There Be Dragons (2011) Movie Script

Greetings ,translated by :
"all wars begin long before
from firing the first shot "
"and continues long after the latest
has completed its mission"
when fascism and communism
spread across Europe,
In Spain, established a new
republic with a leftist government.
after years of political and
social instability in the summer of 1936
a group of generals of the
army led an uprising
which became a bitter and lengthy civil war.
Families were broken, the
brothers killed each other
they had to swear on the Bible
or spit on it
all faced the same question:
"and you are on which side ?"
This film is inspired by real events
I was a war baby.
but luckily for me ,I hadn't have to fight
in any of the 165 wars that have occurred
in my lifetime
my father ,wasn't so lucky
when he was a young man
every one in Spain had to take sides
and take up arms
the decision may have taken a second
but the consequences
lasted the rest of his life
he never talked about the war
until I was asked to write a book about a
dead priest
(Josemaria Escriva)
and then he began to talk and talk
and talk
and that's how I went looking for a saint
and found my father instead
I think it was Oscar Wilde who wrote :
(Irish-born poet author and playwright
who spent most of his career in England,
author of "The Picture of Dorian Gray)
"Every saint has a past"
"and every sinner has a future"
Josemaria !
father ! ,quick
quick get a doctor
in june 1976 ,
the nun was at the point of death
diagnosed with a multiple granulomatous tumor
causing pain
and turning a mass the size of an orange
on her left shoulder
cured in a sudden and lasting way
after the...
"...servant of Gad (Josemaria Escriva)
"have been invoked"
you have reached judge (Manolo Torres)
leave a message
dad ?
it's me ,Robert
your son
I'm in Rome
I'm doing a book on Josemaria Escriva
I'm coming to Madrid
you know ,I...I wanna talk to you about him
are you there ?
please dad ,pick up the phone
ok ,well I'll call you when I arrived
and why this interest in Escriva ?
the upoarer in the press his posible canonization
turned my publisher on
you know interestingly...
he came from same town as my father
yes of course !
how is the judge Roberto ?
to be honest I...
we haven't spoken 8 years
so I moved to London
and since then...
- well ,he's not very forgiving ,my father
- eight years !
- children ?
- no
I don't quite see my self as a father
your fater is a product
of a difficult time
you should try to understand it
well I do ,monsignori ,I do
God bless you in your quest
and give my regards to your...
- are you sure ?
- yes
this is Josemaria Escriva in the middle
that's me on the right
and on the left... your father
here's another one
at ther Seminari
dad ?
I'm in Madrid
been a long time
listen I'm close to the apartment and I want to
come and see you
- why would you write a book about him ?
- that's what I want
to talk to you about
leave it alone Roberto
well I found out that you were in Saminari
whit him and...
you never told me that you wanted to be a priest
don't you think that's weird ?
yes I thought it too
that's why I left after a year ,Roberto
why ? ,it was because of Civil War ?
- hello ,London Univercity
-Dr. Leila Azoulay please
which department ?
mathematical physics
good timing
I was just about to call you
- how's Spain ?
- I love Spain
how's your father ?
I love Spain
tell me
he doesn't want me to do
this Josemaria Escriva thing
at least you two spoke ,
that's a progress ,no ?
he know's somthing about
Josemaria ,damn it
I know he does
why can't he just tell me
I could rangle the weekend away
want me to come out ?
leave me alone
damn it
to my son ,Roberto Torres
(delivered after my death)
I was 9
when Josemaria's path crossed mine
a long time ago
Roberto ,you were often told me that I was a terrible father
what I never told you,
is that I agree with you
there's so much I haven't told you that you need to know
so if you want to hear about the past
I'll tell you
but I warn you :
Manolo ,are you ok ?
you got me
I was a little terror like most boys
Josemaria was no saint either
there was one day ,he almost kill me
good ride my boy
come on
- stop ,stop
- no ,come one
drive it like a Torres ,Manolo !
Manolo,are you alright?
are you mad?!
Josemaria,I speak to your father
he should give you a beating
I hate this city
I'm tempted to sell everything
and go back to Madrid
- can I drive again papa?
- no Manolo ,enough
Fairy Tales Dragons II
here is the first one
see ?
there are many kinds of dragons
you will have to face
she scares me
don't be scared ,Manolo
- how many dragons are there ,Abileyza ?
