Thirteen Lives (2022) Movie Script

[boys chattering
indistinctly in Thai]
[whistle blows]
[Coach Ek speaking Thai]
[all cheer]
-[boys chattering]
-[whistle blows]
[Coach Ek speaking]
Tackle him, Chai.
[Arm speaking]
You can do it, Chai.
[cheering and laughing]
-[boys exclaim]
-[whistle blows]
[yells triumphantly]
-[whistle blows]
Come on, Chai. Let's go eat.
[boys chattering]
[lively folk song playing
on speaker]
-[food searing]
-[indistinct chatter]
Hey Prem.
Your mother bought a SpongeBob cake
for your birthday party.
[boys exclaiming]
SpongeBob cake
for a little boy!
[boys laughing]
[Prem speaking]
Stop giving me a hard time.
Guess where we're going?
[boys exclaim]
Before your party,
let's go to the cave.
[boys cheer]
Yeah, the cave
for the birthday boy!
I'll race you to the park.
[Coach Ek speaking]
Then I better go with you.
We have to go quickly,
it'll be dark soon.
[boys assent]
Coach, my dad's
cooking for the party.
I promised to help.
You're a good son.
See you at the party.
Okay, bye. See you at 7pm.
[Arm bidding goodbye]
[boys chattering]
[boys continue chattering]
[soft music playing]
[chatter and laughter]
[whooping and cheering]
[chattering continues]
[Prem speaking]
Go! Go!
Hey, Arm!
[excited chattering]
[boys cheering and whooping]
[birds chirping]
[excited chattering]
[thunder rumbling]
[chattering continues]
[thunder rumbling]
[chattering continues]
[thunder rumbling]
-[yells, chuckles]
Go, walk slowly.
[Arm speaking]
This is always the best part.
[thunder rumbles]
[boys chattering]
[thunder rumbling]
[chattering continues]
[Prem speaking]
Keep going!
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter continues]
I told Prem to come straight home
after practice.
[exchanging greetings]
[Manop speaking]
Well, if they stop over tell them
we're waiting to start the party.
[folk song playing on speaker]
Sorry I'm late.
The shop got really busy.
[Wanna speaking]
You're Chai's mom, right?
That's right.
I want to watch the games
but I'm always working.
[in English] Bye.
[in Thai]
Looks like
they did go to the cave.
All of them?
-[Somboon speaking]
In this rain?
It wasn't raining earlier.
Excuse me.
Shouldn't we drive to the cave
and get them?
They'll get soaked riding back.
What are they thinking
staying in the cave this late.
[weathercaster speaking
on radio]
Heavy rain is forecast
in Northern Thailand
as the monsoon season
starts early.
That usually starts in July.
It can't be the monsoon.
That cave floods every year.
[thunder rumbling]
continues speaking]
[Somboon speaks indistinctly]
[indistinct talking]
[all panting]
That's Chai's bike!
[Manop speaking]
We're the parents
who called ahead.
Have you seen the boys?
[Saisor speaking]
We've looked
and can't go any further.
The cave's flooding.
We called the authorities.
It's flooding.
How can the boys get out?
[Saisor speaking]
I've already asked for help.
Please wait.
[Somboon speaking]
Let's go in and get them.
[Saisor speaking]
Calm down and wait for help.
[men continue arguing]
Chai! Can you hear me?
I just started my dinner.
Sorry, Governor.
[Narongsak speaking]
Have the SEALs been deployed?
[Preeya speaking]
They're already
on the ground, sir.
[busy chatter]
-[in English] Is that them there?
[exchanging greetings in Thai]
This is Vern Unsworth.
I'm the Governor
of the province. You are?
Captain Arnont Sureewong.
Navy SEALs, sir.
Move everything to the tent.
I need an update.
My men will enter
with scuba gear.
[Preeya in English]
This way, please.
[speaking Thai]
This man lives nearby, sir.
He knows the cave.
[in English]
I've mapped it. All of it.
Now, I haven't been in
when it's flooded.
It's a whole 'nother game.
You have to be a bit nuts.
But, look, there's some
pretty tight corners in there.
A real squeeze.
But there are some
big chambers too.
[in English] Let me show this
to my men. Please.
[Vern speaks Thai]
Let's go.
Maybe I could find you
something to eat, sir?
That would be kind.
This could be a long night.
[tense music playing]
[indistinct talking]
[Somboon and Manop
thanking and well-wishing]
[heavy breathing]
[Kiet speaking]
Start laying guideline
from here.
[all breathing heavily]
-[breathing heavily]
-[snorkel hissing]
It's a deep cave,
several kilometers long,
with some narrow passages.
If the boys have gone
a long way in,
it could take
several more hours.
But I have every confidence
in the Navy SEALs.
[reporters clamoring]
Hello, Governor.
[exchanging greetings]
The SEALs are coming.
We couldn't find the boys.
We hit a flash flood.
[SEALs panting and coughing]
[urgent chatter]
There's no visibility
or space to maneuver.
[SEAL groaning]
[SEALs grunting]
The currents are too strong
and shifting.
-[consoling in Thai]
[faint sobs]
[reporter on TV speaking]
It's been two days since the Wild Boars
football team got trapped in the cave.
Thai authorities have activated
over one hundred government agencies.
In an astonishing nationwide
effort to rescue the boys,
volunteers have also joined the effort,
pumping water out of the cave.
[siren whooping]
There is mounting
pressure on officials
to help these boys
by any means necessary.
[indistinct conversations]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Narongsak speaking Thai]
Bring me up to speed.
Pumping has begun, Minister.
I know that.
With the largest pumps
in the region.
I ordered them myself.
So far the divers have been unable
to get through as the water is so high.
The flooded sections are very narrow
and difficult to navigate.
The current is very strong.
You haven't found the boys?
And you don't know
where they are?
Or even if they're alive?
I know you were to be
transferred out next week
but you'll remain here
as Governor until this is done.
[car engine starts]
[indistinct chatter]
[car door opens and closes]
-[siren whooping]
-[car departing]
[busy chatter]
[news playing indistinctly
on speaker]
[exchanging greetings]
They tell me you're the guy
who knows this mountain best.
You know the cave is flooded.
There are boys trapped in there.
Who are you?
Thanet Natisri,
I'm a water engineer from Bangkok.
The government sent for you?
No I just came,
like everyone else.
There's no time to wait
for help from the officials.
[thunder rumbles]
The rain water
is flooding into the cave.
It's coming from above,
not below.
We have to stop it getting in.
I need to find all the sinkholes
and divert them.
[footsteps squelching]
[animal hooting]
[both panting]
[shopkeeper speaking]
I know many like this.
[cell phone ringing]
Yeah, John?
Uh, hey, Rick, you following
what's happening in Thailand?
Some kids stuck in a cave.
[Rick] Yeah, no,
not really. Why?
How did they get themselves
in there?
Uh, I don't know. Doesn't say.
[Rick] Well, if they walked in,
they can walk out.
The Thai government's been
given a list of rescue divers.
We're on the list.
[video game music playing]
What cave is this?
Uh, Tham Luang.
-[knocking on door]
-Hey, Matthew, that'll be your mum.
-[sound effect playing]
Okay, okay.
Vern mapped it
a couple of years ago.
[Rick] Yeah, yeah.
Got it. Up north.
That's the one. Yeah.
It's just a tourist cave.
It looks easy, but Vern said
when it's flooded,
-it's impossible.
