Therapy (2016) Movie Script

( sound of super 8 camera )
THE MAN: What a mover,
what style,
a real charmer.
Stop with your Van,
you're getting on my nerves.
She's obsessed.
( laughter )
Look at this, it's cool.
THE MAN: It's the same at home.
THE TEENAGER: Did you bring
the stencils ?
THE MAN: Nope.
THE TEENAGER: So how exactly
are we going to do this...?
THE TEENAGER: Right. Hand me the white.
I'll go over it all.
THE MAN: Here you go.
THE TEENAGER: Thank you.
THE MAN: And be careful !
THE TEENAGER: I heard something weird up
This place gives me the creeps.
THE MAN: So you saw a mirror then ?
THE MAN: Your reflection...
Pretty creepy if you ask me.
THE TEENAGER: William, let me have a sip
WILLIAM: Chill...she's not a kid !
WILLIAM: What have you done
with the white ?
THE TEENAGER: I must have left it upstai
Sorry, I'll go get it.
WILLIAM: Forget it !
THE TEENAGER: I'm really sorry.
WILLIAM: It's not a big deal.
Why don't I just go and get it for you.
THE TEENAGER: Stop being such a jerk.
I'll go.
( super 8 camera filming )
( footsteps )
( creepy background music )
WILLIAM: Amanda ! Amanda !
WILLIAM (shouting): AMANDA !
( sound of super 8 camera )
( crying )
( humming of insects )
( loud humming of insects )
( police radio )
( car door slamming )
THE POLICE OFFICER: You do the nightshif
JANE: I'm Jane,
Official Investigator, CID.
Could you go over what
you said to my colleagues ?
it was early evening.
I was doing
my usual round with the dog.
He shot off into the woods.
I ran after him and
ended up at this house.
JANE: And ?
and there was a camera tri-pod.
In one room I saw ...
I saw kid's toys
and blood on the walls.
I carried on looking and
found a box under the sink,
all covered up.
It was the smell of petrol
that made me suspicious.
That's where the cameras were.
JANE: You've never been
in this house before ?
I've had this job two days.
They're planning to build
a golf course.
so I'm here to keep an eye on things
whilst they get the land fenced off.
JANE: Ok. Have you told anyone
apart from the police ?
but I'd better tell the boss.
JANE: We'll do that.
Come to the station
tomorrow with his details
and I'll get you to sign a statement.
No point in panicking anyone,
until we see what the lab
turns up on the blood
and take a look at those cameras.
( suspense music )
( phone rings )
JANE: Well, here's our next case.
STEPH: Seb, you could at least
give us a hand !
OLIVIA: Can I put my bag
down by my feet ?
STEPH: If there's room.
OLIVIA: It's fine.
SAM: Let's go.
STEVEN: Come on Seb, get in !
Ok, all set ?
OLIVIA: Yeah !
STEPH: All set.
We're off !
( edgy music )
( muffled laughter )
SAM: What are you filming ?
SEB: Just the view.
SAM: Why the camera ?
Are you going to do that the whole time
STEVEN: Seb, I told you,
you can film your school project but
you have to spend
some time with us too, ok ?
OLIVIA: I think it's fun !
STEPH: Everyone ok back there ?
SAM: It's fine. She's fast asleep.
STEPH: We should arrive
in a couple of hours.
STEVEN: Steph, is it here ?
STEPH: No, I told you, I think
we need to turn round...
STEVEN: Alright, but...
STEPH: Keep going up and we should get t
STEVEN: Fuck, shit...
STEPH: I told you,
but you didn't listen did you ?
He didn't listen.
STEVEN: I did, but you've been saying
any old thing for the last hour or so...
STEVEN: Is she still asleep ?
SAM: Yes.
STEPH: At least somebody
round here is relaxed.
STEPH: Ta-dah !
STEVEN: Ta-dah what ? Are we actually he
STEPH: Yep, we've made it !
SAM: Is this it ?
STEPH: Don't you start, Sam.
Wake up Olivia and
help unload the car.
STEVEN ( laughing ) :
Hang on, let me park first !
SEB: What are you doing ?
SAM: Wait a second.
SEB: But...
Seb, the perfect subject
for your film project !
( scream )
SAM: Fuck !
STEVEN: You should have seen your face !
SAM: You pain in the...
STEVEN: Come on, it was just a bit of fu
STEVEN: Hey, instead of whining grab thi
STEPH: Here you go honey.
Seb can't you carry something ?
Don't put yourself out or anything,
and make sure you get my good side.
OLIVIA: Wow, it's great here.
STEVEN: Yeah, really cool.
STEPH: Everyone's got a bag ?
OLIVIA: Hang on...
STEVEN: My favorite little niece !
( slow piano notes )
This looks like a good place, doesn't it
STEVEN: Yeah ! Is it ok here, Steph ?
STEPH: Sure.
OLIVIA: Shall we set up here then ?
STEVEN: Yeah, let's set up the camp.
STEVEN: All good ?
STEPH: It's great.
STEVEN: Right here.
( slow piano notes )
STEVEN: View of the tree or over the val
STEPH: Valley.
OLIVIA: I sleep along the edge.
Hey Seb, get a move on
with your stuff will you ?
STEVEN: Seb...
( slow piano notes )
Leave it to the lady of the house.
Well, we're done !
SAM: Us too !
OLIVIA: Can I come and see ?
STEPH: Sure.
STEPH: Hey, take off your shoes !
OLIVIA: Sorry...
STEPH: I've just cleaned in there.
( woman screams in the distance )
STEPH: Get out !
STEPH (laughing): I can't stand it !
OLIVIA (laughing): Really sorry.
STEVEN: Wait, just wait.
STEPH (to Olivia): No, you've got to be
STEVEN: Girls, sshh...please.
( woman screams in the distance )
STEPH: What is it ?
STEVEN: Just stay quiet for a minute.
( deep-toned background music )
Did you hear that ?
