Third Person (2013) Movie Script

Watch me.
- What?
- We're here to look at a sofa.
You're an hour late.
That's really good advice, Mom.
I'll have the locks changed right away.
Any more marital advice?
I don't feel too good about this.
Janice, just tell him I got the package.
And he didn't understand?
That little man has the brain of a squid.
Tell him the thing that he wants, I got.
See if he can decode that.
Yes, the designs, Janice.
Yes, I have the fucking designs.
Why don't we just
skywrite this conversation?
Yeah, and get me a flight
out of here as soon as possible.
Why the hell would I want to stay?
Have you been to Italy?
Baron Hotel, please.
Hotel Barone?
Hotel Barone.
Stunning how you translated that.
Sorry, miss. Parisian drivers.
The worst.
She's here.
- Do you want me to reschedule?
- I am so sorry I'm late.
The one day they cancel the express train.
I have to be in court, Julia.
I thought we talked about this.
No, I know, I know, I know,
but this really wasn't my fault.
I spoke to the judge, he agreed
to a second psychiatric assessment.
That shrink hated me
before I even walked in.
Well, let's make a better impression this time,
because his statement was really damaging.
But did anyone even look at the report?
Come on, it was an accident.
How many kids have died
because of dry-cleaning bags?
I saved his life.
Julia, you failed the lie detector test.
I'm the one that insisted on doing it!
- And I told you it was a bad idea.
- Come on, you have to understand...
No, no, no, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
Right now,
we just need to convince the judge
that you're stable enough
to get visitation again.
Really? What's the hurry?
It's only been 12 months.
You haven't really been helping yourself.
- Did you get a job?
- I've had half a dozen jobs.
One that you keep for more than a week.
We need a positive report.
Gina will give you the address.
4:00 tomorrow.
You know, that's great. Let me...
Let me ask to leave early
the first week of a brand-new job.
Just use that pretty smile of yours.
It's gonna be okay. Okay.
I'm leaving. Relax.
Come here. Give me your hand.
- Yeah?
- Yuck!
What? Don't say that. This is Daddy's work.
This is how we do it.
Daddy paints with his hands.
I don't like it.
Just give it a try.
I want it off!
You'll take it off on the canvas, okay?
- Don't want to.
- Just try.
Wipe it off!
Here, just wipe it on the canvas,
and then it'll be a painting. Okay?
Now, go ahead.
Here, wipe it off.
Give me your hand. Give me your hand.
Bar Americano.
How you doing?
You speak English?
No English, no.
No English.
Bar Americano, you don't speak English?
So, you got a hamburger?
- No hamburger, no.
- No hamburger.
You understand the term "irony"?
Is it too much to expect a Budweiser?
Thank you.
Yeah. And make it warm. Thank you.
Bar Americano.
Bar Americano.
Ready, miss?
Anna Barr.
- Yeah?
- Miss Barr is here.
- Does she appear to be armed?
- I don't understand, sir.
Humor, which apparently doesn't
travel more than one floor.
Send her up, please. Thank you.
You really had to fly me here on points?
- Do you want to read it?
- Do I want to read your short story?
Submissions are due Friday.
You're not gonna offer me a glass?
And watch it turn to vinegar?
I don't think so.
Drop it anywhere. I'll get back to you.
You want me to leave
after I just flew all the way here?
On points. If I cared, I
would have paid cash.
You don't even want to have sex?
No. But I appreciate the offer.
You know that just made me wet.
Sadly, yes.
- Quite the suite.
- Isn't it?
- Have you had many women here?
- The requisite amount.
- A writer needs his muses.
- He can never get enough of them.
That I know.
When can I expect those notes?
I'll get back to you.
Nice seeing you, too.
Come here.
This isn't really mentorly behavior!
- Excuse me?
- You want something?
Yeah, I do, actually.
One of those.
You mind telling me what that is?
- This?
- Yeah. If it's cold.
That's good.
I'm sorry for staring.
Looking at you.
With my eyes.
You think I'm too stupid to speak English?
Just apologizing for looking.
It's okay.
You're just looking at my limoncello.
It's very hard not to.
Bar Americano.
I can't keep talking.
I'm almost out of minutes.
Yeah, laugh. It's hysterical.
I'm in a basement.
Excuse me. A basement!
You... Can't what?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Are you seriously canceling on me again?
Hi, honey.
- You can't be on the phone at work.
