Thirst (1979) Movie Script

- No, no, no!
Superb, she is responding
remarkably well.
But are you quite
sure it's safe, Mrs. Barker?
I'm no medical man but it seems to me
that she's on the verge of insanity.
No, it's
standard conditioning procedure.
You will not be deprived of what you
want Mr. Hodge.
Just see how the process is working.
Totally different woman from the one
we were observing a week ago.
- Hello Mugs.
Haven't you been fed yet, eh?
- Hello Miss Davis.
- Hello Lori.
- I've marinated the steak.
- Oh good.
- And Mr. Pervine from Los Angeles
- Oh yes?
- Said he'd call back at 10.
- All right.
- All the packing is
finished, your bags are ready.
- Oh thank you Lori,
well you can go home now.
I'll see you in four weeks.
Have you got the keys to the house?
Have a lovely holiday, Miss Davis.
- Thank you Lori.
Come on.
There you are, baby.
And you, Mr. Curt, can wait till morning.
Come on.
I prayed you'd called.
- Why didn't you call
me for Christ's sake?
- I did, last bust up.
Was your turn this time.
- Her habits are reasonably regular.
As Miss Daintree said earlier,
she works most of the time, either at
the office or at home.
The man friend is an
architect, Derek Whitelaw.
Over the past month he's seen her
three times a week.
And on each occasion,
has shared her bedroom
with her for the evening.
- You've definitely established that
Miss Davis has no relatives?
- Correct, Mrs. Barker.
The last remaining relative, an aunt,
passed away last year.
- But soon, I trust,
I shall be her relative.
What a mating that will be.
The two greatest families reunited.
- Only with her consent.
- She'll consent.
- The final thing is the holiday.
- Is the architect going with her?
- No sir, he can't get away.
- Then we have four weeks,
whatever her reaction.
- It'll be positive.
With a family as noble as hers,
I'm sure the old,
the old thirst will not have died out.
- Do stop deceiving yourself, Dr. Fraser.
She's a strong willed woman.
We may have to use force.
- There you are.
Okay, okay, just a minute.
- Oh hi.
When's your plane?
- Well I don't have to leave the house
till about 12.
Derek, could you
come over for a while?
- Oh look, I could think
of nothing nicer, but
I've gotta finish these plans.
Look, I'm well aware that
it's Saturday morning.
how've you got your hair?
- Up.
- Freckles?
- Still there.
- Look, now you have a
good holiday, all right?
And rest, no work, you understand?
- Don't go yet.
- Look, I have all this
work to get through.
Oh, the bloody
cat, look all right.
- Bye.
- All right Mugs, what are you up to?
What are you doing, get out, go on!
Get out of it.
Stop that!
- I knew the reaction would be negative.
She should have gone under conditioning
from the start.
- Conditioning has nothing to do with it.
She's just strong willed.
Probably end up spending a fortune on her,
achieving nothing.
Except, perhaps, drive her insane.
Kate, this is our symbol.
Does it mean anything to you?
- Of course it doesn't.
- I wonder, Kate, whether
you're evading the issue.
Whether you begin to suspect why
we brought you here.
- That's exactly what I want to know.
- Tell me all you know
about your ancestry.
- Look I've had enough.
Now tell me what I'm doing here and
what you want from me.
- All right, Kate, I'll explain to you.
You're unaware that your
great, great-grandfather's
name was Dotkin?
- So what?
- And that he changed it to Davis in 1850
when the family went to settle in Boston.
And that Herr Dotkin
was a direct descendent
of Countess Elizabeth Bthory?
- There's a legacy, that's it, isn't it?
Look, you can have it.
Please take it.
- Yes there is a legacy, to you from
Elizabeth Bthory.
Your ancestress.
Do you see her medallion?
Hyma, the Greek sign for human blood.
Welcome to the brotherhood, Miss Davis.
- This is not happening.
Good morning.
How do we feel today?
Careful it's hot.
- You bitch.
You rotten bitch.
- Vampires,
we dislike that word.
The brotherhood is something far nobler
than peasant superstitions
give me credit for.
There's nothing
supernatural about us Kate.
- No, we're simply a
superior race of people
who, over the centuries, have proved
that the drinking of
the vital human essence
confers youth, power.
It's the ultimate aristocratic act.
Would any member
of groups R, S, and T who have not yet
reported for their tranquillizer shots,
please do so immediately.
Groups R, S, and T.
- 70,000 of you?
- Of us, Kate, all round the world.
- Where does it all come from, your drink?
- These are our donors.
Does the truth still frighten you so much?
