Thelma (2024) Movie Script

(intriguing music playing)
- Thelma: Uh, how do I...
- Daniel: How do you what?
Thelma: I need the, uh...
Oh, where is it?
Daniel: Where's the...
where's the what?
Thelma: Yeah,
this thing has gone nuts.
- (Daniel chuckles)
- Thelma: I don't know.
I can't... (clicks tongue)
Oh, shit. I give...
What are you looking for?
Thelma: Bobby's email.
Oh. Scroll down.
I'm scrolling.
No, you're not scrolling.
- Look.
- Thelma: Oh.
Look, this is scrolling.
Thelma: Okay.
- Thelma: No, wait.
- Daniel: What?
- Thelma: Wait. Wait. Wait.
- Daniel: What? What?
What... The...
Stop fussing with it.
What's this?
Daniel: This is an ad
for Neiman Marcus.
Get rid of it.
You don't have to trash it.
Could just stay in your inbox.
Yeah, but who needs it?
What's an inbox?
It's where, um, where
all your emails are stored.
It's like a big folder
on your computer
with all of the emails.
Thelma: What's a computer?
- This is a computer.
- (laughs)
I know this is a computer,
but what is it really?
How does it function?
Daniel: It's, um...
Let's come back to that.
(both chuckle)
- Yes. There.
- Yeah?
There. That's it.
Ted: (singing
"Some Enchanted Evening"
over computer)
Some enchanted evening
You will meet a stranger
You will meet a stranger
(Thelma chuckles softly)
(intriguing music plays)
(indistinct chatter over TV)
(thrilling music playing
over TV)
(Daniel munching)
- Thelma: Pretty fast.
- Daniel: Very fast.
It's not a stuntman?
No, that's the whole thing.
He does it all himself.
- Thelma: Wow.
- Daniel: That's Cruise.
Thelma: Terrific.
- You got big plans tonight?
- Nah, just dinging around.
You spoken to Allie?
We're still on a break.
I'm just, you know, trying
to give her a little space,
and... I'm just not
really sure
what my selling points are
at the moment.
- (chuckles)
- Thelma: Oh,
well, you're
a wonderful grandson.
You know computers.
You have your hair.
I think it's gonna start
to go early.
Well, you can't
get hung up on that.
Yeah. We're just in different
places as people, you know?
She... she thinks I'm stuck.
You're too young to be stuck.
Daniel: I don't feel young.
Well, I don't feel old.
- Oy.
- "Oy" is right.
(both chuckle)
You're gonna land
on your feet. Like Cruise.
(thrilling music continues)
Thelma: Who is it they say
lands on their feet?
I think cats.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
But I guess in a way,
it could be about both.
Do you want this?
It's a marble.
I got a ton of these.
How about some pretzels?
I got a ton of pretzels.
Only if, yeah,
you don't need them.
Thelma: No, I can't chew them.
Well... Could you please
just wear this when I go?
- Ugh, I'm fine.
- I know you are.
You... you...
you probably won't need it,
but I'll just feel better
if you wear it, okay?
What's the point?
- If I fall, I'm toast.
- Daniel: Come on.
Thelma: That's why
I don't fall.
Daniel: Don't say that,
- For my mental health?
- (Thelma grunting)
(exhales) Okay.
- For my guardian angel.
- Thank you.
Daniel: It's... it's just a,
you know,
- precautionary measure.
- Thelma: Mm.
What's your plan for the day?
Ah, the usual.
(mellow music playing)
Newscaster: (over TV)
Japan's economy moved faster
than initially estimated
in this first quarter.
European markets mixed
this hour...
(newscaster continues
speaking indistinctly)
Papa loves mambo
Singers: Papa loves mambo
Mama loves mambo
Singers: Mama loves...
Oh, my God. (chuckles)
That's funny.
(groans) Come on.
(gentle music playing)
(keyboard clacking slowly)
Thelma: Um... (groans softly)
- (camera shutter clicks)
- Thelma: Oh.
(sighs softly)
Ben: (over answering machine)
Hiya, Thel. Ben here.
Looks like I missed you again.
I just got my scooter
back from the shop.
She's running smooth.
I'm around this week if you
want to pop by for lunch.
You know, I read a terrific
article about mangoes
that I thought
you might enjoy.
They seem to have
- many wonderful...
- (answering machine beeps)
Automated Voice:
Message deleted.
(monitor chiming)
Man: (over TV) I could recite
- that line from memory.
- (hearing aid whirs)
Man: (muffled)
I can't remember anything
I learned in the '80s
beyond that,
like no Shakespeare, no poems,
- barely any math or...
- (hearing aid whirs)
(TV chatter continues
(birds chirping)
(clock ticking)
(cellphone ringing)
Automated Voice:
(over hearing aid)
Hearing aid connected.
Caller 1: (over cellphone)
Caller 1: Grandma, it's me.
- Can you hear me?
- Danny?
Caller 1: (sighing)
I got into an accident.
(tense music playing)
What are you saying?
You got into an accident?
What happened?
Caller 1: I'm in jail.
You're in jail? Oh, my God.
Caller 1: I hit a woman. Sh...
She was pregnant, and I...
I don't know what's happening,
but they're holding me here.
You sound so strange.
Do you have a cold?
Caller 1:
I have a broken nose.
- The... the airbag went off.
- Thelma: Uh...
Caller 1: Okay,
you're gonna get a call.
It's... Okay? It's a...
it's a defense attorney.
Caller 1:
He's gonna bail me out,
but you need to send
him the money.
I'm so sorry.
I can't believe this happened.
- He's gonna call you.
- (cellphone vibrating)
Oh, they're calling now.
Caller 1: That... that's him.
Pick it up.
Caller 2: (over cellphone)
Hello. Miss Post?
Thelma: Yes,
this is Thelma Post.
My grandson, Danny Markowitz,
was involved in an accident
of some kind.
Uh, uh, he has a broken nose.
Caller 2: Can you confirm
his full legal name?
Daniel Markowitz.
Daniel Alexander Markowitz.
Caller 2: Okay, yes,
I'm looking at his file
right now.
What... what do you need?
What can I...
Caller 2: I'm going
to need you
to mail 10,000 dollars
to this address.
Ten thousand dollars?
Well... Oh, my God.
Caller 2: Can you drive
to the post office?
No, no, I don't drive anymore.
I don't have a car.
Caller 2:
Well, how about a cab?
And remember,
it has to be cash.
We don't want him
sitting there any longer
than he has to.
I'm going to give you
the mailing address.
Thelma: Okay.
- Caller 2: Are you ready?
- Thelma: Yes.
(suspenseful music playing)
Thelma: Oh.
- (line ringing)
- (breathing heavily)
Gail: You noticed a change
on the Zoloft?
Patient: Oh, I've been feeling
less anxious lately,
- but I actually feel
a little tired.
- Gail: Mm. Mm-hmm.
(cellphone vibrates)
Alan: So, I don't know.
This one has been good
every time I've gone to them.
This time I'm asking
for sea kayaks,
and this place is like
70 miles from the ocean.
- (cellphone vibrates)
- Alan: But I don't know...
(mailbox door squeaking,
Oh, Mom.
Thelma: (over voicemail)
Gail, something has happened.
Mom, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Slow down.