- I know. Just...
Just one minute. What about Sunday?
You know what? Just forget about it.
I got to go.
I'm really sorry. I have no friends left.
They either think I'm a child killer
or are sick of hearing me talk about it.
You sure you want to do this?
Are you kidding me?
I can't even pay my bills.
He makes me quit my job,
and now that nobody will hire me,
he fully cuts off my support.
I know lots of people in retail.
Any of them would give you a job.
- Let me put you at the front desk.
- No, no.
You're very sweet. I just
want to be invisible.
And nobody looks at maids.
I know I never did.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Get changed.
I'll have someone show you the ropes.
Gerry, you are a lifesaver, seriously.
Least I could do.
- Uniform.
- Okay.
Thank you. Okay.
Excuse me.
Scusa me. Another.
And one for the lady.
Finally found something
I like about this country.
You going on vacation?
Taking a train?
You know, that's alcohol.
I'm starting to become aware of that.
Hi, Daddy. It's me, Megan.
Mommy said we could turn the heater
on for the pool, but I had to ask you.
Can we? Please? Please?
I miss you.
And I'm sorry I didn't feed Choo-Choo, Dad.
I love you.
- My daughter.
- And that's it.
Recorded one...
How old?
You have kids?
A boy.
- Beautiful.
- She's cute, right?
Thank you.
I don't see her two years.
I'm sorry. That sucks.
Tomorrow I see her.
- Yes.
- That's great. Well... cheers.
To your daughter.
To your.
And to yours.
Hello? Hello?
Everything all right?
Thank you.
Bar Americano.
I'm not the one with the Pulitzer Prize,
but I thought one kept a journal
in order to understand oneself.
Why? You thinking of keeping one?
No. I just don't understand why
you call yourself "He."
"He" thought this. "She" said that.
Hey. You shouldn't be reading that.
You don't want me to know
how much you missed me?
How's the book coming along?
Not a subject for conversation.
You want to read mine?
Not just at this moment.
It's short, all you have to do
is say it's brilliant.
Already erased your texts from other women?
Takes up most of my day.
So, what do you want to talk about?
Your inability to see the obvious.
- Your assistant has good taste.
- I fired her months ago.
She suggested blue, she had to go.
It's nice.
I can exchange it.
No, I'll find someone to give it to.
She may have something for him, too.
She's just waiting to
see if he deserves it.
He doesn't.
He might.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Excuse me, excuse me, scusa me, scusi.
Hey, she left this.
She left this. The woman, she left her bag.
The woman.
A what?
It's not a... bomba.
It's not a bomba, it's a...
Will you tell him...
Tell him that it's not a bomb.
It's not a bomb. No, no, no.
Whoa. Hey.
Bar Americano.
Jesus Christ.
Hey, mister! Mister, you must leave it.
You must leave it. It's a bomb.
- It's not a bomb.
- You listen.
Listen to me, listen to me. It's a bomba.
It's not a bomba. It's not a bomba.
It's a bag with a monkey.
Who puts a monkey on a bomb?
No, no, no, it's a bomb,
it's a bomb, it's a bomb.
It's not a bomb. It's not a bomb.
It's children's clothing.
Children's clothing, see? See for yourself.
- What'd he say?
- He say it could be a shoe bomb.
A shoe bomb? It's not a shoe bomb.
Does this look like a shoe bomb?
Why do you guys always
make it a soap opera? Look.
Take this, okay?
If she comes back,
you give her the bag, okay?
It's not a bomba.
So, when do you think you'll read it?
Oh, God! You are relentless.
I know it's good.
I just need to know
if older readers will understand it.
Why don't you want to tell me about yours?
Because I think it might stink.
God, you like to suffer.
Jake's reading the first few chapters,
so I guess he'll tell me soon enough.
You have a Pulitzer, it doesn't stink.
You haven't read it.
- Do you want me to?
- No way.
Then shut up. You're brilliant.
It's the only reason I'm with you.
So, you are with me?
You don't even want to tell me
what it's about?
It's supposed to be about a man
who can only feel through
the characters he creates.
You should be able to write
the hell out of that.
But it keeps trying to be something else.
- What?
- I don't know. I don't know.
Hence the problem.
You should be writing about me. Are you?
- I write about what I know.
- And you know me.
And I fictionalize what I can't comprehend.
That's a lot of fiction.
So, it's not about me?
