This Place Rules (2022) Movie Script

Woman: Oh, my
God! Shoot, I-- fuck it.
Man: Shoot, hold
on. Let me get...
Man, I'm beatin'
Joker's Gang's ass.
knock-out, I promise y'all.
Second round, I'm gonna knock
this fuckin' clown out tonight.
Swear to God.
What's up? Go get it in, pussy.
You hurt my pocket, fuck boy.
I'll make you my bitch, nigga!
I'll take your cookies, nigga!
You're gonna see it in the ring!
You're gonna see!
I'm gonna fuck your nigga up.
Yeah, okay. We're gonna
see, we're gonna see what's up.
Throw the hands now, dawg.
Throw the hands now, dawg.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna handle him.
You mad 'cause I got
OnlyFans with your bitch?
Man, what's up? What's
up, man? What's up?
Eleven o'clock.
Ele-- Eleven o'clock.
You ain't even live
in the hood, nigga.
You live in a rich area, nigga.
I'm in the hood, South
Side of St. Pete, nigga.
727 in this bitch, nigga.
Real swamp shit, nigga.
You a fuck boy. You
gonna get beat up.
- What?
- Yes sir.
Everybody, I go by Joker Gang,
Joker Ganggang, Joker
305, rawest chico alive.
Name's Gum Gang,
Florida's craziest
hillbilly stuntman.
And I'm a content creator.
I do backwoods
crazy hillbilly shit.
My ultimate goal to followers
is get over two million.
I've been shot with
potato launchers,
- (shot fired)
- (screaming)
Gum Gang: Smoked
out of a bass's ass.
You gotta find you a decent rod
and shove it right up its ass,
make sure it
got a little airway,
put a pipe on its asshole,
give it mouth-to-mouth,
and just fire away.
Oh, my goal is to
have a million followers
and be verified.
What he does,
he shoots potato
guns at his balls,
smokes out of a fuckin' fish.
Know what? I made World Star
more than that nigga
made World Star.
He's like, what? He's
five times World Star.
Only little pussies
brag about that.
Bro, I made World Star
so many times, I lost count.
I'm so viral that I should
be bigger than I am.
I could retire right now.
My name'll be
way bigger than his.
Man, the whole story started
'cause my girlfriend
was showin' me
Joker's Instagram page,
and he sent her some red hearts.
I said, "Hey, don't get in
my girlfriend's DMs no more."
Joker Gang: She was
a flirt with me, you know.
She's, like, "Oh, I got
a boyfriend and shit,
Gum Gang." I go, "Fuck Gum Gang.
You know, girl, I'll rock
your world, you know?"
Shit, I'm handsome. I'm clean.
It was my first
love on Instagram.
When I was single, I was
fuckin' all the bitches, you know.
Every cute girl that
would follow me, click,
and then I send 'em red hearts.
Then he started
sendin' me red hearts
and wouldn't stop.
So I told Gum,
"Hey, can you
let him know, like,
to, to leave me alone?"
And then it was on after that.
He said, "Oh, who
are you? Ba-ba-ba."
Joker Gang: Fucking
inbred motherfucker--
(overlapping shouting)
Some Gum Gang
motherfucker, you'll see.
Announcer: It's
the much-awaited,
fight of the century.
Joker Gang versus Gum Gang.
Make some fuckin'
noise if you're ready.
(bell dings)
Commentator: Here we go, Miguel.
Joker Gang: I knew he
wasn't gonna have the cardio
to fight three rounds.
I already knew what
his game plan was.
He was gonna throw hellmakers.
He was gonna throw hellmakers
and try to get
the first knockout
he can get.
So I was just doin' my thing,
gettin' him against the
ropes, lettin' him gas up.
Then I chased that
nigga down and blam,
dropped him from the
first 30 seconds of the fight.
- (audience cheering)
- (bell dings)
Announcer: And the
winner is Joker Gang.
Gum Gang: Beginnin'
of the fight, I didn't realize
how much anxiety I have.
The liquor kicked in, and I
was so fuckin' off balance, man.
It was shit outta
shit match, you know.
It was a loss. Took
the L and move on.
Hey, you don't see me cryin'
about it like everyone else did
at the fuckin'--
for the presidency.
And everyone was
all, like, "Boo-hoo."
Fuck it. It is what it is.
You take your L and you move on.
You know what I'm
saying? Just keep goin'.
We are going to keep on winning,
- winning, winning.
- Crowd: winning, winning.
Crowd: (chanting)
Four more years.
Four more years.
(crowd cheering, applauding)
That seems like a good
way to start the movie.
It's, like, they're
both like a fight.
They're both like a battle.
My name's Andrew Callahan,
and I first went viral online
for interviewing people
on Bourbon Street
about their deepest,
darkest secrets at 2:00 a.m.
and posting them on
Instagram the next morning.
I lost my virginity
to my cousin.
I fucked her dad.
Sometimes I like to eat booty.
After I graduated,
I decided to take
that show on the road.
So I moved into an RV,
and I drove all
around the country
goin' to different conventions,
conspiracy rallies,
music festivals,
stuff like that.
White Claw!
- Rawr.
- Show me your butthole!
Then in 2020, shit
got super serious.
Protests, pandemics.
Remember that?
Is the way about to go it? No.
But is everyone perfect? No.
Everybody cough in my face.
Do it. Somebody
come cough in my face.
Prolonged lockdown
basically is slavery.
Freedom! Freedom.
This is the story of the events
that led up to the
January 6th Capitol riot
as I saw them unfold.
(crowd shouting)
(pensive music playing)
Reporter 1: 2020 of course
gave us plenty to talk about.
Reporter 2: The year in
politics no one saw coming.
Anderson Cooper:
It's been an incredible
and unprecedented
year of change.
Reporter 3: 2020 will be a year
we'll remember for
the profound ways
it has forever
changed our country.
Andrew Callaghan: Well, I think that
now that so much time has passed,
like, people forget
how crazy it felt
to be in that moment in time.
Like, in that period of
time after the protests,
mid-pandemic, right
before the 2020 election,
it really felt like we
were heading into, like,
a legitimate, I guess,
like, a second Civil War.
Uh, I mean, it's funny now,
'cause that didn't happen, right?
But the news media told
us that it would happen.
Big government Joe
Biden is promising
a full socialist takeover.
Trumpism is something akin
to a fascist social and
political movement.
Andrew: Both sides of
the mainstream media
competed for views by showing us
the worst of the worst
from the other side
and creating the
ultimate domestic enemy
to fear and, just maybe, fight.
And it actually worked.
By election season,
Tucker Carlson was
the most-watched
show on television,
with Chris Cuomo and
Rachel Maddow not far behind.
So news basically
replaced reality TV.
And for four months
straight, all main TV channels
ran a 24-hour news cycle
based upon fear and predictions
of a disaster just
around the corner.
But TV news aside, it
really was social media
that became the
ultimate war zone.
Vice President Mike Pence:
Bias against minorities
is a great insult...
(fly buzzing) the men and women
who serve in law enforcement.
If you have a
problem figurin' out
whether you're for me or Trump,
then you ain't Black.
The Biden crime family's
stealing the election.
The media's covering it up.
The Biden crime family's
stealin' this election.
Joe Biden's covering up
this election. He's stealing it.
Andrew: So we figured
we'd kick this thing off
by finding the most radical
social media user we could.
So our research expert,
Evan, started digging around
on "free speech" platforms
like Parler and BitChute,
full of mostly, like,
right-wing users
who had been kicked off Facebook
for medical
misinformation policies
talkin' about
COVID, stuff like that.
And he found this guy
named the Inglorious Patriot.
Halloween is a demonic party.
On Halloween, more
baby-eating pedophiles
come out than on any other day.
On top of that,
today Q has stated
that "The election is going to
be stolen from President Trump."
The mainstream media
will never have the cojones
to cover this Satanic activity.
And so we tracked him down.
And we went to his
trailer in North Carolina.
Dave Todeschini: Alright,
my name is Dave Todeschini,
and I started in social media
on my original YouTube channel
called Covfefe with Dave.
Then it went to World in Revolt,
next For Truth USA!,
Inglorious Patriots,
one, two, three,
four, five, six.
I'm up to 11 now, ten or 11.
Basically, I have knowledge
that is kinda like intuitive.
Satanic ritual abuse.
Psy-op. Pizzagate.
Child trafficking.
Hillary Clinton.
John F. Kennedy.
And then when you
say, "Wow, this fits here,"
the, the pieces of the puzzle
only fit together one way.
The whole government
is compromised.
Every one of them.
These people are not
human. They're not.
They don't, they
don't do human things.
I mean, alien X-Files-type
shit. I mean, really.
I mean, humans do
not do these things
to other human beings.
They've been sacrificing
children to Molek.
That is a fact.
It's in Hillary
Clinton's emails.
Andrew: Dave was an avid believer
in the conspiracy theory QAnon,
which is that one or
perhaps a small group
of high-level military officials
were sending out coded
messages on the image board 8chan,
exposing a cabal of
Satan-worshipping pedophiles
like Hillary Clinton
and Bill Gates,
who want to turn us into
unarmed, vaccinated sheep,
unlike Trump, who
will save the world.
