Thomas & Friends: The Mystery of Lookout Mountain (2022) Movie Script

[Thomas] The Mystery
of Lookout Mountain.
[Percy] Are you sure
this is a good idea, Thomas?
Come on, we've been inside
the old mine a thousand times.
- [wobbling sound]
- Huh?
[wobbling sound]
Percy! Come on, it's fine!
I don't know...
Diesel said funny things
have been happening here.
But, Percy,
I thought you loved to laugh!
I don't think he meant
"ha-ha" funny.
He meant, "watch out" funny.
[chuckles] I know...
- [switch clicks]
- ...but look.
There's my load of old rails
ready to go to Whiff's.
It's a serious job!
Maybe, but I'm supposed to
pick up two carts full of dirt
for McColl's Farm and...
I don't see them anywhere!
[gasps] Maybe they were stolen
by a Mine Monster!
A Mine Monster?
[chuckles] Your dirt cars
are right here, Percy.
[chuckles] Right.
Now, come get hitched up
and let's roll!
[echo] Roll... oll... oll...
- [giggles] The echo!
- [echoing]
- Hello!
- [echo] Hello! Ello! Ello!
- I'm Percy!
- [echo] Percy... ercy... ercy...
- That's not scary at all!
- [echo] All... all... all...
Whoa! What was that?
I don't know...
[gasps] but...
one of my dirt carts...
is missing!
Percy, they're both right...
Percy! One of the carts
is missing!
- Percy?
- [switch clicks]
[wobbling sound]
Maybe... we should just deliver
the old rails to Whiff's
and leave the dirt carts
for another time?
But then we wouldn't finish
your delivery!
I'm totally okay with that!
Um, maybe it should be canceled
on account of scary!
I know it seems scary,
but we have a job to do.
We have to find out where your
missing dirt cart went!
There has to be a reason
it disappeared.
I already told you!
A monster stole the cart.
A Mine Monster!
- [wheels squeal]
- Huh?
...mystery solved!
The cave rumble shook the carts
over here.
And then they rolled down there.
Let's go find them!
Wait, but what caused
the rumbling?
I'll tell ya...
the Mine Monster!
I don't wanna
go down there, do you?
Not really...
but I do wanna know
what happened to the carts!
Come on, it'll be...
an adventure.
[Percy] Whoa!
An adventure is climbing
Lookout Mountain
or racing through
Crumble Canyon.
Not searching
for monsters and...
[wheels squealing]
[Thomas] Hmm...
Why are we stopping?
[Thomas] We have to pick
which tunnel to take.
You pick.
Chugga-chugga, clickity clack,
bust-a-bumper and I pick this
track! [echoing]
Whoa, the echo
is even better here. [echoing]
Knock, knock!
[voice] Who's there?
That... shouldn't... happen.
- Hello?
- [echo] Ello, ello...
[voice echoing] Hi!
[both panting]
See? Mine monster!
[gasps] Maybe the Mine Monster
ate my dirt carts!
But there has to be
a better explanation than that!
Oh, good.
What is it?
I'm sorry, what is what?
The better explanation?
Oh! Well...
[strange whirring]
What was that "poom" sound?
We didn't hear that before!
[wheels squealing]
The... the... Mine Monster
spit out the carts.
Maybe he likes the taste
of engines better!
Let's get outta here!
[both screaming]
[honks horn]
- Hey, guys.
- Hey, Diesel!
Got another load of scrap
for ya, Carly!
We can melt down this old
junk to make something new!
[flame whooshing]
[both] Whoa!
Listen to that furnace roar!
[Sandy] Melt that steel into
a brand-new wheel!
[Nia] Shape that pail
into a shiny new rail!
[Sandy] Turn that bike
into a railroad spike!
[both giggling]
[flame whooshing]
[Bruno whimpers]
[flame whooshing]
All this machinery
is pretty loud, huh, Bruno?
Do you wanna put
your steam headphones on?
Ah... thank you, Diesel.
[both sighing, panting]
What's the matter with you guys?
It's loud enough in here
without you yelling, "Ahh!"
What are you doing here, Percy?
You're scheduled to pick up
two carts of dirt at the mine
and move them to McColl's Farm.
I know, I was getting the dirt
carts for farmer McColl, but...
If Farmer McColl doesn't get
the dirt,
the crops won't get planted.
[sighs] We can explain!
But if the crops aren't planted,
there'll be no food to harvest.
And if there's no food
to harvest...
Right. Deep breath.
Focus on what is here now...
Okay... shaky wheels...
- frowning faces...
- [both gasp]
...erratic steam clouds...
I think you're... scared?
You bet your brakes
we're scared!
Uh-huh. Percy's dirt carts
disappeared in the mine.