SAM: Hey, calm down.
STEVEN: I don't know.
STEVEN: I don't know, but I find it stra
STEPH: What ?
STEVEN: Can't you hear ?
( deep-toned background music )
( woman screams in the distance )
Somebody's screaming ?
OLIVIA: Don't know.
STEVEN: It sounds like it's coming
from over there.
STEVEN: Hey, it's nothing.
Just some youngsters messing around.
OLIVIA: He scared me for a minute there.
STEVEN: Come back Seb, it's ok.
It's just some kids fooling around.
Stay with us,
put the camera down for a bit.
STEPH: Do you think we made a mistake
coming here ?
That looks like....
a private road to me.
OLIVIA: So, that's where you are ?
( laughter )
SEB: Shit.
SAM: Are you alright ?
Nothing's missing ?
STEVEN: Hum...just a photo of Steph.
STEPH: What ?
STEPH: You told me that you'd never take
STEVEN: I must have forgotten to put it
STEVEN: I cleaned the car yesterday,
for fuck's sake.
OLIVIA: It's ok.
STEPH: No, it's not. I really don't feel
( car engine starts )
STEVEN: It's ok. It starts.
OLIVIA: It just one of those things.
STEPH: You're right.
STEPH: Even so, it seems odd to me.
STEVEN: With dumb teenagers about,
it's not odd at all.
Do you want to know
what I really think ?
SAM: Go ahead !
Feeling the pressure now ?
You think we did it ?
We've been here all the time.
How could we do it ?
Come off what,
a bear just strolled in and took it ?
Don't annoy me Sam...
I'm warning you.
STEPH: That's enough.
STEVEN: I'll cover your car with mud,
see how you like it, then...
STEPH: Steven, calm down.
It pisses me off. Pathetic joke.
STEPH (shouting): Honey, come back.
You two keep a low profile.
I'll talk to him, ok ?
Are you coming Seb ?
STEVEN: Let's forget it.
SIMON: Nice little holiday.
Any fingerprints ?
SIMON: Nothing, everything's been
wiped clean.
JANE: And the blood on the walls ?
SIMON: Human. Just waiting
for DNA results.
( knocking )
ANTHONY: I've got the next section of fi
JANE: Great.
All of it ?
Unfortunately not.
Some of it's damaged and
super 8 format takes ages.
ANTHONY: Don't worry, I've got two guys
at the lab, we'll get there.
JANE: Any chance of dating this stuff ?
A date ?
Yeah, I heard you.
Ok, I'll ask.
Anyone for a coffee ?
Two please.
Anthony ?
ANTHONY: I'm off then.
ANTHONY: See you "laters" !
JANE: "Laters"...
Well, at least we have
the next bit of footage.
SEB: So tell me then...
What ?
SEB: Why are we there ?
Steven's my uncle and he suggested
we go camping with friends.
And Stephanie is his girlfriend.
And Sam is my best friend.
Nothing else to say really.
SEB: Whatever.
You got your small camera on you ?
The Go-pro ?
No, it's in the tent.
SEB: Yeah, sure. All done.
OLIVIA: Thank you.
SEB: Your turn Sam. What do you make
of the car and all that.
Nobody's hurt and nothing
got stolen so it's alright.
SEB: What about Steph's photo ?
Steven said he forgot to put it back.
I don't think he's lying
unless he's just trying to spare Stephan
She's over-sensitive.
I guess what annoys me is that
he seems convinced we did it.
When we were with them
the whole day.
SEB: What do you think of this place ?
I actually really like it.
I know I tend to complain a lot,
but I feel good here.
This ? It was a present
from my grandmother.
Can I go back now ?
SEB: Nothing else to say ?
SEB: Off you go then.
SEB: Thanks !
( forest sounds )
I'll look again
just before we head for bed.
So you filmed that did you, Seb ?
The car ?
That's enough.
STEVEN: That's the highlight or your day
STEPH: Stop it.
There's nothing better going on around
here for you to film.
STEPH: Steven !
STEPH: Oh my God !
She's crazy. Hey, stop that.
( forest sounds )
( laughter )
STEPH: Look !
( laughter )
STEVEN: What if we make a camp-fire ?
OLIVIA: Great.
SAM: Brillant !
STEVEN: Good idea ?
SAM: Let's do it.
STEVEN: I've even brought
some marshmallows.
( cheering )
( crickets )
STEVEN: Pass me the marshmallows.
OLIVIA: One each for now.
STEVEN: "Gracie".
OLIVIA: Hey Seb, what are you up to ?
SAM: Come and join us.
OLIVIA: Can I have
your marshmallow then ?
STEVEN: You forgot to bring the guitar.
SAM: I don't know how to play, so...
OLIVIA: Me neither.
Somebody should have
remembered the guitar,
STEVEN: not mentioning any names.
You always have to have a go at me.
STEPH: Must be love...?
STEVEN: Yes, it's love.
Seb, don't you want to come with us ?
STEVEN: Come on, just for a bit.
SAM: Story anyone ?
OLIVIA: How about a horror story ?
SAM: Go on then.
STEVEN ( mouth full ):
"A creepy, horror story".
Yes, something scary...
STEPH ( mimicking Steven ):
"A story like that..."
STEVEN ( rumbling ):
" A story like that..."
( laughter )
( woman screams in the distance )
OLIVIA: What was that ?
STEVEN: I don't know.
It sounded like earlier.
SAM: That doesn't reassure me.
STEVEN: ( loud yell )
( deep-toned background music )
SAM: Why did you do that ?
It's ok.
I told you.
It's just some kids
messing around in the valley.
It sucks.
OLIVIA: It is a bit weird though.
STEVEN: At least it calmed them down.
STEPH: That's quite enough
excitement for one day.
Let's head for bed.
STEVEN: Good idea.
SAM: Yep, let's go.
STEVEN: You coming, Seb ?
OLIVIA: Come on !