The endgame of Q's
prophecies was supposedly
a mass arrest event
called The Storm.
Dave: I took an oath in 1969
to defend my country
from all enemies
foreign and domestic.
And if you don't
think that I can pick up
one of those
weapons I showed you
and defend my country,
you're outta your fuckin' mind.
You might kill me,
but I'll get a whole
goddamn bunch
of you's before I do that.
So what do you think's
gonna happen next?
One of two things
is gonna happen.
Either these
people get arrested,
or you're gonna have
another Revolutionary War.
Reporter: Security ramped
up in Washington, D.C.
in anticipation of
potential election unrest.
Andrew: Dave wanted to
go to D.C. for election day,
but he actually wasn't allowed
to leave the state
for some reason.
So we met up with
his fellow patriot,
Dick, from Alaska.
We love you, Jesus
And you're coming back
Why are you using a
Native American instrument?
Why? You are a
culture appropriator.
- Culture appropriator.
- (camera shutter clicking)
You steal their children,
you rape their women.
How can you use
something that came
from something
that you killed off?
You killed off a
whole community.
Why are you here if
you cannot take the heat?
All that stuff is
all this planned
for the New World
Order and the global--
globalists, you know.
The, uh, globalists.
- (laughs)
- Who?
- What?
- Who?
Uh, the globalists.
Our country is occupied
by globalist forces.
This is pure globalist.
Power-hungry globalists.
You know what a
globalist is, right?
- (crowd boos)
- You know what a globalist is?
- Who are they?
- Who are they?
Well, you know...
You know who
they are as well as--
I don't-- I'm not very good
at details and facts,
but lot of, lot of these people
I think are actually
sellin' their souls.
And they hurt people,
and they hurt property.
And that's wrong.
Maybe it's your truth,
but don't tell me it's my truth.
I love you.
Callahan Hatfield: How many,
how many of Trump's girlfriends
do you think have
had to have abortions?
I'm not gonna
argue with it. I'm...
So Trump is a vile human being
void of human decency
who happens to
be morbidly obese.
He's not as tall
as he says he is.
He has an issue with his hair
and also, um, an
issue with his penis.
I think it's kinda like a
funny shape, small like that.
He's Y, and he protrudes
in the front and in the back.
And he always talks about
women's appearances,
like that's the most
important thing.
And obviously it's not.
Trump's vocabulary is that
of perhaps a fourth grader.
Everything is good and
big. And we're all gonna win.
Trump is going to
go to prison in 2022,
and he's going to get raped.
And again, I'm really
not that political.
I just thought I'll go
to the White House
to see what's going on.
- (sign clatters)
- Ah! Oh, my God.
Why are you here if you
cannot take the heat? Why?
Andrew: And that's pretty
much what I saw in D.C.,
just a hundred-person
screaming match.
And, uh, some of the
loudest voices there
weren't even there
for the election at all.
Listen to me.
It is fuckin' serious
to take a baby boy
before he grows 21
and deprive him of his foreskin.
Don't let them son
of a bitches cut it off.
This fuckin' DOJ,
Department of Justice,
and the FBI, they don't give
a fuck about your foreskin.
I lived up North, the
American Siberia,
and I remember how my dick
shrank down to about two inches.
I pulled the foreskin back,
and I saw the head of
my penis turned blue.
If I didn't have a
foreskin, my for--
my foreskin would have--
my-my dick would
have been frost-bitten.
Activist: The
coronavirus is a hoax.
Our immune system is too strong.
My president bounced
back within two days.
The average African American
would have died
within two minutes.
Trump is a super God!
Shout-out to Ivanka
Trump, um, Sarah Sanders,
um, Kellyanne Conway.
Shout-outs to all of them, man.
Like, we are blessed.
We're gonna defeat
the Crips and the Bloods.
We're gonna defeat M--
BLM, Black Lives Matter.
We're gonna defeat
Antifa. This is not a game.
(voice echoing)
It is surreal down here, Terry.
They've been playin'
Bruce Springsteen
out here, Terry.
Little bit of anxiety
too for the violence.
As night fell on that
first night in D.C.,
most of the kinda
peaceful crowd left.
And a more militant
group arrived,
a group known as Antifa,
which in recent
months at that time
had become the ultimate strawman
of right-wing media.
Violent Antifa...
The Antifa lunatics.
The-- this Antifa thing.
A hundred and fifty
Joe Biden voters
dressed in black
paramilitary gear.
For those who don't
know, Antifa is a,
I would say, a loose
network of far-left protesters
associated with
Black Lives Matter,
but there's a little
bit of tension there.
They, uh, they
wear black blocks,
so you can't
identify them, really.
The, the weird thing
is that, you know,
right-wing conservative media
like Tucker Carlson
and Sean Hannity,
they made it seem
like Antifa was,
like, Joe Biden's soldiers.
But most of the kids
that I talked to that night
didn't even really
care about the election.
Protester: I don't really
give a shit about elections.
Either way, like, we're
not gonna have much,
any of the change we want.
Abolition, bro. We gotta burn
this shit down, but we
have to build something.
Like, this house is not
gonna be there anymore.
It's gonna be like a
surplus center or some shit.
I don't know. I'm a
fuckin' communist, man.
I'm tryin' to move to Portland,
man, like, at some point.
Personally, I want
to start a commune
with some of my close
friends up in Colorado.
That's basically it.
If you need anything, you
get it. There is no money.
When you start to
rebuild the country,
what is that new
country gonna be called,
and what is it gonna look like?
There's gonna be lots
of Indigenous nations
that are going to be--
have resurgences.
So we're gonna need to
focus on treaty building.
Do mushrooms.
It fixes your brain.
They might legalize
shrooms, marijuana,
all types of recreational drugs
for medicinal use in D.C. soon.
They've unlocked
the floodgates, baby.
Reporter: The Biden
lead now widening
in the state of Nevada.
Lester Holt: Joe Biden
is the apparent winner
in the state of Wisconsin.
Well, it's looking for certain
that Biden's going to win, so
I'm very pleased about that.
Game over, racist clown.
I do think that he's
better than Trump,
but I also think that
in general we need
to be addressing the systems
that allowed Trump to win.
We need to be
abolishing these systems,
like getting rid of
local police forces
and investing more
into the community
and more into mental
health services.
I'm also a feminist,
and I believe in equal
rights for all women,
and that includes Black women,
especially Black trans women.
I was a, a substitute
teacher in the hood, okay.
And I asked God one day,
"How do I reach my students?"
And he said,
"Become-- rap for them."
(rapping) I find myself
breathin' in the Holy Ghost
where I boast in the
Lord and his holy pleasure.
I call myself an Oreo
cookie inside out.
I connect more with the
African-American community.
I have a love for 'em. I--
I've gone to the inner
city and done work.
I love the African-American
Black Lives Matter
as an organization
has a lot of undercurrents.
God bless them.
And you know what?
They're fighting for a cause,
and they're getting paid.
They don't have any
other way to make money.
They are getting
paid $20 an hour
for 12 hours a day to protest.
George Soros.
98 percent of the
media's gonna lie to you,
because they have
a leftist agenda
to bring in socialism,
and a one-world government.
COVID was a plan
to bring in, uh, mail-in ballots
and to steal an election
at the end of the day.
Trump won in--
won in a landslide,
but now somehow overnight
they're finding hundred
of thousands of ballots
only for Biden.
The sad part is that you--
we aren't even being
given the facts anymore.
And so that's why I just say,
I'll say it, like, Alex
Jones knows the truth.
Andrew: Alex Jones, Alex Jones.
Pretty much everybody knows him.
He's basically the most famous
conspiracy theorist of all time.
I don't like 'em puttin'
chemicals in the water
that turn the
friggin' frogs gay!
Reporter: He has the ear
of our current president.
And I think we'll
be speaking a lot.
Andrew: And for years, he
had one of the biggest shows
on YouTube called InfoWars .
But after being de-platformed
for calling the Sandy
Hook shooting a hoax...
They staged Sandy Hook.
The evidence is
just overwhelming.
Andrew: ...he is
now only allowed
to post on his own website,
where he's probably
getting 10 percent
of the views that
he used to get.
But for the first time in years,
his numbers were
starting to pick back up,
because he promoted
conspiracy theories
about a rigged election.
God bless some of the rare
media channels right now
that are gonna
tell you the truth.
They could embed
things in the software
and even in the chips
to alter our votes.
TikTok is connected to what?
A thousand Chinese
porn websites.
You know, when they
talk about container
or, or cages, they're
actually talking
about virtual containers.
Joe Biden's containing children.
When you have a foreskin,
it is more pleasurable
on the woman.
A man without a
foreskin is like a carrot
going in and out, a carrot.
Remember Hercules,
he had a foreskin.
Olympian power.