This is a farm, Kate,
in the fullest sense.
One of many farms.
- You're all mad.
- I see reason is not enough.
There's only one way.
- Ow, oh, ow.
- Kate?
Kate, can you hear me?
- Yes.
- You're going on a little journey now.
- Where?
You'll wake up there.
It's a place where bad girls go.
Bad girls go.
- Good evening.
- Superb, she is responding
remarkably well.
- Are you quite sure
it's safe, Mrs. Barker?
I'm no medical man, but it seems to me
that she's on the verge of insanity.
- No it's standard conditioning procedure.
You will not be deprived of what you want,
Mr. Hodge.
A totally different woman from the one
we were observing a week ago.
- Who authorized this?
- I did.
When you're away
Dr. Fraser, I'm in charge.
- Let her out.
You could've killed her.
No, she's resilient.
- It's absolutely
unnecessary, there is no need
to subject her to that kind of indignity.
It's all right.
Someone will come and let you
out at once.
- Look what gives you the right
to put me through this?
- Kate, I am deeply sorry
for what's happened.
But the most important thing
at the moment
is that you get as much rest as you can.
- Don't give me that.
What were they trying to do to me?
- Look.
Look, I realise there
must be a lot of things
that you find difficult to understand.
and I will explain...
in time.
- But I don't want to be here.
- I also promise you that what you've
been through I will never
allow to happen again.
Just trust me.
- Why should I trust you?
- Look around, everybody's happy here.
The farm's a bit like a commune, really.
It's all right Kate.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
- Are they free to leave?
- They can't leave.
- Why not?
- It's essential that they stay.
Come on.
- You're very lucky.
Dr. Gauss has taken
a real liking to you.
Attention please.
Attention please.
Would all members of groups
A, J, L, and Q
please enter the vans.
Attention please, attention please.
Groups A, J, L, and Q.
Groups A, J, L, and Q.
Attention please, attention please.
Groups A, J, L, and Q
please enter the vans.
Attention all process workers
shift change in 15 minutes.
Attention all process workers
attention all process workers
shift change in 15 minutes.
- Dr. Gauss I must talk to you.
- Check with sterilization.
- Dr. Fraser's program of so-called
persuasion will fail.
As I insisted from the start, there's only
one solution.
- Under no circumstances.
- Eric you must admit there have
been no signs of change.
- Call a committee meeting.
I insist on a vote.
- Look,
if she comes to us of her own accord
she'll be ours much, much, much
more wholeheartedly.
Now you must unlock her door.
- Look, you let me out and I walk.
That doesn't mean I accept what you're
doing here.
- Listen Kate, I bought
time for you this morning.
Use it wisely.
Just go anywhere you like, get to know us.
- Where are those people going?
- I expect they're shiners.
I've been privileged to
have your people drink here.
- My People?
- Excuse me, I'm David.
Leah and I,
Leah and I are friends.
Leah, the other day when you
came through,
the one you chose.
- I never chose anyone.
- We all assumed.
They took her away right after.
I just had to tell you.
She's not very strong.
Please, don't drink too much.
- Excuse me, do you have a phone?
My car's broken down.
Or, look, can you drive
me to the nearest town?
I'll pay, I'll pay a lot.
Can I buy that truck?
Do you hear me?
I'll pay you $5,000.
- You all right?
- Yes thank you, I'm just filling up.
- Are you from the farm?
- Yes, yes I am.
- Sure I can't help you sister?
- Ah, no thank you,
I'm just finishing off.
- Okay, hope we see you at the festival.
- Kate, how nice.
She was on her way to greet the convoy.
Ride back with us.
I'll ask a man to return the truck.
Wasn't it kind of
Mr. Dichter to lend it to you?
Not our Dichter?
- Who are those people?
- They're our visitors for the festival.
They come here from all over the world.
- Tonight's the opening ceremony
and I'll be ofciating.
You're, ah,
you're more than welcome to come.
- Yes you must join us, Kate.
Attention please,
attention please.
Would all visitors wishing to tour
the processing complex
please board the bus.
- Chief reason for the establishment
of the dairy in 1939 was the brotherhood's
growing concern about the
health of its members.
Such diseases as malaria, hepatitis,
and anaphylactic shock,
which is the result
of drinking blood
containing allergy-producing
penicillin, but common
amongst traditional drinkers.
The dairy brings our lifestyle up to date.
Each carefully selected blood cow
is accompanied to the village by
an elaborate medical file.
Before the blood is tapped and cartonned,
each donor is placed on a stringent diet
and subjected to scrupulous
hematological tests
for any blood contaminants.