There was lots of rumbling
and howling.
And our voices echoed
throughout the tunnels.
And then our echoes
talked back to us!
That's right! And then the dirt
carts came back on their own.
And then we went...
[both screaming]
We got out of there
as fast as we could...
And now we're here.
Hey! I was supposed to pick up
some empty carts
from the mine yesterday,
but they weren't there!
[gasps] Me, too!
The same thing
happened to me the other day.
Gordon sent me to the mines
to pick up some carts
full of old rail ties,
but when I got there,
they were gone!
[all gasping]
Sounds to me...
like a Mine Monster.
Right? That's what I said.
There are no such things
as Mine Monsters.
But I know the schedule report
last week stated
that the same thing happened
to Kana and James.
Wow. That is kinda spooky.
Yeah! And we didn't even
tell you what happened
when I said "Knock, knock!"
- [all screaming]
- Who's there?
[Bruno] Danger.
[stammers] Danger who?
W... What do ya mean, Bruno?
What danger?
I mean the sign.
There! That sign jammed
the conveyor belt!
This was in Diesel's
load of scrap!
The red X on the sign
means danger.
Like Mine Monster danger?
And where is the danger?
I mean... it looks like
it's on a mountain!
What if the danger
is in the mountain?
Like... in a mine?
Hmm, the mine is under
a mountain.
If this is for the mine...
does that mean the mine
is dangerous?
Come on, gang.
This sign is probably
a bajillion years old!
It could mean anything.
Yeah... like there was a monster
in the mines
a bajillion years ago
and it came back!
A bajillion is not
a real number.
Diesel's right.
See Thomas, I told ya there
was a monster in the mines.
Now we can never go back
to the mines ever again!
[gasps] Not even
the Crystal Cavern?
I love the Crystal Cavern!
[overlapping chatter]
[horn honking]
Talking all at once
isn't going to help.
We need to find someone who
knows the real story behind the sign.
But... who would that be?
[booming, crashing]
- Huh?
- [Whiff] Whoa!
Well, that experiment
didn't work!
Oh! Hello, everyone!
Uh-oh, serious faces.
Is everything all right?
Hi, Whiff! It's...
Hey... you might know!
Might know what?
I love knowing things!
What thing am I maybe knowing?
It's about this danger sign
over here.
Do you know what it means?
Yes... Yes! Whew!
I haven't seen that sign
in a long time.
Is it from the mine?
Yep. But not the mine
you're thinking of.
There used to be a mine
under Lookout Mountain!
[all gasping] What?
Well, look carefully
at the sign.
That's Lookout Mountain.
I can see it is most definitely
Lookout Mountain.
But what was so dangerous,
Well, gather around everyone
and I'll tell ya.
Years ago...
there were tunnels
under Lookout Mountain.
Oh, yeah!
They found all kinds
of minerals there.
But there was trouble!
Some of the mines were too weak,
and the beams
couldn't support them.
There was a project to fix them
and that's when they put up
signs all over Lookout Mountain
like this one here.
But how did the sign
end up here?
Well, after they opened up
the new mine,
the one you all know, the
tunnels under Lookout Mountain
were closed and forgotten.
But then...
"But then?" But then isn't good!
But then what?
Mysterious things
started happening.
Like what?
Clanking and rumbling
and vanishing carts?
Just like that.
Was something...
living down there?
[all gasping]
It's a Mine Monster.
Okay, am I the only one
who's never heard
of Mine Monsters?
I do not believe
in Mine Monsters.
But what about the howling
and rumbling
Thomas and Percy heard?
And the missing mine carts!
Does that mean the monster...
eats mine carts?
No! It spits them back out.
It probably likes the taste
of engines better!
[chuckles] Oh, I doubt it!
[all sighing]
The monster probably just had
a full tummy.
I do not believe
in Mine Monsters.
Bruno's right.
Come on!
We're the Biggest
Adventure Club!
We're gonna get our carts back!
We're not scared
of any Mine Monster,
are we?
Maybe a little?
Sandy is right.
This is perfect for
the Biggest Adventure Club!
Let's go find Kana.
We have a mystery to solve.
That's the spirit!
All right.
I need to get back
to my explosion...
I mean experiment.
And thank you for all this
lovely scrap,
and good luck with your mystery!
Do you think whatever caused
the carts to disappear
under Lookout Mountain
is also responsible
for the carts disappearing
at the mine?
Hmm, maybe.
It's either that or there are
two Mine Monsters!
What? Are there two monsters?
Or maybe they're
somehow connected.
It is possible. Stop please!
- [wheels squealing]
- [Thomas] Whoa!
Carly? Sandy?
If you wouldn't mind?
Could you get my map?
No problem!
Got it!