(RV rumbling)
(foam hisses)
(blade scratching)
John Berman: You may have
gone to bed thinking this election
was headed one way,
and then you woke up
and you saw
things were different
and trending increasingly
in another direction.
Reporter 1: Pennsylvania's still
red but starting to shift as well.
Reporter 2: Biden
has been getting
about 70 percent
of the mail-in ballots.
Andrew: By the time I got to
Philly, shit was popping off.
As more mail-in
ballots rolled in,
Pennsylvania flipped
from red to blue overnight.
This was a huge loss for Trump.
And within hours, the
Trump team actually sued
the state of Pennsylvania
claiming that
pollsters in Philly
were rigging ballots for Biden.
President Trump has
won... Pennsylvania.
We have filed
for federal relief.
What we documented in Philly
was the first ever
Stop The Steal rally.
- Protester: Count every vote.
- Crowd: Count every vote.
Protester: (on megaphone) Jesus
Christ hates women presidents.
Trump is an alpha man,
Joe Biden's a beta man.
One of them weirdos got in
my face with a megaphone
and yelled that I'm a faggot.
Do I look like a faggot?
I'm not knockin'
anybody that's gay.
That's not nice. That's
what they called me, Ron.
- Listen, can I tell you why I'm pissed off?
- Andrew: Yes.
Every ounce of soda you drink,
you gotta pay a
penny-and-a-half tax.
You gotta pay a
dollar for the Coke
so the guy can make 30 cents.
- How does it make you feel?
- It's not an elected official
who should tell us what to do.
They gotta get them outta here.
They don't belong
on either side.
Let me tell you another
thing that's pissing me off.
The election
is a steaming crock
of hog drippings.
I can't believe
that, that America,
that Americans would
really elect an idiot
who has the intellect
of a bag of carrots
along with his vice
presidential running mate,
who's a total whore.
And let's face
it, she's a whore.
Kamala Harris was a law clerk.
Protester: It's a
personal attack--
She was a-- Shut up, jerk-off.
See, all you have
are personal attacks,
and all you have are
incoherent arguments.
Shut up, you-- 'cause
I got free speech.
It is legal to beat up
and maybe even kill
people who wear MAGA hats.
The cops will not do
anything to protect you.
And now I can say
I sort of kind of know
what it must have been like
to be a Jew in Germany
on January 30th of 1933.
This is a Civil War,
the second Civil War.
No evidence. There's no
evidence there's voter fraud.
I don't know where they're
getting, getting their, their facts from.
My vote is in that, in that, uh,
convention center,
and I want it counted.
Hopefully they hurry up
with legalizing
weed in New Jersey.
These are good things
that we're fighting for.
The Democratic Party
has gone communist.
They've gone insane.
And, and I will
fight to my death
fighting the evil of
progressive liberalism.
I'm feelin' a little
militant, I ain't gonna lie.
If it gets darker and
the lights shut off,
we're gonna probably
get bloody here.
I mean, I-- in a way, I don't
want my parents to weep.
But I'm for establishing
a strong nationalist
Christian-based nation.
Christo-Fash, that's
what we wanna do.
- Christian fascist?
- Yeah.
I, I promise you,
before inauguration,
we're gonna have a few bodies.
I wanna see Trump
supporters turn into Antifa.
It's gonna be
hilarious, you know.
They're gonna, they're
gonna wind up attacking
the other side
finally, grow a pair.
'Cause whites in America
are basically giving up
their, their, their beliefs
to make others feel comfortable.
And I see it as put the
whites first, you know.
Do you ever feel like you've gone
too far down the rabbit hole, man?
Oh, um,
what-whatever I'm
trying to dig deep into
is gonna put me in a grave.
I know that.
And then the more,
the more you dig,
the closer you are
to your own grave.
(eerie music playing)
Uncle Jeff: (over phone) Hey,
Andrew. It's your uncle, Jeff.
Listen, I know,
uh, you're in town.
I was hoping you
can do me a favor.
I wanted to see if
you would be able
to watch Roman
for a little while.
Just don't take him
out and get him involved
in any weird shit that
you guys are doin'.
Let me know if you
can do it. See ya.
Andrew: In the
midst of what felt like
the calm before a
massive shit storm,
I was put in charge
of a real-life kid
for 24 hours.
My dude, what's up, bro?
You wanna check it out?
(toy RV beeps)
Dah, dah, dah-duh, da-da.
Here we are. (laughs)
Both: Naahhh!
Andrew: How's 2020
been for you so far?
Andrew: What is the coronavirus?
Andrew: Okay, fill us in.
What's going on
with the election?
Reporter: In the
middle of a pandemic,
almost 150 million
Americans voted.
President Donald Trump:
No, I'm not thinking about
concession speech or
acceptance speech yet.
Losing is never easy,
not for me, it's not.
Andrew: The morning
after I hung out with Roman,
the final results for
the election were in.
Former Vice President Joe Biden
has been elected President
of the United States.
Person: Wa-hoo!
How about that Joe Biden?
Both: Biden.
I wanted him to win, and he won.
Yeah. This election
took forever,
and so we're so happy
to, like, have a result
and it's the one we wanted.
Kamala is in the White House.
Joe's in the House!
Joe's in the House.
It's a beautiful day in America.
This dude, that's my homeboy.
He bisexual. I seen him
with a bitch on one side
and a, no homo,
good-lookin' dude on the other.
He got paid $1,500,
and they all went
big deep up in Trump.
- What?
- Yeah.
- What do you mean?
- They were fucking Trump.
Had, like, a
threesome with Trump.
Came on his face
and all that shit.
Motherfucker suckin'
dick. God bless America.
I designed this
flag on my balcony
in the middle of a pandemic,
and I'm proud of this
country for pulling through.
I'm so fuckin' happy.
Happy we got this
fucking cockroach
out of town, baby.
- Woo-hoo!
- (horn toots)
What about Hunter?
Hunter Biden,
Joe Biden's son who's a nitwit,
a drug addict, got
kicked out of the Navy.
But his dad became
vice president.
Nobody's talkin' about Hunter.
How come Hillary
Clinton's not in jail?
You can give me the
finger all you want, bro.
I believe that he got robbed,
but I don't believe Joe
Biden's gonna be the president
once the courts
are through with him.
And I'm gonna tell you
somethin' that's really bad.
I didn't vote, but Donald
Trump started somethin'
that they can't stop.
Yo, fuck Donald Trump.
Yo, suck my dick, nigga.
Suck my dick, Joe!
Donald Trump, we
smokin' you tonight.
We're smokin' on
that Trump hat, girl.
Suck my fuckin' dick,
nigga. Suck my dick.
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Fuck Donald Trump. Suck my dick.
(all scream)
Donald Trump,
suck my dick, nigga.
- Fuck you.
- Person: Fuck that nigga, Trump.
You are Queens in the
building. They can suck my dick.
Fuck Donald Trump!
Fuck Donald Trump!
Suck my dick, Donald Trump!
He helped with the
scammin' and shit,
but he's out of here now.
We don't need him no more.
Can I just say,
Seora Vice President.
Crowd: Yeah!
This is for Donald Trump fool!
Eh-hah, fuck Trump.
I love him. He's so hot.
Him and Barack Obama
are, like, the hottest presidents.
I loved Obama. I
don't love Joe Biden.
We gotta, we gotta,
we gotta check him
every now and then, you feel me?
I think he's a
great placeholder.
I think we'll be able to make
progress in the meantime.
And I'm happy to have
somebody who is enough.
I don't personally
fuck with Kamala,
and I don't politically
fuck with her either,
but she's kinda sick.
She's a Scorpio.
- What's your sign?
- I'm a Taurus.
That's the best sign!
I think everyone here is delus--
deluding themselves,
but, you know, that's okay.
We're all here to
have fun. Biden won.
I guess Trum-- everyone
can go back to brunch.
Everyone can just, you
know, weed's legalized,
heroin's legalized,
so just tap out.
Democracy forever,
dude. We did it.
We saved the country.
Fuck yeah. We saved the country.
Whoo! Everything's all
amazing right now, man.
It's a big party forever.
Person in pig mask: Neither one
of them is gonna help us out at all.
It's revolution time.
We back to regularly
scheduled racism.
They need to change the judges.
We need new rules.
We need new laws.
We need a new world.
What does your sign say?
The sign says, "This
is only the beginning."
What's the end?
There is no end. (laughs)
People starving, people dying,
people have no jobs,
people sick.
Everything is wrong.
It's time to get, to make
change on this planet.
Rich get richer, and
the poor get poorer.
This is only the beginning.
You know, while
the left kinda drifted
into this new period
of fragmented disunity,
the right wing
was tightening up.
And, uh, within a week
they organized an event
called the Million MAGA March
where one million
Trump supporters
pledged to hit the
streets of D.C. in the, uh,
the largest-ever rally
to Stop The Steal.
Person: This is only the
beginning... (voice echoing)
Protester: And we're winning!
(crowd shouting and cheering)
(shouting continues)
The Satanist pedophiles
the Democrats represent
knew the world
awakening was here.
They control the corporations.
They control Hollywood.
