Thirst (2015) Movie Script

THIRS We're not ready,
and it's gonna be
more dangerous out there
because you fired Greg.
Because we don't have
any money to pay him, Burt.
-You're doing this, not me.
-The hell I am.
Do you not understand
what I had to do
to get these kids out here?
The bond I put up
for the insurance company?
You want to lose all that?
Rather than risk hurting
one of the kids? Yeah.
Why? It never
bothered you before.
Okay, Burt, stop.
I'm sorry. That was low.
But look, you're the reason
that we're in this mess.
I need you to remember that.
How long are you gonna
hold that over my head?
Till I can buy you out?
Look, we'll take Roth
as a guide. It's fine.
What? No, no. Bad idea.
He's the same age
as these kids.
-That is a bad idea.
-Stop it!
It's the only idea.
Listen to me.
You know, we've helped
a ton of kids out here.
They need us, so we'll just
bring Roth on this one trip,
and then I can work all this
other stuff out, all right?
Please. He could use a little
growing up anyway.
Is it safe to come out?
Hey, yeah. Can you double-check
these bags for me?
-Everything okay?
Yeah, okay, yep.
Yeah, we'll be ready.
Thanks, bye.
Where the hell is he? It's only
45 minutes to the cave and back.
Relax. He's a kid.
He'll be here.
You sure it's a good idea
to take...
Summer, he'll be fine.
There's no other option.
Sorry, Claire, sorry.
I know I was gone longer
than you said, but you saw...
That shit's fine.
Listen to me.
We need you to be a guide
on this trip with us, okay?
I'm the same age
as these idiots.
You know how they are.
They don't listen to me.
We're short-staffed.
You're coming.
-Uncle Burt, come on.
-We're in a pinch here, Roth.
It's only seven days.
Now gear up.
Yes, sir.
I really don't believe this.
So I know you don't mind
helping your uncle,
and the hike's
a piece of cake for you,
so what's up?
I don't know, Aunt Summer.
I'm not trying to be difficult
for you or for Burt.
It's just the kids
who come here,
they treat me like some outcast,
and I don't belong with them.
That's why they need
somebody like you,
to show them
how normal kids behave.
Besides, you don't want Burt
out there alone with Claire.
He might just kill her.
Look, it's just a week.
You can do this.
I know you can.
I love you.
I love you too.
All right, I'm gonna
head back to the house.
Be safe.
You too.
Step out,
ladies and gentlemen.
Say goodbye
to civilization
and hello to Second Chance.
-Where the hell are we?
Can we go inside?
I burn easily.
Well, aren't you lucky we have
a hat and sunblock for you.
Follow me, please.
Let's go, let's move.
Welcome, everybody.
I'm Dr. Claire Taylor,
owner and director
of Second Chance.
Behind you, Mr. Goodman,
our wilderness expert
and trail guide.
Behind him is Mr. Young,
assistant trail guide.
Come on, keep up.
All right, first things first.
We're changing into these.
Standard issue.
Hell, no.
Come on, Doc.
Make sure you have a pair
of pants, boots, socks.
Trapper Andrews.
What the hell kind of
a name is "Trapper?"
I suggest you
pick up your stuff,
or you're not going
to have any stuff.
Sure thing, Pops.
I also suggest that
you don't call me "Pops."
Burt, Burt!
Let him up, Burt.
A little respect, Mr. Andrews.
She won't always
be around here to stop me.
Hey! Hey, I know you.
Yeah, you're The Crusher.
You're The Mad Dog Crusher.
Who's The Mad Dog Crusher?
Just one of the greatest
cage fighters ever.
I heard he killed
some guy in the ring.
No one ever knew
where he went.
Get them ready, Claire.
-Now you know.
Everybody take
your stuff and meet over there.
Hey, Tom.
-How you doing?
-Hey, Claire.
The office has informed me
that I can't make
your supply drop on Wednesday
unless you bring
your account up to date.
you can't
give me till Monday?