- Who did you talk to?
- Daniel.
Oh, Gail, he was so upset.
He was so upset.
I'm calling him right now.
(cellphone vibrates)
Gail: (over cellphone) Oh, my
God. He's not picking up.
Oh, my God.
I'm calling the house line.
(telephone ringing)
- Oh, my God.
- (cellphone beeps)
- Ah, Mom, Alan is calling.
- What?
Alan is calling.
I'll call you back.
Alan: What's going on?
Gail: My mother got a call
from Daniel,
and apparently he's in jail.
Someone broke his nose.
Who told her that?
Gail: She spoke to him.
She spoke to Daniel.
And then I tried calling him
and I can't get him.
And he's not picking up
his phone?
No. I'm gonna try him again.
Alan: (over cellphone)
Okay. I'm getting in the car.
Uh, let me know what you hear.
(cellphone vibrates)
(music concludes)
And he was going on and on
about how you hit someone,
and it was worse
than you think.
- And she was pregnant and...
- I hit a pregnant woman?
Like, I struck her
with my fist?
Oh, no, no, no,
- it was a car accident.
- No, yeah, this was all
- happening inside of a car.
- Oh.
Okay, well, that...
Yeah, that makes more sense.
Well, what are you
talking about?
No, I misunderstood.
Why weren't you picking up
your phone?
I was asleep.
At 10:30?
I called you at 10:30.
And then... and then...
Yeah, but I went out
last night with some friends.
- You didn't drive, did you?
- Um...
Did you get drunk? You know,
alcohol is a major depressant.
It's... Wendy Horowitz's son
is completely hooked
on Don Julio.
- Don Julio.
- He's... He can't hold a job.
He's in and out of rehabs.
Has no sense of agency.
- Alan: And he vapes.
- Gail: He vapes.
He's completely lost,
and he may never find himself.
- Are you paying attention?
- Yes, I understand.
Do you?
Yeah. I mean,
it's... it's an issue.
Mom, did you really think
it was Daniel?
I mean, how did you think
this was real?
Mom, you thought
it was real, too.
Well, she was very convincing.
Well, she was scared,
your mother.
- I was sc...
- We were all scared.
I wasn't quite as scared,
just for the record.
We'll see what happens
when you get a call, buddy.
I wouldn't be fooled.
My mind is sharp as a tack.
I said I wouldn't be fooled.
My mind is sharp as a tack.
- What's he saying?
- He's making a joke.
- Oh.
- You want to try it again?
- What's the joke, Alan?
- Never mind.
- Never mind.
- Gail: It wasn't a joke.
- Never mind.
- Well, you know,
it was a close call, but...
it's over now.
Everything's okay.
I am so embarrassed.
- No.
- Don't be. You're home.
You're safe.
That's all that matters.
But I sent the money.
You're speeding, Danny.
Well, we could report
a tracking number
if it's with Western Union,
FedEx, UPS.
With a letter,
our only real option
is to contact
the postal service,
and with these types
of things, the odds are slim,
especially without
the address.
I think I have it here.
Such a mean thing to do.
It's just sick!
Alan: Isn't there anything
that can be done?
A database of some kind?
We have no moral center
as a society.
This is a systemic issue.
- You have it?
- I don't have it.
Detective Morgan:
If it's any comfort,
these kinds of scams
are increasingly common.
Well, how do they know
who I am?
They contact people at random
using telephone listings
- and social networking sites.
- Like Facebook?
Sure. Like Facebook.
Well, how can Zuckemborg
let this happen?
Shouldn't Zuckemborg
be able to fix this?
Are you on Facebook?
- Am I?
- No you're not. She's not.
- Uh, this was a tangent.
- (softly) No.
Detective Morgan: I would
suggest canceling your cards
and freezing your accounts
until you're sure
you didn't provide
any information
that can leave the door open
to more fraud.
Beyond that, there's not much
we can do at this point.
Alan: Hmm.
Detective Morgan: Sorry.
No, you're not.
(pensive music playing)
Daniel: You want a blanket?
Or, um, water or anything?
No, I'll just close my eyes
for a minute.
Gail: She gets confused.
- Daniel: Not really.
- Gail: It's more than before.
Daniel: I haven't noticed
that big of a difference.
Little things, maybe.
Gail: She's gotten
these calls before.
We may be entering
a new phase.
What? What do you mean...
(chuckles) ...a new phase?
Now may be the time
where we really consider
whether or not living alone
is the best option.
- You think we're there?
- Gail: We're considering it.
I lost my wallet last week.
I don't think that was a sign
of my mind deteriorating.
No, that's a lack of presence,
Did you order
a replacement license?
Yeah, yeah. I did.
Good, 'cause you don't want
to be driving without that.
You could end up
in a database.
Why are you obsessed with
databases all of a sudden?
You don't want
to end up in one.
Okay, well,
I just think that...
this can be handled.
Maybe I can handle it.
Alan: What are you proposing?
Daniel: I will come over more,
I'll call every day,
and I'll make sure that
she keeps her Lyfe Line on.
Oh, my God,
I didn't tell you this.
Susan's mother fell
into a fire pit.
Completely died.
Why are we talking about this?
Well, because things happen
to people as they age.
Weird, crazy things like that.
- Was it on?
- I didn't ask.
I assumed it was.
Alan: This wouldn't have
happened a year ago.
She's not as self-reliant
as she was.
Gail: We can't just keep doing
what we're doing. She's 93.
Alan: Maybe it's time
for assisted living.
- (hearing aids whir)
- (sound fades)
Daniel: You sure
I can't stay over?
Oh, no. No, no.
- I've got things to do.
- Okay.
- (Thelma groans)
- Yeah.
- For my mental health.
- (Thelma sighs)
(music fades)
(Thelma sighing)
Thelma: (voice breaking)
Aw, Teddy.
I made a mistake.
(sobs softly)
(birds chirping)
(clock ticking)
(intriguing music playing)
(thrilling music playing)
(hearing aid beeps)
(dog barks)
- Thelma: Uh, hi.
- Hello.
Thelma: Do we know each other?
- (music calms)
- I'm not sure.
Thelma: (sighs) You...
you look so familiar.
Do you know Judy? Judy Miller?
I don't think so.
Do you know Ellen?
Ellen Marcus?
No, I don't think so.
- Well, have a nice day.
- Bye, now.
(music intensifies)
(music fades)
(laptop chimes)
(indie rock music playing
over laptop)
(laptop chimes)
(keyboard clacking)
(laptop chimes)
(cellphone vibrating)
- I... I found the address.
- What? What address?
Thelma: From the scam.
It was this tiny slip
of paper. (chuckles)
You'll never guess
where I found it.
- Grandma, I'm sorry,
it's going...
- Thelma: It was...
- and out.
- ...trash can...
I can't hear you that well. the bathroom
at the post office.
Wait, you went
to the post office?
Well, how did you get there?
Well, I walked.
Grandma. (chuckles)
That's far.
You should not have done that.
Well, it's a few blocks.
Y... you can't... You need
to tell me if you're gonna...
go somewhere,
so that I can take you, okay?
Thelma: What?
You... you should not have
gone that far on your own.
But I found it.
I have it here.
Daniel: I know.
Maybe it's better
to just pause for now
and we can
figure it out together. Okay?