They control the blue
cities and blue states
and other governments.
And they're gonna
stay locked down
until you all go on welfare
so they can force you
to waive your rights
to be forcibly inoculated.
(crowd shouting)
Alex Jones: We
declare independence
from the enemy of America, CNN.
Crowd: Yes.
And we declare independence
from that Communist
Chinese agent Joe Biden
and his demonic
pedophile family.
(crowd cheers)
Never submit to Satan and
these globalist pedophiles,
and we will defeat their
new world order. Amen.
I don't consciously make
stuff up for an audience.
I've got stacks of news
that is just the craziest stuff
in the world going
on everywhere.
Uh, and people can't
believe what's real.
I mean, animal-human clones.
Uh, they've been growing
humanoids in utero
up to term inside cows.
And we're talkin' about
30-, 40-pound babies.
They're designed, uh,
they're part bovine, part cow.
So they can then
harvest the organs.
They have spiders--
spider-goats, goats
that are part spider.
They produce body
armor out of their milk.
They tried to recruit my
dad into that in the 1980s.
He didn't get into it, but a lot
of his colleagues took the job
and, uh, never saw
'em again basically.
By the way, that's, that's
real what I just told you.
The pedophile globalists
and their attempted
election steal
and the Clinton blackmail
rings have only summoned
the sleeping giant
that is America.
(crowd cheers)
And you, you are
the tip of the spear.
(cheering continues)
Trump is our president.
Crowd: Trump is our president!
Trump is our president!
The proletariat,
as they're called,
really likes dumbed-down stuff.
And-and-and so it's because
I talk to them at their level.
Crowd: USA!
I think that's why
we've been successful.
I think people resonate
with the fact that this is real.
- Freedom.
- Crowd: Freedom.
I also have never
tried to organize people
to offensively cross the line
and go out and kill globalists.
All these globalist
Democrat mayors
are enemies and the
equivalent of Nazis.
And the American people
have a right and a duty
to resist by any
means necessary.
(crowd cheering)
Saturday, November 14th, 2020
will be celebrated
for hundreds of years
as the second
American Revolution.
Crowd: 1776!
Alex Jones: 1776!
The name of my show
is Information War ,
In-fo-War, InfoWar ,
not physical war, In-fo-War.
No, when I'm being an
actor, it's very, very clear.
I eat babies. I eat
'em every night.
I eat 'em, you know,
with barbecue sauce.
And I flew to the moon
last night with a witch.
And I took DMwith Easter bunnies.
Now, now, that's an
example of being crazy.
I mean, this is art.
And I'm not saying
what I do politically is art.
But, but, but
everything is an art form.
Hunga-ah-hunga hey-hungalalala.
Ooh. Oh, yeah, more.
- Andrew: More?
- I've had enough.
My fuckin' eyes. Ah!
(groans) Oh shit.
You know, i-it's, like, beauty's
in the eye of the beholder
so if you give somebody
a FEMA camp document,
no one cares about that.
But if you have, like,
a piece of toast with
the Virgin Mary on it,
well, the splash is bigger,
so the, the system
dumbs it down for them
so they can project
whatever they want onto it.
The globalists
think you're weak.
They're tryin' to take you
and your families over. Resist.
Protester: We'll always fight.
Andrew: Alex Jones may
have been deplatformed
from YouTube and Facebook,
but at the Million MAGA
March along with thousands
of other deplatformed patriots
pushed off the internet
and into the streets,
he was absolute king.
Think about it, right? You
got a guy who already says
that there's some massive
deep state conspiracy out
to silence him
and his followers.
And then you silence
him and his followers.
You know, for someone like him,
that only really
adds to his credibility.
Alex Jones: The
Proletariat, as they're called,
really likes dumbed-down stuff.
Give me Liberty
or give me death!
No more fraud!
We need to revote in
all seven swing states.
I am one thousand
percent sure that he is going
to get it again,
four more years.
I have no doubt whatsoever.
I have never doubted
it for a nanosecond.
You know, one
thing that I wanna,
you know, make clear
about the Million MAGA March
is that at this specific march,
the vibe was very optimistic.
I mean, I would say 95 percent
of the people at this event
thought that the election
would be overturned
within a couple days.
Crowd: Jesus is great.
(singing) Still I
love standing up
For my Jesus
Because of all
that he's done
For me
Crowd: And that's
why I'm not afraid
To be counted
But I'm willing
to give my life
See I'm ready to be
All he wants me to be
To give us a
raft for the ride
No, I am not ashamed
Of the gospel
I am not ashamed
Of the gospel
Of Jesus Christ
Crowd: (chanting)
Stop the steal.
I'm inspired right now with
all these beautiful people
supporting Trump, being awoke,
realizing what's going
on in the world right now.
And it's truth versus lies.
You can see that from the
media, from Facebook, from CNN.
My dad was just on Facebook,
and, uh, and his friend.
And they were
trying to livestream
what's happening right now.
Both of their accounts are now,
they're, they're
not letting 'em post.
The dollar is powerful,
and it's dictating
what all of us see
on a daily basis.
So it's those,
those kinda actions
that do nothin' but
make you lose faith.
Anything with Biden
gets overlooked.
Anything with the Biden family
gets overlooked. What about Hunter?
What if I told you I've
got pictures of Hunter,
and I got naked pictures of
Hunter doin' crack cocaine?
You know, did we look at
that? Did we look at the fraud?
Did we look at
that? No, we didn't.
We didn't look
into it, did we? No.
Andrew: So Joe Biden's son
Hunter had a crack problem,
more specifically
a filming himself
while smoking crack problem.
He's done it, like, four times.
One of the key stories in the,
uh, Stop The Steal mythology
is about Hunter Biden's laptop.
Basically, they think
there's way worse stuff on it
than the crack-smoking video
and that China is
holding the laptop hostage
and has successfully
blackmailed Joe Biden
in helping them
hack voting machines
and steal the election
away from Trump.
He holds the key to everything.
If that would have been exposed,
we, we wouldn't
be here right now.
I talked to a Chinese
lady out here,
and she said that he's in China.
Hidin' Biden.
Dave: China bribes people.
They've been sitting on
Joe Biden's son's laptops,
plural, for years now.
They'll get you drunk,
they'll get you drugs,
and the next thing you
know, you'll wake up in bed
with a nine-year-old girl.
And they got it on tape.
So now what do you do?
You get on the wrong side
of these sons of bitches,
and they will destroy your life.
D-denounce me
as a piece of filth,
or you might get in trouble.
I don't wanna call you that.
No. Z-Zuckerberg
and others said,
"You can only speak to
me if it's a negative light."
Th-that's an official
That's not a cult or anything.
That's not tyranny. That's good.
Just say, "You're a
despicable person."
Well, th-th-the algorithm
doesn't know. It's a computer.
Just say, "You
are filth, I hate you.
"I'm here to expose
you, garbage.
Alex Jones is filth.
Alex Jones is bad."
Alex Jones is bad? That's good.
I like the hair down.
I'm not normally gay,
but I'd kinda like to run
my fingers
through it a little bit.
Oh my gosh. Maybe
Bigfoot's hiding in here.
Oh, Bigfoot, are you in there?
If we do not accelerate
our resistance now,
they're gonna come after
InfoWars even more, okay.
You need to understand
that. I need your prayers.
I need your financial
You need DNA Force
Plus. You need the fish oil.
You need vita-mineral
fusion. The fight is now.
Andrew: If you watch an
hour-long InfoWars segment,
probably 20
minutes of it is just
full-blown advertisements
for anti-globalist products
like Dr. Jones
extra chill Kava pills,
and a wide catalog
of T-shirts, mugs,
hats, bullet-proof vests,
flags, backpacks,
essential oils,
and all sorts of New
Age holistic supplements.
So while it was true
that everyday
people on the right
were being censored
and kicked off social media,
it only just pushed
them to alt platforms
and into tighter and
tighter echo chambers.
And then right into the hands
of the profiteers like Alex.
It's estimated that in 2017,
Alex Jones made $10 million
selling merchandise
and subscriptions.
But that could never compare
to our businessman president
who in 2017 made $25
million selling MAGA hats.
(crowd cheering)
(sirens wailing)
What's happening today in D.C.?
Just, like, out here, like,
resisting Nazis and fascists.
And of course, they're
not welcome here.
This is a very sacred space.
We're outside of Black
Lives Matter Plaza.
I think that there's a
reason that they're here
at Black Lives Matter Plaza.
I think that they're looking
to target Black people.
They're looking to
target people of color
and also members of
the LGBTQ community.
Every one of these
I want 'em to come at me,
so I can throw
some fuckin' hands.
Dude, how bout y'all come at me?
Fuck you.
Fuck Antifa.
Protester: What do you
mean? How am I the Nazi?
You guys are the ones
breakin' a bunch of shit.
Answer me that.
Person: Get the
fuck outta here, bitch!
- Hey, get off.
- (woman screams)
BLM Protester: So we're all
warnin' when we see them comin'
through Black Lives Matter
Plaza with their Trump gear on.