STEVEN: Let's put the fire out, ok ?
SAM: Yes, put it out.
( crickets )
OLIVIA: Don't worry.
SAM: Are you going
to be able to relax ?
Seb, go on...
STEPH: It's a bit creepy.
( laughter )
SAM: It sure is.
OLIVIA: Sam, the mind can play tricks.
STEPH: True.
SAM: Let's try to relax.
( loud yell )
STEPH ( gripped with fear ): Fuck, Seb y
SEB and STEVEN (laughing): Ahh...
STEPH: Fuck !
Leave it out with the camera,
will you ?
STEPH: Just give me some space.
STEVEN: Why don't you go and
annoy the girls ?
OLIVIA: What ?
SAM: What ?
STEVEN: Nothing.
OLIVIA: Go easy with the light !
What's the betting...
our tents will be
full of mud in the morning ?
STEVEN: Watch for the bears.
OLIVIA: Seb, what are you up to ?
SEB: I dunno, just a few
short shots here and there.
OLIVIA: Cool...
SAM: Yes ?
STEVEN: Seb's going to end up sleeping o
SAM: Yeah !
( crickets )
( woman screams in the distance )
SEB ( whispering ): Can you hear that ?
SEB: Can you hear that ?
( sleepy groaning )
SEB (insisting): Can you hear that ?
OLIVIA (sleepy ) : What ?
SEB: It's kicking off again.
OLIVIA: Seb...?
( whining )
OLIVIA: Bloody hell Seb,
why bring your camera ?
SAM: It's not a game, Seb.
OLIVIA: Why are you awake ?
SEB: Sshh....listen !
( woman screams in the distance )
SAM: Fuck, what is that ?
( zip opening )
( loud tap )
STEVEN: Out, out now...!
OLIVIA: For fuck's sake,
what's wrong with you ?
SEB: Shit, you're crazy.
That's quite enough Mr. Camera.
Seb squealed like a little girl.
SEB: No, I didn't.
OLIVIA: Yes, you did.
SEB: No, I just....
( woman screams in the distance )
It's been going on for over an hour now.
STEVEN: Shall we go take a look ?
SAM: Yes, why not ?
OLIVIA: Hang on, I'll grab a torch first
STEPH: Stop. I don't like this at all.
OLIVIA: I got it.
I feel really uneasy about this.
STEVEN: Come on Steph ! We'll just take
a quick look that's all.
STEPH: Steven, you don't get it.
What ?
I'm scared.
STEVEN: Come on ! It's nothing.
OLIVIA: It will be a laugh.
SAM: Steven will protect you.
STEVEN: Of course.
You're really seriously
thinking of going ?
STEVEN: We'll go take a look.
OLIVIA: Come on !
STEPH: No point in looking at me like th
I'm not coming.
STEPH: Off you go.
STEVEN: So you prefer to stay here all o
STEPH: Go on, off you go if you have to.
STEVEN: You'd rather stay here all alone
STEPH: Are you going or what ?
Yes, we're off !
STEVEN: Come, you're not staying here ?
I'll wait here.
STEVEN: Fuck...
STEPHANIE: Have fun.
OLIVIA: We'll try !
SEB: Come on ! You sure ?
STEPH: I'll be fine.
STEVEN: Leave her. She's sulking now.
OLIVIA: Do you think
it's coming from over there ?
( woman screams in the distance )
OLIVIA: It's over there.
SAM: Let's get closer.
( footsteps on rubble )
SAM: I think we should get out of here.
STEVEN: Nah, Sam, let's take a look.
It will be a laugh.
OLIVIA: Do you think somebody's there ?
STEVEN: I don't know, it seems
to be coming from near here.
STEVEN: A derelict house,
STEVEN: maybe it's a squat. Come on,
let's take a look upstairs.
SEB: Olivia ?
SEB: I'd really like to get
some images with the Go-pro.
SEB: Could you get on it ?
STEVEN: Isn't one camera enough ?
SEB: If we find something up there,
SEB: it would be cool to have more
than one angle.
SAM: Don't get ahead of yourself Seb...
SAM: ...there's probably nothing to see.
SEB: Olivia, please ?
SEB: It's for my student project !
Who's coming with me ?
( crickets )
So where do you want it ?
On my head ?
SEB: That would be great.
STEVEN: Don't get eaten by the big, bad
OLIVIA: Now that would be a shame.
( crickets )
( sighing )
OLIVIA: Steph ?
Steph, are you ok ?
OLIVIA: You're not sulking
are you ?
( sighing )
OLIVIA: Steph ?
See you later then...
OLIVIA: Hey, have you gone up without me
It's me.
OLIVIA: Are you there ?
Sam ?
( something falls )
OLIVIA: Steven, I know you there.
( scurrying feet )
OLIVIA: Come on, I can see you.
OLIVIA ( scared ): Oh....
( a can rolls )
( big noise )
OLIVIA ( afraid ): Steven ?
OLIVIA: Who's there ?
( noises )
( woman moans )
( footsteps )
SAM: Olivia !
SEB: We thought you'd gone too !
OLIVIA: What ?
Is Steph with you ?
Tell me she's with you.
OLIVIA: I don't understand.
STEVEN: We came back here
and Steph's gone.
No mobiles either.
OLIVIA (stutters ): I...I..
STEVEN (worried ): What is it ?
SEB: Olivia, Stephanie has disappeared.
OLIVIA: I don't understand, I...
OLIVIA: I..I heard somebody over there.
STEVEN (agressive): Where ?
At the squat !
Somebody was moving around.
STEVEN: So Steph didn't
come with you ?
OLIVIA: No ! No, she didn't !
STEVEN (shouts): Oh, SHIT !
I've still got my mobile.
STEPH ( far-off screaming ):
( crickets )
STEVEN: It's Steph.
STEVEN (whispers): Steph...
OLIVIA: What do we do ?
Olivia, call the police.
Then we have to find her !