You know, if I don't find a use for you
soon, I'm gonna have to get rid of you.
You've been saying that
for the last two years.
- Isn't gonna happen.
- Really? Watch me.
You're smiling again.
I wouldn't do that. Someone might see.
Hey! Come on.
Fold, lift and tuck, okay?
- Got it.
- Just do the list.
Soap, shampoo, notepaper.
All on the list.
So, you're an actress?
You study for movie?
Actress? No.
Well, I used to be.
I was in a soap opera.
- Oh, no shit.
- Yeah, yeah.
I got the job 'cause I could cry on cue.
- So, you are movie star.
- No.
Yeah. Why you stop?
To have a baby.
A man got you pregnant.
They always do.
- What's going on?
- What's going on?
I had 5,000 euros in this bag.
I tell you, it was in here!
What did you say? What did he say?
- What? You had my bag?
- For two seconds.
I found it, I was looking for you.
Out. And you, too, out!
Now you speak English.
Don't make me call police, okay?
Give me my money, I go, no problem.
Fucking zingara.
You call me thief in my restaurant?
No, you call this restaurant?
- Cockroaches refuse to eat here!
- Everybody calm down.
- Give me my money!
- Take it easy.
Don't you touch me!
Don't touch me, stronzo!
You know the meaning
of the word "asshole"?
Are you all right?
The guy's a jerk.
Miss, miss, the train
station's the other way.
You need money for a ticket?
You want to help, go get my money.
Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't
have left the bag.
Or steal my money!
Lady, if I stole your money,
why would I come back?
You know, it's my daughter's money.
Ask her to forgive you, not me!
All right, let's go back right now
and call the police, okay?
Call the police and they're
going to believe me? Leave me alone!
Miss. Miss.
Are you trying to kill me off?
I'm gonna take a nap. I'll see you later.
Wrong floor.
You took your own room?
Now you're gonna start on that.
Is nothing good enough for you?
I thought you came here
to spend the week with me.
Did I say in the same room?
Enough people are talking about us already.
If you don't want to be seen with me,
why did we just go
to the best restaurant in town?
Please, that is not the best restaurant.
- God!
- Listen, I have a reputation.
I know you don't care about that,
but it means something to me.
I'm sorry.
You say that word so often
it has no meaning.
Sure you don't want one?
It's really very good.
The money was for your daughter?
What did she need it for?
Somebody put her on the boat.
It was 5,000 euros.
To get her off the boat is 5,000 more.
Why a boat? I'm not...
I mean, can't you just drive from Romania?
Romania? You see, you know everything.
Well, what happens now?
Where's her father?
You know, you are not
an easy woman to get to know.
No, you... You are my new best friend.
What if I can get you the money?
I'm not worth 5,000 euros.
- Did I say I wanted to fuck you?
- You have nice suit for priest.
And you don't look like a whore to me.
I'm sorry, signore.
We have no more rooms. Very busy.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- They have rooms, but not for me, okay?
It's okay. You know, you can have my bed.
I'll sleep in a chair.
For how long?
What do you mean? All night.
No, I go sleep in station.
You must need sex very badly.
Watch me.
Watch you what, buddy?
- Hi.
- Hey.
I'm afraid I took your robe earlier.
- You did.
- I'm afraid.
So, you've come to return it?
Well, yeah. I felt bad.
I mean, I thought
you might need it in the morning.
- Well, there's two.
- There are?
Now I feel foolish.
But it might be damp.
I showered earlier.
So, you do need this one?
Couldn't hurt.
Pick it up.
Hand it to me.
- Thank you.
- Wait...
Open the door!
Sorry. Tired. Comes with age.
You have my key.
Key? Oh.
It's in the pocket.
You are such an asshole.
It's me. You're probably asleep.
I'll try the...
Message deleted.
Gina's apartment flooded,
and I have to be
at a deposition in 20 minutes.
- So, what's wrong?
- Other than that?
Dr. Gertner had to change
the meeting to her office.
I'm gonna text you the address.
No, no, no, no, I'm almost out of minutes.
I don't know what that means.
It means I'm on a prepaid phone
and I'm almost out of minutes.
Besides, I'm not even supposed to be on it.
Okay, write this down.
Wait. Okay.
221 East 70th Street.
Got it?
I got to go.
Oh, shit! I'm so sorry.
Oh, God!
You know what, I'll just...