Claire, you know
that's not my decision.
Yeah, I know.
We're just...
We're having
some cash flow issues,
but we'll be back in the black
after this group.
You know, we're doing a lot of
good with these kids out here.
Yeah, I know.
Please, listen,
come next Monday,
I promise you I will hand you
everything I owe you in cash.
All right?
You have my word.
-All right, all right.
-Thank you.
-Here's some mail.
And, Claire, there's this.
Thanks. Safe flight.
Son of a bitch.
Excuse me.
I'm so sorry.
-I didn't know that you were...
-Can you go?
Can you just please leave?
-Yeah, just get out.
Good start.
This is bullshit.
Two goons came into the club
and dragged me out.
They didn't even give me
a chance to pack.
I was asleep.
They barely let me get dressed.
There's no way this is legal.
Okay, tell it
to your parents.
Where's Ramirez?
What is it, a crime to
take a crap around here?
Come on,
come on, come on.
All right, everybody,
listen up, okay?
I'm sure you want an explanation
of what you're doing here, yes?
This place is called
Second Chance for a reason.
This ain't Disneyland.
The place is harsh.
Nobody's here to save you,
any of that.
We're here to break you down
and try to change you.
All right?
The rules are very simple.
You eat what we give you,
sleep where we put you,
do what we tell you.
This will be your toilet.
-Hell no.
-Hell yes.
Well, then I'm definitely
dragging that outhouse with me
'cause I'm not doing
my business in the dirt.
I heard you'd do it anywhere.
-Are you kidding me?
I'm not gonna take that
from a pasty faced...
Hey, hey!
-Sit down!
-Don't touch me.
You have no right
to touch me.
If you touch her,
she can sue you.
Let me make one thing
very clear.
I'm not gonna tolerate
an ounce of disrespect.
I'm here to try to make you
people productive human beings,
and if I have to make your life
miserable to do it, I will.
And you're not gonna
sue anybody, Mr. Richards.
We'll just call you "Dick."
That's enough, Mr. Andrews.
That's enough.
We are gonna deal with
your issues with school,
with your parents...
with drugs...
and with the law.
One way or another,
this place is gonna
change your life forever.
This sucks.
Get used to it, pal,
'cause it's just
the beginning.
All right.
So if any of you
have anything on you,
please place it in here now
because we will find it.
Trust me. Burt has
a nose like a bloodhound.
As a reminder,
this is a wilderness camp,
so no phones, iPads, drugs.
Anything that we don't give you,
you should not have on you.
-All right, come on.
-Go right ahead.
I got a lot of things
in a lot of places.
Okay, hey, hey, hey!
Geez! Handsy much?
What else you got?
It's oregano.
I am a chef.
You got it all,
you got it all.
No, no, no!
Come on.
-You cannot...
This is no use.
Not out here.
Off to a very good start.
No more contact
with anybody, got it?
Nothing in your pockets?
What else you got, kid?
Tough guy?
It's gonna be a real great
adventure here with you.
All right, everybody, make sure
you have all your gear.
Come on, gear up.
What's the shotgun for?
In case something
needs to be shot.
Hey, here.
Let me help with that.
Here you go. See?
Shut down!
What are you, the camp bitch?
Hey, hey!
Let's go. Move!
Come on, Mr. Richards.
Off you go. You all right?
-All right.
-Keep your eye on that one.
Let's go.
Trapper, move it.
Come on!
All right, so
the first camp's 15 miles out.
You expect me to walk 15 miles?
Or crawl.
We'll be out here
for seven days.
You'll cook your own food,
pitch your own tent
and keep a journal.
If you're thinking of running,
there's a hundred miles
of nothing in every direction.
So if you plan on running,
you can plan on dying.
On to Plan B.
-Stop looking at me.
I said stop looking at me.
Look, you're in front of me.
Well, pass me.