- many Josemaria
but what matter is how you
will face them as you shal see
Josemaria's nany talked about dragons as if they really existed
a quarter of a century passed
before I realized she was right
but things happend is Josemaria's life
that ment he underestood this before I did
my baby ,why ?
Josemaria lost three sisters
I lost a baby brother
in those days death was part of life
mama ?
do you hate God now ?
no dearest
I love him very much
will you hate him when he takes me away
come here
I'm sorry about your sister
Josemaria's father owned that chocolate factory
the manager was a strange old guy
O Honrio.
we know we like what's here
we know that we want what's here
but what is here exactly ?
just set this on your tongue
for five seconds
now chew ,three times
Manolo ,you taste what ?
armond ?!
- cinnamon
- cinnamon ?!
don't scoff
yes ,cinnamon
alright you can go
Josemaria, you stay here
I scolded Manolo for mugging wasn't count experience
not because he couln't experience it
huh ,look at this
ugly ,isn't it ?
just a poor ordinary little bean
yet patient...,
skill ,hard work
and love
end unleash the divine
flavors hidden with in it
do you understand the lesson ?
but not everyone has
taste the divine in it
why is that I wonder...
wait for me !
stop Manolo
my favorite trick in those days
was stealing Josemaria's
dad's chocolates
but then his dad went bankrupt
and lost the chocolate factory
...and I wasn't allowed to
play with Josemaria anymore
my dad thought poverty was contagious
he said that Josemaria wasn't one of us
and my dad could be quite persuasive
my dad had more money
more cars
more houses
but Josemaria had more "dads"
I see the envy began to grow in me
in a child's heart many
seeds are planted
you never quite know what will grow
I'm sure he didn't see us
around that time ,Josemaria changed
I'll tell you the story
as he told it to me
one cold winter night
Josemaria saw footprints
in the snow outside his house
he fallowed him
and then he saw someone
and he felt that God was calling him
it was unusual in those days
for a young man to
want to become a priest
like it or not most
young men were celibate
at least as a priest ,you got pay for it
the priesthood was an career option
but for Josemaria ,
it was an secret calling
do you know what
are you taking on son ?
yes papa
no one to love ,human love I mean
no family on your own
- no sons
- I know papi
and is this the wisest time
to become a priest ?!
probably not
is your father's still selling underpants Josemaria ?
backstabbing careerist
you vegetal pig !
what lesson did you drow form this ?
to control my temper
Torres ,what did you call the seminarist Escriva ?
a vegital pig !
and you ,what did you call Torres ?
a backstabbing careerist
sorry monsenior
I can't stand this type
a backstabbing careerist
so that defines it ?
what his father is rich so he thinks he can act
like a pain in the ass
that's not the somthing I had in the mind Escriva
yet ,isn't someone else his father ?
and yours ?
the withholding of forgiveness it the one thing
that our Lord made clear
that will not be forgiven
do you thing that the two hotheads
a "hipcrita" and a "loser"
can be good priests ?
well I think it's possible
I really do
he was wrong about me
your job is to make them to go away
- so that my factory can get back to work
- What we can do?
- I think that they're just trying to feed there familys ,papa
- what ?
your workers
rabble! rabble!
Manolo, when things went too shuffle
a man has only on duty
and that is choosing the winning side
come on
- grat to see you
- you too
nice car
where did you get all this ?
they're my dad's files from 50's
- there's more in the hotel
- he actcually sent this stuff to you ?!
- yeah
- you are making progress
what's the reason for the change ?
I don't know
I almost afraid to find out
"Foundation for the sick"
God ,such a different world
Josemaria wrote to me once a year until he died
I never wrote back ,but he kept writing anyway
in his letters ,he told me the terms that his
life was taking
oh ,look at you
give me your hand
how's my old employer ?
papa died four years ago
I said my first mass for him
do you remember...
...about the chocolate bean ?
of course
it was a great lesson
I'm sorry ,that won't work
why not ?