We know there is a mystery
at the mines.
And Whiff told us about
the mystery at Lookout Mountain.
They are very close together.
But how would they be connected?
Underground! Maybe there are
tunnels that connect the two!
Does that mean there's only one
Mine Monster?
- Yes.
- [Diesel sighs]
If Mine Monsters were real,
but they are not.
I do not believe
in Mine Monsters.
Thomas, it's one mystery,
but how will one
Biggest Adventure Club
explore two mountains?
Good question, Bruno.
We've gotta split up into teams
and search for clues.
I know!
I'll find Kana and Carly
and Diesel can come with us
to the mines.
The mines? But... but what about
the Mine Monsters?
Come on, Diesel. There's only
one Mine Monster now!
We can handle it together.
I don't know. One Mine Monster
seems like plenty.
It'll be fun... and spooky!
Come on, Diesel, we need you.
It's okay to be a little scared.
Scared? Who said anything
about being scared?
I'm not scared. You're scared!
Why would I be scared?
Do I look like I'm scared?
Okay, okay, I'm in.
Someone has to bring the muscle
as we crawl through the caves.
Good one, Diesel.
We'll call ourselves...
the Cave Crawlers!
Cave Crawlers,
that's a great name.
I'll go with the others and look
for a secret entrance
- into Lookout Mountain!
- I am so in!
Okay. But if I get eaten,
Sir Topham Hatt
will be very upset
when he doesn't
get his mail tomorrow.
[giggles] Let's call
[gasps] I know!
The Lookout Mountaineers!
Lookout Mountaineers,
ready to roll!
- [Kana] Hey, guys!
- Huh?
Ready to roll where?
Oh, you know...
just to solve
the biggest mystery ever!
A mystery?
- I love mysteries! Electric!
- [electricity crackling]
Let's get geared up... you can
tell me on the way!
We have a mystery to solve!
All right!
[Sandy] Let's do this!
Gear check!
Checkity, check, check.
[blows steam whistle]
[Sandy honks horn]
[Thomas] Huh?
What? I like to be ready.
where's Percy?
[blows steam whistle] Here I am!
Be prepared
and you won't be scared!
Scared! I said I wasn't scared.
I don't need to be prepared.
'Cause I'm not scared!
I mean... Oh. Good.
Let's go!
You have an odd number.
An... odd number?
The Cave Crawlers
have four members.
That's an even number.
But the Lookout Mountaineers
have three.
An odd number.
I dislike uneven teams.
Wait, wait, wait. Aren't you
coming with us, Bruno?
That would make us even.
Well. You have a good plan.
I suppose I could.
I am geared up.
[all] Yes!
All right, team,
full steam ahead!
[blows steam whistle]
We only know
That we don't know
What's around the next bend
A Mine Monster mystery
Or maybe a new friend?
Can't say at all
What lies ahead
It's just like
The red sign said!
Warning! Warning!
Biggest adventure ahead
Side by side
For this wild ride
Biggest adventure ahead
No mystery's too mysterious
When we are on the case
No puzzle is too puzzling
We'll put the pieces
In place
Up the highest mountain
We will climb
Or dive down
To the deepest mine
Warning! Warning!
Biggest adventure ahead!
Side by side
For this wild ride
Biggest adventure ahead
This Adventure Club
Is revvin' up
For the biggest
Adventure ahead!
Good luck at Lookout Mountain!
Good luck in the mines!
[blows steam whistle]
[birds singing]
[Thomas] Okay, team!
Let's split up
and look for anything
that looks like it might be
a way inside the mountain!
- [wheels squeal]
- Huh?
[Percy grunting]
[gasps] I forgot how heavy the
Biggest Adventure Machine is!
So that's the rumbling you guys
have been talking about.
[gulps] Yes.
But it was at the mines?
Is it following us?
It is upsetting.
That's why we have to find it.
'Cause... that'll make it
less upsetting.
Um... I'm pretty sure
I'd be upset,
if I found a Mine Monster.
There are no such things
as Mine Monsters.
Well, we're not gonna
find anything
until we find a way
into the mountain!
I'm not seeing anything we
haven't seen a bajillion times.
It could be something we've seen
a bajillion times
and didn't know
what we were seeing.
You never know where a door
could be hiding!
I haven't found anything.
But I did lose something.
Where's the Biggest
Adventure Machine?
I parked it right here.
Are you sure
you parked it there?
I'm positive. Right here!
Here one minute, gone the next?
Just like the carts in the mine.
It's gotta be
around here somewhere!
I hope the Cave Crawlers are
having better luck than we are.
Here we go, Cave Crawlers,
activate headlamps.
- Check!
- Check!
Checkity, check, check.
[Diesel] There's no such thing
as Mine Monsters.
