Third Wish, The (2012) Movie Script

One, two, three, four... seven flowers!
Don't you fall. Please don't fall.
Dad and me have been waiting for so long.
Please help.
Dad says you stay under the tree.
Up here is where the flowers become fruit.
Don't eat in the wrong place.
Feng, you're going to be late for school.
The teacher says the scraps in the dumpster
at the back gate of the school,
you can take it for your compost.
Oh, did you say thank you to the teacher?
She is one of us. No need to thank her.
Who says that?
I helped you scratch yourself yesterday,
you didn't thank me.
You said no need to thank your teammate.
You cheeky monkey!
Stop tickling me! You're just like a kid.
Watch where you're going. Ha, ha ha.
Good morning.
Goodbye dad.
Good morning Teacher Chi.
Feng! About your lunch money...
My dad says he will pay it.
So teacher... thank you.
I have to do morning cleaning. Bye!
Thank you teacher.
I'll be off. Goodbye teacher. Goodbye.
Feng's dad! Are you okay?
I'm fine... I'm fine.
Teacher, shouldn't you help him first?
Oh, that's right.
My motorbike.
Feng's dad, are you okay? Are you ok?
Yes, speaking...
Oh, I know.
Thank you.
It's a coincidence that both my husband and
myself were interviewed at the same time.
Thank you for your appreciate
Thank you.
I've closed the Polish deal.
Let's celebrate.
I received the report
when I got off the plane.
The doctor says everything is normal.
There's no problem on my side either.
Since both of us are fine,
the doctor said we can proceed with IVF.
There'll be more
tests before the treatment.
I will always be with you.
Yes, speaking.
Yes... The documents are ready.
If there's any problem,
we can discuss later.
Ok, no problem.
Why do trees have flowers? Anybody knows?
Hands up if you know.
Ok, you.
Because the tree looks
prettier with flowers.
Ok, quiet everyone. Let Feng answer.
The tree will only
bear fruit if it has flowers.
Very good. That's correct.
But no pears come out of his orchard!
Ok, quiet down!
Feng gave the right answer.
Trees have flowers and
bear fruit so they can
go on from generation to generation.
Sorry, teacher. I've brought
Pear's lunchbox.
Ok, sit down. Now back to class...
There are lots of seeds inside the fruit
and those seeds, like all of you here,
will one day grow up to be big and tall.
Isn't it amazing? So trees have flowers...
Once we upgrade the system,
the efficiency will improve,
but initially there'll be some problems.
So, the client should know
this and must accept it.
Ok, that's it.
Why are we going so far for a meal?
Can't we have it closer to the office?
It's such a waste of time in this traffic.
I've taken my career to
a different stage now.
I really want a child.
Whenever I mention kids
you avoid the subject.
Tell me,
is it children you don't like, or me?
Who sent you that postcard?
You can have this.
Why don't you have it?
I get bored eating these every day.
Are there still no pears in your orchard?
How about trying some different fruit?
You don't get it.
It's hard to grow organic pears.
Dad says pears can't grow without pesticide.
He also says, your dad is...
An idiot, right?
That's ok.
He's not the first person to say so.
My mom doesn't like pesticide either.
She feels sick every time
dad sprays chemicals.
Is it the same with your dad?
I don't know!
What a cute kid!
Let mommy hold you...
Let mommy hold you. Such a good boy.
Hao, you will be the next.
Keep working on it.
Boss, would like to hold the baby?
You hold it!
Let Auntie hold you.
Oh, what are you crying for?
Let mommy hold you.
When Auntie has her own children,
she will know how to hold babies.
There... Be nice
Stop crying...
Wang said he will play
baseball with his boy.
When I have a son
I'll ride a Harley with him.
Are you ok?
If you don't want the IVF
We can adopt one.
What do you think?
Can you stop talking about children?
Can you stop talking about children!
Stop it. Stop mentioning children!
Where's my dictionary? Fetch it for me.
Why do we have to grow organic pears?
Because organic is...
How to say it...
Let me think...
Are we running out of money?
Leave money to the adults.
You just study hard.
Every time I ask, you always say that!