...I'm jewish
you know ,the love of my life is jewish
once thought I'd covert
but ,I couldn't disorder my father
Honoring O Parinsis is the sweetest priest of the Novario
and very dear to God but Jesus Christ...
but he won't turn his back on me
when I stand before him ,will he ?
what I know for sure is that
he loves you very much
thank you
I was afraid of dying here alone
please ,pray with me father
and the love our God
with all your heart
and with all your mind
and with all your soal
our father
who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
we come to Thy kingdom
and Thy will be done ...
goodmorning ,Mr Padre
lord open my eyes
I'm such a blind donkey
for so long I have felt you guide me...
but to what ?
you have a purpose to your donkey lord
but I'm to blind to see it
you were there tonight Lord
I felt you there
please be with me now
please show me
lokk at this
just a poor ordinary little bean
patient ,skill ,hard work...
and love
end unleash the divine flavors hidden within it
do you understand the lesson ?
yes I see
everyone and everything
everyone and everything
everyone and everything
for your glory
your arms are open to all
one by one
thank you Lord
so this group of young men are prepared
to offer themselves completely to God...
in a "apostolic work"?
- including celibacy?
- yes Mr. Viger
it was the trust that I gave them
and then they accepted it
- really ?
- yes
how many ?
my worry is that this calling maybe delution all
and this work is to include wemon ?
yes your exellency
they will live separately but all work will
include them
and will also be open to married people
living in the same institutin ?
it's not a institution or a movement
it's just a fmily of individuals
and no ,
married couples will live at home
it's all seems father...
that God is to be found
in a daily life
outside holy orders
no walls
no hobbys
well Jesuse've been most of his life working
in a shop
in Nazareth.
God's world is so full of...
God's world is so full of goodness
if we do them for love
each daily task can gave him glory
small but regular acts of love between
husbands and wives
between friends ,
between strangers...
each revealing the beauty of his creation
and you want to open a new residence in Valencia ?
and one day in New York ,Paris ,London...
- and .and Tokyo
- it's a long way to Tokyo money at to speak of?
- well I can provided it
- no I didn't come to ask for that
I ask only for your permission
for me and for the work
and you shall have them
father Escriva
I offer you a job as my secretary
in time this will lead you to a career
that might provide you ifluence that you would need
to realize...this dream of yours
so ,what do you say ?
- I said now thank you
- Santi...
now it won't be easy I know
but I always see there's a roof over
your heads and food on the table ,no ?
actually...I have an idea
"in Latin".
- I can't do it sir
- yes you can
you will learn
and I will learn to teach you
damn it
I'm sorry father ,
sorry but...
I can't ,the smell
I can't
how's your Latin ?
keep going
Bandits! Bandits!
How can you do this?
- you know my father's sick
- because he's...
damn unions
I've always said that they going to kill him
he had a troke ,the doctor has just left
- he can't speak
- what ?
what did the doctor said ?
that is the God's will
- get out of here
- Manolo ! please
get out of here
get out ! get out
papa ?
good afternoon ,brother
brother ?
I know who you are Josemaria
I heared your sad news Manolo
you have been in my prays
thank you ,but I dont need your
Por mais sincera que seja.
- whatever struggles you are experiences you..
- stuggles ?
well ,whatever doubts you may having
doubts ,struggles
I blindly went into
(Saminari) because of my mother
I left because I wasn't priest material
as you know
well mabe not...
but doesn't mean your not saint material
you know ?
my recurring nightmare is that
I was partly to blame for your leaving
no Josemaria
unlike you I choose to
live in the real world
- but I appreciate your concern
- it's not concern TManolo
it's love
our Lord said love and love
was what he ment
and we love each other
no ?
Josemaria ,the truth is...
that we were born alone
and we die alone
all we have in between is a battle
that I want to win it
The rest the nonsense
well ,I will leave you
call me
I'll come I promise
you don't give up ,do you ?
it may help you to find some meaning
for your suffering ,Manolo
suffering has a meaning
it's meaningless
if you can show me otherwise
I'll kiss your ass that's my promise
I know what it is to
be angry at life
please be careful where
that leads you to ,Manolo
around that time that Josemaria
got a call from god
I also got a call from on of old
friend of my fathers
huh Toress
good morning
well ?
- a spy ?
- yes ,you ?
but I expected somthing more
with the king gone ,Spain has lost
center of gravity
which we will now recreate
by force if it needs to be
and other means
- but our government is elected it's popular
- it's time is over
The Government is a rotten apple, just
shake it and maggots appear.
maggots ?
socialists who want
a socialist state,
stalinists who want
a Stalinist state,
anarchists who want no state at all
- Manolo we want to create a new Spain
- a united Spain
- plans with blood ,if it's necessary...