What are you,
some kind of weirdo?
You're like
giving me the creeps.
Just, please,
walk in front of me.
Stop looking at me.
Hey, look!
That's something you don't see
in Beverly Hills.
There's a lot of 'em
out here.
I don't even want to know
what you're doing in there.
You feel that?
No, I don't want to feel that.
No. You feel that shaking?
What is that?
It's a stampede.
-Come on!
Gotta go!
-Come on!
-It's a stampede, you idiot.
Come on!
Get out! Go! Go!
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Okay, go, go!
What's going on?
Hey, come on!
Come on! Come on!
Grab my hand!
You okay?
I think it's over.
Hey, Claire, Claire!
Come on, step down.
Take her, Roth.
Be careful, careful,
careful, careful.
Hey, Burt, everybody okay?
Yeah, I think we're okay.
We're not okay!
We were nearly killed!
-What kind of shit was that?
Is this your idea
of breaking us down?
It was a freak thing, okay?
Everybody's fine.
We're not fine!
Look at this place!
-Look, I know you're scared.
-I'm not scared!
-I'm pissed!
-All right! Listen, okay?
We're out in the wild,
and unpredictable stuff happens.
Somebody is gonna get sued.
Change your pants,
Mr. Richards.
All right,
everybody gather their stuff.
You okay?
Let's salvage that tent there.
Sat phone's fried.
What was that?
Geez, it's hot.
Why is it so hot?
Where are we,
three miles south of hell?
It's the desert, moron.
Thank you, Trapper.
Your insight is amazing.
Okay, no more talking.
Trapper, slow it down.
I want you to try to be aware
of everything around you, okay?
Just be in this moment.
Hot. That's what
I'm aware of right now
Okay, what else?
Be aware of your surroundings,
So why'd you leave?
Fighting. Why'd you leave?
I know you hurt
the guy, but...
I didn't hurt someone.
I killed him.
But you were the best, man.
More famous for killing somebody
than being the best fighter.
Now I just want to be
a good person.
-Hey, Claire?
Check this out.
Hey, Luis!
Luis, stay with the group.
It looks like a giant geode.
This is not a geode.
What would you call it?
It's probably like a top secret
government experiment,
a satellite, a bomb casing.
Something sketchy like that.
Really? A bomb casing?
This does not look
like a bomb casing.
How would you know?
'Cause it looks like a giant
geode. That's how I know.
Maybe it's from outer space,
like aliens.
Who cares?
Let's just keep walking.
Hey, Claire!
You gotta see this.
I think that's Lenny's truck.
It's a cell phone.
Look. The aliens
left their cell phone.
Hey, Uncle Burt.
Man. Hey, he was just at
our place the other night.
What the hell happened?
Looks like he skidded off
or something.
Hey, grab the sat phone.
We gotta call this in.
It's trampled.
My God.
It's dead.
-We're gonna have to go back.
Burt, we can't go back.
We're two days away
from base camp,
and we've got five scared,
really messed up kids up there.
My God.
Something's off here.
Uncle Burt!
-We can't afford to go back.
Look, he got drunk, and he
drove off the ravine. Let's go.
Uncle Burt!
I don't think that's
the way it happened.
We don't know what happened.
Could've been a coyote
or a mountain lion
or something.
It could've been
a vampire too,
but that's not reality.
Look, we have no communication.
-We're understaffed.
-I understand.
We've got a dead guy
out in the middle of nowhere.
We're going back.
You do and
you go to jail, Burt.
What are you talking about?
There's a lawsuit, Burt.
You hurt that boy.
You lost control,
and you hurt him.
He lost control.
He freaked out.
I just tried to restrain him.
You sure?
Come on, Claire.
You saw it. Everybody saw it.
Everybody saw a big man
teach a boy a lesson.
We go back now,
we lose everything.
What's going on in your head?
You know,
I'm doing this for us.
For Summer and for Roth, okay?