They're takin' pictures of us
to put up on their
racist websites.
That's a sign right there.
What they were tryin' to do
was incite hatred and violence.
And as you can see,
it has manifested
itself over this weekend.
Reporter: Overnight, fireworks
exploding in the streets of D.C.
At least 20 arrests made.
So one thing that I learned
from covering events like this
is that when there is violence,
you know, in political
contexts like this,
it's pretty much
always between Antifa
and their mortal
enemy, the Proud Boys.
Person: The Proud
Boys are best described
as a fringe group
on the far right.
Andrew: The group
was founded in 2016
by a Canadian hipster
named Gavin McInnes,
who also co-founded
Vice magazine.
Women do earn less in
America because they choose to.
Andrew: His rants on Fox News
garnered him a
small cult following,
but in 2017,
a first-degree Proud
Boy and neo-Nazi
named Jason Kessler organized
that infamous rally in
Charlottesville, Virginia
that turned violent and
resulted in the death
of a protester.
(people screaming)
Shortly after Charlottesville,
Gavin McInnes stepped down,
and, uh, he was
replaced by an Afro-Cuban
gun rights activist from
Miami named Enrique Tarrio.
I'm a person of color,
right? I'm Cuban.
So our message has
never been about race.
So Enrique had just spent
six months in a federal prison
for selling millions
of dollars' worth
of expired diabetic test
strips on the streets of Miami.
He was sort of
brought in pretty clearly
to try to rebrand the Proud Boys
as some kind of anti-racist,
free speech guardian group.
So I went to go find Enrique
and figure out what he
was doing in D.C. that day.
Enrique Tarrio: They'd
been using the word "resist"
for the past four years.
And I think "resist" is,
is such a dumb word.
Because "resist"
means that you're,
you're put on the defense.
A revolt is, is a better word.
And it doesn't mean
that it has to be violent.
I'm saying, like, we
need to go on the offense.
The Proud Boys go out
and protect the innocent.
They go out and
protect the people
exercising their
first amendment.
The Rufio punch,
that's the legend,
most legendary pun--
it's the punch heard
around the world.
(heavy metal music playing)
You were in the zone, man.
You're like, it's like a video game.
Ethan Nordean: Yeah,
Gavin McInnes says,
you know, "Violence isn't great,
but justified
violence is amazing."
That you just have to
eliminate them as a threat.
I, I can't imagine what
would have happened
if we weren't there. Um...
Uh, he literally
knocked the soul
out of this little
soy boy Antifa.
- Knocked the soul out-- - Guy
was attacking him with a baton--
Yes, he was attacking
him with a baton, absolutely.
It was self-defense 100 percent.
The founding fathers didn't
envision, like, this, right?
They didn't envision all
of this, all these beauti--
the-- this beautiful
They, they didn't--
Person 1: What's up?
Person 2: Hey, we're
just checkin' you out.
Person 1: You think what
you're doin' will scare me?
I will fuck one of y'all up.
Then do it. Then fuck it up.
Come on, hit me. Come on, Pussy.
Well, so I came all the
way over here to hit you?
You said you were
gonna fuck me up, right--
Listen, we asked you a question.
You don't know me. You
don't know nothin' I'm about.
You motherfuckers is stupid.
Until you keep fuckin'
running your mouth.
Shut the fuck up.
You guys are arguing
with a fuckin' retard.
You're, you're playing
fucking chess with a pigeon.
If we were what the mainstream
media said, that kid would--
that guy would have been
demolished immediately.
- Yep.
- If we were what the mainstream media claims us to be,
he would have been done.
Cameras or no cameras,
he would have been done, if
we were who they say we are.
We're, we're some
ultra-right wing
racist, violent, uh, street
gang they call us, right?
Then why didn't we just beat
up that Black man right there?
And we just
proved it right there.
The truth is we're not,
we're not like these,
this violent mob of
a gang or anything.
And if my presence
is provocation,
then, you know what,
so be it. I'll take it.
Andrew: For sure. Can
we check your shirt out?
Enrique: I am a
Western Chauvinist,
and I refuse to apologize
for creating the modern world.
Proud Boys is a drinking club.
We're a drinking club
with a patriot problem.
We're a drinking club
with a patriot problem
is what we are.
It's a men's group.
It's a drinking club.
Patriot club.
Actually, no, I'm sorry.
A drinking club with
a patriot problem.
I don't drink. No.
This is actually--
that's why it's full.
I haven't drank
in, like, 12 years.
I thrive in the, the
anarchy of, of all this shit.
I, I had a pretty
cool childhood.
You know, I was a
little rebellious fuck.
I used to break into cars.
We used to steal cars.
Nissans are pretty
easy. You hotwire 'em.
Hondas are super
easy, same thing.
High-end cars, you need keys.
You want to say I'm
guilty of something else?
Manipulating fuckin'
mainstream media? Yes.
Proud Boys is a drinking club.
- With a-- - Is that how
you would define it?
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Andrew: So how do
you make money?
Enrique: I started
this, this shop
And we sell all sorts
of conservative
merchandise and apparel.
We started this
store as a hobby.
T-shirts, mugs, hats.
I'm a T-shirt
mogul, T-shirt king.
(kisses) Ha!
When we get on the news,
we'll do about
$5,000, $10,000 a day.
Think our best day for business
was when Biden
mentioned us in the debates.
- Proud Boys.
- (overlapping chatter)
Proud Boys, stand
back and stand by.
(patriotic music playing)
I might have left-wing sites
that sell left-wing merchandise.
Andrew: You make
Joe Biden merch?
I know how to put
food on my table.
Like, you could
take away my status.
You could take away my voice.
I'm gonna find a
way to do something.
(echoing) We're a drinking
club with a patriot problem.
Alex Jones: It is more
important than ever
in the third dimension,
here on the ground,
that bumper stickers,
license plates, T-shirts,
because if you're
watching and listening
to this transmission
and taking action,
you are the resistance.
Ah, well, these guys came in,
you guys came in for a
fuel filter replacement.
Yeah, well, we found
a cock in the block.
- What?
- A cock in the block.
There's a rooster nesting up
under the undercarriage in here.
- Like an actual live chicken?
- Yes, sir.
Mechanic: What the fuck?
- Andrew: Is it alive or dead?
- Mechanic: It's alive.
And if you feel as though
he needs to get outta there,
I feel like you guys
should crawl up under there
and get that chicken
out of there, personally.
Friend: You see it?
Andrew: Yeah. There's
a chicken in the RV.
He looks fuckin' scared, man.
- Friend: He's scared?
- Andrew: Yeah.
- Andrew: Oh shit! Oh fuck!
- (chicken clucking)
(chicken clucking)
Reporter: Hundreds of
Trump supporters gathered
at rallies across Atlanta today
protesting the results of
the presidential election
here in Georgia.
Andrew: As the echo chamber
grew smaller and smaller
and Biden's inauguration
drew closer and closer,
Patriots became
angrier than ever.
Protester: CNN sucks.
CN suck-- CNN sucks.
CNN is taking a massive, pffff,
crap on this country.
They took a bunch of laxatives,
and they're just crapping
all over the American flag.
They're crappin' all
over the National Anthem.
Trump doesn't poo
on the American flag.
President Trump diarrheas
in Joe Biden's mouth.
Joe Biden loves
that Trump diarrhea
right in his mouth,
right all over his face.
This is a stolen
election through this
(thump) crap right here.
There's what the
socialists are usin'
to take our country.
(thump) No more mail-in
ballots, Mr. Mailbox.
Damn it to hell!
Andrew: And for the first
time, I heard talk of a coup.
I pray for peaceful revolution,
but I'm prepared for
a violent revolution.
When tyranny becomes
law, rebellion becomes duty.
A-and that's where I'm at.
Will you accept Joe
Biden as your president?
Fuck no. Bushmaster
AR-15, Smith Wesson 40 cal.
I-I'm locked and
loaded and ready to roll.
There has to be blood. This
is a communist revolution.
And I'll tell you right now,
bro. I'm fuckin' in here, man.
Ready to die for my country.
We don't want that shit, man.
It's capitalism, not
communism, man.
I love guns.
I love this country.
That's all it is to it.
Fuck Antifa.
Fuck CNN too. Fake news.
Does anybody in the world
that's not watching CNN
- think that this is an honest election?
- Person: Yeah!
If you do, then I
feel sorry for you.
The part-- the time
for praying is done.
Jesus was not a pacifist.
When he saw the tyranny,
he turned over the tables.
This is it. This is the tyranny.
Andrew: Despite
the fighting words
of a lot of these people,
nobody was sure exactly how
or when this coup
was gonna go down.
It was more abstract.
And to add insult to injury,
Antifa was on scene
yelling at InfoWars subscribers,
QAnon followers,
and militia members
about the KKK.
Group: No Trump, no
KKK, no fascist USA!
No Trump, no
KKK, no fascist USA!
How did they gather those folks?
Excuse my language. And
who the fuck's paying them?
George Soros's son
has already had
evidence against him
with these folks down here.
