
and if you don't,
you will fucking wish
she was the one
who was slaughtering you!
-You get me?
-I get you.
-You fucking get me?!
-I fucking get you!
Fuck this shit!
(truck door opens
and closes)
(engine cranking)
(tires squealing)
(doors slam shut)
(gun cocks)
(gun cocks)
(door closes)
Looks like
someone's trapped, huh?
You're not gettin' out of this
barn alive, I'll tell you that.
(pin clicks)
(tear gas canister rolling)
Oh, fuck me.
(canister explodes)
(gun cocks)
(door slams open)
(engine cranking)
(muffled laughing)
(muffled screaming)
[Becky] I wish, but I couldn't
find the keys to that one.
Still, I managed.
(door slams open)
(tense music)
I have a kid!
I have a kid!
A baby boy,
and a wife.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I act like I'm a tough guy,
but I'm not.
I act like I hate women,
but I don't.
I really don't.
I swear, if you let me live,
I will never say
another horrible thing
about women ever, ever again.
I'll love my wife
with all of me,
and I will raise my son
to be the best man he can be.
Please, I don't want to die.
I'll do anything.
What's his name?
Your son, what's his name?
It's Adolf.
You gotta be fucking kidding me!
(intense music)
(machete slashing)
(both screaming)
(machete slashing)
(dart whooshing)
Good morning.
You slept through the night.
(Becky grunting)
Has anyone ever told you
that you cry out in your sleep?
(dog whimpering)
Try all you want, you're not
getting out of those knots.
Boy Scout.
(chair slamming)
You seem to have left this
in the woods.
You came prepared.
True Grit.
You've got grit.
I'll give you that.
I also found this.
I figured it was nothing,
but then...
(key slides open)
Looks like coordinates.
(tense music)
(key slides closed)
I think I'll keep it.
(door opening)
[Darryl Sr.] Darryl,
you out there talking
to yourself or what?
I'd introduce you two,
but I'm told you already met.
(tense music)
hello there, darling.
Remember me?
[Darryl Sr.] You look
Is it the name?
Now who says only men can name
their kids after themselves?
I may be the mastermind
of the Noble Men,
but I could still be woke, no?
I hear you've been causing
quite the ruckus around here.
So, tell me, darling,
where is the thumb drive?
(chair slams)
I don't think you understand
the gravity
of what it is
you're doing right now,
but I would urge you
to reconsider.
You don't seriously think
I'll tell you, do you?
Your son said it himself.
That little piece of plastic
is the only one of its kind,
which means the only reason
I'm still alive
is because I know where it is.
how about this?
If you tell us,
there is a small chance
I will let you go,
but if you don't tell us,
there's a far greater chance
that I will lose my patience
and say, "To hell with it,"
and let Darryl here
have his way with you.
So, I'm gonna ask you
once again, sugar.
Where is the thumb drive?
Told you.
Well, you weren't kiddin'.
I think we might be goin'
about this all wrong.
Maybe you should join us, honey.
Hell, we could use some more
of that feisty female energy.
I'll pass.
Aw, shucks.
That's a shame.
Get him.
(footsteps receding)
You got quite the sweetie pie
here, you know that?
Yeah, we got to spend
some quality time together
while you were, uh, sleepin'.
I guess the boys were
a little bit busy, you know,
dealing with you and what all,
so by the time
I got here this morning,
they had forgotten
to let the poor thing out.
So I took him out
to do his business.
Didn't I? Yeah.
That's my boy!
Yes, that's my boy.
Incredible, isn't it?
Dogs, fascinating creatures,
aren't they?
They love their owners,
but the one thing
that they love more
than their moms and pops
is food, of course,
especially meat.
Yeah, and does this boy
love meat.
Yes, you're my love,
yes, you are.
You know, I am a dog lover
just like you, always have been.
In fact, I like animals
more than I like humans,
and although it's been said that
I have kind of a mean streak,
when it comes
to these little creatures,
I don't have a mean bone
in my body.
Now, Junior, on the other hand,
he doesn't mind getting
his hands dirty, do you, baby?
(dog whimpers)
Stop it!
Oh, he doesn't like that.
Here you go.
There, all better,
all better, right?
You just made
a big fucking mistake!
Darling, you are gonna tell me
where that thumb drive is,
or those mistakes
are gonna keep on happening,
and they are gonna get bigger
and badder until, eventually,
there won't be any air left
for him to yelp.
Okay what?
I'll tell you where it is,
you have to make me a promise.
[Darryl Sr.] Put him away.
(footsteps receding)
So, name your terms.
(tense music)
When I get out of this chair,
and I kill you both,
promise me you'll go
straight to hell.
And how do you plan
on getting out of that chair?
Girl Scout.
God damn it.
(Darryl grunts)
(tense music)
(canister spraying)
(Darryl yelling)
I was gonna let my son kill you,
but I think I'll do
the honors myself.
If you kill me,
you'll never find the drive.
Oh, you're right.
Sorry, pooch.
(knife unsheathing)
(gun cocks)
(body thuds)
I'll be back, okay?
You can't get hurt,
but I will be back.
Okay, I'll be back, I promise.
(door opening)
(tense music)
(gun slide racking)
(birds chirping)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(heavy breathing)
(tense music continues)
It was fun while it lasted.
It's not over yet.
(trap closes)
(trap closes)
(trap closes)
(Darryl gurgling)
(soft music)
(birds chirping)
Well done.
(soft music continues)
(upbeat music)
Diego, hi.
Hi, hi, come here.
Come here, come here.
Hi, yes.
Hi, hi, come here.
I know, I know, I know.
Hi, buddy, hi.
[Darryl Sr.] Well, aren't you
two just the cutest?
Guess you missed my brain.
(glass breaking)
Guess I didn't.
Oh, shit.
(dog growling)
(dog barking)
No! No!
(dog snarling)
You were right.
He really does love meat.
(dog growling)
(airplane whooshing)
(door beeps and opens)
(door closes)
(footsteps approaching)
Hello, Rebecca.
I'm Kate Montana of the CIA.
Do you know what this is?
I might.
That's a thumb drive,
and it contains the names
of the members
of one of the most dangerous
terrorist organizations
in the United States.
We've been following them
for years.
They've expanded
through all fifty states,
into law enforcement agencies
and government agencies,
and you, a 16-year-old girl,
you singlehandedly took out
one of their cells.
One of them escaped.
(helicopter whirring)
DJ Turner.
Don't worry, we'll find him.
(soft, tense music)
What do you want?
Just want to ask you
two questions.
If you answer yes
to the first question,
I'll move on
to the second question,
but if you answer no
to the first question,
then I will be unable to reveal
the second question,
I will shake your hand,
I will thank you
for the service you've performed
for your country,
the CIA will forget
about all this,
and you can go back
to living your life.
So, what do you think?
Would you like to hear
the first question?
(whispering) That's not
the first question.
Rebecca, would you be interested
in being
the youngest ever recruit
for the Central
Intelligence Agency?
I'm looking
for a yes or no answer.
Then I can move on
to question number two.
(key slides open)
Are you ready to find out
what this belongs to?
(key slides closed)
Now where's my fucking dog?
(intense music)
(music fading)
(birds chirping)
[DJ] Okay, check engine.
Well, there's engine oil,
there's oil.
Piece of shit.
They call me a Noble Man
With a flag in your hand
This our mother land
Pop, pop, Uncle Sam
(police siren)
(tense music)
(car door closes)
(music intensifies)
Oh, f--
(rocket launches)
(truck explodes)
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)