There's Still Tomorrow (2023) Movie Script

Good morning, Ivano.
The first red rose has already blossomed
Awaking timidly
The sweet violets
By now the first swallow has returned
In the limpid sky, it circles once again
The fair season it has come to proclaim
Open the windows to the new sun
It is spring
Welcome in a breath of fresh air
With the perfumed scent of gardens
and meadows in flower
Open the windows to new dresms
Pretty young girls
In love
It is perhaps
the most beautiful dream you are dreaming
In tomorrow, your happiness lies
Among the silvery clouds, and in wait
The moon has already set a date
Open the windows to the new sun
It is spring
Festival of love
Open the windows to the new sun
- Knock it off!
- I'll smash your face.
Stop it!
Son of a bitch!
Sit down.
What's in that empty head?
- What did I do?
- Shut up!
The crapper chain's broke again.
Go easy.
Damn you!
Try to be more delicate.
Eat now.
- Hands off!
- No, that's mine!
- Marcella, doll, sit to eat.
- And you?
- I gotta do things.
- Me too.
Hurry, I'll be late for work.
Oh, wait a sec!
Finished your homework?
Too bad, you'll get the stick!
You dunces.
- What did I do?
- If I went to middle school, I'd be good.
Sergio's going, he's a boy.
Besides it costs 2,000 lire.
You got 2,000 lire?
Then you can't go.
Lucky I allowed you some training
and now you've got a trade.
Just bring in money
and help your useless ma.
I bring in money and I always help Mama.
Good. Doing your duty.
Let's go.
Hey, wait up...
when's that moron Giulio
popping the question?
- I don't know.
- I gotta know...
Are you two serious or just fooling?
Go now, it's late.
- Take this, you didn't touch a thing.
- I don't need it!
I don't need anything.
Do something good today.
Bye, Ivano.
Delia! Where you at?
Coming, Papa.
What the fuck's it take?
- Starving me, that's what!
- Good morning, Dom Ottorino.
Watch it!
My boy, where's he at?
Hands off, c'mon!
It's not a good day.
Eh... What a fuss!
When cousins married,
there weren't all these problems.
My son took a stranger
and here are the results.
- Where's Ivano?
- Working.
And no goodbye?
Never says goodbye, that ingrate.
After all I done for him.
I learned him everything,
tie his shoes, shave...
Who took him whoring the first time?
- You, Dom Ottorino, you.
- Me!
Maybe not a thank you
but at least a goodbye.
Even gave him the house.
It was seized.
You lost that on the horses too.
So what! It's the thought.
- But his trade, I learned him that.
- What trade?
- Grave robber.
- Oh, that!
When he was a kid,
we'd dig the hole and throw him in.
Ivano'd come back up with vases, statues.
He was good, like a cat.
Yeah, a great trade!
Don't go judging!
The Fascists bought it all.
Respectable folks, elegant.
They liked old stuff in the living room.
Cash went around great guns!
I loaned to loads of people.
You got caught five times.
World's only flat-broke loan shark.
Not so! My wife lived like a queen.
Your wife, in despair,
jumped from the fifth floor. Rightly so.
Know your problem?
You talk too much.
Learn to shut up, you're a good girl
but you gotta learn to shut up,
mouth closed.
Hey, kids, cut it out!
Those dummies!
You're lucky I didn't tell my husband,
he'll smash your face!
- Good morning, Alvaro.
- Good morning, Delia.
Keep an eye on Ottorino
in case he needs something.
Count on it, I'll see to him.
That poor old guy.
Means the world to me!
I'm sorry he's not my papa.
Thank the Lord!
There's Still Tomorrow
Delia dear! We've been expecting you.
I'll take you to Papa.
- Adelina, hurry.
- Yes, ma'am.
Let's go, young ladies.
This way, Delia.
Come along, it's late!
Delia, I must tell you
the restorative is working,
I feel much better.
True, sir, your color's back,
you were yellow.
And your father?
Is he improving too?
No, my father-in-law!
To improve him
would take a brain operation.
The elderly take patience.
- You have a velvet touch.
- Thank you, sir.
- You think it's easy.
- Papa, it is easy.
- If you have the right, you decide.
- If you're capable, you decide!
You mirror an ancient, dead culture.
We need new ideas, new faces!
- Values count, not faces!
- Common objectives are what count.
In the interest of the collectivity.
Darling... be quiet.
Don't join discussions
that don't pertain to you.
Instead, give the woman her 20 lire.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Actually, it's 30.