We ensure that all packaged blood
is absolutely free from
anti-tetanus serum,
pollens, and antibiotics, any of which
may produce hyper-immune reactions
to certain drinkers.
Move along now please.
- You were invited to that ceremony,
we'd have prepared you for it.
Increasingly Kate you seem determined
to create difficulties.
- We should leave her
alone, she needs time.
- Already you've come dangerously close
to spoiling things for others.
Mr. Dichter, for example,
at the chicken farm.
The Hodge's chose him
for our highest honor.
If they'd even suspected that he tried
to help you to escape.
- I stole that truck.
- You must understand that the merest
question mark would have
disqualified him.
Happily I was able to
keep the incident quiet.
- If I made trouble for that old man,
I'm sorry.
- Now you're being constructive.
Don't feel sorry for him.
It's the highest service
a prisoner can render,
to be exsanguinated, drained.
- Let me out!
Get off me!
They're from Dr. Fraser.
- Put them down and wait.
If only you'd talk things out.
You would've come to understand
why you're flying so violently
in the face of your instincts.
And they are your instincts.
We've done a lot of research on you, Kate.
You holidayed at your uncle's pig farm
when you were 11, remember?
And you saw pigs slaughtered?
What emotion did that arouse in you,
when you saw throats slashed?
- It made me feel sick.
- Your reaction was normal.
All of our people brought up outside
have difficulty accepting
their natural feelings.
So they hide them beneath
a mask of revulsion.
- Ah!
- I'm going to help you in two ways, Kate.
Not just to live with your instincts
but to enjoy
I can't breathe.
- Don't be frightened Kate.
What do you see?
- Derek.
- You want Derek?
I'll send for him if you like.
Kate's calling for you.
We've edited her two days of reminiscence
into a fairly representative 90 minutes.
Before I play it through, Dr. Gauss will
take you over the psychometer chart.
This shows the chief areas of weakness,
how we intend to exploit them.
You can't put her through
that in two weeks.
The dangers
of psychic engineering
are exaggerated.
The New York experiments have shown
that the relief periods which precede
each intensification, do generally keep
the patient's sanity intact.
She's still in narcosis?
It's lunchtime.
- Where is this?
- Hm,
what are you talking about?
- I've got a headache.
And my arm stings.
Well I couldn't blame an ant
for having a bite of you.
- Derek!
- Kate.
- I thought...
Derek, you always forget the salt.
I didn't forget it.
Don't you know it's poisonous?
- Hypochondriac.
- Where's the car?
- It's where we left it.
- Funny I don't remember us driving here.
What day is it?
- You all right Kate?
- Oh, it's weird.
I thought I'd lost you.
- Hm, hm, now, now we eat.
- Derek?
It's good, Kate.
Drink it.
It's love.
It's youth.
It's power.
- Derek?
- You have honored me
- Miss Davis, what's happened?
You're frozen, come in.
I put the heater on.
Come, come Miss Davis.
We must get you out of those wet clothes.
- Lori.
How long have I been away?
- Beg pardon miss?
- How many days?
- Let me get a doctor.
I don't want a doctor.
- But miss, you only left
the house an hour ago
for work.
- Oh Lori, it really is you.
- Oh miss.
Come, come.
You go ahead miss, I'll
get you some dry clothes.
You mustn't be ashamed miss.
You're getting the thirst, that's all.
The thirst is in all of us.
- Not in me.
Not me.
Not me.
Don't be upset, Kate.
You'll love boarding school.
Lots of other five year olds to play with.
And mummy will come and see you
whenever she can.
Wake up, Kate.
I'm so sorry to tell you this Kate,
but your mother,
your mother won't be coming back.
She died.
- Mother?
You must forget the past
now, Kate.
Cut your ties with the past.
- Mother?
Your mother is dead, Kate.
The past is dead.
- Mrs. Barker!
Where are you?
I know you're watching me.
Miss Davis?
Miss Davis, drink.
- Lori!
Lori I know you're here.
- Yes Miss Davis?
- Lori please help me.
This is happening.
- Gentlemen, on the 14th and final day
of programming, she has no memory
of her previous experiences.
But as you can see,
she's deeply conditioned.
Notice the reflex cupping of the hands,
the questing.
She now senses that somewhere there is
a key to her dilemma without being
aware of what it is.
When that key is presented to her,
she now recognizes it, Dr. Fraser,
rejoices in it.
- Hm, well, let us hope that in spite
of all this we're still
able to earn her respect.
- This is your destiny, Kate.
- Hyma perpetuis.
- Destiny Kate, destiny.