-Impossible for Vern.
-[Annabel] Get your stuff
-together, all right?
-[Matthew] Okay.
[John] Well, they've got teams
climbing all over
the mountain.
They're drilling holes
and searching--
-Rick, one second.
-Drilling holes?
They don't need us, John.
-Where's it this time, Dad?
You got everything?
-Yeah? Give us a hug.
-All right. See you later.
-Come along, Matthew.
[Matthew] See ya.
Thanks, Annabel. I'll let you
know if I have to go.
-Bye, Dad.
-Bye, son.
[door closes]
Rick, look, if you don't wanna
do it, I'll just call Jason.
Just call Jason
if you'd rather go with Jason.
[sighs] I didn't say
I'd rather go with Jason.
I would rather go with you.
Just to confirm,
no one's actually asked
for us yet?
No, Vern just gave them
our names
and, you know,
we should be ready
in case they do ask for us.
Maybe start packing
if you think you're coming.
[sighs] Hmm.
I don't even like kids.
Okay, Rick.
[call ends]
[reporter speaking Thai
on speaker]
This is a massive
rescue operation
with over a thousand volunteers
from all over the world.
Thai volunteers are joined
by volunteers from China,
Japan, America,
Britain and Australia.
[indistinct chatter]
[in Mandarin]
In order to reduce
the water levels,
Thai military and volunteers
are working around the clock
to pump water from the cave.
Due to worsening conditions
inside the cave,
all rescue dive efforts
have been put on hold.
[in English]
Hey, guys, I'm sorry,
but we will have to walk
from here.
Got any custard creams left?
Just one, okay?
Did you take
two custard creams?
[chuckling] Yes, you did.
You took two at once.
You're like a child.
-I'm like a child?
-Okay, guys.
It's the building on the left,
next to the laundry.
I will get the tanks
and meet you there.
-Okay. Thank you.
[reporter speaking Thai on TV]
In World Cup Group H,
Poland beat Japan by one goal to nil.
So, what do we do now?
We do what we came to do.
Go in that cave.
[John] Seriously, I mean,
I don't care
about the custard creams,
but it's like I tell my son,
I care about trust.
And I'm disappointed, Rick.
But that's okay, that's okay.
[indistinct chatter]
[in Thai]
The cave is closed.
[in English]
No, we're meant to go in.
[in Thai] The cave is closed.
[in English] We just flew
all the way from England.
[speaking Thai]
[Kiet in English] Can I help?
[John] Hello.
I'm Rick Stanton,
this is John Volanthen.
We've been flown in by
the Thai government to help.
You are British army?
No. British Cave
Rescue Council.
We're volunteers.
The cave is flooded.
-Yeah, we...
-[Vern] John.
[John] Hey, Vern, there seems
to be a problem here.
They're telling us
the cave's closed.
Yeah, well,
it's getting bad in there.
They're pulling everyone out.
These are the men you want.
I gave the governor
their names.
The governor sent for them?
[Kiet speaking Thai]
Sir, look at them.
They're amateurs.
They'll never survive
the currents in the cave.
[in English] No, no, no.
They've done cave rescues
all over the world.
Our names must be
on some list somewhere.
I told the governor,
-"These are the men you need."
-[John] Look, guys,
the children
are still in the cave, yeah?
-Look, John...
-Yeah, but...
-[Vern] Just a sec.
-The clock is ticking.
[Vern] Look, lads,
it's just that they don't want
foreigners dying in the cave.
It's not a good look.
We won't die.
I have zero interest in dying.
How about you, John?
Yeah, same.
[Arnont] If the governor
sent for them...
You can dive.
Thank you.
[indistinct chatter]
[Vern] Lads, first
it's gonna be a series
of small cascades,
followed by
a deeper wading section
before your first dive.
Your best chance
is a large cave
about two kilometers in.
[chatter continues]
[pump engine starts]
[workers talking indistinctly]
-You're all right.
-[thanking in Thai]
[exhales sharply]
[breathing sharply]
[Rick grunting]
[in Thai]
I'll follow. I need a few
more minutes to fix this pump.
[pump misfiring]
[urgent chatter]
The water level
is getting high.
It's almost running.
[heaving breathing
through mask]
[tank scraping]
[in English]
Let's have a look.
[muffled grunt]
[John] That's it.
We better head back.
[metal clanking in distance]
[metal clanking]
[shouts in Thai]
Wait, wait. You speak English?
I fix pump,
but water come fast.
[Rick] Bloody hell.
We'll have to dive him out.
-Can you swim?
Give me your mask.
I'll take him out
and come back.
[John] Okay.
You breathe through this.
Breathe. Okay?
Face in the water.
Just try it.
We swim together. All right?
Here we go.
-[Rick] Stop it!
-[speaking Thai]
-Over here!
[workers speaking Thai]
[shivering, coughing]
[snorkel hisses]
That was exciting.
Not in a good way.
Did he make it out okay?
[in English] Hello.
I'm the governor
of this province.
Grateful for your help.
[Rick] We went as far
as we could.
Didn't find the boys.
How far did you get?
[in Thai]
The T-junction is the same
location my team got to.
That's as far
as they laid their line.
I sent for them
on good advice.
I'm pursuing every avenue
open to me.
Yes, Governor.
I'll let you know when
the rescue operation can be resumed.
[Narongsak in English]
I must ask, please,
do not go in the cave again
without my permission.
Just a sec, boys.
[John] What was
all that about?
Well, in theory,
the governor's in charge,
but Captain Arnont's
the Navy chief on the ground
and he doesn't take orders
from civilians.
Plus, the rumor is,
the governor's been sacked.
This was supposed to have been
his last week here,
and now he's been ordered
to stay on.
Just in case
they need a fall guy.
[Rick] Hmm. Hey, Vern.
What's all that?
[Vern] That's a shrine
to Princess Nang Non,
the Sleeping Princess.
[Bas] This is her mountain.
Nang Non mountain.
[Vern] They say when you
see it from a distance,
it looks like
a sleeping princess.
[Bas] They say that her tears
trapped the boys.
The Sleeping Princess
is angry.
What's she angry about?
I don't know.
It's just what
the local people say.
[reporter speaking Thai on TV]
Life threatening infections
are a concern.
We need to remember that
every breath they take
carbon dioxide levels.
As oxygen decreases,
physical exertion becomes more taxing.
Right here, that's their tent.
[thanking in Thai]
Hi, Captain.
[Arnont speaking]
You're not at work?
[Saman speaking]
I took a vacation.
So you broke free?
[Saman chuckles]
I got bored of watching you
on the news.
Hey team, this is Saman.
Saman's one of us.
He served under me for ten years.
We chased pirates together.
[Saman speaking]
I brought my old scuba gear.
I want to help.
[Somboon in Thai] Excuse me!
Excuse me!
-[SEAL objecting]
-[Arnont assuring]
[Somboon speaking]
Can I talk with you please?
my boy is in the cave
and now it's flooding.
I don't know if my son
is alive or dead.
All I ask from you, sir,
is to bring me his body.
[thanking in Thai]
[in English]
Excuse me, governor?
Major Charlie Hodges.
US Air Force, Okinawa.
This is Captain Olivia Taft.
[Charlie] We're the nearest
Special Operations Squad.
But we have medics,
comms, logistics experts.
We'll do whatever we can
to help.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
[Narongsak] Thank you.
We're going to
get started now.
So, we think that the boys
were heading for here.
