Thompsons, The (2012) Movie Script

You're probably wondering
what I'm doing here in this box.
Well. I'm wondering too because this
really wasn't part of the plan.
It all started off
as something completely different.
I was looking for others like us.
It's better if you.
Never really want.
What happened then.
It's a matter of trust.
With places too cold.
To live alone.
You lost it.
You lost it.
You lost them all.
We were fugitives hiding in London
because of what happened back home.
And time was running out fast.
I headed into the English old country
looking for help.
Not knowing if it even existed.
I was in the middle of nowhere
when the trouble started.
Can you help there, mate?
Anybody there?!
And don't know where to run.
Who's out there?
Show yourself, come on!
Dilly, dally,
Dally, dilly...
Dilly and dally...
Hello, dearies!
Get the hell away from us!
Or what?
I'll... I'll...
For fuck's sake!
Spit it out, man.
We'll do anything you say.
Fuck me.
Please don't hurt us.
We don't want to hurt ya.
We just wanted to watch the show.
And we would like to see the rest.
What do you mean?
We don't understand.
Good one.
Take your fucking clothes off!
- Would you like a hand with that?
- Come on, love.
Come on, come on.
Look at that, she's waiting for you.
She'd like a little bit of help there.
- Don't have sex with your jeans on.
- Come on...
Come on, get in!
In we go in we go.
Give her what she wants.
This is what you get
for wearing red and white!
Those are Manchester colors you wanker!
It wasn't the greatest welcome
to England.
I was lost. Staying.
Walking in circles...
And then I found the town maker.
See. We've been on the run from an incident
that happened a couple weeks back...
...while trying to keep a low profile
from the police.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Let me keep it simple for now.
I was sent out to look for help.
Ask for a certain name
near a town called Ludlow.
Hello. What can I get you?
I'm actually looking for someone
and I was wondering if you could help.
You're American...
You wouldn't happen to know anybody
by the name of Manderson?
Can't say I do.
- A distant relative of yours?
- Something like that.
Do you know of a Manderson?
If you like I could ask my husband
when he comes back.
He knows everybody about town.
He should only be a few minutes.
- I'll have a beer.
- Great, take a seat.
The waitress will bring it over.
There you go.
Don't mind them.
They don't mean anything by it,
especially my mom.
We don't get too many people
passing through here.
Is this your mom's place?
Mom and Dad's.
That's him in the back.
So, are you on holiday or...?
Y- yeah, just having some car trouble
at the moment.
Well, I play a mean game
of Grand Theft Auto,
so... if you need any help
hijacking a car,
- I'm your girl.
- Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
I'm Riley.
If you want anything else,
a drink, a car, uh...
...just let me know.
Thanks. Looks like
I got to be going though.
What a shame.
What do you say, Mother?
- Quitting time already, Constable?
- Give or take an hour.
Since I'm a one-man show around here, I
think I'll forgive myself this one time...
And every day since you started.
- The usual?
- Yeah.
How are you, Father?
Can't complain, Constable.
And where is that...
beautiful daughter of yours?
- Good evening, Riley.
- Good evening to you, Constable.
This one's on the house.
- Thanks, but... I need to go.
- Oh...
Who's your new friend, Riley?
Here on holiday but seems to be having
a bit of car trouble?
Do I know you, friend?
Nah, ah... I don't think you do.
I swear I've seen you before.
What's the nature of your visit?
- I've just told you, he's on holiday.
- Leave the lad alone, James,
he's just passing through.
Do you have family around here?
Look, friend, I already told you,
you don't know me.
Is that so?
I'll just be on my way.
Do you mind... if I take a look
at your passport?
Ugh, give it up, James.
You're a volunteer officer.
Why would you need to look
at the boy's passport?
It's not impressing me, you know.
Mind your business!
All of you!
They always have
that same look on their face...
No one ever sees it coming
before it's too late.
Like I said.
Yt wasn't really part of the plan.
Look, I don't want to hurt anybody else.
Behind the bar, come on!
Not you.
We don't have much money, son.
- I don't want your money.