I'll come back when you're done.
I'm so sorry.
- Want some?
- That bad, was it?
You really want to hear what I have to say?
Okay. It's well-crafted.
Your structure's clever.
- You don't want to hear this?
- No, I...
I guess I wish you'd written
about something more personal.
I mean, this is beautiful. It is, but cold.
Surprisingly what you always say about me.
I knew this was a mistake.
No, I can take criticism.
I hear it from my editor every day.
You're a party reporter, for Christ's sake.
I comment on society.
Well, then I am wrong,
because this is absolutely
up to the literary standards
of Women's Wear Daily.
It's Elaine, I have to take it.
I lost my phone.
That's a drag.
Yeah, it's the worst thing
that's happened all month.
I had all of Robbie's pictures on it.
And I know you told me
to put them on my computer,
but I just didn't do it.
I'm sorry.
I went to the store.
They gave me a new number.
You could have kept your old number.
Do you want the number?
Yeah, give me a sec.
I'll put it in my phone.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Got it.
I miss you, Michael.
I'm sorry.
It's not your fault. You're a romantic.
You love love.
It's people you don't have time for.
So, how's the writing?
So good you wouldn't believe.
Is she there?
Would you tell me if she were?
She's not.
Okay. I'll talk to you later.
She having one of those days?
Don't talk about what you don't understand.
I'm sorry. I'm being insensitive.
I'm the one who just took
a call from my spouse
while I was with my lover.
That was stupid, I'm sorry.
That's the most overused word
in your vocabulary.
Anna, I really need you
to stop attacking me.
If you needed that, you
wouldn't be with me.
I left her.
Two weeks ago.
What did you tell her?
That I had fallen in
love with someone else.
What, me?
You love me?
I thought you loved her.
That's what you've always said.
I do.
So, this is the way
you treat someone you love?
You don't even know what the word means.
- Anna.
- Don't touch me.
Do you think I care?
Do you think I could ever love
someone as deceitful as you?
No, fuck you.
This was not the deal.
Now you're gonna go and find someone
and fuck around on me.
- Stop this.
- Did you tell her who I was?
Did you?
I'm going to my room. Thanks for the notes.
303 just called for housekeeping.
They had a "Do not disturb" on.
Welcome to show business.
Where'd you get a car?
They just counted it.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
You're not giving it to me?
I'm giving it to you, but
I have to go with you.
That wasn't the deal.
There was no deal.
There was no deal, I'm giving you my money.
No, you want it back.
No, I want to make sure
that you get there with it.
And you're going to protect me?
Like you did in bar?
These are danger people.
So, you shouldn't be going alone.
Hey, you can't drive through here.
Watch me.
Get out of the way! Jesus H. Christ!
Watch out. Move, move, move.
You have reached the law offices...
Excuse me.
$10 phone card.
No $10, $20.
Excuse me.
Please leave a message.
Hey, look, I lost the address.
70th and what? Just call me back.
I'm on my way.
- Thank you for your time.
- You're very welcome.
She's late.
Well, should we go?
Let's wait.
Jake, I'm so sorry, man.
I don't know where my head was.
No, you know what, I'm sorry.
I have this thing in 20 minutes.
Fucking book fairs.
I end up eating six times a day.
So, how's Elaine?
- She's good, good.
- Good.
Amazing woman.
How she's coping, I'll never know.
And Anna?
She would die that you're asking.
She thinks nobody knows about us.
Women have the incredible
gift of being able to deny any reality.
Listen, I was going to call you anyway
and tell you not to read those pages.
You know what, I finished
them on the plane.
I couldn't put them down.
We're not gonna publish it.
I'm reworking it.
I shouldn't have sent it to you.
You know what, the writing's great.
I love the characters. That's not it.
The business has changed so much, Michael.
I wouldn't know how to market it.
I don't even recognize
our own house anymore.
I'm selling self-help cookbooks
by reality stars.
Somebody else will print it.
It'll make a fortune.
We'll be jealous as hell.
I really am sorry, Michael.
I do have this thing.
- Call me when you're back.
- Don't lie to me, you son of a bitch!
- I'm a son of a bitch?
- I've known you how long?
How long, Jake? Don't you dare lie to me.
Your first book, stunning.
It was cruel and raw. No pity, no shame.
God, I used to proofread
your galleys sweating,
it was so fucking brave.
Second book less so.
Third, fourth...