There's no such thing
as Mine Monsters.
There's no such thing
as Mine Monsters.
Is this where Thomas and Percy
heard the noises?
Hey! Look over there,
Percy's mine carts!
So, the carts went missing
and came back again?
What if they just
lost them for a minute
and then found them again?
Diesel, how could they lose them
and find them again
in this little space?
They're right here.
[echoing] Here... ere... ere...
Hey! That's the echo
they were talking about!
Hello... lo... lo...
Cool! I wanna try!
- [inhales deeply]
- [rumbling]
Uh, what was that?
That must be the noise Thomas
and Percy told us about!
And the vibrations.
...and that spooky yowling.
Yowling? They didn't say
anything about yowling!
Wow! This is exciting.
More like spooky, or...
Wait a minute!
The carts are gone!
They are,
that's even more exciting!
I love being part
of the mystery!
The rumbling must
have shaken the carts
and made them
roll down the tunnel.
Let's go find them!
Agreed also!
Wha... Find them?
No, no, no! Not agreed!
So, good luck and... Huh?
Okay, but I'm not happy!
What is all this stuff?
Maybe it's 'cause
Mine Monsters are picky eaters.
That would be good news.
The mashed sign carts.
I mean, the smashed kind marts!
All these piles of sand,
it's like someone was digging!
[Diesel] Uh...
What is it, Diesel?
I think I found
the missing carts.
Okay. So this is spooky.
C'mon! It's just
a bunch of broken carts.
[chuckles nervously]
Like that one?
Wait, what's that?
Uh, Kana, it's just a crystal.
No, not the crystal,
these weird marks on the wall.
They're claw marks!
Does this mean Mine Monsters
have claws, too?
I think it looks like someone
was drilling or digging here.
Hmm, maybe you're right.
Where does this tunnel go?
Good question.
[all shout]
What're you doing here?
I jokingly uncoupled from James
on a delivery here yesterday.
We don't like it
when you guys do that.
Anyhoo, so I was hiding,
and the cave started to rumble
and it caused me to roll down here
and I crashed
into this cart pile.
So, when I asked
if the tunnel goes anywhere,
why did you say "good question?"
Because this was a dead-end,
but now there's a tunnel,
and it just keeps going now.
So, this is a new tunnel.
Let's check out where it goes.
What? No!
What if it leads to
the lair of the Mine Monster!
Mine Monsters love lairs!
It's where they live
and hide and pounce!
Did you hear that!
We must be getting closer!
Come on!
I know! So, I'll take
Troublesome Truck up top
and you guys...
Okay, okay I'm coming.
Don't worry, Troublesome Truck,
we'll pick you up
on the way out.
See ya!
I hope the others are having
as much luck as we are!
[Percy] I don't get it!
The Biggest Adventure Machine
just vanished!
It's okay.
We can figure this out.
Roll us through what you did.
I came up here, and then I said,
"Whew, I'm tired already,"
and unhooked.
Then we started looking.
Look, look, look!
Nothing! Then we look,
look, looked some more.
Over here, over there,
up on top, everywhere!
But the Biggest Adventure
Machine is just nowhere!
Bruno, you okay?
Over here? No. Over there? No.
Where in the world could it be?
Don't worry, I gotcha, Bruno.
Put your steam headphones on!
[Percy] Nothing's impossible.
Highly improbable.
Let's take a little break,
I know just the place.
[Bruno] Waterfall, bird, river.
That's better.
Railroad tracks?
Are you all right, Bruno?
It did get a little hectic
up there.
Somebody was having
a bit of a moment!
I was feeling slightly...
Well, sometimes I get...
You don't have to explain.
I can't describe
my feelings right now either,
with my beloved
Biggest Adventure Machine lost.
Maybe the Biggest
Adventure Machine
went on the tracks
under the waterfall.
Tracks under the waterfall?
It's over there, see?
Wow, Bruno!
You found a secret entrance
into the mountain.
I noticed them when
I was having my break.
I'm a brake car,
so I call them breaks, see?
Sometimes it helps me
see things more clearly.
Bruno, I think
you found a "brake"
in the Mine Mystery!
Eh? Eh?
Oh, I get it!
A "brake" in the Mine Mystery,
because I'm a brake car!
[Thomas] Okay, everyone.
We have to go in!
So, uh, who's going first?
- Not it!
- Not it!
Obviously not it.
Are you sure?
I mean I'd gladly do it,
but this is a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to go first.
I won't go in first,
but I'll gladly
go in by your side.
And I'll be right behind you.
It's like I always say to Carly.
Best way to face scary stuff?
[sighs] Thanks, everyone.
I won't be by your side.
What's wrong, Bruno?