- If it isn't money,
what do you want?
Lock the doors.
- Hello?
- Bonjour?
Who is this?
Yeah, is Wendell...
Was that the phone?
It's hard to hear down there.
Time for my medicine.
Ooh... your medicine?
The two in the costumes
are my brother and sister. The twins.
Yeah. I know...
But more about them later.
Yes, sweetie, here's your absinthe.
- Yeah?
- Wendell...
- Yeah?
- Wendell...
- It's Francis.
- Frannie!
Hey, hey, bud!
I've got a bit of a problem over here
so there's a change in plans.
- I'm coming to you.
- You're coming to France?
I don't exactly have time to talk about it
right now. Wendell.
I'm not sure when I'm gonna get
to another phone,
so I need you to hang tight
for a little bit. Can you do that?
Okay, bud, well, yeah, I'm here, man.
Okay, we'll see you...
Less talk, more play.
Playtime is over, sweetie.
You got a car?
Tell them you're closed.
You don't understand,
they're my older brothers,
they won't leave.
What's going on in there?
Open the door...
Open the door!
Come on!
Hey, what the fuck?
Why's the pub shut?
It's the middle of the fucking day.
Check it out.
Sit down.
Who the fuck are you?
Sit... down.
Of course.
Grab that tape.
Just a couple of seconds,
and we'll be on our way.
So you're just going to waltz out of here
with our baby sister, then?
- That's the plan.
- Looks like you've got it all figured out.
Me and my brother...
Oh my, where are my manners?
My name is Ian.
This here is my brother, Cole.
Looks like you've met
the rest of my family.
Let's go.
Should've used more tape.
I would be careful.
Or perhaps you should be careful.
I should probably
back up here a minute.
See. This isn't exactly
how I ended up in here.
Maybe we should start
at the beginning.
As always in my life,
eveything begins with my family.
My brothers. Sister. And I
been moving from town to town
looking for a place to call home.
A place to belong.
You know. We've been close a few times.
But there's something
you may not know about us.
We live with a disease.
A disease we can't run from
even if we tried.
You know. Sometimes it feels
like it's the only thing
keeping us together.
That. And our family blood.
See. After our parents died.
We were left to fend for ourselves.
So now we're all alone with our curse.
Our burden.
Even though we have each other.
Yt can be a very lonely existence.
Francis! Pay the guy, will you?
David is my oldest brother.
He used to be a lot more uptight
before the Hawaiian shirts.
He's always felt responsible
to plan our lives out.
To make sure we keep it together.
- How's it going, man?
- Alright.
I'm gonna do a pack of lights.
- And the rest on... pump two.
- You got it.
You ready?
Yo, this place is great, man.
Black Life Magazine?
I haven't seen this
since the nineties, man.
This is my other older brother.
He's one of the twins and not what you call
"completely there."
A bit of a loose cannon.
Best to stay out of his way.
Yeah, well, you got the good one.
I have to get closer in,
'cause you're shooting further.
Bang! Bang!
Bang! Oh!
You know, you might be
the prettiest thing I've seen
in a long while.
I'll rip your heart out
and swallow it whole
before you wipe that smile from your face.
My sister Darlene.
Be warned. She usually means
exactly what she says.
She's the other twin.
As you already saw.
Darlene and my brother Wendell
do practically everything together.
Alright, Little Man Lenny,
you're going down.
Before they died.
Our parents raised us out on a farm...
...secluded from everything.
They tried to protect us from the world
because we were different.
But I was starting to see it was the world
that needed protecting from us.
Our mother never really talked much
about her past.
She felt we should just...
...create our own story. Ynstead.
Maybe she was right.
We were on our own now and...
...things couldn't stay the same.
Don't move.
Or what?
I'll be forced to shoot you...
- ...again.
- Oh yeah?
And finally.
This is my little brother Lenny.
He was innocent of all this
before it went bad.
- Shit...
- What?
Don't move.
- I let you take it.
- Oh yeah?
- I love you.
- Love you, too.
Like real guys!
Let's do it again, let's do it again,
let's do it!
- For twenty bucks this time.