Ok, ok !
OLIVIA: Come on !
No more battery.
STEVEN (agressive): How come ?!
OLIVIA: Steven, I'm sorry, it's not my f
STEVEN: Give it to me, give it to me.
There's no point getting cross, Steven.
We'll have to search for her.
STEVEN: Let's go. Now !
SAM: Yes, let's go.
STEVEN: No, not that way,
STEVEN: It didn't come from the squat.
It came from the forest.
STEVEN (shouts ): STEPH !
SEB: Olivia, keep the Go-pro on, ok ?
What ?
SEB: Please.
Sebastien, Stephanie has gone.
It's serious.
SEB: That's why we'll need all
the proof we can get,
SEB: if somebody's kidnapped her.
I will keep it on.
SEB: You start filming when I say...
SEB: and you'll not stop, ok ?
So, we have a missing person.
( tension-building background music )
JANE: Were a lot of
the images damaged ?
ANTONY: Mostly from the Go-pro.
It must have had some kind of impact.
As for dating it all,
we've got something.
The 25th September, two days ago.
JANE: Ok, we need to get a move on.
We may have a missing person here.
Have you got the next bit of film ?
ANTHONY: Here it is.
That's why I came over.
ANTONY: - It's all yours.
JANE: - Right.
JANE: How many minutes on it roughly ?
ANTHONY: Ten, twenty minutes, didn't hav
Just brought it straight from editing.
Here are the first rushes
of the super 8 too.
JANE ( tense ): Alright, but hurry up.
Sorry but we do...
JANE ( agressive ):
Stop making excuses Anthony !
JANE: Just get it done as fast as you ca
Understood ?
STEVEN: Fuck, now we're really getting
far from the tents.
OLIVIA: What's this ?
STEVEN ( shouts ): STEPHANIE !
STEVEN: We keep going.
OLIVIA: Where are we ?
SAM: It's huge.
SEB: Steven, what's the plan ?
We find Stephanie and
we get out of here.
Ok ?
SAM: Totally.
SEB: Olivia, switch on the Go-pro please
( beep and sound of super 8 camera )
( muffled cries )
( disturbing music )
( creepy background music )
SEB: Wait !
OLIVIA: What is it ?
SEB: I saw the window.
SEB: Listen, I just saw somebody.
STEVEN: It's Stephanie's bracelet.
OLIVIA ( whispers): Fuck.
STEPH (far-off muffled scream ): Steven.
STEVEN: We've got to get in.
SAM: Yes.
SAM: Can we get in there ?
( sound of super 8 camera )
( disturbing music )
( muffled cries )
STEVEN (far-off shouting): STEPHANIE
SAM: Come on !
STEVEN: She might not even be in there !
Listen Sam, if you're frightened,
you stay here while we go in.
STEVEN: Stephanie ?
SAM: This is serious, Steven.
We'd be better off getting help.
Sam, don't start acting
like at the squat.
Stephanie ?
SEB ( whispers ):
Why don't you listen to me ?
STEVEN: Steph...!
SEB ( whispers ):
You're not listening to me, fuck.
OLIVIA: Where do we go ?
STEVEN: This way.
( terrifying sound )
SEB ( petrified ): Steven, Olivia !
SEB: Olivia...
SEB: We can't stay here.
SEB: We have to leave.
SEB: I've just seen...
STEVEN: Come !
SUB ( whispering ): Fuck.
SEB: It's unbelievable.
SEB: What the hell is this ?
STEVEN: I don't know.
SEB: No...
OLIVIA: Steph ?
SAM: That's the photo from your car, isn
STEVEN ( angry ): Shit, shit, no, not th
( shouts ): STEPHANIE !
STEVEN: We're going back down and
get the police, right ?
STEVEN: What the hell is going on ?
( creepy background music )
( shouting )
STEPH ( muffled cry ): STEVEN
OLIVIA: Did you hear that ?
STEVEN: It's her. We have to find her.
OLIVIA: Steph !?
SEB: What the...?
STEVEN: Hey, who are you ?
( unsettling background music )
( axe scraping the ground )
STEVEN: Fuck, get ! Now !
( unsettling background music )
STEVEN: Hurry, hurry !
SIMON: What the hell is this ?
JANE: Anthony ?
Anthony ?
JANE: I need you to run a check
to see if somebody
has been reported missing.
Her's her photo.
She's called Stephanie, about 25.
JANE: It looks like
she has been kidnapped.
There may be other
potential victims too.
I took a screen shot of a wall
covered with photos of women.
JANE: Check them out will you ?
We might get some positive IDs.
We need to check the archives too
for any information on the group.
One of them might have a record.
So, not only do we have Stephanie
but also Steven, 30.
JANE: Plus three teenagers...
JANE: Here are Samantha and Olivia.
JANE: The third is Sebastien.
Between 14 and 17.
JANE: Sebastien's studying Film,
JANE: so look into local schools,
see if anything comes up.
Ok ?
ANTONY: Your films.
JANE: Great, thanks a lot.
We are doing our best.
Thank you.
JANE: Sorry about earlier.
JANE: I can count on you then ?
JANE: Cheers.
JANE: Got the next bit of film.
JANE: They are running checks
on Stephanie and the others.
It was premeditated.
The screams, the car, the squat...
the idea was to get Stephanie.
All planned.
SIMON: Of course he knew that
she would be alone in the tent.
Hang on Simon,
JANE: those women, the photos,
do you think they are all dead ?
A serial killer ?
STEVEN: I'm not leaving without Steph.
OLIVIA: I'm sure there must be
another way out.
STEVEN: We need to find some
kind of weapon.
OLIVIA: I...I'll check to see
if there's a fire exit.
( footsteps )
( CRASH ! Olivia cries out )
( footsteps )
( door slams )
( door creaks )
OLIVIA: Who are you ?
THE GIRL ( screaming ):
( silence )
THE GIRL: What are you doing here ?