If Percy's by your side,
I cannot be by your side,
only because Percy
is pulling me.
But I will be only one
Percy-length away
from being by your side.
[Thomas, Percy and Sandy
What's so funny?
Let's do it!
[all] Together!
[all cheering]
Bruno, you've discovered
a whole new world!
[Bruno] I did?
This is beautiful.
These fossils are incredible.
Look at this over here!
It's some kind of platform
This place is awesome!
Oy, but these tracks
over here are in rough shape!
What's over that way, Thomas?
Whoa. It looks like a tunnel
going deeper into the mountain.
Another tunnel?
What is happening?
This cavern is shaking
just like the old mine.
Maybe there is a connection!
That's what
we're gonna find out.
Come on, follow me!
Or we could just go home
and forget this ever happened?
We're rolling
Into a mystery
Making adventure history
Don't know what
Will come to be
So I'm glad that
You are here
I'm trying hard
Not to turn and run
I'll be glad when
This adventure's done
Remember, guys
It's supposed to be fun
But I'm glad
That you are here
'Cause this is
A whole new place
We're off the map
Like outer space
But when I turn
And see your face
I know I'm not alone
So we're rolling
Into a mystery
Dark and spooky
And monster-y
So I know you will
Agree with me
I'm glad that you are here
Soon enough
We will figure out
What this monster
Is all about
Oh, those cobwebs
Got in my mouth
I'm so glad
That you are here
This is a whole new place
We're off the map
Like outer space
I'm stronger
When I see your face
And I know I'm not
[both] Stop! Nobody move!
[Diesel, Nia,
and Carly exclaiming] Whoa!
- [gulps]
- [track creaking]
Thanks, for stopping us, Bruno.
I am a brake car.
That is my job.
What're we gonna do?
We're gonna back up!
We past the switch back there!
Back up until we get to it.
All together now!
[all sighing]
Made it!
Sandy, can you flip that switch?
Just hang on a sec.
What's that for?
I'm gonna use one of my tools
to mark each tunnel
we come out of.
That way we can find our way
back to the surface later.
Now we know which tunnel
gets us out of here.
This is a very good idea.
[Percy shuddering]
Or we could just
get out of here right now.
[chuckles nervously]
We can't turn back now.
We have a mystery to solve!
Hey! This isn't so ba...
[all shouting]
[all shouting]
[all sighing]
[all exclaiming] Whoa!
[all exclaiming]
Rock, please stop rocking us!
I think I'm gonna be sick.
[all] Whoa!
Diesel, you're gonna
have to pull us all level
so we can back off this thing.
Uh! Finally. Something I can do!
You're doing it!
[Diesel straining]
Close one!
That was pretty scary.
Thanks, Diesel.
Hey, I think there's
more tracks down there!
But for right now, let's back up
and get outta here...
[siren blaring]
Somethings coming for us
from that tunnel!
[all gasp]
Ah, it's only
the Biggest Adventure Machine!
Wait a second.
What is it doing here?
It should be on
Lookout Mountain with Percy.
Hey! That means it must have
gotten from there to here.
So what?
That means the mines
and Lookout Mountain
are connected!
Oh, yes!
I'm sure Percy
is wondering where
the Biggest Adventure Machine
Let's get it back to him.
Whoa! Oh, no.
Hold on! Hold on!
[grunts] I'm slipping!
It's too steep.
Hold on!
[all screaming]
[siren blaring]
[all shouting]
It's crystals,
just like the Crystal Caverns!
[siren blaring]
This is getting really steep.
Maybe we should slow down?
We can't!
We'll burn out our brakes!
No kidding! We are going fast!
Too fast!
[all shouting]
We're going too fast!
[all shouting]
[Sandy cheering]
[horn honking, cheering]
[Thomas and Percy shouting,
So, we can find our way back!
Great, but where are
Thomas and Brun... Oh!
That worked out
surprisingly well.
[all] Wow!
This is a very large room.
It's so beautiful.
[Thomas] It is!
And this turntable
is just like the one
at Tidmouth, only bigger.
Much bigger.
It's much bigger
than much bigger.
It's bigger-er.
- [distant shouting]
- Do you hear that?
Yeah, it sounds like...
my Biggest Adventure Machine.
[siren blaring]
Hey, that was
my Biggest Adventure Machine!
No, not
the Biggest Adventure Machine.
- I mean that.
- [screaming]
Is that screaming?
I... I think it is,
and it's coming from...
[gasps] ...that tunnel!
[all screaming]
Stay calm!
I'm gonna hook the wall
and slow us down,
in three, two, one, hook!
I got it! I got...
[all] Whoa!
Was that... was that Kana?
I think so,
and I'm pretty sure
I saw Diesel, too!
And is that Nia?