Your certainties have failed us.
Yarns and Hosiery
Good morning.
Here you are.
So, four bras, 200 lire,
and two garter belts, 60 lire.
That's 260 lire in all.
Mis Franca, if other things need mending,
I'm at your disposal.
Socks, wool sweaters, your own things too,
a stocking run...
Oh, who do you take me for?
I toss the ones with runs.
Lucky you! I did the whole war
with a whopping run.
Umbrellas Repaired and Sold
Now you show up?
- I apologize, sir.
- Go to the laboratory.
So we agree.
Goodbye, I'll expect you Thursday.
Young man, pay attention,
it takes a steady hand.
Delia, show him.
This umbrella had a broken rib
so we changed it.
Take the cover,
put it inside.
Insert the tips, one by one.
See? Easy as pie.
- You understand when I talk?
- What's the rib and the tips?
Oh, great!
But you too, Delia!
Help him out!
Now it's my fault.
Kiddo, snap to!
I gotta learn. If I knew the trade
I wouldn't be getting 40 lire.
What? 40 lire?
Sir, may I have a word?
I've worked here three years,
even during bombings.
Why's he get more than me?
The kid's a man, eh!
God, what a scare!
- Delia, devil take you!
- Like a bomb.
Why can't we use the elevator
same as everyone?
God forbid we see some gentleman
and embarrass him.
Don't complain,
it's a lot they call us for the sheets.
I thought we'd see more money
with the Americans.
- We lost the war, eh.
- Uncle Joe'll fix it!
Yeah, he's all we need.
Now we got the vote, the tune'll change.
Yeah, but just the tune.
Thirty for shots, 260 from Mis Franca,
and 30 from Fiacchini...
I think this is yours.
Let go! Put me down!
Are you nuts?
I knew it was yours.
I thought so, they're all black.
Your mama?
All so sweet.
Fella, I'm sorry, I don't understand.
I just talk Roman.
For me?
Thank you! I'll take for the moppets.
The moppets, my kids.
Thank you.
I have to leave, I gotta go.
I... gottago!
- Bye.
- Thank you, Gottago.
I... William.
Bye, Gottago.
Fresh string beans!
Melt in your mouth, ma'am!
Not the string beans, sell the chard!
Beans last a week, chard goes limp.
Come here.
Gimme a kiss, so nothing goes limp.
Cut it out! C'mon!
Work, slave, I'lI be back.
Chard! It's good, it's fresh...
it won't go limp!
There, I married an idiot.
Tell me, did the American say his name?
Yes, his name's "Willian."
Aren't Americans something beautiful?
They got all their teeth!
Lots of them!
- More than us, I'd say.
- Could be.
- He was tall, right?
- A real he-man!
How tall? Like this?
No, figure to the canopy.
See! And his hands, what were they like?
I wouldn't know, I looked at his face.
He was so kind.
Right, you could use
a kind, handsome American.
Forget that lowlife, scoundrel husband.
You know what he's like, he's edgy.
He did two wars!
The war thing again?
Once a stinker, always a stinker,
trust me.
I better go,
still gotta wash and put away.
- Wait! Take this.
- No!
Thank you, Marisa.
I got two crates of apricots,
they're off, I'm making jam tonight.
Come help, you can have a jar.
- I'd like that!
- So, I'll expect you.
I have to see what Ivano says.
And what's that?
He's edgy 'cause he did two wars.
- Maybe he'll send me.
- Yeah, when hell freezes!
- Okay... Bye.
- Bye.
You never stop, eh?
Excuse me.
Even as a girl, always running off.
- Actually, you ran off.
- So, let's run off together.
Sure, change the subject.
I've regretted it
every morning for 30 years.
I got distracted and he stole you.
What's with you today?
Things aren't going too well.
Clients either fly the coop
or pay only when they remember.
Like this, I'll die in here.
What would you like to do?
I've got an idea
but maybe not the courage.
I can't bear even telling you.
- So, write it.
- Oh, sure!
Better go.
Hey, you deaf?
I'm getting moldy here!
Right here!
Bye, Delia.
Bye, Nino.
Sergio, your sister?
Right there.
Mis Delia?
They're a real nice couple.
Never! It's just a crush.
No jinxing them, eh?
They've been pecking for a year,
but still no ring, eh?
Don't listen, she's green with envy
because Marcella's got a proper boy,
even well-off.
His father's got the best caf around,
brand new.
It's a sight!
Sure, opened it with black market money.
The jackals!