They call it Pattaya Beach.
With the high water level
and the low visibility,
and the difficulty
of the cave itself,
our divers were not able
to reach them.
So, now, the question is,
when do we go back in?
And who is going in?
We need the rain to stop,
and let the pumps do the work.
And then, we go in.
We can go in now.
[John] Yeah. No offense,
but you're trained
to dive in open water,
not confined spaces.
Rick and I
have been diving in caves
just like this
for 30 years now.
It takes
a certain kind of mindset
for the deep cave diving.
Breathing techniques,
special ways of moving.
It's just different.
I'm responsible for my men.
As for anyone else,
that's for the governor
to decide.
No one will go in for now.
We'll wait for the rain
to stop.
-Thank you.
-[indistinct chatter]
[in Thai]
We need to build dams
for every sinkhole.
[indistinct shouting]
Seems like he just showed up
on his own, sir.
The men working with him
are local villagers.
I don't believe we've met.
[in English]
I'm the water guy.
[in English]
You are American?
[in Thai]
I live in Illinois
but I'm from Bangkok.
I was in Bangkok
when I heard the news.
I rounded up some volunteers
and here we are.
[in English]
I am the governor.
[in Thai]
Tell me how you can help.
Of course.
There's a network
of mountain streams
carrying water through all the fissures
and cracks into the cave.
That's what's creating
the strong currents.
If we find a way to divert these streams,
the water level will drop.
I thought that's why we're pumping water
out of the cave below.
No, sir.
Those pumps are useless.
The cave is at the bottom,
water will keep running in from above.
Can you stop that?
We are trying.
But there's a price to pay.
[Thanet and villagers
exchange greetings]
[man speaking]
You've all been in the cave.
You know how the water comes
in from the mountain above.
Now we want to
divert the water
down the side of the mountain,
away from the cave,
onto your fields.
[villagers discussing
We will lose our crop?
This will save the boys?
I can't promise anything.
But it will give the boys
a chance.
[discussing indistinctly]
For the boys.
[Narongsak and Thanet
thanking in Thai]
-[indistinct shouting]
-[somber folk music playing]
[reporter in English]
With this much-needed break
in the monsoon rains,
consensus among
the many volunteers here
is that the search
for the boys
and their coach
may soon resume.
The frustration
for the families, though,
is that nobody seems to know
when that might be,
or indeed,
how it will take place.
Nine days after they entered
this huge cave system,
the questions remains
as to whether the boys
can still be rescued.
Suppose they're alive
in there.
What's it like for them?
Why say that?
I was just wondering.
[news continues playing on TV]
[Rick] Huh.
I can just about see her.
Princess Nang Non.
We've just received word
that a water diversion
operation is underway.
Volunteers are building dams
and positioning pipes
in order to redirect the water
from the mountain
into the surrounding fields.
Rescue teams
hope that this will limit
the flow of water
into the cave
and allow the pumps to reduce
the water levels inside.
[Buahom speaking Thai]
I asked if Kruba could come
and he's here already.
[discussing in Thai]
[gong ringing rhythmically]
[gong continues ringing]
[monks chanting in Pali]
[chanting continues]
Lek, Lek.
[in Thai]
Can you take these to Kruba?
Excuse me.
Kruba, please could you
bless these for me?
[chanting in Pali]
[Lek speaking Thai]
Thank you.
[Narongsak speaking]
I'm told the pumps are working
and the rain has stopped.
When can the SEALs go in again?
For the waters to recede,
at least twenty-four hours.
The British divers
are ready to go in.
Our team is preparing.
I think it's too risky
to let them in now.
[Narongsak speaking]
They're amongst the best in the world
at diving in these conditions.
Let's use them as scouts
and see what happens?
[Preeya speaking]
the Minister
requests an update.
[chuckles softly]
[indistinct chatter]
[in English] Video.
If you get past T-junction.
Please, take care.
[rock thuds]
[breathes heavily]
Pattaya Beach.
[Rick] All right.
I'll keep left.
Feel out for bodies.
You smell that?
[John] Okay.
Nearly out of line.
[John panting]
-[muffled chatter]
-[Rick] Hey.
[muffled chatter continues]
They're here.
[John] How many?
[boys conversing in Thai]
[Rick] Hello?
-[boy 1] Hello.
-[boy 2] Hello!
-[boy 3] Hello.
-[boy 4] Hello.
How have they done that?
[camera beeps]
[boys speaking Thai]
Thank you.
[in English] English. English.
[boys speaking Thai]
Thank you.
[in English] How many of you?
-[Arm] Thirteen.
-[John] Thirteen?
They're all alive.
-[Arm] Yes.
[boys conversing in Thai]
[in English]
Uh, can we go out now?
[John] Uh, no, not today.
No, there are just two of us.
We must dive.
But many people are coming.
It's okay.
We are the first,
but... But...
But many will come. Many more.
You've been here ten days.
Ten days!
You are very strong.
-Very strong.
-[boys speaking Thai]
[in English] We are hungry.
[John] I know, I know. I know.
I understand.
-Okay, go back. We will come.
-[Arm speaks Thai]
[John] Go on back.
[boys speaking Thai]
[in English] Uh, what day
you come and help us?
[John] Uh...
-We help tomorrow.
-[Arm] Tomorrow?
[John] There are more divers.
-Thai divers.
-[Arm] Thai?
We'll come tomorrow with food
and doctors, and everything.
Don't, John.
You don't know that.
[boys in English] Thank you,
thank you, thank you.
You are very brave.
How have you stayed so strong?
[Arm] We are team
and we help each other.
And our coach help us.
[in Thai]
I offer my most sincere apologies
for leading the boys into danger.
[boys speaking]
It's not true! Coach helped us!
We love our coach! He's the best!
[in English] It is because
of our coach we stay strong.
He teach us to, uh, meditate.
[speaking Thai]
-[in English] And, uh, we pray.
-[John] You pray?
-Yes, yes.
-I bet you do. All right.
[Arm] How...
How did you find us?
[Prem in English] We dig.
We dig.
This is to get out?
Good work.
[Arm] Uh...
We hear a sound in the cave.
We are very scared.
[John] No need
to be scared now.
It's just water.
It's just the cave.
I hear it too, it's just...
[imitates ticking]
[clears throat] John...
We should get back.
All right.
[boys murmuring]
The batteries are fresh.
Thank you.
You stay strong.
[thanking in Thai]
[in English] Good luck.
[Coach Ek instructs in Thai]
[Arm in English] Thank you,
thank you, thank you.
[boys thanking in Thai]
[snorkel hisses]
[snorkel hisses]
[Coach Ek instructing in Thai]
-[boys assent]
-[flashlight buttons clicking]
[somber music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[John] Hello!
We found the boys.
They're alive.
Careful who sees that.
[in Thai]
The old men found the boys!
[all cheering]
[excited chatter]
[Charlie in English]
Do we know how many?
[John on video]
How many of you?
[in Thai]
They found the boys!
[John] Thirteen?
[Rick] They're all alive.
[Olivia] I can't believe it.
[in Thai]
They're alive!
-[John] Thirteen?
-[Arm] Yes.
[John] Brilliant!
[indistinct chatter]
[siren whooping]
[in Thai]
They found the boys.
Everyone's alive.
They're safe.
Everyone's alive?
[people cheering]
They found the boys!
They found the boys!
[all cheering]
-[cameras clicking]
-[reporters clamoring]
[cheering continues]
-[crowd cheering]
-[in English] Oh, shit.