What about my money?
Am I supposed to just
let them have it?
Well, but the odds
of getting it back
are pretty slim, right?
I mean,
the most important thing
is that you don't overdo it,
that... that you're safe.
I'm sorry about the money,
but it... it could
have been a lot worse.
Are you okay?
You're at home now?
Yeah, I'm at home.
Daniel: Oh, great.
You need to go anywhere,
just tell me. I can take you.
Okay, darling.
I appreciate that. Speak soon.
- Love you. Oh.
- (line beeps)
Cynthia, I... I'm afraid
I need a bit of a favor.
Uh, it's an odd situation,
and... uh...
Oh, Sara.
I thought you were Cynthia.
She did? How awful.
Oh, Sara, I'm so sorry.
No, no, no. Never mind.
Forget I called. All is well.
Hello? Is Harvin there?
(intriguing music playing)
Well, what happened?
Oh, a stroke.
Oh, I am so sorry, Joan.
A heart attack?
He moved to Cleveland?
Well, when did this happen?
Oh, God,
I called Cynthia again.
Sara, it was a mistake.
I know she's dead. Thank you.
(clock ticking)
(thrilling music playing)
(line ringing)
Danny, I need a ride.
Just to get this
out of the way up top,
you were not at home.
All my friends are dead.
What? Don't say that.
Well, it's true.
They're all popping off.
I used to be
in four lunch groups.
Who's left? Judith?
She can't hear anything,
and she's a hunchback now.
I wouldn't want to have
lunch with her alone.
Herman's in Canada.
Mona doesn't leave the house.
I could ask Lee Horner
to join us,
but I don't have her number.
And Ruth burned up
in a fire pit.
I heard that. I'm sorry.
I didn't expect to get so old.
I'm glad you did.
Who do you know here, again?
You remember Ben. Ben Halpern?
He was married to Sheryl.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, you guys used to see
each other all the time.
I always found him,
I don't know, s... s... soft.
- Soft?
- I... I don't know. Fussy.
Thelma: Sheryl's dead, too.
She fell down some stairs
in their house.
She was there for hours
before they found her.
Poor thing.
I remember.
(grunts) This car is filthy.
I'm taking good care of it.
I'm gonna clean it.
Oh, you don't clean it.
Who raised you?
Your daughter.
This is your father's
There are coins
all over the floor.
They fall out of his pockets
'cause he's got no waist.
Every time I ride with him,
I make five bucks.
(intriguing music playing)
(engine shuts off)
- Want me to come in?
- Oh, I'm just saying hello.
I won't be long.
Thirty minutes.
Daniel: If you need anything,
I'll be here.
- Thelma: Okay.
- (Daniel chuckles)
(car door closing)
(cardiac monitor beeping)
(upbeat music playing
over speaker)
Ben: Then you'll go
to the Roxy
and then an ice cream soda
at Rumpelmayer's
and then a hansom cab ride
around Central Park.
Gloria, that's your cue.
Oh, all right.
And what do I say?
Director: "Golly."
All right. Okay. You know.
Just "golly." Just the line.
Gloria: I did, didn't I? Yes?
Uh, not... not quite.
Gloria: We went through that,
and I said...
Director: Why don't we
go back to hansom cab,
and then grab golly?
Ah, it is good
to see you, Thel.
- You look terrific.
- Ah, I'm a balloon.
(both chuckle)
Well, what's with this?
Are you doing a play?
Yes. Annie.
I got Daddy Warbucks.
- Well, that's a big role.
- Yeah, I wasn't expecting it.
I thought I'd be part
of the chorus
- or maybe Mr. Bundles.
- (chuckles)
We open tonight,
but Miss Hannigan...
she's senile,
and we got a lady
playing Roosevelt
because there's never
enough boys.
And Gloria, that's Annie,
she's a total amateur.
I'm going to have to bring
a lot of pizzazz.
You know,
I think about Teddy often.
What a special guy.
Uh, how long has it been?
Two years now?
- Just about two.
- Yeah, five for my Sheryl.
It feels like a dream.
- How are you holding up?
- Let's not be maudlin.
You going to show me
your place?
Oh, oh, sure, sure. Come on.
Got a TV.
Window. Plants.
Do you mind?
Infection starts
from the hands.
Director is trying to get me
to touch Gloria
in that scene
where I adopt her,
but I'm not going to do it.
It's not worth it.
If it makes it worse,
so be it.
It's not like
we're being reviewed.
Oh, this is Gary.
We call him Starey Gary.
It's not an insult.
It's just something
that happens.
I don't think he minds.
Everybody does it.
Not just me.
Everybody calls him that.
(intriguing music playing)
Ah. Isn't she a beauty?
Three wheels,
43 miles per charge,
and bright red,
so you can see me coming.
And a little basket
for whatever you need.
I like to put bread in there.
Not... not a whole bread
but just little pieces.
You put them in loose?
No, no, no.
In... in bags. Ziploc.
You think I could borrow it?
Borrow my scooter?
Well, I...
I'm in a bit of a situation.
- What?
- I'm in a bit of a situation.
It's... (exhales)
Oh, it's a headache.
The less you know, the better.
Well, if it involves
my scooter, it involves me.
I... I don't want to say
in front of Gary.
Uh, Gary, can you
give us a second?
Thelma: Is he going to listen?
I'm not sure,
but he's going to watch.
Have you got a telephone?
(cellphone beeps)
Automated Voice:
Microphone enabled.
Hearing aid connected.
(whispering over hearing aids)
I got scammed,
but I have the address
where I sent the money.
It's a PO Box in Van Nuys.
1534 San Fernando Road.
I'm on my way there now.
I'm going to try to figure out
who took it and get it back.
What are you, nuts?
That's absurd.
You got to tell the police.
- Oh, they're no use.
- What about your family?
- Not with this.
- It's a bad idea.
But you have a better one?
You're not thinking straight.
You're grieving.
At least you have your health.
Be grateful for that.
Listen, why don't you stay
for lunch?
We have a beautiful cafeteria
and wonderful melons. Fresh.
D... do you think
I could try it out?
I... I may be in the market
for one.
(scooter beeps)
I love driving. (chuckles)
I miss it.
Nice and easy. Nice and easy.
(intriguing music playing)
(thrilling music playing)
(tires squeal)
Winston, can I borrow
your scooter?
Winston. Ah, I'm taking it.
Uh, are you talking to me?
(tires screech)
- Ben: Thel.
- Son of a bitch.
Stay there. I'm coming to you.
(music continues)
(tires screech)
(Thelma and Ben grunt)
- (tires squeal)
- Ow.
- (grunts)
- (Thelma chuckling)
(scooter whirs)
(grunts) Dang it.
(tires screech)
- (horn honks)
- Oh.
(button clicks)
(music fades)
(button clicking)
(thrilling music resumes)
(tires screech)
- (tires screeching)
- (music stops abruptly)
- Let's just talk.
- Everybody wants to talk.
My God.
I just needed your scooter.
Please be a doll
and don't make a fuss.
My grandson's
parked a block away.
I don't have much time.
You left your grandson
in the car?
Well, he's 24.
(exhales) Please don't make me
go through you, Ben.
No, you couldn't.
I got a titanium hip.
Thelma: Well, should we
put that to the test?
