Them (2006) Movie Script

This story is based on real events.
Snagov, Romania
October 6, 2002, 11:47 p.m.
Yes, I picked her up.
I know, I know.
Talk to her yourself.
Daddy wants to talk.
Quick, it's expensive.
Can't you see I'm busy?
Take this phone!
He can call back.
Take the phone, I swear!
What? You'll punish me?
Call us at home. In a half an hour.
What's with you!
Why are you like this?
You need help.
Excuse me?
Sanda, are you OK?
Are you OK?
What are you doing?
I saw someone.
Someone was on the road!
Probably a dog.
Can't we go now?
Try the engine, please.
Try it again.
Mom, what do I do?
Mom, what do I do?
Police station,
hold the line...
Police station,
hold the line...
"But he was joyful...
French Junior
High School of Bucharest
October 7, 2002
4:32 p.m.
"he was... free.
"Because he was... free."
Full stop.
See you next week.
My curriculum from last year.
I had a hard time finding it.
Thanks so much. It'll be a great help.
Are they that bad?
Not at all.
I need some time to adjust.
How long have you been here?
Nearly 3 months.
You're managing well.
I'd love to speak your language
like you speak mine.
My French is a catastrophe.
Don't exaggerate.
Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks again.
- Hello?
- It's me.
What do you feel like tonight?
That's all?
I wouldn't say no to some wine.
Wine, me... Anything else?
Whatever you rummage up.
- How long?
- Half an hour, traffic's good.
See you soon.
How are you?
What is it?
What's so funny?
- Hope it's productive, at least.
- So-so.
And you?
They were irritating today.
A dictation calmed them down.
I'm calling it quits!
Listen up,
you know a writer
never stops working.
Here, for example,
I turn off the computer.
I close the lid...
I stand up...
But in my head, I'm still working.
Are you coming?
And now?
I'm working.
And now?
Still working...
And now?
You can keep trying.
And now?
Extreme concentration!
You lose.
Can I come in?
Are you still there?
It's delicious.
It's unusual, but...
It's interesting.
Unusual? How?
What exactly is in it?
What do you mean?
I threw in all the groceries.
That explains it.
It's all-inclusive.
Starter, main dish, dessert...
- From soup to nuts.
- You don't like it?
- Yes, I do.
- If you don't like it...
Fine, that's enough.
Let's clear the table.
That's the way it goes.
- We're finished.
- It's not bad...
Get out. You've hurt me enough.
- Are you sleeping?
- No.
Yes, you're sleeping.
I'm not sleeping.
It looks bad.
Really bad.
I think she's cheating on him.
That's unfortunate.
Want me to go?
No, it's my turn.
It's so annoying.
Are you going or am I?
It's alright. I'll go.
Here you are.
I thought you lost your appetite.
Stop barking.
It disturbs everyone.
Easy, easy.
That's it. Nothing left.
Go on.
Get lost!
The beast has been subdued.
Let's go to bed?
Come on.
Enough of this crap.
I'm exhausted.
Are you sleepy, Mr. Sleepy?
Aren't you sleepy?
- You're never sleepy.
- Never.
- How do you do it?
- I don't know.
What's your secret?
A little secret.
Tell me.
I'm going downstairs to work a bit, OK?
This is such trash!
Who's on the line?
Wake up.
Wake up.
What's going on?
Didn't you hear it?
The noise outside.
What are you doing?
Come on. Let's go down and see.
Are you coming?
What are you doing?
- Nothing.
- Come on.
Why the hell's my car there?
Come see.
Do you see?
Don't be silly. I'll just check.
Stay there.
Anyone there?
Is anyone there?
Stay there!
Don't move!
Lucas, get inside!
Come back!
They came into my house.
No! I don't have them.
They're in the car!
- You really don't have the papers?
- No.
We don't have them.
Isn't there anything you can do?
We'll handle it tomorrow.
What about the former owner's name?
I'll call back tomorrow.
What a fool.
I left everything in the car.
What are you doing?
Come on.
I'll switch the meter on.
I can't see anything.
Come on.
Wait for me!
Hurry, come see.
What is it?
- What is it?
- Get down!
- Wait.
- Stay there!
I'm coming with you.
Stay there. Don't move.
Do you see something?
There's nothing.
Work, dammit!
Stay there.
Come on!
Someone's there.
- Do you see anything?
- Nothing.
What is it?
What do we do?
I don't know.
We gotta call the police.
It'll be OK.
They're inside.
They're in the house.
I'll go downstairs.
I'll go see.
Close the door.
Close it.
Close it!
What's wrong?
Answer me. What's happening?
Clem, open up!
Open the door!
Clem! Open the door!
Open the door!
I can't.
It's jammed!
Lucas, shit!
What happened?
What did they do to you?
Pull it out.
Don't move.
This can't be happening!
Go on.
Go on.
Pull it out.
- I can't.
- Pull it out!
Pull it out!
Pull it out, dammit!
Come on!
Hold it tight!
Hang on tight.
Get up!
- What are you doing?
- Wait.
I'll look for a way out.
Hurry up.
I'll be quick.
Answer me!
Clem, answer me!
What's happening?
Answer me.
Hurry up. Get up!
Hold it.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Hurry up!
Move it!
Come on!
Don't look back, run.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on!
This way.
Get down.
Get down.
This way.
Go on, go on.
Lucas, try again!
Get up!
You can do it. Try again.
- I can't make it.
- Come with me!
Go on.
We won't make it otherwise.
Go on!
They're coming. Go get help!
Go on, Clem.
Go get help!
I'll hide!
Go on.
Go on, Clem.
Hurry up!
Hurry up, Clem!
She can't breathe! Stop!
You're hurting her. Stop!
Let her go.
Let her go.
You're hurting her.
Come on. Get up!
This way.
This way. Hurry up!
Follow him.
Come on!
Come on!
Move it!
This way.
Go on.
Quick! Come on, climb!
- Stop!
- What are you doing?
Don't hit me.
I didn't do anything!
We just want to play!
Why won't you let us? Let us!
Will you let us?
She's this way. Hurry!
This way!
Five days after the events,
and Lucas Medev
were found by the police.
After the investigation,
the murderers were arrested
in the Snagov region.
They were between the age of 10 and 15.
During the first interrogation,
the youngest amongst them declared:
"THEY wouldn't play with us..."
Adaptation: Pamela Grant
Laser subtitling: C.M.C.