They all did black market.
Didn't you sell your brother-in-law's oil?
She's right.
Better jackals
than down-and-outs like them, eh?
C'mon, if Marcella marries him,
at least she won't end up like you.
Thank you, Mis Giovanna.
Marcella, get the kids and go home,
your father's coming.
Let me help, Mis Delia.
Pardon me if I take advantage, but,
Marcella and I
have been close for a while.
I was wondering if you and Dom Ivano
would like...
- I mean...
To meet my parents.
Of course!
Come to lunch on Sunday.
- No!
- Not here, please.
- We'd be happy to have you at home.
Absolutely not,
my husband would never accept.
It's tradition,
the fianc goes to the fiance.
- Let's go to a cafeteria.
- Hear that! But how...
Don't worry, your mama will see to it.
- We'll expect you on Sunday.
- Sunday.
Thank you.
Go call the boys.
See? Let's go call the boys.
Delia? There's mail.
- Give it to Ivano, I get muddled.
- Best not to.
It's not for Ivano, it's for you.
- For me?
- Yes... it's a letter.
- It can't be.
- Your name's on it.
Thank you.
Mis Ada!
Don't say anything to Ivano.
You know what he's like.
I mind my business.
Delia, run, the piss pot!
Wash your hands.
Hurry, we're eating soon.
Mama's doll!
Why did you invite them here?
- I'm ashamed.
- Why on earth?
- Ma...
- What did I do now?
You're always in an apron,
holding a rag.
Of course, I'm always busy.
Obviously, I'll fix up for the occasion.
Franchino and Sergio swear all the time.
What they put me through!
They hear your father and grandfather
and imitate.
Anyway, by now they're big boys,
we'll explain we have high-level guests,
you'll see they won't...
I'll pay them.
Give them 5 lire each.
What about Papa?
You know him when he drinks.
We'll keep the wine away.
Grandpa Ottorino!
- He swears against the Lord!
- No, just the Virgin.
I'll see to Grandpa.
He'll eat first and doze off,
then we'll lock him in,
you won't see or hear him.
C'mon, your father's here.
Don't let him see you like this.
Delia, clean this place, it's a pigsty.
Come here, let me wipe your mouth.
You're filthy!
Seen the crapper chain?
I fixed it.
- Good.
- Now go break it again.
There's some very nice news.
Damn you, I'm dying of thirst!
Take him the wine.
I took him food, now this smart-ass goes.
- Son of a bitch, always me.
- Liar!
- Chunk of dead dog.
- I'll rattle your brain.
I'll go!
- What did they learn you today?
- Phoenicians. Pain in the ass!
I send you to school
to study everything, even birds.
That's a pheasant.
Phoenicians are... a kind of Turk.
- Me and Marcella want to say...
- The ironing shop paid you?
You too, out with the pittance.
Two hundred eighty lire?
They giving alms?
Won't even pay the lights.
But we're not so bad off.
Marcella brings home
almost 600 lire a week.
With your 13 thousand, makes 15,400,
take off 4 thousand for rent,
200 for lights, 80 for gas,
makes 11,120.
Good girl, you can penny pinch.
Marcella has an important thing to say.
Go on, Marcella.
Giulio wants to bring
his parents for lunch, to meet you.
This is satisfaction!
Right, Delia?
Our Marcella's getting married.
- Mama's doll!
- I'm taking her bed!
Come here, Papa's joy.
Once you go, there'll be no women here!
- Marcella, gonna make love now?
- And sleep without undies?
Cut it out!
Eat your hearts out!
My daughter's marrying a gentleman,
not a bum like you all, wretches!
- All of you!
- Hey, screwball!
I'll be off to Marisa's to make jam...
You're going nowhere.
Get me a shirt, I'm going out.
- Where to?
- None of your business.
With all this joy, I almost forgot!
Look what I have.
American chocolate!
We can celebrate with dessert.
Calm down, one at a time.
Where's it from, this chocolate?
Some soldiers were giving it..
Giving it to who?
To people going by.
They were giving it to the sluts.
To the wheedling ones,
that's who.
- No, it was a distribution...
- Shut up.
And you've got the nerve
to give it to the kids.
Got no shame?
No one. I swear no one
not even destiny, can part us
Because this love that heaven gives us
will always live
No one. I swear, no one
can give me, in a whole lifetime
The infinite joy I feel with you,
only with you
It's you. sweet love
Only you, past and future
My whole world
begins with you, ends with you
No one. I swear, no one
not even destiny can part us
Because this love
will illuminate eternity
It's you, sweet love
Only you, past and future
My whole world
begins with you, ends with you
No one, I swear, no one
not even destiny can part us
Because this love
will illuminate eternity
Get my handkerchief.