- Alright, alright, alright.
- Oh really?
- Me and you, buddy, me and you.
I got you. The game is called
Two up, two down.
- Twenty! Me and you.
- You're on!
Let's go!
Okay, on the count of three, go!
- Ah!
- Whoa!
Everyone on the floor!
You too!
Think you're special, old man?
Get down!
I said now, asshole!
Where's Wendell?
Uh, probably in the bar.
Why, you want me to go get him?
- No, I got him.
- No, Lenny!
I got him.
Yeah, man, do your thing.
Open the register!
- Come on, hurry up, man!
- Hey! And don't forget about the safe.
Lenny! Lenny! Buddy!
- What the fuck did you do, man?
- Argh!
- What the fuck?!
- Aaah!
And your baby's left you.
- And my baby loves me.
- You're gonna be okay...
You're gonna be okay...
No, please, no!
What are you?!
You're monsters!
Yes, we are.
There's one thing I left out.
We need blood to survive.
Our disease makes us kill to live.
We're that kind of monster.
We never lost control before.
And this time.
We had nowhere else to run.
This is Angela Robbins reporting live
from Mojave, California.
Behind me is the Four Aces Motel...
The surveillance footage
of the murders was all over Me news.
It went global.
They knew who we were.
Just not what we were.
Authorities are now turning to the public
for help in locating the family responsible
for what some are calling
The Vampire Killings,
due to the strange bite marks
left behind...
They called it
The Vampire Killings.
Thought we were some kind of stupid cult
or passionate Twilight lovers.
Pretty ironic.
The only place my parents ever mentioned
coming from was overseas.
So we travelled across the Atlantic.
Staying well-hidden.
Trying to keep my dying brother alive
on human blood.
The twins were searching for help
in France
while my brother David
had been looking for contacts in England.
But so far. Everything was a joke.
Or a dead end.
You gotta settle down
or you're gonna wake him up.
You see.
We're not like you think we are.
We were born. Not made.
We walk in the sun.
And we don't crumble at crucifixes
as we are not the undead.
We can get hurt. Or die like anybody else.
But something does happen when you solely
feed off the life source of another.
You feel differently.
Everything is amplified.
Maybe that's the only reason
why my brother Lenny
had even lasted this long.
We didn't know because our parents
never taught us
how to survive this kind of thing.
I guess there's this...
...part of me that hopes
he doesn't even make it...
How he can be spared...
Don't you ever say that to me again.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
I said "part of me".
I love him just as much as you do,
but the truth is your dream of a happy life
doesn't exist for us.
We're just cold-blooded killers,
nothing more.
Is this even about Lenny
or is this about you, Francis?
The contact said to drive a couple hours
north into the countryside,
there's a town called Ludlow
- and you ask for Manderson.
- And we can trust this?
What other choice do we have?
Twins haven't found anything.
It's the only lead we have.
New Interpol list is out.
I'll leave later today.
So this is about
where we left off last time.
I'd headed out looking for Manderson...
...wondering if there were others out there.
And if there were. Could we trust them?
But that doesn't really explain
how I got in here. Does it?
Let me bring you up to speed.
Where did I leave off?
Oh yeah. I had been knocked out in the pub
after a shotgun to the head.
It's been five cycles,
the breathing won't take.
She's useless.
At least we have something
we can replace her with now.
We'd better prepare.
I'm sorry for the treatment,
but you must understand
that we didn't know
if we could trust you or not.
I'm in a fucking cage.
You let me kill a cop in broad daylight.
We needed to see what you were capable of,
Francis, and I've a family to protect.
Our kind do not have usually
the best intentions... we must choose carefully
those whom we help.
Our kind.
You were testing me.
So you're Manderson.
Well, let's just say it's a word
we like to use around here.
I'm sorry about your face.
I promise I'll play nice next time.
There won't be a next time.
The constable?
Nobody's going to come looking for him?
The constable had a nasty accident.
He left the pub terribly intoxicated.
We fear he stumbled into
a rather deep ravine, snapping his neck.
All those people in the bar...