- [Kana groans]
- This room feels dizzy.
Hey, there, Cave-Crawlers!
Lookout Mountaineers?
Why are there so many of you?
Um, where's Carly?
She tried to slow us down
with her hook
because we didn't
have a brake car!
[sighs] There are never enough
of me to go around.
Yeah, we sure could have
used you, Bruno.
We were going so fast!
[grunts] I should have
braked harder.
It's not your fault, Diesel.
It was just too steep!
Which tunnel did we come out of?
After all the spinning,
I have no idea.
If we don't know
which tunnel we came out of,
how will we find her?
- [Carly] Just look behind you.
- [gasps]
Carly! Are you okay?
I'm fine. I just thought I could
slow us with my hook,
but it only slowed me down.
Whoa. This is room is bigger-er!
[Sandy] Right?
Wait, how did you guys
find this place?
Bruno found some
hidden tracks...
Behind the waterfall...
And we followed the tracks here!
How did you get here?
We followed this creepy tunnel
that was carved by something.
Wait, I just realized,
if you came from the mines
and we came from
Lookout Mountain,
the two are connected!
Yeah! Maybe Whiff was right!
The Mine Monster must have come
from the tunnels
under Lookout Mountain.
I sure wish I had
my Biggest Adventure Machine
right now.
Maybe we could turn it into
a Biggest Mine Monster
Scaring Machine.
[siren blaring]
Hey, do you hear that?
I hear it too! Listen!
[siren blaring]
You're right!
That's The Biggest Adventure
Machine's alarm.
It's coming from this way!
[Kana] No, it's over here!
It's over here. Obviously.
You're chasing echoes.
There was a rumble before
the Biggest Adventure Machine
So the Biggest Adventure Machine
came down like
the other carts did.
Since it does not have brakes,
it couldn't stop in time.
[Percy] That way!
[Kana] No, this way!
- [Sandy] No, that-away!
- [Diesel] No, this-away!
- [Percy] That way!
- [Kana] I'm telling you it's this way!
- [Sandy] No, that-away!
- [Percy] That way!
- [Kana] It's this-away!
- [Sandy] That way. No!
It must be here somewhere,
but they won't
find it chasing an echo.
Wait, Bruno. What?
What 'what'?
[all] What?
What did you say about the echo?
You are chasing echoes.
Echo... cho... cho!
Chasing echoes.
Bust my bumpers, he's right.
Ah, bolts.
We don't know what's
the Biggest Adventure Machine
and what's the echo! [grunts]
[electricity crackles]
Great. Now the Mine Monster
can really get us,
'cause I bet
they see in the dark!
Bruno, do you know where
the backup lights are?
The back-up lights?
What? He knows where everything
is on the island!
I don't know this area,
it's uncharted.
Though I do look forward
to coming back here later
and mapping it.
It'll be a treat to add
a new section to my map.
[siren blaring]
Wait, the lights!
[sighs] Yes. They're out.
We all know that.
No! On the Biggest
Adventure Machine!
The lights go off
with the alarm!
We can't chase its echo,
but we can chase its lights!
[Nia] Good point.
Okay, everyone,
turn off your head lamps!
Are we sure turning off
our lights is a good idea?
I mean, I'm not scared, I'm just
thinking about the rest of you.
[switches clicking off]
You, too, Diesel.
[siren blaring]
It's coming from that tunnel.
Come on! Let's roll!
The lights are getting brighter.
But the rumbling
is also getting louder.
Biggest Adventure Machine!
You're staying with me!
Well, we found the carts.
Wow, there are
a lot of them here.
But where is here?
Carly, am I wrong,
or does this smell
like a fresh tunnel?
You're right.
This tunnel has
definitely been dug recently.
So, new tunnels
are being made by...
A Mine Monster? Obviously?
So we can find our way back?
[whirring, booming]
Hey! I heard that
sound right before...
right before that happened!
- What?
- [both] Where?
- How?
- Why?
[all gasping]
See? Told ya!
It's a Mine Monster.
[shouts] Mine Monster!
- Can we roll away now?
- Yes!
[all shouting]
Well, don't roll away.
We didn't even
get to say hi yet.
[sighs] It's hard to make
new friends sometimes.
Come back little trains!
Which tunnel?
Go to the red X!
[all screaming]
Let's stick together this time.
[all exclaiming]
Oh, bolts.
[mine driller] Could ya just
hold up a second?
[shouting, honking]
[mine driller] I really could...
I really would...
[Kana screaming]
[both screaming]
- [whirring]
- [shouting]
Hang on,
you're not a Mine Monster.
A Mine Monster? Where?
[Nia] Wait, come back!
This is all just
one big mistake.
I have to tell the others.
The monster!