Little Greeny.
That man is so strange.
I agree.
Isn't it cute?
Teacher Chi!
I'm Ah-Me.
I went to the "Love the Earth" forum
and I asked you a question.
I think what you said really makes sense.
We human beings should
get along with nature.
So I'm camping here to be with nature.
So I'm camping here to be with nature.
Teacher, can I ask you another question?
The eco-system of the river is
well preserved.
I'm thinking, will you be free
at the weekend?
We can go there, and also...
I am busy.
Sorry, I need to get to class.
How about next week?
Oh no!
Miss Chen, were you talking to...
Oh sorry.
Feng's dad.
Here's the pear tree you asked for.
Where are you put it?
Put it... here.
Yuan, Yu! Stop running on the veranda!
The mountain looks
prettiest during springtime...
...because there are lots of flowers.
Is organic farming feasible?
People say my dad's a big idiot.
But I think your dad is doing a great thing.
He is doing something very few people do,
and it is the right thing to do.
If our pear trees have no flowers or fruit
Does it mean they are dying?
Dad is a big idiot!
How do you feel today?
Anything wrong?
If you are suffering, you must let me know.
Am I treating you badly?
I want you to grow naturally.
Without pesticide.
Keep on.
Feng. Back from school?
What are you doing dad?
Another pest has burrowed
into the tree, look.
See, I picked up an empty bottle.
Yeah. Look, a big hole here.
Dad! Dad! Stop! You're making a scene.
You just get down here!
You get up here!
Get down here!
Get up here!
- Ok -No, no! Don't get up dad!
Add flour, add water... Mix.
Anyone home?
Anyone home?
Here it comes.
I bought this cake to say
thank you to your dad.
And it's his birthday today!
What a coincidence.
I was going to buy him a cake...
The money I got from recycling
wasn't enough.
So I'm making a cake myself
for his birthday.
I see.
My dad is home.
What happened?
It's fine. I'm ok.
Teacher Chi.
Are you ok?
I'm fine. I fell off my ladder
in the orchard.
I have been absent-minded recently.
Dad? Did you forget to take your medicine?
Yes I did.
I've told you to concentrate.
I worry about you.
Ok, I'm sorry.
You two are funny.
Feng is like a dad and dad is like a son.
Here it comes.
One, two three...
Happy birthday!
Feng's dad, sorry to bother you today.
Don't say sorry.
It's me who should be thanking you.
You look after Feng for me.
He struggles when no-one
keeps an eye on him.
His English, grammar and vocabulary,
is poor.
You're not much better.
Because I'm no good
you must work hard. Get it?
But his math is very good.
He helps me teach the other students.
It's because he's very stingy.
He counts to the last penny.
I'm your son. If I love money
I get it from you!
I'm not as stingy as you.
Whatever you say about me
applies to you too.
Here, your birthday present. Take it.
What's this? Stingy guy!
"Wish vouchers" three of them.
You can use them to ask me
to do things for you.
They're valid for a year.
Once expired, that's it.
Oh, ok.
I'm so tired today I will use one now.
Can you wash the dishes later?
Easy-peasy. Good one for me.
No, no, I've changed my mind.
It was your turn to wash the dishes today.
You're getting a good deal here.
Too late! Gentlemen should keep their word!
Who said I'm a gentleman?
- Hey! Give it back!
- It was your turn to do the dishes.
Give it back. You have to keep your word!
A gentleman's word!
Teacher is here. Can't you behave?
Ho Hsiao-Feng!
Give it to me! Give it to me!
Eight years ago I had a child,
I lived in a dead-end town, trapped by him.
I couldn't leave. I cried every day.
Later, I even wanted to hurt him.
With this past,
I couldn't be a good mother.
I'm really sorry.
Do you remember?
I was emotionally unstable at that time.
I was very dependent on you.
Anyway, I want to tell you,
that kid could actually be yours.
He's fallen asleep?
Kids are always like this
they tire themselves.
Did you bring up Feng yourself?
His mother left not long after he was born.
No wonder he never mentions her.
She passed away when he was still small.
We divorced.
Where did I put my "wish voucher"?
Here it is.