I'm going,
with or without you.
I'm not going to let you
go alone. I won't.
(timer ringing)
(intriguing music playing)
Hi. Um, I'm looking
for my grandma.
Thelma Post. White hair.
A little wobbly.
Very determined.
- (chuckling) Okay.
- She's not... she's not...
She doesn't live here,
but she's visiting a friend.
She would have come in
like 30 minutes ago.
So, I'm not seeing her here.
- Okay.
- But...
- Grandma?
- Resident 1: Hello?
Oh, no. Sorry. Sorry.
Uh, I'm just looking
for my grandma. Sorry.
- Resident 2: Hello?
- Hi, there.
- You took my scooter?
- What? No.
You sound like the man
who took my scooter.
I didn't take... I promise,
I... I... No, I'm...
You're getting me nervous.
You're getting me nervous.
Sorry. I'm gonna go.
- Yeah, go.
- Uh, good luck.
What do you mean, "Good luck?"
If you took my scooter,
don't tell me good luck.
Do you know Ben? Uh...
Uh, Halpern, I believe?
Mom, uh, we may have
a little situation here.
No, I'm... I'm... I'm fine.
No, I'm not in jail.
No. Um, it's Grandma.
I got to be back by 8:00.
It's opening night,
and I don't want to miss it.
I got it. I got it.
(adventurous music playing)
Mom, I checked every room.
She's not answering her phone,
but she should
have her Lyfe Line on.
So has she ever
wandered off before?
Never. Not like this.
One time, I thought I lost her
at Souplantation,
but she was just going back
for, uh, little pizzas.
It was a buffet restaurant.
You could go back for more.
I can't believe it was
actually called Souplantation.
- I never processed that.
- Alan: Oh, wow.
Gail: Well, it had things
she could chew.
Alan: She can't chew anything.
She can chew some things,
It's, like...
It's confusing, you know,
what she can and can't chew.
Like, she can't have a salad,
but she can...
Like, last week,
she ate a cashew.
So she hasn't
wandered off before?
Except to a salad bar?
By choice?
- Exactly. Right?
- Yeah.
Well, um, I don't want
to alarm you guys,
but one of our residents
is missing.
- Alan: Oh.
- Um, yeah. Ben Halpern.
- Oh, Ben.
- Yeah, she, she um...
Are the two of them involved?
No. No. They're...
they're not even...
She doesn't even really
like him all that much.
Oh, so is there bad blood?
- What are you insinuating?
- Rochelle: Nothing.
No, no, no. Not like that.
We're just... we're just
trying to understand.
You know he has
a show tonight.
How would we know that?
Gail: Well, does his family...
Have you notified
his family that he's missing?
He doesn't have any family.
- So, no.
- Oh.
Well, what can
we be doing here?
Can you guys send out
some kind of senior alert?
- A Silver Alert?
- A Silver Alert.
- Rochelle: No.
- Colin: No.
We are not authorized
to do that.
The police have to declare her
- a missing person.
- A missing person.
But she is a missing person.
- Don't you have somebody...
- We don't know where she is.
- It's only been an hour,
- Yeah, just one hour.
it hasn't been that long.
curtain's not until 8:00.
- What's the show?
- You're still talking
about the show?
- Annie.
- Annie.
- Oh, that's a good one.
- Oh.
So, uh, does Thelma have any
specific medical conditions
that we should know about?
She's had breast cancer,
double mastectomy,
sepsis, edema,
valve replacement,
hip replacement,
arrhythmia, brain tumor.
I think she actually has
a brain tumor right now.
- Yeah, the doctor said it was
growing slowly...
- That's right. Yeah.
- they could just
leave it in there.
- She has a brain tumor.
So, all of that and
a brain tumor at the moment.
Wow, uh, thank you.
Thank you so much
for telling us all of that.
And she had the TGA, right?
- TGA?
- Transient global amnesia.
Yeah, it was about a year ago.
And, um, she just...
she got very disoriented.
She didn't know who she was.
She didn't know who we were.
Lasted only just about
an hour.
But it was...
it was unsettling.
But she's a tough cookie.
Obviously, we want help
finding her.
It's just,
it might still be a, you know,
"going back to the buffet"
type of situation, I think.
Well, the good news is,
they rarely go far.
(thrilling music playing)
Ben: Uh, Thel,
why does this street look
so familiar to me?
We're stopping at Mona's.
Oh, I haven't seen Mona
since Berlin.
That was a fun trip,
wasn't it?
What year was it? '95?
Um, '98, I think.
Ah, it was a bumpy flight,
but otherwise it was terrific.
You know Mona
is obsessed with me.
We... we never acted on it,
but she would always stare
at my legs
whenever I had short pants on.
Whatever you say, buddy.
Now, if you're right,
maybe we could use it.
Why are we stopping at Mona's?
To get a gun.
Oh, my God.
What do we need a gun for?
It's just a precaution.
Couple of schmegegges like us
turning up unannounced?
I like to be prepared.
Do you even know
how to use it?
Well, how hard can it be?
Idiots use them all the time.
You're going to have
to distract her.
She's still sharp.
This is not going to be
so easy.
Maybe I could do my monologue.
I'd rather you didn't.
(suspenseful music playing)
(tires screech)
- (birds chirping over TV)
- (door closing)
Thel, darling.
Did we make a date?
Oh, no. No, no.
We were in the neighborhood.
- I would have put shoes on.
- (chuckles) Ben's here, too.
Good to see you, doll.
- Are you all right?
- Fine, fine.
Oh. Oh. Sit, dear.
Don't... don't clean.
Okay, okay.
- Is it a roach?
- (gasps)
Oh, you... you...
you got bugs?
I've been hunting 'em.
Can't seem to knock 'em off.
Oh, they're resilient.
That's why they make
worthy adversaries.
You get one, there are
ten more to replace him.
I've learned
to pick my battles.
So, uh, how are you?
- How's your health?
- I'm alive.
Ben: Oh, isn't that something?
- I got to use the bathroom.
- Oh, good, dear.
Um... (clicks tongue)
We were just talking
about Berlin. (chuckles)
(intriguing music playing)
(grunts softly)
Ben: We stayed
at that wonderful hotel.
The Kimch...
Kimpinchky? Kimsky?
Did we take a trip?
Um, that was a long time ago.
(stairs creak)
Um, you know,
I'm over at Belwood now.
They have
the most wonderful melons.
- (bed squeaks)
- (grunts)
Jade dews.
- Berries.
- Berries?
Mm, yeah.
All kinds of berries.
Raspberries. Blueberries.
(bed rattles)
Ben: Blackberries.
(bed squeaks)
- (pants)
- (music stops)
- (gasps)
- (gunshot)
- (bullet ricocheting)
- (loud clang)
Uh, elderberries.
(thrilling music playing)
Annie, get your goddamn hound
out of my pool!
(music concludes)
Thel, did we make a date?
Oh, no, no, I...
I was just
in the neighborhood.
I would have put my shoes on.
Well, I think it's time
we were on our way.
- You're leaving?
- I know, I know.
We'll have to get
a lunch on the books.
I'd like that.
Can we get you anything?
I've got everything I need.
(melancholic music playing)
Goodbye, doll.