[shouting] Where? Where?
Hey, wait for me!
But there must be
an explanation!
There is!
It seems pretty clear to me,
it's a Mine Monster!
[Bruno] Wait!
- Cool!
- [Thomas] Wow!
[Thomas screaming]
[wheels squeal]
[Percy] Uh-oh.
[mine driller] Hi!
[Sandy and Carly] Have no fear!
Sandy and Carly can make
your problems disappear!
C'mon! I'm not scared of you,
Mine Monster!
Um, Carly, I think we need you!
[Carly grunting]
[Sandy screaming]
[mine driller] Wait!
Gee, I could have helped push!
I think we lost it.
Oh, yeah.
I'm sure we're perfectly safe.
Hang on, everyone!
There's something
I have to tell you!
The Mine Monster is...
Right there!
[all screaming]
No, you guys, that's what
I'm trying to tell you!
Why did they scream
and roll away?
I apologize for my friends.
You see, they think
you are the Mine Monster.
Mine Monster?
That sounds scary,
but who would ever
think of that?
[all screaming]
To the pickaxe!
It's a good thing Sandy marked
the tunnel with her pickaxe.
Yes, that was a good idea.
[Sandy] There's the crystals!
[Thomas] What comes next, Sandy?
Hard left at the wrench!
[all exclaiming]
It's straight up from here
to Lookout Mountain.
[Percy] I thought you said
it was straight?
[Thomas] Yeah, straight up!
Just keep chugging
and don't look back!
Too late, I looked back.
Is it behind me?
No, I'm right behind you!
Then who's behind me?
I am, but you're all too slow!
Let's go!
[electricity crackles]
[all shouting]
[all shouting]
Did it come out yet?
I don't know, but when it does,
we'll need a plan to catch it.
Catch it?
Don't you mean... [gulps]
...get away from it?
[Mine Drill] I'm with him.
I really don't like monsters.
[laughs nervously]
Who was that?
It's behind us, isn't it?
Who's behind us?
[all screaming]
[all screaming]
Where is it? Where is it?
Wait a minute.
Wow, it is really
bright out here.
Um, why are you all
looking at me like that?
Is the monster behind me?
[chuckles] No, I told you,
there is no Mine Monster.
It was all just a silly story
that got out of hand.
Ah, it all makes sense now.
Huh? What do you mean, Bruno?
This is not a Mine Monster.
This is a mine drill.
A mine drill?
She drills mines.
Yup! I'm Darcy.
Darcy the Driller!
Hi, Darcy. I'm Thomas.
I think I've heard of you!
Oh, yeah. I'm pretty famous.
And who are you?
I am Bruno the Brake Car.
And I'm Sandy. You got me?
Ooh, I like you. You're feisty!
I am.
And this is
my best friend Carly.
Hi, Carly! Hey!
You're the bright electric one!
That's right. I'm Kana. Hi.
And I'm Nia, and this is Percy,
our mail engine.
I'm Diesel. The Diesel.
Why were you acting
like a Mine Monster?
Me? I'm not a Mine Monster.
I thought you guys
were the Mine Monsters!
What? No, we're just us.
Hey! I know your voices!
You said "Hello"
and I answered "Hi".
After you said "Knock, knock"
and I said "Who's there?"
Gee, I really wanted to hear
the rest of that joke.
Okay, then. Knock, knock!
Who's there?
A little old lady.
A little old lady who?
A little old lad-ee-who!
Gee, I didn't know
you could yodel.
[all laughing]
That's the perfect joke
for an underground tunnel
with a good echo.
And I remember
your voice, too, Diesel.
You were screaming like
you were really, really scared!
What? No!
[awkward laugh]
Couldn't've been me.
No. No, no, no.
It was definitely you.
- No.
- Uh-huh.
I gotta say,
you scared the dust off-a me!
But if you're not a Mine Monster
and we're not Mine Monsters,
who's been stealing
the mine carts?
Stealing? Oh, my steam pipes!
No, I borrow them!
Although, I might have
broken one or two or a dozen.
I always send them back!
I shoot them up to the top
of the mine when they're full.
[imitates booming]
Yes! Like that!
I have to get the dirt
and rocks out somehow!
Is that what it sounds like?
That's so cool.
- But why? What are you...
- Doing here?
I was drilling the tunnels,
but they kept falling in.
I dug new ones,
but they were no better.
So, I just kept trying.
All that time?
All by yourself?
Didn't you want to take a break?
Or maybe just play?
Sometimes, and I took breaks,
but I didn't want to put it off.
What can I say?
I love my job. [gasps]
If there's a job to do
I'm gonna do it
Spin those wheels
And get right to it
Put my nose to the stone
And push right through it
It's my job to do
I'm gonna do it
Sing it!