You even put perfume on him
for his whores.
What are you saying?
He's playing cards with friends tonight.
He's wearing Brylcreem for his friends.
Rather than end up like you,
I'd kill myself.
What? Say that again!
Why let him treat you like that?
Why don't you leave?
And where do I go?
Where do I go...
See, I still love you.
I'm sorry for yesterday.
Guess I'm a little edgy.
After all...
You did two wars.
Bakery - Groceries
- What's the pasta today?
- Dunno!
Who knows! Last time, just ditalini.
We had soup for a week.
Ditalini, hope not.
I can't give them soup.
It's open!
Sorry, I can't talk to you.
- I, friend.
- Friend, but go away or I got trouble.
You gotta leave me alone, okay?
Touching! Why the touching?
No, it's late for artichokes.
- They're all choke.
- Then 300 grams of chicory.
I knew Ivano wouldn't let you come!
Doesn't want you to see anyone.
Her husband's a jailer, she's in prison.
- Want herbs, ma'am?
- Yes, and a kilo of potatoes.
Yesterday he was edgy over Marcella's news.
What news?
I put two jars of jam aside for you.
Thank you.
Now I can make a tart for Sunday...
Marcella's in-laws are coming for lunch.
- Marcella's engaged to Giulio?
- Seems so.
- Peppe!
- No need.
Hear that? Marcella's engaged.
- Congratulations!
- Thank you.
- Ma'am, did you hear?
- Her, too?
- Her daughter's engaged
- Congratulations.
Thank you, but it's not official.
Don't say that, brings bad luck.
Let's celebrate at the caf.
- My potatoes?
- They're yours when you pay for them.
Peppe, see to it, we got stuff to do.
- I gotta do a thousand things!
- Forget it!
What can happen?
Lunch is lunch.
See, what's important is locking away
that killer, SOB father-in-law of yours.
It means a lot to Marcella.
Me too, I didn't sleep all night.
Making a big deal of it!
Just feed them, he pulls out the ring,
a toast and it's done.
You gotta stay calm.
Salvatore, on my tab,
you know where to find me.
Can't get far!
Take one of these.
Take one!
- Where did you get them?
- From an American.
For half a kilo of chicory sprouts.
You screwed him good!
When did these guys
ever see chicory sprouts?
In Wisconsin!
Poor guy!
Wonder if he knows you eat them.
I gotta tell you something
nobody knows.
What did you do?
For months, I've been stealing
a little money from my jobs.
Stealing? It's your money.
Well, I don't give it to Ivano,
I put it away.
Almost 8,000 lire.
That's a barrel!
It's for Marcella's wedding dress.
Ivano wants her to wear my old one.
It was a rag even back then.
She's gotta be the most beautiful of all.
Here, put it away.
Smoke it Sunday after the engagement.
Careful, you get...
- Little bits.
- Don't eat them.
Why are you crying?
Don't be a sissy, go play.
- It's all ready?
- Yes, thank you.
If you need a hand...
anything for Marcella.
- My good tablecloth's ready.
- Thank you, Mis Giovanna.
I'll take this stuff home and come for it.
- Oh, then I'll wash and iron it.
- Don't worry, no rush.
Even lending her your good tablecloth?
So she'll look good with those snakes.
Yeah, sure am!
I lend it to who I want,
without your permission.
Delia, pay no mind,
she's just sour grapes.
It really chokes you to see
my Marcella settle with decent people.
Decent? They're country yokels.
We all know they got rich using people.
- Rat-fink traitors!
- Watch your mouth.
- Or else? Gonna scratch me?
- Calm down!
- I'll smack you so hard, you'll spin.
- Yeah? Let's see.
Don't touch me!
- What's going on here?
- It smarts, eh?
That Marcella's pretty,
and no one's taking your daughter.
Wash your mouth
before naming my daughter.
The Mouth of Truth!
Clean your own mouth, it's all poison.
Calm down or your husbands will fix you.
No need.
Tell our husbands, then we're talking.
Okay, but I'll say your wretched brats
blow trash inside with peashooters.
- Not true!
- No, eh?
We all see them.
Give it back!
Stop, you asshole!
I got it first!
Calm down. If you get dirty,
I swear I'll kill you.
- I'll catch you and whip your ass.