STEVEN: What's happened ?
STEVEN: Are you bleeding ?
Are you hurt ?
What's your name ?
My name is Amanda,
I think I'm ok.
I don't know if it's my blood but,
he killed my friends.
OLIVIA: What ?
STEVEN: How long
have you been here ?
No idea.
SAM: Who is this man ?
AMANDA: He's the one who
lays down the law.
STEVEN: Did you see Stephanie ?
STEVEN: Do you think she's alive ?
If she is, she'll be upstairs,
on the third floor.
Is there any way up
apart from this corridor ?
No, I don't want to go back there.
Please help me.
Sshh, we may have to.
OLIVIA: Is the man alone ?
I've only seen him.
STEVEN: And the photos,
who are they ?
His victims.
We have to find Steph.
We must go.
Wether or not your friend is alive,
we have to stay here and be quiet
or else he'll find us.
STEVEN: Look. We're about to change
the rules. Ok ?
AMANDA: But you can't.
STEVEN: Yes we can.
OLIVIA: Steven, where are you going ?
Where do you think ?
OLIVIA: Wait, wait !
AMANDA: It's suicide.
Listen !
We need to stick together, ok ?
STEVEN: Seb, you with me ?
SEB: Yes.
STEVEN: Let's go.
SEB: Ok.
( deep-toned background music )
OLIVIA: What is it ?
SEB: Shit.
STEVEN: We can still get past.
STEVEN: Just don't make any noise.
Switch off the lights and stay quiet.
We can do this.
SEB: We can't.
( stumbling noises )
SAM: Amanda, come back. Amanda !
SAM: Amanda, come back !
( screams )
STEVEN ( shouting ): Seb...RUN...RUN !
( unsettling background music)
( silence )
He's playing with them.
ANTHONY: Ok guys, breaking news,
Stephanie has a criminal record.
ANTHONY: Stephanie Laurent, convicted
for manslaughter, car accident.
JANE: Yes ? Anything else ?
ANTHONY: No family in the area but,
she has been receiving
psychological treatment by court order.
And I've got the doctor's details here.
JANE: Ok, get him to come in straight aw
and let the family know.
I'll send you a screenshot of a teenager
her name is Amanda.
See if you can come up with anything.
Anything on the others ?
But I found the address
of the abandoned building.
A team in on its way.
Great. Let's go.
SIMON: What's the point ?
Look, it's gone 10 and
we've been here since 6 this morning.
Let them get on with it.
SIMON: It's not our job to go in there.
We'll just get in the way.
ANTHONY: He's right.
You two really piss me off.
What the problem ?
( tension-building background music )
( phone vibrates )
JANE: Hello...?
What are you calling me for ?
I told you not to.
You want to know where I am ?
I'm in a fucking,
shitty motel room
JANE: and all because of you.
Get it ?
No, no, it's over.
I've got a lawyer.
I want a divorce.
Don't even think of
contacting me again.
( sobbing )
( music )
( silence )
( keypad beeps )
"Look, I'm sorry.
I'll make it up to you. Promise"
"Go FUCK yourself"
( keypad beeps )
( knocking )
( silence )
( loud knocking )
( eerie music )
( cries out )
( rapid breathing )
( slow breathing )
I'll leave you to it.
ANTHONY: We got hold
of Stephanie's psychologist.
He should be here around 11.
JANE: Great. How's the editing going ?
We're getting on with it,
a bit more than half done.
Meaning ?
Meaning we are on the job !
JANE: Get a move on.
Anything from the neighbors ?
a few of complained about noise,
coming from the road
leading into the forest.
Basically we've narrowed it
down to 3 houses.
One where a big family lives,
but they are away on holiday apparently,
so I doubt if they heard anything.
JANE: Hardly likely. Funny that...
ANTHONY: Funny that !
So, on the second
owned by a Mrs Fletcher, 94,
who said she didn't hear
anything but
then again she doesn't
even know what day it is.
Leaving ?
Leaving Abigail Parker.
She lives at the end of the road,
and may have seen something.
Ok. Find her and bring her in.
ANTHONY: Already done.
Hang on, before you go.
I don't know what's on it but
the editing guys seemed a bit put out.
JANE: You ok ?
JANE: Right, we got the next bit of film
and two witnesses,
the psychologist
and a certain Abigail Parker.
A neighbor who may have
heard something.
They are both coming in this morning.
SIMON: Ok...I saw the Chief earlier.
And it looks like we are pretty much
on our own for this one.
JANE: Why ?
Most of the men are helping search
for the young girl Kendra,
who went missing on
the week-end.
Fucking brilliant...
( silence )
( panting )
OLIVIA: Shit !
( muffled breathing )
OLIVIA ( sounds surprised ): Stephanie
OLIVIA: You ok ?
STEPH (muffled ): Olivia !
OLIVIA: Are you hurt ?
STEPH (muffled ): Olivia !
What has he done to you ?
STEPH ( sobbing ):
What's happening ?
STEPH ( whimpering ):
STEPH : What's going on,
Olivia ?
Calm down. It's ok.
OLIVIA: It's ok.
Are you hurt ?
STEPH: Help me.
OLIVIA: We will find
the others. Ok ?
STEPH: I'm scared.
SEB: Fucking hell Steven,
SEB: what do we do now ?
Olivia and Sam ?
I don't know.
I don't know.
We can't help them from here.
OLIVIA: Stephanie.
Listen to me.
OLIVIA: Do you know any
other way out ?
Steven ?
OLIVIA: Right, we are going
to find the others.
OLIVIA: Come on,
that's it.
OLIVIA: Follow me.
OLIVIA: and don't make
any noise. Ok ?
OLIVIA: Come on.
( deep-toned background music )
OLIVIA: What are you doing ?
OLIVIA: Come on...!
( deep-toned background music )
( axe scraping the ground )
Switch it off.
( silence )
( footsteps )
I can't...