They saw everything.
Well, let's just say a portion of this town
was founded on the same needs
you and I share,
and certain arrangements were made.
This way.
Sorry, mate.
We'll get you fed, son,
and straighten this whole thing out.
Still got a bit of spirit in you?
A little bit deep. Sorry, love. Sorry.
Welcome to our home, Francis.
The guest room is ready,
and there are some fresh towels on the bed.
I might have left you
a little something on the nightstand,
just to tide you over.
Okay, Mother, let the boy be.
We have things to discuss.
Well, remember, dinner will be served
at eight o'clock sharp.
Thank you.
Come along, Francis.
We have much to do.
We've been mostly moving
from town to town since they died.
Well, I'm sure things must have been
difficult with your parents passing.
And you've made quite a mess of things
over there in the States.
To be quite honest with you,
we had no idea who, or what,
would walk through our door.
We've never asked for help.
Our little brother Lenny,
we didn't know what to do.
We weren't even sure others existed.
Well, rest assured, you're not alone.
And we take care of our own here.
Now listen carefully.
This is what I need you to do.
Have the twins. Wendell and Darlene.
Come here immediately.
There's no time to waste.
Then, instruct David to stay put
with your younger brother.
I'll send my colleague Cyrus to London
and bring them safely back here.
Everything's going to be alright, son.
There's no need to run anymore.
You've come home.
I didn't find the Mandersons.
But maybe something better instead.
They said they would send help to Lenny.
Wendell and Darlene would be here
in the morning.
Eveything was going to be okay.
And my family was going to be safe.
It made me think about all of us
being together again and how we used to be.
But maybe it was time to let the past go... something new could take its place...
...bring life back to a place
that had been missing.
It felt like we had finally
belonged somewhere again.
Have a seat, Francis.
Thank you.
Did you follow through
of what we discussed?
Twins are on their way
and David's staying put as instructed.
Boys, settle!
Where are your manners?
If I didn't love these boys so much,
I think I'd kill them myself.
Your hand...
We would like to give thanks
for the bountiful food before us,
our family, our health,
and our new friendships that I feel
certain that will bring us joy...
...and only make us stronger.
What's the matter?
My mother's cooking
isn't good enough for you, mate?
Naughty, Pumpkin!
Be polite.
- Eat up, then.
- Leave him alone.
And who do you think you are?
What right do you have
to speak to me like that?
- He's our guest, Cole?
- Enough!
Why don't you get started
in the kitchen?
Haven't you trained your body to eat?
Well, I get sick, don't you?
Part of living among others in this world
is presenting the idea
that you're no different.
We put on our fair share
of charades, but...
...there's just nobody here.
That's the lack of discipline
that landed you here.
What are you doing in here?
Actually, I was going to kill you,
but I changed my mind.
Thought we could have a bit of fun first?
What is this, your way of playing nice?
Seems like you were having
a pretty intense dream there.
Well, that's funny.
You were actually in my dream.
Your fangs came out,
and you bled me dry.
Well, that's silly. I don't drink blood,
or have fangs, for that matter.
What do you mean?
I never turned.
Whatever gene you or my family has,
it just never took with me.
I share the same blood but...
You're lucky.
Would you like to go
on a walk with me, Francis?
It's safe, trust me.
These people want to disappear
more than you do.
They won't bother us.
Dance with me?
Have you ever danced
with anyone before?
Dance with me, Francis.
You have to loosen up,
you're so serious.
You really don't need blood?
Does this mean
you don't like me anymore?
I'm just curious.
They say some of us can turn
as late as nine or ten,
but I'm past that now so...
I'll always be like this.
Don't even think about biting me.
Doesn't work.
It's been done before.
Where'd you go?
Where is she?
Now... this is not a safe place...
...for a very, very pretty young girl... be playing... patty cake.
Oh, I know.
But I like to be afraid.
Roughened up, even...
Oh well, then...
Whatever droplets my parents gave you
can't be enough.
Until they completely trust you,
they'll keep you barely fed.
They've been kind enough.
I can take care of myself.