Everybody knows.
That didn't take long.
[reporter] Rick, John,
how are the boys doing?
Where did you find the boys?
[reporters clamoring]
[cheering continues]
[reporter 2]
Are there any injuries?
[reporters continue clamoring]
[John sighs]
[reporter on TV]
We're going to bring you
some breaking news now.
Reports coming in
from Chiang Rai, Thailand.
Specialist cave rescue divers
Rick Stanton,
a retired firefighter,
and John Volanthen,
an IT consultant,
have found the missing boys
and their football coach.
Last seen nine days ago
and presumed trapped
in the flooded caves,
all twelve boys
and their coach
are now confirmed to be alive.
[speaking Thai]
[all speaking Thai]
[Rick] Christ,
there's more of 'em now.
Come on, we should just go.
Let's go. Straight to the van.
-[cameras clicking]
-[reporters clamoring]
Let's move you back inside.
Back inside. Back inside.
[Olivia] Just head back in.
Come on, guys, let's just give
'em some space, okay?
Thank you. Been a long day.
Can you please comment
on US involvement?
[Olivia] Thank you very much.
[reporters continue clamoring]
-[Bas] Thank you.
Thank you so much.
You found them.
[door opens]
The news guys
can be a pain in the butt.
You just gotta
handle them right.
What do you want me
to tell them?
"We found the boys.
Now let's all watch 'em die."
Okay, Rick, take it easy.
I'm just telling it
like it is.
All this water pumping,
flooding fields,
praying to shrines,
it's bullshit!
I'm not having it.
The Thai SEALs
are going in tomorrow.
Those boys
are never coming out.
[John sighs]
Our most experienced divers
are going to--
No, sir.
It's not about your divers.
We brought a man out
on our first dive,
and he completely panicked.
Almost drowned.
And that was
a very short swim.
You try and dive those kids
the whole way,
all you'll be bringing out
is dead bodies!
[Narongsak sighs]
Governor! Governor! Governor!
Okay, let's get you guys
out of here.
Okay. Come on.
[reporters clamoring]
This is exactly
what I didn't want.
[John] Well,
you knew we'd find them.
I didn't expect
to find them alive.
Well, it's done now.
[reporters continue clamoring]
Okay, can we go, Bas, please?
[slaps car]
[engine starts]
-[water dripping]
-[faint sobbing]
[in Thai]
It's okay.
[Prem speaking]
When will they come back?
Maybe they won't come.
[overlapping chatter]
[Coach Ek speaking]
They'll come when they're ready.
We must be ready.
Fear is created in our minds.
[boys breathing nervously]
Close your eyes.
Let your mind be at peace.
[breathing deeply]
Feel the air
you breathe in and out.
[boys breathing deeply]
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
[in Thai]
We are standing by at the basecamp
of the rescue mission.
Rescuers are attempting to find
alternative ways to reach the cave.
Experts believe the boys
will never survive
three months of monsoon rains
and flooding.
Still using the same Scubapro regulator
from my time.
[in English]
On your first dive,
you made it to the T-junction?
I did, yeah.
Do you want a briefing
on the rest of the way?
Yeah, please. Come in.
[Rick] You made it here.
You have
a 250-meter dive here,
with a narrow rift,
barely shoulder-wide,
to Chamber 7.
Then you have to de-kit
and carry your gear
over a long rock shelf
to get to Pattaya Beach.
Then comes a tough dive.
It's a long, shallow tunnel,
bit more twisty than this,
350 meters.
No visibility. Pulling against
very strong currents.
No headroom at all.
And there's undercuts
on all the bends.
They're very, very dangerous.
So, you must always keep
to the wider side of the line,
or you'll get trapped.
At the end of that,
you'll reach the boys.
[John] And it's
a very physical dive.
So, try and save
two-thirds of your air
going in,
so you can make it back.
We will get there.
We'll reach the boys today.
[John] Yeah.
[in Thai]
Let's pack up.
[in English]
Best of luck, Kiet.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Good luck.
They'll do a good job.
Those are our boys in there.
[Rick] Hmm.
Look, I know
your men are tough,
but it's not gonna be easy
for them.
[birds chirping]
[water bubbling]
[heavy breathing
through masks]
[tank knocking and
squeaking against surface]
[object clacks]
[Arm alerting others in Thai]
[Prem speaking Thai]
Navy SEALs.
[boys speaking excitedly]
[Dr. Karn speaking Thai]
Not bad for eleven days
without food.
The boys in the north,
they're tough.
[boys chuckling]
We have a little food and batteries.
[indistinct chatter]
Two bites each.
We must save them for later.
I'm a doctor.
I'm going to check the boys.
[Coach Ek assents]
What's your name?
You're very strong.
The oxygen in the cave
is below twenty.
We only have enough air
for one of us to get back.
We used more tanks
than we planned on.
Take it and return to base.
Report the oxygen meter
is close to the red zone.
You understand the situation?
We're staying here with you.
[boys cheering]
[excited chatter]
[Jay grunting]
Bring Jay some water.
He's cramping!
[urgent chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
Now you see why the Minister
left me in charge.
Now the Navy SEALs
have reached the boys.
They will support the boys,
as we prepare for next stage
of the rescue.
I give my word to everyone,
the boys will come out safely.
[people cheering
and applauding]
[happy chatter]
Governor, sir.
Excuse me, Governor.
How can I help?
Can I speak
with the Governor please?
The Governor is busy.
I can help you.
Our families are Shan.
We don't have ID cards.
Will they still help our boys?
Will they rescue them too?
[Olivia in English]
Is everything okay?
Well, she's afraid
her boy won't be rescued.
They are Shan from Myanmar,
just over the border.
[in Thai]
Don't worry, your son will be rescued
from the cave with all the others.
You should be proud of your son.
He's been very patient.
It's been twelve days already.
Inside it's dark and cold
with no food.
How long can the boys
be patient?
When are you getting them out?
[Preeya speaking]
There are three SEALs
staying with the boys.
We're planning to send food in.
I understand how you must feel.
How can you understand?
Is your son going to die?
[apologizing in Thai]
Somebody's gonna have to
come up with something.
Whoa. What are you thinking?
Just a crazy idea.
-So tell me.
Rick, crazy is better
than nothing.
We've got nothing.
We call Harry.
Doctor Harris.
[chuckles quietly]
-That's brilliant.
Or insane.
Or both.
Don't know if he'd do it.
I... I don't know the man,
but, I mean...
I bet he'd come if he thought
it was just to lend a hand.
[Rick] Hmm.
He might buy that.
He's a good diver.
We could use
a couple more divers
who can handle
rescue work anyway.
I was thinking Jason.
You know?
If he's not too pissed off
that he hasn't
been asked already.
[John chuckles]
Maybe Chris Jewell.
You think
Chris will be up to it?
-Everyone says he's excellent.
Jason says he's strong.
Of course, he's never done
a rescue like this.
I'll call him.
[workers speaking Thai]
[Saman in English]
Chris, let me show you.
So, you are carrying
one meal a day
for one week
for everyone in the cave.
-All right. Okay. Yeah.
[indistinct chatter]
Jason, keep an eye
on Chris, yeah?
[Jason] Yeah.
He'll be all right.
He's young.
Remember young, Rick?
I'm not that far behind.
-[water bubbling]
-[tank knocking]
[John] We have food.