We think that they're
trying to steal our election.
Who's bussin' 'em in?
Group: No Trump, no
KKK, no fascist USA!
We knew that there
were white supremacists,
Proud Boys, and
InfoWars in our city,
so we just wanted to make
sure they're not welcome here.
The Proud Boys are
gonna fuckin' come at us.
We got one. We got the
leader right fuckin' there
in my goddamn city.
I would say that I
am an anarchist,
a socialist, a communist.
I believe in socialism
because I want the,
I believe that the workers
own their right to production.
Starbucks employees
should be able to own
the machines that
make the coffee.
But above all else,
I'm anti-fascist.
When Donald Trump
takes over office,
you guys are the
ones goin' to jail
for being like this
at this event, bro.
Are you really gonna
wear the muzzle?
Like, you look like
livestock walkin' around.
'Cause, look, your entire
body's covered in holes,
so why cover the one part
that shows your personality?
Where, where are all the holes
that your body is covered in?
Have you ever heard of
a pore? Do you sweat?
So we're full of holes. Do
we agree? Are you a stone?
Listen to me, lady. You
see that tower right there?
That's called 5G, okay.
Right there, right there,
right there, right there.
60 millihertz.
You're walking around basically
on chemotherapy.
(engine revving)
Biden's a child molester.
And he kidnaps children
and does horrible
things to them,
just like Hillary Clinton and
Obama who made the virus.
The virus is manmade.
It doesn't exist.
Kids need to be
put back in school.
The people who
are pulling the strings
is the Italian Vatican.
They actually are
reptilian bloodlines
from another planet.
They're basically robots.
And the evil
people that are there
such as the Rothschilds
who suck blood of,
out of children to
get adrenaclome
and stay young
and beautiful forever.
They pick 'em up, and
they take 'em to a submarine
and go underground until
they can get to Epstein island,
which is where
they molest children.
(indistinct chatter)
Child: That's the ice breaker.
Group: Ohhh!
Child 1: Hey,
get that thing off.
- Child 2: Stop!
- (pops)
Uh-oh, he's got the pistol.
Get him. Ah, ah, ah. Head shot.
- (laughter)
- Person: Whoa, whoa!
I went to McDonald's today,
and I wanted to get a muffin.
And I found human
teeth in my muffin.
Andrew: Uh-oh. So, so what's,
what's inside McDonald's food?
Um, I think it's, like,
ground-up children.
People do evil shit, that's it.
And these people have
plenty of opportunity,
they got more money than God.
I think the military's
gonna arrest
the whole damn government.
Some people say
that there's gonna be
a blackout, no
television except for,
um, Donald J. Trump
screening on live news.
And what he's gonna
do is he's going to,
um, lock up all the
other pedophiles
and reptilian bloodlines
and put them in jail.
Where do you get
your information from?
The dark stream media.
Like I said, what
you have to do is
you have to go search
around the normal media
for someone who knows how
to get into the dark stream media.
And another pl-- good place
to track is the Trump media,
which is actually
telling all the truth.
At this point, I'd never
actually gone on a Q board.
So for the first time, I had
Jayden's dad, Brandon,
take me headfirst
which is the main Q board.
(clicking tongue)
Brandon Spencer:
Let me see here.
Now you have to
understand that he speaks
in, in cryptic code.
There's actually a Q clock
that you have to
decipher all this stuff from.
Andrew: So this, this
is an actual Q drop?
Brandon: Yup. Anderson Cooper.
And you can see all
the Satanic, uh, artwork
in the background,
which is just, just troubling.
I mean, you have a man
here getting burned alive
while there's some
sort of Satanic ritual
going around in the background.
I see that sacrifice
is misspelled.
Do you think
that's also cryptic?
Brandon: Yeah, absolutely.
These, these guys are smart.
Anything that's misspelled,
anything that looks
out of the ordinary,
there's something to it.
The purpose of the movement
is to, is to question
Inside the pepper, you
have that upside down
kinda triangle, if you will.
This is the sign for a
boy lover, right here.
Whoo. Go Trump.
He's still your president!
He's still your president!
Mother: They are
very, very good kids.
We're very blessed, and
that's why I'm comfortable
with making the decision
to keep them out of school,
even if that means
they don't have
all the friends to be around.
And, you know,
I don't want my
kids wearing masks.
Andrew: Do you guys
miss going to school?
- Um, yup.
- Um, very much.
It's, um, it's, it's not the--
the virus is manmade
like my dad said,
so it's worthless
not going to school.
But we're gonna have
to wear the mask, like,
for 24/7 if we have to go
back, except, like, on weekends.
Imagine if the
coronavirus never exists,
would you like to
go back to school?
Um, yeah. I really like--
I miss all my friends. My
mom, my mom is saying that
'cause she wants
to home-school us,
but the only thing that's
holding her back is our friends.
I don't have a lot of friends.
I just have, like, one or two.
You have a t-- I have zero.
Andrew: You have zero? Come
on, everyone has one friend.
- I'm your, I'm your friend.
- You have us at least.
- Okay.
- Andrew: Yeah.
Which friend do
you miss the most?
- Um, probably, like, Kaitlin.
- Andrew: Why?
'Cause she's, like, the
only one who gets me.
Mother: It's sad that they don't
have a lot of friends to play with
but I think in the long
run, they'll be better adults,
having a better education
than being popular.
Reporter: Breaking
news just in from Atlanta.
The police chief
just stepping down
in the wake of a deadly
officer-involved shooting.
An attempted arrest
in a Wendy's parking lot
turning to a struggle
over a stun gun.
Ask yourself. How do
you think you would do
regardless of what color you are
if you snatched a cop's taser
and tried to shoot him with it?
Most likely you'd be dead.
Person: Look. Look behind you.
Look. Look at
this shit right here.
You see this man,
Rayshard Brooks?
Police just brutally
murdered a man right here.
Didn't even give a
fuck. You feel me?
Protester: (on
megaphone) Say his name.
Group: Rayshard Brooks.
Andrew: Shortly before my
meeting with the Spencer family,
a 27-year-old man
named Rayshard Brooks
had been killed
by police officers
in a Wendy's parking lot.
Protests erupted, which resulted
in the burning of the Wendy's
and the accidental
killing of a young girl
due to a stray bullet.
He was, he was, he
came to get some food
for his family from the Wendy's.
He was a little
intoxicated, you feel me?
So he parked his
car in this parkin' lot.
- Fell asleep.
- Fell asleep in the car.
The police got him out the
car, asked him some questions.
And that shit went left.
It wasn't Black people that
burned this Wendy's down.
Who, who burned
the Wendy's down?
It was actually a
Caucasian female.
Then a little girl
got killed right there
in the parking lot we just
left before gettin' the bottle.
Person 1: A
little girl got killed.
Person 2: Well, that
shit took a little girl, man.
Fuck 12, man.
I love Wendy's though. Y'all
got that good four-for-four.
I fuck with that, though.
Rest in peace, Rayshard
Brooks, Breonna Taylor,
and everybody we lost
this year to police brutality,
COVID-19, 'cause
my granny had COVID.
She beat it. That shit is real.
Everybody take
care of their self.
More folks might start
joinin' us right now.
- (laughter) - We might--
we had this shit packed.
The whole street--
Oh man, here we go
again with this bullshit.
(indistinct chatter)
So what do you guys
wanna be when you grow up?
Basketball star.
Person: Oh, oh,
let's close the gate.
(indistinct chatter)
Football star.
Andrew: What do you
wanna be when you grow up?
I wanna be myself.
How's, how's 2020
been so far for you guys?
Good and bad at the same time.
What do you mean?
My cousin died.
He was just mindin'
his own business.
Then he got robbed, and...
Person: Young kids
get ready for the count.
...they pulled out a gun on him
and then shot him
four times in the back.
(indistinct chatter)
That's my one wish,
to see him again.
I would just give him a hug.
All three of us is brothers.
- Andrew: What'd you say?
- All three of us is brothers.
Which one of you
guys is the oldest?
We've got to show
the kids this ain't right.
Like, they gotta
look up to us. Shit.
We the next generation.
They the next generation.
Everybody tired of everything.
We're tired of sittin' in the house.
We're tired of gettin'
fed lies, bullshit.
Hey, it don't matter
who president.
It ain't gonna never change.
Same thing gonna always
be goin' on in the world
what's goin' on now.
See what I'm sayin'?
Like, hey, only person who
can make the world better is God.
That's to me.
It really made me think about,
like, how much free time
and also financial
stability it really takes
to show face at the
kind of angry pep rallies
that I had been going to
for the past couple months
prior to that.
So many Americans'
primary concern
is just getting by, you know?
They don't have
time to fly to D.C.,
get their Trump gear,
and just yell about shit
that's probably
not gonna happen.
It was also hard to believe
that just two miles away
from where I interviewed
those kids in the projects
was the Spencer
family household,
where they live in
absolute fear of reptiles
and Rothschilds stealing
everything from them.
I mean, they
basically live next door
to a segregated housing project
where people's primary
concern is making ends meet
and ultimately escaping poverty.