You gave me a dance,
I made you dinner. Like a real date.
You're something else.
You don't have to hold yourself back
anymore, Francis.
This is okay.
It's what we do.
We have a few places where
we've worked out deals with the owners.
Comes in handy for emergencies
or when hunting is slow...
- When hunting is slow?
- Mm-hmm.
You don't have our burden,
so why do you even do it?
Hunting is the least I can do
for my family.
Otherwise, what good am I to them?
I refuse to be insignificant.
You don't owe your family anything
for being different.
You truly believe that, don't you?
I have to kill people to live.
I guess for the first time in my life...
...lame starting to accept that.
But I'm always going to be a killer.
A monster.
There's nothing I can do about that.
Look at us.
You feel cursed
because you were born with it.
I feel useless
because I was born without it.
We should probably get going.
What was that for?
I have no one to talk to.
Oh, you almost got me.
Very nice.
You did good, little sister.
Hmm, it was rather sweet.
I practically got caught up
in the moment.
What's going on, guys?
It's not that hard to put together,
Your services are no longer needed.
And you were just a little too delicious
to kill uneventfully in your sleep.
Settle down, Cheetah.
It's our playtime now.
Your father is not...
Who'd you think gave the orders?
Fucking pathetic, mate.
And there's no fun
if you don't put up a fight.
I like to feel a person squirm.
At least die with some dignity, fucker.
So this is how I got
into the box.
I'll save the details of the struggle.
They said something about...
a place to let me think about
what I had done. Forever.
Run along, Riley.
Thank you for the dance, Francis.
Father! Father!
What is it, Riley?
Please stop it, it's not right!
- What are you talking about?
- Francis!
Now, don't be a child.
He's meaningless!
They all are!
No, he's different!
Please, Father, for me!
- Ah!
- Remember what you are!
A disgrace!
You're not part of this family!
You're weak!
You're a burden!
I could smell it the first day
you were born.
We will keep our family lineage.
Everything else is expendable,
including you!
I'm sorry, my little Ri-Ri.
Let go, my beautiful daughter.
I'm sorry.
I lost sight of things.
I love my family.
Of course.
Get some sleep.
You need some sleep.
Yes, sir.
So now here we are.
They left me here to die.
Thought it would be fun
to hear me scream to death. Rot slowly...
I don't have much time.
I told my family to come here
and now they're on their way
walking into some kind of trap.
What do they want with us?
I have to get out of here. Or what's
left of my family is going to die.
I think I can hear him
whining like a little girl.
Well, that little prick can summer
down there with the rest of those whores.
- I think our work here is done, brother.
- I concur.
It's been a long night. I believe
a relaxing cocktail or two is in order.
- It's the bloody morning.
- And?
You're right.
My mistake.
Let's go get fucked.
You David?
I've come to take care of you
and your brother.
Bring you back to Ludlow.
Stewards are waiting.
You gonna invite me in?
Of course. Come in.
He said he'd meet us here, right?
Where are these kind souls
that are supposed to help us?
Huh... I don't know.
Looking for Francis?!
What'd you say your name was again?
The boy doesn't have much time.
- We need to leave now.
- There's nothing left here. We're ready.
Allow me!
Oh! Sorry.
You made me jump.
You must be the twins.
You're Wendell.
Oh, my gosh,
you must be Darlene!
Ah... you are a beautiful thing!
You are far prettier
than I ever imagined.
Um, where's my brother?
Ah, well I believe he went out
with my boys so...
they're probably causing
all sorts of mischief.
But they shouldn't be too long.
If you wait upstairs,
we could go up to the house
and meet them.
- Jolly good!
- Cheerio!
Young man?
I mean, Wendell...
Would you mind giving me a hand?
- Sure, I'd love to give you a hand...
- Ah!
You... bitch!
Such spirit!
Catch me if you can!
- Do you need help, love?
- No, thank you. No, thanks.
No! No!
Come on, buddy, don't die,
Come on, Come on...
Francis! Francis!
Francis! Francis!
Ah! Ah!
Why? I swear to God,
I will kill you right now!
- Answer me! Why?