- resurrected...great
- and it want's war as before
- and admire
Exactly, that's right!
Are we clear!
they called us fascists
we called them communists
really ,the war was much
complicated than that
but many prefer to see it in
those simpelified terms(manner)
three years later ,half a milion people
were dead
most of them civilians
but even in times like these,
some people are more interested
in hads and shoes
I thought you were going to buy
a new shoes
yes..I was but somthing else came up
what was that ?
- no I met a lady who...
- who needed a hat
- and some breakfast
- yes ,and some lunch
thank you
sit down please Peter ,Isidore
so ?
This group that moves
you from your homes ,what's it called?
we don't have a name mama
we just refer it as "Gods work"
in Latin would sound better
Opus Dei.
I know your donkey may like funds
but the work has found it's name
what's next ?
the communist's strike killed my father
now it was my turn to strike
get him out of the cat
Unionist rabble ...
take him
Let us show you
how God loke like
where is your gun ?
this is not a game
he killed your father
damn it ,this bastard is
shitthing his pants
do it
do it damn it
- you're crazy
- no I'm not
you are crazy
- he will hate the whole idea
- well let's ask him
- ask me ?
we gonna put it up all over Madrid
not me father ,not me
- a crusade
- yes father
using the cross to incite hate and anger
that's christian ?
well mabe not
but father the government is opening
the attack of the church
- no it isn't it's trying to modernize the Spain
- come on ,Pedro
if we dont do somthin we are just cowards
or worse ,traitors
- traitors ?
- yes that's what people are saying
standing by while the church
get's attack
how is that being a good catholic ?
Pedro, is it understandable to want
to protect the church ?
yes father
- juan, is it uderstandable to want social justice ?
- yes of course
good ,so ,the question is how
do we achieve both
by feeding the hungry
and lunch is ready
so we just let it go
no ,look I'm not gonna tell you what to think
God gave each of you a brain and reasons
and conscience
why ? so that you can come to
conclusions on your own
and take personal responsible for them
but...before rushing to act
before trying to change the world
first think about changing yourselves
we're building somthing vital here
to get...
now ,specially now
we have to be sowers of peac and joy
and lunch mama
they started killing priests
- what ?
- it's on the newspaper
oh my God
- where ?
- here in Mdrid
let me see
- so what do we do now father
- exactly what I just said ,Juan
bless us ,O Lord
and this thy gifts that we are about to recive
for Thy bounty,
through Christ our Lord.
- look what we have here?
- hello, father!
well ,well ,well...
What we have here?
- Hello, Father!
- Sorry!
what do you got there ?
- come on show us
- no,please
give me the package
or I stick you with this
- just kill the parasite!
- I'm not a parasite.
- I have work for living just like all you
- what for living ??
that's enough ,that's enough
- get on the next on
- Take it easy ...!
- I'm on your side.
- Fascist!
They have prejudices
against the enemies of their class.
- that's why I blame them
- no ,I know
all part of creating of this new
more civilized Spain
And how the uncivilized
bihavior comes out
To make omelets,
have to break eggs.
Life is not an omelet,
and people are not eggs.
if I was you
I stopped to walk out there
with those clothes.
it won't protect you anymore
I don't wear these for protection
you got bolls for a bourgeois
thank you father
from the palaces the bishops said :
"The meek shall inherit the earth"
But the meek
were tired of waiting
they took the bishops and their palaces
he was lucky it was only a rock
Juan? Paco?
happy birthday
it's not my birthday
come on
Josemaria ,as your brother
I've been chosen to ask you to celebrate
our second year together
by revoming your shoes
behold a simple shoe
- but is it what it seems ?
- yes
it is in fact...
...a hole
A hole masquerading as a shoe.
A hole surrounded by leather ...
But also a testiment
to 20 kms a day
seven days a week
rain and shine
and in pity for this innocent shoe
we have also pulled together for...
this is a statement of your government.
There has been a military up rising
The army recruits from the Moroccan colonial forces.
All able spainian
who love their country ...
it's remarkably easy
to join a war.
I could sneak to
a communist brigade.
so far I was enjoying being a spy
There is something inspiring
a common purpose,
even when it is not yours.