[boys speaking Thai]
[chattering in Thai]
[water dripping]
Thought the kids might like to
write back to their parents.
Good. Thank you.
[boys reading in Thai]
[in Thai]
Paper to write letters.
It's strange.
The parents thanking me
for taking care of their children.
I thought they would blame me.
No one blames you, Coach.
[machine whirring]
[in English] Somebody
get these to their parents.
Notes from the boys.
So, did I pass?
-Did I pass?
-No, you were terrible.
-[both chuckle]
-You did great. You did great.
Well, that's quite a dive.
How the hell do you think
we're gonna get those kids out?
We're working on it.
[commentator on TV] Just
seconds left on the clock.
Neymar couldn't do it
with that last check.
And that's it,
the whistle's blown.
Belgium beat Brazil.
The favorites have been
knocked out of the World Cup.
Belgium are through
to the semi...
[Bas] I'll get the bags.
[Harry] Thanks, Bas.
Hey, Harry.
-Glad you made it.
Mate, thanks
for bringing me in.
[Rick] Oh, sure.
-Good to meet you, Harry.
-Well, what a pleasure.
-How was the flight?
-Oh, that was pretty good.
It's just, gettin' the permits
is a bloody hassle.
[Rick] You wanna see the cave?
That's what I'm here for.
-[Rick] Come on, then.
-[Harry] All right.
[John] The families,
they've been here
since day one.
Oh, imagine what they're
going through.
We managed to bring some
letters to them from the kids.
Oh, yeah?
[indistinct chatter]
And in about 2.5k,
there they are.
[Harry] That's it.
So, who else
answered the call?
Who else you got here?
Oh, there's divers coming in
from all over the place.
We've got Jason Mallinson
with us and Chris Jewell.
The Awesome Foursome.
I'm not in the same league
as you guys, but...
But you've got a skill
none of the rest
of us have, Harry.
[Harry chuckles]
What's that?
Well, he's talkin' about
your area of expertise.
I'm an anesthetist.
No, no, no. No.
It's their only chance.
Rick, it's insane.
It's unethical. It's...
It's illegal, all right?
And anyway,
it just wouldn't work.
Well, you don't know that.
It's never been done before.
No, you'll kill 'em.
They're gonna die anyway.
Look, I mean...
we've tried.
We... We've thought
of everything.
Yeah, so you called
Doctor Harry.
[Harry scoffs]
I didn't come here
to kill kids, Rick.
I came here
to help you save 'em.
Yeah, you're right.
You're right.
I mean, we're...
We're just desperate.
-It's a bad idea.
-It's the only idea.
-Leave it, Rick.
Yeah. Harry's the expert.
If he says it can't be done,
then it can't be done.
Anything else I can do,
-I will do.
Obviously, I took an oath,
and I...
-We'll just keep exploring.
-Yeah. Keep exploring.
It's good to have you
on board, Harry.
Oh, Rick.
[reporter speaking French]
As the oxygen level decreases
in the cave,
Thai Navy SEALs are doubling their efforts
to help the trapped boys.
The air we breathe contains about
twenty-one percent oxygen.
The level in the cave
is less than sixteen percent.
[Arnont speaking Thai]
You okay?
[Saman greets]
Thanks for letting me
take wetsuits to the boys.
[Arnont speaking]
I'm happy
you could lend a hand.
I'll help.
[indistinct chatter]
Thanks Saman.
-[enquires in Thai]
[water bubbling]
[heavy breathing
through masks]
[muffled grunting]
[muffled grunting]
[continues wheezing]
[stops wheezing]
[SEAL speaking Thai on radio]
[speaking Thai]
[ethereal music playing]
[Arnont sighs]
[ethereal music continues]
[reporter in English]
The recent death
of Thai Navy SEAL Saman Gunan
is reminding everyone
of just
how incredibly dangerous
and challenging it is
in the caves.
This was a trained Navy diver.
[in Thai]
As for Saman's funeral,
the government will arrange
a funeral with full honors.
[reporter in English] How
much more difficult will it be
for the 12 children
and their coach?
Rescuers are now
attempting to source
diving equipment and wet suits
for the smallest of the boys.
With no alternate entrances
and oxygen running low,
diving them out still appears
to be the best option.
The entire nation
is anxiously waiting
for what will happen next.
[Harry] Call me back. Yeah.
There will be
no more Navy divers
going beyond Chamber 3
until further notice.
[cell phone vibrating]
[clears throat]
Sorry. Sorry, guys.
Hi, hun.
Jesus Christ.
[line ringing]
Hey, Matthew. It's Dad.
[Matthew] Dad!
Are you coming home?
Uh, not for a few days yet.
We heard someone died
out there.
Yeah, yeah,
one of the Thai divers.
A fellow named Saman.
He was...
He was just
helping out, and...
Yeah, yeah, it's sad.
Do you think
you'll get the boys out?
We will if we can.
We're just trying
to figure it out.
I mean, it's complicated,
but we're trying...
We're trying to figure it out now.
Uh, anyway,
how are things with you?
You doin' okay?
[indistinct chatter]
Do you want one?
Uh, no.
I just found out my dad's been
taken to a hospital.
So, they're just running
a few tests.
His heart's never been
very good.
Sorry to hear about that.
He's pretty tough.
He's made it to 88.
-[chuckles softly]
-Um, listen.
If we had the right backup,
maybe, just maybe
one or two or three,
if we're lucky,
of those kids
might just make it through.
But you're talking about
a five-hour dive.
-That means that
they're gonna have to have
top-up shots along the way.
And then you got
the saliva problem.
Even if the masks hold,
there's a very good chance
they're gonna choke,
all right?
The whole thing is insane.
I don't even know
why I'm saying it.
'Cause a man's already died.
-And those kids don't have much time left.
We do nothing,
we'll be bringin' 'em
out dead for sure.
But if they die
while we're bringin' 'em out,
at least we will have tried.
[Harry scoffs]
How sedated?
Fully. Fully unconscious.
It's the only way
we can dive them out.
[Rick] Mmm.
They have to be inert.
Completely still.
We'll take them out
like packages.
And you are an anesthetist?
Yes. Yes, I am.
[in Thai]
Don't write this down.
[in English]
How safe is this procedure?
I just can't answer that.
Because I've never
done it before.
As far as I know,
nobody ever has.
In theory, it could work.
But we're talking about
administering anesthetics
under conditions where we just
can't monitor the effect.
So, too much
and respiration
can just shut down.
And too little and, uh...
If they wake up under water,
they can drown.
[clears throat]
So, you are expecting,
uh, casualties?
Yes. I expect casualties.
-[cameras clicking]
-[reporter 1] Minister, here!
[reporter 2] Governor!
[Bas] The minister is coming.
[reporter 3] Governor,
over here! Sir!
[in Thai]
The operation may now proceed.
Yes, Minister.
[in English]
May you be successful.
No one must know about the...
the method you propose.
Not even the parents.
Do your best.
And if we fail,
the failure is mine alone.
[door closes]
[Harry grunts, sighs]
[Thanet speaking Thai]
Your volunteering
and effort is critical.
The faster the waterways can be diverted
before the monsoons return,
the more time
we can buy for the boys.
They're telling us
the dams are helping.
It makes it possible for the
divers to reach the boys.
But if we don't build enough,
when the monsoons arrive,
the boys will drown.
[announcer in English] ...not
involved in the operation,
please kindly leave
the basecamp area.