Now you have random characters
making various excuses for your life.
Michael, I was frankly
embarrassed to read it.
And I couldn't tell you that.
Give my love to Elaine.
- Hello?
- You're a half hour late.
I know. I'm almost there. Where are you?
I told you, 70th and Lex.
- Shit.
- Where are you?
The West Side!
Get in a cab.
I don't have any money.
I spent it on my phone card.
Listen to me. Get in a cab now.
Okay? I'll meet you downstairs.
Oh, God! Okay.
Across town, 70th and Lex.
So, where is this place we're going?
You like that music?
Yeah. Why?
So, this is a friend's car?
You don't have friends?
So, the name of the place?
Or is it just called "Danger People"?
- Keep the change.
- I'm so, so sorry.
I'm going to the bathroom,
and then I'm going to leave.
Hey. Hey.
I'm sorry, okay?
Look, it's just, you know,
you try and tell people about someone,
and they don't believe you.
This is her.
She doesn't give a shit about anyone.
All right, we'll go.
I'll pull the car up.
Wait here.
Forty-five minutes is not
late, it's a no-show.
But she had an emergency.
- She's here now.
- And I have an appointment.
And I did do my homework, Miss Lowry.
I didn't need to see your client
to know that she fits the profile
of someone who'd commit this kind of act.
I can't believe this.
You arrogant bitch,
you judge her before even seeing her!
That was her choice.
Good day.
- Will she see me?
- No. No, she won't.
And if I weren't working for you,
I wouldn't be here, either.
How could you be so fucking irresponsible?
I came as soon as I could.
This is not my...
I know it's not your fault.
I don't know what really
happened with your son, Julia...
- What?
- ...but this should have been
the most important thing in your life,
and you weren't here.
And after a second negative report, you'll
be lucky if you ever see this kid again.
Maybe he deserves better.
Bye, Julia.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry, what?
Is there anything I can do?
Thank you.
Do you work here?
Do you think it's okay if
I sit here for a while?
Do you have any kids?
Are you married?
- I have to go.
- Yeah.
Someone is waiting.
You're very kind.
I wish you were my friend.
Where are you going?
With you.
I want to dance.
Yes, miss.
Any idea of where I might do that?
Excuse me.
Give him the money.
What do we have? English?
Monika, you have an American boyfriend.
I tell you not to come.
American, you have a sister?
Yeah. Yeah.
I'll be sure to bring her next time.
There you go.
Boyfriend doesn't like me.
He's not my boyfriend.
Not your boyfriend,
but he brings me 10,000 euros.
Ten? No, no, you said five.
Five? This is Monika.
She tries to pay half price
for her own daughter.
Look, I don't know what's going on here,
but I agreed to five, all right?
- I'm not paying 10.
- No, you are not.
Ten was the price for her.
You are not her. For you, it's 25.
- What? You gotta be kidding.
- Where is she?
You want to fuck with me some more?
See what happens?
You could not wait in car.
I am happy I'm not you.
Listen, I'm just trying to help, okay?
That's 5,000 euros.
That's how much I have.
Why don't you take it
and get this girl out of your hair?
That's how much you have?
Even I have more than that.
You two must think I'm an idiot.
- See? You see what you did?
- Whoa. What I did?
You don't think I know
when I'm being conned?
Fuck you! Fuck you, American!
Give me my money.
- Your money?
- Give it to me!
This is his phone number.
Did you write that?
Do you know his number? No.
You stole my money.
Souvenir of Rome.
Oh, fuck. My bags. Oh, shit.
Hey! My bags!
You have bags?
No bags.
- Hi. Did Miss Barr...
- Yes, sir.
She asked you to give me this?
If you asked.
- If I asked?
- Yes, sir.
And where is this place?
Want to dance?
He has moves.
Move, singular. He has move.
Nice dress, baby.
I have great taste.
Good evening.
- Very good.
- Terrible. Terrible.
Very good.
I love you. And that's it. Bye.
Recorded 119 days ago.
To save, press one.
I can get you the money.
- Yes?
- Breakfast in bed?
I can't. Sorry. I have to run.
I'm meeting a friend.
So, we'll have lunch, then?
I'm not sure when I'll be back.
Then I'll make reservations for dinner.
I just said I don't know when I'll be back.
- How long are you gone for?
- I don't know. I'll text you.
Where the hell are you going, the Arctic?