OLIVIA: Look Steph,
we have to go down.
OLIVIA: Just follow me.
( door slams )
( breathless )
STEVEN: Fucking hell. No...
SEB: What's wrong ?
STEVEN: The door is locked.
He's locked us in.
SEB: What ?
STEVEN: He's locked us in.
( panting )
OLIVIA ( fast breathing ):
Come on...come on !
OLIVIA: Shit ! No !
OLIVIA: Hold this.
Shine it so I can see.
( smashing sounds )
OLIVIA ( yelling ): NO ! SHIT !
( screams in terror )
( door crashes down )
( panting )
what are you doing ?
STEPH: Steven...
We can't stop now.
OLIVIA: Steph,
Stephanie get up !
OLIVIA: You must get up.
We have to get out of here.
OLIVIA: We can make it.
I promise.
OLIVIA: We can do this.
( loud music )
get up Steph !
Come on !
( loud music )
Don't give up !
OLIVIA: You can't do this
to me.
OLIVIA: Steph, get up !
Please ! Get up NOW !
OLIVIA: You can't give up !
( cries of distress )
( creepy background music )
( fast breathing )
( silence)
OLIVIA: Come on now,
calm down.
( silence )
( creepy background music )
( silence )
( gasping )
( silence )
( scream in terror )
( creepy music )
( panting )
( silence )
( rustling )
SEB: Steven, what are you doing ?
STEVEN: I need to know who he is.
STEVEN: I fucking need to know, alright
STEVEN: I don't get it.
I don't get it.
SEB: Steven, what do you think you'll fi
His passport or something ?
STEVEN: I just want to know why.
Why us, ok ?
( flicking of switch )
SEB: 3 am.
All we have found are prescriptions.
SEB: No closer to knowing
who this madman is.
STEVEN ( threatening ):
What the hell are you doing Sebastien ?
SEB: What...?
What are you up to ?
A logbook, for fuck's sake ?
SEB: No...
We're in the shit and you know it...
And you carry on fucking filming ?
SEB: It's all we've got.
It's the only kind of real proof we have
Maybe you know more
than you're letting on ?
STEVEN: Take a look at this.
Just take a look at this lot.
STEVEN: This must have been
a mental asylum.
Get it ?
STEVN: New patients...
Remember Amanda ?
She's like one of his patients.
So that's why we are here.
( sobbing )
SEB: Steven...
SEB: Steven, get a grip.
SEB: What are we going to do ?
SEB: Steven, what are we going to do ?
( yelling )
STEVEN: We're out of here.
We're getting out. Now.
STEVEN: I'll go down, find the girls
and I'll get the bastard.
STEVEN: You head up the fourth floor
and look for a way out.
You go up and I go down, right ?
SEB: No, we should stick together.
You go up...up..up
You go up and I'm heading down.
Get it ?
Just fucking do as I say will you ?
STEVEN ( shouting ): GO UP...UP....UP
SEB ( whispering ): Shit, he's lost the
SEB ( whispering ): He wants me to get o
I'll get out.
SEB ( whispering ): Ok, need a ladder.
SEB ( whispering ): That's it...a ladder
( creepy background music )
( crashing sounds )
( silence )
( woman hums )
( panting)
( woman screams )
( creepy music )
( woman wails )
( creepy music )
( silence )
( heavy breathing )
( footsteps )
( scary music )
Now it's murder...
SIMON: The girl who jumped in the bunker
do you think she's dead too ?
JANE: No idea.
JANE: Who are all these women ?
None seem to have been reported missing.
Where the hell is getting them from ?
SIMON: I don't know but
they could be from anywhere.
tourists...maybe they are not
even from this area.
JANE: He leaves them in a bunker
to die in agony like that.
Who is this bastard ?
I've never seen anything like it.
SIMON: Jane, get a grip.
Please !
Take a deep breath.
Stay with me.
I need you on this, ok ?
( knocking at the door )
JANE: We have to see the rest
of the film.
What can you give me ?
I've got something else...
( tension-building music )
( silence )
God knows what state we'll find
the others in.
We don't even know
if they are still alive.
ANTHONY: Hey guys.
The psychologist is here.
He's waiting.
JANE: Did they find any other bodies
in the building ?
ANTHONY: No, just this one.
Nothing else at all ?
I...I'm heading back to the lab.
JANE: Anthony !
Look at the last footage.
There's a concrete bunker
with dead women in it.
We really need to find where it is,
in case Olivia is still in there.
She could be alive.
Ok, I'm on to it.
JANE: Thank you.
I'll deal with the psychologist
and you talk to Abigail Parker.
We have to find out more.
The psychologist is our only lead
to Stephanie for the moment.
I think he could shed some
light on all of this.
Good morning.
Are you Richard Spencer ?
JANE: Do you know why
you are there ?
THE PSY: Because I am
the Stephanie Laurent's psychologist ?
JANE: Precisely.
I'm Jane. I need to know
more about her.
( mechanical music )
How long has she
been your patient ?
Almost three years.
Since her sister died.
What happened ?
THE PSY: A car accident.
Stephanie was driving.
JANE: Right.
Is there something wrong
with Stephanie ?
She's gone missing.
You must know quite
a lot about her.
Her behavior,
for example.
What was she like ?
THE PSY: She came to see me
every Thursday afternoon.
You do realize there is a limit to
what I can tell you about her.
Patient confidentiality
and all that ?
JANE: Listen.
Her life and maybe others
are in balance here.
So, you're going to have
to tell me everything. Understood ?
It was slow-going with Stephanie.
( mechanical music )
And you didn't find it strange that
she failed to turn up
for her appointment, last Thursday ?
Did you try to reach her at all ?
It wouldn't have been the first
time she missed an appointment.
In fact it happened often and she
never bothered to cancel.
I see.
What about friends ?
Her family ?
THE PSY: She did not like
talking about them.
She was a bit of a loner.
It was hard to persuade
her to go out, meet people.