I can not describe the ecstasy
of belonging to a crowd,
even when it's the enemy
There is no feeling like it.
apart from one
cat got your tongue ,brother ?
So many young people!
What do you know
about the suffering and death?
how they would told you
"is it worth it ?"
they will ask again and again
"is it wort it ?"
and what will fill your heart
with the answer "yes" ,yes
hater of oppression ? of tyranny ?
hate of those who treat us like animals
denying our hops and stifling our lives
but more
it will be faith
faith ,that our new world will be born from
the blood of the old
and comradeship
my brothers and sisters
And courage.
courage can break our cases and
set ourselves free
to live noble as the eagle hovering of it's
mountain beak...
...or die in the attempt!
- name and country ?
- Jean. Frace
- name and country ?
- Petofi, Ildiko. Hungary, sir.
there is no sir here ,Ildiko
they're just farmers ,factory workers
some like me escaped from prison
we are what we are ,
but we all are eagle
but still fighting to be free
as we all used to be
- Ildiko Petofi?
- Yes, sir.
yes, Oriol!
yes, Oriol!
jeajous ?
what is your name ?
Battle of Madrid - November 1936
Ildiko! Ildiko! Ildiko!
stop! go back! face them!
let the bastards know you're still breathing
go !go !
- yeah
look after her
oh God! I'm such a coward.
me too
I don't feel right about this
you read the newspapers, they don't
exactly like priests out there ,father
then call me father when
I'm dressed like this
call me Mariano.
that's vargas! come on, father.
I mean, Mariano.
come on ,the car's here
- come on ,they will be safe
- I'll look after them I promise
father ,come one
- Pigs!
- Pigs, no Juan.
- men ,like us
- men ?! Pedro
what did father Lazaro ever offered them
but love ?
how could they do what they did ?
cause they see us as part of the system
which causes them pain and despair
we have to pray
first for father Lazaro...
and then for his murderers
but they're murderers
and they took pleasure in it
what do you want to do with these "pigs" ?
truthfully ,right now
what do you want do to them if you clould
truthfully ,and wouldn't took pleasure in it
And yet we are no pigs
but its not the same father
no human being ,not one of us...
is free for human weakness
no one
our faith is a gift
and God has called us to manifest it
in love ,here on earth
an unconditional love ,for every children
of God ,no matter who it is
no matter what side ,
no matter what circumstances
- even if they're wrong
- yes ,Juan
even if they are wrong
do you understand ?
forgive us our trespasses.
forgive me ,Lord
for my anger
for the anger of others.
for hate
and for those who are killing
Help me to be strong!
long live the Republic!
take picture of this
thank you captain
he's going to put me in a book
better to put it in a song
I read hundreds of books in jail
I only liked "Crime and Punishment."
(famous Russian novel by this name
written by Dostoyevsky in the 19th
I haven't read many books
well then how do you know
what life has to offer
I dream
so do I
Down with tyrants!
down with tyrants!
long live the Republic!
tonight when we camped
I want to come to you
- no Manolo ,I have told you
- why not ?
- why whould you put your self throught this ?
- you give youself to Oriol
- so I choose
- and you have been with others ,I know
because he might die at any moment
it is my chose to give him comfort
then why you refuse me ?
because your ugly
Ildiko, listen...
I saw in your face when we first me
during Oriol speach
I rathered to be with hims than you
God bless you.
thanks, Isidoro,
this was very brave of you
we celebrate mass at one
and I hear confession at three
do not worry.
I know a perfect place.
thank you, Father.
forgive me father for I have sinned.
my last confession was 5 months ago
and I promise that...father
enjoying the zoo ?
yes ,very educational
and where is the vife when you're
being..."educated" ?
back home ,doing the laundery ?
my mothers idea ,it's not the first time it's
getting me safe
father ,do you need any shelter ?
yes ,you know somewhere ?
well I only have a single room
there's always gonna room for me but if...
you are beautiful
I am a priest .but...
...but also a man
so thank you for your courage
but no
what is it ?
if something happens to me
I'll wait for you on the other side
- don't say that
- we're at was Ildiko
I don't know
we've held fascists back for two years
but the Germans gave them place
and our leaders in Madrid fight amongst
- ...and give us nothing
- so let's dream now
while we can
the bastards know exactly
where to find us.
squeeze here!