I can't talk to you when you're like this.
You want to tell me what this is about?
- Don't be pathetic.
- Who are you meeting?
- A friend.
- What, a male friend?
I have a life, my own life.
Anna, everything was great.
Well, then there isn't a problem.
It's only three floors.
Use the stairs, you lazy bastard.
- Look, don't do this to yourself.
- How sweet.
He's trying to save her from herself.
I'm not your fucking child.
Then don't act like one.
That's good.
When something cuts too deep,
he reaches for a comforting clich.
Do you know why she chooses
married men, Michael?
'Cause she doesn't have to care.
They can't hurt her.
And she can leave whenever she wants.
Look at that face.
He needs love so badly until he has it.
Find someone who doesn't know you.
Hey, I'm here.
Want to come down
and we get something to eat?
I'm really hungry, though.
Okay. Yeah. Just for a minute.
Richie Rich.
Good to see you. I love that comic book.
And there is my beautiful Monika.
Are you two fighting?
Come, kiss.
Kiss. Monika's a very good kisser.
Come on, Richie.
Look, feel this. Richie,
come here, feel this.
- You have to feel. You have to feel.
- Enough.
- Hey.
- Come on. I'm serious.
Want to count it?
You don't know what you're missing.
Where's the girl?
The girl.
That's the question.
You meet a woman in a bar.
She takes you to a man who demands money.
You give it.
You don't know the woman,
you don't know the man.
She could be lying.
Maybe they both are.
This girl you're paying for
may not even exist.
You have to be thinking,
"Is there really a girl?"
Why, Richie Rich, why give me the money?
Where's the girl?
You want me to answer your question,
but you won't answer mine.
- Okay. If you can get 25 you can get 50.
- No, no, that's it.
No, no, there's not gonna be a penny more.
- We'll see. I can wait.
- Where is she?
With my friend,
and he's enjoying her company.
Hey... hey...
Put the gun down.
Put it down.
You hit me, Richie Rich.
All right.
You make me look bad
in front of this woman.
Fine. Fine.
Now it's 100.
100, or she's working the street tomorrow.
She has lips like her mother.
Carlo, it's me. Please.
She's eight years old.
What, another friend?
There's my girl.
For my wife.
What are you looking for?
No, no, no. Hey, no, no, no.
- Give me the gun.
- No.
You want him to kill me?
What, so the plan's to shoot him?
- Hey.
- Why you take my money?
- Why?
- I don't know, I don't know.
I don't know! I don't know!
It was stupid. It was stupid.
Maybe I wanted to see you again,
or save the day or something.
I don't know.
It was stupid.
Do we always know why we do things?
- Or you just wanted my money!
- Stop it!
You tell me why you left it there.
You tell me.
'Cause nobody forgets
something that important.
Come on, you tell me.
You wanted me to take it, didn't you?
Where were you, across the street?
You wanted me to feel guilty, is that it?
So you could use me?
Because that's what you do, you use men.
Don't you? Don't you?
I knew 5,000 wasn't enough, okay?
That I would go to bring her,
he would want more.
Five was all I could save.
Carlo hates me.
Maybe he has reasons.
But he was the only one
who could bring her to me.
I thought he'd ask 10.
Then you saw the suit.
- Richie Rich.
- I don't know what that means.
It means you thought I had money.
- And you don't?
- No, I don't. Not like that.
Look at the label. It's a fake.
I rip off Italian designs,
and I sell them to sweatshops.
Picked the wrong guy.
No. I didn't.
I just didn't think Carlo
would be so greedy.
And I didn't think you'd hit him.
Neither did I.
That was very stupid.
I've done stupider things.
Fuck you. That's my daughter.
She's alone and scared.
What would you do?
Give me.
Give me the gun.
Point this at him, he will kill you.
Try again.
- Try again.
- It's not going to work.
- Hey, you can't walk out with that.
- Watch me.
Signore has a single room.
Yeah, we're together.
Can I ask how long you will be?
How long?
We're going to be leaving
tomorrow morning. Together.
And if you have even the
slightest objection,
I'll show you exactly how
an American man reacts
when you're disrespectful to his wife.
Honey, please.
Have a good night.
You can sleep on bed.
No, I'm good here.
I won't attack you.
How can I be so sure?
So, you're a thief?
I'm a businessman.
But you steal clothes.
Designs. And I don't steal,
I pay people who have...