JANE: And yet she did go away
last week-end.
What about her work ?
She hasn't really stuck at anything
since the accident.
JANE: Thank you for your help.
If Stephanie gets in touch
or you think of even the slightest
thing that could be useful,
I want you to contact me, ok ?
THE PSY: Of course. I'm here to help.
JANE: Excuse me for a minute.
SIMON: Not really here to help, is he ?
No. Not exactly talkative.
( suspense music )
JANE: You're the one who needs help
if you ask me.
SIMON: Good morning,
Are you Abigail Parker ?
SIMON: Right, good.
SIMON: I need to know everything you rem
about the evening of the 25th September.
ABIGAIL: It's difficult my French isn't
ABIGAIL: I was at home.
I was asleep.
And I woke up hearing somebody
outside on the road screaming.
Yes, that's right.
SIMON: Are you positive ?
SIMON: Mrs Parker, I need to know exactl
what happened that evening.
I heard noise down in my garden.
( mechanical music )
And ?
ABIGAIL: Then somebody was banging on my
Really loud.
I was in my bed.
I was scared but came
downstairs anyway and
they were there...
( in english ): beg...
They begged me to let them in.
So I did.
What happened next ?
ABIGAIL: The youngest was
covered in blood.
So I told her she could use
the bathroom to clean herself.
I looked for some blankets
and went to make them
a cup of tea...
to help calm them down.
SIMON: Why didn't you call the police ?
I was going to but
when I went back into
the lounge, they'd gone.
SIMON: So why didn't you get onto
the police anyway ?
ABIGAIL: I'm sorry.
I realize now that I should have but...
at that time I didn't know what to do.
It was as if they'd never been there.
I didn't want to come across as a liar
or some kind of...
crazy woman.
SIMON: Crazy ?
What do you mean by that ?
( in english ): I take pills.
( silence )
I...I take pills.
( background music )
And sometimes
I see things.
You mean, you think
you might have imagined it all ?
I even "see" my husband
But it's impossible,
I know that
he died you see.
But it's so real when
he's there again.
( background music )
Who prescribes these pills ?
I work in a hospital.
So you help yourself,
is that what you're saying ?
I really need these pills.
ABIGAIL: You're not going tell them are
( in english ): You're not gonna tell th
I need this job.
Let's start with a full description of t
people who came to your house that night
At least we know that two
may have survived.
The descriptions she gave don't match.
She's not right, is she ?
She told you herself.
She steals pills from work.
She's unhinged.
I must let the hospital know.
Don't you think we should
be getting on with something more import
( phone vibrates )
JANE: Hello ?
They've got
the next section of film.
It's downloaded on my computer.
( crickets )
( moans )
SEB: Sam ?!
SEB: Sam...
( footsteps )
SEB: Blood...
( moans )
SEB: Sam ?
SEB: I'm coming...Sam
SEB: What's this...?
( moans )
( crescendo tension-building music )
( cries )
( door creaks )
SAM: Seb....
SEB: Sam !
( music box plays lullaby )
Help me !
SAM: Help me Seb !
SEB: Are you ok ?
SAM: Help me Seb !
SEB: Sam, what....?
SEB: What the hell has happened ?
( music box plays lullaby )
SEB: Sam, I'm here now...
I will help you, ok ?
He's coming...
SEB: What the...? Who ?
Seb He's here...
SAM: He's coming....He's here...
SEB: Who ?
SEB: I'm sorry.
SAM: Seb !
SEB: What the....?
( heavy footsteps )
( music box plays lullaby )
SEB: Oh my God !
SEB: Sam.
( screams of terror )
( axe scrapping the ground )
( heavy footsteps )
( unsettling music )
( super 8 camera sound )
( heavy footsteps )
( music box plays lullaby )
( axe scrapping the ground )
( music box plays lullaby )
( axe scrapping the ground )
( music box plays lullaby )
( silence )
( vomits )
OLIVIA: I have to get down.
( cracking sound )
( loud scream )
( creepy music )
( fast breathing )
OLIVIA: Steph ?
OLIVIA: Steph ?
What are you doing !?
OLIVIA: We have to get out of here.
Now. Come on.
OLIVIA: We're going
to get out of here.
OLIVIA: Come on.
We can do it !
OLIVIA: Come on. Let's go.
( super 8 camera sound )
( music box plays lullaby )
( coughs )
( coughs )
( moans )
( cries )
( music box plays lullaby )
It's 10 o'clock.
I'll check to see if there's
any news on the photos of the women
and what's happening on site.
I'll watch the film again.
I'm sure we've missed something.
I don't believe this.
Where is everyone ?
( footsteps )
( tension-building music )
SIMON: Jane ?
JANE: Simon what's going on ?
Where is everyone ?
SIMON: Searching for Kendra,
the missing kid....remember ?
Any news on the other women ?
Those we have been able to identify
are in fact all on missing persons' list
The abandoned building was once part
of a massive psychiatric unit.
It hasn't been active
for 30 years.
It's really huge and
we still haven't located the bunker.
( suspense music )
ANTHONY ( phoning ): Yes ?
Anthony, where the hell are you ?
ANTHONY: I'm part of the search team.
What about the films ?
ANTHONY: I couldn't find you so
I left them at the reception.
Ok, ok...
JANE: What is it ? Simon ?
SIMON: All we really have to go on
is the psychologist.
SIMON: I'm going to his office
and checking out his file on Stephanie.
JANE: I'll watch the next film.
( suspense music )
JANE: Wait, Simon !
JANE: We haven't got a warrant.
You can't just turn up at his office ?
SIMON: See you back at your motel.
( rhythmic suspense music )
( panting )
OLIVIA ( shouting ): Is anyone there ?
( far-off dog barking )
OLIVIA ( shouting ):
OLIVIA: It's unlocked.
Get in !
There's a light on.
OLIVIA: Please !
Is anyone there ?