- Never catch me!
- Stay still!
- His fault, that son of a bitch.
Shut up, ugly wimp.
Another curse word
and I swear I'll kill you.
- Yummy!
- Careful!
Come here.
Go lock Grandpa in, then bring it back.
Hush, if he wakes up,
I swear I'll kill you.
Still like this?
Take off the apron and comb your hair.
- I'm ready.
- The mending shows!
- It's all I've got.
- Put the apron back up.
Stay put, I'll go.
- Welcome!
- Hello, Dom Ivano.
- How are things?
- Fine.
- Santucci, a pleasure.
-Very pleased, Moretti.
Orietta, my wife.
- A pleasure.
- A pleasure.
Please sit down.
And Luisa, the youngest.
- How are you?
- A pleasure.
Please come in.
Knock it off, you bastard!
Never seen it with ditalinis.
I make it with rigatonis
and veal meatballs.
Oh well, yours is not as rich.
If you like,
I'll give you my butcher's address.
He's a bit expensive, but sells quality.
Thank you.
Franco doesn't like meat in pasta.
Oh, Ma, that's fucking bullshit.
Ma'am, you're not going to sit?
Delia, get another half liter.
This wine slides down easy,
eh, Dom Mario?
Yes, but at lunch, I have just one glass.
This pretty daughter, what's her trade?
Our Luisa studies.
- What's she do?
- She studies.
Now she's tackling ninth grade exams,
but gets all As.
I'll get the meatballs.
- More bread here, please.
- Yes.
In any case, I'm undecided where to stand.
Papa, it's not long now.
Ma, water!
With all we've been through,
something new's better.
And now I'm getting my say.
What can you say? Eat.
May I have the salt, please?
Salt's not passed.
It's bad luck.
Go get my cigarettes.
If you allow, Dom Ivano.
I'll offer a real one.
Thank you, Dom Mario.
My dear guests,
having you at our table
is a great pleasure.
But let's get to the reason
for this nice family reunion.
He's awake!
Someone's at the door?
Good, these cigarettes.
Damn you all!
Holy shit!
I forgot to lock Grandpa in.
- You idiot!
- You do fuck-all every day.
- He walks?
Hasn't been up since before the war.
- Come, Papa.
- Papa the fuck!
We eat decent for once and you don't call?
- A little baked pasta?
- Better believe it!
- Santucci Ottorino, a pleasure.
- Moretti, very pleased.
Papa, they're Giulio's parents.
A pleasure.
Ah, I know!
You've got that caf
in partners with Cecio the Rat.
He sold more folks to the Germans
than you sell coffees at your caf.
We were saying...
This nice family reunion has a reason.
To get these two lovebirds pledged.
A promise is a promise, right, Giulio?
Give me your hand.
A toast to these two young people.
- Pa, I get her bed.
- You said it was mine!
Get them off me, Delia!
There are right times and wrong!
Sit down.
Best wishes, congratulations.
- Sweetheart...
- Let me see.
That's a rhinestone!
I like it best of all.
When you pop out his first kid,
demand a real sparkler,
not a piece of glass.
- This piece of glass...
- I'll get the pastries!
Let's have a toast!
Some wine, Papa.
- Have some wine with water like us.
- Wine's great!
- Me too, pa?
- Cheers!
- Congratulations to these lovely kids!
- Thank you.
- Congratulations!
- Thank you all.
Good for you, Marcella!
I'm glad you like it.
She made baked pasta with ditalinis?!
Some wine for our mother-in-law.
This lovely girl, not even a drop?
No, thank you.
My mama's plate!
A tad of damage, eh?
Things happen.
Have to pay attention.
Don't mind me, celebrate.
- I'll help you.
- No!
It's all fragments.
Just continue celebrating!
Papa, let's go to our caf for ice cream?
- Yeah, ice cream!
- Let's go, Papa?
Go on, me and mama will come later.
Delia, take Papa to his room,
he's tired.
- Goodbye.
Lots of luck.
Come on, Papa.
- Mis Delia...
- Please excuse us.
You can't even be a servant.
Giulio deserved better.
He wouldn't listen.
- She's cute.
- Not really...
Clever maybe! An ironer...
She hit the jackpot.
Once married, she'll quit work,
Giulio will civilize her.
What kills me
is being related to that riffraff.
- Yokels.
- And ignorant!
Hello Dom Mario.
Right here? You bother my customers.
- This is my caf.
- But the street's everyone's.
Let's hope Luisa chooses better.