Look, Lenny's gone.
There's nothing
we can do about that now.
We'll call it in
when we get back to base.
Uncle Burt! Claire!
The kids can't know
about this.
I'm coming!
Hey, wait up.
Hey, Claire!
-You gotta see this.
-We gotta keep moving.
-No, you need to look at...
-Come on.
Here, Luis, put these
rocks around the perimeter.
No, Wes, not like that.
It has to go in the fork.
-I want to go home.
-That makes two of us.
-Come on.
-Wes, Wes, wait.
Yeah, just like that.
Lift it up. Good.
There you go.
Wes, it has to go in the middle
of the fork there, right?
Uncle Burt?
Hey, Uncle Burt?
-I want to go home now!
-I can't stand this place!
-Calm down! Wes, come here!
Stop. Calm down.
Breathe, breathe?
You want to go home to what?
Sitting on the couch,
smoking weed?
At least I get to do
what I want.
Right. How's that
working out for you?
You seem miserable.
He just seems
like an idiot to me.
-What the hell was that?
-Hey, hey, hey!
You wanna go home because
you and your stepmom
get along so well?
If everybody's lives at home
are so great,
what do you think
you're doing here?
Everybody's angry because their
parents don't understand them?
I've got news. A lot of parents
don't understand their kids.
And they don't try to burn
down their house, Trapper.
Or get arrested
for attention, Meeka.
Or blow things up
and hack into the NSA?
-It's easier.
-What's easier?
It's easier for them
to just ship us out here
than to admit
that they're bad parents.
Hey, girls, help me put the bags
into the tent before it rains.
Hey, I found Lenny's phone
by that thing in the trench.
Hey, Burt, can you go help the
boys with the lean-to, please?
-Did you hear what he said?
-Can you help...
Well, I gotta
take a dump.
-Thanks, Mr. TMI.
Hold on. Don't go alone.
-Go with him.
-Come on.
-Go with him.
-Like hell!
Trapper, stop.
Trapper, slow down.
I don't need help
from the camp bitch.
Come on, dude.
Stop, stop, stop, stop!
Stop. Just leave him. Stop.
Dig a hole. Geez.
This is some shit.
It's falling down because
you don't have the rope.
Wes, grab the rope.
-Hey, where's Trapper?
-He went to the bathroom.
What? Alone? What are you doing?
I told you to go with him.
That asshole
didn't want my company.
-Just let him go.
Stop acting like an old woman.
He's around the corner.
You okay?
Hey. Look, I don't want
you out here alone.
Geez, what are you
gonna do, watch? Perv!
Stop! Trapper, stop.
-Get away from me.
-Just dig right there. Stop!
You look at my junk,
I'm calling the cops.
I'm not interested
in seeing your junk.
-Probably can't see it anyway.
You wish you had one.
Move! Run!
Trapper, run!
Uncle Burt.
-Claire, give me a light.
-Are they trying to scare us?
-Claire, give me a light!
Come on, run!
Run! Run!
Trapper, run!
Uncle Burt. Uncle Burt!
Trapper, where is he?
What the hell?
I'm bleeding.
I'm bleeding.
What the hell?
What's wrong? What's wrong?
-My God!
-What was it, Trapper?
-What happened?
-Where's Burt?
Uncle Burt!
Burt, Burt, Burt, breathe.
Breathe. Come on, come on.
Look at me, look at me.
Look at me!
I shouldn't have let him
go alone. I'm so sorry.
Bring the aid kit!
Come on, Burt.
Stay with me, please.
Stay with me.
Stay with me, Burt, come on!
Burt, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no!
Please, please!
Take off your shirt.
Now what do we...
We have to get out of here.
God, what was it?
What was it?
Can we go?
We need get out of here!
Stop. Stop!
There's a cave
a couple of miles from here.
We stock it with supplies
in case of emergencies.
We'll go there tonight
to regroup.