- let me take care of that
- no leave it
come on ,let's go
that's terrible!
we're sitting ducks !
and damn communists in Madrid are
hanging us out here ,great
we've being sacrificed
I can do somthing about that
what's that there ?
a safe-conduct
it's a pass
and allows any one a safe passage
to the enemy side
the Milica
come with me! come on!
- Gorge ,get up
- what hell is going on
- we need to hide the priest
- the priest ?
- the milica is here ,they'll kill him
- good news
come on ! go ,please
what if I turn you in ?
than I meet my maker far sooner
than plan
if they find you here
so will I
yes you're right ,Isidore don't stay here
I..I'm..I'm gonna give my self...
- they're coming
- go ! go !
your papers
in my jacket
then get them
where is the key ?
where is the key..."sir"
forgive me sir
don't worry
just doing your duty
they've gone
you better stay here until it gets dark
then get hell out of the madrid
- unless you want to die
- thank you
thak you ?
they should put me in a madhouse
I have three jackets
if you think it woul be dangerouse
don't worry
it'll be fine
oh no there's Milica there
there is a roadblock
please sir ,turn left
get rid of the primitive concept
of God during the enlightenment!
who dares to fight me
who ?
you bastards!
you enjoy this
some one is betraying us ,and I swear...
when I find out that who it is...
... no mercy
we have to do it tonight
he doesn't hear you...
does he ?
all this pain ,and your God is still silent
he is a monster ,you know ?
I love him
although he is a monster ?
women can love monsters
this is the address ,let's go
Isidoro we neet to change plans
we're here to search the building
after that I was raped
I stoped going to mass
I couldn't understand how
God allows such a thing
I acccepted as you see
God can be terrible
so now I do go to mass
my prays are deeper than before
I'm fighting with love ,yo see ?
I like you
you look me in the eye
you don't pity me
no ,
no you are extemely brave
not really
I still sleep with a light on
and a chair under the door's handle
I think you have mountains to climb
and I think it will be painful
but that the only thing that makes it
sweet, when it's finished
we have to leave
where to this time ?
over the Pyrenees
(Pyrenees : mountain range on the
border between France and Spain)
- we'll be safe there
- no
I'm going back to the city
I promised God that his folk
will never be deserted
no ,it's suicide to stay and you know it
and if you die
they will be deserted
and Carmen and your mother
and Santiago
father...we have to leave
yes ,please
over the mountains
My commander.
it's Phil three ,sir
he says this is his last transmission
sir ,we've lost our spy
slaying your demons is never easy
somtimes it's better to get some one else
to slay them for you
get her !,get her up
look at this ,look at this
what is this ?
it's radio
you filthy traitor!
they found the traitor
are you sure
who saw her ? who ?
let's vote
who wants to...kill her ?
- I will do it
- what ?
I'll do it
how could you have done this ?
I didn't Oriol
- five men say they saw you
- then they're lying
but you were found with the radio
it was planted for God sake ,
isn't it obvious ?
you're a Hungarian
and there are Hungarian
fighting with the fascists too
they will going to kill you themselves
but I said I will do it
when I was 18 ...
I killed a politcal boss
and I was proud of it
but now
what I have to do makes me feel sick
I loved you ,Ildiko
but your kisses came from the lips of Judas
- no ,they were real
- how many have died because of you
how many ?
because I trusted you
hello ?
it's dad
he's been taken to hospitol
what we do now ?
- get the men away from here
- how ?
tell them he was a traitor he was guilty
he shot at himselfe
- they won't believe it
- they will
you saw it yourself
they trust you ,go
what I've thoght...
some one like you...
some one like you could have destroyed
someone like him
some one like you...
this is yours
where are you going ?
you should go back to Madrid
I can arrange it
for the baby sake
hey where are you going ?!
let her go
I found this oh his boddy
it's a safe-conduct ,a pass
from the enemy
he's right
- let her go
- let her go
Manolo ,what about us ?
what about us ?
you have your passes ,use them
he's dieing robbie
you have to get over this thing between you
for both our sakes
for our sakes ?
he's the one who broke off contact with me
he's the one...he said he never wanna
- why do you think I came ?
- because your...
because I needed you
yes and because I sensed
this was going to happen
that your dad was going to...
that this was a crises
no ,I don't love my father
I hate him
he's a cold distent
a moralista prick
I see
you hate your father
that's why you dont want to be one
isn't it ?
isn't it ?