Thank you.
It's my talisman.
Why do you need
a mosquito net for your pears?
The mosquito net?
Flies are coming. From there.
I'm protecting our pears
from pests with this net.
You're a graduate and yet you know nothing.
Come and help. Pull this to the other side.
Ok, ok.
Dad? Who are we praying to?
The Land Divinity.
Please god, look after my pears
and grant me a good harvest this year
So I can be rich.
Dad, get to the point.
Also look after my son.
Make him study hard
and grant our family peace.
You have no imagination.
May the country flourish
and people live in peace.
By the way
I left some pesticide in the shed.
Where did you put it?
Ah, dad, it's a good time to tell you.
Protecting the environment
is a hot topic now.
You should stop using it. I've put it away.
Think about this for a minute...
What do you think I raised you with?
Rice. And sometimes noodles.
If my pears weren't good
I couldn't sell them.
Where would the money for rice come from?
Dad, listen to me. But I read in a book...
Don't use pesticide now, save the Earth.
Experience counts!
You think you can teach me!
Stop! Stop! Don't hit me!
Dad! Stop this!
Damn kid!
Don't run if you have guts.
God, keep an eye on things for me.
Uncle Fu, good morning.
Good morning? The sun is so high already.
You're weeds are tall
don't you use weed-killer?
Are you going to do anything about it?
There is a reason I keep those weeds.
I know. But they
are so tall it attracts insects.
Those insects will come to my orchard.
I think they are coming from your side.
Oh, so you're not only growing fruit,
you also know Feng Shui and geography,
and how the flies travel from here to there?
Uncle Fu.
What if we come back this afternoon,
and see where the flies are going?
That's what I said.
Life will find its way.
If I was an insect
I'd choose the unspoilt place.
Ying, our son's...
Paintings by Feng.
Ying, shouldn't we go to see Feng?
Understand what you think.
Without a mother, isn't his life poorer?
If he is ours
we should try and compensate him.
And your ex-husband.
If Feng is his,
don't you still want to see your own child?
Alright, I'm coming.
Ok, another one.
Dad, quick! Your medicine's ready.
Dad, quick!
I'm a coming.
I'm a man. This is nothing.
Ow... Ouch! That hurts.
No it doesn't.
I'm in agony and you say it doesn't hurt!
You can't go to the construction site again.
Where's your lunch money coming from then?
I'm doing recycling to get as much as I can.
The rest Teacher Chi lets me have on credit.
You don't need to.
See? Dad has ways of making money.
You hurt yourself for two thousand dollars.
You care too much
what people think! Stop moving.
Dad? If we have a good harvest this time
Can you take me to the beach?
Why do you suddenly
want to go to the beach?
Kwai kept saying his
family goes to the beach
As if it's a big deal.
Don't envy other people.
I don't.
You do. Don't say you don't.
I don't! Stop moving!
Ouch! Be more gentle, Feng.
Boss, I have finished
this month's delivery order
and emailed it to you.
Just to remind you, I'm off next Monday.
My son is in the national Go competition.
I'm taking him.
You put your son first.
Every time you have time off
it's for your son.
He gets nervous whenever
he's in a competition.
He's much calmer when I'm with him.
You haven't been a mom.
You don't understand being a mother.
Everything's arranged
for the coming Poland trip.
I'll confirm
Can I help?
Hello. I'm looking
for the school secretary.
Oh, yes, we have this
on our school website.
I think these paintings
are lovely. Very creative.
I want to use this artwork in a campaign.
Who is she?
What happened?
I found Feng.
You recognize him?
I knew immediately it was him.
He is my son.
Mr. Ho.
It's "cautious", not "cawtious".
Oh, I made a mistake.
Hey, haven't you been
paying attention in class?
I have!
I'm going for a bath.
Sign my homework book.
Today, a girl called my name in school.
What did she look like?
Don't know how to describe her?
Then she can't be pretty enough.
Dad, you are making fun of me.
Go and take your bath.
Sir, excuse me. That's our ball.
Feng! Hurry up.
Sir, please give our ball back.
It's hot. You need a hat
to avoid heatstroke.