Choose? I'm choosing for her.
He's done.
- Please, leave.
- Calm it, be sure you do the right thing.
You too? It's a year
they been filling our heads.
Want to see me, Papa?
You're doing wrong with Delia.
She asks for it.
Patience has a limit.
- But not this way.
- I know.
I'm sorry.
Come here.
Right here, son, sit down.
Listen to your old man.
You can't hit her all the time.
She'll get used to it!
Once in awhile, a real good licking,
wicked, so she understands.
I did that with your poor ma.
Ever see us fighting?
Because she was my cousin
and family's important.
Not the cousin thing again.
Since time began,
all men mate with cousins.
It's the only sensible thing.
If you'd listened
and married your cousin Adelaide...
She was ugly as sin!
But she knew her place.
And I wouldn't have to hear the ruckus.
I know, I'm sorry.
Delia's a good housewife,
her flaw is answering back.
She's gotta learn to shut her mouth.
Don't let me hear her crying.
I feel sorry for her.
Besides, don't I got the right
to nap in peace?
I feel so guilty with you
And you with me
We don't dare exchange gazes
Because remorse
Weighs on our hearts
Let's forgive one another
All the past
Every error
Let's forgive one another
Once again
Let's return to loving as before
Like a single soul
Let's remember
The first day we met
Let's remember
The radiant day
That changed our whole lives
From a single word
But then our love
For play or cruelty
Lost it's sincerity
Let's forgive one another
Let's forgive one another
My love
Sorry if I scared you.
Don't worry about it.
I banged my arm. Let me go.
I don't understand a word.
Why's he have to shout?
This guy's all I needed.
I thought you were joking.
I wish! This time I gotta go.
My cousin says there's work up North
and pay's good.
It's right.
You gotta go.
Take wool socks, winters bite.
Seems you don't care if I go.
That's not true and you know it.
Then think about it.
Think about it.
Now you know.
When do you go?
I'll wrap things up
and leave on Sunday.
I better go.
Think about it?
Marcella showed us the ring.
We're happy for her.
- And for you.
- Congratulations!
Thank you!
How sweet, like from a film.
I did one good thing, eh?
Seems yesterday she was sucking my boob!
Now she's got a ring.
Careful Dom Ottorino doesn't steal it,
he even hocked his gold teeth!
Oh, no, the potatoes!
Marcella, come home, run!
Oh no, what did I do?
- I'm sorry, I forgot.
- Help me.
Hurry, if your father comes,
it's hell to pay.
- Papa, sorry...
- Damn me and my empty head!
- I forgot them, sorry.
- No, Mama...
Go watch the kids.
- Ma...
- Go!
What's to look at?
It's bread and milk tonight.
Thank your retard mama.
See? All sorted out.
What's sorted out?
Is this how you sort things out?
He let off steam and we get some peace.
Go get the bread.
Aren't you ashamed?
Don't you see you're a doormat?
You're worth nothing, count nothing.
- For a signature, call your husband.
- I'll sign.
- Your husband?
- Listen, there's no man here.
Settle for this
or you're taking the zippers back.
What's got into your heads, all of you?
- So, we were saying?
- Two hundred.
Two hundred lire.
Thank you.
- Hi, Marisa.
- Hi, Delia.
Listen, I need a favor.
Sunday, after Mass,
I gotta give shots in your building.
Okay! What's the favor?
That's the favor.
- You gotta back me.
- So? Where are you going?
I can't say.
- You got someone! Praise to heaven!
- No!
- Will you do me this favor?
- Yes!
So, if Ivano asks,
Sunday you're coming to give shots.
Well, well!
- If you leave...
- No!
If you leave,
don't get caught,
he'll kill you this time.
- Come on, really?
- Really, yeah.
Listen to this moron.
Bye, Marisa.
Bye, Delia.
C'mon, stop!
- She can't see us.
- She can!
You're so beautiful.
Why the make-up?
What's this new thing?
Don't you like me like this?
- Yeah, a lot.
Why did you go so decked out?
To work.
It's not okay.
- No?
- You wear makeup just for me.
But I got made up to be pretty for you.
- Sure?
- Yes.
You're hurting me!
- Just for me.
- Just for you.
If it's just for me, from now on
you go to work natural.
Anyway, when we're married
you'll quit working.
- Who says so?
- Me.
You're mine.
Okay? Just mine.
Just yours.
C'mon, she can see us!
Come a minute.
- What is it?
- Sit down.
- Well?
- I was thinking.