- (TV powering on)
- (birds chirping over TV)
(birds chirping)
(scooter beeps)
- Uh, she needs a charge.
- Oh.
(music fades)
I need to get IDs
from everyone.
Sure. Here.
Rochelle: Thank you.
(Daniel clicks tongue,
Can't find your wallet?
I... I, um... I have it.
I'm just not seeing my ID.
You're not even looking.
You're just patting.
Oh, yeah.
- Gail: Let me help.
- I, uh... Uh...
You didn't order
a replacement license.
- No, I did. I did.
- Alan: Don't lie.
- It's in there.
- Just tell us you didn't.
- I'd rather know
than be lied to.
- Daniel: It's...
I haven't, uh, yet.
- Gail: Why would you
keep this from us?
- Daniel: Becau...
Why would you keep this
from us?
- Daniel, that's really bad.
- Gail: This sucks.
But I'm... I'm gonna do it.
Can't drive without a license.
He can't drive
without a license.
I mean, he could,
but he... he shouldn't.
Okay, thank you, everyone.
You have to take care
of your vehicle, Daniel.
- Do you understand my...
- I understand.
This is the basics
of adult life.
Dad, please don't embarrass me
in front of...
Colin... (chuckling)
...and Rochelle.
We can give you guys a second.
Allie was very good for you
in that way.
She was very organized,
a grounding force.
Can we please not talk
about Allie?
(clicks tongue)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Daniel: Thank you.
- Gail: I know it's hard.
I just don't like
to see you suffer like this.
- Makes me want to cry.
- What? No.
Gail: I do.
It makes me very sad.
- Daniel: It's okay.
- I have to cry.
- Alan: Okay.
- I just need to get it out.
Do you want us to...
sit with you and...
to get a replacement license?
Daniel: I... I can handle it.
- Let's just deal with one...
- I'm sorry. crisis
at a time, okay?
- (sighs)
- Chaim took this. My cousin.
Did you ever meet Chaim?
- No.
- From Hinsdale.
He's not doing so hot,
but this is
a beautiful picture.
(camera shutter clicks)
She shouldn't be living
like that.
She's managing.
How is she getting her meals?
And when is the last time
she got out of that chair?
She's wasting away.
We all have our good days
and our bad days.
- And what's today?
- We'll find out.
(scoffs softly)
Gary's going to wonder
where I am.
What's with you?
Do you miss that place?
- I like that place.
- What's to like?
I swim twice a week.
There's wonderful classes...
cooking classes,
painting classes, Oopsy Upsy.
- Oopsy Upsy?
- Ben: Oopsy Upsy.
That's when a professional
comes in and shows us
how to pick each other up
after we fall.
There's a tub lift,
a shower lift,
and a dual lift
for when a couple falls.
Does that happen often?
Uh, not often, but it happens.
Usually on a hill.
You have to use each other's
weight as a counterbalance.
Sounds interesting.
(pensive music playing)
Sheryl used to cook,
pick up our socks,
keep the place together.
I'll take help
where I can get it.
I'm not ashamed.
It's not the same.
Ben: Why?
I always picked up the socks.
- She posted!
- Gail: What?
She posted something?
- I think it...
- Gail: No.
Yeah, five minutes...
By accident, I think.
- Five minutes ago.
- Gail: Oh, my God.
- Look, look.
- Let's see.
Let's see. Let's see.
Do you recognize anything?
Gail: Make it bigger. Zoom in.
Can you enhance it?
Daniel: Enhancing.
I see gas pumps,
a blue car, a pigeon.
- No, two pigeons.
- This is Tujunga. Tujunga.
- Yeah, um...
- Alan: Isn't there
a gas station on Tujunga?
- Moorpark and Tujunga.
- Yes!
Daniel: Moorpark and Tujunga.
And we're going, we're going.
Ah, damn.
(thrilling music playing)
Come on. We g...
We got to move.
Waze says 12 minutes
via Chandler and Colfax.
Thelma: Look at that.
Who created that?
Who thought it up?
A plug for a car.
Electricity goes through,
makes it run.
But what is electricity?
It boggles the mind.
Oh, I think I know her.
- Can you go a little faster?
- Yes, thank you.
- God. Please.
- I'm going the speed limit.
We are a law-abiding family.
- (seat belt clicks)
- Huh.
Wants me to make a left.
This is why I don't use Waze.
It wants you to make
all these crazy turns.
Marci Wender's husband
was obsessed with Waze,
makes a psycho left,
ends up in Vons.
Estimates are
very accurate, Gail.
He paid thousands of dollars.
Alan: Very accurate.
- Gail: No they're not.
- Alan: It's been proven.
Thelma: Do you know Vi?
Vi Friedlander?
- Maybe through Saul.
- Thelma: Saul?
- Gary's kid. Gary Newman?
- No, I don't know them.
- Oh. Did you go to Sinai?
- No, we were at Beth Am.
You just look so terribly
familiar to me.
Just have to ignore
all your instincts
and trust the technology.
Technology is what got us
into this mess
in the first place!
Can you go back?
- (car horn honking)
- Alan: I can't go back.
- There's someone behind us.
- Alan: I see them!
- Daniel: So go!
- I can't go.
- There's a gap.
- There's a...
- There's a gap, Alan.
- Daniel: Take it!
Go, just go.
(all shouting indistinctly)
Daniel: Go. Yes, yes.
- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
- (car horns honking)
- Okay, okay, okay.
- (shouting indistinctly)
- Ah!
- Yes, yes, I did.
- (Gail sighing)
And we're back to 12 minutes.
Gary Newman.
Ben: Oh, no.
My Gary is Rozelle.
Isn't that interesting?
Two different Garys,
but both Gary.
(music continues)
- How do you know each other?
- I guess we don't.
(sighs) It seemed possible.
- Alas.
- (chuckles)
Have a lovely day.
- You too.
- (chuckles, sighs)
- (Thelma gasps)
- Ben: What?
- What?
- Thelma: Oh.
- What happened?
- It... it's my grandson.
- Gail: Mom! Thelma!
- Daniel: Grandma!
Oh, it's them.
Come on, get out.
- Gail: Thelma!
- Alan and Daniel: Thelma!
Gail: Hi.
Have you seen a woman
with, like, white hair?
A real lady?
- Gail: Thelma!
- Alan: Thelma!
- Gail: Thelma!
- Alan: Thelma!
Oh, we can't make that.
Daniel: Grandma!
Alan: What's that?
Is that...
- Daniel: Grandma!
- Gail: That is interesting.
- Daniel: Oh, shit.
- Gail: Thelma!
- (Lyfe Line clicks, beeps)
- (Thelma grunts)
- Daniel: Oh, shit.
- Gail: What?
Her Lyfe Line.
Alan: What is it?
Do you have a location?
- Gail: What's it say?
- She's here.
- She's here.
- Ah. Where? Oh.
(Lyfe Line beeping)
- (beeping stops)
- (music calms)
(music intensifies)
(pensive music playing)
(chuckles) We are crazy.
(both laugh)
(sighs, chuckles)
Could it have fallen off?
Not on its own.
Alan: Just to consider
all our options,
is it... is it possible
she had another TGA?
- Her behavior's erratic.
- I... I don't know.
It seems like it's within
the realm of possibility.
Let me think about it.