...advance knowledge.
So you're a spy.
A clothing spy.
That's too sad.
I prefer to think of you as thiefs.
No one ever called me that before.
A "thiefs"?
A wife.
So, you were gonna punch him, too?
Go to sleep.
Larry, Larry...
Larry, Larry, Larry, stop.
Just tell me how much I have.
It's not your money, Larry. How much?
That's it?
Send it.
Larry, thank you for caring.
Send it.
Do you have a bag?
How can you be so weak?
How? How can you love me?
- How?
- Please, baby, baby...
- How?
- Baby...
No, no. Anna, Anna. Baby.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Why does it feel damp?
- I can take it back.
- No, no, no, no. I love it.
I can't believe you got
me all those flowers.
Got them on points.
A lot of points.
Why do you love me?
I'm so awful to you.
It's your smile.
I know what that smile costs.
I don't know what that means.
You know who I was with, don't you?
It doesn't matter to me.
But you know.
I don't care.
I'm gonna ruin it.
I always do, every time you're good to me.
Black, no sugar.
Thank you.
I have to take this.
- No problem.
- Sorry.
Where did you go?
I'm sorry. I had to get back to my friend.
Come back.
I'm with someone.
He's really good to me.
He's gonna hurt you.
No, you don't know him.
I don't have to. Come back to me.
Can you do something for me?
- It's really important.
- Anything.
- Will you forgive me?
- Baby, none of this is your fault.
Yes, it is.
You didn't do anything wrong.
You know what I did.
It's just love.
Come back.
I'm trying to protect you.
You know that, right?
You've been hurt so much.
I can't stand to see you hurt.
I know.
Good-bye, Daddy.
Let's go.
You seem to have an unending
supply of friends.
- They're waiting. Let's go.
- They can wait.
That's his bike.
Your pal, Carlo.
- So?
- He was in Rome.
- When?
- At the bar.
And outside my hotel.
On that bike.
You weren't watching your money.
He was.
- You are making no sense. Let's go.
- Really? What is he, your husband?
The boyfriend? Your pimp?
What is he?
That's why they're here? To arrest me?
Policeman, this man needs you to arrest me.
Do they look like they understand English?
- Play your own games.
- Miss. Miss.
You left your bag.
You don't want it? I'm giving it to you.
You think I'm stupid person?
I take this bag, they put me in jail.
No. It's yours.
Take it and go.
Or you can take it and come with me.
- With you?
- Yes.
You take me?
Knowing what you think you know?
You have a bag of money.
I'd be a fool not to.
What about my daughter?
Should just leave her?
You think it's all game, bullshit.
You don't think she exist.
I'm gonna believe she does.
Take it.
Am I Jenna?
Am I?
He's saying she was the love of his life.
- No, no, no, no, no. Let me read it.
- But when it's done, okay?
When it's done.
But you wrote "the" love.
- Yeah.
- Of his life.
His entire life.
- I'm gonna erase it.
- No, no, I'll leave you alone.
I'll leave you alone.
- Now, please?
- Yeah.
- Ow!
- Okay, okay, I'm going.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
You have no saved messages.
If anyone calls, I'm
moving up to suite 415.
Yeah, and I'm gonna need
some flowers brought up.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, sir.
Messages are automatically
erased after 120 days.
Yeah, yeah, but you have
to have it somewhere, right?
I mean, it's not just gone, right?
No, you have it somewhere.
It's saved somewhere.
- I'm sorry...
- No, you have backups.
- I'm sorry, is there anything else...
- No! You...
No! No, you're not fucking sorry!
Can I come up, please?
Jesse's not here.
You can leave it here.
I'll tell him you brought it.
You know that I would never hurt him.
Right? It's just us here.
Come on, you know.
- What do you want, Julia?
- Just tell me that you know.
You hate me, I cheated on you, but...
- I don't care!
- Yes, you do.
And it's okay.
But I just need to be able
to see him sometimes.
- You see him.
- On Skype.
I need to be able to touch him.
He is my son.
I can't, okay? I can't.
Not alone.
- Julia, you tried to hurt him.
- No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
You can't admit it, but you did.
What makes you so smart?
You weren't even there.
The police said that I didn't do it.
They said they didn't have
enough proof to prosecute.
It's not the same thing.
Child Services would not
have taken Jesse away
- if they didn't think that you did it.
- Really?