Marriage is something nice.
But, it's for life.
No turning back.
So? What are you saying?
Giulio really loves you?
You gotta choose your man good.
He's gotta be the right one.
Giulio's the right one?
You tell me,
since you chose so well.
What did I ever understand?
But you still have time.
You too.
They gift the house, the rings
and even got a good photographer.
We gotta do the flowers,
but I think we could do without.
For those, ask Father Felice.
God willing, if someone croaks the day
before, we get them from the funeral.
For the dress, there's Delia's.
You fixed it up, right?
It's gotta look new.
For the music, I say we ask Alvaro.
He was a singer.
Who's he?
Nuvoloni, Pa.
The guy who comes every morning.
That deadbeat?
He's bad luck, God forbid!
I don't want him at the wedding.
Think they love each other, really?
- What kind of question's that?
- Opens her mouth, words fall out.
Maybe you don't get the picture.
We gotta get Marcella set up and us too.
Think it sucks your daughter's
becoming a lady? Eh, Delia?
But with those scrubbed-up yokels...
If it was up to me,
I'd kick them straight to hell,
those skinflint hicks.
But so long as they got the caf,
this marriage does us all good.
She just can't accept it, poor Marcella!
She wanted him anyway,
but Dom Ivano won't have it.
I can understand.
He's not all wrong,
can't give his girl to a broke bum.
- It's nowhere.
- They're dirt-poor now.
Back to the village, at least they'll eat.
Nothing's left of the caf, not one chair.
It was done with TNT.
But I wonder,
who could have been so spiteful?
There's a long line.
- Reap what you sow.
- Aren't you ashamed?
Enough moaning! Stop.
I'm a good guy and all,
but my patience has its limit.
Giulio loved me.
Love can't make lunch or dinner.
Giulio hasn't got a pot to piss in.
They even took the ring back.
Tightwad louts! Like to know
what good's a chunk of glass.
Once hicks, always hicks.
Tell me, you want to wander that village
barefoot, roped to an ass, eh?
I'm leaving.
Mama, say something!
You never do anything!
That's what you think.
It's the night of miracles, be careful
Someone in the back alleys of Rome
With his mouth, is wrecking a song
It's the night of dogs
talking among themselves
Of the moon that's about to wane
And people run into the squares to see
This night so sweet you could drink it
Of sharing a stadium
with a hundred thousand
A night so strange and deep
That even the radio says it
Actually, it airs it
So black it dirties the sheets
It's the hour of miracles that bewilder
I seem to hear the sound of a ship
On the waves
The city is moving
With its squares, gardens
and people in cafes
It floats and sails away
Even without power it will go
But tonight it flies
Its sails on the houses
are a thousand sheets
There are thugs too
No need to be afraid
but just a little careful
Two by two the lovers
Unfurl their sails like pirates
And in the midst of this sea
I'll try to find out which star you are
Because I'd be lost
If I realized you're not here tonight
Are you ready?
Marcella, let's go.
Don't shout, I'm right here.
- Your father?
- In the toilet.
Come here. Stay still!
- Ma, we're going!
- Father Felice won't wait Mass.
Come on. Behave!
- Move!
- See if Papa needs something.
Need something?
Please, don't waste my...
Get a move on.
Not today.
We're going now.
And we're going to Mass.
Here I am. C'mon, boys!
Hey, slow down! What's the rush?
We'll be late.
Papa? Things okay, need anything?
Thing's are okay,
he doesn't need anything.
Let's go!
May the almighty and merciful Lord
grant us the forgiveness, the absolution
and the remission of our sins...
Going to see Dom Ottorino.
Dom Ottorino?
Dom Ottorino, it's Alvaro,
need anything?
Dom Ottorino?
You may go.
And today, please,
act according your conscience.
The conscience of God our Almighty Lord
who always watches and judges you.
Enough of this long face.
Nobody's died!
- Did we find the fourth?
- No which way!
They're all busy, no one came.
Never seen such ruckus on the streets!
I went this morning,
such a line you can't get by.
So, see you later.
What's in there?
The syringe
and what's needed to disinfect.
I'm going to Marisa's.
Go on.
Dom Ottorino is dead!
That's how I found him.
Just now.
I ran like a cheetah.
Papa, so we can get his room?
Why did you take him from me?
- Why?
- Don't act like this! Get up.
Don't act this way.
Why, Papa?
Why did you take him away?
- So, I'll be going.
- Where the fuck to?
Papa! Let me be alone.
- Let me be alone.