[indistinct chatter]
[announcer announcing in Thai]
[in English]
Attention, please.
All media and those
not involved in the operation,
please leave
the basecamp area.
What's going on?
It's the TV guys,
the news guys,
they're all being sent away.
So they don't see
the bodies come out.
[in English]
Excuse me. Excuse me.
[speaking Thai]
[in English]
Sorry, I don't understand.
For you, for the boys.
From Chai's mom, Buahom.
-Yes, yes, yes.
Blessed by the holy man.
Okay. John.
[acknowledging in Thai]
Thank you.
[John] Here. For good luck.
Don't believe in luck.
Just take it, take it.
She's watching, come on.
All right.
We'll be having to give them
repeat hits of ketamine
along the way.
We're givin' 'em ket?
Now, the injection goes
through the wet suit,
into the thigh muscle here
or here.
Each dose should last
about 30 minutes.
Keep a little bit of, see,
space on the needle there.
Push in and out.
It's quite simple.
But when they start waking,
you guys are gonna have to
top 'em up immediately. Yeah?
[groans] Boss.
-Well done, Jas.
[Harry] Just try again.
[indistinct chatter]
-Good luck.
Good luck to us all, Captain.
[indistinct chatter continues]
[monk speaking Thai]
I pray to the Guardian Spirit
of the forest
to apologize
for the thirteen boys.
If they have offended you,
or unintentionally,
I apologize
to all spirits in the forest.
And spirits everywhere.
Everyone at the ceremony
would like to pray
for the thirteen young boys
to come back home safely.
[birds chirping]
[John] It's Chamber 5, lads.
The SEALs ran electric cable.
Got some lights in here.
[Rick] Roughly halfway.
These are spare tanks
the SEALs brought in
for the boys.
[John] Josh, you and Connor
wait for us here.
Right, mate, yeah.
[all grunting and panting]
All right, I stop here.
When the first boy
gets through the long dive,
I swim to you and report.
'Cause if it's not
working out,
we need to know
before we bring any more out.
But if it is workin'...
-Then we get on with it.
They're packages.
We're just the delivery guys.
Okay, lads. Let's do it.
[Chris] Yep. Let's go.
Good luck.
Good luck, Harry.
[Dr. Karn speaking Thai]
This will sting a little.
[boy winces]
[both speaking Thai]
[boys murmuring]
[in English] Today's the day.
We're gonna start diving
the boys out.
We can take four.
[in Thai]
They are taking us out today.
But they can only take four.
[Arm speaking]
They're taking us out.
[boys chattering excitedly]
From your mom.
Blessed by Kruba.
-[in English] Doctor Karn.
This is Doctor Harris.
Doctor Karn.
-[both greet in Thai]
-[in English] Doctor Harry.
-Doctor Karn.
[Harry] Doctor, um,
you need to know
what we're proposing here.
That's for you.
[boys conversing in Thai]
[John in English]
So, who's going first?
[in Thai]
Chai, you go first.
[quiet chatter]
[in English] Guess I am first.
All right, chin in.
-[Harry] Uh... No way. No.
-[John] No?
No way, it's not gonna seal.
[John] We'll get you
a better mask.
[in Thai]
They have to find a mask
to fit you.
Probably tomorrow.
[in English] It's gonna be
okay. It's gonna be okay.
I promise.
Good lad.
[Coach Ek speaking Thai]
Decha, you go.
[Jason in English]
Ready to go.
[tense music playing]
[in Thai]
Open your mouth, Decha.
[Dr. Karn continues
[in English] Arms up.
[translates to Thai]
[John in English] Turn about.
[translates to Thai]
You'll be home soon.
[Chai speaking]
He's tying Decha's hands.
[all murmuring]
It will be okay.
[in English]
Don't let the boys watch.
There's no need to scare them
with needles.
Step in front. Good lad.
[speaking Thai]
Move back, turn around.
-[Kiet speaks Thai]
-[Harry] A-ha.
[in English]
The lucky first customer.
Come on.
Yep. Steady as you go.
Here we go.
Come into my comfy office.
Now, I'm Harry.
And you're a very brave boy,
you're number one.
And you're lucky,
'cause you get Jason.
He is the number one diver
in all the world.
Have you been missing
the World Cup?
Huh? Well, guess what?
Brazil got knocked out, huh?
You would've seen
one of these before.
That was a shock, wasn't it?
Brazil, huh?
Guess who knocked 'em out?
Bet they're really upset
about that.
Belgium. [scoffs]
Get you out of here so that
you can watch
the rest of the games, huh?
Mmm. Tough guy, huh?
Didn't even feel that one.
Easy, huh? Easy.
[Kiet speaking Thai]
Look away.
[Chris grunts]
[Chris in English]
Good on the chin.
[Harry] All right,
you wanna take him?
[Chris] Yeah, good, good.
[John] All right, good,
bring him back.
[boys chattering]
[Jason] Okay, his head back.
[Chris] Most certainly.
-[John] Good.
-[Harry] Yeah.
-[John] Slow.
-[Chris] Good.
[Harry] Let's pull that back.
[John] All right,
check for breathing.
[Chris] All right.
Looks good.
[John] Feet.
Okay. [sniffles]
[John] Okay.
[water bubbling]
[heavy breathing through mask]
[Jason] He's been
breathing just fine.
Fucking brilliant.
You didn't think
it would work?
[Rick sighs]
Me neither.
[Jason chuckles]
All right. I'm off.
Good luck.
[Harry] And look,
you're lucky because see this?
That's John.
He's diving you out
and he is the number one diver
in the whole world.
And I know
it's been pretty exciting
for you in here,
but guess what?
Bit of excitement
in the World Cup.
Belgium knocked out Brazil.
Harry, Harry.
Did you give him the shot?
Oh, shit.
We were supposed to wait
till we heard
Jason made it out okay.
Yeah. I've done the atropine,
and I'm gonna have to...
I'm gonna have to keep going.
No panic. No panic.
Yeah, carry on.
We gotta get on with it.
I don't wanna risk
my boy waking up.
-[needle stabs]
-[Arm grunts softly]
-Not so bad, huh?
-[grunts softly]
-Oh, man, I'm so sorry.
-[John] It's okay.
[water bubbling]
Kiet, you know my lad's name?
-[Kiet] Arm.
-[John] Arm?
He's the team captain.
[John] Okay.
[heavy breathing through mask]
It's working.
[heavy breathing through mask]
[grunting weakly]
Oh, jeez.
[heavy breathing through mask]
Yeah, he's good.
[boys murmuring]
[Chris] See you out there.
-[Rick] Yeah.
-[Harry] Yeah.
[Rick] Good luck, Chris.
-[John] Jason okay?
-[Connor] Jason's through.
[John] Good.
-[Connor] Careful.
-[Josh] Okay.
[John] Yeah, easy, easy.
-Slow, slow, slow.
-[Connor] Slowly, slowly.
-[John] New cylinder.
I'll give him another dose.
[Josh] Okay,
so I've got him. Okay.
-[Connor] Coming off.
-[Josh] Okay.
[John] He all right?
[Connor] Nice. Boy's good.
[John] All right,
let's bring him over.
[Josh] All right. Step.
-[John] Careful.
-[Connor] Yep.
[Josh] Turning him around.
[Josh] There we go.
One, two, three.
Turn him over.
No, he's not breathing.
No, he's okay.
He's okay. He's breathing.
Yeah. Again.
-Yeah. Slowly.