Really? You don't think it's because
you're rich and famous and can afford
fancy lawyers and I'm nothing?
- No, that couldn't be it.
- No, it could.
Except that I know you.
Come on, I would never hurt Jesse.
Not when you're yourself.
Look, I just need to be able to see him.
Okay. Then tell me.
Tell me that you did it.
Why do you get to play God?
I gave you everything.
I gave up everything to have him.
Just tell me, and you can see him.
Not alone, but you can visit.
Just tell me.
Okay. I did it.
You're just saying that
because you want to see him.
I need you to look at what you did.
I need you to face what you can't face,
and I need you to tell me the truth.
I didn't.
Julia, if you don't face
it, you can't change.
And I'll never be able to trust you.
You need to tell me.
Just tell me.
Say it.
He was in the closet,
playing with dry-cleaning bags.
He was pretending to be a ghost,
and I kept telling him not to,
but he didn't listen.
He never listens.
You know that.
But you weren't there.
You were never there,
even when we were together.
It was always just me and him,
and me and him,
and I had to show him what could happen.
I had to protect him.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
- It'll be okay, please.
- Yeah, it'll be okay. Okay.
I'm never gonna let you see him again.
Get out.
- No.
- Get the fuck out!
No, you said that if I
said that I did it...
- Get out!
- No, I lied!
- Get out!
- I just said it because...
Get the fuck out of here!
- No! No!
- Get out!
- No, I lied!
- Get out!
I lied! No! No! No! No!
Oh, my God. Jesse.
- Jesse, baby!
- I told you she did it!
Jesse, baby, come on!
- Come on! Come on!
- I told you she...
Jesse! Jesse!
Jesse! God damn it!
You okay?
You all right?
Never do that to me again, okay?
Theresa Lowry.
Thanks for picking up.
I didn't know it was you.
I just wanted to see how you were doing.
I'm fine, Scott. How are you?
I don't know what to do, Terry.
I don't know how to forgive myself.
Do you know how long she talked about
showing you how she could swim
whenever you got back
from wherever you were?
- Please don't.
- She was always trying to get your attention.
All you had to do was watch her,
and you couldn't even do that.
You walked away to take a phone call.
It was 30 seconds.
She wasn't in the pool.
I was gone for 30 seconds.
You know, I never asked you,
but did you make that deal?
Did you get that contract, Scott?
You keep trying to forgive yourself.
I never will.
- It's a lot of work.
- I can have it finished in three months.
Does she know you're doing this?
People are gonna know it's Anna.
Six months from now,
she'll be the punch line
at every cocktail party in New York.
You can do that to her?
It's the weakest story.
It's the strongest choice.
He didn't want this?
No, it's for you.
He asked me to pour it.
He did?
She asked him to take care of you.
Who did?
In the elevator.
She asked him to take care of you.
How do you know?
He told me when he asked for the milk.
Did he say anything else?
Did she say anything else to him?
She didn't say that she was sorry?
What are you doing?
Eating the whole pancake? Yeah?
I'm gonna need another night.
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
You know where I can buy a shirt?
You have new shirt.
It's nice.
Thank you.
You waited for me.
I give him the money.
Will you still take me?
I don't have anything left.
Will you take me, no questions?
Just take me.
Your daughter?
Can I meet her?
You are fool to have believed me.
Please leave a message after the tone.
I'm sorry.
You can have him tonight if you like.
How's Rome?
You know, warm.
I love that tiny apartment on the piazza.
So, did you finish reading it?
Last night.
It's good.
You're not just saying that?
It's good.
Must have been hard for you to read it.
How you live for her smile?
How she's the love of your life?
Why would that bother me?
If I could've trusted
anyone else to read it...
Stop trying to get sympathy, Michael.
I'm sure I'll be reading this conversation
in the next draft.
You really don't feel a thing, do you?
Is she there?
You're lying again.
She left me.
Couple of months ago.
You told her that you were writing
about her and her father?
She read my journal.
Oh, God, Michael.
I'm cold.
I just came in from a swim.
I'm glad you're using the pool again.
You used his name.
Yeah, I'm gonna change it.
It happened in a moment.
It wasn't your fault.
He just so wanted to make you proud.
It wasn't a business call, Elaine.
I lied.
It wasn't business.
Who was it?
God, Michael.
Does she know it was her on the phone?
Come home.
Come home, Michael.
Watch me.
I have to go.
Watch me.