I'm... I'm just... I'm going
to Google it just to...
Daniel: I told her
not to take it off.
Alan: "Acute onset
of anterograde amnesia."
I can't remember if it was
on her wrist in the car.
She likes her independence
from that thing. She just...
Sometimes she puts it
in her bag.
I... I can't remember.
"...signs indicating damage
to a particular area..."
I should have walked her in.
It's in the past. Hmm?
- Why didn't you?
- She didn't want me to.
- (Alan reading indistinctly)
- Why didn't she want you to?
- I don't know, Mom! I...
- Alan: Don't yell.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
I just... I'm upset.
Gail: Yeah, we're all upset.
This is exactly what
we have been trying to avoid,
and now my mother is at large.
I can't...
I can't do anything.
I literally can't do anything.
I'm such a little bitch.
Don't call yourself that. God.
I truly have
no ability to do anything.
I can't do anything
with my hands. I can't...
What do you want to do
with your hands?
Daniel: I don't know. Nothing.
I just... I can't...
I don't know facts.
I have no qualifications
for any jobs.
I... I can't do math.
It's basically why Allie
and I aren't together.
Because you couldn't do math?
I thought she could do math.
It's just another thing
that I can't do.
I haven't done the ID
because every time
I go on the computer,
I get all confused
by the stupid website
and all the classifications
and the... and the...
and the terms.
Do you have visual,
uh, what's it?
- Processing.
- Processing issues?
Sure. Or maybe I'm just
a stupid little bitch
who can't do anything.
- Don't say "bitch."
Stop saying "bitch."
- (groans) Stop.
I lost Grandma. Fuck!
(both sigh)
Think we're getting closer?
- Thelma?
- Hang on.
- What is it?
- I don't know where we are.
Ben: Oh, don't say that.
Thelma: I thought
we were heading north.
I'm gonna go find help.
Oh, no, Ben, give me a moment.
Let me orient myself.
(scoffs) Ben.
Ben, don't make a scene.
You don't listen to me, Thel.
You don't listen to anybody.
If I listened to you,
I'd be your roommate by now.
Go home, Ben.
You don't want to be here.
- We should call your family.
- Out of the question.
What about your grandson?
- Thelma: No. No.
- Why?
Because I'm not like you, Ben.
As much as you may want me
to be, I like to be useful.
We're more alike
than you think.
What's that supposed to mean?
We're old.
We're a liability
to the ones we love.
You can tell
yourself different,
but you know
that they're worried sick.
What's to worry about?
I move from point to point.
I don't complain.
I am the same.
And you would be, too,
if you stopped feeling sorry
for yourself.
It doesn't work that way.
You start acting like a baby,
people treat you like a baby.
You know how I know?
Because I couldn't...
I couldn't hear her
when she fell.
We're not what we were.
We're the only ones left.
The least we can do
is take care of each other.
Call your family.
I don't need them.
I don't need you.
I just needed your scooter.
- (Thelma gasping)
- (engine revs)
- (tires screech)
- (debris clattering)
(tires squeal, engine revving)
(scoffs) We were stopped.
Did you put
the parking brake on?
I didn't know there was one.
I didn't know.
I... I'm sorry, Ben.
You're not sorry.
(somber music playing)
Ben, where are you going?
I'm not waiting!
(grunts softly)
We've all lost her before.
I've lost her at Gelson's
a few times.
The woman likes
to keep moving.
if she has that cart.
When she sets her mind
to something,
there's no stopping her.
She doesn't eat,
she doesn't sleep.
She just, like,
keeps that laser focus...
- Hmm.
- ...till the task is done.
This is different
than Gelson's.
Alan: Well, I'm aware
it's different.
But she's a grown woman
who's a little faster
than you would hope.
And you can't
be responsible for her
every second of every day.
We shouldn't have
put that on you.
It was too much.
I know that
she's not gonna live forever.
But I just... when it happens,
I want it to be not horrific,
you know?
Like, a good death.
There is no good death.
(Gail speaking quietly)
I'm gonna take a walk.
Oh, can we go with you?
- I'll go with him.
- I want to go with him.
No, no, no, no, I'm...
I want to go alone.
I just need a little, um...
- space to think.
- Where are you walking?
- Where are you gonna go?
- I don't know, just...
Do you... do you have
your phone on you?
Gail: Please don't keep it
on silent.
- No. Here. Take... take this.
- Can you do that for me?
For my mental health?
I'm gonna be close. It's fine.
- Just... It's fully charged.
- Daniel: Okay.
And it just snaps on here.
There we go.
Have a nice walk. I love you.
I love you, too.
(suspenseful music playing)
(footsteps approaching)
(cardiac monitor beeping)
(indistinct chatter over TV)
(Thelma gasps, groans)
(Thelma groans)
(groans) Oh. Oh.
(groans, sobs)
- (car engine revving)
- (tires screeching)
(pensive music playing)
(hearing aids beep)
(sound fades)
(gentle music playing)
(hearing aid beeps)
(crickets chirping)
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I'm sorry. About all of it.
But we gave it a good try,
didn't we?
Yes, we did.
I lived with my parents
till I was 23. (sniffles)
Then I moved in with Teddy...
and I lived with him
until I was 91.
I've lived just me
for two years now.
Gets lonely sometimes.
And I miss Teddy.
But I... I tried sushi,
and I liked that quite a bit.
I've enjoyed my time alone.
I guess I wanted more of it.
(vehicle approaching)
I think I know her.
- Lois?
- Thelma!
We just saw Swan Lake.
And it was set
during the Korean War,
so the dancers were
all dressed like soldiers.
I... I don't know
that I understood it,
but it was beautifully staged.
I think it was very political.
- Sounds interesting.
- Lois: It was, yes.
So, where can we take you?
Oh. Just home.
Ben, what's your address?
We're heading
to 1534 San Fernando Road.
(mellow music playing
over radio)
Well, we've come this far.
We might as well finish it.
Well, what about your show?
There is no show
without Daddy Warbucks.
(intriguing music playing)
(bell dings)
- What now?
- We wait.
- Allie: (over cellphone) Hi.
- Daniel: Hey.
Thanks for picking up. Um...
Are you slinging those
crunchy-crunchy tiki tacos?
Yeah. Yeah, that's why
they pay me the big bucks.
How's it going with you?
Daniel: (over cellphone) Okay.
Um, bad, actually.
My grandma's missing,
and I'm camped out
at an old folks' home
- with my parents.
- Wait, what? How?
She went to visit a friend,
and then they went
missing together.
It's been a couple hours
so far.
And the whole thing is just...
I don't know, it's...
They didn't sign out
or anything,
but I was supposed
to watch her, so...
Okay, well, uh, could she have
just gone somewhere
without telling you guys?
That's what we thought.
We thought it could be
a Souplantation situation.
Allie: (over cellphone)
A... a what?
No, nothing. I mean,
it's possible, I guess.
Well, I only asked
because she's...
obsessed with errands, right?
Well, yeah. She has
a healthy respect for errands.
Well, I know
you really love her.
I'm sure you're
super worried, but...
Maybe she's just...
doing something.
You know? On her own.
(soft music playing)
I hope so.
Hey, I've also
been wanting to call you.
I was thinking about
taking some classes,
maybe an adult math class,
or, like, just brush up on...
on some of those essentials.