Tomorrow we'll go back
to base camp.
Go now.
-Come on.
Claire, Claire,
Claire, Claire, Claire.
Burt's gone.
The kids need you now,
and I need you now,
so I need you to get up.
I need you to get up.
Get up!
Go! Go, go with them!
Trapper, what happened
back there?
-We're all gonna die.
-We're not gonna die.
I'm sorry about your uncle.
We should keep moving.
Okay, everybody, there's
food and water in these packs.
Pass those around.
Hello? Anybody out there?
Copy. Lenny, do you copy?
It's the middle of the night,
Roth. Nobody's gonna answer.
-I'm still bleeding.
-You're gonna be fine.
I will not be fine.
I am bleeding.
Hey, it's three in the morning.
-And we're in a cave.
-In the middle of nowhere.
While something outside
is trying to kill us.
Anybody on this radio, copy.
Lenny, it's Roth.
Do you copy?
-Is there anybody out there?
-It's no use.
I don't think this is
the experience
my Dad thought I was going
to have at this camp.
What is that?
It's sticky.
It's slimy.
Look, it's everywhere.
Hey, Roth,
I got a lot of static here.
-A lot of static.
I swear I turned
this radio off.
God. It's here.
It's here, Claire.
We got to get 'em out.
We just got here!
-No sudden movements.
-What the hell?
Very slowly, back up slowly.
Back up slowly.
Screw this!
Run! Run!
Trapper, where the hell are you?
Come on, let's go, come on!
Take my hand.
Roth, no! We have to go!
No! No!
-Hey, Meeka, hold on.
-Did he kill it?
Where are they?
Did they kill it?
-You're such a coward!
-You shut up, bitch!
Hey, hey, no, no!
You're crazy, you know that?
Did you kill it?
I don't think
we can kill it.
Where's Dick?
-Where's Wes?
You left him? No.
We don't have time for this.
Everybody up. We have to move.
We gotta get out of here,
and we gotta move fast.
Let's go.
Let's go! Everybody up!
Come on!
Go, go, go, go.
You know, you did
everything you could.
This is not your fault.
Let's go.
Roth, come on!
-Hello, is anybody out there?
-Would you give it up already?
There's nothing and no one out
here in this hellhole but us.
It's got to be some type of
energy, like polar magnetism.
Maybe it's got
a magnetic field around it.
If it was a magnet, the metal
would be pulled towards it.
Okay, so what's
your best explanation?
Static electricity.
Static electricity.
I mean, with all that metal,
it must be sending up a charge
and stimulating the receivers.
And it gives off
a radio frequency
that interferes
with the reception.
Well, combine those two things,
and it's kind of like
this perfect storm
of radio interference.
I'll buy that theory.
This has to be where
that creature came from.
Wes was right.
It's an alien ship.
Why would an alien come here?
Why would anyone come here?
Maybe it's not supposed
to be here, okay?
Maybe it just veered off course.
No, it seems to me
like it's here on purpose.
Maybe it came here
as a seed, you know,
like the one
to make first contact.
No, this is an egg.
That's what Wes stepped on
in the cave, the egg sac.
It looks like our alien
could be a she.
You guys are all crazy.
Who cares? I just want
to get the hell out of here.
We need to keep going.
The trail's this way.
It's not like you're trying
to figure anything out.
Because I don't care!
What the hell?
Wait, Roth, hold on.
Roth, I...
No, no, no, no,
no, no, no.
You found him.
You and Uncle Burt
found Lenny like this,
and you didn't say anything?
We didn't know anything.
You knew he was dead,
didn't you?
-Yeah, but I...
-Which is why you knew
he wouldn't be
on the radio, right?
You and Burt.
You led us
right to that thing.
No, Roth. We had no idea
what was out there.
We thought it was an animal.
It doesn't matter
what you thought!
What matters is
that you saw this.
You and Burt saw this,
and you and Burt decided
to push forward, yeah?