I can't. I mustn't take
things from strangers.
Wow, it's signed by "Wang Chien-Ming"!
Sir, is this a real autograph?
Of course it is.
Thank you. But I can't take it.
Sir? Have you shaken hands with Wang?
So I have shaken hands with Wang.
Thank you.
Feng! Feng!
It's for you.
Hurry up Feng.
Quick, get back.
Go on.
Long time no see.
How are you?
How about you?
I'm fine.
Feng has grown up.
I read about you
and your husband in the papers.
You've made it.
Stop teasing me.
I mean it.
Be careful. Don't step on it.
Actually I'm here today...
Can I have Feng back?
What do you mean?
I don't get it.
I want to make it up,
and give him a better life.
You don't need to worry about me.
I've never blamed you.
And Feng never mentions you.
I'm sorry.
It's ok if you want to see Feng.
But I need to talk to him first.
I don't know how he'll react.
Feng could also be my husband's.
What are you up to, so late?
Go to bed then.
Ok. I'll tidy up and go to bed.
Where did you get this?
Tell me.
Tell me!
Why don't you look at me when I talk to you?
Tell me the truth.
If you don't I'll call the police.
Please don't. A man gave it to me.
What man?
I don't know him. He insisted I have it.
Didn't I say don't take things
from strangers?
What if he's a bad man?
I have to work and
I have to worry about you.
That's a lot of pressure.
Why can't you be more responsible?
Stop crying.
I said stop crying!
You made a mistake, yet you cry.
Stop crying.
I'm sorry. I won't do it again.
Kuang! Kuang! Hurry up!
What's the matter Uncle Fu?
What's the matter? They've blossomed!
What's blossomed?
Your pear trees! They've blossomed.
What are you waiting for? Hurry up!
Ok, ok.
Hurry up.
- Hurry! Hurry! - Wait for me.
Dad! Flowers. The pear trees have blossomed.
Wow! Blossom.
Yeah, blossom!
This time it'll really happen.
There will be fruit.
There will be pears. Right, Dad?
Yes. The blossom is healthy.
It's really promising this time.
There'll be pears.
Feng. There'll be pears.
Great! We can have pears!
From the court.
Dad, have you done something wrong?
Be careful.
Teacher says watch out for con-men.
I got it.
Get on quick.
You don't want to be late.
The leaves also look healthy.
I know.
You've all worked really hard.
Thank you.
You're talking to the trees again.
Does it work?
Fu, weren't you going to put up a fence
And divert the flies to Kuang's orchard?
Why haven't you?
Fencing it won't work.
We use pesticide here.
If that gets into his orchard
It won't be organic.
You're not drunk. What are you saying?
Or... do you want to go organic like Kuang?
Yeah, and I'll call Kuang Master!
The rice doesn't seem cooked.
The cooker may be breaking down.
It's fine. It's eatable.
Dad? How much is one pear worth?
About fifty or sixty dollars.
One tree can bear
more than two hundred pears.
We have more than three hundred trees.
Wow, dad! We'll be rich.
What do you want to do when you're rich?
Buy a new rice cooker.
Eat your food.
I am Ying's...
I know.
I have received the court notice.
I'm sorry.
There's no other way.
It'd be better
if we didn't need to use the law.
Ying should have told you.
I won't change my mind.
I understand your anger.
She and I are at fault. We both hurt you.
I didn't know she was pregnant
but I will face up to the situation.
I'm sorry.
Forget it.
You don't need to say sorry to me.
We really want the child back
but Ying said you'd never let go.
Why should I let go?
Feng is my son.
In that case, let him have a DNA test, ok?
There is no need.
He's still yours.
I won't ignore your efforts in raising him.
If it's about money.
Just say so.
What money?
Who needs your money!
What do you think Feng is?
I won't sell the boy.
Are you ok?
Feng's dad.
Teacher, can I ask you a favor?
Yes, what can I do?
If any strangers come for Feng.
Can you stop them seeing him?
Unless it's me
don't let anyone take Feng away.
Even if it's his mother
she can't take Feng away.
His mother? Feng's mother?
Anyway, if anyone wants to take him away.