Fuck! He's not breathing.
No. Mask off.
-Mask off.
-[Josh] Easy.
-[Connor] Here we go.
-[Josh] Easy, easy.
[Connor] Okay.
Right, that's it. Mask off.
[Josh] Okay. Gettin' there.
[John] Okay, let me in.
[Arm breathing]
Okay, he's breathing.
Every time I put him
under the water, he stops.
[Josh] You all right?
Yep. Okay.
Mask on.
[Josh] Okay.
All right. Steady.
-[John sighs]
-[Connor] Good work, Josh.
-[John] Okay. [sniffles]
-[Connor] Good luck.
[exhales sharply]
John, you okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
Just give me a minute, please.
[Josh whispers]
Is he all right?
[Connor] He's all right.
Hey, is he, uh,
still breathing okay?
[Connor] Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, bring him over.
[Josh] Okay.
Okay, Arm. Gentle.
[heavy breathing through mask]
Yeah, he's good.
[both sigh in relief]
All right.
-Thanks, boys.
-[Josh] Cheers.
-[water sloshes]
-[urgent chatter]
[worker] Okay,
let's go, let's go!
[urgent chatter]
[worker 2] Watch the head!
[worker 3] Everybody,
get ready to take that.
[worker 4] One, two, three.
[worker 3] Faster, faster.
[medic speaking Thai]
[medic 2 speaking]
How is he?
[medic 1 speaking]
He's still breathing.
Careful with his head.
Oxygen coming.
[worker 1 in English]
Make sure you're ready.
[worker 2] Got shallow breaths.
[medic 2] Okay!
[speaking Thai]
[worker 3 in English]
Let's go, let's go!
[medic 2 speaking Thai]
Vital signs are stable.
[worker 4 in English] Okay,
nice and easy, nice and easy.
[Jason] Easy, guys.
[overlapping chatter]
[worker 4] Nice and easy,
nice and easy.
Get him out, get him out.
[overlapping chatter]
[overlapping chatter
[people cheering]
[cheering continues]
[solemn music playing]
[indistinct police radio
[Somboon speaking Thai]
A boy is coming out!
[officer objecting]
[all speaking Thai]
[Preeya speaking Thai]
The Governor asked me
to tell everyone
the rescue
is going well so far.
Why can't we have names?
[Preeya speaking]
I'm afraid
we can't release any details.
[arguing in Thai]
[Preeya speaking]
I know how hard it must
be for all of you
but when the operation is complete,
you'll be the first to know.
[Somboon speaking]
Why does it have to be
a secret?
-[horn honks]
-[reporters clamoring]
[solemn music continues]
[breathing heavily]
[worker in English] Okay.
[worker 2] Ready, we're ready.
[urgent chatter]
Yeah, he's okay. He's okay.
[medic speaking Thai]
[John grunting]
[urgent chatter]
[solemn music continues]
[siren wailing]
[heavy breathing through mask]
[busy chatter]
[horns honking]
[siren wailing]
[John sighs]
You okay?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That was, uh...
It's tough. [sniffles]
[Chris] Hey, John.
-You all right?
-Yeah. Yeah.
It's just, uh,
my lad was called Arm...
Well, he stopped breathing
for a minute.
I thought he...
I thought he was...
But he's not. He's okay.
He's okay.
Well done, Chris.
It's not easy.
Thanks, John. Thanks.
[exhales heavily]
[busy chatter]
[people cheering]
Medic. Medic?
[medic replies in Thai]
[Harry in English]
Um, what happened?
It was four out of four,
Four what?
All the boys are fine.
[sighs in relief]
Great job.
[soft music playing]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[busy chatter]
[speaks Thai]
[reporter in English]
We understand
that a team of elite divers
is attempting
to guide the boys
through a three-kilometer
underwater swim to safety.
[Rick] "Swim to safety."
[chuckles] I like that.
[reporter continues
Got any custard creams left?
What do you have?
I ate them all.
-[reporter] The media
were relocated
to clear additional space
for essential military
and volunteer personnel.
The rescue operation
is shrouded in secrecy...
[mutes TV]
Yesterday, they said
if we got one boy out alive,
we'd be heroes.
Now, we bring
a single one out dead...
[groans softly]
[speaking Thai]
The air tanks are all
strategically placed along the route.
During yesterday's rescue,
they used every single tank.
The Governor
of Chiang Rai Province
called this,
"A War With Water."
Local forecasting
is predicting heavy rain.
[Harry in English]
No need to be scared, Rit.
You know why?
Because you have
the best diver.
Ready? Look up.
-[Rit groans]
-Good boy.
See? All over.
All over.
There you go. Good boy.
[in English] I am Dew.
I'm Rick.
-[busy chatter]
-[man grunting]
[Thanet speaking Thai]
Bring down more pipe!
[volunteer speaking]
There's no more!
[Thanet speaking]
Is that the last of the pipe?
We've sent for more
from Bangkok.
Need more pipe?
[urgent chatter]
[Charlie in English]
Yeah, they're good.
-[Olivia] Okay.
-Sixth is on the Skedco.
[reporter speaking Thai on TV]
We're hearing that five boys
have been brought out of the cave today.
Recent weather reports show
storm clouds on the horizon.
The monsoon season
is closing in fast.
[volunteer exclaims in Thai]
[Thanet in English]
Hell yeah, man!
[all cheering]
[thanking in Thai]
[thunder rumbles]
[monkey hooting]
[thunder rumbling]
[Bas in English]
Mask for Chai.
Flown in from Bangkok.
All right.
-[Harry clears throat]
-Think it'll fit?
Yeah, it better do.
It is smaller.
[Rick] Have a seat, Bas.
[Bas] Thank you.
[thunder rumbling]
[water trickling]
[boys murmuring in Thai]
[thunder rumbling]
[busy chatter]
Whoa, whoa,
what are you doing?
You wanna
keep it like that, okay?
[rain pattering on roof]
That's a lot of water.
[thunder rumbling]
[indistinct chatter]
Water level's
gonna be rising in there.
For sure.
We'll still make it through,
though, right?
Don't know.
We dive and we find out.
It depends, Jason.
Rick and I have been in there
when it's fully flooded.
It's a beast.
Come on.
We're not stopping now.
You die in a cave
if you want to, Jason.
If I'm not sure of coming out,
I'm not going in.
[thunder rumbling]
[in Thai]
It won't stop raining.
We need more sandbags.
Everyone, there are three sinkholes
in the rocks to the east.
[busy chatter]
Okay. We can make it.
-We better move fast.
-Okay, lads.
[Vern] All right, Harry.
-[boy speaking Thai]
[water sloshes]
[in English]
Everyone leaves today.
[John] We do this
as fast as we can.
[Harry] All right.
[grunts] No, see, that's open.
It's not gonna seal.
Yeah. It's buckling.
All right,
let's dive the others out.
Then we'll get him sorted.
Okay, I got this.
It's pink. I like it.
[Rick] All right,
so, who's next?
[in Thai]
I can't swim.
Will we survive?
Don't be afraid.
We have to trust them.
[in English] Okay.
Okay, turn around.
[Harry] Who have we got here?
-This is Prem.
-[Harry] Prem.
Come on down, Prem.
Let's get you outta here.
[in Thai]
Are we the last to go?
[Coach Ek] Mmm.
[Harry in English]
Chris is diving you out.
You know, Chris, see,
he's the number one rescue
diver in the whole world.
That's me.