Yeah, and you know...
you know we should've
turned back.
I can't believe
Burt didn't go back.
Burt wanted to turn back, Roth,
and I kept going.
I was thinking about the kids.
I was...
The kids?
We gotta move.
It's clear!
Do we have enough parts
to make it work?
Get some water.
There's no service.
You gotta be kidding me.
That'll help.
Shut up, shitbag!
Hey, Roth?
Come with me.
I'm really sorry, Roth.
Hey, so what time
does he come tomorrow?
Chopper comes at 8 a.m.
All right, everybody,
get some water.
Go to the bathroom,
then go to the cabin.
We'll be safe until morning.
I just love
Too bad this ain't it.
You think you're hot shit,
don't you?
Without that gun...
you're nothing.
It's a good thing
I got the gun then.
-I can't stand him.
You okay?
Not really.
But I feel safer around you.
Doesn't this mean something?
-It's here.
Everybody up.
Everybody in the cabin now!
It's here!
Holy moly.
Where is it?
My God.
Courtney, run. Go.
-Shut it! Shut it!
-No, wait!
Get up! Move! Go, go!
Get the lock!
Get the lock!
Trapper, get away
from the window.
-Get away from the window.
-Where'd he go?
Where is he?
Where's Claire?
Where the hell is Claire?
Go, Meeka, go.
Damn it.
-Where are they?
We don't know
if it can hear you.
You and Meeka have to be
as quiet as possible.
It's okay, it's okay.
Okay, Courtney,
unlock the door and be ready.
-Unlock the door.
-No way, no way!
-Trapper, let me...
You're stupid!
We cannot leave them out there!
-Why not?
-Open the door!
No, no, no, no, no.
Open the door.
Open the door!
I'm gonna unlock it,
you're gonna run, okay?
Run as fast as you can.
Okay, okay?
Ready? Run, run, run!
Let them in!
Open the door!
Trapper, open that door!
Let me in!
Let me in!
Let her in!
Open the door!
Push, push, push!
Come on!
Pull her in.
Pull her in!
Get something for her head!
Okay. You're gonna be fine.
Okay, okay.
Just breathe.
Just keep breathing.
It's okay, it's okay,
it's okay.
Please get them out.
I will, I will.
It's okay.
Cover her.
Get something
to cover her up.
She'd still be alive
if it wasn't for you.
She's the reason
why we're all gonna die.
It's all about you,
isn't it, Trapper?
Everything is always about you.
Yeah. It's about me.
It's always about me.
Survival of the fittest, baby.
Go ahead.
Pull the trigger, hotshot.
I would rather have
my head blown off
than sucked dry
by that thing out there.
Do it.
Shoot me.
I know you want to.
It's what you all want,
isn't it?
Isn't it?
Just do it.
Just shoot.
What happens now?
We wait for the chopper.
That thing's still out there.
Yeah? Well, you're
free to go, okay?
Nothing's stopping you.
Is that thing
still out there?
Coast is clear.
Everybody get some rest.
We'll stay in here tonight.
In the morning,
we'll get on the chopper.
I'll take the first guard.
How old were you?
When your parents died,
how old were you?
I was 12.
It was a car accident.
Seems like a lifetime ago.
And then Burt?
Burt was my uncle.
He and Summer took me in,
practically raised me.
I'm so sorry.
You know, it's ironic.
Before I came here,
I wanted to kill myself.
And now...
I really don't want to die.
We're running for our lives.
I should show you this.
It's an old shotgun.
It's pretty easy to use.
No. I don't want to learn
how to use that.
I don't think
I could kill anything.
You need to learn
in case...
in case something
happens to me.
Roth, hey, don't...
-I should get some sleep.
-Yeah, right.
-Watch you go.
-It's all about technique.
High score. Yep.
Will you change
the music, please?
-Damn, you're good at this.
-I do what I can.