It, it made me wonder if
it would ever be possible
to bridge that gap
in understanding
and, more importantly,
how much power an
American president
really has in a four-year
term to fix a country
with such dramatic inequality
and, let's keep it real,
poor informational literacy.
Brandon: This is the sign
for a boy lover, right here.
At this point, I was
getting, like, so tired
of going from Trump
rally to Trump rally,
but I was invited to
actually be on stage
at the next Million
MAGA March in D.C.,
so I had to do it.
Reporter: Today, thousands
of President Trump supporters
gathered in the
nation's capital.
Reporter 2: This is the
second largest rally here
by Trump supporters
since election day.
We demand the truth.
Reporter 2: This is the
president's loyal base.
Now turn it up.
Gun-toting patriot,
god-fearing patriot
Bryson, why they mad?
'Cause I'm real
and they be fakin' it
They free General
Flynn out the cage
'Cause he innocent
Pardon Roger Stone
'Cause the world
know that he innocent
We need to kick out
Every single
illegal immigrant
Mandatory voter I.D. laws
We need to implement
Gun-totin', bible-reading
truth-speaking American
It's MAGA season,
Democrats committin' treason
You see the energy
out here, baby.
Trump 2020, we're goin'
crazy out here. Yes, sir.
I do it all, cuz.
I might do all the
jobs, bro. You feel me?
Capo, man. Been 45. Know that.
It's like gang bang
Trump music almost.
You know what I mean?
You could almost crip walk
or somethin' to the
Trump music we're makin'.
Four more years in my system
If I catch an op he
gonna be a victim
Shout out to the military
gang on the battlegrounds
I pray for you until
Trump come back to town
I respect Trump
more as a hustler
than a political figure.
More as a hustler,
'cause I'm a hustler.
I have five TikToks.
It's actually genius.
I got so many
songs, it's crazy, man.
Half a million for the case
If I'm shootin' your face
Walk about the courtroom
Ferragamo on my waist
I think I cleaned
a lot of stuff up,
so the audience that I have
now I would say is more, like,
I would say Christian belief
audience, pro-Trump audience.
Everybody could be a
genius if you work hard.
You just gotta change
the ways you're hustlin'.
Once I started goin' to Trump,
these people started following.
I think my account before
that had, like, 80,000 followers.
I probably went up 100K
followers on Instagram
in three, four months.
I wasn't a Republican
before 2016.
What you know about this?
Bearin' me a wild boy
All I do is pop shit
I am not a Proud Boy
I rough with all
the Proud Boys
Red, white, and blue
Mama, yeah, I
rep it loud, boy
- Crowd: Fuck Antifa.
- Protester: Fuck Antifa.
Crowd: Fuck Antifa. Fuck Antifa.
All I want you guys to do
is fuckin' smile and look
great for the fuckin' camera,
'cause you're a bunch of
handsome sons of bitches.
Crowd: Hoo!
- Whose streets?
- Crowd: Our streets.
Alex Jones: Never
surrender to the globalists.
We will never surrender!
Roger Stone: They tell
us this election is over.
- Person 1: No.
- Person 2: Bullshit--
Nothing is over
till we say it is.
Crowd: Yeah!
Never surrender,
and fight for America.
(crowd cheering)
(heavy metal music playing)
Owen Shroyer: Alright,
all you crazy motherfuckers.
Now, I heard,
I heard that you guys went
out lookin' for some Antifa.
- (crowd cheering)
- Person: 1776!
- Hey, this is our revolution!
- (crowd cheering)
- Whose streets?
- Crowd: Our streets.
Protester: We got real-life
demands of the movement.
Defund the police,
protect Black women.
That's all fact. But right
now, I'm here to fight.
Right now, I'm here to defend
my motherfuckin' city, man.
We're here to get
the fuckin' cops
off their lazy fat asses
and do their fuckin' jobs,
'cause otherwise
these American Patriots
are gonna come out
here and do it for them.
Enrique: Everybody's smiling.
Everybody's having a good time.
Enrique: The feds were
smiling, Antifa was smiling.
And, you know, my
friends were smiling.
'Cause we're enjoying this.
- (crowd shouting)
- (fireworks explode)
- (mace hisses)
- (protester screams)
- (sirens wailing)
- (horn honking)
- (firework explodes)
- (people screaming)
Enrique: I felt like
December 12th,
we usually take a
defensive stance.
And it felt like the
Proud Boys took an,
an offensive stance.
- Officer: Hey, sit down.
- (indistinct chatter)
You don't care! You don't
care for this fuckin' country!
These are my kids!
These are my fuckin'
kids behind me!
(screaming and shouting)
Are you fucking people crazy?
(indistinct shouting)
Andrew: That night, several
of them were arrested.
And for the first
time, the Proud Boys,
whose rallies have
centered around assisting
and defending law enforcement...
We wanted to
just get police, uh,
and law enforcement the tools
that they need to
combat these riots.
Andrew: ...began turning
their backs on the blue.
I'm not a back-the-blue guy.
I don't wanna advertise
a pro-police message.
- I just don't.
- (shouting)
Cop: Well, thank you--
Yeah, so, um, after
that rally in D.C.,
I started to feel
a little bit weird.
Just want to do a COVID test.
Anybody ever thrown
up when they did it?
God fuck. (cough)
Oh, it's super easy.
I, I did a good job.
You think I might have it?
I went to a Trump rally,
and all I got was COVID-19.
I was just in the
middle of nowhere
laying down under
my space blanket
just, like, watching, you know,
to see what would happen next.
But, you know, I knew that
somethin' bad was gonna happen
after that day in, in D.C.
(crowd shouting)
Ethan: The movement
that started with one man,
on public access
television will tomorrow
turn into millions of Americans
in the streets of
Washington, D.C.
to take our republic back.
Crowd: Yes!
And that man's
name is Alex Jones.
Ladies and
gentlemen, Alex Jones.
(crowd shouting)
The globalists are in fear.
The globalists want to play God.
They are not God.
And the answer to
their 1984 tyranny
is 1776!
- Crowd: 1776! 1776!
- 1776! 1776!
Alex Jones: We're here to take
our rightful country
back peacefully.
Because we're not
globalist Antifa criminals.
So let's start marching,
and I salute you all.
- Crowd: USA! USA! USA!
Person: Come on, patriots.
Tell Congress how you feel.
Make them hear you.
Crowd: America
First. America First.
This is Donald Trump's
Republican Party.
Let's have trial by combat.
(crowd shouts and cheers)
President Trump:
Fight like hell.
And if you don't
fight like hell,
you're not gonna have
a country anymore.
(rioters shouting)
Rioter: Freedom!
- (person screams)
- Rioter 2: Donald Trump won.
Tyrants! You tyrants!
Rioter 3: Freedom!
Rioter 4: Stop the steal!
Rioter: That's all they got?
What the fuck? Let's go.
Rioter: 1776!
Crowd: 1776!
(officer screaming)
(evil laughter)
Pussy-ass motherfuckers.
What they doing?
Look like a fuckin'
field trip, bro.
I woulda been breaking
statues, shitting on the floor,
pissin' everywhere,
slappin' everybody up.
- Reporter: (on TV) And they're
stopping-- - What the fuck is this, bro?
Commentator: This looks
like the easiest investigation
the FBI has ever conducted,
because these people have--
most of them have incriminated
themselves on social media.
Reporter: The Justice
Department says
about 440 people have
already been arrested.
Commentator: We're looking
at significant felony cases
tied to sedition and conspiracy.
Reporter 2: U.S.
Olympic gold medalist
Klete Keller charged today.
Reporter 3: An Air Force
veteran in connection
with Wednesday's assault.
Reporter 4: West
Virginia state lawmaker
Derrick Evans is facing charges.
Reporter 5: Around 57 were
linked to extremist groups,
including the Proud Boys
and the conspiracy
ideology QAnon.
Reporter 6: Authorities
arrested and charged
Proud Boys organizer
and former InfoWars host
Joe Biggs for taking
part in the riots.
Reporter 7: They say he
helped recruit people to be there,
saying that January
6th was going to be epic.
Reporter 8: The prosecutor
said Ethan Nordean played
a leadership role and
was heavily involved
in the organizing of the
attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Brace Belden: People
that got their faces
all over the internet,
they're the first
ones to go down.
This is our house.
This is our house.
And that's, like, really
sums up a lot of this thing,
is, like, you finally get
these people to the edge,
it's like, "Here it is.
Do what you want,"
and all they can do is fuckin'
livestream and get arrested.
Rioter: Wow, what a great video.
That's right. We did it.
Fuckin' A, man.
My fellow Americans,
the storm is upon us.
- Person: Yeah, it is.
- God bless.
- Person: Yeah!
- We are the storm!
I couldn't help but wonder,
to them, what the point
of all this really was.
I can't blame people for
lookin' for meaning, you know.
And, like, people look for meaning
in all sorts of fucked up weird ways.
Reporter: At least
four people have died,
including one
woman, who was shot
by police inside the Capitol.