- Go home now.
We'll all come over later.
Holy Mary, Mother of God...
- Doughnuts!
- Hands off! They're not for you.
He was still warm,
gone just a few minutes.
He seemed to smile at me.
He loved me, like a son!
No more decent men like him.
A saint.
- Papa, now the room's ours!
- C'mon, Papa!
Not here!
Ivano, have some water.
Papa, how can I go on without you?
Be strong.
Who's that old bag?
How do I know...
Sweetheart, why suffer like this?
Grandpa was an old man.
I don't give a damn about grandpa!
I'm crying for Giulio!
What immense, infinite grief.
- Coffee?
- Two sugars.
If only I had some!
What immense grief.
Immense and infinite!
Oh, God!
- Everyone loved him.
- Everyone!
He smiled at me.
Thank you.
I knocked and knocked, but no answer.
Dom Ottorino? Dom Ottorino?
Silence. I knocked once,
knocked twice,
let me go see.
I went in, he was still alive.
He looked at me, like asking for help.
He didn't speak
but his eyes were shouting.
Stop it!
Outside to play.
We left soon as we heard,
but there's a ruckus!
You can't get through.
Everybody today? Go tomorrow.
I'm so sorry.
- It is what it is... Coffee?
- Gladly!
- Our condolences.
- Thank you.
- Condolences.
- Thank you.
Can I talk to you?
What immense, infinite grief.
I gotta go to Marisa's.
- She's waiting for me.
- Go to the door.
Thank heaven you came!
We heard... we just couldn't not come.
- Peppe, Marisa!
- Condolences.
All our condolences.
- What happened?
- Alvaro found him.
I looked at me and said just four words.
I love you...
I waited quite a long time,
but once we heard..
Peppe wanted to come.
Who's that old bag?
Who knows!
Ma'am, get up, you're getting' moldy.
Get up, go rest.
Have some water,
or our next prayers will be for you.
Thank you.
Thank heaven I found you!
Imagine if you'd already left,
what would I tell Ivano?
Good God!
Of all the days, he decided to die today.
He did it out of spite, the wretch.
- Malicious scumbag.
- Degenerate stinker.
- Murderous skunk.
- Cursed sleazebag.
Say a prayer for us, too.
We've given him a good many.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Come on, Delia!
It's best this way.
What were you thinking?
Ivano's a skunk, but...
Think of the kids.
Think of Marcella.
That's exactly who I'm thinking of.
There's still tomorrow!
Holy Mary...
No, that's enough, ma'am.
That's enough, really.
for Marcella
What a scare!
- Where are you going?
- To give shots.
- Shots for Marisa's neighbors.
- So early?
Make breakfast, move.
Papa? All okay last night?
Yes, didn't move a muscle.
Let me go do these shots.
We need money for the funeral.
We'll get him some proper flowers.
He deserves them, doesn't he?
See you're back soon.
That sneak!
With this you kan go to skool.
Everyone, please.
One at a time, don't push.
Get your documents ready.
Make way because... come by tomorrow
Because now we can't
I won't open today because I'm on strike
And we'II walk In the streets
with all the banners
Looking, as always, like idiots
I could care less about that, you know
Today I sing with all the others
Because I believe in it
or maybe for decency
Participation, of course, is freedom
Sut so is opposition
WOMEN on June 2 and 3
I have no shield to protect myself
Or weapons to defend myself
Or helmets to hide myself
Or saints to whom address myself
All I have is this tongue in my mouth
and maybe half a dream in my pocket
And many, many bad mistakes
But I pay for them all...
Ladies are requested
to remove their lipstick
before licking the ballots to seal them.
Lipstick stains
might invalidate the ballots.
And the words. I know,
are always the same
But the sun's come out
and they seem nicer
School and work, what original topics
Except for that old idea
of us all being equal
And with no shield to protect myself
Or weapons to defend myself
Or helmets to hide myself
or saints to whom address myself
All I have Is this tongue in my mouth
And if you cut this too
I won't stop, sorry
I can sing even
With my mouth closed
Look at all the people here
Who can reply after me
With mouths closed
Look at all the people here
Who can reply after me
With mouths closed
With mouths closed
With mouths closed...
In Italy, on Sunday June 2
and Monday June 3. 1946
were held the first political elections
with the right to vote for women.
89% of them rushed to the polls.
Of 25 million voters.
13 million were women.
"We clenched our ballots like love notes"
Anna Garofalo
There's Still Tomorrow
for Lauretta