All right. Prem, you know
the drill. You've seen this.
Do you wanna look up? Ready?
All right. Yep.
Off you go.
[instructing in Thai]
[in English]
All right. One more to go.
Your choice. Up or down?
There you go.
That was pretty painless.
We're gonna get you home.
Maybe for dinner.
[Jason] It's the best
we can do.
If I pull it too tight,
it'll collapse the seal.
It's still a little loose.
We don't have time.
The water is rising.
If he doesn't come out now,
he doesn't come out.
I'll keep it from bumping.
I can hold it if I have to.
It's your call.
I'll be going slow.
So give me some space
before you follow.
[heavy breathing through mask]
[in Thai]
The boys?
Are they out safely?
We hope so. Your turn now.
[Rick panting]
He's no heavier than the boys.
I'll be right behind you.
Not too close.
See you at the pub.
[tense music playing]
[muffled grunt]
[muffled grunt]
[muffled grunt]
All right.
I guess it's our turn now.
You go. We follow.
Yeah. I mean, remember,
the current is much stronger
than it was.
-And the water is, you know.
[reporter speaking Thai on TV]
The clock is ticking,
putting pressure on the rescue team.
The fear is the heavy downpour
will push water back into the cave
faster than the volunteers
can divert the rain from the mountain.
[urgent chatter]
[Thanet in English]
Yes, one more, one more.
Hello, hello, hello!
Okay. Okay.
Okay. Okay.
[urgent chatter]
[Vern] Yeah, come on.
Keep his head up.
[worker] Start cutting
through the next one.
[worker 2] Reset for 11.
[tank knocks]
[tank knocks]
[tank scraping]
[snorkel hisses]
[tense music playing]
[urgent shouting]
[John] Okay, Jason.
-I've got him.
[worker] Okay? Three, two...
[medic speaking Thai]
He's good. He's good.
[sighing in relief]
[Vern in English]
Steady now, lads.
[Charlie] We got a visual.
[siren wailing]
It's really good to see you.
I didn't know if anyone
was gonna be able to...
Is he alive?
-[Chris] Uh, yeah.
-[Rick] Yeah?
No, yeah, he is, yeah. I...
I lost the line back there.
I found a power cable
and followed it here.
I, uh...
I don't know where I am.
[Rick] You're still
in Chamber 4.
Well done.
[breathes heavily]
Keep him topped up.
You'll be fine.
Wait for Harry.
He's coming now.
Let him have a look, yeah?
Yeah. Yeah.
Your only duty is to that boy.
We'll get you out.
So get ready.
Yeah. Okay.
Put his mask on
and do whatever Harry says
is best. Got it?
See you on the other side.
[gasping and coughing]
[Pichai enquiring in Thai]
[Kiet grunts]
[conversing in Thai]
[snorkel hisses]
[tense music playing]
[urgent chatter]
Where's Chris?
-[Rick] Still in Chamber 4.
-[John] Okay.
-[Rick] Coach is breathing.
[worker] Hey, hey, hey.
Mister John.
-[Rick] He's fine, he's fine.
-[John] Okay.
[Rick] Easy with him.
[medic speaking Thai]
Coach looks good.
[panting tiredly]
How's Chris gettin' on?
He's struggling a bit.
Told him to wait for Harry.
[breathing nervously]
[Harry] Chris?
[Harry] What's happened?
I, uh... I lost the line.
Is your boy okay?
I think so.
You, uh,
might wanna check him.
Did you give him a top-off?
Yeah, I gave him one
about an hour ago, I think.
Yeah, let's give him
another hit.
Do you want me to maybe
take over from here?
Uh... No, no, no.
I should... I should do it.
It's the U-bend.
Well, I mean, Rick said, uh...
I mean, he just... He said to
just do what you said, so...
Well, I reckon you've done
the hardest part.
Why don't I do the last bit?
And that way I could say
that I was a rescuer, too.
I mean, Rick just said to do
what's best for the boy.
I really think
that that's what's best.
-Yeah. Okay.
[siren wailing]
[tank scrapes]
[tank scrapes]
[worker 1] The pump is going!
[worker 2] The pump's gone!
Come on, Chris. Come on.
Is the boy good?
Yeah, he's fine.
How about Chris?
He's right behind me.
[John] Rick. Rick!
I'm gonna get my cylinders.
I'll go back for him.
He'll be here.
[Rick] Nice one, Chris!
-Well done.
-My boy, is he...
-He's alive.
We bloody did it, lads!
[all laughing]
-[Jason] Chris, okay?
Not all out yet.
[tank clangs]
-[muffled grunting]
-[tank clangs]
[muffled clanging]
-[alarmed chatter]
-[worker groaning in pain]
[in Thai]
Everyone out!
-[muffled explosion]
-[worker speaking]
The pumps are exploding!
[panicked chatter]
[muffled clanging]
[worker] Hey, hey, hey!
[urgent chatter]
-[both laugh]
[enquiring in Thai]
[conversing in Thai]
-Oh. [chuckles]
[in English] Good to see ya.
[workers cheering]
[enquiring in Thai]
Okay. [panting]
[workers cheering]
[cheering and applauding]
[soft music playing]
[speaking Thai]
[excited chatter]
[all cheering]
[Thanet laughing]
[speaks Thai]
[shouting triumphantly]
[soft music continues]
[people applauding]
[Vern in English]
Well done, boys.
Well done, old man.
Good job.
-Thank you, Rick.
-Thank you, Captain.
-[John] Great work, Captain.
-[Olivia] Great job, guys.
-[Narongsak] Thank you.
-[Olivia] So great. So great.
-[Vern] Well done.
-[Narongsak] Thank you so much.
-[Vern] Harry.
-Legend. Legend, mate.
-[man] Well done, lads.
[people cheering]
[people congratulating]
[Rick sighs]
[John sighs]
[Rick chuckles]
[all laughing]
Guys, I'm sorry about the...
[voice breaking]
The line. It just kept...
Hey, it's okay.
It's done.
-Yeah. It worked.
-It's okay, Chris.
[Chris] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I just thought I was gonna
have to leave him in there.
[Narongsak in English]
You all have come from all over.
From the nearby town.
Others, from different
countries around the world.
You have given your time.
Your expertise.
Some, even the rice crops.
[John] Hello.
[Narongsak] And you ask
for nothing in return.
But I know
that you all did this
for one reason.
The love for the boys.
-[John] It's okay.
[thanking in Thai]
[in English] We're okay.
[thanking in Thai]
It's good.
Thank you.
[thanks in Thai]
[reporters clamoring]
[Preeya in English]
Thank you very much, guys.
[reporter] Governor,
will you be stepping down?
[soft music playing]
[thanking in Thai]
[in English] You're welcome.
[thanking in Thai]
-[thanking in Thai]
Oh, all right. Yeah.
Well, you did it, Harry.
He just got word his dad died.
[solemn music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[solemn music continues]
[in Thai]
That's everyone, sir.
All but one.
[exhales deeply]
Come here.
[clears throat]
-[objects clatter]
[announcement in Thai on PA]
[Buahom] Chai.
[all speaking Thai]
[monitors beeping]
[solemn music continues]
[all singing in English]
Happy birthday
[chattering in Thai]
[in English] Say "cheese."
[all] Cheese!
[happy chatter]
[kids exclaiming]
[boys cheering]
[solemn music continues]
[slow folk music playing]
[midtempo folk music playing]
[pensive music playing]