- I'll show you.
Look at her teeth.
They're our kind.
What have you done to these girls?
They're breeders.
- For families who...
- You mean your family.
Yes. My family.
It's how it's always been, Francis,
to ensure that our bloodline is the one
that stays in control to rule the clan.
Yt's just that...
the breeding is no longer working.
Too many generations in a small town
where no one leaves but with...
There's a good chance
that she'll respond.
It would be easier
if you just came with me now, love.
Olly olly oxen free!
God save the Queen!
And all that crap.
Now you're going to fuckin' die.
I've had just about enough of you two.
You got to understand, sweetheart,
you can't win.
I'm stronger, faster
than your tiny little mind
can understand.
She's the one.
I just know it.
Ysn't she beautiful, Father?
Shh... Shush, now...
- Shush...
- There they are, my prized sons.
- A father could not be more proud.
- Fuck you!
You see, Darlene, you've been chosen
to give life back to our family.
If it comforts you, I want you to know
that if the seed takes,
at least your children
will live like royalty.
If the seed doesn't take, believe me,
we will kill you, trying.
Darling, let's not worry
about the small details.
This is a great moment.
Let's stop wasting time.
Boys, I'm going to let you have your fun.
I'm going to be out here if you need me.
No, no, no, no!
Wendell... Wendell...
Come on, wake up.
Don't touch him.
I'm trying to help, Francis.
I should've known.
Let's hurry up and bury this bastard.
I'm fucking knackered.
Mum says he just over by...
Ah, for fuck's sake, mate.
Who do you think you are?
- Houdini?
- And what was Houdini
without his dazzling assistant?
Go home, Riley.
You're in enough trouble as it is.
- Ah!
- You should listen to your brother.
- Please don't hurt him, please!
- My, my, my.
I can see why our baby sister
has become smitten with you.
The brooding eyes...
- The internal pain...
- Sensitive, indeed.
But what Riley
seems to be forgetting
is she doesn't have a fucking say
in our family!
Leave her alone.
Or what?
I like!
Let's dance, you and I!
Well, get on with it!
I'd like to get some sleep sometime soon.
What'd you do now, Francis?
You're outnumbered, you're outplayed...
And you're simply just too late.
Shut your face, or are you jealous
that Father is giving someone else
affectionate attention?
That's right!
We've just come from a very nice
little breakfast bumet
where your sister was the main course.
I can still smell her aroma.
I can pull it out and let you take a whip
if you'd like.
What? You never gave your sister
a good rod Gering?
Brother... Brother!
What are you waiting for?
Riley! Riley! We're family!
Help me!
Riley, you're one of us!
Ri... Riley, listen to me, he'll kill you.
- Argh!
- Riley!
Yeah, that's it. That's it.
I love you, Ri-Ri!
Please help us.
My brother's dying.
- Just please help us.
- Father?
Please help us.
I know this is a battle we can't win,
and all I ask is that you spare him,
he's a good kid.
I don't care what you do with me.
You're more resilient
than I gave you credit for.
You do understand
your other brothers are dead?
Sad and pathetic.
It's okay.
I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...
No, it's okay...
I'm here.
He was right.
What have I done?
Ah... Young love.
They got her, Francis.
They have Darlene.
You don't understand;
They'll kill you, Francis.
Yt's suicide.
Save yourselves!
Save what's left of your family.
That's exactly why I have to do this.
There's a story from around this area.
Yt's more like a folklore, really...
About a young girl
who was led into a life of breeding.
A haphazard job.
That was her lot.
That was her duty.
This didn't sit with her
and the young man that she loved.
So they escaped...
...decided to go to some
far-flung country... who knows?
Never to be seen again.
Her maiden name was Manderson.
- She looks like...
- Your mother.
Yts your mother, David.
She never told us about her past.
Now I know why.
The Mandersons were the original family.
They're all but extinct now.
But they were the first...
...the ones that bred life to all of us.
So you could only imagine
our joy to discover
that the one last great descendant,
your mother...
...had a beautiful daughter.
A true prize worth killing for.