Reporter 2: President
Trump is waking up
this morning without access
to some of his social
media accounts.
Reporter 3: While
chaos unfolded,
the President continued
to post conspiracy theories
with absolutely no evidence.
A lot of these
people truly believed
they'd be remembered
as American heroes.
And I can't blame them.
The lore of QAnon,
the calls for 1776
by Alex Jones,
the paramilitary muscle
of the Proud Boys,
and the actual words
of Donald Trump himself
were the perfect storm.
As I watched from
the RV, I wondered,
Where were the people
who gave them the confidence
to cross the line?
I'm not gonna lie
like the left does.
Antifa and some people
in the Proud Boys
claim they were with it,
and some people
in the Oath Keepers.
I'm not against those groups,
but some people in those groups,
not their leaders,
went there to go into
the Capitol and to do that.
What happened at the
Capitol helps the deep state.
What happened at the
Capitol helps the authoritarians.
What happened at the Capitol
is not good for any American.
And now, anybody that types 1776
from now on is, is
an insurrectionist.
There was no plan of action here
by anybody, period.
And if, if somebody planned it,
man, this was a stupid plan.
Reporter: Tarrio was
not there on January 6th.
He was arrested in
D.C. two days before
for burning a Black
Lives Matter flag
stolen from a church...
I burned it with, uh, a lighter.
Reporter: ...and having
empty weapons magazines
that are illegal in D.C.
Amy Goodman: Interesting
that he was arrested
right before the insurrection,
so he couldn't take part in it.
Reporter: Reuters
revealed Wednesday
Enrique Tarrio has a
past as a prolific informer
for federal and local
law enforcement
repeatedly working
undercover for investigators.
There's a difference between
informant and cooperation.
Cooperation's when
you're cooperating with the,
the federal agency to
lower your sentence.
Informing is when
you're just doing it.
In your 1776 speech
at the Million MAGA March
when you were, like, you know,
"The people must
defend themselves
by any means
necessary, 1776 time,"
do you feel like
with such big crowds
there's gonna be
someone there who is, like--
doesn't see that you're
talking about an information war
and hears you yell "1776"
and has images of the
American Revolutionary War in--
I think that's fair.
I think that's fair.
But, I mean, it was also
Q people at the Capitol,
uh, who really believe that
they were there for Trump.
And they, they
believed they were there
'cause the 8chan
board was saying,
"It's the storm, get
up and take over."
Alex Jones was
already in defense mode.
He was doing whatever
he possibly could
to blame the Capitol riot on
someone that wasn't himself.
We saw Q-tards with Antifa
goin' to the
Capitol and do this,
and that's all QAnon is,
is Nigerian email scams 5.0.
And, and this is
what I get accused of
by the media is what Q does.
The name of my show
is Information War ,
In-fo-War, InfoWar ,
not physical war,
not offensive war,
not atomic war,
not hydrogen war,
not chemical war,
not biological war.
So we're gonna crush
them with the truth.
Dear God, thank you for
all our family and friends
and protecting us.
Thank you for all the friends
that are recording
our every movement.
And thank you for this
food, all our dogs. Amen.
After this, can we go
play Nintendo with--
(indistinct chatter)
We got a new dog.
- You got a new dog?
- Yeah.
Got a new dog, we
got a new president.
Andrew: Last time we
were here, we talked a lot
about the QAnon drops.
Did you feel a
little bit let down
when a lot of the predictions
of the Q universe didn't happen?
Kind of, yes, because everything
that I researched
seemed so real.
Like, Disney and all
these horrible companies
that continue to brainwash us.
And when Q was wrong
and didn't predict anything,
basically just made it up,
it was very hard to believe
that Q was still-- existed.
Brandon: It makes
you feel like that.
It makes you feel like
it was all for nothin'.
And then what I
keep going back to is,
"Okay, if it was all
bullshit, if it all was a lie,
then what was the point?"
With my dad being
into Q, I felt like
they were manipulating
him the whole way.
Andrew: Mm-hmm. Why?
Because they wanted
to get everybody divided.
'Cause my dad would
spend countless hours outside
by himself on his
phone watching Q
and watching all
this Trump stuff.
Andrew: What do you
feel like the point was?
I really felt like
there was no point.
Andrew: January 6th felt like
a fitting end to the
Trump presidency.
The true believers
were getting arrested,
while the people who
pushed them into action,
for the most part, were
nowhere to be found.
Meanwhile, the news
machine defaulted.
I am in tears today
to see this scene.
December 7th, 1941.
September 11th, 2001.
And January 6th, 2021.
We observe 9/11.
We have to observe the 6th
of January every single year.
Today was a disgrace.
What a crazy, sad day.
Right-wing media,
on the other hand,
couldn't even stomach
the fire they'd fueled.
They pretended like
nothing really happened.
All that stuff they're puttin'
on these other stations, like,
"Oh, it was the
biggest riots in history."
No, it wasn't.
If you were to listen to,
to Fox News and MSNBC and CNN,
they were telling
us that all hell
was gonna break loose tonight,
as if this was BLM and Antifa.
Andrew: And not a moment passed
before Trump's hardcore
soldiers attempted
to explain it away to
fit their own narrative.
So the idea that
you're not allowed
to see the inside of
the Capitol is insane.
The idea that the
public has a clear interest
in knowing what
happened that day is real.
The Capitol Riot
is a steaming crock
of hog drippings.
Everybody was in a good
mood. They saw Trump speak.
I remember seein'
people climbin' in trees
to even get a glimpse at this.
It was just, like, "What
a time to be alive."
Dave: I think Nancy
Pelosi and those people
set all of that up.
They had Antifa go in
dressed as MAGA people.
Dave: (on phone)
In the following video,
we dox 635 known
Antifa terrorists.
We apologize if
your name appears
and you are not Antifa.
We've been living
in a deception.
It worked for a while until
social media came along.
And social media is the one
that got Trump in, the outsider.
And he's about as
far from a pedophile
as you're gonna get.
He's after these people,
and that's why
they're after him.
Pffff. Pedophile.
Pedophile, definitely.
Because she eats the babies.
Oh yeah.
I call him creepy
sleepy chomo Uncle Joe.
What's j-- what is--
what does chomo mean?
Chomo is a, is a jailhouse term
for child molester.
Pfff. Pedophile.
There's something I
need to talk to you about.
On May 19th, 1999,
you were convicted
of sexual abuse
in the first degree
and sodomy in the second degree
of an eight-year-old
boy in New Jersey.
So, according to this paper,
you are a registered
sex offender
and a convicted pedophile.
On a false conviction.
- You want to take a look at this?
- I know. I've seen the paper.
I pled, because I knew--
- Andrew: You pled guilty?
- Dave: Yeah, becau--
I did what Michael Flynn did.
I knew I couldn't win.
Have you ever heard
the term projection before?
- Andrew: Do you feel like-- - Yeah.
Hillary Clinton does it all the time.
Andrew: Do you feel like
maybe you're projecting by--
No, I'm not projecting.
I am engaging in revenge.
How are you going to
get revenge? Are you--
I'm gonna get
revenge by takin' down
the whole goddamn cabal.
Like the protagonist
in Law Abiding Citizen,
I'm gonna pull this whole
fuckin' corrupt temple down
around your fuckin' head.
And that's what I'm gonna do.
In Dave, I sort of saw a man
projecting his own shame
and, and using the
mythology of, of Trump
and of his political
movements and conspiracies
to assign meaning
to a broken life.
To jump down the
conspiracy rabbit hole,
I think that, uh,
if you fail yourself
or you've been
failed by the world,
it provides a way out.
By the time I got back to D.C.
for Biden's Inauguration Day,
it was as if nothing
had ever happened.
The streets were
completely dead.
No Biden supporters cheering,
and no Trumpers
back for round two.
Within a couple months,
my life was basically
back to normal,
making YouTube
videos with my friends.
The news media had returned
to its perpetual crossfire.
Alex went back to
selling supplements.
Enrique went back
to selling T-shirts.
And Forgiato Blow
was back in the studio.
A lot of people got rich,
and a lot of people's
lives, and brains,
were ruined forever.
We were pitted against
each other for profit
by organizations and individuals
who do not care about us
and are enriched
from our division.
But before this ship sailed,
I remember something
a wise man once told me.
Wise Man: Rich get richer,
and the poor get poorer.
There is no end.
There is no end.
This is only the beginning.
(pensive music playing)
Joker Gang: Joker
305, raw street and live.
Song is Scallywagger Dagger.

She's a Scallywagger Dagger
Scallywagger Dagger
Scallywagger Dagger
Shake that ass
with the pancake
Scallywagger Dagger
Scallywagger Dagger
Shake them ass
with the pancake, yo
Guess what,
damn, you pussy ho
I ain't never loved you, ho
She's a Scallywagger
dagger and I don't know that ho
Bitch, you broke my heart
you fucked all my friends
You the definition of
Scallywagger Dagger
She's a Scallywagger Dagger
Scallywagger Dagger
(martial music playing)