OLIVIA: Let us in !
OLIVIA: Please let there be
somebody !
OLIVIA: We need help !
Let us in !
STEPH: Please, dear God, help
OLIVIA: Let us in !
OLIVIA: A light's gone on.
OLIVIA: Steph, there's somebody inside !
OLIVIA: Let us in.
Please help us !
STEPH ( begging ):
Please Madame. Let us in.
ABIGAIL ( in english ): What's going on
OLIVIA: We need help !
ABIGAIL ( in english ): What's going on
( silence )
OLIVIA: Thank you.
Thank you so much.
ABIGAIL ( in english ): It's ok.
After what you've been through, it's ter
OLIVIA: Have you called the police ?
ABIGAIL ( in english ): Don't worry I w
But first can I giet you something to dr
ABIGAIL ( in english ): I don't know,
to calm you down, cup of tea
ABIGAIL ( in french ): A cup of tea to c
A cup of tea.
OLIVIA: Mrs ! You really must call the p
It's urgent.
ABIGAIL ( in english ): It's alright.
OLIVIA: Please it, please !
ABIGAIL ( in english ): Ho my God !
What am I talking about.
( in english ): You need to clean yours
You're covered in...
( in english ): Come with me.
I'll show you the bathroom.
( in english ): It's just upstairs.
Follow me. Come, come.
( in english ): Right, there you go.
Hmm you go to the top, to the back and t
ABIGAIL( in french ): Go to the top, to
to the left....Ok ?
ABIGAIL ( in english ): Clean yourself u
OLIVIA: Calm down.
( cracking sound )
It's going to be fine.
OLIVIA: It's going to be fine.
( cracking sound )
( sounds surprised )
ABIGAIL ( in english ): That's better, i
Come on, come on and have a cup of tea.
( clatter )
OLIVIA: It's fine.
ABIGAIL ( in english ): Here you go,
It's worm.
OLIVIA: Thank you.
( in english ):
Is that some kind of camera ?
OLIVIA: Yes. Have you called the police
OLIVIA: It's urgent.
Are they on their way ?
( in english ): I'll do it now.
I just wanted to make you're ok first
OLIVIA: Thanks.
( in english ): Why don't you come throu
and sit where it's more comfortable ?
ABIGAIL ( in french ): Hmm sit on the so
Come on...!
OLIVIA: Come on. Steph !
( in english ): You will be more comfort
I'll call the police.
OLIVIA: Thank you.
Thank you so much.
OLIVIA: I... I think she's phoning them.
STEPH: We made it, Olivia.
OLIVIA: We don't know where he is.
We're safe now.
( in english ): I called the police
and they are on their way.
( in english ): Why don't you just try t
in the meantime ?
OLIVIA: Ok. Thanks.
STEPH: What did she say ?
OLIVIA: The police are on their way.
STEPH: And Steven ?
Sam ?
OLIVIA: When the police get here
we'll go and find them. I can't go back there...
don't make me...
OLIVIA: How did you manage to escape ?
Amanda helped me.
OLIVIA: Amanda ?
Oh...I don't know...I.
OLIVIA: Are you ok ?
I don't feel very...
OLIVIA: What is this...?
( cup smashes )
OLIVIA: Oh, no.
( creepy music )
( creepy music )
( sound of a vehicle being driven )
( creepy music )
( creepy music )
( screams )
( silence )
( breathing )
( creepy music )
( rapid breathing )
( scuffling )
( silence )
JANE: Simon ?
SIMON ( phoning ): Yeah !
JANE: What I've just seen...
SIMON: Jane...
JANE: Abigail Parker she's....
SIMON: Jane !
SIMON: Check out the email I sent you.
JANE: What ?
Ok. I'll look at it.
Meet me at the motel...
fast as you can.
SIMON: I'm on my way.
I think you should go away for a while.
Really ?
THE PSY: You could do with a break.
Have some time...a change of air....
I don't think that's
what I need at all.
THE PSY: Listen Stephanie, you've been
coming here for 3 years now and,
THE PSY: well, to be honest, we not maki
much progress are we ?
( drawer scrapes )
THE PSY: Look, this is a place
I go to with the kids
THE PSY: whenever we need
to recharge our batteries.
THE PSY: It's beautiful and totally
back to nature.
I'll think about it.
THE PSY: You could take your boy friend.
Make a trip of it.
As I said, I'll think about it.
I read your e-mail.
And that's not all...Look.
Five years ago
Abigail was one of his patients.
He's been treating all of them.
Do you have his address ?
JANE: Your gun ?
In the car.
JANE: Ok, let's go.
( suspense music )
( silence )
( scratching )
( running footsteps )
( creepy music )
It's Simon Macario.
We need back up.
Pitpoint my mobile location.
( creepy music )
( tension-building music )
( silence )
( footsteps )
( creepy music )
( silence )
( loud sound )
AMANDA: Don't even breathe.
If you move an inch.
I'll fire.
JANE: Amanda, listen to me !
AMANDA: I said not a word or
I'll blow your head off.
JANE: Listen,
I can help you.
( two gunshots )
AMANDA: You can't help me.
He'll never, ever let me go...
( gunshot )
( dramatic music )
( suspense music )
OLIVIA : Help !
OLIVIA: Help me !
OLIVIA: Please.
( suspense music )
( loud music )
( gunshot )
JANE: It's ok....It's going to be ok.
( quiet music )
( gunshot )
( gunshot )
( deep-toned background music )
( humming )
They'll never put me in jail.
You see, they'll think he....
manipulated me.
I tried to help you escape
ABIGAIL: and now we're
the only ones left alive.
( unsettling music )
( heavy knocking )
A MAN: Police !
( in english ): HELP, HO MY GOD !
I found her !
I've got her ! We're in here !
It's ok, honey. We're safe now !
ABIGAIL: The nithtmare is over.
( loud music )
ABIGAIL( crying ): We are safe.
( creepy backgound music )