Please let me know immediately.
I'm sorry.
Feng's dad? Are you ok?
Thank you teacher.
I'll go now.
I believe he must be my son.
Are we doing the right thing?
Are we pushing him too far?
Kuang looks very frail.
All family please wait outside.
Sir, let me change the bed for you.
Is Kuang ok?
I'm confused.
He is such a nice person.
I don't want anything to happen to him.
Don't think too much. Wait for the results.
I am...
Teacher, she is my mom.
You've grown.
Dad and I are doing well
I know.
It's me who owes you and your father.
Can I touch you?
Dad is waiting for me. Goodbye.
Ok, dad is fine. Don't worry.
I was just exhausted.
See? I have this chance to take a rest.
Wipe your tears.
Don't look too shabby.
Or people will say
I don't take good care of you.
Ok. I know.
I won't embarrass you.
Earlier, she...
She touched my face.
I understand.
Today in school
I drew a huge caterpillar.
Pear asked me why I drew it.
I told her it was
because caterpillars are cute.
Have you told him?
I can't. It's difficult.
School finished?
How was it today?
Pretty good.
Then I will talk to him.
Can he take the news about Feng's DNA test?
I can't wait any longer.
We need confirmation.
Without the test
the court can't make a ruling.
He can't refuse it.
Dad, do you want an apple?
Dad, that's fine. I will take this for you.
You can eat the apple if we work as a team.
It's pretty sweet.
Did you see your mom and her husband outside
when you arrived earlier?
Are you afraid of them?
Mr. Ho.
Dad, the seawater is so salty.
Where have you been?
I went to pick things.
Dad, listen.
I found a recycle yard nearby.
They have everything there.
I've made up my mind.
We will live here.
This way, they can't find us.
Did you always want to come to the beach
because of that postcard?
How did you know?
Did you think it's from your mom?
Is it really from her?
I don't know.
Dad, tell me a story. I want to sleep.
A long time ago,
in a forest,
there lived a parrot who could talk.
He had magic powers
so people wanted him
to grant them their wishes...
Yes, lawyer Wang. Ok.
No problem.
we'll wait for your news.
Ok. Bye.
What did Wang say?
Where has he taken Feng?
I'm worried.
Where's my son?
I don't know.
Will he hide Feng forever?
I understand him.
He loves Feng.
Don't think too much.
We must find him.
I don't know him.
What if he hurts Feng?
I can only think the worst.
If we had...
Could you stop mentioning the past.
Boy! Stealing again! I'm calling the police.
They're only playing. Don't frighten them.
What do you want?
Sir, I want to work. Can I have a job here?
I can move the fish crates, clean or cook.
You want to work? You're too young!
Get back to school and study hard.
There, take these fish.
Study hard or I will get
the police to take you away.
Thank you sir.
What are you doing?
I don't have money.
Give me back my wallet.
Why do you beat him?
Go away.
Feng, leave.
You've bitten me! I'll kill you!
Leave! Go away! Leave.
Dad is here. Don't worry.
Let's go back.
No, I want to stay with you.
If I'm not here.
What are you going to do when he comes back?
I'm sorry.
Your dad can't protect you.
No, you're just not well.
Get some air and some sunshine
eat some fish,
then you'll be better.
That's a "natural remedy".
Your dad is really useless.
Stop saying you are useless.
I'll do more recycling tomorrow
and get some money to buy food for you.
You think you can handle things now?
I don't.
Think you're grown up?
Can make money?
That you can talk to me like this!
Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
You go to your mom.
She has money.
You can have a good life with her.
Stop following me.
I don't want to.
Just go away.
You're like your mom.
You all want to ruin my life!
I had my family.
I had my life.
Now this!
You tell me why!
Dad, stop saying these things.
If you don't go.
If you don't go, I go.
Dad, you're bleeding.
Leave me alone.
Don't do this. Dad.
- Don't do this, Dad -You go away.
I don't need your help.
How did I end up like this?
What have I done wrong?
Why have I become so useless?
That's not true.
You're my dearest dad.
I'm not your dad.
I'm not...
You're not mine. Do you know?