And in the same breath
ensures my bloodline stays in control.
Just as it should be.
- And Lenny?
- I like you, David.
If you surrender yourself,
we can make use for the boy.
He's still very young.
Damn that girl!
Wait! No!
- This changes everything, David.
- Think of Lenny, please...
They tried to bury me alive,
kill the twins...
Why did you bring him here, David?
Why did you bring Lenny here?!
There's no other choice.
They can help him, they know how,
so settle down.
This be Damascus,
be thou cursed Cain,
to slay thy brother Abel if thou wilt.
Would you do the same?
If you truly care for the little one,
you'll show me that you can
truly surrender.
And I promise you,
I will keep my end of our bargain.
- What are you doing?
- Sorry, Frannie. No other way.
Looks like your plan to storm the castle
has been foiled by your own brother.
If it's any consolation,
he'll be joining you very shortly.
This is going to get interesting.
Lenny, go, now!
Don't you tell me my brothers are dead.
I know my family better than you do.
Well, congratulations, David,
you finally did something as a family.
Now you're going to die as one.
Don't fool yourselves into thinking
you can do anything to me.
I loved my wife.
What a shame.
Fact is, she was getting old.
Perhaps your sister can take her place?
I highly... doubt that, you old man!
And why is that, Francis?
'Cause I'm going to kill you, motherfucker!
You're strong, David.
I'm impressed.
Yes! Yes!
Come on! Yeah...
I need to do this.
Oh, you're going to do this, yeah?
Why are we fighting, Francis?
It doesn't have to be this way.
- We're of the same blood.
- We're not the same.
I am nothing like you.
Then you won't be killing me, will you?
Not like this.
This changes nothing!
You'll still end up
in some rat-infested prison
like the murderers you are.
But you're going to die alone,
and your bloodline's wiped out.
While we're all still alive.
You see, that's the difference between us.
We're not monsters.
Not like you.
Hmm! My prized brothers.
A sister couldn't be any prouder.
How is he?
Riley, wait!
I'm sorry, I can't.
I have to go... I can't...
David, help me!
Francis, come on!
I'm fine, I'm fine.
You know where we're meeting?
You can take care of this?
Ah! Come on.
Thank you, David.
- See you in a couple of days.
- Alright.
- Hey, take care.
- Drive safe.
Be careful.
Were you really going to die for me?
What I want to know
is how you came back swinging.
What happened?
How did he heal?
It was in front of us the entire time.
David said it was blood of our own kind.
Not human blood.
That was able to help heal Lenny.
Even if it came from our own enemy.
Whatever bred life into all of us
is what gave it back as well.
It made me understand
what I'd felt was missing before.
You know...
there's something' I gotta do.
- Anything else you want?
- It's okay, thank you.
Why have you come back?
Come with us.
My home is here.
Come with us. Please.
I have to live with what I've done.
This is my home.
This is my family.
Every time I'll look at you,
I'll only remember...
Are you going to be okay?
Yeah, I'll be fine.
Always have.
I used to think that we could only live
in a certain way,
with malice in our hearts.
Until I met you.
I don't want this story
to end as a tragedy.
I like westerns.
We could ride on
into the sunset together.
As we try to find our place
in the world...
...all we have is each other...
...and a disease
that will forever follow us.
I understand what I am now...
Where I belong.
And even though we need blood
to survive.
Yfs not blood we're bound by.
Or even what keeps us alive.
Yt's family that gives us life.
And it's our family that will ultimately
let us know where we belong.
This is our story.
And even if we don't realize
where it will end.
Or even if it's just beginning...
...we do know...
we're always travelling towards home.
It's no bother at all.
And you guys said you had family here
in the countryside?
- Yes, but they're on the coast.
- Ah...
Uh, we've been travelling around,
getting a taste of the area.
- Ah...
- Isn't that right, Wendell?
Oh, yeah. My sister and I
just love the English hospitality.
I can't wait for you guys
to meet my twin sister.
Twin sister?
Oh, man. That's funny 'cause we have a...
soft spot for twins.
- Superb!
- Lovely!