I'm by no means convinced
that she is ours yet.
The real test is how her
indoctrination stands up
in the outside world.
- Miss Pearson from the office, miss.
- Oh thank you Lori.
Martha, hello.
- I expected to find you in bed.
- What with all this work I've got to do?
- Well it was supposed to be a sick call,
but I brought this just in case.
I think you know me too well.
- What does the doctor say?
- Oh he thinks I've
got some sort of virus.
I just don't feel like eating anything.
Yet at the same time I feel hunger.
I don't even feel like I've had a holiday.
And I keep having these dreams.
It's almost as if,
hey Martha,
how long has Lori worked for me?
- A year.
- Back to work.
Most urgently to Ted Hearst.
Now can you please send us the new
lipstick pack designs and color charts?
Right, these bunch seem fine to me.
They can be sent off to
the legal department.
- Right.
- Oh Martha, we've been
working for two hours
and I haven't even offered you coffee.
- I'll get some.
- No, no, I'm the hostess here.
- Miss Davis, shall I send a copy
of the contract with this letter?
Miss Davis?
Is there something you want?
What are you doing?
- Let me see, let me see!
- Oh I had another bad dream.
Was it a dream?
- Come on.
Come on, I'll get you a
warm drink or something.
- No Derek, stay with me.
Leave it on.
Good night.
I love you.
- Oh Derek, I'm sorry.
Please forgive me, I'm sorry.
- We have failed.
She remains in a state of confusion.
- As long as her feelings are mixed
she's liable to run to
someone and confess.
Everything that we've built
up here would be lost.
Even for the descendent
of so noble a family
the risk isn't worth taking.
We must start on more
conditioning immediately.
- I won't allow that.
I don't think she could take it.
- Save your arguments for tomorrow's
committee meeting.
The chairman will be there.
He'll decide.
- Another danger?
- No, Derek's all right.
He'll come around.
- Where's Derek?
- It's all right, he's being looked after.
Why don't you get into bed.
Let's have a look at you.
- What's happening to Derek?
- Kate, they're not satisfied with the way
that the conditioning's been going.
They're having a meeting tomorrow
and I think the vote will go against you.
I'm going to try and get you out.
- You'd go against them?
- It's a clear choice.
Either with the will of the rebel
or serve.
- I'm not leaving here without Derek.
- That's impossible, it's
already too much of a risk.
All right, I'll come
for you in the morning.
And get some rest.
- Dr. Fraser, good morning.
- Morning.
Thought you'd be finished by now.
- Well I just have, actually.
Mrs. Barker is still working.
I was coming to phone you.
I just wanted you to know that, ah,
I'll be voting on your side.
- Can we discuss this later?
I've got a patient.
It's all right, it's all right.
- Who are you?
- There's a hut in the bush.
I'm gonna take and hide you there.
Kate will join us later.
- Why, why are you helping me?
- I'm helping Kate.
Okay, come on.
You stay as close to me as you can.
Come on.
- Well, well, well, Dr. Fraser.
A bit early to be taking the prisoner
for his morning walk, isn't it?
This man is an A security prisoner.
Show me his release authorization.
- Run!
- Help, help!
- Dr. Fraser, there's a
blockage in No. 3 vat.
- Yes, all right, contact Dr. Gauss.
Tell him that... tell him
I'll be here in two minutes.
- Eric, Eric!
They need you back in the dairy.
There's a block in the main vat.
You can't take her!
- Get back!
- Mr. Hodge, I've found it,
what's causing the blockage.
- Where are we going now?
- Well we have to stay undercover.
I have a place.
- Dr. Fraser,
thank you.
- You'll find that there
are a lot of people
like me who are
willing to serve.
You'll see Derek very soon.
The house is just over here.
This is my secret retreat.
Had it for 10 years.
Through there.
It's all right,
we'll be with him shortly.
- Derek?
- And no one but you
shall drink a drop of him.
- No.
Turn that off.
I said turn that off!
Derek, Derek.
Now get out.
Get out!
Derek, Derek, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry Derek, Derek.
I'm sorry, Derek.
I'm sorry Derek.
Please give me another chance.
- Photis vanium
Disirupt hyma.
- Please, let me,
let me be one of you.
I am.
I am one of you.
I am one of you.
I am one of you,
at last.
I knew your conditioning program
would succeed in the end, Dr. Fraser.
As head of the Hodge family, I will be
forever indebted to you.
As a result of your work, our two greatest
families will be permanently united.
You have my deepest
admiration, Dr. Fraser.
I did only
that which was necessary
to ensure her happiness.