Her husband is your dad.
Do you know that?
That's a lie!
I don't believe it. You are my dad.
I only have one dad and that's you.
I'm not your dad! Go away!
Dad, don't do this.
I don't deserve to be your dad.
Now, go!
Go! Go as far as you can.
Dad, I'm sorry. I'm not a good kid.
dad is scared.
What should I do?
I don't know what to do.
Dad, don't be afraid. I'll be with you.
I won't leave you.
Mr. Ho, stay awake!
Mr. Ho? Can you hear us?
Mr. Ho.
No children in here. You can wait outside.
Will dad die, or will he get better?
Don't cry.
Mom is here.
Mr. Ho, keep awake.
Mr. Ho.
According to our initial diagnosis.
You have motor neuron disease,
commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
Can this condition be cured?
There's no way to
recover from this condition.
Your body will regress quickly.
How much longer do I have?
Even if we can delay
the effects with treatment,
I'm afraid it is a matter of months.
Is this disease hereditary?
Research into it is still limited.
We haven't been able to rule it out.
my son could get this condition from me?
It's possible.
But it's not definite.
Dad, you're crying.
There's something in my eye.
Are the "wish vouchers" still valid?
Of course they are.
They are in my wallet,
in the bag.
Fetch them for me.
I thought you'd never use them. I was wrong.
I want you to live with your mom.
This is dad's first wish.
Dad, don't do this.
No matter how well
they treat you in the future,
you'll still call me dad?
This is my second wish.
I got used to being your dad.
If you call me Uncle in the future,
I will not be able to take it.
You are my dad. You will always be.
And the third wish...
What is your third wish?
It is said
That you can't reveal the third wish
or it won't come true.
I get it.
You want our trees to bear fruit, right?
I will make sure it happens for you.
Don't cry.
Give dad a hug.
What is your third wish, dad?
The third wish,
I hope... are not my son.
What are you doing?
I'm emptying the study
It will be Feng's room.
This room is brighter
and closer to our room.
Do you think he'll
find it difficult to adapt?
No, we'll work together.
I'll help you.
Chung Hao
The result of Feng's DNA
will be released soon.
If he's not your son,
will you still feel the same?
What do you mean?
I'm sure he's my son.
You like him so much.
You love him.
If he is not your son.
Will you still love him?
I think Feng is lovely.
It's hard not to like him.
Don't worry.
I already see him as my own son.
I want to take a while.
To spend time with them.
Son, what are you doing?
Tidying up.
Let's go. Take dad in.
Have you made the house a mess?
No. No.
When it blossoms it's white.
It looks like this one.
Thank you.
You've helped a lot during this time.
No need to thank me.
You really scared me last time.
I didn't know you would abandon Feng.
Do you think
you can accept Feng again?
If I can start all over again...
I believe
I'll handle things with him better.
He is yours now.
Thank you for caring for him.
This big!
Really this big!
The photo proves it.
I wonder if it's sweet.
Once they're ripe
I'll pick one for you to taste.
We've waited so long but
I've become like this.
Don't think of the bad.
Remember to thank Teacher Chi for me.
She was going to come today.
But things came up.
She says hello.
Teacher really looks after you.
Don't forget her when you grow up.
I was going to match you and her.
My son, Ho Hsiao-Feng...
Check, check if he has
the genes of my condition?
Does he?
Mr. Ho, calm down.
Let me explain to you.
At present, within medical research,
we can't confirm if
this condition is hereditary.
But only 5% of cases passed on are positive.
So I think we will keep monitoring it...
I tore up the report.
I didn't read it.
Why did you do that?
I no longer think it's important.
It doesn't matter who is Feng's father.
What matters
is that we all love him.
You're right.
The report is not important.
Feng is our son.
We all love him.
Dad, listen.
Did well in skipping today.
Goodnight dad.
Happy birthday.
I've brought a cake I made, and some pears.
Your pears are still as good as last year.
They may not look good.
But you can eat them straight from the tree.
They're very sweet.
If you don't believe me, try some yourself.
I have fulfilled all your wishes.
It's your birthday.
Here are another three wishes.
Just like before.