- What are you talking about?
- Daniel: Self-improvement.
I'm just saying I...
I can learn to do more things,
adding and subtracting,
uh, fractals.
Like, I can take the great
leap from boy to man.
You're driving me nuts,
do you know that?
(laughs) I do. I...
I do know that, very much.
It's so freaking hot in here.
Okay, well, go for a walk.
My folks asked me
to stay close.
(Allie chuckles)
Well, if you ever take
that great leap,
for what it's worth,
I think you could make it.
- Oh, my God!
- Allie: What?
Um, there's, uh, been a guy
in here the whole time.
Thelma: We used to call bread
the staff of life.
But now nobody wants
to eat bread.
But there are delicious breads
being made now.
It's a conundrum.
And some people like toast
with toppings.
Mm. Interesting.
The way we think about bread
has changed so.
You want bread?
We've got bread.
- There you go.
- (Thelma chuckles softly)
- Ugh!
- (groans, spits)
- Oh, it's like a rock.
- I can't even chew it.
(bell dings)
- Can you see him?
- Ben: That's him.
Ah, he's coming out.
(door opening)
Oh, come on.
- (grunts)
- (Ben grunts)
(intriguing music playing)
You keep a lookout.
Uh, I'm gonna go in
and try to talk to them.
If things get funny,
you go for help.
- How will I know?
- Well, you'll be with me.
(cellphone beeping)
Automated Voice:
Microphone enabled.
Hearing aid connected.
(suspenseful music playing)
Thelma: Hello?
Ben: (over hearing aid)
Thel, I think I see a door
in the back.
Lamp down ahead.
Lift those heels.
There's a stack
of loose Hummels, or...
or maybe they're gnomes
or some kind of
little animals.
Be... be careful.
Gets a little hairy up ahead.
Take your time.
- (shattering)
- Oh!
Ben: What happened?
Oh. W... what are you doing?
Thelma: It's a mess.
Don't clean!
Thelma: Well, you have to
with glass. It's not right.
Ben: Not now.
Get your act together.
- Easy, easy.
- Thelma: Ah.
Uh, yes! Ah!
Well done. Well done, Thel.
Okay. Let's go.
Harvey: Yes, sir.
Hesitating is gonna cost you.
Yeah, quite a bit.
No, there's gonna be
some unpleasantness ahead.
I mean, we just don't want him
sitting in holding
any longer than he has to.
Yes, I know, but even
good boys make mistakes.
(beads jangling)
(radio playing indistinctly)
- Hi. May I help you?
- Who's that?
I'm Thelma. Thelma Post.
You might recognize me.
From the telephone.
Hmm. No, I can't say
I do, ma'am.
Uh, at this moment in time,
we're closed.
But why don't you
come back tomorrow?
I've got a shipment of, uh,
what do you call them?
A woman inside a woman
inside a woman.
- Uh, Russian nesting dolls?
- Yeah.
Now, at least
I think they're women.
I mean, I haven't checked.
There may be a little fella
in there somewhere. (chuckles)
Where's my money?
- Sorry?
- You heard me.
Yes, I heard you.
I'm not sure I understood.
You called me.
You pretended
to be my grandson.
You took advantage of me.
(tense music playing)
That's a hefty accusation.
I think you've got
the wrong idea.
Listen, buddy,
I came a long way.
Hm, well,
you've made a mistake.
That's okay. You know,
I make mistakes, too.
But let's not make another.
(handbag rustling)
I'm... I'm contacting
the authorities.
(line ringing)
Well, what are you
gonna tell 'em?
You broke into my store?
Operator: (over cellphone)
9-1-1. What's your emergency?
I'd like to report a robbery.
Ah! Uh, uh...
(cellphone beeps, chimes)
The... Thel?
Thel, are you there?
Look, I just want you to know
that it's not personal.
I mean, we're not
selling like we used to.
People these days, they...
they don't care
about old things.
I'm just trying
to keep the lights on.
We have a lot of lights.
- So it's very expensive.
- Yeah. Thank you, Michael.
I bet this whole thing
has been a headache, huh?
Look, I don't expect you
to leave here empty-handed.
Why don't we make a deal, huh?
I'll keep your deposit,
but I'll cut you in
on the next one.
Yeah, I'm happy to negotiate.
I'll give you
the senior discount.
Well, that isn't gonna work
for me.
And you should know,
if I'm not out
in five minutes,
my partner calls the cops.
You want me to beg?
Then I'll beg.
- (grunts)
- (Thelma gasps)
Harvey: Look, what do you
want me to do?
Give it back?
I'll lose the store.
I'll be out on the street.
Nobody cares.
Nobody cares about me.
Everybody's buying
their shit on Amazon.
I just take
what I need to survive.
So, why do you need it so bad?
Because it's mine,
and I decide who gets it.
You're being unreasonable.
Michael, get my keys.
(music builds)
- (Thelma groans)
- (grunts)
Uh, uh...
- Huh?
- No, no. I, uh...
Thelma: How did I... huh.
Uh, I, uh... oh. Ah.
I'm... I'm... I'm sorry.
I... I don't recognize
this pla...
Oh. I, uh...
I... I need to call
my husband.
Hm. Of course.
What's your name, dear?
- I'm Harvey.
- Harvey?
- Harvey: Yeah.
- Harvey? Harvey.
Harvey: Come and sit down now.
Harvey: We'll call him.
Yeah, yeah.
Talk to me, Thel.
What's going on?
I'm terribly sorry
for the imposition.
(scoffs) Oh, please.
It's all right.
No. Happens to the best of us.
The mind is a funny thing.
what's your husband's number?
- I'll get you home.
- (gun cocking)
(music intensifies)
My money, Harvey.
Michael! Coward.
(thrilling music playing)
(glass shattering)
(Ben grunts)
Thelma: You were
very convincing, Harvey.
Why, you could have
been an actor.
Not a star, maybe,
but even so, what a waste.
Do you know
how to use that thing?
- No.
- (gunshot)
Fuck! Jesus Christ!
Okay, okay, okay.
Where is it?
- In there.
- Where?
It's been deposited into
my account on the computer.
- Well, get it out.
- I can't.
- What do you mean, you can't?
- Michael does the computers.
Oh, this is ridiculous. Oh.
It's just me and you now.
Ben: And me.
- Who the fuck is that?
- My friend.
Here. Here, you take this.
I... I need both hands.
- What happened to Michael?
- I beat him up.
Where's the mouse?
There's the mouse.
Come on. Move.
What? What is that?
It's a shoe!
- It looks like a shoe.
- It's a shoe.
Ben, don't look at it.
Look at him.
W... what do I do with it?
I... I'm gonna "X" it.
No, no, don't do that!
Well, you don't know
what it is.
(mouse clicking)
That's a baby.
Oh, God.
I don't know how to do this.
(music fades)
(cellphone vibrates)
Thelma: (over cellphone)
Grandma! Oh, my God.
Are you... okay?
Where are you?
Thelma: I'll tell you,
but you have to promise me
Thelma: Come alone.
(intriguing music playing)
- (Gail sighs)
- (cellphone vibrates)
- Alan: Huh.
- Gail: What?
His heart rate is slowing.
(thrilling music playing)
We're getting closer.