Hot or cold, snow or rain
I bring the mail
Just the same
[all] Go to it!
Fix that wheel
Mend that line
Gotta get it done
And done on time
Wanna do it
Fast or slow
We'll get it done
At workin' hard
We're Number one
Go to it!
Wanna do it,
Nothing to it, let's do it
When you love your job
And you give your all
The job gives back to you
There's a feeling you get
When the sun has set
That your job
Might love you, too
If there's a job to do
We're gonna do it
Spin those wheels
And get right to it
Don't just push it off
Push right through it
It's your job to do
Just do it
[all] Go to it
Wanna do it, nothin' to it
Let's do it
But I gotta say,
it sure is nice
to see some friendly faces!
Are you almost done
with the job?
Well, no.
The old beams I had to work with
aren't strong enough
to make the tunnels hold!
[gasps] I know something that
could help
fix those tunnels for good!
You do?
Yes! Would you like to take
a little trip down the mountain?
Sure, it'd be nice
to stretch my wheels
and take a look around!
It has been awhile.
Great, 'cause I know a place
that just might have the beams
you need to get your
job done once and for all!
Great idea!
I'll meet you guys there,
I have a quick pick-up to do!
[electricity crackles]
Oh! Darcy? Do you have
a couple of carts full of dirt?
I need to deliver them
to a farm on the way.
I can hook you up, Percy!
[music playing]
[all cheering]
It's been so long
since I felt the sweet
Sodor breeze on my face.
[all cheering]
[Percy giggles]
[Darcy] Hey, Emily.
[horn honks]
Hi, Sir Topham Hatt!
Well, hello, Darcy.
I haven't seen
Darcy the Driller in ages.
Let's say hello!
Yes! I wonder where
she's been all this time.
[all cheering]
Thomas! Where on Earth
did you find Darcy?
Well, it's more like
under the Earth.
It's a long story.
It is long,
but I do remember it perfectly.
Oh! Yes, Bruno.
Will you tell the story?
I'd love to listen!
You want to stay?
All right.
It all started
when Thomas and Percy
got scared at the mines.
This made them miss
Percy's 8:15 delivery
to McColl's farm.
But I understand that's
not the important part.
They had been in the mine
and heard a terrible sound...
[birds chirping]
Come on! Come on!
What is this place?
Whiff's Recycling.
He has all the best stuff.
Wow! Hey!
That's one of our old signs!
[Whiff] Well, hello!
Hmm. Who's this?
This is Darcy.
Darcy, this is Whiff.
This is his plant.
Hi! This place is amazing!
Thank you!
Darcy, hmm.
I know that name.
Weren't you working in the mines
beneath Lookout Mountain?
Yep. Darcy is the reason
there was so much rumbling,
and yowling.
But she's not a Mine Monster.
She's a mine drill.
it's a pleasure to see you,
but what brings you all here?
Oh, we brought her here
so she can see...
Do you think those beams
could hold the tunnels up?
They're perfect!
They look a lot stronger
than the old wooden beams
I've been working
with all these years,
but we need a lot more
than just those.
Oh, well. A lot more you say?
Will these help?
[both] Wow!
So many beams!
That should do it!
May I have them all?
Of course!
I'm thrilled to
have them put to use.
I love seeing something
recycled and re-used!
Thank you so much
for all your help,
but I gotta get going!
It's gonna take a lot of trips
to get these
all up the mountain!
Well then, it's a good thing
we're all here to help.
All right!
Hey, everybody!
Welcome back.
Aw, you guys are the best.
- Thanks, Darcy!
- [giggles]
With all this, Darcy,
you should be able
to finish in no time!
You got that right!
It looks like everyone is here!
Yeah, my new friends
have helped so much!
I really dig you guys.
Do you have what
you need to finish the job?
Oh, yes!
I'll have those tunnels fixed up
and good as new in no time!
- [whirring]
- Especially with some help!
[Sandy] Never fear...
Sandy and Carly are here!
[all cheering]
We heard the whole story.
What an incredible adventure
you all had together!
Bruno has told me how you all
solved the mystery, excellent!
It was very clever of us.
So, in honor of today's
Biggest Adventure Club
[Emily] We made this for
the Biggest Adventure Club
based on Bruno's story.
[all cheering]
It is a nice flag.
Well, I'm so glad to meet you,
Biggest Adventure Club.
We're so glad to meet you, too!
And to find out that
you're not a Mine Monster
that I was never scared of.
Of course not, Diesel!
Aw. That's sweet.
Well, we rolled into a mystery
and made Adventure history!
That's why we're called the...
[all] Biggest Adventure Club!
[all cheering]
- [steam hisses]
- [toots]
[instrumental music playing]