You wouldn't shoot me.
Maybe not.
But I think I'm making
a pretty good point.
That's the chopper.
But that thing
is still out there.
Not right now. Static free.
Unlike my parents.
Don't worry. We'll go out there
and make sure the coast is clear
while you stay here
and pee your pants.
-Shut up.
-All right, everybody.
Buddy up.
Are you sure there's no static?
We're good.
We're all clear.
Let's go.
-Where's Claire?
-Where's Burt?
-I'll tell you on the way.
We don't have any time.
We gotta get out of here.
-Wait a minute.
-We gotta get out of here.
Just answer my question.
Where's Claire and Burt?
They're dead.
We were attacked.
Attacked by what?
I'll tell you
on the way, Tom.
Not until I know
what the hell is going on.
I told you. We were attacked.
We have to get out of here.
Tom, stop.
You gotta listen to me, man.
Hey, we don't have time
for this.
We gotta get off the ground
right now!
Tom, please.
You gotta listen.
Tom, no. No, no, no.
What happened?
we didn't kill her, okay?
We didn't kill her.
I'll explain everything
on the way,
but right now
we gotta go, Tom.
All right, everybody in.
-We gotta unload first.
It won't fly with all of you
and the supplies.
All right.
Everybody grab some boxes.
I got shotgun.
Meeka, get in.
Come on, come on, come on.
I am so excited
to go home.
We need to address
this shoving problem you have.
Shut up.
Take us home, Mr. Pilot.
Let's go home.
What's going on?
We're heavy.
Tom, what the hell was that?
What is happening?
What's going on?
Guys, it's here.
It's here again!
Take us down, Tom.
Take us down now!
Shoot it! Shoot it!
Shoot it!
Jump! Get out of here!
Meeka! Meeka!
I don't want to go!
All right, you son of a bitch.
Do you think it's dead?
I wouldn't count on it.
-Where the hell's Luis?
I'm good! Right here.
-Come on, come on.
-You okay?
We can't stay here.
We can't say here.
Can you walk?
-Trapper, can you walk?
Okay. We're gonna go
to Summer's house.
-Are you okay?
Let's go.
Follow me. Come on.
Come on. Let's go.
God, come on.
I gotta rest, man.
My leg's killing me.
I think I broke my ankle.
Okay, you know what?
Trapper, we're all hurt, okay?
Just keep moving.
Hey, you know the thing
about broken ankles, right?
You can't walk on 'em.
Then it's sprained and swollen,
man. We gotta stop.
Stop complaining, Trapper.
Let's go.
-Shut up, bitch.
Keep up.
Who died and left you God?
I said... keep up.
Or don't.
How does that feel, bitch?
You want to know who died
and made me God?
Everyone died and made me God.
Now, you want to
stay here and die?
I don't care.
Nobody cares.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Not worth it.
Aunt Summer.
What happened to you?
To all of you?
Where's Burt and Claire?
Burt's dead.
We need your help.
Here you go.
I baked some cookies.
-Have a cookie and some water.
-Cookies? No.
You need to eat.
I'll scramble up some eggs.
No, no eggs.
You're not listening.
Please, Aunt Summer,
listen to me.
There is some...
some thing out there, okay?
I'm trying to tell you
it attacked us, okay?
-It's some kind of creature.
-It's an alien!
It's real, okay?
We're not lying. We all saw it.
This thing...
it killed two kids.
It killed Claire,
and it killed Uncle Burt.
Now, what I'm saying
is we can't stay here.
We have to get
whatever supplies we can,
and we have to get
someplace safe.
How did he die?
That sounds about right.
I need to call the sheriff.
Okay, call the sheriff.
The truck.
Where are the keys
to your truck?
They're in it.
They're in the truck.
Water, food, whatever
we can carry. Fill this up.
Marge, this is Summer Goodman.
There's been some attacks.
I said attacks.
At Claire Taylor's.