Pyrenees, November 1937
all this pain ,and God's still silent
do you hate God now ?
I couldn't understand how
God allows such a thing
please be with me now
please show me
he doesn't hear you...
does he ?
Look, Pallerols.
here father
- you must eat father ,you
need to build your strenght...
- I should never have left
I deserted people who rely on me
we all agreed to get you to safety
even if we have to carry you
every step of the way
I am not worthy, am I?
that's why you stay silent
unlike you I have chose
to live in the real world
mama ?
do you hate God now ?
no dearest
I love him so much
I'm fighting with love you see
- good morning father
- good morning
good morning ,father
what ?
we don't have to climb anymore ?
let's go boys
let's go
how is your book ?
it's coming along
thank you for the tapes
they won't tell you every thing
I didn't think they would
I once... had a chance to kill him
I didn't know...
...whose side I was anymore
they sent me to the Pyrenees
Border Patrol
he was trying to cross
refugees were fair game
they're celebrating yhe mass
a perfect shot
not now
- what side are you on ?
- I said not now
We pray that we can
nonetheless find good,
amongst all this suffering ,
confusion and violence
jesus !
We also pray for the freedom that gave us
to not to choose hate
but to choose forgiveness
and love can fill our hearts
so we can all
enjoy the peace.
dad ?
dad ?
read it
see what I was done
I have food ,take it
why are you wasting your life ?
he's dead
he's waiting for me on the other side
whene a bullet ends this for me
he'll be there
that is what he told me
I believe him
Roberto ,have you read Cervantes ?
(Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616),
Spanish writer, author of "Don Quixote")
he said that...
our greatest enemies...
are within us
Here he is.
A wonderful child.
he's beautiful
wonderful little boy child
se wouldn't touch you
because of him she just wanted to die
she know that wouldn't happen
if she had you
so she left you there
and never came back
serrender ! you must surrender
give up ! give up
laydown your weapons and come out
your fighting for a lost cause !
this is the last chance to save you lifes
I gave you 30 seconds
laydown your weapons
with your hands hanged up on your heads
otherwise you will die
I repeat
this is you last opportunity!
gun !
little dog ,give me a pistol
come on
it was the only time...
I could give her...
what she wanted
so now you know it all
so I went back for you
after the war...
to that farm
why ?
what life a little child
could have there ?
in that time
I don't think you were writing your books
I thought with her death...
I would be free of her
all that pain
but it didn't work
when I looked into your eyes
I saw
what do you expect me to do...
I mean...
what do you...
expect me to do ?
pray for me
and one day...
...forgive me my son
I'm not you son
your mother
he asked me to pray for him
can you believe that
will you ?
no way
not for him
he's dying rob
all that time I believed she was died
in some plane crash
in my whole childhood
I was praying for one sing
of affection
but he's freed you from that now ,hasn't he ?
all of this came up
because of somedamn book
not some damn book
a chance
a chance
to repair somthing that's broken
you're not here by coincidence
don't you see ?
that's not very scientifice ,Lil ,is it ?
there are different ways
to measure the same universe.
And according to that,
destiny is not blind ,is it ?
no ,isn't
my friend !
you came
as you promised...
pray for me
is someone with him ?
you gave me a...
still have it
I would never used it
but I had it
can I be forgiven ?
dad ?
dad ?
I've done so many wrong things in my life
it's over
except for...
...kissing his ass
what ?
when you forgive ,
you set some one free
I think my father wanted to me
to forgive him for my sake
and I'm trying
a life ,Dona Dolores
can't be fathom on it's own
it's like...
it's like the thread
on your embroidery,
twisted around other threads
woven together
in a given space and at any given time.
difficult to see the pattern
untill it's all finished.
if it there is finished
you ok ?
look father ,Andorra
we get there ,we're safe
thank God
waiting for your order
sir ?
that I do it without your order
get down ,sniper !
get down
Josemaria dedicate the rest of his life
to the development of Opus Dei
("Work of God")
On October 6, 2002,
500,000 people filled St. Peter's Square
to see John Paul II proclaimed a saint,
and "one of the great witnesses of Christianity"
about Manolo Torres,
some say they still struggle within us all
in that unknown place where ...