- Yeah, yeah. (groans)
- We're getting closer.
I just... okay,
now a little more,
little more, little more.
Ah! Ah!
(suspenseful music playing)
(car engine revving)
(tires screech)
(thrilling music playing)
Tell me
what you're looking at!
It... it's a family
and a baby,
and they're everywhere.
Daniel: (over cellphone)
Great, great. Are there words?
Thelma: Yeah, it says,
uh, Lincoln Mutual.
Yep! It's an ad.
You need to find the "X."
- Well, there's no red "X."
- No, but it's not always red.
Sometimes they hide it,
so look closer.
Top right.
- I "X"ed it.
- Daniel: Great! Um...
- (cellphone vibrates)
- Daniel: Remember the...
the computer's the library,
and the search bar's
the librarian.
You're gonna ask it
for information,
and then it's gonna
give it to you.
Thelma: (over cellphone)
Where is the bank?
Ye... uh,
are you talking to me?
No, I... I'm asking
the machine.
It can't hear you.
Is there a Sari or a Siri,
or is she not in there?
She's not there.
That... that's in your phone.
But y... you don't need her.
Thelma: I don't talk to her.
She talks to me.
dot com."
Hit "Enter." You see "Enter"?
Thelma: I'm in!
What's the password?
I don't know.
Look around you.
Is there, uh, a notebook
or a desk, papers,
anything like that?
- Oh, my God.
- Daniel: What?
The password is "Password."
Daniel: Classic!
Now, click inside of that box
and type that in.
(chuckles) That's cute.
Goddamn dumbass
password, Michael.
Come on!
(car horn honks)
I'm moving to "Transfer."
Oh, God.
- What?
- It wants me to join a gym!
No, I... I'm gonna tell it no.
Good. Remember what we do?
The "X," no matter the color.
Daniel: That's right!
- I'm in.
- Yes!
Thelma: Be ready in five.
Okay, I'll be there soon.
(keyboard clacking)
(sighs) Oh, Jesus.
(objects clattering)
(music fades)
Harvey: Uh, no! Oof.
- (gasping)
- (air hissing)
I assume it was you
on the phone
pretending to be Danny.
He doesn't have the range.
I'm not your grandma.
But if I was, I'd tell you
there comes a time
when you can't listen
to anyone but yourself.
(pensive music playing)
He called you a dumbass.
He said it quietly,
but I heard it.
Ah! (breathes deeply)
You're insane.
(sighing heavily)
- Is that it?
- That's it.
And he can't get it back?
(breathes heavily)
- (gunshot)
- Hey, wait!
(breathes heavily)
He can't get it back.
Don't take people's money.
Clean up your store.
Be nicer to Michael.
This whole thing
has been really ridiculous.
(sighs) And don't smoke.
(dramatic music playing)
- What?
- I didn't say anything.
- (car engine roaring)
- (tires screech)
Get in!
(soft music playing)
Did you get it?
We got it.
- (laughs)
- (chuckles softly)
Oh, Danny, Danny,
you remember Ben.
Yeah. Hey, Ben,
it's really great to see you.
Ben: Good to see, Danny.
How you doing?
- Daniel: I'm all right. Yeah.
- (emergency alert blaring)
Ben: Whoa. Whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho.
We're famous.
- Ha, ha! (chuckles)
- (Thelma chuckles)
Today was a good day.
I hope you know
I'm gonna buy you
a new scooter and a new phone.
Oh, well, maybe we can go out
to lunch someday.
Thelma: I'd like that.
We could try
the famous Belwood cafeteria.
I hear they have
terrific melons.
(both laugh)
- Or... we could go out.
- Both good options.
- We'll make a plan, dear.
- Good, good, good.
- (chuckles)
- Ben: Ah!
- You be well.
- I will.
Break a leg, Ben!
(Thelma chuckles)
Does he know what that means?
I'm not sure.
He's new to the theater,
and his hip is titanium.
Detective Morgan:
But he didn't say anything?
Gail: No, but he... he...
Has Daniel ever wandered off
like this before?
Gail: Never. Not like this.
Oh, my God! Mom! Oh!
Your eye. Are you okay?
I'm all right, darling.
I'm all right.
Gail: Oh, we were so worried
about you!
(smacks lips, sighs)
You drove.
I did.
You went back to the buffet.
(chuckles softly)
I did.
- What happened?
- (chuckles)
I'll tell you everything,
but there's something
I'd like to do first,
if you would indulge me.
Of course!
I'm just Annie,
Mr. Warbucks, sir.
I'm sorry I'm not a... a boy.
Resident: It's her
first night here, sir.
Well, Annie, how would you
like to go to a movie?
And then you could go
to the Roxy
and then some ice cream soda
at Rumpelmayer's,
and then a cab ride
around Central Park.
Um, well...
Yeah, wow.
Golly. Golly, Daddy,
Mr. Warbucks.
- It's a strange show!
- (shushes)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music playing)
(music continues)
(Thelma chuckles)
(music fades)
I'm glad to come here.
These are good graves.
Do you like them?
Yeah. As in, what?
Do I want to be buried
in them?
I got a ton of graves.
Oh, yeah?
Beautiful graves.
Some here.
Mostly back in New York.
Uh, does Allie plan on being
buried in a Jewish cemetery?
Oh, I don't know, you know?
We haven't really had
the graves conversation yet.
- (chuckles)
- Taking it slow.
Oh, we may have enough.
You get very greedy.
You want to see
what's gonna happen
to those you love.
(gentle music playing)
I love you.
And if you ever do die,
I'm really, really, really
gonna miss you.
And I know you know that,
but I just, uh...
I wanted to say that
while we're here.
While we're here.
Wherever I go...
I'm not gonna worry about you.
You're gonna be okay, Danny.
(music continues)
Look... look at the bottoms
of those trees.
I mean, look how gnarled
they are, and yet they live.
- Look.
- I'm looking.
Thelma: You should be taking
- photographs of this.
- (laughs)
Thelma: Is this unbelievable?
Daniel: It's incredible.
Yeah, I mean,
it's unbelievable.
Look at this.
This thing is still alive.
- Daniel: What? This tree?
- Yeah, look at it.
It should be down
on the ground.
Thelma: But it's unbelievable.
(laughs) It's crazy!
What spirit.
(music continues)
Newscaster: (over TV)
Airlines are expecting to make
ten billion dollars
in profit this year,
despite fears of a looming
economic slowdown
around the world.
This as the international
air transport...
(cockroach scurrying)
(music swells)
(music stops)
It marks a significant rebound
to near pre-pandemic levels,
even with high inflation
and rising interest rates
way up.
In a look at markets
around the world right now,
Asian markets finished...
(intriguing music playing)
(thrilling music playing)
(music fades)
Look at all those...
Look at all those bottoms
of those trees.
Look... look at how gnarled
they are, and yet they live.
Look. Look.
Look at photographs of this.
Is this unbelievable?
I mean, it's unbelievable.
Look at this.
This thing is still living.
- Look.
- Josh: This tree?
Yeah, look at it.
It should be down on the...
- I mean, it's unbelievable.
- Josh: It's crazy.
What spirit. Look.
- Look!
- Josh: Ah! (laughing)
(gentle music playing)
(intriguing music playing)