At Claire Taylor's place.
I can't hear you.
I'm gonna have to call back.
I must have a bad line.
There's so much static.
I can't even hear.
It's here.
Where's Trapper?
-Where's Trapper?
-The truck! The truck!
Come on, come on.
Now who doesn't care, bitch?
Trapper, stop!
Trapper, it's here.
-Get out of here!
-It's here, you idiot!
Roth, Roth, wake up!
God in heaven.
We've got to help them.
My God.
Roth, come on!
You have to wake up!
Roth! Courtney!
Get out of there!
No! Help me!
Help me!
-You got guns?
-Yeah, inside. Come on.
No, no, no!
Courtney. Come on!
You all right?
Where are the others?
Trapper's dead.
Wh-Where's Courtney?
Where's Courtney?
She's gone.
It took her.
It took her?
We should wait
for the sheriff.
I know, I know, but we can't
wait for the sheriff, okay?
I mean, she could be dead
before they get here.
She could be dead already.
All right. Here you go.
Wait, wait.
I made you some armor.
To go underneath the vest.
I found it in the barn.
Like that?
Just like that.
Hopefully, you don't need it.
That's brilliant.
Now, Roth, I made you
some pipe bombs here,
just in case you need
to buy yourself some time
or you need
to blow something up.
Now, they've got about
a 20-second fuse,
give or take a few seconds.
Just make sure you're far away
when these things go off, okay?
-Give or take?
-Give or take.
I knew I liked you, Luis.
You guys gotta be ready
for a fight.
Whether I make it back
with Courtney or not,
that thing is gonna be back.
We'll be ready.
Now what?
My God.
My God.
Okay, Courtney.
I'm gonna get you
out of here.
If I can get this thing
off you, can you run?
Damn it. We gotta go.
You need to trust me, okay?
You gotta trust me.
Three, two, one.
Come here, come here.
Come here, let's go.
Courtney, come on.
Mama's pissed.
Let's go, let's go.
Go, go, go!
Go, go!
Come on, come on, Courtney!
Come on!
Come on!
Once we fill all these tanks,
all you have to do
is throw that lever
and then run like hell.
Got it.
There they are.
-He did it.
-Thank God.
Is this gonna work?
We're about to find out.
Summer, come here.
Help me out with her.
I got her. Easy, easy.
Take her inside,
get her cleaned up, okay?
You're okay now,
you're okay.
-Are you ready?
-We're close.
So what I figured is that
if this thing has all this
static electricity in it,
then why not send a positive
current to its negative pole...
English, please, Luis, come on.
We're gonna roast it.
Okay, so this contraption,
what is this...
These wires are charged
with 20,000 volts,
-so when it hits...
-It fries.
Exactly, but you gotta
throw the switch first.
Okay, so then
what's all the gas for?
That is our backup plan.
If the shock doesn't work,
then hopefully these drums
rigged as gasoline cannons will.
-There is a drawback though.
-You gotta be the bait.
All you gotta do is
lure her into the wires.
That's all.
And try not to get yourself
blown up or electrocuted.
Then you're golden.
When you get a moment,
can you fill the rest
of the gas tanks for me?
Thanks, man.
What in God's name
could even do this?
I am so sorry, honey.
You should have never, ever
had to go through this.
She's feeding on us.
She's feeding on us,
and she's not gonna stop
until we are all dead.
You're here early.
Roth, it's showtime!
Luis, stay still,
stay still!
Hey, it's me you want!
Roth! Shoot it, Roth!
I'm the one that killed
your alien-ass baby!
Hey, over here!
Look at me, you ugly bastard!
You might need that.
Aunt Summer, be ready
to throw the switch.
Aunt Summer, no.
No, no, no!
What are you doing?
This is for Burt, you bitch.
No! No!
Suck on this.
-You okay?
Luis. Luis!
Hey, guys.
Let's not do that again, okay?
We did it.
We did it.